2ht .bttfiD!!OBMH SUBSCHZTTZ01T RATES : ., One" .............,,. WIMKLT MDZTZQB t ' : - - , , AAw ' i . v 1 f27 OiLSffitXK JOS DEPAJITUEX? ------ iHvrvziyuy aui'J ten thonwioMu supriletl with men neettta i 4an aMd toOA tAe Latest & tuyic or Type, ana twry ; iriWHIUI 19 ITWAV wn rtvw w went, ivmi HCKvrH.vtJ, ;,; WOOMVwl 1 aiitpatcn ana cMqpncst wcan nmusAt at astorr BLHTXS, BULKHEADS, r V . . , LXTTXBrBEADS, GAEDS, f , ,7M , , 4 ;I -J .J, iV; .Jf -s-hi tf,r-f " - '''r;' .!,;, wi'foiT .SI nil. HutH-KlH fcw, . .. T f ...... : r t r .9 ' PROGRAMMES. HAITD-BILLS "A i?" mjev I PAMPHLETS, CmCVLARS, CHECKS; C wo i - A ' ?u.i .(, M ! if.) 9 fYiJ .vm ' ii I'll I ij" r u rVrT t n r . I til I- i i ' . i rft. iw mni inv I " . i 1 l. I I 1 ! I I I Iff 1111 . , . I V V I . I I I I i I I 1 1:1 : I I I I V I I I ' -' 4 i4 Ji: Ji-v -'-ii t V I I Iw HI I I r H r-H V I 41 V l I..: V aSHMBBSS AND tTiPACAfl. J arjk. just Received another lot of superior CASHMEBE3 ASS ALPACAS, i in Price from 25 cents to One Dollar: 1 tIKl wool.01 superWauIl!1' r t Do not fall to see our LADll&qM 4tfa l ) V ,51 3T LI bnying. It w'ul pay you. 9 r UBGKSS NICHOLS. WHO ALL IBEDDIlJtB.aS.'i iTO-m,, JlTORinTDKKl ., ' ,-H'U.1.X)Tj1 CHEAP BBDOTEADS ! SKAPBED6TEA6lf5 (LOUNGES'! L0V NGES ! LODKGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PABLOB ANB CHAMBER PARLOR AND CHAMBER I.. .F'J 'to .AO I ar (YiiniTKA nf nil kinds on hand. -t .ftTHfiTf .Mil Na 5 Wsst Tbat Stbkr. r " vvi.n v. 4.fei4 iiof'sv a'aao'i - -ji CHARLOTTE, N. C u'r . ttxtrrstnriW'? jiiA tr Ladi;s' and Gentlemen's Burial Bobes a :t.e supply. t-.::-:; 13T0H HTTOJilAHO ian3 IB ARGvKmg '!-i.-urt tJww hois trtto nif aad swed .rtte seaim1 islfejoiT ul bna v 4it tttt !a ' n II ' 1 T - AA .. H k) T .- . A A.: Ufiii f T A A H H 7 - - tw . t 1 tV jmriiTyePniary 21 ) r . iJ9hioi w ta etfnl lot f? U URRR N if N II U URRR HHN II T V URRR KB 00. J.lAHSSAtf AT . i a ir o w. - 'j o I K. G. ROGERS' f ARERO9MS, Nrt lrt'PormBi f r J ittmw t.w l -1 imt'tjt j mock is very Lar, : aTjoaannraaw a j uu ume uj. vjKVjI V.s 'Ran ,itO '.rWCitAHt JttIT f AIOll Am. -.-'' yjtfrhtiorl jffwriigS -9 .3 , ' ' -office FUJWNITURB" r ' , ,! ' . ft jfwiMcH .HJoIf b4iioCi.Jt iU Jo rpFrwfiniWl11 H ..r!rfi( tm honten lur'bim wtiH "Tile?.4 , J '!! ! It ('JaoUlW tKljtjt : wtw"? .tttdoi-r t .oil 5.3J.!S.. j 11 !i!iiiti voi . vi K:.f!b()!wi -,ftn.l it SBB U, U.NWN T IINNNG I1' !- : - tvHfai. :?.-.' .'t jinntji ! Buicj ... .i . Xllllfcl Ji XLI .- . . . 4 .liT wo! ;Vt .Ll'i!ir; m'kIi r'-., 8HH AA W DR - -i.'-. ) lniitf- ; .).!. Inedln.VBl'infltoVaad att the atijfeatb.' ? .1 1 swart :. ' T".c5olor fort' v - liliui.f'j!: jiiitiiMMin .hi. ; etxlMitlU TIKtliitVl . rtt!Ki:i 1 '.!. : : -Jtdean - I'vj.jiO tus 'i.t.-y- , -. I - Hqti hum -,un.iA :i4? iXj t Eespftuiiy Opp. Charlotte Hotel. Tryon St.. Charlotte. iC. t. r MuJ; . . I (4fiC1f, f SPRINQ ANNOUNCEMENT, i n ..... ... . Ua.tH-.01 - Wei take.' pleasure m armourtclng to our , friends .: it ... . .-. ..." ii and the public In general, that we leave to-day for -; .! -Hi JHW:YORV' - To purchase our large and varied .V"l ,7V nci' -:t' ";- .! .i , SPRING AND I SUMMER STOCK OF ALL 1 C-t"J' i"fT,'K AiATJCHT r.OVJ51XlKf4 i HE LATEST NOVELTIE OF THX SEASON. j, .litis our Intention this season to inaugurate a J 11.... new system of prices in Charlotte, wmcn wui give t-riftli&W our iaejBs;and the. community at large a chance to hnanlBMA Goods at . . ?- . . . ;t Hi Si1ibw JOBS CITY PWCESC a . . .iI;h IT WINTEHOODS, f8MAII aOIOH J TVm'tfn mo ViUuiuii S'f 191. & BROS. 4t Used sdi MatO ia 1ST IN TIME. Goods as you. want for enIias- fWT mo't -.wit' i CHRISTMAS i-KlsaJS ia, .. 9 vroaaivAi tohsJ f - Such as fine Lockets and Chains. Fine Sets, Seal Rings, Initial" Cuff Buttons, Scarf W. d sastWMltttlM line call iSB sh lasNeT-.1'1 IJIM "... P. From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and 8IL- 1 1 aab VEB PLATER, j ' JtTf OMIVAa TOI I ' -fcTfOMiVACt Toa:.i t v'l' i 1 r ji- iw t WwvoTCSIS'Jqti rliwll- Trade btreet, opposite "'-fJws3.a"Ki arriTnii j Nat Grar Store. " i- . ....... ....... ..... . ... ? mid warranted one year. x.very ' TA;. OwnaerkUng,! WenrCvertuw;w rTrl 1 wJa"oout alo!or J l$WWM$fim. , , JS.V!SS.'Sra nuiiiirMiaooAliilft-frtr-him'evfer to attain suclf 'OX- refereriooV - -phi a irQJ:Vy Henalred wont unoaueu iui niu u ". wf.Mh hi it MAiid J Mvtju!iV expiration of twelve monthfox)swur4 rF YOU WISH P?m!tatoift 1 X wifwess, awi avawjP- iTf'r mm w.afliajaBaiiwiiw"'"1"''.?: '-Tni.i!irNMH4ait tnar Aft-was eiftpxeai-s; , ti nl aia.-.lJl iwdtAlilXa' .yu-.j;! J H 'T." V -. T , " . tuilifKrS TViBPA la a 1anf tiluM nWhHi tankf f V ' Ut whose dim gate I lay. my cross aside, ' jjstreicn out my arms toward uen, a rowaid a in4 am wtihaif &Hstogedl lflh even &erei?Ai Beyond 0se feope, beyond the stress of prayerM i; ; tBesoQd the hurt and mart of wounded rnide. . . 3HWlth no more .hunger lor sweet things denied, ''f! f Mr heart has rest and respite from despair: 1 1 1 ? v na myanc 8 napes ana lansuia pieasuresi - a ; .f , Waste neid of poppies without track, it aeema; O scentless lilies, by the voiceless streams, r Where, come my ghosts and dance a silent meas- Hold my lost Joy now only In dear dreams; Glre hack to me, sometimes, my buried treasure. I. have.no heart ta me for Love's delight, , How sweet the summer was! I know its spelt .Who'carrnot now what stars may have to tell. 1 or. me cne oay is voio, and void toe oight, Upea her dim and Inaccessible height iname stands above me, robed and crowned. An, ' ' well! " ' ' -a v' H Let those who love iter find her nleasuranle. . i . She hath nor erace nor merit in my slehL ,,: J only amin love with tender Sleep .. . , ' ew on mr sad. untmitmi nower or nrA -. Qt which no mad the memory may keep,, jit 1 i f i t Ji V rOltSKVATONS, ' The New Yorki f MaU asks pertinently if a lady's nan- is 'something to a door when it ts pangea. When- a 2.000 clerennan is offered a 83,000 nasioraie. it is atviea a reau' wnereas m noint ex faelitJtohota.tcaU'lbuJa'Iralse, ,ih :!,whnaIrnancan,walKmt6jiKhim stow away ten cocktails in ten minutes he may be said to have attained prominence at tne bar. "No-more rUfighU''aid Bitting Bull, t : Said Uncle Sam, ''What never?" And thus the conquered brave replied, ; Confused, 'Well, hardly ever." - A COLLEGE COJiTBOYERSY. tjie Whole B.iy, of 'Students in Revolt. Hartford. Conn. Feb. 24. A con flict between the Trinity College facul ty anajne students is causing consider able e S0iternent in .college eircles this eveiune; F6tsome time there has been a. .spirit .'.'of discontent among the stu- aents, owing, ta what tney consider nn cessaryr'Tfestrictions upon their';!ac- tftn:" On the approach of Washington birthvl.ay.Which has always been cele; uraieaoy.ine students, wiey were noci' em and songs must be submitted to the professor of llrjsnTiTeraCui'B, ;pr ap proval. Thereupoh thSHteMs, in stead of arran'rin'r for their celebration as usual m the college cabinet, blued 'a hall In the city.' ! They were'' informed that the same supervision waoia db t& quired, but they went forward wita their' celebration regardless of the 'To quirement. ' ir ' - This morning eight of the most prom inent leaders m the celebration- were suspended and required to leave town to-day. A memorial, signed by nearly every student, asking the faculty to re voke their action, was submitted; but the faculty refused to consider it. The students have therefore resolved that, they will absent themselves from laU college exercises until their request has been granted. Accordingly there were only two or three students present at prayers this morning. . ; , The suspended- menv were escorted to the carsfftoaHghti byithe whole body of undergraduates, singing college songs. The students express a determination to adhere to their position, and the fac- ultv : insist that their rules must be strictly enforced. A delegation of stur, dents have gone to Middletown to lay the case before Bishop Williams, dean of the faculty who is expected here to morrow. rl Washington Items. Special of the 24th to Richmond Dispatch. ' ' Ex-Doorkeeper Polk is out in a letter in regard to his conduct as doorkeeper. He charge that tb.er was a conspiracy against' himj aiid calls Uakerrof Indi- l arHhe'lrieaTiest man in Congress. ! m r? The Democrats on the Teller commit tee at the next meeting swill inform the eliawm a? wit to, nave invesugateLJ.ne list 10 De d MMn!i xorK nwyisaia. upiorapjB aap-jsacnu. oflthe&mafnn: tb dpfkftP Tereji Riavers JfYqice "a told you that the tax pibacijp: coma not PQj:eXijuw.ytttgiivt; uu tetance to f erfaxjtt President would veto it Mr? TttCkerat sent'hRs no ii.and4nfor.nTme that his i i-.miJtste i'iltbe niade'tdiiet To, the Editor of the Observer 9ctertar? i,ment" may mTdegree'mjrtfe-iiit tiade r tt 1 a ' m. . 1; X respeciiuiiy astt tnair juu puuiisu tue ericlttar-eplyih,bull Dno Ctobworthyfrf i Baltimore to the artjejeqf fDr. Mott, in the Scientific AmeiiccuR, from which yqn get yovi; ,inf o.atiLvZBj .isoojUag J YOTlr.WlliiODiieev 'i,. y.vitf1sT''l'fIVf h ft - 1 '-'.'.f.'' iJ.'W- ' 1' I i,i9. 9ifevWiwyiiftt wr'Vr b I t-rv AU..A.(.nAnAiflnavv onnthir u most divine lorgettuiness ol strue, ifLjn . Alisky is not too gray, my path too step, ? M,,lf hue thou, art mine, , for friend, for .love, for ULnerprnayeen, w,,peuons iai(x bett'hre the.present .Conaifess, ; aM. most H'i'i' '.'.""'(! iCl' JOi?'n' n iVlWT InHnnuit ! hufKHiat rmi 7 . ma ! iwil .oot3i!'!l,ir ,tabscoJtf WuchtM for by Trs. P. B. Wilson. VVm. I j '. ninrBxarDJplef aHd aIKfferwiCii 4;! - adi 4.2 nQito jotfcSatt?'; 3-; h .-. ThlariiBWtfTftem IT. Jar vis, ve- oently wiriattgurateff'as.VOoVenidr l6t inlSu Sftttetot torvOUhg KhftdMHnorJtVt. Jfarvisr-tOld hi hi in- LnuLY & Oi-tv V.r.4-5 -tttli An 1 lis TaKAoA ukmi-wiciw 1.1401 tv" "y.,""? I noihtf'-ioaKfc'rrtiAhoiit th 1 ." "".'"-r . 1 f4iiu mgifiw. i'"'i" 4 deivM aiid' hoed -whether "was possi- uuvu ..." :.:.r .. UhliKe-'Butherfortt IV-ilayeVliovi Way not moke iJpifour&uldSk itpTeftentJw"nat edi i Tn an wno are smxennK irum tnc eirors utin tilsereaons ot yooui, nervous weakness, early o eayj loss of mannoM, ae-.iwiu enaa nap? remedy was discovered by a missionary ta Booth America. - ena a eu-aaaressea envelope to the BET. JOSEPH T. INBtAN, station T, Bible Hduse,ework-Citf tJti -aiiiii iw-i Jan 25 'H? 'i'u 'sf. ftifswurtam i-Hty: Merchants, travelers, visitors to Mew Tort don't fail to remember, that In order to accommodate and save your money, to make war on prices, and to ail tne largesc noun in new ion, me aamma GrandOentral, on Broadway, will hereafter be kept on both the American and European plans. . The American plan Including meals and lodging $2.50 or $3.00, and the European plan S1.00, and up wards per oar. ah tucscuit ncsututam, iu inuwv- ate prices, is eonoociea Dy tne'xtoiei. - Has ever been Invented to prevent death! The aat that can be done Is to assist nature in keeoinc thi? functions of the body In a condition of - health while Bfe lasts ; Jw auiousness, liver complaints. costiveness, dyspeprta, and aU stomachic disorders taae jbobs jyivetruia. .,..,.,(,,..., ; t - imi !! . r If O WWW g , IBftl Amnie iestlmonlal . from ' every . seottoh: of the country show , that Bradnebd's. i'emate Regulator la as it claims to 'Tr "Womans ' bes ,4Send,, Manv mifferine females have tried Wand- have been cured, and bear wttness,to its merits in sound UVIUWW1UV1W IIH.'VPJ WVyft., t M . VVWT yw- MnaHhiHnna aiul nnHirn I Its MiWVil la MTHM. the public. Don't rail to try it u you are sunenng from any or. tne wmpiatnta peoat to sex 9 , TTSE NO,tEA.ff. , HEOlaTeain la iiatural condiuon, such as the Chinese themselves drink, and for the follow- lng good reasons is; sold poly In Origihal pomd and mtif-pound packages:' .TTDn.IlT );a It is the mostcveiilent aridefeortoiiUal style of zuuknire. 11 is weignea ana pacaea wnere u can oc ooue cneapeat ana pest r v - it can De easily Mentisea dj oh consumer. It keens theTea better. ' ' , It rentohdiiltorationtaAmertaui v t We-Ara the asnnta for HE-NO tea In this dtv. and ask tout friends to sSve it a riaL If-not satis factory we win cheerfully take 4 back and refund v . t nmramiir a. v . tne money. u. n. wtuaivfl .CJ-)lii 13 xeo o. unanone, n. y. rpo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS.-Blds for X the construction of the foUowmg riuUdTngs wtlh be received nnta theBth of Maren, nextr ' - i uue sm muunv nm inwr ouumiunig) niw j houses, mayors and notice efoees. with .an.- opera Mouseabove. ' " '' ?r One Brick Block, containing nine store houses. wun two stones obove xor anotei. t Plans, and .SDedfloaOona Jot i first, aam block may be seen tecx; aiso, it st vs - ucwDur aexi. uganvEtwri jo ' ara . wuin iight to reject; any, or ORaldspsf .'BOWDENi J i&xLiifiua&uiv Committee for Town Council. fabl8,lm,ee4- j - -paVlaabarKS.a F RENCH BRANDT : Guaranteed to be TWENTY TEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL aALOON. O-TO '.1 For Standi Pure Llrjnors. TTUNE FRENCH. BRANDY, : A. - 'Ii- WlnAA nm tot can be had of ELL. decl8 Druggists. .fCtrn T M P E R I A L S A L O P. -XT X M PERIAL SAL O O JOB your hands aU fnas of taste . Q8 my bar only the best Is bteeiid. ' ' O ANDWICH, Pretzel, Wtae, Whlsfeey, Beer, . AUH man h receive right real; good eheer, ; JJf LEASE step In, my hall inspect, i TTEAB It, youTl see more than youTl expect ill i;. I':- 4, " T71KENCBL OirMftn. TJnrDeatlc Rr&ndiea.Wtn , Jt-liil cti.il iU ViiU Ui'U! 'IO iii'.' .' : gnCBL8sdttch novej and Ifreteal'sgood, , ; XVlNacnii aiSauiwlrib T3IGHT off one fittOrVho oaDsraa to hafrtsjd illi.t jilJ iL.L-J il,'jjo- er monfli. rtnrlnar tta. Hnrmsnand- fiuminer, mJ) - fiijwf ail jij." .iyfo o:iub iIPHTHEBIA! bnii gsoivi-te siii t.-'i it-'. .oatiJ iiltofiu lihiu iiv. rr : ihnson's Anod&LtrjJinent wm positively pto- i ETJPXf f)j;i-tialr.-jlIO'J -r.i'Mj.n" .'-, veltJhMrriMe, diseaf and pQaejy- cure nlnai cases; taifiiDiJoaHat2aTi ithat will save m4nV !l;ient .to Wtjdelay a 4 j 1 11 I'lti unit -ii 1.1 111 1 . . iL' lENSONS1 I I -ilis. 9fUi03i t2jl7 3naH 0t!iJfiii:tA?-21f ijv; XIS M1.T . il'll L.'r.lIjllLJ medical putdoe f ' '- " WILSON ' BUR W " 5 TJ-iEA uw 11 nit III m 11 ill nlnlhlnr.Ult" UilSamde ever conimon porous p irtral temeaies, pen as lrnimenw, eiectncai ap-t iBnaw AHWSwciaiH atjuur-vwa iupuv Ii t .i i. CHEAPEST uouT wwfi;f f'Uii ? ifJiw fi-ie t;6T28upetb BnIlft'poota;JT)OTOFRlCB.f'! 75,276eW;AmerBpote llZ.IZo econa-nana pwuynai rnunx, . J, j Catalogue of General -j-it&ai Free.7- J' ?' LEGGAT BBOTB!EBu ort J,rJ ; 3 Beekman St., near New Peat Office, Mew York. 7 dVs;tiVVTVci vr !" If! , And ah Dlsorders'of the . Jf w.tr pemanenayCured.'!'"f''?''t , . , , .''I U".'! ' Vl.'H.u : ' 'if.j jg .f . .. -BS" .-IAJU-fiAtUIA:.IPf-JlJi; KJCB 1 ... . ... .' 'I. , I ' -. f Vl) Tnken&oafij miction wits Us J h t & 1 lv - 'Wilson LIME AND mPX.hr qimPi f earl street, New York. express to'eah suieriag name, P. Ov aa- jtpress. adtreajv An oM physkdariretired nom practice, navuii traced In his hands bv an EaslIndUmteslon- the formal el sltlft vegetable lemedy.tor DroricM24wht asthma, lone aSectlons. also a nervous dobflltv and all nervous eotBDlalnls. after: -bBYingj tested Jta wonderful ourattT : powers in moqsanos 01 cases, naa ieu g nu auiy to mas:e h known to his' suffering fellows: Actuated' by this nwOve;:and'deslre to relieve hnman sufferinr, I wmseiid, free of charge, to all who desire U, dpewith German; and using ta Trench oi English. man w this paper; W. w; r.New Tork' JFor upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wtnslow'aSootn- syrap nas oeen usea ior enuaren. a corrects the stomach, relieves wind colic, resulatea aha bowels; cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising xreovieeuungor uwr causes. ; An oia ana wuu anpin) remeay. 20c per ouuao. .:i :JUeAttalmahletteitteaaa ' Yes, although they rnar- desnalr of relief. It la attainable by, rheumatic auSerers, for there la a remedTwnicn carries on. by means of increased actmtT-ai as UdneyBpotiut tihannels far; Mood Ipmlflcai40n--fth , acrid 1 element to which. pauHWJgiif win mum, tsaiuieiu muuhw tne pamnu symptoms-a theory completely borne out byTirin aranalysiai9'Iianamaof this tTaepurentU preparaKon iiiAewise-; celebrated asa wosri mtlw fn anmsfiiuiHAn farhlAli JMnaaa AAnromlna. ttonTof TtheJ Mood wlti' the bUeand a certain nwansf Moatm dyspepsia, over and ague and nervous Juiaaents. ' It is. perhaps.: the lmest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal anmijmt py .isnngoisned pnysimans ana analysts ihwh w 'DO' ecMBemiy pore ana very i.ine press aiso endorses re. . ; A N ELEGANT j LINE , ELEGANT.; LINE ' AN ELEGANT LINT? AN ELEGANT LIN Hi SHETLAND SHAWLS SHAWLS. ALL SHADES, Just received at W1TTKOWSKY & BARUCH'S. AN ELEGANT LINE KJJ) GLOVES. KID GLOVES 1 .: ! KID GLOVES. if' ; i Si t OPERA SHADES, Julrt received at if WITTKOWSKY & BAUUCH. ; jWLQ THING! CLCT AlN n I V LOT H IU Gl ' CLOTHINU! M nt i!;;-rUii- t ' St- !!'; i ' 1 ... . ... . ! :i:?5 W.' KAUFMAN "CtPS.' .44) : CLOTHING' HOUSE! ; .ui.-2..iliK . )o .v' t - -. ,f ri 1 Hi4- -r- sm . : ;r,i r ; :..:! ' i GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. -- mm . -- - Ttnvtnm jlatnrmfnaul fen tvwliw miv sfihHr -WIMW offer let toute people of Charlotte and -this section of North Carolina, the' lanrest. cheapest and most t i ,i p. 10 7-1 i?8 fcvl o W? g ft 5 Ga ;avj WX HAVA BtE OTPKBXD ' Ccmsistinijof the usual variety of MEN'S, BOTU ' ' . . . tt, . I I (I ,'.. I.'i i ! fj i 1 W jits ;.ttrvnii.i,riB.iyo , -;ti r.l,i' ! rf f 'Kl I v-rr. O- FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE, iro-in.?!?,;.,!!! .i7 Jt,),' ' r'',. L . . . . r . V.j.-. jl:.. :ARW ask U that 01UfrtendS and CUStOinerS will g've ps a calL as It will be to your Interest, and you win save irom niun ro jwnn Jerpen. 9a ntT Der cent HETLAND t JMt yR? SDrya7cooi - r5no; Ljfar-aaie .fcy.WLLSON 4 BUBWELL, :z -Z' itiiteclii fJI3:J 8r5tr!4.attsfic 1 .fTiL-oS 4Wti 'kf"V-. ' " f vu -Charlotte. 07 i ! . " .11 wssmTrmjav. t U 18 T7 mtaasw n tar's iii77 "Vi if:.. . 5 S W ,;bi t ! i f 1 'it , bSSo fpi rrr n ww w ggg -r s8 p r r r n n if 50 a r 88&ppp rrx nirir o b n pnw nun nn . S r r tin wiva aa "I ; I ' aui.Kif aw: i'i n H.i TXTB HAVE . JUST RECEIVED FR0f VY, E HAVE JUST RECgyED EROlyl-r- r Ji SUB H( UR HOUS . : ' r ii A fun and complete line ot sample Goods for Spring wear; tne styles are ail new, attractive and -1 ' ' . hanasomelT .deslened:. the Goods ii: . -- are.au oi, toreiga. Looms,, ' ; French, English, 8eotchnd Aennan, tv ..' Arid with mcreaaed fadhtles we ask our friends , ana. patrons to come ana iook at our uooos, as :-: wsmteultoiTiakegamentatoorder.ebeap ' i i er than anv Northern tailor eomlne ior spring ana summer .U VWtrlM .guide. ; : i -vS.'I ;.;; We Boliclt an early call, so 'as to give us time before a rush of manufacture, , , . Respectfully, L. BERWANGER & BRO., ' Fine Clothiers and Tailors. N. B. Everybody that wants winter clothing wQl save moner br calllmr on us. as we will sell them regareUess ,of cost, Men's, Youths', Boys' and uauarens nam. Iab:i .-uu -. j&calcs. 4&jc. HJB WORLDS STANDARD. '! tn FAIRBANKS' SCALES -v..! For Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rally, The Improved Type Writer. Oscillating Pump Go's Pumps, end for Circulars. FAIRBANKS CO., 311 Broadway, New York For sale by Leadins Hardware Dealers eptl-dtaw w tOkZV atXd (gl&B&VmXZ rpo YOUR INTEREST. By calling at JOHN BROOKFTELD'S x w xk xi, You can see the finest lot of 1 DECORATED TOILET, DINNER AND TEA SETS ; Ever hroughttothe Southern States. ' New Goods from all forelen factories. Decora- ted Ware in urillmlted-auantttfrom Limoges, France, i ; .... , u . .. . !'" ' 1 1 J . M ' - II n 180 SOUP AND SAUCE TUREENS - Tf-,... :( ''Ti V: - ' . - I1"' ? Jl-i- just rea;ivea, wmcn wui tie soia at a mere sacrmce. i .J,.: . I i tr '.. . ..;f ) J..' M.l.' ; J . '. - j -r-iii J' ! ! t . j75f Crates o? aborted -STAMPED "C C;' WARE i..'..V-..-' rvl ,- .1 i '- .'ill 1 r . - ior, the Wholesale trade This goods merchants ir nd 1U MU Wl M, TTCU wn.V.tWHiM It all the white granite shapes, II'' 'r'li:.-') hi Call and convince yourself ofthe fact that t ! JOHN BROOKFIELD ,j '"i;'.1 . v ,nvv-V ti,t.j ty.j-.. U .J. I'-nil "irt..o fir,- ry f . t -J, .t -t ; .viWHOj,EiAiBAi)X.1J.n. :.r.rii-oX -AtoiMl '1o :v -i T : uAjUfytTiHiriWApvd .iifl'i , .'ii X,lftTrT7Ar) iL'u. ..! f i . LIPffTENSTETN, rrn f.i.sf .t.i i -" . I II. J Has Just received, samples -of Spring Goods. ' His, frlendaand custamenare most resnectfullr hivited to call and make selections so as to enable him to secure their choloein-due thrie.Tii5U i tu:u i . urfioii o-i : AMES MURPHY,; I( s.i .n.H.u ii f-Tvilit; : r' j t. PRACTICAL: BAILOR, f 1(Ti .r, ! i HitvinnMUitia: rmitHtmMiiin Hiaiiii:.',! --r Owfrirtolhetfrtagrftheti tureiwork very, cheap. vWIB. make fine eolts foa ratesv - I guarantee all-my work - mo fit; n rge. Qlve-me a call and be convinced. o.-t !i -v. i,r,j . I.tJo fllhlttStrtti ff-'tf Hiv 1 ( i.n 1 io DENTIST n-ibi.Vff '-Mill j4-f li- . . .iiir-m?'j-l L V- lui. ' ' - 5 - - . - - - ; -r. r .1 i AWII'tf A1TTO T Ta HTBtftWWI Jfc W v VI MAUAVil Vv w u Iii i, ? j.' ''' , Dn Btoml arf, - OSf'i 1 ; rr-T.. TTMM-.,i ." 1 ( 1 , . -:jt," lv i - . I ill . '-f O tiiir , 1 in wi( .t J4lj Ithmw'mann l sodrraai i lit fi lOBSERVBR. rvnl . i fc , ' i 1 I f BANANAS. ! BANANAS.S - . J 1 in I i, ,j 1 ! ' 0 i ii; I o, 1 ! Mi'i ,,.! . 1 ii 1 !' 'i! 1 i , - 1 "t 1 ii '.it' i ORANGES. j 1: oi ;! ORANGES. .Ar.i,: : i APPLES. AllLES. , .II . ' CARAMELS CARAMELS ; AND - ii'n CIGARsf AT PPP P P p EES E EE E KKR RRR RJUt T' T 1bbb B R R ;Y Y V RRR TV ' . . R - S B ' T I Dont fall to call and get a supply: A fresh 'sup ply Just received. rpHE thE MJJ.- - HE, ':' fcT3ISING SUVT ItlSING SUl . ' . "CONQUER BY THIS SIGM " VONQUEB BY THIS SIGiN . ' , :'"r 1 "1 lire' , ' -i .,ti -1 i g0 thought Constantino when he became a cor. vert, because a "Pagan" refused to absolve, him from the guilt of Ms .xrtmts, xt9rtarehri$Han" It A,. ,tr-.. readily agreed, and specially manrofectured for htm A fnlim" hv whWh hA nu tn "miiuiu, Henry the VUl tn torn rejected (Xihstantme's specialty &ni became' the "defender of the hew ... Faith" with his six wives, one only outliving him. Seven hundred years before Constanttne lived Soltv mon, who built a Temple with out-houses, 'court, " . ... . j , 1. .1 . (fee., on 20 acres of ground, 700 wlves,300 ditto a good sized population to the acre. The Queen of Sheba admired his wtodom much more than his magnificence, and significantly remarked that "the half of his greatness had not been told her"; but after he declared thnt "ali i vanity, built high places for the worship of heathen deities and died, Napoleon Bonaparte, on his narrow . escape from ' the inflowing tide of the Red Sea, while 'passing through on the spot where Pharaoh and his horse - Iclalmed: "MI . had perished hereVk niaraoh, what a text I would have furnished Ortho doxy,Tand C. S. Holton to advertise his Confectlon eries and Groceries at the "Rising Sun," on Trade I street,' opposite the Market House, where every- thing in the above lines may be found, iacludjnrt Ferry's Garden Seeds, Green and Canned Fruits,' vuti Ten. r. aaam n'iu tno Stumm .' ' mi Tobacco. Toys, c. C. a' HOLTON,-' t 1 , j;.,1;;;;;1. Democrat and Home copy, t , , '-iv -iu,. 4 i..h . l-trv T)LOCKADE TOBACCO, ,,,,, j,, ,4 ,,K ,,f , I JJ " '''.'. ' . V A 1 a i.T.'t.'l ri J.'itif-l'"' ' ' Having pojshasedaBtoe ltne of. Tobacco, at the. i Government sale, i .. . i - . IamDrerjAredtooffereitratetftiiWiTiertabw I era, 'Call early. " ,i n; XHOSj H. GAITHERi - i..! ,v ni -iu .(.. -'Ill l7 l?JJ?'liii XTTELL IMPROVED'.' . !"'-! ,oa. ':'-i'" ' : I WW. Tn ... TAT7-..I tail Jit i...iul. .Jlt ...... I'!' . . .. i." . i ...:t.. ... i . ' - nm wcu ui ffonii wiva Ti villi I bv iotnntes walk of tine publlo sraarereaB be aei l'TrdeclgTr,,T-..T"v; "7 THfSOl Kjllll - 1W Arinfl: FXX SIMPLSZIXEDS'i vi'.i:-! 11 i j vi t - IWU i,,f 1.1,. ,li ...ill uLtlei ...i'l H! '.nr. ,i MOST APPROVED FQKALj Just Printed ana For Bala at tit I or '..n -.: rfih vj:il QBSEBVEBiOJFICE,! rjiC T?0SSAtE,'i" 'H!i 0 Hj MilJ-yno-n geQiseand KhCffiffpKS-i -not diaemMtliaaM im4m teusti tattahi'' ''. ! ' ' ' " I' f ' : i jjj aon jEvflrgitenij B;TuW osetv:Ae.t ,jh ftomwBUownJto SO I 4-A4rai v eium sy wan nmovAT; ' 'i.-n Atfonand.OnmKiaslonJIeKhants.rt. ilfirebloMwk.,.-, ffl 1o tr'rnvwi 'MiTTFi ;h j.) l.i. ; i .wSiS. AROMATIC ; i ; T. . T H i 1''!- 3 j ii -T iPoivTHKi i.r:v,H f f ; t. iTF fth 'Kiirixvnn ATii hbllll VUlllV OUIIfcfllll -i 1 Mun tirf iMut tM!i ,v ,-vf4.-v.fn wi..f4 . , ii-wimi-t;.'-":ji' i - n JT rf feVttx-! tfS 'f 'iS'i " (?,' i . - ... ,. 1 .-.i A CuTB' QB' OH H'CrN'I CL '' "Ji, J-i-ti.p, m- i jm gnOji k!M;AH Vi"!;!1 yViili(fff' ! UManuractaredonly mWtne atove H EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO4 KluYii bl.l I' -'11 1" - ! , - T. I -J 1J ill ill I IlilH 1 v rT bnmedlateT relief warranted, f Permanent uiW' i (1i vw fSxuuiuTei; uaeu uj bu vcieviaicu Europe andLAmer1't, becoming ivJ(r ess, and KeHable 'Lcmedy On "both .1 rxiadni Highest . Medical rxcademy riv I Paris report 95cures out of 100 cases wltnln three 'tUVO VWVl AWT niiauiA uw hemlydlssolver of the polsonoaSL&oy. 1 oayst-'becrev-rr. sMUrlcAj A?ld G S500C 1 Vrwlnnuul hw nhnMani M K all ilnitr-crlata Ad- tndo: I ta WASHBURNE at CO.VJjj 1J nofh Only Importers' Depot. 23 cu-Et-.N-ii, 1! j! ) 61 09 -