- I - J -1 AnMHtaftiBiUItat:' : iEIWu.lFiilOffie.ia LOCAL INTELLIGENCE notnni... a. . X" 1 - -uw u7 I ..: nTKSPAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1879. BAlLBOA -OIRBCTOBI.- , in RaohitSSS Companies A, B. C. D. E, F. G, H, I that the peopled Ta tofdthftl? u represented in the meet against thlaw toSS' an rthfn Mch was ' held ia Wilmington tSe handling of . whieffililbl??? for the election of field officers flict injQrvmmthAa11 the second regiment Capt It B. agents and., postofflce clerSFor his aer of Charlotte, was ; amone h reason a, Longlist of, aSSff ttf e5i!?? proxy the Hornets', Nest Riflemen, the Polk Rifles and tha Mecklenhnwr Rifle- men, Capts. Alexander and Avorth S-w-t.: dSll& pcd,hirtTToteajepre, ATLANTA lillliMiu aurcuxia. tmm Atlanta,... '...:..'.... 8.20a.m. forAUanta... following table shows the running of passen iSaJnstoana irom wumo, yu mi tne reu-i pitcn-ioras, mowing scythes, etc are Arrlve9romBtehmondan(IGolboro,: 1.00 a. m. Personal. WaS in the filtv Vftatflrrta-ir I Rttntp1 in norsnn anil Ktr niwro - rn4h' SISSS St? Currituck county, ,where, er than this we copy from the Wilming- HCCOrClinSr tO the recent. BTrstom n-f tos.i-Z I 4-nn ..-r n .it... ........ .-ik'. .k . i. . 1 .OR ft. tn 4 Linn, na will Via;.. V - : . I . ua.i . "V - . . M - AantA.... -..a-86K flrir'ri rfrt.; w?" ViV OI P W"Aiexa.ana.-We'-UOL irni'.TtianiA. :. lonokm. 7"z r."iV7,' uujf .Auenas in , tne ". vuoraon were piacea in nomi- 'vvuu 'i11' u" J"1 ou meet with nation tor colonel, wnicn resulted in f'. line Same iniafnThnTitt iirlii.K 'KA11 I tha olAnfiin r1 A a . ..mu ucicu an I v wkvviuh ut vvii .iuuauuci uuuisli utu"? weHiera juage, wno sattempted to I Daliot. . A.: n. vvortii and Coney, were nomination for lieutenant colo- which resulted in the election of L Worth on first ballot; the naval academy there. H "Lieut Col. J, W. Gordon, Capt Co ney, uapt. lilies and Maj.iBranch were Street Railway Talk wmiuaiwiur major.,-uJ.- UOIUOfl. H. SallS. I fllipsfivl Ilia noma nrifMraarn K!n) f"iuuicih, uiuzen tnuiKS tliat a " xuc uuiut waa iuu uau, street railway from . the: union depot, which resulted in the election of Capt Li"forAflanta, n' -a ivtt.mntTA a ATTamrri." ' 0HAJUA'i. Aucrusta, 8. 10 HVZfor Augusta. ....."--U1.00N . . - -.a TOT aUUDW ' - Wilmington, Arn,c" wiimtnflrton.. reaves i"' . 5r i rrtves from sneiDy,. - g-w v' - lor Shelby -.;70 , p.; Arrives from Stateff.v;?4.fc80 nL Leaves for Statesvmc ....v ..r...-...o.9y,in. t uicodiucuesunauon several vears I uapts, j frrr-;(i V', oenawr Vance waaat AWninnliit-1 nel: . w.-i... 7.29 p; m. I Saturday i and ! naiii .mvioit tn . I Pan i uu Tf UU AO 111 7.00 a, m CHABLorTK POST OFFICE. ( OFFICE HOURS. . r Order Department,.. w.uu a. m. 5.00 p. m. when that is-builL to ihA nhii annxri -Liles, of the Anson "Veterans. and thence down Trade street to the "Xieut Col. Worth offered a resolu Carolina Central, North Carolina and I 10n exonerating Coi. Gordon from any Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta depots. 1 PIauie whatsoever, touching the illegal- lotn otjast January, which was SrfW beDartment .ooa. m. 5.00 TV"1 4BW snon orancnes, say in bbtu l SSnfteiiv'i 8tamp Dept,.8.w . m. o.oo p4m. directions on-Trvon street mA .thrmnrh me O.WWUI, COttnit tWn S;Bftii H.no ;KJ.nm j unanimous v afinntert" utwmbe ope'n "taIMtl&o5 i""1 WF OFSMINQ AMD CLOBINQ -OF XAB& 1 5 liDtOBIS.' lotte nas been frequently discussed, but A Waich Presentation. witnoutucbw prpspect f an.ytesult .The officers and employes of the Char aiie? buildmgfof the vtmion ;r depot lotte. Columbia & Ausrusta Railroad Danville 4 Charlotte ,1ittp k Atlanta ' uu.v. &Augn8tal M Charlotte 1 r?hrinttA A Shelby B. i statesvllle 5.30 p. m.. 6.00 aim- j During the Msrvir: iy ni,mn A LlA B Wtc ieStu" nSSoS JW da?a ftTSfsf 7- Capt .TheodoreHine, the present p. m., aw. w.wTjBNifnfai p. m." -1 ihh-i fw w ; Tm upermwnqent presraea oyerine mew;- - : 1 . .1 UHiuvu, t AUCLKS ilUUl LlilH.BIIlirrM I I I lTtO 11m -.;' I?ilN i i liiti, aim ivi i. v in. ir. ' r ii:k iiiiir iiituiri INDICATIONS 5 War Depaktmknt, okkK'i-: Ciiikf Signal Office, ! Washington, neo.-M, i :su p. m. fagndMiv; Vm.-;-Wy -Ftekling nude. i.iih ii mwuii i hi inn i vi j uru rmor anr 3 J la: be agricultural depart graceful speech; ;ia which Mr. Ander liJSS2R S gon ..replied briefly and,to the point ,,,1-5 IT - . , T. I w" icuiicu uncut nuu-tu mo uuiuie. Sn!"1 e dl3"1 The' aicxt ' speech was, however the ease. : A Tter n.ollAftinor all tha f unfa tvia. 1 Jt j J ' n 7" ;i."r TT. rvf-i apceun ot tne evening: ic was maae uy sihle,tLe department has announced its Cant Jim Kintr. He arose and in the Local depart fur Yesterday. Barometer Thermometer Relative Humidity, Wind Direction... " Velocity, Weather,... ' - I . l A. ---w m M S tftllli. .Mill rV I I I U I M IS I S H III I 111 I I1M v,,i the South Atlantic States, colder decisi6n to be that lbi& diseasfe is inot iolemn Riienn Twhinh foiiowi tho an. northerly to vesteriy winds, f rising ba- only infectious, but contagious: and it piause of Mr, Anderson's speech, he ute rometer, partly cloudy weather and js alsb shownthatother animals taking tered the magic words: "Tap the keg." i f . tne disease from-them -kn transmit it nrv,,-., omnir n , a 5 .;n.Jr..t- t " Y fieviuua wuixjnis nas explanation to refer to a keg of beer f luawvooicui Ajyyv, oa wnicn nad been brouentinto the room 7 A. M. 1 2 P. M. i 9 P. M I Cornell university The only way yet while the ceremonies were in nroirress. suggested ior the prevention -ol the The health of Mr. Anderson was then BFicu oa uio uiseas is stamp u oui i drunk in due form and with the enthu- uy Killing ? we animal. I siasm which such occasions rarely fail Fotiiffi.s.teL ',s ,-; ' -- -y ffiPJi The company then turned ? ir s,L Z - i tueir aLjuuon to a supper wnicn con- 1 Mre. Chantratt Jiad small audiences in stituted a large ? part of the evening's Norfolk. xr'-5', , !':. I untorfainmanf on1 of to nlnno . ...... i v niuiui.ut, ouu av tio viuou ou The ionly two-epmpanies now any- Mourned.' Where at all inf this resrion Of -countrv. Th wateh nresenterl to "Mr. Andor. are the combinations whicbJare giving son is a handsome gold double-case one, "The Pathfinders" and "The Danites." of the Raymond movement Elein make. , Miss Jsallie Partington, well and fa- and valued at $150. Mr. Anderson has vorably known in Charlotte, was taken been connected with the Charlotte, Co suddenly ill on the 10th instant at Great lumbia & Augusta Railroad for many Barrington, Massachusetts. She 'was years, is an alderman ot the city of Co announced with; the Perley coinedv lumbia. and one of the most hiehlv re play of "Divorce, for spected citizens' kt th4 town.v He 29.833 29 828 B2 59 73 so ;, 7rt ' 8. ' 8. W. ' 9 Mile 12 - Bmoky. Lt Rata Highest temperature 61 deg.; lowest 45. . . neleorAloftcal RecnU. . . WEATHKB REPORT, FEBRUABT 20, 420 F. H. StiltlUuS. Barom Atlanta Augusta .. Charleston, Charlotte,.. Corslcana,. Galveston,. Indlanola,.. Jacluonlle, Key west,.. Mobile Mootgom'y. N. Orisons, PuDtaBasa Havannah. Bl Marks. Havana .. Th. 30.09 80.01 29.84 29.84 30.34 30.21 29.20 29.98 29.97 30.18 80.22 80.15 80.02 29.95 80.02 29.96 45 60 70 59 48 55 SA 75 76 50 50 57 74 74 66 78 Wtodf W. J W. aw. 8.Wf-Hi--" N.Tt, W. X. v' TL N. " N.K 8,W. N. W. N.W. N. iVet 21 10 f- 8 fQ 12 20 80 7 11 20 15 24 7 i 2 Weatbefc ; Cloudy! ClooxU. :-Falf .-J't Ctoady.T 'Clear. cioudr.' ? J company, in the Fair. Clear." " Clonrir. i Fair. Fair. Clear.') Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. JiKW DCFABTUBE. On fte 22d of September lat, p putting on a new dm, THE DAILY OBSERVER adopted the rule to fxelude all double column advertisement and all ctiU. After five months of erpertente, we Tune decided to caned the rule. Double column advertisementp neri&h sitate the cutting of column rules, and these win. be -imrged twenty-five per cent, more than our reyular ratai, and trifl only be inserted on the first andfaurfh rxwes of the paper. The recent change in thti rival and deparcarrvf ,,mtm. ' jj.fitrf" : that date, Mr. T. ;W. Keene, who played Cassius in Julius Caesar when Bangs was here recently, has been engaged at the Cali fornia theatre, San Francisco, for a brief season as leading man. As such he will act as leading support during the engagements of Lawrence Barrett and Mme. Janauschek. Mr. C. W. Tayleure'8 dramatic com pany has gone to WilmingtonjDelaware, where it will be resolved into a Pina fore company, with Mrs. Chanfrau as prima donna, alter which it will mase a grand Southern tour. will soon settle permanently inSpartanburg. The Burning of Bamberg, S. C. Special to the Charleston News and Courier. Bamberg. S. C February 25. A ter rible conflagration occurred here last nieht two-thirds of the business portion of the town being destroyed. The fire broke out about 12 o'clock in a store oc cupied by Sahlman & Kennedy as a bar-room. Its origin is unknown. The total loss cannot fall far short of $50,- Mr:' Tavlenre 000. with about $15,000 insurance. The has made a flattering offer to a young colored people worked hard and did lonrna ist in Richmond who has a tine wieir uulv mauiuuy. ai vv. u, voice, to ioin the comuanv. "it'. i I ' T i-fc " - a Til 3 a.i' - joun i. naymona lately essnyeu.4Jv i - -- died. senooapart in ine piay "jviy oon at tne caiuornia theatre, and the audience, cvnae. in contract aavrrtivmtnt he sent in hu l rT!: ?7 7". TV ' At Kewviue, B. oa ine wn inst, uiue jun- (l - j. navmg previously seen nim m ruoi. I Norrls, youngest child ol Samuel R. and Mary n three o'clock in the afternoon. Index to New AdvertikciMent 1 ' ' v.: .. LeBoy Davidson Groceries, dtc. h .. B. N. Smith-Latest Arrival. - V ' i '-- -Prof. Erllcher Piano and Qrgan Tuner. HOTIE PEICIL.INS. Sellers," thought that everything he did t Neel, aged nearly 5 months. was intended to be funny. As a conse quence the most pathetic scenes were received with uproarious laughter. ; v -1 ' . ; ARRIVALS, TOSflAU, WAKTX3X 1 i mmmMtYmA ft raw mm aVaIm Am. ter Creekera, 6 botes JamUy WaahtofSeap, largeat lue ban m toe Also 1 fine MUch Cow and one jnednxn qnaU Cow with yoorjjr f fr sM low. - - T 500 dozen PAKXBliU3 WAATKD. ' ' 1 v dec29 . , y-; 1 B. S. SMITH. QAU, AT it rAHTLT GROCXSHS, 1 have now th stofe full supply of drtwefies and .T.'.BUT.LlSB'fi YABOLINA CENTBAl DISPATCatlNg h UlJ jl(iiy ft VIA WfLMISQTON, j K0RTH CAROLINA. f, I ifi 8ttve and Hardware House for THBOCGH FRIIQHT ROOTS I TO ALL PODTTS SOUTH. CamOr sappltes. TUHKEYS ! tebs TTJRXBT8 1 TTjBEKYS I TTJRXXTS 1 , Pure Bronze, very large and flue. a M. HOWXLL N OTICX TO FARHRS!!1 am prepared to STORK COTTON In uy fire proof building either to basement or on the first or sec ond floors and will gtre warehouse receipts on which you can draw, money If desired. . W Charges moderate. . .. THOMAS H. GATTHEB. oc2 SEED.jQATS, &C. 600 Bushels 8eed Oate. 50 Bushels N. C. Irish Potatoes. Corn. Flour and Wheat Bran. , , : ' Baled Hay, Shucks and F,odder. ' HEATT GROCSRIES, 4C Just received and for sale by . , . VTLUAXS ITNGXS. Feb. 20, 1879. ' ; . , C O T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED ' - -THOMAS H. GATTHER. Cotton Cokmibbiox Uiichaht y ...... octl2 F. a ALEXANDER A CO., ; GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, College Street, Charlotte, N. C, We handle more general country produce than any house in the city, and still solicit further con consignments from ail parties who are willing to be satisfied with, the best Job we ean put up on this market. All those who cannot be pleased with our best efforts, are respectfully requested to send thehr goods to somebody else. ; G B0CXRIK3 CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS! NEW FEATURES I Come to me for Bacon, Com, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Famttr Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county BEST RTE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sen for cash. aii goods delivered m me erty tree or. enarge. t i W. H. CRDDtTNGER, H "'' Trade Street, Next door, below Wilson A Black's okt stand. apl5. D R. D. CDONOGHUE.- Office In the Signal Offiee, over Traders' National lank, on 3rd floor. Caliajnlght or day, wQl receive prompt attention. ieni8,Aw,a SPLENDID LINE OF Hailraad Iftes Fine Teas, all grades, lust In. at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. jan60 . 2Q BARRELS WHITE AND RED ONION SETTS WILSON 4 BURWELL. Fresh. PLENDID HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS ! ft1 . DEMORESrS MONTHLY. The association of Southern passenger asrents meets in Atlanta on the 27th of Charlotte has not had a lecturer, in two March, and. the annual convention of years. - t utMOuuwi if general passenger agents of the united -ifOiTjr.f.:-- states, in New Xork, March 14th. The musical club meets to-night at the j Yesterday, at Kmg's Mountain, the1 residence of Col. W. R..Myersi A1 hj -i freight train on the Air lane Railroad v.,t ot..juJ :J iili: fi."iLl;'iiri: I ran into a box ear. which had, owing toj """"n":""?"''! mainlinxrom the sidetrack, une set j It is said that the Hornets Nest Rifle 1 of Ihd trucks were torn loose from the". car and the car itself earned thirty or ;v raids in front of the engine, and CSL :ki 5i ii Ci-nl e ' Mnae,-:AOxa mcoesi wiwm w am- The season i ahead about iaonth WiSSSS 1 2J5J!f?! TO 52 this year. We have had both-- March i?ZZa , wa ann Th 1 demorest, 17 East uth street, H. y. do not .wind and April showers'-- 0, Int 3? farmers arerbusyplowihg Sttst 'nxr: it is believed that iie people of the -- - -r- -r. -md only a few blmisx ShoVve4ith! Vicinity will n.o$Je pie use but one, P.hkap goods. ine oxner oemg ueyoteu tsiciuBiveiv' w i uaving Dougnt outue enure bwckoi dtowu a. wen will go oif on a trip About the mid car and . 1 die of next MaV.w:::f 1 I:' forty. yai A grand combination of the entertaining, the useful and the beautiful, with fine art engmvjiics and oil pictures in each number. Price 25 cents, post free. Yearly $3, with an unequalled premi um, two anleadla oil ntctures. Rock of Ana and the Lion's Bride, 1 5x24 inches, mounted en can- r , " - tUvi-uil W J uuge Kerr will be -confront ery full docket at the opening Superior Court next-iiandaya m ;i U UTS nnnA, onaintf '41ii 'Airhaa t Ra.. w will lell the stock Of Nc very full docket at )th opening of the 112? bughtvery cheap) reawdleaiottbiiiractyalu-,, U.' m. -m . . . I .V I Lll I nillUU L111J IvU.. V AAAVUAAUU1AS , VA- I Wa trill fllaAmtfinllA iTAAnlnff T.I , : 11 I i , - . - , t ' t Tf O WUI UJOWUUUUV FU tbe stock of Notiona (whlcli were Li A In Iaam The Purim ball isithe next thing on J The latest Intelligence frowthe pro-ley. loth. Caiieo and waHiri -wnii hft on. ; the .Western ' Kortli .tTaroliria iKailroad -j , f i is tn thfl nffec that there-remains oniy h ijc ajus aa.wais rux them, and wish to close them entirely out A call will save youmon- Successors to Brem. Brown & 04 Feb. 13 d8twim. Yesrerd n v t&irTb A 'in' Wenlrfa. si vr,",r rrWTT!:: i bdohs twenty xeei. oa tsai whi,bwuc w r , m. .im. mmi htwnr not mi am LTireKSSl W.a-ylit'l)0gto tf shine tSTrinji- bhntit furonfrr f net of earth aTid r ton ft to ind Catholic -chttrcheft' i : - , t .WS-J.-7 :Ull.sA js.t5i: !-?; Jl I.IIIUUUlU'CN Aim IUvVVAUh k IWAHIt w vua I hav been reached before this. bnt for much pleased with J ttie election of field the delays .caused by the necessity of officera of the second regimentwj!JU ballasting eyery.foot of that portion of rp.. '": wr rf the-turmeli-where operations are now .... ,o-,uv oua 'vi' . n VAwud. ' mau- UJ less very . carefnllv wateh Ml'." will' slip up: on Va inan; rneumatismjn :'(.- .i iht.-'ViVstv-sH -uiuri-l an and the Bar 1 hfi lenlm rr naaa :it. ! fnirmld (rfwfratMJ :l f .. 1 courts yesterday wM'-stiit a have a tong Rnd iinteiesting-i let- Hmoottirjg ,.U:c(n betweed ;twd teales,:itr!?from: ; Monroe' iir'jreiern.n-; u got pretty warm before things could i burglary wnicn was couiauhwsu mwo be straightened Mbf J last Sunday night upon theresidence of n,u. to.wPiiyi. fjwH ;M- a p gtevens.aihat first attract- 1 IIHrc T u on nnnanol ilaftMfi'.nr'.nniltT.i yyTLSON 4 BURWELL, Druggists, Have ust received,' "GfeiatlneV l?i:rr -n Sherry Wlnejf !rWorulBitia AR of tha best quality few retail trade. declS - There is an nnnanal derrft'rrf -oniet- neas prvailjttg fh police circles, ai pres- h atAnon to the negro who was ar? rested Monday morning, was ine a L 1 hi,7r 1 """"'v I'cbvery.as he waited aiong , me street, W looking alter ash boxes which may ; y ti'veral watch Chains' hanging take fire at anTlitaa&. coarAnl NDEBTAEING? ; r;" Jeao ;;p'5a-K: 1, The undersigned is now prepeTedrto All aU I If nrrmtrh 1 Tbe calico ball waVthe leading tonic rthe f town marshal going mer hin: :1 . esieraay. ..,Evfrfbo4y seems . to have f oand mm 1W , wciot . ue;,, f everytiass' of tWdertaldi. Joyed It es'peeillAmethe'older ticket tor Beaver am andgottea ia , mrfy --t who came as lookem-.ODu, but soon the train.: Ha ad mi several pairs or tunassorhnentof. 'vuuuinseiyesIAKUiff .an amYftpan. i pantaioons, mm w vfJt .m&untss5u rnn it- .iV.T.VTwi '- LrXfuf 'urn.' A vtux ot these uiacAeproduceawepuMnM;: finiW t to deliver overrmore of. n riicn assert thafif taxes-are t not Jithia acertain time, ::Ttfribert; wld, on hand a 1 h-ttf 'annua HiLHr uh utiu . uamcu . vuu.a PaM I nnoTiHtv of monevlLtwo watches and a COFFINS, CASKETS.-AND BURIAL CASES, ma certain timeert JereVla :ho doubt ofthe fact wcxki wS'm&b peison, addressed.i.will , AureJy , be- intended to shoot the officer, aa" ri "'"SSS;; thrust the pistol right .mto hi? -facev .t,n ... . - , . . ' I . , . . x , , A . . lufnNiwa, 3 no.. 1 . 1 1 1 & . nn 11 ' T ml TTW KlI. t,I. ill. V 1,1 1.1. IJJ 7" J iSnealr tVioivara f Via rtn fh in- I TTa nvVpd the WeaTJOH. hoWeVer,' De- creiwp a how lAKXw-t..ni,,., wn l sv4 foViny it ont of his nocKet and in. entered during the- Dastf.week.obut . I jerkirig itWlwrfleaiy, yt; WMmreawe, . -v? ? serious Joses thave 1.been?8nainedlliaUpenetrating ihisjown iigntpign- mi5 Citimna e;u. t . .nniH hoo mnde further resistance,' I; s K ? 1 DUt-ljUSt Hero Are. .wa abij wv u , ;. Ainim?" t ?TBfo AS LOTf AS; .' e .1 , .i-J'',.'. Supreme Court ecllon. Kntulnst here. blows, disarmed ana swuieu. - - Taken before JrasUce,Macaulay,,,bas . OpmionsfwW filedfIottday, rby-thd ciothes and "valise were thoroughly wstices Of the' Supreme Court in, the! 8earchedbout.hisperson; in -differ ""wing namea cases; wuicu uau gone ent pocKetSr,- oesmea . mcia,r o""; ''P to it from this section of the State : drivers and7other tools,"-were- found SMiTn, c J.: v ; : 1 ' about ?one:rhundrerandr:;twenty-tlve nr. t fhv-tvji-jir: 3 Description Repaired at hor fJ$i J W. M. W1XHTEL1I, "With B. G."Reeers,?rade. Street JEE W. BATTLE, M. D., Havms removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank.- can be found there all hoars dnrlnK the dar. and at his residence ear? ner sevento and oouege streeta, ai Bignt, ieo am - HAVE Just received a fresh supply of superior Tea. JanSO WILSON tk BURWELL, 10 CASES HUNYADI JANOS - . i. iij. Mlneral Water; 10 baskets (50 lugs each) Apot- Unaris, Just received. JamWiWfiU WILSON BURWELL. - I In R EAL ESTATE, CHEAP HARDWARE tWAtxxhma.- ; Buy your COOE STOVESrom me, as I have 12 good reasons why they win do your work Quick and ! Easy, Cheap and Oeaat . i. '--x . BECAUSE ,t 'r----' Theyareefaeapeattobuy. BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE They bake evenly and quickly. BECAUSE r i Their operation is perfect. BECAUSE They always have a good draft? BECAUSE - .They are made of tne best material. , BECAUSE 1 . . They roast perfectly.? BECAUSE ; They require but nttte tueL : BECAUSE 1 They are very low priced. BKAU8X r '. Taey are easily inanaged. BECAUSE They a suited to all localities. BECAUSE Every Stove Is guaranteed to give satisfaction This Line being fully equipped for business, otters unequalled facilities for the Trans portion of jTBtgnirrom , . , . Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern ClOea to aiariotta StatesviUe, v A&hevQle, . Eutherf ordto AwuuH, iwwmiH aviw,iiM wostem H. c. KairroafflL. -- As well as pomta m Gaorgia Aih trtaimrpi, ' TOO a lnsozance and Rates guaranteed as Low aa I via any Competing Ltoe, ai Tin as Qul(it4 1 . InlormaUon furnished I upon application to WM.A.M0ODY,U.rs'' Southwestern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. F. W.CLARK, , ' - Gen. Freight Agent, WQintngton, N-Cs septSO ..'t;v.t-) -'. HTT, SMITH, ;;i Agent a a Railway, Charlotte. : , . -f- j.:?, ... si.. ... . f . i . . s ., potteries. D ,RL J. H. MoADEN, LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. 1 1 DBUGSIHT AM) CHEIOST, Sow offers to the trade a roil stock of A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY Lubln's Kxtraets and Colognes, English Select ptoss, To wlh a fortune. : Third Grand Distribution, uiass v, at ew .Orleans, Tuesday, March , 11th, 18?9-106th Monthly brawtn ' f; - ' ;' . v .-, .;':: ' , LOUISIANA STATS LOTTERY COMPANY. Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap CALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUST? ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSlif Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. 0, CHARLOTTE, N. C, a P. CALDWELL. ....Proprietor. This house Is permanently established and offers all tbe conveniences and eomforta of a first-class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find tt a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be tarnished with noma. RATE8 Per dev. transient. SI .25: ner week. 86.00. Regular table, SiaOO; board and room per montn, ioou. JanlO Enghsh, French and ' - ' t r T ' '' ' ' American Tooth Brashes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefuliy prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. McADSN'S Prescription Store. This Institution was recularbr tnconorated' bV . the Legislature ot the State for Educational and ' Charitable purposes tn 1868, wm m Tzbx er TwxMTT-nva teaks, to which contract the Invtola-c, i ble faith ot the State is pledged with a capital of $1,000,000, to which tt has since added a Reserve j 1 Fund of 50,000. - Its GRAND SINGLE NUM- BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday.. :. It never scales or postpones. AiOOK at tne iouowing aismouDon: . : i in CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each, Hall Tick ets, One Dollar. . , j,4 i . f LIST OF PRIZES ! 1 Capital Prize,. 1 Capital Prize, 1 r.nal tM.. X vOJUMH A. 1U. . . . . . 2 Prizes of 82,500.. ..$30,000 .. 10,000 .. 5.000 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 600 -. . 10,000 , , 00 Prizes of 100..... ...... .10,000 , SECURITY 1 100 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1 1,000 Prizes ot 50 ;.. ..; ::i . ; lO.OOO1 20... .....10,000. 10 10,000 SECURITY! SECURITY! G BEAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. CUTLER'S. 200 Barrels'of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE A2SO. ALADDIN SECURrTYIOIL. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, APPROXIMATION PRIZES: J ' 0 Approximation Prizes of 8300..... $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. . 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Pn amounting to............ $110,400 Responsible' corresrdmg agents wanted at aU ' iromment points, to whom a liberal compensation 1 will be paid. -. . - Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, lor nul mior matlon or send orders to - : M. A. UAUPBAN, . , Postoffice Box 602, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JURAL A, EARLY. febll ' - SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West St Sons, Baltimore. Hurhest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a are testoi nu aegrees janronneH neiore u wiu bam. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADSN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. F. SCARE 4 CO., jpROM DR. S. J. BELT, M. D., ' BALTIMORE, M. D. Vi I have prescribed Colden's Lelblg'a Liquid Ex- . tract of Beef and Tonic Invlgorator, and cheer-, ' . ...... .-" . .;: fully state that it has met my most sanguine; ex pectations, giving to patients long ehfeebied by ohronic diseases, debility, weakness, loss of appe-: , tlte and Indigestion, the needed nutrition and nerve food. Sold by all Druggists. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want ror uanstmas, ai J. T. BUTLER'S. dee24 TXTE DESIRE to call attention to OUR 8TOCT' W e DESIRE to can attention to OUR 8TOCXV R U R U G G G G S T S T ANC Y AN C Y GOOD O G O O D O-T RXAB THB rOST-OFrlCB, .' i Would respectfully inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Offlce, and solicit the ! patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with 7 A DAY to Agents canvassing lor tne " rax sidk Visitor.'' Terms ana outfit free. Ad- s P. O. VICKERY, Augusta. Maine. I OA Fancy Cards, Chromo, Snowflake, 4a, no two i OU alike, with name, 10- cents. J.- Mlnkler 4 .. Co. Nassau, N. Y. , ,, i ui 1 r: i ,-.f ,,: , Snowflake, Motto, 4c., no two alike, or ?25 ! ' 9U egant ehromo cards, 10c Nassau Card Co., ., Nassau,N.Y. 4717 month and expenses guaranteed : xo I epf.i. Ai ta, name Agents. Outfit free haw 4 Co.. Augus Ground- and Cut Glass BotUes, the handsomest In tha market. The latest styles of Perfume Boxes tocludlng some novelties, which win pay you to great care and pure Drags. Jan 7 tf. TV MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY,. , ; 1j . Li'il'r'.iii ii;. ..! For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, mw.iii turn fifBtia- tWMa bw . and win Advertise free of cost, all properties placed to my THOS. F. DRAYTON, ' declO TYAjfor 't MM i Charlotte, N. C call and examine. MOnCE. ,f- , : . :. .. . . B made NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU; 10 Bproce street New YorkmTfe-if ni.th-',.. TISSOLUTI0N:i i-:iux iitvuhaA V a s. PEGRAMhas withdrawn ? from tM firm of PEGRAM ft CO. 1 AU persons who ewi the- By vlrtoe of the power conferred tn mortgage flrm, prior to? Aebruary ismsyUf must cau paav. w X.-.'. wiinrwsn ana unra a. wnxmsaa t wsyuv wiw fcgnuu m. w . . i . r; .4 to the Charlotte BuildlMt and Loan Assoctatkm, 1 1 - we wiu conunue me uom anu ouoe ousiness m - will sell at public auction,' a house and tot of land I the same stand as be wre, mm juaaenai Banarr uw 1. u. jouiroaa, in -square o. ob, i vuihuus, vwuww, . w ' . FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases In Probata Court. JosephSparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors of -uenjanun spanxs, aevwweu f , (l , , ,H The Helm at Law of Benjamin , 8parks, deceased. , sonci of yniAii bbttlsickkt. Tt. annurlni tn fKa satisfaction of the Court that Ltdia -Dimmit wife of - Patort Dimmit, Hannah .1 lrpnjt wifn of John Felts." John narks, and juizar bethEedd'Jc; wife of John Reddlk. are heirs at law in this case andin-resldimtacf tae State,: "f.tZ. At tatnereiore on nouon waeioa. uj vn w thatdverti8nient be made tor. atx weeks rn Tscs CHAMmOBSKKTXB, notifying said defendants to appear at the Clerk's office in Yadklnvllle with in nmntv davs Tter jftervlca of tnla notice, and let them take notice' that IX they tail to appear that the. same will be taken pro corvesso anq export? as, 10 Given .under my, hand and seal of office in Yad- ktovuie, this the lutAaayoi ireornary, a. a ivi v. :WW''iV" -'.V ISAAC . VEST AU : -p 7 -V ft ' ' Probate Judge. fet23aitwgt -.-.-,) IN TJXSH WILL PURCHASEV a Pnwer PrinrhiK OPress. Goemsev make. Wd style;slze 0fbed26x4' mchea.; Wasrn nse until replaced by a new onS' Address J. a JBATLEY, etor rEnteiT)rlsor-an";JMoantam ja4tf " " ; t " ecutrix, from Iredell; error. Venire purposed 'Among the? nujnbertrwas a I novorf f r: e Kkeyi which, V having beehsubse-3 safe. .The ball in 1 i-n 11 na "iuAjoiiertand wiie'vs.'Aj. A.vn-i quently ' tnea,t was "eraori and. wife;1 from' Bnrkei' affirmed, nnlock Mr. Stavens' wyiASHE. J.; , v. r '1. j the negroV leg wai "vllnlrr.nrfy.n-nf. at uj ....Tohir !! r ;ar i ianrp Ma. HxnbT M. Caowsix, of Newark, New Jersey, extracted by Dr: I Pommn : tta had .- -nreiimmarv ; near . - - - . - . - -- ?9.executr frnm WnTlowell fiffirmed. Mnnrlav afternoon, when he pleaded 1 15th of February, with a full and handme ltae tARD, guilty, and was remanded to await trial OI n.ei for dress tad irasmess sutta; toduding &?' Nional Bank of Charlotte vs. St the April term of the Superior.Court v , - - . rnp!e& Alexander etal .fromMecklen- The pnsoner -is a - burly.-incipus- the newest and most lonaWe goods Jn ZZXryr-s . ; .... looking cftr BMmjapvrz tt ,m "f 1 peril 1-U1C1 AAO .4.(HVV t "VI v.W;-' . UTTRW 3 fair an- a vegv cvhht Vi Il'.l .-.u-i . . , -.. feb9tf B TJIST'S GARDEN HEED, - A large supply ttesepopular seereco gTUDEaaOlAGON. rj .. I am now la receipt of large lot of the eelebm- tod 8TUDE9ACBB-WAGONi slxes; j?, win be sold on reasonable terms. . '.,?:, '. ,r " ' " CALL. EARLY,, - p.j ,y v.- - T. H, GAITCZS. Fjan.8& 1 - , - -i ':;.: French Plated Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and -";-? V : -, :: . ; -A j; :,V) ; -: American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. ." frontlnr on beginning at a stake on the N. C Railroad and run- ning wan saw roaa to a a. t-nuups- comer, uenoe with her line 180 feet to a stake, thence parallel ; with said railroad 4i feet to J. B. Shajmannouse's I line, thence to the beginning,; which Is : now claimed subiect to said mortgage by E. W. Mellon. Said property to be sold at tne court nouse goor m the city of Charlotte on the 1st Monday in March, 1879, for eashj the amount duo. the Charlotte Building and Loan Association v being, 8229,25, with cost of advertising and sale. V . decl9tds : . i; t .:,Secy and,Treaa.;, t. f, 1 11 February U87flrf:;!a Home and Democrat copy. tegram;. CHANGE OF BUSINESS. er t.:'-ii -TVHKKETBtsiSJ . G. MAXWELL. & W. XAKBiaOM, Auctioneer. deelS L. R. WRI3T0N 4 CO. M AXWELL 4 HARRISO AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL 8ALOUK ; Cochrane keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand- ' ard Pure, Two Years Old. - t AUCTION AND-; . b 'J i.i" -U I. 1 ' Having retired from the ' ii 4i.tj.;:iy i, MifBIC'91 I" . - T, Vf. i , T - We are now dally rerrlng ;a; good;iirpr cti FAMILY GROCERIES, M 'i . , . j h i 1 j . - ii. -' v. a. : f. .1 :i l tf. 13 1 ! 01 Hi.: i . :FAMILY OROCERIES. ! -;-.! j ; oJ 5 A-ft hp ?.JH:if at' out old sd oflrjoileVe sireet,irev to see oWmany friends. ' ' COMMISSION R FINE WTNES, .,V,;i-iV.t6J i'.lviA- vr , I...... liil. feb6 5 And Pure Llqoors, Three Tears OW, go t. -j & COCHRANFS, Central Hotel Saloon. ,'"74MBKGHANTS;' "CK)B A FIRST CLASS Boy. ahd sell oA cWislgnnwrtfaBf kinds t Mj' We makeGjUAspeclalty.- j, LONG 4 BROTHER.- nJHA riJj J)il , fii'-U ' i ill. ')" 'it'f ' i XTBW LrVERY STABLE. j. If vou want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug- glea or 8addQe 'Horses, go to the New Livery stable. ' ".; . If you want a TJarrtage and Baggage Wagon to meet arrrvtag or departing trains, go to the New Uvery Stable.1' ' aA r r ', If yon want your horses mB fed and well groomed m to tr New Uvew Stable. V7 s t :-?n Carefol drivers, promptness ana reasonaoie prices are our mooo.'- - .' .-i' MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE;-. . wmgivetritanonal : aUenflon to all business entrusted to our care. M XUUT UWTB ilWBVMllUttS WVWMjj jja J aeca - - Smoke call and get a Sucior, at - Jan30- "i v !irrv iivfrvrrt.--w I -I flA BUSHELS FRESH CL0YEB SEEI)t7ijt!J ; ( 1VV .;".iJ.rf.n;.i.V Also Orchard Irasai Blue Grass, and Luoernej j ..T ? ''BCRWEii- ' "TOTE WW n mtr-Bi HAVE -rrtis jj -v. -. fli r' H-Z , Wit HAVE )j ill ,'J4 Jt'vi.iJ, tJ Jim , , ..... :,..fl--i rZttZTA 't.l.ii; Mlf til TBISDAYJBECElTEDiA - os?.;- r4 i TORRENT. : j . . , The two Stores in the Utier aiexanaerDuuuing Trade street, il . J. L. MOREHEAD. ii m 1 '-V WW ' ivr .' .-'-to.- . ,f il? Tit 6,, , ;,,:;,( on Trade street. Jan2otl rpHE BEST STOCK OF s?L Jt.,l ' rriV)- r?'4'zi i . f VERY CHEAP; : t:A -y.j. ui ''! '4 ss-V-V . -- i . .... - ....... ... f i -1. saBw"?--"! GROCERIES an . OONFECONERIES- -1-t -. A t . . .I'.- " -." I-"- r 4 J"--f c i.. f. jJt- 1 - r - . J " c-1 A ISO A NEW LINE OF - . f(,nn'-i nA t tino CHILDliEN'S GUFFS iiNI);! PQWAwvi : . He-no tea. r: :,' -.MyHy .1-1,7.1101 "f - ;i - -, f "V -r':'--f - r' 'v..-,, --..u ? jfi -'xim canartdseettlern.' -l'c;f! 'V'. 1 1 i . .vwwUiiifiUfi'., prs3. COOD.AXP CHXAP.,'itnaf : -m v fl t. , Mjgi J ? ; f s ! II 1 1' r. 8- I!: ft i ,1 1 . i M ' . - : j v . i . , J ' .. - ' v' . WK . . ' ' -

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