' 'v : " Stye Charlotte bonier. 'THURSDAY, FEBRUABY.2I,a379,; TUB tEGISIiaTtntEfOT:.- Raleigh News, . SENATE. , February 24. PETITIONS Hfi. AiAvander Dresented petitions from Citizens f;I.f;Historv ptSTorth rroliUaitf the puttie nnmhA ramntteS.'- HSmHSTZOT ment of a stock law.slief erf ei srtmw i GOVERNOR'S MANSION. Mr. Moye, from a special committee on that subject, reported on the erec tion of a Governor's residence. The re port was accompanied by a bill carrying out the views of the committee." It was proposed to continue the commission Governor Jarvis concurring therein, though he desired no house f orhiniselt. The bill limits the cost of the proposed building to $25,000 m case a new one shall be determined upon, and to $15, 000 should it; be determined to repair and refits the . old Governor's mansion. The report was ordered to be printed. i STATE DEBT. On motion of Mr. Mebane, the special order; the bill to compromise, commute and settle the State debt was postponed, till 7 : JO o'clock p. m: STATE TAXES. On motion of Mr, Alexander, the bill for, levyirg, equalizing and collecting, taxes . was made the special order for Thursday next at 10 a. m. ! PROTEST. Mr. "Williamson, pursuant to notice, presented "the protest' of himself and other Senators : aarainst the passage of the bill tb change the name of the West ern Railroad, and to authorize its con sohdatiorx; with the Monnt Airy? road; etc. was protest sltJqstatecli,' 4ie said iwhat was 4 not'sg ahtlthbWd hot lie" permitted to go on -iwjM4Fiw;y t,BLumi) ai WU-. sidered it Jibelous.aaid said it 'contained statements tfaat wereMse;; v.1, Mr. Williamson raised the point of order that Mr. Caldwell Avas indulging in language unparliamentary and im proper. Mr. Caldwell said the protest was a libel upon the road ' v ' Mr. Davidson concurred in the point of order on the employment of objec tionable language in the protest. Mr. Williamson produced a recorded protest fo show ; that the language employed-therein justified that used bv him.;v . . Mr. -Caldwell, . whilst conceding 4he right of protest, insisted that it did not include the rieht to make , an aretitrient to which ho opportunity-was giveii ifor 1 Teplyyrfor aidn admnxs! a unseraoie 1 stump speech being injected into it, The resident n- la that tne language of the protest was ' unparliamentary, and said a protest should be confined to a statement of "the reasons prompting it. ' ' - " " ; Mr.(.Williamson, whilst bowing to the. decision of Ihe chair t drew rattenjtion to claimer of all intention to wound? the intention to wound rthel feelings of any Senator .voting in the juajoriiy. itjue coiMuuaeuuy requesting. lermission to withdraw the protest for the present, with a view to some modi fication. Agreed to. , , CALENDAR, Senate;: bill to amend the charter of the town of Salisbury. The protest, which was quite lengthy,. reaaj5y:tneierK . , v v , ; MteiCaWweut warmly ,as&auet;dihe. UlOUUi T . I the Ctarlpttejand lylorsyjlje llailroml uompany. . These bills passed second and thud readings and were ordered to le en grossed. Housebill to lay off and construct a public road in Wilkes county. Passed and enrolled. House bill to regulate the practice of dentistry &c, passed second reading and took its place on the cale Jdar. Senate bill requiring clerks of all the courts of the State to account for all the: penalties and forfeitures coming into their hands, passed its several read-, , K VENING SESSION, The Senate again met at 7 o'clock; . tniE STATE fDEBT.; II qcxs urn- x"."Si,xniin.i.- ajisrarHiulu, uouecieu jaige sinus oi inouey The special order was- at once nrer'f ment exercises at the Academy of Mu ceeded with, the' Senate bill' to om2fsic, but althOTich thervwrnff ladies havt promise, amimute-andjeltihetetfij debt, tne questionr being; on the . tuaxlito $300, ; the schodl committee has posf- reading of the bill, censidered,'by?eJ a. oy' sec WW On motion of nMr, Mebane . the StetA. section wad endetf by exciuaijig clierf bonds issued, f orthe. constructipnof the section prescrirjevtte'jfirstelasa ofllnd so sav their si stir-ml. tl.M r bdrrainprijfRjseir per cent. 4U1 t9V n4ar Jssuediit)fi to .1861 , except those Ift'oWn 66hstttfction bonds of the North Carolina Roadr Mr. Anderson moved t'AmehcV'se tion four. ,bv,i Drovidintr . that all bonds exchaned'icwftber'w.b)iid AhaUibeii siirrenderedWitii ttH theeitfKms sat tached.;, AdoptecL, frgttftfat lion waa tneu agreeu.ow bmjrt hum 5ecflpns. 5, 7,8, 9; TO and ill were agreed to without amendment. r. ,afKJ,T The remaining sections ot. the biu-rr from -12 to -17 inclusive were -then- agreed to without amendinentyandthei , question recurred on tbe bill as amend- ed. '' iln.v J Jk-t'iJ;.. vji-'iJ. . There was quite a lengthy discussion, after which, Jlr. Everett , moved the previous' questW,1 whiclr wrkis'agreed to, and the bill then passed its third reading and was ordered to be engroB'. ed and sent to the House. Ayes 25, noes 14. j xr:iM KKi: ALBEMARLE AND CHESAPEAKE CANAL. Tne'sidndj epe6iall)fdcr,the bill to exchange the stock of the State for State bonds, ,was , tak,en ,up IThe, bill proposes to authorize,the pmte iiew urer to receive 350,000 of the bid bonds of the, State with interest, in exchange for the like amount of -fetate'Btock in the company, urxo:H -ft owji xne vote on tne tnird readme result- ettyzaff 32, iiuys iu." HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ' i .,: ., . February 24. , . -'Biiiy'3:: were.-, introduced, , .by Messrs. Jones, Brown of Yadkin, ColwelL Etheridee, Orchard, Davia of MadisonCarter-ofJ Jiuncombe, CobbCooke; Kichardsorfifj Wake nnrl Arrtriv , . i '"'J - CALENDAR. vBill for the relief of !J;H: tfoxi sheriff of Perouimans couityi who was robbed n.4hflJdprh.n!Ay y7,fiA?, dhn by him I iob istata taxes, was referred to the committee on propositions and gneK ances. f--vf ;- .y?.- Bill to amend law in relation to con- viub ; wuia. uu liuuuaus w wiiiuii me State has no interest, bjr alloing'thifr noara oi airectors to pay a bonus to the State instead of givingi a first' lien for this labor. . Mr. Foard said that it would give the State money for the' la bor on these roads. The bill then mass ed its second reading. .i i rr t t rr j - - Bill to prohibit the 'cairvlrr 6f IbU ceaiea weapons. a long nst ot Arkan sas tootn-picKS, siing-snots etc is giv-i en. while the razor is put down as dead ly, and the pocket-knife is declared noti uangerous. aaewm was maae special order for to-morrow, - i' 1 . A t At -A f ' 1 ' liin to prevent tne seuuciion or wo- " ' . t , i - . -- mi i meTU-TDdixinih vmav. iiueDui -was argued by Messrs. Clarke; Cook- Tm ner, Carter, of Buncombe, X ork, Vausrh uer, ui.w,wt umiwuiTOi a via., v ugn- an and Jones. The latter moved to ta-, Lie the biU. Upon thiieay were cauen, wubu: , iubi, An amendment was then adopted, that if the? woman the proceed- Incr shall be auashed. The bill men nsawd its second reaefin.2.. Uill for the relief of land-owners, whfcrtf fttie land Ms not been sold by t.h Statfl for taxes, allowing such to I redeem the lanHtt? twelve months, by I paying 10 per cent. cost. Over $17,000 , worth of land has been. sold. The .bill ! passed its readings;" '-'P ':f. mil to prevent tne Killing oi nsu uj exploding dynamite in the streams, etc, passed its readings.' t . iiui to auinonze ine use. pi . schools! aa a textlwfcpassed' its read ings. " " ";' " iT' . ' Bill to make the slander of women in dictable ,and punishable by imprison ment; passed its readings after a good deal of discussion. Bill to punish the abduction of child ren' under 18 years? passed Its reMrngs. iBUl to prescribe degrees of kinship wit.hin whih nersons mav not marry. 1 jdaking half-bfpodjvhole blood, passed irareauings. , . ......... T i 13111 to amend act m reierence io in ferior courts, was tabled. I Resolution providing for the publica tion of 20,000 copies of the report of the State geologist and the proceedings of the meeting of Northerns settlers at Charlotte, fo.; distribution iik other States. Messrs. Ardrev and Clarke Spoke of the importance of the puWid tiers are, treated jiercs, which refutea the stories 1 circulated by a porUon0of the, .press. Mr. .Lindsay ocerea an- amena ment that the cost be paid ty thede partmenc oi agncuiiure. messrs. a.t drey, Clarke and Blocker opposed this and it was lost. Tne resolution men passed its readings. r i Bill to amend the law establishing Inferior cburtBO as tO'ive;he right of appeal therefor to Superior courts in questions of law only, passed its read incrs. Bill to amend law in reference-to a peals from justices of the peace, passed its readings. 1 jj ' ; Bill to provide for the better proof of ileedafixecuted put of the State, allow inff clerks of courts of record full pow- r in such cases, passed its readings. EVENING SESSION. K- fq,, Bill to establish normal schools at English, the introducer of the bill, ar gued in its favor. : If appropriates $500 for each school. Mr. Buchan offered an amendment providing for the like sum to a school for whites in Golds boro. Mr. Jones feared the bill would prove a dangerous precedent, and op posed it Mr. Carter, of Buncombe, thought that these schools should be provided in each congressional district? for both races, to be paid tor out of the school fund. Mr. Mebane moved to lav on the ta ble. Ujvthas Ah& ayes and nays were culled, when the bill was tabled by a votenof 56 towi Bill to incorporate the town of Hick 'oiy, Catawba county, passed its fiha! al reading. At 11 p.. m. the House adjourned. Cm.ftdeiaio Money Aliro.u!. , Wash ino ton, February :M. The joint resolution iiUroduced by Kepre sentative Jorgensen and directing the President to cause an investigation as to the runds belonging to the so-callod Confederate States on deposit in the Bank of England or in the hands of private citizens in Ureat Britain, re cites that it is believed that the so-call ed Confederate States, while exercising the authority and holding commercial relations with the government of .ng- 1 1 11 i.l 1 . . t States and deposited the same or some part or the same in the liank ot ling land to the credit of the so-called Con federate States., and. that ..a. portion of said sums of moneys still remains in said bank. Tlie resolution ' authorizes tlie President to take action to secure the same, to the end that it may be paid to the citizens who served as soldiers or colored men who worked in the fortifi cations or served as teamsters in the so- called Confederate army and Who were disabled. Desperate ifcurg Lad; Its. A desperate condition of affairs pre vails at the Philadelphia formal School. The sweet-girl graduates want tJ hold their apptoatching annual comrhence- offered to pay ajl expenses,, amounting l trvely pitmbited itvnid they will bare rirveiv Trnommted it.'Kiirt thev witi -hava 1o,readtheii eir graduaupn, essavSjjn. juie. hall of the mrmarscli'dbtwM ncn wonT begin to hold aU::ther yotmff rmitlefftettM Who flesire tn b Trppiit. nn t.he nofA. sins and their aunts. ' IheTrpeWay to Inr Uorate i The true wayU QvfigoUufi feiMi system Is to Infuse activity into" the operations orthe"stoniacB7 fhat wondrous alembic In which the food&tirfnV latacasorovK aitautirsosMtttrr Sfciflaeh wmffismaimsk tad-afeiappetbai bMttoimeratlKtas a!4s to dlgt vepbdwfilsf aotLkldneys, ensuring thmiscaM -rt? 'Ii ".' ....... t . .. i ' ... k- as mm as snvucoratAd ior lt2;itsdnifiTH 4'tiiad!mahWfest fnb'm!m5i&,fif: ChafgBtJT wery3ihiyslcal function, and fefflafc-Ctie bylejldemlcs. WfcBul1jSS( . I There is a f orin of consumption which was better Indicated by the old fashioned name of "decline." it Is the dreaded scourge of some parts of the ouuuient Duties, luainui) sr imre victims every year than are swept away by the most terrible visitations of the yellow fever. The malady arises from the inability of the patients' system to take tin and an- simllate the nourtshinf V""!: na is eaten. Homee' slon with remarkable v JLiver OH contained 4 tuHt concentrated and ieaslly absorbed elements U miirltlon. . If the nau beout&and sllth! bevoided it Pd JnfHepiJPlly fa Wpifn sovei ? ;n reme dy that ever snea a lieallng blessing on ;Ue human race. And these repulsive properties are success fully removed by the union of puretfcd Liver Oil with toe. Hypophosphltes .of Xlme atid'Soda In ocotrs mulslon.' Tbe combination is a most ele gant one, pleasant as sweet 'milk In flavor, conge- ami w we stomacn, ena.acang airecti as a power-. xui cucuuo ivuic yi vuc uruui ana nervous sys- tern. Our country Is getting to be fearfully alarming, the average of life being lessened every year, with out 8xyreasnkbie'ca,esulmgeneral- ly from the most lnslgnWct orlgln'At ils- sea sua ui me jeni eapeciaurvflUilit u aueU a cemmoa JHiln;that In the hvmtt'!&lWl&ty$f tu uyoriwM nits aaiigera anenmng n ana onen una too late, that a Fever or Lung- trouble has already setlri.- Thoosands lose their lives to this way ev- TWwinterj .whfle had Boscbxb's German Stetjp been taken." a cure would have resulted, and a large bllrfrom a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs,1' Boschtb's Gebman plBCrjhaa proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind In medicine. ' Every Druggist in this Uwaitry win tell jpupfJia wonderful effect Over .uo Aowiesj Mm la jfifr without a single lauure known. . Y;u? Kewarkable Kesalt. It m&VAA nft iYlffavanAA km Mn-nw w..ni a raiiTwj .i. """ l,rlcu' " now an es SL"f CDu "uima Devere iias settled on the iK'nv Q'Jvln?c &c, who sen sr.z r-' uu!"yy "ju o.;m . wiiuoui one complaint. Con sumptives trv just 'one bottle. - Regu1acl2e3f5 tmtA. sold by all druggists In America, " ' the man marry o whlchhaTrlve - . f v6'1 . CLan E 3 LIVER PlLLS cases ot Lung Diseases It irtoetoere-art yel - bear tne signatures of C. McLane and '.IIpfisaadsof Derom ri-r an- rMii'M ; FLEMING. Bkos. on. the wraDDeVi..'i at wrnoMa. . . - . . ' . . . . .. . immm The Grand CentraVflotef 6&ea4way, N. T., is a big house, and it takes a great many people to All it In order to do the latter, and to, ulease everybody, the hotel Is now kept on the both plans the American at $2.50 to $3.00. and the European $1.00, and upwards per day. An elegant restaur ant at moderate prices, is conauctea day tne noiei. .TTEGETINE. TTER OWN WORDS. J- i : Baltimore, Md., Feb. 13, 1 877- Mr. H. R. Stevens: .saziM i-li ' ; Dear Sir Since several years I have sot a sore and very painful foot I had some physicians, bat they couldn't cure me. NoWT have heard of your Veeetlne from a lady who was sick for a lone time, tH hAmimA nil waII frftm vaiip VMrpHnA artrt I went eBdfoaght.!9e tonebottie&ege&e; aiKPf a alter l naa used one Dome, tne pain len me, ana i it began-to hear, and thea IbotightdM' other tePM' ue, ana so l iaKe n yet i inanK uoa ior inis rem edy and yourself; and wishing every tilferer1mayM pay attention to it. f MRS. C KRABEJ A3f 2 it la a nioaainir TnT npair.n ; 38vHQSscsammorHie(. SAFE AND SURE. .D'i Mr. IL R. Stevens: V . ntfn XT ai . .... . . .1 . . .1 ' A JJ't.'-i in iota your v okcuiic nua recuutuicuueu, vutuo, and yleldlne to tne berstialons of alrtehd. I consented to try It At the time I was suffering m jT.HIi J . I . L "- superinduced by overwork and irregular habits. Its wonderful strenethenlne and curduve moo4 mes seemed to aaect my aeDUitatea system isom tne nrst aose: ana anaer us nersisieni use i rapia- lf recovered, gaining more than usual health amLi ttod ieeune. since tnen i.naye jioi nesiraxeaxo T give Veeetlne my most untmafifled IrHlOTseinent, as ueing a saiet sure ana powenui ageni in numoK mg neaitn ana restoring jne.wasiea sysrenvro new life and enertrv. V use; and as long as I live I never expect tOvfindai une is- inv ouiy meaicine x 120 Monterey' SrieWAtagliafiy5 IPfeSS. VEGETENE THE BEST SPRING III I J J J tnanestown. ) BlrrWThts! luu certify tnaC-1 Jbeam used your "Blood iTeparauon in my lamiiy lor several years, ana tnuiK mat ior scroiuia or uanKerous Humors or Rheumatic affections K7 cannot be ex celled; and as a blood purifier and spring medicine It Is the best thing I have ever used, ad I have used almost everything. I can cneertuiiy recom mend it to any one in need of such a medicine. Tours respflctfnlljiflA.H MRS. A. A. DINSM0RE, ' 'iTTiiiaBosBeU street. VEGETINE. ' WHAT IS NEEDED. Boston, Feb. H. Stevens, FMH ;' "'"'" 13, 1871. Mil Sear Sli--Abottt amBcyearstnea i fsundmyselti in a feeble condition trom general debility, vege ttn mcs strangryrecoimBended tomety-friead5 wno naa Deen mucn Denentea oy us use. i pro- rairwi ma nrtic b. ana. niHrynsmfinrsMMim mnin was restored to health, and discontinued its use. I peitovtD It far those eomptftlot to- whlobtt lsw pecnuiy preparea, ana wouia caefemuj&Beoaaii mend it to those who feel that they need some-; ...... ... ... M. rz. ..r,.i..i. FeBminn VEGETINE. ALL HAVE OBTAINED RELIEF. South Berwick, Me., Jan. 17,-1872 H. R. Stevens, Esq.: Dear Sir I have had dyspepsia in its worst form for the last ten years, and have taken hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine without obtaining any relief. In SeDtember last I commenced taklmr the Veeetlne, since which time my health has steadily Improved. My food digests well, and I have gain ed fifteen pounds of flesh. There are severaloth ers in this place taking VegeUne, and all have ob tained rener. Yours truly, THOMAS E. MOORE, Overseer Card Rooms Portsmouth Co.s' Mills. V EGKTINE Prepared by II. B, STEVENS. BOSTON, MASS. VegeUne is. sold by all Druggists. jano 45;Years Before the Publid M -- THE GENUINE '- Th tt ju - ibdiitix ii ..4 :-,iJIiil S CELEBRATED U t U i) LIVER a O O O Y J A. ri FOR THE CURE OF epa is, or Liver complaint, tMttxt ntfT DVSrKPSIA AN AND SICK KSASAC: Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. !'.ha.; t.-ui 1 PMN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side the patient is rarely able to lie on hers8e'fitiAmemgSr4h' .xu&t&ii is ieit unaer tne snouiaer Diaae, and it frequently extend.to" the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom--4s arTected'itniIosy of-'ippctiW and sickness ; the bowels in general faredstite,i9ome1iiite!5 alternatrVftS-HJi lax : the head is troubled with pain. accompanied rivrith a d all;i heavy ; sen-i j sation m the back part. There is gen ewUx.ondtrable loss of memory," accompanied with a painful sensattdmb 6ffiMBrr j ought to nave Deen done. A siignt, drv coueh is sometimes an attendant. 'The3 p-aWnPoMMaiSs "of eriness and debility ! ihfciStfeasjJjtjStartled, his Teet are cold or bummgranTdthe-cpnt- plains of a prickly sensation 6fnhe skin ; his spirits are low ; and although he is wfiSd' (hat 'Cxerciseuldlfe ben56gabtchim, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. '-Mfattf4U( distrasts - every ', remedy. bevorai ot tne aiaova eymptams attena the diseagfcutfcases. Jiaxe pecurred where W brtHenrxrsfeflrtxam- shown the liver to have been exten-U AGUE AND FEVER T, Ui-lCvANES , LIVER, i'AWXiW JT" i'irf- "5 r-'I ji CASES OF AGUE AND EVEJieflvy teft wm yuinin&are rooucuve ott the : most happy . ulsJtevie.ejt -cainarnffican oe useti,treparatomio1' Qrauex "taking Quinine.' WwbuMs disease to grye thm a fajui trial. ' For aU birefhents, and ."as a' simple "purgative, the rare : tin- equaled. . ailLrt wuii.uiui.w iJiiiAMUASvnir fro gumnn; jjjl net Every box has a:,red ilrelF;6ilrtHel . lift, with f Tia imnrpcciAn . Tio .TLf fT a ur'tf LIVER f ILLS. 3S. on. the wraDDeV!?.( ti .M i upon havm?" the eenumefiDfli CfMcLAN es'TXver FiLl.s; rinjgaft)ai Fleming Bros., of PittsburgV Pa. ihl market -bem fiiHidfOiMUK-lSiil of the p&rzeftMney Apgydrerehtly but"" sunt Ukvuuuvwuuu, '., :,:.'-rz-r-"" TmtlOTS. M. J m PIliLS -tin-' i.n'rL-i ? TTr3'Vi'T'i ter Crackers, 6 boxes Family WasuIngSaap,jaesf'iJ - Also 1 fine Milch randiK m&tfifc w&a -Cow with young odfrforsaie low. t?t 3 DUO aof en irAtTKIDGES WANTED. 4, dec29 L , r m mi TH ! JpAMELT GROCERIES, nrr I have now In store a full supply 01 Groceries leYanif family supplies. . . - . TWtKfeVfeTi" TTJJoTTbRXEisI TtJREETSt"' Pure Broh very large and fine. XL,ffOHJ.e S. M. HOWELL eb8 ' JOTICE TO FARMERSTir" 4inp1uSTCrjTT building either In basement or on the first or sec- id floors and will give warehouse4receSt8 on which you can draw money tf desired. Charges moderate. ' " - ." -KWrUiV Xt THOMAS H. GAITKERj, pet 12 IbOO Bushels Seed Oats. tfl :'it-: l ( a 50 Bushels N. 0. Irish Pi uorn, fiout ana wnjjat Baled Hay, Shucki and t3LPviiU'2 -f-Jt i.-.'-.a I BATVgcERm,W3n Ut received and tor Safety hf!i ,rtlw" eb.01879. Z i T 'T O T T O N thSma? h. gaithebV! C 0 T T 0 M d 0 M I B S 1 6 W1 M K B C H A K t octl2 Jj B. ALEXANDER3 CO.; " generIl tscMMfsSbtESc CoIlege,Sli'cnolterNTc,',k' W 'soilcieSurthec ooh , ussjyao an wumyr w x oheipleasedikAuc' BOCERIES' CHEAFEB'THAN IYER.5 NEW GOODS! NEW FEATURES ! Come to me for 'Bacon, Corn, Sugar,' Coffee, Mq lasses, and other-Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da-1 vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine ot oX - Aii gooa&aerawijntfie city rree or charge i yets atxnT w: 1GER, Next door below Wilson Black's Old stand. . , apis. : : .. TX&. D. O'DONOGHUE. ' nj( Offloe i 'ti the SigmUloiSceT'over Trdoratibal' Dout,uniituw. , . i ., Calls, night or day, wm receive prompt febl9,lwk,d BATTLE, M. D., " r ramovedtik office W'M'oat. over all hours during the gaA aalat hk rfealdieace, jpox- feb7 8m . ' ' HAVE Just received a fresh supply of superior Tea. WILSON 4 BUEWELLi : Jan30 - CASES HUNYADI JANOS ' Wl idrtv .V.) ttoMMri Of !-.. ' Mineral Water; 10 baskets (50 jugs each) Apol- Snarls, Just received. WILSON 4 BDBWELL; lanOO JEAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, '-swjioll ban i-haaJ .-ht!M irth-.i ! fn:-. W!v n. For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will ins oi tifjfiq Ksnagtna ion J to Advertise free of cosL. Jl.Moneitles Dlaced In mr hands for sale. ,WTTAHa . &ORT THOS. F. DRAYTONi-vb i 76Sparani!n3ngB Th'e'MrsVof'Benlamln'fi vs. inasaiiBraciii L,VdTfl Beth Redd jobb-j-eitco; to ttd caseuuid. non-reslden nffB erefoBBCoj2iootlon.x thatadverUseHnibfl'made' CfeAEtQrnt OBsjsfeKTnotir to. SBDear at.tbe Clerks office i W twenvdays,'.afte service of mam laxa nonce cnax n ts at Taj same will' be taken iit jn5w ' and emarU i tn" th. . ...... T- .wro.'! JwensnaetnianaabJrsealoj: fflce' TttTadV. .uiviup.uuiH.jymaay or jreoruarr. a.w ism ..s.-t -IWJrfl- '-ISAAC K.VB8TAL, feb23-dltw5t. 5 -5!rWM was Address" Jk-. C, editor Enterprise" ari Mountaineer, B TJIST'S GARDEN SEED:' H Ala: r-of -these nnnular nh. ItiRkirMvAv. ed.-M TUDEBAKER WAGONS? W-4-i TUttEBAifXe will be sold on reaona3't8rnSsf Mo 1 uiu ouypij; iwuistiii wiurine I ruuk -XiHTIASJI.T T. H. G AITHER. " beseTwlthlneraMi ww, cuurus axis reauwajuui) jau their goods to somebody else7J T EE W Havbt a inmrn&,iiannan,i hntSparipfrW'Ett2a eddocore iietrAat, law .1 hTYadklriviQft3 wiBijt : ii ui anitfuir.K.nar.TTnM' 200 ASlT'WiLL rPUBCHAS1 00H stsleTSlzeTofbed 2toC,.-tochesIrWas lnnseuntir BAILEY2 nvoAnvfl 0 r0 I . ; " ' M-j1 to ifiif .a ,. b't.b r ;! p f4Hr Jtl 31 t rV 'tOTeand Hardware House for' sr r:i'J'' d -ui -drn; i . ' or AixKuros. .' ( i TV? Buy your COOK STOVES from me, as I have 12 good reasons why they win do your work Quick and Easy, Cheap and Clean : r - BEGATJSE ' .;(;: ,. ' y ilbey are cheapest to buy. . , BECAtsE ,i"' " ' .. -i They are best to use. -' BECAUSE , " ' They bake evenly and quickly. BECAUSE f -. Their operaUon Is perfect. BECAUSE ; . They always have a good draft- BECAUSE They are made of the best material. BECAUSE . They roast perfectly." " BECAUSE; ; . Miey; require put utue ruei. BECAUSE' I -liSCfley are very low priced. BECltk:A;i:,';' '' 1 " r- j ?MTfcey easily managed. BECilgSE ; ,. . , tJPS.WflW localities., . BECAUSE 'ml':-!. . .h:- , .; . ; Every stove is guaranteed to give satisfaction CALDWELL HOUSE. ALDWELL HQUSB, CALDWELL HOU8T7. CALDWELL HOUSH9 Corner Xryon and Sixth Streets, .Corner Tryoh and Sixth Streets, r " : ', CHABLOTTE, N. C, 1 CHARLOTTE, N. G, a P.. CAtDWELL. . . . Proprietor, This house Is permanently established and Offers Jail the conveniences and comforts of a first-class hoarding house. Persons visiting the city will find t a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted.' )Can be f urnlah&d wltl)' rooms. HATE8 Per day, transient, $1.26; per week, $&00 Regular table, $13.00; board and room per . month, $18.00. JanlOV G BEAT BARGAINS FOB THE HOLIDAYS, -AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WABE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want for Christmas, at J : j. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR 8TOCT7' E DESIRE to eaU attention to OURSTOClV NttB jtt?rjiX N C Y Ulir. MJ tiU'ji" nil- - a aii .Y r GOO D 0 Q.Q& O-S?. e-i Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest 1 m the market Tbe latest styles of Perfume Boxes. 1 1 now d-jiri" . m!!" sl-? --1.; ..u lnelutor!ioine' ftiowltle, which wtH pay 70a Willi HOV W lil-l iliK A Jill! ? W;tt:: (iHrti call an&xMittki' 'J,' r FOrBFlAORENCEflnd CELULOID TOlXTCaseas - . - . J-fWJ? If it - rl French Plate, Hand Mirrors, .Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and IM'.VH i-,.!-. American Tooth, Habt andean .Brushes. tin,:! 5 ! 1 fc! WRISTOSf JfeCft, Cochrane keeps the best RYE WH1SXXY, Stand aid Pure, Two Years Old. .JpOB StNff WTNES, w mi V a frLlquors.Tu Yeara , t COCHRANE'S, Central Hotel Saloon. I JEW UVERY STABLE. If you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bog gles or Saddle Horses,, go to the New Livery Stable. - If you want a. Carriage an,d Baggage Wagon to meet arriving" or departing' trains, go to the New LlveryStable.; . ';i.::"-f " If you want your horses well fed and well groomed go to the New Livery Stable. " :- i Careful drivers, promptness aadreasonable prices are our motto. --. - ) -: - - may28 . R. CHAMnints - i' i ' i - i. in r -i ji T t A Thetwo storeattofleiAljexandeT bunding i Trade streeiT3 JTX,T jjilmorkhkati on -lan26tt THE BEST STOCK OF t " Wit JcBXXlEBJEg air iWNFIIONKEIES . ii1 1 3 .ja. iter iu&tFs'?3' ,'rf"LeR0Tr ATiwoirs. "fcYE-NO "TEA," . sptj;' cooif cheap. WILSON BUR WELL, igsois. it 1.7.31. ? A Bure:cflre IDt, nerrous jteiautyi premanire de;i . i .a. mi - i 1 1 .. ... is.. I CfiJ, xnauiuu. ew, va.uouij rettauia cur -vlr Ohathasn tree i.iijai, -ehu2ft-aw3mrT'5't-SnJ .t.x;;;, rii'iiu -j 3i.il THE WORKINGMAN'S FRJENT ; ' HE WORKINGMAN'S' FRIENX-f l's In these days of political trickery, a true friend la the time of need, Is a friend Indeed: and such . , DR.WM. HALL'S. BALSAM the LUNGS.' i It Is a sure cure for ;V - ' t j " CONSUMPTION, COUGHS,'. "COLDS, ', ASTHMA, . BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, and all diseases of the Longs,. Chest and Throat i t This wen known remedy has been used for thir ty years and has cured thousands of cases, many of which were given up as hopeless. .' - No case, . however obstinate, can resist the heal ing properties of Dr., Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. " ' " " -. VsT" Remember that It Is the ptrghttmi tute of the Balsam that cures the worst cases. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., Sole Proprietors, . ..L.t..itti. ' . 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK, For sale by L. R. Wrlston & Co., Charlotte, N. C reb25 :''' Is a -perfect Blood Purifier, and Is the , only pflxely Vegetable remedy known- to scl- ' ence, that has made Tadlcal and Permanent Ctnos of Syphilis and Scrofula In all their - StageS. r ' ;( :: ,i -V ' It thorourhlT removes mercury from the ; system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cores all skin dis eases. ;. Su oy druggists generally. feb25 6m .. SMITH'S WORM OIL. Athens, Ga., December 8, 1878. A few nights since I gave, my son one dose of the Worm Oil, and the next day he passed sixteen large worms. At the same time I gave one to my little girl, four years old, and she passed eighty-six worms rrom iour to nneen incnes long. W. F. P. HILLIPS. WormOll for sale by Druggists generally, Pre- pared by K. s. LiNDOJs, Athens,: tia. Price 25 cents. feb21dkwly. QONDENSED TIME. , NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. ,. TBAHfd GOING SAST. i No. 8 I Daily i ex. Sun. Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 2 Dally No. 4 Daily Leave Charlotte, " Greensboro, " Raleigh, Awlve GokUiboro, 3.45 am 0.55 pm j 8.20 am 4.10pm 3 00 pm 5.30 am 5.25 p m 9.30 a m j Na 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.CJLR. for all points in Western North Carolina, dally except Sundays At Greensboro with B. k D. R, R. for all points North, East and West At Goldsboro with W.4W.B.B. for Wilralngtoa. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with R. D. R. R, for all points North, East and West TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7. Dally ex. Sun- Date, Nov. 10, '78. No.1 Daily. No. 3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, i 9.50 a m 5.35 p m . Kaieign, 1 a.bo pm Greensboro 1 8.28 nm 5.30 am 6 47 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 a m 10.50 a m No, 1 Connects at Greensboro , with , Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C, C. & A. R. R, for all points South and South-west; at Air-Line Junction wltb A A C. A L. Railroad for all points South and No. 3--Connects at Salisbury with W, N, C'R. R. daflv excent Sunday. At Alr-Llne Junction with 1 A 4 C A. TL for all points South And South-west' A .Ciarlotte wkh-Ov a Ai , Raltooad, for aU poiniaumanaBoutn-west. i j Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, ' 850 b tk A A Arrive suemi x " - ? ! ; t i ; r i ; 1 uau p m Leave Salem, t . , , J.i.jo'im, x -"uhu t-4ajn Arrive Greeiiaaoro. . rf ;. a, TJSam Connecting at Greensboro with trains' on th Jfc; D.andN.aRalteoads. Vif"i "H4.1"1 .-. SLSSfDJa cabs n&p9T, OHAIIGB Run both, ways; oa, Trains iNoi l aad 2,- betwoen- j new. 1IU.WWAU1UM in uwuwuuf,uimuvwu and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains No S and 4 letweenewiYrB;nRl Savannah vta-Rlchmond,- Mi i i im.i a i rv, i. 1 " elgK ana arnwpana hi bfiBcrnaT obtat; Souths SOUGi-wwili WesL-Ji. and East i F. iEgrantrato icrttin Atka-: saa and Texas, address Gen. Passeneer; Airent nov20 ; n uj;. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA -AILeAB- On'and after Snfaday;iec. 29tl il8T8,tihel6l lowii passenger: seheduie wmibirna evthls i'- ' " NIGHT EXPRESS ! i". , j - going 36is& South, Ka 1. " 'i . .iV. ; r;,.'i;;.i.j.'..tU..i'wiii:-oo,A,k- Leave Charlotte: Arrire Columbia,. ,H.w..ww(tQOAtM Leava Columbia. ......... A. M Arrive Attgngta, ; ., ......... v ...... . n.ilT.'X?- f.. OSW &jv ' Leave Aumista. . .i.'.'.v... .10-00 AVH ' ,5 65 p.m. Arrive Cofumbia. r;V. : . , Leave coiomua, .u ........ , ; . .'2 ArriveCtiarlotte,.... . . ,u;iii f U; ; ? i " DAY PASSENGER f. '.fihrij ""-'V ' 1 1 - GOIHO SCTBTBNOi ilU Ijeave Charlotte... Uj.ai.dU.J.U.l.iiir 27- juitj XBve vomu . , ; .. i . j . . , .,j 4 .iy . ?, My Afrtve luaista:'.-. .. : A'" t- : i :e 8 80 'f.1 'f fGorad'NpwrH. Na 4. Leav6 Augnsti . '.V::t'. ..'A ... .i.-V 03 'AT-tf Arrive Columblal .V.'Uv.t .i. v. . Wi .vii 1 -20 fejd leave uoiaraDia . . . . h i i . j 1 - AjetCrtee(?. j . , , These train ston only' at, Fort MfuLRo borg, Ridge Springs,- Johston-, Trewoto and-GraniUrt vJUaJiiAli other stationswlU peittoogoneqasiflagi jPullman Talac aleeplng anf(drawnig-rm: ea Not Sd4.N :YOritWSawknnab4 t4Kicn-j mond & GeordsjjCeiitiaiRaiboad.-Tf -;f, j,f f K. MacMxtbdo, G. F.igentva " - -- QATGBtOlt.'tA tOt jdRTJERS, ! Mr; Hhwrt M. Ceowili4 of Newark, New Jersey, well Known in Charlotie wilt visit the city about the' 15th of February, with afull and, handsome line olsamples fo5 drfi'aa.and. business suits, including the nw6$t and jotost fashionable goods in the nuUf- ket Hold your ordersj and remember the date. . Jfeb&tf ittlw.i iit'iij Iha.iiilj TLACK, SlfBAP MOLASSES Under cost ovine narrevoT xi 1- Irui ' - ; LeEOY DAVtDSOJI), ; i . i SO CT.ajicHOLAs.- ,; ; ; SCBABNER'S ILLUSTRATED MA8AZTNE ' AM.roKA.; carr.PBKy'a luaiznab viMesaji Scrlbner A Co., In 1878. began the Dubii cation ttf St. Ntramr u an ni..X&!r SS. J""U- forGlrts-aBrwUhl MaryMapesDod aa editor. - Five yean have passed since tbTfhmto. ber was Issued, and th magazta has won highest position. Jt has monthly circulation of i-Mtg pvws. 50,000 coraa. u It Is published slmultaneonsly tn Londor rth New York, and thtruaaanti recognlUw wvu, w KWKriw wfu wut on uio American, a i I tne Droeress of the munTtn ! advance. It has not mow hi its ntrij. " of best, Decause her Ideal continually oub-unstt &nd the magazine as swiftly .follows after. ImS 8t. Nicholas stands " rTfi! oay .( & s .t; ....... . Tlwwangemento for literary and artcontrtbu-Bona- fopthe new volume tha sixth are cooiDlete drawmgfrom already favorite sources, aawel from promising new, onea. Mr. Frank B. Stock ton's new serial story for boys, -A JOU.T FKIXOVfBHff," Will rttt through the twelve monthly parts -h ginning with tbe number for Koemler; 187k th first of the volume, and will be Illustrated br'C E. Kelly. The storyis Olle of travel and adv4tur In Florida add the Bahamas.-" For the girts a tlnued tale; ; ' con" "HALF A DOZEN E0P8MZEPEE8," By Katharine D. Smith, with Illustrations by Fi-Pd erlck Dlelman, begins lil the same number; ana a serial Ay Susan CooUdge. entitled J brtght," with plenty of pictures, win be comment early In the volume.- tfhere will also be a contln ucu lairj-mic catiea- 'ETOm DODGET'S TO WISE," i i!,Wrltttu by Julian Hawthonie, and Illustrated hr ul Alfred Fredericks. tAUwit the other familiar leu. ' wi. xixvauuu, uio cuiiut preserves a rood. aiuiiorea snence;' content, perhai, to tetherflT volumes already J6sued. prophe&y concen-Jne the abrtn, la fsiect to short Stories, pictures ixn?8 humorlnstiveUve sketches, and the lure and io4" of "Jack-m-the-RilDft." the Verv IJtti vJSJS dBaand-tlie;)fkltteMta,'' and "kiddie- ; Terms, 83.00 a year; 25 cents a number. Sub 8criDtloEs received bv the nuMLshnrnf thu and by Kll booksellers and postmasters. Persoi wishing to subscribe direct with the publish w should wrtte BamevTostaflice, county and state in full, and spl with remittance in check, P o money order, or registered letter to . . ar RIBNER 4 CO., declQ 743 Broadway, New York. rpHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THISTT-FWRTH TEAK. The most Popular Scientific Paper hi the World. Only $3.20 a year, including postage. Weekly, 52 Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. The Fcientific American Is a la rge first-lass Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed In the niostDeautllw style, profusely lllust rated with splendid engravings, representing the newest in ventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences; inclnding-New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, HorUcBlture,' the Home, Health Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural Historv' Geology, Astroaomy.: :Tto.most valuable practia.i papers, by eminent writers la all departments f Science, will oe found in the clentinc American Terms, $3.20 per year; $1.60 half year.whlch in! eludes postage. Discount to agents. .. single copies ten ceiiLs. bold by all Newsdealers. Remit by W tol order to MUNN & Co., Publishers, 87 ft Row, New York PATENTS. la connection with the Scientific American,,! Messrs. Mumv ft. Co., x SoUciton ot American and Foreign Patents, nave bad 34 years experience, and now hav- the-largest establish ment in th; world. Patents are Stained q the best terms. A special notice la niada in the Soiea tlfic American of. all inventloiis patented through this Agency, with the name Bad i residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given public attention Is directed to-the merits of the newpatent, and sales Or introduction often easily Any person who has made a new discovery tr Invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a &b4DtatoSd..-by writing to the undersigned. Wealso send free our handbook Qou the Patent Laws; Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints ior procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. . TONH 4.0087ParkBow,NewYork. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. novl9 tf 1879 187 HE FOUR REVIEWS AKB B LACK WOO. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review ?Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical ) , BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections: thev eivn the originals in full, and at about one-third the price of iNo publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research,' accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they at itiiout any equal.- They keep pace with modern thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement whether in religion, science, lit erature, or art ihe , ablest writers all their pages with most Interesting reviews of history, and with au ifiMsuigiMitiuurauoa ot we great events ot trn day,:,... , : .. .. ,.. .. TKEMS VOB 1879 (DfCUTDIHG POSTA0K): Payable strictly in advance. For any one Review, r! 4 00 per annum . ror any two Reviews, . 7 00 For any three Reviews, . 10 00 For all four Reviews,- 12 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, , 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " for Blackwood and tkree? 7-(13 00 or Blackwood and four 'H 15 00 This Item oferDensel faow borne bv the tblish era, is equivalent to a redaction of 20 per cent on to cost to AiMcnsers. tar ioaaer years. . ' : ' C L TIBS', i A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to enrbsof fouror more persons. Thus: four copies Of Blackwood or f one Review will be sent to one address, for $12.80, four coptes of the four Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. 1 ';;Tjrrtiro rrnriiim .;. I. PBiMIUMS.., : L New subscribers (apBljtog, early) for the yew 187U may have, without charge, the numbers for lhelast ouarierof lhittof Mick-iBariodieaia ss ther pay subscribe feiu, ... ,rV i;-.-r. -I - Or.Tnstead new ftibecrlberk id any two, three or iour of thabeve periodieals, may have one of the ("Four Reviews" for 1878; snbscribe 1 all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of iBlaekweoifs tfagadrie fer l878.r a ; " eimer premiums to subscribers nor discount to dobs can be Allowed' imfea th tnhncv lrmltted direct to Tpubliflhers; - No premium? given to dims.-1 j"T?fTJf vyt us f hv- vjj': l To secure premiums It will be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for that purpose is limited. Kenrmrrt rtv. tiuuiiunAiw.BWTT rTJUJLiarUJKU iaj.i rnvmrn 10141 autttMiL w ywk jg-ARPER'S WEEKLY. . f S" ! ItLUSTBlTED. : " i Kf koticbs or tax mss. ThaWxxkLT remains easily at the head of lUas- 01 Re type and :woodcut&-8pringneld Republican- aui pivum&i auracoons ue (uperD, ana emmw every variety.pt subject andrartistiq treatment' Zlon's Herald. Boston. , , . J xhd-Wxvkxt is a potent agency' for Che dissemi nation of oorrect political principles, And a power ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. Evening Express, Rochester. -Oi n'.i no ri6 nt :vy y. . ' The volumes of the WemLy begin wfth tbe first Number ot January of each iyear. When bo tune la mentioned, U wlU be understood that tie sub scriber wishes to commence wtth the Number nexi after tbe receipt of hirdervaTr :' rr HARPER'S PERIODICALS. 00 10 9? 7 00 20 00 fiW nihaiwInHAna ama Ma t Terms for large clubs furnished on Postage free to all subscribers m the or Canada. s' .rj;.-.;,J ;-.. -. -.( n. alted States The annual volumes of Habfxb's Wkhi aeat cloth binding, will be sent by expeess, freew expenses (provided the freight does not exceed on dollar per volume), for $7.00 each. A conipiej set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on eelpt of the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volunw freight at expense of-purchaser. - " Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for hjna'Mg will be sent by mall, postpaid-,- oa receipt of I ach..' !! jI " s.Ri2i-. , ,- Remittances should be made by postoffice DW order or draft to avoid chance or loss. . .it Newspapers are not to copy thta dvews witnout ifle-exprew Mraer- of Harper ? xr Address On i - , HARPER dc BEOTBIj Harner'a MnTinA. itnrf va . : . . . .". . 1.'.". . . -S 4 Harpef i WeektyT . i ..... i 40 1

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