Sip CrfcffloOttjg . -MM . , 1 - I -.l......1,,n..WJ. 1 It! subsoslvtion sates : C.. THE OESEEYEE-JOE VEPARTXEXT E teas 'douqfdf mmhd 'wift 4' H ' HmU, af wOX Vm Late Style of Type, &d nrr - nil mu".: " ji. of Job Workemmm bt iot em acme tw neammr, r mm fHTMuA, at avrtl " WEEKLY EDITION : - - , i.S2 00 SLAKES, BILL-HEADS, T . - W. LETTEE-SEADS, OAEDS, VOL, .XX -GHAELOTTBniRlM TAex xxcxirtSi posteba 1 00 f I FEOGEAMMES, BAkfrElELt TAKPBLET8, CIBCULAZJS, CSECEE, SO. M I - V 1 . -I I' -; V I II I II I VvH V. i.X. :i i. VIA JT K V Ik Vl'V, NX "V I I IVrS"1 "Ny li. JLK V LKJl ' - . rr' 'T " . - - i . pASHMKBBS AND ALPACAS. just Received another tot at superior 1 ' H H EH H HUM H if r A A AAA A. CASHMIBBSATO ALPACAS, j price from 25 cents to One Dollar. Ranging In , ... .rVrWPidX .MOt ik .,,, -nil . .... ,..,i tf fens !$ ttt'iMf eated . ' -.' t".t naluiri- ti5 Ul fkv,vjuf il Wool, of SU ' 1 - -I-MU -HIT 10 see our LAwkolilt rr.ji:rmi. buying. It wi pay rou. i rxv not TitU ' I - - i w s-l'if.Jj:f euacohen! iVClRGBSS NICHOLS. im TS3TI T(i j PEALKR IS i Mva : Aia. BCLiuii-iv;, BKDDLNvi, C TtrKNTTURE! FUKNITUBE 1 .t-ii'fiAHlT'.Ji!C . ,?..A FiulL!ne( - ;f -. -it to ;tjii.f ri3 KiifrUoq ! .i ri'ftrjjpojod J :ah tiU iti m . tj DTfTVOTTt A TVS ! M ntUi LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES! LOUNGES LOUNGES i PARLOB AND CHAMBER SUITS- i . PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! v.' 'ft:W V)t minrrKS nf nil kinds on hand. No. 5 West Tram Stebbt. CHARLOTTE, N. C Ladles' and Gentlemen's Hue suddIt. ? " 1 Burial Robes a ..... an3 . ... '....i . B ARGATNS : .h j roj-tAirii ' h: Luis Mtaf .ifHl iildT U (J UBNN N II f URRB N N It II T il liH-3Al AT A 1L 51 II O K. u. ROGEKEK VAKEaOOMS, Nbxt 1 ' W - - M stock is very lrMaesi a FiflTiine of J3T TA 10T' AltlXkJl. Cf4BE,l)TNpGi0O t . ; '.OmCE FURNIJURE ' i-i&UJf JFl lanotiii?: atU Jo ViJJ la GioS Ptrl?ol bSrSSf TJ O R&R EB ...... X ANNOUNCEMENT. 'AOiJ uwt : hna d-jut ... ... ' thuU starffor the KdrcTanlriMi-'f kejs on to day's train, to purchase'my lut 10 ! SPRING-STOCKS Jf!t.. I shall use every effort to secure 'altleaaing stvlea and nniiaiwiww. 1 1ji?k.FJ'n auothto; . 'jT'vAj-frrriauuf-ft' 1 to hnv m .ir f. -0.1. - vantage of the lowest iaMvAS count. ItaveiulaiedwimmelntHsMT EAGLE. rfiteS li-m SEAGLE. , , ei3i--,ir Northern markets all the facilities for making ,,r mmn(aM t il I in the year, Instead of ofteMg. ttfT wJt "tf sis x4T t--x-t.- ' I Just reeefvy Ir telfnef' We have : J i nnHw4.i .... . l!-.lt3 In Brocades, Buntings s and jti cyiipaoras. r t White .Cotton Ferrti n's cloaks; StrirlBed7'' a -fth .rXiWC 1 ;h i.iwa.ii Piques. Also a full line of NEWhGGRSETS. A beautiful stock of riii"ikrihy ilid Fancy Do mestic Piques. ., We will be receiving goods aaffyftftn our stock Is complete, which will be about the 10th of March. 'WtT,,H Eespectfullyrl'l') 1 T. Lr SEIGLX & CO., bpp. aariotte THote iNyorf stTCSsrlotte; N;CJ WJWfliMf. trwoBona'l .sraoi! iaH9Ui We take pleasure In sjriHdinbu frtebs .'.rkilljfli A HT HyJ MlAfUH T -?i I To purchase our large and varied rf.ij r 1a .r Jr SPRING ! H i AND SUMMER STOCK riWALL -WTiai ,aaAp HE HE LATEST LATEST NOVELTIEO NOVELTIES ' .1") TJJ, or nue season. this season to Inat gnrate a rj?8Tsftm;efttrlcetoCllaTW our friends and the community at large a chance to purchase Goods at ll O O ,) f. A 1 NEW YORK CITY PRICEa .ri cu'ar' eMstnf or a lt of Hi? WINTER GOODS. AT LESS-THAN COST. turn MWi r, MoBRM&iBibs? February ? p -'w-t tn,. . TB9T IN TIME. tf .OOJAS JSTOH JAjrTKH "tHT T jfj row wT .rtifl: ln j -i ttoods as you w- Such as fine Lock ets and Chains. Fine rns, Scarf - Pins and Anything in the line you may want . . . PT" CALL AND 8KB THXH. -USl . fi. VTOfc-U-WIUX TiBltWyBpte First Presbytei Every kind olt?tau-l 6l a at half price- and warranted wjw year, jgre '6WWTtlf vanlzlng made at short nottoea eg teferences. . .. k-X?TF, exTplrutlon of twelve monOjjrSfIgJl&rp, eptl5 J T. ' " ...r uMndyr aOTiLPH oo.: r ,"V m TIT, I TTTjulha agents fot-HE.NO TP! A 1w fiMtW. 5Tand askwr friends to give it ijwWK tlf .-itlsfnrtorr we wlU cheerfully take U ack &HsX fund the inqoey-n a VV'b53wELI. 3 here dwelt a miller hale and bold Beside the river Dee, e worked and sang from morn, to-night, JNd lark more Withe-than hei- smihL Anu 1 tnls the burden ol hl sooe Forever used to be: iuS'I envy nobody, no, not 1 1 ; - T - 'ThoTt wrone. hit friend." .aald old Kina Hal.- it a -i non art wrong aa wrong can be ; jror coma my neart be ugnt as uune, I'd gladly change with thee, H And UsliBi ttow what manes thee sing With voice so loud and free. While I am sad, though I'm the king. jHa nesiae tne nver uee." The miller smiled and doffed his cap, i "ve my wite, i love my mena, J 1 l0Te my chudren threel Ira 1 owe no Dennv 1 cannot nav. That turns the mill thaf grinds the corn, i : Tof4abeanfne,'i?,.j f mmhffiffiHS ?$lSm8t&Wlf 'Good friend." said Hal, and sighed the wnQV : Tny meaty cap laworth-iuj crown. SSS'SRWl'SSiW 1 ' , .. a van i 1 4 OBSGltVATIOKS. made herself 'BcHB! Mrs. South worth has 1 Jug novels. If she had rrto - W?TtoFtBSJRnTier ,ulster .to raise the price of a Deer. rrJmta., . , .i.a.. 3 Cruei:-t,atfo(atutag'ahmterval In I' Teore';,verysiODd. Wl ittnBCtng: aren't . you?". Bown "Taa3.IgoitJor.a good deaL" Fair one TH"Iwriaeryodenlearnr'-lirfk.iiT'H -m; iv WF&ViPi(iWtetWStimoi'hs&n his stoulderw the ether'. 0y, but didn't consider It mhch4:fcuitoeh-one belonged to his glrL CXleg&Argu&. T Mr. Talmage likes cheerful that the gravest, most long-fa .people. He says long-raced individual he ever knew borrowed $25 of him, and out of pure delleaqy -pewr pentlonedrthe subject again. f . wlwAIwei aie'yoing IvelwasraaMaf Wl of time In lmasining what we will do when we grow older, Md m are Oidrwe waste an iequal-aqiownf ij troumes expeneneea m gaining our jmowieage. , , When a woman burns her flnrerbfTled a Uttla- overlt, and keeps the- burn in eoodcendltto&ti IvmWTOKestmcon rhis digit In his mouth, kick over the office stool, swear at me. A a ana' loTget ays aBut VH rune is the effect of Ild.We lotfwr of llxisiAeiaiWedo Commercial. One of the brightest litt)eons,resktln(t on James street hill saw his father fixing the billiard table with a spirit level: AftaR the old-mau bad. finish- i the jebi h rentaiked MsaJow,.pa,i eee.lf my tarract indeeL-oUdOi OommmUL -, There la no t aw abopt failing wn, lm sxcept when if s a girt. then, it 8 "O, law," and there's where the leg-amy comes ovv tnat JctjeiDergr wcKmg aoout p Keokuk Qtmstitvtkm. Digest of Sapreme Court Decision?. i r ' '' fBalelgh News. ' -By Smith, C. J.!' , . ; ,.. ,.; . Simonton vs. Simonton, from IredelL I Where counsel cannot agree upon a case and the iadge goes out of office before he can "settle" the case, if the dmission is, the fault of the appellant his appeal will: be disrjoissed But if it is not, tfew mhw81t bfe accorded. -By1 Smith, C. n vxi ? ; Collett vs. Henderson, from Burke. In a judgment upon proceedings for partition by tehants in common, it is equitable and proper ' td1 'de?ee tiat if any of them have caused valuable inv jiro vefcaents to be put onf'any.partiohs of the land to assess their yalueasif no ach improvements' hkd beeri made and Co allot tne parts tne par- s. w. ho have made such improvements, torn no;5tatent;bf IktifZjgjm antes. the tr an wsriBmii no ;error ard signed by theappfaht nor tab-ape arent in the record, tne .uclgment must e affirmed. .67 0 St Ti S Jt. By-Smith, C J rl - - - I Newhart vs. Peters, from Meckien burg. ! It is error to sustain a demurrer filed by a party who comes ,in. and makes himself a party defendant without showing that Jifij has any, interest in the subject matter, of can be affected by the result of the action. The validi iyof a'bdnd 4nduiridrtgage executed by a feme covert can only be controvert-? ed by her and such others as may havff" derived from her some .claim i or right to the property coifveyed. husband and wife canay fleed ftttflaorteage duly execnted. proveti nnd. registered make4 a valid conveyance1 oxner land and subject thfi!taiihe7payrnevof:nde the'aiffS'neht. under the same rejha t9ns,,t;6 rnake a jnortgageL that ,she has I toxeculfe Jn jibscolutje $orfveanc4 I ny ASHE, j . . ; Hallyburton vs.-Carson, from Mc Dowell. ; The judge 6f Suberiot Court hits the bower to vacatft, a judgment .rendeKd v him diiriri aringthe same term. a Ufnfn rc Haati a Ttrir A oho he prisoner? in a trial- for. murder; that bJumself.s hot .the aeceasea, is ini- issible.' being hearsay. ' It is" not eMor for the judge to stand aside a juror af- erjie has.ueentenaerea ana acceptea 'lneK-W'fdr -'Iieas feworn, o.teaning;l-iabitiae. jruror;j was related to. the prisoner. A instruction of ttte couft to' tre' Sheilff tosdinijrn n thespeiaal:jv:en-oray Iree-holdcrs ha, had, paid their taxes tor thewst ef endantrwaied .hifcobieetionn Wr got making it when the order was givri s. leavrffi hti!the .wito t we Aeenaaptjii Deeal service. The delivery: l. the copy I . ..- m A. . to him oy tne wiie is not sumcienc, py.en af provtkl,' and iiu- verbal admisioft or service or assntftatbe exviwras made Iwill be sufficlefitlessirtming.c. c. K; section 89, sub-section 3, jjef usJ of a motion to vacate a judgment, Otlll tained on such service, which is based on the ground that another judge is holding ih? ofOistricliand has 'furisdTctmri 'does hot niake the mat ter resf adjudicated, or debar a renewal of this motion before the latter. i nni bus niU. ro'fl Torkvllle (CJ Enqutrei. We learn that onenfeht last week,Mr. Martin Williams, wholives on Clarke's cinity of King's Moimtaitt battle ground, was - overtaken r by - a white man a stiaffiMfiiA-TwS) asked permission tnTMilreauest was granted,0 the occupants oi the Duggf nad not pir6-1 ceededfirftjmjaiithfsfjmet by a aiioaen. one.ancgroi?armnjL a crun. MivAVdi-iama. was.assai- this partyrknocked senseless, .and bed, Ptwiat money he had with him aTae,oL the ttrarej the Iwrsa tied to a tree, where it ha4 evidently been driven tffW tWberaMtsnTt-gri theaaarwJiftHasJkedif ociieat jinifAlrv Williams buggy was an accomplice oi thosewnom tney airerwaru met." - . ,. J i 1 1 SM " ' Hm ever been invented to pfevent death! Ttfl btestihat can be done tstft assist nature la keeping the functions of the body In a 'condition of health while life lasts. - For biliousness, liver cotaplalnta," eosttvenpos, dyspepsia, And all stomachic disorders tok-4toie-UverPill-i-' . c"-i ! iiat!ifaaaot,!vuar4( 'Sample, from Mecklenburg. O I SvfcWiibyierfg6 iw a nxadqusmntllioHflviugir,U.ero;id, and subsequently Jris horse andJaugpy wToina esbmfe disMneWronithei to Delne thi' C'rimiaal Th&btrirc& iAssembl&Qflferth Garo Una, do enact s i rf '-.-;.!;., ,.'( -s Section ' lv Justices of the peace shall hav exelusive origiaal jurisdictionr to hear, try, and determine the offences enumerated in sections 43 85i ; 112, 117 lift iSfl and. 03SL nf phantw -Af V-1?. i? J01 5nPler-?a ot Battle's BeviaaLy as amended Joy ehaptar 176, -or the laws iitt iKjaif s i Ana the punishment for every such offence shall not exceed nne of JiftyidoUars,. or in. pnsowment for tairtyttaysi ,-ju oi-n havi, BitPlwsiVB oriinal MiirfanintiATi a I all stich peaces warrants! and proceed-- ine thpnrfiiHider. aS' thev shall: nsRiirrtA j urisdiction bfr and of all bastardy prort ceedings and issues arising thereunder and to take bond from defendants in finch proceedings with approved securir tyi as heretofore feqhirea by law to be taken in, the Superior courts of x this State and also Of. all assaults, assaults ld Jtej Uor Meanly .We&oq, meAfAm the , purjj this sCtion;SAiaMOtl.eXce DfaftSri Se' Sl woman in .batay.'pf6edin when the piittlV fithef mmM thepattrniti of te chfld, or tbe iSsu?4iaat)e6ft'ro una aghast, llrxi, shall in ho 6ase' texced fifty dollars, and fieaefendaltt shall also pay a nm fit th4ollars .whidx'haUgo. to the schd61.fohvtW herewfdtejrovtded by &r : '&rft)ided, Jwuevet;,'Tha.t Jos tiees or th6 beafee shall hare tlo jurisdic tion over assaults with intent to kill, or jissaults with intent to Commit rape, ex cept as conimittinff magistrates. r Bec. 3. The party convicted before a justice ' 'sWall always 'be adjudged to nav thft1 nftftfa 'nviA'if tiartvlrthaTfffld shall aditrdeM to pay the costs.1 !ad may be imprisoned for the ' non-payment ! there of. 'Bht in: ftostich case shall the coun- SECV4:;The words1 iBSOTisonment for one month "' wherever used' in' any of the statute laws of this State, shall be construed to 'mean imprison ment for thirty days; By an the' Judges and eourts of the State? " v Sec. 5. Sectionii ) of chapter 176 of the laws of 1873 and 1874, is hereby re pealed. . . : . ; Sisa 6j Section ill, chapter 32, of Bat tle's Revisal, shall be amended to read as follows : - In all cases of an assault with, br without intent to kill; or injure, the person coirvicted shall) be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both at the discretion of the court: Provided That where no deadly weapon has been used, and no serious damaged one, the pun ishment in such case shall not exceed a fine of fifty .dollars, of imprisonment for thirty days.; But this proyteo Shall not abpiy to cases of assaults with irt- commit have exclusive original Jurisdiction of a. .i.unLiir.1 ill 1:1 ir. iinu.n L i . 1 1 all criminal matters aringwlthin their counties where i!icp?Vn.isfin.ent now, or which shall hereafter be prescribed by law, shall not, exceed. a. fine ,of fifty dollars, or imprisonment for thirty days. . Sec 8. Section 119; .chapter 33,'of Bat tle's KevisaUis hereby tepealed.- aw 6': miBMt.:. 'Ww mZ4 t I I KJi-tf I , 1 1, Vf. WUJ . AVA7VA. VVTAA I p.lVlllVU VA. Vll m VtlVU VV CA. X AA 1 OAltMA w brought before a Justice of liie peace, such person 'mSy be' required to center into a recognizance; payable to the -State of North Carolina, in Such sum not' exceeding one thousand dollars, as such justice shall direct, 4ritbr one or Tc.-:- . .j. k more sureties, to appear oeiere-xne a court semroiyiuq orjiijgtja wiiji i I in n -w--i - oi - v-vt-Vcs 1 in a period not exceeding six months, and not depart the court without leave, and in.theTmeanwKile'trO keep thet peace, and be of good behavior towards all the jpople of the State, an3" particularly to warasjhe person requiring such securi ty, r j, t,f.. ,,: J;.,.Ht-.? ! ', " Sisa 10. The party against whom f judgment shall be giyenrmay appeal to the Superior Court from the same. And the party injured may appeal, if he shall be dissatisfied with ihe judg ment, if ftvill authorize ; the justice to endorse hfs rafneupbi- 'tne" warrant as tneproeeuton i an appeal is tsivjawg , in4jma acsiii construed to prevent the Superior it ferldf 6Mto nmtj! hearm e ana aetemhJhSTtCff wma as shall be committed within ione mfla of the place, where and dtatother tfane such enM -being held t hdrhall this act e construed to prevent said courts from assuming jurisdiction' of-affrays as.aiTitg and assaults wid. batteries, if some justice of'tho- peace-sbstll!-lot,4' withm six months after the commis- sSon tf '. an offence;' have proceeded- to take official ;cbince,6 ttf. sanlei 1 ' proceedings now, pending in ihe.Supe rior,5 Criminal orlnferior courts. Sec. 13. This act shall be 1n force from its ratification. t . t The York County Mandamus Cases. .. ,.yoivll(STC,)Enauler. it will be remembered that five sever al" jiidgnients "were Obtained against York county, in the United States Cir-; cuit Court, last April, upon the past due coupons of the county bonds issued in aid of the Chestertnd- Ienoir Narrow auge Rfilr(.ad.l ISesecotipons were f the series auearfuarr 1st,' 1877; and January 1st, 1878 respectively. The tax to ay these coupons was reguiany leviea iv the county commissioners, and all that of 1878 has been collected, although onlv a portion of that of 1877, owing to the fact that a letter was issued to T. C. Ilobertson, county . treasurer,, from the jDomptrouer-renera's office, staying the collection of the remainder. The judg ment creditors applied to court, last Aucnistf or a peremptory writ of man- aamus against tne cpuiuj onuuiaeiuu-, i. . . i v i r . grs to compel the levy or a special tax to pay these judgments, on- tne ground that no special provision had been made f 05 their payment in full. But the coun ty cpmiis$i&nrtuj?ied to the court that they had made the levy to pay the coupons, and that it was no fault of theirs that the tax of 1877 had not been '1 A. t - ' . A- wnouy couectea. The matter was. to have been heard be fore Judge Bond, at Charleston, on the l7th?rinst8nt;Mbut upon . his. failure, to open court on that day the counsel for the county commissioners and -for the creditors, adjusted it in . a manner en tirely satisfactory to the commis sioners, and upon .the basis of their return ' The commissioners are to issue their warrants for the money already -collected; andthe i credits ors are to withdraw proceedings now pending vv leara tnawt , is tiid. pur J poseoi .nest. chju-U-w w pruceeu against the county trefeirf er f or a mandamus to 'Mm ta1 " tti ft nATtftfitt on Af tTiHTai n rtnllr. fed portion, 4fcSt,.c. wommi's Bast PrteM ,ffi.pia. I ; Ample testlmoTlals from .veetlon of the count v show that Eradfleld's Female Recrulator is as It claims to be, 'Woman's -best friend." Uin, onf ttrlrnr fftmsilM liavA tritut It anrl tinnt r - ivm n..H nnA iwuur wttnuo tj if mi4te in ini . rr j r: .crrr.i i . :"zrr-z the public. . Dont fail to try tt If you are suflertag tront sny-or laewmpiainus peculiar to tne sex. , Ieb25 lm- - - . 'lW& 'SPEAKERSHIP OP TBB IEIT HOUSE. Well Developed Opposition to Mr. Eandall Th 6 rounds of the ConfpUiot Against Him. M 1!f , '. Washington, February 5. To the Editor of the Observer:' -. ",.' . . t 'W. H. MJ the'Waslunaton corres- llwuueu1' UA w xwueigu uoserver , A see f has --written tn thatTianpfi tiaf.? TTnnJ Dai Samuel J Randall will probaWv be elected Speaker of the Forty-Sixth Con gress. I do not know what oooortunif ties he has had for the formation of the l "ruuy.": -empcxauc memDexs oi the next CJongress, ' lead me to doubt; very much, the correctness of hia nre- I diction. My own view is 'that if the- opposition to Mr. Eandall can be con centrated, he wiU be beaten. It cannot be disguised that there is --much com--.plaint against the present, speaker . on account of the formation of committees, andbisviews upon the tariff and finance. On these two subjects he is not in ae cord with the opinions Of Southern and .Western members; Besides this it is alleged that he attempts to -exercise an te ct aanages quite to ;iiKliftr4W,opo unwue innuence over tne action or the' does for the!iD 4-AA4. XI T I M I The Idea prevails amongst a large number of the Southern and Western members that the speaker should be iui . sympathy with the- opinions of a mar jority of nis party. JNorjne doubts Mn BandaU's capacity as a presiding onicer: In this respect be is not excelled by any of the members. His acquaintance with what: are called the rules of the House-ules ; which were made to ob struct rather than expedite the public: business id really astonishing but it is said that he desires to continue them so as to be able to exercise more power. The Southern and Western Democrats very largely desire that there should be essential modifications of them, espe cially to prevent the absorbing power of a few committees who now monopo lize nearly all the business of legisla tion. Some of the Southern members, as a matter of policy, think that it is proper to choose a Northern man, while a large1 number of them as well as Northwest ern men, believe that it is wise to have a Southern speaker, so that it may be demonstrated to - those who prof ess to doubt the loyalty of those who are called rebels, that there is no danger to be ap prehended. It seems to me that it is liow about time that this prejudice should be rebuked, and - if there is any Southernimarj; "who possesses the1 proper qualifications; no reason exists why he should not be chosett to preside over the-Hotise. Among those spoken of, and who have1, quite a number of friends are Messrs. McMahon, of Ohio ; Morrison, Virginia. Either one of them would make a good speaker, and I repeat the opinion, that it is far from certain that Mil Randall has the strength which the correspondent referred to asserts. tarn not advised of the course which any,of;the members from North Caro lina; will , pursue. It is probable that they may differ in opinion. My only 1 " J A L JP Ll JL1 i A V 1 oDiecc is to set xonu mat mere are two fi 'J A. A-V. i question. Now and Then. Washington Brief Items. Special of the 25th to the Richmond Dispatch. Senator Vance, of North Carolina, was on the rVoor of thft TTonaf. tnrlav. ana also spent some time in the Senate, T. OA-ArL- I . Z O a. No State has finer looking Senators than North Carolina. Senators Conkling and Burnside, af ter having said in executive session that each other ' was constantly in the habit of lying, continue to heat the difficulty with dignified silence. A journalist, in pointing out one of the notorious actors in the presidential steal, said to-day, that he belonged to the political demi-monde of Washing ton.: 1 General Banning, in the House to day, told GeneralGarfield he was one of these who wore the while robes of the evangelist to bear false witness against his neighbor. 1 A motion to suspend the rules in the House is in order for the rest of the session, there, being only six days left j i It is stated that, at 11 o'clock to-night, the President will certainly veto the lanti-Chinese bill. Another Phenomenal Casr. Thompson, Pa., February 23. John Nichols, a farmer of this place, while walking in the woods on his farm thirty years ago ran a twig into his right ear. A piece of it broke off in his head. He became deaf, and at times suffered in tense pain in his head. Two weeks ago this pain became unusually acute and continued without cessation until Sat urday last On that day Mr. Nichols felt a pricking sensation in his left ear, and with a pair of .tweezers pulled out a round piece of wood three-quarters of an inch long and an eighth of an inch in diameter. Mr, Nichols was at once .relieved , of pain and his hearing was restored. He has no doubt that the piece jif wood is the bit of twig that was thrust into his ear thirty years ago. If so, it passed through his head from one ear to the other. The wood is perfectly sound. . Counting Presidential Chickens. The New York Herald prints a page of interviews with New York Con gressmen as to the presidential outlook the sum of which is that there is a marked preponderance of Republican expectation that Mr. Tilden will bci the Democratic candidate, and on the Dem ocratic side a preponderating preference as well as expectation?" As to the Re- gublican candidate, its Washington in .rviewers suggests the possibility that Mr. Blaine is making headway,; and may become a formidable competitor of General Grant s SelfMi Ma. ?oor Pu?y. : Sprlng&eld RepubUcan.l ; ; In trying to save "Big Pete" Aubrey's leg,' now in a dangerous condition from a wound recievedin the1 late war, the doctors have recourse to this curious remedy: A cat is securely1 muffled as to its head an(X-3wTnttjperirtheTiscera ouickly removed ard; the ! warnF, ' live body wrapped around-the wounded leg, the life remaining -about ten minutes. This is rather rough on the eats, but it jtnay :sayfivAuhey leg, - , Keuiable Result. i T Itmakes no dtffeienoeliow many physicians, r how much medicine you have tried, It is now an es tabllshed iact that uennan eyrup is me oruy remtf dy which has even completer saaaacam m sevei HARMt of ljina riisaasea. It la true there are n thoiiHAn -of bersons who are predisposed to Throat and - Lung Aff ectloas, Consumption, Bern crrhages, --sthma, Severe Colds setUed on the KreasL Rjeumonia. Whooping Cough, Ac. who - uitb no Dersonal knowiedee or Boschees oerman have no personal knowledge or j :, ( . ..w . raaaa TO I were sold last year without one complaint Con sumpttves try Just 'one bottle Regular sue 7a cents. uokibyaUdruKgists in America. - . . . s'; V I' t ... . ... : : r ' i ,-; twrawev picture , coakTuae. ,. 1 n rTrom StHdfi'-'-beei td the SenaltV'' rl I say to the Senate and td tfre'Sehatolf from New . York; . with .whomM - hae1 served on committees iot sevetal yearia,. that I speak from , personal ; elperience; when I say that J know of no' oi& Who canwith so much readiness an dapt- nessy equivocate and falsify niattefa t' suit nis views as the Senator T$X(L Kfif i .If- i j t. 1 1 ! ; .. v. iU:n-: n.S Tke DeaU-Kate ! Our country ts getting to ' be tearfully alarsfing the average ofUfe being tessei5dveryac wttk-j oat any reasonable tatuMpdeanv msaiang eBerel lytrom ttte iMMtinsB-fies-ttwlglitm AkjthM: Je I son of the jear especially; a cold is soelt a eenaMn. thlflgthat a tW hnrr' of every daylie;we teeJaK to overtook lh dairktenaugaMl ifteb Batf too late- ttuattvr lMfl)ailtB st tfl. iTMJsabds fee ttefir Svtii tit tt8y ?i ery wlnierv while liM tkednktfSGiaa beeb taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large! bm roadoctobeenvelded. )P)r an BtoeaSM of the Throat aiid :LiBQanrt uut Srirjtotrovld ftselfWb t krtetde eyof Its kind in toedtonte. r Druggist mthiv oouhtry win tell ytm M Rs oaerfa'ireet Over ForapwajofttififoyekrtMrs IngSyniohas been tised for children. Iteorreeta atidlty of tiwstofM-relleTM wind cone, regulate the bowels, cure, dnentenr andlarrboea. whether arising irom teethtqg of other causes. An old and ngjrom teething or other pauses, known reniet-Petafc- weu Known remeur. i : Ease AttanrskHKky tke tkeeatatle. rtes. although' heTUga iesbalr of relief, it la attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a renedy which earrtesoSDy means of increased actrntj flf the- kWnejstmportant channeU for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful jimpwhib incory cctnpieieiy Dorna out Dy unn -ary analysis. . The name of this grand depurent is iuwiiimot, prepiu-uoa uaewwe ceieoraiea as a remedy ioreonstlpfrtlon, which cauier contamlna Oom of the bleed iwith the bile an eertain means of relief la dyspepsia, fever and agu, and nervous auments. , It Is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and Is highly recommended as a medicinal Btimulant by dfesttngulshed DhysMansandanalvsts who nit be eminently pure and veer ben he press also endorses It. l T7? 9999 ' 88 77 " -.SB 77 ui88aa v 11 77 m 77 8SS8PPP RRit n jty N GGG SS PPP RBB 11 N N It Q A. A. -I v uu P R BDS KM GrO S -TTTE HAVE JUST RECEIVED FRO" C - t f : E HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROlTl OUR UR HOUSiT? HOUSl-i A fun and complete line of sample Goods tor Spring Wear; the styles are all new, attractive and handsomely designed; the Goods are all -of Foreign Looms, suehas French, English, Scotch and German, And with Increased faculties we ask soar friends and patrons to come and look at oar Goods. bs we irtendtomafceganMntsteorder, cheap er than any Northern. .tailor coming through here: we have also reeetv ' ed Butt-rick's Fashion Plates for spring and summer wear as guide. We solicit an earlr call, so las to slve na time before a rush of manufacture, aggi ; Respectfully, L. fiERWANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. N. B. Everybody that wants winter dothtnc wfll save money by callliur on ns. as we will 11 sau tbei regardless of cost -Hen's,-Youths', Boys' and vnuarens buiis. ft feb9 JJLOCEADE TOBACCO, FOB SALE, Having purchased a nice line of Tobacco, at the Government sale, - . ;i I am prepared to offer extra inducements to bu' era.. Call early. ,,, TB08. H. GAITHEB., non .: '. ; . ' ;;. . .; ':-y: i ii i - . : k . 'in I .ir; w ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. . h.lf:) Any oerson deslrinff to tmekasa a welt Inmomd dry Lot, House with nine rooms, and modem con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, - wtthiz. five minutes walk of tie public square, aa be aH coraodated by applying at ,,-; i. v , 1000 F1E SIMPLE DEED8,: MOST APPROVED FORM. . Just Printed and For Bale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. R SALE. The Bourgeoise and Minion type on which this taper was lately printed. It was made by the old ohnson tne foundry, of PhlladelDhia. and was not discarded because bo longer fit for use, but on ly because it became necessary to- vse 4 diSereot style of type j i It will do - eood servloe i far several years to erase.) It wUlbe sold In lots to nil -pur chasers, ana in xonts or? 60 to r.POOibs; with or without cases. Address 1 . ' - OBSERVER, ' eets ' jai"isiir Caiiotte&.Gn FIR SALK-A laigelot' of Hiaewllss,' (.rjoS floras, Evergreen, RoseS Tube Roses,' e., from the well known Florist and Nuerae-rmaa. Hi. J. M. Borniot, of Korfolk, Va. j j - , v i MAJLWlSliJL t ILAKSISUBt Auction and Commission Merchants. febi6,lwk - , i j TEETHiGUuS ,r aii. vfc ,if vri u-i- Pbeumatis OB GOUT . . , ACUTE, oft can OH I S ti. LICI.1I 'SI 'it SURE CURE. 1 1 Manufaotuned only under the , above Trtde-Maxfc - , "? M i by the -f j ; U 'tirf ' IOTtOPIUNSALI(mKJMEIICTNE,COr , Immediate, ieflwarricttsdl PerAnent CUTS guaranteed. Now excluslyelyjuaed by all celebrated physicians ot Europe and America, becoming a Staole Harmless. - and Sellable Besaedv on both etMiOaentsa. TTw -Highest Medical s Academy ,f Fans report H5 cures out ol ioo eases within days. Secret The only dissolver of thepoisonoos Uric Acid which exists in toe Blood of Eheumati and Gouty Patients. $UxHt box, & boxes tor S5UU- Bent to any aaaress on, nrice. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by all drrl?t. a' aress --' -waijti; -uuu tjovT --"Only Importers' DepoC 23 OllI-cL. NLx IN al br "WILSCW EURVELL, Dfmslsts, . -feVlft-in it'i In CbsrKXte,N.. .lit:- - 'A torn ATH," it SI An ELEGANT ELEGANT'. LIKE LINE if!-1 H.tli AN ELEGANT" LINT? AN ; ELEGAIiT ' SHETLAND .ttlN-.J..) SHAWLS, inn SHETLAND SHAWLS. . .. iiii , .'-rl- ;(. - ALL SHADES, Just received at WITTKOWSKY & BABfCH'S. a) AN ELEGANT LINE KID GLOVES.; i .'. ...1 '' i ' . : :.. KID GLOVES. KID GLOVES. .'in OPERA SHADES, V Just received at WITTKOWSKY & BAKUCHH c LOTHINGf LOTHING! e-LO'TH I N ri I C L O THIN JT W. KAUFMAN X C0'& CLOTHING H0UBE1 - GREAT REDUCTION IN PBICK ' ' a -list- it, ;. 1., j;,,iti-.'ii-f ,' . iHavtag determined to reduce oat stock, we now . offer to the MODleof Chartottar and thto o! North Carolina, the largMt, ebeapeot and .mopA . beauUful and well sele9clT, ; W i'.w.ij:.'...i Oj i,!..U)L 111 Jj.-i 'IJ! I. COO OO TTTT H 1 jnr ir OOOi U a O O T H H I MIT HO O 000 , WX HATB SVXB OTfkBXS, ,, , OonslsUng of the usual variety of MEN 8. DOTS,1' : til .-,:;-. . ;. - . j : ' irn-i H tliu ." ,:t,4. ily iiii c t o T H ''".'If!- FOUND IN XflRSyCL'STHOU8E. C .-.-. KjI -'.ii.i uJ,J.-",:' .bni i iiv- -! -iiu- L i-tytj !)) it; j')7j ; eilifj J littkKtotltkoarfrli will grre ns a call, as it wlli be to your Interest, and you wui save rrom niteen to xwemy per com. oo " jwc purehaaefc W.' SAWMAlTJi pOwty f : opnngs uomer, wianoBo, . y., UCHTEllSTEN4.ri,t,u Js &ft Ha. Just received samples' t. sir,oods.,'Bls rtends and customers are most respectfully invited loui ana mace seteenans so, a toenaoi tajosipft their choUe ha deeiliae.. JtCE3 KUKPHTr J3:BKiromei et 5..H v .M,'f n.o- I t?.7'thv tt ll U 77 i t i , i . .1 . . .. . , . . " HoRoplB BuQdlngi Trade Street, Up fltabao 1 OloawsWibf ihethnesl Watnfth tore workf very chegpj - Wfll make. Jne cults t t tlOt Casalmero suits for $8- Yaats of suits same rates, -i guarantee au my wont mo at nocoaigB. . tvettie Scan and bceoBVicMed. a tm)t r.i Jl i " r vi y-1 j i r r ... .. , . ?r:..i TB.'Vw.lxCDZB;Hntiiii'i oi fc.lN noxi . . .- i I, . . , C5l i Ti i With 25 reatsl experleaee r raaraatee entliw asaetti jiut-.; vJf''ri... F.7Bf;tv' H f .1. ; El (I, . 4 1 , 1 1 if I 1 ' A i .r'

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