KWl Km warn - rv vrTO FreYtfcm the doting pWttikl jfWte? iW H'-.. free-lorn reason." 3 I Friday, rigttB; flffi TAJ. We are greatly indebted t0 IIju Wal ter L. Steele fora3ft&WSle and PTCftilent book, iust recelTOd. It is a GfafiflfiVal Atlas of th3jfiifi3r'-&&l - 7iir. raiu ,h based on the results of the ninth census 1870 with contributions from many emiAen-jnei,of science, and general departments of thei gbverntnsiit, com puted under authority of Congress, by Francis A. Walker, M. A, -superintendent of the ninth census, and superin tendent of political economy and his tory, Sheffield scientific schtol, of Yale College." The atlas contains elaborate and beautifully engraved maps, giving the physical features of he. United States, embraced in ourrjver systems,! woodlands, annual rautfu&tQrni aiclCaruoP ,oiii ;"witH:amenamein3. tres, temperature; population, social and industrial statistics, including the area and po)Wf& ijisions density of popiuatimi; &cf r Tilal statistics, includ ing the age and sex of the living popu lation, native and foreign j birth-rate, deatlis from consumption afid malarial diseases, the afflicted classes-blind,deaf ,uulcS. a,u . F ff I sex, as well as a list fcO&ipfril? I discussions, 111 regard to the subjects treated of in the book. ' A great ny of ithe books publislied under tfel of the government are of no earthly value to any one, but this is far from being one of this kind, nf fiiihiftta farta which the iOlimalist wnuiri nften nirp. to rftffir to hut which. rfflwhere than in this publication, may be looked lor in vain.. In this work we find, among a great manv Afhpr intflrftstiTior statistics, a r i"?. ZHXrTn7:A of the different states 01 tne union ror everv ten years from 1790 up to 1870. A reference to these figures shpws that in v a4.4. r -v,.i, fomim0 1,0,1 o population of 893,751, while the State of Xew York had, at the sdme time a pop ulation of but 340,126; thus 6ur popula tion at that time exceeded that of New York by 53,625. Now the city of Xew York alone has as much population as the whole State of North Carolina. It appears, further, that in 1790 Virginia had vastly more population than any other State inbj4iio447)J Pennsylvania came next with 834.737, and Massachusetts next with 378,787; Maochusettejwasat that timeahout 15,000 behintUStbrth CaLajina4ow it has five to one of population. South Carolina, at the time we speak.of, con tainep Zfrffli yefpta apd pergfa con tained fewer people thaif aftv: of the Southern States which were settled at all 82,548. AVbama,and quite a num ber of the other States of the South, along with a number of the now most populous Western States, had" not at this time been organized at all, and C3nnecticut had about equal population with New York. ' Col. Steele could not have bestowed this atlas where it would have been more yau,ed.4in apni"eciated., y is needed here and we shall have occasion t Some Recent Important' Legisla tion. We print this morning the full text of the bill to extend the criminal jurisdiction of justices of the peace. It has passed both houses and is now a law. The biff 'authorizing the printing of 20,000 copies of the report of the geological survey, together with the proceedings of the recent, convention of Northern settlers in Chartottf , Jias also passed both houses of 'tiie General As sembly, though the reports, the Ral eigh papers upon the bill do ftot make this fact appear. The House has tabled tlie bill for the regulation of the fees of the clerk of the Supreme Court, and the fees of clerks of 'the ffpoTc6urts, 1ioim rra onrl ramafa-ra rT rloorta ann fnr the regulation of the pay of iurors: so thaYihSkMtfirin.teia't This; work contains - any fnumber of gK:n5S facts and statistics uppfl a g$9zl variety 1 MtT wf cRabdA): theresolution -was ikwm rales. mietnmjjs xne oiu in regain to ucsccraiioii di ut. a t.. a is nung up in me senate, as we unaer- stand,'without any .prosnedt of being feal ioH bh t o action .1 i .1 O nrm We are indebted to Hon. A. M. Wad- dell for a copy of l'hia 'speedti delivered in the use.on the. 14th, int, e J m fSJ! subject of postal savings banks, fStSLSt esLauiisnuii. uwucjjh, aa wy. vv au- dell well saysV "a duty'whijbh Congress owes tp the epuntfy and wliich itought 1- - " not longer to postpone. j Ja i. -'j'r. .i AVe are mdebted to our representa- tlves in the lower bouse of ,he General AQPmWvfnr nnnipi nf imnnrtant. wih hold for futnre rferenceH o.Jstate prlsoti.V;...;,., ''.C . f MDDtTUie riana ann y i NETYoBK-ibrwary-A fir oc A perfect modelDf aiargEritwo-story eurrisnx)rrfmfei fd tJftfouTsCory house . has been , pnA.exhibition at , the pricrlHlS5rr3: 83 4Xastrnity-ihird paatofficeafor!; soniemt'i'ttbei. , strefet, tcGupS3d by- a AJYrt fca'a stable, wort'of our ingenieuyoungt friejad t and xie iding4mckeThe)sborj(ijy a Mr. James Iwsovrb1c"liprodriced'' fashtobiefbiibaHai'fBlMo with hia pocket-knif TkeLmijiiaii Fifth eiiirefandirttlioinin Mii. Reed's dwelling is a faithful mqdeTf boHser femieliarTH1!1.1 n Iroma plan by Hobbs the famous archi 1 and thy (afelrtauVeu'-ip'a'nle hmrfrrg the tect It has piazzas, pavilion windows, ladies of the seminary All got out ,hiy wbidowSiighVsWepfiltoof3 with- safely. Tlfafbuiidingjwas destroyed. It n unerous and ornate eothio cables. It was valued' at 10.000. Fortv-eicht covenr an areaof-ia bjr 1$ iriches.n4jis 21 inches high, is weather-boarded ; is J ii3?truetureTvn:i.7Uu TOuistwerenreecl I It is really awetk LAatiiidefletif i freat credit on . tne ' young arcmtetca rdifi'Ittf fl'UUl duurstens: tOfila clum" i ney tops it seefwtojl tojfce faultless. me. Lawson iinrorms lis xnat ne pur poses to constructs approMiaijB iOt noiiHfs an.a a garuen, an u va encios tJJ ft KUVOf g "Terrible fait turn iUt- lnid attAy of a Hotel . ' SaVtatRhmonifstl , Norfolk Va., Feb. 25.- Maioi Vr f M irrow,of this titvellown the tai - way space atoeuanviCiJiol to, dav irom tne tmra story to tne ground-Foor . " ' r "y ."j". iwui iiaiuij u is buuuguu r vlll 1 I'll' m VAiiunujJi Teller Report TTi- Tobacco Bill docs to to rresM rwv ucni ad jiiuicr hMdJuvov . the House. 7. Senate. inquire Aas to the alleged violation of the con- late elections, sub.mitted a.majority re port in regard to the? investigation in Tunisian a and South. Carolina, and said the: minority of the committee Teserved the1 rightto sbmiFtlteir tepbrt Dfereaf- ter. ordered t)iintea.? ne aiso suDmit- ted a' resolution crcntmuing the commit fan' nxltl rtjf canal krr ' flf KAl-4tTYr-' power 'a&dalithbiitjeiofo.'tdn-r; ferrupoBlt', Objecjed, to by mpm The Senate, by a vote of 25 to 41, re fused to take up the Geneva award bill. Hta..a The House bill, makimr sat apptopria-i tion fotUiepaymeat'rf;jthe arrears Tot pensions, -was tnen tasen .npoiisetr. xa At- l--ixtnv the Senate-. wenfc into executive session: L.The dooiwereJT. openedAt6p.:iaj. wflens.the riiter; m&j uui! iriig tt if.r nyf rir 7 rwmv.- Tb census 4bUfcs JWdedayuihel IIousenwraareferrettitOr tne census con- PeBding the -f consideration. the TTmisA bilL makinflrin amwoDriation to pay4uiarsolTjej(isions, the Senate en gagedin, tbe,exercise cemmemorative of tli; late.ittepresentative Douglas, 9I llousK Kanuaii maue a personal ex- Sanation in regard to. the cfiaEges made .inat him hftter wriltet in Sep- to Maj; Wi . Moore, m regard to. tue apDroprf atron warranxs issued to xne bureau of 'ngrav&ftd prinlingi'and ottered a resolution mr f ng appointment 0f a special, jwDitteQ, to qtiireinto such charges- After Short speeches by nnnfrontyilt - ;'slr?ri:nt.1 "-. Al ifiiiort from lb:(eci'commite ?n h capiroi venuiawon, pruviuu. 1 -fit. i-hAtfAlt'tnAQTIa rtT VOT af.inv" the halltfArAintinffimniliAnersto' carry nMmprovements, -was adopted. The House adopted the coniererice re- port Ion the in ternal;! eyenue bilK ' Tbis hm Drovidesfor xeducinir the tobacco , t , cents to ir cents. ' It now e0es to tTie'TresideiiFfor his surnature, The questioner.; cimtutoacy? in the case ot ueorere r . &ewara, ra mister 10 erable dehates in which strong Kepub- lican opposition was manifested, a reso lution was aaopteti to nave lieorge r . Seward brought before the bar ot the House. There is an evening session for re ports from the committee On ways and means, the house committee and the post OFFICE BILL The House committee on approprin ons.tolav decided to recommend noa. coiicuircuuc 111 an me ociirtLc itiucnu- ments to the post-office bill, but agreed to allow debate on separate votes in tl e House on the amendments tor the lira zilian mail servici and for the re-classi fication of mail matters, etc. NOMINATION?. James Hill is nominated collector of internal revenue for the district of A3 is sissippi; Henry W. Heiiey, postmaster at West Point, Mississippi. COMMITTTEE PROCEEDING?. The Report of the majority of the Tel ler committee speaks of the extensive frauds in South Carolina by the, use of tissue ballots, and the exercise of vio lence by the Democrats against the Re publicans. and.oUier opponents.. , It also charges intimidation- -nd r murder in Louisiana'and toneludes by claiming that congress should tae measures to protect peaceable ; citizens, as those States have failed to do so. CONFIKMATIONK. Among the confirmations to-day, were. the following: Robert M. louglas, United States marshal for the western district of North Carolina; David G." Carr, collector at Petersburg, Va. Pur veyors of, customs: .Wm. J. Smith at Memphis and ; Adani Wolff at Nash ville., l'ostmasters:, James Sullivan, Harrisonburg, Va. ; L. AV. Rose, Abing don. Va.; Algernon A. Mabson,"Union Springs, Ala.; also JainesHil, collector 01 iiueiiiai revenue lor , .Mississippi. ; j Brief Aews items. -n - fi'i :.c e t.. T T -v: .1 .,.4- U K 111 mi tlltVt. mM . I - i M1TL. Ill porch of her residence. On April 14th two billiard tourna- ments will be cdmtnteiSced in Cooper In- sHtute. fiw .Vnvk .nnc tn follow rf-v4-f-iAi fT-c y-vll kT1 Q ITaTTiAri'il !Si1rfA i . ti t - at- j , : i. 7i 1 be plaved' according1 to present -rules,- anAthe other according to a new series i i rr . , Califoraiai)lde',hine5inesi frdm Cm- chargeirrjby rius "seYenteTOtrwd qaktetjui being .jtae; fathercox;ihs 'newJ-jDorn ..child, jnerore '.nowevwpi' wiejttlQp couiu nnu.iue man iuvr siierm liad succeeded in 'i arresing;rMin .aiifiL placing him in jail. vM ; The MissSjljr? 4eliflVe com mittee josepn, wno, tney allege, controlled tne deposit .and .$91,000 (;since..Gates has beensin iCfficet, Thev xecpmmend : theV impeachment iof the State treasurerrun ; iWWijIimW s robbers of a diamond ;earring;froui ithe eax of Mrs. pnbarey? oh iftbvenue: New. York were arraigned ' for trial TuesdayrtThe district attorney xe- trate tnaia were, granted, jfender bpti t.p.n of A tn twpniv vea r tn t.h Tim 1b Self York--amber ef Dorses horses, some very Valuable, were stabled I on the ' secohd floor. ' Only five were large nuinber of carriages; sleighsfrobes, acc, were aestroyea. vn losses toot up $100,000. The Osborne House and the Rdjofcning stable belong to the estate of the late Madame 5lefe tell, and is dam aged -to the' amount f tw Jn-hiRrief Frelffnv'Itcin8.'vf;.'fiiil(i fcol-j? A'T,"?wr1 iflK feVA61 4 Qh. owners iof the tertensive Xiilvdale cdlleriesht': Himley1' hare; suspended riPARi8Fhu27VTiie advancen'the per cent rentes is i nsexiuencrof ithe eneraUj ,crfedUd"ter36Tt thataM.,1 LeCnSayjnunister of fuiancetr.wmr Jde-: clare in-the.chamber of deputies againstjj si bue.pussiouity oi tneir actual' iConver- i sion. ; Washington. Feb.. 2 Teller, from! theJcontiiuftee to. ST4TE KEWV t; . S.iCe- :V i ; J lost anothertfeild'fronitiiphtheriaij' The Pathfinders are to be in Greens boro to-morrow (Saturday) evening." TheJegislativecommitte iias: reports ton on Saturday, the 22d of February, at theageta 93-earsT mALim Miss. Emma Anderson, of Statesville, has fehaTge bf theischbol at Farniingtdn ' in Davie county? )mi&a j Mt -$?bi:m$ Mai. J. W. Schenck."6rmerlv of-New .Hanover county now 'a, Resident of Tl..jtttemer5a)dTbiiflt4ajMrB- fc' mington tmd .soldi m jfewberneu was:! burned at tbv latter piacegXhursiaayti by- 1)emgycanghtvbexeeJtF' ?ars which lie was to ''eouplevat .Greensboro'last'Mcttiday;; 7';.' , . ''f iOTT.i.''o.,i.x' ti. :i; i . i and- jaccepted . an; : invitation: fei deliver-. fhe nexfcjaJumnifwidjess.atChapeJLHUl Mi. ThurmajLSvill not :bejUierdi.wp.n.ff r Mr. vr, K: Hemdoti,v)r iJurnamj' had but lie-hasn't ben aitoht y H i-gins-'. p --iPu ... -"hw -Mk-ff i 1 The yinsten0iei.wiUhieiiceforth e; a iSeMiTweeMv.drtojtbia endi Mi Mames pasiassociawi.yi business withi bim.iMr; S.iT. 0)ariingtonf .ilateiof : the LanDury.it0Kes eounty) jtiepWtev, iva ,1 The Governor offers-a reward bf ftf00v lor me capture- anu ueiivery orueoi-ge i Littleton, '-the alleged murderer of -Peter RandaH',1 who escaped frbm; the Bakersville , lieoublican r . Tim, Penr- ian,i preiesses to, be a good; shot, took, umbrage at a dog asi he was r ldinc nis mule, -fired,- at the canine and. put the rjullet tlirouffh his mule's head and- the dog at the same tirae r .He kuJed the dog as dead as a, herring, but the mule is still in the iand ot the living. -j i . ! :H. ThS liduse' .Mtcheiiarid ? smokehouse of Mr. Hiram Cobb; an old and. infirm man living1 ;Sii miles from" Greensboro, were burned by a spark from' the ; roof last Saturday. The Patriot says that before Hr.' Cobb could remove his invalid wife, the fire had progressed ' so far he could save but a few articles of clothing or furniture.! . ; Winston Sentinel: On. Tuesday morning just before day the 'barn of Albert urindie, of liroad i5ay,xwn8Aip was discovered to be on fire, and before the flames could, be- extinguished the building . was. entirely destroyed. , -One horse, one cow and two 1 yearlings. together witn a; lot 01 grain and torage werQ.aiso burned, u; "V inston Sentinel: The . question of consolidating Winston , and Salem is being discussed. The two' committees have agreed upon terms and a charter to be presented to the Legislature. We have not seen the proposed charter, but liuiu uuau we.ieiyu gi , its pruvisioiia the terms will not be acceptable to the ciuzens ct vv inston. Bakersville Remibliean r The cele brated land suit of Freeman and others against Spragae and others, from Hen ry's Station, in McDowell county, after having been from one county to another in this portion of the eighth ; judicial dis trict, has f started eastward, and is now in Caldwell county, f Before its fanaL hearing it will be in Currituck county, The parties nad better put a bell on it. Wilmington Star : Reliable "parties from Core Sound, in Carteret countv. 4-eport that someNbrthern Nimrods liave been tailing ducks in that section by the wholesale during the present winter, using tor the purpose "swivels carrying several pounds of jxiwder. With one of these weapons:they suc ceeded in one instance. in killing six hvmdred dncka,at one shot, besides crip pling auouc one nunared andnity. ' Mr, Robert Hines, a son of the Rev. Edward -P. Hines, of- Granville, Was clerking for J'. E. Haithcock, a mer- chant at- nilliamsboro, m Granville county, and slept in the Store. The store took fire about 3 o'clock in the njorningi and the village turned out to put -ouf the" flames, but the fire had such a start that it was no use in try ing. They tried every way to arouse ?ourig ; Hines but failed until a man' hrew a rock in at the window; which hit him and waked him -up just in time to enable him to make his escape by I.. 1 . 1. inaow. Bakersville' Rpullican : The Ashe- ville Citizen has an article copied from' jthe, Knoxville (Tenn.) Tribune giving ah' ".account of,) a homipide .in " Uus taiiLciieu; couniy, m wnicu a preacner by the name of Martin was assaulted by a rufftan-by ttw name ef Hensley, so the story. goes.,: j7octJiie information of the Citizen, Tribune- and others, we 4 state that there is ; not the shadow of 7 trtithf in.' the- statement; ttijere is no uivxvuKi::vy me uaiuo vl luniuu living: ij x l - j . mi i f lh.the county : There aieonlv four men by the dame ofj Ilensley, in this county, and all of thera are high-toned honora- Taxumon , On a hfthnm l i. T?re J j.i Kavantiah Netmr rim-e&Ykmutant L writes 1 s ,frVni' MicanbpyFla, rdetail- ed; that ' place to Mr.. "James -Gamer, formerly of Danb.lry, Stokes eoutity,'; C.'i He 'Was irt- the . villiage, and while walking about the town, ' "went intoa store' where a rmaii.! was packing up goods Ift gum Camphor; He ate a little of; pie camphor, andf' remarking that he liked it; helped r himself to a piece aboflt the sizeof a? hen's eggj audi ate that. He then retired to the residence rof Dr. Marshall, where he was staying, found stretched out on the floor before the fire place, stoiie dead, with his face and back shockingly burned,- It is sup posed jhe, was overcome while vomiting and fell in the fire, and was 00 J weak to release himself. All these facts were elicited at tbe jnquest. His body was decently . interred j by , Dr. Marshall. , It is .believed-that the unfortunate man's father still Jives in Danbury , K. 0. r - r m I - .- . (. Brief Fvrelgn Ittms. London,-Feb; 27The London; coi respondent of ' the Manchester - Guar dian says; "Mexico is negotiating for resumption -diplmaie relations with England.rdn order' to conciliate English bondholdersshe will offer to pay a slight interest? n. her . external debt.:'; fij y ";j.f I ; m"? ifAiiis1 Febi 27-.Koppel , sas's Gars.; bett agrees mithj the ministry ino posinjor thei , impeachments of , the De BrogljQ ministry n,.-, r j.- n L . rb 1 VV mi WlarlBe.ntf ligeoce. i s ' ff v lAw Lqicdow, Feb,27.:i-A Reuters dispatch from Tinltirb fthoiit thfi hreakiTid-nn nf the British ship Adriatic, stranded near puat place on h eomary-ltttn, wmle on passage f rontt JPabellon, i. DePica, says there weje 49, persons on the ship .at the tttne. slie ;.ibrokej ip .only'pfji : W. are known tobe saveoX"" w. ?! !,' ;17 mrrt WiXT - T? lilt 'W ; TfUjA otrir.Kl station-ftfe the wreck of, David. IIA.Jki' and wife bought! asli6re.-'-t-Twb bodies were found neat . Ilarnegat station fane y$ar-oia jcniw or tije captajft were sstved. iTlie VesseXwa jbrpkenjn, tW0r Nothing; will be saved. , - Texas, nas Deen nominated, ipxmarsnai Of one'"6 the Texas' diStrietsV r, ' J v V t daysalTOlfBaloMin waJ trte'-thie TnKlvTOJIM KISG. Rome, correspondent saysr "Reports rom mi pom or uie peninsula bnng amentable accounts of the damaee bv Uie tmpestcrThe-whple-. coast from ejevavjax the south of Naples, is iwn f itkMMa of dmaVcrafU iiy irKcr vessels were senousiv m- Him."' lu all'twitgLflUlpm 'mc riyea4- rom their, moorinsrs and all small craft along'1 the' Rrveria di Chiaja swept to the sea and lokti ThA nAwonAr at. Tn- Silippo was almost destroyed. At Leg- nonrciwo Jingusn steamers: proke irom their moorings. The storm -caused raucn mi ury at ij'allonica. r : Four i ltal-4 4u vandi .twoHjingiisaixvesseiajiwere wreekedvJio nlt --Htivii'm' hun , '-f-tx A vftThA irthuid effect of the storm w waa uauy xusastroua. At imagguioli,5 near lena Campanilei a ehurch Twas blown down While the people were vv at mass, killine two priests officiatinir Tat the al- Mf , iiree c4nerjpersons,iand wounding twenty-lour, 'mere was a similar cat astrophe atlAontauroU where the, vault yielded to the force 'of ; the storm and luueu uie iyriesi. ceieDraung mass ana injured a number of the congregation. At Romethe force of tlie wind was un paralleled." i ti-;5l r ;.--; ijrT!; ill Protests Xgalnst the liitl Chinese 'Bill.1 km YOKfc februarv1 The 1 6ffi- eers oCtM , Amerlcatioreign, ! nti Slavery Society Vvesterdav sent'to the President ; a,;prbtestfJMgainst the 'anti Onnese billuThe NewXoirt cftamber oi commerce wm meet xnis arcernoon to consider the .materaiMj put 'them selves on record in regard to it. : 3i Se Piusc9..:Febtuary T.-The Yduiig Men Central Republican Club. aleadiUe'Orranlzation of that' tvirtv in xnisity, neid a meeting dast; evening tuiu Jinanimousi.v aaopxea resoinxions to be transmitted tfi the ' President' ew- aorsing the action of the Calif orhia del egation in Congress On the antiChinese , Despeiaift aad Fajal Pooling, Jfi'ray. -' Nkw Orleajjs, Feb. 25. Sell Howell. general Southern passenger agent of the .piedmont, Airline Railway, was snpt ana mstanuy killed by a. t. vvimr berly, a merchant rof Coffeeville. Miss. in an atlrav to-nicrnt. HkL Howell, broih- er.ot the deceased, then snot Wimberly in tne oacK, inniciine - a. aangwous wound. A bystander, was also wound ed. ..Ed, Howell was arrested and Wim berly sent, to the hospital. Physicians report he will not live tin. momutg. Highway Bobbery In Texas. New Orleans. Feb. 21. A dispatch to the Galveston Neion from Mason. Texas. says: Last nient a staee with four nassencers- was halted near Peer JLeg station by two highwaymen. The passengers were ordered out singly, ana their valuables taken from them. The mad bags were also, rifled." Police Census of Augusta, G a. . The police census, of Augusta. Ga which was. completed on Saturday last. snows a population oi 2GJB74 souls 1546 white and 11,628 colored. This does not include persons residing in the suburbs,, who probably would swell me,TOii.i 3u,uuu. ..... ;, .. -ttt ' t'mt i ' , Two Twias.w ' Chester (a C.) Reporter1. A hegxo woman living on the planta tion of Mr. J oseph Smyer, of this county gave, birth to two children one day last wieek, one black and the other white.1 .. A i'oalltioa Nomination. Boston,: Feb. 27.-rThe . Demoeratic and Greenback coalition have nominate ed George Walker for mayor. , . ltEJfO Y AL. Haying recently purchased tbe large and com modious storehouse known as the Hunter, Brown & Co. building, and refitted and refurnished it, I take this method to inform my friends that I am now, better prepared to supply their wants than eTCrbefore My stock. of . . , , . . ,,. ; . . --p,. OTltEHAL '.; : ; Is new and desirable, and having keen beqght low will be sold Ion..- ; i Ui.: i -i ". ; , In future I, exDeot. to conduct a Buuhlarrar bad ness than heretofore, and shall ha glad to see my old friends and- customers m mf -new Biaee of rbusaiesa. :.": m -i j:u -' - i t,; j,-- , t. Old friends who owe- me will please come for ward and settle, andaa i desire lactose up my old pusiness. au must aaswer uua ul ) Thankful for past faTois,nd hoping for aeon- , I aHC'terj refipectfully, , ' " -'r J '" r."BKOWK, 1 ,; iii'- '11 'Honterwllle.W.C. Febmari28H&7&r2m, - K i , - ; gCHOOi HOUSE FOR RESTj, . , , itf.'lr.-J 'yii v - ;j (A:i,i ..... . .- Ob 8th and Church streets, in mar nf tot dwell ing- The bouse, was built expressly for a school, nd is admirably stilted therefor. " . XllVtM iSJfi'JS?1 I.dwelllnglor a kood, permanent te-wi chance Into a ant. RBARRTNGEB.., Feb. 28-d3twlt iy,R. CRQWELL, The Merchaut Tailor, who. has. eiven such satls- faction to his customers here, will remain in the dt? x)ajy oyer Sundaiild,Marh. Bring In your orders before he leaves1.'' - --'3 i.; .' j.Ui -J,i- ' Eeb4283t. ; iuu vjitu&u axil u ..n-jn ii iJi-'i ' .iT'iss!m.!; v :;! :. J B Y. M AX WE LL 4 HARRISON; WE WILL SELL ON J" f '! SATURDAY,' f,, il- AT li Jl kkT'OUB AUCTrWv riousE, ( A LOT qCOtifc : ST0V"BEMT:1)S iLES, CHAIRS,- MATTRASSESt;ABFETS,BAISINSr; 7 rt k nwna 7ra-rr . nTrtrtfrwith - i r-r t of! "''.'' f AND TUBKEYS.'-'J' l'- 'fl.".!4r! .! i-mJwI lIsbslTerafCOWa'MUCES Anrf WAGONS.r!i: -Unlimited articles received until hour of sato.7- ,- , , fi r " - ' " - -"-' - jZALLii. i Hi gTUDEBAKEB WAGONS. 1 . 1. i I am now in receipt of a large Kt.f the celebra OHM Mkh-jlv tel' lOT31? GONS,' an tes,swWcli I -f-Hi !.;)' ,tt iv j.- ,v ' , ,'t t '' CALL EARLY, - A -13 ftndfiupprlyyonrielf jiheDestiraffOTtRiL,. YJ ; : ? -iciT Ajvij -tr(,LV; ' TZlT'a 1 1- rpnz WOBLDS STASfDAEfi f a . sun , : j ;. Hi rrojHiFiAiso. ' PATENT ALifflC3fONEY DRAWERS Coffee Hffla,gptoe OTln, ml Store Jtctarea Gene, rally ' i ., x I The Improved Type Writer. I, OBBmaflng Pomp Op's Fampa. ': : nd for Circulars. FAIRBANKS CO. 311 Broadwipy, Kew To 'VaW For sale by Leadloc Hardware Dealers eptl-dtaww ; i Ucw &&vtvtiszmmts. rpEACHERS WANTEP. J50 to $100 or S200 .5 per montn, ranng tne ispnng ana Bummer. for full particulars addreas - J. . MeGORDY A CO., i! - . Pblldelphla, Pa. D IPHTHXSUt . j Johnson's Aftedyue Ltolmentwlll posttirely pre- vent tbU. terrible toease, and wnl posttrrely core nine 'case ; la ' len. information that wul save many llres sent fcee by maU. Dont delay a mo mens.; Ptewatlon 1 better than core.. Sold ewy- Where. L 8. JOHNSON k 00 Bansor, Maine. gBJSOirs CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS ' There Is no doubt about the ereat soDeriorttr of this article over common porous plasters and other external remeoes, raen as nmmenu, eteemeai a pllances, Ac Ask ph)iclans In your own localll about lk tt is wendernu. Sold by all Druggists, price 25. cents. CHSAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53,672 Superb XogBsh Books AT OUR PRICE. 75.27B New American Books AT YOUR PRICE. 112,726 Second-hand Books AT ANT PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS. 8 Beekman at, near New Post-Office, New York. c O O If N s u s u M M P T P T O O N And alt Disorders of the THROAT AND; LUNGS Permanently Cured. DR. T. A. SLOCCirS GREAT REMEDY p "p 2 T T O O H h n HIT H If N R N Nl H tt K FPP YY O HHH Y Y O 0 H H OOO H a Kxie Taken tn conjunction with Us compound emulsion of Pure coo liyeb oiL and bypophosphltes of LIME AND SODA. A FREE BOTTLE of each DreDaratlon sent by express to each suffering applicant sending their name, P. O. and express address to Dr. T. A. Sto cum, ii rean sweet, turn xotk. iqvcovs. BENCH BRANDT Guaranteed to be TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. G OTO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON ' Wot StandBTd Pure Liquors. F XNE IRENCH BRANDY, Wmes and Whiskies for medleal mmosea. be had of WTLaOS BUBWKLL, : deeia Druggists. M M 1 S 8 L L 0 O 8N L JOIN ywu hands aU friends of taste N my dm only the beet to placed. gANDWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, . JLjVACH mart 11 receive right real' good cheer, J3LEASE step In, my hall inspect, 2EAR it, youll see more than youTl expect ; JpRENCH, German, Domestic Brandies, Wis J try each enstomer's taste to refine, . . . gUCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good, QONTAINS my bar, most delleloas food, . JJAVLNG Cheese and Sausage in bm of fare. "p ACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear gAVANT Judgment and taste most rare. gEE ojfMiofaewr's Bps jas In sips he drinks . , X? ACH tip he takes proves what he thinks. T3 IGHT off one more calls as to his friend xt ne winks. ; s Jan22 . i ' -I i-i c- Seal Ssttttje. ' JEAL ESTATE, ' '. MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and bajinj MlnesT Lands and Houses, aadwrn .1 !.. - I Advertise free o edst, aflTrroperties pWm W . i. , , hands for sale,'. " .;' ' : " ft "."it.- i-: iv:--tt-r'' r- eclO i.-rtifji- TBUB. JT. DBATTON, r.AM r V C Til LOTHTNG HOLD YOUR ORDERS.- ii ' Ha.' HxKKTtt KWHx!'of Newark, N iersW! wen known la CBartotte win vtott the ctfy about the iL&tb, of February, wKb a full and handsome Xne of samples for dress and boaineM Mta.'lnelad1iic jthe newest and most fashionable foods In the mar kefc Hold your orders, and remember tbe date. . ? tobOtf j. 5CWJ (a Mil I JQ CASES EUKt AD! JAK03 vMneral Water; 10 baskets' (50 Jugs eachiApol- Uaarls, Jest netivedV 4 BtJRWELti ,7 nALt AT.fe. A. ... ... ( U 5 - vi -. t-t t ' a i s v Stove and Hardware House fox; j CH EAP Hi. 5k BE- SkSdttsS :vy:Af:A'yr)oy::i Buy your COOK STOVES rom me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do rour work Quick and Easy, Cheap and Clean ; : . '-4U'i.l;1 lit .r.. Ji! (jl-Wi:r BECAUSE ....... They wecWapeittobuy ) J BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE They ban evenly and Qlckly. ' BECAUSE : ' ::v p-.v" io? .;-. r,-. Their operation Is perfect. ... f,. ( i BECAUSE They always hare a good draft; . They are made of the best material. BECAUSE.... .j. -',. They roast perfectly:" , ' BECAUSE' ' ' '"'i:Ji'-: "'i 'li", .ji'- They require but ntue fuel . . BECAUSE They are Tory low priced. BECAUSE They are easily managed. BECAUSE Tbey ae suited to. an locanoes. M ( BECAUST ' " ' ' Erery 8tore is guaranteed to grre sauslacnon gotivilinQ, 7JH iHu. CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOU8T7 CALDWELL HOUSJCV, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and sfxai Streets,' f s CHARLOTTE, N. C. ? CHARLOTTE, N. & P. CALDWELL,.. Proprietor. This house is permanently established and otters all the conveniences and comforts of a nrstrclass boarding house. Persons flatting the dty wm fuid , it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with jrooma. ,. ... RATES Per day, transient, $1.25; per week, Saua Regular table, f 13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. JanlO G BEAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND ! SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER. SPECTACLES. CF" Gold-Head Canes and everything you want tor Christmas, at - J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCTT B DESTJUS to caU attention to OUR 8TOCXX -:.' lilts fbl'.'ti'. TJ A N C Y r ANCY GOOD O GOOD O A" i Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, tbe handsomest tn tbe market, Tne latest styles of Perfume Boms tscradmg some novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth. Bali and 2faQ Brushes. T decl3 THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON Cochrane keeps the best RYX WHISKEY, 8tand ard Pure, Two Years OkL JjKR FINE WTNES, And Tl tlqiwrs, Three Years Old, go ( COCHRANE, Central Hotel SoJoon. -atrijij-i. XTEW LIVKRY 8TABLE. ft toa-wsisi,intiAM ouitaM nfautewLttH. glee or Saddle Horses, go to (he New, Livery Hvoa want a CnntaM mint Bunn WtMnti meet rrrrtng of depu.trsJos, go to the Hew IJveiT8table.J-''"'"-V"'i'- -rrytMWaiU yoor lMMwa tedium to to the New LrreryStabte. Ouezuffitven,promrne8S and reasonable prices 'wta728v':" n(--J'i feUl . ;;k R. CHaMrTtRS. T ftq .'d .tfc-, ,jU , , RENT,' ;sjju tU-) !,. ' i -v ',.--1 ' The two'store to Oe Grler Aienstfer banding OB Trsde street moREHEADT fJpHE BEST STOCK OF i.tii..BOCZSIES n ;OONIlOTONHUES j I In fhedtft eti- .rm - - 7- 1 LeROY DAVlDSOiTS: , 'I5V?' ill i.lT ' : ' ; , . . J.1A TOW AND CHXAP.t pEORAM & CO., t I e 10 S ; -"Wri'v-, ... j S x r?BOOT8, SHOES ,v AND H H HH HHH g I- r A A - rCA'j'"? . .s8 1st National Bank BolkUng. Charlotte, N. C. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, 4c., to acknowledcwi to be the best in the State, and we would be Si ed to have you call and examine for yourself before bo. PEGRAM 4 CO gfloftg smfl .gtationmy 1 TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE CONTAINS THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK OF POPULAR LITERATURE, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, " ' ' .'.i.i. MUSIC ! GIFT BOOKS OF EVERY STYLE, BLANK BOOKS, INK,PENS,PENCILS, MUCILAGE, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING UbUALLY KEPT TN A FIRST-CLASS BOOK STORE. X. Butterkk'a Metropolitan Fashions for March kavvjastantfed. Can and get one. TIDDY 4 BROTHER, febl8 pHOTOGRAPHa In consequence of the reduction in the price of the original cost of materials, and in order to give my patrons the benefit of tbe reduction from and after this date Photographs win be taken at mr Gallery at REDUCED RATES, Bpt22 J. H. VAN NESS P IELD BROS.. "J ' WHOLKRALK AKB KSTAIL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODUCE Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUK KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, Ac . Exclusive Dealers tn RAMSOUR ft BONNrWELL'S and A. L. SHI FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. Ateo. raoFBinow or the i CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This bouse has been refitted and newhr ftmttftjM,' and U kept in nrsVclass style. Terms, Per Day $ 2 00 W Great mdacemento offered to table board ers; for terms see the proprietor. -pmhfbns and Carrtokei at every train. Al FIELD BROTHERS.L . . . ; . ..' ."J . . .Proprietors. Mr. H. & WrrsoH Lad,..:. :...Snperlntenile7it. ilHlT WILJOKO. Clerk. febg $2.00 Ho $2.00 MARSHALL E H u b r U 8 " SAVANNAH. GA. A. B. LUCE,. Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 tod 92.60, according to Iocs ttoaoIBoom. . M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. Feb. 16-tf. CTOP AT THE BO YD EN 'HOUSE "iaHsbory, N. C. C a Baowx, Proprietor,' (Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh.! (X & Brown, Jt, Chief Clerk; W. a Shelbum k JanSO wTtSOX ft EUR WELL, Agrota.3 OB 80