.. 1 T LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. FRIDAYrEBBUABY 28, 1879. w -:A11B0AI HIHKCTOBI. il jv ; I The following table shows the running of passen' net trains to and from Charlotte, on ell the' tail.' roads (Washington time): -h..i Arrives from Richmond and GolAsbore, 1.00 a. m.; Leaves for , " - ; " 8.20 a. m. Arrives from Richmond, rj.b:, a j ... 10.50 a. m. Leaves for . ....... - 6.55 p. to. . I -! fTjrjfvn-',.-, f.u -r-4.il li- Arrives from Atlanta,... ...wijun a2aa.au Leaves for Atlanta, man. . tv. ivri'ltOS a.-.na'. Arrives from Mlaata,awiT. ij.isi .t 6.50 Leaves for AUantastuuVU .w. ;;vi .v1060 avaj rwiRfcorrtt. ooicitBht AteS5A.,( s w Arrives from Augusta, 4 8.10 a. rn. Leaves to' Augusta,- ..p,.. .nfrrft.,? 1.00 a ro. Arrives from Augusta,,. T. mm, . 60 a. in. Leaves lor Augusta,- 1L27 a. jnvr Arrives from warning? 1V ?3:.T.21C'; Leaves for Wilmington,.. Vr .....-;' 6.00 a.m. Arrives from Shelby,. .. . .I! 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Shelby,. v .,,1,,0Q.a. Bk7 Arrives from Statesvuie,'. wtv.TrJWvJi'. 5.80 p; au-i Leaves fortatesvllle,.j.i'3.vt. 7.00 a to CHABLOfTK POST OFFICE. t ri.-i.i-.ie-. StKI M.fJUf' omci HOCKS. '. .'opens. ' CLOSm ' Money Order Department,; .9.00 a. vL ' 5.00 p, m. ; weelstry Department,. ... ...9.00 a. m. ;6.00 p. m, Gen'l DeUVy Stamp Dept J-KOO a. m. "6.00 p. m, bt? " ,8.30p. m,':;8.4ap,tn. ry On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 " "'' OFSKIMO AMD CLOSING OF MAILS. 1 Danville & Charlotte! ft K..T SOO a,' v g.OOjp. m, ; charlotte & Atlauta R.B.;. .8.00 a. m. . 9.00 prn..'' Augusta a. i.., xh in., A-U.n a. ill. . Wllm'n ft Charlotte ER,,;- 8.80 p. m. . 5.00 a. m. Charlotte ft Shelby R. R... . 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a. nt, " & Statesvllle,.... 5.30 p. m. 6.00a.m.: rgr Beattle's Foul, (horse route.) Mondays at 5 (O p. m.. and Tuesdays at 8 00 a.m. -' 'w- YorkvlUe. (horse route,) Thursdays a 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00a, JiT j -T i r 1 INDICATIONS. WAU JJliTAliTiilitJT (i in it k Chief Signal Ofkicei Washington, Feb. 27, 7:30 P . M. ) liUi"'' vu. a I, JI . ax.: J I Fur the Sonth Atlantic states, north- ; - vilv to easterly wmas, partly cionay iwtor v winrLo xiart.lv r'lniinv weather and slight changes in tempera ture and on the coast a slight Tise in barometer. : " ' ' ' Local Keyori for Veslerda y. ; 7 A M. 2 P. M. ! 9 P. M Barometer,; -. Thermometer Relative Humidity, vflnd Direction,.. " Velocity,.. Weather........ 3a862 26 HI'1 361445 S3 . 51 si; ML. to im.. irt - " T - ' ' JO fun. "Fair. Cloudy; Highest temperature 45 deg.; lowest 24. ; ..i-i'-irieteorological Record. WEATHKB REPOBT, fBJBBXtXBt 20. iS.0 P.M. Stations. Weather. Atlauta,.... Augusta .. Charleston, Charlotte,.. Corslcana,. Galveston,. Fair. : aear. ;-' , Cleat . .Fair.: J. ..Clear. , " Cleat. .Cloudy.: '.Ctoudyj , ; Fair. , :. Indlanola. Jacksonlle, r Key West,.. Mobile ... Montgom'y N. Orleans. Cloudy:,,1 FaltUv PuntaBasa Savannah. St Marks. Havana .. Cleat' ; Clear. . : r-r '.n .-'J-J ,U NEW BKPARTCBR, .- . i : -. .- ; Oj the 22(1 of September lout in puffing on a tow dmss, THE DAILY OBSERVER adopted tterute to exclude all double column aOvertinements anil all cute; After Jive montJu of erperiencG, we hmx decided to cancel the rule. Double column advertisements neem- sitate the cutting of column rulmmdr- the& una be charged twenty-five per cent. nSore than our reuular ratex, and wm only be inserted on the first and fourth pages qf the paper. The recent change in the ar rival and depatfire of mails, make it necessary that chcnget in contract advertisements be sent xnby three o'clock in the afternoon. j. Index to New Adyertntejuitii. j ' ''O , - I- Harwell A Harrison-Auctlon. R. Barringer For Bent Wm. Crowell Merchant Tailor. HO TIE PE.XCItit .X JS. Social circles topics just now. are entirely i without The board of county commissioners meet next Monday. : ; ; . 'u;"1"; :?; ; Building contractors aire looking for ward to a decided revival in their busi ness towards spring. s -.-M The Gounod Jmusic . ciubhad a' very' pleasant and full meetinsfat. the resi-i nence oi uof. jviyera iasi, uin "tuKj itallpr; Mil Mr. Crowell. the merchant not remain longer than Sundays i.fid and see him before1 he leaves;':)"i 1 1 . a-;. - AiH WiM L,WA'JMk tilt Charlotte is pever1 twithoat--two' er three men trying tCsell patents', by ex hibiting them on the streets. The thermometer ran down twenty six degrees during ' the,' rent-otc liours ending yesterday morning at$ M'lock. " -,". ! Jiev. J. F; Butt writes ithe Raleigh Christian Advo&ite that the labjors here f Mrs. Moon and.Iis Painter result hI in about forty accessions to Calvary church. . . - i, Mi i ae roaa irom . ,w; corpotauj -Aunxi of the town to the fair; groundsi isan absolute nuisance atid tf disgrace-to nny county. There arer, hlhCbXOpiaints about it. - I f' ;rjii di io r.ioi i A citizen of liock- Hill stood iin,hei- citv were called. He had violated, the dignity by li'plato4rir4l-.irf What has become of the Murphy temnerance' so4etyrecentlyiiorganfzett in this city? We. -see no blue ribbon. oaages on the street, norwunsiauutug the society had at its organization about forty members; v . ..Ms". According ia a resolution of the board of aldermen,- made last fall, two extra polieemen -were added to the force to serve during the winter months. Their terms 'expire to-day 'Unless ' the mayor sees" nt; ta "aatnonze ineui w hold on tilb-the next , meeting of the board, l'ublic opinion -seehis to rbbject to a reductioh of tloe , as'.j.Vk Another Marriage'. ,rQV.;nrr at ft nVlor.k. Mr. T.,,. m ir.nnn,ho wf ihia it.ir.rWft5 marriedto MisS Annie rangh - BaroM Th. Wind. VeL 30.28 45 N.XJ -F 30.35 47 H,E.J 11 30.21 50 N.K.. 12. 30.35 89 N.K. ... 10 30 23 6H a E. 10 30.29 53 E. 16 3a27 65 B.. s 23. 3a2fl 51 K. K 8 .IT 00.00 00 ( 0 30-80 52 N. 12 3033 47 7 80.30 58 N. " 7 00.00. 00 00 3081 52 rN.K,. 12 30.21 56 N. E. 11 00.00 00 , .0 tore thft niavor alone ; vesteraaV: monr ing, when t the :ames ;;:of;pitendei-fe j itfzeni These conyei aiminat fVio n9a naTMl 1iamif.V flf the 1 TTH dOingWell, 0X1(1 ; sidence of the bride'a. father liev,: Cr.J.jjobertaof 4h CarohrntyaJoad -Miller Hfifnrmfid the ceremony, me niarriafffl was verv auiet. only a few of the immediate-mends of the family be- tug present. . . xne pnue uu. i wutua o. .thppifTr6 vv'j-.. Tiii A.--T ,!i,t i't! ..!.. i v( r 'vfi' i Letter Uncalled FoVP . "J1 iwin remaining tar. Charles Blooding, ;Milas W6,W, "lyanc, Auaie iirem, 1. "aua, Hannah Caldtfell, Munroe, B,Caldwe , Elizabeth .Dunarari. , TIi;l)avis." AlU-. ?n Davis. C. 1. Gattis. Mrs. Alice Gray, l &'J-: A'iSmTllW FwnVmitb, no. al Newell; Thomas' HJftaf ' Jvuss E. J. Morrisdri,'TAddier JlcLtire "(twoj A. r. Nichols. Manclpirs SimDton. J.J1, Death of a' Citizen of , ; Da-ridtom College. , . : . Mr, Q. T. Thompoiw Tan- esteemstl citizen "of ther villaie of Davidson oK If go died - at hisr Lome ' in - that place Wednesday, He was a member of the board of town commissioners, and that bodyjield .a - meeting yesterday,? and v.A fnxt. fc .U.lLiJtJ.Aiitjff iM I ... r h About a monthiatgrj af son of Mr. J. J. Pricey of Steel Ceek f tojsnshi p was hunting -Willi amot&ei: jiurig manl when b4Soiip6ninj oner" shotffoi ;L wMcM f course destroyed, and since that time he baa suffered to such, an extent that f t was f eart hat ; e. . would lose the pthereye. Yesterday Dr. Moore suc tessfully performed .1 the operation of cutting out the. ininred nannertas tq ;perut of jth toseTtibiiijd serve. tfre "otherr -1-"U -v rm -. tMii I9rM Thief Captured. i-. - Sheriff Thompson,' of Spartanburg county, SI O, arrived in the cityyester tl.ty afternoon with a negro cnarged withLstealing a horse from a man nam ed Westmoreland who lives near Spartanburg.- The negro rode the - horse to Chester and was there captured, and held until the sheriff arrived. He de ?fyStouuL3 Jx&Ve :got all thi faainstbiiaTHd enr mm , W ; tne penitentiary. Mr ; It th&ntinsrWlhnSf J,iJQaf coavntionJieldvin thisity4ast NVem bettlmeMd!teb iotXftHESn 4the .next e annual uiWWTJot agi-eed uixmi and ,thp matter r-was left in the liands of the State boaid of missions- of thatcharcli.'Atareeen6meet mg of the board, we learn it wa i'le icMecPtG 'Utoltf the 'convention- at Oxford, otfWeMayrCh'e.rttlfTc-T6vaaier! and the folio wing "appointinents u were made : To preach the introductory ser mon, liev. 11. H. Griffith, of rharfnttp alternate. Rev: F. II. Jones, of 'Yahcev- ville: to preach the missionary sermnn. 'iiiv, IU pcotu LUC xxlxOB yJ UdLL ScHIIOII. Ue?.:l . 4 K4 fVJ(faltaiy, et Ralaigii5aK ternate, Rev. W. B. Roval, of Wake Tprnntp Hnv W 1 1 T?rir.jT orest lpejjeiBw, Railroad Notes. 0- Mr. Feifc(fitehfieldelFl3iown conductor the.Bichmond & Dknvjiiie Railroad, haa,gQneinto merchandizfndr in Winsfem;5f J$ Eugiitteerkliam, whlrasB5 nected WitrrnheWchmond Bairvrfle Railrci3Cfomariy?;er and;-is, con sidered TMie 3c severed his colmection wlfli that road and haKbeendedto the forceof the Air-Iin&m 0!mmp' It wasTenorted inf the iifv-viesterfliiv that CondactSr-Tannen of the Air-ine was quite! severely an jujir atCentral two freight cars, but no furtherpar ticulars eadrWf7enrne An Important Matter, A gentleman in this city is in'cbnv munication with the committee from the association of shoe-makers in Lyhri, Mass, who have been appointed to visit the South with a view to . locating a large branch of their; business in some of our cities or to whs. He has offered thenrflucbrindueements as to render- it certain that.thejfcwill at least not fail to stop in Charlotte1 arid 'examine into the advantages which this place affords tor their purpose. This is a matter whicl may be productive of great results to Charlotte, and we are confident that our businessmen will exert themselves to show fully the claims which the city affords. The association which this committee represents is a. larcre and wealthy organization, and the establish ment of a branch of their business m this locality would be a decided advan tage to several branches of trade. : Northern Settler' Convention. llri iT. Dumont leaves the city to-day to attend the convention, of northern: settlers in this State, which convenes kv Raleigh to-morrowr- He thinks the attendance will be fair, though this con vention being composed of delegates from county conventions, can not ue expected to be as large as tnat iieiu m Charlotte last month, lie expects about th irty or f Qrty delegates. . The conven tion wiD &ssenbW, at Metropolitan J5all at 12 o'clock oh the day mentioned. " ' Tin this cohnectioai may be mentioned; the fact, which neither oi ine reports of thq jtaleigh papers show, that the bill graining an ayyivyxiaiiiuix xjx iuuo trflUtion'f twentyrltiousando copies of iiicitpaWedjthe Senate Moijtlayj having previously passed :, 5 the, House, l ulS lniOTTnariun-nr uenvctr- iruiu- mi Pumont whoaij iif the Senate wheri jhbiW passed and saw it ' dyefed, ihenroiUng clerk TTomen recl. . vl V . . -i ft Rev.-P.-J. Carrawav. formerly naster of TrvonL'8treet - Methodist 'Church, in this cuyi. 1i43';,wTitten: a letter cottcerAi ing the preadhmgjpJtrAIMoothQ revivalist; in wbichf he says orher efforts in Winston: -: . -vu'" ' s r .Mr$.'Mooh wiismvitea Dyjtner i onig Men's Christian -Associatiohj ,of j.this place, to hold a series bf meetings here invitation, and . was jomed by Miss Iuisat Painter. They were gareatly blessed in their labors., I have notwitj hessed.a mox$ spfrttwl and successjjilt work in twenty years. About one hun ixr-eil 'snnTs nrofessed conversion, many oi inem me uuusi, iutciiigcu ui uui miv :ts most oi. tne m bid fair to-make very useiui t;nrisnaiia. imcwici .mo Holy Gho$t"nascalled' .these women to f ho rrent wArir in which they. are en gaged, or they are crazy per hapX some . would think .1 . am iricompetent'Aoaer dde1. But the facts above-J given seem to prove ther'formeri ir,' nowever, me latter be true, I am prepared to saylit would - be better ior rne cause . ojl lub Master if there were moreserasy . wo men in the workwj . - Xkmt JSailroad ConvenUon. . ,; "' The recent clasping of hands between ti ant nhariotte Air-Line Bail- f r0ad and the ;roads antUteamship lirtes j comprising ; the beaboard c AWT-WPf route aoSSSSS H aitnwtintr a crood deal "ot attention. JtiTa Kaffiraore' Burt. of Wednesday, I Hr. Mirafn Sihlev. QIiSeW XOAK. I fAl ofyvlrirlriftr ;of thftl lUia10tte 1 m am, RP.vftraitomcersOio".! Vnrth raroUhairieached vNprf olkvfeiin- J ay night and met Mr." J ohnM, iDin- L.J lintnf t.hftiiflnboard Hallroad I " TwrTfft'bfhers came to i imuij. .rr."-. a. won J AA) , - . fialtimore JfJ n-mnnn ami ihil iui cn .iv.o. vrattKC: TBe-Sea- hnrAonmxi&nv has its terminus at nam LPa$f,Wg mad f fSf ."iHlSi ' V arMen' J.AtVVT m K?a linn rrfGtl tTirnii!rlilo 'Atlanta via Charlotte. - Mr. Robinson ;and Capt. m. Tin toNfotk A. ... ..... JA nfltlTA I TRTIIII tfcern literary-Kntortainntent JLaaC Niffht. " Prof. HartleCheeft'kiiown elocu tionist and recitationist, arrived in ; the city yesterday morning en route to Davidson College, where he has an en gagement to give readings, and remain ed tover during the day. Last night he gave a reading at the Carolina Mili tary Institate. -No due notice had been given and of course, apart from the cadets, and those associated with the in stitution,very few persons were present. The entertainment merited a house full of people, Hrp Hartley baa a. name and a fame as an elocutionist 'and ilast night h sustained himself with-a great deal of credit. - The selections of the evening' were "Horatius," "Love in a Balloon." two -scenesftom "RiD Van Winkle," -Jimmy Butler and the Owl," jthe closet scene (scene 4. act 3) from Hamlet, "Curfew Shall Not Ring To Jiigb43 jnd.BucfeFanshaw'aFuneraV" DEach of these selections was recited vithtancr plritnd7 With i finHBffecti'i iis dialect recitationarrfrom. the Ger man and the Irish were strikingly nne, while the scene from Hamlet was rendered with much of-the DoWerof the dramatic artist. ' His'Hbratins and Curfew were absolutely thrillingi andq Z l. J 1 1 4 A . . ' 11 I iu eyery pari, or me entenammenx! me interest was fully kept up. , i-: Prof. Hartley goes; this- morning to Davidson College, thence to Statesville. r We commend him .and. his. entertain-' ment very cordially to the' people of whatever places he mav visit ra M State. ; - Talking lriPttbtlc Aenib!iea. ' ' !Nevvsna.Der men are freauentlviim portuneo: to write articles correcting so cial abuses, a task which few are -pre pared . to approach without reluctance. Kecently there has been a good deal, of talk in the city about the. habit,, which some people nave ot taiKing or uttering in public assemblies, especially -1ttl the topera nouse, at Concerts, and all enter tainments of this character, and: the writer of thislias been repeatedly asked to say something about it m the (pa- perJ . . VV liueiiWe aie not inclined, to be liewthat trrisTspecies-tf -armoyanceex- lsts in Chartoejt0 fj(reater extent than elsewhere," stnl lt'is carried far be y ord the limits t of good aate,,,and i& oomplaiiled of almost daily It-isifaif from pleasant to have one's ears ting ling with: prattle - or laughter in the midst ot some pathetic scene, or when endeavoring to catch every"1 Word of some piece of delicate wit, or every note of a harmonious strain of music, and yet there is. scarcely, .an entertain ment at which this 'disagreeable noise is not heard. If these thoughtless young people for get the respect due others, they should at least remember the requirements of polite society. -4 It is probable that they do not think of the annoyance. and disr comfort they cause, but their thought-' lessness'is no ex:cuse for theirf oily. li One inveterate, talker can, ruin .the pleasure of forty persons who are so unfortun ate as to be near him, and when ' these individuals , are scattered, all over the house the audience is indeed in trouble. We hope not to hear of any more com plaints in this direction. JhefieaylfilsMJ The true way invigorate a feeble system is to Infuse activity Into the operations of the stomach! that wondrous alembic in which the food Is trans muted Into the constituents of blood, the chief element of our vitality. Hosteler's Stomach Bit ters, because it accomplishes this end, Is greatly to be preferred to many so called tonics, useful In deed as appetizers, but Inoperative as aids to diges tion and assimilation. This sterling cordial, while It invigorates the stomach, healthfully stimulates the liver, bowels, and kidneys, ensuring the escape through the regular channels of effete and useless matter thrown off by the system, which Is thus purified as weU as Invigorated by It Its tonic in fluence Is soon made manifest by an Increase of vital energy and a more active and regular dis charge of every physical function, and it has the further effect of rendering the system unassailable by malarial epidemics? Good cheer for Consumptives. There Is a form of consumption which was better Indicated by the old fashioned name of "decline." It is the dreaded scourge of some parts of tbe Southern States, claiming more victims every year than are swept away by the most terrible visitations of the yellow fever. The malady arises from the inability of the patients' sy stem to take up and as similate the nourishing Ingredients of the food that is eaten. Some years ago the medical profes sion with remarkable unanimity, agreed that Cod Liver Oil contained the most concentrated and -SensUy absorbed elements of nutrition. If the nau seous taste and smell of the oU could be avoided it would unquestionably be the most sovereign reme dy that ever shed a healing blessing on the human race. And these repulsive properties are success fully removed by the union of pure Cod Liver Oil with tbe'Hypophosphltes of' Lime and Soda in Scott' Emulsion. The combination la a most ele gant one. pleasant as sweet milk In flavor, conge nial to the stomach, and acting directly as a power ful yet gentle tonic of the brain and nervous sys tem. . ..tf, tCoBsunptiea tared. I An old physician, retired from practice, havlnS had placed In his hands M an East India mlssiort ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and Ptongaffeotlonn, alse-'toositfvend radical cure for ; nervous demuty ana au nervous compiamis, aner having tested Its wonderful curative powers in; KusarWsot'oatevhaa fettlt hli duty to Make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human Buffering, I' wttliendj frrierof criarge; to all wfco-desire IW this recipe, with run directions ror prepanng ana using; In German, French or English. Sent hy mall by addressing wllh stamp, naming this papet r W. W. ' Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, New York. octy 4w Why not make up your minds, at present, what - Hotel you are going to stop at when you arrive in New.York The .Grand Centra on "WSgw" now kept on both the American" plan af$2.50 to; 83.00, and the Earopean plan at $1.00, and up wards, per day. An elegant Restaurant at moder-, ate prices Is conducted by the Hotel. tElffiEAPfllfl IAuET REPOML PRODUCED BALTEMOKH-Oats steady; Southern 31a32, Wes tern white 81a3HA, do mixed 2a30, Pennsyl; crania 31a32 Hayunchanged; . prune JPenn- sylvarUa and Marjand liai-A'iTOViMons easier; mess por&,oia v. t o, new xu. uaii, uuii wnu loose shoulders 4Ui, clear rib sides 5, per CM load, xjacl:aew4Wja6i baconhouldrs,d 4 clear rib sides, new 614, hams, sugareuretn yaio. iarowrennea ueroes .-i va-. uuiwsr--jvubi. choice Western packed jsaau. rpus loajjB," q Knnft 9R KiiTwrflnn WsteniandStatft3.60a3.65. common to good extra Western and State 8.80a. 3. WO, good to choice do 4.00a4.60; aouthern nour DMxtuy: cumiiivii w iau caiu v.wou.av,- ta. eholae do 5.25a6.50. Wheat-ungraded- wmy tpr xd KMial.13. No. 2 do l.WUai.iu. Jo: conee quieif apa.n,iaiaquu?3u m goes IWmilvm. uoftiaw ufjiw- Dugar uuu, Cuban 5afiiJaJr to grefhdnjsjBSsaetts, prtoe 6; retaed-tandard, A BlaVi, graniafced, powdered 8ia8, crushed 9. Molassea-l'ew'piy leans 25a37. Bice in moderate request and steady. Porkmess on spot iUSaia,, ,ard-prlme steam B,5a700-' Whiskey at ,07Si. Freights MA. ; COTTON .sMbK ; O-WsVT w";-jr tiv n..'j , Jtjav uovll : 4NoRr6tearmidmiri 9'6-iBr!Tnet recefti 1.243; gross ; stock zo.Vio; expwne -tomiwmw 6ialeb;expi)rttfrGreatBrtttl-ttlI 84;,alea, w; stock ' ; ."fwwjcwi OrpmneVs'-; exports to Great Brttatn- 60Q; BoarroH-FIrWf 'fStowfite lowinlddling tnu. vwi nntiAM (in nM Aeelnts 1J)A4: rross f 1 ;a twTaales ; stock 2,3t58rexports to Great Brit ain - . , - 1 .rr .... tMxl IfM livffl 'dllna SJo. j good , oTdlnttry 814; net ' receipts 270;. eross sales" J stock 6.213;'splmiers---f-x- nnrta coastwise ' Phitadilphia Tlrm; middling tre. i low middling QVge. good ordinary 8?sc; net receipts 43; gross 217;. Bales 829; spinners, 2,74; -stock P,5M; exports- to Great Britain 1,038. .i AuGowi-Steady; middling 8&; low rnld-dling- 8iAc,; . exxj. owlinary yCi' sarelPte- 858; Bhipments'-. sales at&; stooa fiP Charleston Steady; Tnlddltrtg- .9err4pw-'mld! dling 91.; good ominary swinei'-iawp: kqo. ' saift, HKO; stock 86.431: eiiorts ww, "i.' i , nhr. -wr -i. Dniuiu 'iiWVi noun Tsmgood 6rulTiary 9o.Vnel Tecelptt jgro I s5k- aiA oorntno.k7.048: exDorts-' coastwise Ksw Toss Qmet; sales 610: mlddllhg trplands 0 13-16. mid. Orleans ft 1&16; consolidated net n eelpu 16,648, erporta tomma JuttaXu 12,760; Continent 100; France . : TjrTKKPOCHi Noo?i TJofl, ---uneftanged." lTplania-i CPfoU uneana, ovra, torn nuaonng upiawia i good ordbmry apUnds ordinary aplanda ales 1J0O0. peculation - and-export 600. ! eelpts 8(0. all.. American.! Futuressellers at lastalsnt'a prleesv L'pUada low mkldllft clauses Fehruacr oellverv 648.-. February and afarca Macea ond Aril v AbtU and Mai f . May and Juaoo-lrlOyJoM d July lJJ&ad Aug nst , August and, September -September and October .Mew.erop shipped Janowy peraatt-s Febfuarji-aodMaKl Tifs-ic ,wfnt . Sales OOObalea. Febmary - 9.82a.83 April 9.86.97 May .... 10.10a.ll June..... 10.24a.25 July cvt-rrt'vt.fYvyi ,J05a37 August .! A. ft IT 10.44.a45 September... ..... T -i.f. ?.!. J.. 1 10 .2tta.27 October.. 10.O2a.03 November....,....-,,, ... ,.. , 9 .80a. 90 , .1 ..VI : Nrw Tom-Money 1.04. Exchange 4,85a86. governments active. New 5's 1.04 State bonds CITY COTTON MARXXT. ' ITJBSKSTH," ' air 28. 1879. C - v , CfcABLOTT. February The market yesterday closed quiet, as follows: GoftdThlddnng. Middling. Strict low mlddUrjg:, . Low middling- Tinges Lower grades..... t.. 1. .U.'iV.... 7a8fc CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MAEIE7 COBBSCIXD DAHT. Cotton Tibs New, per bale.... SDliced. " .... 1.75 Baggimg. oer lb. UKal2tt Cobm, per bush'l 46a50 50a55 :' 50a55 45a50 MXAIj, " PXA8, " .....v.; Oats, shelled,, .,..,.,. Bacom ' '- N. C hog round Hams, J. C... Hams, uncanvassed. . . Bulk Mxais aear Bib Sides. COTFKB - , rr Prime Blo. Good. ,. Strut Sugar-house. ........ Molasses Cuba New Orleans ....... , . . Salt Liverpool fine Sugar White. Yellow Potatoes Sweet Irish. BUTTEB North Carolina. Eggs, per dozen. Floub Family ..,..:. .v.. . Extra. Super "- 8A9 1 6a6lA 15al6ib 12Maall 25 38a40 85a50 1.00a2.00 it i j 40a50 10al21A 8.0Qa3.50 2.75a3.00 2.25a2.50 BANANAS: BANANAS. ORANGES. ORANGES. APPLES. APPLES. Caramels AND CIGARS 51 0 1 AT ii; -:" ppp ..HSR R R RRR K R R R RRR R R RRR B R B R V YT I - PPF P P KB E EKE ss8 ji .sT.Mii.i J .Ji' .ch-'i 5 v i u yon-?, r -Don't fall to call and get a supply. ply Just received. ----- A fresh sup- Tr THT7 THUi 01 "ttenfe"scr JLtlSJNG SUAl -A J -t 66 CONQUEB ONQUEB . BY BY. THIS THIS SIGlN go tbjugrit Constantlne when he became a con vert, because a "Pagan" refused to" absolve hfm from the garUjo hlj inj "christian" readily agreed, and spedaQy manufactured for him a "sign" by which he was to "conquer." Henry the VHT In turn rejected Constantlne's specialty and became the "defender of the new Falth'.'.wIUj hi ajx .wlys, one. only putUvmg Mm, SeverThundred yeara'oelore Constahune lived Solo mon, who bmiitfi'ehipfe wlfli hothouses, court, Ac., on 20 acres of ground, 700 wlves.800 dltto-fa good sized population to the acre. The Queen of Sheba admired bis wisdom much more than his magnificence, and significantly remarked that "the hali of fits greatness had not been told her"; but after he declared tbr.t "all is vanity,'' buQt high places for the worship of heathen deities aad died. Napoleon Bonaparte, 'on his narrow escape from the Inflowing tide of the Red Sea, while passing through on the spot where Pharaoh and his horse perished, exclaimed; "It I had perished here like Pharaoh, what a text I would have furnished Ortho doxy" and C. a Hones 'toadverOse his Confection eries and Groceries at the "Rising Sun,? on Trade street opposite' the ITirket Bouse, where every- thing In the abane Unas may to foaadi Inoladlng Ferry's Gfy'eedsJ rjamed Pruttav Nuts, Teas, Coffeea, Sngars, Pickles, "fine Cigars and Tobacco, Toys, c C. S. BOLTON, iebll ,Xi.i, Jo , X i y.-yjdi H Democrat and. Home copy. . -, . : . . r ... "TTVR.!).' CDONOGHTJE. "; J Jf ft f -flfl'V-." f, ' ll ' " Office n tbe Signal Office, over Tradem' NaOonaJ Bank. n 8t 8o6-r fp-; -,..w,,.n, f-vxr Calls, night or day, will noeive prompt attentlo, febl9,lwk,d i.)f,w . LEE W. BATTLE, II. p.Hm fe-r". 01 the Traders' National Bank, can be. f Dund there all hours during the day. and ainu residence o ner seventh ana cauege streets, at Bigot. Sttafe i K 8talte iJ f..t !'.)! The uuderslgned Is now prepared to fill all orderi for every elaas ot 0adertaktQg. fun assortment of t HaTlng oq Mad a 17 COFFINS, CASKETS AND BUBIAL C.4SES, Both Wood and Uetahc. "; FBKsa as low as iar. 'Hearsee furnlahed rf desired. Yiinutara of emy Description Bepalred at ahor W.X. WILHXUL mthX.0. BogeJB, Trade Stzeet. une 20. SX HX-NO TEA. HX-lfd ia Tea In tta n&mral eomflttm. each a the Chinese themselves drink, and for, the follow Inc coed reaaons ta sold only la original pound and uuthenMiatoonvenleQtandeoorionilealstxleor package. .f .-;H ,;-! '.-J'-i'r' . It la weighed and packed where it can be done cheapest and best ... . ., li can d easuy laentmea oy the consumer. . .. It keeps the Tea better. It prevent adulteratton tn America. ; .- Wear the arenta for. HX-NO Tea In this ettr. and ask our friends to gtve it a trial. If not satia factorv we will eheerfuur take it back and refund the money. . I B. WBJSTON CO., reo o. Charlotte, n. u rpo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Bids for -L the construction of the following buildings will be received until the 6tk of March, next: une JsncK mock, nrst noor containing two store houses, mayor's ana police office s. with an oriera house above.' One Brick Block, containing nine store houses. with two stories obove for a hotel. Plans and specifications for first named block. may be seen at the office of Q. u Norman, archi tect; also, for hotel block at same office on and af ter the 24th Inst. Buildings. to be completed by 1st of October next : Contractor to give , bonds. Bight to reject any or all bids reserved. B. K. HXINTT8H, . JL L. BOWDEN, W. C. CANNON. Committee for Town Counell. - K. I.. BOWDEN. W. WASH THOMPSON, H. K HUNITSH, Committee for Building Association, febl3,lm,eod Spartanburg, S. C. SPLENDID LINE OF Fine Teas, all grades, Just in, at LeBOY DAVIDSON'S. JanSO 2Q BABBEXS WHITE AND RED -ONION SXTTS-i Fresh. WILSON & BUB WELL. gPLXNDID HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS ! ' DEMORESrS MONTHLY. A grand combination of the entertaining, the useful and the beautiful, with fine art engravings and oil pictures in each number. Price 25 cents, post free. Yearly $8, with an unequalled premi um, two splendid oil pictures, Bock of Ages and the Lion's Bride, 16x24 inches, mounted on can vass; transportation 50 cents extra. Send postal card tor full particulars. Address W. JENNINGS DXMOBEST, 17 East 14th street, N. Y. Do not fail to see the splendid February No. feb. 4-dwim. QHEAP GOODS. Having bought out the entire stock of Brown it Co., we will sell the stock of Notions (which were bought very cheap) regardless of their actual value. We will discontinue keeping them, and wish to dose tneaa entirely out. a call win save you mon ey. WEDDINGTQN tt ALLEN, Successors to Brem, Brown & Co. Feb. 18 dStAwlm. w E ABE ALWAYS BEADY And willing to show goods whether or not rou are ready to buy. L. B, WRISTON A CO.B oec j.8 B LACK STRAP MOLASSES Under cost bv the barrel, bv LeBOY DAVIDSON. JanSO "YyrLSON Sc BUR WELL, Druggists, Have lust received. Gelatine, Com Starch, 1 Sheiry Wlne - . Flavoring Extracts,' , " - . An of the best quality for retail trade. rftocia STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Yadklnfounty. f In Probate Court Joseph Sparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors of wnjamin eparks, ueceaseu, U- , - vs. The Seta at Law of Benjamin Sparks, deceased MOTIC8 -OF FIN A!. SKTTXJQtKNT. It appearing to the'satisfaction of the Court that Lvdla Dim nut wife of Paton Dimmit. Hannah Felts: wife of John Felts, John Sperks, and Eliza beth Beddlk, wife of John Beddlk, are heirs at law in tms case ana non-resiaents oi tne state, It Is therefore on motion ordered by the Court that advertisement be made for six weeks in Tbb Charlotte Obsibyxk, notifying said defendants to a d Dear at the Clerk's office in Yadklnville with' in. twenty days after service of this notice, and let them take notice that If they fall to appear that the same will be taken pro confesso ana exwrto as to Gtvwn under my hand and seal of office In Yad klnvnie, this the 10th day of FebruanvA. D 1879. . XoAAV . visa A Al ' - 1 Probate Judge. Ieb23-dltar5t $200 111 CASH WILL njBjCHAS -A Power Printing OPress, Guernsey make,' old style, size of bed 26x4. Inches. Was In use until replaced by a new. on' . Address J. . C. BAILEY, editor Enterprise an" Mountaineer, Greenville, BUISrS GARDEN SEED. -:; . A large supply of these popular seed, tustreceiv Jan39 -.- - - ; . rpO TOTJB INTEREST. , " By calling at- JOHN BROOKFIELIVS CHINA STORE, J, You cahseethe finest lot of;. DECORATED TOILET, DINNER AND TEA SETS ' '" Ever brought to the Southern Stales. New Goods' from all foreign factories. Decora ted Ware in unlimited Quantities from Limoges, France. J 80 SQUP AND SAUCE TUREENS Just received, which wju be sold at a mere sacrifice. ... ., . .... :; Jv " ToCraieeof as5rted j rrrr?TAMPlc cnt ware- - for the IHtfesaletaia merchants will find to seU as well as W. G. goods, as it nas all the white granite shapes. . Can and etmvtoci ymnWrFof tte tact that i 7 ri JOBS BROOEFIXLp ro i -carries' ttje largest - - ' ton TWJg . ..5tl ,p..jsai; w' ,v.fAj jiaqn ia-'Pt ; , . ; WHOLfSALX AND BET All. TRADE .!; Ij-Ui..n-: "ij'i'Iii f'si jpjt-t . ...f -i..r.--' Omk x . "T fDkBT AXING'. tAJtOLINA CENTRAL ' nAWTLlOSGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line belnt; fuTftr' equipped lbr bustheas, J.4 . n: WllmlngtoasjidanlCortherniiida . GfeeavtOe, Spaciaabais, aO. Stations - f ill , 1 : . Attaotte, Tennsasea St Ohio. . ' Aawellaa itotnts In Georgia 1 - Insaranee tod Rates guaranteed as Low is btfonnation furnlahed f.w.clasx;" (Ben. Freight Agent, Wttrfltafton, N. C. septSO Dvuoa and gjXt&ixinta.. D ,R. J. H. MCADEN, DKCGorar ikd enaoat, Now offers to the bade a tun stock of Labin'S Extracts and Colognes, , English Select piees, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap EngOah, French and American Tooth Brashes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. MoADENiS Prescription Stores gECURITY! SECURITY I SECURITY 1 200 Barrels'of C. WEST ft SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE ASl ALADDIN SECURJTYTOIL. West's Extra No. l Kerosene Oil. from C West Si sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Ceiitennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before tt will Durn. v. west ft sons, Baitunors. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. F. SCARR ft CO., ID B R S S T T SI keab tex rofrr-omcz, Would respectfully mform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Offlce, and soodt the pabonage of their friends and the pubac generally. . Prescriptions aad family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. an7-L jj-oncE. ' i - By virtue of the power conferred In mortgage made by T. J. WUklnaon and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte Building and Loan Association, I wCl sell at public auction, a house and lot of land fronting on the N.-C Railroad, in souare Na58. beginning at a stake on the N. C Railroad and run nlrTg with said road to L. A. Phillips' corner, thence with her line 1 SO feet to a stake, thence narallel with said railroad 4 feet to J. B. ShanRonaonee's one,' uence w uie Degmnmc wmcn is t now elaimed subject to said mortcare by E. W, Mellon. Said property to be sold at the court house door In the elty of Chartotte.on the 1st Monday in March, 1879, for cash, the amount due the Charlotte Building and Loan Association being S22&25, mm cow oi aorcrBsing awi saie. B. E. COCHRANE, decl9tds ' ' Sec'y and Trea& mi' i , ' . . ..... ..i.i..im. - mi ., d. e. MAiweix. i g.ixaAnnoK, ; Aocaoneer. TyAXWELL ft HABRfSOJ- -AUCTION AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BuyandseUoneonsJgBawntall kinds of, - MERCHANDISE ANt COUNTRY PEODUCEi- Win give strict pertooal ha 't:ti Wtentien to an boamees eias1tolteta'earev ' 1 ' Four oaWe Charlotte rotet ' ' ' . i j . ,i .,2. f -, K. ! . i i i. T17E HAVE ' y x 1 1. ' ' 'WE HAVE " ' 31. r U ' rl THIS DAT : . t. Hi-fi ' r-j:i ::' . ' ':".' '.'i.si-: uj v-.jnfl f,.! '-h' i'i nr Willi 4n U--l'K - ' vt-,:i -''LBEAUTlllJU'LlJJE. p7;f j.vl'f ,!'- jf" i.iwiiis- . ..ji jjis'.Jrili ..ui:cJ.I ..-.yitSO JJ-- . 4 HAMBUBG EMBBQiPKSi ' :T Jh'j?,rr' ''aM1 V "CYERlHXAPl'ii.tl'-4' .Hir " - V'-'ci -Jstvwi'j filr .;i.-'t-x .trrr, h'll: lii,h' 'Jfi ,lliw. ,Vil i CIIIIiDREN?S- CUFFS -ATOT ' COTJL'ATlS. y- n-r.;iM-t r.H v .!.iI'CallaJlVIseettein., J'r T-"' ' r". L" -1 y- sii.'; v' f'-b 'Is-xh ,im.r.Ksii ; i -!,' - 'ju ; ' l'A,,' ' i ALZXAKDES ft rTAiinS. txifllit Sitter NORTH CAROLINA, c :- TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. '.tA often unequalled faculties for the Trans portion of Charlotte, Statesvllle, Ashevtlle, Ruthertordto a on the Atlanta as Richmond Alr-Tjae., v ;; and WeetetoKCRallrotda, , Z Alabama and Mississippi. vtoanyComrjethitIJBe,ajdTlmeasQukJU uTteoapprlcatioBto ' WM. A. MOODY, ' Bouthweetern Freight Agent, Charlotte, N. C. ' . . , :; ! . J "" 1 : ' " T. T.8MTTH, ; ' ' As a a Railway, Charlotte. LOUISIANA STATE WrTTERY. 'u..,(,' A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY " . '- : ,. .""! '- r-' i . j '' !' To win a fortune. . Third Grand Distribution. Class c, at New Orleans, Tuesday, March Uth, 1879-I06th Monthly Drawing, i , LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. ' This Institution was reaularir the Legislature of the State for. Educational Charitable purposes m 1868, fob tsm txbv or Twajcri-nva txabs, to which contract the Inviola ble faith of the 8tate is pledged with a capital ot i.uw.yuu, to wmcn k nas since aaoea a iteserve nnd Of S350.00a Its GRAND SINGLE NTJM- BEB DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It new scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. Haf Tk. eta, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : . 1 Capital Prize,. ...... 1 Capital Prize, 1 Capital Prize Prfz8sof $2500 Prises of 1,000..' 20 Prizes of 600........ ..... 100 Prizes of 100 , . 200 Prizes of 50 600 Prizes of 20 830,000 P8 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 , 10.000 10,000 10,000 1)00 Prizes ot 10.... ... - APPROXIMATION PRIZES : 9 Approximation Prizes of 0 Approximation Prizes of 9 Approximation Prizes of 82,700 1,800 900 1857 Frizes, amounting to...... .... 1110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all ttrorninent points, to whom a liberal eomoensatlon wfllbepald. ADDUcauon for rates to elubs should onlr be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. , :. write, clearly statins fan address, for full infor mation or send orders to ' j v ' Jt. A. DAUPHIN, Postoffice Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawlnri are trader the supervision and aaanagement of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD andJUBAL A, EARLY.,' febll i ... zva &&vtvti&tmzuts. JfROM DR. S. J. BELT, M. D., BALTIMORE, M. D. I have prescribed Colden's Lelblgs Liquid Ex tract of Beef and Tonkj Invlgorator, and cheer fully state that It has met my most sanguine ex pectations, giving to patients long enfeebled by ohronlc diseases, debility, weakness, loss of appe tite and Indigestion, the needed TiurrltloTi'nnd nerve food. Sold by all Druggists. An A DAY to Aaents can' forthe Firs- SB I stra VwrroK." Terms and outfit free, Ad- dress P. O. VICKXBYAugusta, Maine. Q A Fancy Cards, Chromo, Snowflake, Ac. no two tHJ alike, with name, 10 cents. J. Mlnkler ft Co, Nassau, N. Y. 1 pa Snowflake, Motto, c, no two alike, or 25 el jJ egant chromo cards, 10v Nassau Card Co., Nassau, N. Y. , , . A77 month and expenses guaranteed to en I I Agents. Outfit tree Shaw ft Co.. Augus ta, Maine ,'. . NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU, 10 . Spraee stieet, New York. - . . ;h ' jissolutton. & S. FEGRAM has withdrawn 'from the firm of PEG RAM CO. U All' persons who- owe the late firm, prior to February 1st, 1879 most call and settle with Pegram ft Ca i .m,- ... ,- i - we win conunue tne wot ana snoe ousiness at same stand as before. First National Bank buuoinsCharioae..ui I -iv- Mi wwmsvT a a ma Home and Democrat copy QHANGE OF BUSINESS, Having retired from the, WHISKEY BltsmiSS,-,,. I..;..iii.Hl j4. J JUrAfl.rUlR'i aj; We are now dally referring a good' supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, at our old stand en College street, we wm he pleased to see our many friends. We make Grain'a srcIaBy.'Ej 1 LONG 4 BROTHER,'. febfi R A FIRST CLASS Smoke call and get a Suelor, at .x tj I, '"'nf--"tr,r- troihah A LeROY DAVIDSON'S. s--rl -f4il! If ;lrli!iU h ttil iM t- (f , i -AiUM -,ti ;,(! . ,T fI 'HVfKi i Jl-iUi" . i Also Orchard Grass,. Blue Grass, and, Lucerfif." j3iff Just received by,. tf u -., v . : - .-1 WILSON ft BURWELLi HATE -' 1'U "intt u(J i" WX HAVXL 111 RT'(.HV - - r -i 1 - -. " ' " RECEIVED A - rr-.u ,i i i USA li: li. Si 5; it 4. Si: !1 ! mi if - ' rt li H ! K ' i wVTt-' .-'-e" . ' ..iIhT f - Virfnnia.'from' Wilmingtonr Delaware, coastwise 925; Great Brl ' " V " rf J51 - v ' s " - ' ' lWJi, JjuJii V J v

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