SHje'ttfljwr: v.rv-T?i1ff TMt-.h HfrwTT?) th Ten- SATCEDAY, MARCH 1,1879. ' j company of valuable irancnisea gramr 8A1U ' ' JmiTittTtr original charter he meant the -EMtATCB.iaMfAaeh aid th franchises referr IRalelgh Obserrt. . inromorated in the bill chansr- SWB i&i$ii'mf&&Vtikmfc the' mnrMi the M 1 ,,. FETIT1U.MF. I Mr. Henderson presented the petition : of John Sloon. C. H. McKenzie, J as.A. nnwan. nravine for the enactment of stock law ; also, the petition or reter Albright and 75 oUwrawieiiSiOT nowan' arainst a stock law. r . , t Mr. Nicholson introduced a bill to aid in the constroction of the Statesvuje Air Line Railroad. Placed on-calendar, Jion dollarskThe effect of the proposi- Mr. McEachern, to cftatfntoeTwinei'tibtftb tap-the Western North carpuna. of the town of Tilden, Robeson county, to that of Shoe Heel. Referred. f Mr.Hovle, a bill to incorporate the towrfot Cherry ville, Gaston county. fig- 'Srmt6oricurtel - tn'the House amendment ta the Senate bill to pun ish the abduction of children by strik intf &i ears and inserting 14. ' wirh l1?RiJBt Afimknced as the spe- ifialxfimmittpfljnstnintql ; tn report biUxoruie:QmecuQaiei ue tax m Hniritnouduhtl4llH Tie principle 01 rt the beU punch,essrs. HendersoniGra- nam 01 iuuuuiWi E,"twrEf' I On motion of Mr. Snow, the rtfles . f 2.'.,r-v wmts rrvii nn : i-c 1 . were suspended and House dui to re- neal ttr4Xm06stalai4nfi Unmmai Court for the county of W ake, was put 'fkxifeTi sseMts ecWiff4hiiii WJVWVMhTStrT'"t"r "lvf ment. personal privilege. i 1 1 i Mr?1 iTTjr .u .'jti'-fj:': a . 1. Weil rose to a quesuou 01 personal privilege and had read from tttterfcdes.aiticlefr4mhRal- WKrrrfefr iiri 11 1 ..LMrwr. 1 t TiN Jfessengefs article, and demanded an combination of Democrats and Repub- 'U!CTii52?2SSS&rf?l: .44ratoilroadneratjOT.ff vorto thecobenatorsmtheselec- tion of magistrates : . i 'OS'PiaiifTi :f.f probed to the bottom ; thfttij(y?-png- ;KSrKny' i Jl?rSSSs& aLftete Hjdjsfirace. and sent forth tohJrbrld as S,flw tapped-all leadi ai,?SfS4Somii -Carolina -aind .laJi'?i.rTand then pointed to the bjet "wmpaerera ana Yagai SMtMr. Caldwell) hM (Kvfas in the interest of the Stateandiajs tsRgBFalrtrproper. He asserted that, in ; tiis belief,'if vwfflttad passed , throno-h tha .Leirislature.. Jairlv,, and (KppertyiAhe ti&sm uwiotfwas the tie. He trusted tbdra wouid be-no ob- l to the investigation. 4t.wadue President of e Seftare, tblt1 Specially so ta those Seimtorsjwtia liad luKtflRCkx Senators who had paired off. H'wiatent wnen-tne dui passed tne y MW ' tnspmaigei W W bill fffxrtftd hv tha ahaftTiop'oftwft Bnators, one tieipgl Xayor of j th- bin and,&4thiUM lie teVtffcayB beea-infavor-otthe bill, as was -well known. Heiftate&H mtesMgafifri, nor the attacks of newspapers nor nren, believing he washable at any time and; in any manner, growing into years as- I h was tn tsihei arft of himself.. TTft 1 tdUgh' however, this was a mere tem- 4-. r A X. . V. -fJCBUUi teapo ouwui' iuuse licenses would be Dursned. This was his first Kexttierice irf a'feglsmive bddy.aSft he i did'nota ww-TtOjcfcapaniyii suspieioi : rest unon his colleagues, esneciallv uroii those of thera'with- wmim giftof e ithp . Mrj Jungideaueu thar inveatagjitten. He and latofJem-MsbntMr. : lachhiBtpaired for ln daysrzltiad l teettidrnlrcSe en to tne puonc wnen tne .itotes-on one U J1C I voting,"he (Mr. King) wouldAaV: pellea thehsiniiatton of corrufil 1 mm m miWVIl ' TT Ivll WI JS1 CUIU Xllll lAf (UT ' to favor the bilL and in Dairiner sift with Mr,S0MSliej naialdaiure of , thatvote for. it, not caring much wheth er it passed or hot. He de6,ed rany;naAii ; successfully to impugn his'motives!tJ.T h aMttDancey mm he insiaUh.'Wiw interest bttheWtel lilorotJieseomrflittton thselecti4 of i atori demanding the recognitrbfl of "hikr I race in the selection of 'rrwRistratefeTHe' 1 nrotested arainstithitvWnhfKinf4 nfi tthe passage of thiiniawnmi on tne two negroes "wuo voted forll and he stigmatized the insinuation thai those vot were given corruptly as out rageous ana untrue, i i. Mr. )VUiamsn f f dj a tythe idea ionveyed in the last paragraph of Mr. com CaldweU's resolution m IntrodnceH vp. He was free to say, however, that thfc madi by Mr. Carroll of the House. , and nras: lxee to eav. further, that ht nimseii (Mr. Williamson) believed that the passage of ; the bUL to seQured M Mr. Scales asked "'Mn "Williamson if lie would embody that idea in -distinct language? kwf vieti) nai h -its s Mr. Willfoni her would do so before the investigating commit tea but ftuytrcew?-yilfrdlnded to thieat of mi- pulsion nunea at nin jnidajtefled itrs Mr. Everett explained that hn nk present when Mr. Carroll of the House made the statement in regard to corrupt combinations,: and he distinctly recol lected that gentleman to have said that - he heard lfnimored," &c. ot i near Mr; Austin) cams to votinBf fca thk bUUhe (Mr. 8.) would not have bairfed with him, ; as it was likely he . would navt Deen .woniverfto its UDDort.f f r Mr. Caldweft mpyear.verbal amehdf l. aQOT Pted.aud thwir llm rwiiiliilinn '"The Committee appointed to InvSi fwine cnarges was subsequently an- uuuww tto luiiuws aii oeinfl who Voted aeainst th hill-Uv? Dortch. Henderson. Mathnn House amendments to thi4iv- fine the criminal iurttuf intinn nf inaHoaa of the peace were incurred fcC thT biU waVorder to be enrulled. f?5 1 ! :f EBNtilLHOV i itTh? special order, the bill conce ; the WilminfirtomCharlotrA nnH wa ! Bailroad (an amnnHmmttn than I ter of the Carolina Central Railroad i ,JCwas taKen up. . t Mr. Graham, of Lincoln, m'crvecl1 '& I " asw proninit oiscrimination I UtyLekixrAenl fh&Wad f rdi , lapping tne Western Nnrfh Yariin. i IUfroad. and to make it obllgatoivori i the carry out the desira of . to lluthertordton and thence yirrgrittde: vLLlAhjtrlrflM tins was an atiempi w uepnvc me Carolina Central, and as tHtfsynrpany had not availed themselves of the priv ileges thus granted it was competent in a -W . ? A A. !lUJMn. 4-Viavvi fa- vorilraaaf.y where. he - would "riof consent to' roaO controlled t: pti the vate parties to tap roads in . whic rr1 T5ortch" laid the amendments were necessary to carry out the orignal intentions of the projectors of the Wil mttjWharl6tt&i -ttftEexf brd Rail road Company, and to protect the road in whifh thft state had stient two mill- Railroad at Hickory, Mr. Dortch said, would be to make a gift to the owners of the Carolina Central, residing m New York, of 500,000 to l,ooo,ooo. He referred to the expenses to which the Muntias had been ittso Char-; iottRtbe expend- ea 9i7o,uuu in ine enxerpnse, anu -sou if thora was Tin nhlicratifin rfiStinCT U tha Tfrnalaturn tn prntfrt tlwrtf-ipfi TA 1VHnAl AEUMT (HI .TUB MfrtoftMibrffe j-feci yhelbyrand althotwolmTds- i-n& remaining uisuinwut- x.vt miles to Rutherfordton was grad( ' js . - ' t; i r owners of the road ther. and'J6h08el their line to Hickory, PPing the western North Carolina aoaQ, an taktrif advantage df tffe stupendous. worit uoue uy oui ut picking uro dollar of stock in the Carolina - Central. I 1 1 1 ixiiivn. - 1 tin nuiLi um uuu unu u it was now nearly air wweauy .wor-t Hl. mo whn wiroin Hiffimiltfs and t.ttt cn .it oH thia hill 'C '. TTWniS State was not in a condition , to buy, no tn mit off the nower of makinsr .the ting parallel roads in all cases (alluding th narrow iraue road the nronosed g t h f against granting fran- crises, and afterwards, when fiivest- ments' were made in consequence of them, takieth.em. away, Mr Austn thought the Western North Carolina Railroad was intended" ot?i Leach followed at considerableT'"8'.0""01 I ngth, ably sustaining his amendment, mTg.. of Lincoln, pointed to ti ve fvWrtt; which the grand trunk leading to- v lrginia, biectwRito the onlv one leading to a North Caro- rTAur'ryan, ot renaer, lonowea ana said the Carolina Central had expended about a million of dollars in trying to get to Rutherfordton, and had failed for lack of means, and he alluded to the difficulty with wniclf the State worked in its efiorts to cross the mountains. He protested sgsinst .depriving the company of its valuable privileges, and Mr. Envin opened up a new field of discussionawUh05ve4T.toat Wilming ton bad tne best connection with the Western North Carolina rcoad by way Charlotte, where it ' was not necessary to break bulk, an advantage which the Richmond & Danviite.cEoadi irttdnot Mr. Dortch suggested the connection J via owti-esviiit!, too. ieaif thoppMltiop the same MajMztftitaeJlateigh & Augusta extension. Mr. Dortch Th'ff Very same. Mr. Erwin followed He also refeiT- connection at finer mllr TTo "dfigmal ' charter. It was a w estern enterprise, advocated and passed hssnegf a1!1 insisted that faithlo see thatf justicwSone toUhB western counties which had invested their money-in it. - - -' - irmative were: Yeas-rMessrsiAtexander, Alston, 1)1 1. T1 1 T TJ11 T Jlack-Bledsoev urn, DorthiEaveEp43iErwm4!'jEveTe'tt. Matheson, McbriiJMeiane&MeTrJtt. lor, vvaaaeii, vaifliwriiiaaaDpl anu wniie 4i. .w nst 1 ThQSft Who vntPil in tlio npprntixna Nav4.U0ilulIJrlaii( of Dii- inuiiryan. pt fender, and Rnaa-r4 t Mr. Jiirwin moved, that the biUTOmii nnon its third rftadinc. ri - --- - - - p ... . . . - i mnjmumimen'ao ymrp lay d Atrrmanoa tneouiii .veasrcnaraottiE ox art jx jn (T'-U,!r'r rrji a. a ansa iwit fi.?LKJ? sn!-d noUfti'ibwMe'VBO.I baa snlhttoa Tdrh'-HUpoorttof the deaf, djBjbnd pn nn ! ipw taken up. . win. from the ioinLecarnnitbee i xmithatlnstitution. explained the pro- highewitermaror the managfefoent Thi bill appropriates S3&000 for each of the years, 1879 and 1880, a saving of about $10,000 per year-ireducing the expenses to the rowestrpossi we figure. In ari swer to a question by Mr. Merritt, Mf. the cost of living remaining at the pres- A 2 J.1 - A. . 1 .. 1 ' ent prices, the appropriation would .be iSUfficient. -yOtbW feared there Ifti&yBj&MeVzmtt J f . ! The bill then passed its second and third readings without amendment and was prjif rerjh ASYLUM FOB THE INSANE. f laXhB.biliaboliaiyitoiMarreAaylui and to incorporate the North Carolina insane asvlumjvexli folio wfd. The bifl appropriates $45,000J annually for the 8Upportt tb: asyliiiwlth $5,OU0 to be added if necessary, and $2,000 for necegsars repair!jWjd rax;,.tbe salary of the superintendent at a sum pot; ex ceeding 8200. and nothing addftTohal except such apartments astbe.lxifitbf directors may tbmk propejj.a'ftef pill also abolishes the offices .of ireasurer ftndassistant physician, but provides fbrdfufrgist, who may be required to nerfonn msthe duties of assistant phw sician, 'fhe salaries of all officials are left to Che discretion of the Governor iii? Qcur-nie governor SteSS fifittl and .board of directors the Governor erepV fewrali amencUnents, which he cpiaiiJL.J lirJLf jsaa . the bill was a compromise of conflicting : opinions, w gave general satisfaction. n Mr. Scales' amendments were adopted The bill was debated further.: and then passed its second reading by a vote On suspension of the rules the bill .ita thiKdadina-. i HOySE OF REPRESENTATIVES. "4 3i -. . N " ' Februarv 26. PETITIONS were presented by Mesw B.rowft , CALENDAR;' J: i'4 ;-1 . y Mr. Berry rose to a question of per - f1'' sonal privilege, and a discussion in re - - H lation thereto ensUedVparticipated in byHi'i1 that gentleman and Messrs Davis, of a a -i.i.i rue Dili io incorporate wie Xjuwoui x Catawba Railroad Company came up as a special order at n - o clock. lteaa a, third time. - - ft1 tM r i Ha Wl AY .TWIVPri rtt Stn mt tirfr.ri f 1 PT t Rley dwved, meo4 tbeititle" of the bill by adding to ' it the words i j x .i ttt TkT v. 4i i lina llailroart" H then trfl argue atme length .agamst the taking the position indicated by his amendment, and hnished his remarks by statinethat ifttheolicy inmcatfvSKtfi sihirfH III UIH LUI1 was OUUPICU.UO BUUU1U UUYi' that the iron on the Western - North-f o and Sahsburv be taken un and used omtmitin r-ru the other end of the road, as there wasi - no use to keen it there. owi ..Miatia.r.of Catawba. 8ikftliriefly; in opposition to the amendment, and; fffM r3nu ngin in support mupajg tiMW4-Wie.- MWvTamettahtent sted! Mr. JBrbwnkftenbiipg, offered thefi adoDtedi- striKe out in section1 v aiaite: rdj;uMiL',m4inQiiUJana insert: ins part or tnis section tne sai nassen gachFattaii ovfcnaith eentoa ilinev sengers hayg b-fPfiefldJwi -road company shall violate any ofshe pro visioii oritiHa section, or in any war. evadetlie provisions of this section, itl shair M gfiiltybf "a misdemearibi',' andl upon convict pnerepineuperjor court of any county in which anwpaift of thetikcf sid eompny!' sttail be &tdafer, -shall be fined $500 fWatihd every.offenceJL.. : 1 , Mr. jf ower&iamdrea itaer following AYromaeajt urtTier: That in tbe event said -company shall consplidate, with the Carolina Central RaUwrtyoicdpanTrf-! der its present name, or any other that; it mav herafr iBKSniS. shall lie t tje al-i! ai . comton f'ohmylbuharf'cohtTnue ltol?ii5SSIS iur. xoung lnirpfiuueu ajntwu- ment to come in as a he w section as f bV- lows: .tf. s.di ( Sec The Carolina- Central Railway Compunviail net be aliqwed to con solidate wAbMh Lirfcolrf &atawbk Railway Oompany nor make any cori - ' nection with tne western .North uaro-J lina Railroad Company until the said Carolina Hijieatrai jtaiiwy,' tcompapy i snail lay its tracK io nutnertoraton ana otherwise compiy-with the charter of the WilnungtoiCharlQtte and Ruther ford RaUroad-cotnpaiiy. " On this amendment a warm discus sion sprang up which was participated in by Messrs. Jones, Davis, of Catawba, Young, Richardsfim rfOJtmts Gar ment, Lindsay; ofrbVMSStrlftdfmru Blocker, Huffstetler and Covington. Mr. Young's amendment was adopt- J 'Jb lfl'fJayioliss its second read ing. " ; Bill for the relief of Jno. H. Cox, sheii mans unAy.-, Massed r ' ill suDDiementarv to acts ary to acts farming nave gyvfin.xue jOjaM &P&h the same m exchange rot convict labor to pay 20 percent, or-me amount in cash, it passed. .vpULto make justices of the peace ran gers, i assea. Bill amendatnrv to an act to estab lish' 'the department of K riculture. rnis diii limits tne salary or tnesuper intendent to gliXX). of -the chemist to 81,500, and lifttltsthahfrual Al be,exieadty?y thepaitrflenfei MtArthe tre$MWof jthe tt6j ed to tne department and the paypiejit of the same by the treasurer. wc t Mr. Menane argi?ernit avor-pf the bill. He took the grotanf lfiaVlhfe- Wtmeatdoeft nccarry opt jtheJbiects oftts3tablisameHt, and was worthless f Mr. Reid, oSMaqoni oofchtbewrjn defence of Prof. C. D. Smith. G r. Ardrfiv anokfi aorainstthfthf province or tn&ieemstteircmhiairncal- turetintt sdhtb(eniJreferted .to jmm- K6VghtHhe"de- parunentoi greax vaiue; aia not Mr. Bost thought tfiaP ilTMIer ought to have been referred to the com - nmienaerneORorei..ll; waVa.thwfaf midMtsmriAimm an additioBal; reason why tthe'tiil should ndtj3S. HeWititiarea the committfee btr. retrehchmefiV J MtMorm. i Pxi the AMonman at tne tatPj wao fltruott every Mr. Rawiey bppomrarfe bill, and said among otner iningsii!WSQeitn!B de- paitment of agricultture was establlsii ed. farmers in his count v had made an fetitlre-f aiWrbiir tftefr fcroife J 6ri!a;6cdunt )0fwonles8.ferttkzersi.ixaaujT': tai Mr. Amis thought the depaixment self-sustamirihatW farmer, and flwttJdijnjot be interfered Wltfto nosBW t'Kt rT itttr Vi ;;" Mr. Atkinson next took the floor ad- ftlhg Ihepassage of the bill and re ne to the strictures on tlte commit. ee on retrencUment and reform. ile 1 1 fj fcid umtinm the benefit of the farmer - Mr. Ethendge opaosedthe jbilL in a highly classical speech. Mr. Mebane again, spoke in advocacv of the bill. - Mr. YorftpoTsiafff4refeht$e of the com- Mr. Norment did not think the agri cultural tfeparttoenrrose' to the dienitv TpfftrMikH8S; buwbug, 10Itrs. iPerhaps unnecessary io aaa mat ne iavorea tne Mr. Foard opposed the bill. He said 4-ln. .1. 2i- 1 a. 1 J i. is tiuai. me Bupeiiutciiueub vuuxu uui live tflrJ5aleigVjttalaryfrl?0OOi lat rfbtWtlorlar of tli fiiml lJe partment came out of the people. ' ' Messrs. Ardrey-and Rawley again spoke briefly in opposition to the bill. OiMmo&m sf j&.Ardeytn bill was teierrfu tuiue vommiiiee on aimcui- ftiiirWT91B' The Trie tTaf to IiTlcorate. The true way $o Invigorate a feeble system la to Infuse activity Into the operation's of the stottfaehV that wondrfiBi atemhiom irhlclr lhe;ioodls trana muted into the constituents of blood, the chief WefaH3nTornf) vftt?tytMr'BM8)mAtSit. terk, fe&oacoomtiu be preferred to many so failed "tonics, useful in deed as appetizers, but Inoperative as aids to diges tion. an4,a8stoiteaonHt,tThls sterUng eordUu; wbJle It lnvigoraies the' stomach,' healthfully stimulates the liver, bowels, and kidneys, ensuring the escape through the regular chaniels'ofJeflete and useless matter tbrowft voftbya jystenj,., which Is thusM purinea as wen as invigorated by It It tonic lh 0htrfvAA fa mhIa .mSAA - 1 a . ZrUrryi.Vm! vltafeneandlajtfDra; 8)ctlte)anregur dls ch irge of every physical function, and It has the farther effect of rendering the system unassailable by malarial epidemics. . ,1 ... , ifdSuooa "ZTcTv J . , ... : , - ' lV iJ-i", Wuiiom, fa.r - l im' l-.k.;i j.wuijii 1 tt'i . Jear 8tr Since . several yean bate pot sore -and venr salnf ul foot. J had some shjsiclaus. boli thPT muldnt mnt frw J I ' how hnnnt nf vniir &&J$ l1 and, I TJTT am - t. " - r. nsea on.. pome, tne para leir me, ana, i: llfceauk? nea4. ted-then pay attention to k '.wiw.. ! Wwnirf r t Mas. v juiabjs. est Baltimore atreei "::lll i r-J,ii c oil -JiH .fwnliBH HirMt;firi ' ! i - o i.; , ; ri aoaiit.r.crit-i ; m&n lM$iMiltuhMrrtf the. i ttacHiasloiis of a friend.' epwntetfioto fcr Athe Jtmft i was suffertna' rom Keaeral, debfliw kiwi, nervous nrostratioii- BuperlDduced- by ' oreiiroik and Irregular hablta.. Its wonderful stiemUienkig and eoratlTe proper. oeDUuatea aystemrirom tts-Mrslstent use Itaoid- ty ecoinsed, alums' Worei &ai usual nealth and liWitmttittuiU fi feave, ot)esJtated to glre Veiretnwinost, unqualified; indorsement,' nz a Tie, surer ana powerrai azenx m promov- Injr health aud'fstAm Uifrwasted system to new life and enern JtteeUne tf tke only medicine I aa4oB ml Ht I -expert to tnd a miilleffbanT.' Penn. inula tju? 5Swml waud to i9?-i. is if :! .ici c imu .bMrBs3-? evca wiior nis tigtarleutowH. j Avf& fitfrrJblsr la toTit; that If hare used T'tniif "TZlfwii?Tian&naf!nTi Tn mv fnmlTw fr,r uvortl yeafsi and think that tor SctofiHa -or Cankerous i. gnmoia .or nawnnang ameaoni u cannot oe x H elleli Mod as a blood partner aiidanrhi&medioliie 1 11 is tne nest uung i nave . ever .nsea, ana nave used almost "ererAhlng. 1 can fcheerfully recom mend It to any or e in need ol such a medicine. : .bnu noMa A, A.DrN8M0RK, ? uusseu street. ,1.. S ISWlti i run Ij ((!( . L VW3BTINE. MdVi tfl Hi; (.'!,.; . WBA IS NEEDED. 1?B ,!t!.iOIH. r hit Mil ,1V wrw Sot6w,T?WK 18,-1871. ; BP B&fc-Abnnt n' year since I found myself eMltimdiaoti front enerat aeblUtr. Veee- ylae was sttongly reoowmended to me by a Mend wao'nad Deen -mwen oeneniea oy -i use. -1 pro cured the article, and, after using serral bottles, was restored to health, ad discontinued Its use. I feel quite eonftdent; that tfaeca Is no medicine su perior to It for those comp.alnts for which It is es peetaUxtMeoBNA mild ewoukl cheeerfulry tecom Imod tt to those uwtraitfeel that thoy need eome- ithms tonatoSBrtbBiB tatpecfeet healtu,iia ; - v3ft ui s nouafcuenmumiyyoigs, -: ?i , :.. hy H mni bt ik U i I'JCTTiNtiU.L. iMi-:iyii Xlrm of S; M Pettlngul ft Co., tut .io.MHiiai'V .iDStaU'styeet, Boston. : VEGETDiE. ALL HAV. OBTAINED BELIEF. ill V 'vfeitli.!iiiiiriuk 17, i87ai , lor the last ten years, and nave taken nuaarearof dollars' worth of medicine without obtaining any tTegefTTffi SeptemberTast Ieommeneed taking the bdpmMliM 0estaMsH2rVhave aln edJUleen pounds of fleshy There are severaT oth ers uvtkispkteeAakinc Veretlne.-and tall have ob- " t a a THOMAS E. MOORE. Overseer Card Booms Portsmouth Co.s' Mills. 7J; !A T-:ni'i TJi:r T11 yGJETIME ' b" . ywtlne toxoid by all Druaists.' Jan5 THE GENUINE .Muj;i'Uli3Lta? Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC (K. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. ' TTOtanlaKles 1 enlfswtoofelMMtl flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both iii cheen1 eyes beebmeo dull;; the tIi if.wnan eiiAQweroieye-uaJi nc jisviittdatnetimes 1 -OCcasioBai' lieaxlacnftinmtn atmnmine secretion 'of 'saliva ; 'sEmy r' furred tongue ; breath vei"y foul, particularly in the morning'; ' appetite variftbli sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensations f the -stomacny rat others, entirely gone; fleeting. pajns.,(in,,the stomach; occasional'hausei anld'Vdm JhmirioleeJpains throughout the J abdomen: bowels iiregii1arr attirnM :quent- swollen and hard ; ttnerttnMdj'soition: l occasionally diffitW&f J med by hiccough; cough sometimes ! dry and convulsive; uneasy and dis- . turbed sleep, with grinding-jpf . tb teeth; temper varfabasiui geheraky ' irritable, &c. Whenever the-above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C.o'lrMMlFUGE i will certainly effect a cure. IT DOEffgrf pAfERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa- : ration, xu? capable of doing the slightest ; injury to the most tender infant. : genuine dr. Mclane s ver- ; Sri thm icmatnrc nf C lM W i. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :o: j LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in aJectialflvjbd in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. ' : A(TtlE AND1 FEVER;. No better cafhaVtle can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a ampH ufgttive they are un eqaaled. ; f - f ' J . - ; - - BEWARE OF IXITATIONS. lhe genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a. red v m! nn ti "3id wilh the impression' Dr." McLane's ! ' Lives KLls. -! a t sj- ' Each wrapper bears, the signatures of l MCLANB and f LEMING BROS. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C McLane's LiVeh Pills, prepared by r leming . rsros., ot Pittsburgh, Pa., the ; market being full of , imitations of the r .' name McLane t spelled differentl v buj 1 . ' T'r 1 ''.l?V",.;f.- .Tua Supply ot all.lindiroxrirefai: GardeflSeda,-B 'ririt f .i v: wHuwfre, t -onion SetttewtfFotatoes.Ohiea, 4c: vrVi-.cfiw ii SfrtRMIEIIGR IbbU fSftOtf XraC.rat vhSt-enta rfcer. 7lh.t Tstsh 1 ,. A . n for uprvmw. tehf, tr. riwmarnm. 1- oent per jt'iti SfoseoejMH jPU,r:eArit' "Mart, eW."." Tfr-pnIIe:'aL,9cure:;.xal,- r&aiMkamioe.ow'eodsU4MtofitTna "V WVW IMbV VmWVM VtltVMM . j - ' Baptist eburcb, , Satisfaction guaranteed or Xnooey XTMJUJUX UBWJCKUfik .,., - r;j.j. fi At, .4f V: ( d'iiiSl r. ::) j TTJRKKT8 1 TUKEET3 ! TUBKEYS ! : Fore Bronze very large and fine. S.1LH0WBLL ii lMo-J .U- :.;';i j jXrOTlCT I TO KABMKBSm !:)rrfv : : ' ". I' aiq prepared to 8TOBK COTTON in my fire proof buUddnr-ither hi basement or on the first or see ,ond. n)or--and wul alve warehonse receipts on which you eait draw money If desired, ' ; U BatWa.modemts. j : . ?, .,-::;"- u; ; M u;: THOMAS H. OAITHEB. I oatl2 ! -F 1 :' ' 600 Bushels Seed Oats. 50 Bushels N. C. Irish Potatoes. Comt Flour and Wheat Bran. Baled Jlay, Shocks and Fodder. f; . lAJt ipfBOCitTES,, c. Just reeelved luid tor sale by ' WlULIAMS & FTNGEa. , Feb. 20, 1879. C O T TO N ORDKBS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED , BT THOMAS H. GAITHER, COTTOM COMKIBSIOK MlICIlHT octl2 B. ALEXANDER ft CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS; College street, Charlotte, N. C, . We handle, more general countrr Droduoe than any house In the city, and still solicit further eon consignments from, all parties who are willing to be satisfied with the best job we can put up on this market All those who cannot be pleased with our best; efforts, are respectfully requested to; send their goods to somebody else. . BOCKREES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS! NEW FEATURES 1 ! Come to me for Bacon. Com. Susar. Coflee. Ma lasses, and other Eamlly Groceries. : Jnst received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) ; , j i BEST RYE WHISK EV." Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods dehvered. in tae city free of chaise. .5 W. H. CRIMrGE ! Next door below whson Blaefcs oufftoad, NOTHDt FBESH ARRIVAL OF F. A. Feffls ACo.'s CHOICE HAMS, ! Breakfast Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues. ' .;.!;. Also, Magnolia and P. T. George's Hams. .Lard m tubs, kettles, buckets and kits. . '" ' . . ,LeBOX DAtIDS05tf ' ! . -o i.i T -- ,'.'. ; Smokers who are Judges pronounce our ' ' SENIOR ; 5 cent Cigar the best yet : j. LeBOT DAVIDSON. . : ' . Try Blackmur's Twin Pure Smoking Tobacoa, at i , LeBOT DAVIDSON'S, t A splendid line of Kegs, from 1 to 10 gallona Chums, Buckets, Cedar water cans (brass hoopsX Brooms, c, just in. LeROT DAVIDSON, i No other house In the city can make any claim to keentns a stock of - ' - - ' -' il GROCERIES .- r. '-il i t- i i IV-S :tuiM i Complete in every respect i .- Oil I (iir. Consumers f tea win find the only first class stock ine any at ,, r -. ml REAL. ESTATE,1, KT.'f. iv ia:m if; vli .7': : j ! MINING jfi!n' IMMIGRATION AGENCtJ -! .-'-'x;-.-v v '.! fe-jiOiJiW liHi: For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Boused . .... ..: ; -":ad.wP1!! r ; , . . AdyerUfn of , cost n X'.uy no. ?? : ?uf r '? j tlinor. i ,rr-frA li.; vUtfJ- .noiri-J ixk?k6 ilTHDS. T. TJfiATTON. t 1..U i7 isjCjeXlattjentm- 4 i.ii . i j i hij i1 i i: nil ' rroi bcilDeBs' anb ooNTitACTrmsiw- iJL the, ceBStruction of the fWlowing bulktt&ga. win 4 iouses, inayor'A ana yoltaBaffices.y witfe nJ apara homseaboye. ..One Brick with two stories obove V Ians.and!Bbeeil(tioiig;fot-flrst MaiwiM Hii4 may be seen; at Uefflceof G( l.yNormaa.i rcbl tectralso. for hotel blockrt same offlcebn and af ter the 24th tnstJ Buildings- to be.completed by' 1st of October next -Contractor to .'give tends. Bight to reject any or all bids reserved. T iriaiiA.'Yvrrf - J H. li.. fTF-rNTTsn i ' r Mo -if fii ( . c ... . , Yfc V wvj mYiM .W.atJANNON.'P I Committee for Town' Council. ": L.' BOWDEH.rr "T.T I,-, W WASH THOMPSOlIj ! ' :xCommlttee for Building Association, 1 - Jebl3,lm,eod..3Ltf - ui ajH!pattanhniva C. fA SPLENDID, LIKE, OF Fine teas,' all grades, Just In. at r 'lis-' - ' - - ' LeROZ.lXAVIpSCN'B. WUKllJIbaiPl FnlCH I 1 HBWBJ3MJ8CFBIENlvw i 1v?jv t -Tttt mill r! tw f f ct Ikic ai,vi ? - lathes days oft poiiUcal trickery, a roe friend m .1.-..1 ii j .-j-j w uuiibjuiutoi,b a ureuu uiunuj auu buui l--..-irMHdj m Mend IS ti c.i'M taiiMM I 1 K. J W. Al JHiAlalM!l LA BALSAM. --wi i . it i tj f 'rT.? WjiiUi i tt1 ftimi iiwfni! W 'U'-i i hi rT7,Z7 U. i J t. . CONSUMPTION, r, .coughs,; coi;ASTBir5i BEONCHITIS,J t frrvi. n ... v, ... ty years and has eared thousands of cases, many of U1B WffDU BV1IUWU Mnmuntaw Huua UfTCIl IIODU 1U1 know has JJacasev however obstinate, can resist the heal- Balsam that cures the worst cases. I f' - f JPHU R HESBT, CUBBAN ft CO., , Sole Proprietors, 8 COUEGB PLACE, NKW TOBK. For sale by iL.B. Wriston A Co., Charlotte, K C. reb25 !:r SMITH'S WQRQIL. ;iitiXA.lecmber8, 1878. A few nights since I gave my son one dose of the Worm -Oil, and - the -next day he passed sixteen .worms.' ju met same omea gav one so my tin. toupvearai aaasBedflghty-six , WFBTLtlPS. worms zrom I our to : Worm Oil for sale Drosaista Kenerallr. Pre- pared by &H. PrkefenST Is a per tout LOUUP Ptiagnat, and Is thai uVy pnray VnirfAMamaaef j muwa tesel ejso thai has made, radical apd Pauf jotm ll vsssa Wtqp.aniDGaowutig au weir u uKuvUFiuy jmova mecvury mm we irvstoiS tt rleves the1 affdnTes -V mtrttntal t't i 4Miiitl1in OTfl MimMW ai'aiiik htWtm. ::.uJWdruiggener ' ,' V leozs em ' - QONpENSED , TIME. NOBTH CAROLINA RAIlJadAD; 1! ' TRAlNg OOnt 6 EAST. n.tiii -1 i-i n ,i i 1 - t Date, Novj. 10, 18. I No.. 8 I DaOy I ex.8un. No. 2 Dally Wo. 4 Sally 1 Leave Charlotte, , ja46am 6.5 pm B.S0 a m I 410pm " Raleigh, 8 00pm arrive uojaaooro. pm9aam : No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.NC.R.R. for UI points to Western OSorth. Owaia dato except Sundays7 'Tb cSeensboro wtth & ft D. S7ft.-for all svotats NorthJEaBS andiWeat .'AtiGoldshamwlth iFr, W WUmlngtoo ; t no. 4rrMnnecis,ai ureensnoro wun it. v. . B. for all polnta North; East and West TRAINS GOING WSST. Date, Nov. 10, 78. Ndl Dally. Dally ex. Sun Leave Goidsboro, Kalelgn, - " . Greensboro Arrive Charlotte, 9.50 a nt asopm 8.28 tim 6.80am 8.47 am 12.25 am 10.50 am Na 1 Connects . at' Greensboro : with i Salem Wanchj At Charlotte with C, a ! A. it & Jon noints Southland. 5outh-wrt; at Alr-r,ln JuncU wlWA;4C.-A:L'RallrpadfoTall points South' at .0iSh-4taBV.iii -wool tiw Trir-i-ii yuj iTTir, a M8niamnewMSls iointsBeandi8Bfathresn);i-7 .rvmt In -m BALEV BSAKCH. reensbnrp w40 trains on the B . r. ! 6- ... :c-'j sdtaasentiiiCAMB vnxmuut (maxgx Bunbotnssaysi TratnW Nds.an4 2; AXlasta via ieKaaOBd. andbpth ways onTralna J oa; princlpar points ' boutti; South-west, wst 'N mm -wan yi vp twwuM - , ( ,aaM-. f vneuwwv, tm uu . c ut MIIIKIBIH IttMJB Ml lvUUB Ml sas auu x exas, aaor 1 ti it : I? nov20 fHAOTTE, lZ yj I.-n; DOLTJMBfjf 1jtND' AUGfJST. RAlLROADl xiuic-.Ji;-j xiil CXAKLOTTX. OnUTMBIA AND APBTJBTA H. ttr. ( On and after 8ima,a)ec,! 2dUi, 11878 i thfrfol- ltharl6tt7,.V Ob1: jura yyiuuivio, a VVF . m SWsstQbbtelUiii.vU aOlii.'ift 0B,juh ArrtfiAugusta. j , v . , . .. , MfM&Mbti :m in rr nnoaaNoara,Na3 i rOaaflotte, .v. Wi . i .u JMJn&Wi&iiL i u!.i; rfoiiivfeafAjir ,iw(noY oiii ! lftve Charlotte. '?.'7Ti . .-..! ' : .?i 'mm Ajrlve CommUaJ Wvtonisbtoo?-ii--ii ffcilf'i"- mm. moil l?IW13.'r-rT41 Si Jorrarm ' iv1o&:K '' o 3 liArtveQhariotte; . .swu . .w.v7. HilQyBQiFtnl iK These trtln aD ,opryi at Foit iMJIL? Boek HttV Chetern. WinnsborK Ridge' vbfirz: Bidsn-SnrlnsM. Aahstoii irllle.: Bates- ' U1a4 A H father staBna ntll Maawiajldglaa &nidom iJor KM. A- (Butlman Palaex sleeping- and draw g-roomrean oso-on 4(sondiiinCeniartRalhTjada. lbbi.l4. .4vu. ib auuvsiiu. vw r. genu. 1 jycelved a li.aupply of superloc Tea., , j IiOlTSil.y.iH vpa WILSON ft BtJRWELE, Ts-ASruf asi0aV A If fii'tt , TTR. D. O'DONOGBTE. i-'i - MKf - .. .Office In the signal Office, over Traders' National Bank, on Srd floor. ''' -' '- i-jj "uaust-mgai or oay, wui receive prompt attention. . RATTLE, M. D., r Having removed his office to the first oor over thn TnutRnt Natlnnal rumlr. Mil' 1w f -Hind.. Uiata all hours during the dar.nd at his residence oo OT.MCHOLAS SCBIBNIB'S n.UiBTR iTOX MA4UZDT ! - hI? il?" Vd--! 'JS.iS-besan the uil)ii. T1M 1 i ecuu)r. xiTB man lutn. nsmurf :--rv i . urB nUni "i. x itv oars naro pa per was issaea, ana laei magazine has wr 7 hJjrhest Dosition. . It has & n.nnthlT-.rr-I!00 e i v vSb f irz;rrYf U1 i-onaor. and mostafleeiieralandiWir "TkI'T."0" al- Thonh,'the Ibroeress b TSfiSW' Al- -'ICsteadV advano&Tit hjii n-U""? en a j The arranennAnia iif j ' ' ' J m vT -T-T aail ana aitMmMK., 1 m iww.voiumei-rtfaa i ilnlMlnlJ 1-n . .1 . 1 - I IW4TTW fTomteu? S2lUt"0,W' asU as hjaJT r'4"' """J ror POTS,.. gmnlna with thVtJcJF?" pwts,be- ,1, first of the vo umed'ivL8. the to FkSrtda aVTd h,"? rSSa.Wmitaiw "til a Doiis mfctxtanaa," ISiE1?8?111 PLlUustradons b ued fairy-tale called oeoeonnn- "I "! a, .'BDIOTT DOnoST'S TOWU," WtSHs,yJJi?1aa flaltll,"e. and Ulustrated h, Alfred Fredericks. Ahont th w VDy 1 te2LSTNlca jmwSsuSS: I humored silence,' tontent Derhst ta IKo! fflumes ahady- issaed,. prophesy concerrini sttwin res)ect -hort: series, t Mcferes pmf box "Rkldie- TejBns, S3XK scriptiocs ieoeivaV hv the ihihr, . ffUD" !V1.r1ig tS8ut8gb 'direct, with, the puiakhere shortdOTmepgatomee, eounty andi BhuTin MWl-Trni,ttow in checks p o money ofcTer, or regislered letter to ,iWl- xr- " . . A . y ; f v. J6CBIBNER 4 CO., decl 0 f743 Broadway, New York 'J'HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THIBTT-FOCRTH TXAR. The most Popular Sdentlflc Paper in the World. . i. i v ;--' Only $3.20 a year, Induding postage. Weekly 5 Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. The PcrHmriO Akuicam is a large nrstclass Wkly Newspaper f.alxteen pages, prmted hi tht most beauttSnstrla, nrofuiinT111. Wlendid,' engravings, representing the Mweat iu .venwns ana ue most recent advances ia the Arts and Sciences; Including New and InteresShB F?a in AgTicultare, , aorVculture. lhe Iu Uogy AsUianomyThe most4raluable nratuci papers, by ewtoent'Wers to an departmeute e Science, will De found In the dentine Americnu Terms, 3.20 per y w, 10 halt year.whichuil eludes postage. Discount to agents, single conies ten cents, bold by atrNewsdealera. Bfit hv1' taV&S'WnnBc hlish- elven. ppwup awnaoni HJdiifeeted-ei Is of the afteateaslly Any persori Who W hWifirery er Invention, can ,aecertatnrea'oaietheT a Wattlll 1M wibIhiMj Imi iJlin f Trillin, in hf nreeuTBd. with hint forprwnrinftdvi iDvenncTO.rcS8for inepaaervW ' MUNN Branch Office, cor. novl9 tf wun Parti Jrew New York th Kts,, Washington, 1). C. : : 'r If II 1879 1879 if t. "HE FOUR REVIEWS AS n' -.7 ,f; B LACKWOOD. Authorized reprints of-- The Edlnbunzh Revleiv rwt TM Westminster HavIaw CT.lhoral The London Ouarteriv RavImv nnnaorvaHra rf Brttisb Quarteriy Review (Evangelical), rOOKS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints srt netseleetioMr titer give the originals hi full, and at about one-third the price oi the English editions. . . ... "LS& iSSS 5 wmjwre with the leading Brma???l05al? ooeld, reprUited by the l01000 respect to PjOT Research, accuracy of statement, and pu Ttty of style, they tire without any quar. they keep pace with modern thoueht diseovnrr. Trinwnf I and achievement whether In religion, science, M- 4 9 IPBuestmg; mtows ol history, andwlui y'g;.'!f!".? fTrlrrH1 Tffi rr iffy84 f?1" 01 - j "IiesttctWadalioa;' For any one Review, f 4 00 per annum, gor any two.Beviews, . , . , 7,00 ; ISaajieilj&. ,u mm: iicBUcwWdoH Magigtee. ,i!Jl'o. .; . - FoBlacfcwod and lour! J .trj. u i tf oo ff xnia nem or expensed now laeutfaltoaUit This hemjSTexpense.Jn6w borne by the pubiiah- "Miicuwi "oi w per eent on fiomer years, CLUBS. . wtB be allowed to bus; tour, soples i ne ssnv to one at thA tamr Un "winwi iur 940, IU1U SO OH' .lw!liJut;!P1JtjBrtk' ' "Nm subscribent AtWnivtod.' asVIx : 'tur J87yimwtev wnJouaimaigBT Um samben for ?!lfH319tisnf,Ieilo wn Wmi or Jour of tae above pritid. sujtavDa t the rour Reviews" for 1 878; subacriimfc 40 rM Sve KackweeSSaajiiSr lOTtfr -T W Wt f Neither subacrlhernof, discount to Clubs canTO alio wedf ifll SVthe mniiev T remitted dlreet t?jmpbUsbrsjlopremiumgen to ifmba,f,.ft sf,.-,;, trf-f-.A .Tfr?'-'.' (.;, . v.ww uuubwu4 necessary wnia eaiirlloatlon. a ,th stock available' tor that HTNG CO., etfewTtort XpBJfK88;WEEXXIl ni i - "f- 2tf ji-ijiii'-'! oil; .K'.stRvIrjlfiJ.-i. ' - it--JL L II 8iCjBAt UDi J -.'i.'i.v v?rrui;'t -ftmVtr !iti:.'.:- ii!l i'lTWol HOTKSsS:6Tj9BJSSBflL " i .. The Wxmrr remains aillv at Hm kad af fllofr tywfoodc?ts!p5nlof puban! - 'its pKjconai sxtractJons are superb, and embrace every variety of subject and artistic treatment Zion's Herald. Boston. The Wraxt Is a'pi-tSSt agency tor the dissemi nation of correct political rind4ea, amd power ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. -EventogisaVlU)hesteicivrolTi 1 41 yiriln r, n?f!T'T hir.l , iWiwnii vifj iiiiiiii . ',-,-.! "( -; The volumes of the Wxxxxt begin with the first Number of January of each year. When bo time ia mentioned, U wfiliMiunderstood that the sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the .receipt otbdssdelw a ' ' Ti . T : .'f?!i.l -ttuA. . - . i HARFERS- PERIODICALS. . Harper's Magazinel one year;'... i.... .-. -5 4 00 BaTl.?entj,3Htfi'..i.,..v 4 00 Harper's Bazar, v if , f ,4 W The Three publications; one year, 10 oo Any Two, one year., u . . . . . ,JI w 8lxsubwirjaafl,jonejear.,w-i..,...f'....o ou Terms for licr'clubH furnished WPj011 Postage free to aU subscribers lfl the inltjed States or Canada. ( -, The annual volumes "of Haspkk's Wuxxt, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free ot expenses (provided the freight does npt exceed on dollar per volume),: for $7.00 each.J Ax complete set comprising twenty-two wolumesi sent on re eeipt ol the eash at the rate $5.25 ber volume, freight at expense of purchaser. ,-" j . t. Cloth casesforeach Volume, suitable lor binding, wul he sent by mail, posWdrofl ireoelpt .? 100 BBOlt t v. 1 -l 'mi fi-. :r. 1 .(..'-.?....-.:. ? . ' ; Remittances should be made by powoffice money order erdrafK to avoid cnanes of loss. 1''' Newspapers are not: to. wopj; this ( SdverHWrnw1 jATENTO.Bi ' connection1 Wl Anean.-AIes8ra.4l inMi) n decltf . JM. .:i u.jjiiu ' mvw SVI