Mssmttu.itma i wis rivmmm m 1JHWfil.iii i . . ' """ H - - . ... - I. i i "?;'.;.! i.r.'ii'"ir ri'i '? it ,i rn?cM; Sal ?Ii ! SVB8C&IPTI0N BATES : DaUy, one year, poetrpaid) in advance. . . Six Month.- . Tfute Months Sfl. ; - -IJIMObSMltrXX JOttETAETMEMZ ...$8 00 ..... 4 00 .... a oo to ... - ,-. .. .... t T.. '"TBvr'tten StyieofTm. m One Monin WEEKLY EDITION : Jkvoont-ttmm mbmsbs, VUTnkh, mt Short Weekly, (in the county) in advance . , . . Out of the county, pbttpaid,. w. Js . Six Month -f Liberal Reduction for Club. . s S2 00 a 10 1 oo ' ' - - . - - ri 1.J Sill!", EUiirlfSlim VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAYMimteffiM Titu tltnrtf'' 3 - -. i j Vr bit Iut yr-A i.rJi VvR lr " vv J1 l frmrrnrvftt wart rm r 4 -ni'naLrliTrmX fags QASHMERES AND ALPACAS. just Received another lot of superior a H if CASHMERES AND ALPACAS, Banging m Price from 25 cents to One Dollar. oi' colored cashmeres, ail A Few Pieces Wiol. of suier!or Quality at sixty cents, I i worth 81.0a fall to see our .LADIES' CLOAKS before In not buying. It wiii pay you. ELI AS & COHEN. i - t; RO ESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAI.KR VS ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE ! BEDDING, &C. BEDDING, &C BEMHNG, AC. BEDDING, Ac. FURNITURE! FUKNITURE! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES! LOLNGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES I PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! IW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. t;r- COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trad Strket. CHARLOTTE, N. C 1ST Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Bobes a line supply. jan: ARGAINS in URRR N TT TTTTIT IT RRK ERB u IK U r U U K RNN N n t tr v URRR N H UN KJUv KtMM UR UU R RN NN AT K. (i. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, 'KXT TO POSTOFTICK. feiodk Is very Lar, u -andeinbracesa Full Jn of fXHWH, CIIAMBElt, DINING ROO AND :f OVKIGE FlUtNlTURE j All Goods Packed Free of Charge I shall start tor the Northern and Eastern mar kets on to day's train, to purchase my SPRING STOCK. I shall use every effort to secure all the leading styles and novelties In Fancy Dry Goods. I expect to buy my entire stock tor cash, giving me the ad vantage of the lowest market prices, and extra dis count I have associated with me In business MR. T. J. SEA6LE, of Philadelphia, and he being to the Northern markets all the time, win na rta facilities for making our. purchases at all seasons In the year, Instead of ordering We have Just received a new line of I) RE SS GOODS la Brocade, nnttpgsi Beges and Fancy Alpaoeas. White Cotton Ferry for making children's cloaks; Striped and Barred Nainsooks ; a new line of Piques. Also a full line of NEW CORSETS. A beautiful stock of Spring Prints and Fancy Do mestic Piques. we wui be receiving goods daily until our stock is complete, which will be about the 10th of March. Respectfully, T. L. SFJGLE&C0., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. feb28 PRING ANNOUNCEMENT. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends and the public In general, that we leave to-day for NEW YORK, , ; To purchase our large and varied SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF ALL THE HE LATEST LATEST NOVELTIEO N0VELTIEO OF THE SEASON. It is our Intention this season to Inaugurate a new system of prices In Charlotte, which will give our friends and the community at large a chance to purchase Goods at NEW YORK CITY PRICES. We are closing out a lot of WINTER GOODS, AT LESS THAN COST. Don't fall to call and see us. H. MORRIS A BROS. February 21. p LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Tdereetjepposlto. First Presbyterian Church Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at halT prlee und warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. SUver-Plating na uiu vanlzlng made at short notice and equally as good asewT Wort done r the trade at low pric. Apprentice, waniwa, wim iikui W5Eed work uncalled foe wfflbesold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septio t ' VROM DR. a J. BELT, M. D., M.D. Ml I have prescribed Colden's Lelbtfs Llapld Ex tract of Beef and Tonic Invigorator, and cheer funy state thai ft has met my mosf sanguine ex pectations, giving to patients long enfeebled by ohronlc diseases, debulty, vreataesOs of appe- Ut and Indigestion, ,ffl"J??f' n,viHAn Ana ntood.tsold by ail Driegltfc;y P ingltorlneFrra- -7-A TJAT to au outfit free. Ad dress P. o" VICKEBY, Augusta, Maine, qa Fancy Cards, Ommo, Snowflake, ftc., , no two OU alike, wltb7 name, 10 cents. J. Mlnkler Co.' Nassau, N. Y. . ... . . ..hntnini rr 9K el- KA Snowfiake. noiio. o,T' rArrf Co.. AW r egantenromo carua, w Nassau, U.N-X. : - ' : maranteed to 77 "A'ntroumt freT haw"4 Co., Augus ta, Maine -''. - ' " NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUBEAUf Spruce street, New York. , 10 Jayly, the Troabadonr. INew Orleans Times. Oh king of the fiddle. Wilhelmj, If truly you love me, just teUmj; Just answer my sigh By the glance of your eye. Be honest, and don't try to sellmj. With rapture your music did thrillmj, With pleasure supreme did It fillm. And If I could believe That you meant to deceive v Wilhelmj, I think it will killmj. To Square the Circle. (From the Morningslde Mirror.) Or, like a mathematic elf, To make a circle square itself. This problem, through successive ages, Has puzzled all the wisest sages; But let me prove, and thereby please ye, 'Tls very pretty, quick, and easy. First, draw your circle then with care, Erect the Inner, outer square; From comer of the inner square. Drew the same circle, round and fair. 'Twill pass first circle's centre through, And cuts the outer square In two; Join these two outer points that line Is side of equal square, sublime. And so I've squared the circle pat, Nay, I've done better, more than that, For, like a mathematic elf, I've made the circle square itself. J. W. M. Pboot. Draw a circle of 2Vz Inches radius with great accuracy. That is 40-1 oths of an Inch, and It will contain 6026.66 of such parts. And the line or side (obtained as above .directed) is 70-9 parts or iotas in length, and 70.W squared is ouzo 81 which is the same (reallv) as the circle. Any circle can be equal squared In the same quick, true, and easy way. OBSERVATIONS. The sudden removal of Zach Chandler to Wash ington has cast a gloom over the retail liquor busl- i uesa in juciugan. A Boston girl writes to a young lady in Yassar College that a rich old uncle has just died and left ner a large umDacy. iiica voserver. Has any one ever heard of a canta trice that wasn't a "fair cantatrice?" There appear to be no brunettes in the business. Cincinnati Enquirer. William Augustus to sleepy room-mate: "Come, John Henry, why don't you get up with the lark, as I do?" John Henry, grimly: "Been up with him an mgni." A farmer has Invented a rubber hand which he hangs on his front gate for the convenience of can didates to snake, his wile, having no cniidren, has made a large rag doll and sets It on the oppo site post lor them to kiss. The question whether a clergyman can perform bis own marriage ceremony has been in litigation for the last three years in the courts of Ireland, and the decision finally reached Is that such a marriage is vaud. A worthy Baptist minister in the west, gently re buking his Sock for their extravagance In dress, used the word "garbage," supposing it to be a more elegant form of "garb." Wild hilarity In the choir and horrible consternation among the devout pornou oi tne nocK. A Chicago exchange strikes the nail fairly on the head: "Never go where you are not wanted! If a man wants you to come to his place of business he will Invite you through an advertisement. It is wrong to Intrude on privacy." A Troy audience resented the poor performance of a traveling theatrical company by refusing to permit the play to be finished, and the local mana ger apologized ior Dunging sucn a snow to tne city. The aldermen of Lowell, Mass.. have passed a city ordinance requiring barbers to close their shops on Sunday, and the sinners or that town cry out with a loud voice: "What shall we do to be shaved." RANSOM AND CONKLLVG. T.'iey Hitch Over the River and Harbor Bill. Sunday in the Senate New York Sun Report Mr. Conkling said the bill, as reported from the committee on commerce of the Senate, provided for the expenditure of 8658.000. and his belief was that one- half of this sum was for works unwar ranted in respect to usefulness, and for which there was no right to carry on or to improve. He had no doubt of the right of Congress to appropriate money to improve the highway of commerce, the harbors, rivers, arms of the sea, and such channels as are national in cnar- acter and relations. He did not believe Congress had power, and by this he meantrightf ul and constitutional power, to appropriate money to di edge trout streams, brooks, and small beds of wa ter lying wholly within .individual States. Although the bill contained appropriations for improvements in the State of New York which were national and meritorious, and also appropna tions to improve the navigation of the Mississippi Kiver which was also na tional, he should be compelled to vote aeainst the bill unless he were able to carve out the works useful and national. He expressed himself in favor of the substitute. Mr. Ransom (Democrat, of N. C.) re gretted that the Senator from New York, who was the chairman of the committee on commerce, made the criti cism he did. If he was not mistaken, the last act the Senator did was to assist the Senator from Florida (Mr. Conover) and the Senator from Louisiana (Mr. Kellogg) in passing amendments in creasing the appropriations in the bill at which be now levelled his denuncia tion. If he was not further mistaken, the Senator voted to attach to the bill an appropriation of $1,750,000 for the continuation of the Eads iettv improve ment. Mr. Ransom then spoke in favor of the bill, there being thousands of streams to carry to the larger rivers tne produce of the farmer, and thence to the centres of trade. Mr. Conkling, in reply, spoke of the vast improvements in water communi cation in New York made by that State itself, and for which not a cent was asked of the general government. He did vote for the amendments alluded to by the Senator from North Carolina. He regarded the bill as one of the choice scandals of legislation, and believing the average river and harbor bills were little betUr than a burlesque on such improvements, he voted for some of the amendments to do what was called loading the bill, in order to bring out the features of tne Dili m doiq renei, and to show what legislation means. Mr. Ransom replied tnat tne senator gave a generous vote tor tne amend ments oi the Senators from Florida and Louisiana, for which they thanked him a vote to make the bill odious, to show its dark lines, and to secure its defeat. His friends then received his aid for that purpose, Valaable Discoveries of Gold in North farolirs. Special to the Washington Gazette.l Chemical Laboratory, ) Thomasville, N. C, Feb. 27, 1879. C Messrs. Peters & Reid, commission nipmhartts. of Norfolk. Va., are owners of 150 acres of land in Randolph coun ty, of this State, upon wmcn iias ueeu discoverea a goiu mine, x vo use fully assayed at this office the different portions of their vein (brown ore) with the following resuu: ureyieiumg eiiuru to 3160 per ton. ; ; Ii. M. Eames Mining Engineer. . , I I I I ; Monroe Express: We learn that a voune man bv'the name of John Kind- lev, who lived near Efird's Mill post- office, in Stanley county, recently de serted his wife for another woman, j The woman had been living with him aa a servant and on account of the inti macy existing between them there had j been for sometime a coldness between him and his wife. .The two disappear ed from the neighborhood simultane ously, and it is supposed tney leir, to gether. The Agricultural Department. LBalejg&Hews. In the House, ort the evening of the 2Gth ult, a biu was introduced to reduce the salary of the Commissioner of Ag riculture and the appropriation to 91.- 000, when Mr. W. E. Ardrey, of Meck lenburg county,suomittea tne following remarks: Mr. Speaker,! think this bill is a snap judgment on. our agricultural depart ment, ana tne committee on retrencn- ment and reform in presenting it have entirely ignored the committee on agri culture, over which I have the honor to ' preside as chairman.. And, sir, allow me here to say tnat my committee is I composed of . gentlemen as intelligent and patriotic as are on this floor. We have worked faithfully and have given every bill referred to us prompt atten tion and our calendar is now disposed of, and thera could be no excuse for not referring tiiis matter to the proper com mittee. Now, gentlemen of the House, ' I take thepositiofl; that the province and duty of the committee on retrench-1 ment and reform, which is only a spe cial committee, is to investigate mat ters submitted to them and to confer with the regular standing committees on these subjects, but ia this particular instance they have assumed to ignore the very existence of our committee. 1 Sir, I protest against crippling this department in its inlancy, and you well know it is neither new nor rare for some extravagance to be found in all new enterprises, especially of sueh mag nitude as tnis one, ana mere may nave been some extravagance in this, but I do not believe there has been any inten tional mismanagement on the part of any of the officers of the department, and while it may have sustained some losses, yet it has saved hundreds of thousands of dollars to the farmers of the State in the analysis of commercial fertilizers, for some of the brands that were on our market when this depart ment was established, by chemical anal ysis, were proven- to contain nity-ven per cent, of sand. Now, the farmer that purchased such spurious articles, paid more than one-half of his money for sand. Must he spend his money to test the value of his fertilizers by tedious and extravagant experiments, when he can have them tested by analysis when it does not cost him anything? no, nor not a dollar out of the public treasury, for we are now buying at the same price per ton that our neighbors in Virginia and South Carolina ate now paying. The law is certainly a great protection, both to the farmer and manufacturer, and here I will inform this House that some of the manufacturers have been before our committee asking that the tax be continued, for it secured to them an honest competion with honest dealt ers. When this department came into existence tnere were over one Jiundrea brands sold in this State, and only about forty have stood the test, and. now the farmer with perfect safety can invest his monev in anv of these brands. ; -1 Now, gentlemen, i nave tnis cause at heart, for I am a farmer, and regard this act of 1876- 77 as the nrst legislation in North Carolina for the advancement of her agricultural interest. And I am surprised at the position of the gentle man irom Alamance, who nas just pre ceded me, being a professional man, to make the severe attack on the depart ment that he has done, but 1 am glad. to learn (as he just informs me) that he is also a good farmer, but 1 think n ne would carefully examine the reports of the commissioner and read the agricut tural journals more, he doubtless would be a better farmer and would have less prejudice against the department. know that he is an honest and high toned gentleman, and is open to correc tions on this sumect. Now, Mr. Speaker, 1 have the honor to represent, not an extravagant, out liberal people, and I feel to-night that my reelings are m tun accord with theirs. But. sir. if it is the policy of this General Assembly to stop all the great and noble enterprises Of our State, and reduce at one fell swoop the appro priations to our charitable and penal institutions so low that they cannot be maintained, if that be the policy, I say discharge ther)mciais. Close tne doors or our asylums and place tne inmates uyou uie cuariuea oiiie wuuu, uui vjtuu forbid that such should be the issue. I feel, for one, and I believe it is the sense ot this House, and I know that it is tne wish of our constituents at home, that these poor, unfortunate creatures should be provided for, and that our great rail road undertakings should be pushed on ward, and that our vast mineral and agricultural wealth should be develop ed, and if we fail to perform these du ties, we will prove recreant to the trust imposed in us. Let me sav again that 1 win not ad vocate extravagance in the administra tion of our government, but I cannot and will not endorse the stringent econ omy that some members on this floor advocate, for I think it will tend to re tard instead of advance our prosperity, and I do believe with wise and judicious legislation there is in the near future a -i . t i j degree oi progress ana prosperity ior North Carolina that she has never be fore attained. And now. gentlemen, let usHoster ' and protect her agricultural interest, which is the foundation upon which this great and grand structure must be erected. Disbursements of the Agricultural Department from ipril 12th, 1877, to April 15th, 1878. SALARIES. Commissioner of Agriculture, per an num, Secretary and Treasurer. Clerk, per month $25.00, Office Boy, per month $12.00, Chemist, $ 2,000 00 1.200 00 275 00 144 00 2,000 00 320 00 S 5,939 00 141 90 198 00 24H 52 Vl 00 1.201 70 H94 07 Assistant cnemist, per monin a4U, Total for salaries 1 year, Pay to members of the Board, Furniture for office. Rents for office, nuei, Printing, . Postage, Mu8eum,rents,fumlture and freights,; stationery. Expenses for exhibition at State Fair, Hatching and distribution of Shad, 52H 35 48 12 51 45 2,071 75 , 919 11 Hatching ana austriDduon oisaimonj permanent wonts oi me uatcnery, Freight from California on Salmon 339 79 116 Apparatus and chemicals for Control station. . 706 07 334 40 180 44 994 38 30 53 541 00 134 90 Expenses for collecting samples of Fertilizers. Incidental expenses of Control Sta tion. Amount paid C. D. Smith, for col marbles of the lectins wood and West, with frektht. Expenses for sending N. C. products to fans, Immigration, expense of agent and documents. Miscellaneous, Total expenses for one year, $15,435 86 Womb's Best Frtead. z c- " Ample testimonials from every section of the country show that Brad field's Female' Regulator is as It claims to be, "Woman's best friend." Many suffering females have tried it, and have been cured, and bear witness to its merits la sound constitutions and rosy cheeks. - Its record is before, the public.- Dont fail to try It If yon are suffering from any of the complaints peculiar to the sex. . ( feb25 1m , ... r , ' - i BmWm ii - -.-.;. 2, " w chew Jackson s best sweet navt tOBACCO. SatorJay'jSefritf Sft0tunlng. Correspondence BaltltieW SMl Washington, Marcn raeH met at 930. in continuance of9 day's session, and while discussing tei hour to which it should take - a recess?! (Mr. Tucker, of Virginia; suggesting midnight, Mr. Townsend, of New York, favoring an earlier, hour, on the ground that he could do without, ;gptng to church, but could not do without sleep; Mr. Price, of Iowa, proposing to ad journ till Monday ; morning, on the ground that a Sunday session was not creditable, and Mr. Atkins, Tennes see, insisting that it was absolutely nec essary to meet in the evening in order that the bills might be enrojJet) a respectable-looking elderly. : gintleman stood up in the gallery, neat Dy the clerk, and lifting up his voice! entred his protest against the desecration of the Sabbath, warning members that the God of Heaven would punish them for dishonoring His holY day. He" went on to quote from the Bible tnatThe wick ed shall be turned into hell; and an the nations that forget Gort At this point the enthusiast's Harangue was interrupt ed by one of the doorkeepers, Who quiet ly led mm out of the gallery, lie made no more resistance, but went off satis- fled that he had discharged a pious duty. A Wronged Maiden's Revenge. Detroit, MicHFeb. 26. Warren N, Draper, a young lawyer, from the neigh boring town of Fontiac, while on his way to the depot with his wife, was as saulted by Minnie Stevens, a dashing and stylish brunette, with whom he had been on terms of intimacy tor the last two years. With an oath Minnie re marked: u I love you too much to give you up for another, and thereupon drew a revolver and blazed: away, the ball lodging in Draper's head, and in flicting a dangerous wound, ; Minnie was arrested and Draper was taken to the hotel. He probably won't prosecute her. His efforts to dissolve the rela tions inspired the girl's murderous as sault. The Peer of Aoy. Washington City Gazette, Ex-Governor Z. B. Vance, of North Carolina, Senator-elect from that State, is in Baltimore. His wisdom and wit will make him the peer of any of his colleagues. Good cheer tot CoBsanp: Ives. There Is a form of consumption which was better indicated by the old fashioned name of ' "decline." It ls the dreaded soOurge of some "parts of the Sou&era States, claiming-, more victims every year than are swept away by the most terrible visitations of the yellow fever." The 'malady arises from the Inability of the patients' eyBtetn to take up and as similate the Bwnlshing ingredients-of the food that Is eaten. - Some years ago- the. medical profes sion with remarkable t unanimity, agreed that Cod Uver OU: 'contained the TOOst concentrated and easily absorbed elements of hutritlon. If the nau seous taste and smell ot the oil could be avoided It wouid unquesHOhably be the most sovereign reme dy that ever shed a nealmg blessing on the human race. And these repulsive - properties are success fully removed by the - union of pure Cod Liver Oil wfth the "Hrpophosphites of Lime and Soda in Scott's Emulsion. The combination Is a most ele gant ene, pleasant as sweet milk In flavor, conge nial to the stomach, and acting directly as a power ful yet genUe tonic of the brain and nervous sys tem. For upwards of thirty years Mrs. WlnsloWs Sooth ing Syrup has been nsed for children. It corrects acidity or the stomach, relieves wind colic regulates the bowels, cores dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well known remedy. 26c per bottle. ml stntt. R EAL ESTATE, MINING ANDIMMIGRATION AGENCY. For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will Advertise free of eost, all properties placed in my hands for sale. THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N.C. declO TF YOU WISH to engage In an honest, genteel X business, and make plenty of money during the holidays, send your address to RANDOLPH ft CO., feb4w4t 107, 4th av.. N. T. F OR FINE WINES, And rure Liquors, Three Years Old, go COCHBANE'8, Central Hotel Saloon. LRENCH BRANDY Guaranteed to be TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. G TO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pure Liquors. M M E E L L S S L L O O N JOIN your hands all friends of taste QN my bar only the best Is placed. gANDWICH. Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, JgACH man '11 receive right real, good cheer, J LEASE step in. my hall Inspect, JJEAR It, youH see more than you'll expect JpRENCH, German, Domestic Brandles,Wiie j try each customer's taste to refine, gUCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good, QONTAINS my bar, most delicious food, v V JJAVLNG Cheese and Sausage In bill of fare, JACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear gAYANT Judgment and taste most rare. gEE comtciteWa'avB as In sips be, drlngs . JACH sip he takes proves what he thinks! (' RIGHT off one more he calls as to his friend he winks. , i-. . an22 F. C. MUNZLER,. TXEALEB In Lager Beer, Ale and Potter; botfled U beer a specialty: Bottled beer deUverad to any part of the dty free of charge at ONE DOL LAR PER DOZEN. r 5 ' ! Lager Beer Is healthy and an excellent appetizer, and recommendedlif aD good physteians to per- sons tn delicate health r its.. - An orders left at JohnTegePt tenor shop wQt K celve prompt iattentlon. " , mar4 ; "Ift J ''"Jivr! V. ujIiiii m-l(R fir'HiattlB 1 T7'S T & mm VH J HM oilw .tniufioi) TUiteTtt'r'. i .f Imhle.'iiH-Sh'iii sdJ moil Muovr ftrf Jr.di siaaf. -j;-in"! TP mitm -ff' n ad f)-l -Ii"! J08T RECEIVED FROVf- Tf X HAVE JUST RKCKfVED l"BOi HfJ. HOU8T7 UB HOUS XZJ A ftnl and complete Itoe ot sample Goods for Spring Wear; the styles are ail new, attractive and handsomely designed; the Goods are all of Toreign Looms, inch as French, English, Scotch and German, And with Increased faculties we ask our friends and patrons to eomcraad foofcjftour Goods, as we Intend to make garments to order, cheap er than any Northern tailor coming through here:we have also receiv ed Butterick's Fashion Plates for spring and summer wear as guide. 17 We solicit an early eall, so "as to give us ume Derore a rush ot manufacture. BespectfuHy, BERWAXOEB ft BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. N. B. Everybody that wants winter clothing win save money by calling on as, as we wui sell them regardless of cost, Men's, Tooths', Boys' and Children's Suits. feb9 Hew &&xivttBzmmt&. TEACHEBS WASTED. $50 to $10Q or $200 per month, during the Spring and Sommer. For full particulars address -JJ: J. C. JdeCXTBDT ft CO.. . Philadelphia, Pa. jyPHTHHBIAl Johnson's Anodyne, Unlment wfU positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases In ten. . Information that will save many Dves sent free by man. Dont delay a mo ment. Prevention Is better than core. Sold every where. I. S. JOHNSON ft CO.. Bangor, Maine. gENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS There Is no doubt about the great superiority of this article over common porous plasters and other external remedies, such as Bnlmentsr electrical ap pliances, ftc Ask pbjflleiahs In your own locality about it. it is wondemu. Sold by all Druggists, price 25 cents. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53,672 Superb English Books AT OUR PRICE. 75,270 New American Books AT YOUR PRICE. 1 12,720 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, 3 Beekman st.. near New Post-Office , New Ytrk. c O O N N M M N And al Disorders of the THROAT AND LUNGS Permanently Cured. DR. T. A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY r y ooo H V 8 Y O O H H n h n inr k its w N K If N WW BBS E BE B PPP hh n i n OOO H Taken In conjunction with his COMPOUND EMULSION OF o i L URE COD LITER and fcypophesphttes of LIMB AND SODA. A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation sent by express to each suffering applicant sending their name, P. a and express address to Dr. T. A-Slo-cum, 181 Pearl stf-eot. New York. r Tm ffristtXlmizBUs. AROMATIC TEETH. GUMSBREATH NO MORE JHEU MA T I S Vf OB GOUT ACUTE OB CHRONIC g A.l I.C I L I C SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark bjrthe EUROPEAN SALICTLIC MEDICINE CO., or rkxa aa uoraa. Immediate relief warianted. Permanent core guaranteed. Now exduslvelj wed by aU celebrated phystciana ot jauope ana k America, neceniag- Staple r Harmleast' and Benable Bemedy on, both conUnenta The, mgnt wow ACMemyor Parti report 95 eofeitt 1 WivQmVut days: 'SecreWXhe-onlT dlssolver of ttojpolsonoua Uric Acid whWh exfstrln the Blood of JUteomatle and Gouty! Pattte; :l',0O ot Endorsed by taoTana. Sold by U duggisU. -Address 'r.WASHBUBTiEjsTcO. bovT Only importers- uepoc uun-s, r. x. For sale by 3. H McADKN, Druggists, -t febl81y. Charlotte, N, C. TO BUILDERS iND CONTRACTORa-Blds for i Um eonstiueUcn of the following bondings wui b received onoitne Ota ex atarea, next: - ; - One Briek Blocav lint Door oontalBlng tw tora houses, mator's ana bollce offices, with ah. apeta- fcousaabove-r'; :"r ' -: -ODBBncKBtoari eotwnmc nine sure noasw, with two stories obovefor a hotel, rrd :i i; Tlans and spedftcatloas. for, first rained block may jw seen- at the Office of G. , L. - Norman; ' $xlr tet; also, tohotolbtockiasaWoBkWaod af ter the 24th Inst, Buildings to be-completed by 1st of . October nexfc. Contractor to gle-; bonds. Bight to reject any of an bids reeenei, ' . " ; ..' J i:H,Jt HEIXrTSH, -; i B, UiBOWDEN, W. a CANNON. Committee for Town CoundL i i B. LvBOWDEN, ' W. WASH THOMPSON, 1 H. X. HETNiTSH, - ' ... ' OommltieeforBulldlrAsxlsftoil. ' febl8,lialeod ' 1 " Sp&rtanburg, &C t' SPLENDID LINE OT ' 1 ' ' : Fine Tea, an grades just ta, LeROT DATIDSON. JantfO IM4 :,&afifcllfa,, 1H jrrl'VHv tioTSTiTnTKTf 3TTT S oil! sdl i Sr. nrl tin oiil yiiA Jj; y itaiii!') 'i!t 1!! wtvtj; .Hi MILLINERY : i.'i'f khIii.ii I ttt v. MlW nlil'HH MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY SPRING ST V L!E KB THE LATEST STYLES THE LATEST STYLES -IN- SPRING SPRING SPRING HATS & BONNETS HATS & BONNETS HATS & BONNETS Just received b WITTKOWSKY & BARUCII. C LOTHING! L O T H I N GJ C L O T H I N VT i W. KAUFMAN ft CO'S. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Havmg detemmed to retrace oar stock, we now offer to the people of Cb&rloOe tad this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock OOO o o 8 o OOO o00orFr 8 0 T O T OO T Ii WE HATS EVKB OFFKBXD, Consisting of the usual variety ot MEN'S. BOY'S, TOyjfH'S AND CHILDREN'S C t 0 T H I N G . FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. P AU wa ask U that oar frkmds and easterners wfllglva us a call, as tt win be to roar latorest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on four purchase. - - W. 1ULTMAKA CO., . Springs Corner, Chartotm, N. C 3tixtst Set. VBS WORLDS STANDARD. FAIRBANEB' SCALES TFor Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONET DRAWEES Coffee MUla, Spice Mills, and Store Flxturea Gem rally The Improved Type Writer. v3scISS0ng Pomp Go's Pumps. - end for Circulars. - ' , . j-, s " t'.i .: -.i, " TAJBBA1U 811 Broadway Nw ToO tW Tot sale by ladlnx Hardware Dealer eptWtaww H H H JJ3T N OGG a Hit kith q o HHH n 15 H O a a ii n ira ooo

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