LOCAL IXTELLIGEKCE. iTlUHSDAY, MARCII"m879T" ji . 1 1 RAILROAD illUKCTURT. The following table snows the running ot passen ger trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail RICHMOND 4k DANVIIXE. Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, 1.00 a. m. Leaves for " " 3.20 a. m. Arrives from Richmond,; 10.50 a. m. Leaves for ' 6.45 p.m. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE AIB-LINK. Arrives from Atlanta,. .. - 8.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta, , 1.05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, . . . -i 0.50 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta, 10.50 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLtfMBIA AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta,.... 3.10a.m. I eaves for Augusta 1.00 a. m. a rrlves from Augusta, . . . , 6.80 a. m. Leaves for Augusta ; . 1 1.27 a. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. Arrives from Wilmington, .... 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington,.' 6.00 a. m. a rrlves from Shelby 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Shelby i 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE 4 OHIO. a rrlves from Statesvllle, 5.80 p. m. Leaves for Statesvllle,. : 7.00 a. m OFFICE HOUB8. OPENS. Money Order Department, . .9.00 a. m. Betristry Department,. ..... .9.00 a. m. Deliv'y ft Stamp Dept., . 8.00 a. m. CLOSES. 5.00 p. m. 5,00 p. m. 6.00 p. m. 8.45 p. m. 8.30 p. m On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 '' '"' OPENING AND CLOSING OP MAILS. OPENS. CLOSES. 11 .nville 4 Charlotte R.R.,. 8.00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. I " " 11.15 a.m. ti.00p.hi. ( h irlotte & Atlanta R. R... 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. & Augusta R.R.,. 8.80 p. nu 10.00 a. m. Wilm'ii & Charlotte R. R... 8.80 p.m. 5.00 a.m. ( lu'iiotie A Shelby R. R.,. . 6.80 p.m. aOa.rn. & Statesvllle,.;.. 5.80 p.m. 6.00 a.m. zw Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at ro i m.. and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. in. ' gr- Yorkville. (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 II 111., and Fiiclays at 7.00 a. m. 1 ' W. W. JENKINS, P. M. iMiic.yrioNS. War Pepaktmknt, j oi r i' 1: Ciiikf Signal, Ofkicek, W a.-iiin;ton, Jliir. Z, 7:ao v. Si. ) I'm the South Atlantic States, north- i . .. r 1 w..i L'f li'tiwlo li'ivl K' .liviiflT- I';lSl l1' rtl ' I I l 1 1 V 1." 1 ?AUlC, 'Ul l l. K,lJKl.lJ weather with slight change in barome ter and temperature. I, oca! Ketort for Yesterday. ' j 7 A. M. I 2 P. M. I 9 P. M Barometer. . .180.895 ' 80.867 80.398 Thermometer 48 61 54 Relative Humidity 88 4." 61 iViud-Direction. N. N. E. E. Velocity 4 Miles 10 8 Weather. I Fi-ggy. Cloudy. Fair. "Highest tempeniture 63 deg.; lowest 41. meteorological Record. WKATHER REPORT, MAUCH 5, 420 P. M. Barom Th. Wind. iVel. Weather. 80.27 67 N. E. i 6 Cloudy. 80.85 70 N. E. ; 6 H07y. .S0.87 59 E. '10 Fair. 80.34 62 S. E. s 7 Fair. 30 18 78 S. E. ,11 Fair 30.29 M S. E. I 10 Clear. 30.26 71 8. E. ! 13 Clear. 30.36 61 N. E. 16 Clear. 30.25 65 N. E. 11 Clear. 30.32 66 S. 13 Hazy. 80.81 71 S. E. 4 Hazy. 30.30 70 E. 8 Clear. 30.27 75 N. E. 10 Fair. 30.38 63 8. E. 8 Hazy. 30.31 69 N. E. 8 Hazy. 30.21 76 N. E. 2 Clear Aliaii'.a Aiisus'.n .. Charleston. I'liii'lotte,. Corsicana,. (ialveston,. Indianola... .lackson'lle, Key West,.. Mobile,. Montgom'y. . Orleans. Punta Rasa Havannah. St. Marks. Havana .. Index to New Advertisement. Elias & Coben New Goods. Maxwell 4 Harrison Oil Paintings. S. Wlttkowsky Notice. NEW BEPARTCRK. On th 2'2l f September Uixt, in putting on i new ilrm. THE DAILY OBSERVER adopted the rule to s.rtlwlc all double column advertisements and SU cuts. After .tire months of experience, tee have decided to orucd the rule. Double column advertisements neces sitate the cutting of aAumn rules, and these will be rhargrd twenty-tire per cent, more than our reyular rati, and will only be inserted on the first and fourth pages of the puper. The recent changes in the ar rival and departure of maUs, make it necessary that rhanges in contract advertisements be sent in by t hree ri 'click in the afternoon. iioni: pektciliwis. Xo tush-box heard from yesterday. llobiu hunting is still as popular as 'ver. i Wilhelm j goes from Charlotte to Rich mond. The dust was hardly ever thicker up on the streets in August. The query about planting potatoes lias not yet been answered. The Charlotte Blues (colored) are re viving, and have been drilling recently. The Air-Line Railroad advertises for sale twenty-two mules-4inclaimed freight. The noble army of tramps is now moving northward. Very few are seen tliese days going South. Our merchants are now receiving spring goods heavily. Some stocks are already complete. An unusual degree of interest is man i"'tHd just now among the firemen in llieir respective organizations. Maj. .I.s. M. Davidson is opening a drug store on Tryon street, at the stand lately occupied by ,W. M. CrowelL IV the past few. days cotton has been ''ringing a first rate price in this mar ket as compared with New York prices. Mr. A. Baumgarten, of the firm of J. M. Mendel & Co., of Raleigh, has gone ' that citv and will make it his future home. The house for Ahren's planing mills iind shops on the vacant square near 'lie North Carolina depot has been com pleted. Maxwell & Harrison, auctioneers, re 'fcived last evening and will this even- "K sell a large lot of verv beautiful gen uine oil paintings. " (Had to see that some little improve ment has been made on the road leading the fair grounds, in response to the universal demand. It has been decided in the Superior ('"nrt that all civil eases over Xo. 117 siiiill go over to the next term of the oiu t. suitors will do well to make a 111 te of this. We are asked to say that the regular "leeting of the Gounod club has been postponed until Monday night, and will "e held as bv previous appointment at the residence of Mr. L. W. Sanders. There were tw cases of plain drunk 'Hfore the mavbr's court yesterday 'Homing.. One of the victims was fined ilnd turned loose, and the others not "living the wherewithal to settle, was smt to work on the streets. , When a freight train on the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, coming ll, th, stopped' a" few days ago at the .water tank on the outskirts of this city nine pedestrian tourists disembarked "uni one car. flie order of Good Samaritans and Jniighters of Samaria, an organization "I the colored nemile in this citv. Davs li iwentv to nttv dollars per montu to sick or (1i:i1i1p1 m Pin Iters. The lodsre numbers about two hundred. People cune from Columbia, S. C" Jioin Danville, Va-, and from Lincoln Y, to hear Wilhemj's fiddle last night lie skipped Columbia and will in like manner skip Danville, which latteE was represented last night by Prof.'R? . f. Infer, who had heard the great v lolinist in Europe, arid who consider ti it a privilege to be able to hear him igiiin by 250 mileso'f travel. ' f The Female Preacher, Miss Painter,1e:Qnakeress revivalist, who recently, conducted reUgioua meet ings of tjusi city, is creating yqut4 a stir in Spartanburg. A portion of the citi zens in the place deny 'the right of a woman to preach, and none of the churches would open their doors to her. She preached her sermon intended to show the Scriptural authority for wo men preaching, and on the following Sunday the pastor of the Presbyterian eliurcnpreaehecrsermon in answer to the woman's, and Urtft'frlg elaborately reported in the Ideal papers. In the meantime! iss Painters?istill con-chicting-her meetings" in a hired hall and has crowded houses every nhjht. We learn that Br. T GreeheT who for several yearsfhas been acitizen of Char lotte, and who became quite Tyell known by his successful treatment of i chronic ,s. Wd who has befrabsent in Plnladelplua for the last Jar: months, in colleges and hospitals, fot-tbe purpose of ierfecting himseUstitfttore in his specialty, expects to return to-'Charlotte about the 12th or 15th inst, to again take up his "residence permanently amongst us. He will still devote him self mainly to the treatment of chronic diseases. He and his excellent wife will meet with a warm reception from their many friends in their adopted city. The Observer will bid them a hearty welcome. Fell from a Scaffold. Yesterday morning Messrs. James and Walter Pharr, with a neighbor, Mi. McKee, were covering a barn on the premises of the former, about three miles frbnVtlje city, when the scaffold on which they were standing gave way and Mr. James Pharr and ,Mx. MeKee fell to the ground. They had a drop of filteen feet and both were painfully in jured. Dr. McCombs, who was at once sent for, found that neither of them had sustained the breaking of any bones, but that both had received in juries to the back which may lay them up for some time. Mr. McKee's injuries are more painful than those of Mr. Pharr. A Farmer Loses IIi Itlouey. Day before yesterday M. "NY. Purr, a farmer afternoon Mr. from Cabarrus county, came to this city and sold a bale of cotton. Late in the afternoon, after having become intoxicated, he drove to the old Charlotte academy grove, in the "Mechanicsville" section of the city, where he camped for the night. He put under his head his coat, in one pocket of which was $50 of the proceeds of the sale of the bale cotton, and went to sleep in his wagon for the night. When he awoke yesterday morning the coat was lying a considerable distance from him and all of the money was miss ing. It had been stolen from under his head while he slept. The facts were reported to the police but there is no clue. Hathyhead. Bushyhead, the chief of the Chero kee Indians, was in the city yesterday. II is on the way to Raleigh and thence to'Washington to look after some claims due hia tribe from the government. The chief is nowquite an old man, probably srjty jor seventy and , walks with ji halt inHis gait, caused by a wound which he received in the late war at the head of his regiment which did some first-rate service. He dresses plainly, but wears a silk hat of the style which prevailed seven or eight years ago. The old man is really Rev. Bushyhead, being a Bap tist preacher. He talks tolerable Eng lish and is extremely dignified and se date in his manners. His tribe, which, we believe, numbers about fifteen hun dred souls, has gotten through the win ter without much suffering, although they have endured a great deal of cold and trying weather and have had sev eral deep snows. The old man will con tinue his journey to-day. mail Matters. Owing to a misconnection at Rich mond no northern mail was received in this city yesterday at noon. Mr. L. M. Terrill, division superin tendent of the Southern railway mail service, with headquarters in Atlanta, was in the city yesterday on a tour of general inspection of the offices, mail cars, &c. The monthly case examination of mail agents in this division will be re sumed Sunday. A clerk from the super intendent's office will be in the city at that time to examine the agents who run into this city. 1 The postal law permits letters having a three-cent stamp (one full postage) to be transmitted to the place of destina tion. In the case of books, newspapers and any mail matter other than letters, unless tne iuu amount; oi postage is prepaid the package is retained in the mailing office" The Pethel ITIurder Caw, The case of the State vs. Pethel, from Rowan, for the murder of his wife by poisoning, commences in the superior Court this morning. Hon. R. P. Arm- field, of Statesvllle, wno, witn ion. w. M. Shi dp. of this city, and Messrs. J. W Mauney and J. M. Gray, of Salisbury, will appear ror tne aeience, reacnea tne city yesterday afternoon ; Messrs. Maun ey and Gray are also present and Hon. Chas. Price, of Salisbury, who assists Solicitor Montgomery in the prosecu tion, arrived yesterday morning. Lne names of the gentlemen above are an all-sufficient assurance that the case will be conducted with great ability, and that every inch of the ground will be hotly contested. The trial will doubtless attract a large crowd to the court house during its continuance. A number oi tne witnesses nave nmveu in the city and so far as is known both sides are in readiness. Statesvllle and Iredell ltema. Statesvllle has improved wonderfully within the past year. Many new Duiia ings have gone up, many are now go ing up and the cry is still for more, as nearly allare filled. t T . There are more aisuiienra m j.reueu now than ever before in its history. This is especially true of the northern part of the county, where a large num ber of persons have taken out license within the past few months for the manufacture of whiskey. The Carolina Hbtel, under the pro prietorship of Mr. 0unter, is onfl,of the best hotels the town has ever had; ' The; fare and furniture lf the establishment are excellent, and the patronage of the house is commensurate' with its merits, Iredell Superior Court is the last on it. The first court of, the aia-r trit in that nf Catawba which began last Monday, Jndge Graves presiding, uii Unnnr wa.q too .unwelL nowevety vaotArribv nvwinesdavi to admit 6f fci holding court, which was adjourned; over to Thursday, i , , The rtonntv commissioners held meet ings Monday and Tuesday in ref erer ,hA.it!isir iw which the Jjefitislature ha ins t passed for Iredell county, antt iink;H:s - .i -.iuarv steps toward but ting the provisions of tne lawinto opei- a Messrs. B. R, and S. P. Smith, of Charlotte, (the former the mayor) -wem iia . 'PimaHav anrr fit niffllt were serenaded, by the Statesvllle mmit hand. the .'.!'. members '6t, nfhih romember with thanks the Avruill1 1 n while the band was at the Charlotte fair last fall. -Both gentlemen a were called out and sppw. briefly, pui appro priately andtastefulr ' , COUNTY MATTERS Proceeding of tbe Board ofCammir loners. ' The board of county commissioners has held sessions at the court house for three days past, a full board present each day except yesterday when Com missioner Morris was absent The proceedings of the session may be summarized as follows: It Was ordered that the school com mitteemen of district No. 28 be notified to appear before the board on the first Monday in April in regard to the divi sion of said district; and that the school committeemen of district No. 64 be no tified to appear before the clerk of the board next Monday with a list of all the children in their district taken from district No. 3 and Sharon andv Berry hill. , The report of the sheriff laying off a new public road from the Cheraw road from near J. R. Morris' to Matthews' Depot, was accepted and approved ; and the overseers of the Monroe road from the Rea mine to 6-mile creek, and of the Cheraw, to-wit: E. J. Funderburk and J. W. Morris, were notified to ap pear before the board on the first Mon day in April, in regard to assigning hands to the new road. Martin P. Mellon was appointed over seer of the Wright's Ferry road from the ferry to the top of Capps' hill, in place of John Boyd, resigned ; and M. E. Beaver was appointed overseer of the Beaver road from the Union county line by Wm. Beaver's house to Phila delphia church, in place of J. C. Flow, resigned. The board refused to refund to J. S. Myers and D. P. Hutchison the amount expended by them and others in having a fence erected around the county, on the ground that there is no legal au thority vested in the board to make an appropriation tor that purpose. Arthur Grier, E. M. Matthews and E. B. Wallace were appointed a committee to examine the county bridge crossing McAlpine's creek, on the Monroe road, and have the necessary repairs made. The board 'contiriued'until the first Monday in April the matter from Pine ville district concerning the distribu tion of the school fund in that district The sheriff was ordered to lay off, ac cording to law, a public road from Hun tersville via Torrence's mill to Gilead church, in answer to the prayer of peti tioners. The hiring of the convicts of the In ferior Court to the Spartanburg & Ashe ville Railroad was approved. Walter Potts was appointed overseer of Wright's ferry road from Moore's creek to Steel creek ; Wm. Waford, of the Lonegan Ferry road from the cor porate limits of Charlotte to the 4-mile post. The county treasurer was ordered to pay all jury tickets for the Superior Court, spring term, when certified to by the clerk of said court II. E. Alexander, sheriff, was allowed jail fees for February, $251.50. J. A. Young, clerk of the Inferior Court, was allowed as half-fees Incurred in insolvent State cases, February term, 313.19. ... ....... The board, sitting asra board of edu cation, submitted the "following: State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County, e . First Monday, March 3, 1870. To the Superintendent of Public In struction : The board of education of Mecklen burg county, in pursuance of section 13, of the school law, have examined the books and vouchers of S. E. Belk, coun ty treasurer, and report the following receipts and disbursements of school fund by him for the half school year beginning the first Monday in Septem ber, second day, 1878 : Receipts. Balance on hand as per last report $4,994 10 Received from State Treasurer poll tax for 878 4,397 50 property school tax for 187 8. 4,212 44 From fines, forfeitures and penalties. . 39 50 " liquor llcenes " auctioneers tax " other sources, school house site sold 10 00 Tot-il ...$13,653 BO Dhburskkknts. Paid for schools for whites. . $3,007 83 for schools for colored.. 3,094 45' . lor school houses and sites for whites 200 47 for school houses and sites for colored 19 00 county examiner 3 00 treasurer's commissions register of deeds -$6,824 75 Bat on hand first Monday in March, 1879 $7,328 85 By order of the Board of Education of Mecklen" hurg county, this first Monday, third day of March, 1879- T. S. VAIL, Chairman. WM. MAXWELL, Secretary. On motion the board adjourned until the first -Monday in April next, at 10 o'clock a. m. Xbe Latest and Least. The latest case of theft reported oc curred Monday night,and the booty was so small as to render it by odds the most contemptible of the season. The mould was stolen from a plow-stock on the farm of John Schenck, near the Rudi- sill Hill mine, the clevis pin taken with it, and the plow-stock thrown into an old shaft in the neighborhood. The stolen property was worth perhaps 50 cents, and it is for such paltry sums that men will run the risk of the peni tentiary. 1 ' ' Meeting: of Kxecutive Committee. The executive committee of the board of trustees of Davidson College, con sisting of Rev. Dr.'Hepbum, president of that institution, Rev. J. Rumple and Messrs. S. H. Wiley and D. A. Davis, of Salisbury, R. I. McDowell, Esq., of Charlotte, .Rev. John Douglass, of Steel Creek, and Rev. Wm. W. Pharr, of Ire dell, was in session in this city yester day. Beyond the mapping out of some worK tor tne ooara oi trustees at its meeting the second week in June, the proceedings of the committee were con fined to the transaction of routine busi ness of no public interest. Heeling and. -Ileporl ox . tbe Keller AsaociaUonj. ; f , The Charlotte Relief Association held a meeting, accoramg to can, ac ine rooms of the Young Men's ChristiarT Association yesterday afternoon. Re ports were received as follows: - Cases renevea to aate, bi. Cases still in need of aid, 33 ; as fol lows; In Ward No. 1, 5: Ward No. 2, . 12; Ward No. 3, 14 ; Ward No. 4,2. , In most cases these iamuies are need- 11 1 'lit ing aia at once, ana wm ior ajmouui at least. There have been 5 cases or death among the bt;neticiaTieiroftheaB50cia tion. ,,-, 'it -tn:t. . In a previotrepoiirW help in wrard No; 4. the statement was made that $48.65 had been expended ; this was ar( error; the amount reauy expenaea was azwQs,,, ..... , .' ' " it is unpleasant to report again that the fvmds ' of the association are ex hausted.but such is the case, and for the next Week no relief can be given. At least 25 per week should be spent witli Justice5 during the next month, and it Is hoped that the well-disposed people ,cf thfi rity nl nnt.jiatlihaLi.afl palixy-A- sum. uontriDuuons my, m anueu s. Mr, C. Hilker,- Gen. Drayton, Capt. 3. Grose, or Mr. C. N. G. Butt. The, assoc,iatioa,radjourned, to next Wednesday afternoon, March 12th, at 4 o'clock, at the Young Men's Christian Association halL,,, " "s-m i i - . 1 i 1 1 DIED. Hi At her residence tn Gastonla, on the 26th of February, Mrs. Mary E. Robinson, wife of J. R. Robinson, aged 23 ywr : Superior Conrt. A The Superior CourP whs occupied all day yesterday in the trial of the suit of Sever & Wield xs, JTMcLaughiin, begun the day before, and only got through: vUtoJlietnipn. The case was. adjourned over: tociuake way for the Pethel murder trial uhiClV. w set for to-dayf and will be taken i'jg)' later in the term,.... . '. . ., August ATflhemJ at the Opera Hotue LastNigrht. Wilhelm j. the great violinist did not arrive in the eity until 7 o'clock last evening, and consequently It was twen ty minutes to nine when the curtain arose on a small audience, but one which, to use a much abused phrase, was decidedly appreciative, being com posed largely of musicians. The even ing's entertainment was fhort, and the usual programme must have been con siderably curtailed. Of the wonderful Eerformer himself, there is nothing to e said in the way of criticism. He has reached that degree of perfection in his art which defies it, even at the hands of those skilled in the art of which he seems in a measure, to, be the embodiment There Is a .softness and purity in bis tones which few supposed the violin capable of, while his playing from begining to end is full of expres sion. We have rarefy, if ever, seen an audience in Charlotte wrought up to a higher pitch of enthusiasm. At the end of each piece he was called back, but did not respond to any of the en cores. The piano renditions of Mme. Carre no were also much enjoyed, and were encores in every instance. She seems to be chiefly remarkable for her wort derful technique, which could not have been attainedlmt by the most arduous and incessant labor. It is a matter of general regret that the two did not have the inspiration of a larger audience. A Legitimate Triumph in Medicine. Dread and despair fall upon the community when a terrible epidemic, like the cholera or yel low fever, suddenly desolates our homes: yet, itfl the while, a more insidious, but no less fatal foe, enters thousands of households every year and carries oft the flower of the family in the early flush of manly youth and budding womanhood. People call it consumption, or "decline." it is not, in most cases, the tubercular phthisis or consumption of the lungs, which is the peculiar malady in cli mates luce those of the British Islands and New England, but a general decay or arrest of the vital processes of nutrition. All the doctors agree that there is no remedy for this but Cod Liver Oil but they are constantly met by the obstacle or Inability on the part of the patient to swallow or retain it This repulsion is entirely overcome by Scott's Emulsion of the Oil with the HypophOBphites ef Lime and Soda which is agreeable to the tastend an unequalled nutrient and tondeforthebody nerve and brain. . 5 Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, havinS had placed in bis hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, lor the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it bis duty to make It known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using in German, French or English. Sent by mail by addressing wiln stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, New York. oct9 4w A Card. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay , loss of manhood, Ac, 1 will Bend a reeipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy, was discovered by a missionary in 8outb America Send self -addressed jenveiepe to tne tvr i ifcfu i. lnman, btanoa u vftfe House, JNew York City Jan 25 OSEW JAQKSOS S BBS? 8WEET KA V 1 lOBAOOO. i . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I Yadkin County. f In Probat Court. Joseph Sparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors Of Benjamin sparks, deceased, vs. The Heirs at Law of Benjamin Sparks, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SXTTLXMSIfT. ' ' - It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Lydla Dimmit, wife of Paton Dimmit, Hannah Felts, wife of John Felts, John Sparks, and Eliza beth Reddlk, wife of John Reddlk, are heirs at law in this case and non-residents of the State, It Is therefore on motion ordered by the Court that advertisement be made for six weeks In The Charlotte Observer, notifying said defendants to appear at the Clerk's office in Yadidnville with in 4wpnty dars after service of this ootiei&nd let them take notice that if they fail to appear that the same will be taken pro confesso and exparte as to them. Given under my hand and seal of office in Yad kmrille, this the 1 Oth day of February,A. D 1879. ISAAC N. VESTAL, j i Probate Judge. feb23-dltw5t JOTICE. While the Yeast Manufacturers are quarreling about the purity of Baking Powders, we offer to you a much more HEALTHFUL BREAD made from the very best flour manufactured in the United States, fresh every day from our Bakery, or if you prefer making your own bread, we will sell you FRESH YEAST every day, at 10 cents per quart. Just try it once. Instructions will be given how to use it W. N. PRAT HSR, Baiter, . Trade $Ueet, trit door above the, old market March 4-tf. ' 'PLENDID HOLIDAY ATTRACTIONS ! . . . DEMOREST'S MONTHLY. A grand combination of the entertaining, the useful and tne beautiful, with fine art engravings and oil pictures in each numbef. Price 25 cents, post free. Yearly $8, with an unequalled premt untwo splendid oU pictures, Bock of Ages and tbe Lion's Bride, 15x24 inches, mounted on can vass; transportation' 50 cents extra. Send postal card for full particulars. Address W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, 17 East 14th street, N. Y. Do not fail to see the splendid February No. feb. 4 d&wlm. - JB. D. CDONOGHUE. Office in the Signal Office, over Traders' National Bank, on 3rd floor. Calls, night or day, will receive prompt attention. feblg,lwk,d JEE W. BATTLE, M. D., Having removed his office to lne first floor over the Traders' National Bank, can be found there all hours during the day, and at his residence Con ner Seventh and College streets, at night, feb7 8m tailoring. M. LICHIENSTEIN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Has Just received samplepfrlng-i&oods. His friends and customers are most feswttfuny , Invited to call and make selections so 'alto enable' film to secure their choice in due time. - tebii ; ; -" ' ' . JAMES MURPHY, ' 1 v PRACTICAL' 'TAILOR,' i .7. ::? -. . . Holton'a Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. Owing to the stringency of the times I wul In fu ture work very cheap. Will make fine suits for $10, Casslmere suits for $8. Pants of suits same rates. I guarantee all ray work ;no fit, no charge. Give me a calf an be eonvteced. inly 17. IULEST4TK, t : . MKIKG, AND , .lUMIG&ATtoK AGENCY, For selling and buying Mbaes. Lands and Houses, . . 8nd Will Advertise free of cost, all properties placed in my hands for sale! Y. THOSiT. DRAYTON, Charlotte, W. C. decJO This Cigar is no patent arrangement, calculated to humbug people out of their money, but has be come justly celebrated only on account of MERIT; C E L E JB R AT E D Meeting the wants of the rich man, because in these times oi uncertain speculations he does not feel that he can indulge in his accustomed HA VANA, and this is THE BEST SUBSTITUTE. 5 CENTS Meeting the wants of the poor man, because It enables him to get as good a smoke for FIVE CENTS as can be bought elsewhere at TEN CENTS CIGARS Meeting the wants ot travelers, because they can protect themselves from the enormous prices usu ally charged by dealers, and at the same time get ajbetter article. Meeting the wants of all, because luxury and economy are herein combined. mar5 IF YOU WISH to engage in an honest, genteel business, and make plenty of money during the holidays, send your address to RANDOLPH A CO.. Cfeb4w4t. 107, 4th av.. N. Y. w E ARE ALWAYS READY And willing to show goods whether or not you are ready to buy. L. R. WPJSTON fc CO. declS "gLACK STRAP MOLASSES Under cost by the barrel, by LeROY DAVIDSON. jan30 T70R A FIRST CLASS Smoke call and get a Sudor, at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. Jan30 gTUDEBAXER WAGONS. I am now in receipt of a large lot of the celebra ted STUDEBAKER WAGONS, all sizes, which will be sold on reasonable terms. CALL EARLY, and supply yourself with the best wagon out. T. H. GAITHER. Jan. 8 tf. (x0tUzin$ and (Slassttmr rjX) YOUR INTEREST. By calling at JOHN BROOKFIELD'S CHINA STORE You can see the finest lot of DECORATED TOILET, DINNER AND TEA SETS Evei brot gbt to the Southern States. New Goods from all foreign factories. Decora ted Ware- in unlimited quantities from Limoges, France. -' 1 80 SOUP AND SAUCE TUREENS Just received, which will be sold at a mere sacrifice. 75 Crates of assorted -STAMPED "C C" WARE- for the Wholesale trade. This goods merchants will ilnd to sell as well as W. G. goods, as it has all the white granite shapes. Call and convince yourself of the fact that JOHN BROOKFIELD carries the largest stock of CROCKERY FOR THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE In the South. NOTICE, OF SALE OF TWENY-TWO (22) MULES AS UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. Will be sold by Public Auction at the court house door in the city of Charlotte, State of North Caro lina, on Wednesday, 7th day of April, A. D., 1879, the propertyof J. (X Nance, which said mules were shipped by one c. xayior irom Atlanta, ueorgia, by the Atlanta & Chailotte Air-Line Railway Com pany to J. C. Nance, consignee, at Charlotte, North Carolina. Said mules arrived at Charlotte, on Friday, 28th of February, 1879, and were tendered on same day to said Nance, who refused to reoeive same, or pay the sum of Fifty Dollars freight thereon, and left them In the hands of the said Atlanta 4 Charlotte Air-Line Railway Company at Charlotte. N C, Said property Is sold under provisions of sections 48 and 49 of chapter 99, Battle's Revisal, of which sale the said Nanee will take due notice. Terms cash. Atlanta 4 Charlotte Air-Line Rail way Company, by- A L. SMITH. mar5 oaw 4w gLOCKADE TOBACCO, FOR SALE. Having purchased a nice line of Tobacco, at tbe Government sale, I am prepared to offer extra Inducements to buy ers. CaUearly. THOS. H. GAITHER. nov7 : i yELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOB SAUL Any person desiring to purchase a well improved CityLot, House with nine rooms, and modem con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five utinutssUk.4f the TpubUc aqaare, can be ac commodated by applying at . ., declS THISOFFICE. iRSALE The Bourgeolse and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and was not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because It became -necessary to use a different style of type. Itwtildo good service for several ye to come. It will be sold in lota to sui pur chlSw, and in fonts of 50 to l,000.w1th or without case. Address "Sjo oct5 CnanowBi a. ' UBULCU CENTBAL VIA WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTS This Line being Freight from fully equipped tor business, Wilmington and an Northern and Eastern Cities to Gjeemrffle, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee A Ohio, As weU as points In Georgia ootl Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W.CLABX, Geo. Freight Agent, Wunftnftea. V. C septSO grogs and Utdixinjs. B, J. H. McADEN, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. MCADEN'S Prescription Store. 'ECURITY ! SECURITY f SECURITY I 200 Barrels of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. Sons, Baltimore. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will bum. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C. F. SCARR A CO., ID R B Si NEAR THE POST-OFFICE, Would respectfully inform the public that they have opened a retail and family Drug Store, near the Post-Ofnce, and solicit the patronage of their friends and the public generally. Prescriptions and family recipes dispensed with great care and pure Drugs. Jan 7 tf. JOTICE. By virtue of the power conferred in -mortgage made by T. J. Wilkinson and Laura H. Wilkinson to the Charlotte Building and Loan Association, I will sell at public auction, a boose and lot of land fronting on the N. C. Railroad, in square No. 58, beginning at a stake on the N. C. Railroad and run ning with said road to L. A. Phillips' comer, thence with her line 180 feet to a stake, thence parallel with said railroad 49 feet to J. B. Shannon nouse's line, thence to the beginning, which is now claimed subject to said mortgage by E. W. Mellon. Said property to be sold at toe court house door In the city of Charlotte on the 1 si Monday in March, 1870. for cash, tbe amount due tbe Charlotte Building and Loan Association being $229.25, with cost of advertising and sale. R. E. COCHRANE, decl9tds . SeCf snd Treas. d. o. MAXWELL. C F. HARRISON, Auctioneer. jyjAXWELL 4 HARBISOJ -AUCTION AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of - MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; - Will give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. dec3 GONE AFTER OUR MR. ALEXANDER - 1 NEW GOODS ' ' COMPLETE A few days otjR stock will be COMPLETE In the meantime we will CLOSE OUT Several Lines of Goods VERY March 5, lrcitrtrt Xtues. NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS 'SdUTH. offers unequalled facilities lor the Transportion of Charlotte, Statesvllle, AflhevUle, Buthertordton on the Atlanta & Richmond Air-Line, and Western N. C. Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. upon application to T. I. SMITH,. Agent C. a Railway, Charlotte. JjOLTSIANA STATE LOTTERY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To win a fortune. Third Grand Distribution, Class C, at New Orleans, Tuesday, March . 11th, 1879-1 00th Monthly Drawing., LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution waa regularly itworporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868, FOR tot txrx of twenty-five tears, to which contraet the inviola ble faith of the State is pledged with a capital of 81, 000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve Fund of 8350,000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take plaee monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. eta, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : Half Tk. 1 Capital Prire; $30,000 1 Capital Prize, lOjOOO 1 Capital Prize fi.000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 J6.000 500 10,000 100 10,000 50 10.000 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes ot 1,000 Prizes ot 20 10,000 10.. 10(000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES 9 Approximation Prizes bf S300....I 9 Approximation Prizes of 200... . 9 Approximation Prizes of. 100,. i $2Mo ,800 1857 Prizes, amounting to : . , . $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. Write, clearly stating fall address, for full Infor mation or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN. Postofflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana " All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings an under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JURAL A. EARLY. . ' febll : ' "TJ NDERT AKING,' The undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand a full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metallc prices as low as ant. Hearses furnished It desired. Furniture of every Description Repaired at shor notice. , W. M. WILHELM, .With E. G. Rogers, Trade Street. June 20. JJ6E HE-NO TEA. HE-NO is Tea in its natural condition, sueh an the Chinese themselves drink, and for the follow ing good reasons is sold only in original pound and half pound packages: It is the most convenient and economical style of package. It is weighed and packed where it can be done cheapest and best. ; It can be easily identified by the consumer. It keeps the Tea better. It prevents adulteration in America. We are the agents for HE-NO Tea in this etty and ask our friends to give it a trial. If not satis factory we will cheerfully take it baek. and refund the money. L. B WRISTON 4 CO., . feb 6. Charlotte, N. C. $200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE A Power Printing Press, Guernsey make, ok style, size of bed 26x40 inches. Was in use unti I replaced by a new one Address 3. C. BAILEY, editor Enterprise and Mountaineer, Greenville,. 8. C. ? jai14tf , . gjetttistrtj. D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST OFFICE OVER L. R. WRISTON 4 CO'S Drug Store. With 25 years; experience I guarantee entire atlslaction Jan 11 QHEAP GOODS. Having bought out the entire stock of Brown 4 . Co., we will sell the stock of Notions (which were bought very cheap) regardless of their actual value. We will discontinue keeping them, and wish to close them entirely out A call will save you mcn- ey. Successors to Brem, Brown 4 Cc. Feb. 13 dStAwlm. ,.; ' NEW GOODS. HAS GONE NORTH AFTER -M J Several Line of. Goods .'I. .iV. CHEAP. (I 'H ALEXANDER 4