I , v.? i ii 1 1 Winn in mi hi m Lm ' , . . . , , . - , -.'.: -.-.ssw . mn-- ' iA.'jlWWWMiiwj,W'w ..,-.'' 11 mfmu,Mm'''mmmmmmtMmmmmmammmimmrimutmm i m mmr i ' " ' " " - K; ':RMlijir: l Btl -fvP-'' iiraDZ P (ftj Irl'l IT IHBWJlralff'' rff OBSERVES JOB DErARTMXMT : :.; Hiit) wcni .ftio f-:i -jv. sot . .. . , 7 . Jlf- . 7. teafcA and cfeqpusfc . lf eos turyiih, at Short SUBSCRIPTION RATES may, one year, (poetrpaid) injtdwmoe.. . L . . 00 Six Month.. t..00 Three Months 2 00 One Month j,... 75 WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (i the county) to advance. . . . $2 00 Outqftheeo.pottpak..,)........ 2 10 sixMonthi j oo gy- Liberal Retttictiontjor Olube, urrimmiAhsi nA'nntL ; i. ' TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, SAJTD-BILLS PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, dO. VOL, XX.tiUii , CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1879. NO. 3,123. i - .i' I fl t.-tj; .f! to b nil! .i'.-lr-ltt.-' f'.-.iTl!..- !.. - . , Wtmr-xt W" - 1W noaee. , . II THi' ' ; 1111 i ' - .ii i, , j ,i, , ,i . , . , . , , . u .7 7. ' 1 r . i . '.. i SPRING DRY GOODS ;i H . , H '. - W'e beg leave to announce to our friends and customers that we have bought an unusually large SPRING STOCK, most of which Is noln. and ready for Inspection. We are prepared toqffefuais season extraosdl n iry inducements to buyers, both WHOLESAJ.F I ) -AND ? RETAIL. ! I i (ilve us a call, or send your orders, and we will runrantee satisfaction. ITtOESS NICHOLS, A 1 a n WHOISAI, JANp ) ) u. 1 I . v i i. ALL KLNDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE! BEDDING, Ac. BEDDING, Ac. BEaDINft. T. t )1HH, C A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS- LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES LOUNGES I PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! .' - -Ml tW COFFINS Of all kinds, on. ar COFtTNS of all kinds on hand. SO. 5 WK8T TBADK STMWT. CHARLOTTE, N. C. t Lades' and Gentlemen's BsHol Robes a supply. ; ARCAINS U U BEN N N ' U URRR it 9 N I U OR EN MR r uu a si hn 11 tM'i R. G. ROGERS' WABER00M6, Next to PosTomcB. Mv vStock Is very Larl ejid embraces ar Full' fifny of ! : --. ! u ;1 TI TOR I'AhLOK. CHAMBER, DINING RCO AND 'i-i.;oif . . .-,-, ti reitftm'. e.tj 1 OFFICE FURNITURE ill Goods Packed Tree of Charged II TTTTU.jgfIW ANOUNIVJNT. I shall start for the Northern and Eastern mar kets 011 to day's train, to purchase ray I SPRING STOCK: I shall use every effort to secure all the leading styles and novelties In Fancy Dry Goods. ! expect to buy my entire stock for cash, giving me the ad vantage of the lowest market prices, Arid extra dis count ' -- I have associated with me in business MB. T. J. SEAGLE, of Philadelphia, and he being in the Northern markets all the time, will give us extra1 facilities for making our purchases at all seasons in the year, Instead of ordering. i We have Just received a new line of i DRESS GOODS Id Brocades, Buntings, Beges and Fancy Alpaccas. Whlta Cotton Ferry for making ehildrenloaks; Striped and Barred Nainsooks; a new line of Piques. Also a full line of NEW CORSETS. A beautiful stock of Spring PriuU and Faacy Do mestic Piques. We wiU be receivirjg goods daily until our stool Is complete, which will be about the 10th of Marchl . -; . Respectfully, K . T. L. SEIGLE 4 CO,, Opp. Clikrlotte Hotel, Tryon st,, Charlotte, N. C. feb28 s PRTNG ANNOUNCEMENT. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends and the public in general, that we leave to-day for NEW YORK, To purchase our large and varied SPRING AND SUMMER 'STOCK T'.oi.uaiH SI LATEST LATEST HE NOVELTIEO OF THE season. It is our intention this season to Inaugurate a new system of prices in Charlotte, which will give ouij friends and the community, at large a chance to purchase Goods at . NEW YORK CTTY PRICES. ' - h I v L L 1 11 . i' We are dosing out a lot of AT LESS THAN COST. Don't fall to call and aee'tfc H. M0BRB A BROS. ..,..1,1.,;., .3-l' ! FebruajyL'- H ' J" " ., '' I' ,LAsm. . -.m :;' ''i;.m ,1 .,- .,-.i-ri.l ".t !' --.U 1 .i"'-' - , V Paris. (Fttc.i:i';' '.- 1:1 WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILPKR-Shd SIL- . jIlateb,,,,,. J irJiA Chut nnnnaltA Viral HZeRbTtrian CllUTCh. NatGrayjtor,.;1,J,H .rti :; - Ever fetftd err and arraMM4 BroWtMlag7 .Work MM-ft the trad-at as ttanufsMdweflt' exntaUM t twelTe. fdfi J - -fc L . i. bf1 1 j '.j- . Wi-ti no-yt Jo elvixift BALTTMOKi;1': tf. .Jhavi prescribed ColdesLelblg's Llauld Ex tract of ;Deef out tom ftvratorti and cheer- rvfs -4. V f-.f!i;ii ' Ttw7TTait hn" Me?eaLi&irra iuorf iotfTiirldeC, : niT 7t 'ideblUtv.treaknesst nurjttk-M ate and lnaigesuon, me uwuw nerve food. Sold brsMrSd8n , I 1 irc.n Hilf Lit . t. rl'I OUUI dress P. a-VIC3TAAsjkWlfti 'Jtai.sotwo . Tttfnkler & 30 Co, Nassau, :1 r.nf-.ff b'fff. v,W1ifl m" ' l ... . . . OK t1 CA Snowflaxe, Motto, arc., no wo au&, J"' OU egant chromo cards, lQce Nassau Card Co,, Nassau, N. Y. , month ami eftfensW 1gVijunteed to Agents. Outfit fnSjhaw ci., Augus- ta,' Maine tEW8PAPEB ADVERTISING BUREAU, J Spruce street, New York. 10 8ATTEDAT MtKCEPT AND RCUDAT PBACtfCF. "Terj like Whale.n Ealeigh Observer. AiE "Simpls Simon met a Pieman." Simple Solons went to Raleigh To make a Sunday law, ' Baying unto one another, Let's bring the roads to taw." CHOKTJS. "Did you ever, did you ever, did yoaever See a whale? "No, T never, no, I never, fib, I never Saw a whale!" They said stop running trains on Sunday, Be this mandate obeyed! And by dint of righteous voting, Behold, the law was made. Chorus Did you ever, Ac Several Solons went to Beaufort, For to see a whale, Choosing Sunday for their going, "And thereby hangs a tale." CH0Kcs-JMd you ever, &e. Simple saints to stop the Solons, Their earnest efforts tried, ' But from all received for answer: "The law's not ratified." Chorus DM you ever, Ac. To the Solons on the railroad, ' , A pert official there.. Said: "Before you go much further. Show me first your fare." Chobus DM you ever, Ac If," said he, "you have no ticket, Give me every penny;" To whom they said, as Is their custom, "Indeed, we have not any." Chords Did you ever, Ac Thee uprose a valiant Solon, Who to the miscreant said: "Whene'er we travel on the railwav, We travel, all, 'dead head.' " Chobcs Did yeu ever, Ac So the Solons went to Beaufort, Spite of Sunday laws Sunday laws for which they voted, That stick not in their craws. Chokus - Did you ever, Ac. Yes, the Solons went to Beaufort, And there they saw a whale, Pleasant riding, that, on Sunday, "Hiding on a rail." OBSERVATIONS. A fallow who went crazy because a Missouri belle jilted him is wandering over Texas with a cow bell around his neck hunting for another sweetheart. "On this head," said the lecturer, "there is noth ing toft te be desired." The bald-headed man in the tient row immediately rose to call him to or der. Boston Transcript. Jefferson Davis ha beea visiting in Ylcksborg The&rridof that piaee says that the old man shows age? but though by no means vigorous could hardly be considered feeble. A Texas deacon adopted the novel method of passing the contribution box In one hand and car rying a revolver In the other. Met results, $47.03. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Solomon, The ancient DaraeraDher evidently believed that the first step toward making the child an angel was to mage him sore. boxwii Tramcrtpt. St A meddlesome old woman was sneering at a young mother's awkwardness with her Infant, and saM : "I declare a wottan never ought to have a baby unless she knows hew to' hold tt" "Nora tongue either," quietly responded the young mother. There are men who would rather be doorkeepers in the house of the Lord when there Is a church festkal going on, and the receipts are lasrge than to dwell In the tents of the wicked, where there is no opportunity to handle the cash. Keokuk Gate The Chicago Journal Is authority for this state ment: -A- Galesbnrg, Illinois, woman Hved "with her husband eighteen years, and new asks for a divorce toecause all the elothes he ever' bought her consisted entirely of a bunch of hair pins and a oou brush. Rawer a win outnt. The venerable wife oi a celebrated physician. one day casting her eyes out of the window, ob served her husband in the funeral procession of one or nis patients, at wnicn she exclaimed: do wish my husband would keep away from such processions. It appears so much like a tailor car rying home his work." Judge C of Memphis, is an Incorrigible bache lor, but will have his fun with the ladles. Not long since a lady wrote him a note, in a bantering style, asking him to send her his picture "a large -one fa a frame." He wrote back to inquire what she proposed to do with tt, saying that if it was to be nunc in ner Doudoir he would nave it taken with hie eyes shut ' The New York Herald, on the authority of Mr. Wm. T. Pelton, contradicts a report that Hon, I -Samuel J. Tilden's health bad lately received a sudden shock, and that paralysis threatened his speech. Mr. Tllden wa&rlding last Sattnday after noon, and was In his usual health and spirits. It is stated that elegantly engraved cards are clrcula-. ting at the Democratic clubs fn New York, inviting the noiuer to a grand Dan in wasnmgton cnr 01 the evening of March 4. 1881. "in honor of fn Inauguration of Samuel J. Tllden as President of the United States." 'Pinafore'' Struck by a New Jersey Gale. New '.Brunswick, X. J., March 2. A traveling company began to perform "Pinafore" in this place last evening. The audience was large at the outset, but the badness of the singing and act ing was more than could be endured by a large part of tlie, people, and they soon withdrew. A party ; of students in the gallery were among those who remained. At the end of the first act these students went out for a supply of eggs and vegetables, and were back in their seats when the curtain was raised iagain, abundantly supplied with mis siles. The persons who had sat in the frontseats. warned of what was to be done, had retreated to the back part of the hall, but the performers had re ceived no intimation of trouble Htyead. apt Corcoran advanced, guitar in hand, and commenced his song to the f lpoon. He had not sung a line nerore .an egg, thrown with unerring aim trom Wie-galiery, struct mm on uie ureas and broke with a splatter. Little But- Iferetep hastily retired, but the Captain Wfttooa firm, while eggs and vegetables; ramed-on and around him. air josepn Porter appeared as though to expostu late, and was instantly dripping with the mixed white and yellow of the eggs that broke on him. Then the curtain was dropped, and the students hilari ously TSHg "Pinafore" choruses. The offendiher comDanv were followed to then? hotel and unmercifully badgered. 1&e Debate Hoat'n Jeff Davis AuicDdmen'. Thurman Settles Blaine. Hli .oiiW. 3 o'clock hOTman.''wa$S'king, if hen Blaine, in his usual style.otttUick interruption, tried to disconcert the old woman, ;wnq tuuu 1 toy jv uipq tlien, in a voice1 tlrat wTas tragic, said, Sit Down: iiiaine dropped in nis chair as ifshpl fltse Republicans tried tb get- mad, and then ' laughed. The clap-trap debater had received his de serts, and all recognizecrthe fact Later in the forenoon Blaine arose to a per sonal explanation, and tried to get an fmolncrv from Thurman by saying that jrajh treatment was not what one Sena tiii or gentleman should accord another. Hiumah replied that the Senator from Maine had a Dad naDic, and ne wtenaea f tb td check it. This was an tne apoioj offered, and all anybody thought shou pe Kfven.; , ,. , , .. . , Tlirough to Lancasler. i Chester (SX!.) Reporter.l '"Mr. J. A. Haseltine, the contractor for ekrrving the . mails from Cedar Shoals to Lancaster, has bought a new omnitius and fitted up with sill necessa- ly fixtures for the comfort of- travelers to and from Lancaster, by way of the Cheraw & Chester Railroad. Passen gers leaving Chester at half past 4 p.m. will reach Lancaster at half past 9 p. m. same day, HOI YJ HOSES f War With an Indian Chief and Band Inevitable. San Francisco, March 4. A Port land, Oregon, dispatch says: "A few days ago Father Wilder, superintendent of "Yakima Indian reservation, received orders to have Chief Moses in readiness to go, with other prominent chiefs, from the Umatilla reservation to Washing ton. Moses looked upon the matter with considieraDie .suspicion, thinking it a device to get him to the Indian Terri tory. To remove this suspicion, Father Wilder eave him a furlough of thirtv days to visit hfspeople. Moses left the reservation last l nursday. He cad been absent about three hours when a crow, of citizens arrived from Yakima -City and the Fort Simcoe agency; headquar ters, headed by an officer, with a war rant for the arrest of Moses. . The grand , jury of that county had found an in-, cuctment against rum as accessory to, the Perkins murder. Moses has gone, direct to his camp beyond Priest's 11a pids. He is, doubtless, aware of the intent of - the people and will prepare himself accordingly. An injudicious' and precipitate action jts likely to in volve the country in a relentless and bloody war. , The situation , is one of great peril, and war. with Moses' band and other I&dian, tribes is considered inevitable." Revenue Raiding. Raleigh News, 5th-3 Special Agent Kellogg, Deputy Collec tor Sdrreil, and a posse raided on the illicit distilleries M Orange 'county last wfeek, capturin g eight. The stills and material were destroyed. ; ; The officers met with no opposition from the moon shiners, but did their work neatly and quickly. , On their way back they seized the to-, bacco factory- of Lucius Green, at Dur ham, for ' shipping - smoking tobacco to New York, -Chicago and other places, in hogsheads, without paying any tax. The deputy marshal "who1 was shot in Chatham was named Sewell, and the shooting was done by a white man named JN. B. Taylor, Deputies Moore and Sewell had captured the still and fixtures, of Taylor, and Sewell had charge of , these, in a wagon. As he was making bis way to Carthage with his prize, he was- followed and over taken by Taylor, who shot him, wound ing him so that in a day or so he died. Taylor, -at last accounts, ;Was at large, but the sheriff of Moore county was in searclr of him. He will be tried for his life when captured. The kflling created-quite a sensation. Taylor is a des perate man and is dreaded. 'r He had been blockading for a long time, and it was the first, time that his still was ever found. ,r What Gov Vance Think About the Duration of the Session. - Wash. Cor. Richmond Dispatch, 5th. I met Gov. Vance on "the Avenue" this afternoon, and he was looking bet ter than any one I encountered. He, of course, talked of the extra session, and when I remarked that it would be- fin" isbed by June he replied, "Any, man may .turn water-on a wheeh but he can't Ealways stop just when he wants.". He went on to say that there was no tell ing what subjects might be considered besides the appropriation bills, and that the session might consequently run into very hot weather. ' - Bridge a Cedar Shoal?. Chester (S. C.) Reporter. The president of the Cheraw & Ches ter Kailroad is negotiating for the build- l.ing ot the railroad bridge at Cedar - T rr 1 A -P - a a fOiioaiH. xwo contractors, one rrom At lanta the :other. from Salisbury, have ; visited the spot, and iiave put in bids: -Each of these says that should -he re ceive the contract, the bridge woti!? be built and ready' for use in sixty days al ter beginning work. Proposals have also been received. from: other contrac tors. It is certain that an agreement will soon be made with some one of the iidders, and the work begun at an early day. Their, on to' the river. Phenomenon of a Wei. .lYorkvllle (S. O Enqttlrer. , We are informedtbaton oiie.night of the past winter no Vduring the coldest weather of the wintei? either ice form ed in the well of Mr.. John Smith, who lives on Broad river, in this , county. The well is 55 fee deep. ; Tfcfe ice was about an inch ; in thickness, and requir ed some force to break it before water could be drawn from the well A Verbatim Copy. Lumberton Robesonian." The following is a, copy of a report by a Senatof verbatim vt literatim ; the Cdminittie CoDeratibn has exam ppn the with m Ml to oreganize and In cor porate the . ChTistion Assorceation and Beg love mend that.' it. do. Pass Hereny Eppe for Committie Death of Rev. Jonathan Galloway. 1 tAbbevflle Press 4 Banner. , , This minister of the gospel died at his !residerice in Due West, at 3 o'clock on the morning of the 3d inst in the 70th year of his .ge,. after a long illness. , ' The Death-Kate ot Our country is getting to. be fearfully alarming, the gveriigof Me being lessened every year, with iout any reasonable cause, death resulting general- ylj front the most insignificant origin, At this sea son of the year especially, a com is such a common thine that in the hurrv of every dav life we are ant to overlook the dangers attending it and often fjnd inj uuc, uiobu icTwranuj; 'utjudic nas aireaay stin. Thousands lose their lives in this way ev ery whiter, whHe had Boschek's UEkjiak Stbup been taken; a? cure wenld have resorted, anda large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat arid Longs, Boschee's German Strop has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind In medicine. Every Druggist ta this j country will fell you of its wonderful effect1 Over 650,000 bottles sold last yeai without a single ; failure known. ;' - Good cheer IW'UUSUihplTves. There is a form of eonompUon which was better indicated by the old fashioned name of "decline." It is the dreaded 'scourge of some parts of the Southern States, claiming more victims every year than are swept away by the most terrible visitations of the yellow fever. The malady arises from the Inability of the patients' system to take up and as similate the nourishing Ingredients of the food that is eaten. Some years ago the medical profes sion with remarkable unanimity, agreed that Cod "Liver Oil contained the most concentrated and easily absorbed eleinomrof uutfllRmr If the nau seous taste and smell ef the on could be avoided it would unquestionably be the most sovereign reme dy, thatever shed a feeaUn blessing on the human race. ' And these repulsive properties are success fully removed by the? tiaioA of pure Cod Liver Oil with the SjwphosRhltasof Lime and Soda In Scott's Emulsion.;' The combination is a most ele -gant one, pleasant as sweet milk In flavor, conge-' nial to the stomach, and acting directly as a power ful, yet gentle toulo of t hetttattr kmPnei vous sys tem. ; .f : '.!.. Has ever been nrreritetf JO prevent deal best that can be done la toAsslst nature in Tn keeping the functions of the body in a -condition of heall utn while life lasts. For biliousness, liver complaints, eostiveness, dyspepsia, and all stomachic disorders take Mott's Liver Pills, A Legitimate Triimph la Meflleiie. Bread and despair fall upon the community when a terrible epidemic like the cholera or yel low fever, suddenly desolates our homes: yet, all the while, a more insidious, but no less fatal foe, enters thousands of households every year and carries off the flower of the family In the early flush or mamy youin and oudumg womanhood, people call it consumption, or "decline." It is not, in most cases, the tubercular phthisis or consumption of the lungs, which Is the peculiar malady In cli mates like those of the British Islands and New England, but a general decay or arrest of the vital processes of nutrition. All the doctors agree that there Is no remedy for this but Cod Liver Oil but they are constantly met by the obstacle or Inability on the part of the patient to swallow or retain it xnis repulsion is entirely overcome by Scott's Emulsion of the Oil with the Hypophosphltes of Lime and Soda which is agreeable to the taste. and an unequalled nutrient and tonic for the body nerve and brain. A Card. To ail who are suflerine from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that wilt cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the BEV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City jan zo THE, GENUINE DR. C. McL ANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR Vermifuge. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and leaden-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks ; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the tipper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen bowels irregular, at times costive.; stools slimy, not unhequent ly tinged, with blood; belly, swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa I nied by hiccough ; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa , ration, ttot capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :o: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy " for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un equaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lijd, with the impression Dr. McLane's tivER Pills. ' Each wrapper bears the signatures of S. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. JPOR FINE WINES, And Pure Liquors. Three Tears Old. go COCHRANE'S, Central Hotel Saloon. pRENCH BRANDY Guaranteed to be TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. TO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pure Liquors. M M L L S s L L N JOIN your hands nil friends of fciste N my bar only the best Is placed. ANDWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, JgACH man '11 receive right real, good cheer, T3 LEASE step In, my hall Inspect, TTEAR it, you'll see ware than you'll expect. JRENCH, German, Domestic Biandles.Wine J try each customer's taste to refine, ! UCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good, Q0NTALNS my bar, most delicious food, JJAVTNG Cheese and Sausage in bill of fare, JACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear gAVANT judgment and taste most rare. gEE cannoiseur's lips as In sips he drlnKs JgACH sip he takes proves what he thinks, RIGHT off one more he calls as to his friend he winks. Jan22 F. C. MUNZLER, DEALER in Lager Beer, Ale and Porter; bottled beer a specialty. Bottled beer delivered to any part of the city free of charge at ONE DOL- FLAR PER DOZEN. II' - - Lager Beer is healthy and an excellent appetizer, and recommended by all good physicians to per sons In delicate health, ' 1 All orders left at John Yogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 tl W88 77 m 883888 Tl 111 tef 77 "a99.: sSSoPPP KKK II NN N GGG BSSoPPP RRB II ft It N G sgP R RUN WICG GG "iM"? R BUN NN GGG : -XI rE HAVE JUST RECEIVED FRO"! f - -We hays just received froitI- OUR 'HOtrSTT UR- HOUSr.i A full and complete line of sample Goods for 8piing Wear; the styles are all new, attractive and handsomely designed; the Goods are all of Foreign Looms, such as French. English, Scotch and (Jerrnan, And with Increased facilities' we ask our friends and patrons to eorne and look at our Goods, as we intend to make garments to order, cheap er Qian any Northern tailor eommg through here; we have also receiv ed Butterlok's Fashion Plates for spring and summer wear as guide. We solicit an earl; call, sojasto give us ume Deiorc i rusn 01 mauuiHciurc. Respectfully, BERW ANGER A BRO., Flrie'Clothlers and Tailors. N. B. Everybody that wants winter clothing will save money by calling on us, as we will sell them regardless of cost, Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Suits. feb9 T XcHERS W ANTTSsO to 8100 or S200 per month, during the Spring and Summer. For full particulars address J. C. McCURDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa, JIPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terribl disease, and will positively cure nine cases In ten. Information that win save many lives sent free by mail. Don't delay a mo ment Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. Bangor, Maine. gENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS There Is no doubt about the great superiority of this article over common porous plasters and other external remedies, such as liniraente, electrical ap pliances, Ac Ask physicians in your own locality about it. It is wonderful. Sold by all Druggists, price 25 cents. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53,672 Superb English Books AT OUR PRICE. 75,276 New American Books AT YOUR PRICE. 112,726 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGO AT BROTHERS, 3 Beekman st, near New Post-OfBce, New York. Consumptio-vt ONSUMPTIOlN And all Disorders of the THROAT AND LUNGS Permanently Cured. DR. T. A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY PPP RSSft Y V COO H H II NN N EEE P P PPP Y Y O O CH H II NN N B aS8jj Y Y Y Y HUH II N N N KK p 'ss8 O O H OCC H H H N NN H II N NN E EKE Taken In conjunction with his COMPOUND EMULSION OK Pur o 1 L E COD LIVER and hypophospbJtes of LIME AND SODA. A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation sent by express to each suffering' applicant sending their name, P. O. and express address to Dr. T. A. Blo cum, 181 Pearl street. New York. AROMATIC 'in ilia.. iv 11 1 1 1 l T00THAVASHJ TEETH. GUMS'' BREATH NO MORE ; JHEUMATISjVf OR GOTJT 1 ACUTE'O R C HR0KIC A L I C Y L I C j SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., of Pima aitd lkipzig. iUJUiCUJAW I 1 1 , i TT 1 tbl 1 Ulllll.llVt'. VUAV guaranteed, JMow exclusively used Ay Ul oeJebrated physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple, Harmless, and Rename Remedy on both continents. The. Highest .Medical Academy ot jrans report v euros uuiui- xw fiu muot days. Secret The only dissolve of tbepolsxmotia Uric Acid which exists in toe Blood of Bbeumatle nn4 ni VgHnnto tt1 fhfi A frMYV hATM tot 85 00. Sent to any address on receipt of price. isnaorscu Dy pnysiciaus. oum vj m iuukk"io. dress WASHBVRNE & CO., nov7 Only importers' Depot. unn-st., 1. For sale by J. BLJjJcADEN, Druggists, feb 18 ly. Charlotte, N. C. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Bids for tne construction of the following buildings will be received until the th of March, next: One Brick Block, first floor containing two store houses, mayor's ant police offices, with an opera house above. One Brick Block, containing nine store nouses, with two stories obove for a hotel. Plans and smcLficatioris for first named block may be seen at the office of G. L. Norman, archi tect; also, for hotel block at same office on and af ter the 24th Inst. Buildings to be completed by 1st of October next. Contractor, to give bonds. Right to-reject any or an bids reserved-' m-zu- w. u. CANNON. Committee for Town CeanefL W. WASH THOMPSON, 1 B. HETNJTSH, , ' Committee for BuDdlng ASSociaBon, febl8,lm,eod : f , -1 tr Spartanburv8.C. SPLENDID LINE OF r Fine Teas, all grades, Just in, at t LeROY DAVIDSON'S. janOD 1& rife V MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY SPRING oSSo tttt t y T .TY BS8R T TT MS EB T. T f t.t.t.t. kxb Bsa Z TirE LATEST STYLES THE LATEST STYLES -IN- SPRING SPRING SPRING 1 -a HATS & BONNETS HATS & BONNETS HATS & BONNETS I Just received h WITTKOWSKY & BA11UCII. CLOTHING! CLOTHINfl I LOTHING! C L O T H I N JC I W. KAUFMAN 4 COU CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people ot Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock I of I oco 1. 00 O U L 00 8 1 00 0 L OO OOO LLLL OO S H H H HHH II NN N 8NH N N N N U V tit UK IN GGG o oa GGG T T T T 'I i WE HAVE EVER OFFERED, Consisting of the usual variety f MEN'S, BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. 1, if, i'! v : .1 ' 'is: ' , ,. W AU we ask Is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as It will be to your Interest, and you will save from fifteen te twenty per teak on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN k CO., Springs Corner, Charlotte. N. C. 'decl2S 1 -y Scales, c. T HE WORLD'S STANDARD. yAIRBANKS' SCALES TFor Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONET DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rally; The Improved Type Writer, Oscillating Pnmp Cra Pumps. end for Circulars. j - ; FFAIRB4XKS & CO ,. 811 Broadway, New York tar For sale by Leading Hardware Dealer eptl-dtaw w

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