Z)t Charlotte bztttitt: !'f J ?! I j'.' 1 V j !!,' V.!', ,, " P. .a-)-;,i t-.tiiiiftitfott-j") ' i--. , : t n ' Si , t . THE OBSERVER JOB DSPARTMKXt if- SUBSCRIPTION RATES : nailV one year, (post-paid) in advance $8 to Months v 4 nree Month 2 m Itonth. ..- Bum been thoroudhit with every mead MM, OW M W JXMCB ipHIiIW manner qf Job Work can now bt donk ietth neafnatt, dfejgricA and cheapnem. We can tvTntth, at Shoft it. ." ' ""TV t4,' u 'ft -"h r 1 " liliiilt WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, in the county) in advance. . ,, $2 00 of the county, postpaid,..:.... ;.. 2 10 stl Months 1 00 liberal Reductions Jor CUtbt. grij (Soods. SPRING DRY GOODS ',', Jim; n BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTKRzHKADSi C. TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, C VOL. XX. CHARLQl?TE, NCL, SAXDJRDAY JVIARCH 8, 1879. NO. 3,124, $1, beg leave to announce to our friends and customers that we have bought an unusually large SPRING STOCK, most of which Is now In and ready for Inspection. We are prepured to offer this ; season extraordl- Il;,ry lutlucements to buyers, bqtb, ; , WHOLESMJe -AND RETAIL. i ) (ilve us a call, or send guarantee satisfaction. your orders, and we will r I ELIAS & COHEN. 4 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SEALER TN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE 1 VsEDDING, Sue. BEDDING. &C. BEWING, &C. ! BEDDING, &C. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES 1 J.OINGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHA SCfTS! SUWS! PARLOR AND CHAMB. IW COFFINS of all kinds on hand, -fitl iMT- COFFINS of all kinds on hand. -M No. r West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. lr Lades' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a in .supply. jitn:j B AKGA1NS IN UKSB NN N UB BNSS U RRR N N N FIR RN WIT n rvrsv u ' (J u a l u T T T U TJ RRR KB rr IT R R R UU R BN NN UU R SKBE H . ' ! I I 1 AT K. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, Ukxt to PosTorriCK.' to) block Is very Lar. . and embraces a full lAne of I'AhLOIt, CHAMBER, DINING BOO AND OFFICE FURNITURE if?; f All Goods Packed Free of Charge We Sjcvi So0dsf l0tMtt0, Sic. I shall start lor the Northern and Eastern mar kets on to day's train, to purchase my SPRG STOCK. I shall use every effort to secure all the leading styles and novelties In Fancy Dry Goods. I expect to buy my entire stock for cash, giving me the ad vantage of the lowest market prices, and extra dis count I have associated with me In business MB. T. J. 8 EAGLE, of Philadelphia, and he being In the .Northern markets all the time, will eive us extra utilities for making our purchases at all seasons in the year, instead of ordering. We have Just received a new line of DRESS GOODS In Brocades, Buntings, Beges and Fancy Alpaccas. White Cotton Ferry for making children's cloaks; Striped and Barred Nainsooks; a new line of piques. Also a full line of NEW CORSETS. A beautiful stock of Spring Prints and Fancy Do mestic Piques. We will be receiving goods dally until our stock Is complete, which will be about the 10th of March. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st., Charlotte, N. C. feb28 s PRING ANNOUNCEMENT. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends and the public in general, that we leave to-day for NEW YORK, To purchase our large and varied SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF ALL THE HE LATEST LATEST NOVELTIEO NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. It is our intention this season to Inaugurate a new system of prices In Charlotte, which will give our friends and the community at large acnance to purchase Goods at NEW YORK CITY PRICES. We are closing out a lot of AT LESS THAN COST. Don't fan to call and see us. H. MORRIS A BROS, -II' fAJ. February 2JU P. LA8NE, : .: i- i :: i: --l i From Paris, France, WO' or i Ti-w nnH riDCK MAETga. GILDER and SlL- ijmPLXTES, ...il Trade Street, oupesifeiitet Piesbyterlan Church, Nat Gmj Store, H (mce: and1 warranted 01 vekr'.''' Bronze Gfldleg,' .WdrlnW. aniohg jaade , atshortc asfceod K&iWcejraht program and good , seyCLO iKiwj - n I boot "fll 01 h-rvt!-; -j F ROM.DE, 8. J. BELT, Jt P., to liOiil.i; T'i'i baltimobs!.:;:; rmW prescribed Cpiden's Leibig's Liquid Ex tract !ot Beet antf tonic Invlgorator, and eheer fully state that It feflj met my most sanguine ex- ottomc aiseasdebfflto.wetti tite and indigestion, the needed nwnnon ki nerve food. Sold "Wr'all Crugglsts. 'A ft. A DAY to 2M bidk Vistto: dTMS?,0. TUXES' Q( Jancj CaHai mo, 8nowflake; Oil alikftjwitifwme,101ts. J. Mlnkl Co, Naa8a3S,T,. f - ' hdtwo ler & m v amorflairA Unttn. .. no two alike, or 25 el- t I "'nTnhryn. inc. Nassau Card Co. ezant cbromo cards, 10c Nassau, H. T. ihMri a month and expenses Bnaranteed to Jfcfl Agents. iQotnt tree, ta, Maine PbawACo., Augu- NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU, 10 Spruce street, New York. SI;;:!- , : : - u ifHaltbrlee- Erert'jmd.'or fewiry at mrriiPiflHtterna h&h 1 7"'' ' i Teimaand otiiniiree, au- r:in8ta,,Maine.; , , .... My radaotfeer't est. My grandmother's cat was a IHPe Thomas B s Und he velghed aboud forty-seven pounds; He vas older by half dan his little twin broder, Und he made mlt his ra'out funny sounds; 1 - He came mlt dls vorld on the morn he vas born, Und he vaXalvare his eranoniotnec's pride But he kicked once, twice, never to kick again . 'Cause he vas died. I Chorus Nine seconds mltout slumber Kick, kick, kick, kick, I Und. he kicked like thunder i Kick. kick. kick, kick: Und he stopped short, quick. Never to kick again "Cause he vas died. - . In vatcbing his dear Ja4er catch rata and mice Many days did he pass ven a kit, Und in klttenhood und eathood he fought it vas nice To see little mices yell und kick; But he didn't t'ink it nice ven he vent below de ice, Mlt his head to a little stone tied; So he kicked once, twice, never to kick again 'Cause he vas died. Chorus Nine seconds mitout slumber Kick, kick:, kick, kick, Und he kicked like thunder Kick, kick, kick, kick; Und he stopped short, quick, Never to kick again 'Cause he vas died. OlISEBVATIONS. There is a startling rumor of the early advent of another cat-gut artist by the name of KrakzeriawsL Whan the news reached PblladelDhla that Shere All was dying, two lawyers Immediately started for Afghanistan to Induce the relatives to contest the will Phila. Chronicle Herald. a marvftions change came over the feelings of Sie sneak, who quietly accepted Ave quarters for a oflar, and when at a safe distance from the store discovered to his disgust that they were all twenty cent pieces. Ar. Y. News. Eggs are now about fifty-seven cents a dozem, and there is a ravenous demand for them at the hotel tables by the traveling public. When they get down to about six cents you can't hire a travel ing man to iook ai one. jawneye. The St Louis Times-Journul says: The Arkan sas legislature took a recess the other day to wit ness a bowie-knife divertisement between the minority and majority of the ways and meaas com mittee; While the doctors were sewing up tne mtnerty the majority got In their report, which was unanimously aaoptea. A voune man who was kicked off the front door step while endeavoring to serenade his girl, by her enraged papa, was too cautious to call him an old pirate, but he didn't hesitate to designate him as a Ireeoooier. c i-xnumuy i I'jiu. A nualnt writer savs: I have seen women so delicate that they are afraid to ride, for fear of the horses running away; afraid to sail, for fear the boat should uDset. and afraid to walk, for fear the dew might fall; but I never saw one afraid to get married. A citizen went into a Norwich hardware store the other day and inquired: "How much do you ask for a bath-tub for a child?" "Three dollars and seventy-five cents." was the reply. "W-h e-w!' whistled tne customer, "uuess we 11 nave 10 Keep on washing the baby In the coal scuttle, till prices come down." Norwich ituiietin. Louis Schneider, the late amanuensis of the German Emperor, was a man of odd notions. The Dlllow on which his head rested In his coffin was the work of his own hands, and he had been en gaged in making it for thirty years. It was stuffed wild nis own nair. wnicn ne naa preserrea irom the cliDDings of his lifetime. In color it varied from the light brown of youth to the snowy white of age. In his will Schneider described In detail the wav in which he wished t be buried, and wrote out his epitaph that he desired to have placed upon nis lomDsione. The Parker Murder. Reldsvllle Times. The Parker murder is yet all the talk in Greensboro. We visited the spot. It is on West street not far trom the railroad. The murderer crouched in old Miss Nancy Clark s yard, close to the fence, and just where ne Knew rar ker would have to walk close up on ac count of a deep slide in the sidewalk, As he passed he got a sweeping blow at the back or his neau, ana arove a piece of his wool hat deep into his head. The blow went througli the bone of tfte" skull. Dr. Cheek thinks it was done with a hammer or hatchet, something at right angles with the handle. The murderer must have known that Miss Nancy Clark was as deaf as a post;the knew. too. it was a lonesome, quiet lit tie vard. and that her gate was locked at night and not opened till morning. Dr. Cheek say3 Parker seemed con scious. His continual cry was " water, water," and " my head, my head." The doctor asked him who hit him, and he replied he didn't know. Th prevailing impression witn tne citizens is tnnt tne murderer is of the town and still there Several citizens have dreamed dreams as to the murderer. Col. J. S. dreamed three nights in succession that a cer tain voune man was the murderer and that he killed Parker with a black smith's hammer. W. L. C. dreamed that two certain negroes did it. No one knows how much money he had, though the murderer may yet be caught by a few little Dieces 'of old Spanish coin it is known that he did have in his pocket that day. We knew Bob Gun, a negro, hung at Hillsboro, convicted on simply an old foreign coin that was with the monev he killed Blalock for. Blood money will sooner or later cry death on the man that pockets it. It never fails. Three or tour niglit before Parker was killed he told his wife he had been followed by a man and after this he carried a pistol and had one in his hip pocket at th time he was killed. The day of the night he was killed a negro boy went into hi3 store and said, " Mister Parker, dis mor ning when I got up I seed a woinan with her head off standing opposite your house." Parker seemed vexed at such foolery and ordered the boy out of his store. Some think the murderer was a white man, others that it was, a ne gro; there was a crowd of negroes gen erally about the store. What a Western Fortune Turned Out lBe. Atlanta Constitution. "VTe have (1 atntv ofa lawyer. and. client in one of beitifi.ol Georgia, It appears that- a stranger-Mitered the of. rice of the lawyer and showed him a letter from the sheriff ot county in $ western State, wno wrote mac a cer tain one of his constituents had died and left a legacy to his nearest of kin. It was thought that the proper heir liv ed in the county in which this lawyer lived, and that if his identity and kin ship were proved the legacy would be promptly forwarded. The lawyer saw in this letter a chance for a rich fee, and he went to work and soon worked up all the necessary points, and having made a complete case, sent on the pa pers and claimed the " legacy." It came very soon in the shape of two orphan children who had been left by the wes tern man. and one of them a one. legged child at that. Cabarrus, Iredell and Union Magistrates.. Southern Home. List of magistrates appointed by the Geral Assembly- Jof-l8'78-'79, for the counties of Cabarrus, Iredell and Union : Cabarrus F.-sir AreMbald,-Tbeopbc-lus Cannon, E. G. Irwin, P. A, Carroll, AV. II. Blackwelder, Laurence Klutts, Jno. H. Moore, Jacob Ludwick, W. M, Winderhouse, D. P. Boyes, X. G. White, W. A. Patterson. Union Jonathan Trull, Z. Garlough, A. Mcllwain, E. H. Harkness, Thos.il. Benton, J.W.Hamilton, V. T. Cheers. F Iredell Lewis Turbiville, N. G. Tem- ?leton, J, D. Wellbourn, Berry Tnrrier, J. Allison, A. A; Hines, G. F. Shec-herd,- J. A. Austin Abner Morrison, j J, A. Whit&Jf John BradleyPeter Lit tie, J. W. Sanders, A. P. Clark, J. S, Harris, J, M. Shook. Gov. Jarris and the Colored People. Abridged from the Raleigh Observer. The following letter was recently ad dressed to Gov. Jarvis by certain col ored members of the Legislature : jk.ai.kiuh, reu. jsi, ism His Excellency T. J. Jarvis, Governor of the State of JSortn Carolina: 'Honored Sir If it will be agreeable o vour excellency, tne coiorea mem bers of the General Assembly desire to confer with you upon matters of inter est to their race, at any time you may see fit to signify your readiness to re ceive them. Feeling an interest in the welfare of the people, we remain, vour obedient servants, J. T. Reynolds, John A. White, S. Ellison, To this the Governor replied in a kindly letter designating Tuesday, 4th of March, at 5 p. m., as the time at which he would see the colored assemblymen, and upon receipt of-this kind letter the colored members of the General Assem bly visited the executiye office on Tues day evening at 5 o'clock. They were received by the Governor with much courtesy and kindness; and talked very freely with him about the present con dition of their race, their prospects for educational and material advancement, and their hopes for elevation in the scale of enlightenment and cultivation. They seemed in distress over the failure of the Legislature to elect any of their race to fill vacancies in the commission of magistrates, and regarded, it as a nardsnip and- an undue and tmkind ex ercise of political power. The Gover nor in reply told them that he was of opinion that it would take but a short time to convince the colored people of the wisdom of the action of this As sembly in electing white men only to be justices of the peace. Their recent enfranchisement and lack of proper education were an insuperable bar to competency for filling an office;of so much difficulty. Very few of their peo ple would make good officers on account of this absence of qualification and those tew were engaged as a rule in teaching the people in churches or the school room. It was of the gravest importance that justice should De administered in the most complete and acceptable manner in the lowest courts antltsrthls end only the most capable men should, be; elected as conservators or the peace, Me ex pressed his kind-personal and official1 interest in their people. The State could not do without . theriJ. The best feeling prevailed between the'two races and every reason existed to prosper and propitiate this mutual good wilL Alter some pleasant . expressions or regard for the Governor On the part of the legislators they withdrew. Washington News Notes. Special to the Philadelphia Times of the 6th. Soft-money Senators, such as Voor hees, are much disturbed over what ap pears to be a certainty that the finance committee will be m the hands of Bay ard, as chairman, and so strongly hard money in its controling, influences. It is also regarded as sure that Bayard and his friends will. use. toeit influence to prevent' attaching political legisla tion to the appropriation bills at the coming session, but to present them as independent measures. Leading Repub licans are moving to secure a tull un derstanding with the President that f will insure a unity of action against the common enemy. These gentlemen desire him to take the position that he will veto all such political legislation as is now contemplated by the Demo crats, no matter in what shape it comes to him, whether on an appropriation bill or as an independent measure. The struggle for office in the. Senate wing promises to exceed in number of fiarttcipants and desperate effort any hing known in the capital for a. long series of years. There are already about fifty candidates for each of.the;leading omces,ana a troop, qi retainers attach ed to each candidate, who expect to re ceive the. minpr Offices in case their fa vorite succeeds. The same condition exists on the House side, where a small army will work in the interest of Kan dall s opponents m hope of being re warded in case he is beaten. 'Every train brings candidates, and some have already arrived by the evening trains from as far south as North Carolina and as far north as New York. Special to the Baltimore Sun of the Oth. 1 Aj new crop or omce-seeKers put m an appearance to-day, and., the ..wood? seem to be full.of uienw Some of them woild be more 1n : tfeeir element - if be hind a plOw.aTie friends of Mr. 'Black burn had: a private onsultatlqn bonlay to discuss the best means to advance his prospectsOr thO Speakership. But few of the'n membei-s of, the llouse are here, and not many of them are ex pected before the loth-. It is asserted that many of them have already been secured for Mr. Randall, and just now the odds are entirely in favor of his re-election. One of the candidates for secretary of the Senate made calls to-day on all" the Democratic Senators he could find, aud asked them plumply to promise to vote for him,! He did not receive much en couragement. Hon. Horatio C. Burchard, of Illinois, took the oath of office as director of the mint, to-day. Mrs. Agnes JJ. jenks, the celebrated witness, is one of the conspicuous char acters' who Can be seen promenading Pennsylvania avenue any fine after noon. - , . ExSenator Stanley Matthews to-day drew the. balance of his unpaid salary as , a -senator, ana remarked "tnat ne now 'shook the dust from his feet of public life, and that hereafter he in tended to give Washington a wide berth." He will go to Ohio and resume the practice of the law. A FEMALE FIEND. Brutal Murder of a Stepdaughter. , Louisville, Ky., March 5. A Courier-Journal special from Lexington says a gentleman arrived there this evening bringing intelligence of a 1kh rible murder committed near Manches ter, Ky., about two weeks ago, " A girl, aged ten years, daughter of a laborer named Martin Deater, was taken to an out-house by her stepmother and there dealt blows on her head, which frac tured her skull. To finish the deed the female fiend placed one end of a rope around the girl's neck and the other she tied to the beam above and thea weighted the body. After finishing the I dastardly deed she took the body down and plaoed it in a field near by, in which a vicious horse was kept, ana sent word to her husband that his daughter had been killed by. the horse. The suspic ions of the neighbors were aroused and the coroner's jurv impannelled to hold an inquest on the body of the : girl. Numerous scars upon the body showed how badly the girl had been treated during her stay With bet stepmother, audi the broken neck showed plainly tnat-Tne gin naa not oeen luiiea oy tne hoTse; " me muraeress is now in awaiting trial. Gen. Butler Still Willing. Gen. Benj. F. "Butler is said to be still keeping his eyes on that Massachusetts governorship, and his agents are re ported to be busy from one end of the commonweath to the other securing control of the town committees of one or both of the other political parties. Hie general impression seems to be that Gen. Butler will first strike for the control of the Republican convention, and failing in that,will capture theDem ocratic organization as he did last year. Ex-Secretary Bout well is credited with the opinion that if the Republicans take a stand in convention against southern frauds and outrages they cannot be beaten at the next election. One of Mark Twain's Characters Dead. The readers of Mark Twain's "Inno cents Abroad" will readily call to mind he doings and sayings of "Jack." As is well-knOwn the juncture was drawn ironi the lire. "Jack s real name was John A. Van Nostrand, who, like Mr. Clemens (Mark Twain) was passenger on the Quaker City. Mr. Van Nostrand became widely known in New York and Brooklyn as the "Jack" of the In nocents Abroad. He died at Jackson ville, Fla., on Wednesday last. An Elevated Railroad for Chicago. A charter was granted last week for a ten-mile elevated railroad in Chicago, and the project is said to be backed oy capitalists. The real motive for the construction of the road is to render available and valuable some lands in South Chicago which are now poor property, and are bringing in no re turns. With quick transit they would be city property, and an elevated rail road would render them immensely valuable. CHEW JACKSON S BEST SWEET NA T IOBACCO. lujctiau Sales. OIL PAINTINGS AT AUCTION!! JARGE and Important sale of Oil Paintings from the Philadelphia Art Gallery, this evening at 7 o'clock, and will continue every evening until the entire lot is sold. The attention of the public is cal led to this sale as it Includes gems of art by Foreign and American artists, which will be sold regardless of original eost The ladies especially are invited to call and ex amine the paintings, which will be on exhibition after 3 o'clock p, m. to-day at our store. MAXWELL & HARRISON. maro fox Sale. gLOCKADE TOBACCO. FOR SAL E . Having purchased a nice line of Tobacco, at the Government sale, I am prepared to offer extra inducements to buy ers. Call early. THOS. H. GA1THER. nov7 w ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person desiring to purchase a well improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at decl8 THIS OFFICE. F OR SALE. The B'ourgeolse and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and was not discarded because no longer lit for use, but on ly because it became necessary to use a different style of type. It will do good service for several years to come. It will be sold in lots to sul pur chasers, and in fonts of 50 to l.OOOIbs, with or without cases. Address OBSERVER, oct6 Charlotte. N. C. F. C. MXTNZLER, DEALER in Lager Beer. Ale and Porter; bottled beer a specialty. Bottled beer delivered to any part of the city free of charge at ONE DOL LAR PER DOZEN. Lager Beer Is healthy and an excellent appetizer, and recommended by all good physicians to per sons in delicate health. All orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 F OR FINE WINES, And Pure Liquors, Three Years Old. go COCHRANE'S, Central Hotel Saloon. F RENCH BRANDY Guaranteed to be TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. Gr TO CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For SUmdard Pure Liquors. M M S S L L N JOIN your hands all friends of taste QN my bar only the best is placed, gANDWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, JgACH man '11 receive right real, good cheer, JJ)LEASE step In, my hall inspect, JJEAR it, you'll see more than you'll expect JJ'RENCH, German, Domestic Brandies, Wine J try each customer's taste to refine, gUCH Sandwich novel and Pretzel's good, Q0NTALNS my bar, most delicious food, JJAVTNG Cheese and Sausage In bill of fare, JgACH glass of Beer, or Gin will bear O AVANT Judgment and taste most rare. OEE comncixuft lips as in sips he drtnKs , gACH sip he takes proves what he thinks," "t JGHT off one more he calls as to his friend JLii he winks, Jangg ,11 89S8g8 77777 aolKlgo. 1 Sfg" 11 88 g 77 ill 71 sS8aPPP RER II NN S GGO 8P PR RFINN NO Q "SSoPPP RRR IINNKO a gP R RUN JSG GO "SS'P R RUN NN OGO : 7E HAVE JUST E'ECETVEDFROAf' TT E HAVE JUST RECEIVED EBOiT. HOUST? UR HOUS A full and complete line of sample Goods for Spring Wear; the styles are all new, attractive and handsomely designed; the Goods are all of Foreign Looms, such as French, English, Scotch and German, And wlui Increased facilities we ask our friends and patrons to come and look at our Goods, as we Intend to make garments to order, cheap er than any Northern tailor coming through here; we have-also receiv ed Butterick's Fashion Plates for spring and summer wear as guide. I888 EiT" We solicit an early call, so 'as to give us unie Deiore a rusn 01 manuracture.' Respectfully, BERWAXGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. N. B. Everybody that wants winter clothing will save money by calling on us, as we will sell them regardless of cost, Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Suits. feb9 TEACHERSWANTEDisO to SlwToTiioO per month, during-the Spring and Summer. For full particulars address J. C. STcCURDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. D IPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases In ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by mall. Don't delay a mo ment. Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. Bangor, Maine. JENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS There Is no doubt about the great superiority of this article over common porous plasters and other external remedies, such as liniments, electrical ap pliances, &c Ask physicians in your own locality about it. It is wonderful. Sold by all Druggists, price 25 cents. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. R3,72 Superb English Books AT OUR PRICE. 75,276 New American Books AT YOUR PRICE. 112,720 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, .' Beekman St., near New Post-Office, New York. c O O M M N And all Disorders of the THROAT AND -LUNGS Permanently Cured. DR. T. A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY PPP P P PPP P P Sss8 Y Y Y Y UUO C O o o o 000 H H H H HHH H H H H NN N NN N N N N N NN IT NN EES E EE E EEK s 3ss8 YY Y r Taken in conjunction with his , COMPOUND EMULSION OF URE COD LIVER01 antf llypOphosphites of LIME AND SODA. L A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation sent by express to each suffering applicant sending their name, P. O. and express address to Dr. T. A. Slo enm, 181 Pearl street, Nw York. AROMATIC IH TOOTJHLVfAsW TEETH. GUMS' BREATH NO MORE EUSATIS OR GOUT M A C U T BOB C H R O N I C s ALICYLIC A SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OF PARS AMD LEIPZIG. Immediate relief warranted.. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 05 cures out of 100 cases within three days. Secret The only dlssolver of the .poisonous Uric Acid which exists In tne Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. $1,00 a box, 6 boxes for $5 00. Sent to any address on receipt of price. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. Ad dress WASHBURNE Tco., . novT Only Importers' Depot. 28 Cllff-st, N. Y. For sale by J. H. McADEN, Druggists, feb 18-ly. Charlotte, N. C. rpo BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. Bids for X the construction of the following buildings will be received until the ttth of March, next: One Brick Block, first floor containing two store houses, mayor's and police offices, with an opera One Brick Block, containing nine store houses, with two stories obove for a hotel. Plans and specifications for first named block may be seen at the office of G. L. Norman, archi tect; also, for hotel block at same office on and af ter the 24tb Inst Buildings to be completed by 1st of October next. Contractor to give bonds. Right to reject any or all bids reserved. IL E. HEINITSH, R. L. BOWDEN, W. C. CANNON. Committee for Town Council. R. L. BOWDEN, W. WASH THOMPSON, H, E. HEINITSH, Committee for Building Association, febl3,Lm,eod Spartanburg, 8. & SPLENDID LISE OF Fine Teas, all grades, Just In, at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. Jan60 MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY SPRING TTTT T T T T i. L li L T.T.T.T. Ul R KB Si TY Y T K THE THE LATEST LATEST STYLES STYLES -IN- SPRING SPRING SPEING HATS & BONNETS HATS & BONNETS HATS & BONNETS 1 Just tpcelved h WITTKOWSKY & BARUCn. c LOT LOT HINOI H I N G! C L O C L 0 HIM H I N IT I W. KAUFMAN CO'8. CLOTHINO HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and mot beautiful and well selected stock of I oco o o 0 o o 000 1. L L L T.T.T.T. OO O O O O o o 00 TTTT T T T T h n 11 H H II HHH It H H II H H 11 NW If AGO NN 5 O O N W N O N WW O GO W WW OOO WE HAVE F.VEK OFFEBED, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN'S. BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. t3& All we ask is that oar friends and customers will give us a call, as it will be to your Interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty per eeoi, on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN A CO., Springs Corner, Charlotte. K. 0. -decl2 Mcalts, Sec, rjrSE. WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES fFor Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rally The Improved Type Writer. Oscillating Pump Co's Pumps. end for Circulars. "FAIRBANKS & CO., t 811 Broadway, New York For sale by Leadtn Hardware Dealen-eptl-dtaw w 1 1 f1 w'i f, lit. r1 1 I V r-. ( ' i 1 J 1 V ' i 1 t i Mi ."1 1 i ! H c 4 U-15 1 n it 1 in ? ,1 It f t . ! .4 1 1 ) 1 it 1U i i I n 1 . 1

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