E.UUM ud t rprieor SATURDAY, MARCH. 8,1870.'- THE KT4TE-' BO Uttt OF HE UTil It lias occurred to us frequency" thai our people do n&fpjpofflyipyf&sciixte the importance of this institution, and that the General Assenjlgv has not been disposed to deal' uji Jf Retail ously as it should. Ta put plpd, this board has very largely'irt ItsUAnAs h welfare of the eople o the fWf f if it were given the facilities nectsrfary to enable it to employ judiciously the means which it might devise for the protection of the health of the masses an excellent retmt) njiht bt pceived in an improvement of our sanitary con dition and icjiase(V'l)falthfu1is rer suiting therefrom.' Our attentfo)i H W. 4f !"&h to this subject by an interesting article in the North Carolina Presbyterian, which says among other things, speak ing of the, board of health, that they "WOIIU Dve I wfeUI Jf! 4heir tellow citizens, dou&jio more than call a(ttu hi effect' of drinking water ujm t)er siuiifcujf condition of our rfecqfle!' The Wril,' 'the Presbyte rian adds, very shortly after its or ganization, procured statistics as to the condition and character of the wells and latrines of the.citjt Qf jyilmington, and their relations "to each other. In prosecution of these inquiries, the spe cial case of a family in Wilmington was noted. The health of tire family re ferred to' was not very good, and after sevCTa(enaiigetf in' the premises upon which they resided, without result in improving health, the water from the well on the lot was suspected, and a specimen of it, tightly corked, was sent t) Dr. A. R. Ledoux for analyzation. The following is his reply : The well is without doubt most dan gerously poisonous. Not only is the water filled with bacteria, but there are other living organism feeding upon the animal matter present, whose move ments can be seen with the naked eye. There are no unusual inorganic con stituents present, but the organic mat ter renders it verv unhealthy. Comparative tests give the following, result: M) f If we represent pure water by 100O, the organic impurities in the sample biing down its qualities to. about 100. i tmrs sincere iv, A. R. LEIXM X. j It-isriiirr-to imagine anything of more' vUkl importance to the people I than the character of the water which they drink. Much of it is undoubtedly impure, and it may be said with perfect safety trratf thh wafers of many" wells, especially in the cities and larger towns of the State, are thoroughly poisoned, andnjayjrf3oind fr)so jnorh'tbe valu able auxiliary, if not the prime cause, of deadly pestilence. The prosecu tion throughout the length and breadth of the State of the enquiries begun at Wilmington, is highly desirable and i nportant, and it is to be hoped will be instituted between this time and the beginning of the heated term next sum mer. Commenting upon the develop ments in "Wilmington the North Can Una Medical Journal reaches th is rea sonable conclusion : From this lesson about our drinking water, we may work out theproblems of our" water supply. Indeed, we had b9tte$ say we must work it out,, or be prepared for- disastrous outbreaks of diphtheria and typhoidal disease And the Journal further adds this information, which should be gratify ing, and makes an appeal which should be heeded : It is this and like matters that our State board of health has undertaken to elucidate. It is the design of this board to investigate every town in the State as soen as we have means at our command; it is our hope that with .wide-spread information we may be the means of improving the, sanitary conditions of our towns. Let the cities and towns of the State come to the help of our board. If the State seals up its treasury against the call for or ganized help, let wi r towns act inde pendently and save themselves at least. TEE LEGISLATURE AD ITS CRIilt?. There is some of wisdom and much of folly in the present General Assem bly, but glancing back now "over its proceedings, as the session riears its close, we are prepared to pronounce the bpdy,in our humble judgment, up to the average of the General Assemblies which have met in North Carolina since the war. If any senator or repre sentative now at Kaleigh went to the capitol with an expectation that by any thing it could possibly do the legisla ture would succeed in winning general -approbation, or in giving'general satis faction, such member, by this time, we aspect, begins' to realize that; he was sadly mistaken. The times are cen sorious. Fault-finding is epidemic. In respect of public men and public meas urestherdisppsjtpn. to abuse seems to hare toenae, 'morbid. Some onstitu tionai 'conventions,, and the cbhstitt tions they make, nominating conver. tions and the men they nominate, legis latures and fli'e''ltnx'8 they enact, city councils and the- ordinances they pas?, corporation directories and the regula tions they establish, governors, judges, sheriffs, clerks have been so much carp ed at, complained of; and condemned, that in addressing almost any represen tative man or public officer, we might with propriety say, as Hamlet says to Ophelia: 'B3 thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow Thou shalt no escape calumny. -"Of the $45,000,000 of 'fractional -paper currency issued by the TJnited States there remains outstanding about $16, 003.000, of which amount about $2,000,- 000 is in three an fire rcent pieces. It is now estimated that there will ulti mately fee reduced only $4,000,000 of the I $16,000,000, leaving $12,000,000 as profit to the government, that amount being lost or destroyed t "C." calls thaVtrouble at Raleigh be ! tWeeh'the newspapers and the .deputy j sheriffs case, of constructive mileage. CHAS. R. JOfllES, .. THE BATES SWELL RECEPTION. riie newspapers continue to speak out with great freedom in abuse or ridicule of the recent reception at the White House when Mr. and Mrs. Hayesi "at iempted" to quote the sarcasm of the Washington Republican "to elevate the tone of society." The Sandusky Register, 1 a paper printed in the United States of Ohio, has its Irish -up very considerably, and the Wasriihgt6n Republican, with an appTbffngr nod, crtpierthis utterance j of its: :, , , . , , We advise Mrs. Hayes as a "personal friend not to make a fool of herself, nor jitjtempt to put on airs in this country. She wad not born an aristocrat, and has Sqt the make up of one, no matter what isguise she resorts to to play that part. Ap for Mr. Hayes, he ought to remem Mr that Private-Jones is as much of a gentleman as Captain Jinks. He hap pened to be an officer himself only by accident, ana is rTesiuenu oiny uy acci dent. If Mr. Evarts wishes to play aris tocrat let him do it on his own floor, and not in the White House, where ev ery man is a man, no matter what his rank. Codfish aristocracy in the White House will not be popular with decent people, who measure men by their worth, and not by their rank or station. The newspapers, however, are not competent witnesses against the Hayeses in this case, because the Hayeses treated the newspaper men on this occasion after such fashion as to make them all mad. The tickets issued to the press carried the bearers only as far as the reception room of the White House, and there Charles Nordoff, who gets his .$12,000 a year for writing when and what he pleases, Gen. Boynton and the like, loafed around on the edges of the charmed circle in company with the hackmen, footmen, porters and the like ! dead! Of course they were mad! It is true they belong in a better class of so ciaty, have'more sense and as much right in the White House as Hayes; but the Hayeses were running that enter tainment and if the newspaper men had not wanted to hang up in the reception room, why then, they could have stayed out. Free country this ; if Mr. Hayes wants to invite newspaper men to asso ciate with hackmen he has a right to do it; if they don't want to they needn't. "What's the use of their kicking about it, though? and blabbling out, as the Washington correspondent of the Cleve land Leader did, that at the reception a prominent personage of title, who of course came under the rule of admis sion, was accompanied by his mistress, and that a woman who not long since figured in n scandal case was also pres ent i STATE SE'.VS Mr. Jesse Jones, of Yadkin, aged 80, is dead. There are 515 voters in Salisbury township. The phonograph is in Raleigh and the natives are much stirred up on the sub- ject. Bud liiggs has been jugged in Salem for beating a bov over the head with a bottle. Hon. Kemp P. Battle is to lecture at an early day lefore the Wilmington Historical Society. The Yadkin river got $20,000 in the river and harbor bill instead of $2,000 as previously reported. A wild cat is destroying large mini lers of fowls in Harnett township. New Hanover county. Near Back Creek church, ltowan county, a negro woman caught fire wiiile asleep in her cabin and was fa tally burned. "Wayne county will be one hundred years old next November, and the Golds 'boro Messenger suggests a centennial celebration. Twenty negroes, mostly able-bodied men, left the neighborhood of Moores ville, Iredell county, on last Sat unlay, for Arkansas. The graded school of Fayetteville has eight teachers and five hundred pupils, with an average attendance of ninety per cent. It is patronized by all classes. Young lawyer in the neighborhood of Greensboro falls in love with "a twin." Courts one sister and goes to the other for his answer. They looked too much alike. Judgment nisi. The gin house and gin, belonging to Mr. Samuel Hudson, at Pollocksville, Jones county, was destroyed by tire on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Hudson's loss is about $1,200. Xo insurance. Mr, Kope Elias had just finished a handsome residence at Franklin, Ma con county, furnished it nicely and was moving his family into it, when it was destroyed by Are a few days ago. So says the Raleigh Observer. ' ReidsviUe:r7es; Monday night as the midnight train arrived from Char lotte, a lad named Fitzgerald boarded it, and a few hundred yards below, at Wray's crossing, he jumped and broke his leg. The boy said he was only for taking a short ride. . Thft citizens of Aaheville, according to the? Qitizen, are to. vote upon a pro position to issue $5,000 of bonds for the purpose of - raising money to macada mize Main street The board of alder men have ordered the' election to take place on the 7th of April. Goldsboro Messenger : Wild turkeys seem to be quite plentiful in the New Hope section of this county. On Satur day last, Mr. Benjamin Parks killed five fine goblers at one shot, out of a gang of eight. The five weighed 83 pounds. The Wednesday previous Mr. Parks killed .three in the same neigh borhood. Reidsville Times: During the snow last month Miss Emma Scales heard of a poor woman who had not a stick of wood. She said to some of the school girls that if Edmund, the colored man, was on the lot, she would send the lady some in the handcart. Two of the girls at once offered to haul the wood them selves. Miss Emma consented, and they loaded the cart and hauled the wood a half mile in the Bnow to one of God's poor. , What town can beat us on girls ? Salisbury Watchman: We learn that the amendments proposed to be made in the charter ot Salisbury; re strict the limits of the town to six squares from the public square, each way; limits the galary of the mayor to $250; allows special taxes on livery stables, sewing machine agents, and drummers who sell to consumers ; al lows the' commissioners to devote the poll tax to public schools white polls to white schools, and colored polls to colored schools. , An Alignment Maide by Bishop Puree!!. Cincinnati, March 5. Father Ed ward Purcell to-day made an assign ment to John B; Mannix. The property thus assigned includes the bishop s ret aidence, the seminaries at the corner of Third and Plum streets and Warsaw Pike, seventy-six acres of suburban lots, and a numbei of smaller pieces of pro perty in various parte of the city. TASIIIXUTO SKWS. Thompson Not Going to Charleston KThe Cabinet .Approves Frenches Wattle Order 'Presidential Ap-M pointments1 Under the k M .-ffcalih . Bid The A Senate and ' f' House Cau cuses. W.ishington, March ".Secretary Thompson will not be able to visit Charleston to inspect the harbor im provements. Secretary McCrarv will visit that city but owing tcr "the extra r session or Congress does not know when he can make the visit The Secretary of the Treasury to-clay presented to the cabinet a report from Assistant Secretaiy French in support of the treasury order of February 26th last, prohibiting the importation of meat cattle from England. Some of the members of the cabinet at that time believed that one of the effects of that order would be a disturbance of our commercial relations with England. The treasury has, however, given the subject full consideration and Mr. French's report wras adopted by the cabinet to-day. The order of the de partment will therefore not be revers ed. The cabinet also considered the ap pointment of members of the national board of health under the bill passed during the closing hours of Congress. The bill provides that the board shall consist respectively of one member rep resenting the treasury department, one the navy, one the war and one the department of justice and seven to be appointed by the President. It was de cided that Surgeon General Wood worth, of the marine hospital service, should be the representative of the treasury, Medical Director Francis M. Gannell, of the navy, Solicitor General Phillips, of the department of justice, and As sistant Surgeon John S. Billings, of the War Department. The Democratic Senators will hold a caucus on the 11th inst., to take action on the re-organization of theSenateand the construction of the various stand ing committees. The Democratic members of the House will hold their caucus in the 15th or 17th inst. The Republicans and Greenbackers will also have caucuses. The friends of Mr. Waddell, of North Carolina, say he has the entire support of his State delegation in Congress for the secretaryship of the Senate and will have additional strength in other quarters. FRANCE. Impeachment or the May Ministry Gain or the Left In the Cabinet-Lack of Resolution in the Government. Paris, March 7. The committee of inquiry have decided in favor of im peachment of the ministers of the 16th of May the DeBroglie-Fouton cabinet and the ministrv of General Granaudel I)e Kochebouet by a vote of twenty-one to seven. IiCndon, March 7. The recent French ministerial changes give the pure Left exactly half the posts in the cabinet M. Lepere, minister of the interior, is an advanced Gambettist ; M. Wadding- ton, president 01 tne council and tor- eign minister, M. Say, minister of finance, M. Jeaneguiberry, minister of marine, and Gen. Gristy, minister of war, may be considered as of the Left Centre. This is a considerable shifting of the ministerial centre of gravity in favor of the Left. In the debate on the merchant ship ping bill yesterday, M. Lepere stated that the government is in favor of bounties 011 ship building but not on equipment; J he Junes Fans correspondent re marks that the government's agreeing to the bounties at the last moment is another proof of their lack of resolu tion, and is a bad omen for their firm ness relative to commercial treaties. The Chamber of Deputies yesterday voted 225,000 francs for participation in the Australian International Exhibi tion. Henri LaCoy, banker and president of the tribunal' of commerce at Tarbes, has fraudulently bankrupted and ab sconded. Many small local creditors are affected. The amount of the deficit is not vet known. VIRGINIA. Blaine, Joues and Lorlng In Richmond The Federal Usurpation Matter. Richmond, Va., March 7 United States Senators lihiine, of Maine, and .Jones, of Nevada, and Representative Loring, of Massachusetts, are in this city. They are interested in the pro posed Kichmond & Alleghany Railroad and are here to look after That enter prise. State Attorney General Field goes to "Washington to-night to attend the United States Supreme Court, Mondav, when he will bring before that tribunal the matter of the alleged usurpation of power by Federal Judge Rives in this State. No arrests have yet been made of the county judges recently indicted in Judge Rives' court. Judge W.J. Robertson, of Charlottesville, and Geh. Bradley T. Johnston, of Richmond, have been retained to assist the Attorney General in the case before the United States Supreme Court, A BATCH OF FOREIGN NEWS. Loxdox, March 7. The British plague commission will leave for Astrachan Monday. Queen Victoria will embark at Portsmouth on the 2oth aboard the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert for Cherbourg. The queen will probably be absent about a month. Dr. Rutts' condition is unchanged and very precarious. A majority of the sailors who went on a strike at Liverpool still hold out for higher wages. One thousand striking tin-plate work ers at Cardiff have resumed work on the masters' terms a reduction of 10 per cent. Three thousand iron-workers at "Brad ford have resolved to strike. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. ' Hon. Elihu Burrett, the distinguished philanthropist, reformer and philologist, is dead. The parliamentary discipline bill has been rejected in the German Reichstag. The Deatli-ltate oi Our country Is getting to be fearfully alarming, the average of life being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general ly from the most insignificant origin. At this ' sea son of the year especially, a cold Is such a common thing that in the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook tbe dangers attending it and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives in this way ev ery winter, while had Boschee's German Syrup been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Boschee's German Sybup has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind in medicine. Every Druggist In this country will tell you of Its wonderful effect Over 050,009 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. s Merchants and visitors who have desired, so long, to live at a hotel above the business centre, and to take a portion of their meals downtown while In New York, can do so as the Grand Central Hotel, on Broadway, is now. kept on both the American Planat 82.50 or 83.00. and the Euro pean plan 81.00, and upwards per day. An ele- gani Mestauraju, asmoae " UUJ. AU XJITT" lerate pricesj-ls conducted by the hotel, ij;.jjitaaeaiauBit!i -r..... - . . . I '': - l ' -" ' " I CoigHMptTon rire4T An old physician, retired, from practice. havin2 naa placed in His Hands by am East India mission- a ry the formula of a stoglei vegetable remedy, for the speedy and .permanent Qure foMonsumptloiK,. munu iu iui Buueruig leiiuws. ACUiiueu vj una motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, 1 will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using In German, French or English. Sent Dy mail by addressing wiih stamp, naming this paper. W. W. .Sherar, 149 Powers' Blpcfc Rochester. New York. ?oct9 fir J j i ; MARCH 6, 1879 PRODUCE. Cincinnati Flour steadv and firm: family 4.60a5.50. Wheat unsettled: red and white 98a l.Oo. Corn firm at35a37. Oats nulet. steadv. at 26a30. Pork dull at 10.00. Lard dull; steam ti.40. Bulk meats steady; shoulders 8.50a60, short ribs 4.75, short clear 4.87 Vai bacon Inactive; shoulders 414, clear ribs 5& clear sides 5 Whis key steady and in good demand at 1.02- Bulter quiet ana uncnangea. sugar quiet and uncnangea. Hogs dull; packing 3.85a4.00. Baltimore Oats active; Southern 32a33, Wes tern white 31aH2, do mixed 30a31, Pennsyl vania 82a33. Hay unchanged; prime Penn sylvania and Maryland llal2. Provisions qeiet; mess pork.old 10.?5aall.00, new -; bulk meats loose shoulders 4 clear rib sides 5, per car load, packed new 5; bacon shoulders, old 5, clear rib sides, new 6Vi, hams, sugar-cured, JM4al0. Lard refined tierces 79. Butter quiet; choice Western packed 18a20, rolls 15al6. Cof fee steady; Rio cargoes 1015. Whiskey dull at 1.07. Sugar strouger; A soft 8J4aVi. Nkw Yom Flour no decided change: No. 2, 2.60a3.25, superfine Western and State 3-50a3.65, common to good extra Western and State 3.80a 3.90, good to choice do 4.00a4.60; Southern flour steady; common to fair extra 4.00a5.20; good to choice do 5.25a6.50. Wheat ungraded win ter red 1.02al.l2. No. 3 do 1.1 lVg. Corn ungraded 45Vfea46, No. 3, 45a45. Oats 4hill. Coffee quiet and steady; Bio quoted In car goes 10ial4V8, in Job lots lOJ&altf. Sugar quiet; Cuban 5a0, fair to good refining 6a6, prime 634; refined standard A. 8 granulated 83b, powdered 8 crushed 8a9. Molasses New Or leans 28a40. Bice in moderate request and firm. Pork mess on spot 9.50. Lard prime steam 6.62tfea75. Whiskey at 1.07. Freights lower. COTTON. Norfolk Dull; middling 94c; net receipts 1,423; gross ; stock 27.893; exports coastwise ; sales ; exports to Great Britain . Weekly net receipts 8,622; gross ; sales 1,762; exports coastwise 6,559; to Great Britain 900; to France ; Continent . Baltimors Firm; middling 9c.;low middling 9sc; good ordinary 9c.; net receipts ; gross 363; sales 870; stock 7,219: exports coastwise ; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent Weekly net rec'ts 1101; gross 2,1 95; sales 1 ,692 ; spinners ; exports to Grt Britain 1,978; coast wise 145; to Continent ; to France . Boston Dull; middling ; low middling 9Va; good ordinary 9; net receipts, 1,125; gross 1, rzo; saies ; stock 3,zu; Britain . exports to Great Weekly nei receipts 5,817; 9,941; sales ; exports to Great Britain 2 WmmiGTOK Quiet; middling 9Ujc.; low mid d!ing 8c.; good ordinary 8t4; net receipts 80; gross ; sales 20; stock 3,810; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to Con nent ; to channel : Weekly net receipts 1,013; gross ; sales 20; exports coastwise 2J552; to Great Britain ; to Continent ; to France ; spinners ; to channel ; shipments . Pim.APgT.PHlA Quiet; middling 9c; low middling 9c: good ordinary 8c; net receipts 80; gross 195; sales ; spinners ; stock ; exports to Great Britain . Weekly net receipts 740; gross 2.505; sales 1,965; spinners 1,879; coastwise: Continent: to Great Britain 1,085; stock 7.775. Augusta Quiet ; middling 87&c; low mid dling 8tfec; good ordinary 7c.; receipts 220; shipments ; sales 4B5; stock . Weekly net receipts 1.127; shipments 1,458; sales 1,562; spinners ; stock 15,897. Charleston Steady; middling 9c. ; low mid dling 9t4-; good ordinary 9c; net receipts 879; gross ; sales ; stock 33,575; exports coastwise ; Great Britain ; France ; Continent ; to channel . Weekly net receipts 4.410; gross ; sales 3. 250; exports coastwise 902; to Continent 3,850! to Great Britain 2.283; to France ; to chan nel . Nxw York Quiet; sales 663: middling uplands 94C. middling Orleans 9c; consolidated net re ceipts , exports to Great Britain. weekly net rects 4,307; gross 16,007: exports to Great Britain 8,618; to Continent 870; to France 548; sales 3,812; stock 173,903. COMPARATIVE COTTON BTATKMXNT. Net receipts at all United States ports during the week 84.565 Same week last year 90,998 Total receipts to this date 3,905.813 to same date last Tear... 8.636.572 Exports for the week. 135,698 Same week last year 1 12,492 Total exports to this date 2,599,840 "' to same date last year. .. . 2,800,678 Stock at all United States ports 7 16,855 " " " same time last year 772,081 Stock at all interior towns r 103,366 ', " " sume time last year 112,102 Stock at Liverpool 556,000 same time last year, 663,000 Stock of American afloat for G. Britain, 813,000 Same time last year 260.000 Liverpool Noon Fair business. Uplands 5 5-16, Orleans, 5 7-16, low middling uplands , good ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands . sales 8,000, speculation and export 1,000, re ceipts 82,000. American 31,000. Futures 1 32 better. Uplands low middling clause: March delivery 5 11-32, March and April do, April and May 53b, Hay and June 5 13-82, June and July , July and August , August and September , September and October , October and Novem ber 5 9-16. New crop shipped January per sail , February and March . Sales for the week. American Speculation Export Actual exports Imports 46,000 36,000 3,000 3,000 1,000 94,000 81.000 American. Stock 556,000 American 427,000 Afloat 380,000 American 318,000 Weekly Circular. This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association savs: Cotton continues Inanimate, with limited business and a tendency in favor of buyers. American was in fan request, but with a free supply. Prices declined 1- 10. in sea island sales were small and prices are unchanged. Futures opened dulL Business was very limited and prices declined 1-1 6a3-32. To day (Thursday) since noon the market has been firmer and prices recovered 1-32, the final rates snowing a aeciine 01 1-16 in most cases. FUTURES. Nkw York Futures closed easy. Sales 45,- oou oaies. March 9.7la,72 April .83 May o .or June 10.12a.18 July lQ.23a.24 August .- 10.3la.82 September : 10 .13a 15 October ; 1 9 .92a.93 jNovemoer ! FINANCIAL. Nbw York Money 1.03a4 Exchange 4.86ai. governments steady. New 58 1.04 State bonds UU1I. J CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of the Observer, ( Charlotte, March 7, 1879. ( The market yesterday closed steady, as follows: Good middling Oa! Middling. , ' Strict low middling. t ,,. .8i4t Livw iiuuuimg Tinges gi imy, er graues -w j i oa?g CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET MARCH 7. 1879. corrected daily. Corn, per bush'l .-...v. -. t , , u . 45a 50 Meal, " ...1....:., ... 60a55 Pas, " 50a55 Oats, shelled .'. 85a40 Bacon N. C hogjound. . . 8a9 Hams, I. C......, 9 Hams, canvassed 10 Bulk Meats ' Clear Bib Sides..... 6a6tt Coffee ' Prime Rio.... 15al6 wu. 12al4 Syrup Sugar-house Molasses Cuba New Orleans Salt Liverpool fine... Sugar White;.. Yellow,,.,....,, POTATpBS-r- . Sweet........... Irish Butter : North Carolina.. Eggs, per dozen... Flour t" Family... ' Extra. Super . 25 88a40 35a50 i.00a2.00 OtfealOi 35a40 3.75a4.00 10al2lg 3. 50 2.7 00 2.35ag.50 vf V 1 Hnahviffrf,T i O Al V It 1 J Awf jj 1j o .a . . i - , -i fife f 1 virtue of a deea of trust execute anderaifiriMd bs Chambers A SteralL I recorded fn book 1, page'2J2, 218, 214 an4J zio, register s vmce oi jaecKienourg county, 1 wiu sell by public auction at the court house door )a the city of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M., on the 7th day of April, 1879, the following vehicles, horses, ion at the court house door nT,F?Mfcll and examine our goods at the store on Trade ana ouier articles oi personal property: One depot wagon (new), one clarence vehicle, three phaeton, one double buggy, two single bug gies. One spring' wagon, one carryall, one straw cutter, two saddles ana bridles, lour sets oi lead bars, many sets of simrle and doub I ciock, twelve horses all trained and broken. Terms: Cash. BERBYMAN GBREN, Trustee By JONES & JOHNSTON, Attorneys. mar8 oawtds -po: R SALE. A number of shares in the National Bank of Chester. Inquire at THIS OFFICE. mar8 tf TOADIES, TAKE NOTICE. We have just received a very beautiful selection of green house plants; flower pots also. Call and see them. BRADSHAW & CO. mar8 2t policUnj (goods. Q.REAT BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT J, T. BUTLER'S. 'J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everrthlne tou want for Christmas, at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCT7" E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCiY -T? A N C Y GOOD O GOOD O -1 A N N C Y Ground and" Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes including some novelties, which will pay you to Kill and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth. Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON A CO. decl3 T THE CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON Cochrane keeps the best RYE WHISKEY, Stand ard Pure, Two Years Old. it't vrl -itrvt vi QALL AT T. BUTLER'S Stove and Hardware House for CHEAP HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. Buy your COOK STOVES from me, as I have 12 good reasons why they will do your work Quick and Easy, Cheap and Clean : BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. BECAUSE They are best to use. BECAUSE They bake evenly and quickly. BECAUSE Their operation is perfect. BECAUSE They always have a good draft; BECAUSE They are made of the best material. BECAUSE They roast pert ectly.1 BECAUSE They require but little fuel. BECAUSE They are very low priced. BECAUSE They are easily managed. BECAUSE They ae suited to all localities. BECAUSF Every Stove is guaranteed to give satisfaction ti ALU WELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSTX CALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSll, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Trjon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C, CHABLOTTE, N. C, S. P. CALDWELL Proprietor. This house is permanently established and offers all. the conveniences and comforts of a first-class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, transient 81.25; per week, 88.00. Regular table, $18.00; board and room per month, 818.00. JanlO ivzxu -Sfi titbits. N EW LIVERY STABLE. If you want firstrclass Carriages, Phaetons, Bug gies or Saddle Horses, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New -Livery Stable. 1 . If you want your horses wen fed and well groomed go to the New Livery Stabla ; . , Careful drivers, promptness and reasonable prices tare our motto. may28 R. CHAMBERS, t 1 hhcftanr lTrout. at HiA, cents rerIb.: fresh cents k. ihftiallon! hnkrf DrtAd Peaches! 5 Cents; . New orianrdUMnifiasesf nnest sweet ruuw I iu iuc ity ; ck lce Mackerel, Woe. Grits, HombM ricues. lome ti l I the aozent uau Jt5UHerTtr-w ioccuvs, mh tf aJMdndft of fre&b'G&fden Seeds, fnU supply On tan SaMs bum Pntalona. Onions." Ac street or Drancn store eomer in ana m buto, moi Baptist church. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. B. N. SMITH. feb27 T 7VAMTLY GROCERIES, I have now in store a full supply of Groceries and family applies!-' u j - .'L'i5 30'- TURKEYS ! TURKEYS ! TURKEYS ! Pure Bronze, very large and fine. S. M. HOWELL feb8 SEED OATS, &C. 600 Bushels Seed Oats. 50 Bushels N. C. Irish Potatoes. Corn. Flour and Wheat Bran. Baled Hay, Shucks and Fodder. HEAVY GROCERIES, 4C. Just received and for sale by WILLIAMS & FINGER. Feb. 20, 1879. G O T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED H. GAITHER, Cotton Commission Merchant octl2 F. B. ALEXANDER & CO.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. College Street, Charlotte, N. C, We handle more general country produce than any house in the city, and still solicit further con consignments from aU parties who ate willing to be satisfied wlti tbd best Job we can put up on this market All those whocannot be pleased with our best efforts, are respectfully requested to send their goods to somebody else. npHE best . and cheapest Fertilizers are ACID PHOSPHATE & COTTON FOOD. Having accepted the agency for the Maryland Fertilizing & Manufacturing Company, I am now prepared to offer special terms and favorable in ducements to planters desiring a good and reliable Fertilizer. Call early, examine the goods, hear prices and terms. THOMAS H. GAITHER. mchl G ROCERTES CHEAPER THAN EVER. I NEW GOODS ! NEW FEATURES ! Come to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other FamUy Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods delivered In the city free of charge. W. H. CRIMMLNGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson 4 Black's old stand, ap 15. HURT'S PIEDMONT FAMILY FLOUR. i "PATENTED PROCESS." rpHE best FLOUR ever sold In Charlotte. None other equals it for baking. Ask your Grocer for it Take no other. See that it has S. C. HURT 4 SON'S name on the barrel. Every barrel warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Wholesale and retailed by R. M. MILLER & SONS. mai2 PATAPSCO BALING POWDER. The Patapsco Baking Powder is unquestionably healthful, and is in daily use in the families of the proprietors and by every employe in the factory This simple fact will be a sufficient answer to every fair-minded person on this point When manu facturers use dally on their own table the same ar ticle they commend to the public, they give the strongest and most unequivocal opinion of its mer its. But to place the healthfulness of our Baking Powder beyond question, read the clear and em phatic testimonials of the following distinguished chemists and physicians on this point, and also as to its practical utility. Baltimore, Nov. 30, 1878. Messrs. Smith, Han way 4 Co., Gents The Patapsco Baking Powder is a thor oughly scientific combination, and great skill has been shown"TH devtstng"1tr- ft ijaMcularly-coin- bread must become lighter than when ordinary powders are used. I use it in preference to all oth ers in my own family; which emphatically express es my opinion of its healthfulness. Respectfully;. ,-r P. B. WILSON, Analytical and Consulting Chemist, No. 30 Second St, Baltimore. UNI VERSITT OF MAHTLAND, January 8, 1879. Messrs. Smith, Han way 4 Co., Gentlemen I have examined the composition of your Patapsco Baking Powder, and can certify that it contains nothing that can be In the least degree objectionable or injurious to health. 1 consider ft a Judicious and valuable, preparation, and when used Hccordlng to directions It must be considered perfectly safe and wholesome. Since all the active constituents undergo important chemical changes, when the Baking Powder Is used. It is absurd to suppose that any of these can be transferred un S?mSSi? Iood Prepared with it The whole vmueirthrpreTHtratira-depcndfft flilaehemieal action jwhich liberates the carbonic acid gas re quired; and its peculfer value depends a the slow and gradual manner ta which this action goes on. It is simply impossible to detect the slightest trace of alum or any other deleterious substance 4h bread or any other article of food prepared with the Patapsco Baking Powder . Respectfully, 4c; WILLIAM E. A. AKIN. M. D., 4c , Prof, Chem 4 Pharny Baltimore, Jan. 11, 1879. Messrs. Smith, Hanway 4 Co., - tJentlemen I do no see hew f can add anything on the subject-question, to the full and explicit oplntona Of Profs. Wltooa and Alklm except to ex press my surprise that any chemist or other educa ted' persoa could Had anything isJorious In the powder to which you refer, or in Its effects and re sults as used. Yours truly, G. W. MILTENBERGER, M. B., . Jt Prof, in Maryland University. In. addition to the patent granted to us by . uJjS0TOTmemVn constituent Ingredi ents of Patapsco Baktng Powder, the Dominion of Canada has also granted us one, and it is the only American Baking Powder, so far as we know, that has ever received the endorsement of English laws. SMITH, HANWAY 4 CO., Patentees and Manufacturers, ,, ' Baltimore, Md. Fw Sale by " f, . . leroy DA.yir.89N, - ' ' '' Charlotte a J men 4 dealers in B-0 0T8, SHOES AND H a H H HHH H H H U A AA A A AAA A A TTTT T T T T 1 st National Bank Building. Charlotte, N c .5'??. Shoes. c, ftactaowlttw ed to have you call and examine for yourseW R dec! PEGRAM 4 CO TIDD YST" CITY BOOK STORK CONTAINS THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK OF POPULAR LITERATURE, MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, MUSIC 1 GIFT BOOKS OF EVERY STYLE, BLANK BOOKS, INK, PENS, PENCILS, MUCILAGE, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING USUALLY KKI'T IN A FIRST-CLASS BOOK STORK. E. Butterick's Metropolitan Fashions for Mai h have just arrived. Call and get one. TIDDY 4 BROTH KR. feb!8 J3HOTOGRAPHS. In consequence of the reduction In the price ot the original cost of materials, and In order to give my patrons the benefit of the reduction from and after this date Photographs will be taken at my Gallery at REDUCED RATES sept22 J. H. VAN .N. F IELD BROS., WHOLESAI.B AND R ETA II GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODI CE Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, Ti ft KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, Al' PLES. DRIED FRUITS, 4c. Exclusive Dealers in RAMSOUR 4 BONNIWELL'S and A. L. MU FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ALSO, PROPRIETORS OF THE CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and is kept in first class style. Terms, Per Day S 2 00 Great induompiits ere; for terms see the proprietor. laOmnlbus and Carriages at every train.3 BROTHERS Proprietors. l'JL8n"90J' Ladt, Superintendents. Hknbt Wilfong, Clerk. febg $2.00 $2.00 i E MARSHALL XT O u s E H o u s SAVANNAH. GA. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and $2.50, according to loca tion 'of Room. M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel, : Feb. 16-rtf. s TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N. C. C. S. Bbotvn, Proprietor,' Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. ! C. a Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelburn As slstant dec 30

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