Iff 1 u ill. 4 f 5 I'lS 'I., J lit m ! iiil; 11 it I 1, I' ;;!!!' ff! I'll If : V i ,1 It - ",1 ! .'jii Stye Cljorbtte b0erpnr. CBA8. K. JOAIbb, "Free rom Mif -inn that tfetttw ur fret-1 orn reason." TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1879. I.VTERVIEVVS WISH DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS MEN. The Xew York Herald recently pub lished interviews with tlte Democratic members of Congress from the State of Xew York, as to the next Democratic presidential nominee, and has supple mented this with' A publication;, cover ing the views of all the, Peniocratip members of the lower house of the forty-fifth Congress, the interviews oc cupying eight and a half columns of the Herald of Saturday last. The views of the C ongressuien are of interest, and th great unanimity of sentiment on certain subjects is significant. The to tal number of members interviewed was 127. Ttnrman is the first choice of 50 of these, arid to 1 1 is acceptable ; Hendricks is the first choice of 12, and to 28 is acceptable ; Bayard is the first choice of 10, and to 19 is acceptable ; Tilden is the first choice of 13, to 9 is acceptable' and "against him are .77. Forty-two "declared that they had no especial choice, and nearly the whole number are 6f opinion that Grant will be the Republican nominee. We copy in full what the Democratic Congressmen from Xorth Carolina have to say on the subject : Mr. Jesse Y. Yeates, of the first dis trict of Xorth Carolina, said that Thur man is a wise, good, honest and faithful mtriot and a suitable man for the standard bearer of the Democracy. Mr. Yeates thinks he will receive the Democratic nomination in 1880. Til den was elected President and should have secured the office. The South was solid for him and ready to stand with the Xorth on any proposition to give Mr. Tilden his rights. He (Mr. Yeates) voted for the electoral commission as the only way to settle the dispute. Mr. Tilden failed to push his claim as he should have done. The Southern peo ple had wanted him as President, but they did not desire to go to war, as they have had enough They oppose war now. Tilden was badly treated by some of his friends in Xew York. Mr. Yeates thought Grant would be the Republican nominee. Mr. Alfred M. Waddell, of the third district, thinks Thurman is the coming man. Tilden is not popular enough, although he was badly treated. Xorth Carolina prefers Thurman. Hendricks is also liked. Grant, he thinks, will be the choice of the Republicans. Mr. Joseph J. Davis, fourth district, believes Thurman has the inside track. If Jiayard puts himself on proper re cord he will be a great favorite. Til den had one fair trial. The wrong which was perpetrated on him will create sympathy, but not enough to justify the Democratic party in trying him again. Grant is (Be coming man with the Republicans, and will carry all that element that wants to 'inau gurate jobbery. Mr. Alfred M. Scales, fifth district, thinks the contest rests between Thur man, Bayard and Tilden. A reaction has taken place in favor of Tilden, but before the reaction he had no chance. Thurman suits the South. The people of that section have not looked for ward to Tilden's renomination. They are anxious for Thurman or Bayard. Some prefer Mr. Hendricks. His sec tion of the State is favorable to thur man. Grant will be nominated-by the Republicans. Mr. Walter L. Steele, sixth district, says Tilden has no chance. There is a feeling of hostility toward him. The Democrats have been particularly fond of Xew York for the past ten years, and a change is necessary. Ile per sonally, does not want Tilden. Thur man is his preference. Under Thur man, he thinks, the liberty of citizens and proper rights of the people will be fully protected. Grant, lie says, is the winning horse for the Republican nomination. Mr. William M. Robbins, seventh dis trict, thinks "the probabilities are that Thurman is the coming man with the Democrats, as ho occupies a command ing position before the country md Senate, and the country sees that he takes on all great measures manly and statesmanlike positions, such as to commend him to the Democratic party, who are zealous for popular liberty and local self-government Hendricks is a good man, too, but he seems to be in the background. Bayard is in a promi nent position, and has the confidence of the country for his noble character and unquestionable integrity and devotion to right But he is comparatively a young man and can afford to wait. I think the party would prefer to take Thurman now. One reason why the Democrats have lost so many elections is because they had. Xew York Candi dates. Another reason of defeat, whether just or unjust, is, a very general feeling prevails among the Democrats that Mr. Tilden did not come to the front and show the quality of bold leadership in the crisis of the last election. Indications at present point to Grant as the Republican nomi nee. Grant will likely command the vote of the Southern Republicans. Mr. Blaine is making a strong effort to sup plant Grant in the affections of the Southern Republicans. Grant has the inside track. Secretary Sherman is strong with certain classes of Republi cans but seems to lack the element of personal magnetism and popularity." Mr. Robert B. Vance, eighth district, is of the opinion that either Ilendricks or Thurman will be nominated by the Democrats. He thinks these men are more acceptable to the party, particu larly in the South. Tilden cannot be renominated. Grant is sure to be the Republican nominee. The green back movement amounts to nothing. It is limited in extent. The Democrats and Greeabaeker8- wilt unite to- -carry out to some extent the wishes of the Utter. He regards: Thurman as the stronger man, and his . late bold stand on repealing the test oath and the Fed eral election supervisor laws further strengthened him. ,-, If anything is neeueu to convey an idea of the relative strength of the four candidates mentioned, further than the figures, in the summary published in the first paragraph of this article, we copy the following from the Herald's elitorial on the subject. In the light of the interviews the following presents he case fairly: It is evident that Mr. Til Aan instead of beins the general prefer ence of his party, is strongly objected to as a weak and undesirable candidate by a large majority of the Democrats of Tin XbA atates. In the South, ffi the West md m the Pacific coast the senti- f cat," . is almost nnani- " nlntt hirreWinatlon " rr Fi.4 no0flrtinn noon our own fefnM Mr. Tilden s menua jv". ,t, , a. ;f nf race ii is a itn.tip potat of t it . BimDle statement or suuixuj Sral drift of the Vgf frrviaws which we publish. Is it sijp Sble that all the Democratic Con SSfflSn?lw mistaken respecting pressmen t ie sentiment of their own Si a es ard districts y If they are mistaken it is their mistake and not ours; we merely report what they say. The reasonable presumption is that they understand the views of their constituents, and it is difficult to see what motive they can have to misrepresent them. If they reflect the sentiment of their respective localites the nomination of Mr.-Tilden is impossible without a great change of public sentiment in the Democratic party. . .' There is disclosed in these interviews a strong drift of Democratic preference for " Mr. ' Thurman throughout the South and throughout the West. But the sentiment in favor o"f Thurman is by no means so decided and general as the opposition to Tilden. Some of the Southern and Western Democrats think almost as well of Hendricks as they do of Thurman, and a smaller number have a leaning toward Bayard; but throughout those large sections, as well as in the Pacific States, any one of the three would be decidedly pre ferred to Mr. Tilden. The knowl edge of this fact will weaken him in his own State, where he has many enemies in the Democratic party. If the Democratic national convention were to be held to-morrow, and if the Democratic members of the late Con gress were to be the delegates, Mr. Til den would not only fail to get the nom ination, but he would rank as low as the third on the list of defeated candi- deltas Will Mr. Tilden lose or gain in the elections of this year? If the Demo crats carry Ohio and lose New York Mr. Tilden's chances, and even his hopes, will be extinguished. . If, on the other hand, the Democrats carry Xew York and lose Ohio, Mr. Tilden will be en couraged to continue the fight. While Mr. Tilden appears thus weak at present, and while it is not to be de nied that he is not as strong as he once was, it must at the same time be borne in mind that the Congressmen inter viewed as above, have not been among their people lately, and have no means of knowing how strongly the currents may have turned in Tilden's favor with in the past few months. That the reac tion has been very marked since his ap pearance before the Potter committee, on which occasion he forcibly denoun ced uthe rape of the presidency," and himself held up clean, hands, will not be questioned by those who have since that time mingled with the people and sought their views; and even with the opinions of the members of the forty fifth Congress before them it will hardly be safe for the President-makei-s to leave Mr. Tilden out of their calcula tions for 1S80. However, at this hour of the day, the whole canvsiss of this question is flat and unprofitable. Fifteen months will intervene between this time and the meeting of the national Democratic convention to nominate a candidate for President, and what forces may be set in motion to knock down one favorite and hoist another intojiis place cannot even be guessed at. A thousand thirgs may occur to turn the scale in favor t f this and against that one, and all that may be said on the subject now the purest conjecture. 'THE FitbEDOAI OF THE MES We haw read the testimony taken before the legislative c uninitteo ap pointed to investigate, we lo not know exactly who or what. We had supposed that the matter to be investi gated by the gentlemen composing the committee that we speak of was the cnarge preterm! ov the .New 1 oik Times' Raleigh correspondent against certain members of the Legislature of 187C-'7T, who had acted as deputy sheriffs in carrying the election returns to Raleigh, and against whom it was alleged that on account of this service they had drawn double per diem and mileage. From the reading of the testimony, however, we are persuaded that it was not the legislator-sheriffs but the Raleigh News which was being investigated. Nothing apiears from the testimony except a purpose to get at the .authorship of certain editorial articles which have lately appeared in the Neios in reference to the Western Xorth Carolina Railroad. If we, at this distance, have anv correct under standing of the circumstances of the case it was the committee's business to examine the charges against the gentle men who were under the cloud and to report the result of its investigations. It apiears to us that when a committee is appointed to hunt up fraud in con nection with election returns, alleged to have been perpetrated in 1877, it quite transcends its authority when it under takes to find out who writes certain railroad articles in newspapers in 1879. This is no affair of ours and we have no interest in it individually speaking, but we cannot permit a legislative com mittee or any other body of men to thus trench upon the liberties of the press without lifting a voice in protest. Col. Clark, one of the owners, and Mr, Jor dan, one of the lessees of the News, did right in declining to answer the im pertinent questions put to them as to the paternity of the editorials which have so stirred up the members. We dissent totally from the ground taken by the News in reference to the West ern North Carolina Railroad, but we are prepared to make common cause with it or any other newspaper or news papers against any set of men who take it upon themselves to pry into the secrets of the sanctum. In plain terms it is no business of the General Assem bly who edits any newspaper; if any journal offends personally against any legislator, he can doubtless, upon pro per application, be introduced to the offending pariy. At all events that is early enough for him to begin his inquiries. . The New Cable Company. Liverpool, March 10. The Liver pool Courur's London correspondent telegraphs as follows : "The new French-American cable company will be formally brought before the public some day this week. The cable is in grocess of construction and is expected ) be laid during the coming summer." The Richmond Slayer Indicted. Richmond, March 10. The grand jury of the Hustings court, of this city, to-day indicted Jno.&Poindeter for the murder of young Curtis last week. The trial is set for Monday next. Would an Irredeemable Currency be as good as gold? While there Is a very large class of lntelll- Sent citizens who believe It would, we regard it our uty to all alike to say that as a cure tor old sores, cuts, bruises, lams and slashes, there Is nothing like Carbolic Salve. Beware ol counterfeits. SPORTING NEWS. English (lowing and American Walk ing Matches. -: London, March 10. 1 he Sportsman says lianion is at Brooklahds,: near Manchester, and is going throigua daily routine of strong exercise both afloat and ashore. He will shortly re move to Newcastle and go into regular training on the Tyne. At present he is out of condition as he scales 112 pounds against 148 when he rowed Courtney. He also complains that his hands are very' tender from lack of work. A match has been made between the champion Elliott and an unknown over the Tyne course -to take place a month after the Hanlon-Hawdon match. The name of the unknown will be declared on the day of the Hanlon-Hawdon match. New York, March 10. At a quarter past 10 o'clock this morning Rowell had completed 52 miles, O'Leary 47, Harri man 45 and Ennis 42 miles in the great international walking match at Gil more's Garden. Great crowds of people surrounded the outside of the building and inside the attendance was large. Rowell kept up a trotting gait while O'Leary maintained a steady walk. The grestest' excitement is aroused by this contest and betting on the result has not changed from what it was last evening, viz : 3 to 2 on O'Leary. The pedestrians are all in good condition. Bets were freely offered to-day at $500 even on O'Leary against the field. Later At 3.15 p. m. the score was as follows: O'Leary, 68 miles and 7 laps; Rowell 74 miles and 7 laps; Har riman60 miles and b" laps; Ennis 60 miles and 6 laps. ' FRANCE. - i Likelihood that the DeBroglle-Fonrton Ministry will Sot be Impeached. London, March 10. The Republiqiie Francalse, Gambetta's organ, of Paris, pronounces decidedly against the im peachment of the IJeBroglie-Fourtou ministry. It says: "The report of the commission, while able, grouping the acts of men who openly revolted against the national will, reveals no new facts, and though the accused richly deserve to be tried, the prosecution would be big with inconvenience, not to say peril. Even if the Senate gave a verdict of guilty a trivial sentence could only re sult. The Daily Nezvs' correspondent says: "This opinion, which is doubtless Gam betta's, will, I think, turn the scale. The moderate papers, such as the Jour nal Dee DeBats, The Temps, and the Soir, argue that the multitude of mis demeanors committed by the DeBroglie ministry are sufficiently punished by the failure of most of them, and more over they are bound by the statute of limitations. As for the charge against the Kocheiort cabinet, ot organizing a cowp d'etat, although the moral proof is strong there is much doubt whether an overt act could be legally established." Horrible Barbarities in Burmah. Calcutta, March 10. The state of affairs in Mandalay is creating grave anxieties. The garrisons in Brith Bur mah have been doubled. The Burmese have interrupted the telegraph line be tween Rangoon and Mandalay, but the situation in upper Burmah is regarded very serious for European residents. It is stated that while the recent massa cres at the instance of the King only amounted to forty, the killing was at tended Dy every possiDie atrocity. The victims were beaten and kicked. Wo men were shamefully abused. The royal princes were reserved to the last and made to witness the torture and death of their families. The bodies of all the victims were thrown into old wells. Has Honest John Been Pardoned. Washington, D. C. March 10. The intelligence which is denied from Char leston, S. C- that ex-Senator Patterson had received full pardon for his alleged offences in outh Carolina, came from Mr. Patterson himself. Both Gov. Simpson and Attorney General Youmans, of South Carolina, denied to a reporter of the Charleston News and Courier, Saturday, that either of them knew anything of the alleged pardon. Germany Can Trust None of Her Neigh bors. London-, England, March 10, 1879. The Daily Neics' corresiondent at Berlin says : l,At a parliamentary soiree on Saturday the chancellor said that partial disarmament was impossible tjrermany at least could not begin. Un fortunately she had to show front in four dinerent directions and could trust none ot her neighbors." jaercnania ana visitors wno nave desired, so Jong, to live at a howl above the business centre and to take a portion of their meals down town. while In New York, can do so as the Grand Central Hotel, on Broadway, is now. kept on both the American plan at 82.50 or 83.00. and the Euro pean plan Sl. 00, and upwards per day. An ele eant Restaurant, at moderate prices, Is conducted Dy tne noiei. For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth lng Syrup has been used for children. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising irom teething or other causes. An old and weu Known remedy, aoc per bottle TELEGRAPHIC MAfiKET REPORT. MARCH 10, 1879 PRODUCE. Cincinnati Hour steady and quiet; family 4.t50a5.60. Wheat dull; red and white 1.00a 1.05. Corn irregular at 35a37. Oats steady and nrm at 2oa30. fork duU at 9.75al0.00. Lard dull; steam tS.25a30. Bulk meats tnacUve; should ers 8.50, short ribs 4.H5, short clear 4.85; bacon ijuiei; Buoiuuera i4, ciear nos Clear sides BSfa. IDKf.l.,. ... .-I 1 n 1 .J .... i . ... V ii uis&c aicauj aiiu in guuu uciiiauu ax 1.UZ. HULL ter aim ana uncnangea. sugar nrm. Hogs dull. BALTmonE oats nrm; Southern 82a33, Wes tern wnite azaaa, ao mixea suasi, Pennsyl vania 82a33. Hay unchanged; prime Penn sylvania and Maryland 11 al2. Provisions easier mess porK. om lo.ooavo, new --; bulk meats loose shoulders 4V, clear rib sides 51& per car load, packed new 4i&a54i; bacon shoulders, old tm, wear no sraes, new b, nams, sugar-cured woiu. jjura rennea uerces vyj. Butter Ann cnoice western packed ia20, rolls 15al6. Cof- ree quiet: Kio cargoes I0al5. Whiskey quiet at i-o Yg. sugar arm; a son tsm&ify. Nkw York Flour no decided r.hnno-P- -n 2.60a3.25, superfine Western and State 8.5da3.65 common to rood extra Western and Stat u una 3.90, good to choice do 4.00a4.60; Southern Hour siaay; common to iair extra 4.00a5.20: good to choice do 5.25a6.60. Wheat ungraded Win er red 1.12al.l4, No. 3 do Mlal2. Corn uiigraueu aov2a4o, o, oaoi4. Oats dull vuuee wuiei auu Bieuuy; nio quoted m Car- goes luvaawv'z. In loo lots luvsaio. sugar quiet Dan S'8Vulr ".Koa renning 0a6, prime iquucu Buuiumu a. o"8i gnmuiaiea kw. powdered 8V&, crushed 8a9. Molasses New Or- Rice in moderate request and firm. Pork mess on spot 9 25. Lard Drtme steam .57t2afi0. Whiskey at 1.0tU&. Freights dull. COTTON. NoRKOLK-Dull; middling 91,4c; net receipts hi0'' ,gro.!8 ' 8tock 25,099; exports coastwise 849; sales 880; exports to Great Britain 3,000. Baltimore Firm; middling 9c. ; low middling 9jc; good ordinary 9c.; net receipts 82; gross 60; sales 175; stock 6.563; exports coastwise 20: spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to Continent BosTON-Dull; middling 9?fe; low middling oin800? 0rdmai7 9; net receipts 785; gross BritoSa 8 ; k 3,208: eiports t0 rt1?G.Tfte2d.y: mlding fiic; low mld dUng8c; good ordinary 8V4; net receipts 270; gross -; sales -; stock 4 58.4; spinners -7ex- n1nf-TSnel:-to Great BrlbSn to J818-&toi:. middling 9?fec; low - 7V.Br "rainarysc, net receipts 87ni7I:L!Ers 1,212; sfc&c 8,674; .. Augusta Firm: middling o . 1 AJllWXIil fling Sfec.; good' ordtaMj 8ft- rWmta 1R7 shipments-; sales 559; rtock reC8t8 16? ml i mid- (uuig good rdiimry 8e.: oat receipt 544; gross f salea 50u; stoek 85 230; extfrt Continent 6,6 o-cliaimei- NEW TOBK OatettiateihRKIf n1VHlne nnlinds 5C mlddUiurOrlnana - mnenHdnled net re- ceI8 iSit 9fx topreat Britain 21.21B; ff continent 29,7S8: France XhaniKl . L-' P. " T LIVERPOOL NOON Cottnn firmer. I Inlands 53g. Orleans. 5 7-16, low middling uplands , : good ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands . j sales 8.000, speculation and export 1,000, re- : ipts 2.2&CL all American. Futures 1-82 better. I Uplands low middling clause: March delivery 5, Usiwh kiul ft nrll 1 a e 1 0 D U... and June 5 7-16Wune and JuIt . Jul and Au- ! gust , August and September , September and October , Octoberand If otember New etop i snipped January per sail , February . 1 FUTURES. New York- -Futures closed firm. Safes 30,- 000 bales. March April 9.76 9.90a.9l 10.06a.07 10 .21 10.82 10.39a.40 10 .20a.22 9 .98al0 May June July August September October November FINANCIAL. New Yobk Money 1.03a4. Exchange 4.86lAai. governments steady. New 5's 1.04. State bonds dull. CITY COTTON MARKET. Offigx of the Obssktxs, i Charlotte, March 11, 1879. f The market yesterday closed steady, as follows: Good middling 9V 91ft 8a4 6a Middling. Strict low middling. Low middling Tinges Lower grades CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET MARCH 8, 1879. CORRECTED DAIET. Corn, per bush'l 55a60 MEAL, " ... hoatHJ Peas. " 50a65 Oats, shelled, 40a45 BACON N. C. hog round Hams, N. C Hams, canvassed 8a9 6a6ft Bulk Meats Clear Rib Sides. Coffee Prime Rio 15al6t Good. 12Vtell Syrup Suear-house 25 Molasses Cuba 38a40 New Orleans 35&50 Salt Liverpool fine 1.00a2.00 SUGAR White Yellow Potatoes Sweet Irish 35a40 3.75a4.00 10al2ta 8al0 Butter North Carolina. Egos, per dozen. FLOUR Family 3-00a3.50 Extra. 2.75a3.00 Super 2.25a2-50 Hew &&vwctiscmmt&. ATTENTION FIRE DEPARTMENT THE companies composing this Department are requested to meet at their respective halls this (Tuesday) morning at 9 o'clock, In full uniform, to attend the funeral of our brother fireman. James H. Orr. late President of the Independent H. 4 L Company, No. 1. By order of the chief. U. T. WALKJCB, mchl 1 Secretary C. F. D. ATTENTION ! INDEPENDENTS. YOU are requested to meet at your hall this (Tuesday) morning at 9 o'clock. In full uniform, to attend the funeral of our late Presi dent, James H. Orr. The Department Is invited to attend. R. F. HUNNEYCUTT, mch 1 1 Roc. Secretary. WHEN ANY MAN FEELS SICK WITH COLD CHILLS, FEVER FLUSHES, HEADACHE; and general uncomf ortableness, AND TXT DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT AILS HIM, Then Is the time to take MOTT'S PILLS. These pills are made of certain ingredients that act specially on the Liver, and at the same time expel all impurities from the stomach and system, aiding digestion, and RESTORING TO HEALTH, when all other remedies falL Take them for Biliousness, Indigestion, CosUve ness. Liver Complaints, and all diseases and dis orders of the stomach. Asa family cathartic pfll they are WARRANTED WITHOUT AN EQUAL. JOHN F. HENRY, CURBAN &CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R. Wriston & Co., Charlotte, N. C. marll STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Superior Court, Mecklenburg County. J Clerk's Office. A plan to incorporate the Simpson Gold and Sil ver Muung company, having peen ton day filed in my office by Benjamin F. Larrabee, Charles A, Fairbanks and Arthur D. McLelland. and a per mit having been given by me to open books for subscription, noUce is hereby given that a meeting of the proposed corporators and subscribers shall oe neiu in tne city of Charlotte, county and State aforesaid at the Central Hotel In said city on the 2nd day of April next, and complete the organiza tion of said corporation as proposed In said plan in conformity to law. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand at office in Charlotte, this 10th day ot March, 1879. J. R. ERWIN. niBrl l dlt w3t Clerk Superior Court. LEE W. BATTLE, M. D., Having removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank, can be found there all hours during the day, and at his residence cor ner Seventh and College streets, at night, feb7 3m "gov gtttt JJ'OR RENT, The two stores In the Grier & Alexander building on Trade street. j. l. MOREHEAD. Jan26 tf RICK YARD FOR RENT, At Matthews', on the Carolina Central Railroad, In comparatively good working order, with PniSL anL.tUD with capacity of 10.000 bricks. Win take rent in kind Would furnish wood for the cutting near the yard. fniffnf ?i1U Tin 50 r&rdsT No brick within 10 miles of the thriving place. See W. W. Grier, C1ri2vrof R- GRIER, mar9 d2t w2t Matthew I'TOP WISH engage In an honest, genteel business, and make nientr nf nuu invin the holidays, send your address to T 1 X7TVT T5TT ft. tV. raw 107, 4th av., N. Y. . CHABLisnur steady; middling Wgc: tow tears and gofftcc. v t 7 St a .. A WELL MADE And highly flavored Cigar being appreciated by every one, it is lmpoitant that smokers should try Perry's Celebrated 5 Cent Cigar, or his Porto Rico Cheroot, to fully realize what a delightful smoke is. At Perry's can also be found a complete AND PRETTY Line of Candles, Fruits, Ac. His Caramels, Cocoa nut Cream, Walnut and Molasses Taffy, and plain Creams, have proven to be exactly the article all customers, young or old, man or woman, boy or GIRL WANTED. $00ts and MUozs. IEGRAM & CO., DEALERS IN B0 O T 8, SHOES ANU B R H U HHH H H H H TTTT T T T T A A AAA A A 888 1st National Bank Building. Charlotte, N. C Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Ac, Is acknowledged to be the best in the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you call and examine for yourself before buying. PEGRAM 4 CO. dec! f7c. munzler DEALER in Lager Beer, Ale and Porter; bottled beer a specialty. Bottled beer delivered to any part of the city free of charge at ONE DOL LAR PER DOZEN. Lager Beer is healthy and an excellent appetizer, and recommended by all good physicians to per sons in delicate health. All orders left at John Yogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 JpRENCH BRANDY Guaranteed to be TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. M M S S L L N T OIN your hands all friends of taste QN my bar only the best is placed. gANBWICH, Pretzel, Wine, Whiskey, Beer, "jACH man '11 receive right real, good cheer, p LEASE step in, my hall inspect, JJEAR it, you'll see more than you'll expect JpRENCH, German, Domestic Brandies, Wine J try each customer's taste to refine, gUCH Sandwloh novel and Pretzel's good, QONTAENS my bar, most delldous food, JJAVLNG Cheese and Sausage in bill of fare, jgACH glass of Beer, orGlnwC pear gAVANT Judgment and taste most rare. gEE conttoimtr's lips as In sips he drinks JgACH sip he takes proves what he thinks, RIGHT off one more he calls as to his friend he winks. Jan22 rjHE BEST STOCK OF GROCERIES an CONFECTIONERIES In the city, at JanSO LeBOY DAVIDSON'S. $200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE A. Power Printing Press, Guernsey make, old style, size of bed 26x40 inches. Was in use until replaced by a new one Address J. a BAILEY, editor Enterprise and Mountaineer, Greenville! Utf ibWtaurroteW$t eentsSer lb.; fresh Firtl0eitslSdos.f Kerosei :ML 20 cents Ikftnegallom choice Dried Pfcaehwffc cents; New fliMs Sweet Potatoes in tne loose oy tne aozen; jnui nuiwf, i x"ZZrz' lull supply of all kinds of fresh Garden Seeds, Onion Setts, large Potatoes, Onions, &c Can and examine war goods at the store on Trade street or branch store corner 7th and C street, near Baptist church. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. B. N- SMITH. feb27 , :. i I have now in store a full supply of Groceries and family supplies, TURKEYS ! TURKEYS ! TURKEYS ! TURKEYS ! 1 Pure Bronze, very large and fine. S. M. HOWELL feb8 SEED OATS, &C. 600 Bushels Seed Oats. 50 Bushels N. C. Irish Potatoes. Corn. Flour and Wheat Bran. Baled Hay, Shucks and Fodder. HEAVY GROCERIES, AC. Just received and for sale by WILLIAMS & FINGER. Feb. 20, 1879. c O T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED BT THOMAS H. GAITHER. Cotton Commission Merchant octl2 F. B. ALEXANDER & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. College Street, Charlotte, N. C, We handle more general country produce than any house In the cltj, and stin solicit further con consignments from all parties who are willing to be satisfied with the best job we can put up on this market All those who cannot be pleased with our best efforts, are respectfully requested to send their goods to somebody else. rpHE best and cheapest Fertilizers are ACID PHOSPHATE 4 COTTON FOOD. Having accepted the agency for the Maryland Fertilizing 4 Manufacturing Company, I am now prepared to offer special terms and favorable in ducements to planters desiring a good and reliable Fertilizer. Call early, examine ths goods, hear prices and terms. j THOMiS I!. GAITHEK. : mehl i ( GROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS ! NEW FEATURES ! Come to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee. Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All goods delivered in the city free of charge. W. H. CRLMMLNGEB, Tr?ul StTv3t Next door below Wilson 4 Black's old stand, ap 15. F OR FINE WINES, And Pure Liquors, Three Years Old. go COCHRAN K'8, Central Hotel Saloon. FRESH ARRIVALS This week at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. CONFECT ION ERIES Golden Dates, French Prunelles, a choice line of Fresh stick and French Candles, choice Cara mels (Lemon, Vanilla and Chocolate), Burnt Almonds. Barbara Dates, Wal nut Taffy, hard and soft Gum Drops, Lemonade Bottles, Chewing Gum, Cream Walnuts. Marsh Mal low Drops, Al mond Candy. Can Cans, Sausage4c., 4c, Lara bee's Crackers, N. G. Bread, Cream Soda Albert Biscuits. Water Crackers, Cream Milk Crackers, Ginger Snaps, Menagerie, Kindergarten, 4c 4c. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, Apples at wholesale and retail. Bananas, Choice large Oranges, Grapes, Lemons, 4c. GROCERIES. Sugars, standard A, Granulated extra C, Powdered, Cut, Loaf, Yellow C, Brown. Coffees Rio, Ma ricabo, Laguayra, Old Gov. Java. My stock of Teas excels any other in the city for variety and quality. ' FANCY GROCERIES. Chow Chow, Mixed and Plain Pickles In kegs and Bottles; a full tine of all kinds of Canned Fruits and Vegetables. Remember, I have the most complete stock of Groceries in the city. Am agent for the Celebrated PATAPSCO BAKING POWDER. Also P. H. Mayo's Challenge J. Cf. and Royal Navy Tobaccos. Try Lupulln Yeast Gum for rolls. For sale by LeROY DAVIDSON. STAND NOT AMAZED, FOR THE LUNCH ROUTE , Is opened at the Cochrane House, on Trade street A big Free Lunch will be given, commencing on Monday, March 10th, from eleven to one o'clock, and every day until further orders. Soups, Salads, etc etc., all free. marO WE ARE ALWAYS READY And WillilUr tO Show imnria w)mtkA nnt eady to buy. L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. dec 13 SUPERIOR INCREASED TWISHH UPERIOR INCREASED TWIS 1 RIFLE GUNS, KEPT on hand and made to order by the under signed; or made in any style and sbaoe to upwards. Mounted Rifles, $12.00 and JSmF by eipre8s lf desired. All work warranted. a. lamb 4 son mar91y Jamestown, Guilford co N.'o. ' JflELD BROS., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PROblx K Keep constantly on hand FBESHxEGtiS and BUTTER, CHICKENS Tl r KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, Ac. i ( Exclusive Dealers in RAMSOUR 4 BONNIWELL'S and A. L. fcHl -FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ALSO. PROPRIETORS OF THK CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished and Is kept In flrst class style. Terms, Per Day g 2 (X) (ireat inducements offcri u, i-,h i... ., ers; lor terms see the proprietor.' "Omnibus and Carriages at eve n't rain HELD BROTHERS Mr. H. S. Wilson 1 Lady, Henry Wilpong Proprietors. ...Sujwrlnteiidenu Clerk.' feW $2.00 MARSHALL $2.()() H 8 u I E H 8 g K SAVANNAH. ;a. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate S2.00 and $2.50, according to loci tion of Room. M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of HanteiV Hotel Feb. 1 6 tf. s TOP AT THE B O Y D K N HOIS K "Salisbury, N. C. ('. S. Brown, Proprietor," .Late of the National Hotel. RuMuli. ' C. S. Brown. Jr., Chief Clerk.; W. O. Shelburn As sistant. dec 30 Gvotlizvyi and (5Xassxuavc rpO YOTrTnTREStT " By calling at JOHN BROOKFIELD'S CHINA STORE, You can see the finest lot of ECORATED TOILET. DINNER AND TEA SF.ts Eur ticifctt to ILe Southern Slate.1?. New Goods from all foreign factories. Decora ted Ware In unlimited quantities from Limoges. France. 180 SOUP AND SAUCE TUREENS just received, which will be sold at a mere sacrifice. 75 Crates of asserted STAMPED "C C" WARE for the Wholesale trade. This goods merchants will find to sell as well as W. G. goods, as It has all the white granite shapes. Call and convince yourself of the fact that JOHN BROOKFIELD carries the largest stock of CROCKERV FOR THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE In the South. gtntisttrij. D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST- OFFICE OVER L. R. WRISTON CO i Druo Stork. With 25 years? experience I guarantee entire atls taction Jan 11 cat Estate. JEAL ESTATE. MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY. For selling and buying Mines, Lands and nouses, and will Advertise free of cost, all properties placed in m? hands for sale. THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. C. declO I V V

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