3i lfias aije Olljarlotfe bBeroer. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Daily, or V"". (IW-pitf) is ad wanes. $8 00 Sir Months..... 4 00 Tnfte Month 2 00 One Month 75 WEEKLY ED ITION : ' , Weekly, (in the county) i gdyanpe $2 00 out of the courtly, postpaid, : 2 f 0 Six Month : 1 00 Liberal Reduction jer CM, h,; n i turrit! Ban bee V&rouqhlf mppUtd oOh tvery needed votmty awf Mi A t& IafeM State oTtyK mt entry Bzuna, szLL-Bztzxt, im MMUxms, ru&iua, - r;i f ltMPPZUnaS, SAND-BILLS, PAMTHLXTS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS. X .i!fa rHi hi i'l.t till .1 i'ii!T!'5i.n 1i . ' IK;r (U, -iifj -ilnin VOL. XX. MARCH 15, 1879. NQ. 3,131. f 1 ff tT tf ''I iirt (Pli'i!'""'' '"tT ... ..LI.UI.I . . mm t t.j rrw j hub iw 11 At la I II I I III W Xi"TAs.-4 II I II I I II LrfXl tfV! lilll '' j t hru faff j iMtj; 'J.':t -5f! .'.-. i''Jv 't i -". I 'l-IRII Ii . ' ' ' ' i-iii.rfft -i.i .. ll1rlr n. ,., 1 " : . . i i i I i 11 LI y ...r.J.i,.. ,.,. .,.,... ..,.11 i SPRING DRY GOODS !.. ; . ; !- We beg leave to announce to our friends and c Htomers that we have bo ight an unusually large 1 SPRING stock;, most ol w.ileh !s now fn.'and te uly for Inspection. Wi me prei ared to offer this season extraotdl- n:i y inducements to buyers, both ; ii 1 i . .'t : . i.n i " - il .'H WHOLESALE and fM.i:. 1IREUAIL. i i Give us a call, or send your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction, ELIAS 4 COHEN. ' uxnitvLVt. B UUGESS NTCHOLiS, WHOLESALE AND RETAtLT DEALER IN LI, KINDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE ! BEDDING, &C. BEDDING, &C BEftDING, Ac. BEDDING, AC. FURNITURE ! -JUBUTJIMl. T A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! J.0LNGES I . - .in LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! 'PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of all kinds on band, 1ST- COFFINS of all kinds on hand. S No. 5 West Trade Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robesa fine supply. jura ARGAINS IN rVV u u IT TTTTU URRR KRK UR RE URRR EK n ii T U RRB N N N UR RN WN T T T tf u rju R RKHie UK BB. UU R RN KN AT m-lVX'-M A; A -. Ncxr to Pgotoftick. My stock is very Lar, J- and embraces a Full line bf noif'wVJJfc PARLOR, CHA illBERj DINGBOp OFFlcr TORNTTURB All Goods Packed Free of Chargerl SPRING GOODS. We bare received a handsome line of SHETLAND SHAWLS to aB eolors. AUo French Organdie, Silk and Crape Scarfs to all the new shades and styles, beautiful line of Ladles' SILK BOWS, ' tfBt'&ftottoto and Brbbons, The newest thins ont in DRESS BUTTONS .White Gotten Ferry tor children's cloaks; bleached and brown Sheeting end Pillow casing. OUR SPRING STOCK will be entirely new, and when complete, the hand somest we ever offered before. Respectfully, , ,, . T. L, SEJGLE & CO., .' ; Opp, Charlotte Hotel, Tryon sf, Charlotte, N. C. March 15.. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! We take pleasure in announcing to our friends and the public in general, that we are receiving dally a large and fine assorted stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS OF ALL rpHE LATEST LATEST n0veltieo noveltieO JL HE OF THE SEASON. It Is our intention this season to inaugurate a new system of prices In Charlotte, which will give our friends and the community at latge a chance to purchase Goods at NEW YORK CITY PRICES. H. MORRIS & BROS. February 21. JUST RECEIVED, -A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF- PRINTS, INCLUDING LIGHT SHADES A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR; $200 REWARD. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, I ' 1 RALMGH, March 10th, 1879. ) Ar Af SL WSwueiT: and wh tt appears, thai fiA auiT lira. Tavlor lias fled. or so con oealalmself bat the ordjaaqrrcese rtT tha Kf-UtA AT CNQTTQ UUUUUa.,UT THIjUO UI oirj thorlty in me vesiea Dy law, au imuo u., clamatlon, offerlng-a reward of Two Hundred Dol- lars for the a: Drenensiou nuu uomcij v. mo nTasiori nr TTiUIHA ill , Carthage, and I do enjosta air off) cwsipt the State and ood cuue&&,FO assisj, in I Baleigh, &e enth day of March. 1879. and in tne luoa year ui Independence. THOa J. JABT1S. By the Ctoremort - - .. - . j! . Lkk a Otibmak, Private Secretary.. DESCRIPTION. Taylor Is abct88 yaw5 5 feet 6 inches high, well set and jMllivelghabwtf 160 lbs., and when last seOT WW heavy beard; ' iinar t2d1tw6b : '!;,: 5 " : '' 1 ' . ' ::' B A K E R Y . BREAD, ' (TAXES USD- PIES, fresh every day. tTirEcanwItSi 'confidence recommend them as ' VV tlw verybest manofactured, using hone but tne very best materials. - jv- W. N. PBATHER, ;..v, , '.'i Trade Street, first door abwe the old Market, marl 4 STATE NEWS. Mrs. dead. Wm. Ei Best,of Green obunty,is mi i ? t i. TjjfV't' x iie wauiouv qnurc is gaining giounu, in Goldsboro. . '' i The town of Oxford Will subscribe 830000to-the Oxford and HenderSptf liailroad. Davie county will distill niwbT: 1. A 1 . . Key tnis year, it is ever known before, thought, than waa Hertford county has furnished tjtte; oiace two Historians, in tne wSef Mr. J. W. Moore and John Mr William,Burkhead, father of Hev, L. S. Burkhead, D. died in Ashboroy Randolph County, On the night of thn 6th inst. He was 94 years of age. I Rev. John E. Edwards, D. ft., of Rich-n mond; has accepted, aviftvitatioji to de liver the annual commencenjet ser mon at the Greensboro Female College. The Boston .Mendelssohn Quintfctte club will go to Salem in May. They will fmd.i8 appreciative an audience in that old town as anywhere else in the State. ' ' ' The Patriot say twenty Emigrants alt Greensboro esdaV; forx .mstern 1 btates and . Texasv They 'were from 1 Stokes, Davidson, Randolph and GuiJ-i rord counties. Salisbury Watchman : Weleirn thaU Capt. Frank Brown will sail fo ijjj 1 Wilkesboro Wednesday ' morning next, in his boat "Christian , Reid," destina tion Salisbury. .Wilmington Stan: rWe aiUntold that qne of our railrpads . hauled, within a very small fraction of thirteen Millions pounds of freight during ;" the' short month of February last. Maj. Wilson, president of the Western road, was the rirst man to go through the Blue Ridge mountains, ia North Carolina. This was on the occasfcmof the opening of Swannanoa turinej. During the past ten days large droves; of cattle have passed through Hender son to Coleman's where they have been shipped on the Spartanburg and Ashe ville Railroad to Charleston. Salem Press (written in all serious ness): Calvin Hauser has, a valuable hen. She lays the , average ' ;b$mber of, eggs, but three out of each.wek"'8 lay ing are of a larger size, double yolked, and if set hatch two chicks. The body of a man floated up near the wharf of the Dismal Swamp Transpor tation Company, at Elizabeth City, last Monday mornins sunnosed to be the remains of Joshua Markham, who' has 1 been missing three months. He is be-' lieved to have been foully dealt with. . ..,e Superior Court at t!W Tuesday, the jury gave a verdict for 8800 to Sam Johnson, colored, wjho two years ago was injured by being thrown from a train on the Richmond & Dan ville Railroad on which he was a brake man: GiefrsboTO Neia $Tortft Qtdty : Levi Scott, Esq., of this city, Came Very near strangling to death one day last week. He was sucking a lemon and was taken with a spasmotic contraction of the throat, from which he did not recover for several minutes. The Legislature did not escape -the presentation fever. Mr. Speaker Mor ing was presented, Wednesday night, with an elegant gold watch, the gift of the membersof the House. The pre sentation speech was made by Mr B. G. Cobb, of Lincoln, and Mr. Moring responded- in Jbentting terms . . v Two gentlemen in Tlaleigh, Wednes day, according to the Observer, of that city, went into a justice's office, and there took solemn oath? that" they would not trouble lire water in any shape for six months. The magistrate adminis tered the oaths though the proceeding was not at fill in his regular line. The Uei08 says that Rev. Dr. C. R. Vaughan, late pastor of the First Pres byterian church of Raleigh, has accept ed the position of chaplain of the Uni versity of Virginia, to which he wa& re cently erected.' In the meantim he will serve the Central . Tresbyterian church, at Atlanta, Ga for six months. Greensboro Patriot : The reduction of the fees of State solicitors by recent acts of the Legislature has cut down the income of these gentlemen to such a low figure that some of them con template resigning. They say at the preen rate of cempeirattian itSs im-( bosfeible'for tHeW foriay framing ex penses. , v . 1 ;. Greensboro Patriot: The evidence in the case of Daniel Coble tried last Monday for an attempt to burn C. IV Vanstory's livery stable, established the fact of his insanity so fully that the solicitor entered, a avl pros, and the juofgeappdinted'tlifeiOliryto sit as a jury, of inquisition. In accordance with the evidence .given the jury at once j-ender-ed a decision of insanity. , Raleigh' Ww$':' VTha (Governor has continued Prof. Kerr in office to write up his work of the past five years in manuscript for publication. It is thought it will take twelve months to complete the . work,, after .whjch the oHhjapoifitgWojript. Tiiis, work will be done at the expense of the. department .of agripulture and no doubt will Contain touch valuable in formation . t ,.. . .. l Ashevilleowrioiw' A negro bv the name of Henry Henderson, recently re leased trom tne.peaitenuary, was nir-i ribly burned at the Flemming House, in Marion, last TlrarsdUy-' fiighjt abottti half-past 9 o'clock. He was drtmk and his bed . caught; fire ffQm the fire-place. The chances of his recovery ure doubtful. This is the same house in which Paee .was burned to .death! some Reidsville Times : Six prisoners es- oapedfrom jaiL n xWeitworth soon Menday iight.' Oii df them has beeitt captured. Among the others is McKin sey, the -young .macaB, murderer of Goode. He is foot loose, still in chains, and amM-with a splendid Spencer rifle loaded for. .eighteen, shots and that can kill as fair as the eye can see. He got this gun frohr the office below1; it be longed to CoL Dave Settle. MeKinsey also has Dave Settle's breech loader. These guns were no doubt used by the guar&sini the) office underneath. The impression to-day (Wednesday) is that McK-insey nas nis cnains on. The Richmond (V a.) State speaks of the time when the Governor or North rvjrnlina shall mpfc,lh Governor of South Carolina on Pennsylvania ja.ve- 1 i.T , 4-U, ' innlt V A Wtn. VlMVJI ' II Uc illlU UirtlvC iiiiai vt cii x oorciuwiu observation ; whereupon the Wilmirig tonSfarsays: That was the old style. But ppthUgs ha ifessed away. Hampton is a stattrich churchman, and Vance is a staunch Presbyterian. Bat Vance, we learn, is still full ofs hia. "quids and Quiddities," "a fellow oruv ftnitA iest,. of most excellent faticv."tf him may it be a long time before it qiitf be saia wnat 'urarricK saia oi uin: a "That tongue which set the table on aroar, ' And charm'd the public ear, Is heard bo more," bin .iiy:-il IMG in, Vim. G. D. ThwraWa, yoildontof the Mem nUstamsdokflaMhwofflcially contra ierteo..exenpejOf yel low f ewr tliere i .,.l4 . .i.jn-.,; u.,aw j,;.. at fptsroort,- Wednesdayyof con and but alight houe ar aarted of ,!?(M ii ; it. lit Th 'Bsmdolptti Maeon 4v a.) college J, 1 -HU fl ;iat) r',f. -ul It, -J 4. fern, :::;.;r:i;:::t :-: closed its public sessions iMedftesdayl Tim rtfpuit will be made up and sent to The Supreme Court of Indiana has affirmed the constitutkmalilj' 'dfr wftal is known as the ticket scalpers'! law;, passed by the last Legislature. The en' rorcerirent of the act will bneak .up "scalping" in that State, a it makeR i each sale a penal offense, punishable by attanlavlngiBlnk,in New TheMannat jjrme. before the hour for resumption ten o'clock several hundred depositor W'ere lu line. A large number drew out all their deposits, but the majority were: iLSKS?52a, tv ivtf a sitrpiu oi $p.uu,ui-nj iiucumuww say tney can answer an claims on mem. The quarterly convention of the Uni ted States board of trade met at New Yorfc Wednesday, Elwood E. Thorne presiding. M. Leon Chotteau addressed the convention on the proposed Franco American treaty of commerce. Reso lutions were adopted in favor bf ;the metric system in the postoffice depart ment, the custom-house and in coinage HliW J? !nf tldepartmeh ol qokqjkb 'iFX' technical education of the masses ana a system of citizen soldiery in each State, an export duty on foreign bottoms, and an international' exMbitioft" at Nekt York in 1883. Raleigh Observer. The Senate passed the school bill yes terdaVj as i hafl prettduslypassed the House. The session is so near its end that those in charge of the bill feared to have : it amended in the ona.: particular needing amendment. Had there been time the Senate would have restored:' the bill to its original shape; an the House: waldihavBifloncniDedviiii the change. ' A3' 4trisi the' toHJfaapaBdea is fh hlir'jportfed' by the' committee on education, unaltered excepl a sin- esi TOir chaage i Tounatei-Mt the law is an improvement . on the oldi and we must make the beOT-'ej it; try for a better law next time. " "-' ': The material changes from the oldi law are in sections 35, 39 and 47. Section 36 directs the State board of education to prescribe, from time to time, and for a term of not less than five years, the text books to be used. : 1 Section 39 increases the preseni prep- erty tax of 8 cents to 10 cents, 'and iti f poll tax Of 25 cents to 30 cents. 1The yield of the property tax last year s $123,206.17, and of the poll tax 170,040. 56. The chancre will increase the school revenue some $25,000 from the proper- tv. and nearly $35,000 from the poll tar.1 r j .:, i The provision in the State debt bill tafe inz awav from the schools three-fourth- of the liquor dealers' tax; will, however f aecrease tne scnyoi revenue oy svniw $18,000, leaving a net increase of rather more than $40,000. Section 47 authorizes the biennial election of county superintendents of public schools, who shall be ex officio county examiners and trustees of the county school funds. Another amendment to the old law is one authorizing any school district, white or colored,1 to tax itself and keep open its schools as much longer than four months as may be convenient and to employ and pay teachers at the4r Wonders ot the Yellowstone KegkHi. Baltimore Bun, of Thursday. Gen.-JbfiAiGlboon, United States army, delivered a lecture last night at thewland JnsUtutepn "The Wonders if 'toerSfeBowltofieReiiQn.l The large hall of the institute was filled even to tbe,Tlieries, many i Jjdis; be jng in tlie AHdientei and the vooths -belctefang to the institute beings largely presented. Prof. M. A. JNeweir.moiascea.tne lec turer. The interest of the lecture was larcrelv' enhanced b stereopticon views ot tiifi-scenery of the . Yellowstone val ley, canons, njammotu not springs, eruptive geysers; ahd the ' Falls of the Yellowstone.1 .The ; lecturer said that nine years ago the region of wr Inch he spoke was as unknown as the interior of Africa. Its marvelous geysers, 250 feet high, its frozen cascades as they look ed to be, or solid ywhite stone as-they ac tually are, thosex.plaees where ou can catch a trout in cold water, drop it, into a pool ftJMtr water, cook and eat it withtmt; moving fiorn one spot though hewould-notask them to swallow the stoy.latughter'J these wonders were unseen by the eye of white meiror even Indians until a few years past. The Yellowstone river, the Jefferson, Madi son; and Gallatin forks and branches of the Missouri river, were explored sev erity-years ago' by' Lewis (apd Clarke, hut the wonders ef. scene??, Of the great national nark of 3.500 sauare miles were fa Sealed Dook'tmtil recently,! The stere opticon presented many rangaand beautiful views from the valley of the Yellowstone from 200'yatdJ lo one thile and a half wide and four"1 miles long. The white stone cascades were formed f ronS ther sediments jdepoSittd by the water and th,g. process goest on under the eye of the traveler, though he can scarcely distinguish the water from the stone. The pools are- rainbow-hued, with flowers of every pattern?and color, that flash their loveliness f ran its clear depths.,, The .colors seenffnore vivid and the Tofms of beauty ' mpre varied and numberless ut that-regioji than any where else. .Li,-.., ,, -j, - ' (W. -', ";r Greensboto. Patriot! Last Saturday we met MrY& S. Clay toii, of Daitimore, one uf the iargest stockbjoldrjBviH Ore Knob, Ashe, county, do'pper mine. He informed us that near that : mine are inexhaustible quantities of the finest " kflidiof iron which wotdd find r rcadjn market if trattpoitktion could b'ieciared. He says that without taking into coiisiderfr tion the frelghTof .the, ,APPe? ine-a very large quatittty-ther yleldif these iron mines; alon; would give i.a hand some ineometoa railroad.' 1 : : y-l;y WjTStiWifo vttfm Con trad dauttDi.ininei;4ni:D8fvidson T.. . . ...1.. . . . , eotinty, -vm tne rost,Tann.oie mines edformany years b3rUdv;librehead and Charles Fisher. 3!!, ',, .1, ...i'&ut f)aIJni jSuicye.' j ".' Union 3 d0 Times, 14th. ' "... About half-past 5 o'clock last Tuea day e vening this community was thrown into ereat excitement by the announce menf that Mr. O. B. H, Graham ha committed suicide by shooting himself in1, the head with a pistol. For same months Mr. Graham had been confined to h$ bed by a severe attack of paraly sis in the lower part of his body and. legs, but had so, far recovered as to be able by the, aid of a crutch and stick to walk )up town, and not more than fifteen minutes before he committed the sad deed we talked with him oh the street ; about the act lately passed by Congress .yit pay. wie yeveiaus ot tne mexican war, and he appeared in his? usual spirits. He was then on his. way home. On en tering the house he stumbled and was assisted to a chair by Mrs. Robinson, his mother-inTlaw. She then turned from him and immediately after heard the report of , , pistol. On turning to him she f ound'a pistol lying on. the floor be side bis chair, and that Mr. Graha,tn was ishot The. ball entered, the, head just "behind the right ear and passed through to the skull directly opposite. Mr. Graham was a brave Confederate! soldier. He was also a veteran of the Mexican warl i At the time of his death he was the coroner of the countjv to whlchjofflee he was elected at the last general election. For some Weeks he Bad been quite despondent ; fearing that he would never recover the us of his limbs, ahd there is no doubt that he committed the sad act under an in tensely depressed state of mind. The "Halifax" Alstons. fHen'ryW. Grady In the Atlanta Constitution. Bob Alston came of, a princely stock. His ancestors settled in Halifax. North Cafplina, nearly a century ago., They' ,yvcAo.,iiips!iJ.vua uauuticsfs ptjupie, oi etiormous wealth, la'visli' habit?, and sttrring traditions. They were of a stubborn strain of fighters, dominating over everythingvand brooking no contention- ..They -.(were. known over the country as a gentle but reckless race and came to be, palled the "Halifax,' Alstons. Manv !a time 1 have I heard Alston tellj in his frank and bright way, of the traditions of these peOple--how they traveled from one of their estates to another in almost regal state r wtfth the old King George coach and foil): and an army of sabie attendants how His gratHtnxethenled: to irry her oWn i sheets and pillows and loaf sugar: with s her every whete she went and of libw, in - 'her- Boettteaome, days, racing with her husband-oyer the countrywide, she rv?e!ttkl!put$l00on acock-figlit and fol Jow the fox-hounds where none but the Alstonsdaredrida Orof how his prand f ath er pfferpd. j h iaff states to Jeffei-son when wariWas.deBared, and drank rye coffee to his death, because he drank it fluxing1 the war-of how honest Willis -Aktonhis grand- uncle, had to confront the' whole State of Carolina because of his assduits upon a defaulting State treasurer, ;.and- of the, lordly way in which these two brothers fought and frolicked alternately with the gentry from Yirgini&Ttf Georgia, For upwards pf thirty years Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ineSyzun has been qsed for. children. It corrects iseMttv1 brtiiG stomach; relieves wind colic, regulates brWls,'iiaB. dysentery and diarrhoea, whether artstng from leethmg or other causes. an vtu aim weu Known reweay. ijoc per Dotue. War and Gold. t A bote! war based on gold prices. In onier to Bvw iiiiii vumvp lvtu vitfcoov-o vx li t vivi o, uiu vj i ouu Central Hotel, -on Broadway, New York, Is now Septra both tlans, the American at 82.50 to $3.00 ana. tne .European at $i.uu, ana upwards, per a ay. qaetaa by toe hotel. inelegant Restaurant, at moderate prices, is con- "the genuine DRC.JMCcLANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and leaden-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks ; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs -along the lower eye-lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, , sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. .Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE ' will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing i he slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane'S Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. ;! :o: DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS ' are, aot ret'canmencjecl as a remedy "for lLtl ills .'that flesh is hew to," but in, affections of (he liver, and in all Bilious :t CowpTaints,' Dyspepsia , a . .vAcAe, 9 ;4iseases pfjbat asia and Sick Head- character, they stand -without a rival. XTSJJXiXTTD FEVER. No better cathartic can be uscVprepar atory to, or after taking Quinine, j i f :As a-simple ; purgative: thfey iie' un equaled.' --; l- , flEWABl Oi'-MHTATIOXS. The genuine iare-never sugar coated. .i nvj Each box: has a red wax seal' on the ; Jid, with the impression). McEan's Z .rvEa PilLs. , : Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLANE and FLEMING BkOs. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the " market berner full of imitations of tierrvi. name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. Jo .J. II Tv UlJB S '. 1. 1 -TI7EHAVE JUST RECEIVED FBO f E IHAVK JUST RKCHYKD JTROil HOUST UJt HOU8 Hi i SfuD and complel uneof sample Goods for Spring Wean the striae are all pew, attractive and handsomely designed; the Goods are all of foreign Looms, uck as ;.;.'. :-f Mi v-!;n . .. French, English, Scotch and German, And with Increased facilities we ask our friends and patrons to come and look at our Goods, as we Intend to make garments to order, cheap er than any Northern tailor coming through- here: we have also receiv ed Butterick'B Fashion Plates for spring and summer wear as guide. . V8 We solicit an early call, so as to give as ttnie before a rush of manufacture. ' Respectfully, BEBWAKGER k BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. N. B.-EV toted waiits Wm&k'ciotldtLg will save money by cailinc on us. as we will sell them regardless of tost; Ttten's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Suits. Ieb9 :TTE ACHEfiS WANTED. 85 to SJ&Qi pt 8200 X pec month, duriog tha & imer. ForfuBT?artIculaij PWiarpniaiPa. JJIPHTHEEIAI Johnson's Anodyne Liniment wUl positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases In ten. Information that wia save many lives sent free by mall. Dont delay ia mo ment Prevention is better than cure. Sold! every where. I. S. JOHNSON A CO.. Bangor, Maine. JgENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS ' There is no doubt about the -great superiority of this article over common porous plasters ani other external remedies, such as liniments, electrfcal ap pliances, &c. Ask physicians In your own locality about it. It is wonderfuL Sold by all Druggists, price 25 cents. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53,672 Superb Englteh Books AT OUR PRICE. 75,276 New American Books AT YOUR PRICE. 112,726 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, 3 Beekman st., near New Post-Office, New York. c c O O M M N And all Disorders of the THROAT An'd LUNGS Permanently Cured. DR. T. A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY PPP eSSc r r r Y TT T Y oou O O o o o OOO h h n H U II hhh n h h n H H II WN N B Kif N inf P PPP 88g EK E P P Taken in conjunction with his COMPOUND EMULSION OF Pu RE COD LIVER OI and hypophosphftes of LIME AND SODA. . , : A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation lent by express to each suffering applicant sending their name, P. O. and express address to Dr. T. A. Slo cum, 181 Pearl street. New York. - 1 TEETH. GUMSBREATH NO MORE '( HEUMATIsy OR GOUT ACUTE OR CHRON I C s A L I C Y L I1C SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trad-Mark mm - f. r- - tfaMlM EUBOPKAS SAUGTUC MEDICINE CO;, - OT PABIS AND LEIPZIG, i immediate relief warranted. Penrtane tun guaranteed. Now excluslvelr used br all eel Etctans of Europe- and America,' becomw a e, Harmless, and eUabe Remedy ch botk nentB... : The, Highest . . Medical : Academy - of Paris report 05 cures out of 100 eases within three days. Secret The tWydlssolver bf ttCBoweneoa Uric Acid -which exists fn tne Blood of RhiuBMOc and Gouty PaOeats L,00 bo,'6 bokes for So 00. Sent to any address ea receipt, fj piiee. Endorsed by physiclaua. ld W andgitgMte, Ad dress -' WASHBWBJfE et CO., nov7 Only Impdrtera Depot. 23S-s.N. T. Foceale b J- SteJicADEN, Druggists, feb 1H-U4 . Charlotte, N. C. r.M u k SPLENDID LINE OF Fine Teas, all grades, Just fn, at , : ' ' LeROY DAVHJSOira. Jan60 ..' J3 LASNE, ' From Paris, France, WATC5 And CLOCS MAKER, GILDER and SIL- . . YER PLATER,- i .Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, I r ... - . ; . : . Mat Gray Store, .! Every kind of repairs made- at onee at half price and warranted one year. Every 'kind of Jewelry or Bronze Glldins, Coloring, SUvertPlatlnc and Gal vanizing made at abort notice, and; equally as good as new.J Work done for the trade At Imv Dries. lEAmenacearaiiteeVwlth-TttmtaBi septlS bS&iPpp rrs ititit v ooo CirKr eii8 B88P R: RUN ITNiOGOS MILLIKEItY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY 5IILOTERY MIEINERY H ) SPRING TTTT ? T T r y IIlix EES B KB 1KB SSS T Y THE LATEST STYLES THE LATEST STYLES -IX- SPRING SPRING SPRING BATS & BONNETS HATS& BONNETS HATS & BONNETS - Just received b WITTKOWSKY & BABUCII. L O T H I N G I L O T H I N G! CLOTH CLOTH in G ! W. JUUFMAN Wa CLOTHING HOU8E1 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Havtn determined to reduce onr stock, we now offer to the neonle of Charlotte, and this section of North Carolina, the lancest eheanest and most beautiful and well selected stock OCO o o 8 o OOO L t'- l.TJ.T. 0O JTTT H H H NS N GOO O Q T H I Q Q T SB U an u o I il OO ooo WB JKATB ETKB OFTEBSD, ConsisUngof the usual variety of MEN S. BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S f- C L O T H I N G FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. w All we ask is tfiat otir friends and customers WflTgWilsCIftwTrra roar interest, and yod wtnaav tcatdf Uteen tbi twentp per cent on your purchases. . ,W. KAUlTdAN CO., : Sprfngs Comer, Charlotte, N. C. oeeia rjHE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES fFer Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY PBAWARS'I Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store-Ffxfe&es Gene xallyi i, f 'ifi: H il io ';r-i ,. ; The Improved Type Writer. it d 1 CseOlaUng Pump Co's Pumps. end for Circulars. -.1. ' '.t FAIRBANKS CO., - i:V 'ii::Wi fjadway;ifeir Torts , v: I';..n(-.. i: iiu.iu r er F aale W fcetdtnt Hardware Dealers, eptl-dtaw w i II It H If U B il H BH M II If M R U i t rv :i'-: ' i i t t. i .v.. L;j , -if. i : VIM. l 1 ilii f i I i. i ttl ri ! i i ll'! j:1 mi n -1 U t i-'.is At 4i V'V' ' i 1 1 -' -ft, f-M . Ml i 5 P ! f ; 1 1 V L '1 k - u i 1. S; f 'ft' t ' 'V';- Mi i S-i! i 4:

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