Stye t)ttrhftft Wbtztmk.. Hi' SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Daily, one year, (postpaid) in advance. . Six Months ......... ....i...4JmJ; Three ItotUJi (yite Month -S8 00 . 4 00 2 00 75 WEEKLY MDtTlONlti !..u.rt i Ai Wetklv, (i the county) advance Out uf the county, postpaid,.'. ' .' ir.V! . six Month rjw- Liberal Reductions for Club. 82 00 2 10 1 00 SPRING BttYGOODS MHO i We beg leave 10 announce to ouf friends and ustainers that we have bought an unusually large SPRING STOCK, hh.-4 of which Is now in rcyycty or Inspection. hi -y uv are nrei ared to offer this Inducements to buyers, both .! v . i:n-'T fM'eitfjiontf- WHOLESALE UU t.HH 1 r H u -AND .i 1 1 n -jIak tiive us a call, or send your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction. ELIAS 4 COHEN. "gnvuitnvc. UttUESS NICHOLS, .. .. I- " . . : I. " Hililini h IT! - ! , I i i I i I i I I ' I i . , , -. . ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' ...-ill!'. i ' it VOL. XX. ' CHARLOTTE,"N4 i G V TUESDAY, MARCEfsJlS9.ti NO. 3,133. , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALL KINDS OF 'BEDDING, Ac. BEDDING, &C. nftNTrrm6 FURNITURE 1 BEPCING, 4a EDUHV49. nn I) it si ;i7o;bci7i A Kull Line of "1 CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS! 'LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOCNC LOUNGES ! lUi i iht i LOUNGES LOUNGES ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! i :! ,iW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. 5T COTFTNflfif all tlMs oti hatitf .No. 5 Wjbst TRA18ET. .noil n! CHARLOTTE, N. C- tw Lad'.es' and' Oenttefnenis,Brtal ftobes- tine supply. jan3 B ARGAINS -IS- I KKI V IK URRR NN N U U u U UR UU R If N II TTTT V tt T U u u UU URRR EE UR KB URRR KK VLB RKHB ! I j -it R r, RfXiTHlS' WAREBOOMS, .ri.ta,..;:i.f (I Nyr ogg)Tnc. TtKhe Act and RenoliHiminof thu fliiRrl Aa. . .'; i i .l,$titiiwt 1879, ' ' ' Rilrtgh Observer. A OTP. An act to Hnipnrl AHrtT t nlrnnw 156, laXvs 01 1876-'77. reJatinor tn r.h nVi v. ilege tax xn merchants, &c Strikes out mic nuiua live uonars. i An act tO be fintitleH an rk ronaal chapter 50, acts of l873-'74, and also chapter loo, of the acts of 1 873-74. Ile- latmjr to the titrei of hnlrtincr tflrma rf theuperior Courts in the4tli judicial ili8trict AiaKct to reduce and reeulate the cost of thft .tmblic Drintine-. fUednces the rate for composition from 75c. per 1 GOO 'ems to 40 cents, and press work from 50 to 25 cents per token. ' Aii dct to change the time of holding thte Superior Courts in the 4th judicial district. An act concerning, the election in 1878 for certain officers. Ratifies and cbnfii;the,election held rn Noyeicher last-i foe Representatives in Congress. Aisov the election held for registers of deeds in .he various counties. . An 'act iio authorize the collection of arreats-0f ax rn the tolras of Salis bury anil Goldsboro for the years 1876, 1877 and 1878. An act to provide for the holding of thje, Svtperjipr Cpurta successively by the judges- ot said courts. "Ati act- to empower the foremen of graid juries to administer oaths. Atx W to estaiMah a public ferry Hcrossthe Pee Dee, in the counties of Montgomery and Stanly. An act to amend section 1, chapter 104, laws of 1873-'74, in relation to the shooting and seining of mountain trout in the waters of Elk river and its trib utaries, in the counties of Mitchell and Watauga. Includes Watauga and New river, and Xorth Fork and its tributa ries. An act to amend chanter 3(3, laws of 187G-'77. Extends the time for the col lection of arrearage of taxes by sheriffs ana tax collectors. An act to amend the charter of Da vidson College. Increases the number of corporators from 48 to 60 members. A-n act , for the punishment of the crime of incest. Makes the crime a felony. Also, makes it a misdemeanor for uncle and neice and nephew and aunt to intermarry. An act to amend chapter 83, private laws of l876-'77. Inserts Mecklenburg in place of Union in the title and body of the act incorporating the trustees of Antioch Methodist Church and Camp Ground. An act to amend section l, cnapter 260. laws of 1876-'77. rileneals the nro- Jwbftory liquor- law in Graham,' Ala mance county. An act to incorporate I'avne s jjenev- 1 . i . f"l . A- 1 X' 1 J An act to legalize the acts of the board of couiitv commissioners of AVilkes couuty, at a meeting held on Dee. 16, 1878. An act declai-atory of the meaning or anact entitled "An act in relation to the probate of deeds and conveyances, and the privy examination or niarrieu women, ratified 3d day of March. 18T7, chapter 161, laws of 1876-'77. Validates certain acts or judges or proDatej An act to allow L.eaksville township, Rockingham county, to subscribe to the capital stock or a railroad. An act to incorporate the town of Taylors ville, Alexander county. An act tor the reiier oi prisoners con fined in the common jails of the State. Requires the cottrrty commissioners to 'js by sjboves, heater. : or other wisecluring cold weather. iA Act supplemental to au, act enti tled " An act to change the time of hold- the Superior courts in the 4th judi cial uisiricu . " An act for the relief of shenffs and fkx collectors. ' Authorizes the collec Uon of arrears of taxes for the years 1874, 1875, 187y 1877 and 1878, &C I'Aji ticit to amend chapter 245 of the actsnot loiii, enuueu .ui w ui- 'ide the State into nine judicial dis tricts: Gives Montgomery county a one week court and Union county two weeks. J An act to amend the charter of the Mt. Airy'Bailroad, and provide for the building of a railroad from Greensboro toOreKnobi An act to incorporate the Charlotte tTmiyip tvnft llosnital. An act to incorporate the town of Da vidson College, in tne county or lpnhnrir. An act to amend sections 8 and 10, AKantAr so. Rattle's KevisaL reiatins to ..wt-vv. , - , , , the duties oi counLy ueauiciD. ic- cieieally defines certain duties. An act to amend the act to charter Abe Watauga and Caldwell Narrow a,ige Bailroad, in relation to its line 'ptn"flp'tto amend chapter 161 of the laws of l876-'77, entitled "An act in re lation to the crobate of deeds and con- and the nrivv examination of married womexL' Provides that no ht.tfistation of seal of the court shall be authorized to any instru ment proved in tfee county in which it U to oe regiswJAeu.j . . An act for the relief of jurors in the a n W ts incornorate the trustees of Centre Point Institute, in Iredell coun ty, and for other purposes. An act to abolish the tax fees of at torneys charged in bills of costs m civil suits. . . c11hi of Tnaa riinP ate SlieUU Ui. Kjananuu. ,J J lit lu. A ' "uu ' , n.rnnDnllQ T111TVI- An act to conwi lu aiuj. bering of certain State bonds. An act to amenu ---- - -vr North Western jnoiiu vuun j. foad, for the eoruction of a second division trom me wus-i. and Salem, hi .'Forsythe county, up the Yadkin Valley by Wilkesboro to Pat terson's Factory, in wgcasr. An act to incoi pullc Clmritrsociety of Wilson Creek Acad- pmv incawweiiwuuvj. An act to incorporate the Warrior Camp Ground, in Caldwell county CAnPact to amend entitd An act ;to aia m $"Z ai ChfisterV and Lenoir ; Narrow j XiliTV H .,1 H'A'J 1 .T Ti u 1 -ay stocltla very ltlff1 ibraces a Full i-lne o andTtonsWion of tHe ILioiiranfl aWatatiffa Narrow Uimoviu"v". rrt.;jXa for rhft Gauge RaiiroacL: Li"'1" employment of one hundred additional PA AND fl i .!'. 11 i HPrUu iRoods'Mcied Free ot.CbiflSif, tu!nt when 1 yv- ji. 4,3 Lfri r-i-nw?. -inr- relation shS -is' l-otlve months from foaling. 'Xtto authorize . tbe commission erSweh Wty to levy a special taAn act to" require the prosecntof to af thfeosts in criminal proceedings in $$e$!$ i AtWl4 and 16. vide for the Reorganization of tiie ue- J the Senate, to hold office for two years, salary to be fixedTVy the Agricultural Bureau,, and his compensation defrayed frorri the funds provided for the support of the department of agriculture, &c An act concerning draining and dam ming low lands. iKe-enacts cnapter 164. laws of 1868-ml An act to repeal section 29, chapter 6, Battle's Revisal, in reference to pay ment of expenses incurred in conveying insane persons to the insane asylum. An act concerning streams, and to propel machinery. Defines the rights and privileges of persons owning ma chinery propelled by water on running streams. An act to amend the charter of the town of Mooresville, in Iredell county, granting additional corporate privil eges. An act to continue in force an act to establish normal schools, &c. Benefits extended so as to include females; a preparatory department provided for in connection with the colored normal schools, and appropriations annually directed to be paid as tuade for the years 1877 and 1878. An act to establish Black Mountain township in Buncombe county. An act to change the time of holding the Superior Courts in the 5th judicial district. An act to incorporate Brevard Sta tion, Gaston county. An act for the benefit of the Winston, Salem and Mooresville Railroad Com pany. Provides for the employment of convicts not exceeding one hundred and fifty. An act to authorize the levy of a spe cial tax in Transylvania county. An act defining the jurisdiction of judges of the Superior Courts as to the granting of injunctions and restraining orders, and the appointment of receiv ers. An act to appoint or elect a road sur veyor for Watauga county. An act to prohibit live stock from running at large in Iredell county An act to incorporate the town of Sparta, in Alleghany county. An act to change the name and au thorize the consolidation of the West ern Railroad Company with the Mount Airv Railroad Company, and to com plete the said roads. An act in relation to judgments on appeal from justices ot the peace. An act to give certain colored persons the right ot inheritance An act to secure the better drainage of the low lands of Silver creek, in the countv of Burke. , An act to repeal chapter 189, laws of l876-77. and to lav off and construct a public road through Wilkes and Watau ga counties. An act to allow the county commis sioners of Mitchell county to levy a spe cial tax. An act to provide for the better proof or deeds executed beyond tne state An act to regulate, in certain respects, the computation ot the degree ot Kin ship within which persons in this State may not lawfully marry. An act to amend section 8, cnapier 255, laws of 187tt-'77, relating to terms of courts in the eighth judicial district. An act to abolish the criminal court of the countv of Wake. An act to punish tne abduction oi children under the age of fourteen ears". An act to secure tne Detter drainage of the lowlands of Muddy creek and its tributaries in the county of McDow ell An act to prevent the felling ot tim ber in Silver creek, in liurke county An act to amend section 40, chapter 105, Battle s lievisal, regarding the tees i or jauors. Ah act to incorporate tne .Nortn Car olina eheraical works. An act to incorporate the trustees of Riverside Camp Ground, in tne county ot Ashe An act providing for the exemption of certain personal proierty from sale under execution. An act concerning Brock's Chapel Camp Ground, in the county of Cleave- land. and to incorporate a. uoaro oi trustees therefor. An act to amend an act entitled " An act to allow Milton township, in the county of Caswell, to subscribe $15,000 in payment of stock in the Milton & -SHtherlin-Kajkoad Company, and for other Diirnoses. An act to regulate the holding of courts in the seventh judicial district, . An. -act for the relief of certain citi zens ia New Hanover, Union and Hert fnrd onntiea.' Aa afc to define the criminal j uris- diction of justices of the peace, ex offir cna rancfers in the township in wmcii thnv resnectivelv reside. . An .act to authorize a history of North ( Carolina for the use of the com mon schools of the State. An act to reauire clerks and justices of the peace to keep an itemized state ment of all fines received by them, and to nronerlv account for the same, and also to amend chapter 116, laws of 1873- '7.1 hearhic on the same subject. An act to prohibit the driving of cat tle from South Carolina and Georgia, and other nlaces. into certain counties west of thft Blue Ridge. An act to prevent the desecration of thft Sabhat.h flav. An act to compromise, commute and sottlA f.hA Statfi debt. An act resnecting the collection of railroad taxes in Forsvth county. An act to renew the charter of the fihaiwl TTill Iron Mountain Railroad Company, to change the name and for other purposes. A n act. to incorporate the American Gold Company of North Carolina. An act concerning mortgages issueu by incorporated companies. ivn act to liicui iuitLo iuo jtcutu.iv. Gold Company of North Carolina. a ii ant. t.o aid in the construction oi the Caldwell & Watauga Narrow Gauge Railroad, and to levy a special tax in Watauga county. jt . An act to allow tne isaim ui uiccuuu- ro time to wind up its business. An act to amend an act to incorpor ate the Yadkin Railway Company, rati fied the 5th day of April, 1871. An act to allow the Rabun Gap Short Line Railway to use fifty convicts in constructing their road from the Geor gia line through the counties of Macon and Swain. , . ,.. , An act to punish the def aulting treas urers of religious and benevolent msti- An .act to create a new township out sf nnrfinna of Wavnesville and Beaver Dam townships, in the county of Hay- An act to amend section z, uuaptei in the sixth iudicial district. Anactto incorporate tne town ori Highlands, in Macon county. An act to amend chapter 88, private laws o l87&-eritftleq Anf SWUo in corporate theTayettevine SC Goldsboro ii hi mail i uiiiuiiii v . An act to amend cnapter 102, laws or 1876- 77. Relating to tne sale or liquor within two miles of Union and Morri son churches, in Macon county. An net to aid in-- tbeconetqucnon ot the Winston, Salem & Mooresville Rail road. An act to incorporate the Bee Log Baptist church, in ancey county. An act for the reliet ot J as. F. Som- - mi A TIT.M1 ers, late snenrx 01 v uses. An act in relation to warrants in pas tardy. ' An act to lay out and construct a public road from Union church, in! 'Al leghany county, to Brush Hill, Wilkes county. An act to appoint and settle a ferry on the Great Pee Dee riverto be known, as Smith's Ferry. An act to incorporate the trustees 01 Ball's Creek Methodistfevuch and cam grounds, in the county fiCataA)a. An act to incorporate ancey county high school. An act to allow Iredell county to fund her outstanding railroad bonds. An act to authorize tne board 01 com- misioners of Madison, Clay and Surry counties to pay certain claims tor teaching public schools. An act to incorporate tne arm Springs Toll Bridge Company. An act to amend chapter 96, section laws of 1876-'77, relating to the town of Denver, in Lincoln county. An act to incorporate the liennetts- ville & Hamlet Railroad. An act to amend chapter 104, Battle s Revisal, relating to roads, ferries and bridges, r I An act to make tne carrying or con cealed weapons a misdemeanor. An act to secure tne Detter drainage of the lowlands of Fourth creek, in the counties of Rowan and Iredell, between Baker's Mill, in Rowan county, and Hayne Davis' Mill, in Iredell county. An act to amend cnapter lei, laws 01 1876- 77, entiled " An act in relation to the probate of deeds and conveyances, and the privy examination ot married women.' An act to incorporate the town of Hickory, in the county of Catawba. An act tor the benefit or tne wmston- Salem & Mooresville Railroad Compa- Bank of Kataign ant? the Bank of Dur ham.':: " An act to incorporate the village of Big Liqk; Stanly ; bounty. " ' ' 1 , An act cohceriung , receding freight and shipment ', of . the same, "ana change of rates of transportation by TaQrijaids' and other transportation coTripini. ' An act to amend sec. 343, or chap. 17; Battle's RevisaL, 'Relating to suits founded ori fragments rendered previ ious to August 1, 1868. An act to prevent overcharges in the sale of produce. 4' " ' An act to provide for the Support of the North Carolina Institute fOrDeaf and Dumb and the Blind for 1870 and 1880.' An act to incorporate the" town' of Troy, in Montgomery county. An act to define the meaning of false pretense1. "' ' ' - ,UiiH An act to amend ehap. 122, laws ot 1876-'77. Relates to the duties, ,pf , the county eormriisswners of 'Mecklenburg, regarding the fence law and boundary, feace between MecRburgaJrBrisUr counties. ,uu ') An act to aid in the construction of 4j4- : n . . 4 jr ti..:i h xi$i and. renew, ft vbrticjn ny- An act tc amend sections 4 and i, chapter 37, Battle's Revisal. Concern ing the law of divorce. An act to amend cnapter 49,, laws or B76-'77. Relating to the collection f f t sai- of taxes in the town of 195, laws of 1874-'75. Relating to the riAsrmction of certain birds between ZCimit ot . arfitate geoiogis eonsent o: April and. October of each yearj Anactto incorporate the East La Porte Masonic Lodge, No. 3o8,, in jacK- son county. r a n act in allow tlie lndependeht Or der of Good Samaritans and Daughters n Samaria in America Lodge. No. 2, of North Carolina to establish a beneficial iloTiartmpnt. , . An at in regard .to public wharves nni HoTiota "u wr . m-I-l J- 1 .' An. act concerning omciai uojms w uo given by sheriffs. An act in relation to holding cpirrts 18 arrearages isbury. ; ' ' ; An act to prevent live stocK irom running at large within Rowan, Davie, Cabarrus and other counties. An act to incorporate the" PiedmOTlt Mining and Banking Corrjpahyof Nortih An act supplemental to an act author izing the working of convicts on the Ore Hill and Mt. Airy Narrow Gauge Railroad, the Chester & Lenoir, the Caldwell & Watauga Narrow Guage roads, the Winston-Salefti Railroad and the Statesville Air Line Railroad, etc. An act to regulate the practice of dentistry and to protect the people from quackery, &c. An act to amend chapter iA, laws 01 1876-'77, entitled " An act to establish courts inferior to the Superior Courts, to le called Inferior Courts." An act to abolish private seals and to prescribe a short form of a deed, and for other purposes. An act to provide for tne purcnasing of land sold under execution by the boards of county commissioners. An act to prescribe the mode of sell ing tar. An act to secure the better drainage of the lowlands of Silver creek, in the county of Burke. An act to aid in the extension of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad. An act to provide that all conveyan ces of real estate shall be construed to be in fee simple unless the contrary shall appear from the language of the instrument. An act to extend the corporate limits of the town of Monroe, Union county. An act to amend the charter of the Bingham School. An act to amend chapter 202, laws of 1868-'69. Relating to the construction of the Dan River Coalfields Railroad. An act to authorize the commission ers of Macon county to levy a special tax. An act to amend the election law. An act to incorporate the town of Matthews, in Mecklenburg eounty. , An act supplemental to an act con cerning the farming out of convicts in this State. An act to amend section 7, chapter 75, laws of 1875, the same being an act. for the better government of the town of Wadesboro, in, Anson county. An act to make the slander of wo men indictable. An act to amend" chapter 288, laws of 1876-'77. Relating to the division of the State into judicial districts. An act to revise and correct the tax list of Alamance county, &c. An act abolishing the insane asylum of North Carolina, and incorporating the North Carolina insane asylum. . An act to authorize the town of Ashe ville to levy taxes for the support of graded schools. An act to incorporate uie town ui owell, in Gaston county. An act to incorporate the Lawrence Manufacturing Company, in Gaston county. An act to incorporate the Farmers Bank of Milton, Caswell county. An act to authorize the directors or the Western North Carolina Railroad Company to expend a portion ot tne appropriations 01 said company ior pp perating expenses. An act to empower tne commissioners of Haywood county to build a court house. An act to amend chap. 20, laws of 1876-'77. Relating to certain roads in Burke, McDowell, Mitchell, Yancey and Caldwell counties. A n act to nrovide for the completion of the Western Asylum for the Insane. An act so amend an act to estaDiisn a department of agriculture, immigra tion and statistics, and for the encour argement of sheep husbandry, ratified March 2, 1877. An act to consolidate and revise the charter of the town of Winston, and the amendments thereto. An act for the relief of fanners and others from Davment of special tax. An aot to empower the Westenr-North Carolina Railroad Company tojmake terms with the Chester - and Lenoir Narrow Gauge Company, An act to correct an error in the act to compromise, commute and.? ttle the State debt- An act to compromise,' 'mmrifce and settle that portion of the.' Sate debt known as the " Williamston arid Tar boro Railroad." ' . An act to authorize the, commission ers of McDowell county to levy -a spe cial tax. ";r-J'lul An act to extend the cnaTtexs of the An act for the relief of the blind, f Ap propriates $60 per annum to those !who lost their eyeS'tt the 'Corifede'rate ser vice, during their natural rife.1 An act to require town- and tity con stables to make monthly reports. ' " Ah act to pay off the indebtedness of the insane asylum. 1 An act to incorporate " Piedmont Lodge No: 10, L O. O. FM of Hickory. An act to prevent tramps infesting or depredating on citizens of the iStatej An1 aetffco- amend and consolidate the charter of Great Falls Manufacturing Conrpany, located at Rockingham, Riciw mond'county. An act to authorize the Caldwell ad Watauga Narrow Gauge i RailroaiLiite change its igswige. -. , , An act to denne the duties of sheriffs performing the duties of county treas rer. An , act to incorporate the Grand Lodge of trie Independent "Order of Good Temphtrs of North Carolina. An act in regard to additional dis qualiftcations of jurors. An act to ascertain the indebtedness of Madison county. An aet to incorporate the Globe Gold Mining Company of North Carolina. ; , An act to amend an act passed at this session, entitled "an act to prevent the desecration of the Sabbath day " : For bids the running of railroad trains oth er than those carrying United States mails. An act to amend sections and 4, chapter 80, 15aTtl3s Hevisal, regarding official bonds. An.act.,to 1 aid in,the completion ' of the Spartanburg ;aad Ashe ville Rail road. Allows 1O0 convicts. t act .to charter the Thomasville andAlWniarie Railroad; Company. Anactto prevent the' fcate or giving away, of spmjnous ' lienors or wine ithih two-miles of ay place at which polytteal speaking takes places r.i'J&tf; to consolidate the towns of Winston andi Salem. An act for the relief of land-owners wtiere land has been sold to the State for taxes. TAUows oig, year from rati- nuauou oj. activo ueem puca iaaiu.; An act to autnQBMa; Gran ville county to fund its ftoat$&gi4ebt; An act relattrrg i& roads' and high ways. TnllTfMWtiWcction bi-annu-allv of a!V;BuTiervifefBf highways in each eounty, Ac. , An act to submit the question of the Sale of spirituous liquors to the voters of the town of ReidsviUe An act to authorise the commission ers of the county of Richmond to levy a special tax. concerning civil .am.onsipr the recovery of debts contract ed . for the purchase df land, f ; fl 5 An act to amend cnapter iut, laws or incorporate . the Kockin sbiirV Railtoad comnan Ail' act declaratorv Of the meaning d and to amend the charter of the town Ui xvciusvuic. ,t An act to incorporate the North Car-' liua Baptist Sunday school convention. An act to incorporate the North Care-; una coast canai company. An, a?t to incorporate the jn orth caro lfna and Virginia Christian conference'. An act to amend tne charter or toe Charlotte and .Tayloj-syille Railroad comnanr. , 'An act to llicorporate Zioii Wesleyan Institute. 6f Cabantis comity; . w auuiurLtRj uyi-iiui com- Mafeifnrid'fofthe iurors.- ' ; : act to' apportion , the con victs amcdlg tlie'yariOus works' of iiiter'nal iniproxemeij(ts'o!f te State, : ,,Ari act to authorize the commission ets of 'Lincoln county to-'h? a special tax. 1 An Act to extend the corporate limits of the towfr'Of Concord, and to amend the charter' of said town. " An Jtct to rpeKt the' Jaw providing for fhre maintenance of lunatics outside the Tim OBJSERYSS JOB DBPARTSfXXT Hits been thorOHOhlv stnmUed with even needed vxmL, and ioith the Latest Stylet of Type, end entry manner of Job Work n now be done with neatnet. dispatch and eheapnesA We can rurninK, at Short notice, '. - blanks, bill-Beads, LETTER-JIgALyfc pAJtD$ ' Tiftg. SSOJBIPTSt POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, MAKLRLLLS, PAMPHLETS, CTRCVLARS, CHECKS, 4G. 1 J87.3-'77,-; Restncts the farming Wtjf 3-irreertain cases. 1 - convicts An act to incorporate the yEtna Gold Mining Company of North Carolina. An actto provide for the registration of certain deeds and other instruments of writing, and to make valid the regis tration of others. Extends the time to register Svhere ' lapie lias heretofore occurred, within two years from ratifi cation of act. An act to amend section 156, chapter 32, Battle's Revisal. Makes it option ary with county commissioners wheth er capital punishment by hanging shall be public or private. An act to secure holders of policies Of fire insurance; ii North Carolpa. Requires' insurance conrpanies to de posit S10.000 in United States bonds with the public treasurer. An act to allow the citizens of Jack son county to pass through the toll gates in Macon county free of charge ; also to allow the citizens of MacOn county to pass through the gates in ,1 ackson county free of charge. An act to incorporate Stonewall Lodge, No. 99, I. O. O. F., pf Monroe, Union county. An act to extend the time to redeem land sold for taxes and bought by the State. Extends the time to January 1, : 1S81. ': An act to amend chapter 163, laws of 1871-'72. Regarding commissioners of a public road in Iredell county. An act to establish a normal school at Trinity College, Davidson College and Wake Forest College. An act to amend sections 2, 4 and 5, chapter 49, laws of 1876-'77. Relating to fish-ways. An act to incorporate the town of Manly Station, Moore county. An act to repeal any and all acts cre ating, re-organizing or continuing in existence the Western Division of the Western North Carolina Railroad Com pany. An act to amend an act to define false pretense, ratified the llth day of -March, ' - An act-to-provide for fillingvacan cies in boards of coun,ty commissioners. Magistrates seleet. 'i An act to prohibit the sale of intpxi cating liquors in numerous localities. An act to ascertain and audit the debt of Cleaveland county. An act for the more effectual punish ment of horse-stealing. An act to provide for the levying and collection or taxes. Laiacnnieiy acuj t An act suDDlemental to an act enti tled "an act for the support of the peni tentiary of North Carolina for the years 187Q and 1880." sAn act to nrovide f or the sale of in solvent iudgments in favor of counties ao-ninst defaulting officers, Anactto amend, chap. 240. laws of 'iR7A-,7'i entitled an adt to prevent dis crimination in freight tariffs by railroad ionnnanies operating in this State. An act supplemental to an actio ampnd sec. 8. chap. 255. laws of.l76-'77, An act to establish the State line be tween the State of North Carolina and the State of Georgia, between the coun ties of Macon, jn. u., ano itauuru, A n act to incorporate the Zion Hil nTYioferv of fVvncortL. An act entitled "an act to secure by mail, notices issued by board of county commissioner to justices of the peace,; road overseers and scnooi committee- -mflm .j ; ; ,r.-,-, n i ;? An act to reduce the cost of criminal pfosecntioTv. : - i insane aUum ' An act to facilitate the navigation of the streams of the'State. ' An. act to alter the constitution of Sorfh' 'jCarbliria, cbitceriiing the debt of tlie' kaef. ' " Actto i-elleye slieriff s in certain "cases, ana. to prevent the sacrifice of property at xecutioti sales. An act'to ameiid diap. 202, laws of 1874-75 protecting the State's interest in raila-oada An act to prohibit the sale or exchange of produce between sunset and sunrise, in the counties of lredeij, Rowan and Cabarrus. An act to amend cIuiik 152, laws of 1871-12. An act to empower town constables to serve processes. An act to regulate salaries ami lees in certain cases. An act to amend sec. 1, chap. 1, acts of 1872-73, and sec. 1, chap. 255, acts of 1876V 77. An act amendatory of and supple mentary to an act passed at the present session of the General Assembly, and entitled "an act to . prevent live stock from running at large in Rowan, Davie and other counties. An act to incorporate the town of Mount Holly, in Gaston comity, An act to amend chap. 285, sec 4, laws of 1876-17, An act to repeal chap. 65, laws of 1876- '77. entitled "an act for . the removal of real exemptions in Clay county An act to amend chap. 285, laws of 1876-'77, ratified March 12, 1877. An act to provide for keeping in re pair the public roads or the state. Act to raise revenue. An act to amend the charter of the town of Chapel Hill. An act to authorize the treasurer of the State to exchange the stock of the State in Albemarle & Chesapeake com pany, for' bonds of the State, (not special tax.) An act for the more soeedy procure ment of the right of way by the ' Win ston, Salem & Mooresville Railroad com- ftany, and for the better protection of and owners over Aliose lands the rail road passes"- . 'J; . 7": . . An actio repeal chap. 50, 'private acts of, laws of 1876-77; .entitled "an act to provide a suitable Ibufre fbf Hfte" Ooy ernor,' An apt tq restore toj udgment creditors the exemptions and homesteads to which they might' have been entitled prior to the 24th of April, 1868. An act supplemental to an act creat ing the State board of health. An act to drain certain lands in Lin coln county.' . An act to allow of the drainage and cleaning out of Haw river and Reedy Fork, in the counties of Guilford and Rockingham. An act entitled an act to charter the town of Quehele, formerly Tilden. An act to provide for trial by jury in certain cases. An act to amend chap. 242 of laws of 1876-'77. Relating to fees. An act for .the protection of fish in McDowell countv. An act providing for the engraving of bonds and other expenses authorized by an act passed at the present session of the General Assembly, entitled "an act to adjust anil renew a portion of the Stale debt" ; An act to change the boundary line between ' the counties of Wilkes and Ashe certain localities, retain-1 foTrospectl church;' in Rowan' eounty. ' 1 ' 1 An act to-appoint tttistees -for New ton Academy, n Bunoombeicounty. -. , ; , ' KESOLUTIOXf. ', .,; Resolution to: appoint a joint select committee and determine the ridings of the judges of the Superior Courts. Resolution on Retrenchment and Re form. Appoihts a joint select com mittee of five to take into consideration the reduction of salaries, fcc.l Resolution in regard to mileage and pet diem. Strikes out the word "this" and substitutes the word "the" 1n third line of resolution on page 267, laws of 1876-77. . Resolution to raise a joint select com-, mittee to examine the Western North Carolina7 Railroad, and the Western In sane Asylum. Resolution in favor of Judge David Schenck. 'Resolution to take into consideration the-fish' interests -oi' NOrth-'Carolitta. Provides for a joint conunttte&l . : - - Resolution in relation , to, justices of the peace. Appoints a joint committee ot thirteen toTnaKp nominations to fill vacancies. " i Resolution- concern msi the free navi gation of the Cape, Fear,, riser In structs Bepresentatives in Congress to secure, if possible, an act making Fayetteville a port of entry, arc " ' Resolution . requesting our Senators and Representatives in Congress re garding appropriations for the improve ment or the rivers and habors or the State. Resolution in favor, -of: the , North CardinaMemorial of Arms m honor of George Washington. , Resolution to develop' the agricultur al and other material Interests of North Carolina, , . . , Resolution requiring the.Secretary of State to issue a grant to Joel F. Fergu. son, in Wilkes county. Resolution-for-a conference with the authorities of South Carolina and Ten nessee for the purpose of securing the remoyaj of obstacles to the free pas sage of fish tlie Yadkin and otber streams. ' - 1 ' Resol u t ion -rwjj8tinf-eu r Sen ato rs aud Representatives in Congress to ad vocate the establishment ot two LTni versities in the South. Resolution in relation to the funeral expenses-ef the late Chief Justice Pear son. Resolution, in favor of W. W, Rollins. Resolution in favor of Jesse Batrtek, of Cabarrus comity. A resolution providing for aid for the Orphan Asylum at Oxford. ; Resolution concerning the. Peniten tiary Sunday school. Resolution in favor of D. S. Lydes, of Rowan county, who "lost his right arm and right kg in the Confederate ser vice. Resolution in favor of certain wit nesses in case of State vs. G. Swei-son.- Resolution in regard to dynamite car tridges in the destruction ot hsii. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, bavtnS had placed in his hands by an East India mission- single vegetans remeay, ior a dosII nervous dehlUtrand all, nervous complaints, alter having tested' its wonderful curative powers In thousand of cases, has Celt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I wulsend, free of charge, to all who desire It, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using in German, French or English. Sent 07 mail by w. w. addrassini Sherar, 149 Powers' octg 4w wllh stamD. naming this paper. biock, Rochester, new lont MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY . Aav.exJEufatory of j chapter 7, Bat'tle'sTRevlsa'tf Provides fot the ai pointmentof a guardian for the habit ual and periodically inebriated. An act to cure : irregularities in cer tain' judicial proceedings , wherein the same or all the defendants named in the symmons were infants, idiots, luna tics, or persons non cbmpos mentis. An act supplemental to an act to ai- ow Leaksville and other townships in- Rockingham county to subscribe to the capital stocK in a ran roau. An act tor the better protection or the pupils of the North Carolina Insti tution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind from certain contagieus diseases, and for other purposes. An act lor tne collection or taxes against the property of corporations, &c An act to amend" chapter 129, laws ol 1874-75. An act to remove the obstructions to the passage of fish, and to provide fish- An act to amend sub-section 9, section 33, code of civil procedure. Relates to actions for reliet. 1 An act to repeal chapter 126. laws of 1874-75. and to allow the people of cer- -i r j j.1 tain townsnips to determine ror tnem- selves the Question of the sale of liquor, . . . . 1 An act to icTISB aim uuusuuuaic wie common school raws :of the State. A n act to fi the number and regulate the manner brpofnling the board of directors of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad, and for other pur poses. . An act to uunisu tne euieruiit ui dwelling house in the night time other wise than by oreaKing. ! Aa aot to provide for submitting the nronosition . to amend the constitution of the State in relation to the support of tne dear mutes, tne uiina ana me msaiiu of the State, to a vote of the people. An act to amend chapter 72, private laws of 1874-75. An act to amend sections 23 and 89 of chap 32. Battle s Revisal. Anact to imerpotiftto the North Caro lina industrial .'Association. An act for the speedy trial of crimi nals., ... , . , An act to charter the bank -.!11 euperior(tuin the 0th judicial .. Anaotto'menaiiuact entitled, "An act concerning, the .sale of liquors ; ire MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY SPRING ss '8S8 'ss8 I'm' T T T T V Y Y Y YY Y - Y- L L L KEB K KB E KJCR S8SS BS88 THE LATEST STYLES THE LATEST STYLES -IN- SPRING SPRING SPRING HATS & BONNETS HATS k BONNETS HATS & BONNETS ' off Ashe- Just received 1 'WITT KOWSKi" & CAllUClt. '