Droit mm iwjrmtimwv SUBSCRIPTION MAIMS : CHX QB8SXYXM JOB VSriMXXIXt II Hat tam thMrmahbrntmUtA wttX'menf vunt, aad wOX (t Ltfed 8tyimTia, m4 wr Z0 qfjoo wort mm turn tmtumwtch nmmmm. rwV. ( county) in adwmm . gg qq ouqr",',a-'-'--'- a io zJfoW I 00 rm- liberal Reduetkmtjor OkUm. BLANKS, BILL-StMADS, ! LXTtXM-HMADS, OAXDS, PAMPHLETS, CIXOUlAJt CffJBOJCf. 4Q. VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1879. NO. 3,lS5. paiy, one year, uxmima m aawutee .,tg 00 Hfo";-- , 3 ffi OneMomth VIT,' ' WXSKLT MDEtlW : f ' SPRING DRY GOODS We beg lea?6 t announce to our Mends and tomers that we have bo tght an unusually large ClW SPRING STOCK, most of w ilch Is now In. and ieady for Inspection. Ware prewired to offer this aeaaon extraordV Inducements to buyers, both WHOLESALE -iND RJETAIjL. 1 1 Give us a call, or send your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction. ELIAS COHEN. ffttruittttfe. URQB3S NfCBtorir, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DBALXB IN LL KINDS OF yUBWTUBE lUBNITUBE! BEDDING, AC BE1IDING, Ac. BEDDING, AC BEDDING, AC tubnittjmi -i FUKNITURK ! AKuULtneof : ' ' CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! i U X i LOUNGES ! y. ) LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of all kinds on band. COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. r West Trade Strut. i".'. fir;' CHARLOTTE, N. C. ,4 W Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Bobes a line supply. Jan3 B ARGAINS - -I2f mu UREK NN If II TTTTU tJBBR KK ! U UB RNR If II T U DR Kg. LTU R RR xk 11 T CO KBBK i Y A A ) . ii ) At: E. G. ROGERS' WAREBOOMS, V (I NXXTTOPOSTOmB. S X ' i i ' : Stock Is very Lar, ; and mbraoM a Full Une of 'tl i i i if -' n -,. ,,u,m f. . OFFICE FURNITURE t Aj GoocUueked Free ' Charge NEW- SPRING GOODS- We have received a handsome line of SHETLAND SHAWLS In all colors. Also French Organdie, Silk and Crape Scarfs in all the new shades and styles. A beautiful line of Ladles' SILK BOWS, 30k. Handkerchiefs and Ribbons. The newest thing out in DftESS BUTTONS. White Cotton Ferry for children's cloaks; bleached and tyowiri SheeQlig sad Pillow casing. OUR SPRING STOCK will be entirely new, and when complete, the hand somest we ever offered before. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE A CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. Haven 15. NEW GOODS!, NEW GOODS ! We take pleasure In announcing to our friends and the public In general, that we are receiving 'dairy a large and One assorted stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS OF ALL THE HE LATEST LATEST NOVKLTIEC NOVELTIES Or THK SXASOM. It Is our intention this season to inauj urate a rte new system of prices In Charlotte, which vlll give oar friends and the. community at large a .chance to purchase Goods at NEW YORK CITY PRICES. H. MORRIS A BROS. February 21. JUST RECEI VED, -A BEAUTIFUL LIN .E OY- PRIN7;S, INCLUDING UG flT SHADES A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. if1 $200 REWARD. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, RixnoH, March 10th, 1879. f Whxkxab; Official tof orinatldn has been received at .tMsiSpartt4nal:Ni Bi TAILOR, late of thtaaakrM.ltoX9ia4a f harf with the mnr amt&foj&mGl? ae3J'Sppears that tbetall RfcteH9latfr,'or socoiv ewteWittfttil tneidtairrMxtesffof law can not be served upon him; .toi-ra j,n--itt . ; i i JWwtbewforB I; THOMAS' . 7ABVIS. Govet nar pC the fitee of Nortte CaroUaa, by Mrtu f u-: tborttf ta ma vested) vp -taw-i 4o lssuejthi ittr pro-: clamaUon, onrlncwwad 4 Two Bundrca Dol lars for the apprehension and delivery of the said N. B. Taylor to the Sheilg of Moore county, at the Court House in Carthage, and I do enjoin all ofiV oersotXkc 8tte afiaa ioo eltJrens o assist ui iMfaclBVaM crtntn4elbBrteek'' ' . , fiinelati okw eityol' BuiafrH, the tenth day of ManhVa879and ta the 108d yewof American Independence. vu-isiii .--, THOS. J. JABVIS. By the Governor: Lxx & oyibman, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION. Taylor is about 88 years of ass, aboot 5 feet 6 Inches high, welt set and win weigh abootieO lbs., andwhen last seen-wore heavTeird, r: 1 -BAKERY . BREAD, CAKES AND PEES, ftes every day. w E can with confidence leeomnvjnd them as the very bast manirtiytnted. wune none but very best materials. . W. N. PKATKEB, . .Trade Street, nptaoar abowihe old Market. t Mary Abb. New Orleans Times. I I've a letter from thy sire, Mary Ann, Mary Ann; And he's Just as mad as fire, Mary Ann, Mary Ann! And he says if I come nlgher, That he'll raise me ten times higher Than the German Methodist spire, Mary Ann, Mary Ann ! If to win thee I aspire, Mary Ann. O, I dread to see his fa-hace, Mary Ann, Mary Ann; For I know he'll give me cha-hase, Mary Ann, Mary Ann! He will waltz me 'round the room, He will fan me with the broom; Yes, I safely may assume, Mary Ann, Mary Ann, That he'll fire me out the roo-hoom, Mary Ann! I'm so scared I cannot slee-heep, Mary Ann, Mary Ann; For I'm struck all of a hee-heap, Mary Ann, Mary Ann ! He Is coming after me! Blood In both his eyes I see. Oh, wherever shall I flee-hee? Mary Ann, Mary Ann ; He will make It hot for me-he, Mary Ann! OBSERVATIONS. Dr. Hoftnes says that crying widows marry first There Is nothing like wet weather for tranaplantr lns. If a man really wants to know of how little Im portance he Is, let him go with his wife to a dress maker. y. O. Picayune. "We don't know everything," remarked the pro fessor, "and we don't find many that claim to, ex cept now and then one or two in the sophomore class." Mary had a little lamp, Filled full of kerosene; She took It once to light a fire, And has not since benzine. Antwerp Gazette. Tyndall, In a recent lecture, said that another decade would see the air filled with passenger bal loons as safe and perfectly under control as the steam conveyances now used. An intelligent member of the Arkansas Legisla ture has Introduced a bill abbreviating the season of Lent from forty to twenty days. He explains that everything else has come down fifty per cen tum since the war. and there should be no dis crimination in favor of Lent. The reason Mrs. Clara Morris is such a fine emotional actress Is because Mi-. Clara Morris car ries a razor. No metropolitan critic in his right mind desires to lose his blossoming beard. Atlanta Constitution. A small boy in Belfast, Me., whose deportment at school had always ranked 100 per cent came home one day recently with his standing reduced to 98. "What have you been doing, my son?" asked the mother. "Been doing?" replied the young hopeful, "been doing Just as I have all along, only the teacher caught me this time." This is the week when the lanquid lady who finds the Sunday morning promenade to church, two blocks away, excessively fatiguing, takes In on an average ten "spring openings" every day, as cends probably three miles of staircase, and walks around several thousand counters and show-cases without exhausting herself in the least Fuck. A BALTIMORE DUEL RE-CALLED. The Death of (tie Young Woman Whose Betrayal Led to the Fight. Baltimore, March 16. Lizzie James, whose intimacy with I). B. Hinds led to a duel between himself and AVilliara James, the young lady's brother, on the 23d of December last, in this city, died last evening in her home of puerperal convulsions. The duel fought concern ing this unfortunate young woman was one of the most remarkable on record. James was 32 years of age. and Hinds 23. Both held good positions in large business houses, Hinds being in Moore & Co's. cloth house, and James in the boot and shoe house of Buck, Hefflbow er & Neer They were both members of the Fifth Maryland regiment, dwelt in the west end, within a few blocks of each other, moved in good society, and were intimate friends. Miss Liz zie James, a sister of William James, was a beautiful and accomplishdd girl of 18, when, two years ago, Hinds was introduced to her. He evidently ad mired her greatly, was attentive to her, and soon it was rumored that they were engaged. Several months ago he discontinued his visits, and in Decem ber Miss James' condition was discov ered. She had written to her betrayer, whom she still loved, informing him of her condition, begging him to save her from disgrace by marrying her, and ac cusing him of being the father of her unborn child. Hinds, it is said, em phatically denied any criminal intima cy with, and refused to marry her. When these facts came to William James' knowledge he determined to avenge his Jsister's wrongs. He said that unless Hinds married his sister he would kill him. Hinds heard of the threat, and armed himself with a seven barrelled revolver. At 1 o'clock on the morning of December 23d, James called at Moore & Co's. store, and asked for Hinds. He was directed to go down into the basement, where he would find the man he sought. The two met at the foot of the stairway. "Are you go ing to fix that matter," asked James ; and Hinds answered, "I know nothing about it." A pistol shot followed, and a shot from James' pistol struck Hinds in the head, making a severe scalp wound, bat not penetrating the skull. Hinds drew his pistol, and a savage duel was begun, the men being but a few feet apart. James fired five shots in rapid succession, three of them tak ing effect, and at the same time Hinds emptied six chambers of his seven shooter, four of his shots being effec tive. After emptying his last chamber James, who, like his antagonist, was covered with blood, rushed upon TTSnds with upraised pistol, as though "d brain him. Hinds steadied himself cocked his pistol, and as he was about to i nake what must have been a fatal shot the employes of the house seized the m to. The encounter lasted a few momen t only, and so rapid was the firimV th t the spectators could only have stoi.xPed " at tne nsK 01 tne lives: 'n,..! a Pyhsicians were .quicKiy cauu, um tKenit was .werwunea passed throufe-n me skiu u " Hinds' forehel V! tlm fwrS striking the cei Img- nother ented the right cheek lelow the eye, and pen- arLerv near uie eai . a: Bullet from mna ..vvv, rerv near. James' he another went into his arm, and the ."-wra. tnrougn ms -hat. He was taken ho w Hinds recovered soon from Baltimore, and is s. to be in the West A Rain of Sulphur. -o.tkt T 17 It COm- meneed raining here last nigh.' and con tinued until about noon to-d ay. ah over the city can be noticed a strange yellowish deposit, resembling s ulphur, supposed to nave come down wi th the rain-. It has neither taste nor smit. Atr.ENTT.owN, Pa., March 17. 1 here was found this morning beneath the snow which fell last night a substance, places half an inch deep, crrnno-lv rfisp.mhlin?? sulphur. It has rhA inr And smell, and a quantity off it scraped together and set on fire burn- fi as rfianuv ana; emitieu uie tsmo fumes its sulphur. War and Gold. A hotel -war based on gold prices. In order to accommodate both classes of travelers, the Grand Central Hotel, oa Broadway, New York, lsnow kept onTaoth plans, the American at $2.50 to $3.00 and the European at 81.00, and upwards, per day. An elegant Restaurant, r moderate prices, Is con ducted by fie hotel. AN AGREEABLE ADVENTURE. The Experiences iu the South of Two New Haven Gentlemen A Village Excitement. LNew Haven (Conn.) Sunday Union. Toward the close of the month of January two young gentlefnen of this city made an arrangement to go South on a hunting expedition. Their names are J. B. liobertson, Jr., and J. T. Eng lish. With due an4 proper forecast they examined their breech loaders, laid in a fine stock of ammunition, packed their traveling bags, after which the start was made. They arrived at High Point, N. 0, in good time, locating themselves at J air old's' excellent hotel. The weath er was pleasant and the air was full of birds. Every day, the young gentlemen walked from their hotel three or four miles into the woods where they blazed away at the various sorts of game abounding, with a success which in this latitude would be thought marvellous. They shot thirty or forty birds every ex cursion, and were much congratulated on their skill, by the Southern gentle men whose acquaintance they had hap pened to make. One day, while enjoy ing the usual sport, they were met by a person who greeted theni pleasantly and enquired if they had shot anything. TheKew Haven sportsmen informed Mm that they should rather think they Itad. On receiving an answer to his question, the strange gentleman inform ed the young sportsmen that they had rendered themselves liable to pay ten dollars fine for breaking the law. The matter was argued somewhat, the New Haveners asserting their general love and respect for lawr, and promising not to further offend. They then returned to the hotel and prepared to fly to their Northern home. The next day a deputy sheriff called at the hotel with a wrar rant of arrest, returnable before a jus tice of the peace. It appears that in the vicinity of the place mentioned there are a number of small politicians who are quite radical on the subject of al lowing Northern men to take any lib erties, this line of Jt-actics having been found more or less efficient in obtain ing votes, in cases of doubtful elections to petty offices. The young men did not like the unpleasant publicity which might be caused by a public trial, on the accusation of having shot and perhaps eaten Southern birds, so they paid the ten dollars ; together with a little over two dollars for the costs. Tliev then concluded to return to New Haven, feeling satisfied that they now knew all about the much advertised hospitality of the South. The story soon circulated around the town and the people became much excited. They could not recollect when such a course had ever been taken before, with any of their Northern visitors, and were cha grined to think of the annoyance which had been caused to these popular young men. The day before Messrs. Robert son and English left High Point, they were waited upon by a committee of citizens, who expressed much regret at what had occurred, and enquired if they would accept an axiount of money from them equal to what they had paid. The New Haveneis said that they could not for a moment entertain the propo sition. The committee retired, and when the young men were about start ing on tne nomewarti trip, caueu again and presented the following letter: High Point, N. C, February 21, 1879. Gentlemen The undersigned citizens of High Point and Guilford county, the reader will see that the excitement had spread over a good deal of territory, North Carolina, having learned of the proceedings just taken by one H. Hod son, who is unhappily a resident among us, to extort from you money, under the pretext of your having violated his no-, tice of trespass, wrhile you were enjoy ing the sport of bird-hunting in this sec tion, take this means of expressing to you our deep sense of indignation and regret, that your pleasure snouiu nave been marred bv one whom we recog nize as an affliction to our social organi zation and whose unprecedentedly mean conduct we trust you will find a rare exception among our people. With many regrets and well wishes, we are, gentlemen, Respectfully, H. D. Capers, D. L. Clark, William G. Barber, Hal. M. Worth, P. N. Wheel er, A. B. Smith, j. p. A verbal acknowledgment wras made of the receipt of the letter, and the com mittee were assured that no hard feel ings were entertained by the New Ha veners. The landlord of the hotel on the opposite side of the street felt so much sympathy for our young sportsmen that he invited them to partake of the hos pitalities of his house, an inyitation they felt obliged to decline. We learn that Augustus Smith, who formerly kept a hotel in West Haven, is negotiat ing for the proprietorship of the Bar ber. Edward Malley, his brother and another gentleman were at High Point a few days ago. They were out hunt ing one day and got only two birds. Next day they got two robins, two quail and two meadow larks. The peo ple are very polite and friendly and wel come Northern visitors with old fash ioned Southern generosity. Another Walking Match The Spoils of the Lale Contest. On Snndav last Rowell. the winner of the six days' walking match in New York, received a dispatch from Sir John Astley complimenting him on his victory, ana lnionuing mm mat jui ward Pavson Weston had already chal lenged Rowell for a six days' waik, the match to take place in London, com mencing May 5th. It is also understood that Ennis, Ro well's most formidable competitor in the New York walk, will take part in the contest. Rowell and Ennis were? lively as crickets on Sun day, and both called on Harriman at his hotel. The latter is still stiff, but will be out in a few days. Mr. James E. Kelly, manager of the late walking match, stated yesterday afternoon that the amount received at the box offices was $31,600; rent of the bar, $2,525.25 ; shooting gallery, weigh ing privileges, blowing machines, etc., $100; total, 854,225.25. The expenses, he said, will be paid as fast as possible, and none of the men would receive their shares until these expenses were paid . It is estimatee by the New York papers that there will be at least $40, 000 for division, of which Rowell will receive $20,000, Ennis $12,000 and Har riman $8,000. Rapid Transit. Spartanburg Spartan. Tuesday, the 11th instant, a murder was committed in Atlanta, the person dying after 6 p. m. The news was wired to Charlotte, N. C, and The Ob server had all the facts back here in Spartanburg Wednesday morning, ready for us before breakfast. Oar Australian Trade. Since the establishment of the Pacific line of steamers, the trade between the United States and Austrlalia has Increased wonderfully, and Hall's Ttaianm. for coushs. colds and all lime diseases. Is now a regular article of export to that country , and one or tneir siapie meuicines. mar!9 lw FALSE PRETENCES LAW. An Act to be Entitled An Act to Define the Mean ing of False Pretence. The General Assembly qf North Caro lin do enact : Section 1. That, if any person shall obtain any advances in money, provis ions, goods, wares, or merchandise, of any description, from any other person in this State, upon any representation that the said person so obtaining has any article of produce or other property of whatever nature, which, or the pro ceeds of which, the said party will apply to the discharge of said debt created for advances, as aforesaid, and the said party shall fail to apply said produce or other property on the strength of which said advances were obtained, or the pro ceeds thereof, or shall dispose of the same in any other manner than that agreed upon by the parties to the trans action, the said party so failing or dis posing shall be deemed guilty of obtain taining goods under false pretence, the same whether the party so obtaining did or did not have the produce or other property as represented. Sec. 2. All laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. AMENDMENT. The following is an amendment to the above act : The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact : Section 1. That no person shall be indicted or punished for violating any of th$.provisions of an act to define false pretence, ratified llth day of March, A. D., 18J9, unless the representation upon whicl the credit was given, or the ad vance obtained, shall Toe in writing and signed by the party making such repre sentation. Nor shall any such person be punished for failing to apply the pro perty upon which he shall have obtain ed advances in the manner so agreed upon, unless such failure shall be will ful. Sec. 2. This act shall be in force from its ratification. Brief News Items. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, of Virginia, will be invited to deliver the address in At lanta on next memorial day and the Constitution says he will probably con sent to come. It is believed that the trial of Cox, for the killing of Alston in Atlanta will tve place two weeks hence. The defense will be conducted by Gartrell & Wright, Candler & Thompson, D. P. Hill and R. S. Jeffries, and efforts are being made to secure Hon. B. H. Hill. A special from Washington, of the 18th, to the Atlanta Constitution, says: Gen. Gordon is very ill. He has been suffering intensely with acute rheuma tism during the last forty-eight hours. The disease has attacked his bowels. His physician will not permit visitors to see him, and he is considered dan gerously ill. At Hinton, W. Va., last Monday, a man named Wilburn shot and instantly killed one Farley for tlie hitter's alleged intimacy with his (Wilburn's) wife; and near Talcott, W. Va., on Sunday, Page Edwards shot and killed his wife. He entered the house and dragged her from the bed. He shot her four times in the body during the struggle. She had a baby in her arms which escaped uninjured. Right Rev. Bishop Keane, of the (Catholic) Diocese of Richmond, was Monday iuvited by the clerk of the Vir ginia House of Delegates to open that body with prayer during the present week. This is the first time that a sim ilar invitation has been extended by that body to a Catholic prelate within the recollection of the oldest attache of the House. The Philadelphia committee appoint ed by the councils to arrange for a re ception to Gen. Grant met Monday. It was announced that free tickets would be given to a committee to go to San Francisco to meet Gen. Grant and fetch him to Philadelphia, and that Governor Hoyt and Mayor Stokley would proba bly accompany the committee. The committee adjourned without action. A Disease that Wrecks tbe System. Every function is deranged, every nerve unstrung, every muscle and fiber weakened by fever and ague, It Is, in fact, a disease which If unchecked, eventually wrecks the system. In all Its types, in every phase, It is dangerous, destructive. Stupor, delirium, convulsions, often attend It, and cause swift dissolution. But when combatted with Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters Its foothold In the system is dislodged, and every vestige of It eradicated. Tnat benign anti-febrile specific and preventive of the dreaded scourge Is recognized not only within our own boundaries, but In tropic lands far beyond them, where Intermlttents and remittents are fear fully prevalent, to be a sure antidote to the ma larial poison and a reliable means of overcoming disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, of which a vitiated torrid atmosphere and brackish miasma-tainted water are extremely provocative. All emigrants and travelers should be supplied with it. marl! I lw Woman's Best Friend. Ample testimonials from every section of the country miow that Bradfield's Female Regulator Is us It claims to be, "Woman's best friend." Many suiferlng females have tried it, and have been cured, and bear witness to Its merits in sound constitutions and rosy cheeks. Us record is before the public. Don't fall to try It If you are suffering from any of the complaints peculiar to the 9ex. leb2o lm A Remedy that has been Remedied. The Invincible repugnance felt by almost every one to the smell and flavor of Cod Liver Oil, has prevented tens oi thousands oi tne victims oi de bility, from reaping the benfits of peculiar healing and nutritive properties. The almost hopeless consumptive, the martyr to rheumatism, the bare ly living shadow of men, women and children that emerge from the clutches of malarial fevers, all of these know, or at least their doctors know, that of all discovered remedies, this oil Is the best, and of ten the only One that will build up their wasted bodies, and restore their shattered nerves, and far more effective than the oil by Itself Is Scott's Emul sion of It, with the Hypophosphltes of Lime and Soda. This is the tlaest and most natural food and medicine In the world, and wholly deprived of Its disagreeable Qualities, maris 2w Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, havin3 had placed in his hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after havms tested its wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases, has felt It his duty to make It known to his suffering ieiiows. Actuated oy mis motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire It, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using in (ierman, rrencn or jsngusn. sent oy man uy addressing wiih stamp, naming this paper, w. w. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, New York. oct9 4w yEE W. BATTLE, M. D Having removed his office to the first floor over tii Traders' National Bank, can be found there aU hours during the day, and at his residence ow ner Seventh and college streets, ax mgni, feb7 8m A Yi SPLENDID LINE OF line Teas, all grades, just in, at , Leitui DAV iJJSUr a. 'Jan60 ill fg"?? ill sf8 it 88 88 n Ul 89S888 H W"S - v r 8SSSPPP rrr nuN n goo 2 P PR RUSH NO O 'TiSoPPP RRR II K H NO oTgP R RUM NNO GO 88SP R SU8 Nit OOO: -v7k have just received froa f -We have just received froiYI OUR HaUST7( UR HOfUSTJ A full and complete Une of sample Goods for Spring n ear; me siyies are mi new, attractive ana handsomely designed; the Goods are aU of Foreign Looms, such as French, English, Scotch and German, And with Increased faculties we ask our friends and patrons to come and look at our Goods, as we Intend to make garments to order, cheap er than any Northern tailor coming through here; we have also receiv ed Butterick's Fashion Plates for spring and summer we;ir as guide. tSS" We solicit an early call, so !as to "eive us time before a rush of manufacture. Respectfully, BERW ANGER & BRO., Fi ne Clothiers and Tailors. N. B. Everybody that wants winter clothlnir will save money by calling ora us, as we will sell them regardless of cost, Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Suits. feb9 TEACHERS WANTED. 850 to $100 or 8200 per month, during the Spring and Summer. For full particulars address J. C. McCURDY 4 CO. ! Philadelphia, Pa. JIPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases In ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by mall. Don't delay a mo menL Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. L a JOHNSON & CO.. Bangor, Maine. JENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS There Is no doubt about the great superiority of this article over common porous plasters and other external remedies, such as liniments, electrical ap pliances, tc. Ask physicians In your own locality about it. It Is wonderful. Sold by all Druggists, price 25 cents. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53,672 Superb English Books AT OUR PRICE. 75.27B New American Books AT yuum prick. 112,728 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. catalogue oi General Literature rree. LEGGAT BROTHERS, 3 Beekman st, near New PostOffice, New York. CONSUMPTIOAT ONSUMPTIOlN And all Disorders of the THROAT AND LU NG S Permanently Cured. DR. T. A. SLOCUM'8 GREAT REMEDY PPP RSSR T OOU H H II NN N EES OOH HIINNNE O HHHIINNNKR p P Y Y ppp P P "8So YY S8S8 Y Q O H H II N NN E oca h H II N NN KRK Taken In conjunction with his compound emulsion of Pure cod liver oiL and hypophosphltes of LIME AND SODA. A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation sent by express to each suffering applicant sending their name, P. O. and express address to Dr. T. A. Slo cum, 181 Pearl street, New York. AROMATIC TEETH. GUMSBBEATH NO MORE JHEUMATIS VX OB GOUT ACUTE OB CHRONIC Jalicylic A r SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., Of PARIS AMD XJQRZO. rinmttttnto relief warranted. Permanent core ptinranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebwted physicians of Europe and America, becoming s Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy oa both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 95 cures out of 1O0 cases wlthta three days. Secret The only dissolve? of the poisonous uric Acid wnicn exists in me juooa i wiuiw and Gouty Patients. 81.00 a box, bores for Ou. sent to any aaaress on reoeipe vi price, domed by physicians. Sold by an dniggteto.; Ad dress WASHBURN JS uy. nov7 Only Importers' Depot, lo wnr-s., For sale by 3. H. McADEN, Druggists, feb 18 ly. - Charlotte, 2. C. w E ARE ALWAYS READY And willing to show goods whether or not you are ready to buy. L. . wfcup ruis a w. dee 13 STAND NOT A MA ZED, FOR THE LUNCH ROUTE Is opened at the Cochrane House, on Trade street A big Free Lunch will be given, commencing on Monday, March 10th, from eleven to one o'clock and every day until further orders. Soups, Salads, eta etc., all free, - mart .1.1.: COO RRR A NH X DDD OPE! I1C- -6n- TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, 25th, 26th and 27th OF MARCH, 1879, OF THE- YOU ARE Cordially Invited to this feast of beauty and fash ion. Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. CLOTHING! L O T H I N G! CLOTHISn I CLOTHIHVjrl W. KAUFMAN CO'S. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce an- stock, ire now offer to the people of Charlotte and tfcis secOou of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock 1 or I OOO L O O X. OOO LUX OO TTTT H H O O T H H O O T HUB O O T H H OO T H H n NIf I OOO a a It Sit N O 38 3 oo K US OOO WI HAVS XTXB OmCBXB, Consisting of the usual variety of MENS, BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S aye L O T H I N G , U& FOUND IN k FIRST CLASS HOUSE. All we ask Is that our frtends aa4 MUtetners wlUgtve us a call, as it will be to your Interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty vtt cent on SprhorSC. .deefS 'i - ;iiJimi ku !-;i;''.' rjHE WORLD's'sT ANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES For Sale Also, i PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice MTlls, and Store Fixtures Gene laUyi t. The Improved Type Writer. Ctodli&tihg Pump Co! ramps. end for Circulars. . FAIRBANKS CO., , 8U fefedwsy, HMrTork ET For sale by UadTi Hardware ''fiealtn r eplltaww " 1.J-""' ' - : . -U:.-.' WW in CLOTHING HOUSE! Mi hi i: - jrm T t 1 U1 sin Si , mi t if 1 ) A V. i S r Av 3 1 r j I, Mi 1 Jl 3f 1 el f 1 0 si. M t ' 1 L it II, i!-. i i! -i 4 1 ,1 i K 1 '! . i