"X" lje Charlotte bstruer. ' 1 SUB8CRTPTIOS RATES : ' tatty, one IrW. ( J1w) advance: . . . . . .$8 00 Sr Jfow 4 00 Ttw MoiUto 2 00 Oi Month ............. y ... , , . . . .... j, . g WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (to the eewfyyttattoahet QO Out qfttity, posfjw 2 lo Six Months ........ 1 00 s. i ; ..1 j.iijiv ; ; SPRING DRY GOODS We t2 leave to aanxmee to our frit ndst and cmtomers that we have bo lght an unusually large SPRING STOCK, most of w.ilch Is now In. and leady tor inspection. .. - . ..: ! '. . : c 1 , . -1 . ' - '- . ! ' ;. . are preiwred to offer this season extraordt- n i-y Inducements to buyers, both It H WHOLESALE -ANO- RETfAIli. il Give us a call, or send your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction. 1 . - ELI AS & COHEN. yUBGESS NICHOLS, 'Il I, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL J DKALKR IK ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE 1 FURNiriuftii FUKMITUBB I BKDDING, AC. BEDDING, AC. BEftDINGv&C. BEDDING, AC. A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS 1 LOUNGES ! LOUNGES I I 1 LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! VS COFFINS of all kinds on hand. IS- COFFINS of all kinds on hand, -M NO. f, W'KST TRADE STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C. IS Ladies' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a line supply. . . ian3 ' JARGAINS IN ".'HJ t u a u u URRR NX N ILTTTTU, ERRBKKK UE Rt tf II r V vbr kk U RRR KKK 1 1 R UK UN II T T U URRR EK U UR BE UU r RN KM T I l ) O H " ) AT ROGEWWl rwi f 1 At l f H NKx-riPaBTomc .i-iH'W n .J. km " :-I'ru!i( 11 ! Stock is very Lor, ; nAmbnMs a Full llne of Th. - Roa I. . U JLtilS J.. huluk, CHAMBER, Vllt S 3 A9TQ. :l;rs $" OFFICE VUUNlTURE Hp' H f!l .HI . . t, .r.-Jlf fc All GoodVPacked Free of Charge " l-LL III III III III III III III .AVTM, ' M U III 111 III III III III 111 III III Y II Iltnil il III 1IMIHII III , Ba tern thvrouehbj miptXcd vHth emv Jw"VAlVllV IV LV III III V 1 IU LAV IYJJK IV IV H .V 7 ISJF III is IV, IIV W LSII . . . ; uA w A lxUed style of rvce, , 1 l 1 ' VOL. XX. NEW- SPRING GOODS- We have received a handsome Hne of SHETLAND SHAWLS In an colors Also French Organdie, Snk and Crape Scarfs In ail the new shades and styles. A beautiful line of Ladles' SILK BOWS, Sllft' Bandkerchleis ahd Ribbons. The newest ihlngoutln dkess buttons. WhltfrCottoft Ferry br children's cloaks; bleached and brown Sheeting end Pillow casing. OUR SPRING STOCK wlU be entirely new, and when complete, the hand somest we ever offered before. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE&CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. Mareh 1& LNEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! We take pleasure in announcing to our friends and the public In general, that we are receiving daily a large and fine assorted stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS OF ALL fXHB LATEST LATEST NOVELTIEO NOVELTIES HE OF THE 8EA90N. It Is our Intention this season to Inaugurate a new system of prices In Charlotte, which will give our friends and the community at large a chance to purchase Goods at NEW YORK CITY PRICES. H. MORRIS & BROS. February 21. JUST RECEIVED, -A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF PRINTS, INCLUDING LIGHT SHADES PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. .$200 REWARD. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) 4fiB,MwchlQth,.l79. ) t'HlHIH.TATliUK. law OI ?ZJit5 irY HuinAn T rffireed with the mur- (cnar der of ft' W: BeaWeH; and wnerwuv wappeaninat the said N. B. Taylor has fled the. State, ot o con "cala htmsetf that the ordinary process ot law can- VhTjuiite nf No!th CaroHna, by virtue of au thority hi me vesfM by law do issue this my pro BctaniSaon. offering a rewarfot Two Hundred Dol lars for the apprehension ana, aeuvery oiuie stun,. Mareh, 1879, and In the 103d year of American dependence. THOS. J. JARVIS. By thfl Governor: Ljni B, Qvkkills, Private Secretary. ; v - DESCRIPTION. Tailifa about 33 years of g AfL6 ivTi: virfH n AAt itrid will wefizh about 160 lbs., jmd when last seen i wd a heavjr heard. . mar usoiwo. ... B A KERY JTbBEAJ), CAKES AND PIES, fresh every day. -w-v.n iL... .i.l.l. nJanM) MMlmmflnd them &9 the very best manufactured, using none butf line' "TBIT'Uesi BnwruiB. ,'-('.,.(! ' W, W PRATHER, TrflO Street, first door above the old Market mar!4 Calling the Angels In. tMargaret J. Preston, In Baldwin's Monthly. We mean to do it "Some day, some day. We mean to slacken this levered rush That is wearing our very souls away, And grant to our goaded hearts a hush This Is holy enough to let them hear The footsteps of angels drawing near. We mean to do it Oh. never doubt. When the burden of daytime droll Is o'er. We'll sit and muse, while the stars come out, As the patriarch sat at the open door Of his tent, with a heavenward gazing eye, To watch for the angels passing by. We see them afar at high noontide, When fiercely the world's hot flashings beat; Tet never have bidden them turn aside, And tarry awhile in converse sweet; Nor prayed them to hallow the cheer we spread, To drink of our wine and break our bread. Wepromlsed our hearts that when the stress Ofthe life-work reaches the longed-for close, When the weight that we groan with hinders less, We'll loosen our thoughts to such repose As banishes care's disturbing din. And then we'll call the angels in. The day that we dreamed of come3 at length. When tired of every mocking quest. And broken in spirit and shorn of strength. We drop, indeed, at the door of rest, And wait and watch as the day wanes on; Bji?the angels we meant to call are gone! OKSEKVA'S'tOMS. The Mardi Gras procession at San Antonio, Tex as, was so tame a spectacle that the correspondent of the alveston News writes that the "Catholic and Episcopalian bishops of the diocese have ex empted all Who sawtne procession from any addi tional penitential morUQeations duriug Lent" A certain lawyer was compelled to apologize to the court. With stately dignity he rose in his place and, satd: "Your honor Is right and I am wrong, as your honor generally is." There was a dazed look In the judge's eye, and he hardly knew whether to feel happy or tine the lawyer for con tempt of court. A clergyman waionce forced to say to a congre gation that persisted in dropping buttons in the contribution box, "Brethren who wish to contribute buttons." said the financier, "will please not ham mer down the eyes; for while that process does not Increase their value as' coin. It does impair their usefulness as buttons." Assembling;!" the Eemncratin fmigii'v u Im mense Croud at the Capita! Scents ami Event in Both Houses A Lavish J)i. plisy of F lowers Ouietiii to the Speakership Quo.-! ion. Special to the Baltimore Sun. AVasiiixgton, March is. The beau tiful, balmy spring weather of to-day had the effect to draw out immense throngs of promenaders, whose objec tive point was;the capitol. The vast building was prol)ably never more crowded with sight-seers than to-day for several hours the rotunda, the old hall and every corridor being almost choked up with the mass of humanity. THE SENATE. The attendance of Senators and mem bers was full almost without precedent, but two members of the Senate and one of the House being absent. An hour before the time for calling the Senate to order the galleries were well filled. As sooii as the House gal leries were occupied, those who could not obtain a view of the proceedings there, came to the Senate and filled every available inch of room in the gal leries and corridors. The crowd was very great, but the management was better than in the House, and. none of the disorder visible about the south wing of the capitol prevailed in the Senate chamber. The toilettes of the ladies wei'Q very, kaikbaome and the gal lery usually appropriated by the color ed population of the District was filled by white people. A few members of the djplomatrc corps were in attend ance, but no inembers of the cabinet were present. .s.MOTHERED WITH SWEETS. Bouquets and baskets of flowers were placed upon the desks of several Sena tors.fgAmong those so honored were Messrs, Yance, Butler, Voorhees, With ers, Call, Farley, AVhyte, McDonald, In- falls, Bruce and Logan. Mr. John A. .ogan received the greatest attention in the floral line. The Senators who had failed to receive lilies and roses sarcas tically complimented the lucky ones upon j the taste of their female ad mirers. CHANGES OF SEATS. There were a great number of chang es in seats among the Senators, the old er ones taking the desks made vacant by the retirement of those whose terms expired on the 4th of March. Mr. Bai ley takes the seat vacated by Mr. Mc Creery ; Mr. Teller goes to Mr. Mitch ell's seat ; Mr. Rollins takes the seat va cated by Mr. Dorsey ; Mr. Plumb takes the seat vacated by Mr. Spencer ; Mr. Jones, of Florida, takes the seat vaca ted by Mr. Sargeant: Mr. Black occu pies the seat formerly held by Mr. Da vis, of "West Virginia; Mr. Hoar sits where Mr. Patterson did sit ; Mr. Came ron, of Peqrisylvaniav has pre-empted Mr. Hoar's old-seat; Mr. Morgan occu pies Mr. Beck's old-time seat; Mr. Pen dleton has been lucky enough to secure the desk vacated by Mr. Chaffee, and is immediately in front of his older col league, Mr. Thurman ; Mr. AVhyte has taken the seat vacated by Mr. Wad leigh, which is the second seat in the front row on the Democratic side of the chamber: Mr. Uroome occupies the seat vacated by Mr. Dennis ; Mr. Farley, of California, sits on the outer row, where Mr. Jones, of Florida, used to be; Mr. Williams succeeds to ex-Senator Barnum's place ; Mr. Cockrell occupies the seat vacated by Mr. Whyte; Mr. Walker, of Arkansas, takes the seat in I which Mr. Bailey sat last session ; Mr. Houston " occupies the seat tormerly used by his colleague, Mr. Morgan; Gen. Butler has Mr. Cockrell's old seat ; Mr. Gr over succeeds to the seat vacated bv Mr. Merrimon; Mr. Slater, in turn takes Mr. Grovels. old seat; Mx. Saun ders has moved into the seat vacated by Mr. Oglesby ; Mr. Kellogg haspre emufed the" seat' formerly o'ccupTea Ty ' .Mr. Teller; Judge-Dris of Illinois, has the first seat on the front "row, where Mr. Ingalls used to sit ; Mr. Ingalls has "moved into tlia seat, vacated by JIr. HoweW V.e$tcdupyB3 the. cjiair oi his predecessor, Gen. Shields ; Mr. Piatt, th9. new Senator from Connecticut, has Judge Davis' old seat; Mr. Logan is heic to the seat vacated by Mr. Rollins ; Mr. Carpenter succeds Mr. Saunders; Uncle Zach. Chandler occupies the seat vacated by Minister Christiancy; Mr1 Vance has the desk and chair vacated by Mr. Eustis and Mr. Hill occupies the peat vacated by Mr. Stanley Matthews. This general mixing up of the Senators rather disconcerts some of the infre quent visitors to the capitol. IsWEARING THEM IN. ' The following named Senators took" what is commonly known as the "iron clad oath," namely, that they were not engaged m the rebellion or gave aid or comfort to it, and that they would sup port the constitution ot the united states : Messrs. Allison,, of Iowa ; Cam- eroruol Pcnjusyiyaiua ;jjaipentex,. ox Wisconsin i; ConKllng, ot jew lorK; ,Farlev,of California Jtt&me, of Mary land; Hill, or tjoioraao; mgans,oi jvar. sas; Jones, of; Nevada; Logan, .of Illi nois ; Morrill,- of Vermont; Pendleton, of Ohio,; PlatL of Connecticut;' Slater, of Oregon, and Voorhees, of Indiana. . The following named Senators took the modified oath, namely: To support CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY, fie constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domes tic, taking it without mental reserva tion ; and further, that they would faithfully discharge their duties under it. Messrs. Call, of Florida; Houston, of Alabama; Jonas, of Louisiana; Vance, of North Carolina; Vest, of Missouri; Walker, of Arkansas, and Williams, of Kentucky. THE SCENES IN THE HOUSE. On the floor, the seats were filled with the inembers, who conversed quietly with each other. Among the most notable new members were Gen. Joe Johnston and ex-Secretary Robe son. They were being constantly point ed out by the curious. Alexander H. Stephens, with his stove-pipe hat on his head, rolled himself down to his old po sition in front of the Speaker's chair, and sat there nodding and shaking hands with the many who came up to him. Mr. Blackbnrn's desk was cover ed all over with baskets and bouquets of flowers, upon which he gazed with a pleased expression as he- came up to his seat. Mr. Randall very quietly took an obscure seat on the outer' row, but he was constantly surrounded by his friends with the tender of their' con gratulations. TIIE FINISHING TOUCH. Mr. Randall having been declared elected Speaker, the clerk requested Mr. Blackburn and Mr. Garfield to conduct him to the chair, and that Judge Kelley, as the oldest member of , the House, should administer to him the oath of office. Mr. Randall walked slowly from his seat, taking the arms of Mjessrs. Blackburn and Garfield. His smooth, white face wore, if possible, a more impassive expression than ever, and there was not one twitch of the mus cles that could have betrayed any feel ing of triumph at the victory which he had won after one of the most bitter straggles which has ever taken place over the speakership. After delivering his address he took the oath of office, and dropping into his familiar seat he prepared for business at once. Brief News Items. The Pope has sent 5,000 lire to Szege din for the relief of the sufferers. Mr. Randall was serenaded at his hotel Tuesday night. It is said that all factions are now reconciled to his elec tion. Adams was re-nominated for clerk of the House by TO to 54 for Caldwell. Ser-geant-at-Arnis Thompson and Door keeper Field were re-nominated by ac clamation, and Postmaster Stewart by 93 to 41 for Hill, of North Carolina. A scientific examination of the "sul phur" which fell in a shower Monday, over the Lehigh valley, proves it to be simply thd pollen from a species of pine caught up by the wind and carried from Southern or "New Jersey forests. An altercation in the Planter's Hotel, at Leavenworth, Kansas, Monday, be tween D. B. Smith and Mr. O. B. Sattin, resulted in the former being fatally shot and the latter being slightly wound ed with a hatchetthrown by '"Smith, who was the aggressor. A bill making prepayment of poll-tax a requisite to voting has passed the low er house of the Texas Legislature. One member made a speech in Spanish ad vocating the bill, and said that at the last election one thousand Mexicans had crossed over and voted in Texas. Col. Alston, of Atlanta, a week before he was murdered, wrote a letter to the New York Tribune defending Georgia society against the charges of that pa per that there was a reckless disregard of life in that State and throughout the South and this was his reward! The New York Times states that on Tuesday last Mr. John "Young, of Aque bogue, found four pairs of twin lambs added to his flock ; soon afterward a pair of twin calves, and before night Mrs. Young presented him with a pair of twins a boy and a girl. He celebrat ed the events of the day by a grand oys ter supper. Federal Judge Rives, of Virginia, has indicated his purpose to continue his war against the State judges for failure to put colored men upon their juries. In his eharge to the grand jury at Lynchburg, Tuesday, Judge Rives took the same position as in his charge at Danville lately, which led to the indict ment of the five judges already involv ed. A Scandal and Law-Suit in Daviima County. Winston Sentinel. The good people of Lexington are very much excited over a scandal in high life in their midst, which has cul minated in a suit for abduction, seduc tion and breach of promise, with dam ages laid at $25,000. The facts, so far as we in gather them are about as follows : Miss Sallie Hillyard, of Lex ington, a very handsome girl of seven teen years, had received some marked attentions from her cousin, Alfred Har graves. .Some time since he sent her to Charlottsville, Va., and followed him self in a few weeks; from thence he earned her to St. Louis and to Texas. It appears that another young man was traveling with them, and while in Texas, Hargraves gave this young man $25 and sent him with Miss Hillyard to St. Lou is, telling them that' he would follow in a few days. They went to St. Louis, but Hargraves didn't, and it took but a few davs for them to get out of money. The young man who had charge of the girl wrote home and got some money ; and after paying expenses they had enough left to get them to Greensboro. From there the young man walked home, and money was sent to the girl, who, after many trials and tribulations, arrived at "home, and has brought suit against Mr. Hargraves. The fact that the parties belong to one of the besi and most wealthy families in the county gives it considerable notoriety. The best coun sel in the State has been employed on both sides, and a bitter fight may be ex pected. Wasliuiijion Pcivoual .ewn I: cms. Washington Special of the 18th, to the Richmond Dispatch. Blackburn's desk to-day was covered with rare and beautiful flowers, arrang ed in bouquets and baskets. No man in Congress has more devoted friends. Mr. O'Conner, of South Carolina, is said to be one of the orators of the House. He is the only member from his State who did not vote for Blackburn, except Rich ardson, who voted for Cox, with the in dention of going over to Blackburn final ly. Governor Vance is making him self just as popular nere as lie is at 1 o nr. Tiic Diummers' Ltcensef. Raleigh Observer. Drummers taking out licenses to sell goods in North Carolina will have to pay $100 for each license unless it is to sell liquor when they must pay $200 each. The new law exempts them from the payment of any bounty or munici pal tax. Manufacturers are now re quired to take out licenses, . MARCH 21, 1879. A Bisease flat Wrecks the Bysteai. Every function Is deranged, erery nerve unstrung, every muscle and fiber weakened by fever and ague, It Is, in faot, a disease which If unchecked, eventually wrecks the system. In all its types, In every phase, it Is dangerous, destructive. Stupor, delirium, convulsions, often attend It, and cause swift dissolution. But when combatted with Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters Its foothold In the system Is dislodged, and every vestige of It eradicated. That benign anti-febrile spec! fie and preventive of the dreaded scourge is recognized not only within our own boundaries, but In tropic lands far beyond them, where intennlttents and remittents are fear fully prevalent, to be a sure antidote to the ma larial poison and a reliable means of overcoming disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, of which a vitiated torrid atmosphere and brackish mlasma-talnted water- are extremely provocative. All emigrants and travelers should be supplied with it marl9 lw' The Death-Uate ot Our country Is getting to be fearfully alarming, the average of life being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general ly from tbe most insignificant origin. At this sea son of the year especially, a cold Is such a common thing that In the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook tbe dangers attending It and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set In. Thousands lose their lives In this way ev ery winter, while had Bosckkk's German Syrup been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Boschee's German Syrup has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of its kind In medicine. Every Druggist in this country will tell you of Its wonderful effect. Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a ngle failure known. A Remedy that has been Remedte. The Invincible repugnance felt by almost every one to the smell and flavor of Cod Liver OIL has prevented tens of thousands of the victims of de bility, from reaping the bennts of peculiar healing and nutritive properties. The almost hopeless consumptive, the martyr to rheumatism, the bare ly living shadow of men, women and children that emerge from the clutches of malarial fevers, all of these know, or at least their doctors know, that of all discovered remedies, this oil Is the best, and of ten the only one that will build up their wasted bodies, and restore their shattered nerves, and far more effective than the oil by Itself is Scott's Emul sion of it, with the Hypophosphltes of Lime and Soda. This is the finest and most natural food and medicine in the world, and wholly deprived of its disagreeable qualities. maris 2w gTUDEBAKER WAGONS. I am now in receipt of a large lot of tbe celebra ted STITDEBAKER WAGONS, all sizes, which will be soid on reasonable terms. CALL EARLY, d supply yourself with the best wugoii out T. H. GAIT HER. Jan. 8 tf. 300ks and Jttaticmettj. NEW BOOKS -AT- TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE. Mayne Reed's Novels, t) vols., 87-50 Travels in Central Asia, by Ynmbery. 4.r0 Treasure of Wit and Wisdom, 2.50 Short History of English People, Green, .Tij Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. 7.50 Social EtiQuette of New York, 1 vol. , cloth, l .00 If you' want to get a cheap Feather Duster go to TIDDY & BRO'S. You will always find something nice in the way of Stationer at TIDDY & BRO'S. The latest styles of Wall Paper can always be found at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. liable, Todd A C'o's. Gold Pens always on hand at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. 3? ov JaTt. JPOR SALE. A beautiful Rifle Gun, made by Lamb & Son, Jamestown, N. C. For particulars and price, apply to CHA3. R. JONES, inarO d&w tf Observer Office. F OR SALE. The Bourgeoise and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and wao not dlscardetLbecause no longer fit for use, but on ly because it became necessary to use a different style of type. It will do good service for several years to come. It will be sold in lots to sul pur chasers, and in fonts of 50 to 1 .OOOIbs, with or without wises. Address -OBSERVER, octo Charlotte. N. C. M O R TGAGEE'S SALE! XTNDEB and by virtue of a deed of trust execut j ed to the undersigned by Chambers & Stegall, recorded In book 19, pages 212, 213 214 and 215, register's office of Mecklenburg county, I will sell by public auction at the court house door in the city of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M., on the 7th day of April, 1879, the following vehicles, horses, and other articles of personal property: One depot wagon (new), one clarence vehicle, three pteetons, one double buggy, two single bug gies, one spring wagon, one carryall, one straw cutter, two saddles and .bridles four sets of lead bars, many sets of single and double harness, one clock, twelve horses all trained and broken. Terms: Cash. BERRYMAN GREEN. Trustee. By JONES & JOHNSTON, Attorneys, mart oaw tds gLOqKADE TOBACCO, FOR SALE. Having purchased a nice Une of Tobacco, at the Government sale, I am prepared to offer extra Inducements to buy ers. Gait eany. THOS. H. GAITHER. nov7 yy KLL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person desirtng to purchase a well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at declS. THIS OFFICE. JQEE W. BATTLE, M. D Having removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank, can be found there 11 hours during tbe day, and at his residence Con ner Seventh and College streets, at night, feb7 3m " ' SPLENDID LINE OF jnne xeas, au graues, just in, w. ' LeR6y DAVIDSON'S. jan60 NO. 3,136, grtj Soxrds. U w S 77 1U 77 rSSrPPP RRR IlWf N OQO HP PR RUN N NOG BSS9PPP RRR UN N N G s gP R RUN UNO OO R RUN NN GGG 1T7EHAVE JUST RECEIYED FROTl f E HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROlVl OUR HOeSTJ UR HGUStV A full and complete line of sample.Goods for Spring Wear; the styles are all new, attractive and handsomely designed; the Goods are all of Foreign Looms, such as French, English, Scotch and German, And with Increased facilities we ask our friends and patrons to come ands look at our Goods, as we Intend to make garments to order, cheap er than any Northern tailor coming through here; we have also receiv ed Butteriek's Fashion Plates for spring and summer wear as guide. We solicit an early call, so, 'as to give us time befoie a rush Of manufacture. Hpect fully. BERW ANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. N. B. Everybody that wants winter clothing will save money by calling on us, as we will sell them regardless of cost, Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Suits. feby TEACHERS WANTED.$50 to 8100 or $200 per month, during the Spring and Summer. For full particulars address J. C McCURDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. IPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases in ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by mail. Don't delay a mo ment Prevention is better than cure. Sold every where. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. Bangor, Maine. gENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS There is no doubt about the great superiority of this article over common porous plasters and other external remedies, such as liniments, electrical ap pliances, tc. Ask phj slclans in your own locality about it. It Is wonderful. Sold by all Druggists, price 25 cents. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53,672 Superb English Books AT OUR PRICE. 75,27ft New American Books AT YOUR PRICE. 112,726 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, 3 Beekman st, near New Post-Office, New York. CO N S U M P T I O AT ONSUMPTIOlN And all Disorders of the THROAT AND LUNGS Permanently Cured. DR. T. A. SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY PPP P P PPP P P SSQ Y" V OOO H E n Kit II EES 8ss8 38SS YYCOH HIINNNE YY O HHH II NHS EE Y OOHHIINNNK Y OOO H HUN NN EEK Taken in conjunction with his compound emulsion of Pure cqd liver oiL and hypophosphltes of LIME AND SODA. A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation sent by express to each suffering applicant sending their name, P. O. and express address to Dr. T. A. Slo cum, 181 Pearl street, New York. AROMATIC TEETH. GUMS'-BREATH NO MORE IHEUMiT IS OR GOUT ACUTE OR CHRONIC ALICtLIC A SURE CURE. Manufactured only under ihe above Trade-Mark by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OV FABIS AND LZTP2XO. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent tore guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated ghysiclans of Europe and, America, becoming s taple, Harmless, and Reiable Remedy on both continents. ' The Highest-- MedlcaT " Academy of Parts report 95 cures out of 100 case within Utrei days. Secret The only dlssolver ol the poiaonous Uric Acid which exists In toe Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. $1,00 a box, 6 boxes fo $5 00. Sent to any address on receipt of price. Endorsed by physicians. 8ld by all druggists. Ad dress WASHBURN E & CO., nov7 Only Importers' Depot 23 CUff-st, N. Y. For sale by J. H. McADEN, Druggists, feb 18 ly. Charlotte, N. C. w E ARE ALWAYS READY And willlne to show goods whether or not you are ready to buy" L. B- WRI3TON A CO. decl3 STAND NOT AMAZED, ' ' FOR THE LUNCH ROUTE Is opened at the Cochrane; House, on Trade street. A rtg. Free' Lunch win be given, minencmg on Monday,. March' 10th, from eleven to one e'ejock, and every day until further orders. Soups, Salads, etc. etc, all free. mart MMfcrf out every of Job Work eon note be dome with neahteae. ch and cheojmeat. We em rwrNMA, Short XT.AVirx, Jtrr.'rirvtnjt, LETTES-HEXDS, CARDS, TAGS. RECETPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, SAND-BILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, 40. GGG RRR A NN N DDD O G R R AA NN N D D O RRR A A N N N D D OMR R AAA N NN D D GGG R R A A N NN ID -ox- TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY -AND THURSDAY, 25th, 26th and 27th OF MARCH, 1879, -OF THE- YOU ARE Cordially Invited to this feast of beauty and fash Ion. Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & BAKUCLL c L O T H I N G ! L O T H I N G I CLOTHINfl I CLOTHIMVJI W. KAUFMAN A CO'S. : ' ' CLOTHING HOUSE I GREAT REBUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock I or CCO I. OO TTTT H H II NN N GGG O O I. OO T H H II NN N G G O L O O T HHH II N NN G OOL OO T H H II If ITS S GO OOO LLLL OO T H H II N NN GGG WE HAVK EVER OFTKRKD, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN S, BOY'S. YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, J. FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOPSE. All we ask fs that our friends and customers win give us a call, as It will be to your interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN 4 CO., springs comer, Gnanotte, pl g. deei2 WORLD'S STANDARD. , FAIRBANKS' SCALES prer Sale Also, .PATENT ALARM MONET DRAWERS! CbfTee HTUs, Sptoe KUls, and Store Fixtures Qm rally; -:,.:'!. lb The Improved Type Writer. Osculating Pomp Go's Pumps, end tor Chralars, FAIRBANKS ft ca, , ' ' '" 811 Broadway. Jew 'ty For sale by Leading Hardware Dealer " eptl-dtaw w 0PEI1IG LIT