v r Stye t)drl6itif bBcnjerl THE QB8ERVBR JOB DEPiRTMBXT H.i been thoroughly supplied tcith every neeaed teant, and with the hdeel ttfyie of Type, and every manner of Job Wort can now 6 done with neatneu. 8UB80RUPTI0ir RATES : Daily, one year, (pout-paid) in advance $8 00 Six Month.. 4 00 Three Manila 2 00 One Month 75 WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (in the county) in advance. $2 00 Out of the'county, postpaid,... . ... 2 10 Six Months 1 00 h ana tneapmett. nt can rurmen, at anon BLAKKS, BILL-READS, lxvi iR-im ads; cards, TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, f PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCVLARS, CHECKS, 0. VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1879. NO. 3,137. Liberal Reductions jor Club. , i i s SPRING DRY GOODS We beg leave to announce to our friends and customers that we have bought an unusually large SPRING STOCK, must of which Is now In and ready for Inspection. 4. We are prepared 10 oner mis seasuu eununui- . Tl. ll. 1 . .. . . 1 I nai v inducements to buyers, both WHOLESALE AND : ' ' RETAIL. (ilve us a call, or send your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction. ELIAS & COHEN. URHESS NICHOLS, B W HOLESALE AND RETAIL PEA.I.KR IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE ! BEDDING, AC. BEDDING, AC. BEWING, Ac. BEDDING, AC. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! A Fnll Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS! CHEAP BEDSTEADS! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS j PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! IW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. Si lr COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Tradk Strkbt. CHARLOTTE, N. C. tT Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes-a i'.ne supply. jan:j B ARGAINS -r IN URRR NN N UR BNN N n rrh it w N TTTTU T U URRR EES UR RE U i'K U U T T T U URRR EK U UR BE UU R REBE UR RN NN V uu 51 AT " (i ItOGTTfT WBffRf"S- ' .Next to P06T0ffick. My SiodklsveryLaV and embraces a Full Uneof PA kLOfe)cHABEK, MNQ R0(i AND ; OFFICE FURNITURE fevr-All Goods packed Free of Charge?; (froste, Cutting, Sec NEW SPRING GOODS- We have received a handsome line of SHETLAND SHAWLS In all colors. Also French Organdie, Silk and Crape Scarfs hi all the new shades and styles. A beautiful line of Ladles' SILK BOWS, Silk Handkerchiefs and Ribbons. The newest j thin; out In DRESS BUTTONS. White Cotton Ferry for children's cloaks; bleached and brown Sheeting end Pillow casing. OUR SPRING STOCK will be entirely new, and when complete, the hand somest we ever offered before. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE A CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st., Charlotte. N. C. March 15. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS We take pleasure in announcing to our f r'.ends and the public In general, that we are receiving dally a large and fine assorted stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS OF ALL rpHE 1 HE LATEST LATEST NOVELTIES NOVELTIEk? OF THE SEASON. It Is our Intention this season to Inaugurate a new system of prices in Charlotte, which will give our friends and the community at large a chance to purchase Goods at NEW YORK CITY TRICES. H. MORRIS & BROS. February 21. JUST RECEIVED, -A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF- PRINTS, INCLUDING LIGHT SHADES PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. $200 REWARD. A EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, I Raijsigh, March 10th, 1879. f Whkbbas; Official information has been received at this Department that N. B. TAYLOR late of thecounty of Moore, stands charged with the mur der of Tw Seaweli; and whereas, it appears that the said It B. Taylor has fled the State, or so con ceals him&lf ihatthe ordinary process of lafv can Now ttSKS. THOMAS J. JARVTS. Gover noWtffistotool Vorth Carolina, by virtue of au thority m me vested by law. do Issue this my pro clamaon7oflerlmj a reward of Two Hundred Dol fnr tn annrehension and delivery of the said K. B. Taylor to the Sheriff of Moore county, at tne Sourt House In Carthage,and cers ol the state ana uu kwu brinirlne said criminal to justice. Do?e8at ouFclty of Raleigh, the tenth day of March. 1879, and In the 103d year of American Independence. - T .Tattis. iuw, " " By the Governor: . Xek S. Overman, Private Secretary. H. DESCRIPTION. Taylor Is about 83 years of age, about 5 feet 6 Inches high, well set and will weigh about 160 lbs., and when last seen wore a heavy beard. mar 12dltw5t. , B A RERY, BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, fresh every day. WE can with confidence recommend them as the very best manufactured, using none but the very best materials. W.'N. PBATHEB, Trade Street, first door above the old Market marl4 Scandal. Mary E. C. Johnson In Montreal Witness. A woman to the holy father went. Confession of sin was her Intent; ' And so her misdemeanors, great and small, ! She falthtully reheaised them all; And, chiefest In her catalogue of sin. She owned that she ataie-be-irer had been, j And borne a bit of scandal up and down i To all the long tongued gossips in the town. ' The holy father for her other sin I Granted the absolution asked of him; But while for all the rest he pardon gave, He told her this offense was very grave, And that to do fit penance she must go Out by the way-side where the thistles grow, And gathering the largest, ripest one. Scatter its seeds, and that when this was done. She must come back again another day To tell him his commands she did obey. The woman, thinking this a penance light, Hastened to do his will that very night, Feeling right glad she had escaped so well. Next day but one she went the priest to tell; The priest sat still and heard her story through, Then said, "There's something still for you to do; Those little thistle seeds which you have sown. I bid you go rerather every one." Tne woman said, "But, father, 'tw.mld be vain To try to gather up those seeds again ; The winds have scattered them both far and wide Over the meadowed vale and mountain-side." The father answered, "Now I hope that from this The lesson I have taught you will not miss: You cannot gather back the scattered seeds. Which far and wide will grow to noxious weeds, Korean the mischief once by scandal sown By any penance be again undone." OBSERVATIONS. No v.oiuan has ever yet been found who can walk past a thousand millinery stores in a thousand consecutive hours. An alarmist savs striped stockings are poisonous to the flesh. It might also be .said ihat they are trying to the eyes. j A young man feels that he has not lived in vain when he rinds his picture exhibited in the show- case of a photograph gallery. Xevxirk Vail. "Jane." he said. "I think if you lifted your feet away from the fire we might have some heat In the I room." And they hadn't been married two years j either. If Edwin Furbish, of Pontiac. Mich., had not j paid a debt promptly, the masked robbers who i bound aud gagged him and his family would have 1 got the 1,000 that he had just parted with. It Is suspected that, were Poe still alive, he would render his most celebrated poem so that the re frain should read: "Said the raven, Never that Is, hardly evermore. " A ship lately took to Africa eight hundred gal lons of rum and oue missionary. The proportion of rum to missionary seems rather large, but the Hottentots probably know what they are about. If the anti-Chinese bill should ever become a law. our Chinese lire-crackers will have to be man ufactured in Connecticut or New Jersey, where our real Havana cigars are made. ScrrUtmm HeraUl. When, in 124, it was announced to Canning that th King and Queen of the Sandwich Islands had caught the measles, the minister is said to have replied: "Are you quite sure it isn't the mange'.'"' We feel that spring is here. A person can go to sleep at night without a stitch of covering, and wake un in the morning with a cold w hich .would mane an Impecunious doctor leap for joy. .V"t- tn'rn Herald. A Chicaeo policeman testified in court as evi deuce that a prisoner was -drunk when arrested, that he was trying to warm his feet at a grating in the sidewalk, supposing that he was standing on the register. Talmagesavs: "God thought so much of the Chinaman that He created 800.000.000 of them." Bv the same mode of reasoning we can Infer that He thought so little of Talmage that He only creat ed one of him. San Jose Herald. A bachelor who lately died in Manchester, Eng land, left kis uroueitv to the thirty women who had refused his matrimonial offers. He said in his will that to their refusals he owed the peace he had en ioyed during life, and that he felt himself their debtor. Among the peculiarities of courting in Texas is that the "young feller" is occasionally requested to step outside the house and hold an apple or po tato for the girl's brothers to shoot at. and it is considered highly unsociable not to comply. It is equally noteworthy that the well-to-do young suit ors never get hit. Waterloo Obxerm-. Nothing can reach out further than a cough at church. It may come from the remotest corner in the rear, but its echo tickles the throat of those in front, and then creeps down the aisle, and touches the ushers, aud floats from the choir to the minis ter, and never releases its hold until it has wrung a svmpathetie explosion from every victim. Per haps you've noticed it. Fulton Tinas. A younMethodlst lady was recently prevailed on by a young man to attend a dance In Waco. But she could not forget her early pious training. and at 3.30 a. m. knelt down by the side of the bed and offered up the following: Now I lay me down the outside. I pray the Lord back through the middle. If I should die before I half prome nade. I pray the Lord my forward and back." The Rev. Eli Perkins does not always jam the house when lecturing. At Hopkinsville, Ky., re cently, he had an audience of eighteen. Major Gaines was called uon to uurouuee mm. insieau of following the ordinary form of public Introduc tion, the major picked the audience out one by one. "Colonel Morris, allow me to introduce you to mv friend, Mr. Perkins." Colonel Morris arose from" the front bench and said: "Good evening, Mr. Perkins." Mr. Perkins bowed and said: "Good evening. Colonel Morris." "Colonel McPherson, alllow me to introduce to you my friend, Mr. Per kins." "Good evening. Mr. Perkins," said Colonel McPherson. "Good evening. Colonel McPherson," replied Mr. Perkins, bowing low from his exalted position. "Colonel Jones." said the major, "allow me " and so on until the eighteen co'.onels had been presented. CAPITAL NOTES. Probable Length of the tiesshnThe Commit less The Vaca nc usTh e Greenbackcrs, d-c. Washington Special to the Richmond Dispatch. Washington-, March 1',). The idea lias prevailed that outside of the appro priation bills and the amendments very little legislation, if any, would be at tempted at this session; and yet Mr. Yoorhees introduced several bills to day, and other Senators followed his example. I asked a member of the House what he thought would be the lpno-tli of the session, and he said not avpi- siiv weeks. A Senator soon after wards remarked that Congress could jet through in three weeks. My own imlo-nient is that no one knows any thing about it. Edmunds, Conkling As Co. looked to day as if they felt that the bottom rail was again oii top, and that Democrats and Southerners had rights which Ke publicans would be compelled to re spect. The Democrats do not look as if they meant to oppress anybody or plunge the country into any serious complications, sectional or otherwise. It is hard to realize, however, that the Teller committee, the Edmunds com mittee, and all such like Kauicai inven tions for the persecution of inoffensive people, have passed under the control of Democrats, who will see if they can be utilized for the accomplishment of any good. On the 15th of April Texas will elect a Democrat to Congress-to fill the va cancy in her delegation, and the district he will represent is double as large as all Xew England. By the way, Judge Reagan informs me that his State will double its representation under the next CenSUS. Il-New A OIK una ilb vauau with a Republican, the majority of the Democrats in the House will conse quently stand as at present. The opin ion is that if Potter will consent to run he can be elected. Tt. is now evident that the Greenback- ers want the Democrats and Republi cans as nearly equal as possible in the House, so that they may hold the bal ance of power in important emergen cies. The serenade to Mr. Blackburn tonic-lit was an elegant affair, and great enthusiasm prevailed. The gallant Kentuckian has not suffered by his de feat, Mr. Randall will be m no hurry to appoint his committees, ..nd General Field will not make any material changes in his force. War and Gold. A hotel war based on gold prices. In order to accommodate both classes of travelers, the Grand Central Hotel, on Broadway, New York, is now kept on both plans, the American at $2.50 to 83 00 and the European at $1.00, and upwards, per day. An elegant Restaurant, at moderate prices,ls con ducted by the hotel. PINEVILLE. Its Business and Business Bleu and Educatioi al Advautages. Correspondence of the Observer. The business and business men of this place are well worthy of note. The village has tnree stores or general mer chandise: Messrs. lounts, bons & Co . C. A. Withers and J. S. Miller. The first named is a very large ana strong louse, doing a business annually ot $70,000 or 75,000. lliey deal largely in cotton, sell considerable amounts of sruano ana other iertuizers, ana nave a separate grocery establishment. Messrs. . - .V . I 1 j I . ltliers ana miner are uoiii acuve, energetic and young, trade considerably in the great staple or tne houin, as wen as other products of the soil, and the various fertilizers; have much business tact and enterprise and are doing well. Mr. W. J. Moore is the proprietor ot a snug family grocery store and confec tionery. He is also a -worthy young man, rather a cnppie irom aisease, ana is adding much to the general thrift of the village. There are also two good drug stores, one quite a large one, run by Drs. J. A. Ardrey and J. E. Trawick, two as clever, accommoaaung gentle men as are to be found anywhere; the other, bv Mr. II. II. Hood, who com bines also family groceries, and is also a worthy, clever gentleman. jvir. uoss Garrison is the proprietor of a harness shop a worthy citizen and exemplary Christian gentleman. There are also three boot and shoe shops, two of which are kept by first-class workmen, and all turn out good, substantial jobs in their line. Several blacksmith and wood shops are also in successful operation, while Drs. Ardrev and Meacham, two intelligent, well qualified physicians, practice the healing art, while the far mers in the circumjacent country are "making hay while the sun shines" during the several weeks of most beau tiful weather with which they are now favored. All these things added to the splendid educational facilities afforded, render our modest, sober little village one of the most desirable localities in this section of the State. S. Y. M. A Curious and Remarkable Pistol Shot. .Petersburg Index-Appeal, 20th.l On yesterday, Dr. Rowland, of Prince (Jeoree county, had occasion to make a visit to Jones' mill on Swift creek, about two miles from the city. While walk ing near the banks of the stream he discovered in tolerably shallow water, a school of fish of large size. Being unable to resist the invitation to the snort, called un bv the sight, he deter mined to fire upon the fish with an or dinary pocket revolver, the only weap on at hand. The result ot ms snot was remarkable, three large-sized pike, and a freckle rising to the top of the water and remaining motionless. Upon being taken from the water, three of the pike showed plainly the marks of the single pistol ball, but the treckle was untouch ed, and was no doubt killed by concus sion. This is one of the most remarka ble pistol shots of which we recollect ever to have heard. Wonderful Tale of a Cat. Baltimore Sun, 20th. Cantain McNallv, of the bark Kate Howe, which arrived at Fell's Point from Liverpool yesterday, brou cat to which is appended a won rht lerful tale. The steward asserts that the cat, a tortoise shell Thomas, accidentally got on board while the vessel was load ing cotton at Charleston, S. C, and was found crushed between two of the bales, but still alive, forty-seven days after wards, while the vessel was unloading at Liverpool. It has now recovered its wonted health, and has been presented to Capt. Geo. W. Bennett, No. 317 North Caroline street. If any marine in the city should doubt the account, he is at perfect liberty to call and see the cat. A $10,000 Horse Race Arranged. Xew York, March 21. It is an nounced that the proposed match be tween the famous English colt, Peter, and James K. Keene's Spendthrift, at Jerome Park, next fall, is in the hands of parties who mean business, and that the race will undoubtedly be run. It is to be a mile and a half race for $10,000. The English colt has never been beaten but once, and Spendthrift never been beaten at all. Much interest exists in sporting circles over the matter. A Southei n Colored College. The Claflin University and South Carolina Agricultural College and Me chanics' Institute is the extensive title of the colored college at Orangeburg, S. C, which now has 218 students, one third of them females, representing ev ery portion of the State, and receiving a scientific and classical education. One harf the expense of the college is paid by Northern philanthropists, the State government paying the other half ; three of the professors are South Carolinians, two of them being white and the other colored. The other professors and the president are Northern men. Not So Funny After All. Philadelphia Times. Senator Davis, of Illinois, has selected anew seat on the Democratic,, side of the chamber, and according to the Washington correspondents this will make it unnecessary to class this Sena tor as an Independent any longer. They discover on reflection that he has uni formly voted with the Democrats, which is not, after all, such a very fun ny thing as they try to make believe it is. Walking Matches in St. Paul's Day and 0u . New York World. St. Paul commends to the imitation . of Christians the care with which the heathen athletes of his day trained for a match, and the courage with which they ran it. The Astley belt is no more corruptible than the crown which was its prototype, and our athletes have a stimulus unknown to heathen antiqui ty, for St. Paul's observation that " but one receiveth the prize," is an implied exclusion of gate money. A Disease that Wrecks the System. Every function is deranged, every nerve unstrung, every muscle and fiber weakened by fever and ague, It is, In fact, a disease which if unchecked, eventually wrecks the system. In all its types. In every phase, it Is dangerous, destructive. Stupor, I delirium, convulsions, often attend It, and cause swift dissolution. But when combatted with Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters its foothold in the system Is dislodged, and every vestige of it eradicated. That benign anti-febrile specific and preventive of the dreaded scourge is recognized not only within our own boundaries, but in tropic lands far beyond them, where intermittent and remittents are fear fully prevalent, to be a sure antidote to the mar larlal poison and a reliable means of overcominj disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, of which a vitiated torrid atmosphere and brackish iritasma-talnted water are extremely provocative. emigrants and travelers should be supplied witnii. marl9 lw Had Caught Everything. ReidsTllle Times. Vance was shaking hands and being introduced to the different members at the close of the late session, in Wash ington, when somebody said something about " going home." That reminded Vance at once. " Do you remember old Timothy Davis?" he asked. " When we served together before the war he said to me, at the close ot the session, en, Vance, I am going home, and I am glad of it, for I nave caught every in ternal thing since I ve been here, from a bad cold down, except the Speaker's eye!" The crowd roared. They all knew old Tim. The Death-Bate ol Our country Is getting to be f earfuHy alarming, the average of Me being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general ly Irom the most Insignificant origin. At this sea son ol the year especially, a cold is such a common thing that In the hurry ol every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set In. Thousands lose their lives to this way ev ery winter, while had Boschkk's Gebhak Strup been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bin from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Bosckte's German Syrup has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of Its kind In medicine. Every Druggist in this country will tell you of Its wonderful effect Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. Ease Attainable by the Rheumatic. Yes, although they may despair of relief, it Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there Is a remedy which carries off, by means of increased acUvlty of the kidneys Important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent Is Hostetters, a preparation likewise ceieDraiea as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief In dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It Is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it. Our Australian Trade. Since the establishment of the Pacific line ot steamers, the trade between the United States and Austrialla has Increased wonderfully, and Hall's Balsam, for coughs, colds and all lung diseases, Is now a regular article of export to that country, and one of their staple medicines. marlll lw oolis una tatimxjerij. NEW BOOKS -AT- TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE. Mayne Reed's Novels, ft vols., S7.50 Travels in Central Asia, by Vambery. 4.50 Treasure of Wit and Wisdom, 2.50 Short History of English People. Green. 1.75 Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, 7.50 Social Etiquette of New York. 1 vol.. cloth. 1 .00 If you want to get a cheap Feather Duster go to TIDDV & BRO'S. You will always find something nice in the way of Stationery at TIDDY & BRO'S. The latest found at styles of Wall Paper can always be TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. Mable, Todd & Go's. (iold Pens always on hand TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. at S TUDEBAKER WAGONS. I am now In receipt of a large lot of the celebra ted STUDEBAKEB WAtfONS, all sizes, which will be sold on reasonable terms. CALL EARLY, and supply yourself with the best wagon out T. H. GAITHER. Jan. 8 tf. JpOR SALE. A beautiful Rifle Gun, made by Lamb &Son, Jamestown, N. C. For particulars and price, apply to CHA3. R. JONES, marfl d&w tf Observer Office. ?OR SALE. The Bourgeoise and Minion type on which this naner was lately printed. It was made by the old .Tnhrxmn tvne foundrv. of Philadelphia, and was iint (iNf-arded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because it became necessary to use a different stile of type. It will do good service for several years to come. It will be sold in lots to sul pur chasers, and in fonts of 50to l.OOOtbs, with or without eases. Address OBSERVER, oct5 Charlotte. N. C. MORTGAGEE'S SALE ! XTNDER and by virtue of a deed of trust execut j ed to the undersigned by Chambers 4 Stegall, recorded in book 19, pages 212v 213, 214 and 215, register's office of Mecklenburg county, I will sell by public auction at the court house door in the city of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M., on the 7th day of April, 1879, the following vehicles, horses, and other articles of personal property: One depot wagon (new), one clarence vehicle, three p ha; tons, one double buggy, two single bug gies, one spring wagon, one carryall, one straw cutter, two saddles and bridles, four sets of lead bars, many sets of single and aoume narness, one clock, twelve horses ail trained and broken. Terms: Cash. BERRYMAN GREEN, Trustee. By JONES & JOHNSTON. Attorneys. maitS oaw tds JLOCKADE TOBACCO, F 6 R SALE. Having purchased a nice line of Tobacco, at the Government sale, - I am prepared to offer extra Inducements to buy ers. Call early. THOS. EL GAITHER. nov7 "y ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. FOR sal... - in nomnn Husirintr to Durchaso a well improved City Lot, House wnn nine rooms, auu umumu wu- . . 1 venlences, nne wen oi waur, unui iiutu, fivn miniitp.9 walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at dec! 8 THIS OFFICE. grcrfessimral. jrEE W. BATTLE, M. D., Having removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank, can be found there aimours during the day, and at his residence Con ner Seventh and College streets, at night ; feb7 8m . SPLENDID LINE OF Ftae Teas, all grades, 3 Jan60 grtj (Soods. l 77799999 l" w,r,8 ii T7 77 u in 1118888 TJ 77 Vj 5 op pR miNN NO o CO DDI) T D D nU W Vn OOA X K AAA . x. a. A, u sSP R RUN NN O GO "as" P R RUN NN GOO : -TI7E HAVE JUST RECEIVED FRO A f - IV E HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROi iTA rvuR HOUST? , HOUS-Ci UR A full and complete line of sample Goods for Spring wear; tne styles are an new, attractive ana handsomely designed; the Goods are all of Foreign Looms, such us French, English, Scotch and (Jerman, And wlUi increased facilities we ask our friends and patrons to come and look at our Goods, as we Intend to make garments to order, cheap er than any Northern tailor coming through here; we have also receiv ed Butterlck'a Fashion Plates for spring and summer wear as guide. We solicit an early call, so 'as to give us time before a rush ot manufacture. Respectfully, BERW ANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. N. B. Everybody thai wants winter clothing will save money by calling on us, as we will sell them regardless of cost. Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Suits. feb9 JXcxu ldtrertisjemjettts. rpEACHERS WANTED. S50 to $100 or 8200 a iKr lllulll.ll, uuruig buo oyiuig aim oumurci, For full particulars address J. C. McCTJRDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. D IPHTHERIA! Johnson's Anodyne Llnlinent will positively pre vent this terrible disease, and will positively cure nine cases In ten. Information that will save many lives sent free by mall. Don't delay a mo ment. Prevention Is better than cure. Sold every where. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. Bangor, Maine. gENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS There Is no doubt about the great superiority of this article over common porous plasters and other external remedies, such as liniments, electrical ap pliances, &c Ask physicians In your own locality about it. It is wonderful. Sold by all Druggists, price 25 cents. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53,672 Superb English Books AT OUR PRICK 75.27H New American Books AT YOUR PRICE. 112,726 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, 3 Beekman st,, near New Post-Office, New York. c N N M M N And all Disorders of the THROAT AND LUNGS Permanently Cured. DR. T. A, SLOCUM'S GREAT REMEDY PPP P P PPP P t r Y Y ouo o o o o o ooo II H H H HHH H H H H NN N NN N N N N N NN N NN EEJEC E EE B EBK SSa a i Taken in conjunction with his COMPOUND EMULSION OF iL lURE COD LIVER O and hypophosphites of LIME AND SODA. A FREE BOTTLE of each preparation sent by express to each suffering applicant sending their name, P. O. and express address to Dr. T. A. Slo cum, 181 Pearl street. New York. AROMATIC MjBBMK I TEETH. GUMSvJREATH NO MORE R HEUMATIS A 1 OB GOUT CUTE OR C H R O N I C ALICYLIC A SURE CURE. Manufactured wily under the above iraae-amr by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OF PAKIS AKD LEIPZIG. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure iiw ovMnoiirsiv iiaArt nv ail ceieuruieu KUCUcUlKti. A, vr, vavawv.w. )nysicians oi nurope oiiu uiw ivo, jtanle, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both nnnHnnnhL The Hlehest Meoicai Acaaeiny oi Doric Tonnt or mrna mil oi l in cases wiuiui wuoo days.. Secretr-The only aissoiver ox v"" 11HW ivpv.. v . , . 1 t a aivi wmtn anna ill ihk n iui ui auaouauumx. nH iim,tv Patient, si .Of) a box. 6 boxes lor oc nn ont n anv uMiww on reoeiot of Price rHnrwii he nhvifians. Sold bv all druggists. Ad- drs WASHBURNE 4 CO.. nov7 Only Importers' Depot 23 Cliff -st, N. T, For sale br J. H. McADEN, Druggists, feb 18-ly. Charlotte. N. C. -yyE ARE ALWAYS READY And willing to show goods whether or not you are ready to buy L. R. WRISTON fc CO. declS STAND NOT AMAZED FOR THE LUNCH ROUTE Is opened at the Cochrane House, on Trade street A big Free Lunch will be given, commendn on - i Monday, March 10th, Irom eleven to one o'clock, and every day until further orders. Sonps, Salads, etc etc., all free. mar9 5vtJ (SOQ&S. GGO O G O O OG GGO RRR R R RRR R R A. AA A A NN N DDD NN N D D N N N D D N NN D D N NN DDD R R A A OPEIIM -ON- TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND- THURSDAY, 25th, 26th and 27th OF- MARCH, 1879, OF THE- YOU ARE Cordially Invited to this feast of beauty and fash ion. Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & BARUCII. c L O T H I N G I L O T H I N G ! CLOTHINf I CLOTHIN vJ . W. KAUFMAN A CCS. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Ravine totArmtneri to reduce our stock, we now offer tothe people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock I OF I OCO 0 O O o o ooo L L L L UXL, OO O O O O O O OO TTTT H H T H H T HHH T H H T H H Wf N GGO NIT N O O If If H G N KB O if in WK HAVK KVKB OFFXRED, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN 8, BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S tW CLOTHING, US FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. ty All we ask is that our friends and customers wlTlglve us a call, as It will be to your Interest and you will save from fifteen to tjwnfr percent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN A CO., Springs Comer, Charlotte, N. C. decl2 gvxlzs, Set. rpHI WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES fKor Sale Also, LPATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS! Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rally; k-The Improved Type Writer. Osculating Pump Go's Pomps. end for Circulars. ' FAIRBANKS 4 Ca, . 811 Broadway, Neil Tort Er For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers eptl-dtaw w Dill. n it t, i t f t ir.'r m r 1 1 ; V V f i I: f 411 iT.M ,! V Hi 5 I ii 5f v.- ..1

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