Stye charlotte bsertjcr. SATURI)Tr7MARCH 22. 1879. Brief New Items. There was almost a panic at the Chest nut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, rues day night, owing to a cry of fire. I he calmness of the manager and company prevented. Kev. Edward M. Deems, the son of Rev. Chas. F. Deems, of New York, has accepted a call to the chaplaincy ot the AVoodruff scientific expedition around the world, which is to sail next May. In New York, Wednesday, Surrogate Calvin rendered his decision In the long litigated contest over the will of the late Commodore Vanderbilt. His opinion is that the probate of the will and codicil should in all things be confirmed. At Lonacoming, Md Tuesday morn ing, a young girl named Mary Keiling attempted to cross the railroad track in front of a train. She caught her foot in a frog, fell in the middle of the track, and the train passed over her, cutting off both legs. She has since died. At Starkville, Miss., Tuesday night, Thos. J. Wood, a prominent attorney, was mortally shot by Wm. Gilmer, col ored. Wood had caned Gilmer last week for using insulting language in the presence of his wife. Gilmer made public threats of killing Wood, and shot him as he stepped into the back yard. Ililmer was lviii2 in ambush. He has tied. " ! In "January, 1877, Golly Boudar, a yonnjr man living near Memphis, Tenn., killed a man in cold blood and rart off with his daughter, whose marriage with him the father opposed. He left the girl at a neighbor's and escaped, but was arrested in Texas and brought back. He has just been adjudged insane, and will be put in the lunatic asylum at Nashville. Mr. A. K. Mediae, editor of the Phil adelphia Times, was married at Holy Trinity church, in that city, Wednesday afternoon, to Miss Cora M. Gratz, grand daughter of Simon Gratz; Mr. McClure is about fifty years old, and lost his first wife a year or so ago. On'Tuesday even ing he gave a dinner at the Girard House to his intimate friends and edi torial associates on the Times. At Bangs, the Christianburg (Va.) de pot, Monday night, Isaac N. Reese, of Giles county, was shot and instantly killed by Walter R. Wilson during a dispute over the payment of drinks at the bar of the depot hotel. Reese was :J8 years old, and leaves a family, and Wilson, who is the son of Major Thos. Wilson, proprietor of the hotel, is a youth of 20. He gave himself up to the authorities. The pedestrians engaged in the recent international pedestrian contest in New York met Wednesday and received the statement showing receipts and ex penses at Gilmore's Garden during the match. The total receipts were $54,314, expenditures $12,!8(5, cash short on ac count of counterfeit tickets $600. The meeting decided that O'Leary was not entitled to $2,000 which he claimed, but agreed to give him $1,000. The pedes trians have already received part of the money, and the remainder will be divid ed in a few days. Xe;v Laws and Charged Laws. Raleigh Observer. The merchants, jewelers, grocers, druggists, and all other traders, (except such as are specially taxed,) are relieved of the payment of $5 of the privilege tax. The act of repeal was ratified on January 14, 187!). By an act ratified January 29. 1879, the foreman of a grand jury has power to administer oaths and affirmations to persons sent before the jury as witness es, and whose names are endorsed on the bill of indictment by the prosecu ting officer. It is made the foreman's duty to endorse or the bill the names of witnesses sworn and examined. The crime of incest, since February 4, . 1879, is a felony punishable by im prisonment in the county jail or peni tentiary for a term not exceeding five years where the parties are grandparent and grandchild, parent and child, broth er and sister. It is a misdemeanor pun- lsnaoie bv hne or imprisonment where uncle and niece, nephew and aunt are parties. In the county of Carteret, since Feb ruary 4, 1879, a fence four feet high is a lawful fence. Inferior Courts and their clerks have been authorized since February 4, 1879, te take the probate of deeds and con veyances, privy examination of women, and all other contracts and writings re quired to be registered, just as Superior uourts ana tneir cierKs clo. Such acts of probate made prior to February 4 have been ratified and confirmed. Since February 8, 1879, it has been the duty of county commissioners to have the common jails so heated by furnaces, stoves or otherwise, as to ren1 der them warm and comfortable. Fail ure renders the commissioners liable to indictment and hne or imprisonment Sheriffs and tax collectors, from Feb ruary 8, 1879, to December 31. 1881. are authorized, personally or bv their leeal representatives or bondsmen, to collect arrearages tor 1874-'75-76-'77-"78. This privilege is" not granted to such sheriffs as have not settled their taxes in full : in their cases, the county commissioners win appoint a tax collector. Since February 14, 1879. clerks of the Supreme and Superior Courts8 have been iorbidden to include or charge in any oui or costs any attorney s tee in civil suit thereafter determined in court of the State. . Bar and River Improvements. any any LWllmlngton Star, 20th. The work was necessarily greatly re stricted by the severity of the winter just passed, but everything is now ap proaching a condition when there will be no obstacle in the way of its rapid Erosecution. The steam-dredge Wood ury, which has been undergoing some necessary repairs, is now reported to be in a condition to do effective service, while the contractor who has charge of the stone for the filling of New Inlet is prepared to furnish this necessary ma terial in large quantities and as rapidly as desired. This material cannot be de livered, or placed in position, during the boisterous weather incident to the sea son which is now drawing nigh to a close, but during the months of April, May, June, July and August the weath er is usually favorable for the success ful prosecution of this part of the work. and we may expect that very gratifying progress win oe maue. As an indication of the work, so far as it has progressed, we would state on the authority of a very earnest but cau tious friend of the system of im prove ment ueing carried into eftect tor the improvement of our bar and river, that vessels are now enabled to carry to the ocean one and one-half feet more water than at any time before within the last fifty years, and that there is no reason 10 uouot mat mis deptn will De very materially increased as the work of falling in and dredging progresses. . Woman's Best Friend. Ample testimonials from every section of the country show that, Bradneld's Female Regulator is as it claims to be, "Woman's best friend." Many Buffering females have tried it, and have ueeo curea, ana Dear witness to its merits in sound uyusuiuuons ana rosy cneens; its record is before tne public.. Don't fail to try It if you are suffering f ohon: i ' - v'v'V"""0 vevuxuic 10 uie Hex.. CHEW JAOS80SJ3 BEST SWEET IX A T IVBAVUO. ; An Ejpert'a View, f Augusta Chronicle. In press and pulpit, the killing of CoL f Alston 18 Still a mawer ui uiuoo... The editor of the New Orleans Demo crat adds to the number of intelligent commentators by presenting t0oAls readers and to the people of the State a few reflections suggested by this trag edy, and by the startling events that have occurred in the Crescent City since the 22d of February. After care fully and fairly detailing the incidents leading to the tragedy, up to the point of Alston's friends advismg that he arm himself against his persistent as sailant, our Louisiana contemporary says: "It was a proper course to ad vise, but we suggest that they should have gone further that they should have advised the arrest of the person who had made the murderous threats against the life and person of Col. Al ston. If that course had been pursued Col. Alston in all probability would be alive to-day and the State of Georgia would not mourn the loss of one of her bravest and most gallant sons. In Eng land or in France, when a man threat ens the life of another, and particularly with a weapon drawn and directed against the person of his victim, his ar rest immediately follows, and he is de prived by the strong arm of the law of any opportunity to put his threats into execution. In those countries it is not rrmsidfired to be an evidence of a want Of personal courage to catrse the arrest of one wno tnreaxens your iuuoa is it in fart. In a civilized community one cannot be always armed to pi otect him self. The laws should be capable at pro tecting him and he should appeal to them for protection. A jury should consider a charee of an assault with dangerous weapon with intent to commit murder as a charge almost as grave as a charge of murder, and should feel as little hesitation in rendering a verdict of guilty in the one case as in the other. When public sentiment has reached this noint there will be some other protection to life than the pistol, and homicides will De less irequent. There is much truth in this, and the failure to arrest Cox when he sallied forth about town breathing threats of murder and being armed for its accom plishment, is one of the strange fea tures of the case. The authorities of Atlanta would hardly have let a lion or tisrer remain loose upon their streets, and yet they permitted a man, ftempo- ranlv much more dangerous tnan eitn er lion or tiger, to have full swing. It would have been a blessing for Cox as well as Alston had some courageous man acted with becoming promptness. But there was no such man apparently uDon the scene of action, and so the bloodv deed was done. White Kid Gloves in Court. TCor. Charleston News and Courier.! Georgetown, S. C. March 17. The court opened to-day, His Honor Judge T. J. Mackey presiding, (the hrst time in this county). Solicitor M. J. Hirsch was promptly at his post. Several bills for hor stealing, riot, liouor without l cense, grand larceny, horse stealing, &c were submitted and returned into court with an entry upon most of them of no bill." At 3 o'clock p. m. the gram jury were aiscnargeu alter maKing their final presentment, and the crimi nal side of the court was closed for the want of business. In the annals of Georgetown county, all the proceedings being regular, this is the first time that the court has been held and not a single case tried. It speaks well for the county and deserves more than a passing notice, in com memoration of the event, in following out the custom practiced in England for many centuries, the solicitor, in a few appropriate remarks, presented a pair of white kid gloves, emblematic of peace and good order, to the court, on behalf of the high sheriff of the county. Judge Mackey, on receiving the same, spoke in glowing terms of the present peaceful condition of the country as compared with times past, when the fires of civilization had been almost extinguished. He congratulated the county, and hoped the succeeding residing judges would in like manner e so lortunate as to be enabled to re ceive a similar symbol. Independent Opinion of the Senate Committee, j Philadelphia Times, Ind.J The Democrats of the Senate have ta-! ken possession of their committee rights without any unnecessary delay, and the new committees are announced. .Ex cept in' two or three cases where prece dence mis thrown important chairman ships into indifferent hands, the organi zation will doubtless prove effective. The notably weak : points are in the head of the appropriations committee and that on foreign relations, the chair men being respectively Senators Davis, of West v irginia, and Eaton, of Con necticut, the former succeeding Win dom and the latter Hamlin, neither of whom were strong men in any wa3 The appropriations committee, howev er, is one of the most important in the Senate, and ought to be strongly and sensibly organized. The finance committee is one of the best in point of ability, with Bayard at its head, but it would be difficult to predict how it might vote on a question of hard or soft money, should any such question unfortunately ever be dragged out again. Gordon will be a better man at the head of the commerce committee than Conkling was ; he will apply to its duties a broader mind with less pet ty spites to work out. The judiciary committee, with Thurman in the chair, has the best lawvers in the Senate on it. ana tne general appropriateness of most of the assignments all the way through the list will be recognized. If the coun try gets a kind of work from this Sen ate reasonably proportioned to its abili ty, mere win do nttie cnance to com plain. A Card. Mr. J. R. Kirkpatrick. with whom I have been pleasantly associated for the past lew months, havinc accented a lu crative offer in the Southwest, he goes wun my Dest wisnes lor his prosperity and personal success in doine cood. bv devoting his talents and energies to the uusmeas vl instructing tne youtn oi tne country, and training them for useful ness in this life, and so improving their moral natures as to. quality Uiem tor a higher and happier destiny in , the fu ture. In assuming the principalship of Polk Academy I trust I am duly 'sensible of the responsibility which such a position implies. Having been trained to , the business of instruction, and having made it the delightful task, the prof es sion, of my life, I hazard nothing in say ing that facilities will be here offered rarely to be found in schools in this country. Competent assistants will be employed as the necessities of the case may require. , A notice of the arrange ments will in doe time appear in the advertising columns of The Observer, All that need be said now is that with a fair share of public patronage Polk Academy shall be second to none of its grade in the State or out of it. Respectfully, Wm. H. Bass. Pineville, K C, March 21, 1879. A Narrow Escape. Jefferson David, a colored man, was convicted of murder at Abbeville, S. C, early in 1878, and sentenced to be hung. Gov. Hampton gave him several re spites, and he was finally sent to the penitentiary for safe-keeping. It now turns out that the real mnrderer Was a colored man nained Joe' Arnold, w ho has been arrested and will be tried for murder. - Tor nnw.Lrds of thirty low's Sooth- Ins 9raiD'ba&Men ate in. It cTdltr of tr stonjachVreUe' colic. the bowels, cores dysentery and r4sfn4 fromteetfclncor Othete id and i wen Known remedy, zoo per oottie. yEGETINE. ITER OWN WORDS. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 13, 1877. Mr. IL R. Stevens: . t Dear Sir Since several rears I have got a sore and very painful foot I had some physicians, but they couldn't cure me. ' Now I have heard of your Vegetine from a lady who was sick for a Ions time, and became all well from your Yegetlne, and t went and. hought me one bottle of Vegetine; and after I had used one bottle, the pain left me, and It began to heal, and then I bought one other bot tle, and so I take it yet I thank God for this rem edy and yourself; and wishing every sufferer may pay attention to u. it is a Diessmg ior neaun. MRS. C KEABK, 638 West Baltimore Street YEGETINE. SAFE AND SURE. 1 Mr. H. R. Stevens: In 1872 your Vegetine was recommended to me, and yielding to the persuasions of amend, I consented to try it At the time l was surrermg from general debility and nervous prostration, superinduced by overwork and irregular habits. Its wonderful strengthening and curative proper ties seemed to affect my debilitated system from the first doser and under its persistent use I rapid ly recovered, gaining more than usual health and good feeling. Since then I have not hesitated to give Vegetine my most unqualified indorsement as being a safe, sure and powerful agent in promot ing health and restoring the wasted system to new life and energy. Vegetine is the only medicine I use; and as long as I live I never expect to find a better. Yours truly, W. H. CLARK, 120 Monterey Street, Alleghany, Penn. VEGETINE THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. Charlestown. Mr. B R. Stevens : Dear Sir This is to certify that I have used your "Blood Preparation in my family for several years, and think that for Scrofula or Cankerous Humors or Rheumatic affections It cannot be ex celled; and as a blood purifier and spring medicine it is the best thing I have ever used, and I have used almost everything. I can cheerfully recom mend It to any or.e In need of such a medicine. Yours respectfully, MRS. A. A. DINSMORE, 19 Russell street VEGETINE. WHAT IS NEEDED. Boston, Feb. 13, 1871. IL R. Stevens, Esq. : Dear Sir About one year since I found myself in a feeble condition from general debility. Vege tine was strongly recommended to me by a friend who had been much benefited by its use. I pro cured the article, and, after using several bottles, was restored to health, and discontinued Its use. I feel quite confident that there is no medicine su perior to it for those complaints for which It Is es pecially prepared, and would cheeerfully recom mend It to those who feel that they need some thing to restore them to perfect health. Respectfully yours, ' U. L. PETTINGILL, Firm of S. M. Pettlnglll & Co., No. 10 State street, Boston. VEGETINE. ALL HAVE OBTAINED RELIEF. South Berwick, Me,, Jan. 17, 1872. H. R. Stevens, Esq.: Dear Sir I have had dyspepsia in its worst form for the last ten years, and have taken hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine without obtaining any reliet In September last I commenced taking the Vegetine, since which time my health has steadily improved. My food digests. weH, and I have gain ed fifteen pounds of flesh. -There are several oth ers in this place taking Yegetlne, and all have ob tained relief. Yours truly, J THOMAS E. MOORE. Oveiseer Card Rooms Portsmouth Co.s' Mills. VEGETINE Prepared by H. R. STEVENS. BOSTON, MASS. Vegetine Is sold by all Druggists. jan5 THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF, tyORMS. THE countenance is pale and lead en-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks ; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid ; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood ; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :0: SR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS are not' recommended as a .remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections' of the liver, and in all Bilious ' Complaints, Dyspepsia and Skit Head- aghe. or diseases of that character, they Stand Without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better catftartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative - they are un equaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills.. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, preparedly Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but ! same pronunciation. corrects ritmwHAhp I JUTJBST.ABSIVAL-' t.f t- Uon; & Je4; ffcwtaR fceaote:' New Kp1eflwEi.Plcklesi yAhe'-SeeemBall'Bwt.iO-telo eejnte; full supply of all klndaguf ifresn Gaxdeo Seeds, Onion Setts, large Potatoes, Onion Ac. . ' ' Call and examine our goods at the store on Trade street or branch store corner 7 th and C street near Baptist church. Satisfaction guaranteed ormdney refunded. B. N. SMITH. feb27 c O T T O N ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED- BT THOMAS H. GAIT HER, , Cotton Commission Mbbchant octl2 Q.ROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS ! NEW FEATURES ! Come to uie for Bacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Mo lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for cash. All roods delivered in the city free of charge. W. H. CBJMMTNGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand, ap 16. F OR FINE WINES, And Pure Liquors, Three Years Old. go COCHBANE'S, Central Hotel Saloon. SWEET POTATOES, Just received from Eastern North Carolina. THE EASTERN YAM POTATO At S. M. HOWELL'S. March 18, F. B. ALEXANDER & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. College Street, Charlotte, N. C, We handle more general country produce than any nouse in tne city, ana sun solicit runner con consignments from all Darties who are willing to be satisfied with the best lob we can put up on this market All those who cannot be pleased with our oesi errorts. are respectiuuy requested to send their goods to somebody else. rrHE best and cheapest Fertilizers are ACID PHOSPHATE 4 COTTON FOOD. Having accepted the agency for the Maryland Fertilizing & Manufacturing Company, I am now prepared to offer special terms and favorable in ducements to planters desiring a good and reliable Fertilizer. Call early, examine the goods, hear prices and terms. THOMAS H. GAITHER. rachl DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND EXAMIN E The splendid line of WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, YIZ: Autumn Cluster, Stuffed Mangoes, Tiny Tims Gherkins, Martynlas. Also the finest line of CRACKERS Ever seen In Charlotte, at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. Remember, this Is the only first class stock of GROCERIES In town. Anything you want in Groceries can be found at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. A Card. To all who are suffering; from the errors and In discretions of youth, hervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, tc, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City Jan 25 p LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half price1 and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gliding, Coloring. Sllver-Platlng and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. Work done for the trade at low prices. t7 Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the explration,of twelve months for cost of repairs. sept!5 ' 10 CASES HUNYADI JANOS Mineral Water; 10 baskets (50 jugs each) Apol linaris, Just received. . ort WILSON & BUR WELL. an30 IF YOU WISH to engage in an honest, genteel business, and make plenty of money durtne the holidays, send your address to , KJ RANDOLPH & CO., feb4w4t 107, 4th av.. N. Y. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Mecklenburg County. I Superior Court, i Clerk's Office. A plan to incorporate the Simpson Gold and Sil- 5 SgHCompa?y' paving been us day filed in my office by Benjamin F. Xarrabee, Charles A Fairbanks and Arthur D. McLelland, and a per w n5Tg 06611 eton by me to open books for subscription, notice is hereby given that a meetine SSi)I?dtorpo5f0'8 d subscribers shall be held in tbecKy of Charlotte, county and State aioresaid at the Central Hotel in said Kit M, and complete the organlza- conforralto law ,lK,Ba m a In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand at office In Charlotte, this iota day of March, 1879. mOTll dlt w3t Clerk Superior Court SWsccXlttneoxis. 21 TEA TABLE GHAT, v..t (' Tljer is nothing that will add more tb; th n- the Tea Table than an assortment of those delicious Crackers at PERRY'S, comprising the largest variety ever seen In Charlotte. Spanish Finger, Cream sooa. East Lake, Oatmeal, Wheat MeaT,' Cocoa Snaps, Water Wafer, Graham Wafer, Soda Wafer, Shrewsbery, I Cheese, Bon Bon, , French Polas, ice Fruit, Choc. Fruit, Royal Drop, Macaroons, Desert Mixed, Walnuts, Tea Mixed. (15 varieties.) And many more. In fact, to form an idea you must cull and SEE fob YOURSELF. gouts nuH jllt0jes. NOW IS THE TIME. The old customers of SMITH & FORBES, And the public generally, will find at their old stand, on Trade Street, $69,000 WORTH -OF- BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, which are now offered to the trade at prices which have never been equaled In Charlotte, or In this country. All litigations having been adjusted, this Im mense stock Is now thrown on the market, and purchasers can buy MORE GOODS FOR LESS MONEY THAN EVER BEFORE. Everj' merchant will find it to his Interest to call early and examine the goods, as they are now to be sold REGARDLESS OF COST Merchants can save more than the cost of a trip North by buying here. All parties Indebted to the late firm of SMITH & FORBES will please call at an early day and settle, or their claims will be placed In the hands of an attorney for collection. W. S. FORBES, Agent T3EGRAM & CO., DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES AND H H H H HHH H H H H A AA A A TTTT T T T T SSSS 8S8S 888S A A 1st National Bank Building. Charlotte, N. C. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, &c, is acknowledged to be the best in the State, and we would be pleas ed to nave you call and examine for yourself before buying. PEGRAM 4 CO. aeei FOR TEN DOLLARS CASH we will insert a seven-line advertisement one week In a list of 269 weekly newspapers, or four lines in adinerent list of 887 papers, or ten lines two weeks m a choice of either of four separate and distinct lists containing from 7a to 100 papers each, or four lines one week in all four of the email lists, or one line one week in all sir lists combined, being more than 1,000 papers. We also have lists of pa pers by States throughout the United States and Canada. Send 10 cents for our 100 page pam phlet Address GEO. P. BOWELL & CO, News- xork. B uureao, iv spruce street, P. a If you will send us the names of a toall dozen high-priced papers in which you woukl ad vertise JUST NOW, If a satisfactory Inducement Is made, we win submit a proposition, by return mall, which we think will please you. Honey saved is money earned. Send copy of the advertisement you will use and state In what paper you saw this JMINENT DR. W. F. STEUART, MARINE HOSPITAL, BALTIMORE, Writes: I take pleasure In recommending Colden's Lelblg's Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic Invigor ator as a most excellent tonic In all cases of debil ity, chlor sis, &c. I have tested it with universal success. Sold by all druggists. WANTED 0i SALESMAN for each JJ, A State. Salary from $75 quired m expenses. References re- LA BELLE MFG CO., 93 Clark Street, Chicago. dtr A DAY to Agents canvassing for the "Firs- liS-i. BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with the publication of The Ob server, and fMestablishment of one of the larg eet most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has just added a com plete BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at shrt notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome siyle, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of this class, ruled and bound to oitler. We are prepared to furnish close estimates every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here in as attractive a manner as in New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments In good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as free from defects as It is possible to make It LETTER HEADS, . Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball-Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, Invitations, Checks, Labels BILL HEADS, Deeds, Receipt Books, Business Cards, V. Programmes Magistrates' and Court Blanks. In fact, all kinds of printing done at short notice. Special attention given to Railroad Printing. BOOK WORK. Having a larger supply of type than most Job es tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to be a specialty with us. I8AT: JACTION GUARANTEED. wEl Address P. O. Box 182. THE OBSERVER, Charlotte, N. C. ill O S A I) A L 1 s THE GREAT KHrrHKK k- , for the ciro of s,- ,., '. T..? 1V, .... . 11 '-!' (inllro nniiiiiimH i. . ... ; c." Xl.llt-11111,1. ISIII Hillla Jj-. "iu. i, Debiilty. and til' dtseasR nJ?.- ? I'l-Vi impure condition of the Wood. '" The merits of this vaiunhio Prepar.u oicauncu Known mat a nasii,i, ... u"'i but necessary to remind the reakrl f ls journal of the necessit. "f this yuiuc w mia medicine among their , B H family necessities. "'"'-'K or Certificates can be Drpspntoi . ,1.1 . . . "W)S KfPi.i.,.. uuuuguuui tne south en,i - ; VL the highest terms the Fluid Extracl of fe DR. R. WILSON CARR nf R.,iti " he has used it i.. KA,0I-B4Hmo. s.vs er diseases with muchlat 'h- DR. T. C. mends it to FUGH, of all persons suffering wl i,C,i',n sarinir tt i ...... K1Ul hv eased blood preparation he has ever used. illly REV. DABNTCY Hit t M. E. much Conference South J.. ,"Vne. 'timon. benefitted bvlts use t 'nr hi i 'mends It to nil hu f he,('heerfu''J tances. llls fnt,,uls ;"'1 recommend y qualntances u- Isfaction. r h,,s falle(J t0 &ive SAMUEL Tennessee. . MOADDEN. MurfreeM tisni when all else failed -"i.a ii cured ii in nf m.. fumu- tl.t quack package. how T v,rv .. , uo lljtririllf MIS nnKIl 1 ' ' mill I. .7iVjr:; LiL ? niposea or thp tr.. . aiwjitiuves inai exist, and i, rr" ' ? Kt M. JrM lUlil ri . f 1 I I ( 1 1 1 ! o Did our 8,, "r oould irtv , toc , "J. "'""It i i.Ar.v " ja;"""",,UB lr"m every stat. ouum cum irom persons known , ery man, woman and child, either Z , , V ly or by reputation. i-ion,ii- Rosadalis ls sold by all Druist-. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAX A in.. 8 College Place. NEW YORK. For sale by L. R. WRISTON & CO., Druggie feblGlw "rlotte.N.c SMITH'S WORM OIL, Athens, Ga., December K. isTs. A few nights since I gave my son one dose of n Worm Oil, and the next day he passed sixteen large worms. At the same time I gave one to im little girl, four years old, and she passed eightv-six worms from four to fifteen inches long. W. F. PHILLIPS. Worm Oil for sale by Druggists generally. Pre pared by E. S. LYNDON, Athens, Ga, Price 25 cents. f eb'2 1 diw 1 y. Is a perfect Blood Purifier, and is the only purely Vegetable remedy known to sr ence, that has made radical and Permanent Cukes of Syphilis and Scrofula in all their stages. It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis eases. Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m C ONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAIAo GOING EAST. No ! I Uaiij Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 2 Dally No. 4 Daily Leave Charlotte, " Greensboro, " Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, 8.45 a m 0.55 p m 8.20 am 3 00 p m i 5.30 a m 5.25 p m 9.30 a m 4.! 'bin No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.RR ! all points In Western North Carolina, daiK Sundays At Greensboro with R. & D. R, K. (ui ap points North, East and West. At Goldsboro v.t W. & W. R. R. for Wilmington. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with R. J D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. No. ; Diiiiy ex. sun Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 1 Daily. No. 3 Daily. Leave Goldsboro, I 9.50 a m 5.35 p m Raleigh, 3.50 p m " Greensboro 8.28 d m 1.30 air- 6.47 a m Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 a m 10.50 a ui No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Sale? .Branch. At Charlotte with 0., C. & A. K. R lorai. points eoutn and south-west; at Air-Line junun with A. & C. A. L. Railroad for all points South mm South-east . No. 8 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. E.k daily except Sunday. At Alr-Llue Junction mu A. & C. A. L. for all points South and South-' At Charlotte with C, C. & A. Railroad for a points South and South-west. SALEM BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday. S.50 P j" Arrive Salem, 1J" Leave Salem, S.4o " Arrive Greensboro, " " (.-to""' Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R- D. and N. C. Railroads. SLEEPING CARS V.TTHOCT CHANGE Run both ways on Trains Nos. 1 and 2. Mf" New York and Atlanta via Richmond. '.jrTj and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. a " 4 between New York and Savannah via Riohnici'" Charlotte and Augusta. vMrh Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro. Kaif Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and a i principal points South, South-west. we?1-,,,,. and East For Emigrant rates to points in Ar sas and Texas, address .-Tnn P.mI Agent- nov20 Richmond AND AftiV QHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. Charlotte, Columbia and acgtsta r Columbia. S. C, Dec. R.R. is On and after Sunday, Dec. 25Uh. 17S. the fo nni wel l" lowing passenger schedule wm road, (.Washington time,): NIGHT EXPRESS. Going South, No. I . Leave Charlotte, Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia Arrive Augusta Going North, No. 2. 1 III! A. ' '. . , , . 1 6 ti 05 A. .10 00 a- o 55F.J 10 00F.J ,,1 HP. Leave Augusta Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia, ;j 1 0 a. j Arrive cnarioue $ DAY PASSENGER y, . A . T nora rnQFlAttJ i lilR Arrive Columbia 4 Leave Columbia s yo r Arrive Augusta Going north, H 0-'i Leave Augusta Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia Arrive Charlotte III I H 1'. 0 3U'-' These train stop only at r on Mill. "T HiaJi snVlnM. Johston, Trenton wiuy nil v1"- , vlUft. All other sWUons will be ivi'Oillllzeu - stations. acysh- room 1 aw on nos. I., "i"""-;, n,,,h. via Nos. 8 ana"" "r,ul mond eorgi.. Superiiiteuc" jMa R. MACMUBDO. G. V. Agi". ec29

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