i Stye Oti)drlotte bscrtw. FRIDAY, MARCill -28, 1879. Brief New Item. Brief News Items. The Vicksburg Commercial says that the habit of opium smoking is gaming a strong hold in that city. The Jewish population of Jerusalem, which was only 300 at the beginnings the present century, is now over 15,000. Vn anonymous letter warning the mayor of New York city to expect as sassination was received at his ofhce Saturday. C. C. Gathwaite, a New York whole sale clothing merchant, committed sui cide Monday while suffering from aber ration of mind., Rainev, a colored ex-Congressman from South Carolina, is to be provided lor by an appointment to a fat office in tire treasury department. The South Carolina Congressmen, singular to relate, have received peti tions in favor of a continuance of the tariff on certain articles. The New York World denies various rumors about a change of ownership and policy of that journal. It says that no change either way is contemplated. The Southern Express Company re lateS;unttri)eeem"ber!lst next, to re-cflVe- fot tran8porlattQn bodies of per sonpshb (titofeIlow eJterin 1878. fjuiitturdererof the actor Porter, waived examination, and his trial was called at Marshall, Texas, AVednesday. A Texas mob has lost the prettiest opportunity ever offered. Trinity Church, New York, has made an ecclesiastical innovation. The sex ton and ushers are to wear black gowns. The effect is described as picturesque, and strangers wanting seats have no difficulty in telling who to apply to. Mr. Frank Alfriend has been appoint ed clerk of Gen. Gordon's committee (of commerce) at a salary of $2,000 per annum. Mr Robert Alston is messen ger of the committee, havinir a salary of $1,203 a year. ; An old-fashioned bookcase and seore v tary was recently purchased at auction in Cincinnati for $5 that had a secret drawer containing $16,000 in old bank hills, counterfeit coin and various arti cles dating back to 1S20. Some fifty or more stockholders of the Bay .Line and Seaboard and Roanoke railroad went down to "Norfolk from Baltimore Tuesday morning, and left for Hamlet. N.C., "to examine the line of railroad in which they are interested. There is some talk of abolishing ex ecutive sessions of the Senate, as any necessarily secret inquiry in regard to candidates nominated for offices by the President may be conducted before the committee to winch it may be referred. John Stanger, Jr., a married man and business manager of the Southern Glass Works, at Louisville, Ky., disappeared one day last week with a sum of money amounting to several thousand dollars, belonging to the company. Julius Christian and Patrick Smith, both colored, suffered the death penalty at New Kent (Va.) Court House, Tues day, for the murder of John Calvin Lacy, of New Kent county, on the even ing of February 17th, 1879. Claiborne Smith, colored, had already been execu ted for the same crime. All confessed xytheir guilt. In Boone county, Mo., Sunday, Miss Julia Rowland coin in it ted suicide by taking poison. She was keeping house for her uncle, James Rowland, a farmer, who, on finding her dead,' shot himself in the head, but was still alive at last accounts. It is supposed that having objected to the visits of her lover he attempted to kill himself o realizing the consequences. During the debate last Monday re garding the officers of the Senate, the Republicans indulged in the prediction that they are all making in private that the Senate would in 1881 be again Re publican. They base this on the fact that the Democratic Senators then go out from the following States : Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey, Connecticut, Dela ware, New York and Pennsylvania. From these vacancies the Republicans have to get enough Republican Senators to change the political complexion of the Senate. This, of course, is upon the idea that the Democrats can gain none in any State, except in Mississippi, to till Bruce's place. A half-breed, while going to Fort Belknap, Montana, for the purpose of trading, recently, was attacked and killed by a party of Tetons. The occur rence indicates the hostility of the Te "tori Sioux to everybody that comes in their way. The Sioux generally in that section have become unruly and law less, and it is the opinion of Agent Lin coln, that there will be trouble with .Sitting Bull's liostiles within two months.. The commissioner of Indian affair? at Washington discredits the re port of ' Sitting. .Bull's intended plan of operations, because Indians do not tell what: they are going to do, and they do not attack .fortifications. They may 'make. .trouble, he thinks, but certainly will not declare their designs before hand. ; ' v Attention Farmers. Raleigh Observer. 1 List of brands of fertilizers that have been licensed, up to date, to be sold in this State during the year : New. Brands L. & R. Acid Phos phate, Lister's Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, Complete Guano, Chesapeake Guano, Standard Fertilizer. Old brands whose licenses have been renewed Long's Prepared Chemicals, Navassa Acid Phosphate, Pine Island Ammoniated Phosphate, Stono, Phos. Co.'s Sol. Guano, Stono Phos. Co.'s Acid Phosphate, Carolina Fertilizer, Etiwan Dissolved Hones, Piedmont Guano Co.'s fecial Fertilizer, Zell's Cotton Acid Phosphate, Peruvian Guano and Bone Dust, Georgia Grange Chemicals, Bald win Ammoniated Dissolved Bones, Cot ton Food, Arlington B, Planters' Fa vorite, Eureka Fertilizer, Whann's Raw Bone Superphosphate, Patapsco Ammo niated Sol. Phosphate, Sea Fowl Gu ano. Old brands whose licenses have not been renewed H. Preston & Son?, Su perphosphate ; H. Preston & Sons, Acid Phosphate; Rhodes' Sol. Superphos phate, Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer, Chappello Champion Ammoniated Su perphosphate. Papers WiTftdrawn and Referred. IntheSinate Monday From the Congressional liecord.1 On motion of Mr. Vance, it was or dered, That the papers in the case of Pauline Jones, widow of Alexander Jones, now on the files of the Senate be withdrawn therefrom and referred to the committee on military affairs. Ease Attainable by the Bheumatle. Yes, although they may despair ol relief. It Is attainable by rheumatic ; sufferers, for toere is a irafSSSIf ott' P mean of Increased Sty?.iLM,r ys-tlmportant channels for bli P?1Ion'1ne acrli element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms theory completely borne out byurin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamlna Hon of the blood with ; the blle-and a oertata . means of relief In dyspepsia, fever and ague and - nervous aitaents. il isperhaps, the fliSt toSo , xtant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians andlmalyste who pronounce tt to be eminently pure and very , beneficial. The press also endorses it " SOMETHIISG ABOUT THE STAGE. A Great Actor on the Future of the Drama Southern, Northern, and Western Audiences. A Philadelphia Press reporter has been interviewing Mr. F. C. Bangs on various subjects connected with the stage. . Reporter" It has been said, Mr. Bangs, that the day of the purely classic drama is past that the masses no long er accord it the same generous support of twenty or thirty years ago. How far is that true ? Has the classic drama seen its best days?" Mr. Bangs "No; very farifrom it. After the time you speak of there came what may be called the reign of melo drama. This in turn succumbed tohur lesque, and, still on the down grade, af ter that came opera bouffe. These, how ever, have nearly all run their course, and will never again enjoy the same popularity that they did before. "What,nev-" "Oh, yes of course I omitted the 'Pinafore.' But that is something so refreshingly new and so entirely novel that one can hardly wonder at its pop ularity. But I can say with all sinceri ty that to-day the classic actors legit imate, tragedians are all drawing large audiences in every part of the country in fact, since the war they have never Anna a hp.tt.flr business than thev are doing to-day." - . " " To what do . yrju ; attribute this change V Well, perhaps to satiety of. the light and frivolous. There is always iHat I may term a flippant period immediate ly after a war. Everybody thinks things will continue to go on just as they were. There is a demand for the flashy and sensational. The country does not set tle down, so to speak, to its solid con servatism until something occurs to re mind people that war times have passed away, and that business has to come down once more to a solid, legitimate footing. With the revival, of the latter feeling conies a dislike to the amuse ment enjoyed while the era of mad speculation and fast living held sway." " That's a philosophical sort of view." "But it is the truth, which you will admit if you think a moment." " Mr. Bangs, I should like to obtain your opinion of audiences in different sections of the country ; there are dif ferences, are there not ?'' " Oh, certainly. There are not, per haps, such marked distinctive differen ces between the audiences of this city, New York and Boston, as there are be tween these cities and those of the South and West. But yet there are some to be noted. Boston is the most appreciative and its people are, perhaps-, the most critical. A New York audi ence is generally hearty and demonstra tive, its marked' approbation sometimes approaching tumulluousness. Phila delphia is slow to receive a stranger, and takes time to m;ike up its mind on his merits. But when a stranger does win popular approval, it means- td be received with own arms and generous appreciation. A Philadelphia audience is chary of its applause until aroused to enthusiasm; it then makes up in fervor what it lacked in encouragement. "Southern audiences are not as de monstrative as one would expect. There are and, of course, I speak now of the larger cities, of New Orleans, Savannah. Montgomery, Mobile generally a class who have as line an appreciation or good acting as any in the North, and they accord a most generous support to their theatres when proper attractions are provided. "Western audiences are like the character ot the estern peo ple large-hearted and demonstrative in the extreme caring less for finer aesthetical efforts than for thrilling sit uations and strongly-drawn characters. But in all sections of the country. I may say that to-day the classic drama is in tavor, in popular demand, and that a reaction has set in which bids fair to last for some years." End of the Brunswick County Contests Case. Election (Wilmington Sun. J The old troublesome Brunswick elec tion case is now at an end. It will be remembered that on the first Monday of last December the Republican and the Democratic officers employed counsel and held a kind of court to de cide which of the two sets were entitled to office, the Democrats having been de clared elected by the returning board and the Republicans contesting it. It resulted favorable to the Democrats, whereupon the canvassing board pro ceeded to qualify each officer and in duct him into his office. The Republi cans held over and consequently there were two sets of officer" for that one county. Confusion would, of course, be the result Of this, and to avoid it, the respective parties drew an agreement among themselves, that the Democrats would desist from exercising the duties of office until the Supreme Court should either reverse or affirm Judge Buxton's decision. The Republicans agreed .that should the Supreme Court affirm Judge Buxton's decision, they would peaceably yield and retire from officeJ This agree ment was signed by every individual man of each body.iiml also by their counsel. The Supreme Court has af firmed Judge Buxton's decision, and the result will seat the Democratic offi cers, without opposition, except the Re publicans have reserved the . right to test the validity of the title of the Dem ocratic officers to office, by a rpio war ranto proceeding. Senator Hampton. Charleston News & Courier, 2t$th.J Senator Hampton is improving stead ily, but the physicians in attendance up on him agree in the opinion that it would be extremely imprudent in him to go, at this time, to Washington. The journey would be fatiguing, at least to one in his condition, and his physicians earnestly advise against it. This is the reason why Senator Hampton is not in his seat in the Senate. We are informed. that Senator Hamp ton is in constant communication with Senator Butler and other Democratic leaoers. ney see no present necessity tor Senator Hampton to run any risk of retarding his complete recovery by pre mature exertion. Relying on their judg ment he reconciles himself as best he may to his temporary withdrawal from .active participation in public affairs ) e are authorized to say, however, that in case any emergency should arise call ing tor the voice or vote of -Senator Hampton, he will, whatever the cost to himself, go, instantly to Washington and be sworn in. So lofig as his absence trom the Senate does not affect injuri ously the momentous interests repre sented by the Democratic party, Sena tor Hampton will consent, under the advice of his physicians, to remain in South Carolina Whenever those inter ests shall, in the; remotest degree, be placed in jeopardy by his absence, he will, with his constitutional devotion to duty, hasten to the front and stay there until all danger is past. We sin cerely hope. nevertheless, that it will not be considered indispensable that he shall attend the extra session. A few weeks more of the repose and recrea tion he now has will restore him, it is Leheved, to his usual vigorous health. A Constant Recurring Source ef Pleasure. every one wh0 reads the papers at all has be come aware not only of the existence of an honest ly conducted Lottery in Louisiana, but also been more or less tempted by the glittering prospects of a fortune within their reach by the simple expen aPleof dollars. The constantly re curring monthly drawings excite more and more attention, and their satisfactory management af- fnWM6.'0 interested For further UiformaUpn desired, the reader should address M inSBuw 692, Ne o' for upwards of thirty, years Jfrs. Wmstow's Sooth- lug Syrup has been needier- nucnen. acidity el tiMomft, reUevind colic, regulated the bowels, crate dysentsry.and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. An la ana well known remedy. 25c per bottle. yEGETINE. HEE OWN WORDS. J Baltimore, Md., Feb. 13, 1877. Mr. H. R. Stevens: Dear Sir Since several years I have got a sore and very painful foot I had some physicians, but they couldn't cure me. Now I have heard of your Vegetlne from a lady who was sick for a long tune, and became all well from your Vegetlne, and I went and bought' me one bottle of vegetlne; and after I had used one bottle, the pain left me, ana It began to heal, and then I bought one other bot tle, and so I take It yet I thank God for this rem edy and yourself; and wishing every sufferer may pay attention to it It is a blessing for health. MRg c KRABE 638 West Baltimore Street VEGETINE. SAFE AND SURE. Mr. H. R. Stevens: n. In 1872 your Vegetlne was recommended to met and yielding to the persuasions oi a menu, I consented to try It At the time I was suffering from general debility and nervous prostration, superinduced by overwork and irregular habits. its wonaenui strenginenmg "iu curamo tles seemed to affect my debilitated system from the first dose; and under its persistent use I rapid ly recovered, gaining more than usual health and good feeling, since men i nave nut ueoiuicu w give Vegetlne my most unqualified Indorsement as being a safe, sure and powerful agent in promot ing health and restoring the wasted system to new life and energy.- Vegetlne Is the only medicine I use; and as long as 1 live l never expeci u nuu better. Yours truly, w. n. laka., 120 Monterey street. Aiiegnany, i-emt. VEGETINE THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. Charlestown. Mr. H. R. Stevens: Dear Sir This Is to certify that I have used your "Blood Preparation In my family for several vears, and think that for Scrofula or Cankerous Humors or Rheumatic affecUoiis It cannot be ex celled; and as a blood purifier and spring medicine It Is the best thing I have ever used, and I have used almost everything. I can cheerfully recom mend it to any ore in need of such a medicine. Yours respectfully, MRS. A. A. DINSMORE. 1 it Russell street. VEGETINE. WHAT IS- NEEDED. .'M f J - Boston, Feb. 13. 1871. H. R. Stevens, Esq. : ; Dear Sir About one year since I found myself In a feeble condition from general debility. Vege tlne was strongly recommended to me by a friend who had been .much benefited by Its use. I pro cured the article, and, after using several bottles, was restored to health, and discontinued Its use. I feel quite confident that there is no medicine su perior to it for those complaints for whloh it is es pecially prepared, -and would cheeerfully reconi mend It to those who feel that they need some thing to restore them to perfect health. Respectfully yours, U. L. PETTINGILL. Firm of S. M. Petttngill & Co.. No. 10 State styeet Boston. i VEGETINE. ALL HAVE OBTAINED RELIEF. South Berwick, Me., Jan. 17, 1872. H. R. Stevens, Esq. : Dear Sir I have had dyspepsia In Its worst form for the last ten years, and have taken hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine without obtaining any relief. In September. last I commenced taking the VegeUne, since which time my health has steadily improved; Tsty food digestf "weH,?aja I have gain ed fifteen pounds of flesh. There are several oth ers in this place taking Vegetlne, and all have ob tained relief. f ' Yours truly, THOMAS E. MOORE. Overseer Card Rooms Portsmouth Co.s Mills. VEGETINE Prepared by H. R. STEVENS. BOSTON, MASS. Vegetlne Is sold by all Druggists.' jan5 45 Years Before th6 Public. THE CENUINE DR. C. M cLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FQR THE our or ) Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, IIVsrKPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side ; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm, The stom ach is affected with loss -of- appetite and sickness ; the bowels' 1ft general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax ; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something whidh ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the skin ; his spirits are low ; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, vet exam ination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been exten sively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most Jiappy results. No better cathartic can. be tised preparatory to, or after taking Quinine.1 We would advise all who are afflicted with' this disease to give them a fair trialv For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un equaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLake's Liver Pills. . j The genuine McLane's Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa, the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. 1 HKTESTjARBIVAL. ,j i hM Ran rrrait. at nut cents ner id.: iresn Eggs at 10 cents per dot; Kerosene Oil, 20 cento bfthe gallon; choice Dried Peaches, 5 cents; New OdevuTMolasses ; finest Sweet Potatoes tn the city; choice Mackerel, Bice. Grits, Hotoiny, Pickles, loose by the dozen: Ball Butter, 10 to 15 cents; full supply of all kinds of fresh Garden Seeds, Onion Setts, large Potatoes. Onions, &c Call anVTeatilie1 oWdoofil the store on Trade streetrtranehikoTe coiner 7W and C street near Baptist church. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. B. N. SMITH. feb27 i i l i T TV N- ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED -BY .Ah . THOMAS H. GAITHER, Cotton Commission Merchant octLtt i r ROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. NEW GOODS ! NEW FEATURES! Come to me for Bacon, Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Mq laasee,aitdotheS'EamiK Groceries. - , uVreodvfd; a few fearjeoletfy poster's (Da vie county) BEST RYE WHISKEY. Also a fine lot of CVuntry Hams. I sell for cash. , All goods delivered In the city f reejpfvshanje. Trade Street Next door below Vtlson & Black's old stand. " ap 15. 1? OR FINE WINES, o ) H 1 ' ' i & 1- And Iure Liquors, Three Years Old. go CWB3tANE'S, ' Central Hotel Saloon. IF. B. ALEXANDER k CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. College Street, Charlotte, N. C.i We handle more general country produce than any house, in the city, and; still solicit further con cou4gntfents front ajl parties who are willing to be satisfied with the best Job we can put up on this market All those who cannot be pleased with our best efforts, are respectfully requested to send their goods to somebody else. rpHE best and cheapest Fertilizers are ACID PHOSPHATE & COTTON FOOD. Having accepted the agency for the Maryland Fertilizing & Manufacturing Company, I am now prepared to offer special terms and favorable In ducements to planters desiring a good and reliable Fertilizer. j. ; Call early, examine the goods, hear prices and terms. M THOMAS H. GAITHER. mchl DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND E X AM I N E The splendid lirie'of WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, VIZ: Autumn Cluster, Stuffed Mangoes. Tiny Tims Gherkins, Martynias." fne of ' 1 1 4so the finest line of CRACKERS Ever seen In Charlotte, at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. Remember, this is the only fit class stock of GROCERIES In town, found at Anything you want in Groceries can be LeROY DAVIDSON'S. gTUDEBAKER, WAGONf, I am now In receipt of a large lot of the celebra ted STUDEBAKER WAGONS, all sizes, which will be sold on reasonable terms. CALL EARLY, and supply yourself with the best wagon out T. H. GAITHER Jan. 8 . SWEET POTATOES, Receive! from Eastern North Carolina to-day 100 BUSHELS OF THE EASTER. XAM POTATO And am expecting more to-morrow At S. M. HOWELL'S. March 21 J LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street, opposite First- Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half prlce and warranted one rear. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gliding; Coloring. Stiver-Plating and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. won auue iur lub mute at iow pnoesu . fW Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septlS yEE W. BATTLE, L D., ' Having removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank, can be found there all hours during the day, and at his residence cor ner Seventh and College streets, at night feb7 3m DR.! EUH. GREECE, TENDERS his professional services to the peo ple of Charlotte and vicinity. Being a gradu ate ot both schools of medicine, (Alopathic and Homeopath:) he Is ouallned; to practice either system. - ,. ; He will still devote attention especially to Chwm ic DiHKAara, but .will also do a eeawnU prdcSce Calls attended day or night . t vT! Office over McAden's drag store - Residence on College street, corner of. 6th street, S- mar22 dw 8m And true maxim, "Take care&f the dftriftf antitka i dollars will take rare of themselves." aboaid fcei re membered. Therefore when ,any, one, whetlier I BACHELOR Real luxury in the Cigar line, and does not wish to give an extra vagantr price, let blm by all means' call at PEBRY'S , It-will be well at the sane-tim to bear in mind that there is the place also to buy Crackers, YMts", Candles, and such things as please the old lady, young maiden or little GIRL. WITH THIS CASH 1 Of course you can purchase whatever you want, but PERRY'S is the place to get the best 10 CASES HUNYADI JANOS Mineral Water; 10 baskets (50 jugs each) Apol linarts, just received. WILSON & BUR WELL. Jan30 leasts and gUozs. NOWlTH The old customer! of SMITH .& FORBES, And the public generally, will find at their , old stand, on Trade Street. S69,000 WORTH r OF BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, which are now offered to the trade at prices which have never been eqiwled in Charlocte. or In this country. All litigations having been adjusted, this Im mense stock is now thrown on the market, and purchasers can buy MORE GOODS FOR LESS MONEY THAN EVER BEFORE. Every merchant will find It to his interest to call early and examine the goods, as they are now to be sold REGARDLESS OF COST Merchants can save more than the cost of a trip North by buying here. All parties Indebted to the late firm of SMITH & FORBES will please call at an early day and settle, or their claims will be placed In the hands of an attorney for collection. W. S. FORBES. Agent T3EGRAM 4 CO., DEALKBS IN BOOTS, SHOES AKn H R H H HHH U H H H A AA A A TTTT T T T T 8S8JJ 88Ss Aj A 1st Nattenal Bank Building, Charlotte, N. C. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Ac., Is acknowledged to be the best in the State, and we would be pleas ed to have you cull and examine for yourself before buying. PEGRAM 8c, CO. aeci tm &ilvzvtiszmmt&. FOR TEN DOLLARS CASH we will insert a seven-line advertisement one week in a list of 269 weekly newspapers, or four lines in a different list of 837 papers, or ten Hnes two weeks in a choice of either of four Separate and . distinct lists containing from 70tolOO! ' papers each, or four lines one week in all fourof the small Hsta, or one line one week in all six lists combined, being more than 1,000 papers. We also have lists of pa pets by States throughout' the United States-and Canada. Send 10 cents for our 100 ioge pam phlet Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., News paper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street, New York. . : .. P. S. If -joawJU -send us the names of a half dozen high-priced papers In which you would ad vertise JUST NOW, tf a satisfactory inducement made, we will submit a proposition, by re turh mail, which we, think wlllpleaae.you. -Money saved to money earned. end copyJof the (advertisement you will use and state In what Taper ydu saw this. JMfNENT DR W. F. STEUART, MARINE HOSPITAL, BALTIMORE, Writes: I take pleasure In reeoTAmehding Cblden's Lelb LioJuldiEktiact of Bj&f eiid f onlclBTlgor ator as a most excellent tonic In all cases of debil ity, chlorosis, Ac I have tested it with universal success. Sold by all druggists. W A'WnTrt ONE SALESMAN for each w (Mw Ker uiuiitn oaa expenses, iteierenees re- ituireu. I JJ?1 MFG CO., 93 Clark Sueet, Chicago. A DAY to Agents canvassing for the "Fib- SIDK VISITOR." Terms and nntfit. fn u dress P. a VICXEBY, Augusta, Maine. 77 a month and expenses guaranteed to Agent". Outfit free, Shaw & Co.. Aren- to, Mahie ::) r'i BOOK-BINDINO. STEAiVf POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with the publication of Tax Ob sebvek, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES la tlfe South, the proprietor has Just added a com pleie BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at sh"rt notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or. other books rebound In handsome style, and at ... . . . Je- very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of ti ls class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PBINfEI&flk" A FULL SUPBLY O WOO TIP'lHBf POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions, can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here hi as attractive a manner as In New York. We have a very full sepply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style,: . BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT. And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments tn good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work Is as free from defects as it is possible to make It. LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Ylsitlng Cards, BallK3ards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, iHrculars, Envelopes, HandbUls, . . : . Invitations, Checks, Labels' BILL HEADS, Deeds, ' i j ; ' ' Bicelpt Books, ; . Business Cards, Magfsitee'-'AM- nks.- .f.it: In fact, an, kinds of prkitlng-done at short notice. Special attentiettiveit ailiwaA PrraOagJ V. . l ft' U : BOOE'woftK:; Having a larger ittpply of type than roost Job es tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to be a specialty with s. 3 ATMIF ACTION (,CARNTEED. Address u P.tj.Boilwa. THEODSIB1 -In these days'ot political trickery, a true fn.. ... DRitWMiH ALL'S BALSAMtbSEUNGs . . . . i ... .. It.iaasure cure for CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA . ' J: ., BR0NOTITIS,HQABSNJS3S, . and all diseases of the Lungs, Chest and Throat. This well known remedy ; has been used for thir ty years and has cured thousands of cases. manTnf which were given up as hopeless. 7 01 No case, however obstinate, can' resist the hwii Properties of Dr. Wm. Hall's lialsain for the t f Kemember that It Is the penMeut um of the Balsam that cures the worst oases. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN A CO., Sole Proprietore, 8 College Place, New York. i or saie oy l. k. Wrlston It Co., Charlotte. N. (.'. mT.H'S WOfl Oil.. Athens, Ga., December 8, 187s. A lew nights since I gave my son one dose of the Worm Oil, and the .next day he passed sixteen large worms. At the same time I gave one to uiv little girl, four years old, and she passed eighty-six worms from four to fifteen inches long. W. F. (PHILLIPS. Worm Oil for sale by Druggists generally. Pre pareu uy c. o. iiXXilAJ, Ainens, ua. Price 26 cents. . feb21dtwl j. Is a perfect BLopp Purifier, and Is the only burely VsgEtablk remedy known to sci. ence, that has made radical ul Permanent Cures of Syphilis and Scrofula in aU their -stages.-. . .. , .... It tborourhly removes merenry from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis- Sold s druggists generally. feb257Bm IF YOU WISH to engage in an. honest, genteel business, and make plenty oC htoney during the holidays, send yonr addaess to RANDOLPH CO., feb4w4t 107. 4th av.i N. Y. "gov- &tt NOTICE. We have this day closed out our stock, and will rent Store Room tE. M. Holt's building) for the bal ance of the year. WILLIAMS & FINGER. 'March 21, 1879. FOR RENT. A Cottage with 4 rooms. eot -i. x. water, etc Apply to C. H1LEER mar 19 3t M&ilxoutls. QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING KA3T. No. 8 1 Dally ex. Sun. Date, Nov. 10, '7s. i No. 2 I Daily No. 4 Daily Leave Charlotte, " Greensboro, " Raleigh, Arrive Golds boro, 3.45 a m i 8.20 a m 6.55 p m I 4.10pm 5.25 p m 9.80 a m NO. a Connects at Sahabury with W;N.C.R.R. fur all points In Western North Carolina, dally except Sundays At Greensboro with R A D. R. R. for all points North, East and West At Go Ids boro with W.4W.B, B. for Wllml&Btorf. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with R 4 D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. No. 7. Dally ex. Sun; Date, Nov. 10, '78. Na 1 Daily. No. 8 Daily. Leave Goldsboro, " Raleigh, " Greensboro Arrive Charlotte, 9.50 am 8.50 pm 8.28 pm 5.35 p m I 6.47 am ! 5.30 am 12.25 am 10.50 am No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C, C. & A. R. R. for all points South and South-west; at Air-Line Junction with A. fc C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and Sout h C LS t. No. 8 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. B, R. dairy "except Sunday; Ar- Atr-Llne Junction with A. & C. A. L. for all points South and South-west. At Charlotte with C., C 4 A. Railroad for all points South and South-treat.. 8ALKK BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, daily except Sunday, 8.50 P m Arrive balem, " " " 1 0.50 p m Leave Salem, t " " " 5.45 am Arrive Greensboro, " " 7.45ara Connecting at Greensboro with trains oathe R D. and N. C. Railroads. . SUOTfKO CABS : vrzrJtOOt.CBANeK Ron. both wiys on-TraiaaNosiiliuid 2, between Newport, and Atlanta ri- JUahnMiKi, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond. Charlotte' and Angustaw Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh. Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East Far .fire Igmnt mte4o points In Arkan sas and Texas, address . l .j. , . J.JUMACMURDO. Gen. Passenger Agent. nov20 ' ' Richmond Va. QHARLOTTK, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA CHAXLOTTB, COD6XBli. AMD AUGUSTA R. R-, , , COLUXViA, 8. C Dec. 27, 1878. On and after SihidaV, TJec. h, 1878, the fol lowing passenger 'schedule will be run over this road, (Washington tune,) ; -f tIGHT EXPRESS. ' ' '' ' so, a 1. ' LeaveOliailettt,;;,:..,..:.;. " OOa. Arrira OhlumbW;---.ii... '..;..-. w I Java rnlnmhlft i . -n ..-' 4) UD a ..JO 00 AM Leave" Atl A 65 p.m. 10 00 P. M. 10 10 P. M. 8 10 A.M. Arrive Columbia Leave Columnla.. . Arrive Charlotte,. . . . ... ..... ; a" ' ""4 ' iJlf PAisCfKR. . i . GouHJ Sooth, No. 3. I jmiwj, Oiartnttn 11 27 A.M. Ajrrive Columbia... iV Leave Cbta . . r r v p. Arrive iiigosta:..-.'.... 8 80 p.m. Going North, No. 4 leave Augusta.. 08 a." Arrive Coiunjbia J Sn i' m Leave Columbia 1 0 r Arrive Charlotte 30 These train stop only , at Fort M1U, Rock HUJ. Chester, Whirisboro, Rldgeway, LeesvlllejBa burg, Ridge Springs, Johston, Trenton anaX,, vllle.. Ail other stations will be recognized as fiat, Oilman Palacy sleeping and drawing-room j w w. i o (4mAnwtm to Aueusta; also on Nos. 8 and 4, New : YorJt to Savannah, via Ricn ' mond 4 Georgia Central Railroad. ' T. D. KLINE, Superintendent. I (Q) Jna R. MacMtjkpo; g. P. Agem. ec2t n Chartottir.

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