1 Scroll autf Soft 'gtitfHn 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES : DaUv, ow year, (postpaid) in advance 18 00 8iz Months ..j.v.... ;.v... Ann TArw Months " " 2 OO One Month " . 75 "" ";'! WEEKLY EDITION : Weekly, (in the county) in advance. $2 00 Out of the'ootmty, postpaid, 2 10 Six Month 1 00 tW Liberal Reduction for Clubs. THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTWBMT kos been ihcroughty supplied isilh every mecUd wani, and ibith the Latexi Style of Type, and every dUptttch and eheapnets. We eon fttrntih, at Sht rl notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HAND-BILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, C. VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1879. NO. 3,149, Stye tiijorjotit Closer. (Sfkrtrr 1 rtf if SPRING DRY GOODS We beg leave to announce to our friends and , customers that we have bought an unusually large SPRING STOCK, mo-it of which Is now In. and ready for Inspection. We are prepared to offer this season extraordi nary Inducements to buyers, both WHOLESALE -AND RETAIL Give us a call, or send your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction. ELIAS & COHEN. gttVtttttlVt. URGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALSR IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE ! BEDDING, AC. BEDDING, AC. BENDING, AC. BEDDING, AC. FURNITURE ! FUKNITURE! .r7'j a n f J A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! , LOUNGES ! LOUNGES 1 r ; . LOUNGES LOUNGES ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! W OOFFTNlJof all kinds on hand. COFFINS of all kinds on band. No. Wkw Trad. Stbekt. CHARLOTTE. N. C. t3& Ladies' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a r.ne supply. ianll JARGAINS IN Ho I (, L Jj i . I KKJ V U RRE SN If II TTTTJT "ggBR KEB K U UR RNN N II T U UR BE AT R. . ROttEBR' WARRROOMS, ... t '.' " .irsteitsnQ Next to Postoffic. My Slock Is very Lar, and embraces a Full ilni 3 of parlor, pFAxtpt&xHqift&p -4 '5 AND OFFICE YURNtTUaK ijr Ml CWods Packed Free otCbargefl grtj S00tte, lifting, Sec A NEW STOCK OF SPRING GOODS BOUGHT CHEAP FOR CASH. We have a full line of Gros Grain and Damasse bilks, in black and colors, summer trimming and lining silks, Henrietta Cloths, Drap D'AlmaTTam lse, black and colored Cashmeres, Empress Cloths (plain and striped). Black French Bunting. A sec ond stock of all wool Bunting in all shades, and the most complete stock of FANCY DRESS GOODS. in Brocades, plain and stripes, ever exhibited In this market. A complete stock of French Or gandies and Dotted Swiss, for over-dresses. White goods to Linen Cambrics, Mull MuBttns, Martalias, Nainsooks In plain, striped and barred; Victoria Lawns In plain and fancy. A large variety of . Piques; the handsomest stock of Hamburg Edg ings and Inserting, In white and colon ever ex hibited, in this market. Ladles', children's and gents' Hosiery. Drees Linens and Linen suits. All the new novelties In Dress Buttons, silk and worst ed Fringes. A handsome lot of ladles' and chil dren's trimmed and nntrimtned Hats; also trim ming for same, Including Plumes. Flowers and Wreaths. Black Crape and Crape Tells, Silk and Gingham Parasols. The handsomest stock of Lace, Silk and Lawn Scarfs and Bows ever offered In this market Crepe Llsse and Monogram Ruf fling. Shetland Shawls, colored and white table Linens, Doyllers and Napkins Josephine and Harrlss' Seamless Kid Gloves: Lisle Thread and Lace Gloves. Corsets in all qualities and numbers. Mrs. Moody's Patent Corset. Silk, Satin and double-faced Ribbons; Lappet, Net and Knottlngham Curtains: White Lace Lambrequins. A full stock of Gents' and Children's Stiff, Soft, Fur, Saxony and Straw Hats. A full line of SPRING CLOTHING, Fancy Caslmeres. Boots and Shoes. Our stock will be ready for exhibition by the 25th of this month, and we Invite all to give It a careful Inspec tion, as we are confident It will compare with any ever exhibited in this market Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE A CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. March 23. LARGE ARRIVAL -OF- SPRING GOODS -AT H. MORRIS & BROS.' AT- NEW YORK CITY PRICES. Look at the following reduction of prices: Best Calico, only "Yard Wide Bleaching. Best Sea Island Cotton, Coats' Cotton, Hand-sewed Slippers, (y Cents per yard. 8 8 55 Cents per d ozen. 75 Cents. We only enumerate a few articles, but a eal will convince everybody that we mean what we- xy Our stock Is VERY LARGE, and embraces everything kept In a first class es tablishment We have reduced every de partment to keep up with the times. Now is your ehance to buy the CHEAPEST i BARGAINS ever bought in Charlotte. Everybo dy is Invited to call. H. MOflRIS A BROS. BEAUTIFUL BOYS' CLOTHING AT HALF PRICK. Marcn25 A' PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. $200 REWARD. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) Ralbigh, March lOtn, 1879. i WhekxaS; Official mfonnatlon has been received! at this Department' ihat N; B. TAYLOR, lata of the comwof MooifcstaAis charged with the mur der of STWSeawell; and whereas, it appears that the said N. TB. Taylor has fled the State, or so.con ceals himself hai the ordinary process of Javf can: nor of the State ol orth Cirolma, by virtue of ao- .i i. i rt nutnj K Hub 'rtn laaaw This mV trO-' clamatlon, offering a reward of Two Hundred Dol lars for the apprehension anT delivery of the said N. B. Taylor fix the Shedff jaf -Moore fowis, at thg. Court HoujwJSartliaiCflA? iJWl loWlttfei iena dar of March, 1879, and In the ltSTfIyear of American independe. THOS. J. JAB VIS. By the Governor: Lkk s. Ovkrhan, Private Secretary. " description! Taylor is about 3 years of ase, abbnltSfeet 8 inches high, well set and will weigh aboqlfWlbs., and when last seen wore a heavy beard. mairldltw5i , , tin mi B A K E R Y . L BREAD. CAKES AND PTES, fresh every dar. WE can with confidence recommend them m the very best manufactured, using none but the very best materials. W. N. FBATHEB, Trade Street, first door above the old Market, marl On the Death ot Col. R. AAlston, of AtlaaU, 6a. BT OLD FANUKIL. Ah! solemn death, swift fleeting death, Comes like the whirlwind's raging storm; And sunders all the ties on earth That grew from early childhood's mom. ii. Dark 's now the hall of lonely wife, On whose pale cheek the gllst'nlng tear Comes gushing now, for dear in life Was be whose corpse lies on the bier. in. Wall, wall for him, ye old and young. From frozen mount to sunny lake; And lisp his praise from every tongue As sorrow's wildest cordons break. IV. Atlanta, haste! ope wide your gate, Sie myriads pressing through your street; Tuey come, they come from every State To mourn your loss in good and great. Green be the turf and light the soil O'er him who was his country's pride; No purer man on earth e'er trod. Whose fame will last while tlrne abides. OBSERVATIONS. The man with a big seal ring never tires of grasp ing ym by the hand. y. Y. Express. Mr. Frank Miller, an employe In the press room of the Itellas (Texas) Herald, has lallen heir, tbwagb IBs wife, to $2,000,000. It seems the Rhode Island Democrats nominated ' Lieutenant-Governor a man who moved out of the State two years ago. The State Is so large they had never missed hlio. Boston Herald. Stanley, while away down tn Central Africa, dis covered one or two tribes so hopelessly, despairing ly, supremely Ignorant, that they didn't know much more than a petit jury. Burdette. There was an ingenious amount of devotion im" plied in the remark of a love-sick millionaire when the object of his affections became ecstatic over the beauty of the evening star. -Oh, do not, do not praise It like that!" he cried; "I cannot get It for you." "What do you know of the character of this man?" was asked of a witness at a police court the other day. "What do I know of his character? I know it to be unreachable, your honor," he re piled, with much emphasis. Baltimore American: The following inscription was seen on a tombstone In a prominent stonecut ter's establishment In this city : ' Some have seme and some have none; but here lies the mother of 21." NEWS AND VIEWS AT THE CAPITAL. The (Jreenbackers Backing and Filling Small Margins for Hit Majority the House Committees the Neic Officers of the Senate. Special to the Richmond State. "Washington, Mcrch 26. Trouble from the Greenbackers is pretty sure to come, if the fourteen adhere to their resolution in caucus to vote together upon all financial questions and against attaching political amendments to the appropriation bills. That would leave the Democrats with a majority of only three votes, including Speaker Ran dall's, for Hendrick Wright has gone back to the Greenback caucus again. Most of them say they would vote for the amendments to the election laws if presented separate from an appropria tion bill. They and the Republicans have resolved not to pair with the Democrats, and that will add to the embarrassment of the majority, if strictly adhered to. Counting them with the Republicans the vote would stand 145 to 143. They cannot afford to take too extreme ground against the Democrats rs ; .accessions: to their strength cannot reasonably be expected from the Republican party. They ad mit that, but say they mean to force the Democrats to give them fair play on the currency question. Politicians are beginning to speculate upoiL..lbe jjrobable composition of, the House committees, partfcularTy-'ways and means arid appropriations. Atkins talks as if it were a foregone conclu sion that he will be re-appointed chair man of appropriations, out ether people are not so sure of that. A little gentle bulldozing is brought to bear upon Randall by a few of those lately most earnest for his defeat, in the form of hints that the House may decide to ap point the committees itself, if Randall shall not di mote fairjiy" with his principal opponents than he did two years ago. By the rules 'the House has the right to appoint the Jcommittees, and it may assume that right by reso lution, to proceed to appoint them. The speaker exercises the appointing power by courtesy and for convenience, not of right by virtue of his office, It is most likely that after some grum bling, and possibly a little cursing, the committees will be accepted just aatler signate&bt KaridsQLi And he,.ifodoiibtV realizes that he cannot afford to ignore entirely the ablest pf 'the men who op posed his re-election, if he has future political aspirations. A man down in Spartanburg county, S. C, to get his name in the newspapers, has sent to Secretary jSheniian a $L000 ConfetedbdndmhicrUlie dAsiradto have$e3ffor;i tendppef ii)aWs Sf U ReJ, ffssfeg, sooner ij ast6foirfntbatorier ble into4?nitd afei3)diida Jbeose wtwo-thirda"6f trie present 'Twerabef's of the Sesnatesaffi House - haveubeem V0" federate bondholders." r - 5 1 A 1'iiited States SeQator' Unruly Danghtor Southern Intelligencer. Washington society has another sen sation. It seems that some months ago the elder daughter of a prominent' Sen ator made a rash and silly marriage with what one of the Washington so ciety journals terms "a worthless, young man of this city." The young lady, however, seeing the error of her wav, ret urned to her parents directly after the ceremony; and lived with-them in apparent content until last'Saturdav evening She' professed 4 sorrow, iorjraer. cnucusn jomv,, swmtau. that the delusion was over, jsawuruay ink IKvrtr-r-bV ! ' ovanta trail Syt rftrt (.which InaicatM that the; young lady'3 r'afilnaionf was not over Tbe ehild- wif f left 'he father's house, ostensibly to take: a , walk withthe young daughter of aidistifflgimlie. treasury; official, but on approae&insr ; the residence of the groom she made some excuse, left -her companion, and has not been heard of." Her agonized parents f ourtd A note, in which this heartless and silly girl said that she could hardly; hope to be for given for this second instance of ro mantic nonsense!' On Oar Most Distant Frontlets. As In our busiest and most populous cities Of the seaboard and interior, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is pre-eminenUy popular. Wherever civilization plants its foot on this continent, thither the great tonic soon finds its way. Nor is this surprising, for It is the medicine of all others best adapted to the wahAorthe wstem eimgrant,(be he Jmin4or agflcultutet It is an incomparable remedy for the diseases to which he is most subject, and which are liable to be brought on by a ehahge1 of climate, hardship, exposure, unaccustomed air and diet, and miasmatic? atmosphere -and, water. ( Among these are disorders of the stomach and bowels, rheumatic ailments, and malarious fevers, for all of which Hostetter's Bitters is a certain specific. A course pf the Bitters before departing lor the new field of labor, or on arriving, will have the effect of preventing the evils for which it is such a signal remedy. mar2ft lw New Laws and Changed Laws. Raleigh Observer. The act to raise revenue makes some changes, a note as to which may be more easily understood than the wrhole law would be. The poll tax is reduced from 89 to 72 cents. That on real and personal prop erty, moneys, credits, investments in bonds, stocks, joint-stock companies or otherwise, is reduced from 29 to 24 cents, to be applied as follows: 12 in stead of 14 cents to the general fund ; 6 in place of 9 cents to the insane and deaf and dumb and blind asylums ; 6 cents as heretofore t6 the penitentiary. The tax on billiard saloons is as here tofore $20 on each table, but hereafter every place where liquor is sold is con sidered a billiard saloon. Retail liquor dealers are to pay a monthly license tax of 5.00 instead of $3.00, as now ; and retailers of malt liq uors only $3.00, instead of $1.50, as now. And "any grocer, druggist, dealer or other person who shall sell spirituous or malt liquors, wines or cordials, in any quantity, if the same or any portion thereof shall at any time be drank upon the premises where such liquors, wines or cordials are sold, shall be considered to be a retail dealer within the mean ing of this section." The merchants' "privilege tax" is changed by repeal of the $5.00 item. Every person or pompany running sleeping cars upon any railroad in this State is to pay $50 yearly for even,- car so run, and shall make returns and pay to the State treasurer. Penalty for non compliance, $2,000. Tobacco warehousemen, instead of a license tax of $50, are to pay $15 and 1 per cent, on gross amount of their com missions on all sales of tobacco in ex cess of 300,000 pounds. Any merchant, dealer or agent selling sewing machines shall pay a tax of $10 in each county, but the payment of a license tax of $200 to the State Treasu rer will enable any person, company or manufacturer of sewing machines to peddle them in any county, employing any number of agents, free of county or municipal tax. A peddler's license tax of $10 is here after good for a year instead of six months. Itinerant lightning rod men are to pay $50 instead of $10 for each county. Drummers are to pay $100 annually instead of $50. The liquor dealers' drummers are to pay $200. Marriage licenses are reduced from $1.00 to 50. On February 27, 1879, it was enacted that the children of colored parents bom at any time before the first day of January, 1868, of persons living togeth er as man and wife, are legitimate chil dren of such parents or either one of them, with all the rights of heirs-at-law and next kin, with respect to the estate or estates of any such parents, or either one of them. From the same date it has been law ful for any clerk of a court of record in any other State to act as a commission er of affidavits and deeds, exercising the .same powers as-heretofore-granted to regularly appointed commissioners for the State. It is alleged in the preamble to an act to regulate marriageable kinship, that "many persons in this State, in estimat ing what degree of kinship is nearer than first cousins, compute kinship by the half-blood as being only half so near as the same degree of kinship by the whole blood." "Wherefore, on February 27, 1879, it was enacted that "hereafter, in this State, whenever the degree of kin ship shall be estimated with the view to ascertain the right of kinspeople to marry, the half-blood shall be counted as the whole blood: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to invalidate any mar riage heretofore contracted in case where by counting the half-blood as the whole blood the persons contracting such marriage would be nearer of kin than first cousins; but in every such case the kinship shall be ascertained by counting relations of the half-blood as being only half so near kin as those of the same "degree of whole blood." The courts in the 8th judicial district, by act passed and in force since Febru ary 27, are to be held as follows : Catawba 1st Monday in March and September. Burke i'd Monday in March and Sep tember (t , , . -,j f h r i' McD6weir-4th Mobflay M Marclfand September. Yancey 2d , Monday after the 4th Monday in Mareh and September. Mitchell 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in March rtd Septemfof & . Watu$-6fif MoWy tktik SfeHlli Mondav in March and September. Ashe 8th Monday after the 4th Mon day in March and September. Caldwell 9th Monday after the 4th Monday in, March and September. Alexander 10th Monday after the 4th Monday in Match ana" 'Septeml er. Iredell llth Monday after the 4th Monday in Marcl. and September Since .February, 28,1879 fine or im prisonment at the discretion of the court, or fifteen years in the penitentia ry, hasjHe'fbjfe penrt fop abducting or inducing to le'ave, or conspiring with another" to- abduct or induce toleave any chflduhfler'fotirteen years, residing with father, or motlier, or uncle or aunty or toother, Or elder sister, or at schooler? wW a guardian. The only exemption, is to the abducter or inducer who may be of nearer kin than the ab duetee to the abducted. Tlie rf opV(flntajy Contribution-, . Baltimore Sun. J Mr. 4eofge C. Gorham's testimony before the Senate special committee in regard to the "voluntary contribution" business, -which he managed during the .last congressional campaign, lets in un expected gleams of sunshine upon the officeholders' Utopia. The business was conducted with propriety so strict that the wished veryf on were con- suited, the pre ' IB disarmed. The lions or with the lafi ibrMce I lild do w n poMticai simplicity accustomed to pasture upon the green grass that grows wherever officeholders thrive. All the officeholders were so charmed with the courtesies and amen ities of the occasion, that they ave more Uberafly feam-fer,oetfdrei the lady clerks (to whom the circulars were not sent) resented being neglected by Mr. Gorham so vehemently that they went in person and poured their con tributions into his lap. Everybody gave more t2M ! rlewepjfcte to give more than his official share, just be cause he was not called upon to give anything. Everybody that is to say, excepting some few who, so deftly was the circular worded could not make up tneir minns wneiner it was more dangerous to give or not to give, and exceptirtg also Mr. William;' Henry Smith, collector of Chicago, who, as Mr. Gorham's fine satire puts ic -proDaDiy feared that it would be wicked to con tribute voluntarily to carry on a fight in which his faction had not control." Mr. Jefferson Davis has had a full length picture of himself painted in the clothes he wore when captured. a rodfcel St: THE WOMAN WHO REALLY SUFFERS. A Mr?. Mary Oliver Whose Hair has Turned Gray Thronsn Mortification. From the Philadelphia Times. Washington, March 20 There is a lady in Washington who might justly bring a suit against both plaintiff and defendant in the Oliver-Cameron case for consequential damages. To the best of my belief the only real sufferer from wounded feeling in the matter is an other Mrs. Mary Oliver, who is utterly innocent of aught save the misfortune of having the same name as the plain tiff and having been rightfully appoint ed from Pennsylvania to a clerkship in the treasury department at the instance of Simon Cameron wThen Senator. He knew her husband, who was one of the staunch supporters of the clan Cameron, and advised him to run for Congress. Mr. Oliver did so and was defeated, and lost fortune and courage to battle wdth life. He died not long afterward, and his widow was appointed, at Senator Cameron's instance, to a clerkship in the office of the comptroller of the currency, which she has for several years filled with credit to herself, and has earned the esteem of all associated with her. The similarity of name with that of Senator Cameron's pursuer, as well as the fact that the other was also appoint ed at his request to a clerkship in the same department, has, from the time the suit began, two years ago, until nowr wrought untold 'wretchedness to the innocent woman. Xaturally she has been perpetually confounded" with the litigant. The day after the suit first commenced newspaper men began in sisting on interviewing her. When she has denied being the plaintiff she has rarely been believed by strangers, and she suffers in consequence. Her hair has actually turned gray since the suit was instituted as a result of the con stant mortification to which she is sub jected. She has told my mother more than once of nights of agony following the blunders which have pained and humiliated her whenever she has been brought in contact with strangers, and the not surprising refusal of those un acquainted With her to credit her de nials of being the "Simon-pure" Oliver. It certainly is a very hard case, and it seems to me the least the clau Cameron, which possesses so much influence with the Pennsylvania Legislature, can do is to have her name changed. FROM WASHINGTON". Report of the Democratic Committft Aiioptnl in Caucus Possible Action of lb Opposition. TSpecial to Baltimore Sun. Washington, JMarch 2tL The pro ceedings of the joint Democratic cau cus of the two houses this afternoon were entirely harmonious, although wide differences of opinion were devel oped. When the report of the caucus committee was presented Senator Bay ard made a speech of some length, m which he reiterated the views which he had several times expressed in opposi tion to placing political legislation on the appropriation bills. In reply to him the point was made that the only feasi ble plan of securing the legislation de sired, was througli the appropriation bills. Some who were present objected to making any offer of compromise, as presented in the report of the caucus committee, and thought that the Demo cratic majority in the two housesshould take and hold'to the position assumed by the last House, and insist on the ab solute and unconditional repeal of the election laws. It "was contended that the President would be just as likely to agree to this as to the modified provis ion. However, the report of the com mittee was adopted by an overwhelm ing vote. In regard to the matter of enacting legislation outside of the ap propriation bills there was no decision reached, but most of the leading Sena tors and members are opposed to it. Those who favor general legislation ar gue that the Senate will probably be oc cupied a week or ten days in debating the appropriation bills, as it is accepted as a foregone conclusion tnat the Re publican Senators will oppose the polit- hical legislation to the last moment. Lengthy and exciting debates may therefore be looked for in the Senate. X While these debates are going on it is argued the House may as well proceed regularly with business. But, really, it will be much better for the House, while it is waiting on the action of the Senate, to adjourn from day to day. Otherwise it may get into mischief and disgust the country. It is expected that the two appropria tion bills, the army and the legislative, executive and judicial, w7ill be intro duced tc -morrow, and the Democratic programme should be to pass them with little or no debate. As there is no previous question in the Senate the Re publicans in that body will have all the opportunity that they desire to ventil ate their views and make party capital. It is rumored around to-night that if the attempt is made to-morrow to in troduce the appropriation bills objec tion will be made by one of the Green back members. An objection could not consistently come from the Republi cans, as they have proclaimed daily their opinion' that the appropriation bills should be speedily passed, and Con gress should adjourn. If objection should be made the bills cannot be re ceived, it is claimed, under the rules of the House. The purpose of those who contemplate making objection is said to be to force Speaker Randall to at least appoint the committee on appro priations at once, if not other commit tees. On the subject of the committees there is great curiosity and anxiety, and the Speaker realizes that he has an ex ceedingly difficult task before him. Veliow Jack Haunts the Gulf Cnas i LNew Orleans Times. From reliable sources of information, it is apparent the citizens of Mobile have determined upon a most rigid and early quarantine, should there be the least ap pearance of fever in this city the com ing summer. In fact the Mobilians have voluntarily resolved themselves into what may be termed a quarantine brigade, and the slightest report started in regard to sickness in New Orleans and vicinity will bring the organization into active service, like a body of min ute raen. There was a rumor current in Mobile on Monday last that a large number of the citizens of New Orleans had left for the North on Sunday, in consequence of the arrival of a brig from Rio at quarantine with fever on board. For the Very Latest. Hendersonville Courier. Of all our exchanges, for the very latest news give us the Charlotte Ob server. If the citizens of Henderson ville and Asheville want to know what has occurred in the world up to mid night the night before, let them take The Observer. - Mr. Hugh Peters has purchased the Greensboro city dray line and will run it. l 888988 77777 Ml gS 88 77 11 88 77 11 88 88 T? Ill88j88 77 RSSoPPP RRRrtTNW W fJGO S PR JBIINN NO O OO rrr KKK US I NG o i tj -n- rr w ta hi n Ss8 R R RnN NNG GG RUN. NN GOO Z SSP -WB HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROVf - T EHAVE JT ST RECEIVED FROltl - OUR - HOUSU, m housTj A full and complete Uuef nam pie, Goods fur Spring Wenr: Uie styles are all new, attractive and handsomely designed; the Goods are all of Foreign Looms, such as French. Eniihh. Scotch and Urrmiin, And with increased facilities we ask our friends ! and patrons to come and look at our Goods, as i we intend to make garments to order, cheap er than any Northern tailor coming . through here; we have also receiv- ' ed ButtericklJ Fashion Plates i for spring and stunmer ! wear as guide. W'e solicit an early call, so "as to 'give us time before a rush of manufacture. Respectfully, BKRW ANGER A BRO.. Fine Clothiers find Tailors. N. B. Everybody that wants winter clothing will save money by willing on us, as we will sell them regardless of cost, Men's, Youths', Bovs' and Children's Suits. feb9 AN EXCITING BOOK. 20,000 SOLD ! The "Wild Adventures" and "Triumphs" of STANLEY- g - AFRICA This only authentic and copyrighted cheap edition Is selling faster than any other book In America. Gives a full history of his "Down the ongo." AGENTS WANTED For full particulars and terms address HUBBARD BROS., Pubs., Philadel phia, Pa. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53.72 Superb English Books AT OUR PRICE. 75.276 New American Books AT YOUR PRICE. 112,726 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, 3 Beekman st, near New Post-Office, New York. nil Parson's Purgative Pills make new Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system In three months. Any person who will take one pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be re stored to sound health, If such a thing be possible. Sent by mail for 8 letter stamps. I. S. JOHNSON & CO.. Bangor, Me. LAME BACK. BENSON 'tj CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER Is for lameness or weakness of the back. Rheuma tism and all local aches and pains, the best reme dy known. It was invented to overcome the slow action of the ordinary Porous Plasters. It relieves pain at once, and cures where other plasters will not even relieve. Sold everywhere by Druggists, price 25 cents. JjOR SALE. A beautiful Rifle (iiui, made by Lamb & Son, Jamestown, N. C. For particulars and price, apply to CHA3. R. JONES, marO d&w tf Observer Office. OR SALE. The Bourgeolse and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and was not discarded because no longer nt for use, but on ly because it became necessary to use a different style of type. It wiii do good service for several years to come. It will be sold in lots to sui pur chasers, and In fonts of 50 to l.OOOlbs, with or without cases. Address OBSERVER, oct5 Charlotte. N. C. M ORTGAG E E ' S SALE! TTNDER and by virtue of a deed of trust execut U ed to the undersigned by Chambers & Stegall, recorded in book 19, pages 212, 213, 214 and 215, register's office of Mecklenburg county, I will sen by public auction at the court house door tn the city of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M., on the 7th day of April, 1879, the following vehicles, horses, and other articles of personal property : One depot wagon (new), one clarence vehicle, three phaetons, one double buggy, two single bug gies, one spring wagon, one carryall, one straw cutter, two saddles and bridles, four sets of lead bars, many sets of single and double harness, one dock, twelve horses all trained and broken. Terms: Caen. BERRYMAN GREEN, Trustee. By JONES & JOHNSTON, Attorneys. mar8 oaw tds w ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person desiring to purchase a well improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at dectS THIS OFFICE. piiscjellancatts. I ELECJION NOTICE. Notice is hereby glvefl that an election will be held on the first Monday in May, (being the 7th day ol the month), 1 87&. nt the usual polling places in the several wards of the city of Charlotte, for Mayor and a Board of Aldermen for said city. Ward No, 1 Registrar, John L Elms. Inspectors Dr. M, M. Orr, S. M. HowelL A.. E. Gray. . Ward No. 2Begistrar, H. B. Williams. Inspectors - John L. Morebead, Dr. William Sloan, A. B. Davidson. Ward No. 3 Registrar, B. P. Boyd. Inspectors R. M Oates, J, H. Carson, M. A. Stauffer. Ward No. 4 Registrar, R. P. Waring. Inspectors J. Y. Bryce, Rufus ' Barringer, R B. Alexander. ri M. E. ALEXANDER, Sheriff. B. R. SMITH, Mayor. March 28, 18"9.-tde. rpHE BEST STOCK OF GROCERIES an CONFECTIONERIES in the city, at 'ian30 LeBOY DAVIDSON'S. Ml 88 88 77 SHS 11 "88 77 "99S 11 88 88 77 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE LADIES. COLORED 111 U SILKS, SILKS, SILKS We have this day opened a handsome line of Summer Silks In Plain Colors and Hnlr Stripes, to which we call your special attention. W .V -H PRICKS; (5 CENTS, 85 CENTS, $1.00 They are good and cheap, and It will be well for you to see them early. Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & BARL'CII. C( L O T H I N G ! CLOTHINp I LOTHING! CLOTHlNlJi W. KAUFMAN A CO'S. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined lo reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock -or OOC I, O O L O L OO O O o o o o TT1T H If It NN N r.;(! g a T H H II NN N T HHHIINNNO O O L T H H1INNNOGU T H H II N NN OOQ OOO LUX OO WE HA VK KVElt OFFEREO, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN H. BOY'S. YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. FOUND IN A FIRST C LASS HOl'HK. tST All we ask Is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as it will be to your Interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty percent on voiir nnrchases. W. KAUFMAN A CO.. I Springs Comer, Charlotte. N. C. aeciz Katies, Sec. rpHE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES 'For Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Ienel rally", i i The Improved Type Writer. Oscillating Pump Go's Pumps, end for Circulars. FAIRBANKS CO., ' 811 Broadway, New York tyr For sale by Leading Hardware Dealer , . eptl-dtaww fitf 1 u I- ill ft 5 1 Hi rf 1 : i -

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