Srt)e Cljarloite bsemcr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Daily, one year, pottyaid) in adntnct $8 00 Six Month Ttcree Montht Vi One Month WEEKLY EDITION: Weekly, (in the county) in advance t2 00 Out of the'eounty, postpaid, An Six Months 1 00 y Liberal Reduction for 1 THE OBSERVER JOS DEPARTMENT Has been t&oroughty mtpplied with every needed wad, and with the Latest Style of Type, and every manner of Job Work can now betkmwahneatnm, dispatch and cheapnett. We can turvith, eX Short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER HEADS, CARDS, TAOS. RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES. SAND-BILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, C VOL. XX. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1879. NO. 3,150. SPRING DRY GOODS We beg leave to announce to our friends and cu rtomers that we have bought an unusually large SPRING STOCK, most of which Is now In. and ready for Inspection. We are prepared to offer this season extraordl nay inducements to buyers, both WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Give us a call, or send your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction. ELIAS 4 COHEN. fftxtmitnrjc. UKGESS NICHOLS, B WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALKK IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE 1UENITUBE! BEDDING, 4C. H15EI22' r BEDD1NG, 4C. BEDDING, 4c. FURNITUBE! FUKNITURE ! A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! IW COFFINS of all kinds on hand. &r COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 West Trad Strkkt. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ifr- Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes-a line supply. ? jn3 JARGAINS IN V ' OTJ B Sit BR it T Uu R ,R BBB R. . ROGERSMPAREROOM&, Next to Postoffick. My Slock Is very Lar, ! and embraces a Full lAae of PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROO AND OFFICE FURNITURE pr ah Goods Packed Free of . Charge S3 (&O0&$f l0tMu0, Set A NEW STOCK- OF SPRING GOODS BOUGHT CHEAP FOR CASH. We have a full line of Groa Grain and Damasse Silks In an? tnlAK on-mma vtmwinA 41ning silks, Henrietta Cloths, Drap D'Alma, Tam- istv, um, auuvuiviou ViUMlIUereS, JUIipieSS 1lOinS (plain and striped). Black French Bunting. A sec ond stock of all wool Bunting In all shades, and the most complete stock of FANCY DRESS GOODS. in Brocades, plain and stripes, ever exhibited In this market A complete stock of French Or gandies and Dotted Swiss, for over-dresses. White goods In Linen Cambrics, Mull Muslins, Marsallas, Nainsooks In plain, striped and barred; Victoria Lawns In plain and fancy, a large variety of Piques; the nandsomest stock of Hamburg Edg ings and Insertings, m white and colors ever ex hibited In' this market Ladles', children's and gents' Hosiery. Dress Linens and Linen suits. All the new novelties In Dress Buttons, silk and worst ed Fringes. A handsome lot of ladles' and chll- I aren'8 trimmed and untrimmed Hats; also trim ming for same, including Plumes, Flowers and Wreaths. Black Crape and Crape Veils, Silk and Gingham Parasols. The handsomest stock of Lace, Silk and Lawn Scarfs and Bows ever offered In this market Crepe Lisse and Monogram Ruf fling, Shetland Shawls, colored and white table Linens, Doyllers and Napkins Josephine and Harriss' Seamless Kid Gloves; Lisle Thread ana Lace Gloves. Corsets in all qualities and numbers. Mrs. Moody's Patent Corset Silk, Satin and double-faced Ribbons; Lappet, Net and Knottlngham Curtains: White Lace" Lambrequins. A full stock of Gents' and Children's Stiff, Soft, Fur, Saxony and Straw Hats. A full line of SPRING CLOTHING, Fancy Caslmeres, Boots and Shoes. Our stock will be ready for exhibition by the 25th of this month, and we invite all to give it a careful Inspec tion, as we are confident It will compare with any ever exhibited In this market Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE A CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. March 23. LARGE ARRIVAL OF- SPRING GOODS AT H. MORRIS k BROS.' -AT- NEW YORK CITY PRICES. Look at the following reduction of prices: Best Calico, only Yard Wide Bleaching, Best Sea Island Cotton. Coats' Cotton, Hand-sewed Slippers, ftVa Cents per yard. 8 " 8 55 Cents per dozen. 75 Cents. We only enumerate a few articles, but a call will convince everybody that we mean what we say Our stock is VERY LARGE, and embraces everything kept In a first class es tablishment We have reduced every department to keep up with the times. Now Is your chance to buy the CHEAPEST BARGAINS ever bought In Charlotte. Everybody Is Invited to call. H. MORRIS 4 BROS. BEAUTIFUL BOYS' CLOTHING AT HALF PRICE. March 25. pXiscjcllattje0tts. PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. $200 REWARD. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, t ; Balkioh, March 10th, 1879. 1 Whkrbas; Official Information has been received at this Department that N. B. TAYLOR, late of the county of Moore, stands charged with the mur der of S. W. Seawell; and whereas, It appears that the said N. B. Taylor has fled the state, or bo con ceals himself that the ordinary process of law can not be served upon him; Now, therefore, I. THOMAS J. JAB VIS. Gover nor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of au thority in me vested by law, do issue this my pro clamation, offering a reward of Two Hundred Dol lars for the apprehension and delivery of the said N B Taylor to the Sheriff ef Moore county, at the Court Hove m Carthage, and I do enjoin aU pffl eer4f' tt State arHTaU food- citizens to assist in brlogtncsaM criminal to justice. Done at our city of Raleigh, the tenth day of March, 1879, and In the 103d year of American Independence. THOS, J. JABVIS. By the Governor: Lex S. Otkbmam, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION. Taylor Is about 83 years of age, about 5 feet 0 Inches high, well set and will weigh about 160 lbs., and when last seen wore a heavy beard. mar 12dltw5t BAKERY. BREAD CAKES AND PIES, fresh every day. WE can with confidence recommend them as the very best manufactured, using none but the very best materials. W. N. PRATHER, Trade Street, first door above the old Market marl Mj Prayer. BT I. D. C. j Reidsvtlle Times. 'Our Father who art In Heaven" Listen to Thy child In prayer, Help me to endure my burden. "It Is more than I can bear." Blessed name ! O hallowed be it ! Name of Jesus, Father, Son, Teach me with thy loving kindness How to pray "Thy will be done." Done on earth as 'tis in Heaven, Round that bright and glorious throne. And though with sin and sorrow laden, May I say "Thy kingdom come." All my trespasses forgive, . Make me from my sins to flee, Not as I forgive O God! But In Thy mercy forgive me. Lead me from temptation's ways, From the paths of sinfulness, Teach me that to trust Thy word Is the way to joy and peace. In my hours of sin and sadness, As a child I raise mj plea, Knowing that my Saviour sayeth; "Ask it shall be given thee." Thine tie power is, and glory O'er the earth, the sea, and sky, "While on others Thou art calling Do not Saviour pass me by." OBSERVATIONS. A hen with clipped wings has a defective flew, and a swallow a crooked flew. Mr. O'Leary couldn't keep anything on his stom ach, not even the championship belt, says the Chicago Tribune. A man never realizes the beauties of this world till he drops two square inches of thoroughly buttered toast on the polished side of a newly laundried shirt-bosom. An Illinois man, writing to the clerk of the Su preme Court of the State for a license to practice law, said: "If you have two sizes send me the largest one.". It Is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than It is for a young woman in a fur lined silk cloak to walk along without letting it flap open Just a little, to show that the fur is more than mere border. A real estate dealer who died recently said that he was afraid he had committed the unpardonable sin. If he could but recall the words, so many times repeated, "Within five minutes' walk of the depot," he might die happy. Swell "Oh, Robinson, I am not at all satisfied with these trousers." Shopkeeper "Indeed, sir! Sorry to hear that We made 'em to measure, too!" Swell "Yaas; but, you see, I didn't want them to measure, I wanted them to wear!" Philadelphia Tunee ; The greenbacker at Wash ington still maintains his savage determination to destroy both the old parties. If he could utilize his chin as a deadly weapon this thing could be done with ease. Little Jack Greenback Thought he would lean back And wait for the speakership pie; When he put in his thumb He looked very glum, And (finding that all the plums had been taken by the Democrats) he said, "What a big fool am I." Boston Herald; To say "thanks" and "quite a good deal" has almost passed the "genteel" stage, but they are heard occasionally. "Notable." "bright" "enjoyable," "factor," and a few other favorite words, also are getting a little worn. A member of the rhetorical class in a certain col lege had Just finished his declamation when the professor said: "Mr. , do you suppose a gen eral would address his soldiers in the manner you spoke that piece?" "Yes, sir; I do." was the re ply, "if he was half scared to death." President Grevy, being asked recently to write something In a lady's album, indited the following: "Life is like a game of chess; each one holds his rank according to his quality, but when the game is over kings, queens, knights and all the rest are thrown Into one common box." v A gentleman addresses another gentleman, whom he doesn't knew, at a party: "This affair Is awfully stupid; let's go out and take a drink." "I would like to do It," was the reply, "but I can't leave very well." "Why not?" "Why, you see, I am the one who is giving the party." Vin. Sat. Night. Things are coming to a pretty pass In this coun try when a chicken main cannot come off In New Orleans between Georgia and Kentucky without being followed by a suspension of all the banks in that city. Atlanta Constitution. A revenue man who was mixed up with a parcel of slab-sided North Carolinians one night last week has written to Washington that Solomon in all his glory was not a raid like one of these or language of that Import Atlanta Constitution. Mary Anderson played In Holyoke, Mass., one night last week. An excursion party of one hun dred persons arrived from Westfleld half an hour late, and, as they had been told that the perfor mance would not begin until they came, the first act of Romeo and Juliet" was repeated for their benefit FROM WASHINGTON. Opening of the Political Ball in the Hoitse The Appropriation Bill Under Consideration The lie publican Frogiamme. Special to Baltimore Sun. Washington, March 27. The ariny appropriation bill waa introduced in the House to-day by Mr. Sparks, and as the anticipated objection to .its intro duction was not made, the considera tion of the bill was at once proceeded with. All the provisions of the bill were passed upon till the political fea tures were reached, when an adjourn ment was had. No restriction was placed upon the debate to-day, but if, when the two sides of the chamber lock horns, the discussion promises to be protracted, the live minutes' rule will probably be adopted after a reasonable time. Experienced members of Congress ex pressed the opinion to-day that, even under the most favorable circumstan ces, Congress is not likely to be able to adjourn in less than three weeks from this time. It was said in well-informed quarters to-day that there was not much reason to doubt now that the appropri ation bills, with the political features attached, would become laws either with or without the signature of th. President; that there was a strong pro bability that if he could not bring him self to the point of affixing his signa ture to the bills he would permit them to become laws by allowing the consti tutional limit of ten days to expire without returning them. These VieWf are only matters of opinion, but they are received with confidence, and so strong has the impression taken hold of the stalwart Republicans that the Presi dent is " shaky , that they go up to the White House in troops every day to expostulate with him and stiffen him up. THE REPUBLICAN PROGRAMME. TVio aoiirtn nf thfl Housfl Rfinublifian caucus this afternoon is what was gen- , 1 A J T4. - . . . . . . .1 4Un4- erauy expeewsu. j uuuwsww wat during the discussion the feeling pre vailed although no expression was giv en to it, that ultimately the Democrats would succeed in their purposes, either through the active or passive assent of the President, but the determination was tamake the fight as vigorous and as protracted as possioie, irrespective of this. It was said that the clause, in the army hill containing the political features bad been made much more comprehensive than it was in the army bill as passed by the last House, and that if it was passed and the bill be came a law, it would give to the Demo crats everything that they wanted, and they would not need to make any fight on the legislative, executive and judi cial bill. The determination that the Republicans should make no more pairs will be a source of much personal in convenience, but it will bear as hard on one side as the other. Another Savings Bank gone up! This has been said so often of late, that people are beginning to look for safer investments for their surplus cash. Any man who has 25 cents to Invest cannot do bet ter than buy a box of Mott's Liver Pills, for they never fall always keep them In the house. mar25 lw New Laws and Changed Laws. Raleigh Observer. An act to provide for keeping in re pair the public roads of the State makes the justices in each township a body corporate styled the " board of supervi sors of public'roads." The first meeting is to be held on the first Monday in May for election of a chairman, to serve un til the first Monday in February, 1880, the time for subsequent annual elec tions. The board is to meet on the first Monday of February, May, August and November, to consult on the condition of the roads, having in the preceding week gone over slBA personally examin ed them. At the May meetings over seers shall be appointed for sections then laid off, and hands allotted to them and their field of work assigned. The overseer may resign after one year's service if he has done good service, and may work instead of oversee work for two years thereafser. Three days ot work in each year is the portion of fevery able-bodied man between 18 andjiS, the Supervisors tex cepted. A dayTwork Is not less thaft' 7 nor more thart 10 hoi&rs. One dollar a day or an ablbodied- substitute will excuse service. '' Failure to work or to pay is a misdemeanor which will cost , $5 or five days imprisonment, or both fine and imprisonment as the court may direct. The overseers are to make quarterly reports under oath to the boards of the condition of the roads, number work ing, number failing to work and wheth er delinquents paid their dollar ; those failing to work or to pay to be at once warranted and tried. At the February meetings of the boards, the overseers are to make report of all moneys col lected and file statement of manner of expenditure. Failing to discharge these duties is a misdemeanor, for which overseers are to be warranted and fined 87, which and the costs, not being paid five days' imprisonment results. The supervisors are empowered to lay out and discontinue cartways; the county commissioners to lay out and discontinue public roads, under exist ing rules, except that no more than five jurors may be summoned to assess dam age to property. The supervisors, also, are to make annual report, at the first term of the Superior Court for their county after the first Monday in Au gust, of the condition of the roads and as to the discharge of the duties as signed. Failure to do so is a misde meanor, and the penalty is fine or im prisonment or both, as the court please. This law as ratified on March 14 ap plies to the State, excepting the counties of Alleghany, Ashe, Alexander, Watau ga and Meeklenburg. PERSONAL PROPERTY EXEMPTIONS. Section 1. That the personal proper ty hereinafter named, belonging to any any resident of this State, shall be ex empted from any execution or other final process issued for the collection of any debt, when the owner or any agent or attorney in his behalf shall demand that the same or any part thereof shall be exempted from sale, viz : the wear ing apparel, arms for muster, one Bible and Testament, one hymn book, one prayer book, ten bushels of corn or wheat, fifty pounds of bacon, beef or pork or one barrel of fish, all necessary farming tools for one laborer, one bed, one bedstead and covering, one cart or wagon, on,e work horse, the libraries of licensed attorneys at law, practicing physicians and ministers of the gospel, the instruments of surgeons and den tists used in their professions, and the tools of mechanics ; and in addition to the above articles there shall be exempt in favor of every head of a family or housekeeper, when the owner or any agent or attorney in his behalf, or in his absence his wife shall demand that the same or any part thereof shall be exempted from sale, the following, viz; one wheel and two pairs of cards, one sewing machine, one loom, all necessa ry school books, one bed, bedstead and covering for every two members of the family, all necessary farming and me chanical t)ols, one yoke of oxen, one milch cow and calf, fifteen head of hogs, five hundred pounds of bacon or pork, fifty bushels of-corn, twenty bushels of wheat or rice, and all necessary house hold and kitchen furniture, including one cook-stove and utensils for cooking thereon, and such other articles as may be necessary for the comfort and support of the family, not to exceed fif ty dollars in value: Provided, however, that the entire exemption of personal property of the debtor, under article ten of the constitution of the State and all acts of the General Assembly shall not exceed five hundred dollars in value: And provided further, that the value of said personal property exempted shall be ascertained as provided for in chapter fifty-five of Battle's Revisal. Sec. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the S8th day of Februarv, A. D. 1879. LUNATIC EXPENSES. Section 1. That section 29, chapter 6, of Battle's Revisal be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. The expenses of carrying any insane person to the asylum, and of re moving him or her therefrom, shall be paid by the county treasurer of the sev eral counties upon the order of the chairman of the board of county com missioners, unless upon sufficient evi dence before the board of county com missioners that such person or the hus band or the wife of such person, or the father or mother of such person, has sufficient property to pay such expense, and in that case such expenses shall be paid by the father or guardian of such insane person, if a minor, or by the par ty aforesaid. Sec. 3. That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act, the same are hereby repealed, and that this act shall be in force from and after its rati fication. . ' ' ' Read three times in the General As sembly and ratified the 20th dav of Fel ruary, A. D. 1879. SEALS AND DEEDS. Whereas, The necessity for the use of the word "heirs," to carry a fee sim ple estate is a relic of feudalism and an unnecessary technicality ; and Whereas, The reason for using pri vate seals of deeds has long since ceas ed, and the present forms of deeds is are complex and lengthy, thereby un duly increasing the cost of registration ; therefore, The General Assembly of North Caroli na do enact ; Section l, That all instruments hith erto requiring a private seal shall be as good and available in law for all pur poses as if sealed. And all instruments not requiring an official seal shall be as valid to all intents and purposes in law as if the same had been sealed. Sec. 2. That in every conveyance of real property, a fee simple shall be pre sumed to be transferred, unless the in strument shall , expressly confer in terms a less estate. i Sec, 3. That the following form shall be sufficient as a dee fat 5al property within the meaning of this act : Received of (the buyer) ' - in full for (describe the proper ty.) (Dated.) (Signed by seller.) Sec. 4. That such deed shall, without express words, import a general war ranty, but any other covenants may be inscribed by the parties, or it may oper ate as a quit claim deed if it shall be so expressed. Sec. 5. That the fee of the clerk for acknowledgement and probate of deeds, including the privy examination of wife (if any,) shall be ten cents; and the fee of the register of deeds shall be for reg istering the same, twenty cents. Sec. 6. All laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 7. This act shall be in force from its passage. Ratified the 7th day. of March, A. D. 1879. . - Political. The constitutional convention of Lou isiana will meet hi New Orleans April 21St. " Warmouth and Pinchback were elect ed members of the Louisiana constitu tional convention. The Philadelphia North American suggests that each State be allowed an additional United States Senator for every million of population. The Texas House of Representatives has passed, by a close vote, a joint reso lution for a poll tax amendment to the constitution of the State. The approaching annual election of Tammany Hall sachems is a pivotal point of political interest. Should the party led by Comptroller Kelly be de feated Mr. Tilden's star will be once more in the ascendant. The Boston Pilot thinks that "tore fuse Jeff Davis a place on the Mexican war pension list because he was a rebel a quarter of a century after he had fought as a patriot is like punishing a son for a misdeed by his grandfather." Grant, according to the St. Louis Qlobe-Democrat (Rep.), is rather the fa vorite with the Republican legislators of Kansas, Blaine being a very close second. The Democrats prefer Thur man, but would support Tilden were he nominated. Giving Too Much Play to His Humor. Pittsburg, Pa., March 27 Yester day afternoon an old man named John W. Hammel was painting the front of a store on Penn evenue. He stood on a high office stool in order to reach up as far as possible. John Wilkinson, a member of the fire department, came along with a couple of friends, and said to them, with a laugh : "AVouldn't it be a good joke to knock the stool from un der the old man !" The others urged him to do so, and he gave the stool a kick that knocked it out into the street. Hammel fell on his head and side, and was fatally injured- His skull is frac tured, and four of his ribs are broken. He is over sixty years old. Wilkinson was arrested and is now in jail. Ham mel will not live till morning. Something foi Sunday Readin.r. From Our Neighbor Across the Way The Demo crat. Bad Manners Going to church too late, and leaving the house during ser vice, unless compelled to do so by sick ness. If people who behave in that way, or giggle and whisper in church, knew how disgusting it is in the esti mation of decent people, they would certainly quit it unless their brain is de fective. Parents do a great wrong to permit small boys and gills to go to church without some one with them to make them behave. Children, big and little, should be made to sit in the same seat with either their father or mother. i ' A Cradled Calf". Manchester Correspondence Richmond Dispatch. Yesterday afternoon our city was the scene of an incident which greatly amused many persons. A f aimer from Chesterfield passed through this place having in his wagon a cradle, and in the cradle was a young calf. At the corner of Hull and Ninth streets the calf became somewhat restless and noi sy, but by careful nursing quiet was re stored. All who witnessed the affair pronounce it an excellent mode of con veying small cattle. - Mr. Van Miller and Miss Emma Harshaw gave Lenoir a sensation last week by running away and getting married. On their way to the magis trate's the horse attached to the buggy in which they were riding also ran away and threw them both out of the vehicle. They were not hurt, nor did they stop until the knot was tied. The story is told in the Topic. Ease Attainable by the Rheumatic Yes, although they may despair of relief, it Is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there Is a remedy which carries off, by means of Increased activity of the kidneys important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely bome out by urin ary analysis. The name of this grand depurent Is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It Is, perhaps, the finest tonle extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it. Woman's Best Friend. Ample testimonials from every section of the country show that Bradfield's Female Regulator is as it claims to be, "Woman's best friend." Many suffering females have tried It, and have been cured, and bear witness to Its merits in sound constitutions and rosy cheeks. Its record is before the public. Don't fall to try it If you are suffering from any of the complaints peculiar to the sex, feb25 lm CHEW JACKSON JS BEST SWEET N.l T T 70UACCO. OPERA HOUSE, TWO NIGHTS ONLY. HOLMAN OPERA COMPANY, Tuesday Evening, April 1st, the Beautiful Opera LES CLOCHES DECORNEVILLE. (Chimes of Normandy.) Wednesday Evening, April 2d, the reigning suc cess of the day, Sullivan and Gilbert's Satirical Comic Opera, H. M. S. PINAFORE. The magnificent painting of the view of Ports mouth (covering over 2,200 square feet of canvas) from the pencil of Mr. George Morris. The deck of the ship, sails, cabin, bulwarks, ha,, made from the original models, (as produced by the authors in Loudon, England) by Ambler S. White, ac knowledged by all the press as being " the hand somest set scene of the day." Box sheet open at the Central Hotel Cigar Stand. Admission 25c , 50c and 75c Secured seats $1. mar29 4t. 8- READY MADE OOU L OO TTTT H H II NN N GGO O O I. O O T H H.II NN N O O O L O O T HHHIINNN O O O L OO T HHIINNNGGO OOU IXIX OO T H H II N NX GGO We are receiving goods dally. Our stock will be complete about the 3d of April. PRICES VERY LOW, STYLES HANDSOMER THAN EVER BEFORE. We have a great may goods of our own manu facture, and we are determined to hold up and strengthen our reputation of being the r REPRESE N TATI VE, LOW PRICE, FAIR DEALING Store of this section. We solicit a call from ev erybody. Respectfully, L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. JJexu (IvzxtiBcmcnts. AN EXCITING BOOK. 20,000 SOLD ! The "Wild Adventures" and "Triumphs" of STANLEY- IS - AFRICA This only authentic and copyrighted cheap edition is selling faster than any other book in America. Gives a full history of his " Down the Congo." AGENTS WANTED. For full particulars and terms address HUBBARD BROS., Hubs., Philadel phia, Pa. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53,072 Superb English Beoks AT OUR PRICE. 75.27B New American Books AT YOUR PRICE. 112,726 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, 3 Beekman st, near New Post-Offlce, New York. HE! RICH BLOOD! Parson's Purgative Pills make new Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system In three months. Any person who will take one pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be re stored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent by mall for 8 letter stamps. I. S. JOHMSON & CO., Bangor, Me. LAME BACK. BENSON'S CAPCTNE POROUS PLASTER is for lameness or weakness of the back, Rheuma tism and all local aches and pains, the best reme dy known. It was invented to overcome the slow action of the ordinary Porous Plasters. It relieves pain at once, and cures where other plasters will not even relieve. Sold everywhere by Druggists, price 25 cents. Sorrel horse. In prime condition, warranted sound, kind and true In all harness and under the saddle. Price reasonable. Also saddle, bridle, &c. Apply at office of undersigned, on premises of Mrs. J. Fox, Trade street D. STUART LYON, M. D. March 29 3t. F OR SALE. A beautiful Rifle Gun, made by Lamb & Son, Jamestown, N. C. For particulars and price, apply to CHAS. R. JONES, mar9 dw tf Observer Office. F OR SALE. The Bourgeoise and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and was not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because it became necessary to use a different style of type. It will do good service for several years to come. It will be sold In lots to sul pur chasers, and In fonts of 50 to l,0001bs, with or without cases. Address OBSERVER, oct5 Charlotte. N. C. MORTGAGEE'S SALE! XTNDER and by virtue of a deed of trust execut J ed to the undersigned by Chambers & Stegall, recorded In book 19, pazes 212, 213, 214 and 215, register's office of Mecklenburg county, I will sell by public auction at the court house door in the city of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M., on the 7th day of April, 1879, the following vehicles, horses, and other articles of personal property: One depot wagon (new), one . clarence vehicle, three phaetons, one double buggy, two single bug gies, one spring wagon, one carryall, one straw cutter, two saddles and bridles, four sets of lead bars, many sets of single and double harness, one clock, twelve horses all trained and broken. Terms: Cash. BERRYMAN GREEN, Trustee. By JONES 4 JOHNSTON, Attorneys, marg oaw ids yELL IMPROVED CTTY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person desiring to purchase a well improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modem con veniences, fine well ef water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at declS THIS OFFICE. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held on the first Monday In May, (being the 7th day of the month), 1879, at the usual polling places In the several wards of the eity of Charlotte, for Mayor and a Board of Aldermen for said city. Ward No. 1 Registrar, John L Elms. Inspectors Dr. M. M. Orr, S. M. Howell, A. E. Gray. Ward No. 2 Registrar, H. B. Williams. Inspectors - John L. Morehead, Dr. William Sloan, A. B. Davidson. Ward No. 3 Registrar, B. P. Boyd. Inspectors R. M. Oates, J. H. Carson, M. A. Stauffer. Ward No. 4 Registrar, R. P. Waring. Inspectors J. Y. Rrjoe, Rnfus Barringer, R. B, Alexander. M.X ALEXANDER, Sheriff. K S. SMITH, Major. March 28, 1879.-.- v gnj (goads. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT i FOR THE LADIES. COLORED SILKS, SILKS, SILKS. We have this day opened a handsome line of Summer Silks In Plain Colors and Hair Stripes, to which we call your special attention. W-A-B- PRICES: 65 CENTS, 85 CENTS, $1.00 They are good and cheap, and it will be well for you to see them early, Resiectfully, WITTKOWSKY 4 BARUCH. CLOTHING! CLOTHINn I LOTHING! CLOTH1NU ! W. KAUFMAN & CO'S. i CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock OF CCO L OO TTTT H H II NW N GGO OOL OO T U H II N If N G O O J, OO T HHHIINNNG OOL OO T H H II N NN G GG OOO IXLL OO T H H II N IK GGO TV1 HAVE EVER OFFERED, Consisting of the usual variety of MEN S. BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S ty CLOTHING, FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. All we ask Is that our friends and customers will give us a call, as It will be to your Interest and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN 4 CO., Springs Corner, Charlotte, N. C. decl2 HE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES TFor Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Gene rally? The Improved Type Writer. . I Oscillating Pnmp Co'9 Pumps; end for Ctrcularp. FAIRBANKS Ca,V. 811 Broadway, New ToA W For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers eptl-dtaww H1R H,

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