CHAS. R. J ORES, - - Editor and Proprietor "Free from the doting scruple sthat fetter our free-born reason." SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1879. LENT AM) LEAVISU OFF. . Stye orijarlottc liscriicr.! TIiE LAST DAYS 5LI0K lAST SE8sm i C 1. Steele, whose kind thoughtf ulness is unfailing, has sent to us all the Jjack numbers of the Congressional Record, including those which contained the debates which marked the closing days of the Forty-Fifth Congress. There is no more interesting reading than those speeches made upon Hoar's amendmen to the Mexican pension- bill, excluding Jefferson Davis from the priyileges of the pension; and we confess to a thril of pride in the lofty eloquence with which Thurraan, Lamar, Ransom, Coke ;and Garland repelled the wantonly cruel assaults of Hoar, Blaine, Chand ler and Edmunds. That debate will be interesting reading a century hence and Mr. Davis was most fortunate in there being upon the floor of the Senate gentlemen competent and manly enough to hurl back the foul aspersions upon his name. Their task was a peculiarly delicate one ; they performed it with al delicacy, and by virtue of justice and right being on their side, and by reason of the skillful use made by them of the weapons of debate, they achieved an intellectual victory among the most conspicuous won during the session. If we feel a pride in the bearing of Gen. Ransom in that controversy, we feel no less pride in his conduct of the fierce debate between himself and Mr Conkling on the river and harbor bill The adroitness which characterized his It is not often perhaps not often enough that Thk Observer preaches its readers sermons. It and they are so much engrossed in the affairs of this working-day world, that it rarely ever undertakes to do more for them than to tell them what is going on around them. If it neglects he cultivation of their better natures it is more their fault af ter all than its, for, having once found out what they want to be told it is na tural that it should tell them that and leave the preaching of morals and re ligion to those whose business it is to preach these things. J5ut we turn a little aside this morn ing, and alter having told them the news and preached politics to them for live days in the weeks, address ourself to them this Sabbath morning in a few abstract propositions, born of some re- cent contemplation of the outside world and suggested by the season. . In the antique time of Christendom before re ligious feasts and fasts had faded "pretty management of the amendments which much into abstract symbols and when ,ie sollK"1 ":lve auopieu, was equa they had their real expressions in life and manners, the advent of the lenten season was the signal for leaving off the appetites, the indulgences and the en grossments that were of t he earth earthy and of the world worldly. Even then there were people, subtle in devices for turning codes of religion to the account at every point to that of the wily Sena tor from New York, who opposed them and that this is a well-founded claim is established bv t lie fact that Mr. Conk- ling's battle was unavailing and that Gen. Ransom wrung from a hostile Senate all that .he asked for! "We repeat that these old Records of personal selfishness, who-managed to ptnouSa tne facts which they contain make Lent, with its abstinence and its dietary regulations, a period of ease and comfort by preliminary surfeits of pleas ure. The true philosophy of Lent tran scends all forms, observances and con ventions connected with stated days or were already known in a general way must make to the patriotic Southron and especially the. patriotic Carolinian. most engaging reading. y i "Charges' Against Dkmociits.- seasons. it means a culture which is f Some of the newspapers seem to be dis eei onward ami upward, not a cease- turbed because "charges" are begin- less vibration between the extremes of ning to be preferred bv the Xew York excess and reaction. It means the re- Times :ml ierlim ntl.r nnl.lir-.r, ligionofthe constant progress of hu manity, society and civilization, mark ed by leaving off, not once in awhile, but once and forever, what is low, igno ble and deteriorating, and takimr on journals, against two of the new oflicers of the Senate, Messrs. Rurch and luiglit, on account of certain past transactions. Let not vour hearts be troubled. This is old. "When went what goes to raising, ennobling and thereby an age" when "charges" were ameliorating the individual and the not made against Democratic oflicers race. Americans may boast as they and candidates? In fact, our Repub- will of their material prosperity and lican brethren seem to consider that their national wealth. Rut in some re- they have the characters of all our spects they are abject slaves in the midst public men in their especial keeping, of their vaunted liberty and wretched- They are continually informing us that ly poor in the midst of their vaunted this or that Democrat has been riches. There is but one way for them besmirched at some rPrio1 or oti.r in to escape from a bondage and a misery his life, and that therefore it. would he which portend national decline and so- very impolitic in us to run him. This leads us to the query, "Whose funeral cial decay. It is strenuously to leave off those things which have tended to their distortion as individuals and their deterioration as a race. Heretofore there has been far too much in the spirit of their legislation, in the spirit of their is this, anyway V and to the suggestion that if the Republican party had always been as careful about the characters of its own men as it is about those of ours, it would stand before the country r.1' "1"11' m uie sram ot " "idus- to-day with an infinitely cleaner record max aim commercial activities, to devel- than it has. op an intense and remorseless individ- x..c;;uooi, cue workshop, the A very Dangerous Man. We counting-room, the professional office guess after that debate in the nouse, mnefor the most part cultivated to Friday, between Messrs. Conger, of more or less refinement the fiercest in- Michigan, and Sparks, of Illinois, the stincts of selfishness, in no way express- Democrats of that body will be apt to ed or mitigated by study and discipline step pretty lightly when' the fierv, un- caiculated to vindicate the supreme law tamed warrior from Michigan is around, ot the subordination of the individual When Sparks twitted him with not hav- to society and of the adjustment of cul- ing been in the armv, he arose with all tuie and happiness to the improvement, the indio-naHnn that h m-!,, oi. nn,l-alf,,,.fi -.uv Bicmj-uumwi "viicwc ui cue iace. uur vast sys tem ot corporate enterprises in this country, so sedulously fostered by na tional and State legislation, has been -"IT 1 i . .. visioiy developing itself, year by year, into one mighty and crushing organiza tion of individual selfishness and am bition. a charge demanded, and gave Mr. Sparks to understand in plain term that he (Mr. Sparks) evidently didn't know who he was talking to. He told him plainly that he (Conger) was, during the Avar, a member of the State; military ooam of Michigan, and doubtless im CONGRESS'S EXTRA SESSION TB E -II OUSK DISCUSS! HQ T HK AKMY yr.. , Bill. . TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORT, titawttegg aoi nassnrare ! cvio&icnXs. Hotels. ENLARGEMENT The Question, of the Rules Speeches by Stephens and Garfield. Washington, March 2P. House. The question raised by Reagan yes terday to the effect that there were no rules governing the actions of this House, none: having been formally adopted, was brought up by the Speak er immediately after the reading of the journal. The Speaker said he was not present yesterday at the time the point was raised in committee of the whole, and stated that under rule 147 the rules of the preceding nouse were declared to be the rules of every succeeding House until otherwise ordered. He quoted the ruling of Speaker Grow on that subject, and said he was not aware of any other ruling at variance with it. Its reason and object were to furnish the House with a set of regular rules, instead of committing it to the wide sea of general parliamentary law. The subject was discussed at considerable length. The House at 12.40 went into com mittee of the whole on the army appro priation bill and the discussion was re sumed, Stephens, of Georgia, opening it. He argued in favor of the relevancy and admissibility of the section, but in timated his dissent from the theory that the rules of one House governed succeeumg nouses unless re-adopted. There was no question in his mind but that the pending section was germane and was in the direction of retrenching rxurnuiiurrs. iieirencnment was not only possible and probable, but certain. He discussed the laws of 1793 and 1807, and argued that they did not apply to me uau ui iiuups in civil eases, Dut on ly in cases of invasion and insnri-pptinn In civil cases troops were furnished on the call of a marshal as a posse comi tattis, but such provision as authorized the presence of troops at the polls nev er existed on the statute look till 18G3, and all the change of legislation pro posed by the section in question was uie repeal oi mat law. Public .senti ment North and South was acainsr. Hip employment of troops at the polls. There was no need for such a tiling. The country had got along without it ior tnree quarters ot a century. There would be no harm done, therefore, by a repeal of the law. Mr. Stenl iPTis snnto for over twenty minutes, in a strong clear voice, and attracted great atten tion. A general discussion was then opened 0 uarneid, the agreement being no vulb wouui ue taken to-day. Garfield made a verv stiono- stpph against the policy of the Democratic party in Congress, declaring it to be utterly revolutionary and tending to the subversion of the Erovprnmpnr Ho showed how by the abstention of the majority in either house from the per formance of their legislative duties, the government could be broken un. and declared that this was thp first time in American history and the first time in two centuries in England, that it had been proposed or insisted upon that those voluntary powers should be used ior the destruction of government and yet that was the proerammp. an nounced to the American people to-day. Jt the pending proposition was the simplest and most inoffensive, still when it was demanded as a matter nf coercion it had to be resisted. It was not against the proposition itself, but against the Democratic methods that he spoke ; and what was the law on the re peal ot which the Democrats now insis ted at the very peril of the national life ? It was a law proposed bv a DemneH Senator, Powell, of Kentucky, and re- i'"' ai against uy a xtepublican com mittee, and passed in both houses by a majority of Democratic votes, thp ma jority of the Republicans' votes being against it. He named as voting for it Senators Hendricks, of T TlfS of Kentucky, Johnson, of Maryland, McDowell, of California, and among the Democratic Representatives. TJant OF CHINA CHINA CROCKERY AID GLASSWARE Tl, , ... . lm' o-i'iie Passionate SOlmtiir p nvpsspd iiimn lia ..l-.o,.,, .,,.11' ' . ... ........ nip IIU ClOHI V, t Illitll ,? i V SU'Ug ! POhtlS' mairt- l'o "ad the nerve to occupy a position h g by turns the qualities of fox, wolf, of such imminent, deadly peril, in time jr""u l us nianitoidionns of war, was not a man to be fool OI ODlTllHr.Uin :)TW rn.onlt- ,.11 . -i . .. . ' . . ir.t uonerg- wan in tnne ot peaee-. If Itfr. Sparks 1 ""King government did not quail under this retort from :Tv : T . ,"",,slrus g"e of the valiant Miehigander and shut his PmpU;,. :Jn? ''eaggran- mouth, he exhibited a temerity which ...v... wt iv , , iu ' nr TN emL- .nmnnntu. ..!., .!... 1.1 . . w , .....vuMnu ij nunouui; i ecKiessness. indi virtnnllv ... ' v"j "-nnijr, nationally, with a raging monomania of selfishness. It is as though all, or nearly all, had become crazed with an ignorant and brutal per version of the Darwinian doctrine of the-survival of the fittest; the rich in tent upon getting richer and richer, and making the poor poorer and poorer ; the strong intent upon devouring the weak fllO Will! r1 1. yYciy weaK intent upon devour- j ne next news we expect to hear from Washington is that the eminent soldier from Michigan has scalped a confederate Brigadier. Xorth Carolina's Share. Secre tary Gorham's sworn statement shows that during the last congressional cam paign he sent money to North Carolina as follows: "Fifth district, &500: sec ing the still weaker. The brutality dnp ond 'district, $3,000; Harris' district Tint, t'llra 11 . . . ftvtn " Airu 1 i, . ' iwv cvauwy uns lorm, but it iy oe meant oy "Harris amounts to about the same thinrr in district" is a matter of speculation : Jim moral significance and in disastrous ef- IIarris WJls candidate in the second feet by cheapening and degrading hu- district and it may be that he received m.inity and weakening the bonds of o0 95 ins sll!lre of tne general fund, civil cohesion and sapping the founda- The 500 in the fifth district was used uons of society. This madness lias no to elect TourgeCahd the balance given rengion apart irom the pursuit or thp Carolina was to defeat Kitch in; circumstances of wealth. Money is its Tne result of this expenditure of 04,000 deity. It firmly believes that wealth is hot calu'ated to encourage the Re hides the hideousness of vice, and that Publican politicians to make any more poverty taices every charm from virtue mvesr-ments m this State Worst of all is tion in a wild desiretol lMl ?,5J? Eng , . -v ui simulated tokens of wealth, under-m,p insane infatuation tht mmm,, London. March 28 Thor)-mi..'fln.Jn repute of possessing it, mav alwiv article says the government's pro stand for excellence -md po w r tTt fdZfLJ individual possessor, and that these N rise in a memorial by inkers and tnmgs can have no guarantee or cer- othYS wo advocated the raising of imcate 111 anytliing else. Americana X' .,'," "Je,'"e?,.yurP?e ?' W must some time begin to leave off tta InSian exetan 'SJ ,"C characteristics and practices of a dis- foe, theloan would go towards helping usmpeieu iuuiviituaiism, and must Yl"a"J LU Bt?11 ome or ner useless some time enter upon an education w ueLaLa0od?ric Beyond that it , , , . ' , cuuwuo" will do nothing to redress the real srriev- and cultnr.5 acknowledging the subcrJi- ances of Indiafi finances, wJiich'with- nation of the individual to society, or out instant and steady resort to the national and social ruin awaits them. n?tt- .ro'ls1 economjv will possibly oiiin. mm Iiu51BSS COIllUSlOn. A Sneer Without a Point. The Wheat and Fruit in the West. Philadelphia North American inc iden- Cincinnati, March 29. The Enquir tally remarks : rer publishes a careful estimate of the Highway robbery of the heroic sort wheat and fruit crops from nearly died out with Jack Sheppard and his every county in Ohio, Indiana and pals, or has fled to North Carolina and Kentucky, from which it is estimated the mountains 0 Italy. Bluebeard was that the wheat crop will .be bount- among the last of the picturesque pi- eous, but gives very poor prospects for rates. . - peaches and apples. . "This 1)001' sneef," as Norfolk Xmertew and ' pla". lth have been landmark fitly and forcibly termsthe SffnSSSl WSafT above, is . not moje inallClOUS than StU- wards, foranlce room at this large flrst-class ho- pid. ilighwayibbuery haV never been fAZo. diaracteristic ofNorth Carolina any &S&l.'SS more, tlan law and order have of Petin- SlSSSSSw. m 10 3 00 day' iBvlvnnla. marao lw " uall, ot Pennsylvania, Wood, of Xew lorK, and Pendleton, of Ohio. The speech creates great excitement. wrier an argument by Keid, of Maine, igainst the section and in nnnn, ie point of order, the chairman marie -a decision overruling the point of order anu jiunung mat me section was ger mane and would retrench expenditures. An appeal was taken and the decision was sustained 125 to 107. SPOKTIXG IXTELIIBEXCK. Hanlau and lfuwdou fact a Turn Ewjlish HrhJu-ttrsto Visit A nit rim. Lonim., March 20 The Sportsman says: "The weather on the Xvne side, yesterday, was a great improvement upon that experienced during the past week. Hanlan and Ilawdon put in some strong work. The latter was the first to show afloat in the forenoon Alter sculling steadily up to Leaming ton 1 oint, he turned and came back at fair pace to the head of the meadows. On his way back he met Hanlan. The pair having met on the river for the first time, had a smmre innb- it other, and Ilawdon threw out a kind M1KCH29, 1879 - PRODUCE. LiNciNMATi nour firm and higher; family ,4.60ai.50. Wheat inactive; red and white 1 00a 1.05. Corn easier at 37a37te Oats In fair demand at 29a32. Pork quiet at 10 00. Lard Inactive; steam 6.85. Bulk meats quiet and firm; should ers 3.60, short ribs 4.75. short clear 4.90; bacon quiet and steady; shoulders 41, clear ribs 5ty, dear sides 5Mt Whiskey unsettled and lower at 1.00. Batter, steady and unchanged; choice dairy do I5al6. Sugar steady; hards 01 wuikj o Aewurieans 6a7U. Hogs Baltimokb Oats active; Southern 33a35, Wes tern white 32a32 do mixed 30a32, Pennsyl vania 32a32Vk. Hay' unchanged; prime Penn sylvania and Maryland llal2. Provisions steady; mess pork, old 10 50al0.75, new -; bulk meats loose shoulders 3a. clear rib sides 4a5, per car iua, pou&eu new yaova; oacon shoulders, old 4, clear rib sides, new 5sa6, hams, sugar-cured, 9al0. Lard refined tlerm 7ii.aii. Ttnttar nniAt.- cholce Western packed 18a20, rolls 15al6. Cof- ico una; nut cargoes iiai4. Whiskey dull at x-ki i avj- o us ii Hieauy; a son SHJ. Nkw York Flour no important change; No. 2, 2.3aa3.10, superfine Western and state n.dRaa.RR. common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 3.80 good to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern flour orouj, wuimuii w iiir extra 4.ioao.40; good to choice do 5.50a6.75. Wheat ungraded win erred 1.00al4 , No. 3 ditto 1.09all. Corn -ungraded 43a46, No. 8, 43,ia44. Oats dull. Coffee, moderate business; Bio quoted In car goes llal4t, in job lots 10al6. Sugar weak; Cuban 6a, fair to good refining 6a6 prime o ; refined standard A. 7a crranniatmi km powdered 8aVi, crushed 8. Molasses New Or leans 28a42. Bice in fair demand and steady; aiunua ijuuicu aioMja, Louisiana BVsa7. rork mess on spot .37a50. Lard prime steam on spot 6.50a55. Whiskey steady. Freights do. COTTON. NopoLx-Steady; middling 1014c; net receipts .V8S9: BT,S8J."7:: 8tock .7; expoits coastwise w; expons to ureat Britain 3,905. Baltmoki Firm; middling 10; low middling .....j c"yav., iigi rccciyta ; gross 127; sales 225 stock 8.988; exports coastwise ou; opiimers izo; exports to (ireat Britain to Continent Boston Firm; middling lOgc.; low middling 1014; good ordinary 9lfc; net receipts 905; gross 915; sales; stock 3,708; exports to Great unuiiu . Wilmington Firm ; middling 9c; low mid dling hsc.; good ordinary 9; net receipts 96; a . iica oo; biock. ij.oou; spinners ; ex- puria wosiwise ; to wreat Britain ; to Con- uoiit ; m cuaimei . r m i ,a i ) hi ,phi a jfirm ; middling lOJWc; low m ddllng 10!tec.;good ordinary 9iC ; net receipts i imi' 1' sues ; spinners aou; stock cijwiuj w ureai uniain . luousTA-Quiet; middling 9c; low mid uiiiig vvsp.; gooa ordinary 9c.; receipts 239; shipments ; sales 1,894; stock . Charleston Quiet; middling 10U(C.;low mid- Ware Hous Furnishing Goods. Cutlery, Bar Fix- 641; gross ; sales 200; stock 19,489; exports tures' and man, other goods too numerous to men coastwise ; Great Britain ; France - Continent ; to channel . ' tion, for our Wholesale and Retail trade. In fu- tmfwT.Is.J';ale8 348:'mlddling uplands 10, middling Orleans 10; consolidated net re- ;mtkj; exports to ureal Britain 6969. c7tTV JsTi S" ,i"ucniMj inquiry, uplands 5?sd., Orleans, 6d., low middling uplands gopd ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands ' i ? V'SSx' 8PeculaUon and export 1,000, re an Amencan. sutures sellers at l -82 decline Uplands low middling clause : March jellwryB2i-32, March and April do, April and OT.f NICHOLAS. BUSINESS. MR. A. W.LUDOLF, OF BALTIMORE. Ml)., a man of unlimited experience in this business, having traveled for 17 years in the AVest and South selling Crockery, &c, for some of the most exten sive Crockery houses North, has been associated with TOHN BROOKKIELTA ROOKFIELl J, OF THIS CITY, in the above business, and the firm thus constitu ted will be known as JNO. BROOKFIELD & CO. Mr. Ludolf left last Tuesday for the North to lay In the most extensive stock of QUEENSWARE, China, Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Deco orated China and Porcelain, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fine Fancy Goods, Wood and Willow SCRIBNEB'S ILLUSTRATE!) MAGAZINE fob gibls aks soxsl ' . 1 anidkal child ken's magazink. Messrs. Scribner & Co., in 1873, began the publi cation of ST. Nicholas, an Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys, with Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge as editor. Five' years have passed since the first num ber was issued, and the magazine has won the highest position. It has a montily circulation of OTB8 50,000 COEEKS. , It is published simultaneously in London and JNew York, and the transatlantic recognition is al most as general and hearty as ihe American. Al though the progress of the magazine has been a steady advance, it has not reached its editor's ideas of best, because her ideal continually outruns it, and the magazine as swiftly follows after. To-day St. Nicholas stands 3 The arrangements for literary and art contribu tions for the new volume the sixth are complete drawing from already favorite sources, as well as from promising new ones. Mr. Frank R. Stock ton s new serial story for boys, "A JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," Will run through the twelve monthly parts. be ginning with the number for November, 1878, the first of the volume, and will be illustrated by Jas K Kelly The story Is one of travel and adventure in Florida and the Bahamas. For the girls, a con tinued tale, "HALF A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS," By Katharine D. Smith, with niiicipoHnno k erick Ulelman begins in the same number; and a Sfw b Susafl CooUdge, entitled '-Eye- Xith vetlty ofJ,lctui'e8' wm be commenced early In the volume. There will also be a contin- '"BDMPTY DODGET'S TOWER," &,J1r,n Sawthome, and Illustrated by n1ftdeirick8, Abot 016 otner lamiliarfea-hHST-iICHOLAS' the editr Preserves a good humored silence, content, if hJl LxtTfn 2 tl8SHei IWpW concerning the sixth, in respect to short stories, pictures, poems Sf'SiJl.iff fetches, and &e lure an? tore of "Jack-ln-the-Pulpit," the "Very Little Folks" department, and the "Letter-ebx," aiid "Blddle- JS.83'0? aJeP"' 25 cents a number. Sub anriPhvn ve?, by the Publisher of thte pape ,?lby ali booksellers and postmasters. Persons ri oagwJte8nUribe ?,rct the PubuK siiouid write name, postoffice, county and State in full, and send with remittance in check, PO money order, or registered letter to j i a SCRIBNER & CO.. decj0 743 Broadway. New York. 7MELD BROS., WHOLESAlJi AND KXI A1L GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PROfnAT; Keep constantly on hand FRESH. EGGS u4 BUTTER, CHICKENS,. JUa KEYS, CABBAGE. IRISH POTATOES AP PLES. DELED FBUITS, Ac. Exclusive Dealers In RAMSOUR 4 BONNIWELL'S and A. L. FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ALSO. PROPRIETORS OF THE -RU- CHARLOTTE HOTEL, ture we will handle SHOW CASES, &C. KLiavjoV,11116 r23'a. June and July n 15-lfia29-32. Julv anil Aninist KaSQl.QO a,.' "I,1". Jbe.1" 6 l-32a6, September and Oc tber 6J;16' October and November -. New crop I. ji . 1 'eoruary ano March . April jid May . FUTURES. NEW YORK Future lnart atafi.iv 000 bales. March April May June July August September October November Sales 64, 10 .50a.51 10.50a.51 10.64 10.78 10.91 11.02 10.84a.85 10 52a.53 10 .26a.28 ""ciuuri 10.20a.22 FINANCIAL. New York Money 1.06a7. Eichanw Anaa goyernmente firm. New 5's 1.04. State bonds' CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of the Observer, i Charlotte, March 30, 1879. The market yesterday closed aulet as follows- iood middling Middling. uutvi, tun imuuuilg jj uvn uiiuuiiug oi . Tmges "11 Lower grades 7Lfaa 7 70 Particular attention paid to having goods decora ted to order, with any name or monogram, Ac, on each article of China. Give us your orders. We sell nothing but first class goods, and sell as cheap as you can buy at the North anywhere. LOOK OUT For Mr. Ludolf's return, as It will be a treat to ex amine his line of fine goods. JNO. BROOKFIELD fc CO., Trade Street, near College, March 27. Under Democrat Office. AN OLD And true maxim, " Take care of the dimes and the dollars will take care of themselves," should be re membered. Therefore when young or old, married man or pHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. " t thirty-fourth: tear. The most Popular Scientific Paper In the World. Only S3.20 a year, Including postage. Weekly, 52 Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. wLaCS,;nfRtICAK 18 a large firsUIass mot ; hP-imifft tL? sixteen pages, printed in the ? st beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the newest in ventions and the most recent' advances m the Arts ?,ld prices; including New and Interesting Facta cule. HoiticGiture. the Home fiealST Medical Progress, Social Science, Naurai Hl2' Geology, Astrouomv. The m.wt i,,..!.!1:' Science, will r f.iV.: " "' Terms, i.20 per year; ii.f t yeVwhich 1 w0NewY0,E1UNN & C- PubH.sbers, 37 Auk AJENTtt-In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs. Munn & Co.. Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 34 years ffiVe"wrid0WPhtTOttt,e 't estaofisn8 best terrn? a 2S2iniPat,;.nto.Mre obtained on the tWc Americ-in nfn1 made in 016 clei this Amf t11 ,nventloI1s patented through Patentee JRv thth,? I,ame and residence of the r-drentee. By the immense circulation thus elven public attention Is directed to the nienS If ti e eflectedt,lt'an(1SaleS r bUrodurtfonoftenefiliy loftK Ji covery or natoni okiZZfl'?"'!.." ul. cnarge, whether , piuuauy uk ouiauied. by writing to t undersigned. We also send free lit ojuvvs, iraients osts, and how pr the paper, or concerning patents ATTENTION T BACHELOR WANTS A 17 T I) 1? rT?T) A l)Mfr XTn-v iupT in theCTgar line, and does not wish to X JLiXiXld JlliL XV J. atI l I s'TJ5 Iil?anl Pice, let him by all means : - - f -' ""i weu ai lue same ume to bear In mind that them fa th tx iDn buv Crackers. hViilt.a Pjinrfioo oh o,, v.i j "l "c iiui uci, riuueer aim moe- ucu juuiig uiaiuen or Uuie X pendent Fire Onmnanw n h.rh nin ocuiuic m, uieir respeenve nans, at 3 o'clock n nj-In dress uniform, to attend the funeral services ioicii tow (.-uuiraue, i nos. a. riddy. u; viuci i uie niei. i' wii.vva mar30 Secretary Charlotte Fire DenartTrlAnt CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly famished and Is kept In first class style. Terms, Per Day f , H''ireilt Inducements offered to table hm,i ersj for terms see the proprietor. tSOmnlbus and Carriage at every train. FIELD BROTHERS Mr. H. S. Wn.soN i Laby, Henry Wilfong, feb9 $2.00 Ho u o u MARSHALL E H .....Proprietors. Superintendents Clerk.' $2.00 I E SAVANNAH, GA. A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate-82.00 and $2.50, according to leca-. won or Room. M. Feb. J 0 tf. L. HARNET riart im. . . .. ' i laniers' Hotel patent can probably obtained, b7Titu Z to 1879 IHE FOUR REVIEWS 1879 TOP AT THE " BOYDEN HOUSE 'Salisbury, N. C. C. S. Brown, Proprietor,' Late of the National Hotel, -Raleigh., C. S. Brown, jr., Chief CJerk; W. O. Shelburn As dec 30 sis tan t. AKI) JL) LACK WOOD. ui ciicuienge to his opponent by quick ening his pace to thirty-eight strokes, wmcii maae ins boat move n hp: II ATTENTION ! O E N E T S Authorized reprints of f Edinburgh Review, (Whig), Ttil Mtt?HCT (Conservative. -iiietsnnshLjudrterly Review t,Evangeliciil, AND BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE bSks assays GIRL. WITH THEj SSBTSsS CASH Of course vou can nnrhAs shaimuF hut ppmima ,k;irn.:'STL'.v'. "oi,fc t ia we picivc w gei me oesi. A R 0 MAT I C WW T V .re, bereby ordered to assemble at your hall at A O Clock D. tn tn nttanA thu 1 . vices of your late comrade, Thoa. H. Tlddy. Hon- t, 3 ",c"'LTCla oi l"e company are invited to par- ,JU... uiua ui iuo rresiaeni. intlfiil style. Hanlan, quickening his stroke considerably, moved away from Dela- vai oeiuier m a style whicli would not give the latter a mean impression of his powers. Hanlan continued his pull down into the meadows. BelVs Life says a team of profession al cricketers under the leadership of Richard Craft will go to America in August. mar.30 BOBT. R. RAY, Secretary. ATTENTION ! P I O N E E R 2 Flashes from the Wires. The treasury yesterday made anoth er call for ten million five-twenty bonds. Joseph France & Co., metal workers, r Newcastle, England, have failed. Liabilities, 80,000. The English court physicians an nounce officially that PHnn WaMomov died of diphtheria. Measures have been taken to prevent the spread of the disease. A fire broke out vp.sfpiVhi in the Tremont House, at Claremont, iN- Xl. X lVe DfiTSnna novLnrl tu " S inrf 'as entirely destroyed. . ne union Greenback S f h?e Isliincl, yesterday noini- Davhl 4a A UhK forT Governor and JJavid A. McKay for T.ifinfpnsinf.r.. ei-nor. " TERMS FOB 1879 (INCLCDING POSTAGE) : Payable strictlv FovK $4 00-perannm. For any three Reviews, i o oo For all four Reviews i", Jor B ackwood's Magazine, 4 00 ior Backwood and one Review. Too i or Blackwood and two Review's 1 0 00 lor Blackwood aiiri threa ic r,X For Blackwood and four " 1 '-w , , POSTAGE. This Item of expense, n temo . ers, is euuivalent to a TAhX'' , . '1 i'u""sn- the cost to subscribers "in forr years. ' W" n CLUBS. A discount Of ftt-enfu rc ., . .. cluhs of fmir i U1, wxu ue tuiowed to address, for Si2.0 four copies of the fom views and Blackwood for fflnd tl on Uf Ke" PREMIUMS. earl,) for the year Immediate relief warranted P0f s.u"nDe Ior- . "w SSSSSSf1 excluslvely ed by all" celebrated f our" omrariS aSy three or OLD WASHINGTON RYE WHISKEY. WherwtnToZtteJn rdloKr? SSeTSl?1 10 bfScUyS'ar1 State Chemist of Ya. LA THRO P & LEIGH, Sole Proprietors, 1816 & 1318 Cary street. Richmond. Va. " OLD VtOTH,WAS TEETH. GUMS'BREATH NO MORE R H E U M A T I S OR GOUT ACUTE OR CHRONIC S ALICYLICJ SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OF PABI8 AND LEIPZIG. A&be pnlydlssolver of the poIscS v..vyiu nureut!Aism in me BlOOd Of Rheumatic ana UOUtv Patient a 1 AO k a v. .I7TT k nn sa iT.. Jr"w " o uoxes ior ?l " T . ""ress on receipt of price. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. A& V Ann Kl I KlV k' At fi nov7 Only Importers' Depot. 23 Cliff-st. N.'y. For sale by J. H. McADEN, Druggists, o i-iy. Charlotte, N. C. ASHING TON RYE WHISKEY. Justifies me in commending it to connolsseSrs iSS all who appreciate good Whiskey C if ' March 'J 1 -i " SHRANK. M M S S O o N JOSEPH FISCHESSER, Proprietor. DEALER IN BEER, ALE, PORTER ME,ET If our hiUI' this afternoon at 3 o'clock, rJiwo1 dres? ,uniform. to a.tend the funerai services ot your late comrade, Thos. H. Tlddy By W- Stary. P"tat mar30 F BENCH BRANDY Guaranteed to be TWENTY YEARS OLD, AT CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON. ATTENTION ! INDEPENDENTS. Destractlon or --a-jlew Court House. Cincinnati. Ma ty, Ohio, court homo n To"1"""" ture with four fronts, standing in the" Ttr S(lrea?ewark' and just finished at a cost of momnnn caught fire in the cupohTfrom a SS Tt nsed to illuminate the clock TciSv and was burned down to ti,n Z.'? " wm Probably be toSS .6 us,ulBU1eu ior S20.000. ABcnedy that h been Remedied. The invincible reDuim.mrv tou k- , one to the smell and flavor af Cod l Liver OIL prevented tens of thousands of the vtrtim T?.f lut bllity. from reaDirut tne benfltAf JLJ!SS?5 and, nutrlUTe iroperttes. The almost 1 hoot le onaumptlve, the martyr to rheiUAmUsm th$h ly Uvlng shadow ot men, womerS chiWren th!t emerge from the clutches of malarial fevera all of these know, or at least their dnrxr. l. 11 ? M discovered remedies, this oil is the best and of. tea the only one that will build upthtV?t, bodles.wid restore their shattered nervel anfar more effective than toe o4i tw tta)f 1. aAZSiJr dton of It. with the HmonhnsnhT. XT." Soda. This Is the finest and most nat food and medicine In the world, and wholly denrtvedof ito dlsaweeable quaUHes. yuepnveaoi marl 8 aw . - A nviE,8,,50' nal1- tbis evening, at 3 t c' 111 full uniform, to attend the funeral orterof comrade, Thos. H. Tlddy. By B E. Hunitcctt, Vlie-Sdlnt mar30 SeCrCtai7- CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R. R. CO. Treasurer's Oitice Columbia, S. C, March 29, 1879. rPHE Coupons on the 2d Morteaea xs,r,i,'.:. "LK VjUT' an at the Central Ntingi due on the first of Bank of Ods citv " u B.MW Antral National March 80, 187 C' B SMITH- Treasurer. SPLENDID LINE OF Fine Teas, all grades, lust in, at janOO LeRY DAVIDSN'S. A GREEN HOUSE AND SEED STORE AT TtOUH POST OFFICE. ROSES ! ROSES ! HoSuTedan2 BefdnKs110 f Green ofYhe t222? flant9thr"sn the mail to any part March 20 2m. C. B. FAIRCETLD, Seedsman and Florist Kaleigh, N.C. 2,000 flowerTpots A NDAntJnufi sortmeiTt of trreen h n,. e ! also an eleeant as Multum in Parvd n Jts and rosea. marao It oausuaw 4 CO. $200 IN CASn WILL PURCHASE A Power Printing pBIi n . . style, size of bed f&ui iK.JUSS?? ". old replaced tonei n." ",MLU ? until editor Enterprise and MTulIeV.Greil; JaH4tf rpHE BEST STOCK OF " GROCERIES an CONFECTIONERIES In the city, at Jan30 LeROY DAYIDSONi. clubs nfoHUowedunles dect to the publishers. No premiums given to J"86 Premiums it will be necessary to make KjEHSas"8 the s available" foS Keprinted by THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLLSHINr. rr, 41 Barclay Street, New York JJARPER'S WEEKLY. 1 8 7 9. I LUSTRATED. NOTICBS OF THg PRESS. The Wk&UXY remains Moil, v.. , . .... ttod papers by itsj anTliter iS5ffi of its type and woodcuts.-Spruiw b , 1 ty Its pietorial attracUons aremlTh SSh9"1 every variety of uhw.r tU S?P.': and embrace Zlon's Herald, Boston. .aimao eatment- nalloKte1. the dissemi- fiil opponent of sharnl TfrauX andi0"" Evenlno- T.?. 5Vt Ma Wise pretences. NKwwltn the first is mentlonedVltwm toKdiU P "me acriber wishes to TOmmeniS S?. alter the receipt oTRxter the Nuu,Sr nt HARPER'S PERIODICA T A SsS?e'2e $4 00 Harper's Bazar? 4 00 The Three nuh inaHn f- 4 00 Any Two. oS vn," ""ir 10 OO Six subscriptions, one year' .1". '. ! '. ' . ! 20 $ PoeVretelrK or Canada. ""oscnoers in the United States l.S&SHMj'SSf HAHPKH'8 W.KKI.T, ,n expenses (provided thp 'tZmS express, Tree of dollar ner vnT.S 'SS.'SSfeSi does. 110t exceed on set, comprising twenty &nTiCn- A complete ceiptofthecalhatthfrate 'Sf"' 7l re ftfjpw at expense of purr."55-20 peT la SSlVWSSS' Z,tab,e for Mn?A each. ' PostPal'. on receipt of $1.00 AdS 3fi& SWi&gr- 11 New York. AND WINES & LIQUORS, And the best brands of Cigars, ifeps Ktffir86' Seer, at honee&theCrto,r? to ALSO A FINE BILLIARD ROOM ATTACHED. Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte Hotel. gftttislrtj. J)R. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST OFFICE OYER L. R. WRISTON A CO S Dhug Stork. With 25 years' experience I guarantee entire atlsfaction Janll ileal Estate. JEAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will Advertise free of cost, all properties placed In mj hands for sale. declO THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. C. 1