fit i Mil ' 1 - ' I " ' - - .-"- - ; ALIA J U 1 'M ilLJ Stye OIf)ttrtotte bsemer. SUNDAYMARCH 30, 1870. Brief New Item The Virginia Legislature has passed a joint resolution to adjourn April 2. The Massachusetts Senate Thursday voted (24 to 11) to give women the right to vote for school committees. , ,, Prof! Frank H.' Bradley was killed Thursday at the Nacoochee gold mines, near Mt, Airy, Ga., by the caving in of earth. It is stated by a correspondent of the Richmond Whig that there are only eighteen students in attendance at Wil liam and Mary College, Ya. Over 80,000 tons of guano have been regularly inspected and sold in Georgia during the present season. The cash value of it is not much less than $3,- 600,000. . , r The Chambers-Clark prize light which took place Thursday at Navy Island, in Canada, was won by Chambers, 137 rounds having been fought. The affair was generally tame. Chambers gave Clark 100 alter winning the battle. A meeting of importers; rectifiers and wholesale liquor dealers was held hi PiUladelphla Thnrsday, at which .restf-j lutions protesting against inai poruon of the amended internal revenue act p ussed during the last few days of the - iorty-flfth Congress were adopted. The House of Representatives of the " Tennessee Legislature Thursday amend ed the Senate bill. to adjust the State debt at forty cents by striking out . "forty" and substituting "fifty" cents, at which rate it is believed the Legislature will agree to settle it if the bond-holders will concur. The Memphis Appeal says that city was never better governed than she is now; was never in a better sanitary condition ; never had a better outlook, and never saw the day when her people should be more cheerful as to the fu ture. Such a report from a city so re cently and so deeply scourged is very gratifying. The proceedings by the court of in quiry in the Fitz John Porter case have reached the President. Though as yet it has been impossible to obtain official information concerning the report, it can be stated that the friends ot Gen eral Porter are confident that the find ings are in every way in his favor, and that he has been completely exonerated from the charges preferred against him. Secretary Sherman has addressed a letter to Treasurer Gilfillan directing that the proceeds of 4 per cent, bonds shall not be drawn from depository banks only when required to make pay ment for canceled bonds, the drafts to le in proportion to the amounts held by the different banks, as near as may be in sums of 1,000. Money in the treas ury received for 4 per cent, is to be ap plied to the payment of called bonds be fore any drafts on the banks are to be made. THE KENTUCKY ASSASSINATION. More.About the Murder of Judge El liottThe Cool Way in which the Murderer Tells the Story. Frankfort special to the New York Herald. In ten minutes after Mr. Buford was taken to the jail the Herald correspon dent called upon him and held the fol lowing interview : Have you any objection to talking with me upon the subject of the killing of Judge Elliott V "None in the least I will tell you all about it" ' , He then entered into the particulars of the land suit lately decided against him in the Court of Appeals, entitled Buford, administrator, vs. Guthrie. He went over the whole ground, and said his sister, Mary F. Buford, had been robbed and murdered by the decision of the Court of Appeals. I then asked him to give me the particulars of the kill ing. "Oh, that is easily told," said he. "1 made up my mind to kill him. I thought on Monday I would kill both him and Judge Pryor, and took a walk to see if I could not save Pryor on account of his children. I finally concluded to do so. Twelve months ago, in March or April, I came to Frankfort determined to kill Judge Pryor, and had twenty1 four buckshot in a flannel bag for him and somebody else, but I changed my mind." h "Well, whv did you change your mind?" "Judge Pryor knew all the particu lars of my case. He knew how my sis ter had been wronged, and could have controlled the decision, but the case was not yet decided, and I determined to wait" -f "Tell me something about the killing of Judge Elliott" "I made up my mind to kill him, not because he was the first to decide the case against me, but because he gave me a Judas kiss. He came to me after the decision, and said,; Colonel; I did all I could for you.' . I knew that isvas'a lie. I knew the profession Was 'Against me' Here he went again into the particu lars of the case, anoV upon being asked to tell about the shooting of Judge El liot, said: "My gun, Was loaded with twelve buckshot in each barrel.1 T thought this morning I would gb'sriie miming, x met juuoic ana saw to mm, 'Judge, I believe I will go Bttipe b.urit ing; won't you go along?" He sai& No.' I then asked him if he wouldn't take a drinki and raised ray goh'1 and ..pulled the, trigger. .It went off clear as a bell. lie fell upon the pavement, and then I was sorryc I leaned down' and placed my hat under his head. I If IbIkJ eu to treat mm wij.ii as mucn courtesy as he had shown in the robbery and as sassination of my sister by his decision. It was the most ignominious game that ! my -gun ever killed. I was arrested then,, and gave the sheriff a letter to my niece, Annie: P. Wallace. You can see - the letter. I simply gave her all my es tate in law and equity; and. aSked to be buried by my sister. I did , hot intend - to kill Judge Ilines or Judge Pryor.J"'I iwiicu xiinut iu trv iirv -case, to stinw that they could not rob and afgiVe$lr. with impunity. Last week I tyas.down in iienry, ana l knelt on my - sister's grave and swore to gain this case or die with her. I know what I have done. 1 made up my mind, and I am ready to i take the consequences., I ihad a pistol ' In my pocket, afid I intended to use it , if the shotgun f ailedt but itdld not fail." A School Boy Fatally Whipped. Mi Lwaujcee, March 27. Eobeit Shee nan, the boy who was bo seyerely pm lshed at Bacine about" four weeks ago by Mr Skewes, superintendent of schoolp, died to-day. It is asserted that the se verity of the whipping was accidental, the boy having, in trying to dodge a ruler in Skewes' hand, received ittilow on the temple. Sheehan attended school fnr several days after receiving the in jury, but his death was unquestionablyJ the result of the blow oh the;head.p XnQUeSb Was juciu, ao abvcuK Wj- sician gave a death certificate! fThfi is ponsideraKle': citemetrar)a jhe Citizens of Racine over the affatrthiph wDI doubtless culminate in forcing an examination by the authorities. ' vfl worhan has as good right to health and bap. , iaih nthersex. xneu, wny huuct auiuw plnT mwlT is within your reach. XnrBrad. J0 Wrn on vour druggist for a circular, and JSlTnfe ba made. . , . r fr. X- 1 . I -. ZH'At A ROME SCANDAL. ' ' ' -i t. The Arrest of the American Consul for ,. Drunkenness in the Street, s Rome Correspondence of the Home JournaLl , : As no ' carnival scene would be 'com-'" plete without its special story of social scandal, we have lustijapurs at the proper time, and this time ifc affects the American colony of Rome especially. The scandal affects the American con sulate at Home. Charges are said to have been ; preferred against the consul and forwarded to the State department at Washington for having been found in a state of intoxication in one of the streets of Rome by a policeman and duly arrested for said offence. Let it be remarked here, en passant, that the of fence of intoxication in the public streets is one of the. most infrequent here before the courts, and therefore creates especial comment True it is, beyond question, that charges were duly preferred, and the policeman who made the arrest was ordered to attend for ex amination. Our United States minister was notified and expected to be present at the examination, especially also be-t cause he, Mr. Marsh, understands the, Italian, while our present consul does not in the least.' But Mr. Marsh is a great invalid, and hence could npt at i tend. The examination was, However, proceeded with and the; .charges for warded. Great-effortsrfeftvo-been made xiiinoiic apct;cue uaic uccu uiw, what effect has yet to, be seen. Since the facts have become knowrj the nerves of some of the pious people of the American colony have been shocked and the thing is talked about This is so much the more natural, as the aver sion to intoxicating drinks at the White Hbuse in Washington is well known, here, and it is thought that the parent home temperance society at Washing ton might with equal benefit, extend its branches here to Rome, there being at once a prospect for a good and excellent harvest for this society in the consular office of the United State. Hon. Josiah Turner tp. Got. Holdeo. Chatham Becord, 27th. This was a civil action brought Josiah Turner asrainst W. W. flolden for damages for his illegal arrest and imprisonment during the memorable Kirk war in 1870. An action was first brought by Turner in Orange Superior Court against Holden, Burgin and S. A. Douglas, which cause was removed to Granville and then to Warren, where, in Februarv, 187"), the plaintiff was non suited. In April following, Turner in stituted, in Orange county, the suit j against Holden alone, and it was re moved to this county for trial, where it has been pending ever since. On Mon-f day of last week the case was called1 arid at iast tried. After argument of counsel, His Honor Judge Buxton proceeded to charge the jury, aud we; take pleasure in saying that his charge reflected cred it on the head and heart of this upright judge. He said in substance that the jury should not allow any political feel ing to influence their minds; that they were sworn to do justice between the plaintiff and defendant; that he was himself a sworn officer, and as such he would lay down what he conceived to be the law, and they should find the facts ; that the arrest of the plaintiff by the soldiers was not denied, and, such arrest was illegal, and that the defend ant having admitted (as above quoted), his consent to his detention after such arrest thereby sanctioned it, and was liable therefor; that the. measure of damages was a matter for the jtiry to pass upon; that the statute of limita- Unn rplipd hn hv th dpfWirlant'q Mr- for the last ten years, and havettken nundredsat tions,reiieaon Dy tne QaaVfdoHaro' worth of modlelne without obliamlhg any tornev, did not bar this actfoh, nor did the amnesty act apply. The jury, which by the way was one of ouTgd" Chatham; juries, then re tired, and after an ;hodx!s: deliberation, returned a verdict in favor of the plain tiff and assessed his damages to eight thousand dollars. The defendant's counsel thereupon made a motion to set aside the verdict and grant a new trial, which motion, after argument, was refused by hishon or. An .appeal will be taken to the Su preme Court. ' , - The Greenback leader in the Hcusel Special to trtemehmimd Dispatch. Washington, MtfreJga&-Parson De La Matyr is duly assumed reader of the Grembackfrs'Jnk'tf i Hpwsei and hence'$fir50Bhate cfsM to be those says that, with BayardatHhe head of the Senate financfr -eommittee and Ran- has fna lhacenosf in Congress, and herace jwndoes jxot expect to accomplish much irotttlBSQ. 3f that time he thinks that thefinahciaiaistress of the coun- S wiUbeso:ret ,and the suffering the peppl iso widespxeadi that mem bers of both-1 the Democratic 5 and Re publican parties will flock by thousands. iy ue xictniviKx. urbanization. Aiesays his party ' m'l;.ifiiOTessJf ecbives some times as many as fifty political letters a day ahd that most T these come from the SotitH',"where' the Greenback sentiment is spreading. His appearance is striking, anhelooksaifihe belonged to the muscular branch of we. Church. He expe''by th-waty,i'Bat things from !Joftes,;pf Texas;' and ow, of Ala bama., ,-; - . .;,'',,.:... " Tlie r F aU. esjiiiij 'iliie.WcAi A Coaliiior. Tho- WeMewrffieft mir&MY that a mpmaxionpAireflnpajeke and i)em-f oeracs. wilt sweeptne .Vjestern States d vThr ireaaoni foriithis belief is that the nartiea nampxl at thn last, el Po rtion lprfv-'4tlHTAfforfrat liicansdia and thai theu.gns indi cate that there will b "a coalition be iiBWMSTti comi elections. ju. ajulukii, oi uainornia, is sun nere, and confers-daily with his Democratic brethren in regartto the congressional, election which takes plaice" in that State' in September kN ana denies but that soil an effort is to be made to thft I JJtjninesa mm' m s SeSdfion, soaSto roftortuffitaaLfcj anotHeT .VetOilit.Ii Nfti elfiRtiait hfl--t hppTi rnn- .tested mote, vlgbf Wistyf nBheT' Pacific coast thatf thKtdiWs Jffip. ""j-'VV' On Our M JllsBt frontiers. ' As In our busiest and most porMoas cities of the eaoeard ah Mterlen HOste act's Stomach Bitters- ( IWendntotly' tepula''-Wherever civilization plants its foot on this continent, thither the great Umlc. soon finds its way. Sat is this wirprislpfe for It is the medicine of all nthpra best lulanted to the waniof WMern emigrant, be he" mtner'or agrifcfllturfet lts an Incomparable remedy , for the diseases to which he Is most subject, and which are liable to be brought on by a change of climate, hardship, exposure, unaccustomed air andj dJej and miasmatic atmosphere and water. Among these are disorders of the stomach and iifiFA rheumatic aQments, and malarious fevers? of which Hoste tier's Bitters Is a certain specific. course of the Bi field ofjSo, i Bitters before deparjjngforChenew n ethe effjeotjit nreventinf Bia. such signal remedvTTM r-- .w . m inarzow- ' A ConstantearIlig- Soufeelr Pleasure. - As every one who reads the papers at all has be come aware not only of the existence of an honest ly conducted Lottery In Louisiana, but also been more or less tempted by the glittering prospects of a fortune within their reach by the simple expen4 diture of a couple of dollars. The constantly r- currinu raonthlr drawlnKs excite more and more attentloni and tknlr satlsfactorv -manaeemeht af fords much pleasure to all interested, i lor further uuormanon aesirea, me reaaer snouia ivuureB A. Dauphin, P. O. Box Wit Kew Orleans, La. mar25 lw ' thfitneafsUrs. WmsloWs SootV ttiMHi "far children. .It correct) 1 X UI upW(UHlH;i acidity of toe Btomacfcvrelievei mini cotlc, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diartheea. whether arising from teething or other causes. Aa old and. well known remedy. 25c per botOe. j ' ? k r. yEGETINE. HER OWNORDS. BaltUnore, Md.. Feb. 13, 1877. n Mr. H. R. Stevens: .? c.,. : Dear Slr-rSSnce several years I have got a sore and very painful foot I had some physicians, but they couldn't cure me. Now I have heard of your Vegetlme from a lady who was sick for a long tune,', and became all well from your Vegettne; and I went and bought me one bottle of Vegettne; and joftec I had used one bottle, the pain left me, and It began to heal, and then I bought one other bot tle, and so I take It yet I thank God for this rem-, edy and yourself ; and wishing every sufferer may, pay attention to It It is a blessing for health. -;j;;j MRS. CKRABE,, j, T " ' fii.u- ; 638 West Baltimore Street;. vEGET'tSri!."" ' SAFE AND SIMe. ; u- 13? ' . K JK-Jf'l 'A 'If Mr. H. B. Stevens: In 1872 your Vegettne was recommended Id Be and yleldlng to the persuasions ot a friend, I consented to try It At the time I was suffering from general debility and nervous prostration, superinduced Djjoretwoix ana irregular nanus. fTta wonderful strenothentife and curative Droow ties seemed to affect my debilitated system from the first dose; and under its persistent use l rapid ly recovered, gaining more than usual health and good feeling. Since then I have not hesitated to eive VetreOne my most unaualified Indorsement as being a safe, sure and powerful agent la. promofe- i ing health and restoring tne wasted system to new life and energy. Vegetlne Is the only medicine I use; and as long as I live I, never expect to find1 a better. Yours truly, W. H. CLARK, - 120 Monterey Street Alleghany, Peniu , VEGETENE THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. Charlestown. Mr. H. E. Stevens: Dear Sir This Is to certify that I have used your "Blood Preparation In my family for several and think that for Scrofula or Cankerous umors or Rheumatic affections it cannot, be ex- celled; and as a blood purifier and spring medicine it is the best tning i nave ever used, ana l nave used almost everything. I can cheerfully recom mend it to any one in need of such a medicine. -Yours respectfully, MRS. A. A. DINSMORE, 19 Russell street. VEGETINEv Boston, Feb. 13, 1871. Dear Sir About one year since I found myself In a feeble condition from general debility. Vege-ttne-nas strongly leeeromended to me by a friend who had been much benefited by its use. . I, pro cured the ;3-tlel64 and, After using several bottles, was restored to health, and discontinued 16 use. I feel quite confident, that there Is no medicine su perior to it for those complaints for which It Is es peciany, prepared, , and would cheeerfully recom mend It t& those hd feel that they need some thing to restore them to perfect health. Respectfully yours, V. POTTINGILL, ; : Firm of S. M. Pettlnglll Co., ' ' : No. 10 State styeet Boston, ALL HAVE '0BTATNEB EELIIF. ' ' Southrwl5k, Me., Jan. 17, 1 872, , H. R. Stevens, Esdii"4 M.i.rH ; . ,.-.! . , Dear Sir I have h1dpeteW In fts worst form for the last ten years, and have'takes hundreds of I relief, la September lastX-eommenced taklnp the Etfiie7snrwVCjUjEMny health has. steadily improved, mj iood ougesta well, and i have gain ed fifteen pounds of flesh. There are several oth ers in this place taking Vegettne aiuT all have' ob tained relief. ' Yours truly,.. . ; . - -- i VUrtBOUAB ft MOORE, Overseer Card RflCims Portsmouth Co. s' Mills. 'VEGEyt: H. R. STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS. it.n arc Vegetlne is sold by all Druggists.' Tans- DR. C. McLANE'S Celebrated American WORM ECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. s4i(iiHrrjiis!6KWohMS. j ',..! '"PHE countenance is pale and lead- . . . . .ejvqcJored, yith occasional flushes, ; six circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the: pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle : runs along the lower eye-lid rthie ' ; nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds ; a swelling of the upper lip ; ; occasional 'headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual:, secretion of . saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in 'the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, At others , entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the ' stomach ; occasional nausea and vonvri nHM throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive j stools slimy, notunfrequent ly tinged with blood ;ibetl)f swollen and hard: urine turbid: respiration It, and accompar cough sometimes, - viiKtf tinfn;v ana .(lis- : p-rinrlincr of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable&c. Whenever the above sympt6ms . jFs frnd to exist, :;;;; ' DR. dMiUAn& VERMIFUGE . ainlv enect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCVR,V; in any form ; it is an innocent prfepa- ft itift genuine Rf MCLane s Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and FleminS BrOS. on the wrapper. vri f !U Hi ni,. Ut.'u H !,.!,; ...-. if 'Jtliili of are not recommended as a remedy fbr t- lie.' vuiumis, uyspepsia : ahd"-Sick .tieai- ?o .. acae or diseases of thato.liart.r?'tKAfl, coe or diseases nf ini.v. tR'ey7? stand without a rival. Dtfer Atttafticf Jal lei EVER,; h. f n. . ..r!;i'- Bllsed tirTa'r'i',i.v .19lmw. ... - ... . inratrv tihiy ' ims&W&1ft never sugar coated. rr- a red wax seal on the ression Dr. McLAijE's tei.TrS FLEMING ROS. tiMAvff V11 "genuine Dr. Hff?" "prepared by Bi.fVsbcgl,: Pa., tW irr.TYT-tLlr'S uii ot imitations of name Ciane. spelled differ.nT same pronunciation. inn " - ' - . : oblarfaf j mldWvlllac GROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. . " . :;i-.f.' i ... .liit-i ' . Mil u f!:i, ,'i'f"' J. NEW GOODS ! A f . i NEW FEATURES ! (tome WmW fox Baeeh, Com; Sugar, Coffee, If o lassea, and other family Grooerles., -;jf ' -vdk received, a lew barrels of Berry Foster's (Da Jle.OOUntyJ , , -ji ji huv "'!!? ;-)t ;:.;'" : ' ' : -; ;.':- I'.ik r i t.,- - . - EK3T: RTJE WHISKJBT. .!!.;- i'.-Yr', r.i.n !... ,i Also A fine lot of Cbuntiy Hams. , I sell for cash. jdffiooda.deHvered In the tttj taM charge. ! ".' :.;. . i in.u;t m-BkVBOOOXGiEB, , ' Trade Street, ; Next door below Wilson 4 Black's old stand, taplfi. .::' jrid .biu-. i - ! luff; i-'f-hi i ii: Central Hotel Saloon. B. ALEXANDEE A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, ,j . CUeaChariottfi,N.C., We haniSe more) geijeftil country 1 produce than any homse In the lty, Bad still solicit farther con conslgiunentB from all parses who are willing to be satisfied with the besfjob we can ppt up on this market All those who cannot be pleased with our best efforts, are respectfully requested to send their goods to somebody else. 1 1 ... . , , , . , 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 . ii j JBE, best - and A cheapest Fertilizers are ACID PHOSPHATE & COTTON FOOD. Having 'accepted hej Pfilpacr; for". . be Maryland Fertlllzlm; k rMannftifrjag Company, I am now prepared to ;ofler specialisms, find favorable In .Mcemehts to fclaoters desiring a good and reliable FerttUzen1 - ji i . :, , Call early, examine the goods, hear prices and terms. , THOMAS H. 6AITHEB, mchi DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND EXAM I N E The splendid line of WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, VIZ: Autumn Cluster, Stuffed Mangoes, Tiny Tims Gherkins, Martynias. Also the finest line of C 11 A CKE.R S Ever seen In Charlotte, at LeROT DAVIDSON'S. . Remember, this is the only first class stock of GROCERIES In town. found at Anything rou want in Groceries can te : ' LeROY DAVIDSON'S. SWEET POTATOES, Received from Eastern North Carolina to-day 100 BUSHELS OF THE EASTERN YAM POTATO And am expecting more to-morrow At a M. HOWELL'S. March 27, ,5Q0 gOSHELS Eastem Tarns and other varieties of SWEET POTATOES, ; On hand and to arrive. CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. .' AT B. N. SMITH'S. mar28 ,! ;.. '. ., ';" -FOB- ' TENDOLLARS cash we will insert a seven-line advertisement one week In a list of 269 weekly newspapers, or four lines tat a different Ifet of 837 papers, or ten lines too weeks la a ettoteSKrt either of four separate -ana distinct lists orflalrjtDg from -70 to 100 papers each, or four Bnes'ono week tn aU four of the small lists, or one line one, week tn aU six lists combined, being more than 1,000 papers;' We also have lists of pa pers by States throughout the United States and Canada. Send 10 cents for our 100 page pam phIer5L0drS tJEOrP. ROWELL fc Cft, News papec Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street, New York. - P. S. II you will send us the names of a half dozen high-prtoed papers to which you would ad vertlsJlJ8T NOW,4f a satisfactory Inducement is made, we will submit a proposition, by return mail, which we think will please you. Money saved Is money earned. Send copy of the advertisement you will use and state in what paper rou saw this. "pMINENT .DR. W. F, STEUART, - MARINE HOSPITAL, BALTIMORE, Writes: I take pleasure, in recommending Colden's Lerb1g9 Liquid Extraet of Beef and Tonic Invlgor ator as a. most excellent tpnle in all cases lot debO lty, chtor sis, Ac. ' I haire tested It with universal' success. Sold by all druggists. TIT ik "TTJT7 Tl ONE SALESMAN for each V IyFS JL HiXJ state. Salary from 75 to 9S1 OO ner month anil AxnAnnns. RAferenoes to- 'J'oa Qark Street, Chleagp. A mydAgenahvassIrj.forthe "Ftbb- 'Terms and outfit free. Ad- Amrusta.'Maine. Mr nj a, .rnonth. nd expenses, guaranteed to i 1 4 f'.Ants. Outfit free.i Shaw A: C6.: Aurns TF BWjWJSB tKrBlnan;hiietj genteel i A kasiness, SLBd sasJun pteptj efiiaoivex during T, I I1U nmmova aAn nrtMM .a ., ...... . - - - feb4w4t. 107. 4th av4 N; 11 OQX;njParla, France, ; . V,..,, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER, and, SIL- Trade Street, opposite Start Presbyterl Oiurehi ' fjL " " :"-Nai5ra'Rinm. ' ' ' l Natferay'Store. JW'rvkcii at half nricrf 55? Lwad one year, Every kind of . Jewelrr or Bronze Gualng, Col Sllver-Flating and Gali'lh street, oortier of ttth steeet, hort notice and equally as good "W0 don6 for the trade at low prices, -i TIJ the iepUB ""us wcom oi repairs. i U 1 i 3. Au . . JB4I0tBS EH, i.! BO 6 T S, S HO E S AND H H H -H ' HHH H H H H TTTT .. f T T T A A ' Aj A 1st National Bank Building, Charlotte, N. C. . Oar stock of Boote, Shoes, Ac., is acknowledged to be the best, In the State, and ; we would be pleas ed to have you can and examine ror yourself perore buying. PEGRAM4C0. deci NOW IS THE TIME. The old customers of SMITH & FORBES, And the public generally, win find at their old stand, on Trade Street, $69,000 WORTH -OF- BOOTS, SHOES ; AND HATS, which are now offered to the trade at prices which have never been equaled In Charlotte, or in this country. All litigations having been adjusted, this Im mense stock Is now thrown on the market, and purchasers can buy MORE GOODS FOR LESS MONEY THAN ETER BEFORE. Every merchant will find It to his Interest to call early and examine the goods, as they are now to be s)ld REGARDLESS OF COST. Merchants can save more than the cost of a trip North by buying here. All nartiea Indebted to the late firm of SMITH & FORBES will please call at an early, day and settle, r their claims will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. - . W. S. FORBES. Agent NEW BOOKS . AT TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE. Mayne Reed's Novels, 6 vols., Travels In Central Asia, by Yambery. Treasure of Wit and Wisdom, Short History of English People, Green, Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, Social Etiquette of New York, 1 vol., cloth, $7.50 4.50 2.50 1.78 7.50 1.00 If you want to get a cheap Feather Duster go to TIDDf & BRO'S. You will always find something nice la the way of Stationery at TIDDY & BRO'S, The latest styles of Wall Paper can always be found at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. Mable, Todd & CoV. Gold Pei "always on hand at TlDDYi BOOK STORE. : i BUTTERICK'S SPRING CATALOGUES . And HetropolltaB Fashion sheets for April, just received at TIDDT8 BOOK (STORE. .March 28, 187.9. 4- ,T EE W. , BATTLE, M. D.. ..-ili U .iSf u ..t-. ... . , ..w . ci ;! turvms jenwrea ma omce soii&a; srsc .uoor-OTer IherTrhilersMattoB.a fMmdJ there all hours durfngthe day, and ai Wstesidence cot ner Seventh and College streets, at ntghtio ir ' , febTSm 1 ii i-; '''';"uV -Vrr- T)R. E. II. GREENE, rpENDERS his professional services to the peo X ; pie ot Charlotte and vicinity. : Being a gradu ate of both schools of medtolnev (Atjopathic and SsteX qUttlU :ner Ha will sMiT nmtM littanHm ammMjiTIv tn CmMML ic Dbxakes, but will also do a general practice. Calls attended dav or nleht umoeoverucAaen's drug store. Residence on .mar22 dw 8m., .: mil JLACK STRAP MOLASSES ' Under oost by Uxa baneL b; JanSO ' ' LeB0T DAVIDS0N. TJKGRAM & CO. 1 Ait aO ,i BOOK-BIN DIISG. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. ; In connection with the publication of Thb Ob 8KBTU, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOS FEINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has Just added a com plete 1 BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling- Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound In handsome , style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work ef ti ls class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here In as attractive a manner as In New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and KTnrst class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments In good shape will do well to give us a trial We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as free from defects as It is possible to make It LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball:Cards, Pamphlets. NOTEi HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, Invitations, Checks, . Labels BILL IIEADS, Deeds, ';' :' Receipt Books, ''tistpessCaids,' ' . u . Programmes , .-.,- :,' .ifaglstrates' and ; Court Blanks. In fact, all kinds of .printthg done at dhoct notice. Special, attention given tij Railroad Printing. 'tohnl'fr V,.:--nfi 'fit' BOOR WORK. Having a larger supply of type than most job es tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to te a specialty with us. tW4ction guaranteed, -lm iLddress P.O. Box 182i THS03SERYER, Charlotte, N. C. THE WORKWOMAN'S FRIENTA r i , HE WORjqNGMAN'S FRIEN 1 J . In these days of political trickery, a true friend in the time of need, is- a friend indeed; and such , ..'."j hpteaH ir- . DR. WM: HALL'S ' " It Is a sure cure for CONSUMPTION, COUGHS': OOLDsl' ASTHMA , BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, - -1 and all diseases of the Lungs, Chest and Throat. This well known remedy' has been used for thir ty years and has cured thousands ot cases, man; of which were given, up as hopeless. No case, however obstinate, can resist the heal lng properties of Dr. Wnu Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. Remember that It Is the persistent u.e of the Balsam that cures the worst cases. JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN 4 CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 College Place, New York. For sale by L. R Wrlston & Co., Charlotte, N. c. marl 1 SMITH'S WORM OIL. Ateems, Ga., December 8, 1858. A few nights since I gave my son one dose of the Worm Oil, and the next day he passed sixteen large worms. At the same time I gave one to my little girl, four years old, and she passed eighty-six worms from four to fifteen inches long. W.F.PHILLIPS. Worm Oil for sale by Druggists generally. Pre pared by E. S. LYNDON, Athens, Ga. Price 25 cents. feb21d&wly. Is a perfect Buiob Pubitieb, and Is the only purely VegkTabLb remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and Permanent Ctjbes of Syphilis and Scbofcia In all their stages. , . i( It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis eases. Sold by druggists generally, feb25 6m Railroads. QONDENSED TIME. ' NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. No. 8 Dally ex.8un. Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 2 Daily No. 4 Dally Leave Charlotte, " Greensboro, " Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, I 8.20 a m I 4.10pm 3 00 pm 1 6.30 am 5.25 pm I 9.30am No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.R.R. for all points In Western North Carolina, dally except Sundays At Greensboro with E.4D.E. R. for all points North, East and West At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. R. for Wilmington. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with E.iD.K R. for all points North, East and West TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7. Dally exi Sun. Date, Nov. 10, 78. No. 1 Daily. No. 3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, 9. 50 a m " Raleigh, 8.50 pm " Greensboro 8.28 pm 5.35 p m 5.30 am 6.47 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 a m 10.50 am No. 1 Connects at Greensboro frith Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C, C. & A. R. R. for all points South and SoUtlirwest; at Alr-Llne Junction with A. & C. A L. Railroad lor all points South and South-east No. 3 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. dally except Sunday. At Alr-Llne Junction with A fc C. A. JL for all points South and South-west At Charlotte with C., ,C. &A Railroad for all points South and South-west SALEM BRANCH. . - Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive Salem, " " 10.60 p m Leave Salem, ; 5.45 a m Arrive Greensboro, " " 7.45 a m Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. & D. and N. C. Railroads. SLEEPING CABS V7ITHOUT CHANGE Run both ways on Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and 4 between New. York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East For Emigrant rates to points In Arkan sas and Texas, address J. B, MACMURDO. Gen. Passenger Agent, nov20 Richmond Ya. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Charlotte, Colxtmbia and August a R. R., Columbia, S. C Dec. 27, 1878. On and after Sunday, Dee. 29th, 1878, the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington time,): ' NIGHT EXPRESS. Going South, No. 1. Leave Charlotte, 1 00 a. m Arrive Columbia, 6 00 a. m Leave Columbia 6 05 a. m Arrive Augusta '. 1 0 00 a. m : . Gonta North, No. 2. Leave Augusta ...... 5 55 p. m. Arrive Columbia 10 00p.m. Leave Columbia, 10 10 p. m. Arrive Charlotte ., 3 10 a. m. " DAY PASSENGER. Going sooth. No. a Leave Charlotte 11 27 a,m. Arrive Coinmbia 4 10 p.m. Leave Columbia 4 15 p. m. Arrive Augusta 8 dO p. m. Going North, NO. 4. Leave Augusta 8 03 a. m Arrive Columbia 1 20 p. m Leave Columbia 1 80 p. m Arrive Charlotte.. tt 80 p. m These train stop only at Fdrf Mill, Rock Hill, Chester, Wlnnsboro,- RIdgeway, Leesville, Bates burg, Ridge Springs, Johston, Trenton and Granlte ville. AU otherUUons will be recognized as Hag Pullman Palacy sleeping aS drawing-room cars on Nos. 1 and 2, Greensboro to Augusta; also on Nos. 3 and 4, New York to Savannah, via Rich mond & Ooorga Central Railroad. ' iw-iv D. KLXKXV Superintendent jNOu R. MacMCRdo, ;Q. P. Agent P. C. MUNZLER, "pVEALERIn Lager Beer, Ale and Porter; bottled U beer a speelalty. Bottled beer delivered to any part ef the city free of charge at ONE DOL LAR PER DOZEN. ' Laser Beer Is health? ami an excellent appetizer and recommended by all good physicians to rr sons in delicate health. ' All orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 . JjH)R A FIRST CLASS ... S noke call f n f get a Suclor, at - i - i j " - 1 ' l LeROY DAVIDSON'S. S