LOeAWStELLICEKCE. TUESDATTATRIt!, 1879. : RAILROAD , DIRECTORI. ; The f oUowlng table shows the running of passen ' gel trains to and fjoia eijfarlott&go all the rail roads fVrtaUdgtocrtlme)! . TTjV 7 " ' Arrive iMmBichmonflanil GOidsborb, 1.00 a. vu. Leaves for " 8.20 a. i uiim uviawviuMvuuii xv.ov a. m. Leaves for j 6.'45p. m. ArrWes MalXfiXV.Ui'.i.... 8.20a.m. . Leaves for Atlanta.................... 1.05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,...: .....(.....- A.50 p. m. , : Leaves for Atlanta, M w ... . 1 0.50 a. m ,. CKABIjOTTB, OOLUMHIA .AflGCBTA. Arrives from Itisnta... .liji. 8.10 a. nr. "' Leaves for Augusta,. i. ...... v.... X.; 1.00 a. m. Arrives from Augusta,;, i.- -.-.. ut.v.v 6.30 a. m. Leaves for Augusta, 1 1.27 a. m. CAB0LXXA CXHTBAL. Arrives from Wilmington, i 7.29 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington,. i 6.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby......... . ; 5.00 p. m. Leaves for Shelby,, . , . . . . 1.00 a. m f ' ATLANTIC, TKNNKSSEI A OHIO, i Arrives from Statesvtlle,,.. 5.80p.m. Leaves for 8tatesvllle, , 7.00 a. m CHABLOrTK P08T OFFICE. ; IK LJF n-f CLOSK Money Orfler Department, . :9.0 a. m. 6.00 p. nr. Beglstry Department 9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. 1ien'lDellv'y6taainDept,.8.00 A. m. 6.00 p. m. " JlT " 8-80 P-my 8.45 p. m. V& On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 . . OPKURi,,.' CLOSES. Danville & Charlotte R.R.,. 8.00 a. m& 9.00 p. m. j&u . " 11.15a. mie.00p.tn. Charlotte Atlanta R. R, . 8.00 a. mil 9.00 p. m. Augusta R. R; 8.80 ps nvlO.OOa. m. wnmn A Charlotte R. ft.,: 8.30 prm. ' 5.00 a. m. Charlotte A Shelby R. R.,. . 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a. m. - ? -5?StatesvllleM..,MOiim. 6.00 a.m. fW Beatile's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m.,ma xuesaayg at .oo-a xn. , IW Yortrvllle, (horse route,) Thursdays -ti .wwTjinkins, P. M. INUIC'ATI 8. ,fWARDEPARTMENT, Ovfici; Chief Signa OrricEn, Washing TONi"Marv5L 7:30 p. m For the South Atlantic States, watjanri 4.1.. i i il. jf.ti-t er, Clear or piuj( uiuuuy weauier,wiUB mostly northwesterly, generally higher pressure. - f liocat lejMrt for Veaterdsj'. ' -fa I7A.M.I2P.M.19P.-1MJ Barometer, Thermometer . . j . . .... . Belatlve Humidity...... 29.69n 46 ' 47- 29.704 29.780 - Kit Vi N.-W. J7 dear. 51 45 N. W. 4 Cloudy, wind Direcuon, Velocity. . 5 Miles Weather,-. ;,..-4-".-. Clears Highest temperature 60 deg. ; lowest 40. ffleteoro Record. WIATffKK REPORT, MARCH. 29f 4 i20 P. H. i Stations. pwn Weather. Atlanta, Augusta.'.; Charleston, Charlotte,.. Corslcana,: Galveston,. Iudianola... 30.03 m83 2fl-77 29.72 29.61 29.85 29.82 29.88 29.99 29.95 29.93 29.90 29.97 29.83 29.93 29.98 Clear. Clear. Qiear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Hazy. Clear. Hazy. Clear. Clear: Clear. Clear. Jackson'lle, Key west,.. Mobtle,. . . Montgom'y, N. Orleans. Punta Rasa Savannah, :St Marks. Havana. .. lnd;UjI"lf Advertisement , Dr. BIdez Piano Wanted. Tutt's Pills for sale by all druggists. Tracked by a Ventriloquist. HOME PEN CIL.IKC.S. "The Chimes of Normandy at the opera house to-night. There was a change of about twenty degrees of the thermometer here on Sunday after the rain. Th'e storm Sunday morning was Ihe cause a ver' sma" attendance at all the city churches. j . The retrL1 monthly meeting of the church aid iety will be held in the church after trvice this afternoon. The Pioneer fii company having re their engine house and hall, will have them.. open rm 1 itiiLi v v wva for in- suection to-day. The public invited. ia .necomtng more 1 ;r tKn loHioa 1 of Charlotte Some of them ride well enough to join a f, KqQq cVxMild ahv one De Kina enough to get up one. it iaiikftlv that a nartv of laities will accompany the Hornets11 Nest Riflemen nZmW, nn t.h iot.h of Mav. to be lresent at the unveiling Of the Confed erate monument mere. Health statistics for March show that thara have hAPn two adults and one child buried In Elmwood cemetery, and two adults and five children in Pine wood (colored) cemetery,, 'during ' the th Two adults who" died m Char lotte were buried elsewhere.- Tho firct. whin-no'-will of SDTinff was lipaid ainurinB- last Saturday morning, and the farmer who heard it reporw that this is the unfailing isign that the winter is over and that 4Jiere will not be frost enough to do any damage here after. We shall see. . jj Vhe livery, stable of li: Chambers & Jkos been closed under;an execution frei.ie district court of the United : States, to satisfy a mortgage held by parties in Danville., The mortgagees - rj r . j . trave.the reauisite bond, it being fur- rrtishetf jhyA resronsible jrpy Uty. " h in this ExaiMnatjn for Wet roini vtuie ihlp. We caH attention to the fact that th .competitive examination ior ine vv est 4Joint cadetship frojpa this district takes vplace at the Carolina Military Institute tnext Friday morniag. Applicants vmiist present themaelve at .?. . A"8": it.ute at 9 o'clock. - The eomjmttee of xam?9lion .appointed 1 by our - vepre sientative. Col. Steele, av.coppce4 Pi V1 J. P. Thomas, superintendent of the Institute CApt.Aimistead Burweil and Rev.. C 3Cleo Whitfield. Fnwera.1 of tfc JL 1,'If. 'JTWdr. Tti Vim-arai nf Mr. i Thos XL Tiddy took place from the Frt Presbyterian" cnurcn tsunaay aicernoon i The services in the church ' were very largely attended, rftna . ; the pastor preached a sermon oti unusual power and eloquence. - The remains were es corted from the residence to tfce church and thence to .Elmwood cemetery by the firemen, forming a procession eota posed of folly One hundred young men, THa nail hpa.rp.rs were imembera Of .the three companies. ..Tfca funeral was one of the largest seen in jrike,city m many; uayg. .... .. .- . Lectures Before. (be Sambcr of Com merte. U . i l It has been decided that there shall Jug a aeries of lectures -delivered before the chamber of commerceimd the first of these is toe had Thursday night the SDeaker to be Geat Thos. Jf. lira; ton. chairman of the Committee on ma: nfaptnroa Af li3 ihjiWibpir. Those UDon whom the selection of speakers devolves are not restricted , to. their choice to members of the chamber of coiumerce, and doirbtleae jnaoyrominent gentle men who are notf members will be heard at various times tfwJh questions of material interest, .The subject of Gen. Drayton's lecture Thursday night will be manufactures. j ijW " ' fW CHEW JACKSONiS BEST SWEET NAVT SOBAOOO. ' " " " 59'; ; JJ. W. t 14?. 64 N.-W.- 58 N. W. 12 93 8.- - 20 77 S.. 16 81 23 71 W. 5 75 N. 11 71 Br 12 70 8. 7 74 S.K. 11 68 W. 29 66 N. W. 13 70 8.W. 16 78 K. W. 8 New Postof Ilea. Offices, established in, ofthCaxolina tMeilthe lMtrfepQfiEairahan, Pitt county ; Loy's Shop- - and Nicholson's, Alamance county ; Paint Gap, Yancey 9l Eri9MilBMeatg9mery coun ty Cfede Kiterf Taifcey-fcbtinty ; Gulf, Chatham county; Ramsey ville, Madi son county ; Dyer's Branch, Swain coun ty; l.ockaale, Macon county. A Charlotte Lady la Greensboro ati J lite tilrQrQiiJbo ro. and appeared in a concert there. Speaking of this, one of the papers there says : "Miss Tate has a wide and well deserved reputation as a fine singer. We are in formed she has not been in practice of lateraiid has natsuiig f0r more than a Ireaxj-Uiftirel; M&. ajpfeared as fresh and powerful as ever. Her wonderful bird-like trill is pronounced by good judges to be quite equal to the best sing ers of the country. Notwithstanding its extreme difficulty, she executes it wuh the greatest ease, and hpr an Wr leqfeS itsfthritiiTfctaetnorv on the ear. She was received with applause, but after singing, the audience seemed almost wild, with delight." Notice to the Route Agents. f (SfaXof Sunday The Charlotte Observer fails to reach us as promptly every day as. it1 rtnso I. ' . 4-1. i i . , , mans t we must do lustice to the rout mougn me neavens tail, ah l i n , r witn sliame and confusion of fWp wp confess that there have 'beeh a few times -when The- Observer,, on ac count of pressure of matter and the earliness of the hour at which it has to be closed, has been iust a mimit, tun Mottel cUuau&BiHistk.i. win,.), leaves but five minutes later, we have never missed. Additions to CoiauiHiee.. . The chairman of the meeting which was held last Saturday to take prelimi- tSP? looking to a Droper obser yj4c$ tfce-apprdadnlife Wi of May, desires that Ihesfc nafiieS'. Wliich were inadvertently omitted from the list published Sunday morning, be given now as names of members of the! oL-arranremMifs. tn-wir.-' l)da. mfWLiPiimminir. S. P. Smith, and Drs. J. H. McAden, Jos. Uraham and J. M. Miller. In the ap pointment of the committee the chair man had the assistance of friends, and in order to guard against cumbrousnessJ iue committee was not maae as large as it might havebeen ; the chairman, how ever, desires every citizen of the county to feel himself to all intents and pur poses a member of the committee, and hopes that the attendance at the nieet ingnjaxfc Sturda will hot be limited to those who have been 'designated as committeemen Xbe Hoi man Opera. Company, Owinsr to the late hour at which Her Majesty s ship, Pinafore, will be moved in our harbor to-day, the festive crew will not be .able to clear the decks in time to show themselves there, but have decided to leave the good ship in the harbor, and come to the opera house to-night for the purpose of presenting us witn tne "Chimes or .Normandy, an opera which abounds in pleasant and spirited music. The crew is none other than the Holman opera company who have several times visited Charlotte and are well known to theatre goers. They are pleasantly remembered as hav ing "presented on different occasions here "The Bohemian Girl" and "Girofle Girofla," and the company embraces some first rate artists. To-morrow night they win give us innatore, a comic opera which has gained an un-precedented- popularity on, the stage al though it was givert to the public only about a year ago. march ITIarriag'es. Marriage licenses were issued to the following persons during the month of March by the register of deeds of Meck lenburgcounty : J. & Yandle, Harriet Courtney. II. C.-Ereeman, Catherine Whitting ton. Jno. Torrence, Xora Torrence. F. J. Vanderburg, Mattie3Iecimer. Jno. A. Newell, G. L. Taylor. G. W. Fesperman, Mary A. Hood. Julius Braun,Sallie Muellerschoen. Jno. B. Davis, Jane Brown. COLORED. Isaac Walker, Mary Stitt. Harvey Parks, Harriet Galloway. Richard Caldwell, Rodie McKnight. Ephraim Smith, Mary Small. . Robert White, Julia Barker. Bynum Spann, Jr., Sophia Alexander. Henry Hoffman, Charlotte Lawing. Wm. Small, Hester Lipscomb. Thos. Evans, Clara Horton. Jas. Wallace, Sallie Neal. Lewis Parks. Beckie Beaver. Jas. White, Laura Dickson. Sylvanus Byer, Emeline Davis. Tavlor Watt. Eliza Jenkins. . . Hejiry Valentine, iLizzie Jones. 1 Zehas Porter; Liicy V. Jones. David Gray, Hattie Small. J.ewis Brown, Hattie Walker. J j. D. Nolan, Mary A. Holman. David Cornelius, Banna Cathey. Death of Iter. J. M. Anderson. A telegram was received in this city yesterday announcing the death of Ilev. J. M. Anderson, pastor of the Presbyte rian church at Mebaneville, and for merly a professor in Davidson College, lie died at Mebaneville Sunday evening and his remains will be interred there. Mr. Anderson has been in feeble health for some vears. having been compelled ttb resign hi prof essorship in Davidson College on ims account, aim 9u.w time has devoted himself with all the 7pa1 and eneruv which his weakened frame would bear to the cause of reli gion, of whose teachings his life was a KriCTht. and beautiful illustration. Ine Church has sustained a serious loss 111 his death. It was the fortune of the -. . i Writer of this bnel notice ro nave inti mately known him in the relation of pupil and teacher, and it affords him a mournim pmjjwp cap , ion that a more ealpjijj, earnest and consistent Christian, a itlpr, more affectionate and tenderer spirjt has r&rely i dafcsed f r?par earth to- heaven, Piligent'ahd faithful Hn the discharge ., J...I... 11-1 onil niil-anrvu-3Ti in his convictions, he was bo less consider rate of the teeliogs pi ..outer aim ut sympathy was as broad as hisf heart was brave to bear the troubles from wliteh his life was by no means exempt. , Mr Anderson was a native of South Carolina, where he spent most of his ufa in hitler and preaching. He adopted the lavy as a prof ession-but after a short experience at tne Dar, ne abandoned It frfr the ministry, and be came a pupil of the lamented Dr. Thorn r,n ,3 wimm rm was an ardent adr mirAf and devoted friends He married a sister of Capt.. A. G. Neal. of thiscoun- ty, and was the father 01 a largeiauiuy. , ., e held the chair of Logic and Belle-Let- tresin Davidson College for seven or -Kfr t.rarand.afteFleavine that ineti- ?utibrf hiovfh MoHl1 mountains, jic-J couut of ill health rejniiiPing m charger of several i&iir-es$fceEe-Bn$u oe was called about two years .ago. to mwr ville. . --' 4 .itff; A Card. Tn oil ak-nn nffnrlnEr from the eaers andjn dlscreUofl9Tjlyouth, nervous weaJmess,eaclrda-. ear, loss 01 mannooa, c, 1 win eim a j cuw70U,.FBEE0Fj(XHlBGB. fhl great remedy was' dlsi(!OTerecf' Bya missionary to South America. Send a self-addressed envelope totheBBV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D,BiW House. Hew York Cltr jan25 Charlotte and Columbia Military. Columbia mihxarv cbmhanTSa IhtTlnvl tatnltheiljOTneti'fNesfc Riflemen to accept ot their hospitalities on the 10th of May,-the occasion being, as before stated, the unveiling of the Confederate monument, now in course of erection there. The Riflemen will meet next Thursday nisrht to considflr th invita. tiori, or rather to accept it, for there is but one sentiment among the members of the comnanv and that ia that thp.v are going. The ceremonies of the occa sion will be unusually impressive. Be sides many, of the military companies of South Carolina and the Hornets' Nest Riflemen, the Richmond Howitzers and the Clinch Rifles, of Augusta, have also been invited to be present and join the grand military display. Fire in Ureenville, S. C. -Yesterday morning before daylight fir consumed the-stores of Mr. E. B. Dickson and Capt.3dcMahon, of Green ville, S. C. The buildings were the property of Mayor Mauldin, were con nected with each other, and were new and very handsome store houses. Mr. Dickson carried a stock of general merchandise which was insured for 17,000; Capt. McMahon had a large stock of gents' furnishing goods and the extent of his insurance has not been learned ; the houses were insured for &&.000. Mr Dickson safn after ;4vlng . passed through the fire was opened and the money and books were found intact. His losses are fully covered by insurance The fire, when first discovered, was burning in the stairway between ! the- two- . houses. Parties who were early on the grounds detected the odor of kerosene, and there are no reasons to believe other wise than that the fire was of in cendiary origin. A Church Entertainment. A very pleasant entertainment was given by the members of the Baptist IUbflay $caoai last night dji the church, consisting 01 music ana recitations Dy the scholars and teachers. The church was wrell filjed by an audience who showed hearty appreciation of their efforts. The concert singing by the children was highly creditable to them selves and their teachers. Among the other features which seemed to be most , appreciated was a beautiful solo by Mrs. Morgan, a charming recitation by Mrs. Morehead (on the humorous order) -and another by little Mamie Osborne, whose enunciation and ex pression were decidedly remarkable for a child of her age. The Sunday school will .realize a nice little sum by the entertainment, and they certainly deserved to be rewarded. A Baby Left on a Door-Sltp. An interesting and mysterious story which is just now coming to light, pro mises to give us something of a sensa tion, and is sure to afford the gossips' tongues steady employment for a good while to come. Old Mrs. Baker, who lives in the outskirts of Biddleton, very near the crossing of the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, about a mile and a half from the city, was just starting to bed a few nights ago, when she heard at the .door a, sound which attracted her at tention. ' She opened the door and on the step discovered a basket which she took in to the house, liaising the cover she found a white infant, snugly tuck ed away in the basket, and by its side a bottle of milk and a quantity of cloth ing. Whose was it and what to do with it V were questions which presented themselves at once to Mrs. Baker's mind. The first remains unsolved but the secondMrs.Baker unanswered as any others good woman would have done. She took the tiny stranger from its little bed, fed it, and has continued to feed and care for it up to. the present time. That the infant was left on the step by some crufel mother, anxious to get rid of it, or some accomplice of the mother, cannot be doubted, but clue to the identity of the parties there is none. It is remembered, since this circum stance came to light, that on the even ing 01 the nigtit when the lniant was -i v a ai - 1 iouna, a ciose carriage passeu me nouse of Mrs. Baker, returned toward the city and again turned and passed the house, but who was in the carriage is a mystery for which there is no present prospect of finding a solution. Meantime the little one is being well cared for and is an object of unending interest in the immediate neighbor hood. A Bold Attempt at Highway Robbery Capture of Two or More of ttte Sup posed Robbers. Mr. F. Kuester started to his home corner (kllege and Seventh streets, about 9.30 o'clock Saturday night, and when within a few yards of his gate was met by two negro men who passed him, and then turning followed close upon liiiii.. He did not notice anything peculiar about their conduct, but when he was in the act of opening his gate one-of them seized him by the "neck and began choking him while the other rilled his pockets. , When lie fully realized his condition, he snatched a stick from the hands of one of the men and began to defend himself. He had hardly struck more than one blow when one of the robbers tied and soou the other followed, and before he could summon assistance both were out of reach. Mr. Kuester was not hurt in the struggle, and the thieves got no money, although he had $25 on his person ; they ritted the wroner pocket. The occurrence was so sudden and the strusrefle of such short duration that Mr. Kuester was not able to distiniguish the features of either of the robbers, and in fact could only tell that both were black and one considerably taller than the other. He still retained the stick, however, and this was the only clue he could furnish the officers. It was turned over to Justice McNinch yesterday morning, and he immediate' lv set out to discover the owner of it. The stick is of a somewhat peculiar character and believing that he had seen it in the hands of a negro named Isham Fullenwider, he had him arrest ed. Fullenwider denied any knowledge of the stick, but upon being accused of . j i . l' : i . . . ) : . .1 4-U4- Deing ine owner 01 11, nts aumuieu tustL he had seen it and that it belonged to one Tom Mvers. colored, lie turtner admitted that Myers and another ne ero named Len Crockett met him Sat urday night, and told him that they in tended to have some money, some way 6t Other, and asked him to go with them- He consented and accompanied them to Mr. Kuester's store, and watch ed while they attempted to break into it at the front door. They failed ia this, arid then told him that they in tended to have some money any way. Heweht'with' them as far as the Cald well House where he was hired, and be ing too drunk, he left them and went into tb'b&ck yard, and thence to the place were h0 sleeps. Myers ,and Len Crockett were both arrested; but stoutly denied their guilt or any knowledge of the stick of wWch Myers was accused ipf being the owner. They were, nowever, uname 10 prove a aaqi and were sent to jan 10 await fmmerideVelbonients. The-prepnetor of the Caldwell House States tlat he saw Fullenwider in ms pats yard drunk about: half past 10 o'clock, an hour after the attempted robbery. Justice McNinch is confident that he will be able to unravel the whole plot in the cdurseof ' time, and 'also hopes With; tMS .Clue to develop some impor tant facts in connection with the three t buTglaTies cinmitted Friday night, ... I m. T.J.V., -J.- ine garrotting m- a mguxy lrapeuw ble citizen at this hour of the night and cttiris'srvery unusual occurrence and has riaturally created considerable alanm; Our citizens are awakening to a sense of daugerlto which. all are ex posed by the gang of thieves and escap ed convicts who are known to infest the city, and the police ;.and other ' offi cers will be held to strict accountabili ty if .the perpetrators of this outrage are not made to suffer the penalties of the law. ) MET; At the residence of his father, Joan F. Palmore, In Carters vllle, Cumberland county, Va.. on the 26th of March, D. H. Palmore, In the twenty-eighth year of his age. Peace be to his ashes. At Fast M1H.6. G, March 30th. R. B. Bradford, aged 29 years, son of N. 6. and Jane Bradford. . Womaa's Bights. Year woman has as good right to health and hap piness as the other sex. Then, why suffer so long when the remedy Is within your reach. Try Brad field's Female Eegnlator, Woman't Best Friend, and you will have your health and strength fully restored. Call on your druggist for a circular, and see some of the wonderful cures It has made. mar25 lm. TELEGRAPfflG MARKET REPORT, MARCH 31, 1879 PRODUCE. CnfcnraATi Flour Arm and higher; family 4.60a5.50. Wheat Inactive; red and white 1.00a 1.05. Corn In fair demand and firm at 36Va38. Oats-easier at 29a30 for mrxed and 31a33 for white. Pork held at 10.25a50. Lard dull and nominal ; current make 6.17Vfe. Bulk meats quiet but steady; shoulders 8.60, short ribs 4.75. short elear 4.90; bacon quiet and steady: shoulders 41, clear ribs 514, clear sides 5. Whiskey In fair demand at 1.01. Butter dull and unchanged; choice dairy 18a20, prime do 15altt. Sugar steady; hards 89. A white 8i4,' NewOrleans 6a7i4. Hogs dull; packing 3.7Oa3.W0. Baltimore Oats dull; Southern 13a32, Wes tern white 31a32, do mixed 30a31, Pennsyl vania 31a32. Hay unchanged; prime Fann sylvanla and Maryland llal2. Provisions steady; mess pork, old 10 2 5a 10. 7 5, new ; bulk meats loose shoulders 3 clear rib sides 4, per car load, packed new 4i&a5i&; bacon shoulders, old 4, clear rib sides, new 5, hams, sugar-cured, 9a34. Lard refined tierces 714. Butter steady; choice Western packed 18a20, rolls 15a 16. Cof fee firm; Rio cargoes 10al. Whiskey dull at 1.07al. Sugar quiet; A soft 8ai4. New York Flour no important change; No. 2, 2.35a3.10, superfine Western and State 3.45a3.55, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 3.80, good to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern Hour steady; common to fair extra 4.10a5.40; good to choice do 5.50a6.75. Wheat ungraded win er red 1.08al4, No. 3 ditto .09lAa9. Com ungraded: 44i&a46, No. 8, '43a44. Oate 31. Coffee, moderate demand; Rio quoted In car goes lU4al5. In lob lots llialC. Sugar weak; Cuban 6a, fair to good refining 6l4a6i&, prime 65fe ; reflned-standard A. 7a8, granulated 8t4, powdered: 8884, orushed 8. Molasses New Or leans 28a42. Rice In fair demand and steady; Carolina quoted at 5iM7, Louisiana 6i&a7r Pork old mess on spot 9.40. Lard prime steam on spot 6.5212. Whiskey 1.06. Freights qutet. ' COTTON. Nortolk Steady; middling 10t4c; net receipts 1.408; gross ; stock 10.789; exports coastwise 616; sales 350; exports to Great Britain. Baltimore Firm; middling 10. ; low middling 97sc; good ordinary 9V2C.;net receipts 46; gross 573; sales 170: stock 8,784; exports coastwise 50;splnnere 125; exports to Great Britain 602; to Continent Boston Quiet; middling 10$fec; low middling IO14; good ordinary 9'44;net receipts 1,245; gross 2,011; sales ; stock 3,708; exports to Great Britain . Wilmington Firm; middling 9c; low mid dling 9c;good ordinary 81; net receipts 18; gross ; sales -1 stock 2,368; spinners ; ex ports coastwise 1.210: to Great Britain ; toCon nent ; to channel . Philadelphia Firm; middling 10c; low middling I0afec.;good ordinary 9c. ; net receipts 176; gross 793; sales ; spinners 461; stock 6,533; export to Great Britain . Augusta Quiet; mlddllne 9&tc: low mid dling 9i,c.; good ordinary 9c.; receipts 98; shipments ; sales 80; stock . Charleston Steady; middling 101&c.:low mid dling 10.; good ordinary 9tc.; net receipts 001 ; gross ; sales boo; stock m,709; exports coastwise 331; Great Britain ; France ; Continent ; to channel . New York Dull; sales 540: middling uDlands 101&.. middling Orleans 10-rh-; consolidated net re ceipts 12,154; exports to Great Britain 3.167. continent 7,646. Liverpool Noon Cotton weak. Unlands 5 1 3-16, Orleans. 515-16, low middling uplands, good ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands . sales 7, OOO, speculation and export 1,000, re ceipts 10,300. American 10,300. Futures partially lti cneaner. uplands low middiinr clause March delivery 5 13-16. March and April 5 25-32, April and May 5 la-ltu&a-az. May and June 5 13-1B. June and July 57S. July and August 5 29-32. Aug ust and September 5 lo-lo, septemoer and Octo ber 6, October and November . New crop shipp ed January per sail , iebruary and March , April .nd May . FUTURES. Nkw York Futures closed strong. Sales 64,- 000 bales. April May 10.53 10.66 June 10.81 July 10 .95 AUgUSt 11 04a. 05 September 10 .87a.89 October 10.57a.59 November 10 .30a.32 December. 10.25a.27 FINANCIAL. NbwTokk Money 1.06a7. Exchange 4.855ia6. governments firm. New 5's 1.04Va. State bonds dull. CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of thk Observer, i Chaxlottk, April 1, 1879. t The market yesterday closed quiet, as follows: Good middling Middling Strict low middling.. Low middling Tinges .... ..: Lower grades.. 93&al ! 914 914 7ia878 A GREEN HOUSE AND SEED STORE AT YOUR POST OFFICE. EOSES ! ROSES Send and get my catalogue of choice Green House and Bedding PlaDts We can send plants through the mall to any part of the country. C. B. FAIRCHILD, Seedsman and Florist, March 26-2m. Raleigh, N. C, $200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE A Power Printing Press, Guernsey make, old style, size of bed 26x40 Inches. Was In use until replaced by a new one Address J. C. BAILEY, editor Enterprise and Mountaineer, Greenville, S.C Ja-14tf rpHE BEST STOCK OF GROCERIES an In the city, at CON FECTIONERIES LeROY DAVIDSON'S. jan30 S TUDEBAKER WAGONS. I am now in receipt of a large lot of the celebra ted STUDEBAKER . WAGONS, all sizes, which will be sold on reasonable terms. ' CALL EARLY, and supply yourself with the best wagon out. T. H.GAITHER Jan. 8 tf. V l&atcto attxT Qtvazlvvj, p LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street, opsesifc Flrt Presbyterian Churchy Nat Gray Store. Every kind pf repafrs made at once at half prioe-a-nd warranted one vear. Everv kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Silver-Flating and Gal vanizing maae at snori noaoe ana equauy as gooa as new. Work done for the trade at low Dricea. " Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. ; : ' Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months foroost of repairs, BEAT BAKQAIN3 FOB THE HOIXDATS,- -AT J, T. BUTLEB'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, J. T. BUTLER'S. JEWELBY, SIL AND SILVEB- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and evarvthine' tou want for Christmas, at i. T. BUTLEK o. dec24 WE DESIRE to eall attention to OCR STOCTT E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCIX or 17 A N C Y r A N C Y GOO GOO Ground and' Cut Glass Buttle, tite haBdsontest in the market. The latest styles of Perfume Boxes Including some 'novelties, which will pay- you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a fun stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON & CO. decl3 CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL HOUSE," CALDWELL HOUS17 CALDWELL HOUSli Corner Try on and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets. CHARLOTTE, N. C CHARLOTTE, N. G, S. P. CALDWELL Proprietor. This house Is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first-class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will and it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted.. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, transient, $1.25; per week, $6.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. JanlO EW LIVERY STABLE. If you want first-class Carriages, Phaetons, Bug- or saddle Horses, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want a Carriage and Baggage Wagon to meet arriving or departing trains, go to the New Livery Stable. If you want your horses well fed and well groomed go to the New Livery Stable. Careful drivers, promptness and reasonable prices are our motto. may28 R. CHAMBERS. D. 6. MAXWELL. C. F. HARRISON, Auctioneer. lyjAXWELL & HARRISO -AUCTION AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of - MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; - Will give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Hotel dec3 Xisctllmitons. 1879 1879 PEGRAM & CO. ARE RECEIVING THEIR ELEGANT SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. They keep the best that can be made. Call and see them. JUegler Bros'. Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes a specialty. You can only get Miller, McCullough Qber's hand-made Boots and Shoes of them. The celebrated Pegram Shoes are of the best material, and are guaranteed. They also keep Miles', Burts', Holbrook & Ludlow's, and many other leading makes. Be sure to CalL March 23. PEGRAM CO, SILVER DOLLARS TTIGHEST market price paid for Mexican, South. xjl American ana spanisn iwiiars, at COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, mar28 3t Of Charlotte. NOTICE. We have this day closed out our stock, and will rent Store Room (E. ML Holt's building) for the bal ance ot tbe year, WILLIAMS 4 FINGER. March 21, 1879. . G M'lilU, A-tOUJTA VIA W1LMIN0T0N, I THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE Thlt Line being fuDj equipped Ireight from for business, I Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Cities to GreentlUe, Spartanburg, all Stations ' Atlanuc, Tennessee ft Ohio, As well as points In Georgia I Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as I Inlonnaaon furnished F. W. CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C septSO gru0S and gkXcdicittes. D R. J. EL McADfcN. Nw offers to the trade a full stock of Lubtii's Extracts and Colognes. English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, (French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared; at all hours, both night and I day at J. H. McADEN'S Preseriptioo Store. s ECUR1TY SECURITY! SECURITY ! 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE m ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. Sons, Baltimore. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West fc Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a are test or 110 degrees iraarenitea before it will burn. C. West & Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. EL MCADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Bishop D. S. Doggett (Southern Meth.) It is an excellent corrective of indigestion. Have used it with prompt benenciai results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Blshon Doesett in his estimate of the vest rocket uure. Rv. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. Hlst'n. I am never without it at home or abroad. It Is an antidote to Indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging Is checked and the bowels regula ted, its merits are attested by numbers 01 nign character. I have seen a "tried-everythlng" dys peptic 01 nrteen years reuevea by one aose. Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. It is not too much to say that no medicine ever had such support m its Iavor as a soecmc. The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight. Their united witness Joined with the ex perimental use and approval of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes an aouDt. it is, beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent Editors uengious neraia, va. Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. CoL, Ya. It Is highly esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It Is excellent for In digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific, tome, Biigntty aperient, without nausea. SOLD iBY ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale by: DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. ODELL, RAGAN 4 CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. mar 20 dw tf. ELECTRIC BELTS. A sure cure for nervous debility, premature de cay, exhaustion, etc The only reliable cure. Cir culars mailed tree. Address J. K. REEVES, 48 unatnam street, is. x. Feb. aodAw3m. 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and For Sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. THE PARASOLS AND HAVE CALL AND March 2fi. DESPATCH LIN E, NORTH CAROLINA. 1 .t TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled facmUei tor th Ttansportloa of Charlotte, StateavIDe, A&heTllle, Rutherfordton on the Atlanta & Richmond Air-Line, and Western N. (X Rail roads. . .. Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. unon application to T. Tt SMITH, Agent C. C Railway, Charlotte. Sottjevijes. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To wjn a fortune. . Fourth Grand DtetribuUon. Class p, at New Orleans, Tuesday, April 8th, 1879-107th Monthly Drawing. LOOaiANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This institution was resularlv lneomorated bv the Legislature of tbe 6tate for Educational and Charitable purposes In L868, ron TKX ixrm of TYWtm-vm tkabs, to which vcontract Uie Inviola ble faith of the State Is pledged .with a capital of SI ,000,000, to which it has since added a Reserve Fund of $850,000. Its GRAM) SINQdE NUM BER JMSTRIBUTION will take place montUy on the second Tuesday. It never scales or .postpones. Look at the following distribution: C ABIT AX fRIZiE, SaO.QQO. 100,000 Tlokets.at Two Dollars aoh. iHalf Tick ets, One Dollar. , LIST 0F PRIKES : 1 -Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize, . . 1 Capital Prizes . . . 2 Prlze8K)f 200 5 Prizes of 1,000 $30,000 10,000 6,000 5,000 5.000 20 Prizes or 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100 10,000 59.. lOtPOO 120 10,000 10 10,000 200 Prizes of 500 Frizes of 1,000 Prizes oL APPROXIMATION F&IZES t 9 Approximation Prizes of $800 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. . . 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible oaraewncriin. agents wanted at all prominent DOlnts. to whom a liberal eomDensatlon will be paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the Home Office In New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, for full infor mation or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, Postoffioe Box 602, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A, EARLY. mar 11 TJNDERTAKING The undersigned Is now prepared to Oil all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand a full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metallc. PRICKS AS LOW AS ANT. Hearses furnished If desired. Furniture of every Description Repaired at shor notice. " W. M. WILHELM, With X. G. Sogers, Trade Street, June 20. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior Court, jnecKienuurg uounty. t uent's umce. A man to incorporate the Simpson Gold and Sil ver Mining Company, having been this day filed In my office by Benjamin F. Larrabee, Charles A. Fairbanks and Arthur D. McLelland, and a per mit having been given by me to open books for subsenpuen, notice is hereby given that a meeting of the pro nosed corporators and subscribers shall be held In the city of Charlotte, county and State aforesaid at the Central Hotel in said city on the 2nd day of April next, and complete the organiza tion of said corporation as proposed In said plan In coniormity to law. in witness whereoi I have hereunto set my band at office In Charlotte, this 10th day of March, 1879. J. K. HW1N, mwll dlt w3t Clerk Superior Court. 0T0 CENTRAL HOTEL SALOON For Standard Pure Liquors. gailflgittg. Tyj LICHTENSTELN, 1 MERCHANT TAILOR. CHARLOTTE. N. C. Just received fifty more samples In addition to those on hand, all are novelties of the season. Call and make selections, as the time for a new suit Is here. ' Style and workmanship unsurpassed. Repairing neatly done. mam JAMES MURPHY, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Holton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. Owing to the stringency of the times I will in fu ture work very cheap. Will make fine suits for $10, Casslmere suits for $8. Pants of suits same rates, l guarantee an my wont mo m, no cnarge. Give me a call and be convinced. July 17. COME. SEE THEM. ALEXANDER ft HARRIS.

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