Charlotte &t&twtt. svBsditiPTioiT Riima ...... Oniiw, wu year, (!-) advance. . .. . -8 OQ git JfOA....."-':!.-.rtrt. 4 w Three Montto ,......,..,,.... 2 p One Month 4 .....i.. 75 "1 WEBXLT XDITIOS t . i , , -. -;, WetUV, S2 00 SizMontht i 100 LOerUJUdudionJChtb$. ISM OBSXSTXM JOS JOT. Bat been thonmahhr tumited with mmmr if Job Wmrk cm mom teaoMWCA mi itomm f Wscm tmrnkh, Hi wewasj . , jft3t trjil-ii : XLAm XLLL-EXAVS, PBOMli MMU, lUMP-BlUUS, PAMTMLMmCacmiMa,VE3BOMKimi I. XX. NO. 3,152. i : -7 -'--'"- " ' ' . " ' ' t ' - " " """ " ' ' 1 , ' j - u r ' 11 " T' " . , , , , ' r ' " 1 1 '",.' " ' , ' ; ' ':-: A SPRING DRY GOODS We beg leave to announce to our Mends and tamers that we have bought an unusually large SPRING STOCK, most of which Is now .In. and, read tor Inspection. We are prepared to offer this- season extraordi nary Inducements to buyers, botli WHOLESALE AND - Give us a call, or send your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction. ELIAS & COHEN. B URGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DBALEH TN ALL KINDS OT FURNITURE FURNITURE! T BEDDING, AC. Sma t BEDDING. C. ITmZl BEDDING, 4C FUKNITUBE f A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES LOUNGES 1 PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS I PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! COFFINS of all kinds on hand. , COFFINS of all kinds on hand. . .-'it' No. 5 Wbst Tradk Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. lir Ladles' and Gentlemen' Burial Bobes-a tine supply. 1 s - ' jan3 JAROAINS 1 ' ! is- n wnis fifra yP U URRRNKltll T v um KB VI 88ff'"'Wt SIbk AT . . K. O. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, NXT to PosTomcx. : i'' -,-V- 4 -- - - Wy Slock Is very Lar. . and embraces a Full ilne of PARLOR, CHAMBER,1 DINING BOO r AMD 'X- , 0FFICE TOBNiTOB.; a- au uooas jracaea reo ot.vriwxm f..u 83 S00jOsf l0tMtt0f jjc -A NEW 8TOCK- OF SPRING GOODS BOUGHT CHEAP FOR CASH. We have a full line, of Gros Grain and Damasse bilks. In black and colors, summer trimming and lining silks. Henrietta Cloths, Drap CAlma, Tam lse, black and colored Cashmeres, Empress Cloths (plain and strlpedX Black French Bunting. A sec ond stoek of ail wool Bunting In all shades, and the most oomptete stock of . FANCY DRESS GOODS. in Brocades, plain and stripes, ever exhibited In this market. A complete stock of French Or gandies and Dotted. Swiss, tor overdresses. -White goods In Linen Cambrics, Mull Musilna, MurwH, Nainsooks In; plahv striked and barred;, Victoria Lawna la 'pUlB and iancr. i A large variety -of PlQoes; the handsoniest stock ot Haadiurg Edg ings and Insertlngs, in :whUe and eolersevBr ex hibited ta thls market Ladles':: children's and Snts" Hosiery. Dress Unens and Linen suits. Ail a new novelties in Dress Buttons, silk and worst ed Fringes. .1 A.' handsome lot of ladiesr and chlK dren's trimmed and untcimmed Hats; also trim ming for same, . including Plumes, Flowers and Wreaths. Black Crape and Crape Yells, Silk and Gingham Parasols. The handsomest stock of Lace, Silt and Lawn Scarfs and Bows ever offered rn this market Crepe Llsse and Monogram Ruf fling, Shetland Shawls, colored and white table Linens, Doyltera and Napkins Josephine and Harrlss' Seamless Kid Gloves: Lisle- Thread and k Lace Gloves. Corsets in all Dualities and numbers. iMrs. Moody's Patent Corset Silk, Satin and dou ble-faced Ribbons; Lappet Net and Knottingham Curtains: White Lace Lambrequins. A full stock of Gents' and Children's Stiff, Soft, Fur, Saxony and Straw Hala A fall line of SPRING CLOTHING, Fancy Caslmeres, Boots and Shoes. Our stock will be ready for exhibition by the 25th of this month, and we Invite all to give it a careful inspec tion, as we are confident it will compare with any ever exhibited br this market :t Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE A CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. March 23. LARGE ARRIVAL -OF- SPRING GOODS -AT H. MORRIS & BROS.' AT NEW YORK CITY PRICES. Look at the following reduction of prices: Best Calico, only Yard Wide Bleaching, Best Sea Island Cotton, Coats' Cotton, Hand-sewed Slippers, 6 Cents per yard. 8 8 55 Cents per dozen. 75 Cents. . We only enumerate a few articles, but a call will convince everybody that we mean what we say Our stock Is VERY LARGE, and embraces everything kept in a first class es tablishment We have reduced every, department to keep up with the times. Now is your chance to buy the CHEAPEST BARGAINS ever bought in Charlotte. Everybody is Invited to call. H. MORRIS A BROS. BEAUTIFUL BOYS' CLOTHING AT HALF PRICE. March 25. "raOCMMATION BT THE GOVERNOR! $200 REWARD. vrirniTIVI?. DTCPARTMENT. ) Ralbioh. March 10th, 1879. f at rotMobftaadac 7? 5 fciSf .' anA mtioroui .nhAa.ra that the said . 0. xayior nas nea tn. oum?, w, i. himulf .iiaithA nmunRTY nnjcutm &ux: not beaeuhlnM., wViiAZ: thorlty in me vested by law. do issue this my pro i.nMnn offoHnff a twwfutl ofTwo Hundred Dol- iare ior ine apprenenwu mm wuiw; - cers of theSWIallacpnsassu,, tth'fla of "March, 1879, and In the 103d year of American independence. T.WT,a By the Governor: : - Lmc a Otjbmaw, Private Secretary. 1 ' i- ' DESCRIPTION. ;r ,:' nii..iin la oKnnt nit tAnra rtf fttrA nlwmt' K feet ft inches high, well set and will weigh about 90 Ur ZTZT v.A liid kiokin srAWa hAOITV fuATYT , . . mar (2dltw5t , ' . ;; : B A K E R Y r - BREAD, CAKES AND PEES, fresh ; every day.? WE can with confidence recommend them, as the very best manufactured, using none butj the Tery best materials. -,-.. IP""' V-' TP TTTTCft'.' ' 'J3'v,''g--' i Trade Street; first door abovi the old Market marl THE GREAT SUCCESS OF THE IEW TORE SE1S0X. Its Career in London and Boston An Amusing. Text, Heightened by Comr. ical Music and Laughable Sit- uations-The Personal Meaning of the Piece. New York 1879.-The new comic opera by W; S; Gilbert, the famous play wright and author of the "Bab Ballads,'', and Arthur' SulliYain,' the f well-known musician, has taken the town by storm. But it has done that wherever it has beerr produced. In London it has been running since; last May, and the Opera Comique, having occasion lately .fa close for repairs; announced that it -would re open in .a few weeks with the same piece -a calm reliance on the continu ance of public favor almost without a parallel, I should say. In Boston the piece has toea running several months already, and wherever it has Veen "pro duced it has been pronounced the most exquisitely comical thing of the kind ever written. It is vastly funnier than the negro minstrels ever dared to be, and yet there is ' not a vulgar word or thought in it It is difficult to describe its humorousness, because it is produc ed by a series of the most delicate and delicious absurdities. Amusing as Gil bert's text is, it gives, when read, mere ly the faintest idea of the ludicrous ef fects produced by the utterly, contra dictory !musie which accompany it. I said the "Pinafore" was the most com ical thing of its kind ever written. That is hardly fair ; it would be better to say what is the truth that it is altogether the funniest thing the subscriber ever saw upon the stage. A CARICATURE AS WELL AS AN OPERA. And it is not all merriment. Thanks to Arthur Sullivan, the music is exceed ingly pretty, even-where it is least seri ous, and in some places it is fairly ex quisite in its sparkle. So that even tnose who do not laugh easily will find the "Pinafore" a real musical treat. If it is sung in the South, that man or woman or child for the children go wild over it-r-who loses a chance to see it loses a chance of hearty and innocent pleasure. As has been already widely published, "Sir Joseph Porter K. CB. of the opera is a caricature of Mr. Smith the great English news agent, who is now First Lord of the Admiralty, and the likeness is said to be so close that its presentation at all was an act of some audacity in England. It shows the merits of the opera that it is so suc cessful here, in spite of its slight local favor. ! ' "DEAR LITTLE BUTTERCUP." The scene passes bh board the deck of the "Pinafore" off Portsmouth, and as the curtain rises the sailors are singing a song glorifying their many naval vir tues. Enters at once "Little Buttercup," one of the most indescribably humor ous characters in the opera. Her name alone is enough to make her funny, for she is, by contrast, a bumboat woman, with vulgar red cheeks and a green rib-' borr tied Heroes- them, - And-this ia the wavsjhe announces iher wares:, ., . , . . For Fm called "tittle Buttercupear tittle But- Thoughlfcooid oeter teD. why; But sail I'm called Buttercup poor LltUe "Butter cup, Sweet Little Buttercup, I. I've snuff and tobaccy, and excellent jacky ; I've scissors and watches and knives; I've ribbons and laces to set off the faces Of pretty young sweethearts and wives. I've treacle and taffy, and excellent coffee, Soft tommy and succulent chops; I've chickens and conies and pretty polonies,, And excellent 1 ipermlnt droi s. Then buy of your Buttercup dear Little Buttercup, Sailors should never be shy; So buy of your Buttercup poor Little Buttercup, Come, of yoor Buttercup buy! .' s Little Buttercup dances as she sings, and the whole chorus seesaws behind her. She volunteers the information that beneath her "gay and frivolous ex terior there lurks a canke worm twhica is eating its way into s her' very heart and is startled at the mention of the name of Ralph Rackstraw, a common seaman, who soon enters and with a Very lackadaisical look sings a pretty and really touching air, avowing his love for thejdfairfhteb'of ,ihe Canaan of the "Pinafore? MARITIME COURTESIES. Then follows one of the mostgro tesque things in the piece. The Cap tain appears on the bridge of the ship, and exchanges morning salutations With the crew. Imagine this chanted on both sides, the Captain intensely dig nified,, the crew bowing and scraping with uhusual'niarftime politeness.. H CiPT. All. Capt. All. Capt. My gallant crew, good morning. (Saluting.) Sir, good morning! 1 nope you re hu wok. (As Wore-) Quite weU; and you sir? I am in reasonable health, and happy To meet you all once more. (A before.) You do us proud, sir! SongCaptain. I am the Captain of the "Pinafore!" And a right good captain, too! You're very, very good. And be It understood, I command a right good crew. We're very, very good, Capt. ALL. Capt. All. Ana oe u unaersrooa. He commands a right good crew. f . .'. 1 f ' Capt. ThoughTelated to a peer, 1 can hand, reef and steer, And ship a salvagee; I am never known ta quail At the fury of a gale, And I'm never, never sick at sea ! AW Wha never? Capt-.' o; never! r All. What, never! Capt; H'mm-hardlyevefl. T Capt. I do my best to satisfy you all Ail. And with you we're quite content Capt. You're exceedingly polite, And I think it only right- - .- TorefrUe.ceifnWnentt'i t 1 All, We're exceedingly poute, - And he thinks it only right : To return the compliment. . Capt. Bad language or abuse, -1 never, sever use j , , ' Whatever the emergency; ' ThourtrboUier Jt," Imayi OocasTonally say, -x : i I never us a bifr Wg D . Ait. What, never! GM!jr never? . ;(1 All. What, never! Capt, TH'mm hardly ever. ALU Hardly ever swears a big, big D 1 Then give three cheers, and one cheer more A Fortbewellbredui.ptainoiuje"rinaionjj' r.l TCVTTCR THS 'TIE8T LOBP. The edtyanoW 61 J6sfeph?o(rte:K C daughter, is preceded by this invisible CflOrUS UUm llltccu icuiaio iwuuvuo who accompany him on his barge, and ;vith whom he appears everywhere : 1 . .. Over the bright blue sea ; Comes Sir Joseph Porter, K. C B., : Wherever he may go Bang, bang the loud nine pounders go! 1 Shout o'er toe bright blue sea, ; For Sir Joseph Porter, K.C.B. I '' . The entrance" of these female rela tions and their dance withn the sailors is a burlesque upon the conventional nrTiinti mimf ho appTi tn bft armrfi- ntoi-aA IC,V , Xrta&nh fintfiTS. .Willi this tMOUAU U" wwvjjr" , ; bong, to a tripping (tune,- which would make you laugn at lcsen ; The ruler of the Queen's pavee, . . Whose praise Great Britain loudly chants, at.t And so do his sisters and his cousins, and - his aunts! - vi).. . i,t - Sib Josbph. But when the breezes Wow .7 , r ... j 1 generalirgo below, i And seek the seclusion that a, cabin ' -w. stants! All. ' And so do Ma sisters and his cousins, and his aunts! Hts sisters and his cousins. Whom he reckons up by dozens, r Andmsaunto! - Then, follows this biographical song, which probably has a very direct per sonal application to the present First Lord of the Admiralty : When I was a lad I served a term As office boy to an attorney's firm. I cleaned the windows and I swept the floor. And I polished up the handle of the big front door: I polished up that handle so earefullee, That now 1 am the ruler of the Queen's Navee ! As office boy I made such a mark That thfiT cure me the Dost of a Junior clerk. I served the wits with a smile so bland. And Tannted hH the letters in a bis round 1 copied au uie letters iu a luuia so iree, -. That now I am the Baler of the Queen's Navee! Of legal knowledge I acquired such a grip That they took me Into-partnership. And that Junior partnership, I ween. Was the only ship that I ever had seen. But that kind of a ship so suited me, .. , That now I am the Ruler of the Queen's Navee! Mow, landsmen all, whoever you may be. If you want to rise to the top of the tree, If your soul Isn't fettered to an office stool, Be careful to be guided by this golden ruler Stick close to your desks, and never go to sea. And you all may be Buler of the Queen's 'Navee!!! The First Lord of tTre Admiralty has evidently been introducing some senti mental; reforms in the English navy, for Sir Joseph rebukes the Captain for patronizing his men, declares that the British sailor is any man's equal but his, and compels the Captain to say "if C SU L1VWJU A LA Kl I 111JL Vy w v. M V olds that on the seas The expression "If you please" A particularly gentlemanly tone implants. Jnd the chorus respond: 'And so do his sisters and his cousins and his aunts! AN ELOPEMEVgTH.J'LEKJ.O Bv a serilftb&f circumstaacesM'Cai tain s daugtalldlftrTptrRaiikstraga learn tttateaeh lores the ret the en tire crVw isalelighted, HA poetic revenee fan tjbseoti. fRarpWs rival. by sirurtTrgiti ivMrnmAsSmiLi which I he composed -to irveuioata stotty P- ments in me Bntisrr wavr; tixis" -stanza will sere $a sampig .. Fora?Rrlf ttr Is a soltdngsduf f 1 Hi enwfeetlc JatuhouSipo ready Jojfsfft A dictatorial word! His foot shoald stamp and his throat should growl, His hair should twirl and MS faeeshouldiscowl, His eyes should nusn ami hia- weast wtrut 30 ; yl Ana uus snoumneAw futnmafTuttei-i- r. An eloDement is attempts iwiffit tfch connivance of the forty "wafTwhLg swlfj ors, ana aiscoverea oy? m&. He denounces all conce llie&crew remonamtKfjtft hjfca is theeSMt Uietftpfer i?.!!? Queen,"that Hels an EBghahmaal . . or he himself has said ft! . And it's greatly to WtredK, That he Is an Englfshnian Fo ho might havo beenaBoflataa; ' But hi spite of all temptaWss, -Tohelong toother Dians,r . He yngllshmftol , . . . Tn E CAPTAIN EMITSTA ;C1JSS. Wj99D.,v The Captain loses his: tempeanro-r dually say.P? uS8 ocuiurs r jiary. and Sir- Joseph almost goes latoja Ut. But wheiyhe mttef tinto tnafcMaino is his rival, he fontelftj the edUalttl lot the tBritish sairory und 4f teMnqiiiti whe I ther theissuch a thing as angem on 12. inetvai 1 boards rders.RarfilT-te imnTcBft i JSSbS the State dragged (pIammr;amieim4S is cine that He'll ear no tone Of the maiden he loves so well! NotelejUn k h y e Communicates with, hiacell! ' A 'REVATiOjiv w," ' .' 1 But when. ir Joseph riyesthe'CapT tain's daughter "officiiiily to uHdcacatand that he hurt" to find her seeKfl? Little Butteroup break m-w, revelation, singing as follows! oa t; itJ -A trtaay year ago,- , . . ; .- Whan 1 waaiouBg-And cbarnilngM Ad some of jou ma know, , . I pnj$eeajhai? rannlnsc.. All. Now this te most alarmlnfc' ' ' When- sha was .young ana Wtrmtag, She practtoed haby fMiistagjr -A many years ago -7 ; ! But, Two tender babes I nnsse4 y-. , Onlrwis bfloWconditioa, s J TlteS5McrnsTi f U ? A repolar rmclan. All, (iplai!fci 'mch 'oOer.y Nbwfnisisthe 'lffin''V Onewasollowhdttkui, The other, a patrician, a mauF years ago But. y v: w t mi iiiU x mixed those craia Ana not a Howeyef!cduMt " : all. Althowglf naCreatHreloKw It ri'J 3 .r-o: r Somany years ago if ? r r ' Btrr. In time jsach'litfle waif -- hls foster motherr weaHSoraTsaoe was-JHHpn, rear ALLS, efttl ae onewas 5 ourjDrotffer" kAloaliijeart Sre-JaTneiH?, Cant Corcoran andall tain, and the Cantaln is Ralph? BUT. xnai is roe iaea 1 mienaea w convey: p n; creature jtaitn ai&ab30aft mencei "Bict of involuntary manslaughter, with WHERE THE NOWSEN8B OUTDOES ITSELF This grotesque absurdity is absolutely too funny fo: as theBaptai ders afound laugJiter.; iiaipn, appears 1 mil4kb.Korinran4 or- appeatf mjcf i jsaitoi4ilress Joseph secmld not. marry a sail or's daurfeexi a&4 tterMore 4he new captain Takes1 the old captain s daugh ter, filfcnrariieslfls flrsVoousln and the fbrfiier eaptain- marries Hire bhmboat woman, who has long cherish ed an unrequited affection for him, and the opera wfcjda up with a grand con glomerate 6Rmax of all the absurd things sung throughout. Not the least Of them is this, where the captain, now a common sailor, sings to Little Butter cup: Capt. I shall marry with a wife I11 my humble rank of life! And you my own are she I must wander to and fro, But wherever I may no, I shall never be untrue to tfcee What, never? No. never! , , What, never? H'mm hardly ever! All. Capt. All. Capt. Nonsense, of course, but of the most entertaining kind, and most artistically arranged, for Gilbert never designed any plot with more careful art than that of this amusing travesty of the or dinary drama. An Army's Experience wttli Gold. v, Paeis, April 1. A battalion of Zouaves and skirmishers on their way from Atimale toBaghar, in Algeria, to relieve the acting garrison were caught between Senaki and Soukeltleta on the 28th of March in a snow storm of such violence that only .with diffi culty the battalidiireachedmelter after liineteen metf nad perished With cold , and -f atisrue.a Fourteen 'thSrs are in the hosmtatt Bagfaar-snffewng-frein the effects of the journeyU a osew JA.OK802fJ3 bsst swsETLyfi JOBA.000. ! r-i Brief Sews Items. Governor Holiday, of Virginia, has signed the debt bill .recently passed by the Legislature of that State. '. lr. George B. Wood, the eminent physician and writer, died Sunday evening at his residence in Philadel phia, aged 82 years. Edward A. Tracey, an old New York paver, went into a saloon Saturday, took a drink and eat some crackers. A piece of one of the. crackers lodged in his throat and before medical aid could be summoned he died. The father and mother of 'United States Senator Withers, of Virginia, are living in that State. They are both over 4 eighty years of age, have been married over sixty years, and both are in excellent health. Governor Andrews, of Connecticut, has vetoed a bill making the property of married women responsible for. tax ation upon such property. By the pres ent law the husband is responsible, al though having no right m the property. At Moberly. Daily shot and Mo., Sunday, Jdseph killed his wife while He said he thousrht the she was asleep. pistol was empty, and expected to wake up his wife by snapping a cap. They had only been married three weeks. Daily was arrested. The treasury department announces that it intends, in April, to turn its at tention to the circulation of silver dol lars. It is time, for of the &21,000,00) coined under the silver bill, only 06,000, 000 have been put in circulation, and 015,000,000 remains in the treasury vaults. . At Newberry, ind Saturday night, jonn jtseii ana Daniel rame, white, gorged themselves at a colored church festival, and when demand for payment was made by Charles Thomas, one of them drew a razor and cut Thomas's throat, killing him instantly. Bell and Frame were arrested. The American Bible revision com mittee held their regular monthly meet ing for March, in New York, on the t27th, 28th and 29th. The Old Testament Lcommittee revised four of the minor prophets for the first time. The New bTescament committee finished the sec- :iond revision of the Acts of the Apos- 4itles. On Sunday night of last week twen ty mounted men rode into Favetteville, mSwpUrk-' and several dismounted, went to the Sentinel newspaper office and fired both barrels of a gun loaded with buck- into the window. The party then mer, Reuben Carter and C L. Summers, Into all of Which thev fired their firuns iand then departed. Nobody was hurt. Georgia s new constitution gives the rpreparation of the jury list to three cit- m.juxo u wwu wuuvjr, cuu tuGj uavo pub one colored man to twentv whites on ' rthe list, taking the State as a whole. f i ne commissioners claim that this is as Plarge a proportion as the standard of mteiiigence and education will allow, !0 the colored people are dissatisfied jaatt demand a larger representation. General Butler, it is said, will return to Massachusetts as soon as he gets the Cameron-Oliver case off his hands, (and has washed them well in soap and wa ter,; to renew nis canvass ror the gov- His nrosDects for Democratic endorsement, however, are said not to be favorable, as the new chairman of the Democratic State com mittee, ,CoL Walker, is an active and resolute opponent of the Essex state mam Gen. Fitz John Porter, according to the New York World, is confident that the rumor in regard to his complete vindication by the court-martial which recently, heard his case is true. In fact, General Porter says he has been receiv ing all along from Washington what were virtually reports on the progress of the case, and they confirm the rumor. General Porter says he will not ask for reinstatement in the army, being con tent with Ms vindication ; but whatever the President may do is another mat ter. The Virginia Senate has concurred in tlje House ' amendments to the Senate bill amending the Moffett register law. The bill reduces the tax on alcoholic drinks from 2J to 1 1 cents, and the tax on retail liquor dealers in propor tion. The tax on malt drinks is retain ed at a half cent The law is further amended so as to more fully enforce the general observance of its provis ions. It is made mandatory on the courts to revoke the license of any deal er if upon the monthly returns it ap pears the law has been evaded. The PoiDdexter-Curtis Case. Baltimore Sun. This case ended on Saturday in Rich mond in a disagreement of the jury and its discharge. This seems to be very unfortunate, in view of the fact that all the jury are reported to have believed that the killing of Curtis de served some punishment. Two of the anei are said to nave lavorea a ver- a Denaltv of twelve months in iail and a heavy fine (Virginia juries having au thority under the law to determine the punishment to be awarded to con victs). Five were in favor of ascertain ing the crime to be voluntary man slaughter, and five, murder in the sec ond degree, the range of penalties ex tending from three to eighteen years in the penitentiary. Several efforts are reported to have been made to agree upon a compromise -of five years in the penitentiary, but some of the jurors would- not come into this, so they had to be discharged. A motion for the discharge of Poindexter on bail was re fused by Judge Christian, and the pris-t oner was remanded for trial next month. It will be very difficult to (secure jury " when the case comes up again, and they will have to come f rotri another county; as it is said that every eligible pei'sote in Henrico has formed and ex nreased an opinion - in the case; : It is to be hoped '-that the next jury, when found, wm understand that in case or disagreement there; is no possible way to arrive at a verdict except by com promise, LA BELLE FRANCE. The Proposed Legislate Removal A Plea for Communists. Paris, March 31. The great point of the ' Senatorial committees report against the return of the Legislature to Paris, is an. argument drawn from the policy oi the United States,' which the report points out has enjoyed for a cen tury perfect security from, mob inter ference With the Legislature by placing them at a distance froin large towns. The proposal of M. LePere; minister of the interior, for granting three hun dred thousand francs for repatriating in- least -lnalwlnriia. while nrObablv fifteen hnrv. dred who were condenxued t cowfttwa- J ca wiUoeanxnesued. . : READY IVIADE UUU Ii O O L OOJ TTTT H; H n VS W, GGQ O O T BU II KB N O O Q O T HH O O L O O T H H 9 N KN O OO ooo lll oo t h h n x jtx ' ogo n If A i u We are reeelvlnc goods daily. Our stock will be complete about the 3d of AprfL PRICES VERY LOW, STILUS HANDSOMER THAN EVER BCTORE. We have a great may goods of our own manu facture, and we are determined to hold up and strengthen our reputation of being the REPRESEN TATI VE, LOW PRICE, FAIR DEALING Store of this section. We solicit a call from ev erybody. Respectfully, L. BERWANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. Stew axTjetti&emjeuts, AlfixHTlN3 BOOIL 20,0S0LD! The "Wild Adventures" and "Triumphs" of ST ANLE Y- In - AFRICA This only authentic and oonrriKhted ehean edition is selling faster than any other book In America.' uives a run History or his " Down the Congo." AGENTS WANTED. For full particulars and terms address HUBBARD BROS., Pubs., Philadel phia, Pa. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53,672 Superb English Books AT OUR PRICE. 75.27B New American Books AT TOUR PRICE. 112,726 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, S Beekman st, near New Post-OfQce, New York. Hint Parson's Purgative PCls make new Rich Blood, and will completely chaage the blood in the entire system in three months., Any person who will take one pill each night from I to 12 weeks may be re stored to sound health, tt such a thing be possible. Sent by mall for 8 letter stamps. LS. JOHNSON 4 CO., Bangor, Me. LAME BACK. BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER is for lameness or weakness of the back, Rheuma tism and all local aches and pains, the best reme dy known. It was Invented to overcome the alow action of the ordinary Porous Plasters. It relieves pain at once, and cures where other plasters will not even relieve. Sold everywhere by Druggists, price 25 cents. HORSE FOR SALE. Sorrel horse, in prime condition, warranted sound, kind and true la all harness and under the saddle. Price reasonable. Also saddle, bridle, &e. Apply at office of undersigned, on premises of Mrs. J. Fox, Trade street. : . . B. STUART LYON, M. D. March 29 3t JpOR SALE. a. uecuuiui xtfiiu vrciUf iuouv vj iauiu ouu, Jamestown, N. C. For particulars and price, apply to CHAS. B. JONE8, po: IB SALE. The Boureeolse and Minion tvne on which this paper was lately printed. . JVwas made, by the old Johnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and was not discarfled because no longer St fpv use, bat ho ly because U became necessary tq use a different style of type. It will do good service for several years to come. It will be sold in lots to sui pur chasers, and tn fonts of 50 to l,OO0lD8 with cx without cases. Address! OBSKRVER, oct5 . Cbarlotteu N. C MORT GAGE E'S 'SAJj:EJ: .. XTNDERandby vfrtueiof a deed of trust eiecut j ed to the underslcned by Chambers Bteeall, recorded in book 19, pages 212, 213 214 ant 215. register's office of Mecklenburg county. I win sell by public suction at the court nouse door in thetr of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock. K., em the 7 th day of AorO. 1879. the foUowmg vehicles, horses.. and other articles of personal property: , une depot wagon ' aew, one warence venicie4, three Dhastens. one doable biasyJtwo staUd bncM gles, oae ; spring wagon, one carryalLi one -straw : cutter, two saddles and orldles, four sets of teaq' bars, many sets of single and double harness; one clock, twelve horses all traisisd and broken. By JONES & JOHN8TOM,: Atardeys. mar8 oaw tds ; ! I -l-OTTPBOPEBTYWB'BJt5 -1 ' ArrrrsoSirdesfrTritfto CltT Lot House with nine noma, and modern-eon- enlences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, withla nve minutes, walk or tne purtuo . square,; eaa Da ao eonunodated by applying at . .-. t '.-.'. , ELECTION JtorrcEl Notice is nereDy given inav an. eieoupn win be l Mi D for Mayor and a Board . of Aldermen for . said. city. Inspeors Dr.VM. M4 '0rr,8. M. HowelI, 'A.'B. Gray. Li-.i'it kii.-:n'i'.'tn'-: 'i'.t i -;r. jH-i , waru au. a ncKUuar, xy jo. ,w nuain.ti , ; r Inspectors - John L." Morehead,. Ex. . William Sloan, A: B. Davidson. ! - : ;. 1 ! , .a '.-.. .s, . ; m,' .. ;;:; -'.,:'! i Ward No,3-Registjat ,B, P. Boyd. Inspectors R. M. X)ates,e3iH.i Carson, M. A. -r.iw. .... - . t w i Inspeeton-4. Y.Bryee,- Bafua. BaMogecv B.; B. AleaaBder i - a ratti"ii March 28, 1879. Ida. ml v... SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOB THE LADIES. COLO iREDf SILKS, SILKS, SILKS. We have this day opened a handsome line of Summer Silks in Plain Colors and Hair Stripes, to which we call your special attention. W-A-B PRICES: 65 CENTS, 85 CENTS, $1.00 They are good and cheap, and It will be well for you to see them early. Respectfully, WITTKOWSXY k BARUCH. C fiOTHINGt LOTHINGI CLOTH IN I CLOTH IN yjrl S W. KAUFMAN K COU v- , CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICB. !Bvmf determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Cbarlotta and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock OOO L OO TTTT H H n KS It GOO O Oh O O T H.H U qLO l o o t OOO UXL OO T WK KITS XVXR OfTXKKB, ' ConstoUngof the usual variety of MEN S. BOY'S, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S TJ O T H I N ,, lT FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS .HOUSE. . All waaak Is that tirfrlMtda and enstonTi . give us a eall, as it will be to your interest, and Mlltaw from fiitees to tweatt teseent 'Sprhi Corner, Charlotte, N. C. pHE WORLD'S STANDARD. bit-: l.'v; -;'! i . riiBBiinar 8CJ&XS )r.A. ,v -ft viir. u. ; I . . 1 1 , 1 ! , PATENT AIItM MONEY DRAWiRS !; y.-J A-iu:inu "i n ''. i-A ; ii : ' Cbffee V309, Spice MBls, and Store Ftaduras Gene -l.'i'i i" fK"i'i-wuh '.: HI ! : W i I ' .-i!.b;:ii-,W...-.n,j.:. .'. 5 V - J . ; 'iWipATjpa Writer.. . " ' ; '.'!' i; i fi 1 ;-OicinaHacPjimpCo,ftltopio ti 'j h'tm "ij a,'in;.tf . ii I ."..w.'-.-iC i ' . -

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