cms. a. jOses, Editor And" proprietor S.J ti till WEDN TBE EW-lmLE01 JEE1CBT tlttl 18111. 1 trie about There is noth ifW& t average man knows so little railroads, and in the early part o the recent session of the General Assembly The Observer warned that body to be very careful in its dealing with the matter of freight tariffs, lest it left the omfl worse than it, found it. "We referred to the pitiable exhibition which tbe'yGQltJyCiroHnii Lebitnie had maae bfTifeetf in its efforts to1 eaualize tariffs, and expressed the hope that our Legislature would know what it was doing, in reference to the. rail road question, ber dfd iM ilifor tnnafpiv this c-ood advice went for -j " naught, vide the railroad freight bill published yesterday. Some of the language employed in this bill is highly captivating. To therrian whotffeglecis to look at the matter from all points of view, it would seem to be the acme o fairness to iroyidQ thai ff fhtUI en lawful foriata iailtdid! operating transporMrotnol dnyrwi; scription over its road a greater amount as toll or compensation than .shall at the same time be charged by it for the transportation of an equal quantity of the same class of freight transported in the same direction tfeiiifaj portion of said railroad of equal distance but a man must lpQk further than ten or twenty 4ntlfes before he can see the ultimate effects of such legislation. Let ns suppose a case: under the new law a buyer in Charlottfi wants to ship a bale of cotton to Monroe; he would blfln to enable him to say exactly how egislation or how priyate policy shpuld. kju .. lit ii i,.f Cas:ViZ I - aeai wren ia prooieni wmp.i ablest thinkers suggest! that,i1n respects, it is test toleaqm. f tJSatfic free to adjust itself to exigencies ijrt atcii iroin uuiu w nine it 13 uuiikm w encounter. The locomotive, while it has been on the whole "a benefactor and a. civilize t&a Mh a(rAibty disturber the last of its disturbances and trans- Ihtfeflnae- CONGRESS'S EXTRAiSEPCffl AEMI lilll. k: M Participate Outline of the Legislative Bill. si WKESTIE OYJEB IOEf ?ramxftd vS'riftf Oifafite formations. Kit to 09 srt Washington. April 1. Senate. Gordon appeared pr the first lifctelthls, session and tooK the oath of Office. 1 " House. Atkins, of Tennessee, re ported the legislative -v appropriation bill. It, appropriates Detween $15,000, 000 and $16,000,000 under1 the head of "judicial." " It contains -a provision re- roforoncp fpH 1 Warfll v bfe Wade ti tfte card of Capt. W. E. Ardrey after it has rhi "palled, the Senate .went into eieeutiye tend to in keeping possession .of the House. i. f N . There was muiii fuRlinc in an ilea ted in the debate, which sras, Jurtherparti' cipated iii by .Steele and Davisof sSorth 'Carolina, Hooker, lississippi, Car lisle, of KpTitunkv. TTimt.rfif l)hiO ana othe'rs. -V' -V' - V The Senate passed the bill appro priating $200,000 for the construction of a steel vessel to be used for the disin fection of vessels and carstoes eommg fronv ports supposed, to be infected with yelldwtfever and heicontagious "di AASPS take up a resolution, neretoiore onerea by him declaring that, the business interest of. the country - required that legislation should be cononed tothe ob jects for which the extra session was been read. It is absolutely and entire ly conclusive as; to: the matters with nrkinVi it- rloola Tf. istiA; mrirft vifforoUS and effectivebiow even than he dealt Capt. Atkinson when he told that gen flAman on the floor of the House that his talk had cost the State more aoney than all his retrenchment had come to, He proves this. He shows him by whom the reductions in the salaries and expenses were made. "When the account is made up there is a credit of $5,000 U Capt AtkSMn'' cemip.itje$ and Capt Ardrey tells no more than the truth in saying that the committee on retrenchment and reform talked this much awav. It is well enough that this little controversy sprang up and we are glad to have helped it along The bladder of bogus retrenchment has not been punctured too soon. STATE SEWS. not have the face to ask the Carolina Central Iiailroad company to carry that bale of cotton' those twenty-five miles for less than ;lwenty-Av4 centa one cent per bale per mile. IJut suppose the owner wishes to ship the bale on, to Wilmington; the charge of twenty-live cents must be doubled for every twenty-five miles and when the bale of cotton gets to Wilmington it has cost the shipper nearly &2.00 to be exact it has cost him $1.88! From Wilmington to New York the distance is about we think 600 miles. We ship a bale of cotton from Char lotte to Xew York now for $2.50, and have done it often for $1.50. But from the 2.50 now charged we jinusfc take $1.88, the supposed cost or getfingit to Wilmington, leaving us-68 cents to get i b from Wilmington toXe w York ! Let uSf however, rediel"taiffjoi)e4ialf from, the above supposed figures; that gives t he railroad 122 cents per bale from here to Monroe which is such a ridiculous pittance ifcdat it would not look at it and gives it 96 cents from here to Wil mington, which is a larger proportion than it gets on the ba&U of $2.50 from here to New York ! Could anything be more ridiculous? It would be laughable if it ere not so conspicuously inequitable. It is true that the terms of the bill do not apply to shippers of a car-load or greater quantity, but it is the principle of the bill that we are driving at Besides, it , Jg.aa.iiot thhirge-but.Jii ,smU shipper thatjthe bill was designed to protect, and ft is not the'' targe but the small shipper whom it ruins. This alternative presents itself under the bill: that the railroads must make such exorbitant tariffs as to render it cheaper for the-shipper to haul his products in wagons than by rail;-Jliis bringing immediate ruin upon both railroad and producer ; or else they must accept prices which will break . them down af once and thus indirectly produce the same effect upon the would-be shipper. The proposition i3 a perfectly plain one ; he who runs may not be able to read, but he who stops and studies a moment may. The ability of the railroad companies to evade this law, and the expediency of their doing so, are questions - which we need : foe: asked if their chaTter'rfghts do not pro tect thein from such legislation. Not being a lawyer we do 'not know. But one thyijjr, is quite, certain, and that? is h theology. Goklro Messevutf : Mrs. M on continues her daily meetings -at Mie Methodist church in this place, and at everv service the seating capacity of the church is taxed to its utmost. Re-! ligious entbfUsiasm v;s never greater inthiseompinjit.j M : . J Wherever the female preachers go there is a discussion in the newspapers as to the right of women to preach. The pros and vom are now tossing scriptural : quotations at each other through the columns of the Goldsboro Messenger. Mrs.Theo. F. Davidson, of Asheville, has passed ikrough Swauauoi tunnel alona 1AM bH L&rlArtd dfctin locks ailft h'eTnirfenttv-'Irewi moustarlie. A prisoner was arraigned for trial for -murder in the Pitt Superior Court last week, and it .was found after, ttye jury iiad been empannefed that .theve.nWeie on it one brother-in-law and two- eou sins of the df eodairtj anj due ma4 who had expressed ah opinion oh the case and then swore that he hadn't. Wilmington jStcper Wj learneatnac sue W Have ;vust lodfife of tlie Khifflit the Revised Statutes which applies to the State ot Pennsylvania,) and sections 801. 820 and 821 of the Revised Statutes, i i ii. .. i. 1 1 j i ana providing mm an j urorsi, grtuiu anu petit, shall be, puoiiciy drawn irom a box containing , the navies of not less than 800 persons possessing tne neces sary qualifications, - which names .shall iiaveteen placed tnerern py ine cierKoi the court and a eomnlissioner to be appointed by the judge, which commis sioner shall be a citizen residing in the district and shall be awrell known mem ber of the principal political party, op posing that to which the clerk shall be long. It also repeals sections 2,016, 2JD18 and 2,020, and an or succeeding sections down to and including 2,027, and also section 5,522. It also strikes out of sections 2,019 the words: "For the purpose of engaging in the worK Ot canvassing ballots," and strikes out of section 2,028 the words, "or a deputy marshal," and the words, "city, town. county, parish." It also repeals section 2,031, except such part of it as relates to the pay of supervisors of elections. It 1 i, .1 1 7 J 1 repeals ail otner sections nu iaw (au thorizing the appointment ot chiet supervisors of elections, and special or deputy marshals of elections. The bill was ordered printed and re ferred to the committee of the whole. The House then went into committee of the whole on the army appropriation bill and was addressed by Belford, of Colorado, against the section forbidding the use ox troops at tne pons, uenord s speech was delivered from manuscript. He declared that in the contest in which Consress was now engaged the Presi dent might yield but the Republican party never. He characterized the Democratic " party of tha North as cowardly and treacherous, and warned the South against relying on it. Ail that the Republican party asked of the Sou tli was respect for the laws of the country. They had been told that the Confederates had crossed the Potomac and seized the capitol. But the South ern pendulum would swing back, and in 1SS0 the Democratic party would re tire to the rear as it had done' in the past. He was followed on the same side by Humphreys, of ATisconsiu, who also read from" manuscript. Muldrow, of Mississippi, expressed his astonishment at the means employ ed by the gentleman from Ohio (Gar- held) a few days ago to make party cap ital out of the pending questions. That gentleman, standing on his record, had attempted to make the people believe the Democratic party was now seek ing to carry out legislation by different methods than those heretofore adopted by the Republican party which had set many such precedents. His party was not in favor of revolution. They pro posed to resort to peaceful methods an I constitutional methods. ' Then if ti e President desired to stop the sup plies of the government the responsi bility would be on the President and not upon Congress. He concluded: -11 the attempt to break the chains of tyranny from the people was revolu tion it was a revolution which the pec-- pie would applaud. But he hoped that the President would not-attempt to coerce Lngress; ne hoped mat in re publican America the spectable would not be presented of the highest officer in the land putting himself between ring"! the operation of the government and the people. Chalmers, of Mississippi, followed in answer to Garfield's remarks of Satur day and denying the statement of the latter that the Southern Democrats of 1861 had threatened to shoot the "Union to death. In answer to an interroga tory by Price-of Iowa. "Where was the first gun fired V Chalmers said the first gun was fired near Harper's Ferry, wnere &outnern uiooa; was sued on session and. upon the re-opening of ' the doors adjourned. ... CONFIRMATIONS ' The Sena te to-dav confirmed the fol lowing nominations Francis A. Walker, of Connecticut, to be ; superinr lendent or the census; Dra. otepnen Smith, of New York Citv. and,T. S- Verdi, of :.Washirifftfth D C. to le members of national board- of health I Horace Austin,1 now third auditor of the treasury toJ6 register of the land office at Forgo, T)ak ota. the Zuio Iteiir adtfcvtisciucttts. rrori nM of E series of lectoiea before the Chams J. tr ot Conmem of Charlotte will be delivered m rum h Tninr. Anril hm uelr rooms In tne nest men ana eienu oi uuuiuue are uitiwu mi a tend. The subject selected te m&nulactures ; thett mfluence and d vantages. B. N. TIDDY. f apns zt Becxeiai?. TTKNTION, INDEPENDENTS. NICHOLAS. j l3 f ; srfe mTR'S rLLTISTRITED MlGlZINK Messrs. Scribner ft Col In 1873, began the publi cation oi sT. Nicholas n illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys, with His. Mary Mapes Dodge as editor. Five years have "passed since the first num ber was Issued, and the magazine has won the highest position. It baa a monthly circulation of . rDKAL CHILDRKS'S 1U.GAZIKX. 0,000 Tlctoria, Parliament and War Policy. EsRConffiessman Kobbins made a speech at Wilkesboro last week court weefc. Mr. K. V. Davidson, son of Mr. A. T. Davidson,, of . Asheville, js livung ,in.. Texas fcnd lias . just -received aus law license from the Supreme Court of that State. The cabin of schooner lying at the wharf at Wilmington was robbed and the articles stolen carried off in the schooner's vawl boat, and the captain still slept. The kibcBeri skud j shii bouse, on the premises of Mr. Joseph McKeetban, at Clarkton. on the Carolina Central Kail wav. were burned last week. The dwelling was sa ved by the heroic efforts of Mrs. Mekcetlian. The Witness says Mr. A. W. Finley, of Wilkes county, lias eleven head ot fine cattle weighing l5,62y iounds, the average weight being 1421 pounds, the largest one weighing 2122 pounds and the next-largest rw pcmnus. Goldsboro ' M&ii(fef' Rev. B. F. Marable, the esteemed pastor of Jbe Presbyterian church, will leave here in a day br so to attend the meeting of the liver an address to wie -iass grauuaung London, April l. Thirty Home Ru lers voted with the Liberals in the divis; ion last night in the House of Commons on Sir-Charles- Dilke's resolution pi censure upon the Zulu war poliey of the government. The Times, which generally supports the government, savs: "All that the opposition- main-' tained was that Sir Bartle Frere , had acted unjustifiably and that the course taken toward him by the government was indefensible. In this contention it will, we believe, be the general opinion that they were justified, and the gov ernment's numerical victory is a moral defeat. The main question, however, of our course in South Africa remains undetermined and must some day be discussed with the utmost care." TOWS You are hereby notified to attend the resrular monthly meeting Of your company, this (Wednes day) evening, at 8 o'clock. Business of impor tance. & F. HUHJGYCUTT, apr2 Secretary. i JOTICE OF SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, i Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, V StatesvUle,N. C, April 2nd, 1879. ) Bzed for violation of internal Revenue Laws, on April 1st, 18?9: 4 boxes Tobacco, owner un known; 4 boxes Tobacco, the property of K. Fos ter; 2,000 Cigars, the property of R. If. Gaftney; one half barrel of Whiskey, owner unknown. Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office In Statesvllle, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, J. G. Young, Collector. Deputy. apr2 StlnSOdys It is published simultaneously in Londor.and New York and the transatlantic recognition is al most as general and hearty, as the American. Al though the progress of the magazine has been a steady advance, It has not reached Its editor's ideas of best, because her ideal continually outruns It, and the magazine as swiftly follows after. To-day St. Nicholas stands The arrangements for literary and art contribu tions for the new volnme-rthe sixth-rare complete, drawing from already favorite sources, as well as from promising new ones. Mr. Frank R. Stock ton's new serial story lor boys, "A JOLLY rELLOWSHTP," Will run through the twelve monthly parts, be ginning with the number for November, 1878, the first of the volume, and will be Illustrated by Jas. E. Kelly. The story Is one of travel and adventure in norma ana tne nanamas. or tne girls, a con tinued tale, "SALT A DOZKH HOUBirKKPKBS," By Katharine D. Smith, with illustrations by Fred erick Dielman, begins ki the same number; ana a fresh serial by Susan Coolidee. entitled "Eve. bright," with plenty of pictures, will be commenced Th Kniit.hpiTi oi-hil TT.rkiwl nnnloneo 'nn fKa of Hquoj at ooky Mount Jias received Democratic side and in the galleries.7 ana paiaoverwint? iamiiy oi nr. Aitarpy je then r proceeded to declare that if INTRODUCED. . 1 865. A TORPID LIVER Is the fruitful source of many diseases, promi nent among which are " DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, C0STIVENESS, 0YSENTERY, BILIOUS FEV?R, AGUE AND FEVER, JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM PLAINT, COLIC, ETC. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IjO of Appetite and ITansaa, the towels areooitiy, but sometimes alternate with looseness , Pain in the Head, accompanied with a Dull sensation in the backpart,Pato In the right side and under the shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin olination to exertion of body or mind. Irri tability of temper, low spirits, Iioes of memory, withafoeliag of haying neglected some duty, General weariness; Disaaness, riuttering at the Heart, Dote before the eyes, Yellow BMn, Headache generally over the right eye, Beatleesnees at night with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. IP THESX WAEHIKGS ASS TOHEBEED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILtS a re especially adapted to such cases, a single dose effects . such a change of feeling as to ! astonish the sufferer. TUTT'S PILLS ere eempeanded from snbstaacee that are free from ear preperdea that can Injure the meet delicate organization. They Search, Cleanse, Pnrlfy, and larlaorate the entire Syateni. By relleTlag the en gnrsed Uver, they clause the bleod front peiaenens burners, and thaa Impart health and rltaJlty te the eedy, emaaleg the newels te net nntnrnlly without which ne one can feel well. A Noted Divine says :( OPERA JIOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY. HOLM AN OPERA COMPANY. Tuesday Evening, April 1st, the Beautiful Opera LES CLOCHES DECORNEVILLE. (Chimes of Normandy.) Wednesday Evening. April 2d, the reigning suc cess of the day, Sullivan and Gilbert's Satirical Comic Opera, , H. M. S. .PINAFORE. The magnificent painting of the view of Ports mouth (covering over 2,200 square feet of canvas) from the pencil of Mr. George Morris. The deck of the ship, sails, cabin, bulwarks. &c. made from the original models, (as produced by the authors in London, .England) by Ambler S. White, ac knowledged by all the press as being " the hand somest set scene of the day." Box sheet open at the Central Hotel Cigar Stand. Admission 25c , 50c. and 75c Secured seats $1. mar29 4t. early in the volume. ued lairy-tale called lere will also be a contin- "bumptt dqdget's towkb," Written by Julian Hawthorne, and illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. About the other familiar fu tures of St. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good- uuuiureu Biieuoe, conienE, pernaps, to let ner nve volumes already Issued DroDhesv ooneeminar th sixth, In respect to short stories, pictures, poems, humor, instructive sketches, and the lure and lore of "Jack-ln-the-Pulpit the "Very Little Folks" department, and Uie "Letter-obx," and "RWdle box." Terms, $.00 a year; 25 cents a number. Sub- senpaons recervea Dy ne publisher of this paper, and by all booksellers nd postmasters. Persons wishing to subscribe direct with the publishers suoma write name, postomce, county and state, in inn, ana sena wnn remittance in cneck, if. u mwuey uiuer, or registered lewer wx declO 2TDTDWt AA 143 Broadway, New York; AN OLD And true maxim, " Take core of the dimes and the dollars will take care of themselves," should be re membered. Therefore when any one, whether young or old, married man or BACHELOR WANTS A Beal luxury in the Cigar line, and does not wish to give an extravagant price, let him by all means call at PERRY'S. It will be well at the same time to bear in mind that there is the place also to buy Crackers, Fruits. Candies, and such things as please the old lady, young maiden or little GIRL. WITH THE CASH Of course you can purchase whatever you want but PERRY'S Is the plsce to get the best I LINO WANTED. Db. Bidez wishes to rent a good Piano for his own use. An upright preferred. Apply by letter, P O. Box 87. tne-tho-sun. ' i&x&tkzxxi anil CSXasstxrare ENLARGEMENT OF- rpHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THIRTY-POUHTH YKAR. ..; ' 1 . . : .'1 t The most Popular Scientific Paper In the World Only $3.2va year, Including postage; Weekly, 52 Numbers a year, 4,000 book pages. jpnxD BROS.. .KM i WHOLKSAUt AlU KK-VAIL - GROCERS and DEALERS InCOUKTET FHoUuCk : Keep constantly on hand JUSXS, CABBAGK, IHISU POTATOES, AP- PLES.DBOFBClTsiaf i RAMSOUR 4 BONNIWELL'S and A. T. ran. FORD'S various brands of FLOUR AUO, PROPRIETORS OF THK CHARLOTTE HOTEL,- i ''j'. . - CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly fumjshed and is kept in first class style. ' Terms, Per Day Great inducements nttnmA tr. toKi. k . ere; for terms see the proprietor. a , '""Omnibus and Carriages at every train, gj FIELD BROTHERS Mr. H. S. Wilson i Lady,. . HKKBT WlLFOHO, feb9 Proprietors. -Superintendents Clerk.- $2.00 MARSHALL $2.00 H u u En'H O O E SAVANNAH. GA. The fciKNTinc Amebicah is a large nrstrdass most beautiful style, profusely, illustrated with splendid etitrravines. rannwnttnr ttw iwiuut in. ventions anu the most recent advances In the Arts and Sciences; including New and Interesting Facts iu .agriculture, xionj culture, tne ttome, tieaitn Medical Progress, Social Science. Natural History! Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of science, win oe round in the e cientific American. Terms, S3.20 per year; $1.60 half year.wWcliin- ciuuea pwsunje. viscount te agents. Mngiecosles, ten cents.; Sold 6y fcllHemtdealere. Remitby pos tal order to HUNN Jt Co., Publishers, 37 Park ttow, ew iork PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs. Muun & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 34 years experlt-nee, and now have the largest establish ment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A f peeial notlpe is Jiwuitt lu tte Keieu- onc Americas or ail inventions uus Agency, wnn tne name and residence of the ratentee. By the Immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. . Any person who has made a new discovery or Invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a pcueut ram prouauiy De owainea, Dy writing to the undersigned. We also .send fjee cur hand book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Traded Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th sts., Washington, D. C. noviy ti A. B. LUCEj Proprietor. Reduced rate-$2.00 and $2.60, according to U ,a-tionofRoom. M. L. HARNETT, Clerk, late of IlanUrs Feb. 1 6 tf. CHINA who w 9! fortunat el a member of that lodgsttUe time of hi? death, the sum of two thousand dollars l iit .'f wi. i-t Aslteville Citizen.: On Satuvdav4t a white woman cstmointo, tewn from Haywood, from Whitfi cotmty she had walked, wHh a , babv jn, arms only, tweutOiitvNSoJaafs 4H snid twchlSlrefc walking, two and four years of age, and all of them had been made wet by the rainS hi that da v. She crafe' her narrie: as iu Elizabeth f-Whitmoi-fe, wife of Wm. Whitmore. of Hall fxunty, Ga. She said her husband deserted her last summer, running off with a woman named Julia Pagan, after wliush time the came to Jlaywood and has, .since been ,i-esiding wfth an uncle in , that" countyvi l!ae.Ls now endeavoring, with out means, to make ner way DaoK'toher iatner s in ueorgui, a terniue unaertHK he. projwsed legislation was revolu tionary, then the Republican party bad accomplished revolution after revolu-1 tion one of the most iniquitous acts of usurpation ever perpetrated by. the Republican party was the attempt to violate the constitutional richt of the President in the act which President Johnson protested against. In contin uation of his speech, be claimed that he had stuck, to the ground of. the declaration of the gentleman from Ohio (Garfield), that the Democratic party .was inaugurating revolutionary methods, of legislation, and showed that t was; the purpose of the. Republican jparty to starve--the government unless jtwas permitted to strangle the free dom of election -ai-ih-. polls. "The name of revolution has no terror for us. sneering aemonstrations on tl e Dr. TUTT: Desr Sir: For tn jeri I ha r to Orspepaia, OonatipMion ana rue. oar Pills wars raoommended to me : I 1 am now m well nun, k mutrr to RDrinjr tout thamT out with little f ith; lia.ii fud umfltit. dim eat pile gone, and I have cained lai been Last CHINA hey are worth their wei AlT, IV. Ii. O i perfect, refnlar stools, fiartrpoaads solid fleeb. MO. , Lotasrula, Kj. OR OCKEEY TUTT'S PILLS. -AND u . '-'iVlriAVi, V i ii 'A' -l-ing, considering ner u that the; )0 fetijh gP :;fl?w and ; tfm y0UDg children. ing, considering her infant and her two 1 fKepublican side. "We learned to love itself invtWe(vaHio; for qjider it A uiay cnarier a ireignt car irom me railroitd company. sLun4 ti depot and make contracts at what prices with,' O. IXjE i anA E -as tbey come tin with their freights, underbid the rail road agents aad carry M.aiiAny.yprices he electSi discriminating himself as much asiiie chooses andspeculating tat will upon the railroad company which hatvaottxrwer to. withhold Iris hand wi say unto him, what doest thou? About the only hope we see for the small shipper under this bill; is through . -.t.ii Another Pr nosed; Call ah ih CHy lasDW llanti Wharcholafris. of Lof don,; April I.v-The Times, com menting ttn" a' emi-ofncial 'announce ment that the' next call on the city of Glasgow, Jiank shareholders will be for it in our childhood. It brings back to us that grand struggle for freedom when our revolutionary ancestors lelt their-toot -prints -stamped in blood in the snows of Valley Forge, so that we, their children, may take heart again, wlenever theihour of peril shall come upon us;. ; military, despotism now threatens us on - every side. Troops iaye been assembled at the i polls to wha . wilinatttriuiy MwoMiraiD'iw the .fiWv,i)ttiiV' the railroad will be enabled to rent cars andolKerwlse it would not be able'io c vrry freight onafteodlritioX lts'enforced charges. 1 ' . As to the secti&W tndjWwtibn' prohibits the pooling of freights and the giving or taking of rebate?, we have at kait t,2MvK)&ljhre'fpsite tHt4t3ftsKntifnidate free, -people at elections imquesuonauie inai mm ponenas ruin Troops have been assembled at the to nearly every stareolder.The first Federal, capital to intimidate the c2Uwai)nly paidJin-fulP by the holders House jof Representatives in counting vl MHuw..vnu pt 8iocK,,;ana at-w- ;the electoral vote. The battle cry of only n these tbatafurjJtter destructive '1880 has been already started. , A eov- c ;t:tW riWea.r;;... -;outful tnment of law is not to be administerr , iwuu uwu.uu can raue me;i ed by the iudiciwyw but with an army iour minion pounds wliicn are xeauired. t itmn a PTifVllcrH fn Anfnra When. Vr, ilSii U1 ver it comes to ther auestioiTbetween 'iyjeoito:Wts. freedom and .despotism. the -Democratic fcoramendsr thatlbc creditors oi , the party will s, be found standing; where JPP .-..tiiK wiMh inwvy.feMj, ; iConger; of ; Michigan : "I desire to ask the v.enueman from Mississippi- wneiner tuE isecona revolution Of 18S1 had any terrors for him?" . , t;nauners; nne aistmeruishea sren- tleman ;isi. exceedingly witty, -. History rtells us that English kings were; in the . naDis oi seeping jesters at court with the fool's ..cap and bells. It seems, that a Republican Congress has supplie&it self in thesame naanner."5 Laughter. Their first effect is to Iaereaae the Appetite, and cause the body to Take Fleafc, thas the BTBtem is Boarlshed, and by their Tonic Ac tion on the Diceetire Orfaos, Raarulor Stools are produced. DR. J. F. HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK 8AYSl- " Few diseases exist that oaanqt be reliered br re storinc the Lirer to its Bormal fonotions, and for this purpose no tetned Baaerer been invented th&t has as happr an effect as TUTT'S PILLS." SOtP EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS. Offlc 35 W"iTy Stroott Mw Trk, pr pr. TUTTS MANUAL Of Valuable Inf or. mation and Useful Receipt' will bemailedre on application, r TUTT'S HAIR DYE. R,i. nm n Wmmu ehinnd ta k i6LOin Black by a sina-le applioation of this tTt- ' It im-- parts a Natnral Color, acts Tnsfentiaeemsly, and is as Harmless as sprint- water. Sold PI nrogaists, or sent hi eznreas on reoeipt ef L , Office, 35 Murray St, New JTork. aprl ly. ., , : .' ...';',.;.' GLASSWARE BUSINESS. MR. A. W.LUDOLF, OF BALTIMORE, MD., a man of unlimited experience In this business, bavins traveled for 17 years in tbe West and South selling Crockery, &c., for some of tbe most exten sive Crockery houses North, has been associated with 1 JOBN OBN BROOKT'lELTY BOOKFLELJLf, TEETH. GUMSBREATH ' NO MORE .ll'll " tl.l I ieS)B'.l .... Mjl' Jlj Tbe French Cevertliieiit and IheTrs- l .-'ptecllOBUtie7.u!. Aiirot vd ; London, April La Liberte, of Par is, attacks the fecent goverrffflentalifeY plies to the .protectionist -denuta tion. In Q 'l'rrv rats foaiiA liflinnnl - 4t.n . t X I ufol OOTTQ 4Tiia VAvaintv'Anf Tina ni i-wV of this, and need not touch upon it 2? wWtrai on great .quesuona, j iaixnernere. we can only say now that i Thmiififtt?-hrtt7ll'tBtit instead'of th f l'o u-Ai it Is Impossible aKprssentrto forecast 2Tetos says this attitude i of 'the govern-jling;, bells," which might . perhaps suit UlO i.c.1 tub ui Liiis iccciil ami verv rani- I cmnn-nx,ixi7tiMiuiiT w iih7cxj.tvciiud vl i tcu, ib naoi urtJoSBU lis jcabeF Ut . - . - I , . mr ii.. . a. I flnrnllAnr Im'ln ft rr j, vj.: . 1, weuuuutsiiwJUM5H!iu tiri tjiBjCitumeu, owmiun nana. i jjouu laugmer on ine which patfalvieT ffilntefitldns Of its Democratic side.1 Libernbers. Yr rJ ' ! : Conger : J'l asked tl heroi5 gentle L - A v f r.aV a . Ia rnan f rom Mississippi a Dlain civil sim- The. Widow Oliver BtscoBillttecl-l De- pie question, and fnst, M'Wit vSr he jumps upon his mhsic0x and flou : ir ' xt .-ii?t:f)t ?i;iuoac3 uiiuiavra 10 I fi emintrv anrt tho liouse, iGounter demonstrations on tha itepupneau siae,. members clapping their hands and 'indulging, in loud R 8EUMAT1S Vj OR GOUT AC U T 0 R CHRONIC A L I C V L I C J cal legislation. -We can ony trust that the railroad' meeting whichl ty be held in Baleigh shortly, will ujitangle the ekeinandby some manned of means give to hpla:vroictf wilt be' fomething in th neighborhood of rea sonable if not entireljnEsquuable. , In concluding thisartic. wemayrp- iterata ' the: sentiment ; which began it ' This whole question of railroad traffic i is oneisodeep fimtt-so ftdrhplex that it may well tose alike the statesman, the economist and the railroaaspecialist, however large in! information or acute and penetrating in .ipielcp. It has been remarked,' as the resuBrof careful Observation-, that,ijt is; doubtful if there . is a man Uving,wi snfficMt.hreadth. ; of comprehension and of knowledge. 01 f'. As: fWA8HiNaaNy;rApnllThe'tiargu- ments or counsel m tnecase'-oi vuver vs. Cameron were, conclude to-day d the caser;gi,venf,td the jury.w who after, laughter for a considerable flml : wui uuiee nuuxa uenucitttiuiio xcmi- juaiiners : Tine, srentleman i la mis- ed a verdict for. the. defendant.; There are intimations ot ji"imotiorrf or a new. trial or appeal to the 'eourt onrpoiritd to wmcn exceptions were laKen, A J .ofkWniisMn Btrhtif .-wjiR Yea, woman has as eood right to health and hap piness as the other sex. Then, why suffer so long wnen we remedy is wunin your reacn. xtt tsmu field's Female Begulator, Woman's Best FrieTKi, and yon will bare your health and strength restorad.- Call on Tonrirrnnrlst fnr & circular. 3 rmT&l.atid that itTias as :ftan7: ' yJ- taken; I shall certainly ; not undertake to -play a game at which any monkey ' ueu me. Liuaugnier on tne uemoK crauo siaej tt.-,,-; r t ' Frye.of Maine, next obtained the floor and:;inde assteech ofi! cohsideralle length; in defence i of . the t ReDublican party and Charging:Tthe?Democracy --of. SURE CURE. -.ii - Manufactured only under ther above Trade-Mark by the . " EUROPEAN SALICTLIC MEDICINE CO., A .GBThBS&kSDUamO. Immediate relief 'warranted. Permanent' cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated snyuoians oi jsuroDe ana junenca. Deoominn Staple. Harmless, and Sellable Remedy on both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 95 cures out of 100 cases within three days. Secret The only dlssolver of the poisonous (Jrlc Acid which exists in the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients..? 81,00 & box, '6 boxes for chj w. ooui vu (tuuress on receipt ot price. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. Ad-, - nov7 . OImrrters'I)pot33Cllff-fc,ltT; ipr sale by .-H, MeAJ)EN, Druggists, leb-ia li.Uv,-5fi - Charlotte, K.C 1 ...hi .in.; .: , . "piRENCH BRANDT n OF TH3B OITY, In the above business, and the firm thus constitu ted will be known as JNO. BROOKATELD ft CO. Mr. Ludolf left last Tuesday for tbe North to lay In the most extensive stock of QUEENSWARE, China, Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Deco orated China and Porcelain, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fine Fancy Goods, Wood arid Willow 'Ware, House Furnishing -Goods, Cutlery, Bar Fix- tures, and many other goods too numerous to men tion, for our Wholesale and Retail trade. In fu ture we win handle SHOW CASES, &C . ;Cnaranteed to be "' i TWENIT TEARS; OLD. 'J thebouth-witli murdering citizensifio f sPinrn ttkit? m '-WAWv. l cleareai -mat ane a Democratic party 1 tx - --i i yy iiuiu iiw mjw uuxn muu ill, i.iir r.Hiniii . . . vwj, au mant.. iukl in r T DAvrosoirs. . Particular attention paid to baying goods decora ted to order, with any name or monogram, Ac., on each article of China. . ; ti i Ji y. si; Give us youf orders. We sen toothing bat first tplass goods, and sell as cheap as you can. buy at the North anywhere. .-.U.ii Y'-;:; ; itOQKXJT::::',':. o joiiuu, as u wiu De a treat to ex- famine his line of fine goods. ; i: ;! ,. jNaBEOOZFIEXD.&CO 1 Hireii 2ltnJ 4 i1' umocratoace. 1879 'J' HE FOUR REVIEWS AND B 1879 LACK WOOD. s TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE Salisbury, N. C C. S. Brown,. iftAnetrV Late of the Nathan! .Betel, Ritlelgli. C. & Brown, Jr. dec SO Chief, Clerk; W. sistant. 0. Shelburn a Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), AND BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections: thn vhn originals in full, and at about one-third the price of the English editions. No publications can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of styletethey are without any equal. They keep pace with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement, whether in religion, snicnw lit. erature, or art : The Ablest Writers tui their pages with most interesting reviews of history, and with on intelligent narration of the great events of the aay. TERMS TOR 1879 (INCLUDING POSTAGE): Payable strictly In advance. For any one Review, $ 4 OO per annum. For any two Reviews, 7 00 For any three Reviews, 10 00 forauiour Jteviews, la OO " For Blackwood's Macazlnp.. m " For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 " r or oiacKwooa ana two .ne views 10 OO " For Blackwood and three " 18 00 For Blackwood and four " 15 00 ' Jpostage. ; ; This item of expense, now borne by the Dublish- ers, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent, on the cost to subscribers in former years. (CLUBS. A discount of twenty ner cent, will ht allmrai n clubs of four or more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. New PREMIUMS, subscribers (annlvinff ahtIv-i fr tv .... . - 1879 may have, without chaiw. t.h nnmhan. t.,r ihe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for.; or, instead, new subscribers to any two, three or four of the above jerlodicals, may have one of the " Four Reriaws' for 1878; subscribers Uf ajl eve may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to clubs. ; To secure premiums It will be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for that purpose is limited. . . ,,..-,, . . ? Reprinted by J i1 ! ! ; ' THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO . : 41 Barclay Street, New Tork H ARPER'S WEEKLY. LUST B A TED. NOTJCES OF THE pRKSi The Wkeklt remajms easily at the head of nius- srweopapers oy its one literary quality, the beautv einbraee ZiinVHerak,'BSS ffT - W 1 -.4-1 t-iJ . jci).. ITL m he Number next HARPER'S PERIODICALS. irjs Magazlrje, one year,'. .. . . ;." '.'' ir'sWeftkiTj ,...'. The Three pubitoUonsV orie year'v Six subscrlpaons ope yearl it Pf application. uwrure m me unii Vi 1 8 4 00 4 00 . 4 OO -.10 00 ."7 no 20 00 ited States a ne annual nuunu, Af rr . tt.- tit . nedott btadingTwlTC S expenses (provided the freight does not extrad nn tnrtSlL.10,! I7"00 ch- A complete ShS?! nty-two volumes. Bent on re otne cash at toe rate of $5.26 per volume, freight at expense of purchaser.T; ClOth Cases for Hflh vnliimn i,il.Ki.'klii.i.ii. i wlUbe sent by malsWd, "ohllpt af$W remittances should be made by postoffice monnv order or draft, to avow chance of loss 7 i5SrSJ2:,2 this advertisement ;decU f: Newtork. OLD WASHINGTON RYE whiskey; We call attention of final Whiskey, well known In Northern and Southern markets. It is smooth, pleasant to the taste, and perfectly free from adulterations. Read certificate of analysis of Dr. Taylor, State Chemist of Va. : Havlns made a Chemlral PYamlnnHnn nt a aam. Pie Of Washington Rva Whlalrnv alujl hi mi. self from the stock of Messrs. Lathrop k Leigh, I am enabled tonronounce it to be a strictly pure ar ticle in all respects, suitable for use medicinally or otherwise. WM. H TAYLOR. M. D ' State Chemist of Va. LATHROP & LEIGH, Sole Proprietors, 1316 & 1318 Cary street. Richmond, Va. " OLD ASHLNGTON RYE WHISKEY. I am now Washli prepared to furnish the genuine Old e wni8key. it is of the most su pe riston E rtor quality in taste and purity. A long experience Justifies me in commending it to connoisseurs, and ui nuo appreciate guua wnisicey. Try it j W. B. COCHRANE. March 1 lmeod. . . M M R R S S L L N JOSEPH FISCHESSER, Pkophietorl DEALER IJ( BEER, ALE, PORTER AND WINES & LIQUORS, And the best brands of Cigars. KifhKH8 lbrated Reading Beer. Keeps fresh bottled Beer on hand from Berener 4 SXT, by tt nata t ath,S?S?-t.fLm7ustomers ca be funilshed at home with the best Beer in town. ALSO A FINE :D:IipOM ATTACHED. ; Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte Srtei. BILLIAI) 1 B A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST- OFFICE OVER L. R. WRISTON & COU Drug Stork. ". With 25 years! experience I atls taction guarantee entire anl 1 jeal Bbxtc. jeal estate, ...... mining and Immigration agency, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will Advertise free of cost, all properties placed in my hands for sale. declO TH0S. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte. N. C. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA R. B.CO. Treasurer's Office, Columbia, a C, March 29, 187i. THE Coupons on the 2d Mortgage Bonds of this . Company, which become due on the first of April, 1879, will be paid at the National P" Rank. New York City, and at the Central National Bank of this city, March feirtgm ft SMITH. Treasurer.

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