fit OTIje CljarhriU fewer. .AIL 8UB8OXIFTZ0S RATES : . one Var, postpaid) im 4 THE DVXEXYEZ JOB DIPAiTMXMT joiz Mown. ,. v w At torn thcrwghtv supplied wttA cwry needed want, and with the Latert KtyetofTypgy Omd terry manner Job Work can now to don wit Heatne.. OugodEeA and cAeupwwu (, Iff m rvrnisJi, at 8hon BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, ' - - viaa PEfrgrPT gp.g, . . FSOGJLAMMZSt EAXD-BILLS, PAMPBLSTS, CntCULABS, CHECKS, M. .S2 00 2 10 1 00 airVonUU VOL. XX. CHARLO.TTE, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1879. NO. 3,153. 1 t ' i r - -j-ua-- "J f 'LULL" J'" ' . L. , , ' -r jjju-jSAaiBac. .: -"' "" a- m - mi grs goads. .'SM SPRING DRY GOODS We bee leaT to announce to oar friends and fustoroers that we bate bought an unusually large f .; SPRING STOCK, .jnost of which la nowjta. and read for Inspection. ai prepared to offer this season extraordi nary inducements to buyers, both WHOLESALE -AND- RETAIL. Give us a calU or send your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction. : ELIiS ft 00HXM. PUBGKSS NICHOLS, j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SCALXB IH ALL KINDS OF rUBNITUKK rUBNITUBE I BXJOING, fta BEDDING, fta BEDDING, C BEDDING, AC. FURNITUBE t FUDOTUBE! A Fall Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS 1 HEAP BEDSTEADS 1 LOUNGES t LOUNGES I LOUNGES! LOUNGES LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBEB SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBEB SUiTS ! COFFINS of all kinds on hand. fir COFFINS of all uiadsonhand. Xo. 5 Wkst Tbads StsbbT. CHARLOTTE, N. C 1ST Ladles' and Bite supply ( ' ! Jan3 A Gentlemen's Burial Robes a AROAN3: 'Mi Uf U DR UU B t 1 AT JS. G. ROGERS' WARKBOOM&, NkxTto FogTomcm. My Stock Is very Lar. '. and embrace a Full xJMrofj I'AltLOK. CHAMBER, DINING ROO AD OFFICE FUBNITOBE f t . IT- AH Goods Packed Free of .Charge i UU K BB A NEW 8TOCK- OF SPRING GOODS BOUGHT CHEAP FOR GASH. We hav a fllll IIim nf Am nmln uv. ttamuu Silks, In black and colors, summer trimming and JJalng MUotJSearlfltta Ctotbsi ran BJklmaTT wn- plalnjaniLstlp:BiaokeDchBuaane. Asec- uau Huvt ui mwt . nujiaiig in au -aiiaaeS) ana uia uuBcuiiitaeie mock or FANCY DRESS GOODS. tn Brocades, plain and strioes. ever exhibited in this martrnt r i rrnmnintn mrt nf VMmh .AK andles-aod iosted9Swisaior ojeisdwimoa.hyttMri H rooos hi mm nj r nnniHj ismimosHnsy MarsaliasJ NalBSooKsOnr plnln j8trlped anckf tamd Vtotoai ftAwnaiinii'nawaasi jaacfjjk. vjsxgfLmrJatf PUesttlHiOMinest XtockOf , HamborglBdri iMRS ndt InMSUnas. kuiMouft ndcokirs mM;ex4 hlblted'ttJtbluaitet 'LadiesVihlklMBCs sndi irTTIosrirt ffDrrasIinnnSiiswIIiliiaiisiillai Sill lie neW noveltiea in Dress Buttons, silk nrurwrntJ dFrtntesirfiJc liancUdme iotfof (MdMi!nndi ehU-i dreo'saiAsnedianB juntngmeAHatsalBO itrtm- mtngiiorainey inoluatng Flomeev Flowets and Wreaths acltOraftape Weils, filifc and Gingham 'PsraMls-r TlM handsomest toek: of Lace, SlUtand-Lawn Searfs and Bows -.eer offend In this markett i Crepe Xtaseand Honogsan Rnf-i niug, Baeuand.aaawis, colored and white table, LiBe&s; Dorurandi. Napkins Josephine and Hamas' Seewnleae KM Gloves : Lisle Thread and Lace Gloves. Corsets, in an qualiaet and nnnfberB Mrs. Moody's Patent Corset Silk, Satin and double-faced Ribbons: Lancet Net and Knottineham Curtains: White Laee Lambrequins A full stock of Gents' and Children's SUA, Soft, Fur, Saxony and Straw Hata, A fun line of SPRING CLOTHING, Fancy Caslmeres. Boots and Shoes. Our stock win De ready lor exniDinon Dy tne a&tn oi tnis. month, and we lnvtte all to give It a careful inspec tion, as we 'are- confident it will compare with any eter exhibited in this market Respectfully, T. L. BEIGLE ft CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. March 23. . LARGE ARRIVAL -OF- SPRING GOODS -AT- H. MORRIS & BROS.' AT NEW YORK CITY PRICES. Look at the following reduction of prices: Best Calico, only (Ms Cents per yard. Yard Wide Bleaching, Best 8ea Island Cotton, Coats' Cotton, Hand-sewed Slippers, 8 55 Cents per dozen. 75 Cents. We only enumerate a few articles, but a call will eonrlBce everybody that we mean what we say Our stock la VERY LARGE, and embraces everything kept in a first class es tablishment We have reduced every department to keep up with the times. Now Is your chance to buy the CHEAPEST BARGAINS ever bought in Charlotte. Everybody Is Invited to call H. MORRIS ft BROS. BEAUTIFUL BOYS' CLOTHING AT HALF PRICE. March 25. PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. $200 REWARD. rVEDEPARTMENT, 1 March 10th, 1879, f 'BAIjKIi iwellfeaaa xavu of bis fld,tbefttaHM m oo- eeateMmelfrba, nnt bA Jiecved HI Notoatortw nor of tne tuue Cajgouna by; virtue, oi w, do issue uus my damatkm, offering ajesaid of Two Hundred lars for the apprehension and delivery of the i sail March, 1879, and irii 'the 108dyearof American independence. THOS. J. JAR VIS. By the Governort Lyf- description: , : ' . . , ' ta olrtnt S3 . tun nf Afl. Abcut f feet, ! Inches nigh; Well set and will weigh about 160 lbs.; juid when las niroM - max 42dltw5t ,-,, , :.-t j. B' A K E R Y . ' BREAD; CAKES AND PIES, fresh every day. TT7K can wUh confidence recommena mem N VY the very best inanufactared. using none but 'the' very oest materials.- ! - W." H. PRATHEBp . n "Trade Street, first door above the old Market. K WBsaklft at UU Jiepart ine Cuuuu ii junutp, derof SlW.a Mia nun n. a. ttea. BT COBINNX OAXSMTIH. There is ria wintry scene howjever dreary But has some trace of summer's fervfd glow, Some toft of moss, or tardy leaflet cheery, Lifting its simple head above the snow. There is no. river, through the desert gliding, But bears some token to the distant sea - Some silent blossom on its bosom riding From fair pases wrapped in mystery. There Is "ho flrehweveraaWana shrouded But has some light to glisten on its tears, Some sweet remembrance of a past unclouded. Shedding its radiance through the gloomy years. Then let us cling to every sunny token The tuft of moss, the leaflet and the flower, The sympathetic glance, the love unspoken, xne joy rememoerea oi a happy nour. For these amid our life's keen wintry snows. With still some vanished summer-time denote, Awti W rrverLjtlie ocean flows U 1 a Biwiu ueaen ouwer may napiy noau Hollywood, N. C, March 21, 1879., M I I OBSERVATIONS. Judge not, lest ye be shot CTucago Times. A contenrooxarr saxs "for SDrinz nests in our is- sue Of yesterday read spring poets.1' n Ud to the hour of mine to mess, no other mem ber of the Kentucky judiciary had been invited to go snipe-hunting. AUmta Constitution. The Texas Legislature expects to remain In ses sion twenty days longer, and. as a matter of econo my, has reduced the price paid for prayers to 92 per day. . . Senators Gordon and Lamar have rented a house on Vermont avenue, Washington, which will be the social headquarters of the Southern Demo crats. Blab Town. Nevada, bavins a votlner nonulatlon of three, had come out for Grant Two of the voters are embezzllns paymasters, and the third is man with a "claim." Free Press. When a trreat man receives an ovation the re flection that twice as big a crowd would come to see mm nung ougnt to discourage mm, nut it aont Two women of Watertown are eoine to have a talkiog match (or the championship, aad eighteen nunureaormetwenty-tnree nunarea mnamtants of the place have already purchased tickets for the west "Is there any danger of the boa-constrictor bit ing met" asked a lady visitor at the Zoological wardens, "mot the least marm, ' replied the showman. "He never bites; he swallows his wit ties whole." The pedestrian craze has proved that women are excellent walkers. It must be encouraging to the youne man who hires a carriage at the exDense of $5 every time he takes a young lady to a ball to re- nect wnat a rooi ne is making or nimseiL A Buffalo minister has been oreachine on "The People we Kick." The people we kick are those liar than ourselyee. though the Buffalo clergy man mar occasionally lift a robust chromo "peddler off the front stoop when he knows his wife Is im mediately in his rear with a broom. Nomxtown Herald. There is a story that a man went into a Newbury- port liquor store, asked lor two quarts of rum, pro fessing ttMt It was for the purpose of soaking some roots. After the delivery of the liquor the dealer enquired: "What roots?" "The roots of my tongue," said the man; but it was too late. The Duke of Connaught went down to the yacht to meet his Prussian bride, gave her a frank kiss, which was loudly applauded by the plebeian crowd on shore. Then he kissed his prospective mother- in-law, and there were more cheers. The tall young Princess with her homely, winsome face, her hazel eyes and nut-brown hair, might well, It is said, be taken lor an English woman but for her pale complexion; , f f i While we are heartily in favor of girls learning to dance, and paint and sing, and play the piano, we are also firm in the belief that a large number of young ladles could be profitably employed In learning how to sew buttons on the back of a fel low's shirt and also how to fry buckwheat cakes without burning them as black as a newly-polished stove. COLUMBIA HEWS LETTER. An Outline, of t All the Events at 'the PafiAetto Interesting Capital. To the Editor of The Observer: , ) Columbia, April, l. The old water works were in operation to-oay, ever since noon. The umbrella is a go(d churchman it always keeps lent. It takes a steady rain to teach the value of good crossings. Poor Cardozo lies in the filthy county jail. He was convicted on the evi dence contained in Joseph us Woodruff's "whirlicri" diarv. The Holmansleft with our Columbia artist. Mr. George Irwin, an order for the painting of seven superbly execu ted Philadelphia photographs. There was a large concourse out last evening to attend the arrival in port and inspection or u. M. . nnarore. ah aboard acted well their several parts, including, the captain and his "crew, as well as Sir Joseph Porter, chief lord of the admiralty, (and his sisters, aad his cousins and his aunts), not to forfifet "Little Buttercup;" and the perform ance was Unanimously voted supreme ly Jolly and grotesque throughout. Prof. Lester's Mirror of Art was to be on exhibition to-day at the chapei of the Washington Street Methodist Epis copal church for the benefit of the Sun day ( school. Some of our citizens take a commen dable pride in keeping the side-walks in front of their residences clean, and drains free.. of incumbrances. . ; Thereto a veritable hornets' nest at flc Wood'a drug store, 20! bf 15 inches, whose inhabitant and their, ways ,4tre calculated to make voung men smart. Thfl watftr from the well in thefeouth Carolinal Mege camwMljrbeeh pro nounced by Prof. Le conte as pure as distilled. It a commoiif mistake to suppose tnat yy covering iree uiiomues wim their growth. Breeding choice varieties of poultry has beeun. It navs best in the end. There will be a review and inspection of the Richland battalion bv the major, Thursday evening, on Thompson's Green. ! ! . J I I The Clinch TtiAeV of Aufcusta held meeting last night, at which they (very probably) accepted the invitation ex tended to them by the Richland Battalion to be present on the occasion of the unveiling or. tne confederate Monument. The decision of the Hor nets' boys is await with much interest. JV. , Legs ys. Lawyer. Hue Ridge Blade. There is no cleverer gentleman than our townsman, xne present aajutant ereneral of North CMrolina, who is like- wise "a mem dot-ox tne Dar; out ne aia not we regret to say, altogether enjoy the Tuesday of McDowell court week. It was the general oaa rortune on mat day to appear for one Van Johnson, charcfed with assault 1 and battery1; and eloquent was ms pieauiug ior uue uis tressed fawiat feome(ndi for the matter hf thaV abroad;) 'who were de- . i - i e 1.1 - nendent on Van for subsistence. It was not much of a fight, the bill of indict ment was defective and Van was Door in purse, but rich in pluck. Would not the-jury regard these facts and say "not guilty- f or V an ? The jury did as re- I (jrttestlancl the general,! with & jBfniie OI VTlumpil uu lus iiua ta win juij gave the verdict, turned withJhe hone thrill ing through all Wspocket nerves' of getting that little fee, and enquired "where is ; Van 'P. He ' was told that Van had soughtthe shelter of Brindle townwoods an .bear before, relying in arti bnr Jiis lawyeiv but more- en his ees. That Van was not wise in this Hppisinn in now a. matter of record. That the general should have taken a retainer, it is the object of .this, .chroni cle to ay and wrmsist upomor his own and the good of all other attor neys, who may have dealings with Van irt thatfttturerwhich promises so much for the solicitor and so iitte tor van. sjenatl HOKE C. SECREST. How He Look and Acts In Marion Jail. ' Blue Ridge Blade. -It was our duty to attend MeDowell Court this week, and the opportunity was improved r visit becrest, the wife and child murderer, who will be re sentenced to be hung at the present term of ' court, or granted a new trial, accordingly as the Supreme Court shall elect. We first met Secrest on the Western North Carolina Railroad train. which brought him to Burke for trial before the magistrate's court in icard township, the scene of his murderous activity ie was men cool ana self- Dossessed. Dushing his way through the crowd at lcard to view the fragments of bones and hairs, which had once be longed to his wire and her child, and which were then on the ground for the justice's inspection. This dare-devil ook and spirit was maintained unsha ken; throughout a .long . imprisonment and the tedious, acquisitive, torturous trial, which resulted irr a. erdict of guilty for him and the pronouncing of the death sentence. Now all that is changed. To recklessness has succeed ed remorse. Instead of the laughing, wicked blue eye, one gazes into the wrinkled depths of leaden melancholy dullness, from which a constant stream of tears flow freely. If there is any doubt as to the certainty of the pun ishment, which swift, sure-footed con science mnicts on its enemy, let mm visit Secrest and be convinced. A stouter-nerved fellow by nature cannot be conceived; yet, he is hopelessly stricken by an inner-wielded cudgel, and there is neither wall to flee to, nor resistance to be' made. This "warm hearted, passionate peopled world " has for him lost all attraction, and there is no outward sign at least, that he has found the road which leads 44 into that still country, where the hail-storms and hre-showers do not reach, and the heaviest-laden wayfarer at length lays down his load." He does not talk at all, not even to his aged lather, in company with whom we visited him, and who has stood to his son through his late but ong report or evil, as none out parent will stand. Moody and silent, mechan ically tying and untying his shoe-strings, he listens to what is said to him with out looking up. Three negroes and a white man were with him in the cage, when we entered. The white man seemed especially fond of him, repeat edly stroking his hair, as the more dis tinguished criminal gave way to tears. New Laws and Changed taws. Raleigh Observer. On March 4, 1879, it was enacted that mortgages of incorporate compa nies upon their .property or earn ings, whether in bonds or otherwise, hereafter issued, shall not have power to exempt the property or earnings of such incorporation from execution for the satisfaction of any -judgment ob tained in courts of this State against such incorporation for labor performed for, nor material furnished such incor poration, nor for torts committed by such incorporation, its agents or em ployees, whereby any person is killed or any person or property injured, any clause or clauses' tn- such mortgage to the contrary notwithstanding. It being alleged that public confidence has been much abused by the un worthi ness of financial officers of benevolent and religious institutions, it was made law on March 4, 1879, that any treasu rer or other financial officer of any be nevolent or religious institution who shall apply - any of the ; moneys coming into his hands as such to his own pri vate use, or who shall lend any of such moneys to any ptner person witnout the consent of such benevolent or reli gious institutions, and who shall fail to account for such money when applied for, shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and on conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the dis cretion of the court. ' Some change wtwmade-by a law rati fied March 5, 1879, in the matter of sher iffs bonds. The. bond lor collection, &c, of county, poor, school and special taxes is to be double the amount of said ta,xes for the, previous year ; that for th'Q 'public -u&es'to be. double those coveted the previous year; but neither to be more1 than $50,000., The third bond, for faithful berf oxmance of duty, eccja to, be not less than $ajuoo, nor more than 815XKXL a the county com missioners may decide. Whenever the commissioners may regard a sheriffs bond as in&tifficieht, they, may notify hihi In writing to appear' viftun , ten days ifid give other, and better security, or1 justify the sureties on bis bond ; .and in case such sheriff, shall fail to appear on notice, or fail to give sufficient bond?, or to justify hisbonds.jxsnau De tne duty of saidepunty commissioners to elect forthwith some1 mutable person in the county .as sheriff for the unexpired term, who shall "give proper and lawful bonus ana, pe subject to liKe obligations and penalties. Intolerance. The Leesburg (Va.) Woshingtonian states that at Waterford, Loudoun county, Va., last Thursday evening, the Rev. JohnH. RusaelLa colored minis ter from Mississippi. 5 ho was accom mkd b Rev. A.- H. Tilghman. a col or Baptist minister delivered a lec ttfre lnwWibrl he told his colored b'reth reiLthat thev must live, and suceeed in lift byitnelrv industry, good behavior and attention . to business that they should.Hdt be led by those who want to be considered ; politicians and leaders, who are ignorant of . what they talk about, and in .most fcasefe are deceiving those they try to lead for their own benefit. This very sensible advice was net; at'all appreciated, for the ministers were stoned, and badly treated by the colored people as they were leaving the imnrrinefr-caiTraffeHbei the missiles hurled at tnem. Killed in a Corn Crib. Greenville (S. C.) News. Mr. Robt. Wham, of Laurens county, hearing a noise in his eorn crib the oth er night, walked gently to the enn, gun in hand, and found 0i thief bagging his corn. The thief, who was an unknown negro, tried to make his; escape, when Mr. Wham fired on him, killing him instantly. , ,- . The Death-Bate of Our countrjLla getting, to be fearfully alarming. the average of life being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general' ly from the most Insignificant origin. At this sea son of the year especially, a cold Is such a common thing that in the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives in this way ev ery winter, while had Boschkk's Gxbhax Stedp been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, , BoscHsg's Gxbhak Stbdp has proven Itself to be the greatest disco v- ery of its kind In medicine. . Every Druggist tn tills country win tell you of its wonderful effect -Over 950,000 - bottles sold last yeas without a single failure known. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department we can exhibit the most desirable fabrics and color ings adapted to this market, such as Black and Colored Summer Silks, Egyp tian Cloth, "Satine Royal Brocades," Tervano Satine, Suitings, Melange Silk, Bentley's Cloth, Evora Custom Cloth, Silk Brocaded Grenadines, and Jap. Silks, Black - Cashmeres of the very best makes, Black all wool Delaine, Tamise, Tamertlne, Australian Crepes, and other mourning goods. Knicker bocker suitings at 10c per yard; Black and Colored Buntingand many other desirable dress goods. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Our stock of these be appreciated. must be seen to FANS AND PARASOLS. In this line we can boast the greatest variety of Novelties. HANDK'CHFS. 1.000 dozen. Plain. Bordered. Hem stitched and White and Colored, from 5c. to 75c each. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Handsome all wool and Silk Basket Broche Cloth, for ladies' and children's sacks and salmons;, tnese we oner at halt the cost of production. Handsom est goods ever produced. Casslmeres, Middlesex Flannels, Ac. CARPET DEPARTMENT. Carpets, in an endless variety of new designs, at all prices. Rugs, Mats, Crumb Cloths, sc. C L O T H I N G I LOTHINQ!,, C L O T H I N C L O T H I N G! W. KAUFMAN & CffS. CLOTHING HOUSE! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Having determined to reduce our stock, we now offer to the people of Charlotte and this section of North Carolina, the largest, cheapest and most beautiful and well selected stock I -of- ooo L OO TTTT H H It NN N L OO T H H II NN N L O O T HHH II N N N I, OO T H H II N NN IXLL OO T H H II N NN GGG G O G G GO GGG o o o o o ooo WE HAVE EVXB OFFERED, Consisting of U usual variety of MEN S. BOTS, YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HCUSE. ! All we ask Is that our friends and customers will Rive us a call, as It will be to your interest, and you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent on your purchases. W. KAUFMAN & CO., springs uomer, unanone, a. u. dec 12 gtnlzs, Sec. TOE WORLD'S STANDARD. FAIRBANKS' SCALES 'For Sale Also, PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Genel rallyi The Improved Type Writer. Oscillating Pump Co' 8 Pumps. end for Circulars. FAIRBANKS CO., 3H Broadway, New York tW For sale by Leadlna Hardware Dealers ept l-dtaww . ' ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby .given that un election will be held on the first Monday in May. (being the 5th day of the month), 1879, at the usual polling places In the several wards of the city of Charlotte, lor Mayor and a Board of Aldermen for said city. Ward No. 1 Registrar, John L Elms. Inspectors Dr. M. M. Orr, S. M. Howell. A. E. Gray. - - : - ' Ward No. 2 Registrar, H. B.' Williams. Inspectors John 1 Morehead, Dr. William Sloan, A. B. Davidson. , Ward No. 3 Registrar, B. P. Boyd. Inspectors R. M. Oates, J. H. Carson, M. A. Stauffer. "V ..-. .....-.'."!.'.:,;, . if. Ward No. 4 Registrar, B. P. Waring. - Inspectors J. Y. Bryce, Rufus Barringer, R. B. Alexander. . - . - M. E, ALEXANDER, Sheriff. - R R. SMITH,' Mayor. March 28, 1879.-tde. OFFICE OF WITTEOWSKY & BARTJCH, CHARLOTTE, X. O, APRIL 3, 1879. ' 111 11 Having long felt that Charlotte can and ought to be not only the whole sale, but also theretall market for the greater portion of the Carollnas, and believing that the public generally, and the ladies especially, will fully appreciate an establishment where they may at all times find such an assortment of all goods at such prices as will justify persons not only from the immediate vicinity, but from a distance, in coming to Charlotte to make their purchases, we have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to Include all the latest novelties in every line of goods, to the inspection of which we beg to invite your early attention. To those who cannot find it convenient to come to Charlotte, we will at all times be pleased to send samples and quotations of prices. You will herein find a synopsis of our various Hue?. We present this season to the trade as well as to consumers, an ele gant assortment of Fine Black, Blue, and Brown Cloth and Diagonal suits, Drab De Tae, Middlesex Flannels, Harrison Casslmeres, White Vests, Al paeeas Coats, Linen suits, Dusters, In as nice goods and at as low prices as can be found anywhere. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT Has received Special attention, and deserves your notice. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! This Department we have given our most careful attention, and believe It complete, with the latest Parisian novelties. Including all the new shapes In Hats, (together with the finest Trimmings, Artificials, Feathers, Ornaments, Black English Crepes, Plain and Fancy Ribbons of every con ceivable Bhade and color,) Leghorn Flats, Chip, Canton, Milan and trim med Sailor and School Hats, at the lowest possible prices. 1 ,000 Ladles' Silk, Embroidered, Chenelle, and Lawn Scarfs at half price. Call and examine for yourselves. Very Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & BARUClI. RfiADY MADE oou o o o o o ooo L L L L T.T.T.T. OO o o o o o o OO TTTT H H 11 NN N T H H n NN N T HHH n N N N T H H II N NN X H H II N NN GGO O O G G GO GGO We are receiving goods dally, complete about the 3d of April. Our stock will be PRICES VERY LOW, STYLES HANDSOMER THAN EVER BEFORE. We have a great may goods of our own manu facture, and we are determined to hold up and I 1 hen our reputation of being the REPRESE N TATI VE, LOW PRICE, FAIR DEALING Store of this section. We solicit a call from ev ery body. Respectfully, L. BEBWANGER & BRO., Fine Clothiers and Tailors. HORSE FOR SALE. Sorrel horse. In prime condition, warranted sound, kind and true tn all harness and under the saddle. Price reasonable. Also saddle, bridle, Ac Apply at office of undersigned, on premises of Mrs. J. Fox, Trade street. D. STUART LYON, M. D. March 29-3t. JjV)R SALE. A beautiful Rifle Gun, made by Lamb A Son, Jamestown, N. C. For particulars and price, apply to CHA3. R. JONE mary dw tf Observer Office. IB SALE. The Bourgeoise and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson: type foundry, of Philadelphia, and was not discarded because no longer fit ior use, but on ly because it became' necessary to use a different stvle of troe. It will do eood service for several years to come. It will be sold la lots to sot pur chasers, and in fonts of 50 to l.OOOlbs, with or without cases. Address . ubsjskv jsh, . oct5 Charlotte-, N. C. MORTGAGEES ; SALE! XTNDER and by virtue of a deed of trust execut j ed to the undersigned by Chambers a Stegall, recorded in book 19, pages 212. 213, 214 and 215, register's office of Mecklenburg county, I will sell by public auction at the court house door in the city of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M, on the 7th day of April, 1879, the following vehicles, horses, and other articles of personal property: One depot wagon (new), one clarence vehicle. three phaetons, one double buggy, two single bug gies, one spring wagon, one earryalL one, straw cuttery two saacues ana prunes, tout sets oi ieaa bars, many sou oi single ana aouoie namess. one clock, twelve horses an trained and broken. -' - Terms: , Cash., , BERRYMAN GREEN. , . ' 4. , -. -Trustee.: By JONES ft JOHNSTON, Attorneys. mar8 oaw tds . . iyrriirMPRovED'. ,;.'V;V ' ' CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. ; ' Any person desiring to purchase a we3 improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modem con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within Ave minutes walk of the public square, can be accommodated-by applying at decl8 THIS OFFICE. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department we have every, conceivable fabric: Bishop and Victo ria Lawn. Mull Muslins, Jones' soft and finished Cambrics, Nainsooks, both sheet and heavy Piques, la very great variety of styles and prices. We desire to call very especial attention to the new fabric tn white goods, M Lenon de Syre." a goods similar to Victoria Lawn, but superior hi texture and wear. Our White and Printed Linen Lawns challenge their equal in this market HOSIERY AND GLOVES. In endless styles and quantities, our handsome Silk Mitts. SHETLAND SHAWLS. We have an immense variety at a low cost, and offer them exceedingly cheap. Every lady should have one, even in midsummer, for evening service. CURTAIN LACES. 25 Pes. of the most novel and beau tiful designs, 12c 15c, 18c., 20c, 25c and 50c per yard. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 1 0-4 Bleached and Brown Sheetings; N. Y. Mills, Utlca, Lowell. Wamsutta, Ac. 500 pieces 4-4 Bleached Muslins all the most popular make. LINEN DEPARTMENT. Linens 4-4 and White Dress-are exceedingly low. and we shall offer them to the trade at a very small ad vance. ATEXcrmGcok 2O000sold1 The "Wild Adventures" and "Triumphs" of STANLEY- in -AFRICA This only authentic and copyrighted cheap edition Is selling faster than any other book In , Amerioa. Gives a full history of his "Down the onga" AGENTS WANTED. For full particulars and terms address HUBBARD BROS., Pubs., V huaaei phla, Pa. CHEAPEST CHEAPEST BOOK STORE IN THE WORLD. 53,672 Superb English Books AT OUR PRICE. 75,276 New American Books AT YOUR PRICE. 112,726 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, . 3 Beekman st, near New PbsfrOffice, New York. ifMiii Parson's Purgative Pills make new. Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood In the entire system in three months. Any person who will take one pill each night from 1 to .12 weeks may be re' stored to sound health, If such a thing be possible. Sent by mall for 8 letter stamps. IS. JOHNSON A CO., Bangor, Me. LAME BACK. BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER is for lameness or weakness of the back, Rheuma tism and all local aches and pains, the best reme dy known. It was Invented to overcome the slow action of the ordinary Porous Plasters. It relieves pain at once, and cures where other plasters will not even relieve. Sold everywhere by Druggists, price 25 cents. PUBLIC LECTURE, THE first of a series of lectures before the Cham ber of Commerce of Charlotte will be delivered on Thursday evening, April 3,at their rooms in the Insurance Building, at 7.80 and which the busi ness men and clerks of Charlotte are Invited to at tend.' The subject selected Is manufactures: their influence and advantages. R. N. TIDDY, apr2 2t Secretary. AN OLD k nri tniA nxi-rim. " TaJrs mtw of the dimes and the e cafe of 1 dollars will take care of themselves," should be re memoerea. xnereiore wnen any one, wneiner young or old, married man or - BACHELOR W A NTS A Beal luxury in the Cigar line, and does not wish to give an extravagant price, let him by aU means can at jrEiutl . u wui oe wen at we same tune to bear in mind that there la the place also to buy Crackers, Fruits, Candles, and such things as please the old lady, young maiden or little - GIRL. WITH THE CASH Of course yon can purchase whatever you want, but PERRY'S Is. the place to get the best - ? TEETH: GuMS'BREATH NO MORE Rheum at is M OR 'GOUT , ACUTE 0B CHRONIC ALICYLIC A SURE CURE. i, ' Manufactured only under the above .Trade-Mark : - by the : -y-u y EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., - . OFPAKISAim-lJtlFZIO. - Immediate relief ; warranted. Permanent eure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of Europe' nd America,' becoming a Staple, Harmless, and! Reliable Remedy on- both continents. The -Highest .Medical r Academy of Paris report 05-cures out of lOOcases within three days. Secret The only dissolverof the poisonous Uric Acid which exists in the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients. S1.00 a box,? 6 boxer let S5 00. Sent to any address on receipt of price. Endorsed by physielanar 'Sold by all druggists, Ad dress . , , WASHBURN EJc CO- -. ? ' nov7 OnlylmporteTB' Depot 23 Cllff-et;N. Y. For sale y J. BL McADEN, Drngglstafi:' feb 18 ly. i Charlotte, N. C. I1 ft i it i ! " I i h i. V i t -marl" - 3 i

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