A 1 1 S0i?ts unfc&&Msli I gyitttityg ana fflMflfoS- 1 IT UKSPAV. a'R1L 3. 18W. Mr. John King has been reinstated as superintendent of construction of the government building fit Raleigh. Sunday night's galejwas a severe one, savs the Wilmington Swi, and some damage was done to crafts in port Aloa? the wharf from, Chestnut to Walnut streets, three flats were sunk, Ex-Sergeant-at-CA.ris of the Senate French, who was paralyzed Monday, is from New Hampshire, but when elect ed he was credited to'North Carolina. The Raleigh News Isays $2,900 have been paid into the treasury for drum mers' licenses since the new law went into effect It took only 29 certificates to realize this amount. A year ago it would have taken 58, The Governor has appointed F. II. Cameron, of Raleigh, to be inspector general of the State1 Guard, with the rank of colonel, and Henry G. Flanner, of Wilmington, to be chief of artillery, with the rank of colonel. Wilmington Sun: A body was found floating in the river opposite Point Pe ter, ye8tefdayv-d- - being seeured, was taken to tb Mulberry street dock and Coroner HewlftC ridtifiedV The body was reeognized-inaN frDiek.rawford, the colored knari whowasisdrowned at the BruiiswicleriVf:;SatBDdy night onweeag sf-- :; ftftppeW Sena tor Henderson, of Rowan, Avrites to the Raleigh Observer, that the bill to abol ish private seals, and to prescribe a short form for deeds, and for other pur poses, was enrolled !and. ratified during the recent session df the General As sembly without liaving passed the houses. , ' The Spartanburg!(S. O Spartan re ports that somet ime ago a colored man went to Gaffney'i from Shelby N. C, and upon showing Symptoms of Insani ty he traarpIadecT Epfthe guard, house, for a few days, lie was turned out, how ever, ana wandered off, and about ten daysaftef bis body -was found in Aus tell's mill pond. Morganton BlaOj: Sam Cook, sen tenced at our late term for an assault with a knife on Redmund, colored, to two years imprisonment in the county jail, and Abram Smith, colored, sen tenced to the penitentiary for ten years for breaking into the drug store of Lax ton & Warhck, uiade their escape from out jail last Saturday night. Wilmington Star: We understand that about twenty-one young men of this city have formed a combination to be known as the " North Carolina Min strels." They have been under the tui tion of "professionals" for seven months and expect, in about a week from" this time, to take the road, giving their first performance, outside of this city, at Charleston. ; Wilmington Review : About 2 o'clock this morning a bright light in the heav ens, nearly overneau, was visiuie lor some minutes, it resembled the nietc orsvthat are frequently seen, and start? ed ii) an easterly direction at a decline of about flf teen degrees, assuming in its passage ah appearance and shape pre cisely like a figure 0, After assuming this shape it became stationary, and soon faded from sight. Wilmington Star : A correspondent at Farmers Turnout, Brunswick coun ty, on the Wilmington, Columbia & Au gusta Railroad, informs ns that about 11 o'clock on Saturday last a fire broke out supposed- to have started on the lands of raft pld colored man on Hood's creek, and the'wihd being heavy from the South, swept over the lands of Messrs. T. Child, E. M. Skipper, LI S. Skipper, L. R. Skipper and others, liter ally destroying the fences and turpen tine boxes in its path, leaving five plan tations (includingthcs? named above) a total wreck. j Morganton Blade : The commission ers of the western asylum were in ses sion this week and have made arrange ments to begin the making of brick at once. Mr. Uriah Cloyd, a most efficient workman, will again have charge of the brick yard. Mr. P. F. Hogan re ceived the contract for furnishing 100 cords of wood at the McDowell's Ford brick yard, bejng the lowest bidder, at $1.00 per cord. The bids for furnishing the remainder were rejected, the figures leing considered too high. Messrs. P. A. Whitener, L. A. Brittaiu, J. Wood ward, colored, S. E. Poteet, M. D. Brit tain, Timothy Orders, Thos. Duckworth, and L. D. Garrison took the contracts lor furnishing' the Rhyne brick yard with 400 cord4 of wood at 1.00 per cord. runthiag Kearney ThE Grpat JUitalor Beau n and Badly Whipped ia Californi;-. Omaha, NebI, March 30. Dispatches from San Francisco state that Kearney was'pretty well ummeled while mak ing a speech iiiffavor of the new consti tution at Anaheim, near Santa Anna, in the lower part of the State. During bis.speeck he charged that B. F. Seibert, the banker of Amiheim ; J. . H. Fruit, James McFadden, and TV. JL Spurgeon, of Santa Anna,' were the tail end of the Los Angeles county ring, which he had denounced In his usual vigorous style. They demanded of him his authority for ths statement Kearney declined to furnish any names. High words fol lowed, and while the discussion was go ing on a man named iT. W. Rule, in the employ of the McFadden brothers, came up behind Kearney and struck hlmaYtultui'l Mow uirttrepack of the head, stunning him ; Jtule would have killed Kearney had trot the crowd inter fered. The assault was continued through the office and ' dining rootqT of the Santa Anna HoteL, Kearney, ran into a drugstore followed by Rule and Bob Mclddehere,they alternately pummeled him, he steadfastly refusing toglve Any names: file was finally res et and left ott the stage to keep an ap pointment at Ban Diego. . Kearney , was utvuijr cut ivuuut nie neaa, ana liaa a gasn tour inches long over the left eve, His face, was ibadly bruised. He tried to use a pistol,; but it would not eo fE. Rule is said to have been hired to do tne JOD..T." r . . : : , 0o to Henderson. :jn Sixty Day. . , j Ifroartantiurj: (a O Spartan, 2d. tiGeiLit 'Auafoftf of .Atlanta and a Oates and MeAtfen; of Charlotte,' passed thtbughtowlast'.week pn ' their way to Henderson j They let out the con- .tracjti)ifiiusJtoflLlJie0jadjLQ.ihat point to the largest railroad man in the South. Col. Potts, who has agreed under penal ty to nave tne iron norse in Henderson the 1st day ofiJune next Friday mor ning about sixty hands left this place for the heads of the road, and Saturday six car loads of iron followed. We ven ture to predict that Col. Potts will com plete the road before the time specified, for he has the reputation of getting more work otit of hands than any man L y esterdayi malting iu wseii m vu, f w men Ii ntfnvtt k one-fourth t iron enooght or new engine ana two wacues ueen ordered, and will be on hand for the . summer traypL For upwarda of thirty years M WlMlosSooth- acfdlty of tbe rtomaclj, lettefM wind 1Ici?ift; the bowels, cures dysentery ana aiarriwtnuv" ..ino fmm tAAthinfl-or other causer. An old and ywno nas naa xajiroau wuwacw m injs istate k ff-l ' l fNhle dot fcar-loads pf iron went off weH known wmedf. 2fie per bottle. f 8 . The Freedmais hospital at Augusta, Ga was burned Monday. Loss, $100, 000., . - v A negro woman in Atlanta dropped dead Monday from fright at the burn ing of her employer's barn. Tudor, the man who has undertaken to travel on horseback from New York to Patagonia, arnvea at xvnoxviue, Tenn., Monday morning. Gov. Marks, of Tennessee, has signed the bill providing for a settlement of the State debt at fifty cents on the dol lar and 4 per cent, interest A number of cases of pleuropneu monia amongst cattle were discovered in the vicinity of Philadelphia Monday by medical experts. Two young men after a fight in an Atlanta billiard room Monday, started beyond the city limits to end the diffi culty with pistols. A crowd followed, the police pursued and the young men escaped. The colored people of Philadelphia held a celebration Monday at the exhi bition building in honor of the ninth anniversary of the ratification of the fif teenth amendment to the constitution of the United States. At Texarkana, last Friday, Sam Craw ley, a freight conductor on - the- Texas Pacifie Railroad, shot and killed rThos. Hanks: Hanks had threatened to kill Crawley on sight because he had giyen away a ring pledged for a debt several months ago. 4 At Boston, at 12:50 Monday morning Miss Loomer, after excelling the best quarter mile record ever made by a fe male, was withdrawn from the track, having made 3,004 quarter mnes in as many consecutive quarter hours, the last quarter having been made in five minutes. Her condition at the close was excellent. Mr. Stanley Matthews has very re cently stated that there was not the least prospect that the President would appoint him to the bench of the Su- Ereme Court in the place of Mr. Justice unt; and further, that even were the President disposed to do so he would not accept the appointment The Senate caucus committee to which was referred the question of the disposition of the offices under the secre tary and the sergeant-at-arms was in session on the subject for some time Monday. It wras reported that night that they determined to recommend certain removals to be made this week. In con sequence all those concerned are in a state of fear and trembling. The story recently revived of the con templated retirement of Secretary Thompson from the cabinet is emphati cally denied. Mr. Thompson is quoted as saving to a Congressman as late as LSaturday night last that if the Demo crats forced tne political legislation on the appropriation bill, which they are now seeking to do, he was ready to stay here until March 4, 1881, to prevent any such legislation. A NEW TELEEA' H IONIUM, The Big zation Promises Made by an Orjan' Just Started in Neir York. New York Eening Post. Within the last month a new tele graph company has been organized in this city under the title of the American Rapid Telegraph Company. Its officers are Edwin Iteed, ex-mayor of Bath, Me., president; Thomas Wallace, of Con necticut, vice-president, and Major L. S. Ilapgood, of Boston, treasurer. The company is said to have a capital of $3,000,000, and it intends immediately to construct a line of double telegraph wires connecting Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Chicago and St. Louis. The wires will be of cast-steel, plated with copper, and are the invention of Professor Moses G. Farmer, of Newport. The company controls a number of other novel in ventions in telegraphy, which will en able it, as claimed, to transmit 1,000 words per minue over its own patent wires and half that number over ordi nary wires. Among the features of the proposed system are the follow incr: First. Express Messages-To be dis patched instantly at a uniform rate of 45 cents for thirty words to all stations east of the Rocky Mountains. Second. Mail Messages To be dis patched Within one hour and delivered through the nearest post office or by messenger, within two hours from date of message, at 25 cents for fifty words. Thirds Night Messages-To be deliv ered before If a..oilat lents for fifty words. j';" " Fourth. Press Reports For exclusive publication in. one journal at 10 cents for one hundred words. x inn. Mampea Messages it is pro posed, under an arrangement with the post office, to issue stamps for messages. .a. correspondent m this city can then place a letter of hlty words in an en velope, put on a twenty-five cent stamp and drop it into any lamp-post box. The letter-carriers will make collections ev ery half hour, and will at once deliver such letters to the telegraph company. The latter will bind itself to deliver copies in Clucaed within two hours of the time of posting. In the latter city the copy will be sent to the post office and will be delivered by the letter car riers there. The company will nav to he post office authorities 114 cents Der etter for collecting and cents for de ivering. It promises within three vears to telegraph ordinary business letters to and from all points of the country for 10 cents. The company also intends to establish Eress bureaus m the principal cities. In uilding the lines the post roads and highways will be followed, as a United States law, passed in i860,, is understood to give tree right of way over those routes. It is designed to have the lines completed and in working orce ' by Jan uary l, 1880. War on Moonshiners. Raleigh Observed Deputy Collector Mason has cantmwl eight illicit distilleries in OrancH onn- captftred'fbnr of alikech'aractei'in An- son county. - xne distillers JHied several shots at Mason and his posse in Orange. They uiu not return tne nre: out' retired in good order after destroying the stills, eer standsj'&c ' ' 0 0 j Pennington, and his posse met quite a number of armed men, a,nd in order to prevent bloodshed he avoided them and left the county, after destroying four mien, uisuuenes, twelve or niteen nun dred callons of beer and some material We called upon Collector Young and got the above facts from him. He told us that the commissioner of internal revenue had promised plenty of money to hire force enough, and that he intended to break up every illicit distillery in his district regardless of cost, ancr to prosecute the onenders. calrerul Acavteteeace mt ike Desired gesalt The world seeinS to be well satisfied with the an nouncement that the contract entered into by Its cnaner irom tne state ox ljouisums granted lor the consideration of a million ol dollars to the Louisiana etate Lotterr ComDanr in lirtS. for financial relief thna afforded has maintained that noble institution, the Charity Hospital, at New Or leans. The next grand monthly (the 107th) draw ing; occurs on the 8th of April. For any informa tion, a letter addressed to 1 A. Dauphin, P. O. Box, 692, New Orleans, JLa., will have immediate attention. , aprl lW. .'! ! . 1 CSEW JlOKSOIfwS BEST SWEET NAfI tOBAOOO. . . ..i. INTRODUCED, IQ65. A TORPID LIVER Is the fruitful source of many diseases, promt nent among which are DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, COSTIYENESS," DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEVJR, AGUE AND FEVER, JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM- PLAINT, COLIC, ETC. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IjOss of Appetite and Kauaea, the bowels are costive, but sometimes alternate with looseness. Pain in the Head, accompanied with a Dull sensation in the back part, Pain to the right side and under the- shoulder blade, fullness after eating, withjjMdn olination to exertion of body or mind, Irri tability of temper, Low spirits, Loss of memory; with a feeling of having neglected gome duty, General weariness; Dizsineea, Fluttering at the Heart. Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness at night with fitful dVeams, highly colored Urine. IF THESE W ASKINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, a single dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. TUTT'S PILLS are compoauded front sabstances that are free from any properties that can injure the most delicate organization. They Search, C'leauae, Parity, and Invigorate the entire Mysieui. Jly relieving the en gorged Liver, they cleanse the blood from poiaououahuuiora, and tuna Impart health aad vitality to the body, caxnaing the bowels to act naturally, without which no one can feel well. A Noted Divine says :, t martyr to Oyspepaia, Constipation and Piles. Last Spring roar Puis were recommended to me ; I used thAm i hnl with littlA f ufch). I m.m now a, WaU man. have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular ntools. m i do piles gona. ana 1 nave gainea iorty pouna soua uean. iney are worttt tneir weignt in goiu. Kit. B. L. SIMPSON, LraiavUle, Kjr. TUTT'S PILLS, Their first effect is to laereaee the Aetlle, and cause the body to Take on Fleah, thus ;hc system is noariahed, and-bv their Tonic Ac tion on the Dlgeative Organs, Regular feteola are prodaoed. DR. J. F, HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK, SAYS:- " Few disaase exist that cannot be relieved by re storing the Liver to ita normal functions, and lor this purpose no remedy has ever been invented that has as happy an effect aa TUTT'S PILLS." SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS. Ofilce 35 Murray Street, New York. IT Dr. TUTT'S MANUAL of Valuable Infor mation and Useful Keceipts " will be mailed free on application. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gbat Hais ob Whibiibs changed to a Glosst Black by a single applinatioa ol tnia Tn It im parts a Natural Color, acta Instantaneously, and is as Harmless ss spring water. Sold by Pniggists, or sent by express on raceipi af fL Office, 35 Murray St., New York. apr 1 ly. THE GENUINE DILC.McItANXnS Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE countenance is pale and leaden-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks ; the eyes become dull ; the pupils dilate ; an azure semicircle runs along tne lower eye-na ; tne nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears ; an unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly in the morning ; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the stomach ; occasional nausea and vom iting ; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive ; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood ; belly swollen and hard ; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c . - ? Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form ; it is an innocent prepa ration, not capable of doing the slightest injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. :o: DR. C. McLANE S LIVER PILLS are not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un equaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, h Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane? spelled differently but ' sanie'prorittneiatton. p.-LASNI, :. ' From Paris, France, .TCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL- TXS PLATER, Trade Street, opposite first Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. T,rtVw7J?d Sf repairs made at once at half price. Sffiad one year. Every kind of Jewelry or wonw GUdlng, Coloring. SUter-PlaUng and Gal janlztag made at short notice and quSUyM good Work done for the trade atWprice&T Wferentes? n0ce wanted' premium and good Jo5?f TmcaUed 'OT wili be sold at the Wratlonof twelvs months for cost of repalre. (.it. ... BOCKBrES CHEAPKB T EAS KTEB. NKW GOODS! Come ta e lor. Bacon, Com, 8acaz, Ceaeft,.nfo. lassaadsia EwOlr GarMtwle : Justncaineavafs bsirelsBa Jest's Da vieoeimir) :u-t-n ,.. t-.'-wh ; BEST BTK WmSX aT' Also a fine lot of Country Hacsa. Next door below WEteoa It ap 15. - pOB FINE WINES, And rare Liquors, Three Teats Old. ffO -Central fldtfliicran. F. B. ALEXANDER 4 CO., GENEBAL COMMISSION, MEBjCHAUTS, College Street, Charlotte, N. C, We handle more general country .produce than 8J17 house in the cut, and soil soUctt tqrther cop consignments from all parties who are willing to be satisfied with the best Job we can put np on thia market All those who cannot be pleased with our best efforts, are respectfully requested to send their goods to somebody else. DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND E X A MINE The splendid line of WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, VIZ: Autumn Cluster, Stuffed Mangoes, Tiny Tims Gherkins, Martynlas. Also the finest line of CRACKERS Ever seen In Charlotte, at LeBOY DAVIDSON'S. Remember, tills is the only first class stock of GROCERIESj In town, found at Anything you want in Groceries can be LeROY DAVIDSOM'B. SWEET POTATOES, B Halved from E istern North Carolina to-day 100 BUSHELS OF THE EASTERN YAM POTATO And am expecting more to-morrow At a M. HOWELL'S. March 27, 500 BUSHELS Eastern Yams and other varieties of SWEET POTATOES, On hand and to arrive, than the AT B. N. SMITH'S. CHEAPER CHEAPEST. mar28 FOB TEN DOLLARS CASEE we will Insert a seven-line advertisement one week in a list of 2fi9 weekly newsDaDera. orfoarUnes in a different list of 887 papers, or ten tines-two weeks to a choice of either of four separate an Bunct lists containing from U to iw papew-eaen, or four lines one week in all four of the small Usta, or one line ana week in all six lists combined, tbelO more than 1,000 papers. We also ha?ensU of pa pers by 8tatea throughout the United States and uanaaa. Sena 1U cents ior our iuu vagopain? phlet Address GEO. P. EOWELL s CtX, siewsr paper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street, New York. P. R If tou will send us the names of a hall dozen high-priced papers in which you would adr vertise JUST NOW, if a satisfactory inducement is. made, we will submit a proposition, by return mall, which we think will please you. Money saved is money earned. Sena copy oi tne aaverosement JWLSWS0$MJf.SulPt. yu sa .this. JMINENTDB.W.- F: 9TEUAKT, - MARINE HOSPITAL. BALTIMORE, s ' " ". "' ' i Writes: I take pleasure in recommending Coltlen's Lelbig's Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic Invigor ator as a most excellent tonic in all cases of debil ity, chlor sis, Sea. I have tested it with universal success. Sold by all druggists. quired. LA BELLE MFG CO., 93 Clark Street, Chicago. A DAY to Agents canvassing forthe "Fimn nttih Vtkttor " Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta,llatoe, rfb a month and exnenses guaranteed , to ep I I Agents. Outfit free. Shaw ft Co., Angus-1 ta, Maine. ; r : : ; - -,r IF YOU WISH to engage in an honest, genteel; business, aad make plenty of money during; the noiiaays, send your feb4w4t. to RANDOLPH ft CO., 107.4thavVX;Y. JOTICE OF SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. A Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina statesvuie, . v., Apru na, mw, Seized for violation of Internal Revenue Laws, on April 1st, 1879: 4 boxes Tobacco, owner un known: 4 boxes Tobacco, the property otJb.jri ter: 2.000 CtKaa.;.U nroperty. OI HcJb one aau oarrei oi wnisaey, owner unanown. Notice Is hereby given to the owneror claimants of the above described propertyto.appear before me at my office in Statesvllle, andmake claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, J. G. Ypvng, Collector., rj Deputy. apr2 8t InSOdys A GREEN HOUSE AND SEED ST O R E AT TOUR PCST OFFICE. ROSES! ROSES! Bind and get my catalogue of choice Green House and Bedding Plants i . We can send plants through the matt to any part of the country. : -C. B. FAIBCHrLD, K 'trJLi. Seedsman and Florist, " " March 26-2nv Baleigh,Ii. C. G J sen or cash. ,.: Tmoaissreei,, TXT A TSJrTT7Ti ONE SALESMAN f oteach VV AIN 1HU State., Salarr fronf 9I& to 8100 per month and expenses. References re DKAU88 W '.MS.:.- BOOTS, SHOES aJTD H B H H ; HHH H H H H TTTT T 88.8 - A A 1st NathmaJ Bank Bulldlnf, Charlotte, N. C. Our stock of Boots, Shoes. Ac., Is acknowle to be tne bes m xae Btace-ana 1 we wooia ea to taw too can ana examine wr. Dujing. dec! NOW IS THE TIME. The old customers of SMITH & FORBES,; And the public generally, will find at their old stand, on Trade Street, $69,000 WORTH OF BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, which are now offered to the trade at prices which ha ye never been equaled la Charlotte, or in this country. All litigations having been adjusted, this im mense stock is now thrown on the market, aad purchasers can boy MORE GOODS FOB LESS MONEY THAN EVER BEFORE. Every merchant will find it to his interest to eali early and examine the goodsTas they are now to be eld REGARDLESS OF COST. Merchants can save more than the cost of a trip North by buying here. All parties indebted to the late firm of SAHTH & FORBES wM please call at an early day and settle, or their claims will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. W. S. FORBES. Agent, NEW BOOKS -AT- TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE. Mayne Reed's Novels, 6 vols., 97-60 Travels In Central Asia, by Vambery, 4.60 Treasure of Wit and Wisdom, 2.50 Short History of English People, Green, 1.75 Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, 7.50 Social Etiquette of New York, 1 voL, cloth, 1.00 If you want to get a cheap Feather Duster go to TTDDY ft BBO'S. You will always find something niee in the way of Stationery at TIDDY ft BBO'S. The latest styles of Wall Paper can always, be found at TIDDY'S BOOK STORB - Mabie, -Todd ft Co's. Gold Pens always on hand at TIDDYS BOOXSTOfii BUITERICK'S SPRING CATAbokS :;:,, And Metropolitan Fashion sheets foe April, Just received at March 28, 1879. TIDDY'S BOOK STOB. jrEE W. BATTLE, KMV,'' Havter magged fetoaoeole -first floor tho yratenaMwonwt yH0K,.caa be -t: all ner - vnw vuaiwus,aial.iicu)aj,art ate of both schodla ormedlclae-i fj HoiiWAt3)6S , Is ;uafled71 He wlfl stffl :devot i attention especiany to ( to panusxa, but will also do ' a tenel m calls attended dayot night. . (mpifimi-ston. Be-ldenc mKK&S&ShHr sweet. jvi avua:uv .'Under sbajB OT DAVIDSO, ted pepieas- mosBeaDeforei 9vr BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with the publication of Tan Ob sxBvza, and tl establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped In the South, the proprietor lias just added a com plete BOOK BINDERY AND - Ruling :pfaT(;inent, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CUBBENT, And work of ti ls class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to famish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING, Theatricals and ether exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here in as attractive a manner as m New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOB THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have, th4 most accurate . proof-jeaders, and our work is as free" from defects as It is possible to make it. LETTER HEADS, s. Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball.-Cardrf, Pamphlets. NOTEi HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, Invitations Checks, Labels' i BILL HEADS, Deeds, Receipt Books, Business Cards, . Programmes : . Magtstesltnd ' CMnt Blanks. In fat, an Unds pf pTtattiut done at short notice. .oU attioon to Byroad Prlntihe BOOI WORK. BATlng a lanjer supply of type than most Job e- tabllshments, BOOt WORK has been and will jeontinue to be'a specialty with us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THE OBSERVER, - O NE OF THE MOST T 5 J ' IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES that of - HENRY 1 S CARBOLIC SALVE - . i. , . .This compound possesses the most remarkabi Heallna Pro Deities of anv known amrii mi. '5 for the purpose of curing SORES, WOUNDS, CUTS, BRUISES, :-Imflamed and abraded surfaces, and for : ALL SUN DISEASES. Ite cleansing properties remove all Impurities hat hinder the formation of healthy flesh, and the work of cure goes on to completion with the moot WONDERFUL RAPIDITY; Let no family without a box of it in the house. Physiciansextoi tts virtues ;v and the thousands who have used it unite in recommending tt.. Beware of counterfeit. Ask for Henry's Carbolic Salve, and take no other JOHN F. HENRI, CTJRBAN ft CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK. For sale by L. R. Wriston ft Co., Charlotte, N. c. mar4 . SMITH'S WORM OIL. Ateens, Ga., December 8, 1878. A few nights since I gave my son one dose ol the Worm Oil, and the next day he passed sixteen large worms.! At the same time I gave one to my little glrlr four years old, and she passed eighty-six worms from four to fifteen Inches long. W. F. PHILLIPS. Worm Oil for sale by Druggists Pre- parea pv gau L,xguupi, AtnenSj nce ; cents. feb21dwly. Is a perfect, Buxia Puainait, and is ths only purely Vegktablb remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical1 and Permanent Cubes of Syphilis and Scrofula in an their stages. It thoroughly removes mercury ftom the system ; it relieves the, agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis- Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m j QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. I No. 8 I Dally I ei.buii. Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 2 Daily No. 4 Dally Leave Charlotte, " Greensboro, " Raleigh, Arrive Goklsboro, 8.45 am 8.20 a m 3 00pm 6.25 pm 6.55 p m I 410pm 5.80 a m 9.80 a m I Na 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.RR for all points in Western North Carolina, dally except Sundays At Greensboro with RAD. B. R. for all points North, East and West At Goldsboro with W. 4 W. K. B. for Wilmington. No. 4 Connects at- Greensboro with R & D. R. R. for all points North, East and West TRAINS GOING W1C8T. No. 7. Dally ex. bun. Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 1 Dally. No. 3 Daily. I' Leave Goldsboro, 9.50 a m 5.85 pm naieign. 3.bO pm ' Greensboro 8.28 D m 5.30 am 6.47 am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 a m 10.50 a m No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Charlotte with C., C 4 A. B. R. for all Doints South and South-west: at Air-Line Junction with A. A C A. L. Rauroad for all points South and South-east No. 8 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. K. R. dally except Sunday. At Air-Line Junction with a. a v. a. b. lor au points outh and soutn-wes:. At Charlotte with, C- C 4 A. Rauroad for all points South and South-w8t, 8AUDC BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, daily except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive Salem, ' 10.50 pm Leave Salem, , " "' " 6.45 am Arrive Greensboro, " " 7.45 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. D. and N. C. Railroads. SLKKPTXG CARS VTmODT CHANGS Run both ways on Trains Noa, 1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury aad Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. B. MACMURDO. Gen. Passenger Agent, nov20 Richmond Va. QHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND RAILROAD. AUGUSTA Charlotte, Columbia, axd Au&ubta R R., Columbia, S. C, Dec 27, 1878 On and after Sundav. Dec 9Qth. l78. the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington UineJ: NIGHT EXPRESS. Gome South, Na 1. Leaw Charlotte, 1 00 a. u Arrive; Columbia,...: 6 00 a. m Leave Columbia 6 06 a. m Arrivo Augusta 10 00 a. GOING NOHTH, NO. 2. Leave Augusta. Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia,. Arrive Charlotte 5 65 f. sr. 10 00 r. ai 10 10 P. K. 8 10 am. DAY PASSENGER Going Socth. No. 8. Leave Charlotte 11 27 a.m. Arrive Columbia...... . ........ 4 10 p.m. Leave Columbia 4 15 p.m. Arrive Augusta....;... 8 80 p.m. Gomo Nobxbv No, 4 Leave Augusta 9 08 a. m Arrive Columbia 1 20 ?. M Leave Columblv.v. 1 80 p.m Arrive Charlotte.... tt 80 p.m These train stop, onix at Fort MUL. Bock Hill, Chester,. WlnnsboRidgeway,; LeesviUe, Batea burg, Ridge Sprmgsi. iohston, Trenton andGranlte vnie. AU other rtaOons, will be recognized as flag stations. Pullman Palacy sleeping and drawing-room cars on Nos. 1 and 2, Greensboro to Augusta; also on Nos. 8 and 4 New - York to Savannah, , via Rich mond dc .Georgia i CentraRailroadw , T.D. KLINESuperIntendent JaU R. MACMUKUO, G. P. Agent - F. C. MUNZLEE, DEALER In Lager Beer, Ate and Porter; bottled beer a specialty. Bottled beer delivered i" any part of the city free of charge at ONE DOL LAR PER DOZEN. Lager Beer Is healthy and an excellent uppet'zer and recommended, by all good physicians to per sons in delicate health. AH orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop wl K' eeive prompt attention. ONE OF THE MOSi Of the nineteenth century, and one that takes eonm rank with the invention & l teleBS trie light and other scieritUJc tnajva of the Cltariotte, N. C if: 1 j?

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