LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. ' J - M ' - ' I SATURDAY APRIL 5. 1879. RAILROAD DIBEcioBI. r'4 Tbe following table shows the running of passen eer trains to and from Charlotte, on; all the rail roads (Washington time): ,4 BICHMONB DlKTHXt f Arrives from Richmond and Goldsbnro, , 1.00 a. in. leaves for " ' - - " j 3.20 a, In. Arrives from Richmond,,. .yL.. 10,60 a. tn. Leaves for v f f 5 Mr ATLANTA A.CHAELOTTX AIB-UKX. Arrives from Atlanta,. ............ 8.20 a. in. Leaves for Atlanta, ....... J . 1.05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta, . . 6.60 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta, ......... 10.50 a. m. CHAKLOTTK, COLUMBIA A ADGUBTA. j Arrives from Augusta, ,. 8.ltfa.tn. Leaves for Augusta, i. 1.00 a. m. Arrives from Augusta,.... 6.80a.m. Leaves for Augusta..... ... i. 11.27 a.m. CABOLIKA CKKTEAL. j ' . ' ;; vrrlves from Wilmington, f. 7.29 p.ta. I Laves for Wilmington, 6.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby .; 5.00 By m. Leaves for Shelby, 4 7.00 ain. ATLANTIC, TENCTBSIS 4k OilO. ; A rrlves from StatesvUle, i 5,80 p. m. Leaves for StatesvUle .;. 7.00 a. m ( II ARLOTTK POST OFFICE. ' OFFICI H0CB8. ' ! OPENS. ; CLOSES. Money Order Department,. .9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. m. Kecistry Department,. . .9.00 a. m. 5.00 p. jm. jeii'I Dellv'y Stamp Dept.. 8.00 a. in. 6.00 p. in. 8.80 p. m, 8.45 p.m. On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be ppen from 9.00 a; mi to L9.00 a.m. " ' 4 ' ' OrKNINO AND CLOSING OF MAILS. .v ..... , opens. closes; Danville & Charlotte B.B..T 8.00 a. m 9.00 p. m. " " 11.15 a.m. 6.00 p.m. Charlotte & Atlanta R. 8.00 a.m. 9.00 p.m. & StatesvUle 5.30 p. m. 6.00 a. m. tsr- boju, uwrse nuuie,; jmuioajsai O'l'U y wiu A-ucouaD CLI 0.JJ Cb AAA. f t" YortcvUle, (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. ' . . W. W. JENKINS, P. M. INDICATIONS. Wak Dkpaktmbnt, t, j ?. M. ) Office Chief Signal Officer, W ashington. April. 4. 730 p. For the South Atlantic States, warm er, elear or partly cloudy weather, north westerly winds, becoming variable. I,ucal Iteport tar Vevtcrdar. 17 A.M. 2P. M. 19P.JU Barometer, Thermometer Relative Humidity,. Wind Direction,. . . " Velocity,. Weather 29.924 44 37 N. 8 Clear. Highest temperature 52 deg.; lowest 30. meteorological Record. WKATHEB BEPOBT, APRIL 3, 4:20 P. M. Stations. iBarom Th. Weather. ClearJ Clear.; Clear.) Tdear. , Hazy. ; Fair. Fait .Clear, t. Fair. r Clear. . Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Atlanta, Augusta .. Charleston, Charlotte Corslcana;. Galveston,- Indlanola... 30.00 29.97 29.90 29.3 30.15 29.21 30.17 29.96 30.03 30.13 29.11 SO.lrf 30.02 29.93 30.04 30.01 Jackson'lle, Key wesv Mobile,. ... Montgom'y, N. Orleans, Punta Rasa Savannah. . St. Marks.. Havana Index to New Advertisement. W. S. Forbes Boots and Shoes. Perry-Cigars, Ac. HOME PEIVCllI!S;iS. J.,et there be a full attendance of the members of the 20th of May committee iit the court house to-day at 11 oYlock. The fiuit that wasn't killed night before last doubtless passed over last night. It's a terrible thing a summer without fruit. Raleigh Farmer & Mechanic: "Poor Caleb Hovle! The best friend that grapes and turkeys had in Xorth Caro lina, tlied last week." A Statesville man proposes to furnish milk daily to one of the hotels in this city at four cents per quart, and un adulterated at that, At the regular meeting of the county commissioners next Monday tax asses sors will be appointed. The new law provides for two assessors for the coun ty at large in addition to one from each township. Persons desiring to procure copies of tlie proceedings of the convention of Northern settlers held in this city in .January last can procure the samel by application to Mr. Jf. Duniont, of this city. The proceedings make a pamphlet of (it) pages. l : It is said that the young man who proposed to play washerwoman forth community and went North to purchase maahinery for a laundry has. lodged in Baltimore, and will not return. Can this be true ? Has he gone so complete ly back on us? Narrow Escape of Five Point A small wooden building in the most thickly settled portion of "five Points" aught tire last night some time after dark, but the flames were extinguished before the alarm was given. Had the building burned the "Pints" would most assuredly have been destroyed. The lire is supposed to have caught from a spark. v Personal. ' . Mr. II. C. Underwood, for many years news editor of the Louisville Courier Journal, and at present travelling cor respondent of that paper and agent of the Louisville & Nashville; Railroad was in the city yesterday. 1 ? Mr. W. C. Blackwood, who! has been buying cotton in. Wilmington the past season, returned to the city last night, f t. r, 't he Competitive Examination. There were four contestants in the competitive examination for the. West Point cadetship, held at the Carolina Military Institute yesterday under the supervision of Col. Thomas, the princi pal of the institution, Gapt. Armistead Bui-well and Rev. Dr. Theo. Whitfield. They were subjected to a rigid written examination. The resultwill probably bt; announced bv the Jex&miners to-day. 'J Mh of May-Committee jtteeUnjf. : The finmm itr.p.p. annointed to ? make i - Preparations for the proper celebration oi the 20th of May has. d the chairman. ftfin.'Y6uhe. at the court house td-daV at 11 o clock to take the initiatory, steps. iJt is eatn - stly hoped that there will be' ' fttirat - tendance at the first meeting : in order, that thp. liiana nf the cornmittee may be nuitured at as early a jdayk as;; possible. All persons interested in the,celebration are invited to Attend the meeting of :the committee, and it is particdlarly . desira ble that persons' outside of the citv may ue present. .tl .on : Chict the Fire Pepaxtment. rrhe Hornet fire JoHpanyieldia meet ing last niglit and 'appoihted 'delegates ti) the convention of representatives of the different fire ; organizations, 1ft the ny wnicn meets on, in osisw mat., for the election of . chief ?.6f a tle i'n e department for the ensuing year. The delegates were - instruc ted to .vote for C Fi;;Harrison The Pioneer ' and IndeDendent compa lliea have frivon oimila-r 1-rtotYllP.f lrtn TO their delegates, thus insusing the xlec- tion of Mr. Harrison. The! choice is an vuiinn : n j. . Tkw uue 111 " fPBC1 iun iHKes a great interest. in, tpq ae- partment and is universally popular. A 29.997 29.859 37 50 45 20 , N. W. W. 4 Miles 6 Clear. Clear. Wind. Vel. i 47 N. W. . 4 56 N. W." 6 57 N. W. 11 51 N.W. 3 72 K . 17 65 E. ... 10 71 S.E.J. 26 67 . W.-t- 14 74 N. W.S 6 64 N. 15 55 N. W. 16 63 N.W. 16 68 W. 12 60 W. 22 64 N.W. 28 74 N.W. 2 renrfoulrvIci' rftarafnrv tn the opening of the First Presbytery of the. Synod pi the. South Associate Re formed Pyesbt teHaxi Churihy were be gun at Sardis' church, in this county, yesterday. The Presbytery swill be or ganized Monday, A number of dele gates were in the city yesterday enroute to the meeting. - egro who has been in this city for some time and is well known in police circles, committed a forgery some days ago in Rock Hill upon the firm of London & Ihrie for $3 with which he purchased a ha, and was subsequently caught com ing in thtfdiirectioniJf Charlotte; arrest ed and thrown in jail in Yorkville. To the order was signed the name of Hen ry Hutchison, a well known and respect able barber of Rock Hill. It is report ed that when some one ventured to re mark to Grant tHat.he had committed a crime 'Which would lurely send him to the penitentiary, he carelessly replied mai ii uiiwe very niue airiererice ; he wuumiioiremaintnere Out about on uay. i ms, by the way, seems to be tl iiupression or about half the negroes nun Yujuiuuiiy. . ' t ; ; i . i ' u4-i i After (he Vag-rantv and Thieves. Justice McNinch has been vprv tive during the past week in enforcing the vagrant law and hunting out the thieves who have been perpetrating the recent robberies in the city. Thir teen negro men have been arrested within the past two days, charged with vagrancy, and warrants have been is sued for ten mora Most of those ar raigned were dismissed with slight pun- lsuuitiiii or wim tne cost,, Dut the crood e- canipirig of the citizens of Fi vOoini nts aiKl Similar localities, In the search for the vacrrants. a numoer ot articles of clothing, table-j the office of Justice Mcinch for identi fication. These include blankets, quilts, cf)unterpanes tablespoons, a silver fork parked Papa,"; etc. It is Jelieved that if the owners of this property will go to the office and identify the articles, in formation can be obtained which will lead to the discovery of many other stolen articles. Sallie Crockett, wife of the notorious Dick Crockett, and Hester Johnston, wer arraigned before Justice Mc Ninch during the day on the charge of concealing stolen property, and were committed to jail for further hearing. The Bonnvts of '31. Women's bonnets have alwavs been considered a legitimate subject for ridi cule by the opposite sex. In an old copy of the Miners' and Farmers' Journal, published in Charlotte, of date of No vember 2, 1831, we find the following in a local communication signed "Arsrus:" "Ladies need no longer be afraid of being stared out of countenance ; it is the bonnet that attracts the eye, as na turalists admire the beauty of a shell without noticing the freeholding fish that occupies it. Many years ago, bon nets were in the form of a long tube, or steamboat funnel, placed horizontally, at the farther extremity of which the face of the fair wearer might, in a clear day, be discovered like a oumble-bee in a pumpkin-blossom, or rather like a cat at the bottom of a well. In those days a gentleman could take a kiss, if it was offered him, without crawling into the tube, as Gen. Putnam did in'o the wolf's den, with a rope round his leg. Some wicked wit said it was this osculatory inconvenience that caused the anterior extremity of the bonnet to expand-and assume the form of a coal-scuttle, or an inverted wheelbarrow with the aim saed off. Amateurs no longer need go into the woods in search of curious and rare plants; the proper place for" botanizing is on the bonnets of the la dies, which afford floral specimens that would make the heart of Linnaeus dance for joy." Tbe Cold Weather and tbe Crop. The chief topic on the streets and in the household yesterday was the sud den cold weather which came upon us day before yesterday about noon, and the destruction which it has caused to fruit and nearly all young crops. The thermometer stood at 30 nearly all night and there was a heavy hoar frost A reporter took pains yesterday to ques tion at least a dozen persons who have fruit of any kind on their premises and the general verdict is that it has nearly if not quite all have Deen killed, ah vegetables out of the ground, except advanced peas and letteuce has suffered a like fate. The plants and the buds of fruit trees were found in many in stances to have been frozen stiff, al though the atmosphere has been unusu ally dry for four or five days past. There were very few farmers in the city yes terday, consequently it was impossible to get accurate information as to wheat ana oats. The general impression, how ever seems to be that so much of the wheat as has minted will ne almost to- talltCdstrpyea Tlie dat .cpuld not have suffered to a consiaeraoie extent, and comparatively little corn and no cotton is up in the country. Farmers are quite gloomy over the. prospect. Owing to the beautiful weather throughout March, almost unpreccdent edly warm for this climate, vegetation of every sort had advanced rapidly and hence was less capable of resisting the cold than usually at this season. For this reason the injury is doubtless much more general and extensive than is yet known. We will be able to procure fuller arid more reliable reports of the farm crops to-day. , We can. safely 'ay now from-frifSrmatiori: already received that the loss to Mecklenburg county is veiy serious indeed, amounting in the aggre gate to many thousand dollars. Iining- Note. The meeting of the mining board, which was to have been held last night, was postponed till to-night at 8 o'clock, at the office of Gen. Drayton. There have been at least a dozen par ties in the city within the last ten days from the North and Northwest to look at mines in this vicinity. These include several gentlemen who already have interests nere. , . , . T . MrK Mtz, bt tiue BeweiMjbine, was in the city yesterday. He reports steady progress in the work there. They have a soft white ore which is easily worked and which gives a paying yield. They are now engaged chiefly, in, tunnelling and on surface wasmng. I r,VOT- twAnt.T -nftnnvweiffhts. ' Ca- 1 burrui3 famous for her nuggets, hav 1 wnrtnfififi. more and larerer ones., ai ing produced more and larger ones, as the nistory of mining shows, than Sny county east ot tne tocKy jvxounxains. The assays of bullion at the assay of fice in this city for the month 6f March amounts to $5,552.21. The number of assays was nearly, as large as for Janu . - i 1 l. "I 1 .1 At. ary ana j eDruary uoin, Buowiug may mnsr. ot tne wots, some on now us uou-. ductedbM flatter opferaors ? In addi tion' tx the bullion assays, enjht assays of ore have been made for prospecting parties. : -; r : vi'",i?; : Mr. ,J; A. Elliott shjipped a box of ore irorh Ids mines; to be tested by the new process represeniea oy uvir. iuiiuuj, mhrt np.vft a few weeks affo. which resulted as follows: Gold per ton of ; two thousand pounds, coin value,$21.04; ! JQT I .,..f t- ixmrra nf rrnlrl was VP.arS aSTO jen canea i oy hroVLht 'to the assay office this week cnatnam counrjiorin lAioiuia, ww to assemble 1 .J1&J! rflii,in anmf rlrawn tn the Pacific coast by the gold silver OI ine same weigub , aim v.iu.uc, 1 4J05YtbipetHo : pet cent: sulpTuir. 22 40 per Xm T I f ound iany whfere;1 The boarddeclined writes as foMows.,1 or6ww Wf te any faction that: would commit nroii &nn suuu ao jui. 1 "rrztz nwn with. the'-DtODosecL i-uiyc- Tnnea?' 1 process it Trill pay toworKjourmmesv FirBoa's BoeeMlon. P , . The Hornet fire company gafve a little turn-around at their hall last night There were present representatives of the other fire companies and a number of citizens," invited guests. The Hor nets were, as they always are on such occasions, profuse in their hospitalities, and if there was any one there who did nt, have a good time, it was no one's fault but his pwn. Refreshments went the round r and merriment ruled the hour. Different persons present were called out for, speeches, and some de clined with thanks while others spoke briefly between drinks. Excellent feel ing prevailed, and all who were present have to thank the Hornets for an even ing delightfully spent. A telegram from Mayor Smith, regretting bis ab sence from the city and his consequent inability to be present at the reception, was received and read amid aonlause. A. A STATE SEWS. tobacco factorv is to be started in Wilmington. The Wilmington lodge of Good Tem plars is to be reorganized. Mrs. Chas. A. Moore, of Asheville, died of pneumonia, last Saturday. Tucker's store in RaleSgh has a fe male cashier the only one in the State. It is said that Mr. Montfort McGehee, of Person, will move to Greensboro. Three thousand dollars worth of fish were shipped from Washington last week, over the railroad. Geo. A. Latham retires from the edi torship of the Washington North State Press. Rev. R. H. Chapman was elected mod erator of Wilmington Presbvterv. now in session at Wilmington. Mayor . Dodson, of Greensboro, was stricken with paralysis Thursday. It is hoped that the attack is not serious. Goldsboro is moving in the matter of the Goldsboro, Snow Hill & Greenville Railroad. Subscription books are to te opened. The Salisbury Watchman is literally filled with discussions of prohibition. Every possible phase of the subject is elaborately brought forth. Col. A. H. Worth, of Fayetteville, has received the appointment of mail agent on the Cape Fear river mail route, vice Chesnutt removed. Rev. John II. Clewell. a native of Sa- 13m and a recent graduate of Bethle- nem Theological Seminary, nas receiv ed and accepted the pastorship of a Mo ravian church at Ulrichville, Ohio. Raleigh Farmer & Mechanic: Gov. ernor Graham, of noble memory, was a seventh son, and left seven sons; all .of whom are living and full grown men. So much for right habits and upright character. A colored man residing in Winston professes to have discovered what many have striven for and ultimately failed in perpetual motion. He nas a ma chine of some kind that has been on the go for six weeks without stopping. State Senator John S. Henderson, of Rowan, received quite an ovation from a party of gentlemen from Frank lin township, that county, in the way of a serenade, &c.,' one night last week, on account of his action in reference to a stock law for Rowan. The dwelling house and kitchen of Mr. 'Angus McLeod, near Euphonia church, in Moore county, was consumed by fire on Friday night last, together with nearly all their contents. Loss heavy. No insurance. The North State says MayoiDodson, of Greensboro, has received a letter from Dr. Ledoux, in which he states that it is probable that after April 12th analyses of the water of public wells can be made free of charge requiring only the sanction of the secretary of the board of health. The Star says the " North Carolina Minstrels" will take their departure from Wilmington Monday evening. They have decided not to give an en tertainment in Wilmington for the pre sent, as they have an engagement in South Carolina on the 9th, and will have to hurry up to meet it. Two attempts at safe breaking were made in Kaleigh Wednesday night, says the Sews, the one at the place of busi ness of Mr. T. S. Love, and the other at the store of Mr. W. D. Unchurch. In both cases holes were drilled in the safes, but in neither did the thieves ac complish their purpose. Raleigh Observer: Ex-Congressman Deweese is in trouble. The police are after him. Since he left off carpet bag ging he has spent his wife's estate, de serted her. taken up with another wo man, obtained a bojrns divorce from Utah, &v&c. His wife jno. 1 is now mirsuiner him to recover jewelry which she alleees he has stolen from her to adorn Madame No. 2 with. Pollocksville correspondent Goldsbo ro Messenaer : On the road to JNewoern last Thursday I witnessed one of the Grandest siffhts I have ever seen one hundred and ten acres in garden peas all on Mr. J. LL Rhem's farm. To one who has never seen such a sight, it is rertafhlv errand. With good luck. Mr. Rhem must certainly make a good thing OI HUUJK litllUIUg Lino jcevi. A meeting of the bar of Raleigh was held Wfidnesdav out of respect to the memorv of the late Judge Battle. Res olutions hiehlv eulogistic of his charac ter were offered, and addresses in sup- DOTfc of these were delivered by J udge Merrimon, Judge Fowle, Capt Ashe, Maj. Lewis, Judge Cox, Mr. F. H. .Bus tee, and Mr. Stamps. Salisburv Watchman : Tyro is in Da vidson county, about eight miles from this place, and is the center of a pros.: nerous and well informed community. A large academy has lately been erect- i i i ri a j l ed tnere, ana on last oaiuruay it whs in auguratedspeeches and music filling up the programme. The Rev. Mr. Ju lian made a short literary address and closed bis remarks by introducing to the audience Jas. M; Gray. Esq- who made the address of the day. In the after noon P."C Robbins. Esq- and Rev. Mr. Simpson made addresses. Augusta (Ga.) Chronicled: Constitu iioncuist,' ot Thursday: Twenty-seven MK X rank i. - wooay, oi fever. lie settled in Montana, - ano-t when that section became an organized TWritorv was elected a member of its Lesrislature. He is now clerk of court in Missoula. Montana. Yesterday Mr. Woody passed through Augusta on his way to North Carolina, to visit his rel atives in Chatham county. This is the first time that he has been South since he left for the far West, twenty-seven years ago. "RalP.icrh Observer, of Thursday: Pui- Rnanfc to adjournment the board of. di rectors of the insane asylum met at the Asvliim vesterdav moraine, uy-iaws for the crovernment of the institution wp.TA adontftd. Dr: X I Craven gave notice trf his retiring front the insticu" tion. and resolutionsmplimentaly to his skill and efficiency . were passed by th board. An investigation into the offices of the institationexMDitea auits departments' and its general conduct in aa satisf factory state. ttfoi fault i was t . . - . 4.1, 4 I mi-mumus""". wiuxa? uvM.ut-Mw trrersmp. Tne ooara tnen aajournea, ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION MERCHANTS ! MERCHANTS ! MERCHANTS ! Acetica Sale OF- 200 CASES -OF- BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, 1 APRIL 8, 1879, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M. The above is a well assorted lot, suitable for the trade of North and South Carolina, and they will be sold by the case only. It will pay EVERY MERCHANT To be present at the sale.. The kale will take place at the old stand of SMITH FORBES Trade street, Charlotte, N. C. Terms Cash, or satisfactory paper with interest from date ol sale. W. 8. FORBES. Agent. A MAN WHO FAVORS Economy and Luxury should by all means call at PERRY'S. The largest stock of Crackers, Can dles, Cigars, Ac., can be found there. In fact bis assortment Is as fine as in any city where the noise of STREET CARS AND POLICEMEN'S RATTLES are familiar sounds. Dont fail to try his celebra ted 5c. Cigars, magnificent Caramels and delicious Taffy, Coooanut Cream, Ac. They are running ahead of all competition, Just as tbe man who is WANTED FOR MAYOR Will at the coming election. FAMILY MEAL. 3 Car Loads 1,320 Bushels CHOICE BOLTED MEAL Just received. R. M. MILLER ft SONS. apo gXisccIXiuiuoxts. JLACE STRAP MOLASSES Under cost by the barrel, by ROY DAVIDSON. JanSO A GREEN HOUSE AND SEED STORE AT YOUR POST OFJflCE.; ROSES ! ROSES Send aud set my catalogue of choice Green House and Bedding Plants. we can send plants tnrougn tne man to any pan of the country. : U. D. AIrMJtllL.LI, Seedsman and Florist, March 26 2m. Raleigh, N. & JH)R A FIRST CLASS Smoke call and get a Sucior, at LeROY DAYIDSON'S. JanSO - i 1 DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND EXAMINE The splendid line of i s : : j .' i 1 WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, VIZ: Autumn Cluster, Stuffed : Mangoes, Tiny Tims . Gherkins, Martynlas. Also the finest line el r r - CRACKERS Ever seen to Charlotte, at LeBOY DAVIDSON'S. Remember, this if the only first class stock ot In town. . - Anything yon want In Groceries can be found at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. T7 A SPLENDID LINE TO 1 in Fine Teas, all grades, ; 7Y DAVIDSON'S. ianW) f KBAT ABGAEi3FOB THX HOLIDAYS, T. BUTLER'S. ATCfflE;: CLOCKS; te 6 I i t.' if JKWKLE' Via i i SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and eveiTthlng you want for Christmas, at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec84 -. WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR 8TOCT7 E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCaV 4 -F -TT INC Y GOOD OOODO- A N C Y Ground and Cut Glase Bottles, the handsomest in the market. The latest styles of Perfume Boxes including some 'novelties, which win pay you to eall and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELDLOID TOILET Cases Freneh Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON Jt CO. declS CALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUST? A L DWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUSAL, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets. CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. S. P. CALDWELL, ..Proprietor. This house is permanently established and off era all the conveniences and comforts of a first-class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find It a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, transient, $1.25; per week, S6.O0. Regular table, per month, $18.00. JanlO Sl lo-UU; ooara ana room n. G. MAXWKLU C. F. HARRISON, Auctioneer. yjAXWELL A HARRIS0 -AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MERCHANDISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE;- Will give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. decs im 1879 PEGRAM & CO. ARE RECEIVING THEIR ELEGANT SPRIMG STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. They keen the best that can be made. Call and see them. Zleeler Bros'. Ladles'. Misses' and Children's Shoes a specialty. You can only get Miller, McCullough & Ober's hand-made Boots and Shoes of them. The celebrated Pegrau 8hoes are of the best material, and are guaranteed. They also keep Miles', Burts', Holbrook & Ludlow's, and many other leading makes. Be sure to can. Xareh23. PEGBAM CO. WLu&tvbxkiuQ. JJNDEBTAXTNG The undersigned la now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand a full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and MetaUc. . FKICXS At LOW AS AST. Hearses furnished if desired. Furnltan of every DescripOon Repaired at Ahbr -V3 With E. a Rogers, Trade Street Jane 20. mm. t qjqjjjj CENTRAL '.!';.- ru;ini4fa2raTox, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTS This Use being tsStg mptiwti for basbMM, Wilmington and an Northern and Eastern Ottos to GreeQYllle, Spartanburg, an Stations AUande, Tennessee ft Ohio, As well as points in Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington. N. C sept30 OtttQS and t&icints. YylL. J. H. HCADEN, DKtKHilhT kSU CUKKIST. Kow offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin'g Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices. Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap'. English, French and American Toth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. Mc ADEN'S Prescription Store. s ECUBITY1 SECURITY ! SECURITY ! 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE JlKL ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a Ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before ltjrlll burn. C. West & Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Bishop D. S. Doggett (Southern Meth.) Tt is an excellent corrective of indigestion. Have used it with prompt beneficial results. , Bev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University otN. a I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate of the vest rocket wire. Bev. E. A. Yates, P. E. X. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Bev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. HIsf n. Turn nATnr without it nt home or abroad. It Is an antidote to Indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging Is checked and the bowels regula tad. . Its merits are attested br numbers of nigh character. I have seen a "tried-everythlng" dys peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose. Bev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap,) Ttia AndnrsAd hAh direct Dersonal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of sDeech. It is not toe nmcn to say mat no meaicine nvnr had iniAh sonmrt in its favor as a spedflc. Tne word of any one ei ue eminent aiTiuea wuu underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved vatrht Thnir imtted wltaesa iolned with the ex perimental use and approval of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It is. beyond question, a wonaenui inerapeuMau gnu JKUtors Beiigteus tteraw, va. Bev. R. L. DabneyjlLl D., Ham. SkL CoL, Va It Is highly esteemed -here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It Is excellent for in digestion and flatulent eoUc sedative, eoporinc, wmc, sugnuy aperont, wiuhmu uBiuea. SOLD BY ALIr DRUGGISTS. For sale by: DB. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. ODELL, BAGAN & CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. V. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. mar 20 dtw tt ELECTRIC BELTS. A sure cure for nervous debility, premature de- y Axiuumtion. etc T&e oniv renaDie cure. . cir culars mailed free. Address J. K. BEEVES, 43 Chatham street, M.T. Aeo. ao diwam. . . 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST -APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and For Sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. OH ! AREN'T THEY BEAUTIFUL ? Ttc Prettiest tocds 5 Jl ' Pk gin i MitiiT riitt am fAAinidk neb a stock In beauty, variety and extemuveness. . We make a specialty of Black Cashmeres and Tamlse Cloths. Always ask for , . , W I'. .U''. Ask lor anything you want in white I Ask for Coraeta. We have any kind of Button yoo l of Gloves. Ask lor anything you wajit to our line. April 4. bPATCHlSnC? NORTH ( TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. offers unequalled faculties for the TraaaportUn of Charlotte, StatesrOle, Asheville, Rutherfordton on the Atlanta & Richmond Air-Line, and Western N. C Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. ria any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. upon application to T. T. SMITH, Agent C. C. Railway, Charlotte. potteries. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To win a fortune. Fourth Grand Distribution, Class D, at New Orleans, Tuesday, April 8th, 1879-107th Monthly Drawing. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State for Educational and Charitable purposes In 1868, Vc thx tkrm or Twram-imt tsars, to which eontract the inviola ble faith of tbe State is pledged with a capital of $1,000,000, to which it has since added aReserve Fund of 8350.000. Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION win take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, 830,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars each. eta, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES : Half Tick- 1 Capital Prize, $80,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prtze 5,000 z razes oi J.OUU. 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000.... 5,000 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1,000 Prizes oL 600 10,000 100 10,000 50 10.000 20.. 10. 10,000 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES i 9 Approximation Prizes of $800.... 9 Approximation Prizes of 200. .... 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 $2,700 1,800 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible eorresDondins asenta wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation win be paid. i . APDUcaaon for rates to clubs snould onlr ba made to the Home Office in New Orleans. write, clearly statins full address, for fun Infor mation or send orders M. A. DAUPHIN, Postoffice Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Dmwlnrc are under the supervision and management of GENERALS . T. BEAUREGARD and JURAL A, EARLY, mar 11 NEW BOOKS -AT- TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE. Mayne Reed's Novels, 6 vols., $7.50 4.50 2.50 1.75 7.50 1.00 Travels in Central Asia, by VambeiTi Treasure of Wit and Wisdom, Short History of English People, Green, Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, Social Etiquette of New York, 1 vol., eMli, If you wiint to get a cheap Feather Duster go to TIDDY & BRO'S. You will always find something nice in the way of Stationery at TIDDY 4 BBO'a The latest styles of Wall Paper can always be fonndat TIDDY'S BOOK, STORE. Mable, Todd A Go's. Gold Pens alwqyson hand at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. BUTTERICKS SVKOia CATALOGUES v And Metropolitan Fashton sheets for April, Just received at TIDDT BOOt 8TOBE. March 28,1879. M. LICHTENSTEDL ,.' : I MERCHANT TAILOR. . .. : : i ' : - : CHARLOTTE;' R, C. Just received fifty' more' samnles in addition to those on hand, all are novelties of the season. Call and make selections, as .the time for a new suit is here, style and wprkraansnip unsurpassed. Repairing neatly ddne. marw . ; . -. : s JAMES MURPHY, .! PACTfQiL TAILOR, 'i h HoUon'sBuiUH. Tiade SteteUUp Stah Vf r4, !':; !:-$;i'--'v;i . : " Owing toAhe stringency of tbe times I wM in fu ture work vert cheap., , Will. make fine suits for Silk Caasiniefs salts for SS.- Pants of suits some I rates. ;Lguaranteell my wark ?w fit, no charge. uivemaaBuanfipowmwur,;!; Ever i Saw: in 4)harlotte ! .A yy.v j''.. -.si. . , .....'...'.-! A te, hiu mrihwii fiiwvU. Ate., ata a We. never have had Goods. Dont fail ts see onr. 'arasols. Ask for . . IVlARSEILLES'UIiyrS'in;-! may want. Ask for Kid Gloves tnd an other kinds We hare it ' ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. .

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