Stye Ht)arlotte bsmw. THE RIDER GOES THROUGH. CHA8. R. JOKES, Editor and Proprietor THE YOTR BEW 14$ W 122. if ftllleli "Free from the doting ncruplethat fetter our free-born reason." SUNDAY, APRIL 6; 1879. 'TOE TILWES-fOOM. ' The Speeches Preceding IW'tlnal jrlle 1 Republican Proposition Ignored. Washington, April 5 House The.Hbuse met at 12 in continuance of Jtriaay e session, ana immeuiaujiY weut The Louisville Courier-Journal, Wlficli has been one of Mr. Tilden's ablest and most deyoted friends, and wliicli. did more than any other one newspaper to procure his nomination in 1870, pro nounces unequivocally, in a double leaded editorial, in favor of the renomi nation of Tilden and Hendricks as the national Democratic ticket in 1880. It says "anything else than the re-nomination of the old ticket under all the cir cumstances, would be mpnstruis." ; ?5 And the August hroniclfind Con utitutionalist, which nasnevef liked Mr. Tilden, confesses in Its Issue of Friday lasttha it looks at the present very much as if Mr. Tilden would capture the prize of a re-nomination." It says further, speaking pf his unpopularity in certain sections : "and yet, with all that is said ajgainfct,him by; those who have' a dislike for the man, there is something in the politician which makes him formidable to his rivals, and which, in spite of a gloomy outlook, brings an unwilling belief to the partisan's of Thurman, Bayard, Pendleton and' other aspirants that he will out-general them in the end. The tone of the Democratic press all over the country denotes this." A candid survey of the field brings us to the conclusion that this is "about the size of it." At present it looks very ' much as. is he had the "drop" on all of his competitors, and this opinion is con firmed by the fact that all of the Radi cal newspapers are blackguarding him with more than the usual vehemence and insisting upon it that; he is a hope less paralytic proof positive that he is regarded as seriously in the way. nrmv anrtronriation bill. i Mr. Sparks, bf Illinois, C3lledttnty? to an articlein the Chicago JnterrOeeari, containing an account of an interview with President Hayes by Davis, of Chi cago, in which the latter gave assurance that the President would stand firmly by the Republicans ; that he had wait ed upon the President as requested, and that there is no reason to believe that the President will disappoint the loyal people of the country. For himself (Davis) he was "enlisted for the war." Sparks went on to say that it seemed that the President seemed to Uave-sewe spinal disease which renderedit neces sary for the stalwart members offcis party to try td cure it. He-aSkedf air minded men to read the artfples?jb- Americam i Grissom Tor (Jovernc. The -f!egisla1&fe elected t rates at its last session. Mr. Haywood Tuttlc, near Lenoir, was severely scalded last Monday. Mr, J. R. Clifford, of Bostqj , winter ing in Tarbdf d,lids kjUedAOD partridges. Iv- rl&liberr. 'for Dr. 883 magi. A Bntedj that ftas heealteBraie . The ta?(aclblxepngtiaaceftbr almost every on to the smell and flavor of God Liver Od, ha prevented tens of thousands off the YietBra oi de bliltrlrom reaping the benfits Ot peculiar healing andMautrfflve properties. Th8imosti hopete88 conaamptrre, the martyr t; rheumatism, the bafe ljrHjtfng tbadowof men, women and children that emerge from the clutches of malarial fevers, all of these know, or at least their doctors know, that of all discovered remedies, this oil is the best, and of ten the only one that will build up their wasted bodies, and restore their shattered nerves, and far more effective than the oil by itself is Scott's Emul sion of It. with the Hrooohosphites of Lime and ysolai nis Is foe- finest and most natural food Paad medicine in the world, and wholly deprived Of able qualities. Bolden. colored, died in that city Tliurs- ay? attue veimeu. age oi yy eais. Mrs. McXamee's house, in Tarboro, was burglarized week before last, but nothing was taken. The Secretary of State has shipped 1,586 copies of the revenue and machin ery acts to parties entitled to them. Thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars in State bonds were received at the State treasury Thursday from one party for exchange. r Mff "VvVA. Smith has retired from the IlIetidersoijK'illei'oarter, and Mr. 13. K. Jjayjp 1S uqw in exclusive cnigr. ouu- cesto botjh aim to the Courier. If shed in Uen. Drayton's LECTUKE.-We print this morning the excellent lecture de livered last Thursday night before the Charlotte chamber of commerce by Gen Thos. F. Drayton, on the subject of manufactures. The lecture presents the subject in an intensely practical light. Gen. Drayton argues the ques tion with force and clearness and backs iris position with incontrovertible fig ures. As a means of showing what manufactures may do for the South, he very sensibly shows what they have done ; and showing what they have done for one section he proceeds to show what they may do for other sections. This is a thoroughly excellent speech and the space which we devote to it could hardly be better occupied. We trust that it will be generally read and that it will accomplish some measure of the good which its author had in view in its preparation. Clear as Mud-We are given to understand by a scientitic journal that prophets, statesmen and sages have lived and died "honing" for informa tion as to "why beet juice assumes a gelatinous consistency In being trans formed from ordinary beet juice to the higher order of saccharine prepara tions." Individually, we remember dis tinctly to have spent very many sleep hws nights trying to solve this, prob lem, but hitherto our efforts, like the hunt of all generations for perpetual motion, have been unanswered. At last, however, an end has come Jo our la bors, we having happily found in the Scientific American, that the true se cret is that it is due to "the escaped vis cia protoplasmic -contents of the cells." We breathe once more with the free dom characteristic of childhood's hap py hour. TUE COLD SNAP. Damage (n Virginia, ' Massachusetts, Georgia and South Carolina. Norfolk, April 4. The thermome1- -ter fell to 2$ degrees last night, and it is thought that considerable damage was done to fruit and early vegetation. Provincetown, Mass., April 4 A severe snowstorm last night did consid erable damage to shipping. Some lives are reported lost. Atlanta, April 4 The weather is quite cold here to-day, the thermometer --indicating SI degrees The peach, pear and apple crops are ruined. The vegetable- crop is not seriouslv damaged. The cold snap does not extend all over the State. t Cjjarleston, April 4 A hard frost' last night seriously damaged the early vegetable crops on the truck farms in this vicinity. The injury to potatoes is estimated at 25 per cent. The cucum- - berj tomato and bearj crops are almost entirely killed ; strawberries are badly hurt and retarded fully two weeks. The loss to the truck farmers around Char leston is estimated at a quarter of a million., . , i f AtrausTA, April s The extreme cold weather for thq past forty-eight hours has killed the fruit and early vegetables in Georgia and South Carolina of thft North west, and sav whether there was not an effort made there to co-erce the President into the ex treme measures of the extreme mem bers of his party ; and yet in spite of all that, the city of Chicago had just given a Democratic majority of 4,823 to Car ter Harrison, ("our pwh; Carter," lie fail ed him,) and that was characterized by the Chicago Inter-Ocean as a "victory for the Democrats and howling rebels." Laughter. In the place of putting ramrods into the President's back-bone, all the marrow and stiffness had been taken out of the Republicans ; that the Democratic victory in Chicago was the first DODular response from a Repub lican citv. and it was startling in its. Caswell, of Wisconsin, reminded Sparks that on the same day Wisconsiu had given an increased Republican majority of over 6,000. To that Bragg, of Wisconsin, respond ed in a manner that elicited loud ap plause from the Democratic side.- i Then Chittenden,? New York.n&de an imbassioned speech; sneering at ?the Greenbackers and telling the Demo crats that their present policy was in favor of desperadoes and bulldozers and blacklegs at the polls. An amendment offered yesterday by New. of Indiana, that the repeal shall not abridge or affect the right and duty of the executive to respond to the call of a State Legislature or Governor, was agreed to 85 to 4. the Republican re fraining from voting on either side. Lowe, of Alabama, moved to strike out section 6 from the bill, and Conger, of Michigan, suggested to the other side of the House that if that were done his side would aid them in passing im mediately, without debate, a separate bill repealing entirely the so-called ob jectionable sections ot the statutes. McMahon, of Ohio, speaking for him self, repudiated the proposition. In the course of the debate Cox, of New York, stated that he had in the Democratic councils favored the repeal of the obnoxious measures in an inde pendent bill, but that he had been over ruled and that he had acqniescea m the superior wisdom, but not superior ex perience, of others. lie expected that if the President vetoed the bill the Sen ate would send to the House -repeal bills pure and simple, and then there would be a chance of testing the sin cerity of the Republican side. The "border ruffian" historv of K m sas was reviewed in speeches by Aiken ot bouth Carolina, and Haskei. oi Kan sas. After several amendments had been offered and rejected, the committee arose and reported the bill to the House. All unimportant amendments were agreed to without division. Cameron,of Illinois, asked Sparks to allow the House an opportunity to have the yea and nay vote on the "repealing section. McMahon objected. The bill then pass ed, yeas 148, nays 122 a strict party vote. The Greenbackers voted as fol lows: In the affirmative, DeLaMatvr, Ford, Gillett, Jones, of Texas, Ladd, Lowe,ot Alabama, Murch, Stevenson Weaver, Yokum ; in the negative, Bar low and Forsyth. The result was re ceived with applause on the Democratic side. The House at 4.20 adjourned until Tuesday. PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE STRENGTH OF HOUSE COMMITTEES. The House committee on rules, who have had undei consideration the prop osition to increase the membership of several of the most important standing committees of the House, met this morning and authorized Blackburn to report to the House in favor of in creasing the committee on elections from eleven, as at the last Congress, to fifteen ; the ways and means from elev en to thirteen; appropriations from eleven to fifteen; commerce from elev en to fifteen ; judiciary from eleven to thirteen; agriculture from eleven to fifteen, and fixing the membership of tne committee on enrolled bills at sev en instead of nine, as at the last ses sion. A proposition to increase the print ing committee was considered but it was tound that the law fixed the mem bership of that committee at three in conformity with the like committee of the Senate, the twro to act jointly when by so doing the measures referred to (hem. can be r better facilitated. The Committee" took nonaction on the pro posed distribution of the several appro priation bills among the committees having like subjects in charge ; but it is very probable that when the- question oi increasing tne committee on appro priations is laid before the House, some controversy ' will arise, and that those lay oring a division of .the-wprjt of ap- i I m - A Card. To all who are Buffering from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will care you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered "by a 'missionary in South America. Send a self -addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH. T::IN MAN, BtaUonJ?, Bible House, New York City . jaii 25 . : Woman's Eights. Yes. woman has as good right to health and hap piness as the other sex. Then, why suffer so long when the remedy Is within your reach: TryBrad field's Female Regulator, Woman's Best Friend, and you will have your health and strengtn rimy restored. Call on your druggist for a circular, an see some of the wonderful cures It has made. mar25 lm United States repository for the sale of United States 4 per cent, refunding cer tificates. Battle, of the Tarboro Southerner, has got stuck up lately about something or other. Leastways he has gone to speaking of them as "whortleberries." MrOrreil f tfrneUof !Rbcky Mount, died very suddenly last 1 nday week. He had just got up from dinner and taken a seat on his steps, when he fell dead. Prof. Mann, and the band of Mount Pleasant, assisted by other citizens, ga ve a concert in the village last wees, wnicn was the event of the-season. - -- They are giving the commissioners of Iredell county Jesse on account or their passing upon the constitutionality of the fence law instead of enforcing it. Concord Register : The saddest look- . T 1 J mg dog we see is uyrus jouuslohs "Major. Tie wears a look of sorrow. Many a friend of Cyrus' will remember to save a bone tor poor "Aiaj. Cant. Orchard, member of the late Legislature from Cabarrus gave a very satisfactory account of his stewardship to his constituents in the court house in Concord last Saturday. Dr. Barrier, of Cabarrus county, has a curiosity in a chicken that has four legs, four wings and one head ; it was dead when found in the nest. It is pre served in alchohol. The Tarboro Southerner says' that in some parts of the State a good coon dog is worth more than a mule f it also says that it may be that it. lies at rare inter vals but it doesn't steal paragraphs, which we have noticed is true. TELEGRAPHIC MaRKET REPORTS. APRIL 5, 1879 PRODUCE. riNriNVATT Pinnr nniet and unchanged! family a. &(-aa whMt flrmt red and white 1.05a 1 OK. Corn riulet and firm at 37a38. Oats dull at 29a.m. Pork held very firmly at 10 60a75. T.ani stttfiv and firm.- current make 6.30a32i& Bulk meats aulet but firm; shoulders 3.65, short ribs 4.85. short clear 5.10; bacon quiet and arm; shoulders 4, clear ribs 598, clear sides 6g. whiairpv stpadv and in fair demand at 1.02. But ter litoMrtir and linthmeed: choice dairy 18a20, i.rimp fin 1 Sal . Suear steady: hards 8a9tfe, A white 814a, New Orleans Ha7i4. Hogs steady; packing 3.70a3.0. tut.ttmore Oats steady: Southern 32alA, Wes tern white 32ai& do mixed 30a31, Pennsyl vania. H9a3'2l. Hay unchanged: prime Tenn svlvanla and Maryland llal2. Provisions firmer; mess pork, old 10 50al0.75, new -; bulk meats loose shoulders 3, clear rib sides 5ai,6, per car load, racked new 4iAa5Va: bacon shoulders, old Ain. clear rib sides, new S&aH, hams, sugar-cured. yjais. Lara rennea nerces vaia- uutterswjauy; choice Western packed 18a20, rolls 15al6. Cof fee firm; Rio cargoes 10al6. Whiskey dull at 1.07& Sugar steady; A soft 8ai4. New York Flour in favor of buyers; No. 2, 2.35a3.10, superfine Western and State 3.45a3.55, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 3.80, good to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern flour steady; common to fair extra 4.10a5.50; good to choice do 5.50a6.75. Wheat ungraded wili er red l,04al.l4. No. 3 ditto 1.10al l0 Corn ungraded 45a45i& No. 2, 44a44i4. Oats quiet Coffee quiet and unchanged; Rio quoted in car- ?oes Ili4al5, in job lots llialB. Sugar weak; iuban tai, fair to good refining 6l,a7-ltf, prime 6ia ;refined standard A. 7a8, granulated 814 powdered 8ais, crushed 8fc. Molasses New Or leans 28a42. Rice iu fair demand and steady; Carolina quoted at5ia7V2, Louisiana 6l&a7. Pork mess ou spot 9.40a50. Lard prime steam 011 spot B.57Vati0. Whiskey 1.0514. Freights dull. '4! - M- " AN ;X.CIT iNtfi BOQJL 20,000 SWLDi TK "Wild AdRhturs? and ''TrlunxD' Thll only authentic and copyrighted cheap edon Is selling taster man any otner doukju Gives a full history ofhls " Down the Congo. AGENTS WANTED. For full particulars and terms address HUBBARD BROS., Pubs., Philadel phia, Pa- CHEAPEST BOCEBAES CHEAPER THAN EVER. It Y T H n. 4- cheaPest BOOK IN THE WORLD. 53.r.72 Superb English Books AT OUB PRICK. , 75,276 New American Books AT YOrjRJRICE. 1 12,726 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of General Literature Free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, 3 Beekman st, near New PostOfBce, New York. : i BEST fiTB' WHISKEY, p Also a fine lot of Country Hams. I sell for casn. All goods delivered in tne cay rree 01 cnarge. W. H. CRIMMINGER, Trade Street, Next door below Wilson & Black's old stand, ap 15. II MB LOOS! Parson's Purgative Pills make new Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system In three months. Any person who will take one pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be re stored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent by mall for 8 letter stamps. I. S. JOHNSON & CO., Bangor, Me. LAME BACK. BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER is for lameness or weakness of the back, Rheuma tism and all local aches and pains, the best reme dy known, it was invented to overcome ine mw action of the ordinary Porous Piasters; It relieves pain at once, and cures where other plasters will not even relieve. Sold everywhere jby Druggists, price 25 cents. F OR SALE. The Bourgeoise and Minion type on which this paper was lately printed. It was made by the old Johnson tvrje foundry, of Philadelphia, and wa not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on ly because it became necessary to use a different stvle of type. It will do good service for several years to come. It will be sold In lots to sui pur rhasers. and in fonts of 50 to l.OOOIbs, with or without cases. Address OBSERVER, 0ct5 Charlotte. N. C JpiELD BROS. s NEW FEATURES 1 Come to me for Bacon. Corn, Sugar, Coffee, Ho , lasses, and other Family Groceries. Just received, a fewjbanels of Beity porter's (Da vie county) ' ' F OR FINE WINES,, f And rure Liquors, Three Years Old. go COCHRANE'3, Central Hotel Saloon. SWEET POTATOES, Received from Eastern North Carolina to-day 100 BUSHELS OF THE EASTERN YAM POTATO And am expecting more to-morrow At March 27, S. M. HOWELL'S. JUST RECEIVED, f kNE oar load Choice White Virginia Bolted Meal VJ which we will sea at a very low ngure. Bpr3 F. B. ALEXANDER & CO. DON'T FAIL WHOLESALE a.NLi HK1A1L GROCERS and DEALERS in COUN TRY p$ Keep constantly 00 band i)i JLEI9, UXBBAUJS, UUSU. JTUTATORS FLESi BBiE FBTJTTS, 4c Xxeftsfvi Dealers In ' i i f ' ) RAM SOUR 4 BONNIWELL'S and a FORD'S various brands of FLOUr. L. III'. ALSO, PROPRIKTOBS OF CHARLOTTE HOTEL CHARLOTTE, N. This bouse has been refitted and newlv f, , and is kept hi tat class a.,. " Terms, Per Day lied, t 2 (H Great inducements . . ere; for terms see the proprietor Uth! bo- "Omnibus and Carriages s at "ery train. FIELD BROTHERS . Mr. H. SyWlXSON kLABT,. Hknrt Wilfowg, , feb9 -.Proprietors oupfrimendents' Clerk.' COTTON. The Lenoir Topic says revenue offi cers from Alexander county made a raid on King's creek, in Caldwell, last Saturday morning, and captured a still belonging to Lawson Porch, which they carried off and destroyed, with barrel?, tubs, &c. Deputy Sheriff joe Carter, of Xash, attempted to arrest three white men last Friday week for passing counter feit money. They drew their pistols and dared him to" touch one of them. He didn't touch, so they went on their way rejoicing. " Judge Schenck, now holding the courts in the seventh district, has given notice to the bar and others interested, that the civil docket, when reached, will be taken up peremptorily regardless of my rule heretofore adopted. The Statesville American says that some thieves entered tne store house of Mr. Thos. S. Long, near Catawba Sta tion, Sunday night last, and took there from a quantity of whiskey. The night before, Mr. Bost, at Catawba, had his smoke house robbed of a quantitv of bacon: 'he Statesville American learns that Mr. Osborne Anderson, residing on the lunting ( reeK road, Vilkes county. had the misfortune to have his dwelling ournt on last Mmaay mgnt. JNothing was saved, the house and contents being completely destroyed his wife and children barely escaping with their ives. ine .Ysneviiie vmzeii savs tnat a train on the Spartanburg & Asheville KanroacT.'nnst Tnesaav morning, ran upon a wagon and team which had started across the track just in front of me engine, wnicn lauer strucK tne wa gon, killing both of the horses. The driver escaped unharmed, although the engine came verv near striking him. The- Citiseli says tbe bank Of Ashe ville lias been organized with the fol lowing directors: . James P. Sawyer, E. Hankin, K. W. Pulliam. C. M. McLoud. w. 31. LocKe, M, Tiieo. a Davidson, E Muder, E. T. Clemmons and G. M. Kob- erts. At a subsequent meeting of the ooaru, j as. tf. sawyer was elected uresi dent and E. Rankin, vice-president, with D. C. Waddell as caslner. It is under stood thfcjbank willf cpniienob' opera tion this week. ' ' ' The Wilmington Sun savs th.-it of nil places in !North Carolina it can be dem onstrated that thai city is the most ad mirably ltuatea tor the centre of great iron industries. The ore deposits of the central belt are on the Cape Fear River ana its affluents, me Sun argues that the ore could be shipped to Wilmington at a most insignihcant cost. Ihe military cfemhiittetP tbe 5afct)ropria tiolis f of the armv: and aB htn tnilitary service f to the riavftl commit tee the appropriations for the naval service; 10 commerce, tne appropria- iious relating 10 navigation, etc. A Considerable Fire In St. Louis. St. Louis, April 5. A fire commenced in North Fifth street last night and was fatten under control at midnight. It lad not extended beyond the block in which it started. Altheimer & White's store was gutted, and Meyers Bpos.j ad joining, were damaged a good dear -by water. The Fourth str aim Verandah row, were all injured more -ot lsfcb Tratw,-particntariy-Maier, vrtaub a kjv., hwb auu iancy arv goods awl II. P. Probes &3oV fancy candies'. The American Express Company's of- flee also received a. thorough Wetting The aggregate losses cannot even be approximated at present. Rinderpest In Bohemia. Vienna,- April 5 The Neuefreie f-Tfante By: a ne rinaerpest is becom ing increasingly formidable-in Bohe jnia. Several hundred places are now affected. .gricuHure, in many places Is at a standstill,' draught cattle being ''Y'W;inii 'm ' -ii" , : j Another - Texas Tragedy. . Jw Oelean's, April 5.-A- special , from I)aUas, TexasT says that in a diffi , culty yesterday at Kaufman, John Kell hot and killed Chas. Smith, a nephew: of ex-C5ongressman Brown, of JCen How can I have a dear and brilliant complexion? Simply br using Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture and ob serving the rules of health. English Financial Matter.;. : Losbdfc, April 5. Th'etfVmei? fmatrcial article says : - Tenders for 1,500,000 in treasury bills were received vpsterriav at rates by which the government dis poses of three months' bills ,at. abQut on? auu ene-uait per centraisQount and six months' bills at about two ner pent. Such rates cannot but fail to tempt the gOYernment . to ppsJii)Qne..fjiadirjg.its uuaiing aeDt, Dut tney are rar m- frnm dicating a.healthy 4oner pf the money Brief Foreign Item?. m London, April 5. The inter-univer- sity Doat race was won by Cam bridge bv two lencths. .' : H AiiBTjKQi April p. The orsenhatte says : "uismarck intends to impose ex tra dues upon ships carrying foreign r-- Offleps QQBoJldated, WASHTNOTn-W. Anril K Tlin V.roai. dent has issued an order consolidating the land offices', at MohitA-iTi Mont, gomery.the records of the former being transferred to Montgomery. The 6m at Montgomery, retain' their f.5SSSS2r. Sc?!1???? .PW lndlgestlQn or J iT.'i " ufeulJ uimi anyone lor attention- to business or any other bmu r 2SJ iBalti5?ore Pms always cure this distressing 1 v- i"van icaw uwf mo mm aoie. Nokfolk Easy; middling 10gc; net receipts 1,899; gross ; stock 9,077; exports coastwise 2,390; sales 365; exports to Great Britain. Baltimore Firm; middling 1 U4. ; low middling 1 0;.; good ordinary I Oc; net receipts; gross 115; sales 275; stock 6.882; exports coastwise 30; spinners ; exports to Great Britain t to Continent Boston Firm; middling 115bc; low middling 11 ; good ordinary 10w; net receipts 778; gross 1.088; sales ; stock 6.000; exports to jGreat Britain . WnJUNGTON Quiet; middling lOic.; low mid dling 101gc; good ordinary 9-'fc; net receipts 130; gross ; sales 130; stock 2 798; spinners ; ex ports toastwise : to wreat Britain ; to con- nent ; to channel . Philadelphia Firm; middling HW.; low middling lltfe; good ordinary lOVs; net receipts 150; gioss 1,006: sales 1,080; spinners 863; stock ,394; exports to (ire at Britain oil. AUGrsTA Quiet; middling 10c.; low mid dling lOSgc.; good ordinary 9ic; receipts 152; shipments ; sales 27 ; stock . Chablestok Firm; mid 10c; low mid dling 10.; good ordinary lCc; net receipts 434; gross ; sales 400; stock 14.348; exports coastwise 24; Great Britain 2,201; France ; Continent ; to channel . New TOrk Quiet; sales 186; mid uplands 11 tfa.. middling Orleans 1 1 1A. ; consolidated net re ceipts 5,491; exports to Great Britain 2,742; continent 4,616. Liverpool Noon Good demand. UDlands 61kd-, Orleans, flid., low middling uplands , gooa oramary upianos , ordinary uplands - saies iu.uou. speculation ana export re ceipts 13.200. American 5.000. Futures opened namaiiy 1-10 cneaper, dui tne aeciine nas since been recovered. Uplands low middling clause: April delivery 6 3-32. April and May 6 l-16a3-32. May and June 6 3-32al, June and July 6Va5-32a3-16, July and August 6 8-la7-32. August and September 6tya9-32, September and October 6 9 32, October and November . New crop shipped January per sail , February and March , April 0.11 a amy . MORTGAGEE'S SALE! TTNDER and by virtue of -a deed of trust execut U ed to the undersigned by Chambers fc Stegall, recorded in book 19, pages 212, 213, 214 and 215, register's office of Mecklenburg county, I will sell by public auction at the court house door in the city of Charlotte, at 12o'clock M., on the 7th day of April, 1879, the following vehicles, horses, and other articles of personal property: One depot wagon (new), one clarence vehicle, three phaetons, one double buggy, two single bug gies, one spring wagon, one carryalL one straw cutter, two saddles and bridles, four sets of lead bars, many sets of single and double harness, one clock, twelve horses all trained arid broken. Terms: Cash. BERBYMAN GREBX, Trustee By JONES & JOHNSTON, Attorneys. mar8 oawtds TO CALL AND E X AMI N E The splendid line of -WINDSOB MANOR PICKLES, VIZ: Autumn Cluster, Stuffed Mangoes, Tiny Tims Gherkins, Martynlas. S2.00 MARSHALL 12.00 H E H u s K SAVANNAH. ;a. JpOR SALE. , A beautiful Rifle Gun, made by Lamb ASon, Jamestown, N. C. For particulars and price, apply to mar9 d&w tf CHAS. R. JONES, Observer Office. -yyjELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Any person desiring to purchase a well Improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modern con veniences, nne well of water, brick kitchen, within Ave minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at dec! 8 this uiriuis. Also the finest line of CKACKE R S Ever .seen in Charlotte, at LeROY DAVIDSON' A. B. LITE. Proprietor. Bedueed rate-$2.00 and .50, aic.idli,K t, tlon of Room. M. L. HARNETT, Feb. 6-tf. Clerk, late of 1-lniiUr,' Ho, gTOP AT THE $200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE A Power Printing Press, Guernsey make, old style, size of bed 26x40 Inches. Was In use until replaced by a new one Address J. C. BAILEY, editor Enterprise and Mountaineer, Greenville, LC )anl4tf JOTICE OF SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, 1 Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, V Statesville, N. C, April 3d, 1 879. 1 of Internal Revenue Laws, FUTURES. New York Futures closed firm. Sales 131, 000 baies. April ll.20a.21 May ll.37a.38 June ll.51a.52 JulT ll.67a.68 August ll.77a.78 September H .59a.60 October 11 .14a.l5 November 10 .84a.85 December 10 .82a.84 . FINANCIAL. Seized for violation on April 2d, 1879: Two Mules. One Wagon and Harness and 24 boxes Manufactured Tobacco, the property of J. M. Morris. Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the abive described property to appear before me at my office in Statesville, and make claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, J. G. Young, Collector. Deputy. apr4 3t in30dys Ramemter, this is the only first class stock of GROCERIES 1 BOYDEN no USE 'Salisbury, N. C. C. S. Brown, Proprietor. Late of the National Hotel, Raid? In town, found at Anything you want In Groceries can be LeROY DAVIDSON'S. (&vathzx3 atxtl (glassware ENLARGEMENT OF- New York Money 1.05a7. Exchange 4.86UaK. governments strong. New 5's l.OSlfe. State bonds nrm. CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of the Observer, i Charlotte, April 6, 1879. f The market yesterday closed firm, as follows: liooa middling 1 oiAaiA Middling. KXici low mjuuung. m low middling. 9&S Tinges jk Lower grades 8a9i JOTICE OF SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina. StatesvUle, N. C, April 2nd, 1879, slized for violation of Internal Revenue Laws. on April 1st, 1879 : 4 boxes Tobacco, owner un known; 4 boxes Tobacco, the property of E. Fos ter; 2,000 Cigars, the property of R. M. Gaffney; one half bairel of Whiskey, owner unknown. Notice is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my omce m statesville, and make claim thereto before the exnlratlon of thirty davs from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT. J. G. Young, Collector. Deputy. apr2 3t In30dy8 ( H1RL0TTE PRODUCE MARKET ARPIL 3. 1879. corrected daily. AROMATIC 'MLllfcWILII The Dcalh-Rate ot Our country is getting to be fearfally alarming, the average of life being lessened every year, with out any reasonable cause, death resulting general ly from the most Insignificant origin. At this sea son of the year especially, a cold is such a common thing that In the hurry pi every day life we are apt to overlook'flie dangers attending It and often find too late, that a Fever or Lung trouble has already set in. Thousands lose their lives In this way ev ery winter, while had Bosohee'b German Syrup been taken, a cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Boschee's German Syrup has, proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of fts "ilnq In medicine. , Every Druggist in this country will tell you of Its wonderful effect Over 950,000 bottles sold last year without a single failure known. , . ....... Ease Attainable by the Rheumatic. Yei aftfiouetf the mav desnair nf relief It ta attainable by -rheumatic sufferers, for them 1 remedy which carries off, by means of increased activity of the kidneys important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists-the most eminent attributetfae painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin Sf7'?n?f5? Tae'njimftQf tali grand depment is nostetters, it preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion, of. the blood with, the bile and a certain meai (tf relief Ih jipep8ia, tfeter and ague, and nervous ailments. It 1& perhdpB.' the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to re eminently cure and verv ; The press also endorses it- beneficial. . -., consumption cared. . old physician, retired from practice, having had placed In his hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, for tb speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positi,ve and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after !EmgJ.!8t2d 03 wonderful curative powers in Ifcoasof cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his, suffering feUows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve- human suffering, I 2iDilre1,.cnarge' to a11 wn desire it, this jeclpe; with.full directions -for preparing and using Genn.French or English. ntl)y mall by 'inf h Pnamlng this paper. -W, W. Sr.9 Powers' Block, Rochester, New York., , . . ' "' ' " rdmnwardsof tWiv - . . - -v (v"noi vv uioivn oowiu hii?15ia'eenjl?se(1 tor ehfldren.- It corrects noiuiu vi uie sramaen. i ini hHth oniin niit.. Ti ii? """'6 r uuior Btmwf An 01a ana tivu iuivnu icuicuf. aoc per Dome. Corn, per busli'l fi0a62 Meal, ' 60a62 Peas, " - 50a65 Oats, shelled, 35a40 BACON N. 0. hog round 7a8 Hums, N. C ' y Bulk Meats Clear Rib Sides. fiafilb y, ... ,m Prime Rio 15al6iA Good; 121Aal4 syrup . Sugar-house 24a25 MOLASSES Cuba 35a40 JNew Orleans.. 35&40 Salt Liverpool fine 1.00a2.00 SUGAR Whita 9JalO?A xeuow iv&o1 Potatoes Sweet 85a75 Irish a50a3.75 Butter North Carolina. 12Va20 Eggs, per dozen 8al0 Flour Family.., ... 3.00a3.50 Extra.... 'A75aa.nn Super 2.25a2.50 'fOOTHAVASu TEETH. GUMSBREATH NO MORE Kheumatis f OB GOUT ACUTE OB CHRONIC s A L I C Y L I c A ailortu. SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark by the EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OF PARIS AND LEIPZIG. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated jusiuiium 01 x.urope ana America, Decoming a Xapie. Harmless, and Rpl1nhl PattkwIv nn both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris report 95 cures out of 100 eases within three days. Secret The only dissolver of the poisonous Uric Add Which exists In tne Rlnnri of Rheumatic ana Gouty Patients. 1.(V ho-rs for go yu. bent to any address on recelnt of price. indorsed by Dhvslclans. Snld hv nil dmesrlsts. Ad. ureas WASHBUKJSJfi S CO.. nov7 Only Importers' Depot, 23 Clifft, N. Y, For sale by J. feb 18 ly. H. McADEN, Druggists, 1 Charlotte, N. C.: JAMES MURPHY, . PRACTICAL TAILOR, Holton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. Owing to the stringency of the times I will In fu ture wont very cneap. win make nne suits for vosaimere suiia iot . ranis 01 suits same raies. 1 guarantee au my work ;no nt, no charge. aire mo a can ana De convmcea. July 17. v BAKERY. BREAD,' CAKES AND PIES, fresh every day, F. C, MUNZLER, TEALER In Lager Beer, Ale and Porter: bottled J-' Deer a specialty. Bottled beer delivered to any part of the city free of charge at ONE DOL- LAJi PER DOZEN.- . . Lager Beer Is healthy and an excellent appetizer and" recommended by all good phy sicians to per sons In delicate health. '. .,' . "All orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop will re- ciye prompt. attention.. , t , : mar4 Wx. ui wiiu connuenoe recommend them as . the Verv b&st mn.n'nfuobira1 iol K -im-wtr lnrf. J-.V"J. VI ( W. N. PRATHEB, Trade Street, first door-above the old Market, marl , IF YOU WISH to engage in an honest, genteel business, and make nlentr Of mrmet duiin? uie iiouuajs, sena your aaaress 10 r . : xtANDUIdL rl & CO., feb4w4t. . . , 107. 4th ar., N. Y. rpHE BEST STOCK OF ; a'0CISan4NFECtI0NEBIE3,j v- to thelclty, at : ;-JT i, , - ; , . L;KOY DAYIDSONS.-' an30 - CHINA C. S. Brown, Jr. dec 30 Chief Clerk; W. slstant. 0. Shell-lira J' CHINA OLD WASH7.W7UY RYE WHISKEY. We call attention of dealers to this wkbraiert Whiskey, well known In Northern and Sotf.heni markets. It is smooth, pleasant to the taste, and perfectly free from adulterations. Read wrttflcalr of analysis of Dr. Taylor, State Chemist oi Va. Having made a chemical examination ol a sam ple of W ashlngton Rye Whiskey, selected by m; self from the stock of Messrs. Lathrop & Leigh, I am enabled to pronounce It to be a strictly pure ar ticle In all respects, suitable for use medicinally or otnerwise. wm. 11. taylok. M. d.. State Chemist (if Va. LATHROP & LEIGH. Sole Proprietors. l-'HH A LSlHCarvstreft. Rlrliir.'iMl. V;. CROCKERY -AND GLASSWARE BUSINESS. MR. A. W. LtTDOLF, OF BALTIMORE, MD., a man of unlimited experience in this business, having traveled for 17 years in the West and South selling Crockery, Ac., for somer of the; most exten sive Crockery houses North, has been associated with JOHN T ROOKFIELT OHN AJROOKi'IKLlV, ' OF this cm, in the above business, and the firm thus constitu ted will be known as JNO. BBOOKFIELD & CO. Mr. Lndolf left last Tuesday for the North to lay In the most extensive stock of QUEENSWARE, China, Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Deco- orated China and Porcelain, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fine Fancy Goods, Wood and Willow Ware, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, Bar Fix tures, and many other goods too numerous to men tion, for our Wholesale and Retail trade. In fu ture we will handle SHOW CASES, &C. Particular attention paid to having goods decora ted to order, with any name or monogram, &c, on each article of China. 1 ' Give us your orders. We sell nothing but first class goods, and sell as cheap as you can buy at the North anywhere. LOOK OUT For Mr. Ludolfs return, as it will be a treat to ex amine his line of fine goods. ' March 27. JNO. BBOOKFIELD it CO., .. Trade Street, near College, i." i ; Under Democrat Office. 4 OLD ASHLNGTON RYE WHIsKKY. I am now prepared to furnish the genuine M Washington Rye Whiskey. It is of the niostsur rlor Quality in taste and purity. A long experience Justlfles me in commending it to connoisseurs, m ail wno appreciate good w nisKey. 1 17 n W. n. lAiiuu-"- March '21 lmeod. M M R R L L 1 0.0 V I II (1 JOSEPH FISCHESSER. PHOfUl-'i'- DEALER LN BEER, ALE, PORTFi AND WINES & LIQUORS And the best brands of Cigars- Agent for Fred Lauer's celebrated 'fieri i Keeps fresh bottled Beer on hand w",H m f . Engel, Philadelphia. Sold by the if 'hbea aviiauic ynco. All uij cuaiviut v- at home with the best Beer in town ALSO A F1SE BILLIARD ROOM ATTACHED Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte Hotel- gjcnlislvtj. D R. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST .B.WRISTOC0': OFFICE OVER L Dkco Stobb. 1U1 JWt" atisfaction ileal stnU: EAL ESTATE, 1 MINING AND IMMIGRATION A J Lands For selling and buying Mines, and will Advertise free of cost, all pn' hands for sale rwin . TTAf PI A 4 CHAKLOTlx., -KASCBSB' - a c Man." -Columbia, - ,J nHE Coupons on the 2d dS?n n I Cnmnauv. whicn wyy": ,1 ,e n ,vj P"1' lvhii. and Bank of this oHN c. B. smTH' March 80, 1879. Tre-"

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