' ' ., ' ' i: - . - - . . .. ""' """" ' , t I ' " s " , ! T - T " , . .." ' . . " . - - - - . i 4f r v . , , - Will llli . 1111 lB.ii ita"iMWMMMWWMBaWWBWWwrWWMWWI HWI'IHI Mlillii 't iiirif3M(l'WJlW.BmilMJULa,. ltM,' " " "'OTtnier. . ,,,, - k 4 --- ,Jr rJ1? A W' 22 . ! ' ' v - . II ' . A I I III rMtv-rs j"w'r!Ji rifl aw nVKSCHrtlOX HATES tag OBSERVES JOB DWlSTSfSMT 4- r,r -.i y -t nniiA t orf BJJUSXM BJLL-BJtADSL n - j r 1 2Lil Out af thieow4ypostpttid,.... , U81 MECIJFXS, FQSXXS3, , Aii lforto.'. .... . . , . . . .4 1 00 VOL. XX. - i '.mAKLOTXEVaTUESDAEmsSTgVi o iuiijrwwi , 1 1 -it r m ili it j ar Mwi A. . v .- -v rmw mm: .-, iVA. : rr 00 Or Mouth... 7K , , , . , h .. ,. 5. r ,r,'?. - SPRING DRY GOOXiS .4 ri fC'I "ly WJOitif 8'UIJiWl bunt customers that we have bo Jght an unusually large .I1TH SfTOJflLAHy ri" tS t xf in onPTr11 .IX) most )fwhWHWvif and ready for Inspection. .ioWMivi4 rU s extrfJ tot i We are prepared to offer this season; extraordl- . fiXHTfla (MAC toiJ t iuutW 8 .H iM )tirHW TSJ(Hi WHOLESALE Give us a call, or send your orders, and we w' guarantee satisfaction. ELIAS & COHEN. 2xiroitttrjc. UBGllfiCrTOLSr B 1 rA: :1 .J .is- -i .' 4 f I'l PEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE 1 TtirnnTNG. Ac. wrtH BEDDING, 40. FURNITURE, ... FUKNITURB 51 " rwA rt.io A Full Line of r 111117 ; i yh i . .j U CHEAPiBEDSTBJlMM -:1 )i:Kii.'v:i dKHu: Jl Jtf91f0 H ;-.:.-i;c".-)firtr, tuuni tfii itlwriwi T-UiiT .vl V lv LOUNGlSi'-l a JWi! S"tuH LOUNGES! w -nM iJO8ul;l v ji i (."(; 31 -yjitiJOiJoiq oi iwlflfias ia , .i.:y if lit WW LOCNGElrn- :- i '1.4 J t -l"iiH I t .l PI LOUNGia LOUNGES! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITSY1. PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITSr , 'if TfVUHsA -i - COFFINS of all kinds on hand. .JEp rtnFTTNft of atPklnds naKd. No. B West Trade Street: .1 (. i II i ' It T .f A ! H t K 1 Uil fnl CHARLOTTE,. N.C. Robes a iine supply. lii ;1S jaQ3 f 'i' IN il.iT.'r i Ci .-si -? RBB. RBB IT IT IT ftl K IS U URBR EE U UE RE UU R US KS II T UU K REEK - 1 '! - tvtaJtinO (J AT Tf-ir.ia- :; E. G. ROGERS' WAREROOMS, TVT.il Nixr to PosTojorfil .mi i tii ia ,xi -mo iu i'4 .XTATfci JA f CL? ,ri 'iitf-M My Stock Is very Lar, . and embraceaAIF ull'Lme of toteb s j i-pt i ifl a v tl Js,tfrrfA i PAItLOKciililBEK. DINING OO- i-.'.l '() . Ji i Iill-'IJ0?JLTIOjaAH' , T-'f ifT.M .. itf " r(vjr-oT Til'' s "Kb OFFICE If RNITUK1S .!l t'Jj hi 'li,U- t All Goods Packed Fieo ol'Charge'l " tiv 'jia ooH h Jjiwtt .rA'SAH At.YA HQ' I 1 r " ,, "r tuatr -wiuif) i,.r TO nASrrJifititcelved a third !;3flfek of all wool ttanttnrs-tnat nave been o- popular this oft. 'aiso' Kl&tilr r ratl BuntlnK. We lsh yotKSDetlalfitteViMdaltoour stock of Black and Light Colored Spring Cashmeres, the hand somest we have ever offered for the price. Don't fall MObk. atMt) attfck of Black, Gros Gralttjm Damasse Bilks. Summer Silks In all colors. .4ml lse, Henrietta and Empress Cloths, Freneh urgan dleft OJar ItJck ft White fidbds Is complete In euy Xa.n$I netted ad fld Swiss: for over dresses. Linen Cambrics, Mull Muslins, Marsa Uas, Lloen and Victoria Lawns, In plaid and fancy. A ai-g-afleFfHaMburg Edgings andlnsert Ingsln white and colored. Marseilles QuUtA second stock of Ladles' J Dl AAj Jf Ji VX llix JL IQjs:,,. :XI7 and MnlbierJ-Soods. Be sure and examine our stock of carpets; Cane Matting, OH Carpets, and Rugv ' A large andwvll selected stock of Parasols. A good line of fancy Charlottesville Cassimeres for young men's suits. A handsome stock of READY MADE Call and see our stock of Ladles' Shoes in Calf. Goat. Serga. and Newport Ties ChlMren's Shoes in iancy colors. A large line of Gents' and Chjv dren's Straw and Fur Hats. Our stock Is comnlete In every line, and we In vite a careful inspection, as we are willing to-ai pare uoods and prices with any one. Special at tention given to yrders. Give us a call. wllr. Respectfully, wtww i VA A H W SEIGLE&Ctt.vH Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st,, Charlotte? N. C. April v ' . ' , LAJIGE ARRIVAL 0DS jHQpft BROS.' AT NEW YORK CITY PRICES. i. i;i ;-. V) ffso , Look at the following reduction ofvpriceg hi ; ,-.i!'i j; x.i tumn lo .'! til 6 itents per yard ..Yard Wirtfl RlPitfhlng. , ft Coats' Cotton, 55 Cents per dozen. Hand-sewed Slipper '1 m ik'Hi. We onry lenaaieraLft a?few articles, but a call will coriTlrw everybody that we mean what we say ! M-atJ5??.j tviiiiira d. l t T ! ft I If. IV. liwt nwuiryJit-.ti 9 i j ! T Jftrs and embraces jjrytb4p! kept ln'anlrst class es tablishment We have reduced every department ; . . ,.TT'J.Ui ii J to keep up with the times. Now is your chance to buy tb v&i .loT-wi inki :j ujk .'tdir (fJ; i; iljori! .(LOit'M WUJ ill Utiitt ' n.j !Urf JCHAPBSTi--.'x j Joetrw) t,, iy. tUt'.xi .Smiths f yG A I N S peUr ooiglln'fha(loltl.f Bvrybody !s Invited to call. .,.: J-L-JfORRTS & BROS.' .K--J5SIJ HA .r:iMii'i SI0YB1XE0THING .1 TiJ ,ii J '.'AT UAliJI JrKlUE. OOO L OO TTTT H H II NN N O Ai-i r,4 T..H H II NN N G go goo ulxa. uu r ti miiAf Aim H H II N NN GGO w. kaufman cxys." : i '. i" '.ii 5 y-'il f : -. i A CLOTHING HOUSE!,. ....... -. rrrw t?ii rt)l UniSH ,.;iAUJi of Chftrtote!idihi6 section of T North CarotoavthieiilaTgestieheHpest f-iTiftaitlftl KaAfiBSeIeetodt8dk .wM a j J 'I J--unmi iirH loa dl to toa -ftia &tb liiH mf lo tntim jaa.noinl Ma Mti :Tia.-l tM& n4!iiaiijqi!B U ijd 'br' ii TIN G GO dir HN OW WB HAVE BTEB OITEREDw Consisting of-fliW usual variety of MEN'S. BOY'S, . miff isriwif .iif.-wi x-)iHt " a-r Jrtfi JUil i- FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. -Ml - " - : tli iof.) An we ask Is that our friends and customers, will give us a call, as it will .be to your. Interest, a" you will save from fifteen to twenty per cent 611 ' tout Durchasesi W. KAUFMAN CO4s.r0 We ask Is that our friends and customers. your purchases; i. .-rr. vv springs wiruer, vnoxionte, xi. v. Him. decl2 If iwfuuwwio bluer. And f iv wp.re fewer. Bill 1Ui And fewer were the storms on land and Bear Were sbmy summers ; . Tjmi If Life were longer Anri IPaltti nrapa atmnirav If Pleasure would bide. If Care would fleet'"" If eath were brother ..Viirtifi. To all the other What an Arcadia this would be! Ii rwriaa Aboil martin afti dffcrtdliihl T1S ..!!( Were Slavery chained and Freedom free; 11 all earth's troubles CoUapsed like bubbles What an Elysium this would be! i i OBSERVATIONS. Hi niitih 0 :. til O'l!, What Is the difference between the weather and the baby? One never rains but it pours, the other never pains but it roars. I'y.i-,. that there is a very ln- rumiet contemplated The latest sensation in Paris is Miss Cor'the'4 llon'a bride." . She claims to be an Americanand 1 UveVTha'deriViatfedas, bears, lions and otheff leroclous beasts. " fldi westscBietMtor, to les panse to a sBUscrlber who bles that his taDer is tolerably damp, says it ,'bec4uthCTl3slOiMduei,onvtt.J' dk yejog,hafle!;wau.eiveri,pffl Not long since, in Texas, a juror arose when, t&e evidence was all In and said that the twelve good wiAn on1 tnia rltH nnt- nriori in liasir t.ho latLuara VV XUVLkVV V V UU UAA UJ. 1114 WWU men and true did not, wish t 'Uliti IWl Wbenever a cow enters the yard of a hetise'yoii t can l uiane iut woLUiiu oeij ve uui iiti lire ani mal intends t eoiue right in through the ' parlor door. Derrick. . i T.Tc ' ,,!yWlua4vejcienuy stepped, on. the Doay or wsln a, Philadelphia theatreJandthe SUB' deiu) Jmaa let jOui a wua grunv, wnion spoued the scene and hiade'tne audience laugh. Tlth(eagobrgftris1weVe,iHoi taistaken when they said that a vote for Carter Harrison Is a vote for Jeff Davis, the ex Confederate President had better move to Chicago. He carried the city last Tuesday bv sone toousmids. .,,,) JPMladlhla aiAftefrhib Garfield revised his speech before it got luto tire official paper fit. Congress, and-took out whole chunks of revolution. ,1 , iy n 'Ml Him nnitMrri mini ircnir iinrrrrii t atuui.uvn, and it is even doubtful if it can be utilized In its lnykpreseat skapeto flie the Northern heart '. said a farmer laSyracnse. .as he exhibi- ted a Droke rokeri iar1 to the manufacturer, "I packed ,toia jar fuU pi butter find tha. Jar spllLfrom top to bottom. Perhaps you can explain 1,ne phenomer' non," 'iyivyea, isao,'.' was the, re.aay, . repij, me. butter was stronger Than the Jar." ... fK'Wned'8taiIyt$fthfe,iaVy Thompson escortef a dozen young ladies to a Derformance bf -"PinaM fore" in Washington tiM other'day, the rest of thW . and when the chorus Of. l l.' Htosidte ahd h cjUTiAsi lot Jiis aunts'' 'was: ' Krai.r.ftJ.,A amrfonoha IHhHnVrtA fctSlVl niltHoht ' t 'it' ;'mT ; Acting upon the advice of a learned Voodoo doe tor Samuel Broollns, a darkey employe of Jh8 Cln clnnati Southern Railroad, bathed his body In ooued poke root for the purpose ot curing a bad cold. Sam's fellow-workmen at Burgin, Ky., turn ed him over last Tuesday - morning to. see why in the world he should sleep so long. They lound a dead darkey. .it' :--:tr ... 'BRIEP'STEWS ITEMS.' Fitz John Porter's, hack,, pay.jKilL ........ &nr r A Texas desperado one day last weesH kjrie( t Vfepvll undertook to Mr. Stoughton, the United States min ister to RoesiwantS 'to oome home.it is reportejdj .r, to wlf(tU. ..,..,..; ti pointed by Speaker .Jiandall, one ptum regutsof themitnsdriian InstittrtK) m iivjt.sAyfrasig f thirty-two Gonntereitera-' tens in tne of from oiie Gen.fieldiwai3e.alay preacher in the Gflidiii if tbii DiJcifjles. ; - The cominanJnipressionrtiut,he, has beeh ' Metho(i;4 -iiiuitudecL' .' ; It hasirifipUedrtluitrao, rjie 23d' of DecemBerf last tDfeiiteiJt Hayes teader-. ed the German mission to Mr. .W bite law Reid, editor of the New York Tri bune, w ho declined the honor. V" M. ChfttjO'Cfaor, of New York,.has in favor of tiikholdV. i rs of Tennessee State bonds sustaining KMidJtHQfiWir liens upon tJieTnin- I cipal railroads in the btate. , KlfeiJllIficeof John W;"M- lips, near Petersburg, Va., was destroy4 ed by fire last Thursday afternoon,' to1 gether with all the furniture and $12)00 or $14,000 in notes and bonds. ;- At Greenville, Miss., Matt Chrismbrey a sporting man, was found murdered m his bed Thursday, his head being c$T&fl, cut, and his body ripped. An associate has been arrested. The next General Assembly of ViV, ginia will meet on the first Wednesday in December, 1879. The Senate" will then consist of 40 instead of 4$tnem-; bers, and the House of 100 instead "of 132. i& JIefw orM'pitpers announce yiat the jealous woman who shot Mr. Wash in srton Nathan in the Coleman House, Wednesday- of last week, was a Mrs, the actress, as was first stated. The United States Court if or i Louisi ana.harvin2 erraated a vBeetrarhingr order. iga!rislnymtrfeferrbeby the Stater city authorities with the anairs ot tne lottery company, there wilt be no, inter ruption to their business. j'.Lj. ; Over $i,0fr ere realfzed from a pei forraance at the .Walnut StreetThea- o tor the Denent otme lamnv or tne late J4cBeKjv(.Jfc,nurdered in Tex as recently. Washington letter to the .RichmOAd4 Disvaich : I have not yet. met a Demo crafie .enalorfeWfiO isin favor of con firming Corbin, of South Carolina,' w0t is nominated for Chief Justice of.UtatL, Senator Butler is against him, and so are all of the South Carolina members of the House. ' "&nM Frank E. Nevins. the SDrinsfieldCEu.'' correspondent for the Chicago Tribune was laEriday.MmBaittedto jail' by' Sneaker James, tor cpntemptni ' retus- iWtMrte6HbseitbmlUittee his aur thoritytor certaui statements puonsn ed in the Tribune. Counsel have 4. been engaged for him. ' A rrLftptinur of DEorMnenL- i mnessee-1 phis last WiMIollvWt&sHa-tl et Friday, resolved that a committee con sisting of ex-Governor Brown and Oth er representative men, be appointedY to visib2TewuYork stnttonfer asith the holders x State, bonds ;m reference ' to fheWdpositibil'sUbmitte'4 tothem by the LeffislatureofiiSfenftessee; Shd pledg ed themselves that, should the proposi-. tion be accepted, they will do all:;in ttieir power to procure a -ratification of the sameliy the people of Tennessee(i ?r LtIay.ahitbpxnamed Leslie Morton, while playing with other chil rlrfiTi on the tiirn-fetbieof fhrRichmond L and-Danille . railroad, at Burkevine,. was amputated! s iXlemue-rk through,'Wf father, at this term of ;NottoVay cir cuit court for .damacesu. ,1a viajr them at !feO()dvTli0'te'sUmQuywasHBontradic- . . i I J 1 i ' i f. . ... Am. . . . 1 i lory, out tne lnstrucuoirauj. uie court j jsir;;iJtJruwtMj was ux lowii last oatur were in " accordiince JWltri!"tne anplica- T dar. explaining to' our citizens its real- tion of the defence, The iurv has iust found fonthe iplaintiif; tlayiiagt his dam ages:at siu.uoo. ine company rai car- ry the case to the Court of Appeals. L'tjtl '1, - Raleigh Observer. J rro 'PREYT'THE SlCRlrtCE OF PROP- ;--ri in..; t-ttA - ... ,' , , : u. The general Assembly of North Cardli- ...tjaisui'iu, j r, iiiac au.sneniiSs.WDO nave 3 uugmeii fc. ouutuieu on aeut coatractea ptior tae adotJtiti of the constitutioa of arid from any and all penalties and liabilities .arising from or becausei of such faiUire s!aioresaid. tvirkr -i ,SGr2..Hhiset shall suspend.all laws in conmcc tnerewrtft arM shall take ef fect irnmeaiatly Drji it Ratification, . f , . Z Eatified the 7 J4i flay, of March, A. IK, 1879.. . - ..-. , .... WBi:ras o supreme (jourt oi the Ttitited; gtfesl'Jtfdh cas ofEdwards J5teyi illV.W October 'term. 1877. thaklne3.nersoBal nroDertv exemptions 'ana irmesteaas' jiroyidecr t ror Dy sections one ana two, ancie.v,; of the constitution of North Carolina, iwerei inoperative ( insi respect to debts and obligations contracted-, prior to the ack)Trfeioof said constitntion : and ' i .- f ;:VHmE'aoribts exist whether the various i statuses providing t for the ex emption1 of 1 property ' from ' -execution !hieE :.$ force:. at the date of the adoption oi said eonstition liave not beerr repealed; ; '"..'i' The General Assemblyvf North Caroh ' tuido moot . : . ' 'y'', ' Sectiox t, . There : shall . be exempt from sale under execution qt 'other final process issued for the collection of any debt-wpon-wll iwigments heretofore, or which'BMiy be hereafter, rendered upon causesi of I action, existing prior, to the adoption of said constitution (the 24th aay or April, lftsuisj sucn properly as tne judgment debter-.mayliavelhen been entitled to have set patt ' and allotted to him; and that all 'Jaws' providing -for H1ih,,.ftxlfraritioft.'if gT'ir1' n7rrtPtrta.iia are re-enacted &g?0?jiied, hmoecer, that the value ot thQ personal: property exemp tion shall iiot exeeied fivehtiridred dol la,ts,ttnd, the ' tomesteadshall not ex ceed one thousand, dollars. &EC; 2 That any person , desiring to aaij, liiiriself of . the. provisions of this act mav.have his personal property ex- emption and homestead -set apart and allotted to him m theniatjner prescrib ed; by cfiapter 55, Battle's Kevisal. i Sec. 3. This act shall be in force from r&nid after its ratification. Ratified the 14th day; of March, A. D. 1879. ,,Oa the-tth day. of March, 1879, aa act was ratified to 'regulate the practice of jtiste dtd..,ErMwi people against dental duackervK.t Nothing in the nefapplfes txthosengaged ihthe jassage,fls I&tfcHdw to prevent any one .ixuux exLiauiunr wjclu: out from and. vaf ter ;March 7, no one is to commence4he practice in this btatq ex cept regularly authorized physicians and surgeons, or graduates of -dentffl' colleges in the Union r out of it, Or thosolding certificates of proficiency rff itheyjitWrom.tli.e.State board of 'ex.- posed-trf sixjemberaciheNori &srTA oiina lientaoeifity, to" Deeiectea oy Baiu ; society skwtt o uui jauu' vear,' and is ta.meefel annually, or as often as need be.jfor'extmination of candidates, thirty uays,' npttce being given of meet ing 4n at leasttfiree newspapers. Four iJBieiribers of flielboard constitute a quo rum,! and 'mayi grant certificates,; and neither a quorum not a full board is at liberty to deny certificate to a compe tent uerson. on account of race, color, jor previous cbniitioii of servitude." If any person f practice . dentistry without examination and certificatef he is guilty xjf misdemeanor, loses his labor of ioVe, and pays aHjie Of f 25 for each offence, to be appropriated to the county school fund. r - -, : if The Ittfetior. .Courts were taken in hand byvtheesslature ,tnd on the 7th of larchi-An aofc; was ratified repealing all existfngvi laws ' regulating appeals therefrom land enacting that apneals L mayiVbe. taken, if rpm this Court to the (superior COPtrts m,term time tor errors assigned' in matters of law in the same .manner apd under the same restrictions "providecLndw by law for appeals from the Superior! Courts of the State to- the Supreme Court of the State, and the final decision of each Superior Court shall be certified -to the Court below, that fihaT judgment' may be rendered." Oritfif! Rth'or TltafchMSTOIthe exist- jng eleciioln !law ;vs amended by the aauiuon oi:two jiewBuuuiis hilci w tion 1, thus j ; " SEOTiolf 2. On the Tuesday next af terthe '.first Mohday; in .November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, and, eighty-two, and on said day every ioui? years tuereatter, an eiec- office of clerk ot the superior court. Sec. 3. On the Tuesday next after the first- Monday in November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred-and eighty, and on said day everyr two years thereafter, an election shall be held in each township for the office of constable.'' The duties, oCi assigned to "justices of thepeacebyecitons 2, 5, 6 and 9 are transferred jb the -.exjunt commission ers. -The election of .Representtiyes to Congress is fixed for the Tuesday aftf Ltiiefcfirst Monday inNovember in 1878, ajfli on said day every twovears there after. Section 77 is'amehaed so as to piede for the election of registers of 'jaeeds on same day with other Btate and Qffuijty officers. . Section 78 is repealed, iasrls chapter 199, laws of -187&17, regu lating the manner ot maKing election returns a. he sections 01 tne act or 1870-ifj-Ato regulate elections' are to be re numbered i accordance with changes hoted'above. . ;V :" . Cabarrus Genius. ICpneord Register, . ' Mr. J. M. Mobrej of township No. 4r has invented a drill and combined cot ton seed and fertilizer compost distrib- ; utor. It grinds all the clods.inthe com-; Eost fine. It has a regulator that ena les the operator to distribute the fer tilizer either heavy or light as be choos es. Any boy can use it that can plow. It is said by good judges to be ahead of anything of the kind ever brought to this country. Mr. M. H. Winecoff tried it in presence of John Day wait and H; W; Ludwick, and they pronounce it ;a a success".' - Mr. C. A. Caldwell has made a ma chine for cleaning cotton seed and pu rifying it for planting. It is the inven tion of E. M. Query; Esq-' of ; township Npililit jyjotfiFyittlce tecot- rnTnTeYs. " ' -r -,: 3 fOtirvworthyr friend, lr, G'H DeJar-r neiie, oi towiiaiup iu..i, uas ,ueeiiaa-i boring tor many.;months pn a machine which he calls a self-sustaining motor. . 1 - K "TA ' . .. . r . . 1 i itv and contemplated utility. . He needs some -pecuniary help to secure a patent,1 ana we trust ne wiu nna inenas- wno will aid him m his enterprise. WE Aj?E DAILY iiiiiiiiil - . . . :, ... . . : . . ' ' ',f ' " - rt-,-. ' . ir J. TRepreseritihg all thend :'. ''..n-.-y.--jU i ' CLORIG E r i'. 1 i -ru i ui : April 6, 1879. 1 111 ",' 1 1111 ' ' 1 '..'! f . ' ; : OFW(fE W . JI;. ,; ; 'h''' ' '''I'Xy- ':' ' ' ,; CHARLOTTE, N. APRIL 8,1879. I ' ' . 1 ! ' iV". -' ' ; ' : . . . ,t t;i : -;.i j j 1 ' : "i ..'; ;-.iM-iiO ..:-?A . ' . ' - , i .... , . i DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department we can exhibit the most desirable fabrics ahd eelor tngs adapted to this market, such, as Black and Colored Summer Silks, Egyp tian Cloth, " Satlne Royal. Brocades,"' Tervane Satlne, Suitings, Melange SHk, Bentley's Cloth, Evora Custom Cloth, Sllk.Brocadedf GrenadiBes. and Jap., Silks, Black Cashmeres of te. very, best makes, Black all wool Delaine, Tamise, Tamertlne, Australian Crepes; and other mourning goods. Knicker bocker suitings at 10c per yard; Black and Colored Bunting, and many other desirable dress goods. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Our stock of these must be seen to be appreciated. FANS AND PARASOLS. i. In this line we can boast the greatest variety of Novelties. , - HANDK'CHFS. 1,000 dozen. Plain, Bordered, Hem stitched. White and Colored, from 5c to 75c each. n?rbE PA'El KENT. Handsome all wool Silk Basket Broche Cloth, for ladles' and children's Sacks and Dalmons: these we offer at half the cost of production. Handsom est goods ever produced. Cassimeres, Middlesex Flannels, tc. 'i- .f"."-- CAR P E T ' DEPARTMENT. Carbets. In an endless variety of new designs, at all prices. Rugs, Mattings, Crumb Cloths, tc READY GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. OUR STOCK OF WHITE SHIRTS IS C O M: am E. LAUNDBIED GOODS AS WELL AS UNLAUNDERED. -LINEN- QOLLARS - OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES. LINEN CUFFS OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES. WE WILL PLEASE Y)TJ IN EVERY5 ELECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby glveiv that an -election will be held on the first Monday In Oiay, (being the 5th day of the month), 1879, at themsual polling places in the several wardsof the city of Charlotte, for Mayor and ;- a. Board of Aldermen for ; said city. - . t ; ' i -,,rr"r' T I - . Ward No. 1 Registrar, JohnL Elms. , Inspeotora Dr. M.M. Orr, S.M. : Howell, A. E. Gray. . ; Ward No. 2-rReeIstfflr, EL B. Wllllams. 'Insnectors yirohn'.'Liforehead. ' Dt "! William ruaviuson. .... ..t i , d No, .3 Registrar, Ward B.P.Boyd( ' Inspectors CM-Oates, - J. TL Careon, M. A. Stauffer." v, ; -, , j . Ward No. 4 Registrar, B. P. "Waring, v y - Inspectors.. Y.Brjoe, Bjito JBaotor. R B. Alexander. - -f.- - - 1 - ' v M, E. ALEXANDER, SherifV? B. R. SMITH, Mayor. - March 28, 1879. tde. i;J ui 1 I RECEIVING A' ELE0NT ASSORTMENT OP ' ' ' '' " ' "" !. ' 1 MarJt!Ageexffl inspection is cordially solicited. ni v t 'in i;j i 'i Respectffilljr Having, long felt that Charlotte can and ought to be not only the whole sale, but also theCretail mtfrket for the greater .portion of the CaroHnas, and beheving that the public generally, and the ladles especially, wlli fully appreciate an establishment where they may at all times find such an assortment of aQ goods at such prices as will Justify persons not only from the Immediate vicinity, Trat from a dlstarjce, In coming to ' : t ., i-ty:-. -it -n'!. t r to make their purchases, we have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to Include all the latest hdvelUea In erery line of goods, to the Inspection of which we beg to Invite your early attention. To those who cannot find ft convenient to come to Charlotte, we will at all times be pleased to send samples and quotations of prices. You will herein find a synopsis of our various lines. - We present this season to the trade, as wen a ;to -eoaiaaniezs, in ele gant assortment of Fine filaok. Blue and Brown Cloth and Diagonal suits. Drab De Tae, Middlesex Flannels. Harrison Cassimeres, White Vesta, Al paccas Coats, Linen suits, Dusters, m as nice goods and at aa low prices as can be found anywhere. GENTLEMEN'S J FURNISHING GOODS ; DEPARTMENT . . a f Has received Special attention, and deserves your notice. MILLJNERY ! MILLINERY ! This Department we have given our most careful attention, and believe it complete, with the latest Parisian novelties, including all the new shapes in Hats, (together with the finest Trimmings, Artificials, Feathers, Ornaments. Black Knelish Crenes. Plain and Fancv Ribbons of ererr eon. caivable shade and color,) Leghorn Flats, Chip, Canton, MUan and trim med Sailor and School Hats, at the lowest possible prices. 1,000 Ladles' Silk, Embroidered, Chenelle, and Lawn Scarfs at half price. Call and examine for yourselves. . Very Respectfully, . . , WITTKOWSKY & BARUCHp FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. . -FOR MENtTTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Men's Business Suits of Fine Scotch and English Cheviots, made up in our own house in Baltimore, where there are none but artistic Tailors em ployed. - ' FINE DRESS SUITS Of French and English Diagonals, Granites, and Cloth Coats and Vests. Fine dress Panes to match. .. ..... w ' cT- ' ! '---'A L .5 Hi . We have the best of Middlesex Goods, warranted fall Indigo; In fact the same goods, made by fine Tailors, as we have soli In previous aeaaona. We are sure that if any of our customers have ever tried them they will NOT BUY ELSEWHERE. .it ' U BERWANGER li''f' -.:! .! "ii I I ri: R LACK STRAP MOLASSES Under cost by the barrel, by -- '. ' LeROT DAVIDSON. JOA19V , . KM '-- A GREEN HOUSE AND ! -jY' S E E D i S TiO R E i , hi 1 ROSES! -' Send nd'-get' my catalogue of choicer Green House aod Bedding Plants " - . , , We can send plants through the mall to any part ?--- ' ' CL f AlRCHTLD, "," Seedsman and Flodst, (,i. : March 26 2m. -1 ?, , t Raleigh, N a , TTB'A FIRSXCLASSr . 'j'.-Vr"," Jtl i.,vl.. . .a .... fc" , !JV . 1 " ? , Smoke call and get .a Sartor, at !i ' rr; f ' LeBOY.DAVIDSOS'a Jan30 -1 ' " -:r'' T vtt...ii; E. D. LATTAA BRO. WHITE GOODS " nl DEPABTMENT. ! i'.;f i 'iy In UJ itn!t vUv.ii o fit, we have every conceivable fabric! BUbot nd Victo ria Lawn, Utal MusUna, tones' ;oft and finished Cambrics, Nainsooks, boot aheer and heavy; Plqoes in a very great variety of styles and prices. We desire to call very especial attention to tn new fabric in white goods, " Lenon de Syre," "a goods similar to Victoria Lawn, Ml superior m texture and wear. Our White, and Printed Linen Lawns challenge their equal In this market. HOSIERY Charlotte - .'AND GLOVES. l! -t .h. I'M i.'i I In endless stjles and quantities. See our handsome 811k Mitts. SHETLAND ; SHAWLS. ! i!'i . ',' '.vii i j . We have an immense variety at a low cost, and offer theta exceedingly cheap. Xverf lady should tove one, even in midsummer, for evening servloe. C U R T A I N ' ' ' laces; ' 25 Pes. of the most novel and beau tiful designs, 12Vfec. 15c, 18c, 20c., 25c and 60c per yard. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 10-4 Bleached and Brown Sheetings; N. TMllU,UUca. Lowell. Wmmautta, kc 600 pieces 44 BiMched Muslins all the most popular make. LINEN DEPARTMENT. Linens 4-4 and White Dress-are exeeedingly low, and we shall offer them to the trade at e very small ad vance. NECK WEAR, The finest ever exhibited in the city of CHARLOTTE. FINE SCARFS For Men's and Boys wear. WINDSOR SUA BF S f OF TUB j . LATEST NOVELTIES In Stripes and Plaids, smtable for La dles as wen as Gents! WHITE TIES, Ai Ww In prtee u 25cnU per dozen. UNDERWEAR. lib': SSr4iiHv i COMPLETE ASSOETMENT. V .: . . ; .' ALLpE ASK ... ' OV THE fTJBLXC la a Chance for Fair Trial. U REGARD. is ,H 'W I'iiK & BROn Fine Clothiers apd Tailors ' : 'I fa A I H-K set STATS OT WORTH CABOL1NA, l ' ti) irumi YaoltlAjOMntr.: u wt,vvtt yrr. Ih Probata uoon. Joseph Sparks indBeaml flpaiAEe;eciJton of jBenjamia span, weeatea,- ; j y i the fae.lrsrfi Law oT Benjam 'SpaW-deeessed ';I 'ifocBor'ftiuXiffniiici n It a'ppeatlrig ta th esattofvtion 'ot ftoCoort that Lydla DTmrnTcwtfe of : Paten Winmlt, Hannah FeRSi-wrfeof John Fettsv John Sparks, and Eliza beth Reddlk, wife of John BeddUcare heirs at law in this case and non-residents of the State, It is: therefore oo moUon etdered- by the Court that advertisement be made for six weeks In Tmm CsABLOnx Obssktxb, notifying said defendant to appear at the Clerk's ofice in Yadtfnvllle with in twAntr Aunt after aerrlce of this notice, and let them take notice that If they fall te-appsar that the same .willr be taken, jwepnww aw Given under my hand and seal of c2c In Td Elnvine, this the 10th day of FebrvuTjA. D 1879. .;Hi.;,.u: Jifo c ISAAC N.VUTAL, . 'ASPLENDm LINEOE. -r, , ii A. : i 1; i ' L ;;- . ti i '! I'' v !' i : i 3 j ' i j i - i ,.a 'f

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