Ouilv, year, (po&pmitl) fe mttxnxx. ,gU Montht Three Month... Om Month Weekly, (in the eovnty to Out QftM'eotmty, postpaid,... . (TAG81 XKEIFXS; FOSTERS, ' 3 ? PROGRAMMES, RAND-BILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, tfa Six Month VOL. XX; CirAELOIIEE, N. C., THURSDAY,, APRIL 10, 1879. stni tifijiS FT' V T L .NO. 3,15!). .', Libera Reduction for CUO. grg (Soods. SPRING DRY GrOODS We bee leave to announce to our Mends and customers that f e have twught an unusually large SPRING" STOCK, " ' . : i .'? i "ah most of which Is now.ln. and ready for Inspection. i ' ! ! We are prepared to offer thto season extraordl nary Inducements to buyers, both .. it S f WHOLESALE -AND- j RETAIL. Give us a call, or semi your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction. F.LIAS & COHEN. B UKGES3 NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DXALXR vt ALL KINDS OF ImNltUBR . . FURNITURE! BEDDING. AC. lSSmG,S: BEDDING. C FURNITUBK! BEDDING, AC. V FlflQHTUBJB 1, A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS 1 CHEAP BEDSTEADS! LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES I LOUNGES ! LOUNGES I LOUNGES LOUNGES! .'PARLOR E SUITS I v EE SUITS ! I ' PARLOR-AND 'A :f 'A )LU CQFFIX8 qf an tfnds on band. . COFFINS of all kinds on hand, j No. 5 Wkst Tra.dk Stbsit. CHARLOTTE, N.C. ! Hi TT. I if.. , Ladles and Gentlemen's Burial Bobee-a 't tine supply. r jau3 B ARGAINS IX Iff! a At: - , ! jj- . a BOGEBS'lfABEBCKI6 , t i .,, -;.'t?.ifr.!? ':: .-...r,-.?'.-KVi lij Stock U very titi'V 1 tt Villt'-Lili ir 'titiS lit '' b ;'i:-j .;:-.-Ss . .,, ,- - .. " 11 VK h LOlt, CHAMBER. DIStNa BOO J - 3 ii.l AMD OFFICE FUttXrrUBE f 1 .''--ii'V.; ..; itriQtrprsxriMCbaiiH '. ANOTHER ARRIVAL or NEW GOODS. We hare lust received a third stock of all wool Spring Buntings that have been so popular this season. Also Black French Buntings. We wish to call your special attention to our stock of Black and Light Colored Spring Cashmeres, the hand somest we hare ever offered for the price. Don't fall to look at ear ttoak of Black, Qros Grata and DamaskeBUkft StmnMrllkStoceloM. Tam ise, Henrietta and Empress Cloths, French Organ dies. Our stock of white Goods Is complete In every branch., . Potted and Plaid Swiss for over dresses. Lines Cambrics, Moll Muslins, Marsa llas, Linen and Victoria Lawns, In plaid and fancy. large variety of Hamburg Edgings and Insert tags In white and cotorecL Marseilles Quilts. A. second stock of Ladles' SPRING HATS and Millinery Goods. Be sure and examine our stock of carpets; 'Cane Malting. Oil Carpets, and Bugs. A Iarg and well selected stock of Parasols. A good line of fancy Charlottesville Casslmeres for young men's suits. A handsome stock of READY MADE CLOTHING. Call and see out stock of Ladles' 8hoes In Calf, Goat, Serge, and Newport Tlea Children's Shoes Infancy colors.' A large line of Gents' and Chil dren's Straw and Fur Hats. Our stock is complete In every line, and we In vite a careful Inspection, as we are willing to com pare roods and prices with any one. Special at tention given to orders Give us a call. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Try on st, Charlotte, N. C. April 6. LARGE ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS -AT- H. MORRIS & BROS.' -AT NEW YORK CITY PRICES. -Look at the following reduction of prices: Best Called, only Yard Wide Bleaching, Best Sea Island Cotton, Coats' Cotton, Hanrf-sewed Slippers, Cents per yard. 8 " 8 " "' 55 Cents per dozen. 75 Cents. We only enumerate a few articles, but a call will convince everybody thai we mean what we say Ourstoekls VERY LARGE, and embraces everytbmg kept m a first: class es tabllshment. - We have reduced every department to keep up with the times. Nowte your chance to I buy the ., CHEAPEST B A EGA I N S ever bought In Charlotte, call. Everybody Is 'Invited to H. MORRIS & BROS. BEAUTIFUL BOYS' CLOTHING AT HALF PRICE. March 25. W. KAUFMAN A COU CtOTHIHflf. HOTJ31! wi e; t,nfm..ui t jhkju;;.-. Km;.-, .-icri v '. : WAiWdtiit&ri& ti tWNtia 7-baf. sl&kv&'now MeittpewBrt&vVW and this section of W aithvt and most beautiful and well selected sax . 7i i jiii.Il U IJ -J JI .a a 1 09r 3TW)Hfl'-irira' JM; L. 8 O OOO T .T.I.I. DO vnt HA OFFXBXD, Consisting of the' usual variety -of MElf'Sj BOY'S, YOUTH'S .AND CHILDREN'S ; s r t h nrw FOD2iD IN'A FIRST CLASS HOUSE. '1 T.t T 1 111 m uk u that our friends and customers wlllKlve us a call, as it will be to your interest, and yo will save from. fifteen jftfSSgt . wmir tmrchases. w. KAUFJ1AM Springs corner, unaaooe, . u dec!3 ' OUU L OOr- rmf Uf O KW W GOO o at o o t 'S'lnS o go OOO LIXL CO . T U H n M HH OGO tsoo 5 i S Via i it s wi oda HaveEaje. ., FATHEB BTAH. The. shadow of the mountain falls athwart the low- fWPiaia, i f 11 i i AHf thf Bftafcw of fh chradlet mountain's head And the highest hearts and lowest wear the shadow 4 of some pain, And the smfie Is scarcely fitted ere the anguished tear is shed. For no eyes have there been ever without a weary ' tear, - -And those lips cannot be human which never ( b&aved a. aiffttt ' . - For without the dreary whiter there has tiever"leen i And a year. I the tempests hide their terrors in the calm est summer sky. So this dreary life is passing and we move amid its maze, i ? , i And weBiope along together, half In nail m ugm; And our hearts are often hardened by the myste- rtea of our waysj - i Which are never all in shadow and never wholly bright turdirn eMs ask & rxkuynra-nd oarcrearv feet auida. MJJ J T T t And our hearts of all life's mysteries seek the meaning and the key; And acToesgtaima ejiathwaf r on It hangs And He answers all our yearnings by the whis per: "Follow Me." ' 1 . ' i mm in. i s . OBSERVATIONS. A rich young lady has fallen In love with and married a New York street car driver. From the bridle and the halter he went to the altar and the bridal, and the only train and switch to occupy his mind hereafter are those belonging to his wife. 8he takes him for wheal . or whoa, as It were. Norrutowri Herald. A representative of an American paper had the audacity to call upon Bismarck in Berlin and solicit an "Interview." "You hef a dreadfel piece mlt impertinence," said the Prince: "I never allows myself dot interviews." "What! Never?" exclaimed the Journalist. "Yell, hartly ever jnpw getoud," said Bismarck, r . I i 'iFburth-fltreet four-year-old took suclr'.an. ab sorbing Interest In the story of George Washington and the cherry tree, that his father bought him a little hatchet of his own. That very afternoon the father had occasion to ask who hacked the bureau so shamefully and was Immediately Informed by his noble liUie son that George Washington did It. Cw.Enq. ; A mendicant monk met James Russell Lowell in Rome one day and asked for a contribution to re pair a monastery. "You should not ask me for aid," remarked Lowell in choice Tuscan, "for I am a heretic.!' 'That makes no difference," re plied, the astifie friar.! "your money U orthodox." The poet appreciated the witticism and made the contribution asked. Florence, the actor, tells this story of the elder Booth: He was playing "Hamlet" in Virginia, one night, and had no skull. A little darkey volunteer ed to get one. When Booth was leaving the thea tre, he felt some one tugging at his coat tail. He looked around and saw the Tittle brunette. "What will you have sonny?"- "Please, sah, I wants dad dy's skull, sah." "Daddy's skull?" "Yes, sah. Dat used ter be de ole man's head-piece afore the mewel kicked him, an' mammy'll lick me ter rags ef 1 lose It." f ' PISEYJUE LETTJiH. " . : Closing School Exercises The Speeches '.':Mi otheOcxastortPanoruinie iii Views, d'c. Pineville, April 8th, 1879. To the Editor of The Observer: Last Friday night, 4th inst., the clos ing exercises of the free school taught by John G. Potts, Esq., and his assist ant, Miss Cajpapbelltopk place. jAt an eatlynduf a goodly natober had assem bled and by 8 o'clock the house was well gacked and soon the sound of a small ell announced that the hour for com mencment had arrived. T. M. Pittman, Esq., of the Charlotte bar, was first in troduced, who entertained us with a short, pithy speech on the importance of encpiwagjng the pupUs to cultivate a Itaste for reading, while 'very young. He made some very amusing allusions to. Mother Goose's melodies, and spoke of the good old lady who lived in a shoe and had so many children she didn't know what to do. He seemed to aim to instruct and amuse the children and in both he most happily succeeded, for he gave them some very wholesome advice which if followed will greatly tend to their improvement and if the clapping of little hands and the stamp ing of little feet are indications of being )leased, they were certainly very great y delighted. This gentleman's speeches possess dnejvirtue from jwhi$h fsoijae others of his cloth might be profited, viz: brevity. After making some face tious allusions to the gentleman who was to follow him thatjjthe swan' was to be transformed into a lion he took his seat amid the applause of the audi ence. . Mr, Swan rwas then introduced and see&mgttdHtch the nspiratichi 2901 his predecessor, he entertained us for a half b;ohr pi faiore, with atautrfa! ad dress on tne general subject) Of eduba twrtTabonnding in good1 sense and mus ing "witticisms and was wellJreceived5by all. Then began the regular exercises of the programme dt'the occasion. They all acquitted theiriselVes well and some, considering their extreme youth, re markably weu.'The audience were ap parently wf ell pleased with all the pro ceedings, w.hiCA'tfcM Ivfluld fail us to particularize. Mr. Potts made some ap propriate and sensible remarks ywhieh wieVeu received. ( I , 1 On Saturday evening we were again calfed to'the Pineville Academy to wit ness sdin6 beautiful views Of scenes in Tex asMexico and other places-presented oil canvas by the power ef the stere ODticon in the hands of Mr. F. E. Dey. This gentleman resides in Texas, and is traveling in the Inlerest of Marvin col lege, an institution' pf teaming in north west Texas, ufldir fh3 feuspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. I had frequerrtly-'seen exhibitions of that sort, but never any to equal this. In the beauty of its representations, it was unsurpassed. The prairies of Texas were showri in all the flowery loveliness nf nAhura itaftl f . its cities. , towns and ranhea lvrS sjiad A fjorMou ex-1 actly apparently as they would appearl to the natural eye. some oirnennesi specimens of sculpture that my eyes ever beheld were seen just as they came from the studio of the ,. finished ; artist. Time would fail me to describe in ap- fropriate terms,1 half the delectable hings upon which we feasted our eyes for two hours. It was really a feast of reason and flow of soul, which every man, woman and child present enjoyed to the full; and led to the expression of delightful" from the lips of alL Ridge. What Mr. Dumont Said in Spartanburg, S..C, Spartan. ' ; Mr. H". Dumont, Of Charlotte paid our town a visit last Monday. He came over to address our citizens ? on the sub ject of Emigration In a clear and forcible address he pointed out the ad vantages that would, be . derived from offitiTiflr frnnA families to settle here. He said that we must go to work and help ourselves, in lactones ana an omer enterprises we ' must make the start, and demonstrate to Northern capitalists that it was no unecertain experimentf or them to invest in our State. Another point made was that- efforts to induce immigrants of the light-class must be localized? tttat isiifi a cbvmty or a State would send ascents to a certain point and put them to vrork, that their efforts would be successful. His advice to young men of the county was to give their attention to improyea methods 01 agriculture, to the profits of manufac turing, and such other subjects as would add to the material development of the country. , - "SeW Xiws and Changed laws. - .' Raleigh Observer. i Sixty days after the 13th day tof March, 1879j it will cease to be lawful for any fire insurance company, (except one In vesting all its assets in this State) to transact any business or receive any premium against loss by fire unless and until it has deposited with the-public treasurer $10,000 in United States bonds. On this deposit, in case of a company's failure to satisfy a final judgment against it, the treasurer is to raise mon ey enough to pay judgment, .interest and costs, and1 thereafter the company must make its margin good or cease to do business. This law applies to exist ing judgments. : Section 343, chapter 17, of Battle's Re visa! which provides that parties to ac tions may be examined as witnesses on their own behalf, was amended on March 11, 1879, by addition of a provis ion : That no-person whe-is a party to a suit - how existing1,; or which; may here after be commenced in any court in North Carolina that is founded on any judgment, rendered previous to August -1,11868.-; or. on -any bond under seal for the .payment of money, or conditioned to pay money, executed previous to Au gust 1, 1868, shall be a competent wit ness. The rules of evidence in force when said judgment was rendered,, or bond under seal executed, are to apply. Since March 11, 1879, it has been un lawful for aldermen or other municipal authorities to impose any tax whatever on wagons or carts selling farm pro ducts, garden truck, fish ana oysters on the public streets. Whereas, so its preamble declares, " the very existence in society of inno cent and unprotected women depends upon the unsullied purity of their char acters," it was. made law on the 8th of March, 1879, that "any person who may attempt in a wanton and malicious man ner to destroy the reputation of an. in nocent woman by words written or spoken, which amount to a charge of incontinency, shall be guilty of a crime, and on conviction thereof shall be fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the court. RAILROAD FRKIGHT CHARGES. The General Assembly of North Caroli na do enact : Section 1. That agents or other offi cers of railroads and other transporta tion companies in this State whose duty it is to reeeive freights, shall receive all articles of the nature and kind received by sucli company for transportation whenever tendered at a regular depot, wharf or boat landing, and shall for ward the same by the route selected by the person tendering the freight under existing laws of this State; and the transportation company represented by any person refusing to receive such freight shall be liable to a penalty, of fifty dollars, and each article refused shall constitute a separate offence. , Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of all rail road and other transportation compa nies in the, State to, keep posted in a conspicuous place in their depots or places where freight is received for shipment a list of its charges for carry ing freight, specifying name of place, class of freight and charge for carrying the same; such charges shall not be in creased without giving fifteen days' no tice, and the company represented by any agent refusing to comply with this section shall be liable to a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 3. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified the 11th day of March, A. D. 1879. Digest Supreme Court Decisions. LReported for the Raleigh News, by Walter Clark, Esq., Attorney at Law. By S341TH, C. J. : 109. Twitty v. Logan, from Ruther ford. An order appointing a receiver can not be sustained where the plaintiff has not an apparent right of action to the property, and -where it is not alleged or proved that there is danger of waste or injury of the property, or its rents or profits. By Ashe, J.: 111. Nowland v. Black, from Meck lenburg. When a date essential to the proper decision of a case cannot be ascertained upon an examination of the record, the cause will 1 be remanded at the appel lant's cost, that the pleadings 'may be amended so as to cure the defect unless it is cured by consent of parties here, in which case the cause will be retain ed. Br Ashe, J.: 112. Scoggins v. Scoggins, from Ruth erford: r Where it' appears ; that the husband has removed or layabout removing his )ropertyiY6rii the State, 'the statute al ows the; wife to file er, complaint for divorce and her application for alimony, without j regard to the time when the facts 'alleged, as cause of divorce, may have; occurred. This is necessary to prevent her being defeated of .her ali mony. It is perfectly competent for the judge below to award the custody of the chil-: dren or some of then, to the mother. By Ashe, J. : 113. Waring v. Wadsworth, from Mecklenburg. , - t .. it is not only, competent put n is uie duty of the clerk of the Superior Court to strike out personal judgments ren dered in a. nroceedine for partition, to makeequaiity and to enter them as liens Or cnarges against toe snares, aim to issue writs 01 ven. ex. on such re formed judgments. Where the judge below1 made an order for such ven. ex. he .may have exeeeaea ms autnority, but as he only did what the clerk ought to have done, and as in this case a pro cedendo was also issued to the clerk, there is no error. The statutory lien in a partition, charging the larger shares, is a lien upon such shares into whoso ever hands the land may pass. By Smith, C.J.: ' . , 115. State v. Secrest, from McDowell. The court will not assume that all the facts proved at a trial are contained in the record sent up. and th ey ought not to be. Xo more of the evidence should bo sent up than such as relates ' to the ex ception intended to be presented. Hence an exception that - the record does not establish' the corpus delicti,' nor' the identity 1 bi. the remains, cannot be en tertained, it not appearing that the ob jection was made below. ' , ; Wlien the competency of a witness is called in question, it is error to permit him to- testify " before the facts upon which his comDetencV "depends are de termined bY the court, and these facts must be set out in the record. In the absence of any proof sof the- witness' qualifications as an? expert in a matter about whieh he was called on to give, and did give, an fjpinion the prisoner's ohiections to the testimony was well taken and it ought. not to have been re ceived.! For suoh error in admitting the evidence there must be a venire' de novo. . r . . , . fS CHEW JACKSON JB BE8T&SWEET NAJ X 10BAOOO. SPRIE Representing all the novel styles in the New York Market. CLOTHING IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE STYLE AND PRICE. A general inspection is cordially solicited. April 6, 1S79. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department we can exhibit the most desirable fabrics and color ings adapted to this market, such as Black and Colored Summer Silks, Egyp tian Cloth, "SaOne Royal Brocades," Tervano Satlne, Suitings, Melange Silk, Bentley's Cloth, Evora Custom Cloth, Silk Brocaded Grenadines, and Jap. Silks, Black Cashmeres of the very best makes, Black all wool Delaine, Tamlse, Tamertlne, Australian Crepes, and other, mourning goods. Knicker bocker suitings at 10c. per yard; Black and Colored Bunting, and many other desirable dress goods. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Our stock of these must be seen to be appreciated. FANS AND PARASOLS. In this line we can boast the greatest variety of Novelties. HANDK'CHFS. 1,000 dozen, Plain, Bordered, Hem stitched. White and Colored, from 5c. to 75c each. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Handsome all wool Silk Basket Broche Cloth, for ladies' and children's Sacks and Dalmons; these we otter at half the cost of production. Handsom est goods ever produced. Casslmeres, Middlesex Flannels, &c CAR PET DEPARTMENT. Carpets, In an endless variety of new designs, at all prices. Rugs, Mattings, Crumb Cloths, 4c. READY GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. OUR STOCK OF WHITE SHIRTS IS C O O p p E LAUNDRIED GOODS A3 WELL A3 UNLAUNDERED. -LINEN- COLLARS OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES. LINEN CUFFS OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES. WE WILL PLEASE YOU IN EYEBT REGARD. ; ! : , , IZ BERWANG;ER & BR0;, Fine diothiera'd Tailor ELECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an election will be held on the first Monday In May, (being the 5th day of the month), 1879, at the usual polling places in tne several waras or ine city 01 unarione, for Mayor and a Board of Aldermen for said city. Ward No. 1 Registrar, John L Elms. - Inspectors Gray. r Dr. M. M. Orr, S. M. Howell, A. E. Ward No. 2-Registrar, tt B. Williams, Inspectors John L. Sloan, A. B. Davidson. Morehead, Dr. William Ward No. 3- Inspectors R. M Staufter. -Registrar, B. P. Boyd. Oates, J. H. Carson, M. A. : Ward No. 4 Registrar, R. P. Waring. a -i Inspectors J. T. Bryce, Rufus Barringer, B. B. . '- - " . M. E. ALEXANDER, Sheriff ! B. R. SMITH. Mayor. March 28, 1879.-tde. - - ANNOUNCEMENT WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF TEXTURES, liespectfully OFFICE OF WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH, CHARLOTTE, X. G, APRIL S, 1879. n WW, Having long felt that Charlotte can and ought to be not only the whole sale, but also theetall market for the greater portion of the Carolines, and believing that the public generally, and the ladles especially, will fully appreciate an establishment where they may at all times find such an assortment of all goods at such prices as will Justify persons not only from the immediate vicinity, but from a distance, In coming to Charlotte to make their purchases, we have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to include all the latest novelties in every line of goods, to the inspection of which we beg to invite your early attention. To those who cannot find It convenient to come to Charlotte, we will at all times be pleased to send samples and quotations of prices. You will herein find a synopsis of our various lines. OIiOTHIlI, We present this season to the trade, as well as to consumers, an ele gant assortment of Fine Black, Blue and Brown Cloth and Diagonal suits, Drab De Tae, Middlesex Flannels, Harrison Casslmeres, White Vests, Al paccas Coats, Linen suits, Dusters, In as nice goods and at as low prices as can be found anywhere. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT Has received Special attention, and deserves your notice. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! This Department we have given our most careful attention, and believe It complete, with the latest Parisian novelties, Including all the new shapes in Hats, (together with the finest Trimmings, Arttnclals, Feathers, Ornaments, Black English Crepes, Plain and Fancy Ribbons of every con ceivable shade and color,) Leghorn Flats, Chip, Canton, Milan and trim med Sailor and School Hats, at the lowest possible prices. 1 ,000 Ladies' Silk, Embroidered, Chenelle, and Lawn Scarfs at half price. Call and examine for yourselves. Very Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. CLOTHINGS FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CIIlLDREZSr. Men's Business Suits of Fine Scotch and English Cheviots, made up In our own house In Baltimore, where there are none but artistic Tailors em- ployed. . ' FINE DRESS SUITS Of French and English Diagonals, Granites, and Cloth Coats and Vesta. Fine dress Pants to match. iii.ii; We have the best of Middlesex Goods, warranted full Indigo; in fact the same goods, made by fine Tailors, as we have soil in previous seasons. . . We are sure that If any of our . customers have ever tried them they will NOT BUY ELSEWHERE, B LACK STRAP MOLASSES j ... Under cost by, the barrel, by ! . .. LeROY DAVIDSON. Jan30 ..s . ; Hiic.l.. A GREEN HOUSE AND SE ED' STORE ! e.Ptt ,: ; - . - . i. AT YOUR POST OFFICE. ROSES J .ROSES Send and get my catalogue of ehqlce Green House and Beddlnff Planta " We can send plants through the mall to any part or tne country.- . - i .",'lJf !t 1 ' C. B. FAIBCHILD, Seedsman and Florist, . March 26 2m. , " .. , Raleigh, N. C FOB A FIRST CLASS " ,.w i . Smoke can and get a Sudor, at . "" ' .... r . . LeROY DAVIDSON'S., Ian30 8M E. 1). LATTA & 11HO. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department we have every conceivable fabrlcr Bishop and Victo ria Lawn, Mull Muslins, Jones' soft and finished Cambrics, Nainsooks, both Bheerand heavy. Piques in a very great variety 01 styles and prices, we desire to call very especial attention to the new fabric in white goods, . " Lenon de Syre," a goods similar to Victoria Lawn, but superior in texture and wear. Our White and Printed Linen Lawns challenge their equal in this market HOSI E R Y AND GLOVES. In endless styles and quantities. See our handsome Silk Mitts. SHETLAND SHAWLS. We have an immense variety at a low cost, and offer them exceedingly cheap. Every lady should have one, even in midsummer, for evening service. CURTAIN LACES. 25 Pes. of the most novel and beau tiful designs, 12c, 16c., 18c, 20c., 25c. and 50c. per yard. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 1 0-4 Bleached and Brown Sheetings: N. Y. Mills, Utlca, Lowell, Wamsutta, tc. 500 pieces 4-4 Bleached Muslins all the most popular make. LI N E N DEPARTMENT. ; Linens 4-4 and White Dress-are exceedingly low, and we shalt offer them to the trade at a very small ad vance. NECK WEAR, The finest ever exhibited in the city of CHARLOTTE. ItNE SCARFS For Men's and Boys wea. - 1 WINDSOR , A R F s;c or IBS' LATEST NOVTELTTES In Stripes and Plaids, suitable' for dies' as well as Gents., . WHITE TIES, As low in price as 25 cents per dozen. unde&wear! COMPLETE ASSORTMENT.' ALL AVE ASK ; :wOY THE PUBLIC Is a Chance for a Fair Trial. -Mi OF NORTH. CABpiiNA, 1 Jto Probata "Yadkin County. . J. , Court. S'i..'. in,tf-i;il".h U ttl::'.:fi l.:i Joseph Sparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors of Benjamin sparas, aeceasea, hi I The Heirs at Law Iy Benlamln pparka, deceased ,, (,r KOTICB OT KNAL SUTLKMINT. . It arj'rearlne to the satisfaction of the .Court that Lydla Dimmit, wlfe of atot Dimmiw Jannan Felta, wife of John Felt8rf John Sparks, and Elto bethReddlk, wife of John Reddlk. arehelrs at law in this ease and Bon-residents ef the State, v: t It Is tnereiore on muuuu uraemu uj mo w" toat advertisement be- made for six weeks IrtTsx Chahlottb Obsbrvxb, notifying said defendants to appear at the aerie's office In Yadklnvllle with- in twenty aays uir bottiw? vi.wa "."".t; them take notice that U they fail to appear that the same will -be taken pro cemetxr miwafU a to them.. ... r,i v cir- I.'f4rij Given under my hand and seal of cfSce In Yad- klnvme, thla the 10th day 'ffffifyil0' r, i ; j ti frobate Judges ' dltwSt.. f i .r,tiwti-'t!'-'i. A '8FLSNfl LINE OF; i'J-ll M L' t. : , '1,'":. IJT' i f -Fine Teas, aTT grades.' Justlri.at

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