Stye Cljarlbiit bstrotrj SUBSCRIPTION MATES t l .......,. ...!... -...;,,- ? - . - - - - Sootr and gotr grtutltt0. TEJi QBSX&TMB JOB DEFAXOOXT 4 00 TftM JfOMMt..... :::::::::::::::::: ! ?g qm onth wMjcir vomosi , tl;,: 4-;t;: qfthtcoumty, pottpaU... ........... 2 .10 Siz MowtAs ......,..-.500 SPRING DRY. GOODS it !;' i We r that we hav bought ill unusually large1 -.tomers tbatwe havhughl , t .v--f -! t-'(r Hi SPRING, STOCK, ; m03t of which Is now to. and ready for Inspection, We are prepared to offer this 'season extraordl na y inducements hayejs.hothj f j WHOLESALE f V. -AND- RETAIL, ,1,11 ) i Give us a Jail, or send your orders, and we will guarantee satisfaction. Eli AS A COHEN. UKGE3S NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL a m n n in vi FURNITURE , - - furniture i -JV;,-.-. . BERDING, kC- WEDDING. kC .BEDDING, C- ' ' TOKNITURK 1 ' 1 A KuIT Lme of CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! CHEAP BEDSTEADS ! .! LOUNGES " I i H LOUNGES ! ' ' ' LOUNGES LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES LOUNGES 1 i ilrtllAMBER SUTS PARLOR PARLOR AND CKAMBKK puyja i , ITT ' ) tW COFFINS of air kinds on hand. tW COFfTN of all kinds on hand. No. r WTlAt.SnmE :i ?Y If i- I CHARLOTTE, N. C VB Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a . tine surjply. janij B ARGAINS Ef xi !-i-!ii.Hi Hi) " '. .Trt JO Km HTV M IT l'Ul'Pg V KK EEB KM AT- ; 'i'di '!''. I'M .-ti:'0i''i i'ti . G. ROOERSf W4RERP0M&, ;', Km"raPcnamc. ' vol r..i P ; stock is verr l. : ndmirto!i P. FuB - . 1 1! i f ' t . " t P1RL0R, CHAMBER, DINING ROO ; OFFICE FCROTTUBE1;'!'''! BT An Goods Packed Free of Charged r uu 01 ANOTHER ARRIVAL n. OF NEW GOODS. We have Just received a third stock of all wool Spring Buntings that have been so popular this season. Also Black French Buntings. We wish to eali your special attention to our stock of BlacK and Light Colored - Spring Cashmeres, the hand somest we late-' ertr of eri toe the pdce. .Don't fail to look at our stoek of Black, Gros Grain and Damaaw Bilks. Summer Silks in all colors. Tam ise, Henrietta and Empress Cloths. French Organ ttea Our stoek ot White Ooods te complete in erery branch. Dotted and Plaid Swiss for over dresses. Linen Cambrics, Mull Muslins, Marsa llas. Linen and Yictorta Lawns, in plaid and fancy. A large variety of Hamburg Edgings and Insert ing in white and colored. Marseilles Quilts. A second stoek of Ladies' SPRING HATS and Millinery G6ods. Be sore and examine our stock of carpets; Cane Matting, Oil Carpets, and Rugs. A large and well selected stock of Parasols. A good line of fancy Charlottesville Cassimeres for young men's suits, A handsome stock of READY, MADE CLOTHING. Call and eeiou stoclf ''Ladies' Saws in ''CAlf, Goat, Serge, and Newport Ties. Children's Shoes in fancy colors. A large line of Gents' and Chil dren's Straw and For Hats. Our stock is complete in every line, and we in vite a careful inspection, as we are willing to com pare soods and prices with any one. Special at tention given to orders. Giva us a call. ' Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE 4 CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C Api LARGE i ARRIVAL OF- SPRING GOODS -AT- H. MORRIS & BROS.' -AT NEW YORK CITY PRICES. Look at the following reduction of prices: -TBest Calico, only 6it Cents per yard. 8 " 8 " " 55 Cents per dozen. 75 Cents. Yard Wide Bleaching, Best Sea Island Cotton, Coats' Cotton, Hand-sewed Slippers, . We only enumerate a few articles, but a call will convince everybody that we mean what we say Our stock ra'v' . - VERY LARGE, and embraces everything kept to a first class es tablishment, We have redueed every department to keep up with the times. Now is your chance to buy the CHEAPEST BAR G A I N S ever bought in Charlotte. Everybody is invited to call '' :' ' "' ' ' '" H. MORRIS 4 BROS. . BEAUTIFUL BOYS' CLOTHING . . -. ;t". : AT HALF PRICE. March 25. SPRING CLOTHING. i t W. KAUFMAN 4 CO. We have made the experiment of purchasing a Stoek so complete as to inojuoe we tates nvvemes in Men's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's . pS fxu,-00 CBP Wf GW T(:i vrir.n .S-rrHAl -T. P.kVLlMT .1 .&Klln .w. H eftntte .btlelnneet,-im rrtn aarmentwucn is sora ai our uouae i wunnwjui pe Q0 'icpreaeuvpu, niH I? nto -5 iJ DQught eisewnere. 1111 iKOi ll t f vtr '- j tiH--. tJ narUJl' hx !o? bra aJBtriiii Jo- ,3 id I iuorssinA totm kiRM tt -?.I .' j ..jji.4fiiTv; season, and they have gained the reputation of be. Ing the best to themarkeV We preseiu mis bwumiu m un wmuiuw b una line of . .Kms i- li-ii .x.i-i ' i n r . , r Coois, Shoes and Slippers,' Including the best makes in the country. .There can also be found in our stock a complete line of line Felt Stiff and Straw Plate, and py kind of Gentlemen's Furnishing Gdods. , Don't purchase before you examine our stock, as the cheapest f :V- BARGAINS V-.- - ... . .. ., ........ T ' &'7. i - Can be had at W. KAUFMAN A CO.'Sl Comer Trade and Tryon i Sts- Charlotte, N, C charlotte;; cv;ti AflertheDelgfte. !- i ' . " .' vx wassj vtaaoauu. Once we were lovers. God! how strange! Only last June yon kissed my mouth; Only last June I lay in your arms, Lapped to the dreams that, are borstal the South. Once we were toveri ' Uaugh aJood; But laughs like this are not good to hear. Have you forgotten? Men soon forget, Even In less than the half of a year. . . " j, Yes, we were lovers. God! what fools We are when we love we women, you know. ' I wonder what heights I'd have climbed for your aissr . Into what depths I'd have sunk of wo? When we were lovers, I laughed at Hell; If I could have known you were there, O Sweet, I had smiled at its torments, seeking your eyes, And, feeling your arms, called it bliss complete. Just such fools we are when we love We women; What is Heaven or Hell, . Save as a man's eyes smile or frown, -To us, whom to love the gods impel ? ( And the gods are cruel they have men'♥ Aad men are aye cruel to women who love, 'xia, only wnen we are Kutniess and raise. "We may tistfe the dim rapture we read of above. Men are not faithful to things that are true. Do I blame you?. Ah, no! it was thus you were v born;. And a true woman's heart is a toy for your play; And, later, a thing that you latlgh at and scorn. '" YeC knowing atl this, I dared to love you! Droll, Is tt not? I have laughed oft and long. Yet you loved me a day O a mad, sweet day! tMore women than; I have lost souls for a song.) Yesryo Ioveae'jm Bbur! "O lhat dead hour! All other hours are out of tune In my life, when I think of your wondrous eyes, And your lips that kissed me only last June. Once we were lovers. Ah me! ah me! I have known Hell, but I found it alone.' Yet no one dreams. I'm a woman, you see. And we laugh at the world, though we strangle a moan. OBSERVATIONS. Never look a gift gun In the muzzle. Hackenr sack Republican. It should be honored In the breexstcwrnrmwen Register. " London has -a tenor named William Shakes peare, who Is rapidly growing In favor. He studied in Germany, and is something of a composer. An Atlanta negro, who tried to se"d one of his offspring through the postoffice, was promptly, ar rested for attempted black-mailing. Boston Post. 1 The editor of the Okalona (Miss.) State speaks of "peoplehood" and of facts that "shall be for getless." Very extraordinary Jackass, that editor. Buffalo Express. The superintendent addressed the Sunday school on obedience to the moral law, and urged the keep ing and not breaking of the commandments, and to fasten the Impression, asked: "Is anything better for being broken?" "Yes," said a little boy, "a nag." The address proceeded no further. "Darn a fool," says Harkins, who was vexed, to his wife. "So mote It be.'i said Mrs. H.. who was nourishing a darning needle, "whereabouts are you worn out?" Harkins said some people were too smart to live long, and was too awfully, angry when his wife congratulated him on his prospects for a long life. Oh, the tongue of these women! A nonplussed theologian Is said to have sat up until a late hour fruitlessly trying to get the tangle out of the following anecdote, which is related In Mr. Conway's recent book: "In an orthodox fami ly, with which I have had some acquaintance, a lit tle boy who had used naughty expressions of re sentment toward a playmate was admonished that he should be more like Christ, who never did any harm to his enemies! 'No,' answered the wrath ful child, 'but he's a-going to.' " Dimensions Among the Democrat'-. Washington Special to Philadelphia Tunes, 9th. The action of the Western Democrats in the House to-day upon the rule giv ing the floor at all times to the banking and currency and coinage committees has caused general' demoralization among the Eastern Democrats to-night. Jn fact, there is an unmistakable panic in this branch of the party. It is per fectly understood that the extreme in flationists have carried the day and placed matters in a shape where they can force the House to act upon the measures which they present. The on ly possible check to this sudden advance upon the Eastern and conservative men of the party must come through Speak er Randall by such organization of the banking- and eurrencv and coinaate com mittees as will make it impossible for either of thipm to report measures which are 'contemplated by. the large majority which earned the amendment to the rules to-day. This Randall cannot do without running great risk of a desper ate quarrel in the party. Eastern hard money Democrats are exasperated and greatly downcast at the turn affairs have taken. They say that the party Jias been soldi out to the Greenbackers in order,' first, to accomplish local tri umphs in various parts of the West, and, secondly, in order to force Thur man or Hendricks and their soft-monoy views tippn the East, and to do this by committing the Democratic Congress to the Western Democratic financial views. The action defeats the persist ent efforts of the ' conservative Demo crats to prevent general legislation, and especially on financial measures, at the present session. The same majority which forced the rule to-day will now proceed to press legislation hostile to the national banks, and try to pass a law at the earliest possible day retiring i;heir notes' and replacing them with greenbacks. In regard to silver, an ef fort will be made to secure free coinage and to authorize the issue of silver bul lion certificates on the same basis as is now provided for gold. The aim will be, through the ways and means com mittee, to restore the income tax and to revise and reduce the tariff. The Green back element is exultant to-night. Its leaders do not hesitate to declare that they have defeated the Eastern hard money element, and that henceforth they will retain control. The Thurman. Ewinff men sav that it is the overthrow of Tilden and Bayard, and that matters are at last in a shape where tne Jiiasi; will haveto yeld to, the West . That Eortion of lhal party Vhere represented y Randall, Bayard and men of similar views are deeply concerned over tle situation, and altogether at a loss to see their way out of the unexpected and grave .condition of affairs. The Recent Town Elections. Wash. Cor. Baltimore Sun. Tko onira nnmmanfa ' lnrlnlarAll in VlV some writers as to the lesson conveyeq. States are the cause of much amuse mAnf tii t.hA wfiaf.hflr-hp.aten noliticians. ."wrf i -T-- r There is notlung more absurd than the . 11 1 k. - endeavor which is so orxen maae eitner through ignorance or design, to com nectthe result of local elections with national politics, as it is scarcely . once twi a YinnAraA Mm act that. nrA has thfl 4o&t-. haarmcpfm1 "Arf nt.hfil. ; Aft to tllft OWo town elections, tt is known here 5hat m airnost every one or inenj xnerq were sharply defined local issues which ha4 a controlling effect. An Ohio mem ber of the House said to-day that he did not believe half the voters of Cincin nati even knew that Congress .was, in session. Consumption Cared. 1 An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful ouratlve powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make It known to his suffering fellows. - Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using In German, French or English, Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. W. Sherar, 149 Powers' Block, Rochester, New York. I mar25 4w , 1 t(o sxVthe MOSEY ? The Gentleman frern Suncombe in Reply to the Gentletna-! roin Mecklenburg. NEABpCshfil.LE, April 7, 1879. Te the Xdito$g! J9server: ;:My'frfipt Ardrey, was very much mist in concluding that my jeroer wagmLuieuueu w unuuism oi him or hiscburse in the Legislature. I was only defending myself against the criticism of The Qbsekyeb, which had founded its conclusions upon an asser tion made by him in the Legislature relative to myself. , Against this con clusion, formed und publicly presented through the columns of a widely-circulated newspaper, I thought 1 had a right to be a heard, and I felt sure my defense was made in a way not calcu lated to disturb the wonted serenity of my friend. But now he comes to the rescue of ThrObsSrveb, and in defense of Mr asserttdfiT and' presents an array of figures upon which he rests the truth of his position. As to what extent they verify and 'sustain him, and disprove the figures presented by myself, I leave the public to conclude. This contro versy, unlike many others, is one of facts and figures very stubborn things and luckily for all concerned, does not depend upon what either Capt. Ar drey or myself may assert in regard thereto. Every one who will take a little trouble to refer to the acts of the last General Assembly, and that of 1876-T7, can soon see who is right; but 1 1 hope I will be pardoned for again calling attention to the statement of facts presented in my letter, but in a somewhat more general way. If I have hot been misled these facts will be found to be as follows: The Legislature of l876-"77 levied the 6 cents tax just as the present one did, for the support of the penitentiary, and in addition there to, by separate bill, appropriated the sura of $100.000 ; this Legislature made no appropriation aside from the 6 cents on the $100 worth of personal property, so here is a saving of $50,000 per an nu ji. The appropriation two years ago for the insane asylum was $65,000 per annum ; this year it was $45,000, but under certain contingencies $5,000 more might be drawn from the treasury ; but $45,000 was the amount considered as appropriated a saving of $20,000. Ac cording to Capt. A.'s own statement, $42,500 was appropriated two years ago for the support of the deaf, dumb and blind, while this year it was only $32, 500 a saving of $10,000 instead of $7, 500, as I stated before. Two years ago certain funds raised by the sale of prop erty belonging to tne State, which amounted to $17,500,- together with an appropriation of $5,000, was to be used m building a mansion for the Gov ernor. By a billintroduced by our com mittee this appropriation of $5,000 was repealed, and the $17,500 covered into the treasury ; so. in fact, instead of $17,500 being saved, it was really $22, 500. The savings on the geological sur vey and public printing were about as stated before $11,000 on the two and as to who did it, I will explain before I am through. The repeal of the law granting allowances to lunatics outside of the asylum came from a bill intro duced by a member of the retrenchment committee, and by its sanction, and was never, in my opinion, referred to any other committee. Dr. Worth, I was in formed, said that it had saved to the Stale $50,000. The savings from the re duction of salaries of State officers and others were understood to be something over $16,000, as I was informed by those who had made a calculation of the same. So, if I have stated the facts of the case, it will appear that there was a saving beyond the amount $171,000 stated in my former letter. Xow, as to other committees being entitled to a part of the credit of this saving, in con sequence of their co-operation with the retrenchment committee, I have this to say: that the saving in almost ev ery instance would have been much greater than it was but for the fact that our committee had to be- controlled in some degree by its joint action with the standing committees. We were in every instance, I think, in favor of smaller appropriations than they. I do not in any sense blame any of the standing committees for what they did, for I believe all did what they thought for the best interest of the State; but I feel sure that they will sustain me, that we were for lower figures than they. And as the committee on retrenchment and reform was by special resolution charged with the curtailment of all the expenditures of the State, and made a full investigation of all the depart ments, expenses, etc, and were proceed ing to report and make suggestions in their line of duty, the action of any other committee or member of the Leg islature in the way of introducing bills or otherwise, which came within the scope of our committee, does not deprive us of the credit, as we would have done the same and likely in a more effectual way, Now, by saying, this I do jiot mean to be understood as claiming for the retrenchment committee all the credit of retrenchment, for the Legisla ture was full of as good retrenchers as belonged to our committee or any other committee. Neither do I blame those who did not agree with us as to cutting down expenses, for I think all did what they thought for.the best. So, if there has been, a saving of the amounts that I have specified in the 'different direc tions to which X have galled attention, then am 1 sustained in the figures made in my former letter, notwithstanding the fact that the Legislature made ap propriations in other ways which con sumed much of these savings. It does not disprove the savings that were made in one direction if they were spent in another, and especially so if without the assent of those who did the saving, After asking pardon for this already too long letter, let me again assure my friend, Ardrey, that I do not blame him because he did not agree with me about cutting down the ex penditures of the State, for he had as much right to his opinions as I, but it was a matter about which I had much concern and I was determined to lessen the taxes to as great an extent as post sible. and if one class of persons blame' me for it, I feei sure there is a much larger class that will approve my ef forts, Yery truly, &c, - if ATT Atkinson. Everything Goes Wroag In the bodllr mechanism when the liver gets out of order. Constipation, dyspepsia, contamination of the blood, imperfect assimilation are certain to en sue. But it Is easy to prevent these consequences and remove their cause, by a course of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which stimulates the biliary or gan and regulates its action. The direct result is a disappearance of the pains beneath the ribs and through ' the shoulder blade, the nausea, head aches, yellowness of the skin, furred look of the tongue, and sour odor of the breath, which charae, terlze liver complaint, t Sound digestion and a reg ular habit of body are blessings, ft1?0 secured by the use of this celebrated restorative of health, which Imparts a degree of vigor to the body which Is its . best guarantee of safety from malarial epidemics. Nerve weakness and over-tension are relieved by 11 and tt Improves both appetite and sleep. " -pr9 lw - 1879. ; WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING AX ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP SPRING TEXTURES, CLOTHING IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE STYLE AND PRICE. A general inspection is cordially solicited. Respectfully April 6, 1879. E. D. LATTA & BRO. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department we can exhibit the most desirable fabrics and color ings adapted to this market, such as Black and Colored Summer Silks, Egyp tian Cloth, " Satlne Royal Brocades," Tervano Satlne, Suitings, Melange Silk, Bentley's Cloth, Evora Custom Cloth, Silk Brocaded Grenadines, and Jap. Silks, Black ' Cashmeres of the very best makes, Black all wool Delaine, Tamlse, Tamerttne, Australian Crepes, and other mourning goods. Knicker bocker suitings at 10c per yard; Black and Colored Bunting, and many other desirable dress goods. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Our stock of these must be seen to be appreciated. FANS AND PARASOLS. In this line we can boast the greatest variety of Novelties. I HANDK'CHFS. 1,000 dozen. Plain, Bordered, Hem stitched. White and Colored, from 6c to 75c each. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Handsome all wool Silk Basket Broche Cloth, lor ladies' and children's Sacks and Dalmons; these we offer at half the cost of production. Handsom est goods ever produced. Cassimeres, Middlesex Flannels, &c CARPET DEPARTMENT. Carpets, in an endless variety of new designs, at all prices. Rugs, Mattings, Crumb Cloths, Ac. READY GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. OUR STOCK OF WHITE SHIRTS IS CO M P L E T XT O M P L E T S-J LAUNDRIED GOODS AS WELL AS UNLAUNDERED. LINEN COLLARS OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES. We are sure LINEN CUFFS OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES. WE WILL PLEASE YOU IN EVERY REGARD. istzllmitous. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice la hereby erven that an election will be held on the first Monday in May, (being the 5th day of the month), 1879, at the usual polling places In the several wards of the city of Charlotte, for Mayor and a Board of Aldermen for said city. Ward No. 1 Registrar, John L Elms. ' Inspectors Dr. M. M. Orr, S, M. Howell, A. X, Gray. . . ; ... . Ward No. 2 Registrar, H. B. Williams, Inspectors - John L tforehaad. Dr. . William Sloan. A, B, Davidson, - ;"WardNo.3-Registrar, B. P. Boyd. ' ' Inspectors R. M. Oatea, J. H. Carson, M. A. Stauoer.. - . - , Ward No. 4 Registrar, R. P. Waring. ; Inspectors JY. Bryce, "Rufus Barrlnger, RB. Aiexanaer. . M.E ALEXANDER, Sheriff B. R. SMITH, Mayor. - March 28, 1879.-tdcj ' :;::;;np,161,;- ANNOUNCEMENT ! Representing all the novel styles in the New York OFFICE OF WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH, CHARLOTTE, N. Cn 4PRIL 3, 1879. Ill (in; ML ! Having long felt that Charlotte can and ought to be not only the whole sale, but also theretail market for the greater portion of the Carolinas, and believing that the public generally, and the ladies especially, will fully appreciate an establishment where they may at all times find such an assortment of all goods at such prices as will Justify persons not only from the Immediate vicinity, but from a distance, in coming to Charlotte to make their purchases, we have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to Include all the latest novelties in every line of goods, to the inspection of which we beg to Invite your early attention. To those who cannot find It convenient to come to Charlotte, we will at all times be pleased to send samples and quotations of prices. You will herein find a synopsis of our various lines. We present this season to the trade, as well as to consumers, an ele gant assortment of Fine Black, Blue and Brown Cloth and Diagonal suits, Drab De Tae, Middlesex Flannels, Harrison Cassimeres, White Vests,- AI paccas Coats, Linen suits, Dusters, in as nice goods and at as low prices as can be found anywhere. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT Has received Special attention, and deserves your notice. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! This Department we have given our most careful attention, and believe it complete, with the latest Parisian novelties. Including ail the new shapes in Hats, t together with the finest Trimmings, Arttneials, Feathers, Ornaments, Black English Crepes, Plain and Fancy Ribbons of every con ceivable shade and color,) Leghorn Flats, Chip, Canton, Milan and trim med Sailor and School Hats, at the lowest possible prices. 1,000 Ladles' Silk, Embroidered, Chenelle, and Lawn Scarfs at half price. Call and examine for yourselves. ' Very Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Men's Business Suits of Fine Scotch and English Cheviots, made up in our own house in Baltimore, where there are none but artistic Tailors em ployed. FINE DRESS SUITS Of French and English Diagonals, Granites, and Cloth Coats and Vests. Fine dress Pants to match. o ' , , We have the best of Middlesex Goods, warranted full Indigo; in fact the same goods, made by fine Tailors, as we have soli In previous seasons. that if any of our customers have ever tried them NOT BUY ELSEWHERE. Ym BERW ANGER JgLACK STRAP MOLASSES Under eost by the barrel, b ROY DAVIDSON. JanSO A GREEN HOUSE AND S E E D STORE AT YOUR POST OFFICE. ROSES I ROSES ! , - . t , .-. ; .n i- i j :-. . .. . ' ... j ; .-1 , Send and get my. catalogue -of choice Green House and Beddlne Plants ' ' . ..' v . We can send plants through the mall to any part oitneeounay, ..- i.. - ..!;.-; i j G B. F ATRCHTLD, March 26 2m. -;- Raleigh, N. G' . ; ' : r - 'I i " l ' - -i ' pOR A FIRST CLASS ,ui -v -vlxkvS Smoke cal an30 Rrnnk MtH nd mat a. fltvtnr. st Hm been thtfnmghbf tmpplUti wttk awry needed qf Job Work eamnou 6 jam with naitnmt, wet r Mr iav . Wit tan iurmUL mt MJurt BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, . . LETTXM-BJBAD8, CA2D3, i 2 .:. ? J ; TAGS. MEOVTTS. POSTXSS, : PMOeJUMMXS, nASD-BJLLS, - rAMPSLXTS, CISCULABS, CHECKS, 40. Market. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. " In this department we have every conceivable fabric t BUhop and Victo ria Lawa. Mull Muslins, Jenes soft and finished' Cambrics, .Nainsooks, both sheer and heavy, Piquet in a very , great variety of styles and prices. We ' desire te call very especial attention to: tbe new fabric In white eooos, "Lnoa de Syre." a goods similar to Victoria Lawn, but superior In texture and weai Our White and Printed Linen Lawn challenge their equal In this market H O S IE R Y AND GLOVES. In endless styles and quantities. See our handsome 811k Mitts. SHETLAND SHAWLS. ..; (. We have an Immense variety at a low cost, and offer them exceedingly eheap. Every lady should have eoe, even ut midsummer, for evening service. C U R T A IN LACES. 23 Pes. of the most novel and b3au Oful designs, 12a, 15c, 18c., 20c., 25c and 60c per yard. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 1 04 Bleached and Brown Sheetings; N. Y. Mills, UUca, Lowell. Wamsutta, Ac 500 pieces 4-4 Bleached Muslins all the most popular make. LINE N DEPARTMENT. Linens 4-4 and White Dress are exceedingly low, and we shall offer them to the trade at a very small ad vance. NECK WEAR, The finest ever exhibited In the city of CHARLOTTE. FINE SCARFS For Men's and Boys wear. - WINDSOR SO ARFS of m LATEST NOVELTIES In Stripes and Plaids, suitable for La dies as weU a Gents. -,, WHITE TIES, As low in price as 25 cents per dozen. UNDERWEAR. . ' ' . ' '. A '' COMPLETE ASSORTMXNT. ALL WE ASK OF THX PUBLIC they wily Is a Chance for Fair Trial. & BRO, Ffne Clothiers and Tailors TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 In ProbaQ 1 : t - Yadkin County. - . f t Coort. ': cx .1,. ii-t , !.; t.iMr's- -:-, -; i ; - . Josepb Sparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors of. uenjamin Bpaou, oeceasea, The Heirs at Law of Benjamin Sparks, deceased. mmooar rakittrraxutin: ,j It aDDearlrut to the saasfacOott of V QrnttbM TA Lydla Dimmit, wife or .Paton Dimmit, KannaB , owe. JreltS, Wile OI joau fm,iWPn oiwm. ' - bethBeddik, wife of John Beddik,reheirs aMaw ys In this ease and non-residents of the Stated " i f It is-therefore o motion ordered twtoeCem-n;: that advertlseraent be made for six weeks in TK, Chablott Obsxktkb, notifying said defendants a to appear at the Clerk's omee In YadktavUle with ,w tat twenty days after service of this notic and let them take notice that if they fail to appear that ft irt same will be taken pro confess uadtxparU as Ut. e . ,1. 'I... fitven under mv hand and seat of office m Ysd-f . ...T'ri':,::. I '. ISAAC N. VESTAL, .J..rf t" ,r: " i- r- V . : 1mKaa TnAMn Pmhate Judce. '."(r.-ditwBL J-i1').;' t' ii, j iii SPLENDID LINE OF Fine Teas, aS grades, Just 1 , Lei iiDAvrDsowa-