m ' - , rr. . T. : I . .. ...... I . H.MJ CBAS. s, Editor and Proprietor 'Free from the doting ncnipiejthat fetttr our ' i ,- tree-born reanoa." v A LO.VG SESSIOJ AlllrjeEttTAlI4 , Ti i ui mi. nVhr V -" IWQ cratic caucus, Wednesday, has o; Mia wav for ereneral legislation an I ia nnw not to be denied that the eXtr; session will be of very long duration. Hitherto, during the session, the House lias choied the Greenbackers off, and to this extent declared against general legislation, by adjourning over each Saturday until the Tuesday following. The Greenbackers have a number of financial ideas which they wish to pro mulgate in the form of has heretofore been pr they could only introdu under the call of States, made on Mondays, and t up to this time held noMonday session. Mr. Kenna's resolution, however, pro viding for Monday sessions, gives not only the Greenbackers, but everybody else, full privilege to bring forward any bill that mavbe desired, of any duirac-J ter whatever ladld iMfeitday a ncfodlof bills may be expected. With all these 1 i Is upon its calendars and in its com mittees, Congress cannot adjourn after h wing disposed merely of the business for which it met, and the end of the session, therefore cannot be seen. I laving written the above our eye "TTie falls uppa Viel "WnSy frdmi jtbci Washington cofesohdenf bf the Phil adelphia Times, which confirms all that is written above. The Timetf corres pondat2tf Vfcftapjjs rtifrprm Karfjington under date otAvednf IdaySilght : The worst fears of the conservative members of the House were realized by the action of the Democratic caucus, which a caUed imrra.. after the adjournment Qf,th House,.,. Although tlm pjuietiaAvas.in 8e8siair:'but about ten rnirrutes. aeSolUtiotfajr ,'passedr that the Houses will regulariyi proceed to busihessoii 'MotidayitiThe flood irates for the. inij:6cndhbi'Dtt!s' will tlien beopeived,.andit''iwiil l)very diffi cult, probably impossible, from enter ing upon general legislation after the passagp o$fheigilalye rilll 4nil the nendinc consideration of that and the iirmv bill in the 'Sefoattf ' It is generally conceded that the ac tion of the House to-day disposes of all lurking hopes thntothfc ' present Session of congress is to Tje a snore one. in fact, the prevailing sentiment is now that therlluse M-frtaj to go into gen eral 11 leglslitioli ; I tnaf Itne session will last all summer, and possibly until the beginning of the regular session in December.' The oldest and most expe rienced members for the first time are making pp theiry jninds that they must spend the summer bere or", the greater portion of it. white the" younger mem bers, full of new honors, do not seentp. be unhappy at the prospect., ijae nnan? cial anestfonsr iwiu arlin be debatedJ the political questions will be talked of again and again; " the subject of taxes will be revived, .and. nobody knows but that Fernando Wood may bring for ward another tariff bill. ' After the bal is once started and JfcM fiddlers warmed up, it will be hard to stop the dancing. ;r roRRCSPn (MM lil Y i( f We print three letters this morning which will co4f8 and attention, r . AVe gf a'tr(e;th5rjdttferfth controversy toefcween'MessrAtkinson; of Buncombe, and Ardrey, as to wb saved the money to4:hef State, in which Mr. Atkinson re-Iterates his former .fig ures and still claims the credit for hte committee. Capk Ardrey is abundant ly able tq takq cajfe p.himseJL and needs no help froia i ws in this correspondence. fnc cm ' iK C, 1 , , v-T . , f 7, v ....... ' . . ' - - r oid pen a rnmplaint. against thfl met. chants of Charlotte, the charge "being ii.-i.ii i . 1 i i l f i F "jc "ci'Jij fat Wioie- uict,i iney sen gooas no cneapepf eaviilglio saie inan at retail, thereby leaving margin for profit to country' merchants who bxffoi$ilfhi. yn3t);ery na ture of things this cannot be the case, and doubtless some of our wide-aw alee merchants will Very; 'early answer our correspondents to their satisfaction. Yesterday seems to have been a goqd day for qoniplaints,. . Qne cpmes from Cabarrtislolflifi)eB thkrciailotte ig nores all outsiders and ia trying to make a monopoly of the celebration of the 20th of May. Xo charge could be inore unjust than that which the "old citizen" has prevailed upxyhabarrus" to make against this cityrTlu's paper' has beg gel the people of Iher State to make the holiday general and hfls begged ieople from other counties, and; .States to join with us here : iri the festivities of the ic casionl " In addfti'o'n,"tne 'fcbm mittee ! of arrangements has eitetfded a formal Ih vitation.fothe sameffect. There, would be neithgu-sliFBM r&s. reason i Char lptteundertarngtrtaW hU an ex clusiye affaii'. ;.Tlie larger, the celebra tion and the more people attend it, the greater glory, of course, to Charlotte; and tmLittl flt time that Charlotte has ever been accused of failing to embrace an opportunityi to capture all the1 It'm glbfy that was! ly ing around without a claimant. Ifi we couldioWttjmrand a celebration without our neignWrsWwda wittinheir j as sistance, there would i be some force in the arjaignment, butsince. w-carinot the indictment against us will noVle. Since the invitations aoresaid jp9& dial and spontaneous,4iaV4 Mmf Utilis ed, and wqceitiis AJlearl.irnpfcacticile to haya,. thfl finnifh'lt-twg Qj'&mhssc. ment,ihVitation,&c selected from all over the State; It absence of specifications, to see whei ein to pro rate the glory witfc them a iuBUAgKj.neaar.jri unfti, btate -'Ellio Mpf &&jLi$mmtei as to thevWtieof the decased,one pf thV in history arid nother1pron6unced it vuc uiwai, uiiaiuuua ueea committed .BiucB.iuB oaviours crtrcinxlon " 1 - r1 T '.AJ.1 JollsJiutthia vhiciias OBIT y i rile 1& couniesj tuese sisters will divide the burdenswitn"us, we'.wUtwety.lad " the i4M;drst&inMed as3assin-ifn rnp rTiriRTTiTVnV snMC flV TMS COTTSTY if lli ii i - -VvrinsuusKKumiiMMRffi' The board of county commissioners oif this county, at their meetingvThurs day, appointed as'asspssoH sot jtjie ('ya.P ue oi reai estate m wje cuvu i- ty.forthepurposejtarng U others Messrs. RleSander, TV". E. - Ardrev and J. L. Brown. The first named of these gentlemen is the Sena tor and the others are the Commoners from thiomity, an tjie question has leen raisM: ald thefr ''eligibility as as- "GssOTS? epnetiutrkC-'ttie -State ,rovi 'S, to:IVI J U VI "No nerson. who shall liold an office or place of trust or profit under the United States, or anv department thereof, or under this State, orany other State, or government, shall hold or exercise any 'other office or place of trust or profit pnder the authority of this State, or be Wierihle to a seat in either House of the General Assembly: Provided, That faothing herein contained shall extend io officers in the militia, justices of the e.emmis&ioni8 otrfBUDiic opari- ol (tnimfsioiite!s Bor special f pur-. s. I I U I he SersoiA naftifid are, we believe, e-ho1derd4th Jfeanfe of tiuiji they are members of the General As sembly and will continue to be until jtheir successors are elected and quali fied. The place of assessor is an office of both trust and profit, and it seems very clear that Messrs. Alexander, Ar- cretf ad BHn tfapmit bold it under the constitution unless they first resign their seats in the Legislature. A.s the board of assessors is called to meet at the court house on the same day in May provided for the meeting of the board of county commissioner?, I this- discovery wouM-eeera to--Fender-ife4 :v to haye a special meeting, pf e-' nimis3ioners Between mm ume an4 Ute first Monday in next month in order that they may rescind the ap pointments of the gentlemen named and sypyiheirces v .t- s r. k c f Oh.Dd(t elm how rif of yoit pt vofafiSreief l)wn; IM SgOing tol make a speech; 111 be hanged it 1 don't!" was what Steele, of Xorth Caro lina, said in the House the other day When the members were crowding for ward to get their names on the list on the 'Speaker's table of those who are to make speeches on the legislative, exec utive and judicial appropriation bill. The Supreme Court of the State ad journed Thursday after a term cover ing three months and nearly a half. Thaltaleigh Observer says that during its sitting the court tiled one hundred and thirty-four opinions, of which Chief Justice Smith rendered fifty-five, Jus tice Dillard forty-six, and Justice Ashe thirty-three. Justice Bradley, better known as Alitnule3o,.,x'33s to, redeem him self. . Iti said" that ifi the J4c6ea xwpu and mandamus cases, from Virginia, which are to be heard in the Supreme Court of the United States next , Man day, he Vei II be one of those whose judgment will be favorable to the claim of the State. 1 1 Temporal Power Wanted,and the Ex pulsion of Heretical .Tem-htr. from Rome. Londox, April 11. Tlie T fines Rome OKresiKUideiM, sas-; y "ltie i'epqs etVer licaiceinTut lie tuubational tfut&tidn has great importance apart from the sub ject of which it treats, as it directly con firms the impression which some news papers have combated that the Pope 1 understands the liberty and dignity tf the Papacy to consist in removing from Rome all means of practicing and pro pagating whatever the church holds to be heretical, and that his gradually in creasing insistance on the restoration of teinporal. power is- prompted by the equally increasing conviction that un I i:i ii ri tux : i : .. i l . 1 lrTOfflTfoletontnTMlJtTa til i eLtyjOl worship .apa lpgtrucUon Ih UfecMres that ihthis.'bblviciev f ttgioh of Christ ouglrt 16 reigh sbvefe4gn and universal, and the teacher of faith ought to have free power to close all access ttgajnsy mp;ety.aiid to 'luainfain he piry of (ithjghcjeaching' The Virginia Gold Cases Set for Trial. Richmond, April 11. The cases of theXTrfiitatea lagainst iiiiber Af prominent Tirgihians, known' as " the "gold cases," have been set for trial in the United Statues Court to-morrow. These are cases in which the Federal government sues ex-Gov. Wm. Smith and other ex-State officials, who were in authority at the time of the evacua tion et Richmond m 1863 for $50,000 rn gold, claimed by the United States as spons oi war, ana saia to nave oeen ap propriated by the defendants. Tarawnlntplaskfl. j- Washington, April 11. The secre tary of the navy lias ordered the James town, now at More Island, to be fitted out for sea as speedily as possible. She will be sent to Sitka to take the place of tha Alaska. The Jamestown is a sloop of about 900 tons and will have a crew taensi Jbha wll carry li uft-diecf , besides hoviitterg iwtU,b provide! Nfitf suns and GfitU two patrdl Probable Double Harder In Indiana. VliNUlJNJNA'll, -iVpili 11. UlSpclLCJl rrom iiNew Aioany, Indiana, saysuavld Mauck, Wednesday night, murdered his wiferby tlieJlw8 tof a. pole axe, wMle shlwhkkalie.f iSmblVaftigbto, . living in the family, hearing the shrieks or Mrs. Mauck, rushed to the room, where upon Mauck struck her blows that will '" Garibaldi and Universal Suffrage. - London, ApiJLllfrr?Atspeoiabtf'the Standard fttott Kotne'saya : ' "Mdriy'Rt publican leaders are expected, to, arrive here shortly to meet at Garibaldi's house The message also stated that at a -meeting of Democratic leaders at Menoth, tJatibaldi's residence a movement in favor of universal suffrage Was discuss ed.; Cmtiineederat" Usnipatlon in Vir- .:nilf'S::;'.' i .h Richmond." April n hriipris irmnri j -Ajoritw-itaialf the recent d wuii vl u nnea siaies j uage Klves, in Indicting the county judges in his (the western) district, for not having mixed Juries in their courts will followed by a similar movement in this, (the east ern) district; and that the United States district attorney will probably to-morrow present the names of a number of of county judges for indictment.-- (Slhltl inK OXLT TBIS8 0! IXJXJtSST. ' Sptn npt Besolttloii Prore$4f t- wUlitlieJietislktnrBUl-lahU i-'t f 5 : . pVoVeediri-'s c 'JC!V' C1 "Washington, April . 11. S Senate. Hereford called up Hoai-'s resolution declaring the Democratic programme for the passage of the appropriation bills to be unconstitutional and revplii tionary, and inadei apjeecfi; gitit. insisting that no such action was con iiuaiuiu t 5 we ?rjBiclusion of Heretord s speeclfthe Senate took up the army bill, the provisions ot which were ex plained by Withers. The bill was con sidered by sections When the sixth section, which prohibits the use of troops at the polls, was reached, the Senate adjourned until Monday House. The House has gone into committee on the legislative appropria tion bill, the announcement of the com mittees having been postponed until the afternoon. There are some fifteen pages ith!"prfried 111" to pQ acted on before cafttef tf d pfoyisions are reached. n,mepmetol waagreed to direct- tne Commissioner of Agriculture tai surtriypaa-easc & ibfe Quantity of seeds and sbTirBs'to theorrgressmen for dis tribution among their agricultural con stituents. Amendments were also adopted increasing the appropriation for the purchase of seeds. THE IIOUSE COMMITTEES. The following are the chairmen of 4&pMf "cfcmirfititeee )q jtlie! $dusean hounced by the speaker this afternoon together with all the members of the most important committees: Elections Springer, of Illinois. Ways, and Means Fernando Wood, of New York. The other members of this committee are Tucker, Gibson, Phelps, Morrison, Mills, Carlisle,' Fei- t, - trarnkl, - Krtty; - ?orjger , P i j e an Dunnell, Appropriations Atkins, of Tennes nessee. The other members are Blount, Singleton, of Mississippi.Clymer, Black burn, Wells, Cobb, Forney, McMahon, Baker. Monroe. Hawlev. Hubbell. Cam eron and HistK(k.( ) ) s ' j ? i linnH tirr nnrl fiivvirv limlriioi- rf Maryland. The other, members are EJwing, Davis, of Xorth Carolina, looting, of Tennessee, Lewis, Lawns- burg, Ladd, Chittenden, Fort, -Price and Crapo. , : , . . : Pacific Railroitds-rMcLane, of "Mitry- land. .'.;,'" :' . .. . - :;'..':' Claims Bright, of Tennessee. Commerce Beagan.'of Texas. , t ' Public Lands Converse, of Oliio. i Postoffices' Moneys t)f Mississippi; ! District of Coluuibia1 H unton ,ot Vii.,! ginia. . , , . . Judiciary Knott, of Kentucky. ' War Claims Bragg, of Wisconsin. Public Expenditures Finley.of Ohio. I'rivate Land Claims-GiuHhetof Ar kansas. v i ) J . r M inufactures Wise, of Pennsyl vania. Agriculture Covert, of Xew York. Indian Affairs Scales,of Xorth Caro lina. Military Affairs Sparks, of Illinois. Militia Ross, of Xew Jersey. Xaval Affairs Whittborne, of Ten- Foreign Affairsd ot NeivYbtk. h lerritories Muldrow, or Mississippi. 1 IA. UlUllVlllkl J J. HOlVllO 1 9 of Oregon. Invalid Pensions Coffroth, of Penn sylvania. Railways and Caualsr tr i n i a J Cabel, o Vir j Stevenson, of II- Mines and Mining linois. Education and LabQr Goode, of Vir ginia. Revision of the Laws IIarris,of Vir Coinage Stephens, pf Xeorgia., Patents Vance, of llofth, Carolina. Public Buildings Cook, of Georgia. Accounts Henry, of Maryland. Mileage Cobb, of Indiana. Expenditures in the State Depart-meiit-j-Clymer.of Pennsylvania. Expenditures in the Treas,ury De partpient Morrison, of Illinois. -; Expenditures in the War Department Blackburn, of Kentucky. , Expenditures in the Xavy Depart ment Townshend, of Illinois ; fc : Expenditures 'in - the Postoffice De-' partment Ladd, of Maine. Expenditures in the Interior Depart ment Muller, of Xew York. Expenditures in, public Buildings Denster, of Wisconsin. Expenditures in the Departmentbf Just i ca 1 tlouutol Georgia Mississippi Levees Robertson, of Louisiana. ' ; ( ; ; Rujes-j-rI3ie,Si9a!ker. Reform in Civil Service llostetter, of Indiana. The Law as to President ial elections jBickiif 11, of Indiana.. , , ., ... Ventilation of the UalJliiimeIl,of i Maryland. Depression of IaboiY ri?ur' V Penn sylvania. Epidemic Diseases Young, of Ten tissee. "Printing Singleton, of Mississippi. Enrolled Bills Kenna, of AVest Vir ginia. Librarv Geddes. of Ohio. Census Cox, bf.Kew, :York.; I Hi CABINET "DISCrSSION.s. The cabinet to-day considered the re ports of a threatened outbreak at Sa moa, and also of troubles at Tapatipea, one of the Scutll Sea Islands. An American vessel will visit both places for the protection of American jnter- fsts. The cabinet also discussed the ndian problem in its various phases, involving our relations with Canada in case Sitting Bull assumes hostilities. The case of Moses, and other important Indian affairs, are now under consider ation by the department. NOMINATIONS. - Robt. P. Wilson, of Pennsylvania, to fee United States consul at Moscow ; W. El well, of Goldsb&r,! X. (, Consul at itYiiioy. .1117 UALWI-n. A. T. Roberson, John GarrelkS. S. Gant and Chas. C. Cansey have been ap pointed revenue storekeepers and gaug ers for the fifth district of: "Xorth Cart lina. Frpspectlye Hangings In Georgia. ArousTA, April 11. Henry JlcSneed and Thomas Satterwhite, both colored, will be hanged at PPling. Columbia Coupty, onj thfe PtR f'of Maj the former for.the murder' of his son and the latter for wife-murder. Observance of Good Friday In New JorK. Xew York, pril 11 Good Friday .was appropriately- jobserved-s 'Business w tliefsfcbeki prbduceand ottoK"fex4 changes was entirely suspended. - He Is a fool. We mean the man who lets his babrerr aH night in the arms of its mother, and does hot sleeR a wink, when Dr. Ball's Baby Syrup will quiet the baby by relieving Its, palnr a bottle costing only 25 cents. , ; , BlKhteong Derision of the U. 8. Supreme Court. The maintenance of the fidelity of a contract en tered into by a sovereign State of the Federal Union has been frequenuy before the Supreme Court of the United States, in-varied forms of litigation, and to every instance the Judgment of that august tribunal has pronounced that the contract entered Into Is Inviolate. The Louisiana State Lottery Company has a contract for twenty-five years from ,1868, when it was Incorporated, and the actioa of no legislature can prevent that renowned corpora Uon from continuing its regular monthly distribu tions at New Orleans on the second Tuesday of every month, lor further Information address - " ' 'Wrf M" DAUPHIN, -.' r ; j , v 0- Box 692, New Orleans, La. v . Winston is to have a new bank . Salisbury ndw has two machine shops in successful operation. , . Salisbury will pr'obablyf hate 'about six candidates for nayor. i. Col. P4mcanijFCaicIeaWl .1. DoncanKJilclteaHturneU to Wilrtitnon Trrirn fciAVJriV tottr, t " i feh.vlXt,!Sl HftiPiX mouisi. tuuiu. itdieigu,. ; ; -. yThe statemixtjof ithe 0xrd Oi;pha sylam for llftrclr AiaWs: a meagre- WWg nmuMuannfa, The last issue of ihe Salem Acadt lemy gives a list of all the shrvivingte'achers This list does not include those at pres ent employed there. ,j :U!; The bell which swings in the belfry of the Moravian church-lat' Salem, lias been heard for seventy years at distances oi nve ana six miles. . . ! :r' : One day hist week the residence of Mr. M. I). Tau her, of Qranyille; w;us destroyed by rlre, and about the Sctme time the barri and stables "of Henry Bryan, of the same county, were simi larly destroyed: ' ";'; ;. ';. The Wilmington OSuw tells of . in ec centric thief who relieved the Mozart Saloon reading-room of its file of illus trated papers, magazines, etc., and car ried off a bagatelle ball with! it . . A Buncombe county man said, iri the . ivsnevuue ostomce tpe piuer uay, uiul he was. thirty-four .years old,, wrote a readable hand, but neter wrote and never' received a lettef In ; his life. ' The Gazette i states1 that .Dr. -Henry Walter Lilly, of Fayetteville,who has. received :his" diploma from the New York Medical College, with full honors, has been appointed physician at . the Work House Hospital, Xew York city. Reidsvflle Times : One of our clev erest and liandsomest. ladies'" lately; mar Tied.1 was at Liridsey & Reid's 1 to-day buying sifters to. go to housekeeping, ana the.neauty.is sue Knows wn,axrro ao with them. ' ,,. . . ... The.vote in Asheville last Monday as to whether: or not? the corporation should create a' bonded debt of $5000 for the purpose of macadamizingjMain street,resulted,accerding to the Journal, in 43 Votes in t favor of the: proposition to 139 against ; majority against, U6. r-. Mr. A. J. Butler, aged sixty-four, died suddenly of heart disease, last Sunday evening. He moved to Asheville from Laurens, S. C, about eight years ago, and, the Journal says had. by hisJion- esty and. industry, won the respect of all., : Raleigh Farmer and M echanic : We are gratified to learn from our commis sioner that the prospect for a success ful fair, to be held at Wadesboro next fall, is so blight and promising. He was informed by the secretary, Mr. J. T. Patrick, that donations amounting to about 81,500, had already been contribu ted by "outsiders. Salem Press: Henry Hart, Esq- died very suddenly on. Monday last, at Qlem monsville, Davidson county. He was sitting in his store reading a newspaper. when his head, was seen to rail lorward. by a friend standing near by, who im mediately called to him, but no answer came, aivd upon close examination dis covered thatJiis spirit had fled. Heart disease was the cause oi death. . Wadesboro Herald : The Xew York' gentlemen that we spoke of last week i a rriinrf -in "vrffh" TTavniltrm Time Viovfl ; arrived and gone to , work on the old I UlJ fLJ.AA6 A. XX II Ik XX UllJUtVH J-fl VU.t UU I Bauey gold mine. , They seem to he men of energy and money, and will make the mine pay, no doubt, for those who know the workings of gold say there is money to be made working the mine. The Raleigh Obserrer says a colored prisoner, w ho has just' been lodged in the penitentiary, from McDowell, re ports Secrest, the wife-murderer, who was convicted and condemned some time'ago. but obtained a hew trial from the Supreme Court, as making a desper ate but futile attempt to play crazy. Secrest's new truil will take place early text fall: ' Reidsville Times : A little girl, the sister of Mr. John A. Smith, was play ing with a piece of pewter in her mouth, last Sunday, near Brown Summit, and sucked it down into her windpipe. Dr. Jeff Scales of this town was sent for and performed an operation known as traeneotomy, cutting into her throat an inch above the breast-bone, and took out the piece of pewter; it was a quar ter of an inch wide and three-quarters in length. Wilmington Star: . , From a. corres pondent at Shoe Heel we .Jeam that Kenieth Bethune, wh0j.it is alleged, outraged a Miss McDuffie, in Richmond county, last January, was captured last Monday by Deputy Sheriff J. P. Smith, in the Ashpole section of Robeson county. He has been in that section ever since, the crime was -committed.' Bethune deniesthe tcharga He was carried t4 Shoe Heel.llonday night, and was to , be taken to Richmond county on Tuesday for a hearing. , f Wilmington Review: Saturday last, a party of surveyors arid engineers, to the number of twenty, put in an, ap pearance at Snead's ferry, in. Onslow county. ':. They came in. wagons from Xewbem,' and, so far ,as .our informa tion extends, they were td'make a sur vey from the coast'ba'ck into the coun- J try towards .Angola' Jfocosm. ine sur vey will be both hydrographic and to pographic, and will embrace, the terri tory from the ocean to the Xortheast river and its tributaries. It has been stated in the newspapers that a party of revenue officers in Stan ly county were encountered, a couple of weeks ago, by "thirty-five or forty men," who deterred them from making a con templated : raid. Mr. ' O. M. Sides, ".of Stanly, now informs the Wadesboro Herald that the party seen by the grass- hoppers Vere a parcel of men going to a log-roiiing ; ana now we wouia hkb to know of Father Evans, of the Milton ChivntcU! how rnuch he supposes the revenue officers had on' at the time:' ' " ; ' According to the Raleigh' Observer Wake county: niati named Ferrell treat ed his little brotheMn-law, named Jreen who lived with him, so badly, that the boy ran off. Last Saturday, he was unmercifully whipped, having re ceived three hundred lashes, and after wards made to run up'and down a long' stretch of road. On being 'sent' to bed, he was promised another whipping be- .re daybreak on the1 morrow, as said tne brute,?you may be'dead betore day light." A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Ferrell. - i ' C. W. Eve, a rara-avis iri the journal istic world, writes as follows in the last issue of the Asheville Journal: "In this issue of thepapriofEeE.inv house and lot for sale. My. object 4s to quit the country possibly for.the country's gooq. x or tne past nine ;years I have endeavored to make a' Hvetihood here, at the newspaper business, arid at this writing I am a good breathing represen tation of the Genius ' of famine, or an allegory of Ireland during the potato rot. ' The day-star of my prosperity has gone down behind a dark cloud of un paid bills and uncancelled obligations. As a dernier resort, I propose to cast my lot among the Mongolians ' of the Pacific coast,- and with this view my leisure 7moments are devoted to deci phering the hieroglyphics on a Chinese tea-chest, awhile -I patiently await' the advent of a purchaser." - - - The Wilmington merchants have an the honesty of : their, fellow-townsmen They just won't lock: their doors. Three ee places of business? were found open in one .night and thee mayor threatens 4. that hereafter he -Will publish inthe.P daily papers rthe names ot the owkers."H, LlTtJi11 u;u,iw?J w wiik. mg tneircareiessness. - rv -Raleisarmerand Mechanic: TSW may be seen in the division of Cleave- land county, in the agricultural mu- semi sueciraeA-of jfirie. clay, which wai dascbyered id ASaSL by a Polander, uy uim w ue j. numoei roue. j5hck.s made from this ,ctajcs were used in an iron furnace and have stood the test of there are two -bricks, made from this clay. :-. r' . Reuben Hawkins, a noted i Wilkes county Radical, and keener of the poor house, was indicted. for. maltreatment of the poor, was tried, convicted, ap pealed to the Supreme Court, and the Case came up for another, hearing in the Superior Court of his county last week. The court took a recess for dinner and before it re-convened Reuben had fled. Thus writes a Wilkes correspondent of the Raleigh News. ; A Wilkes county correspondent, writ ing the Raleigh News about the Supe rior Court up there last week .and the week before, says the grand jury failed to find a bill against Alfred Edmund son, who killed Tedder and severely wounded Elijah Church in a difficulty that occurred in that county "H few months ago. The two latter were hoted desperadoes and outlaws, and went to Edmundson's house one night for the purpose of killing him, but he was a noted tighter and the result was Tedder was killed and Edmundson and Church badly wounded; both were captured by the sheriff and lodged in jail. Edmund son was released and Church goes to the railroad three years and six months. JEGISTEATION BOOKS WARD NO. 2. The Registration Books for Ward No. 2, will be kept at the store of J. Duncan. aprl2 H. B. WILUAMS. LOST- Yesterday, -oo the Lawyer's Road, be tween Charlotte and Parks' toad, a silver mounted pistol, with pearl handle. The finder will be suitably rewarded If tffe same is left at aprl2 2t THE OBSERVER OFFICE. PEGRAM & CO., 1st National Bank Building, CHARLOTTE, X. C, Have now In store a nice and complete stock of SPRING BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags. With them you can find THE BEST. STOCK IN CHARLOTTF. ZEIGLER BRO.'S Celebrated Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes A SPECIALTY. They also keep Miles'. Burt's, Holbrook & Lad- low's, and other best brands. Gents will find there the Miller, McCuCough & Ober, Canfield, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR PEGRAM SHOES', Call sure before buying. Orders have personal attention. April 9, 1879. PEGRAM & CO. BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! SHOES SHOES SHOES t AND AND AND AND AND AND HATS HATS HATS SPRING STYLES ! THE LARGEST STOCK 35VEB EXHIBITED CHARLOTTE. IN This stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, &c, embraces every grade, and will be sold as cheap as the same Goods can be sold by any house In the South. i't' ..-: MERCHANTS Will do well to call and examine this stock, as it is especially adapted to the trade of North, and South Carolina, and will be sold at wholesale or retail on most reasonable terms. VISITORS To Charlotte are Invited to call and examine our-l stock, as they will find it mcst complete fa every respect and cheaper than evtr before. 1 ". A- ' ' 1 W. S. FORBES, Agent, -; ta Smith Forbes' Old Stand, Trade St .(Cr,ocIicviiautljQ3l;ui5iy;iix. i KM. CHINA BIN -AND BUSINESS. MItA;W. UJDOLJ'j .' Ul.'i! - .( js-: .ii iJ.(:- . .! x.--! .:! "..'.; ' S'.'- IHHtri',:'- -'Hf.l.- !'.;.l,OF-BATIMOREMD.,..v, .: , a man of unlimited experience in this business, having traveled for IT years la the West and South selling Crockery, &c, for some of the most exten sive Crockery houses North, has been associated ii I' with JOHN OHN BROOKTIELTrk rookfiklU, OF IH1B C1TT, In the above business, and the firm thus constitu ted will be knowd ae J6 BRJDcktlLpU'Xt). Mr. Ludolf left last Tuesday for the North to lay In the most exten&Vte stock fofl ! ' QUEENS WARE, China, Glassware, Lamps and tamp Goods, Deeo o rated China and Porcelain. Silver and- Silver Plated Ware, Fine Fancy Goods, Wood and Willow Ware, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, Bar Fix tures, and many other goods too numerous to men tion, for our Wholesale and Retail trade. In fu ture we will handle SHOW CASES &V. ! Particular attention' paid to having goods decora ted to order, with any name or monogram, &c, on each article fefhlna. ' ' S DV K Give us your orders. We sell nothing but first class goods, and seU as cheap as you can buy at the North anywhere. LOOK OUT For Mr. Ludolf s return, as it will be a treat to ex amine his line of fine goods. JNO. BROOKFIELD & CO., Trade Street, near College, March 27. Under Democrat Office. SXisccUaixcoiis. Bishop D. S. Doggett (Southern Meth ) It is an excellent corrective of indigestion. Have used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev'. Dr. Mangtim, Prof. University of it. I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. Bv. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. HIst'n. I am never without it at -home or, abroad. It is an antldvte to' lndigesfion. .Uheaepiesf aftrja meal or purging is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of nigh character. I have seen a "tried-everyuilng" dys peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose. . Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It Is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. It is not too much to say that no medicine ever had such support in its favor as a specific. The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united witness joined with the ex perimental use and anDroval of the oreoaraOon by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It is, beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent Editors Religious Herald, Va. Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. Col., Va. It is highly esteemed here by tne reaolai MedJ-? oal Faculty and the people. ' itr is excellent for In digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific, tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. . SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale by: DR. . C..CMJTH, CJiaTltt NiC f J , ODELL, RAG AN & CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. mar 20 d&w tf. PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. $200 REWARD. , ,; ' - j EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, i , EiunaE, March 10th, 187fi. i Weebxab; Official Information has been received at this Department that N. B. TAYLOR, late of the co on tr' of Moore, stands charged with the mur der of S. W. Seawell; and whereas, it appears that the said N. BTayior has fled the State, or so con ceals himself that the ordinary process of law can not be served upon him : . Now, therefore, I, THOMAS J. JARVIS. Gover nor ottbe State of North CaroUna by vlrtueof an--thority in me vested by. law, do issue this my dhh clamation, offering a reward of Two Hundred Iol lars for the apprehension and delivery of the said N. B. Taylor to the Shertfl at Moore county v at tt Court House in Carthage, and I do enoin all offi cers of the State and all good citizens to assist in bringing said criminal to; fustic. i ii n l Done at our Wty of Raleigh, tM tentlf iay March, 1879, and in the 103d year of American Independence. THOS. J. JARVIS. By the Governorr i , . . . , . .,. , LB S. Overman, Private Secretary. : ; . ' DESCRIPTION. Taylor is about 33 years of age, about 5 feet 6 Inches high, well set and will weigh about 160 lbs., and when last seen wore a heavy beard. w .. mar l2dltw5t ' ' CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA 4 AUGUSTA R. H.CO, TBXASusiB'a Oma, ' . Columbia, March 29, 1879. THE Coupons on the 2d Mortgage Bonds of this Company, which become due on the first of April, 1879, will be paid at the- National Park Bank, New York City, and at the Central National Bank of this city. JOHN a B. SMITH, Treasurer. . March 80, 1870. ' ;.), ni,.-: ,t.'.w Jt 'ft ii i'.ilji .A ' EVEfc. REW tKKMDS ! - Come to uie for Bacon, Coru, Sugar, Coffee Mn lasses, and other FsmHy SceWe&AA ' Mo Just received, a few barrel of Bern FftsWs )i i. .. ... ...... . o;...,. "Also a fine lot orCbuWiiiiU Wii w-v. AH goods delivered In the city free of charee ' aoor Deiow wuson 4 Black's old stand. op id. JjOB FINE WINES, And Pure Liquors, Three Years Old. go COCHRAN E'S, Central Hotel Saloon. JUST RECEIVED, ONE car load Choice White Virginia Bolted Herf which we will sell at a very low figure 1 aprB ALEXANDER 4 CU 1 f4- 4U DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND 1 E X A M I N E The splendid line of '. WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, ' VIZ: Autumn Cluster, Jsfffd r.flaipeji,! TfhyTlms Gherkins, Martynias. Also the finest line of . ! 1 ! j:i CRACKER Ever seen In Charlotte, at s LeROY DAVIDSON'S. Remember, this is the only first class stock of In town, found at Anything ycu want to Geerle8.can be LeROY DAVIDSON'S. MAGNOWA 300 Bbls. In assorted SacJ. WHITE ROSE, 150 Bbls. Iaadrted Sack?. LEGAL TENDER, 150 Bbls. In assorted Sacks. PIEDMONT PATENT FAMILY. We guarantee it to be the " finest In the world." Heads of families, try It once and you will use no other. R. M. MILLER & SONS. Aprtl 6. . .. ,i . .: ' i -1 " i i i i ii , i i i A MAN WHO FAVORS Economy and Luxury should by all means call al PERRY'S. The largest-stock 'of Crackers, Can dles, Cigars, tc, can be found mere. In fact his assortment Is as fine as in anv city where the nols9f r' - STREET CARS AND POLICEMEN'S .RATTLES, are fa miBar sounds. Don't Ifit to try Ms celebra ted 5c. Cigars, magnificent Cw amels and delicious Taffy, Cocoanut Cream, g. They are running ahead of all competition , Juf as the man who is WANTED ' FOR MAYOR Will at the coming election. FAMILY MEAL, 3 Car Loads 1,320 Bushels CHOICE BOLTED MEAL Just received. R. M. MILLER & SONS. ap 5 T. NICHOLAS. SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE lOB OIHLS AMD BOTS. AN.IDXAL chudben'b maoazutk. Messrs. Scribner A Co., in 1873, began the publi cation of St. Nicholas, an Illustrated Magazine GUIs and Beys, with Kn. Mary Mapes Dodge as tor. .Jive year have passed since the first num ber wastsaoeo! -and the: magazine baa 'won the bJgheatfipattio. It Has a mothlJ circulation ot ovxb 50,000 COPTES. It is published simultaneously in London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition is al most as general and hearty as the American. Al though the progress of the magazine has been a steady advance, it has not reached its editor's ideas of best Decause her ideal continually outruns It, and the magazine as swiftly follows after. To-day St. Nicholas stands The arrangements for literary and art contribu tions for the new volume the sixth are complete, drawing from already favorite sources, as well as from promising ueir mes. Mi. Frank R. Stock ton's new &e rial story for boys, MA JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," , Will run through the twelve monthly parts, be ginning with the number for November, 1878, the first of the volume, and will be illustrated by Jas. E. Kelly. Thestorvlsoneof travel and adventure l In Florida and the Bahama, . For the girls, a con- tUftftaie, "HALT A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS," By Katharine D. Smith, with Illustrations by Fred erick Dielman, begins in the same number; and a fresh serial by Susan Coolidge. entitled " Eye bright.? with plenty ofptcturea, will be commenced early in the volume. There will also be a contin ued fairy-tale called "BtJMPTT DODGET'8 TOWER," Written bjr- Julian Hawthorne, and Uluslratedby Alfred Fredericks, About the other familiar fea ture of St. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good humored silence, content, perhaps, to let her five volumes already Issued,, prophesy concerning tne sixth. In respect to short stories, pictures, fx? humor, instructive sketches, and the lure and lore ofi"Jack4n-the-Pulpit," the "Very Little Iplta department and the "Letter-obx," and "Rlaaie box." Terms, $3.00 s year; 25 cents a number. Sub scriptions received by the publisher of this paper, and by all booksellers and postmasters. Persons wishing to subscribe direct with the publishers should write name, postoffice, county and State, in full. -and send with remittance, in check, r. u. money order, or registered letter to . , SCRIBNER & CO., declO ' "743 Broadway, New York, n ROCERIKS HJII I!, I IJI 1 1!, K ! - . '. - . lit :"K . ,l i''iJ-

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