8H)t (ST)MdRe(Dbli? M XL IXTELllGEJVCE. SATUiiDiYAPllILiI T-r- 1879.1 BA1LK0AD BUECTUBI The following table shows the running of passen er trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time): i ; RICHMOND. PAfTOX. : j j, , Arrives from Richmond and Goldsboro, ' I?00 . in.' Leaves for , "... .- -att .:.8.20t m. Arrives from Richmond, 10.50 a. m. Leaves for j 5M y-'f' .5?p. rr. Arrives f rom Atlanta,. , ............. 8.20a.m. Leaves for Atlanta,.!,, .fi...)..!.,- 1.0a a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,. , ir.. ...-. , 6.50 p.. m.. Leaves for Atlanta, 10.60 a, m. CHARLOTTK, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA. . arrives from Augosta',. . .'..V... "8.10 a. m. .eaves for Augusta, 1.00 a. m. Arrives from Augusta,.... 6,30 a. m. Leaves for Augusta . . , ; 1 1 a. m. CAROLINA CENTRAL. V; : v ,-rlves from Wilmington,. ........... 7.20 p. m. Leaves for Wilmington, . . 6.00 a. mJ Arrives from Shelby 5.00 p. m. Leavesfor Shelby,. ....... ....... 7.00a.m. ATLANTIC, TXHXE8EX OHIO. A rrives from Statesvlile,. 5.30 p. m. Leaves for Statesvlile,..., v.. . 7.00 a. m CHARLOTTE POST OFFIiT. offick HOUBS. ripnrn Money Order Departiieht,&.0Oa. inj fe.00p.; Registry Department,: . ' -9.00 a. tar. 5.00 p. CLOSES. nv m. .;wnDellv74:5tampDept.,.K.UU a. m, tt.00 p. m. :-OhnM X.Xlt D. m. S.4JS D. m. Z&f- On Sunday the General Delivery and Stamp rwpurtment will be open from D.OO.a. m. to 10.00 I. 111. " 3.-. ' j OPKMNft AND CLOSINS OF KAILS. f OPKN8." CLOSES. Danville & Charlotte Bi K., . 8.00 a. m. 0:00 p m. 11.15 a.m. 6.00 p.m. Charlotte AOantaWR.,. 8.00a.m. H.OOfKtt. Augusta B.R.,. 8.30 p.m. JO. 00 a. m. -Wilm'n 4 Charlotte R R.,. 8.30 p. m. . 5.00 a. m. harlotte Shelby R. R.,.. 5.80 p. m." fJOO a. m. ' - Statesvllle,.. . . 5.80 p. ra. 6.00 a. m. IW Beattle'sFord, (horse, route,) Mondays at 5.00 p. m., an Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. t- Yorkvllle. (horse route.) Thursdays at 6.00 i. in., and Fridays at 7-00 a. ra. -I ..HW. W. JENKINS, P. M. Igj pi CATI OJSH.TU W' War Department! okkicig Chief SiGNA-tTTFiCEit, W ASfflKGTQN; April. LL i SO P; Forth ijouth Atlantic states; clear or partly cloudy weather, preceded by rain on the North Carolina coastj winds mostly northerly;' stationary ors lower emperature, rising barometer, j l.ueal Ueporf fr Yesterday. 7 A. M. 2 P. M. ! 9 P. M Barometer, Thermometer Relative Humidity,... tflnd Direction, " Velocity r. Weatherwyy.i'.'i 29.629 , 68 61 W. 2 II Ilea 29660 29.897 58 , .48 Nc' .12 Cltsar 6T i 12 ; Cloudy. ;.J Cloudy. Highest temperature 67 deg.";towe8t 49 -: HIeteorologca.l Recd"' 'WEATHXB HKPORT, APIUtiii 1:20 ft. suitions. fBarom Th. tijd. iViL WcatheE, Atlanta,-.', Augusta ' 29.84 29.71 71 10 12 -I'air-'j Ch.u-leston, u 78 78 83 78 76 78 63 76 72 72 75 81 N. W . N. W, N. S. J"air. Cloudy. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cloudy. Fair. fclear. Clear. Clear. Clear. Clear. i Charlotte,.. Corslcana,. (ialveston, . Indianola... 29.72 29.96 29.97 29.97 29.78 29.94 29.90 29.96 29.90 29.92 29.78 29.83 29.94 1 s. -w. N. W, N. - , N. ' , N W. "W. N. W.t N,W. N. W. 14 Jackson'lle, 14 II 12 ,16 13 17 16 10 2 Key west, MobUe... . ilontgom'y, N. Orleans Punta Rasa Savannah. . 8t Marks.. Havana. . i t Sew iln i i Iml3t t The Observer Office Lest j H. B. Williams Reglalratlon Books. . Only the schooWafici cntfrches observ ed Good Friday in Chalrotte. i New spring bonnets and hats will ap pear by the hundred to-morrow. ' Additions to the relief fund: C. T. Myers, $1 ; R. ML Miller & Sons, 10. There was quite a lively' demand for, Easter eggs yesterday. The price has gone up. , , , .,, . ,.,.,"7 Mrs. J. Schiff is getting up a faffle for the benefit of the; poor. t will come off next Tuesday. - A public musical entertainment will be given at the Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies shortly; j ' .. j V,, And now the canvass for the mayor alty has opened sure enough; It pro mises to be very interesting. Fishing parties go out to the creek and ponds every day now, but their pa-7 tience and persistency far exceed their success. ;; ; f V j. The religious services yesterday (Good Friday) were well' attended'in all the churches wheiie such services were' held. . , j The young men wiU -iftttoduce the, festive season after Lent wth a ger man to be given at the assembly rooms next Tuesday night. Tlie dove cooed, the whip-po'-will saug and the young man put on his straw hat too eaily. They say we are t. have frost again thia morning. The advance agent of Miss Herndon, the Virginia elocutionist, was in the city yesterday but had not determined definitely to make engagements here. In the absence of more interesting local matter we give: full, sway this morning to communications touching municipal affairs nominations, &e. Messra. Dawson & Co. have recently settled three families from the North in this county. They- have bought propr erty in the neighborhood of Query s .Station. The foundling at Mr. Baker's, three miles from the city, receives callers al most every day It. is in thenjoymenf of excellent health and is said to be a remarkably fine-looking baby..; n , A tax-payer remarked4 yesterday that the candidate-wlio offered to take the office of mayor for the fees Without the salary would be the Winnefth the com ing race. ; ; I '';;;;'. ; Services will be held at' the Associate TifniTnpd Prp.shvterian chapel this inorninsr at 11 o'clock and this evening ;it s on iuir.li of which occasions seiv monswill be preached by ' Rev. J. L Bonner, of Due West, S. C.j1? :;"; - The Gounod musical club have deter mined to give a public .concert on tne 2nd of M:iv ' From this tame till tnen there will be two' meetings! a week for practice. The next meeting will be held at the residence of Mr. L. W.banaers. i A mule , hitched pnebr the city CPQiranrrar nurfa rflfi off VfttfirdilV H thing which perhaps ha : never .thought of dnino-hpfnrfl in his life and threw th all rnlored vouth. complete-, ly over the feiice into a yatd pif College; street. hurUne hMjight adly, at j-tbe; time but inflicting nosenaa rojand&tt Ad vancviuent ot tnnr If ortb Cr-: Una Pliyiiipau;,.:, 'J; It is lpamMtthatthe 'position of as sistant nhvsicisui to the State Insane Asylum of Illinois,, has Jaeen offexeijio1 Dr. Tlm v. a nPiisriti. a talented young physieiait of btatesville, arid a riative or that town. Dr. Anderson went ioj Ciiir.aco Riv or kavmti vp.ars asd and en tered into hnsinpa there as a druggist, He studied medicine and subsequently graduated at the Jefferson medical colleee in Philadelphia. He is quite a young man and has' been in ac tive practice only abotit a year: The recognition of his talents 'and 'fitness for the delicate, and responsible duties attacninff to such a position is a com pliment as flattering as it is deserved. to Cvmmittfd ! Aikaauu.: ThursdaT.t at- ITeridervmvtti. r - f Bamessf dfcptitF Unite! Stiitelar- snai from i on Smith, Arkansas, ar rested one Cooper, a photographer who has been living for nearly two years in different parts of Western North Carolina, and who hqJr?ftKlSi-solli(lJjMe he was plying his trade. The charge against him is that about two years ago he, with two accomplices, murder ed a mail-carrier in Arkansas and rob bed the mail-bags. The three then fled the State. Officers have been on their paths 4vek eej&ejfjonn4s'iiiQ of their crime, and about two wee"ks ago Cooper's accomplices were arrested. Marshal Barnes has had Cooper shad owed for more than a year, and being at last ready to secure his game, he set off for the place where he knew he would Md 1hi. " Pa&rifig tlfTQHgh Char lotte a few days ago, h6 arrfvecTat Hen dersonville Thursday, and making in- ?uiry as to Cooper's place of business, ound him in the act of taking a photo graph, and without the least ceremony clapped a pair of handcuffs over his wrists. . fWithf rjWqaive f ha maishal came- down ihepartlnbvirVAse ville Railroad the same afternoon, and left with him for the South via the Air Line Railroad yesterday morning. A sad feature in connection with the arrest is that the murderer left behind him young.wife andi two httle child ren. While living in Arkansas he was married "to "a voune : eirlr: 'Choctaw ; half-breed and she, will their, children, has accompanied Cooper in all his wan derings. When he was taken from her at Hendersonville she saw him for per- strangers in a strange land. The evidence against the three men accused is said to oe conclusive, and it is 6aid further that ,Cooper is charged with another murder in Arkansas, pre vious to that of the mail-rider. Farmer and Mechanic will be appre ciated here where the subject of it is so well-known: "It is right amusing to see in the catalogue of Gen. D. II. Hill's Institution, atj ayet3le 4j"kQ a department" or the vicirP-four" years course : 1st year, practice of bowing and fingering; 2d year, etudes of Dencla; 3d year, sonatas of Ilayden, Schubert, etc. We feel sure theold rebel, Scotch Irish Presbyterian elder, didn't arrange that curriculum, though, come to think, he. was always fond of a fiddle." Bankrupt Caet. Kegister Keogh gives . the following as the disposition? f tpe cAsesI before him in the court of bankruptcy recent ly held in this city: In the case of J. R.Davidson, of Char lotte, bankrupt on his own petition, J. W. waciswortn, of Charlotte, was ap pointed assignee. In the case of Messrs. Walter Tkem & Martin, bankrupt on the petition of their creditors, Wm. C. Maxwell, of Charlotte, was appointed assignee. In the case of Stephen Jones Perry, of Charlotte, bankrupt on his own peti tion, Thomas H. Robinson, Jr., of Char lotte, was appointed assignee. Masonic Staiioticiir ' , Jn Germany there are 42 lodges, in Switzerland, 83 : Hungary, 44: liouma- nia, 11; Servia, 1; England and Wales, 1,187; Scotland, 334; Ireland, 299; Gi braltar, 5 ; Malta, 4 ; Holland and Lux- umburg, 46; Belgium, lo; Denmark, 7: Sweden and Norwav. 18: France. 287: Spain, about 800 1 Portugal, 22; Italy, 110; Greece, 11; Turkey, 26 ; Lgypt, 28; Turusy2s Algeria,: I V, Moropopv J a the west' coast oi 'Amca, ir .mctm'isi lands, 25 ; the Cape, 61 ; Arabia (Aden), 1 ; India, 118 ; Indian islands, 16 ; China, 13; Japan, 5; Australian islands, 4 Australia, 229 ; New Zealand. 84 ; Uni ted States, 8,894 ; Canada, 535 ; Cuba, 30 ; Havti, 32 ; West India islands, 65 ; Mex ico, 13 ; Brazil, 256 ; ana other states in South America, 179 a total of about 16,000 -lodges. The number, of JFree Masons is about 5,000,000. Farming in Mecklenburg:. The department of agriculture has received the following farming statis tics from this county, which, we, ven ture to say, will compare tavorably with reports from any county in the State, and hich show what we have always maintained, that the farmers of Mecklenburg are ecmai in intelligence. thrift and' enterprise to any in the State: ' - --; -; ' - Sandy McKee produced 5,183 pounds of seed cotton on 8 acres of landr T. T. McCord produced 1,360 pounds of seed cotton per acre; John vv. vvaoswortn produced 972 pounds of lint cotton on one acre; Capt. Keel, of Steel Creek, has averaged one bale to the acre for several years ; M. A. Wilson produced nnwarria ot H.000 Dounos oi seea couon on suf feeres ; M. w, j i'hifer lpMdiced 1,006 pounds or seed cotton per acfe on 70 acres of land ; j.jm. uavis proaucea 19 bales on 20 acres; J. u.uowa pro duced an average of 1,200 pounds of seed col ton per acre on 16 acres of land, with one mule; Dr; I. W. Ilerron produced 25 bales ot cotton, averaging 460 pounds each, on 17 acres; t,. C. Grier produced 86 bushels of corn and 2.400 pounds of seed cotton per acre ; 11. It. Peoples produced 700 bushels of corn on 10 acres, and 2,000 bushels on 40 acres: John W. VVadsworth pro duced 6 acres of oats yielding 52V bushels per acre, and 6 acres ot wheat yielding 28K bushels per acre; 6,000 nounds-ol Jopcnjna rrasa per acre were nrodnfted bv the sacmer Party. f - Of improved stock, the Devon and Ayrshire cattle are bred: also the Berk" shire. Essex and (jnester nogs, wuicn ar well known and prove remunera tive. The Southdown and Cotswold sheep are bred pure and crossed on the native stock." Hailroad Noie. Accidents are very rare iust now and all trains are running with great rpcrnlaritv. The Soartanbure & Asheville Rail- Tnari ia iinftartcontraict tor be completed to Hendersonville y tne - isvor. June, and it is believed that Capt. Potts, the contractor, will finish up the work, in a wppk or more before the time expires. "Nrvw iron is being laid n the curves and bridges of the, Charlotte, Columbia Mr Anomara. "nn i ;axawua river uiiuue was laid yesterdays The iron nsed, by the way, ..is, from the rolling mills in Atlanta. lt is now pretty definitely settled tnat is, about as mucn so as anytning-cou-wninr the movements of railroad men can be settled beforehand, that there will beagenei-al-Ttrange of schedules the,firsthof-May, JJjs alsQ stated that the time between Atlanta' and New York bv the Piedmont Air-Line route will be nine rfiours quiCKer tnan ine nrfisp.nt schedule, and that passenger 1 . ... - , V 1 3 3 ratfis win oe verv consiueramY reuuueu. A meetiogpt general passenger agents :vrri r w . . i . i ia in ses .k.-:j i;i Atlanta to arrange i cheaper. passenger tariff. ,...., ing those not wholly, in the State, have hPMi siasessed in proportion to the earn ings of each or that - portion of each within the state, ior tne support or me miirnad commission-appointed by the last Legislature of that State. The whole am6unT of the sum to pe raised is &3.8XX).' of whicti the proportion of the a tiantA . .Jk . Charlotte . 'Air-Line is $302.28, and the Charlotte, Columbia & The alumni association yot Davidson College have:i sedated s'the services of Mr. Anthony White, of Sumter; S. Cn to delivfer the annual oration before the association on Wednesday f the? week of: the I nc$ qommencemenLs" Mr. White ir&very popalar'naember of the associatioffTOdnjis bi4ght,-wittf speech es have constituted a most pleasant feature 'of the annnaIcon vocations. Davidson College has not gone beyond the bounds of the twoStates f rom which, it draws roost, of its patronage for ora tors at tfie approachi pg commencement, but we yenture to predict that the ad dresses of Mr. White and Cob McRea, wiltt- .compare rvrith sny delivered at Southern colleges this summer. r-i i: ,11E MAYORALTY. For the Consideration. -- ' ' l?ajrer. of Cily Tax To the Editor of The Observer: ' Fellow Citltens Let us demand a reduction of salaries in these times when money is so scarce; and let us support no man for mayor who will not serve for the fees of the office. Will Mr B. H. Smith or Mr. W. W. Flen ming agree to run on that platform? If not, other good men will We want a young, active and intelligent man for' mayor, Dut he should serve lor the tees and the "honor." If neither Flemming nor Smith will serve without a bir salary, we propose to announce a good matt at an early day who will serve and save the city at least $1,000 per annum, 4hd :who will make as good a mayor as any city ever had. "Eight or nine thousand dollars per. year is too much to pay for salaried of ficers for a little city like Charlotte, and tax payers should protest against it. Who will co-operate for economy ? i!4- " ' ;- Citizens, In Which Mr. Dumont Decline to be Candidate. To the Editor of The Obserrer : Several weeks ago my name was only suggested in connection with the mayor alty or Charlotte: in your issue or the llth mst' I am asked if I will permit myself to be a -candidate. The first no tice of r my name required no answer ; the second, requesting me to be a. can didate, does. Wheilier .'QLJQC! Stands- alone, px , xepi-eseits any considerable following; '1 dornH; Icnow yet he is ' en titled to the courtesy of a reply, and it is in tins-view talohe tha I Write this. 1 came here a little over two1 years ago to establish myself in business, and "to live and work and do" as a well-dis- Eosed man ought f not ' tb seek a living y office or to use time and effort in hunting votes, that liad; better be em ployed in a wiser direction. "XXX" says: "We should honor those who are endeavoring to advance the material interests, &c. lie is right. $ut per mit me to suggest to him that the best way to honor a public and rree-spinted man is to back him in his methods, if they are fair ones, and not seek to tie him down with official chains. I will say to "XXX," and all citizens that I am no candidate for any office. I will not allow my name to be used as a can didate for mayor or to be used in con nection with any office. I,do not on my own motion intend ever to seek the franchise of your people. Those who have known me best during my resi dence here, as well as those who have heard me express myself, know that I hold in very low estimate that man or class of men who, coming unknown to communities, seek, as soon as they are warmed a little, to secure public office through the votes of the mob. I feel indeed thankful for the com pliments given, and intended to be given, by those who have regarded me enough to notice me through your columns. I will ask this : If the people see that any benehts are to accrue from any well directed effort to secure the true up-building of the city and country, and will give it a lull support, I shall be re paid, tor I came here to prosper through effort and business purposes only ; and my aims and prosperity can only be ac complished through the growth and prosperity of the whole community. i our obedient servant, v ; , - X. Dumont. OTII ATIOS FOIl ALDERnE.V. From Ward !'o. 1. To the Editor of The Observer: You will please announce C. Scott, R. M. Miller and C. S. Holton as suitable persons to represent Ward No. 1 in the next board of aldermen. Many Voters. From Ward No. 4. To the Editor of The Observer: Please announce the names of C. Dowd, J. . Spencer and S. Wittkowsky as suitable person for aldermen from Ward No. 4. Many Citizens. From Ward No. 3. To the Editor of The Observer: Please allow me to nominate as suit able persons to represent Ward No. 3 in the next board of aldermen, James Carsdni J?,' W. Davis and C T. Walker. CANDIDATES TOR THE MAYORALTY. MaJ. FiemmiBg's Card. In compliance with the wishes of "Many Cltl zens" I will be a candidate for mayor at the ensu ing election in May. Ever yielding a cheeriui ODe- dlence to your will, I am, with respect. lourxiDeaieni servant, W. W. Flkmminq. Mr. Norment's Card to the Public. To the Voten cf the City of Charlotte: "Fellow Citizens In this trlef way I have con cluded to announce myself an Independent Candi date lor the office ot mayor 01 tne city 01 unarioroe, at the approaching eleetloa In May. Thoroughly independent, 1 snau not oe in me least mnueuveu by any ring, caucus, or convention; I shall have no friends to reward nor enemies to punish; I shall npt bribe nor purchase a vote, nor attempt In any underhanded way to secure one; but I particularly solicit the deliberate, independent vote. I am in favor of strict economy and low taxes. There is no politics in this election, tnereiore 1 snau, run me race to the end and take the risk, let the result be what it may. In thus announcing myself, I think It unnecessary to elaborate or make any further statement of principles that may guide me; but will truly say that I shall ever cultivate a genial, brotherly spirit with those that I may become asso eiated with) and permit me, in conclusionto make una Bieflga:; i nia u nonorea wim s iubjucim vj. your votes and consequent election, my best exer tions shall be directed to a fair, honest and im partial discharge of my dunes. "Charlotte, N. G; April lllh, 1879: , Ease Attainable bx the Eheumatic. , a aHhooph thev may desoalr oi renei, n attainable -br rheumatic sufferers, lor there 18 namoria which AnrriMi off. bv means ot Increased activity 01 tne aioneys wiporuuu cuouuoib iw blood punncanon me acna eieuiem w pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urnv arv nnaK-sta Th name of this grand denurent is llostetters, a preparation u&ewise vcusmaxu u a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion', bf'the btood ?wlth ;the bile-and a certain mm nf reiifif in dvsneosla. fever and ague, and . . I 1 nn n nervous aliments, rii is. Derhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommenaea as a meuiciwu afinmiant hv diacinmiisnfia nnvsicuuisauuauau au who Pronounce It to be eminently pure and very behBflclaLTM pre8$"alsQ endorses it , . A Really Beneficent Discovery. ThB riiKomst so snnerallv felt for the taste and smell of Cod Liver Oh Is almost proverbial. It seems to be peculiarly nauseous to the consump tive and Bcrof ulous patients, to whom the whole mAritnai nmfaaaton know tt is BDeciallv beneficial. Vnttoaanr hiiA tnlv been made to disguise Its oblectionable characteristics, by mlxt .re with cof fee, brandy, or by the process of deoderization, tcHfon f mnaira its Afflcacv as a nutrient. But in union with the Hypophosphltes of Lime and Soda, as we find it in Scott's Emulsion. It re tains its healing and nourishing properties. It moreover combines with the other chemical agents, to produce not only a medicine of agreeable flavor, but one of the most powerful and pleasant tonics, that ever gave vital vigor to tne nerves ana Drain, aprl 2w . "Never promise more than can be done. Dr, Bull's Baltimore Pills have been successfully run on this principle. For gale by ail druggists, race zoc. Tiro of the sureeona of this notable Institute will visit Charlotte, Mas- 15th, and 16th, 1879. : stopping at the Charlotte Hotel.- 'Tber have with them a fine outfit oi brace and surgical ap pliances, and will be prepared to treat all kinds of Deformities and Chronic Diseases, such as Club Teet, 4 Hip - Disease,- Paralysis, ' Special : Diseases. Flies ana nunua, i alarm, f rtvate Diseases, Diseases of the En, &c for foil Dartfcutars-ad dress i i. - ' ' ' . -. ? . j NATIONAL SUBGICAL INSTITUTE, aprl34t w4w r-i ;:- : quanta, ia Yes, woman has as good Tight to health and hap piness as the other sex. Then, why suffer so long when the remedy is within jour reach. Try Brad field's Female Regulator, Woman's Best Friend, and you will have your health and strength fully restored. Call on your druggist for a circular, and see some of the wonderful cures it baa made. mar25 lm m i A Cart. To an who are suffering from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac., 1 will send a recipe that win cure you, x nin uj uouittc xms great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelorje to the BEV. JOSEPH T. EN MAN, Station D, New York City. jan25 . , j 1 ' -'. " For onwards of thirty years Mrs. winsloWa Sooth- lntr Srmn has been used for children. It Aorrects acidity of toe stomach, relieves wind coUe, regulates me ooweis, cures aysemery ana aiarrnoea, wnether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well known remedy, 25c per bottle. Yon can now stop at the Grand Central HoteL on Broadway. New York, on the American nlan for $2.50 or $3.00 per day, or you can, on the Euro pean plan, tase your Dreaioast there, m the morn ing, take your lunch down town, or dine with a friend, and your room at the hotel will only cost you $1.00 per day, and upwards, and meals are also provided, at moderate prices, at the elegant restaurant attached to the hotel. i i i Every effect must have a cause; so bolls, pim ples, etc., are the results or poor blood. Purify the blood by using Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture and banish such eruptions as those named TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS, APRIL 11. 1879 PBODTJCK Cincinnati Flour dull: family 4.60a5.5O Wheat good to crime red 1.00a 1.04. Corn easier at 37a3& Oats steady at 29a32. Pork unchang ed; 10 25 bid, 10.50 asaed Lard easier; current make 6.20. Bulk meats dull; shoulders 3. HO, short ribs 4.80, short clear 5.00; bacon quiet; shoulders 4&, - dear ribs 5, clear sides 5. Whiskey active and firm at 1.01. Butter easier; fancy creamery 27a28. choice Western reserve 18. choice Central Ohio 15. Sugar steady (and un changed; hards 8a9l&. A white 814a New Or leans earn, nogs quiet: pacKing 3.05a3.yo. No other produce reports. COTTON. No report. FUTURES. No report. FINANCIAL. No report. CITY COTTON MARKET. Offici of thx Obsekvsk, I Chablottk, April 12, 1879. 1 The market yesterday closed steady, as follows: Good middling 10 Middling. 10tS Strict low middling. 10$ Low middling 10 Tinges 10 lower grades 8iaioi BY MAXWELL & HARRISON, SATURDAY, APRIL 12TH, 1879, AT 11 O'CLOCK, A. M. FURNITURE, CROCKERY, CLOTHING, SHOES, CANNED GOODS, 1 BOLL SOLE LEATHER, 1 BARREL BLACK PEPPER, 1 COW, 1 MULE, and a lot of Miscellaneous Goods. Unlimited articles received until hour of sale. aprlO 8t TTELP THE FIREMEN. We, the officers and AA members of the Neptune Fire Engine Compa ny 01 Charlotte, propose to give a lestivai on Mon day and Tuesday nights. 14th and 15th Inst, to raise money to fit up our hall, and do most respect- ruiiy request tne laaies or unariotte to give us as sistance in our enterprise. . A committee will re ceive all contributions. A. WEBB, chairman, MACK TAYLOR, H. B. ROBERTSON. JAMES PEMBERTON, FRANK CAPERS, PETER WHITE, aprlO 2t Committee. 100 BUSHELS SWEET POTATOES, Choice and Fresh, FOB PLANTING OR EATING, Just received by LeROY DAVIDSON. JEE W. BATTLE, M. D., Having removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank, can be found there all hours during the day, and at his residence cor ner Seventh and College streets, at night, . feb7 3m DR. E. H.JREENE, TENDERS his professional services to the peo ple of Charlotte and vicinity. Being a gradu ate of both schools of medicine, (Alopathic and Homeopathic) he is qualified to practice either system. ' He will still devote attention especially to Cmtow ic Diseases, but will also do a general practice. Calls attended day or night Office over McAden's drug stored Residence on College street, corner of 6th street. maraa a&w am gjeri0jtlixals. JJABPER'S WEEKLY. 1 8 7 9. ? I L U 8 IB AT ED. ; "v: . NOTICES OV THX PBX9S. The Wkkxly remains easily at the head of illus trated papers by its fine literary quality .the beauty 01 its type ami wooacuis. Bpnngneia KepuDiican. Its pictorial attractions are superb,. and embrace every variety of subject and artistic treatment - Zlon'S rieraia, uostttn. The Webklt is a potent agency ior tne dissemi nation of correct political principles, and a power ful opponent of shams, frauds, and false pretences. evening sxpress, ttocnewer. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number of January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of his order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, $ 4 00 Haroers weeiuy. uu Harper's Bazar, " 4 00 Tne i nree puoucauons, one year, iuuu Anv Two one year. , 7 00 ! Six subscriptions, one year, 20 00 Terms for lanze ciuds iurmsnea on annnncaaon. Postage free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. The annual volumes of Harfbb's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of exnenses (provided the rreignt aoes not exceed on dollar per volume); for $7.00 each. A complete set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on re ceipt of the cash at the rate of $5.25 per volume. rreignt at exnense 01 nurcnaser. Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for binding will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 aaih. -' -- - v Remittances snouia oe made by nosromce money onier or draft to avoid chance of loss. . . i Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement Wltnout me express uruer 01 uarper a, ttromera, 1 Aaaress . . . txajuccj at sou a xxx.ua, ; deell - New York, i GREAT BARGAINS In Stwelry and Faocy -Goods,: Gold and Sliver Watches, Silver and Plated Table Wa x. J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 p LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half price and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Sllver-Platlng and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. Work done for the trade at low prices. Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at tne expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septl5 CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL HOUSE. CALDWELL HOUSTJ CALDWELL HOLSlJV, Comer Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C, S. P. CALDWELL. Proprietor. This house is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first-class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, transient, $1.25; per week, $8.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. JanlO Ruction Jfoljes. D. G. XAXWKLL. a T. HARRISON, Auctioneer. yjAXWELL HARRISOI" AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of - MERCHANBISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; Will give strict personal attention to all business entrusted to our care. Four doors above Charlotte Hotel. decs jjnd: ERTAKLNQ The undersigned is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand a full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metalic. PRICES AS LOW A3 ANT. Hearses furnished if desired Furniture of every Description Repaired at sher notice. W. M. WLLHELM, With E. G. Rogers, Trade Street. 1une 20. IJjettr &&vtvtiszmtuts. FOR TEN DOLLARS CASH we will insert a seven-line advertisement one week in a list of 269 weekly newspapers, or four lines in a different list of 837 papers, or ten lines two weeks in a choice of either of four separate and distinct lists containing from 70 to 100 papers each, or four lines one week in all four of the small lists, or one line one week m all six lists combined, being more than 1,000 papers. We also have lists of pa pers by States throughout the United States and Canada. Send 10 cents for our 100 page pam phlet. Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., News paper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street, New York. P. S. If you will send us the names of a half dozen high-priced papers In which you would ad vertise JUST NOW, if a satisfactory Inducement is made, we will submit a proposition, by return mail, which we think will please you. Money saved is money earned. Send copy of the advertisement you will use and state in what paper you saw this. TMINENT DR W. F. STEUART, MARINE HOSPITAL, BALTIMORE, Writes: I take pleasure in recommending Colden's Leibig's Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic Invlgor- ator as a most excellent tonic In all cases of debil ity, chlor sis, &c. I have tested it with universal success. Sold by all druggist WT A AT HPT? Fl ONE SALESMAN for each YY 2S LXZiU State. Salarv from $75 to $100 per month and expenses. References re quired. . LA BELLE MFG CO., 93 Clark Street, Chicago, d py A DAY to Agents canvassing for the " Fno- qD I 8XDK VISITOR." Terms and outfit free. Ad- dress P. O. YICKERY, Augusta, Maine. $77 a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents. Outfit free Shaw A Co.. Augus ta, .name. O TOLEN $10 REWARD. , v From the premises of W. J, F. Lidden, Saturday night, two sets of single harness, a boy's saddle and a riding bridle. The above reward will be paid for the stolen property and no Questions ask- ea. r- . , . .-. wv,u mttutAR. , aprs U .. s, , , f ', CAROLINA CENTRAL ' T1A WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE This Line being fully equipped tor busmeas. Freight from Wilmington and all Northern and Eastern Ctties to Greenville, Spartanbuig, all Stations Atlantic Tennessee & Ohio, As well as points In Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARK, tan. Freight Agent. Wilmington. N. a sept80 grwgs mid glcdiciuts. J)R.-J. H. MCADEN, DBCUGBT AS1 CHEMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of Lubin's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both "nignl and dayat J. H. MCADEN'S Prescription Store. gECURITY ! SECURITY! SECURITY! 200 Barrels'of C. WEST A SONS' EXTRA No.l KEROSENE AKL ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C. West & Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. EL McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. w E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCTT E DESIRE to call attention to OUR 8TOCAV -T7 A N -X1 AN GOOD GOOD s- Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes Including some 'novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a fun stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and NaD Brushes. L. R. WRISTON & CO. declS JAMES MURPHY, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Holton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. Owing to the stringency of the times I win In fu ture work very cheap. Will make fine suits for $10, Cassimere suits for $8. Pants of suits same rates. 1 guarantee an my won: ;no be, no eoarge. uive me a can ana oe convmeea. July 17. LICHTENSTEIN. 1 MERCHANT TAILOR, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Begs leave to inform all those in want of a good suit or parts thereof, they can call and leave their orders with him, as he is the best artist cutter and tailor in this section, snouid a $00 suit oe 100 expensive, get one at nau price, out nave it to oe anuoe, siyusn ana peneet 1 00,000 Brick tor sale. Delivered to any part of l ine city iorvY per i,uw. aprO Sf eod R. H. MORSE. OH ! AREN'T THEY BEAUTIFUL I The Prettiest Goods I - The above is positively what the Ladies say about oar Dress Goods, etc., etc. We never have had such a stock in beauty, variety and eztensiveness. . Wa make a specialty of Black Cashmeres and Tamlse Cloths. Always ask for X ' 'r' LADIES' AND GHILDREN'SrkOSlERlP. Ask for anything yon want In White Goods. Doot fall ts sea oar Parasols! 'Ask Tor " MARSEILLES QUILTS . Af k for Corsets. . We have any kind of Button you of Gloves. Ask for anything you want tn our line. April 4. , DISPATCH tDTt? ! i NORTH CABOLCf A. TO ILL POINTS BOOTH." Offers unequalled facilities for the Trmnaportion 01 Charlotte, Statesvllle, Asheville, BborfordWh on the Atlanta Richmond Air-Line, and Western N. a Railroads, Alabama and Mississippi. via any Competing Llae, and Time as Quick. upon application to T. T. SMITH, Agent C C Railway, Charlotte. gjotels. HELD BROS., wssoLxsAx.E an utul GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PBODtT Keep constantly on band FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE. IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, t( Exclusive Dealers in RAMSOUR & BOWilWELL'S'and A. L. FORD'S rations brand ot FLOUR. SHU also, PBoranrroaB of tn CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and is kept in first class style. Terms, Per Day f 8 00 Great inducemehta oflnnvl tn thu era; for terms see the proprietor. CTOmnlbus and Carriages at every traln.A FIELD BROTHERS. ....Froprtotofs. Mr. H 8 Wllsow LAOt,. Superintendent, Hurst WtLrOMo,.. .V....i.Clerir' feb9 $2.00 $2.00 Marshall H E H u u E SAVANNAH. GA. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate-12.00 and $2.50, accordinc to lot Hon of Room. M. L. HARNETT, Feb. 16-tL Clerk, late ot Planters' Hotel. S top at the boydeh house "Salisbury, N. C. a S. 8bow, PropfletofJ Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. a Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. a Bhelbwn Ar dec 80 tuttetK. jyK A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST OFFICI OVER L. R. WRISTON 008 DBO0 Sron. With 26 years' experience I guarantee entire atlsfaetkm n11 gtat Estate. R EAL ESTATE, MINING AND, IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and win Advertise tree of cost, aU propertiM piaosi bt my bands for sale. " THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. C. deelO 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, i -i MOST APPROVED FORM. JastPimtedandFor8s3atQM) OBSERVER OFFICE. Ever Saw in Charlotte ! u ..I J may want Ask for KM Gloves and all other kinds We hare 1L iLEXANDER EASSBL Augusta, zmo. . . . .ri- '" .-I?"' 1 I " ,-f r -

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