37 O. ' Jiff if" ' "tlJA----miuuaiax' . in r.iiAi i it if ii i ti i-i; i ii i ii i .., it m if f ivy ii, 1 1 Li i ii i ii i ii i it i i i-i rr ueuiw vfnt. in j run i ri i w .,, ,n i .jii in nix jii Bus been vxmL mi thoroughly mpptkd with twery waafled ,ltoJftAl '"-5 2 ffi H)ne. Jfowffc ....-......... 7ft WEXKLT MDlTIOlf t team vm ixaemntytetmriyjm. a 'Je4 Wort em ixm btmmtmtX mammrifM Wofltem mm to sum waxmecfrm. ma eaeqpNess, ; iriom nmusA, at anion l V. v.Viv n'V iV 'f '- IIJSTOE-EBAJIWS j ? ' TA68. BEOEIPTSrtOSTEBSr- .'! ifKE.1 mim-JBiLLSj , PAMPHLETS, CIKCTZAKJS, CBCjai 40. V"1" , , , f.mwiW VOL. XX. in i ,y. liberal Beauctkmsfor VUtOS. f. ;s ti.n: ' .11 ill 1 U I til II I 1 illll i II 1 I' I III III l : . U V Vi I 11 I 711 rill II 1 1. II I I sal i-na ft?r ifeMirt i.iKi.i f frill! 1 1 M. IH' lnall U J7 fit II I:lf l.iln.ll n 'JCX:1I 1 II 111 I'M! 1 Hi I II I III I WC J III III ill l1: 1 1 11 .H I Mi ri i-ct v r 'Ifl f U1- '1 I SPRING DRY, GOODS, uuIti to v!i-. m jMH...-. fi tit. customer tliat we Whougnt an unusuaUy large J I A' I 'V'A)(j SPRING STOCK, m0st of whlefr lw ff torpeejion. V -Wilt Mtlil.f We are prepared to oJrtlL ieiim extraordi nary ludiuments to biiyersVooth WHOLESALE ; AND h : i i ia RETAIL. 51 ) awe us a.eall, or send your pliers, an -w e win guarantee Mtts faction. HEN. I URGESSNICHOL' 3 .AI' A DUUXU : ALL KINDS OK S1A') '':'A'A'i. ':s.:w:i)iAn REDDING. C TNG. AC. BEDDING, AO. BEDDING, AC i.ITIBNITUlb;,,,,, d'V .tit .uum-ij ;u .. '' :--r.' ::: i . . 1 " A lilfne o U )' At HO i ' IPlBEDSTEAl8 1 ' LOUNGES I LOUNGES 1 -.i-.-ii j'j, LOUNGES f LOUNGES! tWNGTB PARLOR AN CHAMBSm SUITS J, , , PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ) J '!. COFITNS of sjl km on 1 I Dana. , r- COFKIN8 of all kinds on nand.' ijgSt i lit IV I.'., -I if-y. . - No. ft ,Wlwr TBAPfiTKwr- . CHlRMrTT,N1C i, j tar Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a rme supply. '' fT " '''-'i rr ; ,h an3 ' I i'l IN' ) OABGAIN3 ; i ; i 1 '! tiJtVW f 'i rujyiaii .it fa- i i i i- i.'!.Tl.i' iif 'j'; , ! 'fiin-j jiifi: .1;-,;; ; ':,, ,ri E. 8, ROGEBS W ABERpOM6-, j ; , t Slock u rerr LaT.l'i PiRLOR,CnAMBERB(J fOU(. , 1. 1 it . i , 'AMD . '- - -si .',:) :-:.fi . tBT. 10 dioods Packed Free of Cbarfel, vim sb ANOTHER ARRIVAL, jt it , or, . i NEW GOODS. i We hare lust reoeWed a tblrd stock of all wool Spring Buntings that have been m popular this season. Also Black French Buntings. We wish to call your special attention to our stock of Black and Light Colored Spring -Cashmeres, the hand somest we haye erer oflerel for the price. Don't fall to look at our stock of Black, Gros Grain and Damasse Silks, Summer Silks In all colors. Tam- la. TTii.lnfi. - W..II.M i i . . Tf I. r everr branch. Dotted and Plaid 8l8 lof ftte? t dresses. Linen Cambrics, Mull Muslins, Marsa- uas, LJaen ana victoria Lawns, m piata ana rancj. large variety otilbUB&ucK t Insert- ings in wniie ana coiorea. second stock of Ladles' -J'JllS4j rd(il Lit rif (Qullts. A rim. SEEING,. "!"li 7'. and Millinery Goods. Be sure and examine our stock of carpets; Cane Matting. Oil Carpets, and Bugs. A large and well selected stock of Parasols. A good line oLfansj! Ctoriottenille paaalmeres for young men'auiisw a &i&itfXqp st o , READY MADE CLOTHING. Call and see our stock of Ladles' Shoes la Calf, Goat, Serge, and Newport Ties. Children's Shoes In fancy colors. A large line of Gents' and Chil dren's Stra 8rtl Tut' IW3 'I'll, Our stookls eothplertf 16 -every fine anj !w In vite a careful inspection, as we are willing to com pare Koods and prices with any one. Special at tentronglveTt'toordera' GiTBnsaeaU. ,, - BespectfUly T. !.' SEIGLE A CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon Bt, Charlotte, N. C. AprB a ! - -t LOW PRICES LARGE CROWDS Daily throng the -CHEAP STORK 0 H. MORRIS & BRO'S. H J STILL GREATER J , ' A- .i',;t r .' REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK, Men's Bestliannei Sultsf onV r ' ' 912,00 Beautiful light Cassimere Pants, $2.50, 3.50, 4.50 White Fancy Plane, 10 and 121 cts. per yard. BeantfnpM 10 and 12, " Dre4 XJnen, all shades, 18, 20 and 25c per yard. EdgBTKaJl widths, Bto 26c per yard. at' ; it - ' -all Bkades, 60c.,5c and Beauttfnl Pres' RnnUng worth 25c., for 15 cents per yardtgl Yard Wide swdBlehridalfiOhV.Se per yard. Best Calicos, alTgraienrf 155 cents per yard. Itsrtrfay jfnody to Insrjerit out Goods and prices, as we'dafra to be beladui :iow price housfe m'Charlene. "'T -w : if -i.i ..i ' 'JTdst received, a beautiful tine of .'.irr,; . j .ujiiJii ,. ;.iiuui.-i i .ir .r "('',' y.:' r ,iin!V--.(!ii ,t , .ij.-ii- PABASOI,S, Ranging In price from l?Vt Cents to $3,. It') t 7'J Iw ' ' '' "!"4tH in 4 J'i.i ri :I .. ,i ' AJso.afuUHneof t '". STRAW GOODS .: ' .i-'.i;i-'! -. . ji. 'H - And Ladles' Underwear, at immense bargains. .. . .!.-: .tar.K .M J I .tdjii ..1 ji .v;t ;;".V" "i.mVV 'li BiMc & bbWj SPRING CLOTHING. W, KAUTMAN A CO. We ifaJeWade tlBexpaMntijBWhasIng stock V) complete as toMncnide the fcfesj novemi In Men's, Youth's. Boy'&and Children's " t 'ill . nuir- I ' ' L i. GOO aiooxt Tu tiriuo-j tun wfo lnr TirihftA mRTiBttfeni md wv &re at Hboet toady V grvetaLlwlKvtg tMirean ne' 4adi lo ion i "b .n?fS97 fvil at T'hrwil i I bowIfowT lo fruswsi snhaUo .lutlt'i r. uto itm J-ynbwiiwtitrni otttroiid ' t lo lis nuiLii vb 1 l3 .smcdtTjif) ni uoH ItuoJ ; Cheaper thajiarotheifhoase'.eJ we dM tWTpfeM season; and thhaw iiatoed ae;rfatto'fbe togthebestm -the niarken.1'" Uui -T?vI XeJC o present season to the -consumer ln Boots, SoMn4 Slippers, 1 .il' jtr; Iffvfr, .Knlo siji-,' IVt luoiJa 1 vr-T 1 Incldolngtbe best makes in tne coumry-, anere can also be found to our stock a complete line of line Felt, Stiff and 8traw Hats.' and any kind of Gentlemen's Fumlahlnff. Goods. - Don't purchase beforeyou examine our stock as the cheapest PJIOT, ft .iii fi;!ii - Can be had at H Aprtt.lOi i i'o'-TTri.T' iM-c - W. KAUFMAN & CO.'S, Comer Trade and Tryon St., t , r Charlotte. N. C. HainrAWK TwQMirxikiuik StWpalr. I AS Is there-si God.'T Can any souj deny ram uutnr mcu neiner can ana A Breathe the rahkubaslbisdnf 4 Blasting be blossoms ot uengion's tree. And leave the breast a desert of despair? Let kunvBhodoret. stand Jbrth. ' "Behold the earth. That bud Dluck'd by Its Maker's holy hand From the bright garden of Eternity, And placed In living beaoty on the lap imer ixxn unot oreaine oi ueaven s nign Thed?atwess'arom?tlBtnoae'erseen The wakening of the dreamy earth from sleep When o'er teaitem humaJeetlcioBe, -AsccjsctouathlJovellne8s, the Sun? Doth he eothme(' a Jewel bright and rareV u Upon the hand of God that Gem of light? Hast ever seen the king-storm wave his magla wandL Lashine the waves to furr. when the winds Enjoy a hvidajoi boisterous fcllsi. f '. t i And, mdliteacm acblllow cwuVsefs WcltJ 1 To miiniui sad him? when the f oamv mane Erect aS streaming, speaks the useless rage, Ana tens tne great ommpotence or mar Ana wnen at eve, upon some grassy Knou, The taint sweet whisper of a vernal breeze Wafted the perfume from soma violet bed. : f, Did not Us fragrance teU thee of a God? Are these not proofs enough? Then wander forth Upon a cold autumnal, moonless night. And contemplate the heavens every star, Or great or small, enwoven In a wreath. Rays forth the name of God.. Canst tell their ionn tne name oi uoo.. vans veu weir ruto4l!nftolfcys!st&ri a fall In number half hast done? Then know i count? The Doth That all thorn mMuaemmhhmtgh Ana ue nas strewn tnem. as m sooruve may. Vponlfte Doeom otmioounded space, ... To shadow forth His glory. Every sphere ' IXstn-hynn Its mmsic in. bright rays o, ughw ,. . Until the blended harmony doth flow In eesaiesstteaais to nU BUs aea of Praise; , WhUe, settled on His throne, the sung of Heaven Doth ever battle In music's holy waves. Down, down upon thy knees, thou soulless man? And eomciouM that he needs, tool tofetAi The deatMest presence oAWmghiy God, ' Entreat Bim tolmpart mto thrframe One living spark of geneous, hols fire, , Anoas Ihod plaVttsT, BUaUim tu Uu lnjaBt; More pure ss&sweeVanrhouuxi diamonds-.' A calm, brighf stianHf heavenly bUsXtvUlifcra And flood thy soul with joy. "Tit this, 'tis this The hobs ravtuit of a prayrfuk heart Which rv&tltonpU (frwkan qf a 0aL ) None doubt who pray, and thOTJgM run oft we se The webs of superstition in the heart, let bettor thus than, for the soul of man. Lice a bright tree, so full of blossomed hopes, To nourish in its breast the serpent Doubt. OBSERVATIONS. Emma Abbott sings in a 925,000 necklace, and never takes cold. A Minnesota girl formed 500 words from the letters in "George Washington." For a rheumatic old man Uncle. Sammle Tllden slings a.4tfrr fea0l pad pungent AVanta Oonsmidicm. v WfieaA Judge or justice of the peace out in Ken- e unUng ofiahing he Immediately climbs Co nlributlonj towards erecting a school house somewhere inrthe South have ceased in Brattle bo ro, Vennont, since the eloquent lecturer got drunk wrnrae money he had obtained. Young Trumbles (who is always anxious to do the "right" thing)) "By Jove! Here are those two nice girls I met at Georges last night for the first time. Now ought I to take off my hat, or shake handfoabotbaaiid. if the lattet, which JBrst?" . , Governess (desirous explaining tbb i wird "enough") "Now suppose, Freddy, that you gave pussy all the milk she can lap, all the meat she can eat, and all the sweet cake she cares for, what win she nave?" 'Kittens." Freddy (with surprising alacrity) Somebody's child Is dvlne dying with the flush V of hope on his young lace and an indescribable yearning to live ana taae an nonorea piace in ue World beside the companions of his youth. lr sballTjsts-pa!wr Aytf j y It may e Interesting for some people to Km ow that it costs S25 to take a doe across the Atlantic. and that the animal is taken at the owner's risk unless special contract to tne'contrary Is made with' the steamship company. - The Cunard company will not take them on any terms, however . Coming back from a ifftle trip: to Havre, a Pari- slan thus bewailed his misfortune to a railway (torhpanloilt' thtogtoeertaywi'tateh me on any more ot these excursions. I have lost my wife and my cane."' And then he added; with tears in his. eyes, "And it was a new cane, tool" BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. Pehsacola,' Fla., has already establish e(Jiejrratjne season. -1 i r The Kentucky Republican State con vention has declared, in favor of Grant. Boston has appropriated 810,000 .for the celebration of the coming Fourth of July. : - InT consequence of the indisposition ofMaj. "Bryan, the United States C4r bu&t? I Qourtk at Charleston ' adjoumed DveThrirsaay untU Mondayi v MTcT f feobe)cjfJth.e elevistor & Kxrawrer cy Park Hotfef, N. Y, broke urstlay, faior fell to- too jBaseneK, 4 Engineer, Geo. tBreehtofl, rrusnn to death. Capt Edward It Young died in Nor folk, Va ThufSdayv aged7. He com mauded a privateer in the war of 1812, was;the oldestiaftcff-3orfolk, and probably the oldest Mason in the Uni ted States, liaYjirgqnKed to that or der sixty-six yeaw. ' 4 ' Miss Julia Evelin Smith, of Glaston buti kupn the only surVifo ot the Smith sisters, celebrated for their re siatanff taxation without represen tation, " Was married Wednesday to ApfSxJ Parker, of New,Hajnrhire Both Tirfde and groom at an their eighty-seventy year. Jefferson f)ajffslfnotrJDs the editor of the Vicksburg Conirhrcial that the -interview" treated 1 by the Boston Herald never occufred,-and that had it occurred he not jhave used any such language;, toofr. did he entertain any such thoughts as those ascribed to him in that article. SOUTH CAROLINA ITEMS. A dviilhlrfse yiJiftnH)wned by Mrs. McKinsey, a Northern lady, and occupied by Col. Hendershot, was destroyed by an accidental fire on the morning of the 7th. ' Atfthe anneal election held on Mon day, the 7th inst, : for town council of UlacKstocK, ur. Xi. : xrougiass was re elected intendant, and Messrs. J. E. Johnston, J. E. Craig, J. R. Faulkner and J. R Craig were elected wardens. . eoiumbiafSeyirfer The firstseces- sion fiag that ever waved was on Wed- the maker,' an old member of that com pany. It was made in Columbia at the opening of tne war, and the day of ' Its presentation was the fourteenth anni versary of the surrender of Gen. Lee. It was hidden in a stove pipe when Sherman, passed tteoiigly and thus pre served)irlxApMeJbrMettiction. It is made of white bunting, with a green t palmetto tree, in , the .centre. It oijgi- naiiy nau oniy one bum, ouu ium nao erf the trtmk' Of the tre& But eight oth ex stars. were placed around the, tree af terwards, as the eight first States joined the Confederacy; ' - Mrs. Grant's Liberal Use of tbe Tongue. Cable fpeelnl to ChleagO Times. London AbAl'stis reported from A era. on crood authority, that after a emiipublic dinner, Mrs. Grant, the jex- Presideuts wife, spoke as ionows to a number of people sitting at thenea of the table! i ffhet general is travelling1 abrpad oas toTpe out of the way in a rittoafrniaridef, tle is going to run for President aerafn at thenext election. If We Were at nuuitr-vuero ato wiv wuqoiiil nf hurniriff Questions on which he wonld either be forced to commit himself or look awkwardlyjBy traveling around he keeps himself nice and free, and he wlll go back to the; White House quite untrammeled by any pledges." : Reported for the Rateigh Tiews, by Waiter I Esq., Attorney -at Law. - By Swmii&X?''"" 130. BoydertjYiySlliams, frOfti Cabar rus, ''.'l. 'J -a . , - J Wher0" a Counter claim is set op to an withdrawn under aa agreementjt: l'. is to" be submitted to arWtratioiv and judgment is Bntetctfbr the fnUttinwrnt of the; nljuntiffid-diim. Mendiiht'; can uot afterwatrd hta-vus djodgrnent', lv obstrtictinjr the arHtrationtuui not intend to pay its award. Such feoiw dnct of the DiaintiffTldbseQUfint to the judgment entitles Jmflt t By Smith, C J.: mixim tiA t. 132-,Gi.Y71W.litjfWlf was- B3aiei;tnMw atauybpiSAAMt 183.' Ghen-Y; Sttmrnev. lroitr Lineoi& On a, jMgtBnt and execution; r tained on . contract executed before the ratification of the present constitu tion, the sheriff in 1S70 havinjr laid off the defendant's homestead, the defend ant appealed xrotu the .auoUneqt to, township board f trusteesiifrom whotje acWtMpfettteto ,i ITerdiThe,hdfiiesteaat as to! srjeb debt the machHierjh aet to lay Off the homestead is fetfdally so .and the action of the township board! auaoiuneiy voicm woy navuig nil jiu ib dictiflil.f j TkacaJs ;neitbe.r iesto, paighW 6stbpte1'ot'reyitrVag: plain tilts. ,.. . . The Wbuligig or Fortune. New York correspondence Ralelgii (6rver.l. The reverses "qI ; 'f brtuhe of the last few year3are astounding., Just before the panic of 1873. some business mating brpught'TBe in contact with4)ne.oJ;:itAe SeatreM estate hOWeW sof tWsity-- r. Edward MatthewiejpSrt; many "of -the most valuable, tuirainfi, stored! hffices, in Broadway, -Wall str-eet; Broad street, and, 4eftjb;-:th$ best' Idealities. He had theniiuatieom-i pleted a beautiful storei on- Broadway for party who took it f 6 le'ySt a rental oi fif ty, thousand dQUaijpx UUie,more tuau uaxi ui vim tspiri ed;. and . the premises re nw worth peinaps twenty-Jive tnousana dollars a vear. But the tenants are abundantly abl paythe fifty, thousand., inrtgages; buthehadaiMiepe6aaiwr of!losi.: jOn the etaJhtfjadocr awittoltell me -iSmtW millions of dollars." He has sihcS nleir a petition in bankruptcy ! But a fortu nate sale of Tlsee,uii4ious of dollars worth ifilm realiiestateAjAaed him over thatpeziLjand tbeibnkxuptcyt rpceed ings; were dismissed. ?Sn af ter thati anittime and,ttiftlBBntiaartmenti house. :bv, far the largest in the citv. was commenced in the name of mwxfeni several Thts' r. t.Wti rntkurhf Fmirt.h av. A. nnH Thfopnfh utrSJSniSSth. tif ul dwellingSrsftfT09p.4ed by flowers and shrubbery andi fountains, having been torn down to make room for it. I suppose lttJQn4Ih$iyW approach ing completion, wheUuaaenry mechan icsrliena are 'levied Buorriit to tVe amonnt of 59,854, and juagnlenti haVe recently been obtained against Mr. Matthews himself for upwards of $40, 000. " Let him that standeth take heed lest he fall." Mr. Matthews is, or was the principal owner of the Carolina Central Railroad, which he purchased :' when sold as the Wilmington, Cnariotte and Rutherford Road. From Charleston to Wadeeboro. LOarJje8ton Kews and Courieri Friday.T The people of. Anson countyr..7 are begjmpg 'fAir themselves tamxite direcci!i?aJroad communication j ww!th Charleston. A delegation- of ithelead-i ing men of Wadesboro' tare now la the city and have been in conference with Mr. Ravenel, the president of the North eastern Railroad, with a view to secur ing the completion of a railroad from' Cheraw, the present terminus of the Cheraw & Darlington Railroad, toi fyadesboro'. the county-seat of Anson, nIgjN4Di ThrdflaBSh XoCkfa! Pa&fcKfoX tneetf Uee itfer. Messtt-tJal. I- thfB. AlCriwf , H, BroWniTfeo MayvIJ b; tfenrangton, G. W. Huntley anaJ.TrGasnuaT Tilfey were brought to the city on a special train and are quartered at the Charles- TSrMdffSilw5desboro, a distarfce ff wtyvtwdlmafe, has al ready beenffi idej at; a ooktfi $135,000, and it fillip ciably- tak $60,000 to furaish&nfifjLit I s pfcposed to raise this amount by issuing nrst mort gage bonds, of which Anson county will take $40,000 to $50,000, and the balance it m .thought caa be, placed, easibun Chirfestonfiand fcaltioie. Tie f rfefds of t mealure llaimthat the comfle tiorJof thetoaoiUdd materialfjto the Irads df Charleston; fend lit proof of rHhe&atelidnt iSint Jdtbe f&Hthat Jhe wagon line which now runs between Cheraw and Wadesboro' brought to Cheraw, and therefore to Charleston, this season 2,000 bales of cotton. The completion of the railroad will open up to Charleston the entire trade of the mop t tbivkig portion; of (Western North GttfdliEai and tie t3pledf Wa&sbOro' intend to have the connection and at an early day. I i s t; Tbe JIW-BmPbirrt aDatoriirv , , Wash. Cor. of the Baltimore Sun. As soon as the vote was announced Mr , s H J !iL 1 i5eil, wno was present;, waisea up wno rffl!ritl4SSo vears. the Senate has eenerally adopted I jhe reports made on electron cases .and poilbicai suujeuis uy vuuiiuuiixva The reDoAfasainab aflmittfiig Mr. Bell was the first report' mage by the com mittee on privileges and elections since the Senate has passed under Democrat ic, control, and the Democratic mem berso that committee are not likely; to feel complimented that' their first effort has been "sat down" on by their party associates., TT) f Wash. Cor. Richmond Dispatch. The Senate was enffafc&f hllfdim in the discussioif of the -New'Hamt)snirei Senatorial case, I find there was a par- tftllelcase to North Carolina in 1858; when on'" tne nioT marcn -ot mat year the term of Mr. Mangum expirea ana the Legislature failed, Oto elect at succes sor. The question whether the Gover nor; in vacation, could . fill-tbe vacancy by appointing a Senator was elaborate lv discussed before Governor Reid and his council by - leading ; lawyers and through r the columns of the . newspa pers. The Governor, however, finally aeciaea xnat ue uau no ngnc to appoint By-Ash-Jv.Mii ;u , ikuO' , u l Oil J tiU-j ii ; i! , t'f IX.'ih rl.'l Id WE ARE DAILY IB I ClOXIJI IN BVJJRY CQNCEIVABLE STYLE AND PRICE, i i Airft , 18T9. i.t'i- t DRESS GOODS fJVAKA AM X JHJ31V A In ihis department' we can exhibit the most desirable fabrics and color ings i adapted .to thte j market such as Black and Colored Summer Silks; Egyp tian Cloth, " Sattne Royal rpcades," Tervano Satine, Suiting Melange Silk, Beptlej's Cloth, Evora Custom Cloth, 811k Brocaded Greaadlnesi land Jap.' Silks, Black Cashmeres, of. 4he , very best maaes, Biaca au wooi neraine, anl Celomd lauaulaa, qnd many lothes destrtdgooda., . , , . lit -ft i 'I-! ,1 - ' S ,. . - ;,, ,-., i, . . , . .Our stock of these mast be seen, to jinviiii;; '. - - ' hereln'flnd FANS AND ; - f V i ''. SOLS. 1 ;i 1 is ti 'hAitaf ftA (rNkotAbt i variety ol sovetoes. , . . . . 1)1 l)-)Q(jqi;ri '.'! Vi;ii ; fj We present d oe Tae, I Ji'.iJJ Yf'.Hilt M.I JJIjJJ Y'l' J HANDS VtitWci'"' r paooas Coats, Xlnen suits, Dusters, In as nice goods and at as low XJ JHJc ! ' a can be foiind anywhere. : . , . . r 1 1. -m j )iIK- -I'l 'is!? Vfj i!,bob dozen. Plain, Bordered, Hem stitched. White1 and Colored, from 64o-75d eaab. mulj inn in Handsome all wool Silk Basket Broche Cloth, for ladles' and children's Sacks and Dauuons; these offer at half the cost efypredqcSitifc HaBdsom est goods ever prevtucetf. Cnsshneres, Middlesex Flannels, fcc-- C A R PE T f M. 'ftirrtftfa. m an endless variety of new designs M all prices. Rugs, Mattings, n'.v, imiu.i aohiirmnio't . READY I, !.t. I : , . . . ! T . -h. GENTS' pjEOTSHING ; GOODS. OUR STOCK OF , - ; WHITE SHI11TS IS C M P L M F L E L1UNDRIED GOODS A3 WSLX. AS UNLAUNDERED. -LINEN COLLARS . or ALL SIZES AND STYLES,- IJNEN CUFJj"S i ; . . , , . OF ALL ' ' SUESAimSTYLESij. E WILL PLEASE YOU, Ip EVERY REGARD. gtVisctilatuotts. ELECTION NOTICE . TitWW; "pi:Hl - n"r, i.t, : i iilf(5 7KotJo9r'ts lierebT given that an election will be held on the first Monday in May, (.being the -5th oay we- mou nlices In the sevi 4ayX toe-mouth). 1879, at the usual polling laces In the several wards of the city of Charlotte, for Mayor and a Board of Aldermen for said eity. faI',5;!'wardif6. 1'-egfetrar,' John L Hiaavr i ' 'insptoraSJ'M.' M. On-.S-M." HOwelL A. E. Oray. ; ' " - - y , -. i! .Jj.!l-if l't jv1j(w..ii'-T imX"V'-- - 'ir'v-i k ::.'.WaSa.2-Beglstra,&. ; In8peetors - John L. Morehead, Dt iiWlUlam Sloan, iA B. Davidson, 7l f,n;s ; lrWard No: SRegbtrar, B. P.Boyd. Jf : : Inspectors R. M. Oates, J. H. Carson,' M. A. , W8Jd No. 4 Registrar, R. P. Waring. Inspectors J. Y. Bryce, Rufus Barrlnger, B. B. Alexander. " , ; ' ' , . 5 M. E. ALEXANDER, Sheriff f - BR. SMITH, Mayor. . March 28. 1 87i. tde.I 'Atn ) . HH- jwa. : i -m i - i l i i m i . n . ivi n . i li 'Ai il-.MtufJ.'i; fi.u; RECEIT1K AN ELECfAXT ASSORTMENT OF -Representing; al) -th&noxej stales' iiithe, Kew ork i .(Ji f;(i:i . t RespectfiUly'. OFFIOEt i;-r'f)'jltHi' ) ' ' Having long felt that Charlotte can and ought to be not only the whole sale, but also theretau' market for the greater portion of tie" CaroBras, ' " .'. i- in ;i . and believing that the public generally, and the ladies especially, will JOdly appreciate an establishment Rherethey may at all Umes.flnd such air assortment of all goods at snch prices as will Justify persons hot only " "i,;-'i : it-.1 . " frora thft Immediate vicinity, but from a distance, in coming to Charlotte toTn&kft their purchases, we have made the experiment of purchasing a steck so complete as to include all the latest novelties In every line of goods, to the mspeetion of which we beg to Invite your early attention. To - ' ' ' I i ,:'' those who cannot find it convenient to come to Charlotte, we 'will at all , : . , . i tittles be pleased to send samples and quotations of prices. You will a synopsis of our various lines. , i "" --4) ' - this season to the trade, as wen as to eonsamers, t assortment 01 ime Biaak, Blue ana Brown uotb ana Disonai nuaoiesex lanneis, uarnson uassuneres, wmte GENTLEMEN'S FURNISIHNGr GOODS DEPARTMENT Has received Special attention, and deserves your notice. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! This Department we have given our most careful attention, and believe It complete, with the latest Parisian novelties, including all the new shapes In Hats, (together with thaJlnfsiljlmmlngs. Artificials. Feathers, Ornaments, Black English Crepes Plain and Fancy Ribbons of every con ceivable shade and color,) Leghorn Flats, 'Chip, Canton, Milan ana trim med Sailor and School Hate, at tbe lowest possible prices. "1 , ,- 1,000 Ladles' Silk, Embroidered, Chenelle, and Lawn Scarfs it half price. Call and examine for yourselves. ' . . Very Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. I FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. CLOTHING '" 1 ' ' : FOR- ' MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Men's Business Suits of Fine Scotch and English Cheviots, made up in our own house In Baltimore, where there are none bat artistic Tailors em ployed. - FINE DRESS SUITS Of French and English Diagonals,. Granites, and Cloth Coats and Vests. Fine dress Pants to match. A : :I ', . .-0 ' 1 ,. " ... I I Ml E -.!jn.;n;.-M , i i lis We have thabest Qf Middlesex oodk'wairratated toll Indigo; in fact the samegocl9, niade bynhe Taaors,as we have. soWIn previous seasons. We are sure aia . If any of our , customers bave ever tried them they will ' NOT BUYiSE WHERE; ; : i -1 "iLvBERWANGER T) LACK STRAP MOLASSES Under baireCV u' ' i .f - JWROY DAVIDSON. "i n 11, ' . , ; A GREEN HOUSE1 ANIV i S!feiE'D.:jl.T:'Qr iiRdsES'r 'roses i. : "SeSKfand get' -my catalogue of holcer Green House and Beddlnz Plants or .,-., We can send plants through the mall to any part J C.B.FAIRCHTLft,tl, - - . Seedsman and Florist, ; March 2e-2m.: . t r , . , Raleigh, N. C T70R A FIRST CLASS XI -.Vf . Smnk-a tafl ot A Rnrfht. HI ' 1 'iT'i- : : - : LeROY DAVIDSOlt'S.a, ;;'... -it'-z-t j -ins uFiiSar mitarivtf' i'l ! 7 V; 'arket in ,ll ELXIiAtlfA&BRO. TTTTTi !pAiTiioTi,E;.;ic;'AramBn87ft.fi'''')i "t ..-.i.i hi-.-, t ' T ?r.r. -i; ;, :.,r.,, i,,,. WHITE GOODS - ''Aei?abtiient.-'...!'.. ''ii; 'hiiyu. .-:.-i;'ff,-, ) . . ' In this department wd 'have every concelrable fabric: Bishop and Victo rlat Lawn, Mull :MusUns, Jones', soft and , finished Cambrics, Nainsooks, both sheerandneavy. PImim Ina very , great variety of style ntiprtowa We , aesatocaH verrieepeclal attenaontQ the new fabric fa vhita toods, Lanon ' de Sjw," a goods. sriallsWTlotorla iAwn, ut superior mtextorc and wear, Our White and lted .Unen Lawns challenge their equal la ,market. " '!." v.ii-'.i"lv.-.u'm!f)T'fi HOSIERY AND GLOVES. . In endless styles and Quantities. See onr handsome Silk Mittftf SHETLAND ' ' 1 1 j. .1 ,-. ii.: '.. 8HAWLB. . . ' 1 We have an Immense variety at alow cost, and offer them exceedingly cheap. Every lady should have one, even In midsummer, for evening service. an ele- suits, vests, ai- C U R .T A I N LACES. prices 25 Pes. of tbe most hovel and beau tiful designs, 12ftc life, 18e., 20o., 25c and 50c per yard, , DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 104 Bleached and Brown Sheetings; N. Y. Mills, Utica, Lowell. Wamsutta, && 600 pieces 4-4 Bleached Muslins all the most popular make. -LINEN DEPARTMENT. Linens 4-4 and White Dress are exceedingly, low, and we shall offer them to the trade at a very small ad' vanee. NECK WEAR, The finest ever exhibited in the eity of CHARLOTTE. FINE SCARFS , For lien's and Boys wear. . WINDSOR SCARF S ...... or m LATEST NOVELTIES In Stripes and Plaids, suitable for La dles as well as Gents. WHIES, As low la price a 25 cents per dtttefi. underwear: : -i'. At . ' COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. ALL WE ASK ; OV THE PUBLIC , If a Chance for a Fair Trial. U & jRO, Ftoe Clottiefs and TaUors State or north Carolina; r in Probat:i Yadkin Com. - Court. Joseph Sparks' and Benjamin Sparks,' Executors of uenaDunupaKB,0cea8a, :,a v 4i: jctfl hiin fim-nms-t''.ffJ'i ; r. r. ..'. r.,t . The Helm at Law of Benjamin Spark, deceased . fttorjearufethasatlsfaoOdnofjtoeCSttat r.wrii.: Tummft. rntta ot Pninn . Dimmit. iiannan Falts. wife of John Felts. John 8pansa ana uza- ts. wife of hBAddlk.1 flnaricflk ai beth Raddlk, wife of John BeanK, are pemp ;w In .Kin amma mwxA nmllkaltflAnta 4 Ui HUB Kmx wuv ovu fr .ZT j - .w . hub vi iw mw, Tt is tlwrelore en mouon- oraeroa d w wu" thatadvertlsemeat be foade foe sU weeks iBTn rruAiyYVTiK iirhkktek. nouxmiz taw wunnuuv to appear at the Clark's offlce ta Yadktevllle- srtth tn Ktantr ia.ftftr service otthls notice, and let themtaKe notice ina u iobj lau n mvyau. amewlU betaken iwewA ana to ditwor. 1 J i'.i. .H..ili- SPLENDID LINE OF vri'xr- 'iVkv.i'xa foa vo; -rav iAvi ;

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