l)e Cljarlottc barber: SUNDAY, APRIL 13,1879. STATE NEWS. jj Burkejailis without an inmate:' " Col. Ed. Graham Haywood is to be memorial day orator in Raleigh. The produce exchange an4thebanks of Wilminctore obserT Gwayr; Mr. Joshua StorlMhg j- freesboro, lost a cniia ana m ucuii.6 by fire on the 3d inst. !3 b , Thieves entered the libuse of Mr. Frank Swindell, of Washington, while he was atsupper.iftngtole,,,,,,, Mr. Robert Morrow, residing in south Iredell, last Saturday had the misfor tune to lose his residence by fire, and quite all of his effects. The partial or total loss of the fruit cro; in the western counties is greatly deplored. It constitutes a very import ant product of that section. ; Dr. Carl F. Burkhardt, a highly es teemed physician, of Wilmington, died Thurs8aVvery Suddenly of ; apoplexy. He wns'S'haf Switrtand. 'nfvt Animals Bemlfi has writH ten a letter to DowftjBfttJte of the Tar boro Southerner, thanking liim for an editorial in favor of a law to minish ill treatment of dumb-brutes. - J The Burke Blade corrects its story about the two ex-Federal soldiers run nine away frdrrr Morganton,' leaving their families destitute. They have on lv cone away in search of w ork. Sam' Fa 'cblo'r W bnraght to Wilmington from Pender county, on AVednesday evening, and lodged in the county jail to await a hearing at the next term of the Superior Court ot Pen der oh tfcfeWSgfe-MMi. ' ' i A wheel of theliaggxi;pf tr, Jeir Ilatcliff, of Haywood county, ran into a hole, precipitating him over, backwards, falling upon his right Shoulder, crush ing in his shoulder-blade and forcing it inwards into his chest., lie is still in a very critical; fcondip; The board of commissibners of Ire dell county give notice to : the people, through the Statesville American, to enclose their stock, and put themselves in condition for the law to j go into ef fect, as it is the doty and intention of the board to declare the law in force as soon as the work is completed. The residence pf Col, Walter L. Steele, at Rockingham, narrowly 'escaped de struction by fire on Wednesday last. The kitchen, situated: in about twentv feet of the,. bouse caught fire and was entirely coristrmed, but by the almost superhuman efforts of the citi zens the dwelling was saved. A corn-crib, containing about 800 bushels of corn ; a stable, in' which were confined a fine pair of steers, and a cow, a buggy ivnd a portion of a, .wagon, the property of Mr. Joha Garrison, jiear Tryon, on the Spartanburg & Asheville Railroad, in Polk, were totally consum ed by fire last Friday morning a week agovaecosding to the statementof .the HendrsonTiUe Courier. - -. M r A correspondent of the Wilmington Star writes from Pitt county that in Swift - Creek township ex-Sheriff J. MlIUeji was shot in his right arm and bfefefrwith a navy revolver ,fn,.thew hands of Calvin Cox, ex-Superior Court clerk, ex-United States commissioner, anoJa practicing jattornet. The-report comes that IMlen is dying, and that Cox shot in self-defence. They quar reled about a ditch that Heilen had fill e 1 up on Cox's" land. ' Lenoir Topic: Some excitement was caused in the King's Creek neighbor hood, last Friday, by some of the pall bearers making affidavit that they did not believe the body of Irvin Tilley, (the colored man whose ; death was an nounced last week) was 'in the coffin sant from Lenoir. They believed that the physicians had kept the body for dissection, and filled the; coffin with something else. ... .An investigation was ordered, the coffin was taken up and ouened. and thev were convinced that the remain of frviri had been buried FITZ JOBS PORTER'S ACQUITTAI, ; f No Action by the President W?mt Will be Asked of Conjress. Special to the Philadelphia Times. Washington, April 10 The Presi dent has thus far taken no action on the report of the board of inquiry in the Fitz John Porter case. A member of the cabinet paid- to-day that the subject has never been referred to in cabinet meeting and. the administration seems at a loss what to do in the premises. It is said that General Porter will bring his case, before the present session of Congress if he cflc-soji and that un less the President acts on; the report, of the buAid Qtuerul Porter will petition Congress on Jtb piyygthrf the report to relieve hlmircHThVselitence ot the court-martial, Which cashiered him in 1862. Efforts for:reStttation to the jsar vice and for sixteen years' back pay will be the ubjectf or future action. Opin ions of officers at the war department are that Genr Ported iexer anticipated or thought Df a report..s.o . overwhelm ingly in his favor and that all he eve expected was,aj.elief from the dishonor of the ise'ntehcScashlerih hfm. It is thought by headquarters officers that the court-martial in 1802 rendered a just sentence from the evidence before them. -but that the late evidence .shows that Porter was not unfaithful to the inter ests of the service, but that he Was un -justly nntngomotie to mm. I'vptr- Undertaking Wlit&W,OW&im of Beer i in 1,000 Hour ;p , 4 T 1! 1?. 4 m t JL ivu j.nuianapons special to tne Cin cinnati BdzelU fcavg ; "Last nicht. at. 7 opfeiermafljtoemer baker, at 104 south Illinois streetbegan the feat of drinking 1,000 glasses7 of beer in 1.000 consecutive hours, for $50. lioemer is, u pay o cents , ior , eacn gxass as He drinks it, and 41 days and 10 hours will be taken up in stowing away the beer. xivcaac. ire wmsiiioQn jsernhart, pro prietor or Marmont Hall saloon, wnere uie urmiungiaie i)e aone.ia to.pay for tne Deer, wnich will be even $5UVTlius, if Roemerwins, he simply gets the beer, and Barnhart; loses, in fact, only the re- vjKnoiiaoowr, wnicn, Dy the keg, win propaDiy cost less than 835. And this diggu8thig spectacle Is eotpected ta .HflfJffi"?Ker8 an spectators: "lailiuile vud Luugtiudr. It will be remembered that a month or so ago several members of the Unit? lorro i j". , oiuuair, uub i me numoer, from the United States CoastrSurvey it, f 1 1 i r cma1aL . m a i v omce, wasnington, D. V April 4, 1879, , """l? Mrs. want.;oi that Jnsti ttltiem.':savS! Dea Mail ami Thdr IqH tUde and loncntudA of Rimnnfnn rVk11aA " danced from my observations made a " ,Wndypung1syMountains,is "welf as ftomtte'curlaof the5 college; are as follows t b ' , . tude--80deg.63imiii.42sec..978.!' Va raariwkJ 1 1 The fame of tne average congressman is of .8UvHi dumion tbTit mi pay 2U,uuu lor an election. 1 Wha wants the nomination In m, Hi.VUX. -i" 7 n. .M.to.lnJT!L.oc Salve foVthe Beware of countertetteuT COUmerTAIto. . : , SI Bfafas Dnaoti Ci,v,.An 1 i J I ZZSVXVll2Ji boy. the cupola of Simonton Female ;cAr(rt n THE COMWO PRESIDENTIAL CASMDATES.; Tilden and Grant Said to be teadlnj. The New York Times of Thursday publishes thirty-two columns of reports, representing every State in the Union, and gathered by one hundred and sev enty correspondents, undertaking s to show the tendency of public opinion throughout the Union upon the choice most likely to be made by the Demo cratic and Republican parties for the presidential campaign in 1880 ; Out of the. 157 points beard .from the Demo crats in 98 districts are declared to pre fer Tilden. Thurman comes next, with 23 districts, Bayard with 11 and Hen dricks and Hancock bring up the rear. The Times' conclusion is that if tne Democratic convention were held to morrow Tilden would seem sure of 'the votes of no less than 21 of the 38 States; whilst on the Republican side, accord ing to the Times', showing, were the Re publican convention to be held at once. Gen. Grant would receive the vote of every State except Maine, Nevada, Ore- fon, and possible California. In the list r. Tilden's stock is represented as highest in Baltimore, and at Easton and Denton, and their vicinities, Whilst at other points in Maryland it ia-elaimed he is surpassed by Bayard and Thur man; Grant is desired by Republicans TrwnwrnHy thmHghout - the State. Tn Delaware thafavarites are Bayard uA Grant, in y rrgrmT xnnrman 'jseaiiu ftrat thnncrh Bavard finds most favor with some of the leaders; the prepohf 1 derance or KepuDiican senwineuu is iur Grant. In West Virginia the Demo crats prefer Thirrman, and the Repub licans everywhere are for Grant. : Senator Bruce. Wash. Cor. of the Baltimore Sun. The Democratic Senators have treat ed colored Senator Bruce, of Mississip pi, with much more consideration than IiA was ever treated durine his previ ous four years' service in the Senate by hi3 Republican associates. For the first two years ui axi. uiuuca icnu no assignea an liisiguiucmit uu un important committees. In the last Con gress Mr. Bruce was made chairman of the select committee on the levees of the Mississippi. This chairmansmp was given to Mr; Bruce simply because it was a necessity, as there was no white Republican Senator left who had not already been provided with a more de sirable chairmanship. The committee of which Mr. Bruce was chairman had nothing at all to do. Mr, Bruce is a very modest, worthy man, and he took what his white nepuoiican associates gave turn without complaint or com ment. When the Democrats came into power in the Senate it was made known to them tnat mr. uruce wouiu ukb to have the chairmanship of a special com mittee where he thought he could be of service to his race, and he suggested that he would like a special committee appointed to investigate the Freedman's, Bank affairs. The Democratic Senators immediately agreed unanimously tnat Mr. Bruce's wishes should be carried out The committee has been appoint ed, "with Mr. Bruce as chairman, and placed on the same tooting as to char acter and importance as the other com mittees of the Senate. United Stttea Mints. Washington Republican, lltli. Hon. Horatio C. Burchard, Director of the Mint, returned to this city yes terday from an extended tour of in- . .if . ii. . ; i j it TT spection oi me mints oi tne uiiiieu States. He speaks of the mint at New Orleans in the highest terms. The ma chinery is all new and presents a, very handsome appearance, while the whole establishment is kept up in a corres pondingly neat and comfortable man ner. 1 he mint coined over 35100.000 in silver during the month of March. There is a good local demand for the silver coin, the colored people especial ly seeking it as a convenient form m which to hoard their savings. Consid erable quantities of Mexican dollars and silver bullion arrive from Mexico, and Director Burchard thinks that when regular channels or trade are es tablished Mexico will send a good deal J! 1 ! 1 l,: - - A' VT1 t oi ner silver ouinon to new urieans. The mint at Charlotte, N. C, was doing Ismail; business,: but its operatictos were very satisfactory, its mainte nance he considers very important to the develepment of the mineral resour ces of the locality. Mining interests in that state have received a new impet us, and the indications are that the pro duction of ' gold in North Carolina will De materially increased, jn ortnern cap ital to a considerable extent is being in vested in mining enterprises there. A Death Under Paiuful Circumstances. LHendersonville Courier. Mr. James A. Carter, of New York. aiea on last sunuay night at the resi dence of his father-in-law, Kev. Newell Bond, who resides near Flat Rock. Some six months previous to his death. Mr, carter, who was suffering with aropsy ana aisease oi tne Kidneys, pro- aucea, as ne said, Dy sudden exposure to the cold air, while m a state of pers- piiiitiuu, leit i us iiuuie aim came to tnis place, in the hope that the pure and in- viiiiuawuK xuuuutaiu air wonia enect a cure. 1 or the hrst three or four months after his arrival he seemed to improve in health, and was considered by some L uis men as nere, oi wnom he ,nad a considerable number, as almost whollv recovered. In the meantime, he became acquainted witn Miss Josephine Bond, a rennea and very intelligent lady, and daughter ot Kev. Newell Bond, who about eight years ago immieratedto this place from Cleaveland. Ohio. A mutual love sprang up between the tweyttnd ts esnlt-of-tb4ettaehment they were, ahoutfa, month ago, united in wedlocif; ariefhe' Was lust beginning to reahze some of the sweets of this life when the cup of happiness was dashed from his lips, and the cup of aeatn piacea m , its stead, which he 1 l m m . . . drank calmly, peacefully and resigned ly, oniy regretting tnat tie had to so soon part with his loving and tender wire. - Personal, Gen. Hancock is said to be the richest officer in the army. I, Schuyler Coif ax is Bald to have clear ed $10,000 from his lectures last year. jonnu. Whittieris unable from ill- health to perform anv literarvWk J : ' r-Tni. r" fcas been invited to address theterary societies of Embrv Collesre. Ga in Jnlv next... i 'MrCEriaUanlC, Ross T inspected an bther kllegedChkriey RossatMcClure, snyaer county, Md tne other day, out, as usual, tound it was somebody else-s r a r Edwiif Booth art Mifv havtf fixed their permanent home in Madison ate ne, New York. Mr. Booth's daughter, Edwina, is a young lady of seventeen, who still pursues her course of studies unaer tne direction oi a governess. ConsomptloB cured ? An old rihrsMsuv mHmX Mni mah t,o..i had placed in big hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy for ijwj amu imruuuieiu cure ior consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma, and Jail throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous aeoiuty ana all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative Dowers In ' I l1l(J,l4if cases, has felt it his duty to make tt by this SJi f..charge' 5 an who desire i reeipe. With full dlractinna tar nmnnrtnt, 1 lTwKi5!f reR? I u, tuis I using nail by W.W. . v-a. KrtrTrBVuw w xaigimn. sseni py mail by fi&P thia paper, w. v. . i ouuivsbi mfiiOR Amm ""l WWMVPWI, cw xvr&. inar9K I- -mwa, sweneswr, ew xo w. Tie DcfttkBat tt .?;j?t -: r Our opntrJ is gettiiifc'l& 'teatfci aarmtog, the anpgitot iitoiiiwieene4 wi rent, with out teaSotiaMe cause, deatlr resulting ceneral ly from the roost insignificant ori At. thtt sea son of the year especially, a cold la such a common thing thai m the hintr of every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it and often find too late, that a lever or Lung trouble has already et l?r6u8lfEariose their nvea nr naa-wa: err wlntltf ft?f???'GW SKi' been taen,a cure would haTe resulted, and a large bffl fromVaicWr been; voldeQ of the lflnxanoy'ltnig3iA) kliseases J STKtnp has proven Itself to be the greatest discov ery of Its ktad in medldne. Every Progglst In this country wjUl tell you of its wonderful effect Over 950,000 bbitles sold last year! without a single failure known. l3 PDLL INTRODUCED, 1865. A TORPID LIVER Is the fruitful source of many diseases, proml aent among which are DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, C0STIVENESS, DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEVlR, AGUE AND FEVER, JAUNDICE, P.JLES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY COM PLAINT, COLIC, ETC. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. ito&tel arKasea; U bwela are coatave, bat lomebmM alternaw with tooaeneaa, Pain in the Head, accompanied with a Dull sensation in the back part, Pain jn the right aide and under the shoulder Made, fallnoaa ailer eating, with.f dUin . clination to exertion of body or mind, Irri tability of temper, Low spirita, Iioaa ot mem oryj with a feeling of having neglected tome duty, General weariness; Pizajness guttering at the Heart, Dots before theL eyes. Yellow Bkin, Headache generally over the right eye, .Sestleganoas at nigh with fitful dreama, highly colored Urine. TP THESE WASimrog AXI tTHHXEDXK ' SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS are especlaJly adapted to such , oasesv i-'a,i;lngle dose, 1 , auch hnge of feeling a to 'S j-0 MmMSMMirasMNnnwiMaMaft! free from any properties that can injajra- the mosr ceueuie urgaamttiuit Tfcey Search, Cleaaae, Partly, ftadlavlgermta the entire 9f teM.Bitavlng the ea aroraed Uver, thex cleanae the blood . frooi poiaoao kumonvMW thaa wsr , x health ud Titalhy ta the am t I the boTrels to act naturally, withoiu which m ene can feel well. A NotC says :j Tl. I'l II . r Glm . Vjm mi. TVs a martyr to Dyapepsi, Oofutiptko. and Pile. Last Spring roar Piita wen reaodimanded to ma ; I tuod taam ( bat with little fithj. I am now a well mart, hare food appetite, digaaooo tMrMesi Mgnlar (tools, piles gaam. and I have trained forty pounds solid nesb. Toot are worth their weia-ht in rold. Rxt. B. L. SlIuSON, IaifTine, Kt. TUTT'S PILLS. Their first effect lata laereaaa the Apytha, and cause the body to Take an Flesh, thus the , system is aarlshesl, and br their Taaie Ae- tloa on the DIseatlT Ors-nna, Kaamlar Ktoola are produced. ' -- .-,stn.u i.... DR.J. F, HAYWOOD. OF NEW YORK, SAYSirt Few exist that cannot be relierad by re- to Ha B0xniaJ7fanata4faa,UMlbr! torino; the litmt this porsoee no remedy has ever been tnmnsad that,- Aas as nappj an enect as iuit jfu.,,,,,... . SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CEBITS, , fflee -35 Maifay fityeet, Mew Yark. " Dr. TUTT'S KAHUAL of Valuable Infor- maUon and TJeefnl Beeeipta' Witt bo mailed re on application. fl TUTT'S HAIR DYE. GsaT Haib ob Wimnrras ehanred to a Glosst Black by a single application of this Drc It hn parts a N ataral Uolor, aete Instsntsneeosly, and is as Harmless as spring water. Bold Druggists, or ent brexorees on receipt ef $1. i (jj, a U a T Office, 35 Murray St.; NwtYfi; i r 45 Years Before the ic.; THE GENUINE DReC.MdllalNirS CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HKADACHS. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PAIN in the right; side, under the tdge of the ribs, increases on; pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in tie left sidp: the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain . is felt under the shoulder blade, and' it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness ; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative witti lax ; the head is -troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in tie back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the skin ; his spirits are low and although he is satisfied . that exercise .would be beneficial to h'im yet he can scarcely ! summon up fortitude enough to try it. '. In facCjhe distrust every' :femedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the, disease,, but cases have, occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body,- after death, ' has shown the lives, to have been .exten sively deranged. ;h'" t., . J ' ! A G V E AND FEVER. " Dk. C McLane's Urt Tills, pi cases or, Agus and .Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the . most nappy, results. , ; No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to ; or ifter taking Quinine.' ; We ;would 'advise all. who, are afflicted with. this disease to give Aem a rAiR TOiAiu i Tor all bilious deMingeinenis! and as a simple purgative, they are un- equaledi ' ! rvi;.-.t . , BEWABE OP IMITATIONS. t .i The genuine are never sugar coated. , .s ? Every box j.h'as a red Lwax seal' on; the1 f lid, with ahe impression Dk.- McLanE's LmR-Pats."'' , -.j ,-. - The gentune 'MctANE's Iiver Pills tear the signatures of C. McLAHE and . Fleming Bros, on the wrappers: '.: " Insist .upon- having the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming s Bros.,-; of Pittsburgh, Pa., the ? market being full of imitations of the name McLane; spelled differently hut same pronunciation, - -..,'". j TUTT , AN KXCITESQ BQOX, mOOO'BOUM.yj;; This only ffuth( Is selling faster thad abyon Gives a full history lefhla.. Ham . IbA ConrQL.'.rlr or rau pamcuiara ana terms ad BB034 Wbs. Huladeli phla, Pa. u CHEAPEST CHEAPEST 53,672 Supferb, Bbb AibtJlf Pic4 vl 75,276 New American BodBAPOOBI!filGl&jjl 1 12,72ft Second-hand Books AT AKX-PRKE . Catalogue WGeperal literam Freer-n "" Qk'Z'XXU l'jJ.L-I-jI-U; M -;t; LEGGAT BROTHERS. . no.,r... 3 Beekfiaan BtJaearSKevj , JVstHQfl9cei JSewj.Tork. 1 ' 1 i.'iy i vi?'1 fl'Mui rri't 1 :i. m." 1HHK nit; 1 ui.ios.- k.-. . . i .0 ma 4-f . Parson's PatgaUve PUls make fiew Rich Blood, and wilt conrptetoly change the blood In the entire system in three months. Any person who will take one pill each night from 1 to-12 weeks may be re stored bisoaa4ealth. if such a thins be possible. Sentby mall for 8 letter stamps. L S. JOHMSON 4 CQ., Bangor, Me. 1 ' . LAAffi.'JButGK. .BENSOXCAPmE . Is fcla?He1ess-r-wa2n4es M HdffBhfel; tlsm and all locar4(yalnsvthe bestr'Teinet ay khowu. 11 was mitiiwi tu uieiuume mv maw action eftwertinarjr oaln At once Jand eur PlaBtErarr dtn not even relieve. Sold everywhere Dy Di price 25 cents. OR SALK N TheBotrgectoe: paper waaiatttiy prtBfea.ijHj Johnson Arpetowjam. pf r ra lyie3BMMlt,peoameIfeoe88ttry1 style oJ typejOilt will 4of KOod.,servj(oe, for several vea4o-eoDaa. It Rill he oW In. lota to aul uur- chaaeBte andi.to fontaf, 30,to 1 jQOOlbSf with or without easea-i Address. s :, ,-A . OBSERVER,:.' , octai'!" -Jiirt n ..'Mil l , x;nariptte...c. . AbeaufiliilfMn'uKa 'dSSori.' Jamestown, 4SkJ., .PW parucmars anq price, appiy. W - j. , .,1 i. linAA K. juaras, mar9 dtfUi ; , ,. , pbseryertimce. r-TTT j " ' 'l ' : 'V' : V i- : TtTELL IMPROVED i , ';:! i. ; -'.CITT PROPERTY IXm SALE, ii perWn;desrrtetopirrchase a vfe'J iraprored City tiDW-HaqserwItti nme lopmsi ana modern con- five mmittes'wstlk pt theipumic square, an he a- commoqjao: DjpiyinK aj THIS OTFTC. S200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE A . Pramr Prlntlne Press. Guernsey make, old attio al7 rif hii 9!fiiillticlres.; WSa'tn iMe- ttnul replaced by anew; one Addresi 3:: C. BAILEY J editor .Enterprise ana jaoanwuneer, uiwutiuv, QltSil 'Ml f i ! '-ifl! tt'.-tt' .- , t vf. ..jr. ' . Vj j,yr, ;..'V"":!:v; - : ' . VrdTiCK OF SSliufia i f U. & INTERNAt REVENUE . ' 1 Collector's Office, 6th District North Carolina, V " . ' - StatesvUe, d ApHk8eVi9ai u.n V ' i-i.-'ai imi ih1 XHMiiuii, txAia ,.),-i j, 'felzedfdifvloiationof IntomalH -Laws, on Apm-ia, ibiw: v .., ..-.- , Two Mules. One Wasron and Harness and 24 besl4ufa(seHeer Tobbo the. property. T- " Notice is hefehy hievti ila tfW&oi 'claimants of the above described property to Bppeaf before me atlny offlee m Statesttaeahd'Haake cteim thereto before theexpiratien ot4brty days rom date hereof, or the- aame wuiee aorieea tone J. J. M.UTT, . ' CoUector. apr4 3t irr30dys JOTICE OF SEIZURE, U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, Collector's Office, 6tlt DJstttct North Carolina, V Statesvuie, N. u, April na, i v. j Seized for violation of Internal Revenue Laws, on April 1st, 1879: : boxes iTobacco, owner un known; 4 boxes Tobacco, the property of K Fos ter; Ugars, me property oi n. au uiuiuej , one hall barrel of Whlsltey? owner Unknowns 'Notice is hereby ktven to -he owner or eialmemtB of the above described property to appear before me at my office in stasvme, ana maae ciaun thereto before the exDlratioo of thirty days from date hereof, or the same ' wfll be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, J. Qi YOUMO, ;bt 'n i .i 4io collector. '' l.J.i Depotyi ....;. apr2 8tin30dys ! . SWEET POTATOES, Received Irom EadUm tiorth Carolina to-day 100 BUSHELS OF THE EASTERN YAM POTATO And am expecting more to-morrow At S. M. HOHTELL'8. March 27, AROMATIC VOOTHAVASH TEETH. GUMSBREATH NO MORE lniUMATI8 VX OR GOUT . -ACUTE OR CHRONIC s A L I C Y L I C SURE CURE. 3 5 Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark by the ' EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., OF PABI3 AND LEIPZIG. Immediate relief warranted.1 Permanent cure' guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy oil both continents. -'The Highest 'Medical Academy of Paris report Co cures out of 100 ease wtthla three day. becreCThe only dlssoiver of the poisonous Uric Acid which exists in tnei Biood of Rhearnatlo an 6outy) Patients, r $1,00 i ibox,- ft boxes for $500 ' Sent to any adt&ese eo receipt t, prioe." Endorsed by physicians, Sold by all aiuggi8tsj;Ao tlress im,.u; : r..-j. -a iWASHBUBNEoi CO TrOtT' nlylrrrp ;.-:.feki-lj;. J i'.us, ,i.i ' " vCJiariotteVN. C. -j.ii ! tH -if.'-n j .....: . ...... THE BEST STOCK OF- . . s - !! . ! V ! i lnthectt,at ',-.- , LeiBOt DATIDSON. :: .it JEE w. BATTLE, M. D., 4 ? f Having removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank, ean be t aund there all hours during the day, and at bis residence cor ner seventh and College streets, at night, teh7-8m - ' -' .. . dr; E. HGREENE, TENDERS his professional services to the peo ple of Charlotte and vicinity. Being a gradu ate of both schools of medicine, (Alopathio and Homeopathic) he is qualified to practice either system, ,.,-... He win Btm devote attention especially to Chkon rc Disbasxs, but will also -do a general practice. Calls attended day or night r Office over McAden'a drug storei Residence on CoUege street, corner of 6th street, mar22 daw 8ra , LA. oresa hdbbard edTi .W .f.i'i To "win a' ' fortune. 1 Fifth" Grand ' Ittsiri&ntioW ! l , 13th, 1879-lQ7th Monthly Bowing. " i l lr tOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. Ilamre1 of the. Stale fbSUlncanallaM J Charitable ptmseBiniilS68, wm Tax mat TwxinT-rays fKiBmMuchontract the ble faith of the State 13 pledged wtth Wea; 81.000.000. to which it has fiUwe added a ' FunJ -ef SSO.OOO; ltd BRAND SINGLE ;N1W BEB ! I0STt(9OTIPKiWhl take place monthly ,on the sewRd Tuesday,, . If never scales or postpones. . '. lyrnd nr.-h' mt'-', - , 100,000 TKRetS U' Two dollars each.' ' Half Tlck ets, One Dollar." LIST. OF PRIZES : :r'i ii'ii ,,.,: - 1 Capital Canital Priab.J ill i .ilJi 1 -'; i- iaooo; 1 Capital Prize, li 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 2 Prizes or $2,500.. .. 5 Prizes of 1,000.'. . . . : . 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 500-.,... .. "oo'r.v;: 20., .. 10,- ? V,Wtf 1,000 Prizes of. ,,lP,0OQ,i ApproxlrdaUoniPrizes of SSOO.Wn. , $2,700; 857 Pr4aes, amounting tot ii.. J;iu. .1 j 41UL400 : ' Responsible rreprMdhig'' agents wanted all protmriBfrt BOtnts; tooirhom A liberal eominensariDii to I Write, elearlysUitirig full adoress, for full inior- mauanvrisenajoraers m, : , . j :.- . . - .. . M. A. DAUPHIN, ' , TpstoSJce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana ' ' All our Grand Extraordlnarj Drawings are under the supervision and management, of JrENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARDanajflBAL A, IeaRLTL NEW BOOKS AT- ' TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE. Mayne Reed's Novels, 6 vols., " 5 Travels in Central Asia, by Vambery. Treasure of ,Wlt and Wisdom, , ; Snortaistory of English People, Green. Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. Social Etiquette of New York, 1 dL, cloth, $7.50 4.50 7.50 1.00 If you want to get a cheap Feather Duster goj to ' ' teddy - mum You, will always find something nice In the way of Stationery at TEDDY 4 BRO'S. i The latest styles of Wall Paper can always be found at. TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. ., Mable, Todd 4 Go's. Gold Pens always on hand TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. ' at BUTTERICK'S SPRING CATALOGUES And Metropolitan Fashion sheets for April, Just received at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. March 28, 1879. OLD WASHINGTON RYE WHISKEY. We call attention bf dealers to this celebrated Whiskey, well known m.. Norttierri and Southern markets. It is smooth, pleasant to the bisteaodi perfectly free from adulterations. " Read certificate1 of analysis of Dr. Taylor, State Chemist of Ya.: Havlne made a'chemieai examination of a sam ple of Washington Rye Whiskey, selecte1jy xoy-i self from the stock of Messrs. Lathrop fc Lehch.r I am enabled to pronounce it to be a strictly pure ar- ooie in au respects, suiiapie ror use meaicinaiiy or otherwise. . WM. H. TAYLOR, M. Il7 ,' ; State Chemist olTa, LATHROP & LEKSEU'Sole Proprietors, ' 1316 & 1318 Cary street Richmond, Ya. ' OLD ASBJNGION RYE WHISKEY." I am now prepared to furnish the genuine Old Washington Rye Whiskey. It is of the mostupef rior quality in taste and purity. A long experience Justlflea me in comaaending it to connoisseurs, Anl all who appreciate good Whiskey, Trtt. W.R. COCHRANE. March ill lmeod. M M L L S S N JOSEPH F1SCHESSER, Pbopriktor. DEALER IN BEER, ALE, PORTER 'i, ' .:'( - AND , WINES & LIQUORS, ;, And the best brands of Cigars. . Agent for Fred Laser's celebrated Beading Beer Keeps fresh bottled Beer on hand from Bergner fc Engei, Philadelphia. Sold by the. dozen at a rear; sonable price. All my customers can be furnished at home with the best Beer in town. ... - ,;, t ; als6 BILLIARD ROOM ,'f! ;' ': ATTACHED. i ; .' ': ' O'l'i ;;;. '. tjiUj.;: . .yi. u . : Tiy on Street, opposite lotte i?otel, 'y V headquarters; ;. - . for .,.'r.'!.;' : .- J " er Beer; Alt AND PORTER, Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of the city, free of charge for $1.00 per dozen. . : : ... - ;T ;vv F.C. MUN2LEB. All orders left at John VogePs tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 ; ;;U-a-awJ ! 'hi the Let f3 invioiaj, , ! 1: f - 1 mi .E2flmo,o.i ii b mm 1 ;:-AHAti9 MiiHUHiia ni nluh : BG0R BINDING -. i ..... ; s j. '.it: i; POWER, FAST: GOOD WORKMEN, : In connection with the -publloaUon W luOfr an-n-fi'.i'.J .'; .ti-flv 'to . i -f,t 'i .j: d'(- Sebvjeb, and the establishment pi ; one or the jiarg- est, most. complete, and most thoroughly equipped i -till i.-xc-.-- .- ;,-f ;-;( trVthe Sontlr, the proprietor- has just added a eorh- ;n ii i book bindery AND r Ruling1 Deprtixient Capable of executing the very best class of work at 8hnrt notice. Old magazines', newspapers, law or mw t other books rebound in handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of tills class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of ' - - .i LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLt OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and othef exhibitions ean get thetr DATES and POSTERS printed here, jn as attractive a manner ai m New York. ' We have a very full supply of: type for. printing, at short notice and In first class style, ' . BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME C6URT, ,, , And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shapji wul do well bj give us'a trial. W have the most accurate proofreaders, and our work, is as lxWjeote M tf'telpoatlble 'to make it' - LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, ! u ' Visiting Cards, , Ball Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills,: Invitations, , Checks, Labels' ' BILL HEADS, Deeds, ; . Receipt Books, r Business Cards, y.r '- Pixigrajfoines; " '' ' '.? j. i-Matlsiratea'ADd; ; (i'-I hil.s .. ; i. ,i v.i ; ifiti . .. tl--'. .-. . . In fact; all kinds of , printing done, at abort notice. i, Special atteatlen gfvea W "EaUroad Printing.; BOOK WORK. Hatfng a largfit supply of tTpe than most lobes tabllHhments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to be a specialty w:th us. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. , mwMMmm . I. ,. . t- 4 t ... .;..(, . . Address ; - P.O. Box 182. THE OBSERVER, Charlotte, N.C. 1 TIEL8 SICK WITH and gejwraLTHKjooUoTtftbJenjaRa. m. i, , rr riA i A 1 1 .SI rj iv. Then laatfme t take ( .m DIGITS PILLS. These pills a'e made of certain Ingredients that act specially rtrLlver.nd at the same Uml fS61 "i1. topurltles from the stomach and system aiding digestion, and jm. RESTORING TO HEALTH, when all other remedies fall Take- them for Biliousness, Indigestion. Costive- oXrs?smand anddl WITHOUT AEQUiJ1 WABBANTED .'r fHN F. HENRY, CURRAN, CO., "' ' , ',? Sole Proprietors, 1 8 COLLEGE FLACK,- NEW YORK. ror .saleby L. R. Wriston & Co., Charlotte. N. c. mar4 SMITH'S WORM OIL ,TH,vGv,;Peoember 8, 1878. A few nights since I gave my son one dose of the . Worm. Oil,- and the next day he passed sixteen Jl!.,55,ilt',8Mw'TfgaiBneto my little girt, fotoars okL. and she passed eighty-six worms from four to fSlteen inches long J1' "'J ' J W, F. PHILLIPS. Worm Oil for sale bv ts generally, Pre- Pared by E, S, LYNDON, Al ins. Ga. jrnue 20 cents. Jeb21dAwly, is a perfect BiX)on lHriw;and is tha only, purely yxABwmedj known to sci- ence,.tha hiuixoAdec?idlcalrto Cube of Syphilis, and ScsOrnjk in all their It thoroughly removes mercury'froin the system.-; it relieves the agonies; of mercurial riienrnatianiyand speedily fouree all skin dis 0jasMi' ;U: ii; I''h-oii-ii1 . Sold by druggists genera&y. feb25 6m -. ELECTRIC BELTS. A sure cure lor nervous debility, premature de cay, exhaustloriy etc. i.TJ only reliable eure. Cir culars maJXre AdchTMs J. K. REEVES, 4B QONDENSED TIME. , NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TkiDfrf eonte kast. No. 8 Dally ex.Sun. Date, Nov. 10, 18. Na2 Daily 8.45 am 8.20 a m 3 00pm 5.26 p m No. 4 Daily Leave Charlotte, "' " Greensboro, " Raleigh, Arrive Uoldiboro, 6.55 pra 14.10pm 5.30 a at 9.80 a at 1 ' NP.' 2 Connects at Salisbury with W Vd R R fnr iaU potntBTtn. Western North CaroUna, daily except Bunaays (ireensboro with R. 4 D. B, R. f or all poims North. East and West. At Goldsboro with W. & W.:B. R.'for Wilmington. No. 4 Connects at -Greensboro with R. A D. R. B. for all points North, East .'and West t : : TRifws nnmfl.jfxsr. No. 7. Dally ex. Sun: Date, Nov. 10, '78. Na 1 Daily. No. 3 Daily. Leave Golds boro, " Raleigh, " Greensboro 9.50 am 8.50 pm 8.28 on 5.35 pm l I 5.30 am 6.47 am Arrive u&arioue, 12.25 am iasoam No. 1-tConnects at Greensboro - with. Salem Branch, i At Charlotte with C A. R. R. for all points South epd South-west; atAlr-Llhe JunctioD with A. 4 C. iu, L. Railroad tor all peinta South and South-east. ,. - , ',,. ' No. 8 Cormecte atiSaUsbmy witn W. N. C R. B. daily exoept 'Sunday, At -Ai-Lto) -Junction with A. & C A. L. for all polnUi fioulh and South-west. At Charlotte: with, ,e.-C A, .Railroad for all points 8outhhd South-west. ; SAUai BKAMCH, , .. Arrtw SaJeaatt7;t' 0luiaT' P Leave Salem, " 5.45 am Arrive Greensboro, . " " 7.45 a m Connecting at GreenaWb with trains on the R D. and N. C. Railroads, ,-ofi. ; "!'-,.' 11 J r- ' SXXXPTKa t!ABS TTTHOTJT CEANSX Run both ways, n. -Trains NoaJLand2, between iNew xoraana Auama via tuenmona, ureensDoro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Noa. 3 and 4 between New York: and Savannnn via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. B, MACMURDO. Gen. Passenger Agent, nov20 ' Richmond Va. QHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA RAILROAD. AND AUGUSTA Chablotti, Coluhwa and Augusta R. K. , OorriuaA,S.a,Dec.27, 1878- On and after Sunday, Dee. 29th, 1878, the fol lowing paseenger schedule will be run over this road, 1 Washington ttme,): . NIGHT EXPRESS. G01N8 Sooth, Na 1. Leave Charlotte, " 1 00 a. Arrive Columbia, e 00 Leave Columbia 6 06 i- Arrive Augusta... 10 00 a. m GOOfONOBlH, NO. 2. Leave Augusta... .r 5 55 p. Arrive Columbia,';.: 10 00 r. u. Leave Columbia,:. 10 10 p. Arrive Charlottei.., a 10 a. u. DAT PASSENGER. -!,,;,': Goni e Sooth, No. 8. Leave Charlotte. 11 27 am. Arrive Columbia . A.. 4 10 p m- Leave Columbia..,.'....'.... 4 15 p.m. Arrive Augusta...,, ....... 8 80P.H GxraaNoBTH, No. 4. 03 a. AxrtveCprumbiafll.V.Jiv.ii..... 1 20?. 1AM rrntrMa r ui - 1 30 P.M ArriveChrtott).f,..f........... B 30 p. These train stop only at Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Chester,' WlnMborov )RUgeway,. LeesyUle, Baies burgv Ridge Springs.; Johston, Trenton and Granite TiUeodirfaflona wlU be recognized as nag Mattons.'", ; . . ,ii PnUraaA Phlan 1an(nr and drawInsMOOm cars r Nos. 1 anil tt firextnaboro to AuKusta: also on Noa. 8 and 4, New York to Savannah, via Bicn- mona ueorgia antral nauroaa. , t T. D. KLINE, Superintendent Jfo, B MacMtjbdo, G. P. Agent ;:; ec29.!; ." B A K E R Y r BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, fresh every day .T7E can with confidence v ? the very best manufactured, using none dui the very best materials. W. N. PRATHER, Trade Street, first door above the eld Market, marl t - VfjiaN. Sirv VftV I

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