4 VtV 14-fT- STTBSUJCIFTIOS MATES t &iX j0IW4 va A I (MM .w. ....... irixicxr JEDrtKwr I vttfthtmc(M(f(xtpfti a to jtx jiowiaii f . .f rfi..jAw.n. .... 1 00 Uteral Keducttotuor CkOt. rt 8m (sooob. 'IJ- . ,. M'.-.l, .., . ... .. SUN., UMBRELLAS. tiU :i j-il'fl ri km );!: A M .7 7 -ft ft Ladles bujlng ParuoU km) SaphreUa "will nnd the best assortment at the lowest pAces at ELIAS & COHEN'S. find other goods to suit them upon which tbef ean,s&T mpnen Our stock of Fancy and Staple ..j; fi.Mi.,r, tT Is uow complete, among which majr be foundla. full suppl of Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and Pillow CudQK.ln Llnen and iCotton, Linen TaUe DatriJkm VlrHe,Slate, Bed and' Yellow; Napkins, Doj&sfcnd Towels In ererjr larierTfiar-1 pets, Buw'MattefiiOil j 'Uu'l: Our stock of fembtoiderV and Trimmings is large, and will be found rery cheap. So will our stock of WHITEGOODS, HOSIEKY, L0T3,BAlfKKKjhHrErS, COB SETS. FANS AND TIES. Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen Cambric Hand kerchief and f2 Sun Umbrellas. You will find them cheap, and eTerythmg else la proportion. Call and see us. It will pay joa. ILIAS COHEN. B UKGESS NICHOLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALKR IN FURNITURE FURNITURE t BEDDING, AC. BEEtDING, &a BEDDING, &C. TURl I TE! A MU Line of LOUNGES! LOUNGES r LOUNGES ! LOUNGES. i I ill If H i t ih if i I j: J 1 Li. X 1 1 J. I 11 i n CHEAglEDStEADS f4 I CHEAKBEDSXEADS r CHAMBER SUITS! VffO1'00 CHAMBER SUITS 1 : MloH)re8!uBuiln PARLOR AND PARLOR AND CP- COFFINS of all kinds on hand. Na 5 Wist Trabx Stbkkt. CHARLOTTE, N. C Ladies' and Gentlemen's Burial Robes a due supply. 4 . -;i4 ; )an8 ; B ARGATNS IH- UREE EE UR KB & RUN W II T U I RKR IT N II T U URBB BK u uk lit mmu. t UL BR; bb uv s iirm u t( wVl B RKB8 it I -)v '.'-f v. Jen i. tj. W1J ii. .i'-!ii.'-(V' -"i E.Q.: .-tjijcii om,I cxriJ muttt j ! . ..i - ,, :-. t J'li'lfi! i Jf.tM -hb vi ,ji u IvR 'Mi) li.fi? My mock is very Lar.f ahdembracwaull III Jclrfti il tofittjta 6'id.it , . . .' mat gm-. $n J-AHLOR. CHAMBER, DININq BOO urnuic jruiuiixuttK . . r- au Goods Packed Fret or2anje 75 1 . v t v , VT .vif "--'."v "- ii; i riv. i-Vijauw ju'u ' i i v. jyaf .1 w.,xr';n.grTSTvJ ,iJsr i-iru JyTSTviiitfi liCSFtn i I maimer qfjoo worit earn nm to aom vniA Mawwi, ;- l . ..?-4inHi8..tt.iU w ..v.vi,NkrI A, ..-f ;,vw,XYirms -w ..A-sx . ' 1 ' 5 BLANKS, SZLtr-HXiUS,1 . VOL. XX. .: .. f.i..7y mm,m&ms:t '' - .... .. . I...,, . . ...,.., ANCKIER ARRIVAL 2-1 i i NEW GOODS. lil.7 We have lost received a third stock of an wool Spring Buntings that have been so popular this season. Also Black French Buntings. We wish to call your special attention to our stock of Black and Light Colored Spring Cashmeres, the hand somest we have ever offered for the price. Don't fall to look at our stock of Black, Gros Grain and Damasse Silks, Summer Silks In all colon. Tam toeHerjfltuid'EtifpresClotkM French Organ dU.v oarJitock. oTWhii fioHd complete In every branch. Dotted and Plaid Swiss for over dresses. Linen Cambrics. Mull Mnsllnsi Mju-ra- lias, Linen and Victoria Lawns, In plaid and fancy. Aiaomcvanen fliiuanBBin; jsasinirs anumsert- lngsln white and colored. Marseilles Quilts. AJ second stock of Ladles' 1 ItSJ!' SPUING HATS ' 'i.tlJ. and Millinery Goods. Be sure and examine our stock of carpets; Cane Hatting, Oil Carpets, and Rugs. A large and well selected stock of Parasols. AdoJ;Uhe& fancy Charlottesville Casslmeres for youig:mea;fiL suits. I A haactoene stock of .j i READY MADE CLOTHING. Call and see our stock of Ladles' Shoes In Calf, Goat, Serge, and Newport Ties. Children's Shoes in fancy .colors. A large line of Gents' and Chil- ureft'srstravr ajxl Mf Halt I , ' Uwstockls eotneiete-ra every line, and we In vite a careful Inspection, as we are willing to com pare eoods and prices with any one. Special at tention given to orders. Give us a call. ' ' ' Respectfully, ! 1 T. L. SEIGLE & CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st , Charlotte, N. C. . LOW PRICES . i ' RULE THE iH. LARGE CROWDS Dally throng the CHEAP STORE OF H. MORRIS & BRO'S, STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS - THIS WEEK.- Men's Best Flannel Suits, only $12,00 Beautiful light Casslmere Pants, $2.50, 3.50,4.5(9 White Fancy Pique, 8ft, 10 and 12 cts. per yard, Beankfol'Lawns 10 and 12 " " Dress Linen, all shades, 18, 20 and 25c per yard. HamburEdglng, allwklttis, 3to25c.peryard. . l wilUswit Au muivsf tui.vuoucB) vuv. turn for 15 ceni Vnvff HTMa mw? TtiAsntilnfr An It ft nAr vrH Pnt rottfWMi. ttlt MMrlno Atilv Mia nanfji nAr tarrl' -ttHnflf p' y&bif 'tiufatt our Goods and prices, as we elalnj tone the leading low price house In Charlotte. 'r ' ' Just received, a beautiful line of . PAKASOLS, Ranging In price from 12Vk Cents to $3. I t Also, a full line of STRAW GOODS And Ladles Underwear, at Immense bargains. H. MORRIS 4 BEOS. .... )4 1 lSV .April 12. SPRING CLOTHING. W. KAUFMAN CO. nave tnhdethei experiment of ao eoublet asto include the 1) arc novelties, In Men's, Youth!, Boy's and Children's it .;'.i Mi TTTT H H II NIT If H II NN If GOO G G O17 H G GO GOO bi tnmtM vhnMiAintwu4inn''xind'' Wft are at all Mouta.MmMiltA.rtvAr auotaHonof "TBloeft. Every gsrmentrWhlcb, ta sold;t tfurhoWfs warrantedto f tiCt'rebritedi adtojrloe' lthan ut be eiswherSi iwe couhhuw e sell . 'X oo xd wia ul liiunu ; JJLtJH FLASSEtt SHTS CeaMr than any other house, a vMd the past season; and they have rtdnedihe TeputaHon of be 4nt the best la fee marked t IdcI reaent this season totlie1 eohSumer a fine one T1 -t3 -Ail-V, EcgSfiiocst and Clippers, iiiUfs aa tr.fis9? Sort? f ."f'J ! "ni.'i t; Including &' Ibest makes in! 'QU country. 'There can also be found In our .stock a complete line of fine Felt, Stiff and Straw Hats, and any kind of GenUemen's Furnishing Goods. -Don't purchase before yoq xamlnoouf stock, as the cheapest'. Caa;behadat&xiT MAN&CO.'S,i;fjr; rmffl Tfesrie and Tnron Btsv-cy a , I. . . 00., ,T. HHK H JL H iSUirhbH"- uiiU li io iiixm rtiiJ 1 ', , . Charlotte. N. C ' ' " 1'.7 ;!) : illi. in; Willi . , , . i! r ' - '.. i .'' ,f " ' 1 -. - ' .-" 1 Lli ' ' " ' -- " ' " ' 1 " i i ; i i ........ i , t . . ,, , , , r -. Night Sceaes froi Life. 1 1 tj r.rChlcago ribtme, i DWltlilie comes, ana cattalns fall. WHenl And round I co the doors to lock. Ere lamps go put my wife doth call, "Remember, dear, to wind the clock." When boots are off, and for the day All Irksome -cares seem put to rout, I bear wife's voice from dreamland say, . , "Be sure you put the kitten out." . From trundle-bed there comes a cry, ' "fwaartadwlntt 1 wantadwtmtr OBS Ell V AXIOMS. FfUis tike a goellng i f ui supp pery weathers man when he's down on his DacK. Let nw visit ttie fairs of my country and I, care not who has Its backbone. . B. Hayes. ..An Ohio cow last week broke a, man's neck by a kick. A mule that witnessed the casualty went be hind the barn and wept. Norrtetoum Herald. A Japanese student at New Haven went to spend me evening wun a young lady, un coming away she invited him ntea nun to call again soon. He called again in about an hour. Ml !f the oourk the xauiB. the grove. ,nd Heafcei aberei Sut it never sewi In the seat of vour husband's .black trouser&i .That lsn't,Uwjr.Xaats revenm. : A young officer thought to puzzle the editor of re iffTODy-asKingnim wnen vwomen 01 equal age and rank met, which should be the first to bow. The edrtor:alnily replied: 7 "The mow polite of the two." , When M. de Lesseps was getting up the Suez Canal, an old Frenchman came to his office In' me to Paris, and said : "I want to subscribe to your rail- . way In the desert. -.But,'" was the reply, it IS not a railway: It Is a canal across the Isthmus f SoezfL Ildont care what it is; I subscribe to It On a wsont tris et one of the gtaamera running to San Fmncloco. bread ivas saived at dinner one Eilay wlfobrtaaiedf Ifenglg dj eaplL The captain aiterwards asked the baker if he did not know that kerosene had rat into the flour. He admitted that (hi did. J'WHf dMntJypUl list the flour to the eftleKensmhenr was 'asked.1 "Oh," "I was afraid it would kill 'em." he repttedv An impromptu mock anction sale of women was amusing and profitable, at first, in a Racine (Wis.), cnurcn iair. rne young men ma uoeraiiy ior ine attractive glrjs, and It was all very funny Indeed until an ugly but' Influential sister was put up. The auctioneer was compelled to knock her down at 25 cents, and she was so angry that ,she put oa her things and vent home. An Omaha belle recently received a present of a pair of twenty-four button kid gloves from one of her admirers. She wrote him a letter of ihanks ln whlchshe frankly told him he had made a great mOikelrf the slztoijt she hadfmedied it by cut ting off (he feet and wearing only the legs. President Lincoln once listened patiently while a friend, read a long manuscript to iUmi and then aekd:r "What de yoa -think' olft5ow will it take?" The president reflected a little while, and then answered: "Well, for people who like that kind of thins: I think that It Is lust about the kind oi ining tneya lute." The other day a mob rode Into Fayettevtlle, Arkansas, and riddled a newspaper office -with buckshot. The provocation is unknown to us, but no doubt the last Issue of the paper said, some-i thing about "winter lingering in the lap-of spring,?. upBiementea, with, the "Jiardly .ever" jokerr SOUTH CAROLINA ITEMS. Jeff Davids, the negro who was to have been hanged in Abbeville last Friday, has been respited until October 10. Animated bundles of baby clothes afidj iitnit j 6fert Qptv knd then orna ment the front steps 'oi Charleston's citizens. The road bed of the Blue Ridge and Anderson- Branch railroads is to De laid. with, new cross-ties and otherwise im proved. The fourth annual State convention of the Young Men's Christian Assooia-. tion of South Carolina will convene in the Methodist church at Andersonville, on Thursday, 24th of this month. i The Newberry Herald declares that the,Sputh Carolina, homestead law is a fclel?3jon and a shaid. ffhetTctens Sen tinel favors a reasonable homestead, but thinks the present law is iniquit ous. ' " : " The Piedmont cotton factory, in Greenville, has sprung into life as ii by magic, and only a few years, work shows that it is out of debt and can be raised to double its present capacity wt tpe same success, f Mr. J. J. Bossard was elected intend' ant Btfthe late municiballtiledtlon of the town of Sumter, the amount df h'ia al-) arytelng at the'discretiOH jontne war denfc ; They awarded4 him4 $J0, and he donated the entire amount to the La dies' Monumental Association of that place, frfhebiitpose of enclosing Moprt groiid-,yi . The- Letter, and Spirit of the Law. From the Paris Galois. I One pleasant nigmuva lonely spot in , jks halted by a robber who threatened i ta kill him unless ha voluntarily sub Rr.rihfid to thfi camDaim fund. The De- I Fdestrian calmly drewiafitol from his 1 bocket. and placing it to the highway man's head, marched him to the nearest police station, "where he gave him in charge and told "the story to the ser geantSVjery good," said that vigor ous official ; ana now have you a per mit to carr y p pistol ?" "I have not." "In that case i shall be compelled to hold you dm a charge of carrying con cealed weapons." "But if I hadn't had my pistol witty me I would probably have been mutdered." "That is quite likelv. but tne law takes no cognizance jefMtfe $yng3iUfeM$hV The law is the'raw.and must "be obeyed." "Very wen ; out is inere any ordinance against carrying a pistol that won't shoot?" "No ; of course not." "Then if you will be so kind as to examine this deadly weapon youwill perceive that there is no trigger to it. It is one a friend gave me to take to the armorer's and-rnay'et repaired." "L.emme gor yeneas tae captive highwayman ; "u was kidnaped anu inveigiou neie nuuci laioo p-, tences. This is a charge offraudby.a fratid. ' The vigilant sergeant was about as deeply disgusted. ;.n , :' Clean Teeth. If the teeth are kept perfectly clean and well nourished, they will rarely de cay. If food lodges in cavities, or be tween them, it soon petrifies and, of oiirM fateftWtefetiij These particles should be Temoted y a soft toothpick at the close of each meal, the teeth brushed ' morning 1 and night, on both surfaces and the. ends, the. mouth thor oughly rinsed, that all particles may be washed wttiys Good, refined soap, such as castile, makes a jrood teeth .wash, or dissolved borax with a little spirits of camphor may be used. Acid prepara tions always injure the teetlvthough they may whiten them for a time. A waifr issaferitban a powder generally. Avoid extremes 4of heat and cold, as they crack the enamel, leading to decay. .- hv. ii i i i nwm. j i i A Norfolk .Count J Farmer Made Rich.; 4Spec( thsJBlchinoBdiPispatch,Ji . Norfolk. V . . April 2. A Norfolk eountv ifarnierT'named James Keetor, iron case containing several thousand dollars Wuiie piougnmgi n KT,eunesaay, in an old field that-has not "been in1 eulti-- vation for seYeral yearsw,:Tii treasure was :in American silver joinj and IS sut)posed;;,)U have ;been,rued dunng the war. ' ' -jXa -o r---'i :-it4SaliacliOiwttvefe1--- .'? ; " 1 t ? is tigWjr ; alleged In a preamble thatit is -conmioii practice"; with com mission merchants : and others to In clude to tjharges'tniales of consigned articles manyi items oxxpenseFnot in curred ; wherefore sinefc March H.'lStS, $50faee,tnpenalty incurred by any eqmmissipn merchant or any other person who sells produce or any "com modity; on fCrignjwatfoi:itoc)rridng in bis tall of barges. fo:exactingthe layment.of any, item, of expense,' what erver.ithe ,custrn may ,be. which1 said commission t merchant :Or , other, person seUinaon.wnsignnient has notifeallT I and naipcun,ed,1and paid in .the necessary expenses or -sai pi.sucn pro 4ueejr icomrjftodity: iThfe SSQtgoes to the aggrieved party, n mpy pp recov ered upon information in writmg or on oathbefor.e anyjustice of the peace. tfMah-ch iC-JfelSah ttct was ratified making .the probate judge, the sheriff and tiounty commissioners of each coun ty 't' committee' for the belief of the blind and maimed. It is made' the' dutyoftiwJj fTofate Judge1 to ratify:' all persons; trt hrsnntyvvB lost sight, xir both handSjOr both feet in Confederate sertfeef, ttiat orl proof of the fact before the committeethey are entitled fro re f ey fiJi . monthly for life. Oh receipt of his otficial certificate riving names and number qf, ,thpsa entitled to tho? pension, the vexhpr,' wiU issue a .warrant tothe trfasuret forvtfte neces sary, amount., j, -j."?.-!-, '; Since March ,12, 1379, town . and city constables a(jjas officers authorised by any .town or xjity to collect taxes have ' been 1 required to make monthly settlements;with the town treasurer or other authorized" person. Failure is a Jnisderoe'ahor penalty fof hich fsr not less' 1 than' $5 nor irrore than $20,: and imprisonwient for not'less thaii twenty1 days. ' ' Sirtce March 12, 1879, Wherever the words "county treasurerw occrfr in any Statute now existing .or hereafter made, they are to be held as indicating the person performing the duties or that office in counties having1 ho treasurers. And in such couhties,' where the sheriff ra ' authorized to perform 1 the1 diities of county treasurer, the bond his'ives as sheriff shall be construed to include his liabilities -and duties as county treasu rer, and may be increased by the county, commissioners as they may deem rrec- inte-his-haBds. " ' - i 1 ' )iMarch-13a&79it wasnacted for the benefit of landowners whose land had been sold for taxes" before : January l , 18791,; that any pefaonI.iwhO ' shall i within one , year from date ;6f .this ; lw pay to the public treasurer iihe' -taxes due at time of sale and taipwienfc imTbiv that arhount,nall snbsequentr?axes and costs and expenses, shajl be, entitled to a deed of reconveyance "This the Secretary of State will fesae Sifibtt exhibitloji I to him . of. the necessary : tax: receipts, thd the payment: to mm of l tor! tne tleett. AnotheraCt Of same date matos pro vi sion for laflWaerslwho have'inadver teUy: faUa Us fe4eem their landi until thedy of grace jhas expired or is about to expire. In Jsucbi cases the Jaw ex tends Jhe time to January l, -For rediemption. of any such jand brovided ; the title is vet in th State) it : is ireces- t sarjrfdr the, dispossessed owner i to pay cue uuiea uuu a uuie wi. saie ouu uie pri ieentage Required by law, all costs of ad- verwtHg ana, execuxing a ueea, i ana an totes, that would have been due had not the land passed into the Stated posses sion. - :- Section 1, chapter 196, laws of 1876-I7, authorises county-commissioners and municipal authorities to farm ;ont eon victs. A law ratified March 13, 1879, amends that section by adding a provi sovthat it shall not be lawful to farm out any such convicted person Who may be Imprisoned for the nonpayment of a fine, or as punishment imposed j for the onence ot which he may have been con yicled, Jinless-the nonrt before whom the trial is had shall in its judgment so victed. iirilfiss tha vthf" Dinocrktil Tttkt lr; Rihaf(T. Merrick Iuterrieved, Mr. Richard T. Merrick, the eminent Washington, Jawyer f,who is in New York on professional business, has been Interviewed Dy a Tribhne reporter. In regard to the action of the next Demo cratic. National r. Convention, Mr. Mer rick is represented as expressing the opinion that the party must either nom inate Me did ticket entire or make one that is wholly new ; that it would be a bad blunder to drop Mr. Tilden and put Mr. Hendricks in his place, for that would be equivalent to saying that the party believed the charges against Mr. Tilden and thought him no longer avail able. The significance of Mr. Hen drick's interview, Mr. Merrick thinks, is that he wants the party to under stand that he is not seeking the second place on the ticket any more than he was in 4876; that ha looks upon it as a sacrifice to take such a place, just as he did in 1870, nd that the understanding in the party then, that he was to be nominated for the presidency, must not be forgotten. On condition that the nomination in 1884 shall be mortgaged to him in advance he will be ready for the goOd of .the party, to run again for the,, vice-presidency a place which he justly regards as much below his de serts. In" the event of having to take a military, man to run against Grant, and divide the soldier element, Mr. Merrick thought nobody would be more availa ble than Gen. Hancock. Mr: Merrick Isaid- there was another consideration I ii si -1 1 p l .a -r i mac wilt iavor a soiuier. jxiauy jjmnu crats will insist on a candidate who will not be frightened out of taking the office if he is elected a man who will Btand up 'for his rights, and who the Other side know will fight for-them rathef than be cheated but of them. Senators at-tli e Bath. rFrom a WasMngton Letter.1 Each House of Congress has its bath rooms and barber shop, where Senators and representatives cah perform their ablutions and be beautified at govern ment expense. It happened, a few days since, that two Senators, about equally matched in size, were taking their baths at the same time, and that the attend ant who had taken out their , clothes to brush, changed the black trousers which they wore. The suspenders were also alike, and the two Colons did not dis cover the exchange. Late that night, however, one of them, 'who had retired early had to se. to a "personal ex- Elanation.": -His jealous wife, when she eard him snore, had made her usual examination of his pockets, and had discovered in the -hip-pocket of his (or rather the other man's) trousers some visiting .cards i and ; notes, . relating to places in the "department, etc. etc, which it was a difncult; matter, to, .clear, up. The - owner of ? the damaging evi dence, it is fair to say, is a single man. ' For upwards of thirty yean Mrs. Wfnslow'g Sooth- ing yrup na oeen nsea ror enuaren. a corrects acidity of tbe stomach; relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other Causes.- An old and well known remedy. - 25e per bottle, -J ' PirrJ' t v "it , SPRIIG -1 j i , . : - . ;. , - ; "i 1 CLOTHING IN EVERY CONCEFV?ABJE STYLE . . April 6, 1879. ... ; . 'i1. : DRESS GOODS DEPABTMENT. In this department we can exhibit the most desirable fabrics and color ings adapted to this market, such- a Bl&ck and Colored.girraraerSUk$, Egjp tlan Caoth, ,"Satlne Royal Brocades.", TerranO Sattne, Suitings, Melange Silk, Bentley's Cloth, vora Custonr Cloth, Silk Brocaded Grenadines,; and .Jap. Silks, Black , Cashmeres of . the very best makes. Black , all wool Del&ne. f Tamlse, Tamertoe,JAttstraliah Crepes, ana outer moirnun g gooas. inicke f bocker suitings at 10c- per yard; Black and Colored Bunting, and maay other desirable dress goods. , . liACES AND EMBROIDERIES. H to make Our stock of these must be seen to be appreciated. v , . . FANS AND PARASOLS. ) In this line we can boast the greatest variety of Novelties. HANDK'CHFS. lvOOO dozen. Plain, Bordered, Hem-1 stitched. White and Colored, from 5c to 75c each. ! CLOTH DEPARTMENT. Handsome all wool Silk Basket Rroche Cloth, for ladles' and children's Sacks and Dalmons; these we offer at ball the cost of production. Handsom est goods ever produced, casslmeres, it complete, X Flannels, 4a shanes in Ornaments, CAR P E T DEPARTMENT. med Sailor 1 ,000 price, call Carpets, In an endless variety of new designs, at all prices. Rugs, Mattings, Crumb Cloths, &c READY GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. OUR STOCK OF WHITE SHIRTS IS c O 0 M M E LATJNDRIED GOODS A3 WELL AS UNLATJNDERED. LINEN- COLLARS OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES. LINEN CUFFS OP ALL SIZES AND STYLES. WE WILL PLEASE YOU IN EVERY - . ' i 'tii BERW ANGER & ELECTION NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that an election will be held on the first Monday in May, (being the 5th day of the month), 1879, at the usual polling Dlaces in the several wards at the city of Charlotte, for Mayor and a Board of Aldermen for said city. Ward No. 1 Registrar, John L Elms. Inspectors Dr: M. M. Orr.a'M. Howell, A. E. Gray..- s - ,1,SvaidNoisMReglstear;H. b1 Williams. , .; Inspectors John L. Morehead, Dr. j William Sloan, A. B. Davidson. ' J , : . i- . -...u .-v, I . ' i'- I :-. ii : 4 - - i f - . i Ward No. 8 Registrar, B. P. Boyd. - ' Drs R. M. Oates, J. H. Carson, M. A. Ward NoRegistrar, R. P. Waring. Irispetotoi-J.'' Y. Bryce, Bufus Barrlnger.R. B. Aiexanaer. - M.X. ALEXANDER, Sheriff; B R. SMITH. Mayor, i " r. March 28, 1879. tde.3 - -i 1 rrrrry : 'I ii - tf WE ABE DAJLYiiEEOEJYJO AN EW?GAXT"'ASSORTMENT OF mills, Representing aU the novel styles in the New I'ork A general inspeqtion is cordially solicited. Bespectfully :V , OFFICE OF WITTKOWSKY & BRTJCH, .' CHARLOTTE,' N. C., APRIL 3,1879. . ' 'f I !t- ill 1! Having long felt that Charlotte con and ought to be hot only the whole sale, but also the?retail market for the greater portion of the Carolines, - i " ' , and believing that the public generally, and the ladles especially, will fully appreciate an establishment where they may at all times find such an assortment of all goods at such prices as will Justify persons not only from the immediate vicinity, but from a distance,, in coming to Charlotte their purchases, we have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to Include all the latest novelties In every line ot goods, to the inspection of which we beg to invite your early attention, , To those who cannot find it convenient to. come to Charlotte, wo will at all times be pleased to send samples and quotations of prices. Tou will herein find a synopsis of our various lines. -0- We present this season to the .trade, as well as to consumers, an ele gant assortment of Fine Black, Blue and Brown Cloth and Diagonal suits, Drab De Tae, Middlesex Flannels, Harrison Casslmeres, White Vests, Al paccas Coats, Linen suits, Dusters, In as nice goods and at as low prices as can be found anywhere. : " ' GENTLEMES FURNISHING GOODS DEPABTMENT Has received Special attention, and deserves your notice. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! This Department we have given our most careful attention, and with the latest Parisian novelties, including all. Hats, (together with the finest Trimmings. Artlfleials. 3 nnesi xnmnungs, Arnneii Black English Crepes, Plain and Fancy Ribbons of celvable shade and color,) Leghorn Flats, Chip, Canton, Milan and and School Hats, at the lowest possible Drices. Ladies' Silk, Embroidered, (fhenelle, and Lawn Scarfs and examine tor yourselves Very Respectfully, WITTKOTVSKT & BARUCH. FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. CLOTHING- FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Men's Business Suits of Fine Scotch and English Cheviots, made up In our own house In Baltimore where there are none but artistic Tailors em ployed. FINE DRESS SUITS Of French and English Diagonals, Granites, and Cloth Coats and Vests. ... . . ' Fine dress Panes to match. 0 BLUE We have the best of Middlesex Goods, warranted lull Indigo; in fact the same goods, made by fine Tailors, as we have sold in previous , seasons. We are sure that if-iiyof our customers have ever tried them they will NOT BUY ELSEWHERE. -,; B LACK STRAP MOLASSES Under cost by the barrel, by . LeROY DAVIDSW. Jan30 - 'j' ' A GREEN HOUSE AND SEEDS TO RE AT YOUR POST OFFICE. ilyROSiRES !. r Send and get my - catalogue of choice. Green House and Bedding Plants ' . ... ...... ... We can send plants through the mail to any part oitneeounoy. s - - . i C. B. FAERCHILD, Seedsman and Florist. March 26 2m. - . -: - BaleighJ C , ,. TJtOB A FIRST CLASS V IM- e if i 'Smoke can arid get, Sucioat ' t'"1 an30 LXTTSS-HEAVS, CARDS," - ; TAGA RSOlfT3,TOSTSS, PAJEPHZXTSi xnBtOWLOtS CHECKS, Mk It IHVtK Wm.U U. ! S T Market. PRICE. ; E, D. LATTA & BRO. WHlTjE GOODS : DEPARTMENT. in this department we have every conceivable fabric BlBhoft- and Vlcto ria, Lawn,. Mull Muslins, Jones' son and nmsnea uamoncs, xnamsooKB, both sheerand heavy.- Piques In a very great variety of styles an ia si prices. We desire to call very especial anenuon xo the new fabric In white goo lite soods. "Lenon de Syre," a goods similar to Victoria Lawn, but superior In texture and wear. Our White and. Printed Linen Lawns challenge their equal in this market. HOSIER Y AND OLOVES. In endless styles and quantities. See mir handsome Silk Mitts. SHETLAND SHAWLS. ' : ' il.. We have an Immense variety at a low cost, and offer them exceedingly cheap. Every lady should have One, even in midsummer, for evening service. C U R T A I N LACES. . 25 Pes. ot the most novel and beau tiful designs, 12fta, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c and 50c. per yard. . DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 10-4 Bleached and Brown Sheetings; N. Y. Mills, TJtlca, Lowell, Wamsutta, kc 500 pieces 44 Bleached Muslins all the most popular make. believe the new Feathers. every eon- trim- L I N EN DEPARTMENT. at half Linens 4-4 and White Dress are exceedingly low, and we shall offer them to the trade at a very small ad vance. NECK WEAR, The finest ever exhibited In the city of CHARLOTTE:'1 FINE SCApFS For Men's and Boys wear. WINDSOR S C A R F S OT TEX , , LATEST NOVELTIES In Stripes and Plaids, suitable for La , dies as well as Gents. WHITE TIES, As low In price as 25 cents per dozen. i, " ;: UNDERWEAR. ' 'A ' COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. - - " it I.-'. ALL WE AySK OF THE PUBLIC Is a Chance for Fair Trial. & , j.-. i f r. REGARD. BROv Fine Clothiers and Tailors STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I In Probata ' Yadkin County. ' f - ' Court. ii it;--r.'.rM n Vf-fjt '-if!---i-iiX' . Joseph Sparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors or " uengjunin spanu, oooeaaeu, - Sui.-)!u Hl:'t i(Ji!Vfc -H'.u'f The Heirs at Law of. Benjamin Sparks, deceased JIOTICX 0V TOTAL SRTLXHXMT. it aDDeartaz to the satisfaction of the Court that T.na ntmmft mti n at. Pnton Dimmic HannaB beth Reddik. wife of John Reddik. are heirs at law K-ftits. wits oi jonn eiia. juuii oimimi aw in this ease and non-residents of the State, It is therefore on moaon oraerea vj tae wun that advertisement be made for six -weeks In Thb Chablotts Obsbbvxb, notifying said defendants to appear tVf?('ii!,Pm rtfcnniA with- -In-twenty days after service of this notice, and let them take notice that if they fall to appear that the same will be taken pmcotfem.,twapirte as to them. - 1 - Gtvefi under ray band nd-seal of offiee In Yad klnviile, this the 10th day of FetoniaryjA, D 1879. J JC.'. . : ISAAC K. VESTAL, '1 T-TT" eT?iATffi3oira i f i f i 1 1 a IS P m i VI j 1 ill it i April ia : 111. V ' l.v.

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