Editor and Proprietor . MFwe from the doting aeniultaat fetttr our free-born reason." CBAS. K. JONES, wart. TUESDAY. APRIL 15, 1879. TBE HOUSK COMMITTEES. It would appear that Mr. Randall has manifested extraordinary tact in the selection of the committees : of the House. While, as a matter of course, there are some who are disappointed and displeased as to the manner in which thev were assigned, we have seen no sd-fttprnf-nt which does not AAV V assert that the appointments are gener ally satisfactory. He satisfied the Tam- manv and anti-Tammany wings of the party, the hard, and the soft-money branches, and all other clashing fac- irm Thft r.reenbaickers ! were ' dis posed of in a jhannef which s;j)lease8 them greatly, 'and even tne uepnuu- rana with t.hfi exception of Robeson, of New Jersey, seem to be entirely satis fied. Of the fifty-two chairmanships twenty-six were given to the North and twenty-six to the South, and in all respects Mr. Randall seems to have dis Ichaiged his' difficult and: exceedingly delicate duties in a manner which in creases his already high reputation as sin adroit and far-sighted political man user. ' As to the North Carolina members, they were, taken as a whole, dealt with TiTritB-herallv.Theywere given two jchairmanships, and all of them, except ing Mafrtih and Russell, were placed on two committees. Mr. Martin is on the committee on the causes of labor de pression; Mr. Kitchin is on the com- ' niittees oriptiblie buildings and on ex penditures in the naval department; Mr. Russell is on the committee on war claims; Mr. Davis on the committees on banks and currency and public ex penditures; Mr. Scales is chairman of the committee on Indian affairs, as he was in the Forty-Fifth Congress, and is a member of the committee on mili tia; Mr. Steele is on the committees on public land3 and agriculture ; Mr. Arm field is on the committees on elections and mines and mining; Mr. Vance is restored to the chairmanship of the committee on patents and is placed on that on coinage, weights and measures On the whole the North Carolinians fare well in the Forty-Sixth Congress. In the Senate Mr. Ransom has two chairmanships, Mr. Yance one, and ' both are on several leading committees besides. THE SECREST CASE, There is much complaint among the newspapers growing out of the recent decision of the Supreme Court granting a new trial to Hoke C. Secrest, the wife and child murderer. The point upon which the case was sent back was totally immaterial, yet for the sake of a mere form more than a hundred witnesses are compelled to again undergo long journeys, heavy expense and great inconvenience, and another addition is to be made to the already ; heavy bill of:cost with which Hurke is saddled. All this, however, is the least part of the just complaint against all thij delay. The blood of- ii murdered woman and child am crying aloud for vengeance and outraged , justice is de manding the punishment of this most yfoul crime. The end, however, is not ye and not yet even in sight. The next term of McDowell court, which occurs in the fl, will bring about a continuance or a change of venue in all probability. This will gain six months' time for the criminal. If he is again tried next spring, there winie another appeal to the Supreme (jHirt, and no one can tell but there may be granted anomer new trial, xne defendant is ; alleged to have.friends and relatives with ' mean's' which they are willing to spend in his behalf, and if so justice may be baffled indefinitely and defeated in the end. Oh, the laws are fearfully abused when press and people have to openly i wmandthatyjustice which the law should execute speedily and without reminder ; and we repeat what we have said more than once before, that we have fallen upon evil times when judicial methods are in such contempt that the people are forced to believe (as they are now) rapidly coming to believe) that there is no certainty of the punishment of notorious criminals except by that "species of wild justice" administered by Judge Lynch. ' Concealed Deadly WEAPONs.-The TTTil 1 1 irr j v i , - . iviinesuuro niiness nas maae the im portant i discovery that the new law against the Carrying of concealed dead ly weapons is even inore sweeping m its character than has been supposed. It quotes the fourth section of the act. wnicn prpYiu.es as follows Any person being off his own preni- ainx nay inn uimjti riLH np.rsnn anv deadly weapon described In section one, buuu possession snail oei prima facie cviuBuue oi me concealment thereof. That is to say a man lays himself lii ble by Walking along the street, night or day, with a pistol in; bis -hand, or strapped around his waist, outside of his clothes, as has been suggested. That is the wording of the law. r -.. ... y i A Racket at a Contention. -Re publican meetings, m. Virginia are very a 1. 'i . . . . . . , . . v Auuaraiing entertainments. At a meeting joff i this sorti held at Prince George court-house last Friday, for the ,u.. -.n.:..u.j:'.:j!J.i.. ' Tr ' rT-j county offices, there was great fHsonW ana anting., A-nght;between two Con - - . . i o w servatives a pistol was discharged by Some person unkno-wn.hkdiv furniture lmkW JW.i 'r - "1:;-Ji""""6 .r"D - " lco 1 vi, .inn), ueieBi me meeting aajournea -iniormauy -thout having raisea oy taxation under anycircum transacted any busmessj! , apces, and gently remarks that " born In the House, last Friday. Mr. VanP of North Carolina, introduced papers relating -to the iclaims Ibf .Trtt.... tNoah Boberts and V. ?t M. r.h 'Which were referred to Iha 'hh.' nr-on claims: also oanpra Wti'x netitlon for reMAt nt ' a 7 tr1?1 101 reuez or Anson B. Sams. Swi v " "T1 w Fe commit ee V-" on militcry afifaiw. "Well Spoken. The . National Re- IpwfcZfcanaays: 4 ... r ' -A The Democrats are now. endeavoiinff to repuaiaieineoux8poKea,ieinc! I ! - candid Southern State, but it won't do. t - f . . i. ... . ... nH i- They can no more get rid of it tmd the j ThiOreenhaokers Defrauded of Their rpnnnaihilitv of its utterances than they can oi an oDirusive auu cuhsus The Republican has named the States welL "An . obtrusive and cnngmg wart" no designation could be more muA apt or fitting. ttihgrv It 'is McMSofficupfe resumed the considefaf ion of fdesire orth'e attorney-generaithM tM on Southern journalism ana one wnicn clings to it without belonging to it "Wart" is the most appropriate oi an names for it. Henceforth let. it be known bv the appellation wnicn its Tnofrnnniifca.ii natron has given it. Let it be called the Okalona Wart, uwv r UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT CZAR'S LIFE. OX THE Ktimhar of Shots Fired at Him While He is Walking Near the Palace. ; '4 111 W ashington, April 14. The Depart ment of State to-day received a tele rVnm thA TTnitftd States charge KXUlU UMV u d'affairs at St Petersburg, Col. Wick ham Hoffman, announcing an attempt made on the Russian Emperor's life. This morning while his majesty was walking near the imperial palace, a would-be assassin discharged five shots at the Czar, fortunately without effect hia maiestv being untoucnea. xne as sassin was arrested. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. St. Petersburg. April 14. While the Czar was taking his usual morning walk, early to-day, near the palace, four shots from a revolver were fired at him. The Czar was unhurt. The man who fiiWl thft shots was arrested by the nrnwrt which the firing had attracted The city is being decorated in token of thankfulness lor tne uzar s escape. Increase In tbe Eastern Complications. London. April 14. A special from Vienna to the Daily Telegraph says: The resumption of the negotiations relative to the mixed occupation of Eastern Roumelia, which stopped when the Forte proposed that instead of mix ed occupation, the powers snouia agree to the nomination of Aleko Fasha as f governor, the Porte agreeing to the pro ongation of the international commis sion for one vear. and to abstain during that period from occuping the points it has the right to garrison, has only in creased the state of dire confusion that prevailed when they were suspended a few davs ago. Germany has refused to send her commander in chief and staff, and it is stated that another power, which had a leading part in the whole business, has also rejected the offer of chief command. Russia lias also raised new difficulties." Supreme Court Decisions. Washington, April 14. In the case of the New Orleans Canal and Banking Company against the City ot .New Orleans, the United States Supreme Court to-dav affirmed the judgment of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, which, it is held, does not invade any right ot the city given to it by the constitution or laws of the United States. A decision was also rendered in the case of David N. Barron, administrator, vs. Logan Hunter, appealed from the United States Circuit Court for the District of Louisiana. The court holds that the Circuit Court had no jurisdic tion and orders its judgment reversed and the cause remanded to the State court from which it was taken. In the case of the Board of Super visors ot caihoun county vs. vt . u. Oalbraith, from the United States Dis trict Court of Mississippi, the court holds that since the irregularities on which the county bases its refusal to pay its bonds were committed by its own servants, it would be estopped frnm tatinir H vintunro nf thorn cvaii if if the recital in the bonds themselves of their conformity to the statute were not alone conclusive. The judgment is affirmed with costs and interest. A. C. Britton vs. the police jury of the parish of Concordia, from the United States Circuit Court of Louis iana ; judgment affirmed with costs bv a divided court. Mark D. Brainard, of Montgomery, Ala, and Jas. S. Fowler, of Nashville, Tenn., were to-day admitted to practice in the Supreme Cour. British Troubles at Khjber Pass. London, April 14 The Times' La hore correspondent telegraphs as fol lows : "There is no doubt that bad feel ing is growing against the British amongst all the tribes interested in Khyber Pass. They complain that the .British are acting as though they in tended to keep the pass in spying out the hill fatsnesses. Emissaries from Yakoob Khan have also doubtless been bnsy among the tribes. Our conduct and intentions must be explained, and the frontier affairs placed in the hands of the most capable officials, otherwise we may have a combination against us which at the present moment would be most inconvenient. Failures, Foreign and Domestic. London. April 14. The old estab lished firm of Charles Gumm & Co- ship and insurance brokers, at No. 17 Change aney, ;. c has tailed. SCKANTON, Pa., April 14. The direc tors of the Scranton Trust Company and Savings Bank have made a volun tary assignment to II. S. Pierce, presi dent, tor the benefit of the creditors. Towed in Leaking. Kobfolk, April 14. The brig Fleet wing, from Sagua Legrande, for Port land, with molasses, encountered hurricane lasting four hours off Hatteras. and was obliged to cut away her masts. She was towed in here leaking. Voted the Wrong Ticke A colored voter in Mobile, Ala had oeen employed bv- a merchant to take some kerosene oil to the Mobile & Ohio Railroad depot for shipment. He in formed the, gentleman who employed mm mat newas going to vote the iem ocratic ticket wouldn't think of vot ing any other. On his return from the depot he was asked for the receipt for the kerosene oil. Putting his hand into nis pocKet ne puuea out a citizen s tick et "This isn't the receipt" exclaimed me mercnant. - uiess aefiorar was me merchant, r jjiess the response. -I done gone an' voted de b-arrtnQna ?i B awvDcno uii Lit.ivr:Li i BTebraskai Extravagant Governmeat. The Omaha Herald's statement of the tW" VX s e.giyes tne total as 76p,- o y.w. or iKJ0.tn9a more than nan h uauu, xeuxaHK.a naa scarcely put on her garments of statehood before the not in robbery began, and it still con tinues." It may be mentidned that the tnaximum estimates made of the cost of a State's government for Nebraska While it was still a territory-was but $30,000 a year. h. wom. irum socieiy journal: miss H , appear- edtooositivedisadvantaiM hmi nt rinr,Si? snoW LShelSh, I AT IAm nl a vlm x v. T kflfno a Ait. 4. m . F uml vuiorwuw ueaumui counienance." OU id lr Ji.11 i niAftni nmmiM mrA hoa Tm BuU's Blood lukture. Rep. THE ARMYi INTHESENATF. 1 SPEECHES BY:BUl&l, WITHERS AND - -v ;h y 3 . X .. i ' ;wMT.ir"t f j : Mornina Hour in the Mouse A Resolution Against General - legislation Defeated, WASHINOTON, TEj I sPnatfl after- the usual morning the armv appropriation bill, and Blaine proceeded to address the Senate. striking out the eight words offensive to them, viz: " Or to keep the peace at the polls,"! repealed the whole section of which those words were a part, and then re-enacted it, thinking to get erea-. it for originating it; but this law was passed in time of war and signed by; Lincoln when he had a million men under his control and could have con trolled elections without any such aid,. The purpose of the law was to insure fairness ini elections, and the Demo? cratsnow bear witness to its fitness for. toat purpose by trying to re-enact it. He derided the idea of military inter ference, andsaid there were.only 2,19 soldiers east oi umana, ana oniy laoo ; in the Southern States about 70 to every million people. The Democratic cry ot military aespousm wouia injuie . mi a i a i l. the standing or tne country aoroau, out, a European would laugh at it if . he knew there was only one soldier to ev ery seven hundred square miles ot ter ritory in the South.: This was not the real issue. The ulterior purpose of the other side was to prevent the general government from being represented by its civil officers at elections in which it was specially interested, and over which the constitution gives it lull contrpl. He would not profess to know what the President would do when these bills came to mm. out it seemeu to mm uim the dead heroes of the Union would. rise from their graves if he should coui sent to be intimidated and outraged in his proper constitutional power ..by threats hike these. The appropriate, re sponse from his lips would be, "is thy servant a' dog thathe. should do this thing?" V liuera, oi v imma, skim xiuuo re marks would not produce much effect on either the Senate or the country, It was not a question to be decided whether there are soldiers enough to dominate control elections, but whether, under and the operations of existing Jaws4t was not possible for the executive to distrib ute and use the soldiery so as to; de stroy the freedom of elections. It was not to confront, a present danger but to remove from the present or any fu ture President the temptation the ex isting law would offer to destroy the liberties of the country and erect on the ruins of the republic a despotism supported -by; amis. He argued that the presence of troops at the polls was incompatible :with free government, and this was the principle on which the pending bill was based. The Dem ocrats did not propose to shape their course as to what may or may not be the position of the President He should not attempt to take away a particle of the spinal marrow attempted to be giv et tathe President by the Senator from Maine. He would not interfere with any agency to mruse strength to nis spinal cord. The aeoate was ciosea oy w anace, oi 'ennsylvania, who declared that the single issue in this bill is, shall the ex ecutive longer possess the - power to place troops atf tne poiis. Their pres ence is a menace upon the right of free elections. This right is fixed and cer tain. It comes to us from England, and is part of bur system of laws. Its pro- ection rests with the states and the Federal government, has nothing to do with it. ;---" After an argument of considerable ength the Senators closed by saying that this legislation places a check on the military power in the interest of the people. We must restore the original rincipies trom which four years or war have diverted the government; bring the military to strict subordina tion to the civil power; petmit a free system of laws, to be based upon free ballot 'and expunge a standing menace upon tree .institutions; house. immediately alter the read ing of the journal, the Speaker proceed ed to the call of States for bills for ref erence, beginning with the State of Maine. The first response was made by Ladd, of Maine, who introduced a bill to put the coinage of gold and sil ver on the same footing-. -A-point of or der was hereupon raised by Conger, of '.MihKfOti thar. tha iTitrrf1nrtinn rvf ml la reaUired one dav's notice, and that no such notice had been given. The Speak er, after quoting several rules bearing on the subject, overruled the point ot order. . . . , t s r An appeal from " the decision was ta ken by Conger, and a motion to lay the appeal on the: tablewas made by Cox, of New York. The question was debated by Ste phens, of Georgia, who expressed the opinion that the decision was clearly right, and that at all events the object ' of the bill could always be attained by presenting a petition oa the same sub- jectA-a : course winch be : himself pui- sued this morning in regard to an ob ject of legislation which he desired to promote. Conger is now debating the question, thus indirectly obtaining his object, which is the consumption of the morn ing hour. Later. After a brief argument by Reed, of Maine, in support of the point of order, and by Cox, of New York, against it, Conger called for tellers on the motion to lay on the table. There upon Springer, of Illinois, remarking that he wished to expedite the decision of the question, called for the ayes and nays, Which were ordered, and on which Conger's ludicrous comment was that he was glad to see the delay was being occasioned -on the Democratic side of the House. The appeal was laid on the tableyeas 139, nays 75, but the morning hour was taken up in the ob jection, discussion, and in taking the vote. A motion to suspend the rules and adopt a resolution giving as the judg ment of the House that,.the business in terests of the country require that no legislation changing the law in regard to currencjr or tariff should be underta ken at the present session of Congress, was defeated by a vote of 108 to 117. : confirmations. : Among the confirmations to-day were the following midshipmen to be en signs :.Chas. C. Rogers, Tennessee; T. M. Potts and Robt CV Ray, of District of Columbia; C. J-.Boush, Virginia; Richard - Henderson "North Carolina ; L.K. Reynolds, Alabama; Benj. Tap pan, Arkansas. ; .' j -j Fire Record. - Cincinnati April 14. A special says the planing : mill of IW, U, Kiffenburg, at Hobarfe Ind., was burned Saturday night. Loss, $10,000. ; v Slack & Delgruyler's brewery, Char leston iW. Vav was burned this morn ing. . Loss, $10,000 insurance, $5,000. - -. Death of an Eminent Physician. Phil adeLphi Aj April J4. Dr. Isaac Hays, editor of the American Journal of Medical Science? who has been on the staff . of . that; journal , fifty-two years, died yesterday, aged eighty-three. A Report Denied. r London,' April 14. A Beatei's des patch denies that . the Sultan hr s offer ed to depose the Khediye. X ' postponed. Zw Bearing op the Virginia fias to Jf 6 JETatf the Next Term. ft fc. ' M !'; II- 5-jV asitington. Ariril l-LWith the con sent of counsel on both tiles, thff hear the State of Virginia for writs of man damus, habeas corpus and certiorari, in the Rives mixed jury cases, has been ttostooned mtil t.hft - first Tuesday of neitxexml .Thfey areihewto tafcefpiM cedence of all othpr hnsiness. It is the argument should, be heard by a full bench of justices, and if all are not present the day to which the cases have been assigned, the hearing ;will be again postponed to the first -day : when there shall be a full bench. , ',--. As case ; from ! Tennessee. ,.inyolving similar Questions is set, to be argued at te same timejv. ; . jY? . .... , Ko Other Jndges Indteted in Virginia. Richmond;' April 14.-J-The grand jury of the United States 'Circuit Court ad journed to-dav sine dieJ: No action was taken in the matter of indicting the county judges inf f this district" for not havine niixed -juries. -ThO'-telegram sent hence on . Friday on the subject was based upon a statement " made by the acting assistant district attorney of the United States court. : -; FaUl Shootlns at Lanrlnburs;. Wilmington. April I4i-A ! special to the .Star says )r J., Williams,; a mer chant of Laurinbur&,i.n while . en gaged.,in, closing , hia, fstbrei ' Saturday night Was shot and killed (. by II- Ogles bv. ; The shooting was the result of an. old grudge Oglesby is in jail. Celehrattris JeiTersori's Birthday. xne ope nunarea ana tnirry-sixcn an niversary tof Thomas Jefferson's birth day was .celebrated here--to-day by a large proeessfonJ ' " A . JJIoaeyed. Bird'a .Nes. ;. j r ' CCleveland Ijeader. '. x esterday tne men engaged in cieanTj ing Monumental Park of the debris andf rubbish, while taking down the spar row's nests in the trees, came across one in which they found a $5 bill neatly woven. The money was crumpledk but good, and the half-dozen workmen quietly "divided," and went, into the task with renewed zeal, expecting to find a few more bills hidden away some where in the nests. Strange to say, they found a lady's fine gold chain in another and a number of other articles of less value. Children cry for It, but they stop crying at once after they have taken a single dose, Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup cures all the pains our little ones are subject to. race 25 cents a Dottle. Ease ASUlaable by the KheuaticT Yes, although they nay despair of relief, It is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries off. br means of Increased activity of the kidneys important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin ary analysis, xne name ox tms grand aepurent is Hostetten, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood, with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It Is, perhaps, the finest tonic : extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very peneociai. xne press aiso endorses n. ' ' ' ' ; ' ' A Really BeMleeat Blseorery. The disgust so generally felt for the taste and smell of Cod Liver Ott is almost proverbial. It seems to be peculiarly nauseous to the consump tive and scrofulous patients, to whom the whole medical profession-know It is specially beneficial. Endeavors have vainly been made to disguise Its objectionable characteristics, by mixture with cof fee, brandy, or by the process of deoderization, which impairs its efficacy as a nutrient But in union with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, as we find it in Scott's Emulsion. It re tains its healing and nourishing properties. It moreover combines with the other chemical agents, to produce not only a medicine of agreeable flavor, but one of the most powerful and pleasant tonics, that ever gave vital vigor to the nerves and brain, aprl 2w A Card. To all who are suffering from tbe errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was . discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New York City. Jan 25 JJjctu dtrjerttsjetttjewts. THE LAST CIllSCE! 50 Beautiful Chromos AT AUCTION TO-NIGHT, At 7 o'clock,. BY MAXWELL & HARRISON, AVCTIONSXBS. April 15. 1879 1879 T HE FOUR REVIEWS AND B LACKWOOD. Authorized reprints of The Edinburgh Review (Whig), The Westminster Review (Liberal), The London Quarterly Review (Conservative' The British Quarterly Review (Evangelical), AMD . BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. These reprints are not selections: they give the originals In full, and at about one-third the price of Jno puDUcauons can compare with the leading British periodicals above-named, reprinted by the Leonard Scott Publishing Company. In respect to fidelity of research, accuracy of statement, and pu rity of style, they are without any equaL. They keep pace with modem thought, discovery, experiment, and achievement-whether in religion, science, lit erature, or art. The ablest writers nu their pages with most interesting reviews of history, and with an Intelligent narration f the great events of the day. . - TXBMS IOB 187S).lNClJDDINa POSTAGE) : Payable strictly in advance. For any one Review, $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews, 7 00 " For any three Reviews, 10 00 " " For all four Reviews, 12 00 " ' For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 " For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00. " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " For Blackwood and three " 18 00 " For Blackwood and four " 15 00 ' " , postage. ; This item of expense, now borne br the nublish.. era, is equivalent to a reduction of 20 per cent, on the cost to subscribers in former years. CLUBS. -A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four o more persons. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent, to one address, for $12.80, four copies of the four Re views and Blackwood for $48, and so on. t- '. ; : PREMIUMS. : New subscribers (applying early) for the year 1879 may have, without charge, the numbers for Ihe last quarter of 1879 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. v J - A Or, instead, new subscribers to any two, three or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the 'Four Reviews" for 1878; subscribers: to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1878. ' u; - Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money Is remitted direct to the publishers." No premiums given to ClUDS.' u.r .- - -.. ' -- i . . : i. To secure premiums it will be necessary to make j wn; aypucauon. as ine isiocic avauaoie icr that purpose is limited. . : 7,v-..i '-t-i Reprinted by-. -..,SvI..(.,, -.t vr. V.-ii U1 fHE JNARD.SCOT PUBLISHING CO., 41 Barclay Street, New York fi: H- Bkrlnc secured the commodl' Ttada Street, two doors below M ft Long's, recently occupied by Mr. B. N. Smith, we desire to can the attention of the public to the fact gre. iow .open and prepared to seU select FA if it, : : toed ' :X: : CASH TJUDi " : ' At prices as low as can be tound at any house In the city. In addition to oor stock of .Groceries, we are cohstantiy supplied from our Mountain Store, with t -s-r FRESH BUTTER, .::'. u'i : h : ., -- U ?.-' - : 1EOGS, CHICKENS. 1,1 '.t Ahd such articles of produce as etery family oe$sk- We have now in slocK a lot of choice : .HITME AL, ; COtfNTBY BACON iN FLODE, And many other articles 4ht we make special iwices 004 ' e Invite boti ciljiM'.cWntry buyers to give us a call, and we promise nothing shall be Respectfully, --v. ' " y-y- F. B:- ALEXANDEB & CO. Charlotte, N. C, April 12, 1879. TEGRA 1st National Bank Building, ' CHARLOTTE, X, ., i Have now in store a nice and complete stock of SPRING BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags. With them you can find THE BEST STOCK , IN CHARLOTTE. ZEIGLER BRO.'S Celebrated Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes A SPECIALTY. They also keep Miles', Burt's, Holbrook & Lud low's, and other best brands. Gents will find there the Miller, McCullough A Ober, Canfield, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR. PEGRAM SHOES. Call sure before buying. Orders have personal attention. April 9, 1879. PEGRAM & CO. BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! SHOES SHOES SHOES AND AND AND AND AND AND HATS HATS HATS SPRING STYLES ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED IN CHARLOTTE. . This stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Ac, embraces every grade, and will be sold as cheap as the same Goods can be sold by any house In the South. MERCHANTS . ' . , . l- : . Will do well to call and examine this stock, as If is especially adapted to the trade of North and South Carolina, and will be sold at wholesale or retail on most reasonable terms! ': VISITORS To Charlotte are invited to call and examine ooi stock, as they will find it most complete in every resipect, and cheaier than ever before. C. ii.? I:'f i. 1 KOEBBS, Agea(Cn . : , : v ; Smith & Forbes' Old Stand; Trade Sfc i OAA IN CASH WILL PURCHASE , A -Pwer Prmtog Press; Guernsey make, old style, size of bed 26x40 inches, f- Was In. use until replaced by a new one Address J. C BAILEY;' editor - Enterprise and Mountaineer, ' Greenville, &C .ii lii., , . . js.Htr . sasBrCutAberteon ! II to tEtiAEOMENT,, 1' CROCKER -JIND-"-- it ... : at OF i 00 f r 1 GLASSWARE .T.:iII:) M iHr,. BUSINESS. Ah: MR. A; W.LUJX)LF, h I - OF BALTIMOREy MD, ' a a man of unlimited experience in this r- ''if business, having traveled for 17 years in the West and South y ' ?' f if ' !! semngCroekeryAfe., Ibifsome of the mostexten- i . sive Crockery houses North, has been associated with . TOHN BBOOKFTELTS BXKKFBJL' POHN 0FJTB3S crrr,i in the above business, and the firm thus constitu ted WUt bioWas-ad BftOOKFIELD & CO. Mr. Ludolf left last Tuesday for the North to lay in the most extensive stock of .if: ..'- QUEENS WARE, China, Glassware , Lamps and Lamp Goods, Deoor. orated China and Porcelain, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fine Fancy Goods, Wood and Willow Ware, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, Bar Fix tures, and many other goods too numerous to men tion, for our Wholesale and Retail trade. In fu- tare we will handle SHOW CASES, &C. I Particular attention paid to having goods decora- t . ' l - i-l -' ! ted to order, wih any rlameW monbgram, Ac, on each article of China. Give us your orders. We sell nothing but first class goods, and sell as cheap as you can buy at the North anywhere, i LOOK OUT For Mr. Ludolf s return, as it will be a treat to ex amine his line of fine goods. JNO. BROOKFIELD & CO., . -' -' ' ; ! Trade Street, near College, March 27. Under Democrat Office. Bishop D. S. Doggett (Southern Meth) It is an excellent corrective of Indigestion. Have used It with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett In his estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. Rv. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference, it has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D.J) Meth. HIst'n. I am never without It at home or abroad. It is an antidote to Indigestion; Uneasiness after a meal of purgtegls ehecked Ind the bowels regula ted. - Its merits are attested by numbers of high character. I have seen a " tried-everythlng " dys peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose.- ' Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. It Is not too much to say that no medicine ever had such support in Its favor as a specific. The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united .witness Joined with the ex perimental use and; aroroval ef the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt It is, beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent Editors Religious Herald, Va. Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. CoL, Va. It is highly esteemed here by the regular Medi cal Faculty and the people. It is excellent for in digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific, tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. 4 f i I t dnr!n kv a t. fittiddikTa For sale by: DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. ODELL, RAGAN & COv Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. EXUTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. mar 20 dAw tf. PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. $200 REWARD. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, I v' jl Ralkigh March 10th', 187ft ! ; Whkras: Official infbrmatlon has been received at this Department that N. B. TAILOR, late of the county of Moore, stands charged with the mur der of 8. W. Seawell; and whereas, it appears that the said N. B. Taylor has fled the State, or so con ceals tumseu that, the ordinary process of law can Now, therefore, I. THOMAS X. JARV1S. Gover nor of the State of North Carolina by virtue of au thority in me vested by law, do issue this my pro clamation, onenng a reward oi Two Hundred Do Ian for the w neaensjon ant ehvery of the said the eheriffef '"Meow county, at the N& Tarlot Court House in Carthage, and I do enjoin all onV cers oi we uue ana au good citizens to assist in : Done at our city of BeUrh, the. tenth day of March, 1879, and 4n ihe 103d yea of, American W THOS. 0, JAR VIS. By the Governor: lxk a. ovxbman, Private Secretary. iJESCRIPTIONi Taylor is about 83 years of age, about 5 feet 6 Inches high, well set and will weigh about 160 lbs., ana wnen tast seen-wore a neavy Deara. ' lWBUSHELSt Choice and Fresh, rt, . , JOB .PLANTING R'jUTTNCr, Jost received 1j v ;y-. . LeROY DAVIDSON. CKKAPKR THAN KVKR. imwiooDsi-s ..'.ItAV-.. ' KIW , FEATURES Conie to uefar Bacon, Coru, Sogar, Coffee v lasses, and other FatoilyGrooerieA ' Mo .Just received, a few barrels of Berry Poster's n eGS&r fcirHisKEY. A",W?e0 h Hais. Vsell for cash All goods delivered in the city free of charae w. h. cbimmjngkh! ' Next door below Wnson 4 Black's oWsteL. ap 16. FINK WINE8, And Pure Liquors, Three Tears Old. go , , DQNT FAIL The splendid line of . ! ,: . , . WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES, ... ; VIZ; . r r: -. -. Autumn Ouster, Stuffed Mangoes, Tiny Tims 5-.iif,u!OsT lam G?tklns.t Martynlas. OR AC K E R S Ever seen In Charlotte, at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. Remember, this Is the only first class stock of ..-k; a; il GROCERIES In town. nythir& jp want in Groceries can 1 H 1 1 it i it found at 'LeROY DAVIDSON'S F A M I L J E S TRY OUR CELEBRATED F AMI L I FINEST- FLOUR EVER SOLD ' ON THIS MART ET. WE GUARANTEE IT. R: M. MILLER &S0NS. aprl3 Win&zxtnhixiQ. -rjNDERTAETNG The undersigned is now prepared to Ml all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASKS Both Wood and Metallc. PRICKS AS LOW AS AST. Hearses furnished If desired. Furniture of every Desej&tfon Repaired a 4' nottee. " .-' W.M. WH.HXLM- ii .) 'I i ! i ; . i With 1, Rogers, Trade Streeu june20. -FOB TEN DOLLARS CASH we will Insert a seven-line advertisement one in a list of 269 weekly newspapers, br lour lines a different list of 837 papers, or ten lines two we In a choice of either of four separate and diso lists containing from 70 to 100 papers each. four lines one week in all four of the small lists-" one line one week In all six lists combined, w more than 1,000 papers. We also have lists om pen by States throughout the United States Canada. Send 10 cents for our 100 page J phlet Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., fJ paper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street, x zone. P. 8. If you will send us the names of a I dozen. hUjhjMteed papers in which you would TOitlm jnaT NOW. if a RfUlafactoiT lnducemer made, we will submit a proposition, by return which we think will please rou. Money savea " money earned. Send copy of the advertisei yon will use and state In what paper you saw w DR. W. F, STEUART, MARINE HOSPITAL, BALTIMORE, Write: I take pleasure In recommending Colder Lelblgs Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic WW ator as a most excellent tonic in all cases of dew ltr, chlorosis, 'icc? "i have- tested it with i 35. success, sold by au druggists. WANTED KS to 100 per month and expenses. Reference QUlreL . LA BELLE MFG CO- (iq mart street, Cnica ton A DAY to Agents canvassing fofthe id. $ I sidb VrarroR." Terms and putflt irw. dress P, O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. ft T7 month and expenses JJT 3T igents. Outfit free. Shaw 4 Co.' ta,Matme. LrauK-"- rBOCERISS PIEDMONT PATENT

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