TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1879. STATE KEWS. Prof. Anderson, the "magician, is in ,WilmingtQn-jt,aS;i '-n- Two counterfeiters liave been arrest ed in Sampson county. Cotton receipts in Raleigh last week (J3l bales; total to date 44,434. , tl, , r Florida1 : strawberries' .seventy-five cents per quart in Wilmington. f ' The State treasurer last Thursday re ceive! $82,700 ,,in , :pkl jj.bonds. for ex-, change. . ij A new military company in Warren ton is called the Cox Rifles, after ex J ridge Cox. There is talk of reducing the pay of the police force of Wilmington. The Star opposes the idea, j: Edgecombe farmers are offered nine cents a pound for their cotton crop, de livered in December next. The Franklin Reporter notes the pur chase by Northern capitalists of a co xunium mine in Clay county. Price paid fl,opo, . , JRvLT. T..JSaton, of. 'Petersburg's to deliver the annual address at the June commeHcemenfr of the Wilson CoIlegK ate Seminary. Mr. Timberlake, the' foreman of Kor ne jay's fonndry,at Goldsboro, who was killed by the explosion last week, had juit professed religion sunder the minis tration of Mrs. Moon.,; The commissioners of Union county hive ordered an election on the prohi bition question in Monroe, Buford and Sindy Jiidge,. townships, to take place 0.1 the first Thursday in J line. Without cracking a smile the Xew ton t Enterprise tells that an old hen in it towtt got fastened in a woodpile, and remained there for thirteen days without food or water, and still lives. Wilmington Review: All the foreign shipping in port Friday had their colors at half-mast, out of reverence and ven eration for thef solemnity of the day. This was also the cas;' at the German consulate. Henderson Davis and his two com rades, known as the Chapel Hill burg lars, were re-sentenced last week, at Hillsboro, to. be hung May 2nd. The Supreme Court refused to grant them a nsw trial. The magistrates of Catawba county met at Newton on the 7th and were ad dressed at length by Mr. W. G. Burk head, who made an exposition of their duties under the new law to extend the jurisdiction 'of justices of the peace. . , Frank Wilson, of Yancey county, so the Bakersville Republican says, wish ed to go West, but lacked the where withal. So he killed a goose, bloodied himself, told his brother he had killed a neighbor, collected $200 from him and others to enable him to escape, and es caped. ' The Express says the Wesley Chapel Methodist Episcopal church, situated eight miles west of :McjnroeV which was burned down by art:incendiary last spring, has been rebuilt, and the Ex- fressm assured by a competent judge hat it is the prettiest church in the . , county. ;: f. Two young men in 'Wilmington, oc Oipying the same apartments, got into a terrible tight a few nights ago, each mistaking the other fos a robber. Both had gathered their pistols on hearing a noise at the window, and had them when the scuffle began, but fortunately did not use-them. ' Twenty-two hundred dollars' worth of whales -Were captured, the Nutshell reports,-on Bogue Banks, a few lays ago, by Messrs. D. Bell and E. D. Ar thur. The cow whale was 80 feet long, 12 feet through the body, 20 feet across tlie tail, and will produce 2,520 gallons of oil. The calf about half as much- Raleigh Observer: Mr. Thomas H. Bnggs, living, on West Morgan street, alarmed by the barking of his dogs, fol lowed them into the yard of Mr. Brown, next door, where he found his old ser vant, Elvin Smith, completely paralyz ed. He was not seen from tea time un til Z a. m., when Mr. Briggs found him. The Democrats of Raleigh, at their ward meetings last Friday night,, made the following nominations : First Ward Alfred Unchurch, J. H. McAlister and D. L. Royster. Third Ward R. II. Battle, G. Rosen thal, J. A. Cheatham, M. T. Leach and J. C. Blake. Fifth Ward James A. Briggs, Jos. IT. Green and Peter Fleming. The Spirit of the South says that at a meeting of the congregation of the Methodist church of Rockingham, last Sunday night a week ago, the form or ceremony Known as tne Sunday ser- " OTTWTiTenasInlroduced in the churportie flora years ago while Rev, MK Guthrie was'pastor, was voted out, There was a. good deal of wrangling anu many speecnes. The Observer says that on the 5th of May the electors of Raleigh township will vote on the question of levvine a tax of one-tenth of one Der cent on the valuation of all property in said town- akin fx K Mr.tnA 0...i- i. omp w uc xiolcu iui ouilc mm county taxation,' and thirty Cents on each and every taxable poll therein, for two years, for the support of graded public schools uierein. Raleigh Observer: Maj. A. A. McKe- tnan, commanding the - Fayetteville juignt lnianiry, nas received a verv cor -diatiuvltalloii f rum mjorHyon, of the Pennsylvania riclbles, to visit them arlMMpma'dri the 26th of May, and take nart in the Ofith an ni versa rv nffho Fencibles. It fs proposed to make it a very grand occasion, and the centennial uuuaing is to De tne rendezvous of the , centennial legion. The Bakersville Republican says that the firm of "Wallace Urm nf Kf afoavino sold last year nearly half a million dol lars worm or medicinal plants, roots and nerbs, of Western ; North Carolina ,i production; and that the firm of Hy t o ams Bros of Bakersville,; sold $8,000 Tvonn lasc year, and nave received one order ror $5,000 worth, t . be filled the coming season. Not onlv the -ereater number of known medicmal plants in common Tjga are found in the Btate, bu some of the rarest and most useful. . ; )Tb,WiliaiiigtoB -Mtdr Says a grand lMJ pnic will take place at Croom's Bridge, i;iri Pender county, on the 19th inst. at which tamo prominenfc-peakera-from "f yr sum. xrenuer, iuu aooress . ine . uj uiticiia vl wie uuunues named, Dy way of celebrating the: passage- of -the WUrfgr the construction of Je Angola the same, upon the completion of which - so much interest is felt ty many in the ; counties of Duplin anj Pender. ' . f v t nv (?Newton Enterpris r. Some e while .. s'-dpassing through an old;field, just: below this place, last Sunday.idiscovered what they took to be a newly-made grave, Y H 'andibn) notifying tbcbrorier tot the '"fact art examination" waS made; whenlt was found that a hoe about the size - itf arid Bbape f of a large . grave bad been dug out and the loose dirt thrown back. Nothing was found in thehote,- and no J one is able to )rive any, theory as to Its origin. Capt Bost discoverea a similar ii f. , ll0le in one of , his fields. belowtown, this week, but is unable to find out why and by whom it was made. , - ' BRUT KEW5 ITEMS. itLonnfnr Knice will shortly issue a let ter to his colored constituents, advising them not to emigrate to the W&itpttmei .ai this ea nvi Tip. Pierce, of the M. E. Cnurcn South, celebrated his 5th birthday March 24th, at the home of his son, Bishhop Pierce, at Sparta, Ga.. ; j to lEMesi barre, Pa, has charge of eight cases , of I Severaljcases at different points inrthai UlClUVUUUUlvuxw " 1 vicinity nave resuicea iauuiy. jututii alarm exista.ainong catUe oniers. ,, - The figures concerning the business of the Georgia Railroad, show that its gross receipts for the past twelve months were $115,000 less than for the year pre vious, but a decrease of 0172,000 in ex penses has made a gain in net earnings of $57,000. It is W. Elwell Goldsborough, of Hal more, who has been nominated for Uni ted States consul to Amoy, China. The ?sition is worth $3,500 per annum, he associated press represents l Mr. Goldsborough nominated as from North Carolina. Judge Hughes, in the United States Court, at Richmond, Va has ordered the receiver of the Petersburg Railroad to pay the coupons and registered in terest first in default, reserving the question of paying interest on the back interest. ZT J Mr? iSruce, the eoloreo! -'Mississippi Senator, had as clerk of his committee during the last Congress CoL Carter, an ex-Confederate officer, and "since the war Speaker of the lower house of the Louisiana Legislature. Mr. Bruce has just appointed Col. Carter to be clerk of his new committee to investigate the affairs of the Freedman s Bank. Col. Carter is a man of ability, and a very interesting talker. He played quite a noted part in Louisiana politics for several years after the war. What is Said of ihe House Committees Tamma ny and Not Tilden Predominates. Wash. Cor. Richmond Dispatch. Mr. Randall has been regarded as an ultra Tilden man, and yet ne appoints AVoods, Covert, Muller, and Cox, of New York, to chairmanships, all Tammany and anti-Tilden, and places not a single Tilden man from that State at the head of a committee. Then the same thing is true of Pennsylvania, where Coffroth, Wise, Clymer, and Wright, who are ap pointed to chairmanships, are also anti- Tilden. The last session Mr. Hewitt, a New York capitalist, was at the head of the special labor committee, and now Mr. Wright, of Pennsylvania, the most ultra labor man in the country, is at the head of that committee. Mr. Randall has also been regarded as a very hard- money man, and yet a careful dissec tion oi ins banking and currency com mittee, convinces me that it is a soft- money committee, and will be greatly under the innuence oi lieneral jiwing. A Republican says of it to-night, that it is soft enough to be cut with a butter- knife. Th Greenbackers are pleased, and it is evident to eyerybody that they and the Democrats are coming to a bet ter understanding daily. I he Protec tionists, to all appearances, seem to like the ways and means committee better than they dw of last session, and hence the comment is that Mr. Randall has shown himself a shrewd politician in pleasing Tammany, the Greenbackers, tne ijaDor-iteiorm, and tne protection ists. If he has really done this, the Democratic party could well afford to give mm almost unlimited ixwer in the management of its affairs until No vember, 1880. , State Bunds Not utjott to Ti. .l.f . Washington, April 11. Representa tive Persons, of Georgia, recently sub mitted to the commissioner of internal revenue the question whether such bonds as his State has issued are? liable to taxation. Ihese bonds are issued under an act of the State Legislature, are payable to bearers by the State Jan uary l, 1885, with annual interest repre sented by coupons at the' rate of four per cent, per annum, and are signed by tne treasurer anu tne uovernor: in short, thev are interest-bearing obliga tions of the State, payable to bearer at aennite luture time, rrne commis sioner replies that it litis never been considered as within the spirit of the revenue law or the policy of Congress to impose a tax upon the bonds or other similar obligations of a State, and, after reviewing the law at length. concludes: "There is no ruling in this bureau, nor any internal revenue law, which re quires a tax from any bank or banker tor paying out bonds of the State of Georgia in satisfaction of checks drawn upon such banks, nor any law which imposes a tax upon any bank or banker for receiving or paying out such notes in lieu or currency. Popular Indifference Illustrated. Wash. Cor. Baltimore Sun.l It is perhaps natural for members of Congress to imagine that the eyes of every man in the whole country are upon them, but it is, as a general thincr. oiny me ousiness classes, wnose inter 1 il l 1 w i a . ests are afiected by the action of Con- ! gress, who watch its proceedings, and iorm ineir opinions according to its ac tion. An incident which occurred the other day indicates the popular want of knowledge or the popular indifference as to Congress. A member of the board of aldermen of a large Eastern city, who was sitting in the Senate eallerv with your correspondent, made numer ous inquiries as to the names of differ ent benators and various matters in connection with the Senate. Finally, stanaing up ana looting over the gal lery at the Vice-President as he sat in his chair, he said, "That is Speaker Ran- aaii, i suppose. Family Reconstruction. . A J 1 mm iv.n extraordinary storv oi iamiiv re construction comes from Tannerville, Ga., where a young woman married an widower, but soon found herself in love with his son, who was: about her own age. The matter was fully discussed by the tricv and all agreed that it Trnnld be bettei for her to become the wife of the son. Tbe transfer was amicably made by means of a divorce. Since men the. old man has married his ex wife tfmother, and the rearranged fam- i iiiiimomous ana nappy. , ' : ' Ooe Republicaa OpiaioD. Chicago Herald.1 General, Joe -Hawlev'. stakes his oti- i KressjQnairejpuiationonJtbe assertion uiai ine Dest men m both houses are ex- Consamptton cured. hVMs" practice, having art i iriz, nomimre, fuiu au uuwh ana iiuig ons, aiso a positive and radical cure for """"i'-y.anaau nervous complaints, after havmir tested Its nrnnilarfnt , m . ?Jt flerlng fellows. Actuated by this lhw human ertogti recipe, with full directions for preparing ai ef'Jjench orEngllsnV BentV addressing with stampnamlns: this naner X&Z?J? aesire it, this ana using oiiciar, itf rowers' ov . -rn.a Block, fibchester, New York. man25 4w For CoBarrMH. TSif8?? averae congressman lsof iuch prtUved duratton that It seems hardly, worth -oi,V. VJfT f 7 2U,uuu lor an election.' Who J?? 1116 nnunauon In our district? for there Is ESPSKIF1, nw Carbolie Salve tor the cure of all sores, wounds, cuts and akin iMux. Our eountry Is getting tor be fearfully ; alarming. the average nf Ufa being lessened every feat, with out tq reasonable cans, death resulting general- thing that In the hurry of everr day Ufa we are apt to overlook the dangers attending and often find-J too late, that a Fever or Lung troiible has already set S?Thousanas le pjetrllYes to thl$ waye m rfntor. TiHa liar! UnftmlWH rrgmfAH himiF been taken, a cure woukLhave .aridalarge fcFer all diseases f Thrpaf jandinigv Bospms's btjm. SxlCPjiaaproTen ltsejf ,to pej fb greatest dlscbvr ery of Its kind In medicine. Every Druggist In this country will tell you of Its wonderful .effect j Owr 950,000 bottles sold last yeai witnout-a single failure known. ' 7 , PlfcltsSSi INTRODUCED, 1866. ! 1 ) A TORPID LIVER Is the fruitful source of many diseases, promi nent among which are DYSPEPSIA, SICK-HEADACHE, C0STJVENESS, DYSENTERY, BILIOUS FEVlR, AGUE AND FEVER, JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDSEY COM PLAINT, COLIC, ETC. : : SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER; Ijona of Appetite md Usuaea, the txryefa axe-coatare. tratBOmttms alternate with. looseneea, Fain la thgHead, accompanied withaDuUsenaatioiiinthebackparParn to the right aide and under the shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a. diain chnation to exertion of body or mind, Irri tability of temper, Iiow apirlta, Loss ol memory, with a feeling of having neglected tome duty, General weariness; Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart. Dots before the eyes. Yellow am, neagacne generauy over the right eye, Beatleasnaef at night with fitful dreams, highly coioied Urine. IT THESE WAEHTNGS ASE UK HEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, a single dose effects such a chance of feeling as to astonish the sufferer..: SB v are cenapeaaaed from rafestaaces that are free from aar preperneatBat can injure the aioat delicate orrajdzatiea. They Search. Clean, Parity, aadlaiisorale the entire System. By retteTlng the en era-d vUyer, they cleaase the bleed fee t Volsouoaa tamers, and thus Impart health and vitality te the hedy, eansing the: newels te act. amtarally. wl cheat nsich nm sue ess feel well.' A Noted Divine says:, Dr. TlrlTj dmi bit; roc tm jrt I nT Mta a martyr to Pygpefim, Contiition and Kl , Lut Spring your Pula worw recommDded to m ; I oaad tham tbut with litLla futh). I am now a. wall man. haTa good appetite, digestion perfect, reyilaj itoola. pilaa (on, and 1 fin cained forty poandaaoua flaea. They arm wortk tKeir waieht in rola. jut. xv. ju, ouuwa, ixnianua, ivy. TUTPS PILLS. Their first effect ia to IaeraaUM the Jtppwtlte, and caaae tha body to Tavk mn Fleak Uins the srsxem is risnea, ana dt tneir Twue ic tUa oa the. DlcaatlT Orsnp,. Kinmlar 6tola ara produced. "" ,v. DR. J. F. HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK, 8 AYS:- Pbw dlsaaaea axiat that oannot be raliwvadliT r. atoring that Liver to it -normal fnaetkias, aaid foe ttus porpoee no remeoy Aas erer been lnrented utaa haa m happy an eSeat aa T0TW EttLS." SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRlCC 25 CENTS. Office 35 Blorra 8treta'uMw TwL tW Dr. TTJTTS MANUAL of Talnable Infor mation and Useful Beceipta" wfll be mailed r on application. :-':i TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gkat Haib' ob 'Wtnsxnta changed to a Otaari Black by a tingle application of thia Dn- . It im. parts a Matorai uoior, acta 'inctantaneoaaqr, ana ts a Harmless as spring water. SoldbyDroaPats, or ant by exoreaa on receipt of tL pffice, 35 Murray St, New York. apr 1-1 y. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE , DR. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF. Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PAIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side ; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness ; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with ' lax ; the head is troubled with- pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have beendone. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant The patient complains of weariness and debility ; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he com- plains of a prickly sensation of the skin ; his spirits are low ; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every; remedy. . Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have; occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after 'death, has shown the liver to have been exten sively deranged. - AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLake's LrvEV Pills, in - cases op Ague ' and Fever, when taken wim Quinine, are productive of ' the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease .to give them a; s-air, trial. i '- For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative,1 they ar un equaled. ' " ' JBEWAAE OF IMITATIONS. - Ihe genuine are never sugar coated. Everv box haft a rt-A iui ."P j'-,'., T-,,'. rit. v wine genuma MCLArtrs XtVEft Pnxs. ,r beaf tlie signatures tf CIMcLane and ' , i-EMiNG jbros. on the wrappers ;ttPw:'Jiff -tt -genuine Dr. U McLane's Lives. Eills Dreoared bv Fleming Bros of Pittsburgh; Pa., the g41uu 01 iutions of the name McLane, spelled differently but same proounciation. I'.zu AN EXCITING BOOK. 20,000 SOLD ...... ., j,... -. - ; jut l . The rWHfl Adrentares" and "Triumphs'? pf I This oaly aiithentleuidedpyrlgnted'eheap edlttoa la saOIiar taster than . anr other-book in 'America.' AUJSJSXS' WXNTEJK IW-'TiffliwrOcuiwa !na PMafa- ' " .; jqfjiu'.ti ' a. ' -, CBJtAFmiLu Uti im-ffZ-virrzM CHBAPKSX -BOOK St IT 53.672 Superb "Enlt'BootsiTrOTJIl PRICK . 75,276 New American Books AT YOHB PRICE. 1 12,726 Second-hand Books AT ANY PBH3k f s.;s;;WfcTieottHbraWte(!atnTefr .tin ;:::Tflf , 3 Beekman t, neair New TwtOfflce, New .Tork. t -: Parson's . Pureatrr Pills -make new Rich Blood. and will eomDletelv chanse the blood 1b the entire system m three montter-' ABy person who will take one piacn nigni rrera-x fO & weeKB maj oe re stored to sound health, suci athlng he possible. Sent by mall for 8 letteFstonrps.- I. S.; JOHN SON CO., Bangorv Mft,myjfyywr.r,.j i tojei.. i XAME BACK. BJ2iS01f'SiCAPCrNE ' POROUS PLASTER Is for lameness or wealmess of the back. Rheuma tism and all local aches and Bains, the best reme dy known. It was to vented to overeome- the slow action oi tbe ordinary Porous Flaster& i It relieves pain at once, and cares where other' Masters will not even -relieve. Sold werywhere py praggigts, price 25 oeaU. . 1 i i'v. R SALE. The Bourgeolse and Minion type on which this Japer was lately printed. it was made by the old onnson type foundry, of Philadelphia, and wa not discarded because no longer fit for use, but on? It because It became necessary to use a different style of type. ItwEfl do good service for several years to come. 'It will be sold In- lots to sul pur chasers, and in font8:jfi0toi,(KX)Ib8with or wimoui cases. Auqress octo . : Charlotte. 21. C. w ELL IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR SALB. Any person desiring to purchase a well improved City Lot, House with nine rooms, and modem con veniences, fine well Of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at . ? declS THIS OFFICE. J-OTICE OF SEIZURE. C. S. INTERNAL REVENUE, Collector's Office, 6tb District North Carolina, StatesvUle, N. C, April 3d, 1 879. Seized for violation on April 2d, 1879: of Internal Revenue Laws, Two Mules. One Wagon and Harness and 24 boxes Manufactured Tobacco, the property of T. M. Morris. Notice Is hereby given to the owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before me at my office In StatesvRleC and make claim thereto before the expiration of' thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J, 4. MOTT, , J. G. Yocmg. , Collector. Deputy. apr4 3t tn30dys J-OTICE OF SEIZURE. U. S. INTERNAL REVENUE. 1 Collector's Office, 6th District North earollna, aiaiesvuie, n. u, Apru znq, iwiv. ) Seized for violation of Internal Revenue Laws. on April 1st, 1879: 8 boxes Tobacco, owner un known; 4 boxes Tobacco, the property of E. Fos ter; 2,00ft Ogata, the property of R. M. Gaffney; one half barrel of Whiskey, owner unknown. Notice Is hereby elweii to tha ownee or claimants of the above described property, to appear before n tl , ' m-. nHtAA . IM n ' J '.111 thereto before the expiration of thirty; days from Sate hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the nlted States. : J. J. MOTT. J. G xodno, Collector. , Deputy. apr2 3t ln30dys XtsjCJcilattJC0us. SWEET POTATOES, Received from Eastern North Carolina to-day 100 BUSHELS OF THE EASTERN YAM POTATO And am expecting more to-morrow At a M. HOWELL'S. March 27, IF YOU.WJSH. to engage In an honest, genteel business, and make Dlentr of monev during the holidays, send your address to i m:ci , . HAniJULirtJ. A CO., feb4w4t I i 107, 4th a?.. N. Y. AROMATIC TEETH. GUM5BREATH NO MORE HEUMATIS f OB GOUT ACUTE OB CHRONIC S ALICYLIC SURE CURE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Mark "7 7 "7:: the1 '. " EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO., .-' OF FAJU3 AKD IiSTPZiei Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated physicians of Europe and America, becoming a Staple, Harmless, and Reliable Remedy on both comments. Tne Highest Medical Academy oi Paris report 05 cures out of 100 cases within three days. ' Secret-The onl f dlssolver of the poisonous Uric Add which exists m tne Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients, '. 1,00 a box, 6 boxes for 85 00. Sent to any address on recelnt of orice. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by aU druggists. Ad- aress WAHUBUIW JS & CO.. nov7 Only Importers' Depot. 23 CUff-st, N. Y. For sale by J. tt. McADEN, Druggists, feblS ly. Charlotte, N.C FAMILY MEAL. nl- 8 Car Loads-' 1 ,820 Bushels : i ' t LTEDMEAL ; Just received R. M. MILLER & SONS. ap5V if rrMTE best RTomr n If) f i: (Hi GROCERIES an In thefclty, at - , ' JanSO ' - CONFECTIONERIES ; s LeROY DAVIDSON'S. EE W, BATTLE, L D.J 5 ' Havfcg re hi or ed Ms office to the first floor over the Traders' Nntlnnnl 'Rank ran hA f-uin1 thsra all hourai during the day, and at his residence cor ner seventn and college streets, at night, feb7 8m ; : , ,. . . TENDERS his professional services to the peo ple of Charlotte and vicinity. Being s gradu ate Of both schools of mndininn. iTiPinnn unit eOsteofiTttic) e '-!s qualified to practice-either 4 He will still devote attention especially to Chrow- " V5jaa, i)uwii aiso do a general practice. CallsattendAd iAAnicFht , .-. -,., -Office over McAden's drug stored Residence on wruer oi ma sneei, : j illili! V V 91 A' p tl iiX . &yt ill DiiO To wla fortuaelK "iHfth rand'lMstrlbutlori, . i Class - !, at New Orleans; Toesdayr May ; 13th, 187910701 Manthry Drawing. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. ' This InsUtution was regularly tnoorporated by the Legislature of the: State foe Educational and Charitable purposes. In. 1868, tob thk tkbm of TWKwy-FTVK tkabs, to which contract the lavlola VSo ftiftto bf the State is pledged witii ai capital of SI ,000,000, to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of , 8350.000. Its . -GRAND StNGLB NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take, place monthly on the second Tuesday.' It never scales or postpones.. Look attnefollovrlngdlslarftnaaric i; -; , . !:.; ..:. . CAPITAL PRIZE, 830,000. ' 100.000 Tickets at Two Dollars each, i ; i ets, One Dollar. Half Tick- LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize, . : 1 Capital Prize, . . 1 Capital Prize...... 2 Prizes Of 82,500 . , 5 Prizes of 1,000... 20Prizeaoi r 500.. 100 Prizes of , 100 ' 200 Prizes of , 50 . SOOITlzesof 20. 1,000 Prize8 0t 10. ..830,000 5.tX)0 -10,000 4 . 10,000 . 10,000 - ! 10.000 .. 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 9 Approximation i Prizes of S3C 9 Approximation Prizes of 1 2C .. $2,700 . J.800 900 9 Apprpxlniatlon Priaei of r100-. 1857 Prizes, amount 8110,400 ie "corresbondlnz azenta wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid., i . i -1 :i;ri;... T Appiicatioitior rates to clubs should only be made to the Hpme Office In. New Orleans. , ".. - y " Writ,-clearty stating1 full address, for full Infor mation or send orders to ' v w ik M. A. DAUPHIN, " ' Postoffice Bot 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision and management of ; GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and. JUBALA, EARLY. nr 8 '' r !:.- t i . . ' - NEW BOOKS -AT- TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE. Mayne Reed's Novels, 6 vols., Travels in Central Asia, by Vanibery, 17.50 4.50 2.50 1.75 7.50 1.00 Treasure of Wit and Wisdom, Short History of English People, Green, Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, i Social Etiquette of New York, 1 vol., cloth, If you want to get a cheap Feather Duster go te TIDDY A BRO'S. You will always find something nice in the way of Stationery at TIDDY A BRO'S. The latest styles of Wall Paper can always be found at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. Mabie, Todd 4 Co's. Gold Pens always on band TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. at BUTTERICKS SPRING CATALOGUES And Metropolitan Fashion sheets for April, Just received at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. March 28, 1879. M M A A L L N JOSEPH FISCHESSER, Proprietor. DEALER IN BEER, ALE, PORTER AND WINES & LIQUORS, And the best brands of Cigars. Agent for Fred Lauer's celebrated Re? ding Beer. Keeps fresh bottled Beer on hand from Bersner A Engel, Philadelphia. Sold by the dozen at a rea sonable price. All pay customers can be furnished ai noma wun ine pest iseer in town. ALSO A FINE BILLIARD ROOM ATTACHED. Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte Hotel HEADQUARTERS" FOR Bottled Lager Beer, ALE AND PORTER, Is corner Trade and Boundary Avenue, Delivered to any part of the city, tree of charge for $1.00 per dozen. F. C. MUNZLER. All orders left at John Vogel's tailor shop will re ceive prompt attention. mar4 ' . I !1' ' ' ,' ' D. Q. MAXWELL. C, F. HARBISON, .Auctioneer. jyjAXWELL & HARRISOjq- ; AUCTION. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r ' Buy and sell on consignment all kinds of MERCHANDISE AND POUNTRY PRODUCE; - Will give strict personal if?- attention to an business entrusted to our care. ivf4 . Four doors above Charlotte Hotel A SPLENDID OFPTJBTTINrTY , I- .11 SUJ ILL. . , . 1 ii .isoomaJis vln9.39X donatio I t 111! lie .' !?V ."ill, it;:- -v4tAm IT J Mt'Tf BO u ,!1 . u .S ;. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. i 7: ' , In connection with the jHjblieation of Thi Ob SRBVKai and'fj'establfahjnent' of one bf the larg estjmost complete, and most thoroughly equipped Uf..u: y-i j: v! n-w !:;.' ' :,i ;,'f, 1 ,..! . ; i ? ij ; ; ; ' , , I . I I JOE, PjyNTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has Just added a com- pleie ., , iM;v:- BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling; department, Capable of executing tbe very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, accounts current; And work of tl'ls class, ruled and bound to order. We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER TRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here laas attractive a manner as m New York! We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argo- ments In good shape wtQ do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as free Trom 'defects as it ja possible to make ft LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, '' Envelopes, Handbills, Invitations, Checks, Labels' BILL HEADS, Deeds, Receipt Books, ' Business Cards, ! . Programmes ; ' ' Magistrates' and I . . .i : . . v Court Blank f ... - .... . ; . . , -rr.i . ,.f) In factj aU kinds of printing done at short notice. . rv ... !,-- v.-!. I " Special attention given :to Railroad Printing. BOOK WORK. , Hating a larger supply of type than most Job j tobllshments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to be a specialty with us. ritt in? i fTTnv fjTTiWiwnpTpn Address ' P.O. Beat 183. THE OBSERVER, J s '' C6arlotte,N.C. FEELS SICK WITH COLDCBJtLa, yETR FLUSHES, HEaDaCHp . and generaruncomfortableness AVD TXT 'PQlir$tteotf:$XACTIX WHAT Aim .AmAr totake " MOTT'S PILLS. these pills are made of certain lnKredu.m. act specially on the Liver, and at the Smi8 anal alt ImmrfHa. fmm Ik. ..LC Mine tirtu. capci mi uujwnua uvm uH Sfomaeh and aiding digestion, and m system. BESTOBING TO HEALTH, when all other remedies fail. Take them for Biliousness, Indigestion 0 ness, IJverComplalnte, and all dS 'S orders of the stomach. - 110(1 "l As a family cathartic pill they are WARS a vtt WITHOUT AN EQUAII -"HANTEt) JOHN F, HENRY, CURRiN 4 CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YOBK. For sale by L. R. Wriston A Co., Charlotte. I nar4 '.. '.-...... KC. SMtTirS WORM OIL. :' !n-yAlK!JS,GA-, December 8, 1878. jAlew nlghfe since I gave my son one dose of tho WoTOiOlli, -and toe next day he passed sixteen : ? W.F.PHILLIPS Wbtri Ofl for sale by Druggists generally pared by E. S. LYNDON, Athens, ga. ' Price 25 cents. feb21d4wly. lkttei6M Bb.-TtJarriKii. and is th onlJr"purey VtrrkBLB remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and Permanent Cukes of Syphilis and Scrofula in all their stages. It thoroughly removes mercury from the system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and, speedily cures all skin dis eases. : . Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m ELECTRIC BELTS. A sure cure for nervous debility, premature de cay, exhaustion, etc. The only reliable cure. Cir culars mailed free. Address J. K. REKVES, 43. Chatham street, N. Y. Feb. 20-dfcw3m. QONDENSED TIME. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOINO EAST. I No. I Dull? I ex. Sun. Date, Not. 10, 'IS. No. 2 Daily No. 4 Dally Leave Charlotte, " Greensboro, " Raleigh, Arrive Goldsboro, 3.45 am 8.20 am 300pm 5.25 pm 6.55 p m 5.30 a m 9.80 a m I 4.10pm- No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.C.R.B. for all points In Western North Carolina, dally except Sundays At Greensboro with R. & D. R, R. for all points North, East and West At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. R. for Wilmington. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with RAD. R. R. for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOINO WEST. No. 7. Dally ex. Sui.- Date, Nov. 10, '78. Na 1 Daily. No. 3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, " Raleigh, " Greensboro Arrive Chariotte, 9.60 am 3.50 pm 8.28 om 5.35 pm I 6.47 am 5.30 am 12.5 am 10.50 am I No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Chariotte with C, C. A A. R. R. lor all points South and South-west; at Air-Line Junction with A.4C.AL Railroad for all points South and South-east. . No. 8 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. B. K. daily except Sunday. At Air-Line Junction with A: & C. A. JL. for all points South and South-west. At Chariotte with C & A. Railroad for all points Sputh and South-west. SALKX BRANCH. Leave Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 pm Arrive Salem, ; " " " 10.50 pm Leave Salem, " " 5 45 am Arrive Greensboro, " " 7 45 am Cbnneetins at Greensboro with trains on the B. 4 D. and N. C. Railroads. SLKEPINO CABS VCTTHOUT CHANGS Run both ways on Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 3 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh. Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west, West, North and East. For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address J. R. MACMURDO. Gen. Passenger Agent. nov20 . Richmond Va. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Charlottk, Columbia and Augusta R R. t Columbia, & C Dee. '11, 1878. On and after Sunday, Dec. 29th, 1878, the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington time,): NIGHT EXPRESS. Goino Sooth, No. 1. Leave Charlotte, 1 00 a. Arrive Columbia, 6 00 a. Leave Columbia ., 6 05 a Arrive Augusta 10 00 a. Gome North, No. 2. Leave Augusta 5 55 p. Arrive Columbia. 10 00 p. m. Leave Columbia, : 10 1 0 r. Arrive Charlotte, 3 10 a. h DAY PASSENGER. ":" 1 ,J Going South, No. 3. Leave Charlotte.... 11 27 a.m. Arrive Columbia....... 4 10r - Leave Columbia 4 15 p- Arrive Augusta...,.. 8 30 P.v . V ; .. Gome North, Na 4. Leave Augusta. . , . . 8 03 a. Arrive Columbia 1 20 ?.JJ Leave Columbia............. 1 30 r- ArriveCharlotte.'...k...,...., 6 80 p Thtratn;stop only at Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Chester,? Winnsboro, Rlugeway, Ieesvme, Bates twirg, ftitg Spiipg", rVhatnii, Trenton and oraniie .vuleL.Aotoer Rations will ;be ,recpgnlzed as flag stations. " ...... .1 Pullman PalacT sleeping and drawing-room cars on Nor l and 2, Greensboro to Augusta; also ) Nos. 8 and 4. New York to Savannah, via Rich mond, Georgia Central Railroad. r ., T. D. KLINE, Superintendent ' Jbo. B MacMubdo, G. P. Agent " r B A K fr y" BREAD, CAKIS AND PIES, fresh every day. TX7E can with confidence recommend them a? T V the verr best manufactured, using hone ou the very best materials.. j i . W. N. PRATHER, t Trade Street, first door above the old Market marl1.. : r: - -I

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