- -.if.' - ' - - ) ill. .iia..!i.:. ..f 'J' 1' ! Jl. V." . - ' !" - . -.HiSj 1 j ..7. NT HI f A -ITB j UA lid ,i.,1in0 svBst-mrrroff hates j STymo Hare Month OMVonth WEEKLY EDITION : irtrf dfiheoounty. postpaid,..'., . six Mont gy Literal Reduction for Clubt. TBM OB8XKTSR JOB DKPASTMMMT x been thoroughly supplied with aery .mmivMk Vm LMt$$tStviaefTyp, m terqJob Work am now teaoMwoAt 75 miii .Hull Jcnlcsfi sfria dupatch mmi cktapmtu, Weam fumiih, f Sh BLAFKS, BILL-HEADS,, Z , LKTiA-HIAHS, CAJim TA68.,EECEIPT8, P08TEBS, Jji2nio6AAaiE8,,SAinBjta PAMPHLETS, ClECJitimCREVKS, SV. S3 00 VOL. XX. NO. 3,164. 777TtTl I s-r? i ObIt Little Hand. ni. m 1 iHk if 1; ttl ttnf. wtnrs' vrvarii f fj!!-t.,:ii J. 9'i.'f' ..sj-.f-. ,ir t. . - J J 1 J 11 1 1 f I TUTf Mi Til) I -. S a MMf. Tut Sr?vl'-. NT 11 yf7 L f . hi . .f. iirrJii . .1..:,: ti w w u mm '- Cj"' u"!sf: m)3d titmb owl , shctT s t i rBOf: .K .11 tK it bics., ViiS siioJ i f i- i .111 Nrtl,,t ..I , I ii .... ' 1 ' ' 1 . -..,.. ' 1.1 .1 I.', I '.,il A.XN1NUU1N (JJiMJIN 1 SUN UMBRELLAS. Ladies buying Parasols and Sun Umbrellas will find the best assortment at the lowest prices at ELIAS & COHEN'S. Tbey will also find other goods to suit them upon Whlch they can save money. Our stock of Fancy and Staple i i i .r DRY GOODS ; is now complete, among which may be found a full supply of House Furnishing Goods, Sheeting and PHlow Q&siagk U JP4 Cotton, Linen Table Damask In White, fihtfe, Bed and Yellow; Napkins, Doylas and Towta to eTerj variety; Car pets, Bugs, Mattings and 041 Cloths. I Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings is large, and will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE GOODS; HOSIERY. GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS,,' COB SETS, FANS AND TIES. Ask to see our Tea Ceato Linen Cambric Hand kerchief and J2 S Umbrellas. Too will find '" i them cheap, and everything else In proportion. Call and na f wl pyoc; s t ELIAS ft COHEN. "gnvnltnvt. UBGESS NICHOLS, B WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALKR IN 'i 8 FURNITURE FlJJtiNITUBE t BEDDING,' C i 111 i '4 i I I S i 5 .BERING, AC. BfDDINfl, 40. - H t CHEAP BEDSTEADS I CHEAP BJfiPBTCAuai ! LOUNGES ! LOUNGES ! I LOUNGES H 1 LOUNGES' V LOUNGES LOUNGES 1 PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS ! PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS 1 COFFINS of all kinds on hand. No. 5 Wssrr Tradx Stbxxt. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Burial .Robes a line supply. ; Jan3 ARGAINS IS II TTTTU URRR KKK U UR Be U , 0RBB KK ! !; : ,i A i-ar ri't . ;T.-.t ' .: fi i ),7 -.,!.) J -sju. : !.'" Of ii.fH JS!4Tt;.'J ' '! .Of..' ,.(i;t.. .pML'i'l . !),: -Hi.1' Jj,.ii -;!' i'.lji -t 1 : -i.l NlXTTp II r.h ifotfrif :.. bi'n&z inn 09 My Stock Is very Lar, ; and embraces a Full itn6f 10 ' I T PA kLOtt, CHAMBER, DINING I&OO AND '.I "";f OFFICE FURntrRE ."A JI7 ill Goods Packed Free dtCWi. A Full Line of ; r & i 4 $ f. VtV URRR NIf If r U UR RIf SR n T ANOTHERXRRIVAL or NEW GOODS. We have lust received a third frtralr of all wnnl Spring Buntings that have been so popular this season, Also Black French Buntings. We wish to call your special attention to our stock of Black and Light Colored Spring Cashmeres, the hand somest we have ever offered tor the price. Don't fail to look at our stock of Black, Gros Grain and DamuM f Ilka, Bummer Sllki hi allcelors, .Tam Isa, Henrietta aad Empress Cletha, French Organ dies. Our stock of White Goods Is complete In every branch. Dotted and Plaid Swiss for over dresses. Linen Cambrics, Mull Muslins, Marsa lias, Linen andTletorta lawns, to plaid and fancy. a large variety 01 uamourg jsagings and insert- ingsinwnite and colored. Marseille Marseilles QuUts. A secoiM stoeKTC iadier SPRING HATS and Millinery Goods. Be sure and examine our stock of carpets; Cane Matting, Oil Carpets, and Rugs. A large and well seteeted stock of Parasols. A good line of faneLpharlettesville Casslmeres for young men's suits. A handsome stock of READY MADE CLOTHING. Call and see our stock of Ladies' Shoes in Calf, Goat. Serge, and Newport Ties. Children's Shoes In fancy j color A large Mne pf ente', and Chll dren's Straw and Put Hats;. - i I r t Our stock is complete in every line, and we in vite a careful inspection, as we are willing to com pare mods and prices with any one. Special at tention glvento orders. Give us a call. Respectfully, T. L. SEIGLE 4 CO., Opp. Charlotte Hotel, Tryon st, Charlotte, N. C. April a LOW PRICES RULE THE S DAT. LARGE CROWDS Dally throng the -CHEAP STORE OF- H. MORRIS & BRO'S. STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK. Men's Best Flannel Suits, only $12,00 Beautiful light Casslmere Pants, $2.50, 3.50, 4.50. White Fancy Pique, 8 10 and 12ft eta. per yard, Beautiful Lawns, 10 and 12ft " Dress Linen, all shades, 18, 20 and 25c per yard. 'Hamborg Idgtnk. all widths, $ to 25c pet yard. Twobottori Kid Gloves, air shad s; fOL,'l5o. and $1.00 per Pair. e- Beanttfni Dre&a woctfi 25c., for 15 cents Yard Wide goodBleaet ng,only 8c. per yard. t Best Calicos, all grades, only 6ft cents per yard. It will pay anybody to inspect our Goods and prices; as we claim to be the leading low price house in Charlotte. Jigt received, a beautiful line pf PARASOLS, Ranging in price from 12ft Cents to $3. Also, a ft toe to'(;;v;;' ;" ' ' STRAW GOODS And Ladles' Undenrear, at Jmense bargains. vr MORRIS. A BROS. Aprii;2. SPRING CLOTHING. KAUFMAN CO. A eUv4id(UrlnWhasuii'B;; stock so complete as to include the latest novelties In Men's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's '"SUTi SJH d .l : i i T )i! A 3 giirtfrAT v 05 f H"B W'lriqLoa ins-fix .nnn tun; iwvimwi .n .iiotai :- j. tw ,Htbfii ttdi fe'ift tad K.'7cT .11 X Mm 11 i. - We tavtta; powie tojpttiiotioaniie- aw. an times ready to give qnolttofl rioea,trpery galrmeSwhfehfiJseldat duehooeelB nM& hA Ait ' MAMMnmOJ ana 111 mwrJWP waim honphtelsewherfci We continue sell ;ott! aaatto-tf .oaiat- S3 Mi x&vmb itan foaft'5'i!! erf? to! wiir-.iTW i-vr-. 1 wiWRi;-i sr its f ..ilw'; 't iRofmfr bio tinj line 1 Bools OftBFfind Slippers,1 Including the" best makes in ifte eoirtrP' There "i."?- in Anr otwdz n. Antnnlnte line of fine Felt, Stiff and Straw Hats, and any kind of? fiintiflmen's Biimishlng -Goods. Don't purchase before yon examine our stock, as the cheapest bio Can be had at W. KAUFMAN 4 C0.'B ,Y.M tnmar TnulA And TlTOn StS, w " Charlotte. N. C. Season, Boa uei iwn iuim un ing the best in the market. ;wriKi 1 r 'We present- this season to the consumer a fin r April W. i A 1 SWiye.) ( ) We sai alone; your little hand Lay on the table by my own. Only a little hand, and ye s I cannot, while I live, fontet xne uemor 01 When I saw Profound reeret low year hand had grown. We parted : but your little hand ' Lay on the taWe, cold and fair; f Wide was the scope tto numbers scanned; Three bright-robed queens, sereM and blaad, Two rampant lacks, a happy hand; While I had only one small patar.- ;: , OBSERVATIONS. gJ ' iiiorteKjapvW ttfe hfcing r?' pointing to a dead-dfunk passenker): A hour, "There it is, ye see, sirl He's 'ad too much 0 wot 1 aint'aa enough en. ,.(. , . The season for remembering the dead Confed erate soldier and more thoroughly dls-remember-lng his widow and orphans is full upon us. Atlan ta Constitution. Young men who are temoted to resnond to the cry of "Westward, Ho!" should not forget that mere are several years of good hoeing left In New Enland.tr-jBogoqfc. !,. , ; , n- If the Chlneseon't 20. shall we find them twen ty-five yearn lom fearofigjthit tbkf Wight the battle c!JnfflterHlBqueleotlje reDeflion, built the Pacific Railroad, and wrote all our poetry? Boston TramertptPf- -i Yn iv. X, Brother-.Mooa told a Baltimore comrreeation that he wondered at anybody's unbelief that a whale twcUowect Jonahj .and declaredthat he would not be surprised to see a man swallowing a whale, for all 'things -were still .possible, with t&e xiora. "WelL how is the sorine trade?" said a ateritte- man to a Iriend the other day. "Dry goods never brisker," was the reply. "My wife shops all day; every chair lathe .house , is t covered with bundles, and I think of sending toy. pocketbook out of town forachangeofalrlVstoothto."' " He entered the. srocerr store. fuiTjT'iiot'SrwWfl. but allowed hlstene toiwinrto;lifiroeiactly as the pendulum of a clock: The grocer 'only said, "No; we sell nothing on tick," and the man with the cana passed sadly ana rtlecBy out t , 1 A sentleman SDelklni or a friend WHO Jna nros- trated by illness remarked that "he could hardly recover, slnoe his constitution .was all gone." "If his constitution Is all gone," said a by-stander, "I do not see how he lives at all.' ' "Oh," responded the gentleman, "he lives, on the by-laws." FROM WASHINGTON Grant Party Tactics for the Next Cam paign Secretary Sherman the More Available Man Senate ' RefahmcanCfyfrtyi. ) j Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. 'VWLssocBGT(X8i April i&trKfu? stafte ment is made that a gentleman in the party now traveling with Gen. Grant, writes here that Gen. Grant will not again be a candidate for President un der any circumstances. It is very well for Gen. Grant to make tliis declaration and to have It sent here for publication. If when the time comes for making the rW atiOh the $kies look propitious, he will of course take th6 hominatio,n,if he can get it. If the outlook is gloomy, he can fall back on the declaration now made, and refuse with the utmost grace,. The signs thicken that there was a deep? laid scheme concocted as soon as Gen. Grant left this country to work up a sentiment which would demand his re- nammaticttfor President at tljeyhands or tne jtepuDiican convention m i&u, The man who originated this scheme- and the men who are now most actively at work pushing it, are of the same class who blocked" .11 the avenues of the White House during Gen. Grant's ad- ministration, and who did so much to make that administration 6dious in the eyes of the country, These men,do not doubt, nor does any one else here doubt that with Grant Dack in the WMite House their influence would be as over- shadowing as before. Indeed so little prudence and discretion have some of themjthai thev areven at thisioniipe- ried in advance ichuckliriff oyer tjieir anticipated return to the luxury 01 pow er and plunder. But the very fact that Gen. Grant is already providing a loop hole by which he can crawl out if there" is not a certainty 01 success snows mar. he: at; least, has retained some 01 tne horse sense with which he has always been credited. As far off as he is he is no? dpubfcable to see what, some .Qf, his hehchmeil at home are toolbtiJKlAOisee, that all thA hurrah which has been sot. KfeitrfbVerJhis renorimratlon hfc umpi rr,"n - r:' m . LA V " v: the work of a few politicians, and tbat Vlt bslsJiidtrfound any hxlfiaafilara in trifi nearts 01 ine neopie. xue surewuer politicians among the Republicans who are not prejudiced by personal interest in nor personal ustafuation ror uranc, have no aifliculty m perceiving this, and they hav n4r4lasltittpji in expressing the opinion tnat umess a great cnange in publicf sentiment joccurs Grant will reaiiv be tne weairesuman tnac ine ite publicans could nominate. As matters stand now Secretary Sherman is looked upon l&y the most sagaciods,tnejnbers of 1 t A. - A..n:lnklA Mrtn 4-n iii8. par.Ly aa uie uiusl aviuiauic mnu w VBrff the presidency ii ia8u. If next year, when the time for the meeting of Meoininating conventiofijrpproaches, resutription is still a fixed faet as there seems now no possible reason to doubt Will be theUJis Secretary Sherman's connection witn ft-frein the initial steps to final succesawillfiftturaliy make him the stronflreifridan of bis party, ana witn him as a aMdjdate thc purse-stringg of iue money povvjjxywtjuiu ue upcucu mum wider than for Grant or for any other Republican candidate. THE BEPTJBLICAN CAUCUS, The caucus of Republican Senators? yesteraay.rwniie TKjng.pa lorinai ac t&tfim&mfyetfn they, propose to make as protf acreT a fight possible on the army appropriation bill. To this end a-variety of amendments will be introduced, including those which were offered and failed in the Fotisev'- Mti 'Blaina has aftiamendment to which hewin speak in his peculiar style, the dbjedtvt Jwhich, he says, is to keep from the polls in the South armed white leaguere and red shirt clubs, but, as pointed out by the Democrats, his amendment would also have the effect to prohibit a policeman' frdin appealing 'armed a Ibe olls; silnr thecaucas yes terday, there., ws a gooaaeai oi unv about "the prospect of a wegjaeiitial veto of the two appropriation bills as the Democrats intend to pass them, but after all that, was said no Senator was able to give a positive assurance that the President would veto them, which meKhXfelftff8j ther unsatis- iaciory. OV. ,(:! .i'n ,; inn; h.-t:j .' ,'- . ' Ti The Tilden Feeling in Georgia 'v. ::.; r i-,lrt ;f i-.i i i 1 XT TIT CmHvI " I see that some or tne Georgia poli ticians clatth 'that Georgia will not fa--vor the renominatjon of Tilden. NottK ing, I think, conld be more untrue, Thft people of Georgia would nominate Til den to-morrow by a, three-fourths vote againSUhe field j Senator Hill and Sen ator Gordon, Governor Colquitt; Gover nor Brown, Governor Smith arid Gen eral Toombg all favor his' Terromination, andTthatiS is -smart bunch: of .influence to start put . with. r Gen. Pierce Young, Senator Evan Howell, MTete Smith, Patrick Walsh and many others of that class favor thecold .TOau' The! press is syeaklngWt-irtrhisayorr andLhe : will fraf. riuororiiijwrKfin. ha wants it. i , For upwards of thirty years Mra ,WIri8tow8 Sooth ing Syrup has oeen useu iur naiouxcut j addlty ef tnestomaclurelleveswind eoltegulatear 'thn bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whether aristae from teething or other causes, voia ana well known remedy. 25c per bottle. iUjM A strong efEojrtiwjdJ DQ made to re store the military headquarters of the South to Atlanta.- r y -- Stxteeri 1 gstmblersrwre 4ri3ested UtSt Louis Waturdat.iand : Bior&'Are to be gathered iu this wei .1 n u bam ; n I Mfj Xittlebetty'Ijewis was fcitight ini ttishafegjjbt'Venrs LyhpnHrjKalast'ThurBday; Jm in-i fmlWQ'H', '' Xm" 1 ,,"l,"'i3 -Ki-zii ' will adjourn about the middle of May.; Three hundred and fif ty cases have been -disposed of, and there are over seven hundred on ths xlojCket yet. Conductor Jtetdeliffe, of the Canada Grand Trunk railWItf . wa' shot in the facerwhfle running' his 'trahi Sunday; by Joe Neaee, a iK)ted,xle8Tjeraro, with a shotguhj atrvictoiialteaoe wasar j: . r,- X .v ..... - The statement that negroes along the Rappahannock river, in Virginia, were emigrating, Jftest is,. not confirmed. Many flegro'taat 'section are 'en gaged in.' iBsnmghoT 'dysfoirfag, and' are as napy arid pfteperoras '&a I the white j,Tlis' tejftuc jtiioh was diadriss eaT6efore the WoWf of !BulasM 'county, Va last ' week; by ' Lieut Gov, Walker and Gen. Wm. Mahone. the former; ad vocating th0 compromise bill adopted py ine Xiegisiature ana me laner oppos- ingit. . ' .art ! . ' , , 1 E. H. Brown, manager of the Western Union, Telegraph Company, at St Lonis, is "instructively" in jail for contempt in refusing to brodnce certain telegrams .befoJrt'tKe .Criminal Court As this is a tesx case ne is not actually incarcera ted; but remains underthe surveillance Of the city marshal. ! m . " It is authoritatively announced," ac cording to the New York Catholic,tiha.t Dean Stanley is about to join the "Roman Catholic Church. It is further said that his sister, who was converted many years ago, has, since the death of his wife, assumed great sway. -over,: his mind arid has turned it toward the Study of Catholicism, espfeeially as enunciated in the works of Fenekuv ; The travel by the New York elevated railroads is increasitfg rapidly, every week showing a large increase over the preceding one. Taking the increased facilities for travel that are being ; pre pared by the rdads into consideration, officers of the roads estimate that the New York Elevated and i Metropolitan roads will carry more' tban fif ty , million passengers' during' the year. About three hundred merchants from West Virginia, who ha Ye, been invited to visit Richmond, Vsl, bf the Commer iaiIub of that city, will arrive there thisTWelmeMa apeake aridsOhici Saiifoad; which fur nishes free transportation both- ways for theexcursioniste.a,;Durin2r the visit these mewbantswili'Teceiye particular attention trom the j tJommerciai uiu d. Abotit the first of May ' there will be a Similar.excursion' td Richmond for the benefit of merchants on the Atlantic coastline." ' s - Tudge Kelley, of Pa., has prepared a bill .to remedy , the inconveniences arid losses to workmen and retail dealers of the accumulation in their hands Df cer tain small coins. ItprOposes to require the treasury, scAly sub-treaSuries to re deem with legal-terid'er' money the sub sidiary, silver coins whenever presented in sums of $o or; multiples thereof, and also provides that the further coinage of trade dollars; be. shopped , and that they shall for twelve months. l)e receiv able at par for customs or any; otheriob ligation due the United States, and that wlien so received they shall be recoined into standard silver; dollars of -iii2)4 grains.;';;-.. . ' , ' rn' - ' ' . ,-; -; ' Dean Stanley's. Heterodoxy. ; tendon Truth. Dean Stanley-is itagood a man and stands on so high amoral elevation tnat .one ftf embolened.toDState irankly that aspecroxhis chanseter ynam ma warm est .iAitm-Ski1impU rjpon. v Arain arid acrain men have said that Dr. Stanley, Dean'df .Westrriins- tgj ipaa nna nfYhnna inatAni'Atf rtA farOly met with of .the right anan in the. right sught reservation. Westminster jld bey is not crnly a burying plaee- for the illustrious dead, and a national maseum of antiauities.iMit a Christian church. Kaiiiits chief Custodian should nresum- Ur7lePiritin ctogyniafi. Now, jjearrfttaruey is scarcely more 01 a unris- tian (in auefi&bTfese'ol the word) than MrRariiehabitry4d:be more courteous tajay-that. MjiRenan (a most virtubuaricrigh-mindedTnan) rightful persons how a moral purist t cald-reaHy conceive iiimself justified in theodoetrines of which are to him so ntany figures of speech, To him the miraculous assagerqf, the Jied Sea is a natural! nteCbmenonjjeiaggeatd by Jewish pride into preternatural marvel ; the obeieicf oftfr to JoKua a fine but strictly poeticaf iaea ; as to Bar- ibas,riewas7an untortunate man, hoseideasHvefe perhaps warped mthe first vytarnee by the narrow education impWfel.ia a theological college. In truth, Dean Stanley might be described as a secular saint His blameless life offers a bright model (and a rebuke) to only too many professing Christians. It should, in fairness, be added that he has some mournful advantages over ordina ry men. Of what are commonly called " the five senses " he possesses but two at least jn ; tlflrnt r a-nat irtfltaste he lacks aJt enjoyment f; era wMdlfi dinting ftymueh. aburg pie as oth-; a place f dog-biscuit . pi nowers ne can ap Qieir perfumes. 1 A Philadelphia Mystery of Crime. Wm. C. Martin, ,the Philadelphia real estate broker who' was found wounded and unconscious in his office a week; ago, died last Saturday without having: recovered sufficiently to give any ae count of the affair. The detectives argiH f rumh?f aci ?hat vaSrll' i ew-elry-and, mosey were yleft untouched, and-that tire two doors leading lilla the hall entrance wgre found locked, that jTartin'si assiairtwtoi3$ a thief, but some acquaintance who may have had a ftuarrel with hiSiresulUng in a regu Far fight, The fatal blow is supposed; to have been given With a looking-glass. The post-mortem snowed that the skull was fractured, Blghteens Decision of the TJ. 8. Supreme Court, ' The foajateiianorol the fidelity of a contract en tered Into by a sovereign Stateoi the Federal Union has been frequently before the Supreme Court of the United States, In varied forms of litigation, and in every instance the Judgment of that august tribunal has pronounced that the contract entered, Into Is Inviolate. The Louisiana State Lottery Company has a contract . for twenty-five years from 1868, when it was Incorporated, and the action of no legislature can prevent -that, renowned corpora Hon front continuing 1ft eeeifiai monthly jolstribu tions at New Orleans on aid second-Tuesday of everv month. rFor further information address :, ... 7 I T 1 T i "7t M. DAUPHIN, j P. 0. Box6S2, New Orleans, La, - apr8 lw ' ; nas as good ciaimas iqe uean to tne titLerJof ChristianIt aSvpuzzle to tno SPRING ; Representing all the novel styles in the New York Market. CLOTHING IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE STYLE AND PRICE. - A general inspection is cordially solicited. ! . Respectfully April 6, 1879. E. D. LATTA BRO! DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department we can exhibit the most desirable fabrics and color ings adapted to this market, such as Black and Colored Summer Silks, Egyp tian Cloth, "Satlne Royal Brocades," Tervano Satlne, Suitings, Melange Silk, Bentlev's Cloth, Bvora Custom Cloth, SUk Brocaded Grenadines, and Jap. Suks, Black Cashmeres of the very best makes, Black: all wool Delaine, Tamlse, Tamertine, Australian Crepes, and other mourning goods. Knicker bocker suitings at 10c per yard; Black and Colored Bunting, and many other desirable dress goods. LACES AND EMBBOIDEBTES. Our stock of these must be seen to be appreciated. FANS AND PARASOLS. In this Une we can boast the greatest variety of Novelties. HANDK'CHFS. 1,000 dozen. Plain, Bordered, Hem stitched. White and Colored, from 5c. to 75c each. CLOTH DEPABTMENT. Handsome all wool Silk Basket Broche Cloth, far ladles' and children's Sacks and Dalmons: these we offer at half the cost of production. Handsom- ods ever proaueea vassimeres, leset Flannels, Ac CAR P E T DEPARTMENT. Carpets, In an endless variety of new designs, at all prices. Bugs, Mattings, Crumb Cloths, 4c READY GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. OUR STOCK OF WHITE SHIRTS IS C o o M M E LAUNDRIED GOODS A3 WELL AS UN LAUNDERED. . LINEN. . COLLARS A or ALL SIZES AND STYLES. LINEN CUFFS ..',., . WE WILL, PLEASE YOU IN EVERY EEGrARD. 1 ELECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an election will be day 01 the raooxn), lHtii, at tne usual poiung places In the several wards of the city of Charlotte, lor Mayor and a Board 01 Aldermen ior earn city, Ward ffo. l7Eteglstrar, John L Elms. Inspectorsi-Dr. M. M. Orr, & M. Howell, A. E. Gray. :;; . V;,,. . Ward Noi 2 Registrar, H. B. Williams. -. Ynnnectors Tonn L. iforehead. Dr.: William 1: Sloan, A. B. Davidson, . - . '. Inspn-&'ilC bW J.Vh.' Carson, M. A. Stauffer. "' , .' - - v Ward No. 4-Begistrar, R, P. Waring. ; . InspectOTi-J. T. Bryoe, Rufua- Barrlnger, B'B. Alexander. . " - - - - &i M. X' ALEXANDERV Sheriff f f aU irr a R. SMITH,; Mayor. ; ; , March 2848Jdjrftde.i., ;,. . r . " 1VE ARE DAILY RECEIVING AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF TEXTURES , OFFICE OF WITTKOWSKY & BARTJCH, CHARLOTTE, N. C, APRIL S, 1879. 111 THE Having long felt that Charlotte can and ought to be not only the whole sale, but also theretail market for the greater portion of the Carollnas, and believing that the public generally, and the ladies especially, will fully appreciate an establishment where they may at all times find such an assortment of all goods at such prices as will Justify persons not only from the Immediate vicinity, but from a distance, In coming to Charlotte to make their purchases, we have made the experiment of purchasing a stock so complete as to include all the latest novelties In every line of goods, to the Inspection of which we beg to Invite your early attention. To those who cannot find it convenient to come to Charlotte, we will at all times be pleased to send samples and quotations of prices. Tou will herein find a synopsis of our various lines. We present this season to the trade, as well as to consumers, an ele gant assortment of Fine Black, Blue and Brown Cloth and Diagonal suits, Drab De Tae, Middlesex Flannels, Harrison Casslmeres, White Vests, Al paccas Coats, Linen suits. Dusters, in as nice goods and at as low prices as can be found anywhere. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT Has received Special attention, and deserves your notice. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! This Department we have given our most careful attention, and believe It complete, with the latest Parisian novelties. Including all the new shapes In Hats, (together with the finest Trimmings, Artificials, Feathers, Ornaments, Black English Crepes, Plain and Fancy Ribbons of every con ceivable shade and color,) Leghorn Flats, Chip, Canton, Milan and trim med Sailor and School Hats, at the lowest possible prices. 1 ,000 Ladles' Silk, Embroidered, Chenelle, and Lawn Scarfs at half price. Call and examine for yourselves. Very Respectfully, WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH. FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hen's Business Suits of Fine Scotch and English Cheviots, made up In our own house In Baltimore, where there are none but artistic Tailors em ployed. FINE DRESS SUITS Of French and English Diagonals, Granites, and Cloth Coats and Tests. Fine dress Pants to match. -0 . ! ; We have the best of Middlesex Goods, warranted full Indigo; in fact the same goods, made by fine Tailors, as we have soli In previous seasons. We are sure that if' tray of our customers 'lave ever tried tnem they will NOT fetJY ELSEWHERE. lisjcjenauemts. jgLACK STRAP MOLASSES Under cost by the barrel, by ROT DAVIDSON. )an30 A GREEN HOUSE AND S EE D STORE AT YOUR JPOST OFFICE. lb ROSES! ROSES! OjxtiA on1 trial of choice Green TTrniHA aim! PLetddme PLanta We can Bena plants throul tbe-mafl to tpj part of (he country H , '''7; j c. B. FATRCHTLD,1 - Seedsman and Florist, March 26 2m.-, r Raleigh, N. C.; JH)B' A.FIRST CLASS , -'1 H 1 Smoke can and get a Sudor, at . . , . . i ;'3an3d,' y1 .'Jv-fi'il 'uiJoa bi'i i'A WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department we have every conceivable fabric: Bishop and Victo ria Lawn. Mull Muslins, Jones' soft and finished Cambrics, Nainsooks, both sheer and heavy. Piques in a very great variety of styles and prices. We desire to call very especial attention to the new fabric In white goods, " Lenon de Syre," a goods similar to Victoria Lawn, but superior In texture and wear. Our white and Printed Unen Lawns challenge their equal In this anarkeL HOSIERY AND GLOVES. In endless styles and quantities, our handsome Silk Mitts. SHETLAND SHAWLS. We have an immense variety at a low cost, and offer them exceedingly cheap. Every lady should have one, even fn midsummer, for evening service. CURTAIN LACES. 25 Pes. of the most novel and beau tlful designs, 12fec, 15c, 18c, 20c., 25c and 60c per yard. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 10-4 Bleached and Brown SheeUngsi . Y. Mills. UUca. Lowell. Wamsutta. N, &c 500 pieces 4-4 Bleached Muslins all the most popular make. LIN E N DEPARTMENT. Linens 4-4 and White Dress are exceedingly low, and we shall offer them to the trade at a very small ad vance. NECK WEAR, The finest ever exhibited In the city of CHARLOTTE. FINE SCARFS , For Men's and Boys wear. WINDSOR A R F S s c OF- TH LATEST NOYELTIES , In Stripes and Plaids, suitable for Laj dies as wen as Gents. WHITE TIES, 1$ law tn prtee as 25 enU per dozen. UNDERWEAR- complete- isetoKTifXiel: ALL AVE ASK OF THE PUBLIC ': , 1 ' Is m CTun a frrr a Fnlr Trr' 1 gj CTATE OF NORTH CAROLlNAI to Probata OT""- Tadkln County," uw f-j v QarnxU Joseph' Sparks and Benjamin Sparks, Executors of uenjanun oparaa, oeceaseu, ; n 1 , ' r ::,, ! . ... The Heirs at Law of Benlamin' ' " ' "Bonai'or Taus.aaTVBcart. 4. It-appearing to thesatisfacOoa of the Court that Lydla D4nuBfe--wUe rfataa IMmmlt, Hannah T f tvratnrm nn nuiUn flntend DV the COUTt that advertisement be made for six wee to Th CatRLom Obbxbvxb, noutyuig saldfendauts to Appear at the Clerk's office In Yadldnvlue with in twenty days after service of this notice, and tot them take notice that if they fall to appeaxthat the same will toe taken prit tonfeu aadexparU as to them. " ,' " 4,J'-M-r . : Given under my. hand and seal of oftVein yaa- klnvJJle, this the 10th day of FebroaryiJL D 187ft .ir.,,. ,.-?.. ...ISAACN. VESTAL, j . . !- 1 . : x ,.v h 1 w,v , , . .. . probate Jodge. i Uy j3--dltw5t i, : vf " , f ' -,'' A "SPLENDID LINE OF ''fiuYoira Ki-jtU if ill ti --A -iltrl '.-ui

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