II u .J . SThe harloitebbnw. cha&oss& v ,-,,li--.'Wf'.'.l,Vy: 'Free from the doting crupiethat fetu r o our. 16J1879. The experience of last .sulaiiaeTaJ fall have taught us to regard the yell fever almost in the. light of n ever present danger, and a preventive for it is being sought out with more earnest ness than ever before. The approved plan at this time seems to be the freez ing process, and from this Eflaiy expe rienced persons expect the bqst results. It is claimed as one of the fer undis puted facts in connexion v$hthis plague that it cannot elift ia teiter ature of 30 degrees, jmd 0nc4 Jthe; rono-nt. annrnnriatinn A)f tnft : United' xuvuv "n z a f - j i r States Senate for the, piirposejrf tjsgn the freezing experiment upon vessels which may be supposed to bear about them the germs of the disease. Dis cussing this scourge and the method of prevention here touched upon, the New Orleans Picayune of recent date, said: ' f 1 il'M ! I i It cannot exist in a '.freezing atmosphere. It cannot survive a freez ing atmosphere. This one fact is known with absolute certainty, and it is on this known fact that.the plan of refrigerating ships is based.? If the plan should be adopted by Congress, and carried idtoffecUylth intelligence and skill, we may have great reason to anticipate, f nom it the best result Jf , there is ofae'cfuestidA wirichtaAyprfcp-' erly claim the attention , of Congress, apart from the particular objects of the extra session, it is this one. Summer is coming,. on and stlje j country expects something to be floheby the i national trovernment to avert the dancer of a rfiiirTfinffi nf th -npstilencft. What ever ouinions mav be entertained by5 some of the medical gentlemen of this t .11 A A 11.. ana otner ciues us 10 wie uwueawc ui foreign origin of yellow fever, it is cer tain that among the people throughout the country there is a firmly rooted conviction that the disease is propa gated by transmission from place to place. The;. researches of the investi gating committees have tended to con firm this belief. - The . reports of the committees affirm it with remarkable unanimity. . Public opinion looks to Congress td take -some actfcm to avert what is considered to be the danger of importation during the coming sum mer. Such action will co far toward calming public feeling, and obviating the' evils which, in- aggravated form, would follow on a repetition of the methods employed last year by the communities throughout the southwest. The question is one' of the very highest importance and we trust that Congress will promptly act on it. The theory here advanced has been most vehementlv held bv a number of the most scientific minds of this and other countries, but a recent develop ment would seem to falsify it "We bave reference to the case of" tlie United States steamship Plymouth which, though she wintered in Boston harbor and-was subjected to all the rigors of that climate, and in addition tathis was subjected to th6 artificial freezing, still bore in her germs of the yellow fever which developed into life and began. their work upon the ship's crew? kfeMakiy? aa' tjid ship weighed anchor and sought warmer waters. It is true that this . instance as rnot destroyed .the, faith of ..Secretary' Thompson, of the navy, in the refriger ating process, and he has instituted an investigation to learn, if possible, if the process .was not hegogently; or imper. fectly applied in the case of the Ply mouth. His supplemental report will be awaited" with interest; and yet on ' its;'fe tWs instance -would seem to give a very black eye to : the theory in question. We confess that! this case has-Imbuednus WinTSEEpttCiSTtr-as- tor the efficacy of the treatoteryir proposed and removed the problem sLfJlr at ever from solution. . We ase versuaded that, if there is anv -pifevennoh'f rorfrthe scourge, apart f ron i- i . a " . : 1 1 ' i -1 uiiatiuuiu quiuauuiie,rigiuiy euior(xu,ir rests in, absolute local cleanliness. It cannot exist except in an impure atmosphere, laden with the fumes of decaying animal or vegetable matter arid t siiocttUTns, not only upon andefoseto the'seab)ara,but here and everywnere, may as well make up their minds, upon the first news of its approach, that the only sure.prevention against it , is in the instantaneous de struction of the material from which it dfaws: itsiqustnan0e. I ukant s Li a test. me latest news froth (ren.'Gfant is-that he says he wilt ' not consent t-O: be a candidate for Presi dent,;in, 4880, ,Qf,T this question the sagacious Washington correspondent of the Baltimore 8tm takes what we have ,ifoT4ortjt ifi';dri:ecVVie4 He has all along expected, as the stalwarts- of his party Siave expected!' him, to be the Republican candidate next year; but if iheflttdskieflyerjcasl; at that time.f asne "ndt? has l fehrewa suspicion h will find them, the present declaration wakb-npstrjQnyeaient td frill' back upon,?- Hedeclines the grapes in ad nce in the event they are'S,pm;w .but iWrthA fttipffi referation in case they ar a as T accessible as he hopes tor them. wC:ibarrus'' is back, thisnorning, with a re-iteration of: bis oornvkuntk As b&r fore, howevef,lfe 6nlV7gimal ftiW - chargesand wtf'ard still 3ef t to jsurmise; rus neighbors ii Jthe " arrangements for ' the f ortSeenim'g ielibrkaoii jof the 2pth ay'.gttsed before, then an vwef ed our .ouiiisliid'iiice t,, "Cabarr .gives ..i jn.Qjjiftiythet tor go upon the -dissibnrwflV iiave to v&WjffPfMfr as ourlpart of it Artlor61k Laridmttrk tdnchesl too ;phia Ximes' which piirtedVto - give an explanation Ot Senator Vance's popular .'j'-strengthvu The editor pf ih&'Zandmark Vshows hiniseli to1 have a' just and accu- Mue.gurijieria-vea us '.'iii Bome specified charge ip answer.,, rt 4., V fate conception of Mr. Vance's eapacU ities, and in an excellently: well-written article, .irhich we take much pleasure . in re-producing, iwints out very plainly .the sources of :that;,gentIemanTsac . knowledged command over en ! v 'r;? miUng desk to cany the tomlst'a Iriend Dr : Bull's Baltimore PlUs. Wlce 25 eenU Vt' "Still Harping v on Mt Daitgh- still harping right sferaightf ahf ad fcpon ;3tfi3 tjiffcjtf IX h Ul3TIOX$ 1 IT Ji Jefferson Davis. Haying teefcrefund- h U J, rtfl-iDif.V j 1 Jate at the end of the last Congress, old man Clapp has since failed to forget him, and the leading editorial of the venerable twaddler, every day since has been infuse? of ir. Davis. If any one sulfide it can be done bv carryinir a tlonal Republican. If the old gentle man who presides over that spirited institution did not brealThis neck get ting down the stairs he would certain ly compass his own destruction by run- ninir into the Potomac river. All-of which leads up to the remark that we nf thft Snnth never have any idea of haiA wonderful man he is who di- ected the fortunes of the Confederacy Singi infotde ntii tenmeBrwiv bannens to menuou xua hich Vad.Uk th&oyaT ie4itos tremble and smite together. . In the United States Circuit Court at Charleston, Monday, the motion to quash the array of jurors was over- ruled, Judge Bryan dissenting. The J test-oath was admmjstereato pne mry and the business proceeded, with eight white and four colored jurors. The case against Wm. Kerrigan, charged with assault upon a supervisor, was taken up, argued and given to the jury, and at a late hour at night the report was that he had been convicted. ; Justice iHunt, of the Supreme Court of the United States, who was stricken with paralysis some time since, has so far recovered as to be able to articulate a ew words, but is unable to connect sehteliaeif ihardlytipli) expected that tiefifl Ver take iis sat on th$' benci.aIn 1 Jjf I? i Judge Thurman is presiding over the Senate now The motion to strike out Thurman and insert Ferry did not prevail in this instance, we notice, as it has in the past too often for the coun try's good. S01TH CAROLINA ITEMS. A Henry county, Ara, tobacco peddler was killed near Newberry, last Friday, by his wagon driver. Judge Mackey will produce convinc ing proof before the United States Senate that Corbin's private character independent of politics, is such as to unfit him to become Chief Justice of Utah. At the meeting of the grand lodge at Newberry last Tuesday, S. W. Perrin, of Abbeville, was elected grand dicta tor. "Withe grand lodge of Knights of Honor bttfre State forthe msnfnff year. The next meeting is to be held at Sumter. J. R. Boyles, lieutenant during the war of Company C, 12th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers, has pub lished, at the solicitation of many mem bers of the regiment, a call for a survi vors meeting, to be held in Winnsboro. on Saturdav, the 26th of April. , Judge Pressly has nledlris decision sustaining the validity of the York county bonds, amounting to one hun dred thousand dollars, issued in aid of the Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad Company. The case will now to go the Supreme Court. i ,ttieRet.iI.,0. Judd. who? fur nearl? two years past has so ably and accept ably filled the position of assistant rector of uraca church, Charleston, has received a call to the assistant rector ship of Trinity church, Columbia, and has notified the vestry of the church that he has accepted the call and will leave for Columbia on the loth of May next. Charleston News and Courier, of Monday: The : large C bell of St. Michael's chimes has been badly xa:aied,...axid.3'ilLh4v JL he taken down and sent to England torecast. It "was crackpdpn rthejnight ..of the rhre, 'and tie sexton pf jthej cturei 'spyk-jthat the watchman ransr' it too' Violentlv. The crack extends the entire length of the bell, and in the ringing for services yeaferdav it'gave fofttradoleful sounr1. not i ii uf A-tstspjinj xiH tup An Able Elephant. fSt Louis Globe-Democrat. f (Thaitof thj meageUe has ijtsj pe- cuiiariues, ana wnen xne reporter insin uated that a slight infusion or oxygen would not harm the atmosphere of the building, the lion king assented, and turning to the larger of the two ele phants standing in a far corner, he call ed Out, " Pete, old fellow, open that door."; The elephant wagged his great ears sagaciously, seized the door knob with his trunk tip, gave it a turn, and flung the door wide open. When a suf ficiency of fresh air had been secured, the lion king quietly remarked, "Shut th d$ff.nflrwrP$K4 Thefcfeph'ant laid his trunk against it and gave it "a shove, but failed to close it. " Oh, close W up tight,1 Pete," Mr: Conklin said, wlth an assumption of impatience in his voice, The sagacious beast pulled the door sufficiently ajar to secure headway, and then, with a rapid push, slammed it close, following uo its success with -lotintfemprafce 8f Mr. CShkliflfound M whose fieak it ilnni its trunk ilrtfmos a Keeping People Out of Church. A cunotis sight was witnessed in thi3ity -f resteiday policemen Btation ed at church doors to keep people out. Af 1 1. .c 11 A. IMU ttd iorfeitra disagreeable, but dangerous: tardv saints and sinners must seek some less DOPUlar Place of worshin. All thft sam ibe 'biueeoAtedf mbwiddling rpolicer nlari latthfe chuVch Idoerf 'wrfuldl hivfl consigeraoiy astonished the early Chris tians, and it is difficult to reconcile him Jwitit tha fntnunmrt tn "fin int thn by-ways ahdhedges and compel them to Come Wi s-rijf r ft,-. r ft z v. Migration BrUlih Mtiers; 4. Ijowxw, i-ff 5?desVatch to the Times from Newcastle states that a number of striking, miners, who are Eisessed of a little means, appear de mined to permanently quit the Dur w collieries; . Emigration Agents in' Newcastle and the district are ''busy sending men to the United States and the colonies.' The main tide of emigra tion seems' to be towards the mining' districts of the United States, r There is also considerable migration- to British America. The Cotton Question In the ?few York . - legislature.' ' Alb any, April 15.--In the Assembly to-day, on the bill to regulate the sale of cotton, Mr. Brooks said he had. a re monstrance against the -bill - signed by ninety per cent of the people engaged in the cotton trade. No action was ta ken on the measure, - TROOPS AD TtRl:AIMS. Thurriumlhpestdin&OveT the-tmate Speeches on the Army Sill by ' Logan and Beck War v Claims Discussed in "the House Inter- 'Matter! i WASHUrGTON, April ATE.- before from statins that he had receiued a telegram advising him of the dangerous illness of a sister, and summoning him home, and that it would be necessary for the Senate' to elect a President pro tern. The secretary asked, "what! is the pleasure of the Senate V Davis, of West Virginia, said that as there was comparatively a small num ber of Senators in attendance, he hoped ihefe would bea delay .of the proceed- At thi 8urest&n of Wallace the Sentettpjok ant informal recess. . Il tfafc. disci veied at the time the note was read that there were a larger number of Republican than Demo cratic members present. A messenger was dispatched for Thurman whom the Democrats intended to elect President pro tern. At 12.20, however, that gen tleman entered the chamber, he having been" pn his? way to th. capitol while tne messenger wasinsearen or aim.. The Senate having resumed its ses sion Bayard offered the following reso lution "Resolved. That in the absence of the Vice President, Hon. A. G. Thur man be. and he is hereby chosen, Presi dent of the Senate rro tern. . Ajithnnv jnnved to strike out the name of Thurman and insert" that of Hon. Thos. W. Ferry. This amendment was disagreed to veas 18. nays 28 and the resolution then passed. Thurman was conducted to the chair by Ferry, the former re marking to the, latter ,on his -.way thither, "f urn about is f air playi ' I Thurman, on taking the chair said: "Senators it is only necessary for me to say in the fewest possible words that I sincerely thank you for this mark of your confidence." The journal of yesterday was then read. The army bill was called up Logan addressed the Senate, denouncing the proposed legislation as bad in itself and as being attempted by unparliamentary practices. He defended the use; of the veto power, quoting President Pierce s message in 1853 to show that the. Demo cratic doctrine had then guarded the independence of the executive as a wholesome check on legislation. He declared that a system f teiroism pre vailed in the south wmcn is now re sulting in the migration therefrom of the people whose labor is necessary to cultivate the fields. He alleged that he Democrats expected by this legisla iou to fraudulently control the election of the next President, Mr. Beck followed. The South to-day was represented by men who were the peers of anv gentlemen annne other side. The Democracy " was -warned of the appeal to Csar. They intend to appeal to the people before Caesar comes, beiore the Kubicon is crossed, ana the cry is, -alia j aetata est. it is to pre vent Caesar from coming that they de sire the soldiers; to -be? taken from the polls. Mr. Beck' continued 'at Consider able length, defending the Democratic party from the accusations of its oppo nents, and declaring that they were rue mends to the colored race. He argued earnestly against the danger of relying on the army to enforce the laws, saying that the pest, war rapt tor mak ing and inaintairiirig jusfr laws was in telligent public opinion. house. immediately alter the read ing of the journal the speaker pro ceeded to call the committees for reports. The only reports submitted was from the committee on accounts. relative to committee clerks. This report was adopted and; the House proceeded to the consideration of the Senate bill for the purchase or construction of a refrigerating ship for me uisiniecuon oi vessels ana cargoes. Chalmers, rising to a question of privilege, asked for an investigation by the House of his conduct at the battle of Fort Pillow.- He made the request because or certain uncomplimentary al- iusionsjnad to him by congressman Butter worth? in alecenT speech? TrtrCin- qianutu jjction on the request was de ferred for a jdayor two. The 'House then in the committee of the whole,vtook,up the legislative ap propriation uiii, uie pending question; being Bragg's motion to insert a clause tepealing jt)re CTatlirg the South ern ciaims commission, ana a substi tute therefor was offered .by Young, of Tennessee, aboiyhiiig the (commission, but transferring all claims now pend ing before it to the court of claims. An animated debate followed, which was participated in by Bragg, who advoca ted his proposition, by Keiffer, of Ohio, who claimed that the court should not be interfered ?with-,bnfc aftawpri - trr din by limitatiohasj tf wotnd'do In March 1880 ; by Atkins, Baker, Young, of Ten-; nessee, White, Garfield and others. The discussion ranged into the general ques tion oi tne jpayment oi oouthernclaims and the manner thereof. Finally Bragg's amenuinent was rejecieu ootq n;j. Springer offered an amendment abol ishing the Southern claims commission and providing that any person who mav have a claim against the United States,- ji .i ; il- l -ji i . . . oi wmcn uie court oi claims would not now have jurisdiction, but founded on equity and justice, and not barred bv limitation, may hie his plea in the court of claims. It further provides that the court snail report its hndmg to Con j . . . , i gress ana congress snail not allow or authorize thje. payment pf any private claim not payable, bnflirithe iexistincr law until the claim has been investigar iea uv tne court or claims. A debate followed and the committee rose without action. :!: ; THE SPOFFORD-KELLOGG CASE. .. The Senate committee on privileges. ana eicctjons p-gavtopKuj), jas thft first case oh their docket, the' memorial of Judge Henry MU Spofford, of Louisi-. ana, claiming tq pe entitlep; to the seat in the Senate "how occupied by Gov Kellogg. After some informal dispus siBnjtiier committee decided to notify tlfef parties to 'appear in person or bv counsel at an adjourned meeting to- morrow ior tne purpose or presenting arsmuginarxoxno committee on the ..A. 1 J1 11 . . queswyi. wneptier tnis case is not res adjUdicatB.i H4 ? ; .uu t.t " " THE nOTTSRfiOMMTTT-prFJ?. The tlouse tfoinmltte oh Wrichlture this mornmg referred the subject of the existance of pleuro-pneumonia to a ubmmittee, with; instructions to as- curiam ait tne: iacts : possible jior con nection wini the 1 disease and report on Thursdaytf pdsslbley 't-' : .X- Nearly all the House 'committees are now. organized and. ready for business. The ( Select committee to inquire into the causes of the present depression of labor, of which Representative Wright, of Pennsylvania, is chairman, will commencetaklng additional ,.testim6ny wit tne Buujcuu ju.rrTvxignsr. says ne is desirous of hearing r the : views bf a number .of the leading manufacturers throughout the country, and intends inviting the gentlemen to appear be- luro me committee at an early day. ' - CONTESTED ELECTION CASES. " j-uiowing -are among " the con- testea election cases in the present against Martin ; second North Carolina. I OUara against Kltchin ; second South Carolina, Mfcckeyj against O'Connor; fourth Alabama, rHarolson- - against sneirjv 'second Artansas, f.jjraaiey against S? smrrjons; third Louisiana,Her bert agaiost Acklen ; fourth Louisiana julvivuwm Hgainm Acmai; aevuuu i- w ida, Bisbee against Hull. A Grecian Loan Kesotiated In Paris. PPTO , A nril 1 K TTKa.. . TtniirsA RR- nonhofes thaxlhA pjnntxueh for the Ghreelp Comptain D'jE&oompte and others. iii i i m : ;'i"r--: TltoWiats-'lftsT - - New York TrJbaiie.J A Michael Richfield is a humorist. See ing a couple of strange . ladies shopping, in Grand street, he crept j UP ; behind them and nlavf ullv knocked their, heads together; a He was yesterday arraigned for u and sent to the city prison tor ni- teen days, though there are newspapers in the United States which would give him regular employment at a high sala- , Three prisoners have escaped from the Hew Hanover work house. A small house was destroyed by fire m Wilmington last Saturday nignt. Rev. N. Z. Graves lies in a very low state of health at his home in War renton. -- ? . A still anot fixtures were captured by revenue officers last week in the Alex ander's settlement, in Buncombe. There is a proposition on foot to macadamize Fay etteville street, ; Bal eigh : it can be done, they think, for $2o,000. " :' Last week there were no interments in Bellevue Cemetery, "Wilmington; there were three in oakdaie, ana in Pine Forest, colored, two. - Correspondence . Asheyille , Journal, 12th: Tne superior uourt in xancey county convened last Monday. There were five murder cases on the docket ; only one stands for trial; that of Thomas Boone, who murdered Samuel Butner last May. He was arraigned on Wednesday morning. Pending some preliminary motions he was remanded to jail. ' The Star says that at the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wil mington, Compress and Warehouse Company, held at the Bank of New Hanover last Saturday morning, the old board of directors were re-elected as. follows:- D. R. Murchison, Donald MacRae, John Wilder Atkinson, H. A Burr, James H. Chadbourn, A. Pope, Alex, sprunt, U. if. Mebane. The Wilmincrton Star re&rrets to learn that epizooty has made its appearance on the plantation of Hon. D. L. Russell, ... . v . . in Brunswick county, and but a short distance from its city. He has already ost two horses from the disease, one of them as fine an animal as there was in the county, and all the remainder of lis horses out one, and all of his mules, are how suffering from this dangerous distemper. - : . Ease Attainable j the Bhewatlc Tea, although they may despair of relief, it is attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries off, by means of increased activity of the Maneja Important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which Datholosists the most eminent attribute the rjalnful symptom a theory completely borne out by urln ary analysis, i ne name oi tnis grana aepurent is uostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and nervous ailments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal sumuiant by oisananished Dhrsielans and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it A Beally Beneleeat Discovery. The disgust so senerallv felt for the taste and smell of Cod Liver Oil Is almost proverbial. It seems to be peculiarly nauseous to the eonsump- ttve and scrofulous to whom the whole medical Drofesslon know it is sneclalW heneflRiAl. Endeavors have vainly been made to dlseulse Its objectionable characteristics, bv mixture with cof fee, brandy, or by the process of deoderizatlon, htch impairs Its efficacy as a nutrient But In union with the HrooDhosnhitett of Udm and Soda, as we And It in Scott's Emulsion. It re- tains its healing and nourishing properties, moreover oom bines with the other chemical asre It to produce not only a medicine of agreeable flavor, but one of the most powerful and pleasant tonics, that ever gave vital vigor to the nerves and brain. aprt zw Ceaghlig la Charem. No place in the world eauala London tor the constant barktng kept np In the churches. It is like a perpetual fuailade of small arms. Why dont they take Hall's Balsam and get rid . of their coughs f It Is the most wonderful remedy, and the Proprietors warrant a in every instance. Let all eoughers give tt a trial aprlSlw TTXNTION, INDEPENDENTS. You are hereby notified to attend a called meet- ing of your company, this (Wednesday) evening, npany, tb Business at o-ciocK. t5usiness oi im iportance. B. F. HUNEH CUTT. aprl6 Secretary. WITTKOWSKY WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH & RARUCH -ABE- RECEIVING; RECEIVING : : ' RECEIVING THEIR SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. SECOND STOCK. TAKE NOTICE. WITTKOWSKY &;BARUOH. arI6 rr. TIEMOVAL. t: aecuzed tit commodious Store Boom on Trade Street, two doors below Messrs. Cuthbertson Long's, recently occupied by Mr. B. N. Smith, we desrre to call tbe attention of the public to the fact that fe re paw ppfc ab4 piipired to sell select GEO CER IE S ' to- ms CASH TRADE '- At prices as low as can be found at am house in the city. In addition to our stock of Groceries, we are constantly supplied, from our Mountain Store, with ' FRESH BUTTER, SGGS, CHICKENS, And such articles of produce &s every family needs. We have now In stock a lot of choice WHITE MEAL, COUNTBY BACON AND FLOUB, And many, other articles that we make special prices on. We Invite both city and coontry boyers to give us a call, and we promise nothing shall be lost by it Respectfully, F. B. ALEXANDER & CO. Charlotte, N. C, April 12, 1879. pegramTcoT 1st National Bank Building, CIIAKLOTTE, N. G., Hare now in store a nice and complete stock of SPRING BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Trunks & Traveling Bags -O" With them you can find THE BEST STOCK IN CHABLOTTF. ZEIGLER BRO.'S Celebrated Ladles', Misses' and Children's Shoes A SPECIALTY. They also keep Miles', Burt's, Holbrook & Lud low's, and other best brands. Gents will find there the Miller, McCuUougn & Ober, Canfield, and Miles' hand-made Boots and Shoes. Also THE CELEBRATED AND POPULAR PEGRAM SHOES. Call sure before buying. Orders have personal attention. April 9, 1879. PEGRAM & CO. BOOTS BOOTS t BOOTS BOOTS t BOOTS BOOTS t SHOES SHOES SHOES AND AND AND AND AND AND HATS HATS HATS t SPRING STYLES! THE LARGEST STOCK EYER EXHIBITED IN This stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Ac., embraces every grade, and wOl be sold as cheap as the same Goods can be sold by any nou8etn the South. . MERCHANTS Will do well to call and examine this stock, as it is especially adapted to the trade of North and South Carolina and will be sold at wholesale or retail on most reasonable terms. VISITORS To Charlotte are Invited to call and examine our stock, as they wOl find it most complete in every respect, and cheaper than ever before. " ' - W. S. FORBES, Agenty . Smith & Forbes' Old Stand, Trade 8t $200 IN CASH WILL PURCHASE A Power Printing Press, Guernsey make, old Myle, size of bed 26x40 toches. Was in use- until replaced by a new one - Address J. C BAILEY, editor- Enterprise and Mountaineer,;. Greenville, M - SEN 55 it. or fez , - ..... 1! Vi V CROCKER Y f f GLASSWARE BUSINESS. MR. A. W. LUDOLF, OF BALTIMORE, MD., a man of unlimited experience In this business, having traveled for 17 years In the West and South selling Crockery, Kci for some ff-fhe jinost exten sive Crockery houses North, has been associated with JOHN OHN BBOOKFIELTV ROOKFIELJ-7, OF THIS CITY, ". :" :' ) J iii : X X ; i . in the above business, and the firm thus constitu ted will be known as JNO. BBOOKFTELD & CO. i - - 1 . Mr. Ludolf left last Tuesday for the North to lay In the most extensive stock of QUEENSWARE, China, Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Goods, Deco o rated China and Porcelain, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Fine Fancy Goods, Wood and Willow Ware, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery, Bar Fix tures, and many other goods too numerous to men tion, for our Wholesale and Retail trade. In fu ture we will handle -i ' " ; SHOW CASES, &C. Particular attention paid to having goods decora ted to order, -with any name Or monogram, &&, on each article of China. Give us your orders. We sell nothing but first class goods, and sell as cheap as you can buy at the North anywhere. . : t t . -. s . ' - LOOKOUT For Mr. Ludolf s return, as it will be a treat to ex amine his line of fine goods. JNO. BROOETIELD 4 CO., Trade Street, near College, March 27. ' ' Under Democrat Office. Bishop D. a Doggett (Southern Meth.) It is an excellent corrective of Indigestion. Have used it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett In bis estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. Rqy. E. A. Yates, P. E. N. C. Conference, it Has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. Hlst'n. I am never without it at home or abroad. It is an antidote to Indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or purging is checked and the bowels regula ted. Its. merits are attested bt numbers of hhrh character. Thave seen a'tried-everythlng" dys peptic of fifteen years relieved by one dose. Rev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It Is endorsed bv the direct nersonal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. It is not too much to Bay that no medicine ever had such support In its favor as a specific. The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united witness joined with the ex perimental use and approval of the, preparation by well-known i physicians, removes, all doubt. It is, beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent -iwuwrs ueugious ueraia, va. Rev. R. L. Dabney LL. D. , Ham. Sid. CbL, Ya. It Is hhrhlv esteemed here bv the remlar Medi- eal Faculty and the neoole. It is excellent for In digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporific, tome, slightly aperient without nausea. i t raOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. , For sale by: DR. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. ODELL, RAGAN A CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F. KLUTTZ, BaHsbury, N. C. , mar 20 dkw tt PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. $200 REWARD. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, I -f. r. k BAiaien, March 10th, 187ft J WBkBsi:bndalnifoniiati6hhas been received at this Department tfaat.N. B. TAYLOR, late of the eountv Of Moore, stands harged with, the mur der of 8. W. Sea well; and whereas. It appears that the said N. B. Taylor has fled the State, -or so con- eeais mmseuinat tne onunary process or law can Now, therefore, L THOMAS--J, ARVIS, "Gover nor of Qie State of North Carolina, by virtue of au thority tame vested by law, do issue this my pro clamation, offering a reward of Two Hundred DoK lars for the apprehension ana delivery of the said N. H Taylor to the BhertSef Mopweounty, at the Court House to Carthage, and I do enjoin all offi cers of the State and all good citizens to assist In brineine said criminal to justice. -Done at our city of Baletehf tte tentlr day of tiarcn, 187 ana in tneiuaa year oi, American inaepenaence. . y.,..-. ; , . . ivL' "'1 ',l"t-i '.. .wtBOS.J.'JAJtvia. By the Governor: , Leb a Otkkmak, Private Secretary.' ' 3; DESCRIPTION. Taylor Is about 33 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, well set and will weigh about 160 lbs., ana wnen last Been wore a neavy oeara. mar I2dltw5t. - - , i - hi ' ' i.'ii -' " ; ' 100 BUSHELS SWEET POTATOES, I ""Choice and Fresh, i . t FOR PLANTING OR EATING, t, Justieeetved by LeROY DAVIDSON, cap(Semt it . n EVEK. GOODS I hi. -. - 4 Oft. r (. t NEW EEATLTtRs . Coma to me for Bacon, Com, Sugar, Coffee m lasses, and other Family Groceries ' Mo Just received, a few barrels of Berry Foster's fr vie county) BKS Also- ffne fotojf Country pmsr Jsell for cash All goods delivered in theity free-of chaise -W. H. CRIMMINGER7 Next door below WDson ft Blacks olUand ap 15. B FINE WINES, And rure LlQuors, Three Years Old. go cochranVs, . t . r Central Hotel Saloon. r DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND EXAMIN E ' The splendid 11b ef ' WINDSOR MANOR PICKLES ' ' - '''VIZ:- Autumn Cluster, Stuffed Mangoes, Gherkins, Martynias. Tiny Tims Also the finest line of C R ACKERS Ever seenin Charlotte, at LeROY DAVIDSON'S. Remember, this Is the only first class stock of GROCERIES In town. - found at Anything you. .a ant In Groceries can be- LeROY DAVIDSON'S. FAMILIES TRY OUR CELEBRATED' ILL FINEST FLOUR EVER SOLD ON THIS MARKET. WE G UAR ANTEE IT. R. M. MILLER & SONS, aprl3 Wiu&zxtuklxiQ. u NDERTAETNG The undersigned Is now prepared to fill all orders for every class of Undertaking. Having on hand a full assortment of COFFINS, CASKETS AND BURIAL CASES, Both Wood and Metalic i PRICKS AS LOW AS ANY. Hearses furnished If desired. Furniture of every Description Repaired at sher notice. , ,, , W.M. WILHELM, With X. Q. Rogers, Trade Street. i June 20. -FOR- TEN DOLLARS CASH we will insert a seven-line advertisement one week in a list of 269 weekly newspapers, or four lines Id a different list of 837 papers, or ten lines two weeks In a choice of either of four separate and distinct lists containing from 70 to 100 papers each, or four lines one week In all four of the small lists, or one line one week in all six lists combined, being more than 1,000 papers.- We also have lists of pa irs by btates tnrougnout the United states ana inada. Send 10 cents for our 100 page pam phlet Address GEO. P. ROWELL 4 CO., News paper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street, New York. P. S. If you will send us the names of a half dozen high jpriced papers In which you would ad vertise JUST NOW, If a satisfactory Inducement is made, we wOl submit a proposition, by return mall, which we think will please you. Money saved is money earned. Send copy of the advertisement you will use and state In what paper you saw this. JMINENT DR. W. F. STEUART, MARINE HOSPITAL, BALTIMORE, Writes: I take pleasure In recommending Colden's Lelblg'B Liquid Extract of Beef and Tonic Invlgor fctof as a most excellent tonic In all cases of debil ity, chlorosis, 4c. I have tested It with universal success. Sold by all druggists. W A "WTTTFi ONE SALESMAN for each W AIM 1 JliLf State. Salary from to $100 per month and expenses. References re- amreL LA BELLE MFG CO.. 93 Clark Street, Chicago. (brj A DAY to Agents canvassing forthe" Fra w I side Visitor." Terms and outfit tree. u dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. h m. Aw.naAA cruAranteed to j ta, Maine. $ I Agents, Outfit free. Shaw 4 Co., Augus rRUCEBIES CHKAPKB THAN PIEDMONT PATENT il

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