KI'N KSiAV, !AlHIlj IP, 1879.' T RAILROAD DIRECTORf, Th following table shows the runntng The..? iTinH from Charlotte, on all of passen the fall fOW V " " . . BICHXOND nAHVlLL. i rrives from Richmond and Goldsbdro, 1.00 aim.' 8.20 ai m. Arrives from Richmond..; Lt-aves for 'Hi 1 10.50 aim. 6.45 pi, dd. ATLANTA 4 CBXSlfiftTK AlB-LIlfK. irrives from Atlanta,.,.. 8.20 ain. lAaves tor Atlauta, 4.05 a, to. rves from Atlanta,. ,6.50 p, ml Leaves for Atlanta.-.. ,i0.6O a. m. CHABLOTTK, COLUMBIA AUGUSTA. Arrives from Augusta,. ...... . ...... ,.,... 8.10 aim. leaves for Augusta,. .... 4.00 a, m. Arrives from Augusta,.... A' 6.80 K m. weaves for Augusta,.....,,,,..,. U.2t aj m. CAROLINA CINTRAL.. . -. r 3 - i rrives from Wilmington, teavesfor Wilmington-,.. i Arrives from Shelby, Leaves for Shelby, 7.29 pi m. tt.O0a.rn. 5.00 Pi m. 7.00 at m. i ' i rrives from- Statesvllle, 5.30 pi m. Leaves for Statesvllle,... ......V. ....... 7.00 a. m CHARLOTTE POST OFFICE. OFFIPK HOURS. ; OPENS. Money Order Department, .. 9.00 a. m. iteiHstry Department,.... . 9.00 a. m. iTA Dellv'yStampDept.8.00 a. m. CL09BS- 5.00 p, m. 5.00 p;,m. .00 p. m. " ' " 8.80 p.i . in- 8.45 d. m. ty on Sundays the General Delivery and stamp IxTpurtnient wULbe open from 9.00 a. 10.00 OPENING ANT CLOSING OF MAILS, -. i. .'-: OPKN9. CLOSES. Danville & Charlotte iBiB... 8.00 a.m. 9.00 pju 1 " ' 11.15 a.m. 6.00 p.m. h arlotte Atlanta R. R., . 8.00 a. m. 9.00 pm. & Augusta R.R.,. 8.30 p. m. 10.00 a. m. Wllm'n 4 Charlotte R.R.,. 8.80 p. m. 3 5.00 a, m. Char otte nemyiw.,.. o. ay p. m. n.yu a. m. Statesvllle,. . . . 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a. m. Iff- Beattie's ora, inorse route,; jnona&ys at r. no p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. p. in., f- W. W. JENKJNS, P. M. INDICATIONS. War Department,' ; NT, ;:j 3ek; y p. m. j Office Ciiiep Signal Officer; Washington, April 15, 730 Pov the South Atlantic States, warm southwest winds, with falling barome ter cloudy and rainy weather, followed in northern portions by colder norther ly winds ana rising uarumewu. Local Keport for Yesterday. 7 A. M. 1 2 P. M. ! 9 P. M Barometer 29.726 Relative Hmmdlty. -'pM tflnd Direction,. . " Velocity.,. Weather,.:-. .tig Fair. Highest temperattrfe 76 deft; lowest 54.4?:S? ' JHeteoroogfcti Becwrd. -ki weathkk'hspobt, APBlt 12, 4:20 P,M. Stations. 29.709 29.658 5i61, v74,s, - - 65 avw.v a wt , 14 Miles 16 .fClotidy. Cloudy., Weather. Atlanta,.... Augusta .. Charleston, Charlotte,.. Corslcana,. Indlanola,".. Galveston,. , Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Hazy. Clear.. Cloudy. "Cloudy. Cloudy. Clear r Fair. 6 Fair. Jackson'lie, Key West,.. Mobile.. . Montgom'y, N. Orleans, Punta Rasa Savannah, . Threat'ng St Marks Havana... Tnreat'ng Cloudy. Index to New AdverUseitnt Wlttkowsky & Baruch eeidtrk!K( Attention, Independents. IIOJIE PENCI LIIVGS. The festival for, the benefit of the Neptune fire company was in progress night before last and last niglit. There was a considerable disturbance at the colored festival .last- nighVat a late hour, but no serious damageWas reuorted. Thenolice had to interfere to stop the rumpus." ; ?' .' '"!f? The Gounod musical club is now hav inr two Diactices a week, preparatory to the public concert they propose to give the 2d of May. The next meeting of the club will beat, Mrs Dewey's to morrow evening. ..'-ri.; H i t .; .: .: , . We were mistaken In, saying yester day that Gen.Rufus Barringer held the mortgage on tne xt. xi ja.cJJonaio. iann He held individually xnly a smau in terest, but had been solicited by other creditors to make tne saie.- - A meeting of , the Charlotte Relief Association will be held this afternoon :it srt rftloek at-the rooms of f the XTmtV Christian Association All those who bave contributed ta the fund a of iha association are invited, to ho Trpsfnt,. and all others wha: feel ; an interest in the work Which the associa tion is doing. : - .' V New Firm. .. Mr. W. E. Shaw, late with Messrs. Knhiff Urns' started North Monday to mirr.hase a full ' stock of O0ds iwith which to open a saddle and : harness tirp Tim firm for which he is in ak imr r,h nnrrhase will bet known as W. E. Shaw & Co, and they wilLoccupy ii atni-A-rnnm underneath tne lraaers. vtinnal link. Their advertisemenc will appear in The Observer in a few rl.?a ' '' ' '-' ;- i .. -'.v. i.T4;;;'.' Y.M. c. a. .. , .. ; . ' i!- At thft tneptirnr laBt night Thomas M. Pitfman "P.uW ?xi nniviintfid a delegate to the International convention at Bal timore on May 24th. The reading room over the Merchants & Farmers' Bank, is open every night It is supplied with thft Dailv WarMi iWilnungton mar, a liumhftr nf wHr -riaDers and several liiacazi n as. T h , facilities . are intended for all, whether members of the associa- lion or not '-a ermaa I.aMt Nigtit. '''' The Pentral TTof;ei lifting rooms was the scene of an elegant germOj last night, the first, save one, since tJieXent en season beean, Therexcwere about fifteen counles on the-flOOri ncludin mast of triA rpemiaF fferTnan daneers oi the citv. twn nf the moat TJODUlarand charming yourigladies 0? Colunltiia and one of Atlanta's, beaux.. 3. The dressing was unusually i tasteful and becoming, ana tne evening passea.on aeiigiitiiuiv. w, tiiii.i ;oif av's ; Rev. J. W. Larmour, secretftryiof the Euisconal infinvetitton.' formally an- formally noanppsi that: trh x nrvrval conYention of the .mwforfiatlJliwiU. meet. T. V . in St. .tohn'a chur ch. jPay- etteville. ort Wednesday., the 9:14th: qI May next. Arrangements have' been made with th anthoritiea of the ifliffer- ent railroads for the usual"' induction of fare for clergymen fsmd c!elegatesrwho must m au ca3- p.urcnasaieLuiff,,tit.- Pta ' .: : rr:. i.T:.; -rr 1.1;:'.,: v. - 0?V f.oing to Columbia. , ; The managers or1 me TJeTeTOTfrrtBS in .;.l A. A. i.. .Z !1 i'-44-t.A nonfed- tliiit arrangements have been maqe, ith RUre rail wads- comihg tcfColam- ltia. Vv wiiiMi viQitira-can be taken tliere for that occasion on exceedingly liberal terms. The rates will be pub hslied by the railroad companies It is Hlsn otata1 -t-Vtal- tha norainnnV'Wlll De the ner.a.ainn nf , f h' nssemblinff 0f oi-' large crowd of citizens of South Caro-' lina and of other States. Charlotte will Send a mihfjirv pnmnanv with thirty Or inore men, and doubtless a fine delega-. Barom Th. WmL yet-: 29.70 72 aW. 12 29.83 6ft 0 , 0 29.85 73 aW. 12 29.65 64 S. 12 29.42 85 a 12 29.52 "78 K." 13 29.53 79 a E. 11 29 89 82 S. W. 12 29.88 81 a'E. 15 29.74 73 8. ti 29.75 71 aX. -7 29.71 78 a E. 12 29.93 80 8. 13 aase 78 w., - r- 6 29.83 68 ;a OE.; 7 29.90 89 S.E. 4 ini16!! time when it will be the privileee of each sovereign- choice for mayot though the time is so close at hand as this, stiU 5 nobody has !?lup ?or' nobody has rolled out any cotton bales, and nobody knocked the head out of a bart of money. Is Col. Alexander Resigns. . QolcTW. Alexander of this city, yes terday sent in his resignation as colo S?1, the Second regiment of the based upon a preference to' be with his old company, the Charlotte Grays, of which he was captain at the time of his tirst election to the colonelcy of the reg iment He has made an efficient and popula?.cficer, and ,his retirement, will be gefleray'TerfrItt,ed. h regiment will be under the command of Lieut Colonel A. II. Worth, of Fayetteville, untu the vacancy caused by Col. Alex ander's resignation shall be filled by another election, which must be order ed by, the Adiutant-GeneraL. Pcnenal. Hon John A. Burbank, ex-Governor J?? Mexico and now connected with the postoffice department, is in the city. Yesterday he examined the Mr- tropjitan Hotel buiidingand expressed himself as strono-lv imnrssl with Wea that Charlotte should ' have better posiomce accoininoQationa,. , We should ue exceeamgiv giafatied to know that vrov. uurDanK contemplated making a recommendation to this fiflwt. tr tha 'f - 'f WrW-r tfei t -r V JflP3V P1 ethr e new and commodious Mount it Air iry xxubci, 1L mUUnL Airv. IxftOrtria. nn the Air-Line Railroad, was in tcity last evening. .Quite a number of Northern people have been winter ing in Mr. Wilcox's house, among oth ers the venerable New York publisher, -Mwura:iaew, wefipeHttwo o$ toree week tfcetfMtrnl IJdtelyiIni fity m the early part of the winter season. Gen. Butler Can't Attend. The committee appointed bv a mfifit- mg of citizehs tasecuTe ther sdEYiefes of a speaker ior tne '20tn of May celebra- Liuii, vesceraav receivftrt r,n to in win cr letter, which will be read withresrret by the many friends and admirers of tne distinguished South Carolinian in this State: .. Edgefield. S. C Anril l ith. 1879 Maj. Frank Cox, Chairman Committee of Invitation, Charlotte, N. C. : DEAR Sir x our letter in vi tins1 mo to deliver the address at your approach ing anniversary! of the Mecklenburg Declaration' of ndeprid'ehce.Jhas been received, and 1 regret to say that I shall not be able to accept the invitation. ine extra session of Consrress will probably be extended beyond the time for your celebration, and mv time and attention will consequently be engross ed by my public duties at Washington. I beg to assure you and the other gen tlemen of the committee of my pro- iounu appreciation or tne great honor you nave none me and to convey you ray manra and gratitude ior it. If any occasion could evoke the pa- iriotic nres oi our nearts, tnis is cer tainly the one, and in these days of un certainty and anxiety ior tne future of republican institutions in America, it is wen to recall, periodically, the inci dents of our "first declaration" and fa miliarize the minds of our people with its high purposes. Accept for yourself assurances of mv highest esteem and regard and believe me to be, most truly, - 1 our mend and obedient servant, Item From Salisbury. Fifty-eight persons joined the differ ent churches in town last Sunday a part of the fruits of Miss Painter's re vival.; Over one hundred nave made a profession of faith during the meeting, and a. large number, are still at the al tar, with daily and nightly accessions. .Mr. mggins, manager or tne sower & O'Neill gold mine, , has, discovered near his works, in this county, a pear nsherY.: "The peals, some -' of ' them of good size and great beauty,, are. round witnin me snen or uie unto, or iresu ? a i.1 " i Vi j ii. 4 : 1 ; - .r . water mussel. The Inf enor Court, last week,- failed to furnish a single railroad hand to the State somethica-urrorecedented. Xwovonng ,Saiisburyans who nave been trying their fortunes in the far West, got home "Sunday nighW They beat their way through clean from western Missouri, on a total joint ash expenditure of five dollars and .sixty five cents! Experience teaches a dear school. &c. Mr. John Whitehead, a son oi tnat elegant gentleman and distinguished physician, Dr. M. Whitehead, of this place, recently passed his examination at the close of his second year's course ininff mecupaificnqot pij tne university of ..Perrrrsvlvania ' with liga . honors. He was one of only tour out oi a ciass of 126, who received the perfect mark of 100. During the recess he has been appointed assistant' physician to Dr. Chase in the dispensary of the Presby terian HosDital of Philadelphia. This is one of the highest grade medical schools in the world, requiring a three xrCkn vo rrnraa rrriiVk a i-ifri1 avQTninilt.inn years course, with a rigid examination at the close of each, as a requisite to further advancement, and to have taken such a stand in sucli a school is no small honor. Who Named Ieckleuburg: County. We&iirhtif irivo'fl olii be6pleknow how their county got its name, ine first, knowledge of this has lust come to ns and through a sin&rular source.' A f ri find in a neighboring ; town has sent us a clipping from tne Jew xorK Evangelist, which" Clipping is a letter addressed to tnac paper irom wuuai, Vftw York, tellins of "a funeral on the hillside, according to tne caption 01 the article. "Rarely, says the letter writer, "have the sympathies of our col lege community been so deeply stirred no tw rne arnTai-or me reuiaius vj. Dr. Goertner, wife of the pastor and some trioute to me ueueaacu jout,wo writer nnntfnnes: "Mrs. uoertners an cestors came from MeeKienDOTg, Ger many; an uncle settledinQh Carot lina, and gave its name to the county of TwiriAnhnro-.rtretirated for its am inatinn ftheDeclaration of Inde pendence, xier iamer ww Buuuuuiicu to thefifst clerkship in the treasury of ibk I In i tori Mt.nTA. 11V niS XlltSUU AiCA- -j . ... ,., . anrtor Wamiiton! removine Wiui wits government ': : f rom. ; PhUaaelphia f to Washington;1 he retained' his '-position dnrintr ai II theuolitical revolutions ot o - . . Li. J4-V. fftTtv veara iitit.ii aa.v 01 111a ucoui Tn- ti Tftidrft'df fthe ffar circle in which Miss Mecklin. moved she honoredlier Christian profession by a consistent life.' On one occasion, When some worldly festivity called away her com- 1 Damon tuofciiu4vi.p " - ,Bim6cmssyoi,herpaslbi',Dr. Lowne Throuerh Jier whole lite r sne was sus- great doctjinef.oface 'v.tH ection, and tne perseveranue ut mo ocuin-a. . The above ifl highly waluable; ad dition to the early history of our coun- A pleasant and cheerful room Is essential tothe iiealtn of thebabV, and the itfual pains and illsof the young ones s6on vanish after the use of Dr. Bulrs Baby Syrup. Price 25 cents. , Contious effort Impoverishes the blood unless It be kept pure by suitable food and (when needed) Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture. Hampton and' Sutler in-Charlotte A Military ort aadUffc .Reception at Tbestri usual lnd accidental Teircum- stance' o theprfesenceof5the t w Sena tors ''tttfrrar? i-h4,njn the same day offered an opportunity, yes day aftexnoonjojr Gaipubiifi dem onstration in honor of the distin guished ; yisitdrs . which the citizens of Charlotte were glad to avail them selves dtt?hatIotteariShave Salwavs delighted 5 to-honor 1 Govt Hampton as the redeemer of his State from misrule, poverty land corruption, and yesterday wnen tne nrst opportunity was offered, showed themselves equally pleased to extend:' special ; courtesies : to tetatea man who. if less nrominentinthe-woTk of reformation, was scarcely, less effec tive; ana is a true representative of the intelligehce; patriotism jand ' uidepeki dence of spirit of his native State. - As stated in yesterdays issue of The Observer, Gen. Butler arrived irr the city day before yesterday afternoon, and remained ! over' one-day to see his sons, expecting also to be joined by Gen. xiampum yesterday atternoon. Tjie Hornets' Nest Riflemen, as soon as they heard that the two Senators were to he in Charlotte, made arrangements to es cort Gen. Butler to the denot and to nav their respects to Gen. Hampton. -'Accordingly they assembled in the afternoon in front of the Central Hotel where a crowd had already gathered in anticipation of a speech from the for mer. He was loudlv called for and stepping forward to the curb stone ex- cuseu mmseir oy tnansmg tne company for the honor shown him, and asked them to, reserve , their palls fill Governor cxiuupbou suouiu arrive. The lineof 'escort was then formed tind he moved off to the depot in a car- i-iitKo witn uoi. x ranK ixxe, wnose guest he had been, since his arrival in the city,., and. was followed bv, nuite- a large- crowdVjsThe demonstration was suggestive of the days pf le.V' - l ' At the debot the crowd was augment ed by the arrival of the cadets of the Carolina Military Institute When tte train trulld lip lo the station the . Hor nets' Nest Riflemen formed to receive Govj Hampton.r After; some delajh he appeared witn Mayor smith on . the platforhi; leaning on his crutches, and was-reeeived -witn cheers,-intermingled with loud calls for aspeeclu t n o Beihg" introduced' T)v ' the ' mavbr. he said that he had been in, the babit of putting' Gen. Butler forwafdix) do the talking as he had put him forward to do the fighting during the war, and that ne nau snown tnat ne was no. less suc cessful as a' talker? than a fighter, and it was hia intention to put the Senator in fox the talking on this JOcbasion,but he could not repress a desire to thank the citizens of Charlotte for their kind ex pressions towards himself. He remem bered with gratitude that the handsome company which stood on his rttht was the same which had escorted him to the m i f i ' . i a i i i a i capuai or nis state wnen ne went xnere to take his seat as Governor, and he was no less mindful of the sympathy and regard which the .people of North caronna nad shown him during the past year and formerly in the difficult and troublesome v times in his State. His experience during the war was that wherever placed, the tar-heels could al ways be. relied on. He hoped to see the Hornets' Nest Riflemen again in Columbia on the 10th of May. "1 am going to Washington, said he. "to represent my people in the national council. ' I trust that while I shall never forget that I am a Southern man, I shall always recollect that I am an American Senator ; that I shall be able to subor dinate a partisan spirit to the bringing about of that reconciliation which we all so ardently desire and need. Since I first laid aside my sword I have striven for peace between the lately contending; sections of the Union, and I believed then as I believe now that such a state of feeling will bring prosperity and happiness to our land." The speech Avas interrupted by ap plause, and at its close Gen. Butler was again called on, and responded brieny by saying that he had succeeded on this occasion in putting Gen. Hampton for-, ward, and he had said all that could have been oeen appropriately said ou the oc- l. H : ' 1 I 5 I I . ITampton is ldoking remarkably casion Gov, well considering the suffering he has undergone, but moves with considera ble difficulty. The two Senators will arrive at Wash ington about noofi to-day. Receiving a Visitor. - jLccording"to 'pT6mIse Gen. "Biitler paid a visit, ta the Carolina Military In stitute yesterday afternoon. He was courteously received bv the superinten dent and the cadets! in line. The lajter were put through a battalion skirmish, drill, and at its close Gen. Butler waS presented to the battalion. He made them a brief speech congratulating them and the superintendent upon their efficiency. ; jTME MATOKAL'TTf ' 1 nr i , tiL-xj . k i. 1 . i 1 Which Col Johnston 1st Asked ,1 In to Allow Hi Name to be Vtcd. oMtrfete)bser' j As the election for mayor ol our city is not fafdistant, and as there seems to be a disposition on the part of the. vo ters of the- city to ; select somer-one through 'whose ability out city can be placed among thfi; most prosperous ia public improvement, good government and financial credit, allow me to sug gest the name of CoL Wm. Johnston as a suitable person, and one who, if he will consent to allow his name to be tf'ed in connection fvih hq mayoralty, rill t ecefVe almOsTrthe unanitriorus vote of all classes.!! .n .Many Citizens. Wherein Capt. McNlnch ear He will NotIun. " To the Editorof TheuQbserver: . , . . i ' i: I n,v. Mfnnir' r4fJ ... UllIUBULitl V UUIU ittailj yjiw zens" asking me, to become a eufliU& ior mayor, xnanitiui to mv j-iicuuai for the complimentary mention of my nainell nstfresgect&l6 jdeffine, ariff will iriTio evfenttjecomeracanQiaaie. F. A. MCJNINCH. April l&th, ,I37,. , ; THE ALDERTIEX. To the Editor of The Observer: As suitable men to represent Ward 4 ewouid- suggest the names of; C-owd-WW. Whiter and D. G. Max- well. MANY VOTERS OF THE WARD Nominations for Aldermen. To the Edlfor qt The Observer: ., Ple4h'noiinceJ thl:6agh your valued columns the Jiames ol Sidneyeading, Moses Stauffer and H. Edwards for al dermen for Ward 3. . Many Citizens. . ' ; f '"r ni..vriiii- &na due ' Mocklenburar Dei claratlon, Affain. To the Editor of $ha, Observer: ? ... Yon misinterpret our complaint : It is not that ,we.,in . common, with, Alex ander, Pendet fe vjery other; county in North Carolina have not received,, $ as you ao xiyue aim IharsTveTal of the minds -that conceived the ideaff liberty and tne iOraye nearts 11 i. xa. a-m r t-x tooa i w a v nu - i wo n aim t ii ar, we huuuiu butuu wcu uo m imneoeasaiT wv wawrdwr uuv muj we ar:e therefore entitled to a full share of the'honor.duer-to thfebirth s place, ot American freedom. abakkua. : Concord, Apnn. iv. t)0 . Br ttm Aaiun of ihauifiatllm. thft. ' become &eVo'aMfW'sri'l same an almost, roteg lefOT)BlrWtent such results by a simple and agreeable' meliis Is eirtafalj nw'part bf tffeddnaP-X feadeiiej to tBso matle aimenty roar ;te aeceashiHj jwmbatted whh mMOtkfi Stomadi'BmeliAanlse jrtffl the prestige of a long and successful career, of un tiwpftKVI imppprpfesldnal tindntsameiit. ; Brtmorea from (ha klcod Qtose 1 flamiriii;huparlaes!i as the cause of flieamaaiml 'and not cdtf pmMes. the llfeurreBt, but enzUnes tt, promotlng'Tlgor By f jftnfelng its source. Digestion, the aeuon ol tn bowels and On secxeon of,ttte bile, are aided by It, and It ikpM tie kklneyM &d f to a regu lar and active performance of their functions, it Is besides a thoroclirr tellalile remedy for, and means of preventing, pedUe feTejs. aprl8 lw. XiY ta. iPi'.ZX-'-r'S: " M'-Jiu ; : i.t r..mim i.n .u. ' , : Style, elegance. lwxUIc moderate prices, and choice of either the American plan $2.50 to $3.00 or the Euro Dean vlan SI .00 nerdar. and nDwarda. meals in the elegant restaurant attached to the house, all unite In giving the traveler more, for the same money, at the Grand Central Hotel, New i orx, xnan eiae wnwr. te action (Ttt Leasiartrrerbf the Statff Louisiana In DassinE. an act to reneal the chartar at the Louisiana State Lottery Company has been announced In the papers; but It appears that the Injury Intended to -an Institution which has paid by contract hundreds of 'thousands of douars to keep the doors of the far famed CnarKr Hospital open for the sick and suffering cannot be accom- gllahed. The Supreme Court of the United States as always maintained that the sanctity of such contracts cannot be nolatedi and hence, for twen-ty-nve years from Its organization in 1868, it will continue its work: of usefulness, and benevolence. The Louisiana State Lottery Company draws, next month. Its 108th -monthly grand distribution at New Orleans, and an application i 11 A Dauplln, F. O. Bor692, New Orleans, will' seenre anr in formation desired. . . .. .. aurA iw,; . ir. - ...... , . c Ai , TT. r- ... .. , a: k ChaagethM to Blessing. . There la' no more' remarkable feature, In the proeress of science, and no creater ehance in anr .professional practice, tnan is illustrated -by the contrast oi tne medical system or ro-aay , ana xnmy years ago. Then all medicines were copious in Quantity, and nauseous to the taste. To take them was a trial to adults, and an overwhelming horror ro ine young, how most doses are smau, ana con centrated, and free from offensive flavor. Until recently however, one of the most valuable and efficient of remedies was detestable to nearly ail for whom it was prescribed. Cod Liver OIL the only cure for wasting decline of vital energy, and certain means of renewing healthy tissue, disgust ed those to whom It should have done most good. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with the flypo- pnospnuss oi Lima ana oaa removes uus only objection. Its flavor Is reafly pleasant, its nourish ing power malveloas, and there is no finer nerve and brain tonic In the world. apr!5 2w - . TELEGRAPHIC MARKET - fiEPORTS , APRIL 15, 1879 PRODUCE. (3iHCnrHArjr-Fl6ttr -dnli: . family 4.60a5.50, Wheat dull: red and 'amber 98at.04 Corn dull at 36a7. Oats not quotably lower. Pork dull: and nominal. Lard ddll; steam held 640. Bulk meats dull; shoulders 3.60, short ribs 4.65 bid. 4.75 asked, short clear 4! bacon dull: shoulders 4, clear ribs 514, clear sides 5.50. Whiskey in fair demand and firm at 1.02. Butter steady; choice central umo I4ai5. sugar steady: hards sxtauva, A white 8))4a, New Orleans 6a74. fiogs quiet; pacKing 3.ooaa.6. . , Bajlttmorx Oats steady; Southern 82a33, Wes tern white 3Ua33, do mixed iaaa, Pennsyl vania 30a33. Hay market firm: prime .Penn sylvania and Maryland 12al4. Provisions dull; mess pork, old 10 50&10.75, new ; bulk meats- loose snouuters 3?8a4,iear nnsidea&vg, per ear roaa, pacaea new 4Viaos Dacon snouiaers, 01a 4, clear rib sides, new 6, hams, sugar-cured. yia:. laro renned nerces 74.-' mmer steady; choice Western packed 18a20, rolls ISald. Cof fee easier; Rio cargoes 10a V6. Whiskey dull at 1.07. Sugar firm; A soft 84. New Tom Flour no dectBed change; No. 2, 2.35a3.10, superfine Western and Stale 3-45a3.5o, common to eood extra Western and State 8.75a 3.80, good to choice, do 8.5a4JjO; Southern flour heavy; common to ialr , extra 4-10a5.40: good 10 cnoice uo - wneai uneraaea win ter red 1.06al.ll, No. 2 9ttesI.12al3. Corn -ungraded41 a4, No. 3, 431. Oats, No. 3, 8 1 Vfe. Coffee- " doll and weak: RIO" Quoted In cai- goes llalSi In Job lots llal6. sugar moderate Cuban tftfcc,; fair to good refining- prime 61; refined standard - A. 7a8. Kranuiated 81a powdered 8a, crushed 8. : Molasses Wew Or leans 28a42.' Riee in fair demand : and firm; Carolina auoted : at 16a ivs iiouislana OUsAlik. Pork mess on snot 10.40al0.55. Lard nrime steam on spot tS.20a2Vs. Whiskey 1.061. Freights quiet. -i COTTON. Norfoli Fiirs t middling .10; net receipts 1,014; gross -1-'; stock 12,292? exports coastwise 590; sales 260; exports to Great Britain. ". BALrrkoW-F&nt; mlddllngt 11; low middling livgc.; gooa orainary luijc; nei receipts ; gross flSe lob; to Continent boston Firm- n 50; sales zoo; stoca B.uzi; exports stock coastwise exports to Great Britain Boston Firm; middling 11 ?ic; low middling 11: Kood ordinary 11: net receipts 700: gross 4,206; sales ; stock 6,000; exports to Great amain., . -. Wn.MTNG'fON Firm : ' mld(filn ,11c.' i low mid dling 10c.; good ordinary 10i; net receipts 215; gross ; sales BO; stocK .lWH; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to Con nent ; to channel . PwTT.ATET.PTrri Rtroncr- middling 1 1 Ute. low lVt KIVDO AdOl JMmo A,inMP, DJfiiJUQIO IGA. , owva 9,239; exports to Great Britain . Augusta Firm; middllnK lOew ' Iow: mid dllne lOlAc: rood ordinary 9c: receipts 184: shipments ; sale$ 808i stoc t" g CHABiJSTO--6toad; nilddling HUjC.;lowmld drlnsr. 10.s--0od ordinary lOJAc: net receipts 294;cross ; sales 100; stock 12,735; exports eoasiwise- ureal tsruain ; trance ; ContinentjBSOtocnaunel . TSiff t&iMMp&iePA nifinplands l;lfiV'nOrt6arITfrifiollaled net re fcelpta Se6j i37toi6reat'Britalai 5,025; AtitoFO0NlKP-l(tfTeMSiid flnner.Uplands 6juMitpftW teWdltng uplands , good.oxtoanr uplandr.-, ordlnarr uplands . alMaoeea1irrMe re ceipt IWiieaa'MaOl Fufea 8-32ai,fe better. Uplands low mlddllnK clause: April deliv ery 6 5-16a9-32,?Apca an May 6 9-32, May and June 6 5-16all-32, June and July 6al3-16a, July and August 6 7?16al5-32, August and Septem ber 6 lT-32aJ, September and October 6 9-1 tia 17-32, October and November . New crop shipp ed January per sail , February and March , April and May . ' ? FUTURES. Niw York Futures closed weak. Sales 143,- 000 bales. April......... Il.65a.fi6 11.70 11.87 12 .01 12.13a.14 11 .90a.91 ll.46a.47 11 .08a.l0 ll.01a.03 May June July August.:..... September.... October.. .. November.... December.... FINANCIAL. r . . " .! A u.. i OllHolI. dull. Clt Y'COt TON llARXET. !-l a S.A i it h Ornci or the Obsxbveiiw " I T .r, EtTJCi .iKCHAHAISIyABfll 16, 1878. f The. market yesterday closed, irregular, as fol .lows 8 c .'r -- 1 Ht Good middling Middling. " r-, -r- "r,Tr;''"j,-i Strict lw mlddpng..f . , . I . . . .. . - Cow inlddUngTTTT. . .h . . . . ..... i .... Tinges Lower grades CANDIDATES FOB THE MAYORALTY. HaJ. Flemming'8 VrL , . In OTmplianee' wife the wishes of ''Many Citi zens" 1 win oe a candidate ior mayor ac tne ensu ing election in May. Ever yielding a cheerful obe dience io your wm, ;amwH.-reBijcV'i t--f-Your obedient servant W. W. FXKMMIHG. i -4 Hr. Sorment's Cara toihe Pabllc, -:;' ' . v I . TbtfieTeterstftJieCityqf Charlotte: r ; .i-FiiiL0w4)rHCTiB-44Ws'Wef-wayhwe con cluded to announce myself an Independent Candi date for thsfoffice of mayotof the dty of Charlotte, at the apprdachlng elecfloa In May. Thoroughly independent, I shall not be In the least influenced by any ring, caucas, or convention; I shall have no friends to reward nor enemies to punish; I shall not bribe nor purchase a vote, nor attempt In any underhanded way to secure one; bat 1 particularly solicit the deliberate lnaependent vote, , 1 am in favor of strict economy and low taxes.- There is no politics in this election, tnereiore. i snau run tne race to the eadand take the risk,. Jjet the result be what It may -In thus-annonnclng myself, I think runner but 1 hrotheriy emlrUwlth Uwae that I rbeS leiated with; and permu me,ineonciusion, to maxe o-mm t inn n ri Trn una ii uuuuiou r iui m uhmwiuu tions shall be directed to a fair, honest, and lm- partial discharge ormy dnues. . , ( -r,. ,.i L . j i ResDi Charlotta,lI. , AprUlOk I879t,e J yj;t ' u fc Tic urj Awse si j'. j ll 10 lctfc io&a 8al0 I atatnmmt nf hitriislTiles that mav sulde ?me: iaaoiJdSBxjlcalBsfMteT Two of the surseons of this notable Institute will visit Charlotte, N. C., May 15th and 16th, 1879, stepping at the Chartotto HoteLi They will have witn utem anneouna or. oraees ana surgical ap- Uances. and will be Dreoared to treat ail Unas of Deformities and Chronic Diseases, such as Club Feet, Hip Disease, , Paralysis, Special Diseases, Pile : ad - Fistulv Catarrh, Private Diseases,. Diseases of the Eye, Ac. For full particulars, ad - NATIONAL SURGICAL INaTlTUTK, , , aprl3d4t w4m. ? i .......,..,'-riaaata,ea,.: t- t.r.; .. .... , ..... .. . Te all who are suffering from the errors and In discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a reeipe thai will cure you, FREK OF CHARGB. This great remedy? was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the RET. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, tattoo D, New To CiiT.": . :. . r. , ,jan25 ....... . Coasamptiea Caret. Ah old tihrsleian. retirad from nractice. havlns had placed m his hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a single vegetable remedy, for the speedy and permanent cure for consumption. pronenms, catarrn, astnma, ana au tnroas anu luns affections, also a nositive and radical eure for nervous debility and all nervous eomplalnta, after having tested its wonderful curative powers In thousands of eases, has felt It his duty to make it Known to ms sunertagieiiows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I wlH send, free of charge, to0 who desire It, this recipe, with fan directions for preparing and using m Gerniari, Frew -Faiglish. Sent Dy mall by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. w. Sheran lia Powers', BJook,. Rochester,, New York. marza 4W U If . oWenum BIgkta.; f I Tes. woman has as rood riant to tieatth and hap piness as the other sex.' Then why suffer so long when the remedy is within your reach. Try Brad field's Female. Regulator, Woman's Best Friend, and you will have your health and strength fully restored- uui on your druggist ior a circular,' ana see some of the wonderful cures tt has made. . .j nUkosQ lm ah-: ; 1 -: la Jewelry and. Fancy Goods, Gold and. silver , patches, Silver and Plated Table Wae, ' AT J, T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, .. 4 "'SILVER AND StLYER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILYER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at J. T. -BUTLER'S. dec24. pLASNB,,; ; :; ' From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, -GILDER and SIL- 3 YER PLATER, Trade StWt,.oppot8 1 jFlrstJ Presbyterian Church, .' .2 fA Nat -Gray .Store,;:-; : Even kind of renairs made at once at half nrice- and warranted on year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gliding, Coloring. Silver-Plathig and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. .Work done for the bade at low prices, f3? Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. Repaired work uncalled for win be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septlB" - - - - -. 1 CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL HOUSE. CALDWELL HOUS CALDWELL HOUS :E, Corner Tryon and Sfcrth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C, : s - " CHARLOTTE, N. C, S. P. CALDWELL. . . .Proprietor. This house is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first-class L boarding house. r Persons visiting the city will find 4t a pleasant hornet. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, transient, $1.25; per week, $6.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per montn, 918.UU. - . ... janlO rpHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. v . THIKXT-FOCKTH TKAB. The most Popular Scientific Paper-in the World. Only $3.20 a year, Including postage. Weekly, 52 muniDers a year, 4,000 dook pages. The Scieotifio Ahbican Is a lanre flrstrclass f vaij 110001 vi oiaku iagcot yiuuov ui uiv most beautuui style, proiuseiv uiusuaiea witn splendid engravings, representing the newest in ventions and the most recent advances in the Arts and Sciences; including New and Interesting Facts In Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History, C1aa1w , 1 oriirainiM . Tna moor woluohlA nmiHMI uwivajt Aimvuviuji auo iuvh ioiuouw inovwMM papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, $3.20 per year; $1.60 half year.wnlch in- emaes postage, discount to agents, tsingie copies, ten cents, sola by an newsdealers. uemitDyj tal order to MUNN r Co., Publishers, 3 Row. New York . - -PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs. Munn & Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 84 years experience, and now have the largest estabiish- meri in tne woria. . .patents are ootainea on tne best terms. A srjecial notice is made in the Scien tific American of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, nubile attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or Introduction often easily effected. . Anv nerson who has made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a. patent can probably oe oDtainea, oy wriungtoine undersigned. " We also send free our handbook about the Patent Xawa, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. - MUNN & C0.7a7 Park Row. New York. Branch OfQce, eor. F. 7th ISts,, Washington, D, C. ; noviatr.. . ,.. r . -.,,... .; ; , ri : A MAN WHO FAVORS Economy and Luxury should by all means call at r&nni ts. ine largest stoca oi vracaers, jan dles. Clears. Aa.1- can- be found there. In fact his assortment is as fine as la any eity where the noise or. " . - . STREET CAES AND POLICEMEN'S RATTLES are familiar sounds. Don't fail to try his celebra ted 5c Clears, magnificent Caramels and delicious Taffy; Cocoanut Cream,- Ac They are running ahead of ail competition, just as tne man wno. is WANTED J FOR MAYOR v& ;: WD1 at lie comins election, t pAROLINA CENTRAL TIA WILMINOTON, j THROUGH FRKiaHT ROUTE I This Line being fully equipped for business, I Freight from . Wilmington and an KotthtKn and Eastern CiUe to GreenvUle, Spartanburg, 'all Stations - AuanOe, Tennessee A Ohio, As well as points In Georgia I Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as I Information furnished I F.W.CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C. septSO JB. J. H. HCADEN, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of. Lubln's Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices. Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brashes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both 'night and day at J. H. HCADEN'S Prescription Store. s ECURITY I SECURITY 1 SECURITY ! 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS' EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ASL ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a nre test 01 nu aegxees jranrenneu Deiore u wui burn. C. West x Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE. N. C. WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR S' E DESIRE to call attention to OUR S' K 17 ANCY GOOD O -JD ANCY GOOD O Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market. The latest styles of Perfume Boxes Including some "novelties, which win pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON A CO. decl3 QnilovitiQ. JAMES MURPHY, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Helton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. Owing te the stringency of toe times I will In fu ture work very cheap. Will make fine suits for $10. Cassimere suits for $8. pants of suits same rates. I guarantee all my work mo fit, no charge. rre me a cau ana oe convmcea. ; : imy 17. . :: t . :,. .. , - jyj. LICHTENSTXIN. : MERCHANT TAILOR. , C HARLOTTK. .N. Bess leave to inform all thoser 1a want of a aood suit or parts thereof, they can call and leave their I orders with him, as he is the best artist cutter and tailor in uus -section, snouia aou nu oe ioo expensive, get one at half price, but have it to be arttsaot Styusiikanaperieet. .;.: ;r , s x: ' i OH! The Prettiest Goods I The above is DoelUvelv what the Ladles say such a stock to beauty, variety and extenslveness. We make a specialty or Black uuameres ana Tamlse Cloths... Always ask for, .... :.- -. - , LADLES'. AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. l Ask for anything you want in White MARSEILLES QUILTS. ! Ask for Corsets.' 1 We have any kind of Button oi Gloves. 3. Ask ior anyuimg you want in our Apt a 4 I CT.a tA. Mttui DISPATCH LDTp jjuraaw hli:4 mix NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL FOISTS SOUTH. ' offers unequalled faculties for the Transportlon of Charlotte, StatesviUe, Ashevffle, ; BuuierfoTdton on 0e Atlanta ft Richmond Alr-Ltne, and Western N. C Byroads, Alabama and urtaslaalppt via any Competing Llae, and Tune as (julck. uPn application to T.T.8MTTH, Agent C. C. Railway, Chariotte. Hotels. pHELD BROS., WBOLBULI AMD KIT AIL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PRODTTCe Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES. DREED FRUITS, 4& Exclusive Dealers In RAMSOUR A BONNiWELL'S and A. L. SHU- FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ALSO, PBOPRTrrOSS Of TKI CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and Is kept m first class style. Terms, Per Day . . , S 2 00 W Great inducements offered to table board ers; for terms see the proprietor. tVOmnlbus and Carriages at every train. FIELD BROTHERS Proprietors. mi. a. a. wiuom l.abt BupermierMienu. Hxnht Wiltono, Clerk, feb9 $2.00 $2.00 MARSHALL H E H u u E SAVANNAH, GA. . B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and $2.50, according to loca tion of Boom. M. L. HARNETT, Gerk. late of Planters' Hotel. Feb. lft-tt 'TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE "Salisbury, N. C. C. & Bbowit, Proprietor,! Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. 8. Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk; W. O. Shelbum As miwiiUi dee 80 D R. A, W. ALEXANDER, OFFICE OTEB L. B. WRISTON ft GO'S Dbuo Stork. With 25 years' experience I tiiarantee Entire atlstaetlon JKAL ESTATE, ; JDNINa AND.IM31IGRATI0N AGENCY, For seuing and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, Advertise free of eost, an broperues placed In my hands for sale. ' ipn& iiWJi:;f!i!,4.''. .vi'. ' i ? THCA ,T i DRATTOK. -:j4-'-; 'Charlotte, N.C. declO 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, ' ;'. i.'i - : . t.-fiL-rrtts) HOST. APPBOYED FORM. - - ''.) Just Printed, andi ForSsle jbf '. ' ' ''" - ' OBSXRTXB OFFICK. : DENTIST ' 'T THEY BEAUTIFUL 1 I K5 i t Ever Saw in Charlotte ! about ear Dress Goods, etc, stc. We never nave had Goods. Dont fafl ts see our Parasols. Ask for may want. Ask for Kid Gloves and all other kinds We hare It. " l Jr u.r. ALEXANDER ft HARRIS.

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