"Tin ! WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10. 1879. " " STORIES OF DICK TAYIOR. Some - Interesting . awtf Characteristic Incidents of a, Notable Careefi devote much spacfln tpj anecdotes, of General Dick Taylor, the famous .Con federate officer, who died in that? city on Saturday. In hiaJCac.utty,rfo ex nrfissinff himself epitrrammaticallyXJen. Taylor resembled his father. This? is il lnatrated. bv .his .reply, to .his, father, Pi-PsM'ffSr Zacharv Tavlor. ry Taylor," when the latter was elected. The President wrote to Dick, invitincrbim to Washington to act as his private secretary DiQk re fused the offer haughtily, saying-that he "wouldn't play second fiddle even to the President of the United State" A SWEARING GENERAL AND A PRAYING ONE. General Taylor's first remarkable ser vice in the war was in Stonewall iTack son'tffamons campaign in the Valley of Virginia." At Porte Republic the Louisiana. Brigade carried the day and responded with .cfi'eeis to Jackson s command," The? batt&ytmust be tak en r General Taylor was not a great admirer of Jackson, whom Jiha. tier scribed as a man given over to lemdi sucking and prayers. On this occasion riding on the flank of his column, be tween it and the hostile line, he saw Jackson beside him. Taylor did not consider that this was the place for the commander, jof the army, and ventured to tell him so; but he paid no attention to the remark. , "We reached a shallow depression where the enemy could de press his guns," says General Taylor, ". and bis fire, became close an' fatal. Many 'aaeti f ellwand the whistling bf shot and shell occasioned Jthuch ' duck- ine of heads in1' the column. This an noyed me no little, as it was but child's play to the work immediately in hand. Always an admirer of delightful Uncle Toby, I had contracted the most villainous-'' habit of -his ' beloved afrmy in Flanders; ( ' and forgetting Jaickson's presence, ripped out, " What the hell are you dodging for? If there; is any more of it you will be halted under this fire for an hourT The sharp tones of a familiar voice produced the desired ef fect, andthe men looked as though they had swallowed ramrods ; but I shall never forget the reproachful sur prise expressed in. Jackspn's face. He placed a hand bh ihV shoulder, and said , in a gentle voice, 1 am afaid jrou are a wicked fellow,' turned and rode back to the pike." j HIS SOCIAL Tim4fPlfe ABROAD . The, , crqwning triumphs of . General Taylor's sochil career .were won in Eng land and on' the Continent of Europe itiSome years ago. He first gained notp ' riety at the London clubs by his ad riii rable skill as a whist player. He .was a disciple of Hoylef and the older school or players, and cared little tor the mod ern niceties of the game. .His memory was wondertui, and lie never forgot a card., .The English club men. .who had ."J&itaetftheir science .fronl; 'Gray, .-.Cavendish and Pole, were- astonished at this old fashioned player, who, , beat them in spite of their rules and formu las. - So General Taylor's fame came ton ete&rs ot the 1'nnee ot Wales, mho yes ii rubber next to a tiger Irtttrtrand they met at the Marlborough Club one night and played together. Thus began aCintimajcy which endured to ' th Jasr. Wherever the Prince' weftt, whether to Sandringham for a whiff of rustic air, or to Scotland to stalk, the deer, or to the races at Asrof.br to the University boat race on the Thames, thither he was certain to invite ( General , Taylor. He introduced hiih at Windsor to the Queen, and the Queen was so charmed with his company that she prayed him to stay fora;week at the Castle. When the Prince went to India he invited Gen. Taylor to be one of the party. Hut the General preferred to stay in London, and many a quiet rubber was played at, the Marlborough House by the Princess,;,jthe ,Dufee of Cambridge and the American, while the Prince was tiding in An elephafttho'wdalr through the jungles or .Nepaul. In th royal box at Ascot his figure was famil iar to every jockey ri the ;cOujrse, though his means never allowed him to own race horses and rarely to bet. One wager he took, however, the result of which troubled him to the last He was on the Prince's boat following the Uni versity crews, when the Earl of Dud ley, spying some token of French impe rialism on the lawn at Chiswicki sud denly cried that he would bet 5,000 to 10, twice overtbatcthe-Napoleonic dy nasty was never restored in France. The, Prince of Wales took one- of these bets, '-General' Taylor took ,the other, and he has ever since regarded the me- , tamorphpses of Jq.-e.nch. politics with an itnconimonly "wistfni eve. Kat desriite Lino an'uuiii aiuui iui 1U1UC1 liall0Ui, ilc impi waa lefBtvm wilh nmcli distiiiftiuii in Paris by Maiafrai pMcMion, ! aJnd even the ruggetvBiiSrnardk'ieeted him with a warmth that savored of personal friendship. Indeed Maf Wassafite sieiross the continent was one of unftlToyecf tri- J umpn, ana-tne nrst-genuemen in Eu rope were proud to callhim their friend. mr.;tilden kisses His dead friend. Ge'nexar- Taylordid morej than aiiy one else to secure the nomination i of SamnelvaiiTiliilenr icaxthe tBresidency. It was he who brought the South to the support of Tildfijijby his influence with ..Southern editors aha politicans. He traveled all over, the South in this in 'tefet Wd Je6t6diimorithto the-work iChe NewYorkSMn also notfi9;tiiiiact,' uel J..TUdE.callefl at Mr. JiarTow's res" idence.tffcfnafrt health of the General wnomTfe had known intimate ly for the past ten or twelve1 yearf-r On ueiumg mat uie ex-uovernpr wm be- Caylor, asked to Jiave him c&His'atte: Shtfaril tia frioH nthe crrei his critical condition the excitement nf ie excitemp.nt nf an interviewwofald prove dangerous. versinc with, his. isitnr Mr. Tilden was summoned f- hia .idde. -The intp.rvipw whifU V.jfflM&ffecting one. Mr. Tildea toek4 tnena-o ie-iyingmanarMi-expressi edhis deepretafrwingtllis a condition. General- TavlorrrkU the Governor's hand in retum. And thanked hirrhfor-hi Rvmmlhv Mr. Tilden gazed for a moment at'tMl cx, ivisocu uiui upun xne loreneaa xjirtiNnmn,"(he said to General TaVlSri PXexJi&djt vdser, truer or more inendlhan youhaveBeen -1 at the PhiladelDhia convp.nfinn in iaa - a. 1 . w.vKvaa 4Vvvt lie was struck with his candor, wit and aVarm fnenrlli TVtirirr - f wfsvjm.j MIOCaUUi aw iU. Ul all his subseauent visits to th General called freemen tlv on Mr. TiHon and the friendship begun in 1866 rinen- ea into a close intimacv.f: Mr, TiMati , entertained the highest bpinion of Getx? Taylor's "sagacity, and particularly es- leemea ; nim - lor ms ! moderate and iymaniiKe. views upqn,the jraestio: - EFingioeHratrKaii The lame ol the average congressman fa oi'sucfi shortlived duration that it seems hardly worth while now to pay S'20,000- for-an .XiUnL jS wants the nomlAaUonlnrldWr iiuuuiiuj ouuai w nenrj's CarbolW Salve Tor th 2 2S !?8. w.0imd8. cuts and" skta dlLSf and skin diseases Beware of counterfeits. -1t t f tST tlTEW jTXQKSbXJS BEST IXD SUICIDE. The Tragedy that Preacher Hougho W' ibbriVi Misconduct -Zed To.. SMARSHAIXTOWar.sIOWA, April 10. .Tnhn Till. station acrent on the Central Railroad, at Gilford, telegraphed to the mam omce, in tms cny, iwu uvy. ogu, that a man should be immediately sent to relieve him, as he intended to kill himself. The message was treated as Ski joke,., hut .withinanhonr . Bell shot, himself, : after killing a young woman whom he lovedV He, died of his wound to-day. The tragedy was the outcome of a religious revival in Gifford. The Rev- John , Houghoworth, an Advent evangelist.weht to that place six weeks ago, began to hold daily meetings, and soon bad the neighborhood in a state of excitement He was 35 years Of age, and eloquent Converts were numer ous, and on Saturday last (the Advent ist's Sabbath) he baptized fourteen per sons by immersion. Immediately after this ceremony he was seen by Bell slyly handing a note to Eva Roberts, who had been foremost in admiring attention to the popular preacher. She was the daughter of a leading member of the church, and had, by her sweet singing of Sankey and Bliss hymns, contributed much towards the success of the revi val. Bell was her accepted suitor, and expected to-become her husband. Hence he f eh f personal pnterest in the. jaete the pYeScheflfahded td ; nereis 'jeal ousy had already been aroused, and, on finding this new indication of intimacy between the pair, he resolved to watch them closely. On the same afternoon the Rev. Mr. Houghoworth drove away from Gifford. He said that he had been absent so long from his wife and little ones that he really must visit them at his home in Liscomb, thirty miles distant He would return in a few days, however, and resume his revival work with prob ably renewed vigor. Soon afterward Miss Roberts gave a letter to Bell to Eost. It was addressed to some un nown name in Liscomb, and the jeal ous Bell suspected that it was really for Houghoworth. He opened it and read the details of a plan for a meeting between the clergyman and the girl. They were to make a brief trip as hus band and wife, she pretending to visit relatives and he telling his family that he had returned to Gifford. Uell re- aealed and mailed the letter, and let his sweetheart go unhindered to Hougho worth. Miss Roberts came home in a train on Mondav moraine:. Bell, who was on duty in th station, helped her out of the car and said that he wanted a talk with her. Bv that time he had made up his mind what to do. At daybreak he had been seen cleaning a long un used revolver and firins at a mark. He had also sent, just before the arrival of the train, the dispatch above spoken of. The cm walked with him a snort dis tance down the track,and then he put the revolver to her heart and killed her in stantlv. Then he shot himself,' fired two more bullets into her body, lay down by her side, took her in his arms, and wait ed for death. His own wound, how ever, did not kill until two days later. Measure of a Man. Norfolk Landmark. Gov. Vance, .has cause, just now, to think of the Spanish maxim : "wive me from mv friends." for somebody has written a sketch of 'him, as a "humor ist," for a Philadelphia pajier, which does him. great, though unintentional, injustice. This writer reports a num ber of Vance's jokes, which is very much as if he had caught butterflies5, and rubbed oft the colors from their wings, lried eiu iu smoke, and then produced 'em to . show their original vividness of tint ar.d liveliness of mo tion. Until tone, look -and gesture ; scene, mci'dent, and suggestion, can ' Imj con veyed, reports of hhinbrlike reports of acting, must le inadequate, and the narrator in this case has treated his theme with very little art. But the siecial injustice he does the ex-Goyeruor is found in the following statement, (italics thfrs)r "This rich store of genuine humor is the basis of Senator ; Vance's remarka ble popularity at home and the founda 'Mgn ofMspoUtiortiin:v lt is this that' made him thrice" Governor 'of f his native State, on two occasions against immense odds. In the very hottest hour of the rebellion Vance was elected to the gubernatorial chair by the North Carolina Unionists against the regular secession nommef, and, notwithstand ing his "bold defiance of Jefferson Davis throughout his term, he wag re-elected by an increased majority just at the close of the war." That Gov. Vance has made good use of his powers. as a wit and humorist is trite? but the foundation of his success is in his courage and his great ability. Ther&iSinot a jnore logical thinker in the Senate than he is, and the copious eloquence displayed in his sketches of rsTnt - ft. frarWiiQ nrioii Aivr,fi to the Landmark, show him to be pos- sessea ot a bold and ardent imagination, equal to the most lofty flights of sus tained and noble eloquence. And we venture to predict that when Vance takes the floor of the Senate he will at oiice'assett his : claim to a far; higher piace than that assigned him by the writer trom whose opinion we dissent. And the paragraph we have quoted at tributes to him the qualities of resolute courage and vigor which we : claim for him. There were few people in an posiuen, civil tot .military, . who made any show of standing up against" Me. Davis, ana that Vance took issue with him illustrates fhe force of his cftaraCT ter, which, addedto his clear intellect, Cives him tb motive Dower with which he has driven f orwarof. His litinibr arid: "Wlfareunlv ihBi'av fldus un Lhe Don- uerous Shermau Takes $f$f gi fti Washington, April 13. John Sher- man savs uiac ne asm, eyiaences oi re lb 10 ' ew 1 otk.! x ne-eusiness men witn! whom he conversed all talked hopeful- is dissrustcldltti theolldusi favmeitmcr .lQ0Q0.OO0j?f the f unds f orthfe lfelemp uon 01 iractionav: enrjeency to py the and says-that aff-attsfckf thftrmoney men 1 91 resumption policy,, He says that oi.peiisMtas att the rato ofone- or two wm'QhlyJet him "albri&'He'. sava. that lie ttiUttteitand'-tiMt'fo per cenu Donas at reurper cent within two PAnn Hirers. : vwigiamm . . M";" m. ... , 0rM ofiiiiei filf tax books in Greenville countv 4.000 have rid heir poll tax. Only about 2.300 hate lu .in iticniana out of 6,0(K) on the EverjthlBs; Goes Wrosg; . , at. . . - jv -. . " "- " - 1 u uio iwauy mecnamsm wnen the Uver gets out df 1 order. umstipatlon dyspepsia, contamination of h Wood, imrrtecttosiiniiatha en sue.? Sot tt Is cawto Drevnntihi. ir,r.r, and remove inert cause."br a fatarai ot- tt. Stomach Bitters, which stimulates the biliary or (aiarsljesfflates ItaiyThrf dlct result is aolsapraraitceiof the'patat Mi&th the ribs and ""vugu me snouwer blade, the nausea, Imad hHyellovmeas t:th Mrv'r n a " -"J WU11VU 1WA VX U1U ue, and sour odor ot the breath, which charao T P!1 8onnd digestion and a reg mar babitdt body are blessings also secured by the use of this celebrated restorative of health, which Jnmarts a degree ol yige tot the, body which is its best guarantee of safety Itotnanalaiiatepideinica, Nerve weakness and over-tension are relieved by " " " improves Dom appetite aha sleep. aprQlw- J i JEALOUSY,: MOMpt a weiimpf ztooQ ir4es.lrfs3nage hoimentio(ttreasuiT.1deDartm iHe?' i Of M,l-n! s Wa ? AM"W! V t Ml ft .fiiOt brlV.RrSxTS'v ,x-. a:y Atf ttfttOtt la smhtf4a.'Mife&rfullj alarming. tme'Atae o!pfe,ftetog lessened teftay year, with" oat jmrwaaeoaMe cause, 4eatia reaultUis general-. 1 front the frost lnslgnlflwat Origins At out aea-i soil ot th4 jear 'pspedanr. pom b man a common thing that in the hurry of every day me we are apt to oreriook tHr danger!' attending K and often find too late! that & Fever or Lonjj trotifile has already set In. Thousands lose, their uvea m tou way er- ery winter, while had Boschkts ukbxas stout been taken, a, core would, nave resuirea, ana s isrge Mil from dootoc bee avoided', For. all dlseaaea, of "taeUteoat' Kfid 'tongs,' BoscxR'.emA SiBUPhaa-provea itself to be the greatest iCset; ery Of its kind in medicine, TErery Druggist In Hila: country will tell you of Its wonderful effeet iOret 950,000 botUes sold last year without a single failure known. , ntu,e-.r: patent ptcdijcities. ' ": if HW! trail- Jjiii. h-va v.i 3 if? !l i INTRODUCED, 1865. A TORPID: LIVER U the, fruitful source of many diseases, promt '.!, Aent among whicit are -' " DYSPEPSIA, SrCK-HEADAtHE, : COSTTvtRESS, DYSENTERY, BIUOUS FEVSR, AfcUEANDfEVEV -JAUNDICEi PILES, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY -COM TORPID LIVER: Iiose of Appetite and Tfauaea, the bowels are eoatlre, bat eometimee altetnats with looseness. Pain in the Head, aooompanied with a Dull sensation in the back part.Pam in the right side and under the shoulder blade, fallneas after eating, with disin clination to exertion of bodyrmind, Irri tability of temper, Iiow spujU, loss of memory, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, General weariness; Dizgjness, Fluttering at the Heart. Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Bestlesaness at -night with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine. IT THESE WASHINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PIUS are especially adapted to such cases, a single dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufrerer inisn tno lunoreri TUTT'S piLls are compandd from mbitUMf that are free from aay properties that cpm lajnre the most delicate orgaalzatiea. They Search, Cleanse, Parify, and Iavi erate the entire System. By reileriac the e gorged IJrer, taey eleamse the Meed from polsoBeas hnmora, and tkaa laipart health aad vitality te the body, canaiag the bowel to act lataraliy, jrltheat whick no eae eaa feel welA 1 A Noted Divine says : Dr. run : i)er sir: rorten rer I iiav bam a aurtyr to Drapepsu, Constipation and Piles, laat Bpriof roar Pills wave neommadadtBM 1 I tuad theme bat with little f kith). I am now a Well man. have rood appetite, difestion perfect, renlar itoola. Bilaac pilaa cone, and I have sained forty ponndaiolUlneab. Tluj are worth their weii worw tneir weisnt in roia. Bxr. B. L. BU1PSON, Looiarme, K. TUTT'S PILLS, , Their first effect is to Iaereaea the Appetite and cause the body to Take oa Fleah, thus the system is aeariahedf and tar their Teaie Aea tiea on the DifeatiTe Orsaaa, Regmlar Stools are prodnced. ; H3.f DR. J. F. HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK; 8AY81- Few dltin exist that cannot be relieved by re etorins the liver to its normal fonetioaa, aad for thia porpoae no rented; hsa erer been iamted, toS ha a happy aa efteet aa XCTTfl PHiS.'1, .. SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS. Office 35 Mwrray Street, ! Mew Terk. Dr.TUTFS MANTJAL of Talnsbie Infor mation and Useful Beceipto ',' will bemailedVM Oa application. TUn?S7HAlir DYE. Ghat Bat os Wrkixii el to a GLoear ' Blactc or a eiarle anpKoaoion of Drav i lt inv ;Drta a Natural Oolor. aeta Inatantaaeonai. and ia aa Uarmleas aa aprins water. Sold bj Droggiata, or ant by exnreae on receipt of 91. Office; 35 Murray St, New York. aprl ly. 45 Years Before the Public. THE CENUINE DR. C. MoLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF " . .. .-. .. :. -:: - ; Hepatitis, br Liver Complaint, ' -rrrsrETsr; ?T-S1CK MIABACH, - ? Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. PIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is m the left side ; the patient is rarely able to lie en the left side; sometimes the. pain 1 is felt, tinder the shoulder blade, and .fit frequently: extends to the ton of the .shoulder! and is sometimes mistaken l. rbrtheirrnatism in th6 arm.v.The stom 1 ado iiaffected ;with loss of appetite and sickness ; 4he boweb in general i . alax-1; the head: is troubled with pain. ;aecofnpattied with a lulL heavy sen- 11 - 1 i i 1 . r ' ; ' ' craiiy a consiuerauie loss 01 memory, I cpanied;with a painful sensation 4 oihaving left undone something which irrticht o havw bppn rfmtip. - A slio-ht iy: idugi;is;6nikimes ' The Datient 1 comolains of, rveariness . rfeet are cola otaim'lUia:!- plains of a pnckly sensation of the ?kki ; his spirits are low; and.althotfgh 1 be is satisfied . that exercise would be bericfidal to himryet he jtinJ Scarcely ' In facti he distrusts cvery.' remedy : Several of the above symptoms; attend fute disease, but cases have occurred "where few of them existedT,yet exam---inatinn nf thewbdyaiter-fleath,.Jias shon,tljeriERh tQ have been exten sively 'deranged. ' AOXjfe FEVER. H Ml fcVMci4NE UveV Pills, in cases of Ague and Fever, when , . taken with Quinine, are productive of .if;iae. :most, nappy :. results. .Xjq : Dener jCAthartiC can be used, preparatory to, stff or alter taking Quinine. " We" would advise all who are afflicted with this r disease.to give them.a fair trial. XiFor all -bilious derangemenbpahd t; .as. a Slltinlf rmwahvc thw am nn. '1 OPIMITATIONS. K The genuine are never sugar coatedJf ICvWfeiriS,liaB a'; :...:. C. . wu, o?un ue impression" jjfti' Mf!T:.wi- . The genuine McLakk's T.m ttttt; bea signattrres-ofa McLaks andJ ?' M4UHSJc9tttit wrappers. x? f X SPoi tavingi the; genuinelSa!? CMcLiLNi'sJIjvE ihtiL prepared by ? .market being full imitations of the; t name iucxae, spelled differently but wmwmw . am Excrrnta book.' 20,000 soldi - - ;Xbs WDd Adrentares' and Trfnmphs" of STANI.EY-13-EEICit Thta mlT authentic andlsobrrlzhfed cheitD edition to aellintt faster thafiany other book In America.' Otves a lull -Bmwry 01 usuown .tamiiuafV! ASEOTa WANTED For -full- partkulars and terms address HUBBARD BROS., rubs., Phftadel- . T-i-fT::-i-t V i.,..:.- . - - t r ' ' 't t iJw.r'iua nodi ewBH?rioJRf !. .. 53,672 SinierDlinMlBook 75,278 New AinericanBooks AT TOUB PRICK. 112,726 Second-hawMeottrAT ANT PRICE. Catalogue of tieneraJUteratme Free. 0 ; : mim. and win eompletely change tlie plood in t111?!6 one paiftafihM boaitMli weeksjnay be re stored soundeaiai, ifguch a Oitag be possible. Sent by mail for 8 letteFstamps: tS. JOHNSON BENSON'S CAPCTNI is for lameness or weakness of the tlsm and all local aches and pains, the best reme dy Known, u was JQventea to overcome inesiow action of the ordinary Porous Plaster It relieves pain at once, ana cures wnere oiner, puisiersfnii not even reUeye. ;,Sold; everywhere 3 Druggists, price 25 cents. ;- tj", 'j'".'.",,.f:;'v. i 1 i:'. SALE. ; n ."at. j i, j ..ii-i'. sr.; 01 j tuuil hiiji .b-it-Uij;r The Bourgeotse and Sflniotf iofli wWeh this paper was lately pnnteo. r- w wsa rasa vj ne oa Johnson- type foandry, of ; PhUaUelpMa, 4ft was not discarded because w leneer frt foruse. M4mi Sty 01 type, a wm ua gooa -Berwoe lKr ooTnu years to come. - umu 00 uwiu m jvwwbui. win chasers, and in ' fonts of 50 to l.OOOlbs, with or without cases: ' Address e OBSERVER, oct5 unanotte.H.v. -m.x. rwpRflYWD, GITY rROPEBTY FOR SALE. , : Any person desiring to purchase a well improved City Lot, House with nmerooms, and modern con veniences, fine well of water, brick kitchen, within five minutes walk of the public square, can be ac commodated by applying at decig xuiaoj'j'iuis. . 3:- VfOTICE OF SK1ZUKE. U. & INTERNAL REVENUE. Collector's Office-, 6th District North Carolina, state8vme, . v., April aa, . - .1 Seized for violation of Internal Revenue Laws. on April 2d, 1879: Two Mules. One Waeon and Harness and 24 1 boxes Manufactured Tobacco, the property of T. H. Morris. - Notice is hereby given to tiie owner or claimants of the above described property , to appear before me at my office in Stateaville. and make claim thereto before the expiration ot thirty days from data hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J. MOTT, J. G. xooxe. Collector. Deputy. apr4 3t lnaOdys NOTICEOfSEIZUBE.; ' tt. S. INTlTBNAL 'KEVENfrR. OoUectorls Office, tlUj District North CaroUna, , ; .-; t :Staesviue,N,.u. Apru na, ) Selzed'f of violatioa ot Internal iBevenus Laws. on april 1st, 1879: 8 boxes Tobacco, owner un known; 4 boxes Tobaeoo, the property of K. fos ter: 2XKJO Cigars, the property of B. M. Gaffnei; one half barrel of Whiskey, owner unknown. notice isnereoy given to tbe owner or claimants of the above described property to appear before meat my omce in watesvme, ana make. claim thereto before the expiration of thirty days from date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the United States. J. J, MOTT, J. G. Youhg, Collector. Deputy. apr2 8t inSOdys SWEET POTATOES, Received from Eastern North Carolina to-day 100 BUSHELS OF THE EASTERN YAM POTATO And am expecting more to-morrow At a it HOWELL'S. March 27, UJ1 ; F YOU WISH to encase In ah honest, eenteel business, and make plenty Of money duriruT we Benaays, sena ywff auareas to iitMu RANDOLPH & COL, " - 107,4thr..K.T. in ti,int 1 ii..n,i.u li 1 feb4w4t AROMAtiib; MM TttTH.GUfJS : J, H JE U M A T I S OR GOUT ; ACUTE OB CHBONIC ALICYLIC SUBS CUBE. Manufactured only under the above Trade-Hark i 1 hv tha EUROPEAN SALICYLIC MEDICINE CO, Immediate reliefs warranted. Permanent dare guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all celebrated pnysiaans 01 isurope and America, becornlns Staple, Harmless, and Sellable Remedy on both continents. " The Highest UedlcaJ-taeademV of Paris Teport 95 cures eat of 10O eases within three days. Secret The only dlssolver of the poisonous uric acid which exists in tne Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients.-l.oa a. box. 8 boxes for 85 00. Sent to any address on receipt of price. Endorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. Ao :BT A il WAtUUHJiWJS K w.. nov7 f Cmlylmi?ortersVDepot.23ClllI-t..N.T. For sale by J. a MENarugglsts, feb 18-ly. Charlotte, N. C. FAMILY MEAL. "' .... , Sij '., .J i CHOICE BOLTED MEAL Justreceivecl " -! " . 'J. B.M.MTLLEB4S0NS. rpHE BEST STOCK OF GBOCESEKS an CONFECTIONERIES " .LeBpY DTTDSON'S. in thefclty , at ian80 '.TVMxtito t - v T!EE W. BATTLE, iL'l).. -t-'-Y .: ; yUv;iaj'; wa-bTr.' -tint ,. ' . ; Havin removed his office to the flrst floor over the Traders' National Bank, can be faund there all hours durlriirttie diiy, and at his residence cor ner eevenin ana uouege streets, at mgnt, , i npENDERS his 'prores8lonar services to the reo- JL .pie of CharioUe and vicinity. Being gradu- du vi Dou scnoois 01 meaioine, s axP4THic ana Homeopathic); he to, qualified to practice! either system.-i bi if- uj tna 1 . r He will stm tfevbte attentloh especially to Chbo w xfua&Bjgs.tNii wui aiso oo a general pracuee. Calls attended day or night. . r . . O150 over McAden's drag storey Residence on iwl lit MaV IUI STTTT A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITT To win fortune. tttXQi, firand Wstrlbutlon, kr , Class D, at : New. Orleans, :. Tuesday, Hay '', j.t- a 18th, 187910701 Monthly .Drawtos... LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. 01 ima-ifUc -7tfiifsi-j e.'y --i til i'Wfi! - This JnsUtotlon was regularly ; Ineerporated by the Legislature of the Sate for Educational and Charitable" purposes m 1868, tob tm tkbv or TWxuTT-im tsabs, to which eontraot tbe tnrlola ble faith of the -State 1 pledged with a capital of 81,00a 000, to which It has since added a Reserve Fund of J!50,OOOFltff GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, S3O.000. 100,000 Tickets at Two. Dollars each. Half Tick- . eta, One Dollar.' LIST OF PRIZES : 1 Capital Prize,... '. $30,000 1 Capital Prize. 10.000 I Capital Prize,. u.. 5,000 a Prizes of 52,500.... 5,000 u5 Mzes of lflOO 5.000 2n Prizes of fioo. m oon 100 Prizes of " 100 16,000 200 Prizes of ' 60 : 10,000 500 Prizes of -20.. 10.000 (OOOPrizesot 10-... 10,000 APPBOXIMATION PBIZES :' . 9 Approximation Prizes of $300..... ,9 Approximation Prizes of ;200... QApproxfanaOon Prizes f 100..... S2.700 1.H00 OOOi I5T-Trlzes,4mMmnting to ...... . $110400 Respohsfble Wresrxmdtnr agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid, r i-i :i '10 . i v .ADDUcaoon for rates to clubs should only be made wine uome umce m ew uneans. Write, dearly stating full address, for fun lnfor- soaaon or senq oraer; to : . . ' JBU A41 OiUrlun, PostQfflce Box 692, New Orleans, Louisiana All OUT Grand Extraordlnarr Drawl-ncn r-tb nndir the supervision and management ofGENERALS . T. BAUBEGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. apr8 NEW BOOKS AT- TIDDY'S CITY BOOK STORE. Mayne Reed's Novels, 6 vols., 87.50 450 2.50 1.75 7.50 1.00 Travels in Central Asia, by Yambery, Treasure of Wit and Wisdom, Short History of English People, Green, Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, Social Etiquette of New York, 1 voL, doth, If you want to get a cheap Feather Duster go to TIDDY A BRO'S. You will always find something nice in the way of Stationery at ' . TIDDY A BRO'S. The latest styles of Wall Paper Can always be found at TIDDY'S BOOK STOBE. MaWe, Todd & Co's. Gold Pens always on hand at TIDDY'S BOOK STOBE. BUTTERICK'S SPRING CATALOGUES And Metropolitan Fashion sheets for April, Just received at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. March 28, 1879. M M S S L L N JOSEPH FISCHESSEB, Pkopriktor. DEALER IN BEER, ALE, PORTER ; ,'; and ' " " ' WINES & LIQUORS, . And the best brands of Cigars. Agent for Fred Laners celebrated Retting Beer. Keeps fresh bottled Beer on hand from Bergner dc EngeL Philadelphia. Sold by the dozen at a rea sonable price. All my Customers can be furnished u nome mm tne nest Beer in town. ALSO A FINE BILLIARD ROOM ATTACHED. - Tryon Street, opposite Charlotte Hotel, f HEADQUARTERS' 'FOB Hi; Bottled Lager Beer; ALE AND PORTER, Is comer Trade andBoundary Avenue. Delivered to any part of titer dty,tree of charge for $1.00 per down., . ;-' :. ... 4:, , ; .-.-j , i. ...... - , K y.;i:-u W.&tWOHBJBBti ''l f i ' i 1 ft s . ". IU orders left at John Yogel's tailor shopffl re ceive prompt attention. CF.HABBT80H, Auctioneer. jyjAXWELL ft HARRISOj" -AUCTION AND-' COMMISSION f v . .. "1 5IERCHANTS, .'. Buy and seU on consignment aU Unds of , ' ItEBOBUNBISE AND COUNTRY PRODUCE; a nui y win vctBuuat .it Hr'rJ attention to all business entrusted to our care. Item doors above Charlotte BoteL " 'g"-" gtJiutitt0 atxxlSiUAtittff. ; OB'PRINTOTG;:; s1 11 J. BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with the publication of Thi Ob- snrrxB, and the establishment of one of the larg- est, most complete, and most 'thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES in the South, the proprietor has just added a com plete BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice.' Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of ti ls class, ruled and bound to order, We are, prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER !PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get their DATES and POSTERS printed here in as attractive a manner as m New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and In flrst class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments In good shape wm do well to give us a trial We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as free from defects as It is possible to make it LETTERHEADS, Statements, Order Books, ' Visiting Cards, . Ball Cards, Pamphlets. NOTE HEADS, Circulars Envelopes, Handbills, 'j"-':' Invitations, Checks, Labels' BILL:HEADS, Deeds, Receipt Books - J '--.- I .Bustaess Cards, v r; programmes ::..v.i .. ; . COItttBlankS. nu-'f, ?;;..;.;,. a; r. H : snj.ii.v , In fact ail kinds of printing done at short notice. Special attention given to BAllroad Printing. BOOK WORK. 'J. . ;;'. ...... . . , Havtng a larger supply of type than most Job e tabllshments, BOOK WOBK has been and will continue to be a specialty with us. - . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ' ''1 vui:--:-- -;! - Address JHE OBSEBVER, WHEN ANY MAN ,. FEELS SICK WITH COLD CHILLS, FEVER FLUSHES, HEADACHE and general uneomforUbleness, !'r ' AMD- TXT DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT AILS writ Then la the time to take MOTT'S PILLS. These pills are made of certain tncrredinntji .u. act specially on the Liver, and at th nm ti, expel all impurities from the stomach and system. BE3TORING TO HEALTH, when all other remedies fall. . Take them for Biliousness. Tndlflstirn Cnat.v. ness. Liver Complaints, and all diseases and dis orders of the stomach. As a family cathartic pill they are WARRANTED WITHOUT AN EQUAL: JOHN F. HENRY, CUBBAN A CO., Sole Proprietors, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK. For sale by L. R. Wriston fc Co., Charlotte, N. C. mar4 SMITH'S WORM OIlT. Athens, Ga., December 8, 1878. A few nights since I gave my son one dose of the Worm Oil, and the next day he passed sixteen large worms. At the same time I gave one to ray little girl, four years old, and she passed eighty-six worms from four to fifteen inches long. Tw. F. PHILLIPS. Worm Oil for sale by Druggists generally. Pre- pared byE.fi. LYNDO. N, Athens, Ga. JTiee 20 cents. iebZldiwly. Is a perfect Blood Pcbifixx, and is the only purely Vegetable remedy known to sci ence, (hat has made radical and Permanent Cubes of 8yphilis and Scbofcla in all their stages. It thoroughly removes mercury from tha system; it relieve, (he agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dia- Sold by druggists generally. feb25 6m , ELECTRIC BELTS. A-sure-eure for-nervous debility, premature de- cay, exhaustion, etc. xne only reliable cure. Clr- culars , mailed .free. Address Chatham street, N. Y. . Feb. 20 dkw8m. J. K. REEVES, 43 pONDENSED TIME, NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS OOINO IA8T. No. 8 Dully I ex.Sun. Date, Nov. 10, '78. No. 2 Daily No. 4 Dally Leave Charlotte, 3.45 am 8.20 am 3 00pm 5-25 p m 6.55 pm 1 5.30 a m j 9.30 a m ureensooro, ' Balelzh. 4.10pnv Arrive Goldsboro, No. 2 Connects at Salisbury with W.KvAffR. for all points in Western North Carolina, daily except Sundays At Greensboro with B. & D. B. B. for all points North, East and West At Goldsboro with W. & W. bTB. for Wilmington. No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with R TV R B. for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7. Dally ex. 8un: Date, Nov. 10, '78. No.1 Daily. No. 3 Dally. Leave Goldsboro, , 9.50 am 8.60 pm 8.28 pm 5.35 pm 6.47 am itaieign, -" Greensboro 5.80 am Arrive Cbarlotte, 12-25 a m 10.50 am No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Charlotte with CC.AL&JK. for all points South and South-west; at Alr-Llne Junction with A. AC. A. L. Railroad for all points South and South-east No. 8 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. B. B. daily except Sunday. At Air-Line Junction with A. A C. A. L. for all points South and South-west. At Charlotte with C, C. ft A. Railroad for all points South and South-west !I : , 8ATJQC BRANCH. Leave' Greensboro, dally except Sunday, 8.50 p m Arrive Salem,. , " " 10.50 pm LeaveSalem, " " " 5.45am Arrive Greensboro, M " 7.45 am Connecting at Greensboro with trains on the R. D. andN. C Railroads. . ' : SLEEPING CARS TfTTHOCT CSANOX Run both ways on Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Mew York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greensboro and Charlotte, and both ways on Trains Nos. 8 and 4 between New York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, South-west west North and East For Emigrant rates to points in Arkan sas and Texas, address 1 J. B. KAClfURDO. . Gen. Passenger Agent, nov20 Richmond Va. QHABLOTTE, .COLUMBIA ' AND RAILROAD. AUGUSTA Charlotte, ColwtbiA axd Augusta b. R., r -. OounxBiA, S. CDec. 27, 1878. On and after Sunday, Dee. 29tn, 1878, the fol lowing passenger schedule will be run over this road, (Washington time,); . NIGHT EXPRESS. 1 Going South, No. 1. Leave Charlotte, Arrive Columbia,. ... . ..-. ... . Leave Colombia Arrive Augusta. . ......... 1 :.' ; : ... j u:i : Gonra North, No. 2. Leave August.... ................. . Arrive Columbia. ................... Leave Columbia,.......; Arrive Charlotte,..;. - , DAT PASSENGER, i Gonro Sotrrx, Na 8. . lOOtH . 6 00 A. M . 6 05 A. a .10 00 A.M 5 55 P. M. 10 00 f.m. 10 10 p. . 8 10 A.M. Leave Charlotte. . . ...11 27 A.M. .... 4 10 p.m. .... 4 15 p.m. .... 8 80 p.m. Arrive Columbia Leave Columbia '.V. . . .... Arrive Augusta. ........ . ....j.: GoiHft North, Na 4. Leave Augusta.... Arrive Columbia ... . . . .......... Leave Columbia. Arrive CharioUe 9 03 A. X 120?. 1 80 P. M 6 80 P. M ' These train atop only at Fort MIL Rock Hill, ChesteK Wlnnsboro, Ridge way, Lees vUle, Bates burg, Ridge Springs, Johston, Trenton and Granlte VlUe. All other stations wul be recognized as flag stations. -.t.ru . Pullman Palaey -sleeping and drawing-room cars on Nos. 1 and 2, Greensboro to Augusta; also on Nos. 8 and 4, New York to Savannah, via Rich mond & Georgia Central Railroad. . . ,T-D. KLINE, Superintendent Jno. R. HacMubdo, G. P. Agent PB A K E R Y BREAD, CAKES ANJ PIES fjesh every day., i m T' .V. u unminallll thITl " . the very best manufactured, using none dih the very best materials, . 1 t n rn n 1 : : : W. N. PBATHEB, , iFiade Street, first door above the old Market! J Wmarl;s.:::r;-':':; wun wm ouruer oiput street, i; mar22 dw 8m4?:';)fc decS' . ' RaBoxlSa. iZmZ ttoariotte, N.0.1

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