1 n i 'ii ii nil in in n ii ii ii v tI n rni in l : -i J, w 5"'Mi 7 f - imi 7. n.irr it ' JTtf- OBSBJirtJt. JOlt DSeXJtXMMMT.t -,1 H 4se thoroughly mmplitd with every netOed wad, and with the Lated Stylet of Tiff, and every manner qf Job Wort am now donMA. maters ' ana CAamas.irfaaw.nirBMA, a twtn BLAXX&, BILL-HXADSt. T" ;r "1 rzoGRuaax, savd-julls, !?' 'PAMPHLETS, CISCXTLAJRS, CHECKS, 40. il; l, fcekontu r 'wp-T-w-y6iJusvm v ii vr,,r; .f .w - "l Vvr ,ns IfteWv, (i W! oourv) fa adm S2 00 '" ''H wiianiini, .j.-.-.K..i.l,i. -'n, jtii.fxl jr.n. h . . V " . V, T ."i-i ' J .1; JI: js' j; (J; VOL. XX., 1 ;; 6riARL(m,E; 1 r.;"' ;:Oe6. - , i-rt.Jui'.JU r ... . t ii.fKHi ,it ............. ' - ' &r.7. SUN UMBRELLAS .3 I ( ,j i Ladies buying Parasols and Sun Umbrellas will And the best assortment at the lowest prices at They will also find other goods to salt them upon which they can save money. Our stock of Fancy and Staple j is dow complete, among which may be found a full supply of House' furnishing Goods, Sheeting and Pillow Casings in Linen and Cotton, Linen TaMe Damask in Watte,' Slate, Ited and Yellovrr Napkins, Doylas and Towels to1 every tartetyi Car" pets, Rugs, Matttngsand Oil C oths." ! " ' ' , '"' Our stock of Embroidery and Trimmings is large," and will be found very cheap. So will our stock of WHITE 6t)5lJS, H0SIEBY, GLOVES) HANDifcBCHIEFS, COB 8ETS. FANS ANR.T.IES. , ... " Ask to see our Ten Cents Linen CambriQuHaodn kerchief and $2 Sun Umbrellas. Too will find them cheap, aodeverytbing4lse' In ji-oplriloh. Call and see us. It will pay you. mi' : ;-t lo'SLLia Jt-OOHENf.rn B UROESS NICHOLS, ., . , . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL nXALXR IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE FURNITURE! . BEDDING, C BKISDING, Ac. BEDmNQ' FrfRkrptol )TDmG'a FUKNITURE i A Full Line of CHEAP BEDSTEADS 1. t ; SHEAKBiPSTEAPa U Ji LOUNGES ! LOUNGES! : LOUNGES 1 LOUNGES! PARLOR AND i;hajuje bv, ty COFFIN bfalktad bn hand. .MtM. .;. Jrwstf! r! .I it'.f'-itl' COTIN.Sf , all kinds on:hnd. - No. 6 West Trad Brtanrr. ... " 'i. tv'.X;. it i-v-j!' Hi. fee- Ladlss' And; GenQeinen'f Burial :Bobes a , line sapply.. : -:i-t i -.rJh '!; v-i .n - i' v'ii- iif:r it-.- .'Jnt.. lan3 : ..' !f.J!j . rt' i ' '! ! ,i 'f ARGAOiS irn .': IN a ; , , , ,'t UR1 UR URRBL BKB M W W TT T TT IT K HE V URKR Kirir H f U URRREB ..Ol't'Ji'.ti?''! .. .. XAif;,;? .J.I j' TO . .. AG,M)flEB,jWAJUeR003I&, ! .'I ilwK. .'.! tJJJf ;i't)iintI.:l D;WftO . ii. asii tt W . i! .nr,t Ht lan ;il;rJ .7 .HJ vt lllild -MiJ lVti Kl.li Unfr.'l' U .'A lr-6 "Kit Vi ss-wivi piialtnt edi td Jtir.aim !v . ..in; i) ,nl :!' rir to mw f1ii. km? : mil! ;KJ,f ob .WJft '(.J -ui tl!tlilll : -tiiniMH. f 3o irjfjrf-,?!. u yhtV ,fi4lRii;W. . ; i- .'to.fwn wi jij wti inl k1 My Stock is TE3'MW1! .... w'.uS aili - bi'K .jJTtf mK PihriH rmiMRlttt.;rjININa SOQihaT v , - ! OYYlcd FURNITURE , . .r. tr' ti, nN . : Twf iHYi'l-ul lil. t- M- Au Goods Packed Free ofCharfte1 ANOTHER ARRIVAL or NEW GOODS. We have last rmvttvjvl m thlwt styvv nf all vwi Spring Buntings that have been so popular this season. Also Black French Buntings. We wish to call your special adsnttos 4q our stock of BlacK and Light Colored Spring Cashmeres, the hand somest we have ever oflerel for the price. Don't fall to look at our stock .of Black, Gros Grain and Damasse Bilks, Summer Silks in all colors. Tam ise, Henrietta and Emnress Cloths. French Onran- ditss. Our stock of White. Goods Is complete in every branch. Dotted and Plaid Swiss for over dresses. Lines CandcSv Mull. HvsUaSr Afarsa Uas, Linen inll(lJinbAaAitMcj. a targe variety or uamourg Kdginga andlnsert ings In white-, and .colored. . 'MaraeUMs,Qullts. A second stock of Ladies' :1 (.! oi and Millinery Goods, stock of carpets; Cane sure and examine our Rugs., A laise and well selected stock of Parasols. g, vru uirueus iuiu A good line of fancy CrlOUesvllle Casslmeres for young men's suits. A'nanasome stocK 01 ' '' Call and see our stock of. Ladles' ,8noea In Calf, Goat Serge, and Newport Ties. Children's Shoes In fancy colors. A large line of Gents' and Chil dren's Straw and Fur Hats. . Our stock Is complete in - everrmie, and we Ir- vite a careful inspection, as we are willing to com pare roods and prices with, any one. Special at tention given to orders; ' Give' us a calL Opp, Charlqtfe Hotel, Trypn st, Charlotte, N. C. LOW PRICES RULE THE DAY. '. A (H. TAH iiV LARGE CROWDS Daily throng the CHEAP STORE OF He MORRIS m BRCKS. &IU.L GREATER REDirCTIONS THIS WEEK. lien's-Best Flanael Suits. Tan4r$d.o0, 3.0, 4,50 Beautiful light Casslmere White Fancy Pique, 8V3, 10 and 12Vz cts. per yard, Beautiful Lawns, 10 and 12 Dress Linen, all shades, 18, 20 and 25c per yard. Hamburg r, an wiatns, to zoc. per yarn. Two-button Kid loves, an shades, 50c., 75c and ! Txm BeausscBuntlng, woifi25fore per yara ifarttle g(oilHeachlng, onl 8cpr (aU ) f f Best Calicos, an grades, only 6 cents per yard. It will pay afybody to taspct,our Goods and prices, as we claim to be the leading low price house in CharloiteH 1 ( ) J J f ust received, a beautiful Une of ' ARASOL 1 1 Ranging in price from 12ft Cents to S3. ! TA ! i Also,' afufl nleof STR ODS And Ladles' Underwear, at immense bargains. IBOS. April SPRING CLOTHING. W. KAUFMAN A CO. A :- :j r w have made the exDeriment of Darchaslng a: stock so complete aS to lndude tttelatest.noveloM' In Hen's, Youth's. Boy's and Children's - j OOU L O O L n T. DO TTTT H H n NN N GGO O O T H H u fill II o o O O T HHH II N NN O iSoE 56 T H HUN Kb o t e " a is We invite public Inspection, and we are at alij sssfflsawfssaa .few v Miodw )s W. ml III ban ,mVmi f0o8 BLUE FfcANNEL-SUITS Cheaper than any other house, as we did the past season, and they have gained the reputation of be-; toW?prwenlhl4 bnsumer a flne; Une of - , "1 can also be found in mvjetock a complete line of nA vait'u.iiT andRtrsiW Hats, and any kind of nflerneTiruralshlng' IkKKlA Derrt purchase berere you a BARGAINS , ,",( ,J Utt T'THj. .fVJl''f ?!!' VtXf I ' I lit li t SZl i U . rti Ot 2 Eli K 1St- ,1-M-J Can be had fit' UL.l.''."jri,1i!Mk,.fl Corner Trade and Tryon BW-K, CharlottefM.O. i Dimes and dollars! dollars and dimes! An empty pocket's the worst of crimes If a man is down, give him a thrust Trample th beggar lato she dusU i i .iiix Presumptoous poverty's quite appalling, A.BOG. mn oven kick nua iGTEuunxiu. ,iiiiin m a, II a man's up, oh! lift him higher ..i -t Tour soul's for sale, and he's a buyer! mines ana aonarsi aoiiars ana dimes! An empty pocket's the worst of crimes! !-..-. . .. .. .. ..... -1 IfaXmapoorbutwortiiyyotith; 1 Whose hopes are built on a maiden's truth; But the maiden will break her tows with ease. For a wooer cometk whose claims are these a nouow neart ana an empty neaa. a race wen ungeOfWim di a soul wefrtianef fnivlliamy'fl sclqol And Cash, sweet Caah! helmoweth tl 'fltrlle; Dimes ana aouarsi, dollars and dimes; An empty pocket's the worst of crimes! I know a bold and an hnnMt man Who strives to work on the Christian nlan. But poor he isv and poor will be. ..-.'.. ? a scorned and hated wretch is he. ' ' , u : At home he meeteth a ntarvin? wtfa. AbioaheJeaaettthIarJertUfe-yr 1 jy They stletagalniMelal Odds .At Who win not bow to the people's erods! a and dollars!: dellansnd dlmest v empty poc set's the worst of crimes! So get ye wealth, no matter how! "No Questions asked" of the rich I trow! Steal by night, and steal by day . , . coma it an in a legal way);' - - " feln the chnrch. and never ffjrsaka her. )iearn to canL snri ramm vaor Maker: ' 1 " - -1 B 3 hypocrite, lial, lahaf & airf fkof ; 1 1 I I ( jsuiaon iDe poor rememDer tne ruie: mmes and aouarerjraraaiiajaime' r r I An empty pocifitiheHWOBttFcllBieB! lift 1 1 jaii) is Jri baf'l. Atlanta Constitution. Concentration is the name riven to Goldsmith Maid's first colt Carlyle refuses to read a newspaper, possibly be cause there are none in England. It is related of the late, Mme. Bonaparte that she never adopted the new tangled notion of gas. but always used candles, and she would not allow a carpet to be laid on her bedroom floor. Leo XIII. accidentally learning that all the val uable iorced vegetables in tne Vatican garden were appropriated Dy ine uaramajs, aesijx lettuces, artichokes, cl be pent to -aie mai where all could purchase them who ft that the proceeosj kepuorije poor. . Two "resl SMt- cftndeetld-.'euthe't lately cut ph wires for fun in England, thus fourteen Interrupt1 enfoolfr communication with Lon dorf Dal tne unud states. This piece 01 mischief points to the fact that the most momen tous interests may De marred fey the ireaK 01 a mischievous boy. and favors subterranean wires. A man has been discovered in New York by a newspaper reporter who doubtless possesses the most remarkable be and in the country. The man Is a truck driver, and during working days wears his beard colled up and braided together under his clothing, but on Sundays he loosens It and combs it out and goes upon the promenade with a hirsute growth which reaches to his toes, and he Is a man nearly six feet high at that In a BostortdEMlaVid) enured thrpferihA bhirt aaopiea 01 in rowing verse aner verse 01 a nymn that is to ben&b tie eongregatioji in large tope upon a waUsWy meads of magl&'iantern.ThQ "nas aireaoy oeen round 10 piease me 01a as wen as the. young, and bi Its means "toe Abjections to 8lryfjng f fcino book; erbf haflng left the book atnome, or of eye-Injuring fine type, are an- WW ii JL def InflarA t J al appear as def enaanx to a breach-of- promlse suit, tills Is the kind of a bill a young rail road man has paid a St Louis girl, according to a lengthy account in the veracious Timea-Journal: "Mr. to Miss , Dr. To balance as per bill rendered, $28.65: to gas used In parlor, $3.25; to spooninc (net), 850: to advice furnished, 5 cts; to fine for not calling as appointed, $5; to mend ing leg oi soia, 1.75; total, Talk about knowing babies! ,A. soung. married couple, lmng-on Xottit Pfelawara streeK have a six months old babe that for two eeks past has been considered the wonder of the neighborhood and the admiration of all the mothers for squares and squares about Only six months old, and actually scratched Its own head! Did it too. with the vigor of an eight-year-old schoolboy. It was too cunnln' ! The other day an old lady of vast experience was shown the baby the wonderful baby when it was scratching Its head with unusual emphasis. She adjusted her glasses and looked carefully. No matter what she said. A fine-toothed comb was bought the nurse girl was discharged, and the phenomenon case4. IndfiiatoM Nkvm I ad lum TATE NEWS. Col. A. M. Waddell is to deliver the memorial address in Newbeme. . i , There was a large anji destructive forest fire ini Bf (m3wick county last Sunday. ThaE"tgfrriUtmHCT'TgiHi two Episct I cilurfeheslo&Rilei2rtair4junt- A woesetwmb r day afternoon. Punish him. CaptInfisWliasbeen elect ed president and (japt. John feioan sec- rey.pfi t,;il,mington. compress, ani wa:enous,empany, ,.. 4 Ml0 MruJehn Qa Gantf the firms ofi John Q. Gant & Go of Company Shops, was marnedTuesday evening, at copal' church of Morgantbt Corinna M. Erwin, of Burke. tiPitrir: e,,'tiehiai' femirfiojed,mtaatvpremaMre botml wreooaitb'frontiryOTdcrf! HTi iO! ROAR (1f iiti Wi-rhaif:! MMr Wf ' S passing The .WilrningtiOJivf-Prfiays the last General Conference of the Methodist EniscoDal Church. South, recommended that missionary,: societies, ccomposedrtaf ladies, be formed throngbout the church bounds, and accordance with this ac tion a society WaS 'orgariized Sunday af ternoon at Eront Street church, in that eity with Mrs. C. G. Kennedy.-as ,presi- "Kaleigh Observer : The idrpoiators :6tthe State Umverait.!rtaUr5aiiet at tCfcapeiHill o Saturday lasfe m 3&al fjlvTameron presiaea ana coBamusiancra were chosen to open p tion arid" report to aii1 j ing on tte4WofiTMmA soon as 810.000 shall oe subscribed directors J MRt)e -eleeteft comroteiifced. were-a fact. Flv was on ner way to ismicnviue-j when' abflBailflbelow nwpiAn- buck swimming acr,0t.Wf4J?W65iirf warol'iIM -rinswick shore. They RrftttfntftfrW the -thbteatner wbnMgnlongnsaewei him. tfttrtawsm'tmguvtoB aeer mi r or,H Hfr Wftlfnn thrftw a linftMi he X hia horns. drewJiia head un and cut his throat, agUJtHefiffm4W!fc&n aboard. When taken to Smithvillebe was found to weigh about one hunftrariftunfts- r The Wilmington Star is informed i hat Jar.k Brvant a very respectable colored(man, who lives three or four) Mesrontfeir Tfr'ftrPefider totm- tv. cut down a Dee tree on csaiuraay, lastrand fdnftd ;tnefeirI, aKcohsiderabre quantity or noney. aii wuuivtJS' cept one of his daughters;"' riartooR'Tjf the wild sweetness. She was engaged; inffimni tilttner? and bthetfntfe they wereinvitedM -therepastathey were; too sick to respond, George, a grown, man, died in a few minutes, and the re-; mainder of theTamily are still sick, from the effects of- their indulgence, though it iS'eiielhedsthtTinder good medical,,tffameriie wjjlj.ecover. Unremitting application will Induce disease un-; less the blood be keptustontiy pure and rich. , For all hard workers the remedy to keep the blood In the best condition is Dr. BuU's Blood Mixture, j ii4 if. i - : r i" tv 1 1 r" :np?jinD j For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wlnslow's Soott-' Inir Syrup has been used for children . It corrects. acTditrof the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates rtit,- iH' ivRAnterv and diarrhoea, whether' SSbfrom teethlngor Uier causes. An old and: weU known remedy. 25c per bottle. awl ' raotnin last; where they had) evidently been droippe M'thej fefi''lwjrby some on passing; onth!stteet.'b ctttfe. ed president oSouiiiBail- been stricken with paralysis and is in a critical cohcuaon, ; '. iwrprn', ',-, President Palrher, of the Charlotte. Columbia and August Kailroad, says Chester i3 ' the. ,tt4rd t cotton market in South Carolina, ' Thft? firie5" 616Y nifanistat' Cberbkee Ford Iron Workd, Spartaatflixgeounty, occupied by 1 Captu R ih latlam, Agent, was- accidentally flestr'dyed by tire at 2 o'ejteek a. nr.? Friday; the irtbfnet. .. "SiUMlt. in1lIftM -Jii J 1S11'71J Mr. A nana .Nif.noJf4nn an. old it,i7PTi bt; Chester jrouptyVedjefi. ra ib;'. a$. ts of hesteErdorJiitv' : S3 called to take place atthe'ciDtttt h6me in Ches uter p Triday ,nighV48th instsor'the jparpoae 0i;app6iiitig aeiegates to the igenerarconTencww o oe oeia an Liar-; lotteotf tJ4thof"July.'''S . :!. i : .i -lK iH-W.nl .I'M! .' -ri ;V- 1 , & OrmiKen wagon; amer ia.lJarhng-. iTQm, Jia wagon .on , xueaaay . last, ana, was, fragged spine dtance py tae lines,, and coning in contact with ne,. wheels was injured so hadly tuat death jensued; in two hours from WA f all. ' ' Spartanburg 'Eer&ldi Mr. II. C. Ec- ?I .the central iiotei, in unariacte, thk artanburi roat l'aat. wto1r:'a,ttd 'on their Tetiirn w'flUit ehtbutastic iri piaise of thfe sppnron tha iine. ' 1 J iV ,' . , . .j X' W: Stult was the name of the Hjenry county, Y8 tobacco ; peddler1 who was ,!kned 1 liear Kewberry last Friday by his! colored wagon driyer. IJe knocked bint in the head 'with an axel .'Th'6 ' Greenville1 'ifeta say the he gro fobbedliim of hfs tnohey,' clothing5 and pistol. He was captrtred Sliriday in Edgefield icouiity. - i - Columbiai?e,;isir ' Judge Thomson Was enagaged ' all day -in hearing , the case of the Spartanburg; and .!A.shville KftilFOftd Company against uaiao noun.- night, execator ofioEiiGi Shiver. When this company wabtitoorgariixe, a paper purpor,t4uft, jb $Mfm&m to its capital tocwas.,rseovaroun4 niXlumbiaeanpf: R. Rhiyer was placedon this napbM hen and )y ;Wlw)m does not appea,' Th,e ijr atnij; nat . itM4i" not put M$re;T)y;,Blnyet nmself, and confess tnemselYs unaole; rernaminlr out about twenty rfliiii-' uteretijje a ye.t Jfd thdef. Ml. M. (T Yellow fever prevailed at Rio Janei ro March 6. -;..,,., : Chili has forinalAy declafed war against Peru-u j.iii&MusHj: - In Woonsocket,:R 1 Sunday,.. Mans. ptvelie,'1 aged Started ' in a walking match; tfl sooiibecaineiill, and'.diMih & few hours.' -i-in'. .:,..:,: ..; ' -tEhe Presbyferyt of ; New t Brunswick, j js. BtrncK tne name or ttev. ioihi Miller from the roUotmjh1W;3tiej xlid not depose him. n '.' i : ..-, y'a;TlierepoB8ioift (ennA:'QitbiTea1i; ire denied at Fort Still. Alb are plow-: party, who are quiet.' t in ; : A hail storm crd Vat Pensacola la Monday, a tnmg unk known there bef ore,''. Sftnje bf jBift in jEUtOhes wfere 4ution twmrtommercial travalersirofir otheStateWeiWpf yearr'fcsid: f for each county visited on busmeS1. Madame Bertha Bef ire.6nCtl ati --r t n . a x ' ' Al. jxew x or-goi naymfe.caueu um ueaiii; of 001-a.nbrtDrafitjpe, has been sentenced to 12 yearsln . the periN ya nA( MuuMii jrf TIj RtmJVi.!i:iElw lj-H;'Hi ! -tut Mezeiuiih. SaejTitoiihmrjQierer,: fwase?executroaTS5 iKMw'!triayti mit, suucide-jMandavtibVii ppenrng)! the 'VeiM iaWs rms hnd legwrth a piece of wire.'.takewmr. proxjm . uandie. Richmond correspondence Petersburg lnrfe&4ppealr; $bVVeire ot 24, in the P5mdexas'mb0er summoned. -hv trial will bo eommonood Thursday, tha?dtvnfroeb?5 I think it.i3 Jiighly probable that if JjidgB ifirfeiawT44ep.ndt siTQcefscK in, gettmg a jury from the venire (of 24); just commenced that he will direct the officers of the court to make an effort to get a jury in some other section of the State. The interest in the case is; 'tthabatect. ' t!i"- : -' ,v" : '! Grave Robbing in Atlanta. wiJitoTofhe fitZj K I 1 Not many weeks ago the Constitution 'called attention to -a terrible aseQf in liumanity in the heart of the., city.., Aj 'woman's body tfas fouM pfeserved ml some sort of liquid for the experiment of amateur carvers of the human flesh. The case was presented just ae it was. AnothOT idstaice' ibks fust tianspired, which, while it is not so horrible m its i details, rieyierthesf thheye js rife in the community a spirit of van dalism iwhicbj-!hfrila 'bHcrushed.i iA negro,woman, jWho jhad ,feuried aChild in Oakland Cemetery, wanted to have tM body rh(ved,:and4Sbfweek etoploy-j ed some.men to attend to the, ,disiiiter-J inent for her? ShS Was preSeht'and Wft-! nessed the woritiH.) Deeper anatHeeper the grave was dug andp coflSn was toium-',ilt1ast'e:'tifl "Was reached, and. the .mothertdiscovered to her horror that the grave was empty! Some gfave, .robberr ,had stolen heri cmursvrmxiiasrjinaittmDiaim the earth noon the errave robbed of its ten-4 ant. JXlpQ, rnhe wasgof , course strj,ck-j en wiui griei aim gave vent wj wuu ex clamationsifT a.'A WUl it do no harm?""Thi3 is the question of ten asked, and the answer is. "it cannot,' for Dr. Bull's Rnhv Svnm 1s an Innnmnt mmmlr. narm.nt4 -d to contain aeitherOpium, Morphia, or any thingj .t,.-i3i i'.ni ceughllg IkCkQrefe.'' tiz-uh msU No mace In the world eauals. London for the constant barking kept up In the churches. It is like a perpetual fusllade of small arms. Why iiimt thnr takA Hall's Balsam and cnt rid nf thlr coughs ? -It Is the most wonderful remedy, and the' Eropnetors tfwarraat : -., tt 4 j in . every.; ; tntaaae.i etaneouglwrtj'Mlrtl4vitIw;v' 1 TOrJLSWf. X Tins 1 ttift;waa(a.ijaiipr pvjaraae, ana, taQve4 rsmountt, N. C,; to Chester jit 181 and established himself '.'.'Tbe casfof -pj,layw:OoAli 'iiVUailp Mondavto De.aetior;aeeixain aaVf, .,A .. t:i. -i;-- t :, a t ti T :nT fi .fit j ; 1 ; Representing all the novel styles in the New York Market. . ' . . ! ""i ....... ., . ; . ,. ' CLOTHING IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE STYLE AND PRICE. -; - ; A gehoral inspection is cordially solicited. . '"' ' . Respectfully April , 1679, E; D. L ATTA & BRO. DRESS GOODS " u ' DEPARTMENT. In nils .department we can exhibit tne : most desirable1 fabrics and eolor-i lngs adapted to this market, such aa Black and Colored Summer Silka. Egyp tU4 Cloth, "SatlneBoyal Brocades," Tervano Satlne, Suitings, Melange SHk,' Bentley's Cloth, Erora Custom Cloth, sut' urocadea-urenaames. ana jap., Sllks,"Black Cashmeres of the very best makes, Black all wool l)elame, Tumlse, Tamertrne, Australian Crepes, and other mourning goods. .. Knicker bocker suitings at IOC. per yard; Black and Colored Bunting, and many other desirable dress goods. Places.. . AKD BHBBOIDEBIES. .i,' v.- Our etoeh .of these must be seen to be appreciated- . . . TANS AND PARASOLS. ii! .. .1 In iMs Mne Wa can boast the greatest variety ot Novelties; We present . I.- . ; .'-1 1,000 dozen. Plains Bordered, Hem stitched. White and Colored, from 5c to 75c each. ii 1 ij. OLOTH DT5PABTMENT , 'J i:- ; f ! ' .1; j 1 - ' 'Handsome ' 'all ' wool Silk Basket Broehe Cloth, for ladles' and children's Sacks and Dahnons; these we offer at half the cost of production. Handsom est goods ever produced.' ' Casslmeres, Middlesex Flannels, &c It complete, CA RPET ' DEPARTMENT. 1,000 price. ' P"Vrrrts; M an'eridlessirarfe-'of riew designs, at all prices. Rugs, Mattings, Crumb Cloths, Ac. 'I ;i;!(.i'l:I'') VJ- il .' , .'i ! ! I: READY V'h.i'. y. u i GENTS'. FURNISH INC : GOODS. OUR STOCK OF - O iH'iiiUfe'j f!l i;qi!Hi) .i! r li WHITE SHIRTS IS 0 O M O M : P L ET PL E T E LAUNDBIED GOODS, ' ; 1 .- !.:.: i . AS WELL fS , UNLABiJDEBBD. :."!.' ',0-hluvil ' .noiL!iXLOT! 'siij mtn Fine dress - 'tl: COLIARS .!; !! ..f- .... , . OF ALL, SIZES AND STYLES. We have same i goods, Weareiure .LINEN.UEF8 1 siz&'asd styles. . ! MO :wE'WiEE.tE&E3miEvfMiw 1 1 f i ELECTION NOTICEj u J''iltjtir;;' ) .iri'fvyrri - u;'l friii !-.Y -Notice IS berebr ven'that an ' election will bd held on the first Monday tn .Kay, (being : the. 5th day oi tne mouth),, is ii, at tne osuai poinng al 1 . , r Ward No. 1 Beglsfiar, John L Elms. . . j Inspectors Dr. ffijQai 8. it HowelU .'JL K mii WardNo. 2 BegMrar,.HvB. WUllams. ; ' inspectors i;Joh -L.Mbrehead,' Dr.l''Wnilam woan, aa jjavioson. j y ii ii . m n j j ; : ; WartfNu. S HlBiyJftr. B. P. Boyd. InsrrB?'y,l6aj'ri),irWiL M. A RtauSer. f- f'I -hv 810 Stsoar, a. y. wanng. if Inspectors X; Bryce,; Bafui Barringet. B: Si V OitJ. i tti, b. B- SMITH. Mayor. ft . .i - li WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OI '!. ... ! .'t!j. :,i i in, OFFICE OF WITTKOWSKY & BARUCH, : CHARLOTTE; N. Ol APRIL 3, 1879. PI1BL1D , Having long felt that Charlotte c?m 'atflTDught to be not only the whole sale, but also thelretail market for the greater portion of the Carolfnas,' and believing that the public generally, and the ladles especially, will fully" appreciate an establishment where they may at all times find such en assortment of all goods at such prices as will justify persons not only from the Immediate vicinity, but from a, distance,: in coming to Charlotte to make their purchases, we have made the experiment of purchasing a 8tbcM so cbmplete as to Inclride all the laiest ' novelties in eVery line of goods, to the Inspection of which we beg to Invite, your early attention. ,Te those who cannot find it convenient to come ta . Charlotte, we will at all times be pleased to send samples and quotations of prices. You will herein find a synopsis of our various lines. ' ' . ....... ........ , . 1 , : : this season to the trade, as well as to consumers, gant assortment ot Fine HiacK, Blue ana urown uiotn ana iAagonai suiis, Drab De Tae, Middlesex Flannels, Harrison Casslmeres, White Vests, Al paceas Coats, Linen Suits, Dusters, In as nice goods and at as low prices as can be found anywhere. - - , ' ' GENTLEMEN'S1 ' FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT Has received Special attention, and deserves your notice. MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! This Department we have given our most careful attention, and believe with the latest Parisian novelties, including all shapes in nais, (.togeuier wicn tne nnesr Trimmings, Aranciais, j eainers. Ornaments, Black English Crepes, Plan! and Taney Ribbons of every con ceivable shade and color,) Leghorn Flats, Chip, Canton, Milan and trim med Sailor and School Hats, at the lowest possible prices. Ladies' Silk, Kmbiokicrcdf .ChcaeUe, and Lawn Scarfs at half Call and examine for yourselves. .. Very Respectfully, , WITTKOWSKY & BARUen. R)H PUBLIC I II' I... MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS INSPECTION Men's Business Suits of Fin Scotch and English Cheviots, made up In our own house In Baltimore, where there are none but artistic Tailors em ployed. ! - ' ' ' '" ' ' ' ' : FINE BRESS StJITS ( Of French and English Diagonals, Granites, and Cloth Coats and Vestsi Paras to mateh. 1 Y ; ill in the best bV kddlesex Goods, warranted Wlndlgb; fT.H I I. made.b fine Tailors, pa we have, sprevlpus that, If r anv of our; customers . hare ever.tjried mem Jt'fr, 'i"fi: l.ii!'il !!.! " 'JK'W (-ii! 't'Ai.t ; liMtt.,VMi':Mitijiivii nil M H1 ifl Vl IfilfX liLiliJLi llUlMtllJJLJU T BU Y ELSEWHERE iil ER( ..!f fi nft-f-tir -i A Kr T -i --inf-ii-i-JiiLi-i-1i-i-1i -t-i'-l- frfrV1-! U.i Ii- J Under cost bv thft barrel, bv : 1E ,,ATTOUBP(..OFFICIL ,( ,, f)!;fi f R.UJSES ! KUSES l i d Sent! and got sy alilajae nf choice Green House and Bedding Plants - we caasenapiaaiasareuEn we wan auy pan ofthecountn. , . ... . oJ i-.jf. f.,.vru I J C7 B. FATBCBILD, Balelgh,N.C. J r, Smoke oalland get a Sudor, ar-ij n ' -tw ' : LeBOY DAVIDSON.'S. Jan30 .;i -S'- j.Sf 4' i .j t, , WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT. . . :t -,a .!. , . In this department we have every conceivable fabrMi Bishop and Victor rla Lawn,, Mull, Muslins, Jones soft and finished Cambrics, Nainsooks, both isheer and heavy. Piques la a very great variety of styles . and prices. We desire to call very especial attention to the new fabric la white goods, - '.VLenon de Syre," a goods similar to Victoria Lawn, but superior la texture and wear. Our White and Printed Linen Lawns challenge their equal in this market HOSIER Y AND GLOVES. : In endless styles and quantities. See our handsome- Silk Mitts. ( SHETLAND 1 SHAWLS. ' . We have ahimmenie variety at alow cost,' and dfter them exceedingly cheap. Every lady should have one, even in midsummer, for evening service, i " ' '' an ale-j CXI JI T A' I N LACES. 25 Pes. of the most novel and beau tiful designs, 121&C, 15c, 18c, 20c., 25c. and 50c. per yard. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. 1 0-4 Bleached and Brown Sheetings: N. T. Mills, Utica, Lowell, Wamsutta, Ac 500 pieces 44 Bleached Muslins all the most popular make. the new LI N E N DEPARTMENT. - Llnens'-4-4 ' add1 White Dress are exceedingly) low, and' we shall offer them to the trade, at a very small ad vance. : ' J ' ' " ... i 1 i , . i t . ; , . WEAR, The finest ever xbibited Jn the city of '; !i OTAftLOTTE. !- .ii. i i ( 1 : t i : r i ' j -. . . iil J if! 1 .." i' . .ii Mil ; i : :u ii i l-: . ' .. '' For Kefa's and Boys wear. ...;- , i . ... , ;. , : .. . WINDSOR, . .. , SCARF S ; LATEST K0VELTI1S la Stripes and Plaids, saltable for La ' dies Ms well: as Gents. ' 'I.'! . I .1 sWItlTE TIES, As low in price as 25 aents per dozen. .,,1 il ,1 ,1.1 !, UNDERWEAR. I,', i n -i '.uosivv iy-4 xatii-.utr v in fact the !; COMPLEIX.AS60BTM1NT. ' seasons. 1,. ill Vli; Viij '-,: they will l. Hi Hll i'Jil 4 v;; ,. .1 : s !; Htm Is a Chance for a Fair Trial. jflP rt-rr-h ii n hi ill. u.i. .'ki'j .'m.j l' I -'li Jtifl.1 ; ; t- . i 'iO ftW-ilv .-: ''t-i &. BRQFme.CJptMeiB. n-1 !( HAi av.vN--.nv- ,trtmv)ii'n iSCClliLXltOUB. il TATS OT IfOBTHXJABOLWAi I MProba OidU..). j Yadkto. County.. fcuti i jCowt.,1 Jcnb'SDaiks'ahd' iwyU im yt;-fitl, S'iiias j;.fil The fielrs at Law of Benjamin Sparta, debased 'iltaDrjearlnirlb ttie saasftictlim of 'tlie?rftnrt Lfdia DlmnriV wtte Of. Paton : Dtntma. uarmaa Feltswife of John Felts, John Sparks, an Klixa beth Beddlk, wife of John Beddik, are heirs at law in this case and non-resiaenw oi mopuwy -j- ; fltto' therefore on motion ordered- byttie Coot that advertisement be made for six weeks 4nT Cbaklottb Obsbbtbb, notifying said .defendants to appear at the Clerk's office to YadldnvUlewlth twenty day after service of thl notice, ttf lei faeia take notiee that if they faU to appearthat the wtV kioM kr intf ff ornfis' fti Yadf uituu-uuw. - . : - r,nn ..J Sjvifil i.li .TT Probata Jodc tA SPLENDip LINE OFn fh ng'r-; vl-M- -n i SLparksi eedtors oi April ia

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