"LOCAL INTELLIGENCE, i i FRIDAY, APRIL 18. 1879. : j KAllBOAP UIBECTOBI. - - ' .1' The following table shows the running of pasaen eer trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washlngtoivtlme); r;i ; BIQHMOND DAKYTLUC. . , Arrives from Richmond and Golds bo ro, l .00 a. ra. Leaves for ., . , 8.20 a.m. Arrives from Richmond. . ' .;. 10.60 a. ra. Leaves for " '. . ?. .1 . . X 6.45 p. a. ATLANTA CHARLOTTE HB-LUnL. i' " Arrives from Atlanta,.; . .r. 8.20 a. in. Leaves for Atlanta.'-.:.".'... ...;.v,iv:.-!! 1.05 am. Arrives from Atlanta,. . , . . . . 6.50 p: m. Leaves for Atlanta, , . . , .. , . . 10.60 a. m. CHARLOTTE, COLUiTBlA AUGUST A. Arrives from Augusta, .-......... iv :. 8.10 a. m. Leaves for Augusta...... 1.00 a. m. Arrives from Augusta,...- ............ 6.80a. m. Leaves for Augusta, 11.27 a. m. CABOUNA OTMTRAL. ' ' ;" f . f , A rrl ves from Wilmington, 729 W m. Leaves for Wilmington, 6.00 a. m. Arrives from Shelby, 6.00 pm. Leaves for Shelby,. ,. ...... ... 7.00 a. m. ATLANTIC TKHHK88XB OHia A rrives from Statesvllie,. . : . . . .... . . 6.30 p. m. Leaves for Statesvllie 7.00 a. m ( H ARLOrTK P08I OFFICE. OFSICK HOURS. . , . , ' f . OPENS. ! ! CLOSES. Money Order Department, . . 9.00 a. m! 6.00 p. m. Regl stry Department 9.00 a. m. 5.00 pj m. (ien'IDeUVy StampDepfc,.8.00 a. m. H.00 ps m. ' " M - -tT 8.80p.xn. 8.45 pirn. IW On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from 9.00 a. bo. to 10.00 il. HI. v- .--.v., ; ;. i OPIH1NG AND CLOSING OF HATL8, s -. OPENS. -CLOSES. Danville ft Charlotte R. R., . 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. 1 1.15 a. m. 6.00 pirn. Charlotte ft Atlanta R. R... 8.00 a. m. ... 9.00 p; m. " A Augusta R.R.,. aSOp. Ja. 10.00 a. m. Wllm'n ft Charlotte R. R... 8.30 d. m. 5.00 a. m. tt'hcirlotte A Shelby R. R.,. . 5.80 p.m. 6.00a. a, " A Statesvllie,.... 5.80 p.m. 6.00a. m. ,jy Beattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondays at 7:00 p. m., and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. YorkvMei (horse route,) Thursdays at 6.00 B). hu. and Frldaysat 7.00 a. m, W. W. JENKINS, P. M. INDICATIONS, i i C":, ,' War Department, j Office Chief Si GJJAj.'OFriCEB, Washington, April 17, TshXp. m. ) For the South Atlantic States, falling, followed by rising, barometer, souther ly winds, shifting to colder north-westerly cloudy weather, possibly clearing away by Friday night Local Iteport for Yesterday. 17 A.M. 2P.M.!9P7m Barometer Thermometer....... Relative Humidity,. Wind Direction,... " Velocity,. Weather,...., 29.585 60 94 a 4 Miles roggy. 29.43229.609 66 54 94 s. w. 9 87 N. 6 Fair. It rani . Highest temperature 6ft deg. lowest 52. - meteorological Record. WEATHXB REPORT, ATRTL 17. M. Stations. Barom Th. Wind. Velr Weather. Atlanta, Augusta .. Charleston, Charlotte,. . Corslcana, . 29.4 29.50 29.58 29.40 30.13 30.10 30.05 29 58 29.83 29.85 29.82 29.87 29.83 29.57 00.00 54 72 67 66 68 73 69 77 79 63 58 67 74 74 00 87 N.W. 8.W. S. S.W. N.W. N. N.W. S.W. s. N. N.W. N.W. 8.W. aw. :o s. 23 11 9 0 19 32 21 16 14 14 10 15 19 7 00 5 Cloudy. Fair. Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Clear. Fair.' 'Ehreat'ng -Cloudy. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Cloudy. Indianola,.. (Jalveston,. Jackson'lle, Key west,.. Mobile Montgom'y, N. Orleans, Punta Rasa Savannah, Ht Marks. Havana..." 29.83 HOlrlE PEN C1L.1NOS. It was Xo, and the hour was about 12:30. The magistrates found little to do yesterday. The firemen are beginning to talk about the Spring picnics. The three fire companies now have eighteen hundred feet of new hose. Dr. Bland, after quite a severe ill ness, is again able to be at his office regularly. The rain yesterday aftemoon the hardest we have had since was last summer. There are two raffles on hand just now one for a horse and the other for a 800 diamond ring. 1 The wise man foreseeth the shower and carrieth his umbrella, while the foolish leave it behind and are drenched. Isn't it about time to revive Belmont Park? It was a very popular resort last year, and the mineral spring Ss still there. ' ; The exercises in declamation by the ;ulets of :.the -Carolina Military-Institute take place to-night. The public is invited. j More and finer shad from Catawba river were brought in yesterday and commanded fair prices. Is this jthe re sult of the labors of the fish commis sion? '. A citizen of Long Creek township re Krted at The Observer office yester day that some of the young peaches on his trees were not killed. He is the first we have heard of who has escaped. Tramps have been exceedingly scarce in this citv since the passage of the or dinance allowing? the mayor to put them on the street for thirty days. It's singular hbw news spreads mong tramps. . , Old Probs. faithfully foretold! yester day's weather. It not only rained as he said, but cleared off as he said and at the time he fixed, and the wind after wards was from the direction; and of the character that he indicated.' V The Continentals are increasing in numbers. Gen. Neil, of Steel- Creek, one of the oldest citizens Jn. this county, has expressed a willingness to join. Though beyond eighty years, he is still as erect and, active as a, man or thirty. - I., ' ? The "critter" company was dismissed vesterday on the ground of their ex treme youth, The court room was full and the smiles that wreathed the coun tenances of those naughty iboys when tliev were told to go and never be guil ty of fast riding aganvwas truly affect ing, and of the crowd that was gather ed there, many were moved to .tears. Cuiuiug; Eleclion of Cbief. The election' of chief of tht fire de partment will take place at the hall oi the Independent . Hook,, and ladder Company next Monday night. .A majority Of the companies having in structed their delegates to vote fori Mr. V, F. Harrfeon, he will be unanimously chosen. Mr, Harrison has made a very efficient officer . as . . assistant . . duel. Being an old member of the Slndepen? dents, and the election-occurring m their hall, it is reported that :they will "set 'em ud" to the firemerk . Monday night V" Pemonal. Dr. E. O. Elliott, the proprietor pf the Bparkling Catawba SprmgsJ.waain the city yesterday. He will opert out again this season and will make sofne import i:iPt improvements m ine vVSh.. 11 - jerty. We regret to leamfrom the ton Uixh i AVP.ve illness or tne mother of Mr. W. J. Yates, of the Dem ocrat, at her home in Fayetteville. Tlie Wilmington Star, in noticing the i esignation of Col. C. W.- Alexander, as colonel of the second reginientoi tne state Guard, says: "Col.tiAlexanaer resignation will be general J regretted, a? ne was highly esteemed ip wep1- Tinil anrl nnrZlArA aannnA frt tlft Officer A TaluUe P,un. ' " ' '. ' LTneiveneraDre x& itlnierVleeable pan, to the effect that it is now time for borrowed umbrellas to come home, lent bein&avferl iswosferye! its ; twenty-second innnar rotfnd Ih bi hewspa pers. The usefulness of the able re porter would ; be very greatly increased if he did not have to devote so much of his valuable time to remembering, from year to year, a number of time-honored yiicu uuryone time per annum.4 - " ,ns Sontbern Butineki Sulde. ' The agent of the United States Cen tral Publishing Company was in the city yesterday delivering to subscribers the jSpmkern iusmesg Guide for 1879 80, a book bf 800 pages containing the names, business and address of the leading merchants, manufacturers and business men in the Southern States,with brief sketches t)f the principal cities and towns of the South. If accurate nA 'rMKeirt js almost inyaluable to business men who carry oh ah exten sive trade. -. Stage Notev and Stajfe People. Still there is nothing to encoiuge the hope .that our opera house will be open At ah y time. soon. ? ; i n. : t i liichmond, is thoroughly delighted with Ford's Pinafore company. One of the city papers says it furnished the finest evening's enjoyment the Vir ginia capital has had this season. Roland L. Tayleure, a son of Clifton W. Tayleure; the well-known dramat ist , and, theatrical manager, has adopt ed the profession of the stage. ' ' . i ; ;Mariricfc Barrymore- the -acterj who was shot bv the desDerado. Currie. at Mashall, Texas, on the 19th of March, arrived in Philadftlnhia WfvlnPsHnv TTo 3fmpYbSrbWs1i of -dahfem hfAiiTiii CtWv John G. Pierson. who traveled with the Tremain Brothers on their several trips through the South a few years ago, is now the agent of the Nw York and Philadelphia New Line, with hs office at 529-Broadway, New York. ! or many years Charlotte has felt the need of a readme room or Dublie li brary. Various schemes have been suggested by which this demand could .be supplied, but - hitherto none have ever tleeri carjriecUout1- 5 ThW Youne Men s Christian Association undertook to form the nucleus for a library last year, and in reply to their requests a number of books were contributed by citizens of Charlotte and others. Re cently they have added a dozen or more newspapers and several magazines, and have determined to open their room to the public. The library contains about three hundred volumes. Prof. Ilanna, the president, said last night that it was the indention: of the .Association to keep the room open every night,4 some mem ber being on hand from8tilll0'clock. It is pleasantly lighted, supplied with comfortable chairs, and affords a quiet and retired place to spend an evening. ne puonc ana especially the men are invited to come and test its at-;1 tractions. I Exhibition at the C. IVI. I. ; The exhibition in oratory, by the ca dets of the Carolina Military Institute, takes place this evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. We are authorized to extend an invitation to be present to the parents and guardians of the cadets and to all the friends of the institution. Much atten tion is paid to elocution in the C. M. I., and those who have at any time in the past witnessed the declamation of its cadets, can readily believe us when we say that those who attend this exhibi tion this evening will be well enter tained. We have been furnished with the programme for the evening and give it herewith: ' ' - third class) Cadet F. F. Capers, of South Carolina Regulus in Rome. Cadet W. Hampton Gibbes, of South Carolina Regulus in Carthage. Cadet B. F. Sims, of South Carolina Destiny of the United States. Cadet J. K. Mclver, of South Caro- linia Battle of Ivry. Cadet J. G. Bryce, of North Carolina Meagher's Vindication. Cadet W. W. Butler, of South Caro linaThe South Jefferson Davis. PREPARATORY CLASS. Cadet W. R. McLaws, of Georgia. Pleading Extraordinary (Humorous.) SECOND CLASS. Cadet F. W. P. Butler, of South Caro lina StonewallJacksons Way. Cadet D. W. Ebaugh, of South Carolina- Vindication ot South Carolina. Cadet P. S. Brooks, of South Carolina Remedv for Sectionalism. Cadet J. L. McLaurin, of South Caro linaThe Angels of Buena Vista. FIRST CLASS. Cadet J. B. Guess, of South Carolina Genius. Cadet A. K. Sanders, of South Caro lina Political Conservatism. Cadet Albert Gibert, of South Caro- linol Ttiialliurr . . c ? 1 I Cadet R.E; Wylie; of South Carolina Webster's Vindication of Massachu setts. Cadets Hasell Thomas, of North Caro lina, and T. S. Carter, of South Carolina Ouarrel .between Brutus and Cas- sius. The iriayoralty. The unexpected withdrawal of Mayor Smith from the contest for the mayor alty of the citv was .the chiet topic on the streets yesterday, and has complete ly changed the status of affairs on this subject. His determination was only confided to a few of his most intimate friends, while a latee number ot nis rnnst ardent admirers and staunchest sumiorters had no idea that he contem- i a tad such a movement until they saw or heard of his card in yesterday niorn- infr' Observer. Mr. Smith told a re porter yesterday that he did not fully tic LCI Lilt lie uuv w t J vl.i. until a short time before his an nouncement to this effect had been haridpd in for publication. He says, what is a well known fact, that he has a large business at the North, which must either have his personal at tention for five or six months in the Year. Or ,be. droppeq aupgjptner. ine question' therefore for1 him to decide was n. vptv Dlain one. He confesses to a dpairft to have his course in . the ad ministration of "the affairs of . the city ondnrspd hv a re-election. And it was this which caused the hesitation on his part His wishes in this matter have, LwpvAr: been in a measure satisfied by theassuranee of a great many who op posed his election lascyear. Mr. Smitn OUl Oi t-ne ueiu, iuo wuraia . . , . . j. , ... iroili me present iau.iiwxu w ed- down between Messrs. Flemming and Norment. xne iormers ineuus nllv-fitatfid Over the removal of their strongest and. most , direct pp- fnr- it was ' orpirip.rallv conceded before-hand that whoever else entere'd- the field, thetsrrritn ana a lemming ineii nrniiid hft touna opposing eacn uluci. Mr-Norment, it, is,said,,is working ouietJy. nd willatirprise.'some people . ii -C ll.n irnd t,,Vl1V hO Will lift Dy TUe Size Ul H1C ivvc nmvii uu ,, f.1 4-n ,rll i mi tin iniLiuii A propOSlUOn Was luaue jrcaiciuopr - A ....V,, a aii a nrinvention tonomi- but as there is not lMroltr frt ViA MTIV nanv noiiwcs in uj matter tins suggenui ia wuoiuwv , nUaofimi frif,.a riil flniihr.lesa be another nicn- lv interesting shuffling of the cards in a fcm lava, in tne raeauumo wicid ,mp - f B watching the twoorttij pairs hand afar off, but none the less intently I irOm atl Sutf to Medical Board A Safeguard rhro wa y iMuiid ike Prof e ion. . Dr P. . E; Hlnes,. president of the State Medical 'Board, authorizes the followiug:. "In order to regulate the practice of medicine and surgery in the State of iJfprthj Carolina, the General Assembly, at the session of 1858-'59, passed an act to establish a board of medical exam iners. Without a license from this board ino physician, who haa commenc ed the practice of itis prof ession in this Stat,Tafterthe'l5th6f April; 185, shall practice medicine or surgery, or aiiy of the branches thereof, or in any case pre scribe for the cure of disease, for fee or reward,-nor shall he be entitled to sue for or recover, before any magistrate or court in this State, any medical bill for services rendered.' Seelaws; of North Carolina,. i858-'59,' - ' - ; "In; conformity with the previsions of this act,-the State board of medical examiners will meet in the citv of Greensboro on Ionday, May 19, 1879." Li Mexican Veteranw. Prequent allusions have been made by the press to the pensions not vet eiv' en $o the surviving soldiers of the Mex ican war. 'The pension of the privates would be eight dollars per month that of the officers according to their gracje or rank. The pay of a lieutenant was thirty dollars which was increased by commutation for rations, &c, to sixty two dollars.per month. The pension of this officer would bd half nav or fifteen dollars per month. The number of sur vivors is not large. The per centage o deaths annually has been about 3 per cent. This will leave ten living from every hundred. The amount of money required annually would not be one thousandth part of the revenue derived Irom tne wealth of the country added to our domain by their efforts. Thirty uave passeu, ana Dut iew or tnose soldiers, whose labors arldftd so nrmnVi te material wealth of, the country, are now nving. n;ach year will lessen that number. Are they asking too. much when they ask that this pension be given by the present Congress ? THE MAYORALTY. 9Ir. F. I. 0bdrne for the Position. To the Editor of The Observer: We beg leave to suesrest. in connec tion with Ithe mayoralty, the name of our young'townsman.Mf.P: 1. Osbome, a gentleman in whom are combined all the qualities necessary in a capable and successrui executive orhcer. Although Mr. Osborne is a young man. he is uni- versallv recocnized as a man of fin talent, well balanced judgment, great firmness and superior qualifications in every respect. As the mayor of Char- ione ne wouiu nonor nimseir ana re flect honor upon his native city.- Many Citizens. Economy, Reform, Reduction of Salaries, and a Reduction of the Number of Candidates. . la ypWN' O&efver: 1 3 f UTie numperjof canoidates for the office of niayori as great ps persimmon seed In rer 6ta country school house. The Salary dfthe mayor each year is fixed by the board of aldermen. Reduce the mayor's salary and you will reduce thenumber of those patriotic citizens wh&3ires0anidtfus to ' serve the people. To acorapjish this, -we suggest that at the ward conventions held7 for the pur pose! ofr ppminafinf aldjer men, no one pe nominated for that position who is not pledged to a rigid system of economy ana reduction or all salaries from the highest to the humblest official of the town government,,, S .ECONOMY. AI.DEBITIJSNIC! TICKETS. . ij i .i i ; Jj-t De Wolfe. Scott and Asburr in Firt Ward. To the Editor of The Observer: Allow us to suggest the names of F. S. De Wolfe, C. Scott and Josiah Asbury as a suitable ticket for aldermen for Ward No.; 1. - They are men of means, integrity and ability, and if we entrust our city government to the care of such men we will thereby insure our future prosperity. many citizens. The men lo Fill tue Bill In (he Third AVarL, To the Editor of The Observer: Inasmuch as we deem it our duty as well as to our advantage to. vote for aldermen who are energetic, liberal and fair-minded, we beg leave to suggest the names of A. B. Springs, John E. Brown and 1. 11. Mciimn, who nil the bill, and will receive a majority of the votes of Third Ward. Citizens. TRIBUTE OF KKSPJfCT. At a special meeting of the Independent Hook & Ladder fire comnanv. called for the purpose of evidencing their respect for the memory of its late president, J. A. BixDy, vice-presiaeni, saia: Gentlemen of the Independent Book rf Ladder Fire Company: It becomes my mournful, duty to an nounce to you that the object of this meeting is to pay the last appropriate tribute of respect to the memory of our, late lamented president, our es teemed associate and beloved friend, James Harvey Orr; and as chairman of your committee to drart appropriate resolutions, l suDmit tne ioiiowing: wherbas. Almighty God. in his Infinite wisdom. has called from among us our worthy president, Jas. H. Orr, therefore be it RombMvi. ikl. 'mat witn tne most sincere ieeungs of unfeigned sorrow, the Independent Hook k Lad der fire company are called upon to chronicle the death of Its president, the late James H. Orr, who had endeared mmseu Dy nis aDie ana emciem. ser vices to the entire fire department of Charlotte, who as an evidence of the high confidence and respect that he enjoyed was chosen, the first chief of the dnnorfrnont. 2nd, That his death deprives this company of one of Its most enlightened and industrious mem hra: the department of One of its most public- nnirttea ana userui nremeni uie comuiuuiij ui ime who was willing to sacrifice himself in any cause which he believed to be to their interest, and his flAuvinte9 nf a true and tried friend. ' 3rd,. That we do most heartily offer, to his be reaved relatives the homage, of our sympathy and condolence in this distress. 4t.h. That in resnect for the memory of ourde parted president, colleague and friend, these reso lutions he enroiiea upon a page 91 wi? uuuuwss ui Oils nnmnanv. 5th, That the secretary be directed to transmit a copy of these resolutions to the city papers, with a request that tne same ne puoiisnea. J. A. D12LBI, I . . W. H. GbAy. , Com, r James Nobthsy. j VAND1DATK8 FOB THE MAYORALTY. 1 i i ' llid. Flejnmtng'S Cardj, ?' Tn eomnliance with the wishes of "Many Clti- na" i will he a candidate for mayor at the ensu ing election la May. Ever yielding a cheerful obe dience to your will, I am, with respect. I our uueuiBiu servauii, , .- . -. . W. W. JTI.KMMIHG. Mr. Norment's Card to the Public. To the Voters offheCUyof Charlotte : ftcixow Citizens In this brief way I have con cluded to announce myself an Independent Candi date for the office of mayor of the city of Charlotte, - . - ;rS..vl. ,-nat ,nftlwPfk at the approacning eiecuo m majr..- x m iuw iniononiBTit. t shall not be In the least Influenced innijiiKijucui, 1 siiau uvir 111 tuu ..... !"""l'v. , I V,11 .- hv anv nne. caucus, or cuuveuuuii, a wiou nam u friamia tn rp.nrn.nl nor enemies to punish: I shall not bribe nor purchase a vote, nor attempt in any underhanded way to secure one; but I particularly thartomArtA- indertendent vote. -1 am in favor of strict economy and low taxes. There Is no politics in this election, mereiore 1 auau rau iana tn ihamH ii nd take thi risk.' let the result be what It may. In thus announcing myself, I think it unnecessary to elaborate or make any further BtntAmAnt nf nrincmies mat may guiue uie; uui, win tniiv sflv that I shall ever cultivate a genial. brotherly spirit with those that I may become asso ciated wjth; and permit me, in conclusion, to make thia maim, 'mar. it nonorea muiiuuuuuuvi your votes and consequent election, my best exer- linns snail ue uireutou w a jil, partial discharge oi my aunes .T"'y:- C -i W. S. NOBMINT. Charlotte, N. C, April 11th, 1879. 1 Tri all who are suffering from the errors' and In discretions ot youth, nervous weakness, early de cay. lOSS OI mannooa, C, l will xcciyo ma will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. ssena seu-auuieastsu.eiieiupo-tothe REV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, btation D, New York City. Jan25 ' . ' APRIL? 17", 1879 S K,- .?7 PRODUCK CwcImkati Floor steadyrtafntl t.RAnKfVi .tiuccw "1J."'4)o, vubi uiguga i Wheat arm: red. and white lOOaliW, Corn in good ueoiauu u pa; bcuyc ayu, arm. b suaa lftiue nan rrom tailing out ana relieves neuralgia in Pork v-.' Lard firmer: enrmni nukir K on Rnftr f meats duH; shoulders 8-50, short rlba 4.60, short I Maul 7R hflmn rtiill utttlHAM A lai. wk. eii. clear sides 5 Whisker steady and firm atlloa! Butter easier, (the heavy receipts having depressed thMoarket); fancy creamery 15, choice western reserve 15alfl, choice Central Ohio 14a 15. Sugar sieaay; nara.ontttavs..A wniw Hi&ami, New Or- iean tmi-wt tm'Ba uuu dull and a shade lower pack- lngy.40a3. Bai-timork Oata nrmj Southern 33a36, Wes tern white 32a34, do mixed 81a33i, Pennsyt vanla 82a34 Hayr-maitet flrm; prime fenn sylvanla and Maryland 12al4.- ProVtelons weak: mess pork,- eld 10 25310.75, new bulk meats loose shoulders .3, clear rib sides 5, per car load, packed new 4i4a5l; bacon shoulders, old 4t, clear , lib sides, new -0, hams, sugar-cured, 94at. Laid refined, tierces 7. Butter steady; choice Western packed 18a20, rolls 12al5. Cof- xee easier; mo cargoes luaio. Whiskey dull at a.35t8i0. iAipernileestem and State 8h&a3.tt. Mmmnn ca inwvl xnk WnoMm mil jBtofa.; u tco I 3, godiochDi6ao.'3ka5a4-5fliSuthen flour t neavy; common w iair extra 4.10a5.40; goodT i tcnoice aoMwjw.ou., wneax OBgraaea wm-4 ter .red l.ioai.iu tUk a ditto 1.07 & Corn -ungraded 43a45, No. 3, 42 Oats, No, 8, 31 Coffee auiet and anchaneed: RionuotAd in rar- goes llal5, lnJob lota llal 6. Sugar quiet; Cuban 5a6 1-1 6. fair to rood reft'a AUiaitb. nrim it 1 1 xi i j . . n, : r . ..1 V powdered 814, crushed 8 Molasses New Or leans 28a42.; Bfce In fair demand and quiet;' Carolina quoted: at 6a61i, Louisiana 6a!Vi. Pork old mess on spot 9.40a9.60. Lard prime steam on spot 6.20a2Mk - Whiskey 1.07. Freights quiet Norfolk Firm; middling ljl; net ' receipts 1,215; gross"-? stocfc 18,787; exports coastwise 820; salealSOi exports to Great Britain .- ' BLTmoiFlim; middling ll41ow middling3 1 lVso. : rood ordinary 1 0c. : net raeelnts : cross J. 666 MM80Ot stock 6,6o5t-x porta -eoaetwise 25; spinners , ; - exports to (ireat Britain t to Continent,- ; ,k i u Boston Firm; middling 12c.; low middling 11; good ordinary 1114; net receipts 67tti gross ; sales ; stock 4,825; exports to HJreat Britain 971..; , . WajraGTOHr-yirm; middling 11c.; low mid dllng 10c; good ordlnarr 10i; net reeelpts 93; gross ; sales 80; stock 2,448; spinners ; ex ports coastwise ; to ureal Britain ; to con nent ; to channel . 'PHtf.At)HT,PHiA Strong: middHns 12c: low middling ilc; good ordinary 11c; net receipts lis; gross 452; sales K23; spinners 5W2; stock 9,963; exports to Great Britain 161. Augusta Strong: middling 1034c: low mid dling 10rtfec; good ordinary 10c; receipts 73; shipments ; sales 587: stock . Chablkstom Firm: middling 11 tic; low mid dling 11.; good ordinary 10fec; net receipts 121; gross : sales w. stock 11.35H: exports coastwise 333; Great Britain ;. France ; Continent 1,358 : to channel . NkW YoBi-Quiet: sales" 488: mid unlands 11 13-16. mid Orleans 11 15-16: consolld'd net re ceipts 4,450; exports to Great Britain 9,768; Continent 3,485; France 393. LiTERPOOtr Nook Active and firmer. Uplands- ti4i., uneans, &a. low miaaiing uplands , good ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands . sales 15.000, speculation and export 4,000, re ceipts 700. all American. Futures l-16a3-32 'bet ter. Uplands low middling clause: April delivery' 6 5-16, April and May do. May and June 6 ll-32a all-32. June and July 6 13-32a, July and August 6 7-l6ai5-32. August and September tf ia. September and October 6 9-16. October and No vember . New crop shipped October and Novem ber per sail . FUTURES. Nkw Yobx Futures closed steady. Sales 161- 000 bales. April ll.73a.74 May ll.81a.82 June ... 12 July 12.14 August 12.16a.17 September 12.01a.02 October ll.48a.49 November 10 .11 Pecember 10.03a.04 FINANCIAL. Nxw Yobk Money 1.04." Exchange 4.84al4. governments firm. New 5's 1.04. State bonds dull. CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of thi Observer, Chablottb. April 18, 1879. 1 The market yesterday elosed steady, as follows: Good middling 11 Middling 10 Strict low middling. 10 low middling. iu&h Tinges 10 Lower grades 88bal08 1 1 1 : CHA LOTTE Pit DUCE MARKET APRIL 17. 1879. CORRECTED DAILY. Cobn, per bush'l . . . 4 mbuj,' " Peas, " OiTs, shelled, 60a62 B0a62 55a65 35a40 BACON N. C. hog round Hams. N. C 7a8 XI" o m a rtonira aantl 1 AolOI. BULK MEATS Clear Rib Sides. 5a6 14tal6 12ial4 23a25 35a40 35a40 1.00a2.00 - lV&&h f 65a75 8 50a3.75 12Vfea20 8a9 Coffee . - Prime Eio Good. . Stbup Sugar-house. Molasses Cuba;. New Orleans Salt Liverpool fine. . t. Str&AB : v?1 . . . White. riv.M.wi .. . . j ' TTellow. . . tf. . . . . . . . POTATOSa . " n Sweetr.f.?..i.f,v..H'Ks t Irl&h. . , . . .r.4. ... . . orth Carolina. 'Jim, pr4ozen. . JPUOUB Family 3.00a3.50 Extra. 2.75a3.O0 Super , 2.25a2.50 A Chasge that Is a Blessing. There Is no more remarkable feature, in the progress of science, and no greater change In any professional practice, than is illustrated by the contrast of the medical system of to-day, and thirty years ago. -Then all medicines were copious in quantity, and nauseous to tne taste, to tatte mem was a trial to adults, and an overwhelming horror to the young. Now most doses are small, and con centrated, and free from offensive flavor. Until recently, however, one of the most valuable and efficient of remedies was aetestaDie to nearly all for whom It was prescribed, Cod Liver OIL the only cure lor wasting aeenne oi vital energy, ana certain means of renewing healthy tissue, disgust ed those to whom It should have done most good. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with the Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda removes this only objection. Its flavor is really pleasant, its nourish ing power marvelous, and there Is no finer nerve and brain tonlo in the world. aprl5 2w Ease Attainable bj the Rheumatic. Yes. although they may despair of relief, it is attainable by- rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy which carries on, by means of increased activity of the kidneys Important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which i pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urin- ary analysis, i ne name oi tnis granu aepureni is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a certain means of relief in dyspepsia, lever and ague, ana nervous aliments. It is, perhaps, the finest tonic extant, and is highly recommended as a medicinal stimulant by distinguished physicians and analysts who pronounce It to be eminently pure and very beneficial. The press also endorses it pCi$cjeXIattC0tts. A MAN WHO FAVORS Economy and Luxury should by all means call at PjSKKY'S. xne largest stock oi iracKers, han dles. Cigars, &c., can be found there. In fact his assortment is as fine as in any city where the noise o.. street cars and policemen's rattles' are familiar sounds. Don't fail to try nis celebra ted 5c. Cigars, magnificent Caramels and delicious Taffy Oocoanut Cream, &a- They are running aheadrof all competition, just as me mart who is . WANTED ! 5 FOR MAYOR ,i Wilt at the coming eleetloa. : ' Prof. Hertz's Great German Hair Restorative. The best preparation for the Hair now known. It gradually restores gray hair to its natural color, prMra-jrng a luxuriant growth, eradicates scrufl and uanuruu, cures 011 . ouseases m. tne scaip, prevents the bead and headache. Try It Prepared by XANTHINE CO., Richmond. Va , and for sate by allfuggist&, . ... ., .. . dixie soap. : . P. J.CBEW & C0., Richmond, V&-, Manufacture all the standard varieUes of LAUNDRY SOAPS, . 5 iWWch they dfter at lowest prices. TRY OUR DIXIE SOAP. 3 BECKWITH'S All-BYSPEPTIC PILLS. These Pills will prevent and cure Dyspepsia. They are an unrivalled Dinner Pill, mild aperient, ana admirably adapted as a famtlv medicine. Thev Mi ssed by thA. most comrated people In our country, and are extanslvely used by physicians in their practice. Sold by Druggists generally. Send for circular. IB. BECK WITH, Sole Manufactur er, Petersburg, Va. . ... w, - . in f n EMINENT DBS'' - Si Uk J; G. NIEDLET, 5 ST. LOUIS, MO., Say: Colden's Lleblgs Liquid extract of Beef is a very agreeable article of diet, and particularly use ful when tonics are required, being tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected. In Dip theriaMalarial, Typh61d fevers. Weakness, and every gepijassing disease,; we have prescribed it with great success. Sold brail Druggists. rt i. i ft sr. - ' ' - iiH m Li I Slilli lislki We will pay Agents a Salary of 5100 per month and xpeueert, or n niowa targe cwninwsioa, to sell our . new ud woutlerful inventions. He mean toAot m sou. bamplu free Address Shesma & Co., Marshall, Mica. dfc rr A DAY to Agents canvassing for the FlKK- qp i sidb visrroH.' Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. a month and expenses guaranteed to n? 1 4 Agents, ta, Maine. uumt rree snaw at uo., Augus- ADYERTISEMENT of 4 lines inserted one week In 300 newspapers for $10. Send 10c. for 100 page pamphlet G. P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce street, N. Y. "GlEWlAmAJNS In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver - Watehes, Silver and Plated Table Ware, J. T. BUTLER'S. WITCHES, CLOCKS, ' JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. tW Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 J LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half price and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Silver-Platlng and Gal vanizing made at short notice and, equally as good as new. Work done for the trade at low prices. tdgT" Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. : . Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. -septlB " - CALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL HOUSE. CALDWELL HOUS CALDWELL HOUS IE, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C, S. P. CALDWELL. Proprietor. This house is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a first-class boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find It a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day, transient, $1.25; per week, $6.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, $18.00.. JanlO gT. NICHOLAS, SCRLBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOB GIRLS AND BOT3. AN IDEAL CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE. Messrs. Scribner ft Co., In 1873, began the publi cation of ST. Nicholas, an Illustrated .Magazine for Ohis and Boys, with Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge as editor. Five years have passed since the first num ber was issued, and the magazine has won the highest position. It has a monthly circulation of oveb 50,000 COPIES. It is -published simultaneously in London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition is al most as general and hearty as the American. Al though the progress of the magazine has been a steady advance, it has not reached its editor's ideas of best, because ber ideal continually outruns it, and the magazine as swiftly follows after. To-day St. Nicholas stands The arrangements for literary and art contribu tions for the new volume the sixth are complete, drawing from already favorite sources, as well as from promising new ones. Mr. Frank R. Stock ton's new serial story for boys, "A JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," Will run through the twelve monthly parts, be ginning with the number for November, 1878, the nrst oi tne volume, ana win De illustrated Dy jas. K. Kelly. The story is one of travel and adventure In Florida and the Bahamas. For the girls, a con tinued taie, ' "HALF A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS," enck Dieiman. begins in tne same number; ana a fresh serial by Susan Coolidee. entitled "Eye- bright." with plenty of pictures, will be commenced early in tne volume, mere win aiso ne a contm ued fairy-tale called "BUMFTT DOD GET'S TOWEB," Written by Julian Hawthorne, and Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks, About the other familiar fea tures of St. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good- numorea sue nee, content, pernaps, to let ner nve volumes already issued, prophesy concerning the sixth. In resnect to snort stories, nlctures. rjoems. humor, instructive sketches, and the lure and lore of "Jack4n-the-PulDlt." the 'Very Little Folks' department, and -the "Letter-obx," and "Riddier box." . - - - - ' Terms, $3.00 a rear; 25 cents a number. Sub scriptions received by the publisher of this naper, and by all booksellers and postmasters. Persons wishing to subscribe direct with the publishers should write name, postoffice,- county and State; In fulL and send with remittance tn check, P. O. money order, or registered letter to - ' SCRIBNER & CO., , declO " . - 443 Broadway, New York. QAEOLINA CENTRAX T,- W :: VUWilJiTNQTON, THBOUGH F&EIQHT, BOUTS This Line being tatty equipped lor business. Freight from . Wilmington and all Kbrthcrn and Eastern Cities to ' Greenville, Spartanburg, all Stations Atlantic, Tennessee ft Ohio, As Weil as points In Georgia Insurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as Information furnished F. W. CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, Wilmington, N. C septSO JR. J. H. MCADEN, UBDOOIST AND CKKMIST, Now offers to the trade a full stock of. Lubin"s Extracts and Colognes, English Select pices, Colgate noner and Glycerine Soap English, French and American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. MCADEN'8 Prescription Store. 'ECTJRITY ! SECURITY ! SECURITY ! 200 Barrels'of C. WEST ft SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE ANL ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a fire test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will burn. C. West ft Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by Db. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCTT E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCiV OF T? A N C -r A N C GOOD GOOD s- Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes Including some 'novelties, which will pay you to call and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Bookj; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON ft CO. decl3 QnilovixiQ. JAMES MURPHY, PRACTICAL TAILOR, Holton's Building, Trade Street, Up Stairs. Owlne tothe stringency of the times I will In fu ture work very cheap. Will make fine suits for $10, Cassimere suits for $8. Pants of suits same rates, l guarantee an my wore ;no nt, no cnarge. Give me a call and be convinced. July 17. M. LICHTENSTELN. MERCHANT TAILOR, CHARLOTTE. N. C. Bees leave to inform all those in want of a good suit or parts thereof, they can call and leave their orders with him, as he is the best artist cutter and tailor m this section. Should a $60 suit be too expensive, get one at half price, but have It to be artisacstyiisn ana penecv. OH ! ARENT THEY BEAUTIFUL ? TJie Prettiest Goods I The above is positively what the Ladies say about our Dress Goods, etc, etc. We never have had such a stock In beauty, variety and extenslveness. We make a specialty of Black Cashmeres and Tamise Cloths. Always ask for LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Ask for anything you want In White Goods. Dont fail ts see our Parasols. Ask for ! ft MARSEILLES QUILTS- Ask for Corsets. We have any kind of Button you ol Glovea.Ask for anything you want In our line. AT14. V 7 VZXQ1XT r&tutB. NORTH CABOLInX' TO: ALt JOINTS SOOTH.; ' i ! i offers unequalled fadlltles for the Trsnsportlon ot Charlotte, Statesvllie, Ashevule, Rutherfordton on the Atlanta ft Richmond Alr-Ilne, and Western N. C Railroads, Alabama and MlsslsstppL via any Competing Line, and time as Quick. upon application to T. T. SMITH, Agent a CL Railway, Charlotte. F LELD BROS.. WHOLKSALK AND RKTAIL GROCERS and DEALERS in COUNTRY PROluTCl: Keep constantly on hand FRESH EGGS and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR KEYS! CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, ftc. Exclusive Dealers in RAMSOUR ft BONNIWELL'S and A. L. BIIU FORD'S various brands of FLOUR. ALSO, PBOPBIKTOBS OF THE CHARLOTTE HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and Is kept In first class style. Terms, Per Day , $ 2 00 Great inducement nffamri in inhlo Knimi. era; for terms see the proprietor. ""Omnibus and Carriages at every train. FIELD BROTHERS Proprietors. Mr. H. 8. Wilson y Lady,. Superintendents. Henby Wilfong, Clerk. febo $2.00 $2.00 MARSHALL H E H E SAVANNAH, OA, A. B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and $2.50, according to loca tion of Room. M. L. HARNETT. Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. Feb. 16 tf. TOP AT THE BOYDEN HOUSE 'Salisbury, N. C C. s. Brows, Proprietor,! Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh. C. S. Brown. Jr.. Chief Clerk: W. O. Shelburn As Blatant dec 80 gjeutistrg. Dr. A. Wr ALEXANDER, DENTIST- OFFICE OVER L. R. WRISTON ft C0S Dbdg Stork. With 25 years' experience I guarantee entire ,atl8 faction janll JEAL ESTATE, MINING AND IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selling and buying Mines, Lands and Houses, and will Advertise free of cost, all properties placed in my hands for sale. THOS. F. DRAYTON, Charlotte, N. C. declO 1000 FEE SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM. Just Printed and For Sale at the OBSERVER OFFICE. Ever Saw in Charlotte ! may wank 1 Ask lor Kid Gloves and all other kind We have lt . -: .. .-.'I- . - ' ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. in K : t,:i5tf , " ,1 IOf tnat.-'3 r.

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