S ATURDAY, APK1L 19; I87g. BA1LK0AU DIKECTOBt. .ft The following table snows the running of paseen eer trains to auu isuiu iuiuiuuo, u au uu roads (WasnlngtoutUne)! rf i' . v RICHMOND D AHTTLL. --mi Arrives from Kicnmona ana. wuasDoro, 1.00 $ m. Leaves for ,,. f, " '.V Xgff. m. Arrives from Richmond,..... V(S., 10.50 m. Leavesfor ...- .. tL45Djini. ATLANTA CHAELOTTB AIB-LIKX. $ Arrives from Atlanta,'. .-7 : "' 8.2flf a, m. Leaves for Atlanta,. ..... . . . . , ,. ... f ... .; t.05 aim. Arrives from Atlanta,..; . . ........ . 6.50-p. m. Leaves for Atlanta, :.J 10.50 a. m. CEiKLOTTIi COLUMBIA AC0C8TA. fa Arrives from Augusta,. . . . .-. i- Leaves for Augusta,:.. Arrives from Augusta...... Leaves for Augusta,. . .;. ... V . .'. . , CABOL1NA CKNTBAL. ; vrrlvesfrom Wilmington,.... Leaves for Wilmington, Arrives from Shelby,. ........ i. Leaves for Shelby,; , a . . ; v. ... . i' 1.00 ai.nL lather. , u.oy Of 111. 11.21 3m. xThoftfwfco are at Mr afraid of epi demic disease: may feel comforted on measures thfey cfa xerfcy a very simple froe the use of soap and water. Au eminent physician says:;; "It is WOlXIl While forptmmnn nonnlntnlaam. frthat 50,000 typhus germs will thrive in dessicated and borne, like thistle seeds, everywhere, and like denomical pos sessions,, may jump noiselessly Tdown the throat. But there are certain things spores cannot stand according to; the latest ascertained results or science,.! Awater temperature jof 120 degiees boils Hem M death, knd soap chemically poisons them. Here sanita ry ana microscopic science come tc- ODOreS tbriVft in lnw nrrminH and under low conditions of life. For reaemption. nv to hot watr 7.29 p. m. 6.00 a.m. 5.00 p.m. I 7.00 a, m. ATLANTIC, TXHMKSSXS ft OHIO. A rrlves from Statesvflle, '. . Leaves for Statesvllle, 5.SOTKT1L 7.00 a. m CHABLOITK POSt OFFICE. CLOSES. .00 pra. 6.00 P.ni. o.uu pwra. 8.45 vim. OFFICE HOURS. ' r- . OPKH8. Money Order Department,. 8.00 a m. Registry Department,. .. .v;tt.00 a. m.: (itii'l Deliv'y a Stamp Dept.. 8.00 a. m. " , v nf.-r 8.80 D-m. On Sundays the General Delivery and Stamp Department will be open from M.00 aim. to 10,00 a. m. - iH..'-'- ' :" " f ? . OPBSINQ AND CIA3BIKG OF XAIXa. S 4 " ' "! . -OFKH8..:-'CLOraS. Danville & Charlotte B.K., a0Oa.m. fl.OOptm. " ""i'll.l5a.ra.!8.00pim. C harlotte A Atlanta R. R,. 8.00 a. m. .O0 p.m. & Aueusta R. R.. K.H0 d. m. 10.00 a. ra. wllm n unarioue n. m.,. .au p. m. o.uu a K IH1 Q ? ye who U vejn dagger of imalarial oniirg.v llorwati is sarntarf.- S soap, nois- sarntarf.- SoaDis more sanitary. Fight typhus, small pox, yellow fever and ague with soap. Soap is a board of health." or An Institution in Charlotte. AhOut sik month a., fiftApn twenty Vf file' 'music-loving people of ,club for purposes of mutual improve ment. Prof. Bidez, of the department of music in the Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies, an accomnlished musi cian and enthusiastic lover Qf s the . art, was chosen director. Subsennentlv thn club teceived 'additiohsto-'its member- snip ana at . present it comprises the uuesb musical laient in tne city. The meetings have been held once a week, and the attendance is always good." The THE JIATORAL1T. .. i i -v .- . . -. n j.. r. . (r ' A Call f r n Conrentiou. t ..B -r H All persons in favor, of harmony and sound principles are invited to meat in convention at the court house in Char lotte on Monday night, the 2lst inst, at 8 o'clock, sharp, to nominate a candidate for mayor. - Many Citizens;. it v yir Oa borne la the Arena. to the Editor of The Observer: ', ' In response to the solicitation of my friends, I have consented to become a candidate for the office of mayor. Kespeet fully, F. L Osborne. AKr. H. 1I. ITlilier for Xayar-Hi Qnal- 'Yr- . If icatioa Recited. - ... . To the Editor of The Observer: ..We beg leave to suggest, in connec tion withthe mayoralty, the name of our townsman, Mr. R. M.' Miller. Mr. Miller is a gentleman of fine business qualifications, a heavy tax-payer and real estate owner, and thoroughly iden tifiedwith the, interests of our city. His, intimate knowledge of our city af fairs and his fine business qualities combined,, will render him a capable and efficient executive officer. Many Voters. To all who are Buffering froiri the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness.' early de- ay, loss of manhood, 4., I will send a recipe that will cure 70a, xiusk ur uhakujs. xnis great remedy was discovered by a missionary In Sooth America. Send a sell-addressed enrelope to the BEY. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, btaUon D, Mew To Cltf.; i---'' - Jan 25 . . . ....... QaeerleslslatlTe Doings li taaisUma.' The action of the , Legislatan of the 8tte of Louisiana la passing aa act to repeal the charter of the Louisiana State Lottery Company has been announced In the papers; but It appears that the Injury Intended to an Institution which has paid by contract nunareas 01 tnousands ot dollars to keep the doors of the far famed Charity Hospital open ior. tne sick ana, sunenng cannot De accom plished. The Supreme Court of the United States has always maintained that the sanctity of such contracts cannot ne violated, and hence, for twenty-five years from Its organization In 1868, It will continue Its work of usefulness and benevolence. The Louisiana State Lottery Company draws, next month, Its 108th monthly grand distribution at New Orleans, and an application toM. A. Dauphin, P. O. Box 692,' New Orleans, will secure any in formation desired. aprlS lw n.ou ut ui, u.uu wuhr . o " & Statesvllle 5.30 p.m. t$T Seattle's Ford, (horse route,) Mondy at gr Yorkvllle, (horse route,) Thursdays af 8.tHJ. p. m., and iriaays ai i.w a. m. W. W. JENKINS. PXM. f indications. . t- :: T, ) ?. M. ) War Department, Ok kick Chief Signal Officer V amttn.-jton. Amil 18. 7:30 P. Vm-tlia South Atlantic states." dimin isliing northwest arid Southwest winds, slishtly warmer, clear weather, stationi ary or rising barometer. Local ICeport for' fester day. Barometer, Thermometer,,. . .iti. . Kelatlve Humidity,:.... rflnd Direction,,. " Velocity,.. 7tsu.. Weather..., v - I 7 A. M.2 P. M..J 9 P. M 29.A35 49 61 29.738 29,767 53 58 91 42 N.W. . N.W,,: 8 Miles 16 Clear. Cloudy. Clear. Highest temperature 59deg.;lowest45. ITleUMrIos;ica.l Kecordi j WKATSKtt RgPOBT, APRIL 177-130 P. M. Sliilloiis. Atlanta,. Augusta' Charleston, Charlotte.-l Corslcana,-latlianola,. (ialveston,. Jaekson'lle, Key west, Mobile.. . Montgom'y, N. Orleans Punta Rasa Savannah.. SL Marks Havana.. BaroOi 29.94 29.89 29.83 29-81 30.24 30.26 30.24 2990 30.00 8008 80.07 80.18 30.00 29.88 29.97 80.03 51 66 M 56 75 75 72 68 72 69 64 69 6rt 63 74 74 WmoV N.W N.-. N.W. N. . N.W. N.W. N.W. N.W. N.W. N.W. N.W. N.W N.W. JA 11: 11 10 14 23 16 16 '28 12 11 12 Weather. XJlear. Voir. CVatr. Fau Cleat. Clear. Clear. Cleai. Fair. . Clear. Clear. - Clear. Fair. Fair. 1 Clear. ; Cloudy. index to New Advertisements. Attention, Btorneta' 'NestEtflemen. ' ? New and Desirable Feed Cutter. -sj Maxwell & Hirrtson Auction.1; $ Tlddy ft BroFashlons; .4,- - T t uji i It HOnBPENCILWS YeryMittljicKrress .thecity fust CharlctelsiM of some sort. Meeting of the Ilomets' Nest Rifle men to-night. " ' ' J Cliarleatoa sfciawberries are now sold in Charlotte. - ? They were caucusing all day pn the mayoralty business. , . . , The little ulster is doing duty again. Predicted frost last Trtghtr ' Another german ;wlli be given next Friday night by the Assembly. The fish traps and nets on the Cataw ba are doing a "fine business this year. i See the new patent feed-cutter on 'ex hibition at II.- T. Butler's hardware store. ' ' f ' , . , ' Davidson College oommencemeht falls this year on the 12thuf June, wo weeks earlier than usdaJ,;n K : T The man who stored his cotton made by the operation this year. It brings a very fair profit now. ;'; . . f Next Monday afternoon the present board of aldermen meets In regular jsies aion for the last time!' T ; . I PaymasterBiggers, ; of - the Air-Line, has come up on his monthly trip and made it square with the boys. Three bold men were defiant enough to apjear iri straw Hats yesterday and lliought it was really quite warm., The wet weather brought a good many farmers to town yesterday. They report first rate progress onj the t'irrm. :-' ' ' : ' . ; . ; , The excursion from Shelby to -Wilmington has been postponed till the 26th. Round trip tickets . will be sold for about 4.. The Hornets Nest Riflemen I will probably take a brass band with them to Columbia.,, They j fare negotiating with the ivtatesvilifc and aiiabury bands. .:-x4 The city registration books are not lost this time, but they aresnow fkept open in the different wards and it Would be well for persons who would'like to vote to see to it thattheir blames are still there. -s ' ' ; ' T lie members of th e memorialsso ciation and ail other;whOr..feeI inter ested in doing honor io :our. Conffider-f ate dead, and wish to assist in . the ob servance of iTemoril Day; are request el to meet at the residence of Mrs. Os borne, corner of -Trade and Graham streets, this afternoon at 4 o'clock ' ' j The Municipal Cauldrons r, I a Air. F. I. Osborne enters the lists , this morning, as, a -candidate vfot-nmayo1"' T his makes the fight -triangular jugaini but it is not likely o t remain so. long Among the divers", movements C &n the board, and projects on footj is oufe for a convention next Monday night t6 nom i !nnte a candidate. Xo.ts,. of things will l'iypen between this :.tima,iand7 win Moiiday two weeks aiuUi-i vni.t- I Narrow Escape freny IJeatVSy'strah B,aua. . Yesterday morning-.MrsS 4 Sallie, (laughter of Dr. F. Scarry who is saft leier from an asthniatic. affection sud denly experienced, f ailnre of I her ref spnatory organs to perform tner iunct me composer, it may now be regarded as an institution m Charlotte, and is destined to elevate the standard of mu sical .Qulture to a degree hitherto un known. The club has decided, as bas alrnlv been mentioned, to cive a Dublic con- to believe will be the finest amateur en tertainmenf ever given in the city. To render its success -still more assured. the club now holds two meetings a At the C. It!. I. Last Nikt. - The chapel of the Carolina Military In- being the 'declamation exercises by the tatutjts, uii me amerent classes oemg represented on the programme. The audience was composed largely of the patrons and friends of the Institute, to which were added the pupils of the Charlotte Institute for Young Ladies. It is not the purpose of this brief notice to criticise thef individual Sorts? of the young orators. If it were, little else could be said of each than can be truth fully said of the whole entertainment : that it was highly interesting and cred itable to the young orators. There is an ease and grace of manner, a distinct ness ot enunciation and expression which is rare even in colleges whose pretensions are far greater. The selec tions too were altogether different from what one usually hears on such occa sions. Four of the speeches we have never heard surpassed by young men at college. The art of declamation is made a specialty at the Carolina Military In stitute, and it would be difficult to find a truer exponent of it than the princi pal himself, whose gifted oratory has more than once charmed the people of Charlotte. The audience was highly pleased, and manifested their approval by frequent applause. The bouquets which were showered upon the young men by their young lady friends must have more than satisfied their ambition Declination of Col. Johnston. To the Editor of The5 Observer: i You will please announce to. the elec tors of the city that I am not a candi date for the office of mayor, nor can I consent to be, under any circumstances. I do not desire the office, and its duties would be inconsistent with my person al and public obligations. Deeply sen sible of the cordial and generous ex pressions! from my fellow-citizens in this connection, I trust they will unite onsome goon man, ot whom, we, have many.'and give us a faithful arid eco nomical administration. Respectfully, Wm. Johnston. A ITIan Who Han a Plan. To the Editor of The Observer: No one in our community regretted more than I, to see the card of our very efficient mayor, declining a re-election I say re-election because I have no idea that af te sutf an "efficient admin istration of the affairs of the city he could be defeated by any of the gentle men wnose names have been brought forward, notwithstanding the fact that either of them would make a good offi cer: My object, howeyer, in writing this is not to speak particularly of those whose names arerpresented, but to bring to-the front the name of one of orir best citizens, a man of fine administrative and financial ability, one who would watch the affairs of the city as closely as he does his own Col. Richard N. Tiddy is the man for the times, and if he could be prevailed upon to servev would savethe. city, by )xii plan to riise! revenue, (which he has explained io a i ew:of -his many friends,) weiity .times the amount he would re- (jeivai salafy Andfeea. j : Argl 3l a i. t . r . M. XV. Cincinnati Flour dull: famllr 4..fiOafLKO Wheat aulet: red and white lOOal.06. Corn firmer and quiet at 37a38. Oats easier at 28a31. Pork duu ana nominal as lu.uuazo. JLard Quiet; steam 5.90. Bulk meats dull; shoulders 3.50, short ribs 4.50, short clear 475; bacon dull; shoulders 4, clear ribs 51, -clear sides ' Whiskey quiet at 02. nutter anil ana arooping: fancy creamery la. cnoice western reserve xaain. cnoice LtentKtl Ohio 14al5. Sugar steady; hards 8a9ife, A white SVwm, New prleaos.6a7J4. Bogs dull; packing Baltimobb Oats firm: Southern 33a38. Wes tern white 82a34, do mixed 83a3SUi, Pennsyl vania-S2aa5. Hay market firm; prime Penn sylvania and Maryland 12al4. Provisions weak; mess pork, old 10 50al0.75, new ; bulk meats -loose shoulders 3, clear rib sides 5, per ear load, packed new 4a5ir bacon shoulders, old 414, clear rib sides, new 6, hams, sugar-cured, 9a-ardftaeaOerce8 74. Butter steady; choice Western, packed 18a20, rolls 13a 15. Cof fee easier; Bio cargoes lOaloV Whiskey dull at i.u tfava. sugar sieaay; a sore saj&. New Toek Flour In buyers' favor: No. ' 2. 2.35a3.10, superfine Western and State 3.45a3.55, common to good extra Western and State 3.75a 3.80. good to eholce do S.95a4.50: Southern flour heavy; common to .fair extra 4.10a5.40; good to choice do 5.50a6.50. Wheat ungraded win ter -red 97al.ll, No. 3 ditto 1.07. Corn -ungraded 43a4. No. 8, 42a4?& Oats, 31 uonee quiet ana unchanged: uio quoted in car es 114al5, In job lots HVfealB. Sugar quiet; ban 5a6 1-1 6. fair to rood refi'e Rt&aSk. mime 61; refined standard A. 7a8, granulated powdered 814, crushed 8 Molasses New Or- eans 2a42. Bice In fair demand and aulet: Carolina quoted at 6a6, Louisiana 63fea6. Pork old mess on spot 9.S7lfca9.40. Lard prime steam on spot tt.l5al71&. Whiskey 1.08. Freights steady. COTTON. Col. Alexander Sugg-eiled. in thistrecien.! . IIV A GENERAL WAV. To the Editor of The Observer: vv hUeeYejLnames have been sug gested, faKypor aer-forhe; mayoralty, we do nol; demsit Justf-thatithe name of M. W. Alexander .should be ignored. He is $neif otfr patrfotic titizens, a gentlerrtanabfi mtegrity j and one whose past record is unblemished. Therefore we place his name before the voters of Charlotte for their favorable considera tion, and hope he will, permit Jiis name to be used in the; contests 1 $ f. : J4nr Citizens, Anallier Rcbiuond la tlio Field C N, "'tm Britt tot Jnaror. - "Economy)' Endorsed, Persimmon Seed and All. To the Editor of The Observer: The communication of "Economy" in this Jmorning,s J issue' of - your paper, strikes a responsive chord in the hearts of many tax-paying citizens of the municipality, who think the salaries paid city officials should be materially reduced all along the line; and more over many are convinced from his al lusion to old-field school houses in the days. ot yore, .that -be is no recent im portation, but is to the manner born ; yea, a native North Carolinian; and with one acclaim would say," Well done, Economy-i Thi m W ard, Liovr Taxes Endorsed 'and a IVew Al- derniaalc Dal Demanded, To the Editor of The Observer: The communication over the signa ture of "Economy," in your last issue, is a lick aimed in the right direction. We do need retrenchment and reform and all the candidates should be pledged to this platform. Money is scarce, times are harp, ndtaxes should, pe lower; but whatelo need more jthahiallith rest is an entire "new deal in the board of al dermen. Some of the members have been standing candidates for" many years and have been o the board until every axe they have has.been sufficient-1 ly ground. Give us new men with new ideas of progress- and let us not be bound down by these antiquated fos sils. Progress. To the Editor of The Observer: At the urgent solicitation 01 "many friends, consmcuous among whom are "my sisters, my cousins, and my aunts," 1 have.deemed it oest. alter mature de- Hbdration, not to allow my name to be brought forward as a candidate for mavor at the approaching election. In taking this step 1 beg to assure my fel- . ' , . 1 i T - I 1.1 i- iow citizens tnai j. am convinceu uuil their interest will be the better subserv ed by this course, , For this sacrifice on mypart'tso.unnspai nowadays; l oniy reauest mat mv renow citizens wii show their appreciation or the move ment by calling on me at one and have ' their nroDertv insured froih destru'ctlbn by fire in oM-solid, companies whose as sets aggregate fifteen million dol lars. J. JN. Ix. iJUTT. A I.DERMANIC TICKETS. Another Sugrgelion from First Ward To the Editor of The Observer: Please announce Messrs. J. AY. Wads worth, Joseph McLaughlin and Josiah Asbury for alderpiea for WardjMand Oblige MANY VOTERS. SltMs.Juencer and aisbet for Fourtn v a,ra. A Car. , p. t f f TELEGRAPfflG ui REH3RTS, ' AfRIL 18; ST9 UJI SI 5W PRODrxat " Prof. Hertz's Great German Balr Restorative. The best preparation for the liair now known. . It gradually restores gray hair to Its natural eoior, producing a luxuriant growth, eradicates scruff and dandruff, cures all diseases of the scalp, prevents the hair from tailing out and relieves neuralgia in the head and- headache. Try a. Prepared by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Va , and lor sale by all Druggists. '' DIXIE SOAP P..J. CREW & CO., Richmond, Va., Manufacture all the standard varieties of LAUNDRY SOAPS, Which they offer at lowest prices. TRY OUR DIXIE SOAP. . BECKwrars ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS. These Pills, will prevent and eure Dyspepsia. They are an unrivalled Dinner P11L mild aperient, anaadnitrably adapted as a family medicine. They are used by the most cultivated people in our country, and are extensively used by physicians in their practice. Sold by Druggists generally. Send for circular. K R. BECK WITH, Sole Manufactur er, Petersburg, Va. To the Editor .of The Observer : The voters of Ward 4 wish you to an nounce Messrs J.J. Sims, Capt. Spencer, and A. K. Nisbet, as the most suitable parties to represent the ward in the next board or aldermen. Cbeap John vs. Delnionico. Re printed from the Home by request. Charlotte is a live and pert little city but if her people were compelled to choose between Delmonico and Cheap John, they wqld et jris have Cheap John. wfhereis, -however, no ne cessity for either. The mayor don't work on the average over half an hoar a day, and yet for such morning recrea tions he receives (salary and half fees) about $1,500 per year-the best paid of ficial in the State, pr obably with the ex ception of te' city marshal, who does not do much more work. We know we can get a good, sensible and dignified man to serve for 0500, and he always wears a clean shirt, and, if the people would insist on it,. might be induced alr so to put on striped stockings. Think you the offices of the city treasurer and the city marshal f ouldt ntby consoli dated, of ttioHnfces of marshal and street superintendent merged into one? Provisions have iaiien, ana so nave clothing and other necessary articles of life, but taxes remain the' same. ' "Let's reduce them also, ,W can, do it by cut ting down salaries between one and two thousaftd,:doilars, and by abolish ing offices we have no need for. I do not advocate a reduction of the salaries of policemen, who do all the dangerous work, make all the arrests, and get np monicos and the Knickerbockers who only- work aboutTKalf an hour a day and arepaia so,nanqspnieiy.;;14i; juiovvj tuts tax-payers who support the town government-are in earnest about it. I am a - taxpayer, andftnd it pretty hard to make a living and pay taxes too. So in regard-to hig taxes, I anu Cheap John aQVOCiixe.aJta want jieiuier su miubi- nor any one eisewno The Schedule Convention. A Philadelphia dispatch gives the following m relation ..to the contention of railroad men Which, assembled thei Wednesday, to fartange.. the summer schedules for the Southern railroads : "Tl-.Q nnnvp.nfinn mftt in thft flonli- - jr M. wh v." " Cental Hotel to-day to decide upon the spring schedule. H. i . Kenney, super intendent of the Philadelphia, Wil mington and Baltimore Railroad, pre sided, and nearly all the railroads in terested were represented. A commit tee on time card was appointed, and re ported against making any material cliaHgein, the scfiedule for through trams, leaving the- -smatfcer! tf - 16cal changes in the -hands of the several roads. If there are any changes to be niad Intis3(rining time tjieopmrnitf ted htt call spediaimeetifig. The ac tion of ;.the uommittee was.iindorsed, with a few unimportant, changes, it was decided to hold the next meeting at liarnum's Hotel, Baltimore, October NoEFtJLK Firm, middline Ilia: net recelcts 832; gross ; stock 14,384; exports coastwise ; sales ; exports to Great Britain. weekly net receipts ,799; gross; sales 1.053: exports coastwise 3,325; to Great Britain ; to France ; Continent . Baltimore Firm : middling 1134: low middline: lite.: good ordinary 10.: net receipts 115: gross ; sales 150; stock 4,594: exports coastwise spinners : exports to Great Britain : to Continent Weekly net rec'ts 136: gross 2.569: sales 3.281 : spinners 1400: exports to Grt Britain 1.500: coast wise 94t5; to Continent 160; to France . Boston Firm; middling 12c: low middling 11; good ordinary 1144; net receipts 990; gross 1,953; sales ; stock 4,825; exports to Great Britain. Weekly net receipts 4.922: gross 10.741: sales ; exports to GreatBritain 2,632. Wilmington Firm : middling lltfec; low mid dllng 1034c.; good ordinary 1014; net receipts 1; gross ; sales ; stock 2,449; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to uon nent ; to channel . Weekly net receipts 611; gross ; sales 240; exports coastwise 567; to Great Britain ; to Continent ; to . France ; spinners ; to cnannei ; snipments . Philadelphia Firm : middling 12c; low middling llc; good ordinary 11c; net receipts 22: gross 562: sales : spinners : stock : exports to Great Britain . weekly net receipts 1.056: gross 7.301: sales 4.848; spinners 4,092; coastwise ; Contint' ; to Great Britain 898; stock 9,83a Augusta Firm: middling 11c: low mid dling 10c; good ordinary ,10Vic; receipts 88; shipments 3.928: sales 168: stock . Weekly net receipts 703; shipments 3,928; sales 4,164; spinners ; stock 071. Charleston Firm; middling 113fec; low mid dllng lltfc.; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 33.1; gross ; sales 100; stock 11390; exports coastwise ; Great Britain ; ifrance Continent ; to channel . Weekly net receipts 1.612: gross : sales 3. 625; exports coastwise 808; to Continent 1,983; to Great Britain ; to France ; to chanr nel ' New York Steady; sales 1,228: mid uplands llc, middling Orleans 12c; consolld'd net re ceipts : exports to Great Britain . Weekly net rec'ts 9,668; gross 15,328; exports to Great Britain 7,729; to Continent 2,379; to France 393; sales 4,909; stock 179,586. COMPARATIVE cotton statement. Net receipts at all United States ports during the week. 40,336 Same week last year 37,364 Total receipts to tnis date. 4,245,593 " " to same date last year... 4,011.218 Exports for the week. 53,095 Same week last year. 65,142 Total exports to this date 3,085,137 to same date last rear. .. . 2.K45.341 Stock at all United States ports 422,203 same time last year 503.82 1 Stock at all Interior towns 59,328 ', " " ' s .me time last year '. " ' 67.036 Stock at Liverpool 549,000 " same time last year,. 763,000 Stock of American afloat for G. Britain, 267,000 Same time last year , 261,000 Livsbpoqd -r Noon Cotton firntf "Uplands 6d4 urte&nsrQ 4-1 od-iow tniOQiing uplands , good ordinary uplands ordinary uplands salerl2,000, speculation and export 2,000, re ceipts 6,900. American 6,250. - Fuhires steady. Uplands low.-iuiddlinfir clause: Aorii delivery A Dill and Mar .Mar and June 6 1L-32. June and July 6 13-32, July and August 6 15-32a7-16, Au gust ono septemDer w. sentemDerana uctoner October and 'November -New cropshlpped Oc tober and November per sail . Sales for the week American . Speculattop Export Actual exports Imports.... . American Stock.. American Afloat American ... Weekly Circular. T Ms week's circular 01 the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association says: Cotton closed strong on Thursday, and re-opened Tuesday with active demand and large business at higher prices. Sales since have been considerable and quotations generally advanced. American was in extensive demand and advanced from a farthing to 5-16. Sea Island was in fair demand and a half penny higher. Futures re-opened buoyant, with a anze business and advanced 5-32a3-l6. un Wed nesday they were weak, and most of Tuesday's im provement was lost On Thursday they were again strong, and Wednesday's decline was recovered. Trial rates snow an advance 01 o-az&ft. EMINENT DBS. S.L.& J.O.NIEDLET, ST. LOWS, HO.. Say: Colden's LteWg's Llauld extract of Beef Is a very agreeable article of diet, and particularly use ful when tonics are required, being tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected. In Dlp theria, Malarial Typhoid fevers. Weakness, and every depressing disease, we have prescribed It with great success. Sold by all Druggists. QAKOLIKA CENTRAL VIA WILMINGTON, THROUGH FREIGHT ROUTE DISPATCH NORTH CAROLINA. - - ! TO ALL POINTS SOUTH. This Lme being Freight frora fully equipped for businees, I offers unequalled fadllttea for the Tranoportton of ft! WDmrngton and all Northern and Eastern Cities to ! GnvOle, Spartanburg, all StaUons ' ' AttanOe, TeoneMM Ohio, I Charlotte, Stateevllle, , JjdievUle, Rutherfordton oattiaAaaDto ft Bichmond Alr-Llne, .,: ' and Western N. CL Ranroada.' As weH as points to Georgia Alabama and MlaslsslppL 'I tnsurance and Rates guaranteed as Low as 1 via any Competing Ltae, and Time aa Quick. Information furnished oP application to F. W. CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, WUmlagton. N. C. septSO .T.T.SMITH, Aceat C C Railway , Chartothf. Strugs attit ptjcdtciuts. -J-B, J. H. McADEN, I JjLELD BROS., We will pay Agunts a Salary ot 551UO per month dnd expiisci., or nllowa large commission, tosll our new and wcuiderful inventions. We mem wkat we kxv. 8amplv free. Address biiuui St Co Marshall, Minn. 71 DAY to Agents canvassing for the "Firs 35 I side Vimtor." Terms and outfit Ire Ad dress P. O. VICKEBY, Augusta, Maine. - a month and expenses guaranteed to Agents. Outfit free Shaw & Co., Augus ta, Maine. S77 A DVERTISEMENT of 4 lines Inserted one week IX. in 300 newspapers for $10. Send 10c. for 100 page Damnh Spruce street, N. Y. ;t G. P. ROWEL L A CO., 10 WCttttUzs auxX zwztv. GlEAfBARGAINS In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver "Watches, Silver and Plated Table Wai-e, AT J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER- PLATED WARE, GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES. Now offers to the trade a . full stock of: Lubln's Extracts and Colognes. English Select pices. Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and WBOU&AUt AND tUCTATL ' GROCERS and DEALERS In COUNTRT PBOSCCe Keep oHistaHtlrm hand i : FRESH EGGS and BUTTER CHICKENS, TUR KEYS, CABBAGE, IRISH POTATOES, AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, Jtd , , Exeldsiw Dealers tai. American Tooth Brushes RAMSOUR 4 BONN IW ELL'S and A. L. FORD'S vartous brands of FLOUR. ALSO, PBOFRHTOSS Of TWM BHU- PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at t J. a Mc ADEN'S Prescription Store. CHARLOTTE . HOTEL, s ECURITY 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C . This house has been refitted and newly furnished, and is kept to first tlass style., . SECURITY ! Terms, Per Day ... $2 00 SECURITY ! Great inducements offered to tanle harri ers; for terms see the proprietor. Omnibus and Carriages at every tralnja 200 Barrels of C. WEST & SONS EXTRA No. 1 KEROSENE ANL ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. FIELD BROTHERS Mr. H. a Wilson Ladt,. Hkhbt Wtlfono,. ....... feb9 . . . . .'.Proprietors. . Superintendent . Clerk. $2.00 MARSHALL $2.00 West's Extra No. Sons, Baltimore. Gold-Head Canes and everything you want at dec24 J. T. BUTLER'S. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial Exposition. Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a ore test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit before it will bum. C. West & Sons, Baltimore. p LASNE, From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER PLATER, Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half price and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelry or Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Silver-Plating and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as new. worK done ior tne trade at low prices. Apprentice wanted, with premium and good references. ' Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septlfi - - CALDWELL HOUSE. ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUS CALDWELL HOUS E, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C, S. P. CALDWELL, Proprietor. CANDIDATES FOB THE MATOBALTY. nyns, ana in a very pnwuuBi.vw mn.n k mavor. critical condition. Modil.aV wd at anriridicdes apreduetion iri summoned -and was. speedily.'ftandj tKilicf; - .GT3. 1. nun lllTj TUUllh J " we unraiea.ami ner jtwe wfw- en. A f t or fiii n ir "liPt-'T ."'Yiihiitn, oWri ) !. Gibbon, titli tli'e . assistant of !Dr uaham, lost: no:tima' .catttngtotoj her wind jije - and; tasertirfg a tnpel jhrourrh wnicUrt3Ue-was::fenaVledt.po weatHe after her lungs were again fill ea with air Mown into them iby means of the tube. 'After 1 brief time, sTje was restored and last evening .was .quite comfortable, but is still Vreathing though, the tube;- u s--"' , t Vntl.nal KniifrlMl fnaMfntA. - Two of the surgeons of this notable Institute will visit Charlotte, N. O, May 15th and lQth, 187S(, atoppihg at the Charlofte Hotel. ; They will have with them a fine outfit of braces and surgical aif rt lances, and will he prepared to treat aUMnds of Deformities ?and Chronic. Diseases, such as Club Feet. Hip Disease, Paralysis, Special Diseases. pn and Fistula, Catarrh, Private Diseases; Diseases of the Eye, &o. For full particulars, ad T, .NATIONAfcSURGICAL INSTITUTE, MaJ. Flemmlng's Card. Ineomplianca wtth the wishes ;of fMany Citt zearf'I wlU be a candidate doii mayor at the ensu ing election in May. Ever yielding a cheerful obe dience to your wlllj I am, wan respect. Your obedient servant, IwH -i W.-.W. FjJKJOIIKO. Mr. Korment's Card to the Public. FmirjowiCrriZKNS -In this brief way I have con cluded to announce myself an Independent Candi date for the office of mayor of the city of Charlotte, at the approaching election in May. Thoroughly Independent, I ahaU not be in the least influenced by any ring, caucus, or coayenuwui-i miau ure uu friends to rewaid notaenemies toponteh'; . I shall nofcbriBeTior purehase a vote,o attempt In any nnriArhnndnd war to secure one: but I particularly solicit the deliberate. Independent vote. I am in favor of strict economy and low txes. There Is no politics In this election, therefore I shaU run the r-jna in nut nnri and takA the risk, let the result be what It may.-. In thus announcing myself, I think It unnecessary to elaborate or make any further statement of principles that: may guida-mej irat will truly say tnat 1 snau ever cuiuvhao a. geuioi, brotherly spirit with those that I may become asso iatai with! and nermlt me. in conclusion, to make this pledge j That If honored with a majority of your votes and consequent eiectum, my oest exer tions shall be directed to a lalr,;honest;and.tni paruat oisonarge 01 my uuueu. 1 . . ' , . W. & NorotEirr. ! Charlotte, ZJ. C April 11th, 187U. ' -&m , ' 61,000 46,000 tt.OOO 4,000 7,000 21,000 14,000 549,000 44,000 33rt,000 2H7.O00 This house Is permanently established and offers all the conveniences and comforts of a firstclass boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find It a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. RATES Per day. transient. S1.25: per week. $6.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, $18.00. , janio . FUTURES. Nbw Yobi Futures closed steady. Sales 122,- 000 bales. .- . April.. ... May...... June..... . July August..... September. October.. November. , December.. FINANCIAL. New York Money 1.04a5. governments higher. New 6's 1.05. dull. ll.80a.82 ll.fila.92 12 .08a.09 12 .24 12.3rta.37 12 .09a 10 11. 54a.55 11 .14a.l6 ll.07ai.09 1. . ?c Exchange 4.86. state bonds CITY COTTON MARKET. Omci OF THX Obsebver. I ' Charlottk, April 19, 1879. f The market vestezdaf closed steady, as follows: Hood"middflng : 11 Middling......... " 10 baict low middling.. ....... -j... iuaa Lowmlddling..iV'.i.......s-.... 1056 Tinges v.;.. ...... A-- IOIVb Lower grades...;.... 8al0 '- Wrenched and Racked By the pangs of rheumatism, the joints eventually become grievously distorted, and sometimes as sume an almost grotesque deformity. prevent such results by a simple and agreeable means Is certainly the part of wisdom. A tendency to rheu matic aliments may be , successfully combatted with Qostetter's Stomach Bitters, a medicine with the prestige of along and successful career, of un bounded popularity, and of emphatic professiona endorsement. .It removes from the blood those in tlammntory Impurities which pathologists assign . as the cause of rheumatism, . and not only purines the life current, but enriches it, promoting vigor by fertilMnglts80UTce. i Digestion, the aeUon of the bowoM and the secrettatt of the;.blle, are aided by t it, and It lmpels.the kidneys and bladder to a regu lar and active performance-of their functions. It Is besides a thoroughly reliable remddy -for, and means of preventing, periodic fevers.' . -.: 1 y .aprlft lw . - ' - ,. ; I ' -: iT. NICHOLAS, SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOB &IBLS AMI) BOT9. A.NIDKAL CHXLDBEN'S XAGAZnm Messrs. Scribner & Co.. In 1873. began the publi cation of St. Nicholas, an Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys, with Mrs. Mary Manes Dodge as editor, n ive rears nave passed since tne nrst num ber was Issued, and the magazine has won the highest position. It has a monthly circulation of oykb 50,000 COPIKS. It is published simultaneously In London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition Is al most as general and hearty as tne American. Al though the progress of the magazine has been a steady advance, it has not reached its editor's ideas of best, necause her Ideal continually outruns it and the magazine as swiftly 'follows after. To-day ST. Nicholas stands The arrangements for literary and art contribu tions for the new volume Oae sixth are complete, drawing from already favorite sources, as well as rrom promising new ones. jut. j ranx a. siock- ton's new serial story Ior boys, "A JOLLY FELLOWSHIP," Will run through the twelve monthly parts, be ginning with the number for November, 1878, the nrst 01 tne volume, and win ne illustrated ny jag. E. Kelly. The story is one ot travel and adventure in Florida and the Bahamas. For the girls, a con tinued tale, - "HALF A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS," By Katharine D. Smith, with Illustrations by Fred erick Dieiman. oegins in the same number: and fresh serial by Susan Coolldge, entitled ''Eye- bright," with plenty of. pictures, will be commenced. eariy in tne volume, 'mere wm ai&O pe a contin ued lairy-taie called " BDWIT DODQET'8 TOWER," Written by Julian Hawthorne, and Illustrated by Alfred Fredericks, About the other familiar fea tures of St. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good humored silence, content, perhaps, to let her five volumes already issued, propnesy concerning tne sixth, In respect to short stories, pictures, poems, humor, instructive sketches, and the lure and lore -oi J acK-in-tne-iui pit," the . r very Little Doiks' department, .ana the etter-omv, ana "juddie box.' : - - Terms, $3.00 a year; ' 25 cents a number.- Sub scriptions received by the publisher of this paper, and By all booksellers and postmasters. Persons wishing-to subscribe direct with the publishers should write name, postofflce; county and State, In full, and send with remittance in check, P.-O. moneyarder. or registered letter to - i:s ' " - SCRIBNER ft CO.,- - aecio - 743 Broadway, ew lertr H u u E H 0 u 0KV E 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West & SAVANNAH. GA. For Sale by Dr. J. H. McADEN, Sole Agent, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR 8TOCT" E DESIRE to can attention to OUR STOCiV A B. LUCE, Proprietor. Reduced rate $2.00 and $2.50, according to loca tion of Room. M. L. Feb. HARNETT, Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. TOP AT THE TP A N C Y -J: A N C Y GOOD GOOD s- BOYDEN HOUSE Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest In the market The latest styles of Perfume Boxes including some 'novelties, whteh will pay yon to call and examine. "Salisbury, N. C. . C a Bbowv, Proprietor,! Late of the National Hotel Raleigh.; C. S. Brown, Jr., dee 80 Chief Clerk; w. O. Sbelbiim As Ristant FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases jyR. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST A French Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a full stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nan Brashes. OFFICE OYER L. R.WRISTON A CQ'S my. 1. declS L. R. WRISTON X CO. With 2 years', experience I attsfactioo guarantae entire lanlt " JAMES MURPHY, . ; PRACTICAL TAILOR, Holton's Bunding, Trade Street, Up Stairs. Owing to the stringency of the times I wul in fu ture work very cheap. Will make fine suits far 81 u, uassimere suns ior . rants at suns same rates. 1 guarantee an my want giant, no onarge. Give me a can ana be convinced. July 17. R EAL ESTATE, :: i' v. MINING AND. IMMIGRATION AGENCY, For selUng and buying Mine, .Lands and Houses, -Advertise tree of cosL. aU properOes placed In my - ... iianos ior, saia, ,.,,,.. i jy LICHTENSTFJN. MERCHANT TAILOR, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Begs leave to Inform ail those in want of a good. suit or parts thereof, they can call and leave their orders with him, as he Is the best artist cutter and tailor In this section. Should s$60 suit be too expensive, get one at half price, but have it to be arosuc, styuan ana periec. ( . declO THOfiL ". AYTpN,a . Charlotte, N.CL 13 SIMPLETiEEDS, 1 MOST AITROYED FORM. "1,5 : Just Prlirted and For Sale at ttie ' -! Tit OH ! AREN'T THEY BEAUTIFUL ? The Prettiest Goods I Ever Saw in Charlotte ! The above is positively what the Ladles say about our Dress Goods, etc., etc We never have had such a stock In beauty, variety and extenslveness. . We make a specialty of Black. Cashmeres and Tamlse Cloths. . Always ask for . . .,. . . ... ,. 'i- ' - - LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Ask for anything yon want in White Goods . MARSEILLES1 QUILTS Dont fall ts see our. Parasols.? Ask for ; JfciJi 'yyyic- ' . , . ? . r' v ' - ' Ask for Corsets.' We have any kind of Button yon may want , Ask for Eld Gloves and aQ tber kinds 01 uioves. AsiJor anyuung y9U want in our line.,, we oatq iu. - April 4.' i lis I ALEXANDER & HARRIS.

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