i tMffWM' CBA8. B. JOBES, - - ditonMl Proprietor Frw from the doting iiernpleatna? fettrf oar t SUNDAY,1 APRIL 20. 1879. , TJE MUNICIPAL JJOMIMTIKO CO VESTipS. Our columns contain a call for a con vention of ' the p5tfple' of Charlotte !at thejcQgrtJiQite& purpose of nominating a candidaljefor mavor. A word with all cbacertieclion. this subject : This mustr be st perfectly" free, fair and open convention or the time spent in registering its edict Will le lost. Good party people feel them selves called upon to abide the Action of their party conventions whether they like the men they put forth or pot; but as we understand it this is not a politi cal convention, and hence its defcisifm will have none of the foiqe oi a part mandate. In this iaie Ieryl44g iif" pends upon the prdceed'gs fMMjhg jm the square. There are rjoany edpe who despise this rajffis h&to iruefaitje municipal canvass has gotten, and who have well-grounded fears that if the field is filled with candidates the honors may drop into unworthy hands, f This class and it is a very numerous class will gladly support the actiol of this convention to-niotrowighi ifi tfiafc ac tion Ls dictated by prudence, Tairness and wisdom. But if any clique or fac tion, or the friends of any particular gentleman, go into that convention with the discovered purpose of capturing it, and do capture it,; they, will, after all, -have their laborfor their-painsantie feat for their reward. If any -one -supposes that in this instance a nomination thus procured, will be considered as bearing any seal of. authority, why that person will findhimself mistaken That 13 all. There are times when a conven tion may be packed and the people still obey its edict, but this is not one of those times. This is not a political contest, and whether or not the nomination that is made to-morrow night will carry any inflnerfce witfi it,tfepends altogether up on the manner in which it is made. The people may consent to be trifled with when, by submitting, they may, accom plish a party end ; but in this case, there is no political purpose to be subserved and thy wfll book no'foolishness. It -will be just as well if the things here said are remembered, through the next two days at least , A Political Reminiscknce. In John Russell Young's historic inter terview with General Grant at Paris, printed, not quite f year ago, he genet a il is reported Jaa havine referred to the third terra? proposition, as it was presented in 1876, as. follows: Then came all the discussion about the .third term. gave my views on that in my letters to Senator "White, Of Pennsylvania. It is not known; how ever, how strongly I was pressed to en ter tne canvass as a candidate. I was waited upon formally by a distinguish ed . man, representing the influences thatvould !ha(Ye controlled the Repub licans in the South, and asked td allow my name to be used. This request wis ..supported by m,en in' the Northern States whose position and character are unquestioned. I said then that un ,der no circumstances would ?P become a candidate. ' " . . The Washington Republican says it -iajiQ breach of xoDfidencelo Mate mxw. that the distinguislied man" above re- jpireu, 3aj ,was vuage: .'Xaomas-settie, thep of North, eapcrfina, now afJorida. Tkii iieteiunitheinferesi is not diminished by the fact that it yas the general understanding about the time referred to'thatilSGrant were renomU AateA fox u third, term, Capta.in .Settle's - tkttK? 4M&x)M i4cfaA on hetkket, POLITICALSiN5fFl(C:N3E OF THE BOND SiRtfryoNrisurt vdeof' tlmt the New York syndicate does not share Mr. Garfield's opinion on tJwi sidJeci of resolntiow." YHiehthanassocraioii of banks and bankers, subscribes tb& gov ernment issue of $190,000,000 of .bofids in one lot, it may be taken as fiinclu sive proof that there is no immediate danger of the government beingl Over turned by "Confederate brigadiers", or anybody else. Itls a very significant fact that this unparralleled expression of confidence inthe stabilitv of our governmental affairs comes at aitime when the "rebel Democracy" havei just gotten pesisefsioj of, lb teisjitive branch 'of the VoTernment,;antiie ta!r warts may rant till tliey are holWahd foam at the mouth, but the people can never be brought to believe that this government is in any danger, .from within or without as long as T the . financial men at the jeountrj continue to gife Aieh ifubstanlfal manifestations as this of their confidence in the integ rity'of purpose the dominant : party. A Pacific Adjustment Predicted. In reference io the deadioek between Congress and the President Col. A. K McCluref ecliioVi All the Philadelphia Times, telegraphs as folio ws,under date of the f17Ui,,from "Washington to his newspaper: The signs are'nmistakable that the x desperate Playera for a political panic havejatteilyfaUeclin their, venturewand I am to-day confirmed in the belief that the whole 'IssUtf; will, be Jadjusted iq a short time Adwithout any violent antagonism between the President and uongress. x ao not mean; to sav that ,iA. -"rrr -zjt"' juu iwucu B wiuuu or even ueiy & ?PProve ooth the army and tiie legii lattve aDDroDrtation bill thv hii nrill be passed, but I believe that the apprc pnatiou bills, the repeal of the test oath lor Jurors, the repeal of the clause al lowing the se-- . of troops at elections and the; modification of the' national election; lawa 3riU ;ali: be passed and -signed, by the, President within? the next forty or sixty days, and then give u wuui,ry aootner Dreaihinit spell to SSS Peaceand advance its general rwpOTttftf w ,( vt aT,, t j ,; Pd the Legislative 1,IjTe lnIt: rrom he following; lan filTi T ' T f eie isstmnrm in hi .purpose to speak on me legislative, executive and judicial ago, was tried last week in Wayne apprppriationbilL - , . H i -'1- Superior : Court, - acquitted and dis vlwhenne ir.tstli'e Jl cged from cusy. The Goldsbord win ft T .. r". ui -veuresentanve nlaaia wiii . -uarpiy repiy to the lowa idiot, who lv to. went out of his wav to-nino- dirt nt. North, Carolina In his . remarks oh: the army Dim tsteele: calls a spade a Bpade. , and we like that outspoken way of .Improper arttetes ot rood often cause the -Wood to become loadod with foul inm -n7l-'rr1 blood wiui D,. hm;t iffiyiKas; InJ the House -of EepresentatiTes, Thursday, Mr. Scales, of North Caro lina, filed abill as a petition .JWpg the value of pth0tadan4ff, dollars, and providing jthat! the legal tender silver dollar lAan be the un$ ot; value." - The "Washington Republican says it provides that the trade dollar of the United States and the Mexican dol lar shall be receivable at the United 1 State;Tf easirj'rAnd its several ofiices at the Value of 100 cents, and all sums so deposited snail oe re-coinea into tender' silyer dollar shall be a unit of value. Until finaraisposttion is made of this bill it might be well enough for the many holders, in this section, of Mexi can dollars, to continue to hold on to them, rather than let them go at 75 cents, which is about; the' neight of their present value as currency. 5 lANOtERi Precedent. The LJjlfw York Sun has developed another mgfly ,iateretihg piece of political hijptdry anent the present "revolutionary" legis lation of the democrats in Congress. In reference to the Southern claims commission the Sun says: An interesting thing about this claims commission is that it was not created at all tin1 that regular way! fofr which the Republicans haVe suddenly become such sensitive sticklers. A Re publican Congress attached it as an amendment to the army bill of 1871, and maintained boldly that -it was riarht and proper to do so. Some of the verv orators who have been fiercest in denouncing the repeal of a few words of the Revised Statutes-by means -of the army appropriation bill, so as to forbid thepreseuce of: troops at the polls, were conspicuous in tacking this Claims cuiuiuissiuus uu mhj uiiiiy uiu. O, Jeptha, judge of Israel ! -Questions of DECiSNCY.-If 'The r Charlotte (N. C.) Observer cannot be able it can at least be decent, perhaps, in its controversies Washington He- publican. ; Our .amiable contemporary says 'for us more than we can say for it. And yet perhaps we ought not put it quite so strongly, either, for we don t know whether or not it could be decent if it tried, it never tries and we nave no means of judging. STATE SEWS The Concord band has a half dozen engagements ahead. A militarv company lias been formed in Morganton with j. A. nnstol as cap tain. A wolf killed on weighing eighty pounds was the 2nd inst. in Buncombe county. Rebecca's Tent is the name of a col bred ' charitable breanizaUon in mingtQny jf- I ( J j 5 fjSadTcUJBfit0 tiapged himaem sar Strath AfirlS, Camdencounty, on thesth. Insanity. The third floor of the Asheville conrt house has been rented and will be fixed up for a theatre. A negro in "Wilson county, near rTois.notk was struck by. lightning one 'daylt week,'-ancl killed, if; : : f Messrs. C. G. Montgomery and John j. Dross announces tnemseives as can didates for the office of mayor, of Con cord. : ' ; , A w-hite womai living near Eason ville, Nash eounfj-, tried to poison itner, one. aav iast wees. J ealoiisv. the cause. The j?ctfi:saysu.that Elizabeth City has shipped through the Dismal Swamp Canal more than $100,000 worth of fisbrthis: year,-r t-sr MrSjlElizi Boone, of Northampton countyjnptber-in-aw of the late Hon. Edward Coiiigiandwas burned ta deatftTastMonBarnlghff8 The Citizen understands that Judge? Bond will preside with Judge Dick in the Federal court which meets at Asheville on the 6th of May. "W." II. .Boyette, a mulatto, has been arrested in Wilmington for extensive robberies of school houses. Much of the stolen property was fonnd in his possession. The New$ learns that the exodus A I 1 - - j '. iever nas anacKea tne negroes in Weldon, and that caucuses have been held to consider the expediency of moving awiy. " ; ; , ;; ;' ' Lvnchburcf " Virainiani Hon. 7 R Vance has promised, if hot otherwise7 prevented, to deliver an address at the spring fair which is soon to take place in Lynchburg. A train on the Washington & James ville road ran off the track on the llth. Joe Forbes, brakesman, was instantly killed, and the: vassenger an4 fn coaches smashed. Speaking of the recommendation thai the 20th of May be observed as a general holiday throughout the State iJhe Tarboro Soufoervet lisavsi We rather like the idea., . It is fKmething of jniuvu aiijf jiw(AK3 uuiit uv pruUU' H' Concord Register : Jesse Heatbeock will be home in a day or two:v He will come home with the same legs he took away, me surgeons removed the ball, which . he received at the Gettysburg fiehL from his thieh. and sav thev will send him home sound In limb' , Lemuel Newsome.: the oldest citizen of Hertford county, died last week. aged 96 years. Capt Abram Thomas, one of the oldest and, most respected citizens of the same county; fell dead while feeding his hbrse-last weekT as y e team irom tne jsnqutrer. The Tarboro Southerner learns that a young white man named Jertet Smith, wnue unaer tne innuence oi nanor. crot in a diflficulty with a negro and cut liis mroai in jxasnvuie. jjjasn countv. on Mondav. The iujmVarein Was severed hTtnrf .1 -J -r " Asheville Citizen-: Last Weefc Dep uty Collector Williams, assisted bv Wv- att Hayne and W. S. Runnion, of Madi son, seized an illicit distillery in Madi son arid arrested T James -'--Walletf. 4 The latter asked to be allowed to go to his house and change is shoewand was accompanied homelfey Messrs. Hayne on1 RiinniAn WhtU' 4ts if'MMu.' t- the house, Wallen's wife and two other women seized theflBcerg and T held tnem nrmiy.wnue w alien. , made good his escape: Mrs; W. is a Wife worth having in such emergencies. Duncan Johnson, the boy who killed another boy .in Goldsboro a few weeks oipeofmrifir fiva t.iiA Messenger says the young defendant was aoiy represented by Messrs. W. T. Bortch & Son and frraincrer Ar. Pnrann while Messrs. Faircloth & Simmon had been employed by friends of the de ceased boy to assist Captain Gallowayin ine prosecution.. The youthful homi- ume occupied the prison box, and main tained his composure with wonderful J turftbiuty. ; BanrrP.l and an almost stoic 4mper IDE MATTE 1 3 ISllflnblJSE. Coin Hike' LowerIlouse'r anqL "Washington, April 19. IIotrsE. The journal this morning embodied for the first time the petitions deposited in the box, so that the reading of the journal occupied twenty foiy ptest A question wu . raisea jipn mb vaxn uy ltula''naapreem' explanation was maae oy tne speaKep to tAa reasons why he had directed this to be done, the principal one being that under existing circumstances, while petitions and memorials are be ing presented accompanied by bills, the question as to which corimnttees they should be referred to became important, and already differences had arisen be tween, the chair and members present ing petitions as to their proper refer ence. It was therefore deemed proper that the House itself should have the. opportunity ofL passing on the ques tioni ff f TnThfifrnairsfi f the dismission it wast. suffesteaTsbv jSTrve that it miffht be fioana inaKLnerwouiu ue no oojecuon wbiatever fb tJitf introduction of bill& El m T it iii A. 1 . 1 J 1 r i next Monday, however absurd they should be. The matter was finally referred to the committee on rules. The subsidiary silver coin bill then. came up as the unfinished business of the morning hour. tit : .1 i-...w3 v. IUUU suction w misi HiaKccr oti v cx cuiu legal tender to the amount of $10, :by adding the words "for all debts public, and private." The measure was considered at some: length and numerous amendments con sidered and acted upon. Garfield's amendment to substitute the .words "lawful monev of the United States" for plegaT tender money, andTSpringers baraendmentj making subsidiary coins j fegaltemier jto the amount of $20, were . Before the final disposition of the bill the morning hour ; expired and thej bill went over to Tuesday. The House then; weptIra committee of the whole oh the legislative bill. Price, of Iowa, jwas. entitled to the floor, but yielded tcfFrye, of Maine, who said in connection with the misunder standing which had taken place yester day between gentlemen from Kentucky and Ohio Blackburn, and McKinley in regard to the proper construction of Blackburn's speech, he desired to read the construction tout ftpoh that speech in the State of Mississippi bjf the now famous paper The Okolona States, which he had received through the maik He thereupon read the article complimentary to Blackburn for his anti-war measures and speech, and bristling over with such phrases as "Down with the, devil born amend ments! Down with the pictures of Lincoln and the scoundrels who sur rounded him!" Blackburn took the floor and in a highly impassioned manner replied to J rye and was responded to m a like tone. At 4.45 the House adjourned to Mon day. A CHANCE FOR SAVINGS. Secretary ShprnlanlarTrionntes that it is the desire of the department to give every citizen of the United btates an opportunity to invest in limited sums nis sav intra m ine $iu reiunumir cer tificates at par and accrued interest At the end of sixty days the offers al ready made for 4 per cent bonds suffi cient topqver, the lQ-40i)ods then out standing, if any, win be adepted.' SITTING BULL TO BRTA'KEN IF HE RE TURNS.. . n The secretary of war has directed General Sherman that in case of the re turn of ifng Bull or any of his fol lowers from the British possessions, they shall be taken and held as prison ers of war until further orders from the President." r .! OS THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE TALMAGE TRIAL. Buy Wiiii led by an Elder, the Elder by a Re- pntrifurf B4 lyjafcofkefp. . . ISem York Sun, Friday.l The ' votes taicen yesterday were deemed to, be expressive of the sense oiane iTesoytery toward ur. xaimage. and it was authoritatively announced last night that the events of the meet ing to-day will decide in the minds of Dr. Talniage and his coun el whether or not they will leave the trial to go without a defendant. The friends of Dr. Talmage, it is said, have advised him that if he remains in the power of his ecclesiastical enemies he will be ripnnspri from the. minist.rv. At the close efr vveoaiesday t -session i-" .---x-rt-ri ' t . 1 or the nesoytery, as the last of the throng weref coming out bf he church, the lie. ArfredlTayror.ia member of vthe Presbytery, stropped on the top step ouae twxico voipwcnase a Brooklyn jnogie irom a newsDoy. jytr. ueorge f. xjocrar, a reporter, stooa dv his side. As Mr. Taylor tooic the paper rrom the boy Elder Judson, a member of Mr. Crosby s churchy seized the lad and pusned mm, oown tne steps, a num ber of bystanders said "Shame. Mr Edgar asked the elder by what author ity be acted, and the elder, displaying Ins fist. said ,.that thakjfqrraed h authoriiv. )Mr.jTaylferi XvlW nad'5i( is ot yet paid the boy, recalled him, saying: "Come fcferg,(n)ylimienf ajrf, i)d )tyd fll fi n ish'oberations w h ere w'e"becan them " Thftteran upitv get lusfmoney, and the elder5 seized 'hinT and whirled him down tJie steps- again. . , SThferf Mf. Edgaf.cahghthold of the elder, and whirled him after the news boy, and one of the special doorkeepers seized Mr. Edgar and whirled him after the elder. The Key. Alfred Taylor was tempted to take a hand in the whirling, but repressing himself, he walked away. Mr. Edgar's hat was batterediptttf nobnnel werfe" made, and no blows Were struclc. The National Board or Health. Washington, April 19. The nation al board of health has issued a notice o a session to be held at Atlanta Mav 5th contemporaneously with the American medical association, which., meets .in regular se&kirratt tie! jn)e plica the otn or jviay, and urges upon all persons WheerMimifpaV.State or' national to be present and counsel with the board A 20-Inch Snow In Xew.Jork. it Kondotjt, N. April 19.-rThe snow , am snowing. M-,itvbt tike Destk'Bate ot tne average or me Deing lessened every yart wtQi Out airy reasonable cause, death resnlUnggenerat ly from the most Insignificant origin. . At this sea son of the year especially, it'cold is such af common thing that in the hurry of every day life we are apt to overlook the dangers attending it and ofteii find too late, that a Fever or Lung .trouble: has already set in. Thousands lode their lives in this way ev ery winter, while had BOSCHKS'g GKRMli Sitscp been taken, a.cure would have resulted, and a large bill from a doctor been avoided.? Far' all diseases of -the Throat and- Lungs, BoeciBXE's " Gxbhah Stbup has proven itself to be the greatest discov ery of Its kind hi medicine. Every Druggist in this country will tell you of its .wonderful effect Over bo,uuo bottles sold last year without a single Xanure known. - The - Senate not ins Session h-T e 4 DKB 60YX2S0RS WITH 4? ft A Result ot fhk Redent i Attack on jthe h CzdA.Serlaus'RiU at RosterJ VP i St. Petersburo; , April 19. The ukase just issued, ordering the appoint ment of governors ' general; for six of the most doduIous districts in Russia ywltk perfectly despotic rifowe'r,rbegiits; sCatmsr that? "recent eVOTts haVe iiiii - band of criminals, who, though not nu merous, are very - neterminea' ana aim at' 'undermining; the State.' After re ferring to the recent murderous at tacks. upon the higher officials, and the attempted assassination of the . Empe ror,' the ukase conttnus:"Theseferimes have necessitated the provisional adop tion of .exceptionable measures in or der to permit of the Exemplary punish menof the guilty- persons, and jjroyide gorernffiteniTflicials:e'Withr fnecessary powers- forr -maintaining rder. fThe ukase proceedstofr announce the provisional appointment of goverhors general of St. Petfirsburer. CharkOff and' Odessa, invested with extended and ex traordinary powers ' minHar7 powers are conferred upon the governors gene ral of Moscow, Kieffi ana Warsaw. The civil administration'in the ab6v6 dis tricts is placed under the control Of the governors general in the same manner as they are subordinate to the comman- derin chief of the army in time of war in districts where martial law has been proclaimed. The control of all educa tional establishments is vested- in the governors general, who are also empow ered to send before the -'military tribu nals all civilians Inr the districts over which:' 1 they preside. T The ''governors general are iurtner authorized - to. sum marily remote from their respective districts : all persons ; whose continued residence i "may' be considered danger ous to 1 order ; to arrest any. t persons whatsoever on .their own nudament and responsibility ; to suppre temporarily or permanently, any -news papers or pe-. nodicais should they appear to follow subversive tendencies, and generally to adopt such measures -as they- mayj" con sider iiecessary; for the: preservation of the public peace; The jsmperor ana impress go to iA vidia on the 24th of this month. ' A disturbance occurred at Roster, oft the river Don, in the government of ilkatennoslav, on the 14th. The police were unable to suppress it, and the military was called out and restored ol der. The riot lasted from the evening of the 14th to the morning of the 15th. The residences of the chief of police, overseer of the town the district police station and police records were destroy ed. Two policemen were killed. A Change that ls Blessing. There is no more remarkable feature, in tbe progress of sclenoe, and no greater obange In any professional practice, than is illustrated hv the contrast of the medical system of to-dar, and thirty years ago. ' Then all medicines were copious' in quantity, and nauseous to the taste. To take them was a trial to adults, and an overwhelming horror to tne young, now most aoses are small, ana con- cenirateav ana rree zrom onensive flavor. Until recently, however, one of the most valuable and efficient of remedies was detestable to nearly all foe whom it was prescribed, Cod Liver Oil, the only elire for wasting decline of vital energy, and certain means of renewing healthy tissue, disgust ed those to whom it should have done most good. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with the Hypo- pnospmies oi iame ana eoaa removes this oniv objection. Its flavor ls really pleasant its nourish ing power maiyeious, and there is no finer nerve ana Drain tonnnn tne worm. aprl&2w.'' ' Ease AtUlaable by the Bkeiaatlc Tes, although they may despair of relief, it ls attainable by rheumatic sufferers, for there is a remedy wnicn carries on. by means of increased activity of the kidneys Important channels for blood purification the acrid element to which pathologists the most eminent attribute the painful symptoms a theory completely borne out by urnv ary analysis. . Tne name or wis grand aepurent is Hostetters, a preparation likewise celebrated as a remedy for constipation, which causer contamina tion of the blood with the bile and a rtatn means of relief In dyspepsia, fever and airue. and nervous auments. u is, pernaps, tne nnest tonic extant, ana is highly recommended as a medicinal somoiant oy aisonguisnea pnysicians and analysts who pronounce it to be eminently pure and very oeneocuu. ia press atso enaorses lu Queer legislative Doings in Lbalslava. The action of the Legislature of the State of Louisiana in passing an act to re Deal the charter oi me Louisiana state JXKtery jompany has been announcea in tne Daners: dui it an Dears tnat tne injury intended to an institution which has paid Dyoontraci nonareas oi inoasaacM ei collars to keen the doors of the far famed Charity Hospital open ior tne sick ana sunermg cannot De accom plished. The Supreme Court of the Cnlted States has always maintained that the sanctity of such contracts cannot be violated, and hence, for twen ty-five years from its organization In 1868, it will wi nil iim its ul uaciuiueas tuia ueuevoiencc. The Louisiana State Lottery Comnanv draws, next month, its 108th monthly grand distribution at xsew urieans, ana an application ton. A. liaupmn, P. O. Box 692, New Orleans, will secure anj in- iormaxioB aesirea. aprlS lw National Bnrglcal InstitBte. Two of the surgeons of this notable Institute win visit Charlotte, N. C, May 15th and 16th, 1879. stopping at the Charlotte Hotel. They win have with them a fine outfit of braces and surgical ap phances, and will be prepared to treat all kinds of ff ormltles f and Chroiile Diseases, such, as Club eev up insease, raraijsis, special Diseases. rues ana jnstaia, catarrn, private Diseases, Diseases oz the Eye, dt&ro fuu particulars, ad dress- ' --!: v --' , NlTiONil 8HBGICaL INSTITUTE, aprl3d w4w . ; . Atlanta, Ga ' ' ' CegMnrlGhrA. 'v .' ' Noplace m' 'tne 'wdrld'equals.' London for the eonstant barkine kent ud in the churches. It ls Hke a perpetual fasUade of small arms. Why don't they take Hall's Balsam and get rid of their coughs? It Is the most wonderful remedy, and the Proprietors ' warrant It in every instance. Let all eoughers give It a trlaL apr!5 1w.j . :. : gfoat ftytxilstvxznX&. FLOUR; FLOUR. 200 BARRELS WHITE ROSE, ASSORTED SACKS. 600 BARRELS 600 BARRELS MAGNOLIA, ASSORTED SACKS. ASSORTED SACKS. 100 BARRELS OUR CELEBRATED ; PIEDMONT : j FREE SAMPLE PACKAGES TO FAMTLIE. CALL AND SEE ITi f&I IT ANr THEN YpU .; ; :' ' ' : 'mLL'mrt it, ; Ri kMlLLER & SONS . aprSO y : ADEES lake tiotiee, that we have' a choice col Xj tecUon of healthy and beautlf d - blooming Plants from various Southern. Green - Houses; also Ftower' Pots in abundance, at the "Mnltum in Pa.":. UJ ' . 'i- BRADSHAW k CO. ; K Apruzu js. .. - . OISTSi sill 'Uii- Hit .I?; Aw, ;.-:,.; , -ij-.j ;! :- i t n. IV Si b W' H' 1N. SoualBafdgulldlng, W.H I T E G O QIfcS . rRmrvrirLmTB WE HAVE INCLUDING ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES. Our Stock will be found to embaace erery article in DRESS JOODSi GLOVES RiAPY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES. Look for four advertisement in next Tues day's paper. T. L. SEIGLE 4 CO,; apr20 JUSTIN JUSTIN .V' AT ' r.'. PERRY'S. PERRY'S.. CELEBRATED ' ' -; PHTLADELPHLi 'Ji t'-U -. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. - ' " ' '.I'-ji-r . .i ;v. '!ix f - : - . LEMON ' CARAMELS. ORANGE CARAMELS. STRAWBXRBT CREAM ' : ; '.' .. CARAMELS. . VANILLA CREAM CARAMELS.' 77 -CHOCOLATE 'CREAM CARAMELS. , MOLASSES TAFFY.' CREAJB TAFJKY, WALNUT TAFFY. FRESH, PLAIN AND FRENCH OAKD1ES. BANANAS, APPLES, ORANGES.-V LEMONS, CRACKERS, AND THE BEST & CIGAR YOU FTEB SMOKED. i I", pr30 '.UI "THEN Cresar and "his !" staff were.croBsIng an arm of the Bed Sea, and the waters were found to be rising, that gallant commander checked his own prancing steed and ordered, his officers td ra diate In seareh of the shallow waters. The one that found himself in swimming water was as mueh In his line of duty as he who found the high- est shoal, not it was to the position of the latter that all soon noeked for protection from the swell ing tide. Ss, when the municipal year is drawing to a dose and the efficient Mayor is looking around for a worthy citizen to wear his mantle, he certain ly expects the members of the mercantile fraterni ty to be vigilant in selecting a good stock of FAMILY (jRO C E RIES AND SUPPLIES, So that every family can be supplied wifbout 1 lay ing exorbitant prices; wherefore, F. B. Alexander & Co., not a member of which firm has ever offered or had his name mentioned in connection with the mayoralty, looked to the Valley of. Virginia for choice WHITE MEAL, to the best North Carolina Mills for fine Family FLOUR, to their Mountain Store for Butter, iEggs, Chickens, Hams, c., and to Headquarters for Coffee. i9ugar. Lard, 4a, and have found on Trade Street a high shoal where every buyer may flee and save himself from the dangers of the swelling tide to prices. Charlotte, N. C, April 17, 1879C . , , , GOME SEE before: BUYING ELSEWHERE. ALL WOOL CHEVIOT SUITS FOB $7.50, The finest selection of Clothlrig ever flha wn in this city. .Remember that we are the rulers. in low- prices of Fine Clothing. . '' i Respectfully , L. BERWANGER 4 RRQ , Flfie Clothiers and Talloj s. SWEET POTATOES. ; NOT TOO LATE TO PLANT. -' Jl full supply still on hand. Alse tbe Justly cole brated : RA: .'iAf JAPAN' TEA, '. Also fine Strained Honsy. " At : ' ' ! ,TMtiirfiri'i! March 27, $200 IN.C y!Pwp&&ti&! .' j , : V X PowerPtfhting JPfcess, Guernsey make, oltl style, size ofbed 26x40lhch.es. Was in use ontti' Placed byfrnew one -Address . C. BAILEE. editor : interorlse and; - 1-tuintUwar. . ; Greenvilia la4tt it- 5o i'?vJl' 'ft,iff ; Have now In -store a nice and complete stock of 1 : SPRING . With them you can find Tttte',&EST;!OCK IN CHABLOTTF. .1 t? .-.rtslli J 5!" Celebrated La4iep't .Misses'; .and i u's Shoes It !.! , Theyalso keep MJlBuresBfbrooi!, 4 tudt; lhe3lwu.McCjui )lf,,c1i.j VA'Li Miles' hand-made Boots ana Shoes. Wo k 'fa&VXEtAtfEh jijxlp5PULAR PEGEAM SHOEp;t"BW"" if?I !W W W M-v ili . v?jl sore befaw burif g... frdew Jaii..j)eraonal Attention. I -fh AM & CO. BOOTS ! BOOTS' t - .s".o - SHOES ! SHOES L , AND AND AND AND HATS t rtA!; HATS! SPUING STYLES ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER EXHIBITED IN j j I CHARt-QTTE.' This stock off Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, 4c. embraces every .grade, and will be sold as cheap as the sane -Uootte cao be sold by any house in the South- i . n MERCHANTS Will do well to call and xaciiae W stock, as it is especially adapted to the trade tf -Korth jand South Carolina, amd will, be seM, at-waolesnle or retail on most renecnaWe terms. r -y VISITORS To Charlotte are invited to call and examine ear stock, as they will find It most complete in every respect, nti cheaper than ver before. W. S. FORBES, Agent, sAtth- jFfftbfrsf Qrjatand, Trade St bakry . BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, freshj every day. TfUtnkdebereiefiI them as VY the very best manufactured, using none but the very best materials. W. N. PRATHER, Trade Street, first door above the old Market marl ini AUCTION m By MAXWELL & HARRISOX, TO-PAY " AT 11 O'CLOCK; A.M. A LARGE LOT OF MISCELLANEOUS 1 BOOKS, ' H . o .It v. w wionv; f ' r.'.a Jfc: vUta el asni i-.anr j .-'j-;' .((jta'te'Kt aut ri lf Jutoomnsin es4 t UNLIMITED GOODS BIrlTNTTHOUB OF SALE. TESW. BATTLE, I- : s - : ii tSf Having removed his office to the first floor over the Traders' National Bank, can be f Mai there allhwradialhedayeiidi.athisreeWenee cor ner Seventh and 'College streets,' at nigh(, . feb? 8m . r . .. ' - fa. ,rX-" !'- .-fVlT -..:.., l-Ui. ..?. 5tJ f,w ' rpENDERS h tirofesstionaf services tb'ttie peo J.' pie of Charlotte and vicinity.1 Being gradu ate of both schools of medicine, (Alopatdo and Homeopathic) he ls, qu&Uned ,to practice either system. i. rVil l He will still devote attention especially to Citbow io Diseases, but will also do a general practice. Calls attended day or night . . Office over McAden's drug stoTB. F Residence on College street; corner of 6th street., .. - , -., , uar22 dw 8m iflfo r , - - ,- t. i mi ENXjGrEMEN l OF CROCKERY -AJ,1-, BINESS. MR. A, W.LUDOLF OF BALTIMORE, MI)., t 'l;. ins i matt ot 'tmHmlted expterience In this business having traveled fo ITfrears in the West and South, selling Crockery, A- for-some of the mostpn slve,iCrockeTy iiea North, iras been associated fr"?i If .W THIg CITY, In the a"bbVe business, and the firm thus constitu ted will be known as JNO. BR00KFIELD 4 CO Mr. Ludolf left last Tuesday for the North to lay Irr the most extensive stock of -Jqueensware, China, Glassware, Lamps and Lamp Goods. Deco mtA China f and Porcelain, Silver and silver Plated WanFjne FcyjGoods, Wood and Willow Ware, House Furnishing Goods, Cutlery. Bar Fix tures, and many other goods too numerous to men tion, for our Wholesale and Retail trade. In fu ture we will handle SHOW CASES, &( Particular attention paid to having goods decora ted to order, with any name or monogram. &c, on each article of China. Give us your oraers. We sell nothing but first class goods, and sell as cheap as you can buy at the North anywhere. it! LOOKOUT For Mr. Ludolf s return, as it will be a treat to ex amine his line of fine goods. JNO. BROOKFIELD & CO., Trade Street, near College, March 27. Under Democrat Oftiee . uisnop u. a. mggei (.oouiueru jif in. i uwd it with prompt beneficial results. Rev. Dr. Mangnm, Prof. University of N. C. I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate of the Test Pocket Cure. RsvIeI XYates, pTe. N. C. Conference. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. Leroy M. Lee, D. D., Meth. HIst'n. l am never wlthoHrt it at home or abroad. It is an antidote to indigestion. Uneasiness after a meal or .purging ls checked and the bowels regula ted. Its merits are attested by numbers of nigh character. I have seen a " trled-everything " dys peptic ot fifteen years relieved by one dose. MHCk3-,Jetei, Broaddus, Dickinson (Bap.) It ls endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men of j&aftanal .fame and of strictness of speech. It is not teo-mucnto say that no medicine ever had such support in Jts favor as a specific. The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight Their united witness joined wlththeVex perlmental use and approval of the preparation by well-known physicians, removes all doubt. It is. beyond question, a wonderful therapeutical agent. .Bailors ueugious neraia, va. Rev. R. L. Dabney, LL. D., Ham. Sid. CoL, Va. It is highly esteemed here by the regular Medi eai Faculty and the people. It is excellent for in digestion and flatulent colic sedative, soporinc. tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. o- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale by: -i MR)!'. -"S&'S.fa EMTTH; Charlotte, N.C. ODELL, (RAflAN & CO., Greensboro, N. C. THEO. F.KLIJTTZ, Salisbury, N. C. mar 20 dAw tf. A PEOCLADIATION BY THE GOVERNOR. $200 REWARD. . W - : EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, I Rajlhoh, March 10th, 1879. S Wbekbas; Official Information has been received at this Department that N. B. TAILOR, late of the county of Moore, stands charged with the mur der of a w. Seawell; and whereas, it appears tnat the said N. B. Taylor has fled the State, or so con ceals himself that tbe ordinary process of law can not be served upon him; w Now,theeOTeylTH6MAS J. JARVIS. Gover nor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of au thorityTn me vested by law, do issue this my pro clamation, offering a reward of Two Hundred Dol lars for the apprehension and delivery of the saw N. B. Taylor to the Sheriff of Moore county, at tne Court House In Carthage, and I do enjoin all l om eers ot the State and all good citizens to assist m uone at our cwy oi iuucib". w "S-r." .'. March, 1879, and In tne iuou year ui juuc. inaepenaenee. THOS. J. JARVIS. By the Governor: , Lbb s. Ovkbxah, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION. Taylor to about 83 years i of age, about B rib inches high, well set and will weigh about 100 lbs.. and when last seen wore a heavy beard. mar 12dltw5t ,J . " 100 BUSHELS SWEET POTA T01. 4 Choice and Fresh, FOR PLANTING OR EATING, Just received by LeROY DAVIDSON.

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