s-- - jjssfe'ist -3 4 .YVv-s " -v.; r - i ; .. , LOCALS INTELLIGENCE. S JNDAY; APRIL 20, 18T9. UAILKOAD UIBECTOBY. The following table shows the running at passen eer trains to and from Charlotte, on all the rail roads (Washington time): , j . f f RICHMOND DAHVILL. 1 Tfi rrlves from Richmond and Gojdsboro.l 1)0 a. in. Leavestor " t . ,; : .8.20a.m. Arrives from Richmond,. :fK:Ar i 0,60 a, m. Leaves ior -. . . .. 045 6V45p. m. ATLAMTA CHABLOTT AIB-LIKf. : : ' Arrives from Atlanta,,..,'. -8.20 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta,. ? l .05 a. m. Arrives from Atlanta,;...". .- v..., 6.60 p. m. Leaves for Atlanta, 10.60 a. m: CHABLOTTB, OOIATXBIA A U QUOTA. Arrives from Augusta;., .A, Leaves for Augusta,. Arrives from Augusta, , . . Leaves for Augusta, . w. ........ ,; . . . " . cabqunA ckhtrau rrlvesfrom Wilmington,. ......... Leaves for Wilmington, Arrives from Shelby,... . Leaves for Shelby,. ......... . . . 8.10 a. m. . : I.UO a. m. 8.80 a. m. .jL27a.ni. j 7.29 p.m. v o.uu a. m. i 5.00 p. m. 7.00 a.m. . ATIiAlfTIO, TOtlTBSSKS a OHIO. j? Arrives from Statesville,... '.. ......... fi.BOp. m. Leaves for Statesville,. ?7.00 a. m CUAKLOCTK POST OFFICE. OFFICX HOUB8. : OPENS. Money Order Department.. 9.00 a. m. Registry Department,., 9.00 a. m. (ien'l Deliv'y Stamp Dept. .8.00 a. m. rt . :. i i"&00 p. m. 6.oup. m. rt.00 p. m. p. m. s.o p. ra. car- On Sundays the General Denverv and Sfamn Department will be open from 8.00 a. m.lo laOO H. IU. ;v, -l :: ,j OPKNINO, AND CLOSINO OF lUlL& . . ' '.! , )' OPKMS. CIvOSSS. Dinivtile & Charlotte B. B.. . 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. " ft 'i 11.16 a. m. 6.00p.m. Charlotte & Atlanta B. B.,. 8.00 a. m. 9.00 p. m. & Augusta B. Km. 8.8ft n. m. 10.00 a. nL Wllnfn & Charlotte B. B;,. 8.80 p. m. 5.00 a. m. Charlotte & Shelby B. B... . 5.80 p. m. 6.00 a.tt.ilhfe tftrrrfnt natrtftT JrraftAr thftrtntw nf A Statesville,. . j. 5.30 p. ra. U)0 a, jn3 1 tr- Beattte'a Ford, - (hone route.) Mondays afl 5.00 p. m.. and Tuesdays at 8.00 a. m. j Yorkville. (horse route.) Thursdays' at 6.00 p. m., and Fridays at 7.00 a. m. : .? ' . W, W. JENKINS, P. M. ; INDICATIONS. AVaA Department, ) j !ER, 1 SJ r. m. ( f office Chief Signal Officer, Washington. April 19. 130 For the South Atlantic states, falling barometfetV warmer southwest winds, partly cloudy weather. IiOciat Heprt for oerdy. J 7 A. M1 12 P.M. j 9 P. M Barometer,.... Thermometer-. Kelative Humidity,.. Wind Direction, " Velodtyv..... Weather........ 29.968 52 0i N.W4 14 Cloudy. I Highest temperature 64 deg.; lowest 42. , RtjrolofftcmI Record. WEATHm REPORT, APRIL. 19. 420 P. M. staUona. 29.988 1 29.857 51 , 62 59 18 v W. N. W, 2 UileS 20 :. Barom Th. WlnoV lYel Weather.! 29.91 67 W. 17 Clear.; 29.95 70 N.W. 18 Fair. 29.91 67 N.W. 13 . Clear. 29.82 61 N.W.' 20 Fair. ! 80.08 82 &B. 12 Clear, j, 3ai8 75 8JS. ' .9 Clear. 3a20 78 a f5 Clear, i 30 03 73 N.W. tO Cleat ; 30.10 71 N. 10 Clear, j 3013 74 8.W. 11 Clear. 30.05 71 W, 10 Clear. ; 30.05 71 W. 9 Oear. 80.11 67 W. 20 Clear. 29:96 69 W. 11 Wear. : 180.10 69 aw 17 Clear. ; 30.10 73 N. 2 Fair. ! AtlantamM Augusta- .. Charleston, Charlotte,.. Corsieana,. Indtanola. Galveston.: JacksonUe, Key west,. Mobile,. . Montgom'y, N. Orleans, Punta Rasa Savannah.. St Marks.. Havana... index tv New Adverttoesnent. Perry Just In. B. M. Miller & Sons Floor, a M. Howell Sweet Potatoes. T. L. SeJgle A Co New Arrival. F. B. Alexander uo urocene Ti. Borwanser ft Bro Cheviot & Bradsnawi Cojsoathern Green House. TiK C81TBCHE TO-DlI.t, i t-. YnnKO. Mk, CHRTarrtAH-VASSOClATTOK HALL.' . Itovntftuial exferdswrthls aflernoon at 445 o'clock. St. Prtkr's nt Chtjsgb. Services m tne mom- In- at 1 1 o'ctook to : Rev. M. Jones. Sunday school In the afternoon at 4 o'clock. siTiim prkbbttkrian Church. ---Services in the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 8 o'cloekbv the pastor. Rev. B. H. JBardlng. Sunday school in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Baptist Chubcm. Services in the morning at 11 nVWIr nnH In t.h'n pvenlne at K O'clock by ROV. Dr. S. Mattoon Sunday school in the morning at tV o'clock. ) St. Maek's Lrnrau(3HtmcH, Services in the morning at 11 o'clock! nd In the evening at 8 o'clock by Bv. R-Ai Wtngard, pastor. Sunday Hchool in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. ftrst pkkshtxithta Church. Services in the mnminf at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 8 o'clock bv Rev. Dr. Millet pastor. Sunday school In the afternoon at 8 o'clock. asbociatkRefobjixd Pbbbhttkbian Chafkl. Services In the morning at li o ciock. ana uw i- ternoon at4Va o'clock by Rev. W. T. Waller, pas tor. Sunday school the morning at 10 o'clock. ' Calvabt MiaeiOM Church. -Services In the morn- by the uastot. Rev. J. F. Butt Sunday school in the morning at 9 o'clock and class-meeting in temoon at 2Vi o'clock. theaf- r. pirn's ( CatholiO Church. Low mass at "iV n'cinc.ic ami hhrh mass at lOVt o'clock In .the morning; vespers and benediction at 3 o'clock in tne aitemoon Dy ery uev. a, r. vrvuuuou. day school hi the morning at 9Vi o'clock. Sun- TnTfiw BToif wmnwiTaT rr A Cirrnicrt. Ser- vfces in the morning at 11 o'clock and In the even inir at H efciaeki bv Rev. A. A. Boshamer. pastor fiiuuiu BAhAol In -thA nfternoon at 3V o'clock. Prayer mevtlae . every Wednesday evening at ,7 Mi o'clock. Strangers coraiauy rnvnea. nAHAK TREKT ( COLOSED MSTHODIOT .) Church. Services to Ihe morning at 11 o'clock in th nvenmsr at 8 o'clock by the pastor. Rev. L, B. Gibson. Sunday school In the morning at 9 o'clock. Prater meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. ' . T HOMB PENCllilNUS. Spring clothes in abundance to-daj. The house- builders are resting awhile. No rest from candidates even on jthe .sab bat n day. . The United States court meetsj in Statesville to-morrow. Th mnnicioal election being jthe nmiprmnst, tnnie iust noW. W6 give the card writers full sway. In future they must be brief. Thft frost vesterdav morning did t ffroWinffrors. Garden era had sufficient warning to enable them to guard against tt.ii;;!, w sHti hAvft left from the insidious ravao-Aa nt . frnatl strawberries, some cherries and plums, and ail theihes timable boon) a full crop of biack- berries. Weight n; the Vfalltt. The Camden (S. C) Journal states that Mr Wrf MaffitL formerly of) this c ity, now in the employ of the Postoffice DeDartment. has" been - placed on; the Cam rl Ati hranrh railroad, for the PUT- nose, nf wm whine the mails that arrLye and depart from Camden, go a; toj get an average for the basi of the contract The BadUlll jrjln. ; 'aShVir TliA nwnnra n.nrl-DneratorS- Of the Uudiaill oY.iri minA mada another ship- t. 1- tt , J A - . A TO. duetton works in New; Jersey, day do- tore yegterday,;: ThismaKe? toue car loads thaw Kovo oonf nn within. the foast few WPO&a Tf la nntf . hflin J? Worked up. and to-morrow "Mesirs. J. Y Wads- worth ani i? r -sJiiiAr will ffoontpsee the results far themselves and to flaakft some arrancrRrnftnt with the owneM ot the works for operating Which th niirliaill ian afford... hope to he able to induced then t put I works at the mine, or t any ratd to effect nn arrangement by 4 which 'tins can he done. Thev are rireoared td f uf- m.i smphuret ope In almost any q"- Vties.heaide f. mhaU aim be supplied om neichborlno- mlnea. ; - r I JQlP Inexcuaable folly la to endure Dyspepr d? n LonseritWbena 25 cent bottle of HISTORICAX TTb Named and Other Facta In nannMH.. J V I With Her iSarlr MUtarr. "I noticed an article, in the inula nf your paper of the 16th inst," said one of our oldest citizens to an Observer. a aay or two ajro, Mas to who namwf ecklenburg county, purporting to be alil)pifigft(OTi the ;Wj Ymk. Avan- yewrt, -which cbtitains rhatteras to the yugiu vi ine name or tins countv, that is not correct as a historical f act " -"The facts in regard to the origin of the name, are as follows : The original county of Mecklenburg was laid off from Anson countv. in t.ho laffar pf 1762 oi early w j7&ii Jt then com- pnsea the territory now covered by the ro"H kuuuubs oi mecKienourg and Cabarrus, and a larra nart. nf tho .nnn. ty of Union. Its county officers were chosen early in the year 1763, and the nrsaeearegistered in the county was Wpp by iGreorge f Alexander, Register of uccu, uu tne zorn oi April, 1763. The county was settled mainly bv Scotch Irish Presbyterian emigrants from the btate of Pennsylvania, who immediate ly after erecting houses for the accom modation of their families, erected cmnchefclj jmd aear 4 School) houses. Their settlements took their names from those of their respective churches, such as Sugar Creek, Providence, Steel Creek, Hopewell, &c, and are known as such settlements to this day. On the 8th of September. 1761. Geoica the TIT of England, was: married to Charlotte, mncess of Mecklenburg, of Germany. The citizens of Mecklenburg county, at that day, ; were ; loyal subjects of the crown of Great Britain. Hence, in th joy created among the subjects of that crown, bv the marriaire. the citizen in t,w.K "Tl'lTr: -723Tfru court house, Charlotte, in honor of the ijueen. "Shortly after the location of the court house, with its name, the citizens were desirous of establishing a college. A building was accordingly erected on the lot now owned and occupied by A. li. Davidsoni Esa arM-'n''academv nf nigii graae opened, to grve aiassical euucaiion 10 me youcn oi tne countv. Shortly after this academy, which was intended as the nucleus of a colleere. was put in operation, a charter was ap pliedifcjria rcoUege witli jthe'name of made a short time before the rupture orxne revolutionary war and was re fused. It was, however, called a col lege, and the street in the rear of Mr. Davidson's lot, running parallel with Tryon street, was named after the col lege, and the spring then used by the students, which is now covered by the eras works, was known as colleere SDrinc That such is the fact as to the marriage of George the III, with Princess Char- lottei see the American Encyclopaedia, vol. 7, page 707, and as to the names of the county and town, see Wheelers History of North Carolina, page 280. and those facts in conjunction with. other facts I have stated, as to the ori gin of the name of the county ,as well as of the town, are confirmed by tradition ary evidence handed down from gener; ation to generation. J "So it is clear that the historical fact, set forth in the article which appeared in the issue of vour oaDer of the 16th. as to the origin of the name of this coun ty, is incorrect. Tfa Now Frelsrat Tariffs Messrs. Pope, Clark and Haas, of the Wilmington and Weldon, Carolina Central, and the Bichmond and Dan ville Railroads, respectively, having been appointed ior tne purpose, nave drafted tariffs intended to meet the newJ railroad freight laws, and will submit them to an adjourned meeting of railroad managers, to be held in JCaJeigh, next Thursday. Street Improvements. Street Superintendent Hunter has made a number of valuable street im- Erovements lately. Among these may e noted the building of a culvert on B street between Trade and Fourth ; the opening of E street from Fifth to Sev enth. and the curbing, with stones, of Eiarhth from Tryon to the cemetery. The .superintendent is now worKing nine hands, two carts and a wagon. . Reported Case mt Hydrophobia A case of.wb.at is believed by some to be hydrophobia is reported in the city. jfieht before last L.awson Young, a colored man, was suddenly seized with a violent nt, which was toJiowed by a , delirium, during which he arose from his 'bed and attempted to innict vio lence upon his wife and other persona present. It M as finally found necessary to tie him to the bed, and the colored people who sat up with him during the night report that all night long he howled and veiled in all respects like a dog. Several physicians in the city will probably investigate tne case. j.ne ne gro being unconscious, it is impossible r i Ye i I j to learn u ne was ever uiuen uy a uug. Rev. Dr. Whitfield is in Statesville! assisting Bev. J. B. Boone. Rev. Dr. S. Mattoon. of Biddle University, will fill his pulpit this morning, there will be services at this church in the evening. Concord Presbytery meets on the 23d instant at Bethel church not far from Davidson Colleee. The Presbytery or. MecKienDurg meets at Castanea Grove church on the 2nd of May. Delegates will be meet at Woodlawn Station, on tne uarouna Central Railroad, bv conveyances to transport them to the church. The venerable Rev. Dr. Wheat, of the Episcopal church, is on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Sh&ber, in Salisbury, and omciaieu ac ine rjuuswpai jumtu Statesville last Sunday. Th accessions to the various rrVinrchea of Concord as the result of the recent revival of religion in the Presby terian church there will be about twenty-five persons. All the churches have felt and Deen greatly Diesseu ir. infliifince. T?v. Z. Dotv left for New York last I week and will return about theirst of May with his family. Rev. Mr. J ones, of Spartanburg, tt. C win omciaie at est. Peter's Episcopal chnrch to-day. Aftr Bursrlaur In Stre Vesterdav morninsr. about i o'clock, ir. WAR renorted to some of "the boys. wno nappeeueu. w uo uy v mo that a thief was heard in the store of t tt TTonderson. opposite the postoffice. A crowd of six or eight was soon col LiMrAri anrlithev marched down in a bodv. declarine under tueir Dreain, iub . 7 " " 11.. . his ni Ht.nl onnkftd in his handVor swing ing a pondrous stone with which to imun r.rifl lninmtous neau ui.mo iuo .niinHrii fine of the Dartv was post ed Off to the residence or Mr. jaenaer- ann. with the starline intellijrence that a thifif was at that moment robbing his store of its contents. This gentleman hMinriAd nut or bed. ana. eatnennz a tavo f.atrra (raiments. came up town with the emssenger post-haste. Thefrpnt door was unlocked and four or five men te'rHd: while the remainder hi a nwd kent ; watch on the out- I side, epPWU5 uwy"&SET hf 1 1 la from some one of the Windows. It was a tiCKiian . moo vi uusmrar, ...v.tl, tli a men nn tne msiae pei'iuriu- e(j but theywent through the whole inmna in hand, and never a., thief did they sefl or near. Aiwneii m m-tor eame.nri a short time afterwards h were telling one another what j. foaifd time that bold, mean. sneakiRg, Jow-down rascal would have had, . ,t' t r ' : i .THEnATORALTT. - :? i- , i- , . -. r-' Win. m. Sblpp fer irLayOr To the Editor of The Observer: V ' , Behold how good and how pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. To insure harmony and good feeling, and to remove": all causes of strife and discontent, the name of a citizen is presented; for mayor, who , has the confidence arid esteem of every clacs, and for whom all can vote, with the assurance that his election will redound to the interest of the entire community. Allow me to suggest the name of Wm. M. Shipp as one in ! -whom centers every quality of head and heart befitting the chief magistrate of this growing city. L. Another Kichmend to the Field. To the Editor of The Observer: The many friends of Mr. A. Brevaro! Davidson would like, to see his name brojight forward f or'the ofiice of may or. He is a good, practical business man, thoroughly versed in the school of economy, of eminent financial ability1, a large real estate owner and tax-payer, and to his energy; and enterprise Charr lotte owes much of her success as a city. Let us reward those who have labored for our good. An Old Citizen. , N Convention. To the Editor of the Observer: In, view o the fact that the present contest for the mayoralty is altogether non-political, we have determined that there is no necessity for the nomination of a candidate in any formal manner, and have therefore concluded, after mature deliberation, that wisdom dic tates the indefinite postponement L of the convention called for Monday night. Many Citizens; Ag-ainait the Convention. To the Editor of The Observer: The communication in this morning's issue of the Observer calling a con vention Monday evening is entirely uncalled for. There is not- the least necessity for a convention as there are no political questions whatever in volved. The people wish to be free to vote as they please. Let it never be said again in Charlotte that monev make the mayor. , , j MULTU IN .FARVO. A Colored Man' Solemn Pretest Againt Convention. To the Editor of The Observer: The colored people do protest against holding a convention and making a party nomination. We have voted to gether' regardless of party spirit for the last several years, and we have pros pered as a people and there exists now a most harmonious and inendly feel ing between the races. The call tor this convention means nothing else than the bringing out or a partisan spirit. A colored man can have no voice in that meeting and may justly feel that politi cal prejudice is about to be inaugurated citizens do not approve of this call for aconvention, but that fit is gotten up for the benefit of a few office-seekers. In the name of all that is dear to us as a people, united in one common interest and controlled by tne kindest spirit to eactrtther, enter outmost solemn protest against any measure that will separate us as a people, either in intent or spirit! 4 - ; - . We have felt for the last several years that -officers of our city5-government were our officers, as well as the repre sentatives of the white race ; and we have given them a cheerful support in all measures of good, and now we are about to witness what we went through just after the war. , ;; , We hope to see out prominent white citizehs frown down "any such effort as the convention to alienate us irom you. This is our country and we want to live in peace and quiet with you. A COLORED MAN. Unity and Harmony, To the Editor of The Observer: We are pleased at the suggestion of a convention in vour issue of Yester day, 'provided the citizens of the city will attend en masse, and maKe it a representative meeting, expressive of the popular will. It is . manifest . that so f ar no name presented for the office of mayor meets witn general approval. rne purpose oi tins convenuon as understood is to have a fair expression of opinion without regard to the inter est of. any particular classor individual. We want no class candidates nor class legislation, but the greatest good to the greatest number. Therefore, let every good citizen, wno nas tne wenare oi tne etty at nearc aixena, anu am m me nomination of a representative man, competent and well qualified to repre sent every interest. This is in the interest of peace and harmony. Come together and let us consult for the ceneral cood. Let there be no vackina in r nv it Lprmi. ill h iv .1 ill 1 1 v ill in. . - I lann i :.... t ua t,iw secure boleth, defeat. Let unity be the shib- ? ' Voice or the People. A Few Suggestion on the Absorbing Topic, To the Editor of The Observer: There is no scarcity of men willing to fill the office of mayor of Charlotte, but applicants are not the proper judges or tneir quaiincaxions ior uuu a pu&- tion. The number aspiring, or who are willing to serve the city in that capacity, would indicate that pub licopiftion has put a low es- . . 1 A - A? A. timate on tiiatj point, wuen, in inct, but few are Qualified to discharge tne duties of that place profitably to the city or creditably to themselves. The duties should, without doubt, command his undivided attention in supervising all the nublic works, seeing them faithfully executed, as well as holding a daily court to try tne violators 01 me law and the disturbers of the peace, or trm aalarV should be reduced, for it is not Just to the tax-payertha h$ should receive a compensation tor. sasij&uu ior services occupying an average of about one nail nour a aay. xnis saiary, m- jcluding fees, -should command his whole attention and time, iust as all other of ficers, on fixed salaries, it should not be held as a mere sinecure; hence, it should not be looked upon as a post ot hrmnr with4ts duties held in subordi nation to other things in which he may be at the same time engaged, i ne mayor ought to be a man wno nas, iorce or character and ' determination of will enough to impress his polioy upon the nldermen. insmrinsr their confidence in hia iudorment vet. atthe same, should 111s in be haL willinflr to devote his whole time to the discharge .of "the duties, the. inter ests of the city will suffer and the peo- m J 3 TfAw m-n pies-mpjiey, do waaiq. , f .iua, Alt DEO TI AN! C TICKET. Sir. I. a. Foust ! Alderman. To the Editor of The Observers I f t ii ; " ?Arf ii ffjTfistiOns are now in order, al-. low us to suggest the name of our es teemed citizen, l. H; roust, as a man aiii fable for an alderman in Ward No. 1. lie is a young man , of energy .and talent, and his moral character and ChFjstian Virtues. QQmbmed with nen to discharge his duty, will secure to qs. untold good. . MANY VOTERS... For upwards of thirty years Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ii Srrun has been used for children. It corrects Inir Smin hiu tenn acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates from teething or the bowels, cures dysentery ana tuamiuea, wireuier OUM3T CUUBCB. AU UlU auu ' B "HW- per bottle. ; t Mr. J. M. Leak, f ornierly of- Miller & Leak, left yesterday for Winston, where he will embark again in the manufac ture of tobacco with his brother. Sony talose sncJbi an'fnterprisin 'arndvaluar blet:itiien.,r r---4 ' : -..Col, Lewis S.fWilliams will assisttne proprietor of the Cleareland Springs in the management , of the bote) durirrg the coming season lie will have charge of the office and of the - advertising. Col. Williams is an important -acquisi- t i i s i - . : . ,i Mr. Willis Pegram.one of the most popular young ntlerrien in the city, left yesterday afternoon for New York to take a position with B. R. Smith & Co, having resigned his clerkship in the Merchants? and Farmers' Bank. It must have been: gratifying to him to see at the depot when Jbe took the train fifteen or twenty of his gentleman . and lady friends, -somefcf whom accompanied him to the junction, and all of whom parted iwith ftbathj sfmm Wferet. t3 5 I lac's Card. MaJ. Flema S 4 In compliance with the wishes of "'Many Citi zens" I will be a candidate for mayor at the ensu ing election ln May. Ever yielding a cheerful obe dience to your will, I am, with respect, Tour obedient servant? W. W. Flmtming. Mr. melt's Car 4 Wke Public. To the Voter of the Cfty of XThariotU: Fellow Citizens In this brief way I have con eluded to announce myself an Independent Candl- date for the office of mayor of the city of Charlotte, at the approaching election in May. Thoroughly independent, I shatt not- be in the least Influenced by any ring, caucus, or convention ; I shall have no friends to reward nor enemies to punisht I shall not bribe nor purchase a vote, nor attempt in any underhanded way to secure one; but I particularly solicit the deliberate, Independent vote. I am in favor of strict economy and low taxes. There is no polities in this election, therefore I shall -run the race to the end and take the risk, let the result be what it may. In thus- announcing myself, I think It unnecessary to elaborate or make any further statement of principles that may guide me; but will truly say that I shall ever cultivate a genial, brotherly spirit with those that I may beeeme asso ciated with; and permit me, in conclusion, to make this pledge: That If -honored with a majority of your votes and consequent election, my best exer tions shall be directed to a fair honest and im partial discharge of my dudes. Respectfully,' W. S. NORMKNT. Charlotte, N. C, April nth, 1879. Mr. Osbene la the Arena. In response to the solicitation of my friends. I have consented to become a candidate for the office of mayor. . Respectfully, v, F. I. Osborne. Wrenched aad Racket ' By the pangs of rheumatism, the Joints eventually become grievously distortedV and sometimes as sume an almost grotesQue deformity. To prevent such results by a simple and agreeable means Is certainly the part of wisdom. A tendency to rheu matic ailments may be successfully combatted with Hosteler's Stomach Bitters, a medicine with the prestige of a long and successful career, of un bounded popularity, and of emphatic professions endorsement. It removes from the blood those in flammatory impurities which pathologists assign as the cause of rheumatism, and not only purifies the life current, but enriches It, promoting vigor by fertilizing its source. Digestion, the action of the bowels and the secretion of the bile, are aided by it, and it Impels the kidneys and bladder to a regu lar and active performance, of their functions. It Is besides a thoroughly reliable remedy for, and means of preventing, periodic fevers. ; aprl6 lw A Card. To all who are suflertne from the errors and in discretions of youth, nervous weakness,- early de cay, loss of manhood, Ac., I win send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, station D, New York City. . " janao . .. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORfS, APRIL 19, 1879 PRODUCE. Cincinnati Flour dull: famliy 4.00a5.50. Wheat steady :red and white 100al.06. Corn aulet at 37. Oats quiet and steady at 28a31. Pork dull and firm at 10. 00a. 25. Lard in fair demand: steam 5. Bulk meats quiet and firm; shoulders 3.50, short ribs 4.55, short (dear 4.75; bacon in fair demand and steady; shoulders 4,clear ribs 5Ut. clear sides ftta. Whiskey quiet at 1.01 . Butter dull and drooping; fancy creamery 15, choice Wes tern reserve 15al6, choice Central Ohio 14al5. Sugar steady; hards 8a9l&. A white 8i4a8K New Orleans 6a7Vi. Bogs dull; packing 3.35a 3.55. Baltdcokx Oats higher; Southern 341a7, Wes tern white 33a85, do mixed 32a33, Pennsyl vania 32a35. Hay market firm; prime . Penn sylvania and Maryland 12al4. Provisions weak; mess pork, old 10 f0al0.75, new --; bulk meats loose snouiders wm, clear nD sides 6, per car load, packed new 4iAa5Vb; bacon shoulders, old 414, clear rib aides, new 6, hams, sugar-cured, 9i4a Lard refined tierces 714. Butter steady; choice Western packed 18a20, rolls 13a 15. Cof- lee easier; Kio cargoes luaiH. wnisaey ouu at l.uvavs. sugar steady; a son avt- Naw York Flour in buyers' favor: No. 2. 2.35a3.10, superfine Western and State 3.45a3.5n, common to good extra Western and Slate 3.75a 3.S0, good to choice do 3.95a4.50; Southern flour heavy; common to fair extra. 4-10a5v4G; good to cnoice ao 5.50&H.&0. w neat ungraded win ter red 87ai.il, No. 3 ditto ,1.07. Corn -ungraded 48Ma4m. No. S, 42a4... Oats, 81 cosee -quiet and one Banged r Klo quoted in car- 1 goes liVialnV In -Joa lota llalH. Sugar steady; Oibatt mmFtairr to good left'f 6a, prime ' tHi; rennea-anaara v ffias. granuiawu o, I vm viwwm cjh. wvumjw a. v.. w I leans 28a2. -Blcef 4n fate demand and aulet: Carolina t quoted ", at tosiWi, -. Louisiana 6a6. rorK oio, mess 0n um spoi ou Lara-pnnie steam on spot WiWaJ.5. Whiskey 1.08. Freights steady.- -' COTTON. Norfolk Quiet; middling 1114; net receipts 997; gross ; stock 9,511; exports coastwise 00; sales 100; exports to (ireat Britain t,uu. Baltimorb Firm: mlddlmg lli low middling llltC.; good ordinary lie.; net receipts ; gross 9; sales 115; stock 4,683: exports coastwise 20; spinners ; exports to Great Britain ; to continent Boston Quiet: middling 12c.: low middling 11; good ordinary 11)4; net receipts 908; gross sales ; stoca 4,zo; exports 10 ureat Britain. ; ! Wilminqtom Easy; middling lllfac; low mid dllng 1034c.; good ordinary 1014; net receipts 87; gross 40: sales ; stock 2,536; spinners ; ex ports coastwise : to ureat Britain ; 10 in- nent ; to channel Pwn.Amn.THlA Firm; middling 12c.:' low middling llftc; good ordinary 11c; net receipts 47 i gross 285 sales ; spinners 678; stock 9,437; exports to ureal Britain . . AnsrjtrrA rtrm: middling ' lie; low mid- dling 10c.r good , ordinary 10c; receipts 72; shipments , saies aov. stoca , . Charlbstok Quiet; middling lltac.i low mid dling 1 11.; good ordinary lOfec.; net receipts 113; gross ; sales 100; stock 8,733; exports coastwise : Great Britain . ; France ; Continent 8,070 : to channel . Nkw Yori Dull: sales : mid uplands 11 13-16, mid Orleans 11 15-16; consolld'd net re ceipts 4,423; exports to Great Britain i7,815; continent 0,0 m , r - . LmRPOOii Noon Moderate Inquiry. Uplands 6&ted., Orleans, 6 7-lwL, low middling uplands ,, good ordinary uplands , ordinary uplands . sales 8,000, speculation., and . export f.QQQ, re ceipts 9,000. American 1,'iOQ. yutures 13'J cneaner. Lrnianus row roiuuung oiausei Auru ue- flvery , April and May , May and June 6 11-32, June and July B 13.32a. July and Ausust 6 15- 82a7-16, August and September 6 15-32, Septem ber and OctoDer octoDer ana wovemaer . New crop shipped ucooDer and rtovemDer per son -, March and April 0 la-aa.! ' - '""FlmmES'.-, ' " " Nxw Torx Futures closed steady. , Sales 109,- 030 bales. . , - -. - .Li-.! April JM:....,......'.;.:...:' li.83a.84 s ; ...-. ia.01a.02 lay i June July .v !12.18a.l9 August..;. September. October.. .: a. . .-. 1281a.32 '12.0la.02 lli.47a.48 11 08a.l0 ll.03a.05 November.. December.. FINANCIAL. Nwr Tnnt-MnnRT t OinA Kichntiim ARIV governments quiet ; New 5's 1.03. State bonds dulL v ' . CTTT COtTQlf $ ABKET, J ' Officx of tux Observer, i , . i . - ; Cahlott, Anrlla 1879. r The market yesterday dosed quiet, as follows: wood middling.... X' 11 Middling. 1 , " ; 10 Low middling. . . . . . ........... , ... r i Tingea : ; 105 Lower grades... aiOi 1 IJMjftxirjisjetitnjts; fTu-y- i-y- fiiir; ftyw'J'T'''V'",i' "ri i'tfiiT rrijrjiji.i- jjfrrV .n.-i-. 3 s s X ANTH Prof. Hertz's Great German Hair Restorative. The best preparation for the Hair now known. It gradually restores gray hair to Its natural color, producing a luxuriant growth, eradicates scruff ami dandruff, cures all diseases of the scalp, preventa the hah from falling out and relieves neuralgia in the head and headache. Try ft Prepared by X ANT H INK CO., Richmond. Va, and for sale by aUOraggtats.':'' - v. . ' : ,i DIXIE SOAP- : i Richmond, Va., Manuficture all the standard varieties of . ! . Which they offer atlowest prices. J3F TBT OTJB DIXIE SOAP. anti-utspefhc pills. These i PIllH wtrl niHMnl rut mrti TtvanAnaln They are an unrivalled Dinner pin, mild aperient, are used by the moat cultivated people in our country, and are extensively used by physicians In their practice. Sold by Druggists generally. Send for circular. a BECKWITB; Sole Manufactur er, Petersburg, "Va. , i- .u - ElUNKNT DBST S.L. NIEDLET, I I pT;f5Ip- Bay: Colden,lieblg'8!! Liquid extract of Beef Is a very agreeable article-of diet, and particularly use ful when tonics are required, being tolerated when other forms of animal food are rejected. In Dtp theria, Malarial Typhoid fevers, weakness, and every depressing disease, we have prescribed it with great success. Sold by all Druggista. We will pay Agents nbalaiy oi duupermonth and ezpeiweisar ailowa large coinmiuiaa, toll our ' new and wonderftil inventions. W ateas wkat e toy. Sample am. Address Bheki A Vo ManhaJt, U'mh. ' ' r A DAT to Agents canvassing" for toe " Firs 6IBK Visttob." Terms and outfit free. Ad dress P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. o $77 a month and expenses guaranteed to Asents. Outfit free Shaw & Co.. Aueus- ta, Maine. A DVEkTTSIMENT of 4 lines Inserted one week xx - in 300 newspapers for 81 05 Send 10c. for 100 page 'pamphlet Spruce street, ft. T. G. P. ROWELL CO.t 10 GREAT RGAINS In Jewelry and Fancy Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver and Plated Table Wae, . , AT . ' J. T. BUTLER'S. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY r- SILVER AND 8ILVES- -5 1 fPLATED WARE, GOLD AND. SILVER SPECTACLES. Gold-Head Canes and everythtogVou want at J. T. BUTLER'S. dec24 J3 LASNE, - - From Paris, France, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, GILDER and SIL VER FLATEB, Trade Street, opposite First Presbyterian Church, Nat Gray Store. Every kind of repairs made at once at half priced and warranted one year. Every kind of Jewelrpor Bronze Gilding, Coloring. Silver-Platlng and Gal vanizing made at short notice and equally as good as-new. Work done for the trade at low prices. Apprentice wanted, with premium and good jeferenoea. - Repaired work uncalled for will be sold at the expiration of twelve months for cost of repairs. septlfi GALDWELL HOUSE, ALDWELL HOUSE, CALDWELL HOUS CALDWELL HOUS E, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, Corner Tryon and Sixth Streets, CHARLOTTE, N; C, CHARLOTTE, N. C, S. P. CALDWELL. .. . Proprietor. This house is permanently established and offers J all the conveniences and comforts of a flrstrelasa boarding house. Persons visiting the city will find it a pleasant home. Permanent boarders wanted. Can be furnished with rooms. . BATES Per day. transient S1.25j ner week. $8.00. Regular table, $13.00; board and room per month, S18.00. lanio T. NICHOLAS. SCRIBNER'S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOB 8IRLS AND BOYS. ANIDiAL CHILD RKKS XAOAZnTk. Messrs. Scribner & Co.. in 1873. began the publi cation of St. Nicholas, an Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys, with Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge as editor. Five years have passed since the first num ber was Issued, and the magazine has won the highest position. It has a monthly circulation of : ovkb 50,000 corns. It is published simultaneously in London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition Is al most as general ano nearty as tne American. Al though the progress of the-magazine has been a as advance, u has not reached its editors ideas of best.: oecause her Ideal continually outruns it. and the magazine as swiftly follows after. To-dav rf T?i i I " ? H I I j ' "The arrangements for" literary and art contribu tions ;or toe new vomme tne sixth are complete, arawmgxmm: aireaay zavoroe sources,-as well as irom promising new ones. nr. Frank B. stock ton's new serial story for boys, A MCXT JVliiOWSBIF.f ' ' . Win run throueh the twelve monthlr Darts. be ginning with the number for November, 1878, the nrst oi uie volume, ana win oe uiusamea oy jaa, E. .Kelly.,' The story Is one of travel and adventure in Florida and the Bahamas. For the atria, a eon. u i .tA .. uuueuuuet .... ...!... By Katharine D. Smith,1 with' illustrations by Fred erick Dielman, begins in the same number; and a rresn- serial nbusaa ooouage.-enauea "isye bright," with plehty ofplctures, win he commenced early in the vomme. There will also be a contin ued fairy-tale called f . "bcjiptt dodOst's TOWKR,! , -" Written by Julian Hawthorne, and illustrated by Alfred Fredericks About (he other familiar tea tures of ST. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good humored alienee, content, perhaps, to let her five volumes already issued, prophesy concerning the sixth. In respect to short stories, - pictures, poems, humor, instructive sketches, and the lure and lore of "Jack-in-he-Pulpit," the "Very Little Folks" department, and the .MLetteMbx," and "Riddle box." - -.r --Srif-r,-f--',r;-;?. v ' Terms, S3. 00 a year; 25 cents a number. Sub- scnptions receivea oy tne puDiisner of this paper, and by all boekseUers andi postmaaters. I Persona wishing ..to subscribe direct with ' the publisher should write name, postofuoe, county and State, In tulL -and send, with remittance in. check, -P. O. moneyordeft eg regiaterqd letter to , r SCRIBNEfi' 4 00., decJQ 743 BroadwayTNew York. 4 CAROLINA CZNTBAL T1A WILMINGTON, '' ' " ' , . . THRODGJS. railGHT BOUTS V This Line being fully equipped for business. Freight from f -7:-l , .t ' ,--rni - .. ..-.;. j(.! '; v; ftt!; -ytt-t- '-: WUmlngtoa and J1 Northorn and Xastam Cttlea t ., . GreenvlUa, Spartanburg, all BtaUena . n..;;-.'-l.'..:. , AaanOc. Taapesaee 4t Ohio, ; ; ' ; . ; ; : ,.. ' , : . As wefl as polnta in Georgia iBsoranoe and Rates guaranteed as Low as fnionaatkn furnished F. W.CLARK. Gen. Freight Agent, WHmlngton. N. C. septSO jyK, J. H, MCAOEN. DRUGGIST A.NB CMKKW. Sow offers to the trade a full stock of. Luhins Exracts and Cologues, English Select pices. Colgate Honey and Glycerine Soap English, French and . American Tooth Brushes PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully prepared at all hours, both night and day at J. H. McADEN'S Prescription Store. s ECUBITY! SECURITY J 8ECTJRITY ! 200 Barrels'of C. WEST 4 SONS' EXTRA NO. 1 KEROSENE AMI. ALADDIN SECURITY OIL. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, from C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. Highest Medal awarded at Centennial ExdosIUoil Crystal Oil Works, Canton. Warranted to stand a are test oi no degrees Fanrennett Deiore it win bum. C. West 4 Sons, Baltimore. For Sale by . Da J. H. MoADEN, Bole Agent, CmBLOTTE,N.C!.! WE DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCT7" E DESIRE to call attention to OUR STOCiV OF X? AHCT -P A N C Y GOOD GOOD Ground and Cut Glass Bottles, the handsomest in the market The latest styles-of Perfume Boxes, including some 'novelties, which will pay you to can and examine. FINE FLORENCE and CELULOID TOILET Cases French: Plate, Hand Mirrors, Russia Leather Pocket Books; also a toll stock of English and American Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes. L. R. WRISTON 4 CO. deelS JAMES MURPHY, ! PRACTICAL TATLOB, Holton'sRnWlng, Trade Street, Up Stairs; Owing to the stringency of the timea I will In fu ture wok very cneap. , wui mane nne suits lot f 10, Cassimere suits for $8. Pants of suits same rates, i guarantee au my work mo nt, no charge. uive me a cau ana oe convincea. M. LICHTENSTEIN. ., ; J MERCHANT TAILOB, U "'ft.ii-ryt - ' ' : ,C H A B L O T T l, X . C , i Begs leave to ihfonri all those in want of a good suit or narts thereof, thev can call and leave theli erden with him, as he la the best artist cutter , and tailor in una seenon. . bnouia aoo auu oe too expensive get one at half price, but have U tobe artUUo, styUah and perfect -1 OH;! ARENT mmmSs ; I On The above Is positively what he Ladles say about our such a stock in beauty, ' variety and extensivenes' We Tamlse-Cloths. 'Always ask for. . ..:- LADIES!.IAND CHJl)REN,SHaSmRY. . , Ask lor anything you wantia White Goods. , Boat fid ts see our jparaiols. r Ask foC; ' C v . ; .1JLA. ,ADVXU 4 I iAAV- , W. A. L?-m f ... , ... ... i, ij J.-.HW v . 'i -I Ask for Corsets. We have any kind of Button you may want Ask foe Kid Gloves And all other kinds of Qlores. Ask for anything you want In our line. Wa hare It. 5 . -,: .-. , ., , AttH4 " ALEXANDEB 4 HARRIS. DISPATCH LDT NORTH CAROLINA. TO ALL POINTS 80UTH. offers unequalled faoOUlea for the TransporOon of Charlotte, Stateavule,' AsheviUe, Boiherfordtoa on the Atlanta RlchMond Air-Line, - and Western N. C Rauroada, ' f - Alabama and MVwhwIppt. 5 rim any Competing Line, and Time as Quick. upon application to 5 T..T. 8MITH, Agent C C-BaUway, Charlotte. JnXLD, BROS., ;!;:..:- i WOLUJI AND RXTiiL )- ( I ! ' i GROCERS and DEALXRS fn OOtNTBT rODCClfe ... . ..1: . , 1 l T. ' -: ' f -ill ... . ., Keep conatarOly on . hand FRESH EG8 and BUTTER, CHICKENS, TUR t KEYS, CABBAGlVrBISH POTATOES, AP PLES, DRIED FRUITS, Ac, Exclusive Dealers ftr ! U J J i RAMSOUB A BONNlWELL"S and A. L. FORD'S varloss brands of FLOUR. 8HU- '1 Also, PBornmoBs or to CHABLOTTE hotel, ' CSABLOTTl;M. C This house has been refitted and newly furnished, ana is kept in first dass style. Terms, Pet Day . S 2 00 A tireat Inducementii idfenwr tn hiTiia hnuM. en; lor terms see the proprietor. : CTOmnlbua and Carriages at every train. FIELD BROTHERS. . in'a.J. Mr. H. 8. Wilsom i LAdt,. . . Bkibt WrLFOHO,. 4, . . ..Proprietors. ...Superintendents. Clerk. feb9 .' : $2M $2.00 MARSHALL Mil' H u SAVANNAH. GaI A. B L&CE, Proprietor, Bedoced rate g2. 00 and 82.50, according to loca- tton of Room, Mr L. HARNETT. Clerk, late of Planters' Hotel. Feb.l6-tf. 'TOP AT THE ) ,Mi).l ' BOYDEN HOUSE v,- "Salisbury, N. a C. & Bbowk, Proprietor Late of the National Hotel, Raleigh.) a a Brown, Jr., Chief Clerk j W. O. Shelburn As 0ec80 , jy&. A. W. ALEXANDER, DENTIST- U. i:iHy:i!t--;L - - : 0F1TCK0TEBL.B. WRISTON 4 CO-3 (; . ., : Drod Stobs. t ' Vtth 25 years' 'experience I dafaettm '" guarantee enttrs . Janll gjeaX Estate. JEAL ESTATE, " IHXXKG' ASD. IUMIGBATION AGENCY, For seUlng said bayrng Mines lands and Homes, ., , :.idwai. ; j-, Advertise tree of eost, all properties blaced'ln my - ' -hands for sale. . ' THOS. t. DRAYTON, Charlotte, M.C deolO QQQ FEB SIMPLE DEEDS, MOST APPROVED FORM.' 1 J- 'it. iust Printed and For Bale at thtiv a;h -. i . OBSERYEB OTTIPC. ;V..A,1i li BEAUTIFUL ? .31 J.ii Ever VSaw iii Gharioite ! JiDlU 4 'U' J . 1. .Goods, etc. etc We -never have had make, a specialty of Black Cashmeres and 'Ji-'J Li v b oainmore rim will cure nt wav

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